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【DISCONTINUED!!!】探戈狼的震旦兵种包 Whc's Cathay unit pack
Created by whc2024
·此兵种包已被包括进新版兵种包【兵戈天下】。请订阅新版兵种包。 ·SFO适配: ·Radious适配: —————————————————————————————————————————————— ·This mod has been involved...
『龙战于野』震旦兵种包(Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field)
Created by 云出无梦
由于战锤3加入的震旦开始尝试战锤全面战争,这个兵种包的发布也算是完成了一个心愿,这也是我继『玉庭剑』青莲MOD之后做的第二个MOD,之后会打算陆续更新更多的单位,传奇领主,传奇事务官争取将来能做成派系包,希望这个MOD能为大家带来有趣的游戏体验。 这里以及右侧的Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field-English patch是英文补丁包,中文玩家不需要订阅-This is the English patch. English-useing player...
Created by 云出无梦
『玉庭剑』青莲,一名近战法术双修的震旦传奇事务官,震旦三龙均可招募,开局加入司天丞招募池 青莲是『玉龙』元伯的亲传弟子,其玉庭剑术甚至不在元伯之下,因此他虽然并非龙裔,却因剑术天份深得元伯喜爱。 青莲拥有较好的近战性能,和优秀的辅助法术,本身没有坐骑,但是有【飒沓流星】这个技能为其提供优秀的机动性。 非常喜欢元伯的近战攻击动作,由此为契机本人做的第一个MOD,可能不是很完美希望大家多多评论并提出建议,希望以后能多多为大家带来新的mod,可能会是兵种,也可能会是传奇领主,目前尚在构思中,感谢魏王大佬和金花大佬...
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
2024年5月17日更新 为申珠增加了国是系统,但是需要订阅子mod,因为会和元伯冲突,导致元伯无法获取石头,使用元伯时不要使用子mod Updated on May 17, 2024 Added matters of state to Shenzhu, but requires subscribing to sub mods as it may conflict with Yuanbo, causing Yuanbo to be unable to obtain stones. Do not use su...
万世天朝模型包 Great Harmony Sentinel Asset
Created by 小铭
It is Great Harmony Sentinel ’s model pack. U need access Great Harmony Sentinel main pack 万世天朝的模型包 你必须订阅万世天朝 不然没什么用 中文玩家用上面这个版本的万世天朝MOD本体↑...
中文汉化合集 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
代号GYT的文明之盾/GYT‘s Shield of Civilization
Created by 代号gyt-B站
为了方便玩家联机以及与其他大修mod进行适配,我将所有兵种mod进行了整合,之前的各兵种分包将不再更新 本模组兼容旧世界地图mod,帝国新增的行省军团现已兼容MIXU‘s unlocker 最近失业了,欢迎打赏: =================...
Created by 西红柿Hugo
@沙雕太守,感谢大佬的优秀mod,地址: 这是一个简单的5.0更新,若是大佬更新后,将会删除。 有什么问题,请在评论区留言...
Created by 赤龙衔烛
外形来自反乌托邦战争中中华的空中堡垒,日常的离谱单位。也许会考虑再做一些新技能就这样。 这是一个飞行城市,可以通过召唤部队协助作战。 灵感来自Dystopian Wars 里中华帝国的空中堡垒。 设定为龙帝驾驶自己的城堡加入战斗。 巍京天庭自制新地标招募 我冒昧问一下你用了什么mod给巍京加地标了,我至今没找到能用的给巍京加地标的mod This is a flying City, which can help combat by summoning troops. Inspired by the air ...
Created by 泡泡茶壶
Make Cathay Dragons' breath just like "Dragon Breath Wind Spells"...
圣龙 凌天 为震旦添加一位全新传奇事务官
(拜托各位给几个赞吧,现在评分太少分数上不去很难受,虽然我的初衷是自己玩得爽,但分享出来没想到那么多人关注订阅了,那么我也会持续更新的。) 10.18更新内容:,本次并未更新,但由于游戏版本更新至2.2版本后,官方修改了ai对于事务官的使用方式,现在ai极大概率会将凌天放置到军队中,如果您不想被凌天干碎那么建议您在不使用震旦的时候将此mod关闭。 10.07更新内容:1.降低了龙息冷却时间从45s降低至25s 2.增加了见龙还箭的持续时间从20s增加至30s 3.毁灭龙渊伤害由5点破甲伤害提升至10点破甲伤...
Created by
给震旦的三龙添加了完美的龙息,都有相应的动作配合,以及特效,出现的位置也正确看起来不违和,可以在地上使用,伤害适中。 使用说明:本mod修改了动作,和一切修改震旦三龙的mod会互相覆盖,请将它置于其他修改三龙mod的顶上 SFO版:
Created by 代号gyt-B站
由“带皮皮天子”出资定制并分享,快说谢谢老板 为帝国、震旦、矮人、鼠人各添加线列步兵定位的单位,以及新炮兵与火力支援步兵...
Created by Blackoutsider
为震旦增加了两个怪物骑兵单位: 青玉狮骑和墨玉狮骑 狮子使用他们自己的动画和视觉特效,此外,墨狮骑手可以投掷标枪 可在震旦3级和5级骑兵建筑招募 玉狮骑士偏向于对抗大型单位(也可以创死步兵),并通过近战提供魔法之风 墨狮骑士偏向拦截对面的大型单位,以及围攻敌人的施法者 吃双狮和玉勇枪骑兵的加成 喜欢请点赞 这两个兵种已包含在万世天朝mod中,链接在下方,请不要同时订阅: 喜欢也...
狮驼岭人物合集 Collection of characters
Created by 赤龙衔烛
最后一块拼图终于拼好了,狮驼岭三人现在全部进入震旦狮驼岭序列中。进入游戏招募位置位于上阳的新地标。之前的订阅可以取消了,这里全都有。 The last part is finally finished。Now you can recruit all my units in Shangyang. The previous mods can be unsubscribed, and there are all the previous ones....
真龙之裔震旦兵种扩展包 1.2版
Created by unclelily
介绍视频: 为震旦新增十种单位如下: 构装体: 玉俑卫士 真龙殿神兵巨像 步兵: 南天门神武营 南天门忠武营 南天门龙息营 巨兽: 千年食铁兽 战车: 墓园兵俑战车 骑兵: 麒麟驭者 龙裔骁骑 真龙之裔阴间兵种包: 祝诸君武运昌隆!...
真龙之裔震旦阴间兵种包 1.1版
Created by unclelily
新增四种兵种如下: 步兵: 冥府殿卫 冥府殿卫(双手刀) 无常鬼差搜魂队 怪物与飞行怪物与怪物步兵: 牛头马面 地罗刹鬼王 丧煞鬼 骑兵: 冥府巴图鲁骑兵 你们要的阳间兵种在这里: 祝诸君武运昌隆...
Created by 幡沫
本合集将包括震旦专属的诸多mod汉化 持续征集震旦中小型mod~(本合集下只可发震旦mod) Roar of the Jade Sea : Yin-Yin, the Sea Dragon 全新派系『卫东列省』 一种传奇『领主』领主:『溟龙』胤隐 十一种『扩展兵表』兵种:碧滔海贼(持矛)、碧滔海贼(双剑)、碧滔浪人、溟龙旗本队、碧滔海贼、碧滔铁雹队、龙舰陆战水兵、捕鲸食人魔、伊塔扎林行者、影行者、缴获火炮 五...
为了好好看单位细节制作的视角mod,可以把视角拉的很低,并小幅度上调了最大视角高度自用版本,工坊cameramod:Better Camera Mod拥有更安全的视角(你不会出现之类穿模的现象),本Mod是我为了更自由地观察模型而使用的版本,大家可以自行挑选使用 我的mod 重要提示:使用对单位模型进行了修改的mod时出现闪退状况的,请将画面设置中的单位细节调整至较高及以上 与龙同行震旦兵种包:
远东震旦矮人 Far Eastern Dwarf 万世天朝出品
Created by 明曦
派系:卡拉克·黑域堡 Factions: Karak Azorn 4位传奇领主 4 Legendary Lords 斯科里·岩须 黑域堡国王 黄德一 长牙之路商人 金哈尔 卫西震旦矮人将军 公输榫 矮人工程师 16 个震旦矮人兵种 特此感谢@怕力苦 的原MOD 震旦和矮人可以通过地标招募震旦矮人兵种...
震旦一窝蜂火箭(Cathay Hive rocket)
Created by 野原广志
首先感谢(Probably outdated (5.x Dwarf) Guns, Smoke & Spectacle)mod的制作者 BrutusCz 允许我在mod里使用他的成果,如果没有此mod的加持,我就无法做出现在这个令我满意的视觉效果 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...
Created by 赤龙衔烛
为丹鼎师和司天丞添加了全新坐骑。让震旦事务官拥有一定的近战能力。 已经修复司天丞坐骑bug gives a mount similar to the dangerkitty to the Alchemist and Astromancer.only a mount option...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
为震旦新增一名强力传奇领主—烛阳 昭明和妙影均可使用...
Created by Blackoutsider
为震旦新增4位传奇领主,分别是: 妙影派系招募 正体不明,四神加持,穿越者,虎魔之主,焱麟的创造者,公输燕之夫,白龙银甲,长垣领军太初 妙影之女,真龙血裔,公输燕 凡人法师,魔法少才,司空昂 未知之神太初座下第一大将兼左膀右臂,恶魔克星,虎魔大军的第四号领导者,太初的第一舔狗,极端忠诚,「屠魔者」穷烈 新增兵种 虎魔,长垣四本招募,龙卫五本招募 巨力虎魔,长垣五本招募 无派系版:
Created by 赤龙衔烛
现在的mod已经可以算是一个完全体了,不会和原版混沌矮人出现冲突。 mod新增单位: 震旦鼠人加特林 食人魔新军(手枪) 食人魔新军(手炮) 龙杖兵 巾帼火枪手 喷火兵 医疗骑兵队 麒麟坦克 九龙铁壁歼击车 混沌矮人歼击车(隶属混沌矮人) 铁龙战列(车头 火箭炮 终极战列) 铁龙臼炮 祝大家玩得愉快。未来还会新增更多单位供大家使用。感谢大家 更新一辆步兵战车,修复了牛牛贴图bug,以及正常更新。 最新更新六种新式空军单位:“关宁骑”天龙巨像,“却薛”战斗机,“背巍”轰炸机,“虎豹骑”极速战斗机,“巴牙喇”空...
Created by 沙雕太守
天舟,舟也,不是冰糖葫芦 所以我改成了舟的样子 该mod只是!只是!美化了原版天舟的外观,没有添加任何新单位或数据 理论上兼容不修改原版天舟模型的任何mod 即使是修改了天舟模型的mod应该也可以通过排列mod循序达到兼容。 Junks's meaning is a kind of chinese ship . This mod make the cathay's junks actually be a junks. This mod just only changes the junks appearan...
Created by 西红柿Hugo
@沙雕太守 已向原作者申请更新授权,后续等待作者回复,这是为“震旦天下无敌兵种 无敌版”的补充包, 原链接地址: 做了一个简单的更新修复,如有问题,请在下列地方留言。...
震旦天下无敌 原版风格mod兵种 无敌版(更新测试版)
Created by 西红柿Hugo
大家好,我最近还在学做mod中...然后有群友想让我帮忙更新一下这个mod,于是我出了这个更新测试版。 请备份好你们的存档!!!请备份好你们的存档!!!请备份好你们的存档!!!(重要的事情说三遍) 由于我之前没怎么游玩这个mod(很可惜),所以我在更新时就把旧表单都更新了,以及调整重复和过时的词条属性等等。但是不能确保就没有问题,所以现在是测试版,大家最好开新档,看看还存在什么样的问题...以便后续更新... 同样的,老规矩,原作者@沙雕太守@Sunbreeze@957723797 如果想起来更新了,这个m...
震旦天朝-超凡帝国 SFO版
Created by 沙条爱歌
该mod提供额外科技树,全新的完善体系兵种单位,解锁商队招募与精英部队等。 该mod提供额外科技树,全新的完善体系兵种单位,全新的阴阳法事务官,解锁商队招募与精英部队等。 这个mod为震旦天朝额外增加了一组强力科技树,你需要通过金钱和时间来解锁这些强大对的科技,并且这些科技不会影响阴阳宁和。 这个mod新增了大量基础单位与精英单位,这些兵种可以更好的完善震旦的战略体系,丰富玩法,例如火枪、喷火器、反步部队、巨兽与各种引擎等,这些单位都享受对应的科技与红线加成,怪兽单位享受骑兵类别加成。 同样,解锁了商队招募...
震旦新兵种 天廷龙姬
各位如果喜欢本mod,请帮忙点个赞让更多人看到,谢谢。 10.18更新内容:提高了龙姬的基础以及破甲伤害,同时解决了瓦尔基娅盾牌消失的问题,同时感谢mod作者 @381mmTorpedo 的技术支持。 10.07更新内容:增加了天廷龙姬的招募费用以及维护费用,同时将招募限制2队提升为10队。 本mod为震旦添加了一个全新的单位,不使用技能的情况下强度略强与精英凤凰守卫,擅长突袭以及取得制空权,由于这个兵种较为强力所以你只能招募两队。 该兵种可以使用巨龙马骑兵加成。 由于某些不可抗力以及本人mod制作能力有限...
震旦昊天狮骑士Celestial Lion Knights
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
震旦昊天骑士,数据同高精塔尔盖沃骑士,5本骑兵建筑招募,吃龙马和昊天狮的加成 震旦坤灵骑士,数据同精英版的半狮鹫骑士,5本骑兵建筑招募,吃龙马和昊天狮的加成,但不吃飞行单位的加成 Celestial Lion Knights:with the same data as the Knights of Tor Gaval, can be recruited from 5 cavalry buildings, and benefits from the longma and Celestial Lion Eart...
Created by Blackoutsider
新增三种战争机器 落日龙舰 “雪雹”火箭炮 “追风”重型榴弹炮 俑士禁卫序列招募 内置三种科技:自研蒸汽机 魔能复合装甲板 弹药学与火药技术 五回合研究 新增五本单位空母“羲和” 感谢震旦天下无敌作者沙雕太守提供昭武巡天舰模型授权 五本城或者五本天舟序列增加1容量 可以单独使用 Can be used alone...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
English version: 震旦天朝与群山王国达成军事战略合作协议后,共同研制的新一代武装直升机(雾) 给震旦加了四种飞行部队: 1、武装直升机: 修改自矮人直升机,可发射火箭炮弹。 2、武装直升机(火焰发射器): 修改自矮人直升机(硫磺枪),可发射火焰炮。 3、重型武装直升机: 修改自矮人轰炸机,可以投放炸弹,加装了机翼和火箭发射器,可以通过技能发射火箭弹药。 4、朱雀烈...
震旦石狮骑兵 Guardian lion riders of Cathay
Created by whc2024
·这个mod为震旦添加了两种种怪兽骑兵——石狮骑兵和玉狮骑兵 ·在震旦的传说中,这些铁石或宝玉铸成的镇宅巨兽能够祛邪除恶,保卫屋宅免受邪魔侵扰。事实上正是如此,每逢外敌入侵,这些屹立宅门的石像将会被激活,与俑士禁卫一同构筑震旦的钢铁长城。在战场上,由身披重甲的勇士骑乘的它们将会无往不利。 ·早在锤三发售前,画师Cobol Yu笔下的震旦兵种形象就已经广为流传,很多兵种细节比ca的设计还有特色,其中的石狮子骑兵便是本mod的设计思路来源,在此向他表示感谢。 ·右侧的英文翻译mod并非必需,非英语玩家不用订阅 ...
震旦精靈輔助軍 Elven Auxilia of Cathay
Created by 猿神擁躉
English version. 封面圖取自Sciamano240的作品。Cover picture is artwork made by Sciamano240, I really love it, if he disallows me using his work, I'll change it.
Created by 任务
震旦兵种自定义价格1000以下的获得尚武造诣,1000以上的获得战斗专精。 ...
Created by 任务
Created by 腿毛长身体壮
最重要的事:请订阅启动并置顶【Mixu's Unlocker - MIXER】!!!!!! THE MOST IMPORTANT:【Mixu's Unlocker - MIXER】Required!!!!! 已知和骑士王,金花英雄扩展冲突 Conflict with Hero Expansion MOD介绍:
Created by DPFLH
这里就不放图了,什么原因懂得都懂,如果这样还被BAN 以后就只在B站动态放了,然后这就是没有数量限制的
Created by Merkatorque
CA抠抠搜搜,既想给龙形态人形态两重定位让玩家能合理使用变龙技能,又不给龙形态合理的数据,导致龙形态几乎没人使用。 既然如此,我准备在不改变CA对龙子两种形态的基本定位——即人形态法师/龙形态巨兽——的前提下,大幅加强龙形态的面板,让玩家在魔法之风已经枯竭的情况下依旧能让神龙发挥出顶级巨兽的战力,让两种形态都能充分发挥作用。 具体修改如下: 1.大幅提高震旦神龙的龙形态近战攻防,使他们的龙形态达到顶级飞行巨兽领主水平; 2.给龙形态增加15点反大加成,让他们成为真正的“巨兽杀手”; 3.给龙形态单独增加20...
Created by Chaoscaros
魔改终极阵型 / LEO's Formations
Created by Cheese Leopard
This is a formation mod. Below is the English Submod 前排提示 谨慎订阅!请先看完再决定目前是否订阅 本mod目前非常的,呃,"奇怪",因此我个人准备开着这个边玩边修 目前本MOD只适配了原版兵种 (然而,这并不意味着你同时开着其他兵种MOD会导致游戏闪退) (哦,朋友,我的意思是出现的闪退至少不是这个原因) 之后会适配别的M...
龙卫reskin 不需要更新,可以正常使用(Celestial Dragon Guard Reskin)
CA在游戏中呈现了很棒的龙卫战士,我只是修改了龙威的护甲和脸部模型,让他们看上去能更加符合我心目中震旦精锐部队的形象,希望大家喜欢。 单位的头盔下摆部分贴图素材由GHS谷玄大大制作,非常感谢大大的授权 下面是我的另一种龙卫RESKIN: Here is the other type of Celestial Dragon Guard Reskin ...
Dragon General Fu Yuanshan:Faction Overhaul【Reforged】/龙将傅远山:震旦新派系【重铸版】
Created by Archer
龙将傅远山为震旦派系mod,mod结合有限的震旦设定对大众脸领主傅远山进行了全面重构,赋予了新的形象和角色背景,为帝国戍卫派系设计了大量新的事件和丰富的机制,同时带来了1个新的大众脸领主类型,5个派系专属兵种外观和7个全新的单位。 IMPERIAL WARDENS:NEW Playable Cathay Faction The faction has added the legendary lord Fu Yuanshan, and normal lord type Jade General . It ha...
AI General 3
Created by paperpancake
Delegate control of some or all of your units to an AI General during battle. You can select which units AI General should control. Tested in single-player. What about Multiplayer? AI General 3 is not as polished in multiplayer as it is single player, and ...
Created by Blackoutsider
基于b站网友@子夜白叉 所写的背景为震旦添加了7种兵种, 骁勇武尊(三尖两刃刀配盾步兵) 神策剑师(斩马剑配盾) 玄甲铁骑(怪兽骑兵持戟) 龙鹫骁将(飞行怪兽骑兵) 瑶池女杰(远程步兵) 瑶池飞骑(飞行远程骑兵) 瑶池女杰(长刀版) 由巍京地标招募,龙卫建筑增加招募容量 此外新增三种巍京地标,13种科技,比较超模,请自行体验 巍京新增地标:九边重镇, 瑶池序列, 清月圣泉 骁勇武尊,神策剑师,玄甲铁骑,龙鹫骁将由五级地标九边重镇建造后可招募 瑶池女杰,瑶池飞骑,瑶池女杰长刀由瑶池序列地标招募。 招募上限由建...
!LYH Legendary Characters Expansion 洛阳侯传奇人物(更新杨申模型)
这个MOD增加了新的传奇人物 每个传奇人物都有独特技能线与专属神器 因为没弄过魔域相关文件,不建议打开此mod玩魔域 SFO Patch: English Patch: Join our discord to come say hi, share ...
Army Carousel
Created by Cpecific
A simple list of characters that is filtered and sorted much better, than in vanilla. You can sort them however you like. Obviously, it won't work, when mode="Selected Army". ✔️ Savegame compatible. ✔️ Multiplayer compatible. My Other Mods Skill Queue Trai...
Audio Mixer
Created by Pear
The Audio Mixer Welcome! First of all let me say without the Ole and ChaosRobie none of this fun stuff would be possible so please give them all the consensual love they deserve! The Audio Mixer has 2 main functions: 1) Act as a custom VO audio compatibili...
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Blecco's Cathay Shadow-Weaver [Updated 5.2]
Created by Blecco
This mod adds a new agent subtype for Cathay, the Shadow-Weaver, meant to give an alternative to the Alchemist that both gives access to a new Lore of Magic, Shadows, and offers an option for a more accepted agent within Cathayan society. The Shadow-Weaver...
Building Progression Icons III
Created by Spartan VI
Building icons visually change as they upgrade! This mod creates a visual progression for buildings. Almost all building chains now have icons that change as buildings are upgraded. Mod Features: Building icons visually change as they're upgraded. Note: No...
Cathay Crane Handgunners
Created by Orendiz
Many requested a standard handgunners unit for Cathay to go along with their other more specialized gunpowder weapons Cathay had. And while i personally am not a fan, like with my former go to unit peasant swordsmen that i'm no longer a fan of but will kee...
Cathay Gate Master
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction Hello! There was leaked concept art for a 'Gate Master' hero a while back that I felt would be perfect for Cathay. I held out in hoped that he would be added with the new dlc. Since they chose a different direction I decided to replace my Jade...
Cathay mount
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
1、Added celestial lion mounts to the gate master 2、Added great moon bird mounts to the dragon blooded shugengan lord 3、Added great moon bird mounts to the alchemist English text Updated on M...
Cathay 8 Winds of Magic
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
Added three magic to the Alchemist :Death, Fire, Shadow Added three magic to the Astromancer :Life, Light, Beasts English text
Cathay New Units
Created by Skybracer
Added some custom units to Cathay Celestial Dragon Gunners: Celestial Dragon Crossbowmen + Iron Hail Gunners = Celestial Dragon Gunners Longma Riders: When the great dragon horse rider cannot fly... Jade Guard: Overall, they are the upgraded version of Jad...
Cathay Peasant Fighters
Created by Orendiz
Adds a new Peasant unit to Cathay Got this idea randomly and thought it would be a cool alternative to the swordsmen unit i made. Pros: Better melee attack, Armour piercing, cheaper. Cons: horrible defense, no anti large or charge reflection....
Cathay Peasant Swordsmen
Created by Orendiz
Adds a Peasant Swordsmen unit to Grand Cathay Pro: Better charge, slightly better melee attack, shielded, 5 bonus vs infantry. Con: No anti large or charge reflection, higher cost and upkeep. Ps: might bring back the old shield models. ...
Cathay Peasant Handgunners
Created by Orendiz
Yet another peasant unit for cathay (probably last peasant unit) :D This is one adds a peasant variant with handguns, new lore included :O These Peasants only got basic training and so as expected their accuracy and reload speed are pretty bad. But rank th...
Cathay shock units
Created by Ziyi
Cathay shock units Tired of the incessant attacks that continually fall on the great wall of northern Cathay and the growing threat of the Chaos Dwarves established in the region, the great Dragon decided to create new shock units. To do this, he fused ear...
Cathay Sky Lantern Enhance 加强震旦天灯
Created by shixuelinli
至今也不清楚CA对震旦的天灯到底是啥定位,反步不行、反大不行、无法防空、体大血少、还没有攻城者,属实是博采众短。 因此对其进行了加强,主要如下: 1、添加 “攻城者” 属性 2、弹药修改:鹤枪弹药→鹤枪爆炸弹药 3、射程从275 → 300 4、单位数量1 → 3 注意事项 加强仅仅是让它的伤害增加,因为我也不知道如何定位它(现有的招募建筑需要3本城市,这时招募太弱,但是改到2本可招募又太强),如果后面CA出个类似反大反步的反空加成,情况可能会好些 只修改了与武器关联的弹药,理论上兼容所有mod、旧档 娱乐...
Cathay swordmaster - 震旦剑圣
Created by Snow
震旦一直缺一个近战输出单位,做一个基于原版模型修改的女性阴属性版本, 可以和玉勇龙卫一起冲锋,补充阴属性。 属性基本延用高精剑圣的属性 模型也全都用的游戏本体自带的模型改的 主体是龙裔的金属色(土黄色?),使用一把金黄色的大刀 整体比较修长,披甲率比较高,但看上去并不是高大威武的身形,毕竟要挥舞大刀,动作要连贯也没法带更多护甲。 3级兵营招募,对于震旦派系来说可能不是很平衡,后面再调节,不过都用了mod了,能玩的开心就好其他都不重要。 最后祝各位锤佬游戏开心! Best wishes to all the ...
Celestial Awakening (Generic dragon units and breath attacks for Grand Cathay)
Created by Sturmageddon
"...and in the skies above Daemon Princes dueled with bejeweled Gold Dragons." -Excerpt from Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos While I do like the direction GW/CA have gone with eastern dragons in the setting, I also really like the old-school idea of generic...
Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field--English patch
Created by 云出无梦
Intro This is the English translation patch for "Cathay Units Patch: Dragons Battle in the Field". You need to subscribe to "Cathay Units Patch: Dragons Battle in the Field" first to use this. Descriptions and unit names have been translated. I hope Englis...
Cathay Yin And Yang Harmony Forever 震旦永远宁和
Created by shixuelinli
震旦永远宁和 注意事项 兼容旧档 因为修改了宁和的脚本文件,与其他修改过宁和脚本的mod不兼容,理论上兼容所有未修改宁和脚本的mod Cathay Yin And Yang Harmony Forever Note Compatible with the old game saves Because of the modification of Harmony's script file, it is not compatible with other mods that have modified Har...
Celestial Dragon Guard Greatswords
Created by Orendiz
Adds an anti infantry Celestial Dragon Guard variant for Cathay Pros: bonus vs infantry, higher melee and charge. Cons: No bonus vs large, no charge reflect, no charge defense, lower melee defense, High cost. RoR version: Dragon Emperor's Chosen: Magical a...
Custom Matched Combat Animations
Created by [-ODM-] Xiphos
Hello everybody, After a lot of hard work, we are proud to finally release an early version of this project that will bring many matched combat and sync kills between a wide variety of characters and soldiers in Total War Warhammer 3. What The Mod Does -We...
Dead's Cathay Unit Pack
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction Here is a small collection of the large amount of Cathay units I have made. I decided to split it into two packs, the other being uploaded at another time, to let people decide if they want all the units or not. I am going to remove the Banner...
Custom Siege Maps for Campaigns Compilation
Created by <<FSF>>Ranger
This Mod Compilation includes all of my Custom made Siege Maps for Single and Multiplayercampaigns Subscribe to this Mod to get all my Custom Maps, so you dont have to search your Modlist up and down for all of them. This Mod is compatible with everything....
Dead's Jade Army Expansion
Created by Dead Baron
Introduction I wanted to add more basic units to the Jade army, as it felt odd bringing in peasant units mixed in with a mostly professional armored force. This provides a handful of units to expand the Jade army. Adds Jade Archers Jade Cataphracts Jade Ch...
Dead's Jade Officer (REUPLOADED and Updated for ToD and whatever the most recent hotfix was)
Created by LuminousClarity
Hello everyone! Dead Baron has given me permission to reupload and keep this hero going! So with his blessing, I thank him for giving me the opportunity to keep it alive! Now lets talk about this hero Jade Officer His design resembles a jade soldier who ma...
Dragon Breath Wind Spells
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
This little mod increases the effective range and damage of Dragons breath attacks by creating a wind spell that propagates from the point of impact in the direction of the breath attack. This gives the effect of the Dragon fire "bouncing" off the ground i...
Disable startup splash screens / intros
Created by Aexrael
Just a quick a dirty mod that overwrites the various splash screens, epilepsy warnings and the intro movie that shows before the main menu. This lets you go directly from starting the game to the main menu. Note: The Tome of Fates video cannot be played fr...
Created by Everchosen
OVERVIEW: This mod adds new unit experience rank icons. New icons have numerals and visible experience bar which fills up with each rank up. They are color coded to feel similar to vanilla ones. · Completely safe to install, update and uninstall at any mom...
Eustace's Cathay Artillery Pack
Created by Eustace
What does this mod do? This mod adds several new artillery units to Grand Cathay, recruitable by all Cathayan factions including the AI. I really like the variety of artillery the Empire has access to, so I decided to give Cathay some similar options. Unit...
GCCM: Beta [New Maps]
Created by <<FSF>>Ranger Grand Campaign Custom Maps for Total War: Warhammer 3 This Mod is adding beloved Maps from WH1 and WH2 to the Game. For all Campaigns including the ones from ChaosRobie. I will be adding more restored Maps in the next Months...
【版本更新:使用dlc素材对模型进行了全面翻新】 “赵王玄烈,乃龙裔中翘楚、双使擂鼓瓮金锤,胯下万里烟云照,有万夫不当之勇,四象不过之力” 为震旦派系添加一名近战传奇领主,开局即可在招募池招募,拥有很强的单挑能力,可以使用技能进行血条刷新及二次数值强化,阵亡后会引天雷轰击四周 感谢谷玄对我滴帮助 xuan lie Adds a melee legendary lord to the Grand Cathay faction, recruitable from the recruitment pool at ...
Great Harmony Sentinel Overhaul
Created by 小铭
You need to subscribe to MODEL PACK & Mixer Great Harmony Sentinel Asset Click here Mixer—Mixu‘s Unlocker Click here Don‘t use with this Chinese Version MOD Overview Culture New Units Number Mechanism Grand Cathay 40 Building Overhaul Dwarf 37 —— Khorne 8 ...
Created by Everchosen
OVERVIEW: UPD. This mod is no longer supported by me since it's now pretty similar to main version, switch to main version. MY OTHER MODS:
Kaedrin's Mod Manager v1.9.0
Created by Chance
I've released the v1.9.0 update for the Total War mod manager which can be downloaded here: A copy can also be found in your \steamapps\workshop\content\1142710\2963611624 folder due to subsc...
Legends of Cathay
Created by Eric Gordon Berg
Introducing SIX new legendary lords to Grand Cathay! Each come with their own short quest/missions to unlock as well as skill trees. Quests will trigger automatically after the first few turns.
Jade Blade
Created by 腿毛长身体壮
A hero for Yuan BO. Has a serious of unique animation effects. Need a like please 3.13 a new mount:Welkin Jade Sword 点个赞吧点个赞吧 3.13 黄箫有了独特坐骑:玉虚飞剑 为元伯派系添加了一个新英雄黄箫,出生既有 做了大量动作特效和技能特效 具体可以B站搜玉剑黄箫,工坊不能放链接 tips:如果发生模型冲突请排查那些给震旦添加了普通事务官并将其独立出一个槽位的MOD...
Legends of Cathay Simple Chines震旦传奇巨龙汉化
Created by 清纯少男
为Legends of Cathay震旦传奇龙做了完全的汉化,洛阳侯大佬的兵种汉化还没翻译领主的技能和技能描述,但是自己要用就怒花5小时翻译了一遍,已经完全汉化了其中的所有内容。 需要订阅原mod-Legends of Cathay,并置于它的上方,如果订阅了洛阳侯大佬或者其他大佬的汉化则把此汉化置于他们的上方覆盖 原mod为震旦提供了四位特殊的传奇领主,他们都有化龙的能力和特殊的个人线,非常不错的mod!!!! 如果喜欢请给我个赞QWQ...
Less buff and effect VFX 3
Created by Ourg
This is the sequel from my TWW2 mod :, so it does the same thing. The purpose of this mod is to lessen the number of graphical effects vfx on screen and only keep the essential. This is what...
MadRevenants Cathay Troop Expansion
Created by MadRevenant
Mod contains units for Grand Cathay: Jade Pikemen Celestial Pikemen Dragonblooded Warriors Only 3 units at the moment, more to come later. First mod, feedback is welcome I'd like to give a special thanks Ser_James, Sarvente, Snek, Orendiz, as well as other...
Magistrates - Atamans for Cathay
Created by Xoudad
Be they generals or lords of one of Grand Cathay's gargantuan cities, Lord Magistrates are some of the best administrators the Celestial Empire has to offer. While not the greatest individual combatants of their empire, they are expert military commanders,...
Map Replacer Framework (With Extra Assets)
Created by Frodo45127
What's this? This mod is a framework to make it easier for mapmakers to insert maps on campaign, and also includes some extra assets (prefabs, rigids and extra buildings) so they can be used by any map. This mod doesn't contain any maps and the only change...
Mariko Sama
Created by Ziyi
Mariko Mariko is a martial art expert Although she uses her hands and feet with dexterity, she also enjoys wielding the large nodachi sword (野太刀) (長刀) in melee combat to be able to neutralize as many enemies as possible. Mariko is not very disciplined and ...
Machine Gun Lantern
Created by Ziyi
Cathay aerial domination After years of effort, the (forced) collaboration with the chaos dwarves paid off The captive dwarf engineers were able to work effectively with the best engineers in Cathay to equip the sky lanterns with machine guns Each of these...
Ming Dynasty Militarized [Cathay Historical Reskin] - 震旦兵模历史化
Created by Sarracenian
(简体中文版) / (繁体中文版) A reskin mod for some of the units of Grand Cathay to match closer to their historical counterparts (namely the Song- and Ming Dynasty which Grand Cathay takes after), with some fantasy flair kept in. Changes include: Units Lord Magistrat...
Created by 小铭
MIAO YING RESKIN MODEL BY @潇然 If u like it , please rate...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mixu's Legendary Lords
Created by Mixu
About the Mod Some of you may remember this and this from Total War Warhammer II. Well, this mod is simply a combination of those two mods, with some new faces added. This mod adds Legendary Lords, Legendary Heroes and some new units. This mod does not tou...
Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack
Created by Mixu
This is a required asset pack for Mixu's Legendary Lords mod. You should subscribe to it if you use it, otherwise you'll get missing character models n other fun stuff....
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
More Ability and Spell Buttons
Created by sudkks
This mod increased the maximum limit for ability buttons to 18, spell buttons to 12. Not compatible: Helper UI ...
Nan Gau riders for Cathay
Created by Ziyi
This unit did not exist in the initial roster of Cathay units Features Ranged mounted unit (15 riders) Visually, more units would make the effects, particularly those of volley shots, less fun. Equipment: automatic rifle (volley of 3 shots X 2 bullets) eac...
Nat's Dragon Forge - Item Crafting For Grand Cathay
Created by Scaredy Nat
It's been a long time coming (this was the second of my crafting mods that I started working on), but it's finally here! The Dragon Forge - Item Crafting For Grand Cathay! like the other mods in my own and Mr.Soul's series o...
No Campaign Start Cutscene
Created by DrunkFlamingo
This mod removes the cutscene that plays after hitting the 'start campaign' button. That's it. This does not remove the game start cutscenes - you need a different mod for those. This is specifically the cutscene after hitting new campaign, the one with th...
OvN Lost Factions: Araby (5.2.2)
Created by Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
OvN Lost World
Created by Team OvN
OvN Lost World adds over 120 unique settlement skins, 35+ campaign scenes, and 20+ new landmarks to both Immortal Empires and Immortal Empires Expanded. If you've ever wished that Warhammer cities looked as unique as they are described to be in the lore, t...
Quick Building Upgrade
Created by Cpecific
When you have a lot of settlements, it becomes annoying to constantly hover over desired upgrade building level. As there is rarely a choice between what to upgrade, it does bring a question: why is it not in the base game? My Other Mods Skill Queue Traits...
Probably outdated (5.x Dwarf) Guns, Smoke & Spectacle
Created by BrutusCz
!!WORKS ONLY ON ULTRA VFX SETTING (on low/mid/high you get no effects)!! Don't forget to enable "Smoke Transparency Fix" mod that I listed in dependencies. "Guns, Smoke & Spectacle" Overhaul aims to bring gunpowder units to another level, initially inspire...
Roar of the Jade Sea——Warband Upgrade(more units)
Created by
Google Translate Description This is Minglong Yinyin's unit upgrade mod. In this mod, I added several low-level units from the main body mod If you want a version without adding arms, you can click here I borrowed this mod from Guns of the Empire: Vanilla ...
Roar of the Jade Sea : Yin-Yin, the Sea Dragon
Created by Poljanan
The Sea Dragon of Cathay has returned! The Eastern Provinces - NEW playable Cathay Faction *MIXER required to install this mod!!* -How they play- Outside their faction effects as well as the lord army buff from Yin-Yin ...
Rotate Lords and Heroes (v5.2)
Created by Levie
What does this do? This enables rotation of MOST Lord and Hero models while in the character details window. This is similar to what can already be done with the Daemon Prince. I thought it was weird that we have access to the model view inside of the char...
Settlement Capture Pictures
Created by Müsliriegel
Summary This mod used to change the simple red icons when choosing a settlement occupation option back to unique artworks as in Warhammer 1 & 2. With IE and the reintroduction of settlement capture art I have now mixed my images with the ones from CA and e...
Settlement Organizer
Created by d_oms
This is a simple QOL change for building arrangement in settlements. I've always wanted the ability to re-arrange buildings in a settlement after capturing or after building early-game. This script allows you to swap buildings around in a settlement (exclu...
Smoke Transparency Fix
Created by BrutusCz
I can't believe in the end I found the cause, it was simply post processing that is different to default one. What I did I replaced all with default one. I believe the issue is fixed. You wouldn't belive how long I was looking for a silution. Side-effect i...
Terracotta Automatons and Panda Riders
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Terracotta Automatons and Panda Riders for Grand Cathay. Description Terracotta Automatons are unbreakable infantry. Panda Riders are basically exactly like Kislev war bear riders, except I gave them regeneration that only activates while ...
The Funeral Director - Walnut is BACK!
Created by Poljanan
After a brief absence, the Funeral Director is back from the grave! Introduction "Welcome to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. May we interest you in a coffin?" The Funeral Director is perhaps one of the gloomiest individuals in Cathayan society, whose tasks invol...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang
Created by Poljanan Jade-Blooded Vampires - Eastern Lords of Undeath The Jade-Blooded Vampires are an exotic bloodline of vampires in the far east sired by a long-lost spawn of Neferata thousands of years after she and the rest of the origi...
Created by Everchosen
OVERVIEW: This mod improves some of the UI elements. Building turn counter is intuitive now. Demolish is red, Build & Upgrade is green. (it also affects unit recruitment) Intuitive Build Turns (standalone) Re-enabled city panel background from WH2, so it'l...
Created by Everchosen
"Ultimate Portraits" My collection of Unit Cards & 2d Portholes & Menu Cards for Legendary Lords. It features different style but superior to vanilla quality. Portraits and Unit Cards from this collection are more detailed and look more real and believable...
[cathay] repeater - 震旦转轮枪
Created by Snow
Description This mod add a novel unit called dragon guard repeater, similar to the nuln repeaters. 这个mod添加了基于努恩铁甲军动作制作的天庭龙卫连发枪版本。目前玩起来肯定比雷铳要爽。不太平衡。 战役可招募,科技线和龙弩共用。 I hope you enjoy this style and wish you a pleasant gaming experience. 希望大家玩的开心,CA都更新5.0了,开心...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 派系包(Faction leader)   介绍      本Mod可以与其他修改了震旦派系的Mod共同使用 但排序优先的Mod派系效果会覆盖下方的Mod,人物则会加入受伤状态,可以正...
[DEER24/震旦] 昊天将军RESKIN Ver1(Celestial general reskin Ver1)
昊天将军美化      我为昊天将军制作了一种新的造型,以为大家提供更多的选择,你可以通过点击上方的震旦合集来查看我制作的其他震旦MOD一起使用,体验更丰富的震旦内容      I have created a new shape for Celestial general to provide more choices for everyone,You can click on the Cathay collection above to view other Sinian MODs I have cre...
[DEER24/震旦] 美化合集 (Cathay Reskin Collection)
龙与凡躯同行 震旦美化合集 Independent version in the link 如果你不想使用与龙同行 请使用独立版本美化: Intro      震旦帝国一直是中国玩家梦寐以求的派系,对我而言也一样,我很高兴看到CA和GW共设计出了如此富有魅力的奇幻东方国度,本美化包提供了一种不同于原版设计的震旦单位样式,以为大家提供更多的视觉体验选择      本mod收录了所有...
龙卫美化      我为龙卫制作了一种新的造型,以为大家提供更多的选择,你可以通过点击上方的震旦合集来查看我制作的其他震旦MOD一起使用,体验更丰富的震旦内容      I have created a new shape for CELESTIAL GUARDto provide more choices for everyone,You can click on the Cathay collection above to view other Sinian MODs I have created an...
Unique Faction UI
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
[Durandal] Cth Ledengary Lords Pack 幽兰的震旦传奇领主补充包
目前已知重大bug:自定义战斗、战役流程中(通过鼠标右键)跳转法术浏览器会卡死。 特别鸣谢:小铭 感谢铭神对本mod提供的技术支持(指凌晨被折磨起来排查bug)。 为震旦天朝新增7位架空的传奇领主,拥有完整的技能树,信息如下: 【卫北列省】传奇领主招募池 (1)『岳镇渊渟』李雨帆——震旦战将,因误触维里奇的陷阱遭到混沌侵蚀,而在坚定意志的驱动下,继续率军在长垣外屠杀他所见到的一切混沌生物。 (2)『慧业才人』穆昊男——一位天资卓越的阴系术者,早在少年时期他便以震旦使团的身份出访奥苏安,并在此与阿苏尔一族结下...
[GLF] Hero Expansion金花英雄拓展
Created by 金花
这个MOD增加了新的传奇英雄 这些传奇英雄都有独特的技能与技能书,还有专属神器 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 推荐跟下面这个原版数据大修一起使用 传奇领主与英雄获取方式: 补丁: English Pat...
[GLF] Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Created by 金花
添加内容: 这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多兵种 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 推荐跟下面这个原版数据大修一起使用 新增兵种加成: 补丁: English Patch: https://steamcomm...
[zerooz] 震旦兵种 Cathay Units
Created by zerooz
这是我的震旦兵种mod。 添加了大量的震旦兵种。 This is my Cathay Units Pack, I add 20 new units for Cathay. Ai can hire all the units. If you play in English Version you need add my English translation mod./ 中文玩家不需要订阅英文补丁包 Here is my other mods/我的其他mod Cathay units mod/震旦兵种mod ...