Space Engineers

Space Engineers

DHI Systems: Weapon Pack (VANILLA BASED AI)
Dorante 2 Jun @ 9:05am 
UPDATE: After i made 1 single small chargepack from the assembler it created 100, when i gave the order to disassemble 1 it disassembled 100, so apparently it works like that.
Still can't craft nor disassemble Large Chargepack tho since it says it requires 50k space just for the Ice to craft/ disassemble and my assemblers only have like 8k max.
Dorante 2 Jun @ 9:00am 
I found a couple of small plasma chargepacks and 1 large plasma chargepack when i was grinding materials from a fallen ship, since i'm in need of ice rather than weaponry at the moment i thought about slapping them into an assembler to disassemble them but i get the "missing item" warning for the small one (and a "inventory full" warning for the large one)even tho they are clearly slotted in the assembler properly, is it intended? If not, how can i fix that? I really need to get that Ice
jb2018 30 Dec, 2023 @ 8:04am 
Thank you for another Vanilla weapons mod. I have 9770.5 hours in SE and less than 3 have i used WC. Sure there are a lot of cool weapons, but the interface is not user friendly. I will probably not use this, but will subscribe anyway.

I also really detest toxicity from people. They say "Bye" but keep coming back to flap that pie hole. I have thus tagged all the toxic comments from that one person.

Good luck in your future ventures and will keep an eye on what you make :)
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 1 Dec, 2023 @ 8:51am 
the lance charge pack
Ungarr 30 Nov, 2023 @ 10:39pm 
what does the lance use for ammo?
EVK10000 13 Nov, 2023 @ 8:03am 
@Vindera the reason you are getting that message is because you are using Weaponcore. WC deletes, or disables if you have compatibilityMode on), any block that it cannot modify or use.
Vindera 13 Nov, 2023 @ 6:52am 
I have deletes objects after 60 seconds. This weapon cannot be used in any mode.
SCP-953 11 Nov, 2023 @ 5:19am 
@Daniel "Nero" Drake thank you for sticking with what you planed its nice not having everything demanding WC you made a great mod im already giggling over some of the damage the weapons are doing keep on keeping on im also sorry there are people trying to force you and crying cause your not catering to them and please never do
TORGMASTER 23 Oct, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
nice with no weapon core it mean a lot
Tharsis 10 Oct, 2023 @ 7:26pm 
It's good to see more non wc mods on the workshop, you're doing a good service o7
VS-lockon 10 Oct, 2023 @ 1:01pm 
@Daniel "Nero" Drake okay well enjoy not being able to make a remake or make separate version
that work with defence shields then bc that not going happen bc you personaly unless some one else make it for you just pointing out the facts sorry if that the truth anoying you but it fact so ya
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 10 Oct, 2023 @ 8:59am 
VS-lockon idk i already stated it so many time me personaly i will not make weaponcore stuff if someones want to make it i can provide blend files so pls stop forcing the WC over and over and over its realy anoying
VS-lockon 10 Oct, 2023 @ 4:17am 
well i think you all ready know what. make a wc one and ps [making all turrets actually return to neutral position] wc all ready has that mechanic built into it so it would lower Required list just want point that out there kido also [defence shields no longer blocks ANY vanilla type munitions was over a year ago] umm you really didn't know that until I mentioned it wow I thought Stellaris community was bad at reading/looking at the Change Notes tab
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 9 Oct, 2023 @ 4:41pm 
ps you can write me on discord added the link as its getting bit crowded in this comment section
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 9 Oct, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
Hello @everyone as already stated below defence shields no longer blocks ANY vanilla type munitions as such i need to ask you all do you want me to keep this mod as is, do remake or make separate version

option i thought of

1.replace all vanilla models with single barrels so that all of them would use whiplash and only missiles would ignore shields so PDC become needed it would essentially work like DUNE or SG1 personal shields that fast bounce slow pass with turreted weapons being set to 3km and up to 10km guided

2.add new special type of rotors/hinges replacing all turrets into kits making the turret controllers necessary for combat this would also allow for the use of making all turrets actually return to neutral position when set up and allow for multi barrel turrets as each barrel would be separate weapon while using whiplash framework for nicer on hit effects

pls tell me what you think and would prefer
VS-lockon 9 Oct, 2023 @ 5:55am 
i guess some ppl like getting there ship/hard blow up in one shoot like this where me im over here with mac cannon and in a shielded station
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 8 Oct, 2023 @ 8:13pm 
honestly not sure about more dmg it already shreds Armor but if you wish i can add lower range explosive plasma thrower counterpart but as vanilla projectiles are now ignored by shields and always do dmg it lost the point

that's why i thrown out the idea of full remake to create rock paper scissors situation (missiles very large range ignore shields but weak to point defence/ normal weapons average to both shield and armor and range/ placc weaker to armor but strong vs shield same range as normal types)

as this would create need to use all types on ships to be both ready to battle and defended enought
Sensational Being 8 Oct, 2023 @ 7:43pm

This mod example has way more variety to it than I am asking for, but I used to be able to use its lasers and turbolasers alongside defense shields. I'd very much like to replace them with your plasma accelerators, but with more grid damage than they currently have and similar compliment of ammo capacity to the example.

What do you think?
Sensational Being 8 Oct, 2023 @ 7:43pm 
I know you've been concerned about weapon balance in this mod so I'd throw in that I'm hungry for more small grid fixed weapons that can affect shields in vanilla, but are devastating on grids once the shields drop so that I don't have to carry two kinds of weapons.

I'm thinking maybe the equivalent of rocket damage. And while you're weapon models are fantastically creative I'd suggest a simple barrel look to replicate something like Star Wars blaster guns.

Since I'm certain that this request might be considered OP for this set of weapons I'm wondering if you'd be willing to make another mod pack out of your fixed plasma accelerators?
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 8 Oct, 2023 @ 5:38pm 
@VS-lockon every person have the RIGHT TO LIKE WHATEWER they want be it WC or VANILLA based all in all ppl enjoy SPACE ENGINEERS so enough ok stop getting butthurt that ppl actually like like non wc stuff fck this mod even got on Community Spotlight which im proud of as hell so its not just me who like it and the now 376ppl who subscribed and maybe if in that brain of yours can think a bit maybe the reason ppl use the weapon core weapons is as you said for the other mods to work as the author abandoned the vanilla systems and there are few reasons why they might have done that first a hard coding to make it compatible possible but i don't think its the only reason the other part of the reason was already said to FORCE ppl into using only compatible stuff and you cant tell its not truth as its quite common practice in many fields (yes apple that was meant on you you devil company)
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 8 Oct, 2023 @ 5:36pm 
hello @Everyone i was few days offline to take a break and i see there was quite a heated debate

@TigersFangs im happy you like this mod and i actually have was thinking of making another weapon mod or remake(rebalance) this one bcs as vs lockon stated the dmg of normal weapons is no longer blocked by defence shield it did when i was testing few weeks back but maybe i had older version on my local pc but its still good defence against the placc type weapons which as stated are per shot stronger but lower dps

(the new idea is lower turret ranges but 10km lock on feature with more guided weapons thx to the awesome Vanilla+ Framework was even thinking of mines since the framework have proximity detonations since it would be missiles with very low 1m/s speed despawning after moving 1km adding more point defence options like lasers flak walls etc.

please write me what you think about it)
TigersFangs 8 Oct, 2023 @ 12:01pm 
@Daniel "Nero" Drake: Props for this mod. It is pretty inspired. Using both frameworks is brilliant too. I have always loved using mods with Whip's Railgun Framework and I was thrilled to see Vanilla+ Framework. I really hope that more people use it.

I am really looking forward to trying this out. As I mentioned in my previous comment, I usually prefer weapon ranges a little closer to vanilla. Is there a way that I can tune them to my preference without editing the mod files directly? Totally fine if not, I don't mind digging around. :)

As a side note, I might actually be interested in using Defense Shields again because of your mod. I stopped using it when the developer disregarded and completely abandoned vanilla systems. Having to use special weapons to break shields and plan your vessels and strategies around that is a great addition to the game whether that is intentional or not! That has always been a concept that I loved in Avorion. :D
TigersFangs 8 Oct, 2023 @ 11:48am 
@VS-lockon: You are the single most toxic SE player that I have seen in about 5 years. I'd give you a badge if I had one. I've been playing SE almost since the beginning. I don't have lots of hours because I have a lot of other things that I play or do.

If you like WC, have fun. I don't. But I don't go flame trolling WC mods. I salute modders and scripters that go out of their way to help support players that use WC without having the technical knowledge to make it run nicely. I used WC and Defense Shields back when they were new. It was awesome. But they have become bloated and complicated. WC is for people that just like shiney things and the arcade-shooter aspect of space combat. I prefer the vanilla feel and WC breaks that every time. It doesn't make me wrong or a loser.

This mod is really cool. I don't know if I will use it much as I prefer shorter ranges, but @Daniel "Nero" Drake makes good mods. And I am thrilled to see them use @Nerd e1's Vanilla+ Framework.
SK 8 Oct, 2023 @ 9:28am 
I'm not a popular modder but I'm proud with my Personal radar mod, Personal shield generator framework and another mod to make Hydrogen Atmospheric Thruster generate power. However, since I don't use WeaponCore, I guess I am still a console modder. Gotit.
Time to power up Xbox or PS5 and play some Space Engin... Oh, I don't even own a console :(

Well, it's not that I don't like WC, I just want to stick with vanilla and engineering as much as possible. Also WC cause a lot of frame drop on my PC (laptop actually) and the feature it brought couldn't outweight the performance drop.

Despite that, I tried and made sure all of my mods, published or not, compatible with WC. You see, even though I don't use WC, I still support and show respect to both side.
VS-lockon 6 Oct, 2023 @ 3:30pm 
and also nan wc weapon mod by pass defense shield so ya it you say style vanilla weapons make it combat more enjoyable you're delusional no matter if you're using light armor or heavy armor style vanilla weapons cut right through vanilla armor like a paper hell even the vanilla railgun is to op bc it can go through seven layers of heavy armor with out shield one hit your dead
VS-lockon 6 Oct, 2023 @ 3:25pm 
and ps @ar15mullins that list just the weapon if i add the utility items that use wc that be longer list bc i use defense shield and that use wc and i use stealth field that also uses wc so ya you don't know me or mods i use make pve and pvp combat more enjoyable *
VS-lockon 6 Oct, 2023 @ 5:11am 
@VS-lockon I USE ON MY FLEETS ON MY SERVER because I know they work
do your research you know that and Wortho didn't stop modding bc of weapon core up date he stop modding bc of health reason you twat and kreeg let talk a bout kreeg for a second the guy not even that skilled at modding after all doesn't even know how to categorize his item of his mod so they have there own tap and for a time space bar did't know how do that either when it's simple C sharp coding for categorize and item cost and ps wc is coded in C sharp coding not that hard to use or fix if you have the skills anyway you keep tell you self that wc is crap twat when you don't even know how optimize your computer for this game meaning you probably have your settings all lock to where you need a GeForce RTX 4090 and a Intel Core i9-12900K when im over here run with 200 mod with GeForce gtx 970 and a Core i7-4790K getting 100 fps on both space engineers and PlanetSide2 and other games
ar15mullins 5 Oct, 2023 @ 8:59pm 
@VS-lockon all you have to do is go to some of the dead mods that use WC and go to there comments and you will find modder after modder that stated they quit moding because they couldn't keep up with fixing all there mods that use WC that would break every WC update and as for your 200 mods you probably have less then 10 or 15 that use WC and i don't get why you can't accept that there are people who don't like WC and you get shitty that a modder won't make a WC version of a mod they made for people who don't like WC
VS-lockon 5 Oct, 2023 @ 12:34pm 
@ar15mullins umm umm dude maybe you should do more research then you know what mod The modder is still around Wortho wc mods stop work a long time a go since Wortho left modding and se along time a go bc heath reason also assuming i don have a lot of wc or mods in general... I'm sorry give me a second to respond for me laughing on the floor out loud...
kido i have over 200 mods in my game and ever more when im streaming because when im streaming i use Modular Encounters Systems and other add on make the game a lot harder so don't assuming i don't have a lot of mod or even wc mod bc i test them when they come out and im sorry you all don't know how optimize space engineers for you pc but i do so ya
ar15mullins 3 Oct, 2023 @ 7:17pm 
@VS-lockon i have tryed WC 3 times this year alone and had the same problem as always if you haven't run into this problem then you haven't tryed vary many mods that use it
ar15mullins 3 Oct, 2023 @ 7:09pm 
@VS-lockon i have been playing SE off and on for about 10 years and WC off and on sense it came out and it goes like this WC gets a update and breaks mods that use it and then those mods need fixed which when a modder has 10+ mods that use it there' is only so many times they will fix them before they let them die because it takes too much time to fix them when moding is there hobbie not there job so maybe you should do more research before you throw insults that show how childish you are
VS-lockon 2 Oct, 2023 @ 6:26am 
@ar15mullins also side note i have a $2000 pc made for se and streaming and WC does not even brake it or the game for me my pc site and 30% cpu and gpu and 35% memory and that even with streaming what brake my game/pc is having too many conveyor Junctions with vanilla conveyors and have ship that are over 900000000000 blocks and ps my pc would been only $1500 if i did not do a custom water cooling
VS-lockon 2 Oct, 2023 @ 6:17am 
maybe you should do some more research before you opening your fat mouth i been in the community long then most of you only one then here long then me is Captain Shack and echo Sage and echo Sage not even part of the community any more bc he left
VS-lockon 2 Oct, 2023 @ 6:15am 
@ar15mullins WC will be good in a few years if it doesn't get abandoned but right now it's way way to unstable....

ummm the other ppl don't even mod or have left Space Engineers completely be for wc was a thing why think Darth Biomech Eikester Rider aaagamer Alysius don't make mods any more it's because they all left the community you cannot calculate how big the community is base on sales alone wc is all ready good only bug i fond it se

vanilla Armour sucks one why the Armor suck it's not based off the damage types 2 why the Armor suck there only 1by1 block size if you had a 3b3 or even a 5b5 The Sims speed would be 10 times better because the game doesn't have to calculate so many blocks not to mention the crappy conveyor system making sim speed drop even more

also where see keen founder spent money on form the sales it was not to better the game it was use to make a ai for system businesses to manage finances
ar15mullins 30 Sep, 2023 @ 12:13am 
@VS-lockon SE has 4000000 sales on steam alone WC only has 210000 downloads total that means only like 5% or 6% of pc players have ever even tryed WC now does WC have good mod yes but it also breaks those mods on a weekly bases and i didn't pay $3500 on a pc that the only game i have that needs it is SE to then have WC break my game on a weekly bases

WC will be good in a few years if it doesn't get abandoned but right now it's way way to unstable
VS-lockon 29 Sep, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
that last part for Reysman btw
VS-lockon 29 Sep, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
@ Daniel "Nero" Drake for PC users when be side self and 228 meaning a very small number don't use wc and call a twitch streamer and a modder of Stellaris and XCOM dumb motherfuckers ya gj being a dumb ass :P how a bout you come to planet side 2 fly by my lightning as I shoot you out of the sky
SoulDoubt 26 Sep, 2023 @ 4:08pm 
Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. :steamthumbsup:
Reysman 26 Sep, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
@VS-lockon You must be one of the dumbest motherfuckers i've ever seen on this damn workshop, this mod was a special request for Daniel that he has made for our private server and for the people that might not want WeaponCore mods in their worlds. His decision to make the mod public was not made for ungrateful fucks like you and for people that actually appreciate the hard work of modders.
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 26 Sep, 2023 @ 9:45am 
no only the plasma aceelarator type weapons use the whiplash framework making only them able to harm shield but as the framework make the projectile a trail effect it cannot be shot down by point defense and the only trail effect weapons in vanilla are the smaller calibers like gatling and autocanons while all the others assault artilery missile have physical model that they shot and those physical model shots dosnt work with framework and cant harm shields

thats why i said it would break imerision

my mod make it that there is special anti shield weapon type that are weaker then physical against armor while making it balanced at least thats the idea
SoulDoubt 26 Sep, 2023 @ 9:20am 
I'm not sure I understand your response. Does this mod make vanilla weapons (gatlings, rockets, etc.) work against defense shields or not? If yes, wouldn't it be possible to make a version that doesn't add any additional weapons but just makes vanilla weapons work against defense shields? Obviously if you don't feel like doing that, that's fine, it's your mod and your time to spend or not spend as you like. :)
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 26 Sep, 2023 @ 8:39am 
@Sensational Being thank you very much for your defense i appriciate it very much

and @VS-lockon i had already stated my points this mod is for PC users that does not want weaponcore but still want to use defense shield for which porpuse the whips framework is perfect if i want lasers i can use the vanilla+framework, your assumption that weapon core universaly loved is sorry selfdelusional.

personal note
"Console modder user" is inacurate you WC slave maybe look at my play charts before you bark but maybe that would be too clever to do for a dog.
so doggy go back to your WC house as you are barking at the wrong place.
Sensational Being 26 Sep, 2023 @ 7:32am 
@VS-lockon fuck off you pretentious entitled little prick. This modder shared something for free and does not deserve your abuse. I appreciate a contribution to non-weapon core. I don't like weapon core. You are not owed a mod. Be grateful for the ones that already exist.
VS-lockon 26 Sep, 2023 @ 4:18am 
and again bye consoles modder user
VS-lockon 26 Sep, 2023 @ 4:17am 
oh and ps you know WeaponCore Whip's help make weapone core when he fond out his Whip's Railgun Weapon Framework was not really a great mod to re work Space Engineer combat and weapons meaning all you can do is make rail guns with it not laser and shit like that
VS-lockon 26 Sep, 2023 @ 4:15am 
now good bye consoles modder and have good light on lam as consoles
VS-lockon 26 Sep, 2023 @ 4:14am 
meaning the only place that vanilla combat is appreciated is console because they don't know any better
Daniel "Nero" Drake  [author] 25 Sep, 2023 @ 8:15pm 
the railgun framework make it a tracer so it cannot be shot down so it would kind of break balance
and immersion if if lets sey Gatling gun can decimate enemy shield but volley of hundreds of rockets do nothing
SoulDoubt 25 Sep, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
Any chance of a version/fork that makes vanilla weapons work with defense shields but doesn't add new weapons? (For "Vanilla Plus" builds/games.)