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Items (78)
Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names 中文汉化
Created by Dulus of Talabek 更贴合背景的种族和派系名称,涵盖了所有派系,甚至包括未出场的背景派系,共计修改了将近四千个词条 (全部取材于官方背景设定书) 本MOD优先级要求非常高,请务必放在第一位 例如: 种族名称 高等精灵——→阿苏尔 黑暗精灵——→杜鲁齐 木精灵——→阿斯莱 帝国——→人类国度 矮人——→达维 混沌矮人——→扎尔矮人 蜥蜴人——→诸神子嗣 古墓王——→尼赫喀拉王朝 吸血鬼伯爵——→亡灵国度 吸血鬼海岸——→航海亡灵...
[GLF] Ancillaries Remake金花物品重制
Created by 金花
这个MOD不包含语言文本,任何玩家都可以直接使用,也可以随意取消订阅,不影响存档 This MOD does not contain language text and does not require language patches. Any player can use it directly, You can also unsubscribe at will without affecting the archive MOD介绍: 这个MOD计划重新调整所有物品的效果(不包含坐骑、旗帜、随从) 增强...
[IE] Loreful Strategic Threat
Created by IfThenOrElse
This mod replaces Strategic Threat for IE only, with something that makes more sense in a lore friendly way for both the player and the AI. UPDATE: ported over from Game 2. Big thanks to Vandy for his help with scripted effect bundles! Big thanks to AwwHEE...
【震旦天朝】更好的敕令 Grand Cathay-Better royal decree
2024.4.12更新 削弱了强度 玉龙敕令:移除减少建筑时间、削弱建筑收入、建筑成本以及发展 飙龙敕令:削弱近战攻防和武器威力、移除远程格挡概率 烛龙敕令:移除全局招募加成 冥龙敕令:削弱港口收入和可贸易资源量 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.22更新 削弱了强度 玉龙敕令:减少所有建筑时间的生效范围由全派系改为所在行省 飙龙敕令:近战攻击8,武器威力10,腐蚀-8,...
3 Rows of Building Slots
Created by sudkks
This mod changes the original 2-row arrangement of building slots to a 3-row arrangement to reduce the width of settlement UI and prevent it from being covered by other UI elements on both sides due to the use of more building slots mod. Applicable to all ...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
我的MOD”传奇英雄【骑士王】”的二次元模型版本 仅替换模型和部分文本,人物数据和招募方式和原MOD都一样 人物信息,招募方式,请参考原MOD 原MOD连接 视频演示
Created by 幡沫
本mod将汉化一些全局通用的功能性mod或多种族mod (Gnomes将在未来移动至木精灵合集) 点击英文白字可直达原mod地址 建筑类: Landmarks of Legend 传奇地标添加了许多地标,其中一些地标允许招募特殊单位和著名军团。 目前,有以下派别的地标: 震旦 基斯里夫 恐虐 色孽 纳垢 奸奇 食人魔王国 混沌恶魔 帝国 吸血鬼伯爵 斯卡文鼠人 巴托尼 古墓王 绿皮 矮人 木精灵 高等精灵 ...
更多装备槽和随从槽2+8 / More equipment slots and follower slots
Created by Dawn
一个简单的mod,将工坊里双倍装备槽和8随从槽的mod合并为一个mod,功能上没有区别,我只为少订阅一个mod制作此mod。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.08更新 增加战旗合成功能 A simple mod that combines the mods of the double equipment slot and 8 follower slots in the worksh...
Created by 云寄桑
=========================================================================== 一个简单的字体美化mod,选用汉仪魏碑字体 修改了UI字体中部分字体字号,在不使用糊成一片的ui缩放功能的情况下达到清晰的字体扩大效果,详情请参考图片...
合邦就能用 confiderating you can get 5.1
Created by sun2003shy
由于ca内部的机制,部分按钮会在合邦后下一回合显示,以防止一些不必要的bug。 是的,战锤2的合邦就能用回来啦,你可以合邦相应的派系就能获得该派系的特殊内容。目前正在一个一个特性移植中,下面是目前的移植列表: 2022.11.1 新增史库里的禁忌工坊(只有伊克特利爪和工程大术士可以获得燃料) 2022.11.1 蛇身小卖部可以合邦使用啦 2022.11.2 伊姆瑞克巨龙狩猎合邦就能用啦 2022.11.4 铁眉的神器藏库合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 戴斯的锻炉合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 斯洛特的腐...
Ability Icons Rearrange
Created by sudkks
This mod lets each row only have a maximum of 10 ability icons, and the excess will be moved to the next row, to prevent multiple icons from squeezing into one row. Not compatible: Just Good UI Mod, Helper UI...
Created by 尴尬甩尾
臣道上限原版100增加到600,每回合增加300点,盟友招募槽增加到9个,去除盟友单位限制 更容易招募盟友单位,以及借调军队,多试试借调军队吧,太好玩了 兼容所有,旧档可用...
Unlock All Skills
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled the mutual exclusion of all skills. AI also will be benefit from this mod and works for saved games....
魔女の祈祷 - 全派系机制/AI增强/二次元MOD
Created by Mika☆~
Mod介绍: 本MOD为所有派系(除伊莎贝拉,游玩本MOD时请不要选择伊莎贝拉)添加了全新的机制——天赋系统,消耗祈愿水晶即可进行祈愿抽奖,每一局的游戏体验根据运气都会有很大不同。当选择难度四(五)时,将带给你与以往战锤完全不同的游戏体验(偏向RPG闯关)。 同时本MOD也为AI派系提供了强力加成(可以通过开局选择难度调整),所以也可以算一个有趣的AI难度MOD。 (MOD交流、联机群:811451159,...
Created by Hela
在原MOD基础上改的,MOD排序时需要放到魔女の祈祷上面 给魔女の祈祷天赋改了重抽和修改唯一天赋上限 可能会有迷之BUG,可能影响体验 本来自用的,传上来给大伙图一乐,开了天赋重抽之后抽到的都不想要可以重抽覆盖之前的,重抽需要花祈愿水晶,主要单机SL非洲人苦手 需要用MCT配置,需要原MOD 6.14更新:普通天赋上限,设置后新档生效,上限大于9时会生成2个普通天赋单位,一个建筑格子满了之后建筑会到另外一个,BUFF都加在一个身上,没怎么测BUG,之前的普通升唯一上限问题修了还没测,有问题麻烦反馈下 6.1...
Created by Dulus of Talabek
持续更新中。请将需要更新的mod发到评论区里,尽量包含原名。如果是要求汉化本合集内还没有的Mod,请标明“合集未涵盖”。感谢所有汉化大佬们对社区的贡献。 本合集所包含的汉化mod请前往 此处 查看,排序请放在最上面 在评论区反馈前,请先确认需要更新的mod是本合集内所涵盖的。 ↓ 既存汉化统合快查表 ↓
Climate Suitability Map
Created by sudkks
Display the climate suitability of the region In the map of the Legendary Lord selection interface, with green is complete suitable, orange is unsuitable, and red is uninhabitable; If the mouse is placed on the climate icon below, the climate region can be...
Climate Adaptation - Faster Version
Created by Alex Zhao
This is a faster adaption version of this Climate Adaptation mod. Please don't use both mods at the same time. This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely re...
No Confederation Penalty
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penaly. Should be compatible with everything....
Created by AgNO3
完全汉化,包含角色界面的按钮说明和弹出选项的文字。 请将汉化于被汉化Mod的上方,也就是说,如果被汉化Mod的加载顺序为9,请将本汉化的加载顺序设置为1-8均可,只要小于9就行。...
中文汉化合集 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
AI General 3
Created by paperpancake
Delegate control of some or all of your units to an AI General during battle. You can select which units AI General should control. Tested in single-player. What about Multiplayer? AI General 3 is not as polished in multiplayer as it is single player, and ...
Display Treasury of AI Factions
Created by sudkks
Display the current treasury of the AI faction in the diplomatic interface - attribute bar, under its strength rank....
Allied Outposts Only Require Defensive Alliances
Created by DrDCB
By default, every race except for High Elves requires a full military alliance in order to be able to construct the Tier 2 and Tier 3 allied outpost buildings. But military alliances with the AI tend to be more of a liability than a benefit given how prone...
ATC 艾克的桌面数据大修 Arksaitace‘s Tabletop Codex Overhaul
ATC 艾克的桌面数据大修 Arksaitace‘s Tabletop Codex Overhaul !!!【注】:本mod并非一个平衡向mod,而是一个基于军书数据的大修mod,所以在本mod中,有些领主,兵种的数据可能会十分的抽象。大家在游玩中有不适感觉时,请理解。本mod只是给玩家另一种选择,希望大家玩的愉快。 本mod是以桌面数据为参考,对全派系,全兵种,进行的一个全方位大修。具体问题可以在讨论贴留言 本mod目前已经总体完结,之后的更新也是在微调技能数值,建筑收入加成,适配dlc等方面。目前完工的...
Auto Resolve Quest Battles [5.0.2]
Created by Cigar
**UPDATED TO 5.0.0** This mod allows you to auto resolve all quest battles and teleport to them for free. - Singleplayer & multiplayer compatible - Immortal Empires compatible - Clean & stackable - Save game compatible...
Caravans of the Old World
Created by van Hawke
This mod adds the caravan system for Empire, Bretonnia and Dwarfs in IE and IEE campaigns (both player and AI) The main difference from Cathayan caravans is the improved encounter system. The forces that will attack your caravan will depend on the region t...
Caravans of the Old World - Kislev addon
Created by van Hawke
This is a submod for "Caravans of the Old World" and it adds the caravan system for Kislev and norse dwarfs (both player and AI) Playable factions with access to caravans: - The Ice Court - The Great Orthodoxy - Ursun Revivalists (after confederation with ...
Caravans of the Old World 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
我爱跑商,跑商爱我,我是跑商王 This is a translation mod 合集包含以下MOD的 中文 汉化 Convoys of the New World 新世界商队 Caravans of t...
Compatible ATC and RoR Warband Upgrade(All factions)
Created by 平凡日
A simple mod to compatible ATC and RoR Warband Upgrade (All factions) in demon upgraded part...
Confederation Includes Treasury
Created by Acephelos Origin Story: I was trying to create a mod that would make confederation better by also confederating a faction's Background Income, but it currently seems like there's no good way to do that. Instead I present to you this c...
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Created by VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
Created by Realme Elysia
Expanded Lord Skills
Created by Some_One_Else
This mod adds around 20-30 additional skills to each lord that are themed around faction / class (445+ different skills in total). Though the skills differ between lord types and factions, they will (overall) have a similar effect. A description of what th...
Hecleas AI Overhaul
Created by Hecleas
DISCLAIMER Several problems caused since the 4.0 update (AI suicidal behavior, AI blocking on colonies that I corrected but sacrificing AI defensive behavior etc). I'm desperately waiting for CA to fix it. In the meantime, I'm making do with the means CA g...
High Contrast Border Colors (All Campaigns)
Created by Llamakazi
Hello there! This mod significantly increases the contrast of ALL border colors and removes the horizontal gradient (solid colors only) and modifies the overall size and visibility to boot. There are other mods that do something similar, but I wanted to ma...
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Created by ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
Immortal Empires Expanded 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod !! →和重返旧世界MOD不兼容,两者只能开其一 ←!! !! →必须开启MIXER ←!! 常见问题 关于有AI MOD的情况下,AI表现怪异:原作者C...
increase autoresolve point(0.2)增强玩家自动分(0.2)(永远有效 always valid).pack
Created by wodwd
Stupid ca makes player's autoresolve point terrible,So I used this mod to fix it 愚蠢的ca让玩家自动分变得很糟糕,所以我用这个mod来修复它 You can use this mod directly in the middle of the campaign 你可以在战役的中途直接使用这个mod This mod increase autoresolve point to player's army from 0 to 0....
Infinite Respec
Created by Enki
Description Allows you to reset skill points without the wound timer. No restrictions, cooldowns, or costs. Mod Compatibility - Works in multiplayer. - Can be enabled in existing games. - Cannot be disabled after being used. - Compatible with mods which ad...
Just Good Babysitter
Created by Deo
5.1 compatible Have you ever felt yourself more a baby tender than a commander because your units stop doing what they were doing and go smoking every 5 seconds for CA knows what reason? If yes - this mod is for you. It helps your units with one simple thi...
Just Good UI Mod
Created by Deo
5.1 compatible The aim of the mod is to increase UI usability in late game (or just any game), when you have to manage many lords/heroes What's changed - A remake of lords/heros list in character details panel - portraits made bigger, embedded heroes extra...
Just Post Battle Damage
Created by Deo
With this mod post battle screen will show damage numbers instead of kills variant for gold damage is here
Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names
Created by NordenBear CURRENT FEATURES: Several custom scripts, made by the CoLabs Team, that also prevents longer end-turns. Deeper lore-friendly star...
Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版
Created by 泡泡茶壶 更贴合背景的角色名字,几乎涵盖所有原版角色 (全部取材于官方背景设定书) 本MOD优先级要求非常高,请务必放在第一位 例如: 索尔葛林·负怨者——→至高王索尔葛林·负怨者 阿里斯·安纳尔——→影王阿里斯·安纳尔 马雷基斯——→巫王马雷基斯 提克塔托——→『诸天之主』提克塔托 库·迦——→『伤疤之主』库·迦 欧西约坦——→『无影猎手』欧西约坦 哥罗克——→『大白蜥』哥罗克 妖婆赫莉本——→『血腥女王』妖婆赫莉...
Max Level 100 With 3x Skill Points
Created by Johnny
Hello! Did you ever want to level up your lords and heroes beyond the max level in a way that still offers character progression? Then this mod is for you! Now you get to play pokemon with your favorite warhammer characters as you level them up to level 10...
Military Buildings add Garrisons / 军事建筑增加驻军
Created by losrt
Compatibility: Can be added mid-campaign Compatible with most mods Takes effect with Radious Description: All military recruiting buildings can add 1~3 garrisons to towns (The number and quality of troops depends on the level of the building) ·All wh1, 2, ...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 Updated 5.1
Created by stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
No Lazy Trait 不再获得懒惰特性
Created by < blank >
This mod prevents your lord from getting lazy trait. In original game, the lord will gain lazy trait if he stays in a region with public order over 90 for more than 20 turns. I change the judging criteria that now the lazy trait record can only start count...
No Multiplayer/COOP Battle Confirmation (Auto Accept Only before Battles)
Created by bushez
About In coop multiplayer when the other player tries to start a battle a menu pops up and you need to click the Join Team or spectate button or AI Team before the battle can start. This mods removes this confirmation, and the mod will autoclick the Join T...
Normal Traits Extended
Created by Sir_Isenhart
Updated for 4.1. This mod makes its return from TWW2. It adds an extra layer of gameplay by making most gainable traits have more ranks thus making them a lot stronger. It does not change the traits for defeating Legendary Lords. It is intended for high/le...
Pending Action Destroyer for Multiplayer/COOP
Created by bushez
DESCRIPTION: Have u ever Played with your friends and u level up your lords and heroes or build buildings and this annoying msg just popup in the middle of the screen and block your life ?. This is a simple mod that will Disable the annoying popup msg "Pen...
Performance Maker for Massive Battles [WHIII Edition]
Created by WhyXelsink
*Mod is compatible with everything* *note* the LOD ranges in this mod are best suitable for GTX and RTX graphics cards. I decided to make a port of my Performance maker mod from Attila to WH3. VALUES in this mod are specially for WHIII, were tested and pol...
Rebanner III
Created by Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners have been modified to make it worth your while to consider what unit c...
Speedy Turn Camera
Created by Skywalker
Mod that just speeds up the camera move between your turns. Save Compatible Other mods Compatible This is a direct port from WH2 mod "Faster end turn Camera" to WH3 It modifies a database default entry the game has, nothing more. This mod doesn't need to b...
Tech-tree Combination 全派系科技树汉化
Created by Yuri
This is the Chinese translation pack for Tech-tree Combination 全派系科技树汉化现已基本全部完成 该mod为所有种族的科技树添加了非常多的分支,尤其是补全了三代一些派系的瘸腿科技树...
Tech-Tree Compilation (New Version)
Created by Decky
What does this mod do? The mod adds new Technologies to ALL Tech-Trees: Beastmen, Cathay, Khorne. Nurgel, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Ogre Kingdoms, Kislev, Empire,Vampire Count,Vampire Coast, Bretonia, Dwarfs, Choas Dwarfs, High Elves, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves, Ska...
Tier Four & Five Settlements For Vanilla Factions - Compilation
Created by RagnaroK
Greetings fellow mod enjoyers! I grant to thee - A construction tier mod for your collection. Ingame screenshots shows a few examples of customized tier 5 settlements. By subscribing to this version, you do not need to subscribe to my Tier Four Settlements...
Toggle Fog Of War
Created by FlashMash
Adds a button in the top left to toggle fog of war. I like to check on the state of the world from time to time, so I had to turn on/off a mod all the time. When Change Starting Settlement came out I had the idea to take the disable/enable of the fog of wa...
Trade Any Settlement
Created by Freiya
This mod makes it possible to trade any settlement with any encountered faction as long as you aren't at war with them. To use it, just click on the new "trade settlements" button displayed on the top-left corner of the screen.
UI Slider
Created by sudkks
Add a slider in the effect tooltip ui, to prevent the UI height from exceeding the screen....
Unique Currency Galore - Custom & Lore Currencies
Created by RagnaroK
Greetings fellow mod enjoyers! I grant to thee - A currency mod for your collection. Ingame screenshots show a few examples of the new currencies as well as the overall icon map. Main factions have uniquely named currencies and icons. Sub factions of the E...
Unique Currency Galore 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
更贴合背景的战锤货币名字及图标 货币Mod通览 震旦:Jade Tongbao — 玉通宝 绿皮:Teef — 牙齿 古墓王:Souls — 灵魂 斯卡文鼠人:Warpstone Tokens — 次元石硬币 矮人:Dawi Gorl — 达维黄金 混沌矮人:Dawi Zharr Gorl — 扎尔矮人黄金 吸血鬼海岸:Doubloons — 达布隆币 蜥蜴人:Ancient Plaques — 先祖饰板 诺斯卡:Norse Sceattas — 诺斯银币 食人魔:Ogre Toll — 食人魔通行费 高等...
Unique Faction Currencies
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the icons of several factions from the generic treasury/income icons to something more unique. I tried to stick as close to the lore as possible. Additionally the reward chest ...
Unique Faction Currencies 汉化
Created by Niamh Chinn Óir
鼠人: 次元石币 蜥蜴人: 古圣造物 绿皮: 牙 木精: 阿斯莱金磅 古墓王: 灵魂 诺斯卡: 掠夺物 吸血鬼海盗: 赃物 帝国: 金克朗 巴托尼亚: 金埃居 矮人: 黄金 高精: 阿苏尔金磅 暗精: 杜鲁奇金磅 基斯里夫:金杜卡特 震旦:玉圆...
Unique Faction UI
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
Variant Selector
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
Victory Conditions Overhaul
Created by Oh_Man[TFE] Factions Currently Supported: 71/95 (74%) This mod adds custom victory objectives and rewards for each faction in the game. This mod is still under construction and does not yet support every faction in the game. Click here ...
Victory Conditions Overhaul(VCO)胜利条件大修汉化补丁
Created by WATER
本mod是对Victory Conditions Overhaul(胜利条件大修)mod的汉化补丁包,需要配合原mod一起使用。 原mod为战役中的大量派系设置了新的胜利条件和战役奖励。 原mod地址: 使用的一些事项: (1)本mod是在那夜Nayoru大佬和泡泡茶壶大佬的汉化补丁基础上继续汉化的,汉化应该是完整的,因此理论上只要订阅这一...
Warband Upgrade Ultimate
Created by BAGHolder
Warband Upgrade for Every Race (Updated to 5.0) --- Upgrade basic units into elite, and swap among unit variants. --- Unique UI + Expanded panel for every race. --- 100% compatible with any mod, save-game, and co-op. --- Submods for RoR, mod compilation, c...
[Ui] More Buttons For More Mechanics - 2 ROWS+
Created by ChopChop This mod is changing placement of campaign mechanics buttons to horizontal in 2+ rows. It also moves the pinned missions red flyer ribbons to match the shift of buttons. This allows to clear and nice display up to 12 mechani...
[Ui] Shorter Menu For More Tools - 5 Buttons Per Row
Created by ChopChop This mod is changing placement of menu bar buttons to 5 buttons per row. It also centers the buttons on the background picture for symetry purpose. It allows nice display of adittional mods adding UI elements to the resource...
精英战帮升级(全派系)/RoR Warband Upgrade(All factions)
Created by yuudachi
功能介绍 1.为全派系兵种解锁精英兵种战帮升级 2.所有精英兵种默认0级 前置要求 需要先订阅“Warband Upgrade Ultimate”. 兼容性与问题 应该兼容绝大部分mod,我修改了精英开场0级,不确定是否会和大修mod冲突, 如果有冲突请在评论中反馈,我会取消该功能 旧存档可用 警告:高难度下AI也会拥有大量精英单位,混沌魔域的恶魔亲王流浪军团更加致命! 如果发现单位连线错乱、缺失部分单位也请反馈,但请确保问题是在单独开启该mod与前置mod下出现的。 锁评论区可以直接贴吧反馈 网站链接 如...