Don't Starve

Don't Starve

Combined Status
About Korean mod compatibility
Hello, I'm a Korean translation mode producer.
Most Korean users are using your mods and i do love your mods also.

Unlike English, Korean has a different order of words that make up sentences. For example [img][/img]

So I'd like to ask you one thing, it's related to the date notation.
In the United States, it is marked "Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 ···" but in Korea, it is marked as "1일(=day), 2일, 3일 ···"

When using Korean translation mode only, It was resolved by replacing scripts/widgets/uiclock.lua, but it was obvious that was not applied when using the Combined Status mod. [img][/img]

I saw that your modmain.lua was coded to be compatible with other mods. I tried to understand it and went through trial and error applying it to my mod for a few days. But it didn't work out in the end because my coding skills were very poor.

What I want is (player.age or world day)..GLOBAL.STRINGS.UI.HUD.CLOCKDAY and "left" are replaced with "남음" in seasonclock.lua:247.
Could you help me solve this problem, whether I add it to my mod or to your mod?
En son 겨울서리 tarafından düzenlendi; 20 Mar 2021 @ 1:49
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2 yorumdan 1 ile 2 arası gösteriliyor
i resolved word order of date notation, but "left" in seasonclock.lua is beyond me.
i add this code in my mod modmain.lua
if GLOBAL.KnownModIndex:IsModEnabled("workshop-574636989") then
local sclock = GLOBAL.require("widgets/seasonclock")

local koGetRemainingString = sclock.GetRemainingString or (function() return end)
sclock.GetRemainingString = function(self)

local days_left = ""
days_left = (1-GLOBAL.GetSeasonManager().percent_season) * GLOBAL.GetSeasonManager():GetSeasonLength()

return math.floor(days_left+0.5) .. " " .. days_str .. "\n" .. "남음"

finally, "left" is changed by "남음"
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2 yorumdan 1 ile 2 arası gösteriliyor
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