Hands of State (2.0)
36 件のコメント
Raksha 2018年6月1日 10時02分 
oh thanks :)
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年6月1日 9時49分 
Use the updated version.
Raksha 2018年6月1日 9時44分 
eyjoo mr modder, does this work on 2.1? trying to pinpoint some fuckery going on in my game
Kel'Thuzad 2018年5月25日 7時16分 
nice mod
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年5月22日 12時12分 
I'm aware.
vamware 2018年5月22日 11時52分 
needs up date
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年5月16日 15時40分 
Update's in fact done now. Untested.
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年5月16日 15時37分 
I'm aware. I more meant the design decisions behind which traits can and can't be taken by paticular governments. So I can make an informed choice about whether a trait should not be possible for gestalt consciousnesses overall or just not for machine intelligences.

I've already made the changes. The update will be done probably tomorrow.
Davi 2018年5月16日 15時33分 
I am pretty sure you can have specific traits for specific governments.
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年5月16日 15時29分 
I'll look at how vanilla traits handle it.
Davi 2018年5月16日 14時09分 
What if someone is playing as biological and other as gestalt? Pointless mod kinda.
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年5月16日 13時52分 
Er, disable the mod?
Davi 2018年5月16日 10時31分 
My gestalt consiousness gets these :v Which is very weird. Could you patch it?
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年4月26日 5時09分 
"Is there a way to get notifications when leaders gain negative traits?" That's doable.
Akkadian 2018年4月26日 5時08分 
Well this has been happening consistently over many months and countless games, 100% of the time!

Also, I understand that it's a free mod and am grateful for the work you put in it. And while I understand the realism aspect of having negative personally traits, I find the negative ones a neusance more than anything. I wouldn't mind if there was a notification about it then it happens so I can replace them right away, but it always happens in secret and I end up trying to fix an energy deficit and not understading why, only to discover by chance years later that a governor became corrupt.

Is there a way to get notifications when leaders gain negative traits? or is there a version of the mod without the negatives?
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年4月26日 4時58分 
Not intentional. No it doesn't. RNG's a bitch. They aren't treated any differently by the vanilla level-up event.
Akkadian 2018年4月26日 4時56分 
I don't know if this is intentional, but almost every time I hire a "prodigy" they become substance abuser or corrupt, and this has been happening consistently. It makes it pointless to hire those so it needs some fixing.
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年4月7日 3時07分 
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年4月7日 2時11分 
Cheers, I'll get that fixed.
The Dadinator 2018年4月6日 17時07分 
@AlphaAsh, it looks like the Diplomat is referencing a technology that was pulled when Assist Research was moved to a tradition: Trait "leader_trait_diplomat_alpha" has invalid technology "tech_improved_databank_uplinks".
The Dadinator 2018年4月6日 14時23分 
@AlphaAsh Thsnks! I will work on getting them added and make sure to link to this mod.
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年4月6日 13時46分 
Global flag set is gf_handsofstate_activated
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年4月6日 13時39分 
I'll put a basic global flag being set you can check for.
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年4月6日 13時37分 
Oh wait, *click*, I just realised what your mod does. Well, I can have the mod set a global flag, but I don't think you can easily avoid errors still being logged if you refer to traits that aren't activated.
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年4月6日 13時36分 
They should show up anyway. No vanilla files are modded.
The Dadinator 2018年4月6日 12時51分 
@AlphaAsh - someone has asked me to expose your traits in my mod (EAC Empire University). I would just need a way to know that your mod was enabled/active to optionaly show your additional governor traits. Thoughts?
Chastity the Celibate 2018年2月28日 18時03分 
You should an “Alpha” trait, no pun intended (:
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年2月28日 7時49分 
Done. Thank you <(PeGaS)>.
«PeGaS» 2018年2月28日 7時06分 
Hi, you can add localization files to your mod? Now tags are displayed instead of the names. Here [] is the localization file in Russian.
Thx for the mod, waiting for new traits.
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年2月26日 5時06分 
NZS BXN 2018年2月26日 4時20分 
Is this included in AlphaMod 2.0?
AlphaAsh  [作成者] 2018年2月26日 2時19分 
I very much doubt it.
Dimmie 2018年2月25日 19時00分 
Is it achievement compatable?
Lex Peregrine 2018年2月24日 6時05分 
hear hear!
Chastity the Celibate 2018年2月23日 18時11分 
Upvote for quality.