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Items (98)
『龙战于野』震旦兵种包(Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field)
Created by 云出无梦
由于战锤3加入的震旦开始尝试战锤全面战争,这个兵种包的发布也算是完成了一个心愿,这也是我继『玉庭剑』青莲MOD之后做的第二个MOD,之后会打算陆续更新更多的单位,传奇领主,传奇事务官争取将来能做成派系包,希望这个MOD能为大家带来有趣的游戏体验。 这里以及右侧的Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field-English patch是英文补丁包,中文玩家不需要订阅-This is the English patch. English-useing player...
【Deer24高等精灵单位包】荣光国度( HEF UNITS PATCH Glorious Nation)
必要MOD列表的MOD只是一些submod,包括无限制补丁及MOD的英文翻译,并非必要MOD,大家按自己的需求订阅即可 这次为大家带来的是高等精灵的兵种包,目前包含7个单位,放在了高等精灵各个主城的地标建筑招募,大家可以自行探索 The MODs in the list of necessary MODs are only some submids, including unlimited patches and English translations of MODs, not necessary MOD...
【Deer24帝国单位包】帝国传奇 ( Units patch:Empire Romance)
如果喜欢我的MOD,请给我点一个赞,让更多人能看到我的MOD吧 If you like my MOD, please give me a “like” so that more people can see my MOD 非常抱歉,由于我加速器的问题,我无法在评论区进行回复,但大家反馈的问题我都会看的,非常感谢大家的支持! 在二代中,我制作了一款名为帝国传奇的MOD,为帝国制作了许多富有传奇色彩的单位,但在三代中,这些设计显得有些过时了,因此,我延续了二代MOD的制作理念,冠以相同的名字,重新为帝国制作了一...
Created by 策得胜
只是为了爽玩,骑兵部队人数都大幅提高至120人以上,怕影响平衡性的玩家请慎用 建议配合【龙战于野】兵种包招募容量无限制补丁(Unlimited Recruitment Patch)一起使用 本人数MOD基于招募无限制补丁制作,如果单独使用本MOD,可能出现游戏跳出。...
【龙战于野】兵种包招募容量无限制补丁(Unlimited Recruitment Patch)
Created by 云出无梦
【龙战于野】兵种包的招募容量无限制补丁,需要搭配原版MOD使用,使用时请将本MOD置于原版MOD的上方加载。 ======================================================================================== The unlimited recruitment capacity patch for the Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field mod requires the...
【Deer24】与龙同行五级城招募精锐单位(recruitment units at the Tier 5 settlements)
现在所有震旦的五级城都可以招募镇兽和禁军单位了,不过小心,这意味着震旦AI可能会拉着满编的超精锐部队来找你 This mod allows recruitment of all high tier units at the Tier 5 settlements of tne Cathay Empire i think this will help some people too Also I think moving the units to my text is not right maybe we sh...
【Deer24 基斯里夫兵种包】厄孙之牙 (Deer24 Kislve Units Patc Ursuns Tooth)
计划制作基斯里夫的兵种包 为基斯里夫添加很多没有背景依据但符合派系文化特色的部队 持续更新中 兵表更新: 基斯利夫满级城:咆哮之牙 红沙皇冠军 普拉格满级城:普拉格使徒 普拉格惩戒军 厄伦格勒满级城:厄伦格勒近卫军 达兹太阳雨(地狱风暴火箭炮) Intro This is my Kislev Unit Module - Ursuns Tooth. It contains 6 new unique units which include 3 new melee infantry, 1 missile infa...
为玩家部队添加:近战反伤和法术强度 冲锋抗性(反伤刺甲)技能
只对玩家部队有效 法术强度+50% 冲锋抗性+50% 近战反伤+20(数) 近战反伤我在百度上查到的解释是这样:这20是指反伤数值的上限 假如有一个老农捅了你一下造成6点伤害,那反伤就会返给攻击你的老农6点伤害 再假如老农捅你一下造成30点伤害,那反伤就会返还攻击你的老农20点伤害 就是这样 下一个要做的技能是核弹,类似蒙斯克的核弹天劫。...
国是无需石头Matters of State (No need stones)【震旦】
Created by 000
这个mod移除了国是需要的石头,就是说可以任意的使用国是 ps:游戏内看到的“1”其实是+1,因为如果改为0将使机制消失 纯粹强化类mod 如果喜欢能给我点个赞吗 This mod removes the stones required by the Matters of State, which means that the country can be used arbitrarily Ps: The "1" seen in the game is actually+1, because changin...
国是 统御府吏 buff全都要 Matters of State Command the Lesser Courts buff all 【震旦】
Created by 000
将国是里的统御府吏的4个buff合并,现在你无论选择哪个都是原本4个buff之合。 这应该是个非常超模的mod 如果喜欢能给我点个赞吗 Merge the four buffs of the Command the Lesser Courts in Matters of State, and now whichever you choose is the original combination of the four buffs. This should be a imba mod Can you giv...
为玩家所有角色添加:超级大地之血 技能
技能参考:大地之血,复苏狂涛,尼科之咒。 你这样哪行啊,你得支棱起来。对不对,大老爷们要死要活的。O.o 技能效果: 每秒回0.8%的血量和1%的体力,0.2%的魔屏,0.15的魔法储备 恢复50%弹药 特殊保护50% 近战防御加30 无人数限制 可复活兵模 持续40秒 范围 55 建议配合解除回血上限mod使用...
宁和最高收益 harmony Highest return【震旦】【cathay】
Created by 000
大概就是更好的宁和 the better harmony 是新版的省份宁和 将阴阳的的收益改到宁和上,现在宁和时将有最高收益, 都凑了这么久宁和了,不得继续凑宁和? 如果喜欢能给我点个赞吗 (machine translation) Change the income of Yin and Yang to Harmony, and now Harmony will have the highest income. It has been a long time since Harmony, can't we...
Created by
给震旦的三龙添加了完美的龙息,都有相应的动作配合,以及特效,出现的位置也正确看起来不违和,可以在地上使用,伤害适中。 使用说明:本mod修改了动作,和一切修改震旦三龙的mod会互相覆盖,请将它置于其他修改三龙mod的顶上 SFO版:
Created by 泡泡茶壶
Make Cathay Dragons' breath just like "Dragon Breath Wind Spells"...
玩家力量 ver2.0
针对玩家的一些战役buff,单位具备四种抗性的简单增强。不会变态到无味,但也足以让你的骷髅架子跟神选硬碰硬。 以下是部分已增加的buff(会有变化): 军队维护费-90% 护甲强度+75 近战防御+25 各个系的魔法消耗降低,魔法之风储量提高 领导力+300 弹药容量大幅增加 物理抵抗30% 火焰魔法抵抗45% 远程抗性65% 公共秩序buff+12 联机可用,自用mod,不承诺定期更新和修改。 Military maintenance fee - 90% Armor strength+75 Melee D...
玩家加强player cheat
Created by 斯卡雷峰
给玩家加了重生、永不战败、体力充沛、补员速度增加200% Add " regeneration", "unbreakable", "perfect vigour" to the player's army, and Replacement speed increased by 200% 已经更新了!...
Created by 饼猫鼬
部队维持费用-50% 视野范围+240% 战役移动距离+25% 物品掉落+50% 领主事务官新募等级+6 领主事务官经验获取+200% 远程填装速度+25% 远程弹药+500% 射程+30% 为玩家部队添加了永不战败 先锋部署 恐怖重生等buff 没有加攻防特保(但是手动小无敌) 部队经验获取+350% 补员速率+25% 全局招募时间为1 建筑成本-60% 建造时间-100% 城镇发展+300 游牧发展+10 科技研究速率+1000% 基本只对玩家生效 还有很多就不写出来了...
玩家增强(轻微加强)Player Cheat
本地招募和全局招募容量+5 1回合招募 军队战略地图移动距离+50% 魔法之风消耗-50%,魔法冷却速率-25% (加上技能本身的减免,有些魔法甚至可以无消耗施法) 除去共享符文冷却,符文冷却速率-25% 弹药容量+100%(暴力加强啊,哈哈哈) 射程范围+25% 所有单位战斗移动速度+30%(像风一样快,速度太快的话模组阵型会特别散乱,所以只加了这么多) 施法范围提升了1000%(在施法的时候看似超出施法范围,但实际上是可以释放法术的) 全军获得体力充沛 公共秩序+25 增强0.25自动分 发展+100 ...
Created by 1748945803
1.赋予所有部队一个技能-祖国的赐福,效果: 部队护甲+15 领导力+25 移动速度+20% 近战攻击+10% 近战防御+10% 破甲近战杀伤+20% (注意如果单位先天没有破甲能力,那么此项加成就没有意义) 破甲远程杀伤+20% 同上 基础远程杀伤 +10% 射程+20% 填装速率+20% 冲锋加成+10% 杀伤抗性+10% 物理抗性+10% 远程抗性+10% 失误概率-100% 2.赋予所有部队一个技能-母亲的呵护,效果: 体力充沛、林地居民、地形适性、破墙者、补充弹药(每秒2%)、回复生命(每秒0.1...
Created by Mr.Lucky Pants
玩家部队(招募,现有)变为9级 建筑时间减少50% 招募时间-2 全产值+25% 仅玩家有效,旧存档也可以使用...
本mod为玩家派系军队维持-50% 我的其他mod: 更多技能点 玩家派系维持费-25% 衛藤家のみさ先輩的创意工坊(三国:全面战争)...
Created by 肉蛋葱饥
近战攻击+10 领导力+10 近战防御+10 部队护甲+10 移动速度+10% 冲锋加成+10% 生命值+10% 武器威力+10% 弹药容量+10% 战略地图移动距离+10% 远程攻击+10% 射程+10% 招募容量+10 研究速度+100% 建筑时间1回合 人口增长+500...
近战攻击+10 领导力+25 近战防御+10 部队护甲+10 移动速度+10% 冲锋加成+10% 生命值+10% 武器威力+10% 弹药容量+50% 战略地图移动距离+10% 远程攻击+10% 射程+20% 招募容量+20 研究速度+500% 一回合建筑 一回合招募 人口增长+500 10倍产值 领主新募等级 30 英雄新募等级 30 魔屏回复速率加 100% 为部队添加魔屏1200...
为玩家所有部队添加 20% 的远程格挡(就是护甲旁边的小盾牌) ...
玩家buff (小幅改动版)
护甲10 (数) 注释:这里的数是指加10点的护甲,不是10% 士气8(数) 注释:这里的数是指加8点的士气,不是8% (1卡) 近战命中5(数) 注释:这里的数是指加5点的命中,不是5% 近战防御5(数) 注释:这里的数是指加5点的防御,不是5% 近战破甲杀伤5(数) 注释:这里的数是指加5点的破甲杀伤,不是5% 冲锋加成10(数) 注释:这里的数是指加10点的冲锋,不是10% 远程抗性10% 弹药容量 50% 远程射程 50% 射击间隔降低 10% 魔法之风耗费 -3 (数) 注释:这里的数是指减3点的...
玩家buff :魔屏
为玩家所有部队添加 1000 点魔屏 魔屏回复率 +50%...
瘟疫减弱90%(Plague weakened by 90%)
Created by 一战无痕
*新增plague_parameters_tables字段的修改,直接降低瘟疫持续时间* 瘟疫持续时间-90%,瘟疫传播概率-90% *和【瘟疫增强】MOD冲突,只能存在一个 *仅玩家有效 *Added the modification of the field of plague_parameters_tables, which directly reduces the duration of the plague* Plague Duration -90%, Plague Spreading Proba...
Created by 南霞
妙影获得神剑御雷真诀被动,素材来自 幽银之火 制作的 阴阳罗盘 mod,现在妙影清小兵更有效率也更有视觉效果了。 昭明获得科马克燃烧战斧被动,获得火伤,基础武器杀伤和近战攻击加成,伤害更高了。 元伯获得肉体蛮力被动,一边打可以一边回血,单挑更强了。 ...
Created by BUNDES
Created by zja
让震旦和基斯里夫能建其他种族的地标 当然能建是能建,建出来作用大不大就是另一码事了 比方说用震旦在火口建食人魔地标,就只有那几条加成,不能招募火胃 加了点东西,现在应该能建造几乎所有的地标了,不过不排除有个别漏掉的可能,发现还缺哪个就在评论区说一下吧 需要特殊资源的,例如基斯里夫的地标需要虔信,虽然建筑列表有显示但实际上如果玩震旦的话因为根本没有虔信资源所以建不出来,为避免和其他改建筑的mod冲突这里就不对这一点作改动了 去除基斯里夫地标虔信需求
Created by 沙条爱歌
震旦国是系统提供的城寨,市肆等效果常驻话,削弱了加成但是可以进行叠叠乐。 The effect of the castle, shop permanent words, weakened the addition but can be stacked music...
震旦基础建筑拓展/GYT's cathay building expansion
Created by 代号gyt-B站
将震旦基础建筑(发展、收入、秩序)拓展至5级,并调整了一部分原版属性 English translations: 一、对原版建筑的修改: 1.原版阳系秩序建筑相比阴系几乎没用,于是添加【当地招募容量+1】效果,并且可以减少腐蚀 2.原版阳系发展建筑相比阴系长期收益太低,于是从3级开始:当秩序>50时,建造时间-1回合,大幅提高短期收益能力。另添加3-6-9-12-15%的当地移动...
Created by DdMeow
震旦天朝综合性调整MOD,建议搭配以下一个或几个MOD使用 -AI事务官罢工 -禁用AI事务官长生久视 -巧匠行会 ...
震旦建筑扩展/more cathay building
Created by Regulus桃子
为震旦添加了一条新的基础建筑线,强烈建议配合gyt的震旦基础建筑扩展使用。 另添加一条高级建筑线与长垣建筑线,并增加大量震旦地标 因为是第一次制作mod,如果有bug请在评论区留言,我会尽快去修 如果想要翻译成其他语言来要授权,请不要客气,授权一直是OK的 需要MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker作为前置 此mod只适配超凡帝国与超凡帝国扩展版,不要在混沌魔域使用 游玩非震旦派系时不要使用此mod 新增建筑 在基础建筑中添加了一条『后勤』序列,分别可以升到5级,阳序列注重城防与练兵,后期可以提升玉...
Created by Merkatorque
CA抠抠搜搜,既想给龙形态人形态两重定位让玩家能合理使用变龙技能,又不给龙形态合理的数据,导致龙形态几乎没人使用。 既然如此,我准备在不改变CA对龙子两种形态的基本定位——即人形态法师/龙形态巨兽——的前提下,大幅加强龙形态的面板,让玩家在魔法之风已经枯竭的情况下依旧能让神龙发挥出顶级巨兽的战力,让两种形态都能充分发挥作用。 具体修改如下: 1.大幅提高震旦神龙的龙形态近战攻防,使他们的龙形态达到顶级飞行巨兽领主水平; 2.给龙形态增加15点反大加成,让他们成为真正的“巨兽杀手”; 3.给龙形态单独增加20...
Created by 北门吹雪
冰冻吊坠:+20特殊保护,+冰雪系被动,+颤栗光环(范围减速),绑定风爆术。 狮鹫军团骑枪:20个人冲锋加成,部队骑兵+25%冲锋加成,部队骑兵+12%武器威力,+100破甲杀伤。 光明魔乘镜头:当地-100火抗,绑定火球术,本队霜火攻击,火焰攻击,+技能防护光环。 扎尔雕像:混沌腐蚀+0,+100破甲杀伤,-25技能冷却速率,哈苏特系被动。 冯卡斯坦因之剑:吸血鬼腐蚀+0,+20近战攻击,+250破甲杀伤,+10特殊保护,+狂暴,+重生,+饥渴,+攻击造成灵魂榨取效果,魔法攻击。 珠宝匕首:+复生 +25...
Created by Atcher♛
Mod说明:本mod是我在锤2创意工坊发布的8技能点改过来的. mod效果: 每升一级+3技能点 4个额外转储效果 4个技能满级20,力量敏捷智慧这3个技能10级后会额外增加一个被动技能 力量专精:10级后增加再生之种技能 敏捷专精:10级后增加无尽齐射技能 智慧专精:10级后增加强化奥术导体技能...
Created by Doggie No.201
【声明 Acknowledgement】 这是我时隔两年更新的mod。在此,我要特别感谢KunagisaTomo大佬:,在2023年更新了我的mod。这次也是看了大佬写的mod,我才知道新版本中怎么给领主添加技能的。愿神皇保佑您。 本Mod赋予升到50级的传奇领主三个强力的新技能,让传奇领主在对抗天灾的时候能够发挥出更强大的作用,并给你把领主肝到50级的动力。 【升格者】-为传奇...
Created by Blackoutsider
新增三种战争机器 落日龙舰 “雪雹”火箭炮 “追风”重型榴弹炮 俑士禁卫序列招募 内置三种科技:自研蒸汽机 魔能复合装甲板 弹药学与火药技术 五回合研究 新增五本单位空母“羲和” 感谢震旦天下无敌作者沙雕太守提供昭武巡天舰模型授权 五本城或者五本天舟序列增加1容量 可以单独使用 Can be used alone...
Artists' Guild - CHS
Created by endofanty
Introduction Add a forge for all factions that vanilla game exist, to get all transferrable items that vanilla game allows. It is a way to get vanilla items, instead of I made these itmes. The "I,II,III" prefix indicates which game the item came from, the ...
Artists' Guild - More Ancillaries Submod
Created by endofanty
Introduction Add 70 new items for all factions. Some text or effect originate from TW:3K, OPUS:Echo of Starsong, Genshin impact, Honkai impact 3rd. etc. Given that gi is becoming increasingly disgusting, there's no reason to continue the update, we will on...
All Female Legendary Lords Can Be Recruited By All Factions
Created by Wyccc
Description MiaoYing Repanse Katarin Fay-enchantress Alarielle Hellebron Valkia Morathi Isabella Sisters-of-twilight Khalida Aranessa Elspeth Can be recruited by all factions Incompatible with tombking. you can rename them after recruitment Add additional ...
Balance of Power Measurement Lines
Created by TheBladeRoden
Adds lines to the BoP so you can easily see if you are at an even 50/50, or 25% to 75%, or even 33% to 66%....
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
buff armies AI ONLY 增强电脑军队,仅电脑生效
About 10% buff to all AI forces, not effecting players. For those who want to increase difficulty. Only applicable when your game difficulty level is Extremely Hard of Legendary 给电脑军队大概10%的增益效果。仅在 极难和传奇难度生效。 exact numbers: 1. Armour +10 护甲+10 2. Morale +6 ...
Building Economy GDP Bonus 120% 建筑收入加120%
Created by shixuelinli
建筑收入 +120%,仅玩家有效 兼容:The Old World重返旧世界 未知:SFO等其他大型mod Building Economy GDP +120% ,player only Compatible: The Old World Unknown: Other Large Mods other mods: Building Economy GDP Bonus 50% 建筑收入加50% → Building Economy GDP Bonus 50% 建筑收入加50%...
Cathay Better Statute 震旦更好的法令
Created by shixuelinli
震旦更好的法令 飙龙敕令 1、战略地图移动距离:于本地区开始回合的敌方军队 -10% 2、战略地图移动距离:于当地开始回合的己方军队 +10% 3、行省腐蚀-5 4、掌控力(公共秩序) +5 5、行省内军队:近战防御 +5 6、行省内军队:近战攻击 +10% 7、行省内军队:领导力(士气) +10% 8、行省内军队:护甲强度 +10% 9、行省内军队:远程格挡概率+10% 10、行省内军队:装弹速度+10% 11、行省内军队:远程破甲+10% 12、行省内军队:远程威力+10% 13、行省内军队:弹药量+1...
Cathay's Legendary Lord Dragon Form Can Use Magic 震旦传奇领主龙形态可使用魔法
Created by shixuelinli
妙影、昭明、元伯的龙形态可以使用魔法。 兼容:The Old World重返旧世界 未知:SFO等其他大型mod The dragon forms of MiaoYing, ZhaoMing, and YuanBo can use magic. Compatible: The Old World Unknown: Other Large Mods...
Climate Adaptation - Faster Version
Created by Alex Zhao
This is a faster adaption version of this Climate Adaptation mod. Please don't use both mods at the same time. This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely re...
Created by Excaliber
mod名:震旦加强_v.2 适用游戏版本:v4.1 内容: 1.长垣建筑修改:驻军最高可减免100%维护费,增加了驻军(这下长垣还能丢?) 2.震旦境内的地标建筑效果加强 3.大使馆增加与其他派系的关系度 -------------------------------------------------------------------- mod name:Cth_StrengthenCth_v.2 Applicable game version :v4.1 Content: 1. Changyuan b...
Custom Challenge (Mod for MCT/AI diff')
Created by Mr.Soul
*This mod is immortal/in a finished state. Pending an extremely specific/major update to the game, or a daring hero with a magic sword; it should work regardless of last time it was updated. Updated for MCT 0.9 beta, backwards compatible with legacy MCT. N...
Custom Matched Combat Animations
Created by [-ODM-] Xiphos
Hello everybody, After a lot of hard work, we are proud to finally release an early version of this project that will bring many matched combat and sync kills between a wide variety of characters and soldiers in Total War Warhammer 3. What The Mod Does -We...
Disable Tunnelling through Forts&Gates 禁止地道穿越要塞和长垣
Created by < blank >
CA fixed the tunnelling excluded regions outside the bastion in the recent update, so this mod now only add some tunnelling excluded regions inside the empire forts. CA在最近的更新中修复了长垣外的禁止地道穿越的地区,所以这个mod现在只是给帝国要塞增加了一些禁止地道穿越的地区。...
Custom Siege Maps for Campaigns Compilation
Created by <<FSF>>Ranger
This Mod Compilation includes all of my Custom made Siege Maps for Single and Multiplayercampaigns Subscribe to this Mod to get all my Custom Maps, so you dont have to search your Modlist up and down for all of them. This Mod is compatible with everything....
Dragon Breath Wind Spells
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
This little mod increases the effective range and damage of Dragons breath attacks by creating a wind spell that propagates from the point of impact in the direction of the breath attack. This gives the effect of the Dragon fire "bouncing" off the ground i...
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Created by VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
Elspeth reskin by Mixu
Created by Mixu
Replaces Elspeth's head with the one that I made for her a long time ago. This mod won't need updating ever and I will probably never look at this mod page again....
Equip Background Deepen 装备背景颜色加深
Created by shixuelinli
Equip Background Deepen 装备背景颜色加深...
Enhanced Experience Icons
Created by Müsliriegel
Summary I like the vanilla Exp. Icons but was told that people with colour blindness have trouble telling them apart. Simply changes the Exp. Icons for lvl 4-9 to something slightly different to assist in differentiating them. This mod is integrated in SFO...
GCCM: Beta [New Maps]
Created by <<FSF>>Ranger Grand Campaign Custom Maps for Total War: Warhammer 3 This Mod is adding beloved Maps from WH1 and WH2 to the Game. For all Campaigns including the ones from ChaosRobie. I will be adding more restored Maps in the next Months...
increase autoresolve point(0.4)增强玩家自动分(0.4)(永远有效 always valid).pack
Created by wodwd
Stupid ca makes player's autoresolve point terrible,So I used this mod to fix it 愚蠢的ca让玩家自动分变得很糟糕,所以我用这个mod来修复它 You can use this mod directly in the middle of the campaign 你可以在战役的中途直接使用这个mod SFO changed it to 0.25,only my mod takes effect when used togethe...
Increased Firing Arc
Created by Whitehelm
Remind your soldiers they have peripheral vision. Increases the firing arc of all ranged units to 140 degrees, any units with a firing arc greater than 140 are unchanged. Also check out my character skill tree tool SFO? D...
Just Good Babysitter
Created by Deo
5.2 compatible Have you ever felt yourself more a baby tender than a commander because your units stop doing what they were doing and go smoking every 5 seconds for CA knows what reason? If yes - this mod is for you. It helps your units with one simple thi...
Lazy's Katarin the Ice Queen (5.2)
Created by LazyIcarus
Reskin for Tzarina Katarin with some hints of Tzeentch corruption. Only works in campaign. Features animated icicle crown on all mounts / foot (submod to remove crown: unit cards and portho...
Less AI Cheating (campaign)
Created by Volcano
Are you tired of the insane amount of cheating that the AI does at the campaign level in the Realm of Chaos Campaign? Would you like the Iron Man type saves from Legendary, but without all the excessive and ridiculous cheating that goes along with it? Do y...
Less Annoying AI Agents
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod let AI more likely to deploy agents in their own region instead of the enemy faction's region. Should be compatible with everything....
Longer Battles Mod
Created by Volcano
This mod is intended to lengthen battles so that the large battles are not a frantic click-frenzy. This mod makes changes similar to my Longer Battle Mod created for Troy, Three Kingdoms, Rome 2, Attila and Shogun 2. It is save game compatible and also wor...
Lord And Agent EXP Bonus 100% 领主和事务官经验加成100%
Created by shixuelinli
领主和事务官经验 +100%,仅玩家有效 兼容:The Old World重返旧世界 未知:SFO等其他大型mod Lord And Agent EXP +100%,player only Compatible: The Old World Unknown: Other Large Mods...
Map Replacer Framework (With Extra Assets)
Created by Frodo45127
What's this? This mod is a framework to make it easier for mapmakers to insert maps on campaign, and also includes some extra assets (prefabs, rigids and extra buildings) so they can be used by any map. This mod doesn't contain any maps and the only change...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
MoreStrongerPatch 强化补丁
Created by losrt
Subscribe with the original mod : forAI: recruitment_duration -2 global_recruitment_duration -4 growth +300 GDP +300%~500% Character EXP +400% newly recruited generals lv5 需要和原mod一起订阅:https://...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 (Updated for 5.2)
Created by stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
No Confederation Penalty
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penalty. Should be compatible with everything, but might be override by mods that edit confederation penalties....
Realistic Accuracy Mod
Created by Volcano
Do you feel like missile units in Warhammer are way too overpowered? Or do you like to use other mods that lengthen the melee battle duration but feel like this causes missile units to be out of balance? If so, then this mod is for you. Originally intended...
Reasonable Cathay Enhance
Created by 腿毛长身体壮
1.妙影领主效果加强,加了12补员 2.三龙龙形态加强,攻防武器威力移速护甲小幅上升,获得15反大和15物抗。元伯龙形态可使用刽子手技能 3.战鼓BUFF加强,全方面的小幅强化防御和攻击 4.三龙神器加强,在原有属性上增强到合理数值 5.玉狮吐息有少量破甲,玉狮和墨狮提高血量 6.昊天将军骑狮子能力提升,狮子与月鸟提高血量 7.震旦建筑与戒律略微加强 8.巨龙马获得反步和少量破甲,精英巨龙马获得反大 以上加强都在合理区间,旨在加强游戏体验而非强无敌...
No Lazy Trait 不再获得懒惰特性
Created by < blank >
This mod prevents your lord from getting lazy trait. In original game, the lord will gain lazy trait if he stays in a region with public order over 90 for more than 20 turns. I change the judging criteria that now the lazy trait record can only start count...
No Diplomatic Penalty for "Too Many Trade Partners"
Created by DrDCB
By default, the game allows you only 3 trade agreements (plus an additional 0.2 per owned region) before you start incurring a penalty with the negotiating partner (-3 per additional trade agreement over the limit). This is pretty limiting to Kislev and Ca...
Created by SB-129-2515
This is a simple mod which disables the supply line upkeep penalty. Current Supported Version 4.2.1
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Created by sm0kin
WH2's Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.2.0 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the p...
Speedy Turn Camera
Created by Skywalker
Mod that just speeds up the camera move between your turns. Save Compatible Other mods Compatible This is a direct port from WH2 mod "Faster end turn Camera" to WH3 It modifies a database default entry the game has, nothing more. This mod doesn't need to b...
Stronger Veterans 更强的老兵
Created by shixuelinli
等级提升带来的加成更高一些,但仍在合理的范围 兼容:The Old World重返旧世界 未知:SFO等其他大型mod The ability bonus from leveling up is higher, but still within a reasonable range Compatible: The Old World Unknown: Other Large Mods...
Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI
Created by losrt
!!!Notice!!! If using this mod in competitions, Very hard and Legendary campaign difficulty are suitable for players who have added player buffs or need extreme challenges It is recommended to use NORMAL difficulty for the first game. The AI strength of No...
Unique Faction Currencies
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the icons of several factions from the generic treasury/income icons to something more unique. I tried to stick as close to the lore as possible. Additionally the reward chest ...
Unique Faction UI
Created by Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
Westluo的欢愉公主 美飚龙”妙影”独立美化包
Created by SS-N-19 Shipwreck
本mod是单独的MiaoYing模型美化mod。原模型来自GHS-万世天朝mod。 我对其进行了修改并使用在Westluo's Slaanesh MiaoYing-BETA mod中。 响应玩家需求,在此提供独立的模型美化mod。 响应玩家需求,将二次元兵牌独立打包,链接如下。
Waka's Campaign Land Battles (WCLB) Map Pack
Created by WakaWaka3000
WELCOME! Welcome! This mod is a map pack that I made for use in campaign. If you are looking for multiplayer maps for use in tournaments, please download the Total Tavern map pack instead. COMPATIBILITY This mod does not replace any CA-created maps, it onl...
Created by 泡泡茶壶
简介 盾牌图标美化 战锤3的盾牌图标不好看而且难以分辨,尤其是铜盾和金盾,本mod将盾牌图标变为战锤2的样式 兼容天下所有mod,不需要更新...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行拓展:为元伯招募池添加11位传奇领主
本MOD为“与龙同行”的拓展MOD,需搭配“与龙同行”一起使用  为元伯的招募池内添加了“与龙同行”新增的11位传奇领主,防止玩家合邦AI后,因AI未招募而导致丢失传奇领主  需要将此MOD置于“与龙同行”本体上方 不可与”与龙同行派系包“共同使用 为昭明招募池添加11位传奇领主↓ 为妙影招募池添加11位传奇领主↓
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行拓展:为妙影招募池添加11位传奇领主
本MOD为“与龙同行”的拓展MOD,需搭配“与龙同行”一起使用  为妙影的招募池内添加了“与龙同行”新增的11位传奇领主,防止玩家合邦AI后,因AI未招募而导致丢失传奇领主  需要将此MOD置于“与龙同行”本体上方 不可与”与龙同行派系包“共同使用 为昭明招募池添加11位传奇领主↓ 为元伯招募池添加11位传奇领主↓
[DEER24/巴托尼亚]骑士王国( BRETONNIA UNITS PATCH Knight Kingdom)
骑士王国 巴托尼亚单位合集 Intro      巴托尼亚,骑士的国度,这个伟大的派系把我的思绪带回了遥远的中世纪,CA为巴托尼亚制作了丰富而优秀的兵种,但为了得到更丰富、更有中世纪国度风味的游戏体验,我制作了本Mod,基于中世纪风格的大量新增步兵单位以及几个原创新骑士团的精锐部队,配合上原版无比强悍的巴托骑士,我想你一定能感受到来自中世纪的召唤      Bretonnia, the kingdom of knights, this great faction has brought my thought...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行拓展:为昭明招募池添加11位传奇领主
本MOD为“与龙同行”的拓展MOD,需搭配“与龙同行”一起使用  为昭明的招募池内添加了“与龙同行”新增的11位传奇领主,防止玩家合邦AI后,因AI未招募而导致丢失传奇领主  需要将此MOD置于“与龙同行”本体上方 不可与”与龙同行派系包“共同使用 为元伯招募池添加11位传奇领主↓ 为妙影招募池添加11位传奇领主↓
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行sub:去除单位招募数量限制V1(NO limite for units quota)
取消了与龙同行中所有新填单位的招募数量限制,但并未修改精英招募池的单位缓存数量,这意味着当你招募完精英招募池中现存的单位后,你需要等待他们随着回合变化而缓慢恢复新的招募次数 需要注意,尽管本mod并没有强到变态的程度,但仍然会破坏我游戏的平衡性,因此我并不建议你在首次战役中就使用 当然,如果你想体验横扫千军的快感 用就对了 如果你想使用取消精英单位的容量限制 请选择右侧的V2版本 记得把本mod排在原mod上方哦 ...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行sub:去除单位招募数量限制V2(NO limite for units quota)
取消了与龙同行中所有新填单位的招募数量限制,并将精英招募池的单位缓存数量提升至99/99,恢复速度也为99,这意味着你可以每个回合瞬间拉出近千个兵牌的单位,非常恐怖,非常无敌 需要注意,使用本SUBMOD将严重影响与龙同行的战役平衡性,请酌情使用 记得把本mod排在原mod上方哦...
[DEER24/震旦] 美化合集 (Cathay Reskin Collection)
龙与凡躯同行 震旦美化合集 Independent version in the link 如果你不想使用与龙同行 请使用独立版本美化: Intro      震旦帝国一直是中国玩家梦寐以求的派系,对我而言也一样,我很高兴看到CA和GW共设计出了如此富有魅力的奇幻东方国度,本美化包提供了一种不同于原版设计的震旦单位样式,以为大家提供更多的视觉体验选择      本mod收录了所有...
[zerooz] 震旦兵种 Cathay Units
Created by zerooz
这是我的震旦兵种mod。 添加了大量的震旦兵种。 This is my Cathay Units Pack, I add 20 new units for Cathay. Ai can hire all the units. If you play in English Version you need add my English translation mod./ 中文玩家不需要订阅英文补丁包 Here is my other mods/我的其他mod Cathay units mod/震旦兵种mod ...
[Zerooz] 帝国兵种 Empire Units
Created by zerooz
If you play in English Version you need add my English translation mod./ 中文玩家不需要订阅英文补丁包 Here is my other mods/我的其他mod Cathay units mod/震旦兵种mod High elf units mod/高等精灵mod https://steamcommuni...