More Archotech Garbage (Continued)
116 commentaires
Flockerkill 21 juil. à 22h41 
if you mean the version of this mod with just the Artefakts, than its totally understandably

as its the same items with the same path/description for the game, just dublicates that are redundant and cause problems
Shariul 21 juil. à 22h19 
I dont know if that even an issue, but RimPy started saying today that this and ATG Standalone Artifacts are incopatible. Played yesterday normaly and didnt change modlist.
Aphasia 10 juil. à 14h14 
I think archotech buildings and stuff made from archotech mass should always be legendary quality, ngl
Kas 8 juil. à 9h39 
Hi, Im curious if it would be possible to patch so that it supports "Archotechnology" meditation type from "Vanilla Psycasts Expanded".

Its defined as such in Foci.xml:

<li Class="VanillaPsycastsExpanded.MeditationFocusExtension">

Im trying to figure it out myself, but maybe someone else can be faster :)
Zaljerem  [créateur] 4 juil. à 8h49 
Thanks for the report, just pushed a fix.
Vaphal 3 juil. à 23h33 
@Zaljerem MakeVanometricGravPack needs to test if Royalty is installed.

MakeVanometricGravPack (mod More Archotech Garbage (Continued)) has an empty product, it will error out on map loading. and will not work properly.

Issue found with ModErrorChecker.
Flockerkill 3 juil. à 5h06 
you sure you are at the right mod ?
i dont know any story in this one
Nylia 3 juil. à 4h54 
This is one of the most beautiful mods I have ever had the pleasure of using in my game since alpha. The story is so well written, especially the ending. Oh my god. I can't stop thinking about it. It was so breathtaking.
Krieger Clown 2 juil. à 6h05 
any ideas why archo gene ripper wont let me harvest genes from corpses? it just bugs mouse position
Mouse position stack is not empty. There were more calls to BeginScrollView than EndScrollView. Fixing.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Log.Error_Patch6 (string)
Verse.Widgets:EnsureMousePositionStackEmpty ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Root.Update_Patch2 (Verse.Root)
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Root_Play.Update_Patch1 (Verse.Root_Play)

cant think of an answer eh
frickheckcrud 1 juil. à 16h16 
still cant edit anything in the ve cooking patch. i just want to make more archo spice
HMLluke 27 juin à 7h38 
To everyone trying to use with Alpha Bees add IfModActive="zal.morearchotechgarbage">1.5/Mods/Archotech to loadFolders in the Alpha Bees mod folder to fix compatibility
Aelflead Wayne 24 juin à 12h40 
may want to update the sos2 engine, sos2 now uses size to draw engine plumes, and the engine only have half of the described thrust.
pig in a pumpkin 23 juin à 18h05 
The archotech research assistant wont connect to the research bench?
n1ss 20 juin à 6h43 
Archotech research assitant disapearing then the bilding of it is ending, why is that? Can you help with that pls? Emty space after the bilding ends.
Zer0 20 juin à 4h23 
for some reason manhunter waves keep spawning endlessly when I activate the pillars. Is this a bug or can I stop it via console commands?
Flockerkill 16 juin à 23h56 
Update on may the 9:
Made archotech walls paintable
SATLER, Local Megalomaniac 16 juin à 23h37 
I'd love it if we could paint the Archotech walls and floors.
Breadmond 16 juin à 22h23 
oh wait its because I need to do the research oops
Breadmond 16 juin à 21h11 
is it because it is a formgel pawn?
Breadmond 16 juin à 20h51 
for some reason my pawn can't absorb the archonexus key III
frickheckcrud 16 juin à 11h57 
how can i edit the production value for archotech spices for the vfe cooking patch? i changed the value from 1 to 8 but it made no difference
Flockerkill 15 juin à 7h31 
Would it be possible to make the archotech walls use wall styles (like the steam punk one from the vanilla expanded stuff)
Zaljerem  [créateur] 15 juin à 6h32 
Updated: Fix to Seamless Embrasures compat; thanks Vaphal!

Cyber Fauna (Continued) compatibility
Vaphal 15 juin à 1h31 
Seamless Embrasures ~ SE.xml, replace "O21Embrasures.CompProperties_EmbrasureOverlay"

with "SeamlessEmbrasures.CompProperties_EmbrasureOverlay"

and add "<disableImpassableShotOverConfigError>true</disableImpassableShotOverConfigError>"
before the <comps> tag in "MAG_O21_Embrasure_Letterbox" and "MAG_O21_Embrasure_Hole"
Flockerkill 11 juin à 13h27 
How about adding compatibility for Integrated implants architect implents?
pig in a pumpkin 11 juin à 11h52 
is there any possibility of getting a setting to turn off the archotech fragment glow effect? im playing a a lightless colony and my crafter has a fit everytime they have to handle the fragments
快下无影船 11 juin à 4h46 
:steamthumbsup:Now i can made organs,thank you for work
Zaljerem  [créateur] 9 juin à 9h52 
Oops, I just implemented the patch as it was for the previous version. I just pushed an update to fix that. Thanks for the report!
TheCafFiend 9 juin à 9h40 
Uh hey why do the SOS2 organs mayrequire "MrKociak.YetAnotherProstheticExpansionModCore" ? I don't have that mod but don't think I've ever had it installed?
快下无影船 7 juin à 9h37 
I tried but still can`t,I don't know why,maybe because my rimpy?
Flockerkill 7 juin à 0h43 
Try to unsub and resub to the mod, sometimes steam don't whant to update mods automately
快下无影船 7 juin à 0h01 
Why I still can`t make sos2 organs:steamsad:
Zaljerem  [créateur] 5 juin à 8h09 
Updated: Added the SOS2/Yet another prosthetic mod - Core integrations back in. Sorry about that, thanks for the report!
TheCafFiend 4 juin à 19h50 
Hey, it seems like the SOS2 organs were removed from this? I still see them in SOS2.txt but they haven't been moved into the defs/patch xml files? I gotta make my ridiculous cyborgs! They don't show up on the bench or in the research T2 like I recall them being, in the research screen
Zaljerem  [créateur] 30 mai à 15h39 
Updated: 1.4 version updated to that of the previous fork. This is the end-of-life update for 1.4. I appreciate your patience.
Yak 30 mai à 15h02 
That's understandable. I really appreciate you even taking the time to keep this one going. I only run 1.4 because... well. 1.5 broke everything. And I can live without spooky SCP times.
Zaljerem  [créateur] 30 mai à 14h56 
Ah yes, 1.4. Guess I'd better grab the other forks' version and update my 1.4. That will at least get you some of the fixes, but I won't be back porting anything.
Yak 30 mai à 14h50 
I get a very long list of the same error message until the game gives up on trying to display them all. I have a screenshot here: https://i.gyazo.com/b39478cb8efcef32b782aac86fcee297.png
Yak 30 mai à 14h48 
Seems to be Save Our Ship 2, but I'm running 1.4 at the moment.
List is as follows
- Harmony
- Core
- Royalty
- Ideology
- Biotech
- Vehicle Framework
- Save Our Ship 2
- Archotech Garbage
Zaljerem  [créateur] 30 mai à 11h35 
Currently testing against all patches just to be sure, I'm more than halfway through, no effect on the Research tab/dev palette/anything else thus far.
Zaljerem  [créateur] 30 mai à 11h11 
Can you let me know which of the mods listed above you're also using? That will help me track it down faster. Thanks!
Yak 30 mai à 11h10 
I'm getting the same issue. Research tab is far extended out to the bottom right. It also moves things like the dev pallette down the screen.
ShivKnight 29 mai à 15h45 
Thanks, Im getting a rendering error in the research tab that looks just like that old error. It must be something new. ill look into it further and drop a line if i find its a similar error from another mod affecting this one.
Awesome work keeping this running, it adds alot to end game goals.
Zaljerem  [créateur] 29 mai à 6h37 
As always, if you run into any issues with mod compatibility or anything else, please let me know. There are a lot of moving parts in this mod and I really rely on heavy users to discover anything that might be hiding in a corner. Much appreciated!
Zaljerem  [créateur] 29 mai à 4h50 
Yeah, this version is fixed, I reviewed all content, and I have good reports from others using SOS2.
Flockerkill 29 mai à 2h36 
the problem were of other mods (as example SOS2) that removed something from their archotech conted and the other versions still had references to the removed items (archo jaw in SOS2 case) and after determining what was removed i deliverd the patch to tomatoe and he fixed his version
Zaljerem  [créateur] 29 mai à 0h54 
No, I've not seen it nor had any reports of it.
ShivKnight 28 mai à 23h55 
Is this mod causing issues with the research tab like the previous iteration did in 1.4?
Zaljerem  [créateur] 27 mai à 14h27 
@Mr. J Soda - re: Auto-Extract Genes - unfortunately not as easily as I had hoped but I will look into it.
Mismagius 27 mai à 12h22 
hey there is a graphical glitch with the archotech nourisher. when it is built, the tile acts like as if the roof is removed.