Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 的 Steam 工作坊

Steam 工作坊讓您有機會可以將您完成的 3D 模型有機會被大眾接受並真正融入遊戲 當中。而要發佈一個項目到工作坊審核,請先閱讀右側連結的官方文件,再點擊遊戲 主選單內的「Steam 工作坊」按鈕。

Steam 工作坊讓分享或尋找遊戲或軟體的新內容更加方便。每款的工作坊支援項目會有些許差異,因此建議您先閱讀官方敘述,確認哪些項目可以製作並分享。

地圖 分頁下找到想玩的模組內容後,點擊「訂閱」按鈕即可。該模組內容通常會在您下次執行遊戲時自動出現在遊戲中,但有部分產品會需要您前往指定頁面來啟動或存取新內容。

Team Fortress 2 具備下列 Steam 工作坊功能:
發佈至此工作坊的 地圖 分頁下的項目皆可立即使用。在物品詳細頁面點擊「訂閱」按鈕後,下次執行 Team Fortress 2 時該項目就可供您使用。
發佈至此工作坊的 項目 分頁下的項目並不能立即在 Team Fortress 2 中使用。開發人員將參考社群成員的評價意見,了解社群成員希望能夠在 Team Fortress 2 中購買或解鎖的物品,最後再挑選廣受好評的物品加入 Team Fortress 2 當中。
此工作坊的物品若通過審核,將能在 Team Fortress 2 當中購買或解鎖。
工作坊作者可以從一份事先經 Valve 核准的機構、使用者及工具軟體開發者名單中,選取他們想要分享物品銷售收益的對象以及分成比例。這份名單列在下方。
Blender is the free/open source 3D creation software for everyone, providing individuals and small teams a complete pipeline for 3D graphics, modeling, animation and games.
Handplane has been replaced by a full baking tool and supports normal map outputs for: Source, Unreal, Unity, and other game engines.
Various tools by Cannon Fodder, including:
  • 3dsmax import and export plugins for Source engine models
  • MDL Decompiler, a decompiler for Source engine models
  • Studiocompiler, a GUI front-end for creating Source engine models and textures
xNormal is a tool to bake texture maps ( like normal / ambient occlusion / cavity maps, etc.. ). It also includes a 3D previewer and Photoshop / 3dsmax / Maya plug-ins.
Facepunch is a thriving community of artists, modders and game developers with a history of ripping games apart and finding out how they work.
Since 1998 Polycount has been offering video game artists a place to learn, critique, and challenge themselves. If you check the credits to your favorite game, there is a good chance a Polycounter had a hand in it.
Reddit powers awesome communities. is a close-knit community for aspiring Team Fortress 2 mappers and content creators. Featuring community owned game servers, map testing of all types and real-time playtest feedback from both fellow mappers and casual players.
The Live Workshop brings you artists from different disciplines across the entertainment industry to help you design along with tutorials and learn the best techniques, work flows, and tricks used by veteran professionals to create high quality art.

The community provides training that educates, entertains & inspires with live stream broadcasts. Interact with artists in-chat as they design and complete concepts, models, textures, illustrations, renders, animations and much more.
Author of the Texturing For Team Fortress 2 tutorial[]