Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (109)
Created by Hungry Fool
~~~欢迎大家订阅~~~ 有问题可以加QQ群反馈:1037588016 支持最新版本,旧版本不再适用 需要全部的主要dlc,缺少dlc可能导致崩溃报错 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 这个汉化补充mod内容比较全面,比工坊其他补充mod多出很多东西,如随机人名等都有汉化到。 现在支持最新绝不...
俘获战败国将领Captured Enemy's Commander
Created by 杨白给
已修复弹窗,改成决议设定 俘获战败国将领MOD玩法: 很简单的玩法,如果你将一个敌国击败(触发XX停止抵抗事件),或者是在和平会议中将他吞并、傀儡,都可以使该战败国的将领全部转移到你的国家中! 同样这是一个兼容性很好的MOD,几乎和所有MOD兼容! Capture the defeated country's general's Mod play method: It's a very simple way to play. If you defeat an enemy country (trigger X...
Created by Sinni
更多的军官团精神,像kr这种未大改军官团的基本都兼容 b站留言https://space.bilibili.com/35396643...
Created by 纯碱不是碱
A support company expansion mod. Only Chinese version Updated for 1.10.x 已更新至1.10版本 本mod是基于国外几个作者制作的支援连扩展mod整合改进而成,增加了许多曾二战历史上大放异彩的支援部队例如狙击连和喷火器支援连等。由于原作者弃坑并未更新至1.10导致无法正常使用,出于个人爱好于是我在这基础上改进并更新至最新版本,并修复部分bug。需配合52汉化使用。 增加狙击连,迫击炮连,喷火器连,军犬支援连(需先在科研的支援连界面研究)。...
Created by 杨白给
为了小块破岛与整个世界开战?这河里吗?来看看这个MOD吧 1.打开决议界面后,被别人控制的你的核心领土上面会出现一个小按钮,在地图上点击后即可与该地控制国交涉,收回领土。 2.如果与对方为同一政体或是同一阵营则会同意、如果不是且兵力弱于对面则会被拒绝。 拒绝后可以进入下一阶段,用和平的方式收回土地。 3.可以在决议里控制AI是否可以提出收复核心领土的要求(默认拒绝)。...
Created by Wopy
修改了特工槽位上限,每升级3次解锁1个特工槽位 PS:兼容KR、KX...
東方夢幻延(Touhou Mugenen)
Created by Secreta
東方夢幻延は、東方projectのMOD作品です。 欧州幻想大戦(仮) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2207962990 シングルプレイはまだ遊べません。今後NFやAI、独自システム(GOLDや内政政策)が追加されます。 お知らせ: ・七か国地域限定シナリオ『欧州幻想大戦』を8月に公開予定です。 できる限り早急にAI方針を組み込む予定ですが、将軍・閣僚・基礎国力・国民精神・一部国家方針の変更や追加を行い、マルチプレイができるよ...
2x faster research and national focus
Created by arca
Now avalible on Paradox Mods! Small submod that makes early game more enjoyable. Decreases 2x time needed for research and national focus! Global version, should work with most mods...
52 Chinese Localisation
Created by 电脑小龟L.T.
钢铁雄心4 v1.14.3 简体中文汉化包 240401版 * 目前AAT之前的是用的本民间汉化文本(修正了官中的一些错误),AAT之后使用的是官中文本。 * 覆盖了官中的文本和字体,打了本MOD后无论“英文”和“中文”都是汉语且都是修正后版本。 * 目前没有打算做全面的官中润色,基本上就是把大家汇报的汉化错误修一修,定期发布一下。 ===============汉化包说明=============== 本汉化包由52pcgame汉化组和牧有汉化组合作完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏本体及所有已发布的DLC。 汉化...
5x Research, National Focus, and Political Power
Created by Blackknight404
Basically First of all, yes it is updated for 1.9 It is what is says, here is what it does specifically: - Makes focuses complete 5x faster (if a focus is 70 days, it will be 14 days with this mod) - Makes research 5x faster - Makes Ahead Research Penalty ...
Add ideas slots (same cost,more slots)
Created by kusakanmuri
This mod add more slots compare to add ideas slots. tank manufacturer、naval manufacturer、aircraft manufacturer、,materiel manufacturer、industrial concern、theorist、army chief、navy chief、air chief an......
Advanced State Core
Created by Austen
Can core a state by cost pp, cost depends on manpower, factory, infrastructure and development. You can find button on non-core state, when you're in war, cost x2 Update: Now you can also find these decisions in decision tab calculation: 1. 1m manpower= 5 ...
Additional Japanese map fonts
Created by uberded
Fix basical font (ex. Katakana) lacking 基本的なフォントが欠けていた問題を修正...
Aircraft Icons
Created by stm8022
Replaces default aircraft icons with slightly more accurate versions in the same style, adding where available custom icons for carrier-based variants (with generic icons for fictional models) Tries where possible to preserve relative size differences betw...
Ally No Supply Consumption
Created by time lapses
AI盟友不消耗补给 支持游戏版本:1.12.* 从装备改装mod中独立而来 1.mod内容 AI盟友不消耗补给 在同一阵营或离开阵营,会发生补给消耗效果的变化 2.mod兼容性 没有修改任何原版文件,兼容性很好...
Alternative Air Base Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Alternative Air Base Icons Hey there :) This mod changes the air base icons for better visibility. Note: this does only affect icons in the strategic air map mode Ironman and Multiplayer compatible You can find my new mod that changes naval base icons acco...
Alternative Naval Base Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Alternative Naval Base Icons Hi again :) This mod changes the naval base icons for better visibility in a similar manner as my Alternative Air Base Icons mod. I've also tried to make it much more obvious at first glance whether a port is open for repairs o...
Animated Historical Portraits
Created by Samson
Animated Portraits mod animates portraits (what a surprise). Portraits already done: - Adolf Hitler - Joseph Stalin - Edouard Daladier - Stanley Baldwin - Benito Mussolini - Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - Edvard Benes - Neville Chamber...
Marked Incompatible ]  Anime Ships
Created by time lapses
舰船设计萌化 经 世羽 同意,从钢铁萌心分离出来的小mod。 mod有啥用,自个看截图嗷。 兼容铁人模式。 因为对KR太失望了,不再兼容KR。 A simple mod to replace pictures of ships with anime characters. Iron Man Compatible...
Armour Icons
Created by stm8022
Replaces default tank icons with slightly more accurate versions in the same style, adding where available custom icons for anti-tank, artillery and anti-air variants (with generic icons for fictional models) Tries where possible to preserve size differenc...
Better Supply
Created by toliner
The Barbarossa update(1.11.x) has made supply super weak, so we will strengthen it as much as we can to keep it balanced. Policy - Keep the importance of rail supply. - Eliminate the situation where infantry is deployed on the border and then cause lack of...
Better Supply (No Step Back)
Created by boatfullogoats
This mod changes the defines file by doubling the supply output/flow of railways, buildings, and capitals, and halving the supply penalties introduced in No Step Back, as well as halving the production cost of supply hubs. It should make the new supply sys...
Chinese Generals Color Fix
Created by Portrochen
This mod is mainly uniform color fix of some Chinese generals portraits, and also some Chinese ministers repainting in order to making the graphics in game more historically. Due to gfx change only, the mod is ironman compatible....
Chinese music package
Created by BrianLuo
自制中国音乐MOD(Beta2.0) https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4619868009?pn=1 整理歌曲目录,由小解决整理: 版权声明:全部歌曲由网络整理而来,仅供交流之用,不用作任何商业目的,版权归原出版商所有。 ############# 歌曲来源: 1.正义之声——100首优秀抗战歌曲集(中国唱片总公司) 2.踏雪寻梅:黄自歌曲精选(雨果唱片) 3.地方民歌戏曲系列:黄河大合唱(雨果唱片) 4.中国老歌合辑(中国唱片上海公司) 5.Th...
Colored Train Map Icons
Created by kamaboko
This mod replace Train map icons. The new icons are easy to see. I'll still be updating this in the future. If you have any opinions or advice, keep 'em coming! I know some have said orange is hard to see, but I can't think of another color! Someone please...
Coloured Air Force - Standard
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Air Force - Standard Hey there :) The new air inteface is great and a vast improvement, but it still gets messy at times, right? Have you ever wondered whether these nifty new aircraft icons in the Air Mapmode could use some colour in order to mak...
Coloured Buttons
Created by Gundahar
Colours the important buttons in the main UI and some others. Prevents miss clicks and vitalizes the somewhat plain UI. Compatibility ● Works with Ironman & multiplayer ● Should work with all other mods that dont change these specific buttons Download http...
Coloured Buttons Updated
Created by Chod
Updated version of Gundahar's mod (since it no longer seems to be updated). Adds some colour to the main UI buttons to make for easier readability. Updated Buttons: Topbar Army/Navy/Air overview Map mode overlays Naval missions Intel Ledger Ironman compati...
Coloured Theater Alert Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Theater Alert Icons This little mod gives colour to the theater alert icons for better visibility. Ironman and Multiplayer compatible Updated for 1.10 ...
Coloured Ship Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Ship Icons This mod colourizes the ship icons on the map for better visibility. Ironman and Multiplayer compatible I was a bit sceptical about this one at first. It probably isn't as useful as the Coloured Air Force Icons you can reach here. But I...
Convert Equipment
Created by time lapses
装备改装 https://i.imgur.com/5EFfZ8A.gif 给个免费的赞吧 支持游戏版本:1.13* (1)mod兼容 本mod修改了装备文件 不兼容其它修改了 装备或科技 的mod,比如KR,56之路,之类的mod (2)装备升级与改装 原版的改装功能需要DLC才能启用。 ·改装:退役旧版装备后,可以把它改成最新的。 缴获一大堆万国造的垃圾,可以升级成自家最新装备。 请记得点击“退役”!!! ·升级:因AI平衡问题,限定少数最终装备可以升级,升级大概相当于把科技树延伸了3年 升级按钮在生产界...
Created by Mel-Hlc
至暗时刻(DH)v1.0版汉化包(23/07/24) 汉化包的每次更新内容可以点击本mod预览图右侧,更新时间下方的“改动说明(查看)”。 当前汉化包对应版本: DH:v1.0.5 HOI4:1.12.14 !!!请在启动器中将语言改为中文!!! B站中文汉化宣传片 创意工坊预览界面没有是因为Youtube的CJB审核被视频里面的小胡子吓傻了 D H 汉 化 组 现 状 云汉化(请通过测试后再申请加入汉化群): https://paratranz.cn/projects/4630 discord中文频道: ...
Decisions: Speeches Audio
Created by dolphette
"Rhetoric makes use of nature’s secrets in the same way as painters who try to imitate it: their most beautiful work is false." - Giacomo Casanova, 'The Story of My Life - A Selection' Info Bookmark: 1936 This mod brings you 93 new decisions within two new...
Downsize AirForce
Created by time lapses
限制电脑空军数量,缓解卡顿 https://i.imgur.com/5EFfZ8A.gif 给个免费的赞吧 支持游戏版本:1.12.* 1.12.*版空军卡顿已经缓解了,mod的使命已经完成了,可能不再需要此mod来缓解卡顿了 限制AI的空军生产,以缓解后期卡顿。 (当达到一定数量空军后,AI停止生产) (1)AI行为: 1.战斗机 轻型战斗机+重型战斗机+舰载战斗机——总共达到1000架时停止生产,低于800时恢复生产。因为游戏机制,暂时无法区分它们。 2.轰炸机 近距支援机(含舰载)、战术轰炸机、战略轰...
Downsize LandForce
Created by time lapses
限制电脑陆军师数量 https://i.imgur.com/5EFfZ8A.gif 给个免费的赞吧 支持游戏版本:1.12.* 经反复测试,本mod可以有效限制AI陆军师数量 建议搭配Expert AI及其汉化使用 (ExpertAI里经常爆几百个师) 几乎没有修改原版文件,所有文件都是新建的,兼容99%的mod。 不建议在玩KR时使用本mod,因为KR自带AI部队限制机制 mod内容: 1.主要国家:150师左右停止招募 (苏联、德国为200) 2.主要国家(傀儡):75师左右停止招募 3.次要国家:30...
Dragon's Flag Rework
Created by One-Eyed-Dragon
**--IMPORTANT: The mod has finally been updated to the latest Update (Trial of Allegiance)!--** OVERVIEW Welcome to Dragon's Flag Rework, an attempt to make the flags in this game just a little nicer to look at. The mod includes reworked flags for all star...
Created by Midare_Toushirou
This is a Chinese translated version of great mod of "Endsieg: Ultimate Victory". Non-Chinese players please visit https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1532883122 to get the English Version....
Endsieg:Ultimate Victory
Are you interested in a more accurate, more fun and europe-only Endsieg-like mod? Join the Primo Victoria Discord! This is the official successor to the Götterdämmerung 1944 Mod. Anyone else claiming to be or uploading a former/older version of this mod (G...
Even More Division Icons
Created by parkir
UPDATE: added Blackshirt Assault, Irregulars and Militia icons. UPDATE: compatibility with "By Blood Alone" and "More Division Icons Updated" (see the requirements). Adds division icons missing in the original mod: Armored Car, Camelry, Fake Intel Unit (ey...
Expert AI 5.0
Created by Kondi
Compatible with: vanilla HOI4 AAT 1.14.8 Unsub/resub the mod to make sure it is installed correctly. Not compatible with: 95% of non-cosmetic mods. Absolutely NOT compatible with major overhaul mods. Patch notes: LINK Donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.co...
Expert AI 5.0(CN)
Created by time lapses
Expert AI 5.0的汉化 This is a Chinese translation submod. 需要加载原版 需要加载原版 需要加载原版 需要加载原版 需要加载原版 本mod仅为 汉化和字体,不包含ExpertAI的内容。 除非字体bug与汉化意见,有游戏性的建议请找原作者反馈 https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=741805475 (1)设置某国的部队编制和科技 先点击某国任一地块,然后双击经验槽右边的齿轮按钮,即可设置该国...
[Touhou project mod] Remnants of the Apocalypse
Created by Nc
English translation addons: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2616880932 Russian translation addons: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007975187 If you think you can read Chinese,you can subscribe some Chinese fon...
Youjo Senki | Redux CN(已过时)
Created by tristanhuang
Youjo Senki | Redux 简体中文汉化(旧页面) 本项目已经迁移至 新页面 ! 为避免冲突导致汉化无法加载,请在订阅新汉化模组前取消订阅本模组! 由于官中支持现已完全,为减小模组大小和汉化维护成本,v3.3.4 版本及此后的汉化模组将作为仅支持官中的外挂式模组,于 新页面 继续更新。 本页面此后将停止继续更新及对英语环境下使用汉化的支持。...
Xpanded Propaganda(CN)
Created by FlameRat
汉化采用了:英文原意+决策效果的意译方式,部分翻译可能仍有歧义,如果有更好的翻译方式,欢迎留言。 新增100+历史宣传;日本、德国、美国和英国各 24 个;拉脱维亚、希腊、共产主义中国和国民党中国各十二个。 笔记 - 要获得宣传,人们不能在内战中并且目前处于他们的历史意识形态(例如,日本和德国是法西斯主义者,或者美国和英国是民主主义者),对于拉脱维亚人和希腊人,只要您不是共产主义者,您就可以访问它,中国人也一样,因为您需要适当的意识形态和国家领导人才能访问它。 - 英国的傀儡和盟友成员(除了美国,因为他有自...
Xpanded Propaganda
Created by Bon Bon
Adds total 100+ historical propagandas; 24 each for Japan, Germany, USA, and UK; and dozen each for Latvia, Greece, Communist China, and Nationalist China. Notes - To access the propagandas one must not in a civil war and currently at their historical ideo...
女仆团Maid Corps
English Version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2592729928 女仆团扩展:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2991113274 欢迎使用女仆团mod! 数十个女仆准备接受主人的命令。 清扫、处理内政、暗杀、战争、驾驶坦克和战列舰,甚至更有趣的事情——她们都能做到! 开始征服世界的进程吧! 这个模组的主要内容: -选择喜欢的女仆,...
Created by Mlecz
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif This mod will optimize your game and make the map more clear and colorful. Addons: *less shaders *non-reflective water *sharper borders *coloured icons *strategic view adjustments HOI4 version: 1.14+ Mods Paradox version: ht...
Hearts of Cookie 2 CH ver.
Created by SWK_SUWAWA
完整汉化版已发布 特别提醒: 为了降低容量,新版本的汉化mod不再自备字库,请玩家在游玩时同时挂载“Hearts of Cookie2” “Hearts of Cookie 2 CH ver.” “52 Chinese Localisation”三个mod,不需要挂载原版hoc的日语字库mod 为了降低容量,新版本的汉化mod不再自备字库,请玩家在游玩时同时挂载“Hearts of Cookie2” “Hearts of Cookie 2 CH ver.” “52 Chinese Localisation”...
Hearts of Cookie2
Created by dakki
淫夢要素はありません クッキー☆10周年おめでとうございます! 動作には Japanese Language mod を必要とします 本体VER1.12から公式で日本語が追加されました。 このMODは本体日本語で動作します。 現在公式日本語では当MODの文字に対応していない部分があります こちらのMODと合わせると快適にプレイできるのでサブスクライブ推奨です ↓ JLm Fonts 大きめのUIが表示されることがあるので 解像度の小さいモニターの場合 「設定」→「UIのサイズ変更(試験的)」 の数値を変える...
Hearts of Fashion
Created by Ronald
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif PRESENTING... https://i.imgur.com/4Iol3Bf.png https://i.imgur.com/X31nLfP.png HEARTS OF FASHION “Fashion” – what exactly is it? Art? A way of life? A way to define yourself? No. In direct opposition to what generations of se...
Hearts of SCP
Created by theuniversecience8
This SCP Mod is inspired by the SCP wiki (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/) and multiple SCP mods in the HOI4 workshop; any suggestions and bug reports will be greatly appreciated. What does this mod bring?. It brings the SCP Foundation to the map of HOI4, br...
Higher Command Power Limit
Created by 袁銀-ゆん-Yun
Note: This mod should now be compatible with other mods that edit "00_defines.lua" file and should now always work regardless of version number. This mod is a quick and dirty edit of the maximum Command Power allowed in the game. Raises the Command Power m...
Historical Army Insignia
Created by Chiantozzo
https://i.imgur.com/fmPYN9u.png CONTENT: This mod adds a total of 204 Army and Army Group Icons usable as any nation, most are Flags but there are also other symbols. DISCLAIMER: If you think i am supporting any ideology with this mod please GROW UP, the p...
Improved Spy Slots & Upgrades CN
Created by LemonZhanger
This is Chinese version for Improved Spy Slots & Upgrades The English version link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2008308819 需要同时加载52汉化,拥有抵抗运动DLC 该mod是对间谍机构的拓展,可以从新的升级得到7名间谍,加上原版游戏,你最多可以得到9-10名间谍左右。同时该mod还有其他加成。 可以到原mod评论区向原作者提出建议...
Japanese Language mod
Created by flowlanss
本ModはVer1.11.13で更新を停止しています。 ver1.12以降はこちらをご利用ください。 Ironman Compatible(実績解除可能) このModは、Hearts of Iron IVを日本語化するModです。 すべてのDLCにも対応しています。 日本語化の内容について、センシティブな表現がある場合がありますが、ゲーム内のフレーバー的表現を尊重しているにすぎず、特定の民族等を貶める意図は一切ありません。 使い方 (ゲーム初回起動の場合)ランチャーからプレイをクリックし、ゲーム本体を起動後...
Created by firefox
本MOD无需或者说是不可以和KX本体一同开启 今后请在启动器里的游戏设置里把语言改成中文(可能需要更新启动器),然后先不用任何MOD开一次游戏原版确定切成中文后,再开KX汉化 可能会出现各种文本问题,正在观察中 每次更新的内容请看改动说明 注意,KX现在内置了路线教程,远比讨论区的准确 由民间热心人士组建的kx讨论群,可加群讨论872718435 如果发现读取了是原版,可以看看讨论区的方法 提醒一下,所有SUBMOD用之前都请关注一下是否适配了最新版本KX KX汉化补充 https://steamcommu...
/--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 大家好啊,很高兴能给大家带来kr人名的汉化mod,首先是要感谢云平台的HTenshi还有汉化组的大家的翻译支援和群里的pipboyddd、Tek以及最最可爱的Ame的技术支援,没有他们就没有这个汉化φ(>ω<*) 其次就是关于汉化,这个汉化本来应该只是部长名汉化的,但下个版本p社的系统更新让咱可以汉化全人名了(*´゚∀゚`)ノ ,所以干脆重新起...
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the world of Kaiserreich! Current KR version: 1.2, released 06/09/2024 Current HOI4 version supported: Bolivar 1.14.8 (9d66) https://i.imgur.com/cG09SXv.png "What if Germany had won World War 1?" As 1936 dawns, the Weltkrieg's legacy lies heavy ...
Kaiserreich: Custom Super Events For China
This is a submod that adds super events for Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg. This particular one adds Chinese unification events for all possible Chinese unifiers. It should be compatible with any mod (as long as it doesn't modify existing KR news eve...
Kamchatka:The Pacific Fleet for TNO(CN.Ver)
Created by Sam国之雪风
TNO堪察加-红旗太平洋舰队SubMod汉化包 (SubMod地址 https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2417018754) 这个TNO的SubMod为堪察加增加了短短的2年剧情(这并不能让堪察加一统俄罗斯),在此期间,您将设法重建舰队为一支专业化力量,从事海盗和走私活动,以维持自己的运作,并最终尝试寻找一条永远离开堪察加半岛的路。 海盗和走私 为了维持其在该地区的存在,舰队不得不诉诸海盗和走私活动,事实证明,虽然利润丰厚但这对于舰队的凝...
Created by Ocarnial
KR超事件扩展 目前扩展23(+1)组: -北伐战争 -俄国革命胜利 -奥地利介入世界大战 -太平洋战争 -协约国介入欧战 -德属中央非洲崩溃 -俄罗斯进军东欧 -俄罗斯重返中亚 -莫斯科协约成立 -经济共荣圈成立 -东亚国家同盟诞生 -巴黎对阵莫斯科 -第三次世界大战 -南美智阿战争 -西班牙工团胜利 -西班牙王国胜利 -卡洛斯西班牙胜利 -加拿大干预美国内战 -闽赣大起义 -华东革命胜利 -国民革命军跨过鸭绿江 -毛泽东接手中华民国(需要LKMT拓展mod,kr原版无法触发) -印度支那大起义 -血战西...
Lamp's Eqpt Icons
Created by 电灯弗里曼
I am drawing new icons for tank and plane designer. The priority of tank is higher than plane. This is a long-term work. Please be patient. Thk u for your support. While some equipment do exist in-game, they have no corresponding icons. This MOD provides s...
Lamp's Eqpt Icons_简体中文补丁
Created by 电灯弗里曼
经测试,部分玩家运行本MOD时并不能有效加载,这个错误是由P社自身的启动器所致,解决办法是将电脑上的《钢铁雄心4》完全删除干净(包括一切本地的MOD文件,比如“我的文档”),再重新安装游戏。 部分词条无法正常显示是由P社BUG所致,这部分词条的英文优先级总是高于中文优先级,修不了,我无能为力 设计器专用的新坦克和飞机图标正在制作中,坦克的优先级高于飞机,这将是一个长久工作,还请诸位保持耐心。感谢诸位亲的支持哦 本MOD是一个简体中文补丁,需要配合母MOD使用。 This MOD is Simplified ...
Created by Owl
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mod has been updated and moved to Landmarks Project Revived because steam and the HOI4 launcher are funny when it comes ...
Make Peace, Not War
Created by Skelsa
INTRODUCTION Hearts of Iron 4, like the prequel, doesn't allow conditional surrender and thus requires you to march through every enemy capital, even if you just want to capture the Falklands as Argentina. When you reach lategame eventually and minors beco...
Modifier Icons
Created by truck gaming
Have you ever been irked by how the "production efficiency" modifiers have a little icon next to them while all the rest don't? Well, I have, so that's why I created this very simple mod inspired by the fantastic mod New Ways, which has a similar system. W...
Modifier Icons CN ver.
Created by 1+1=⑨
Hi, This is a Chinese localised version of one famous mod called "Modifier Icons". If you're looking for the original one, please go to https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2668048070 Cheers. https://i.imgur.com/WGjlAIi.png 在所有BUFF修正前加上了图...
ModifierGUI 中文扩展版 修改器
如果对你有帮助,麻烦一键双连,这能让更多玩家发现所需的模组 中文扩展版: 1.同步🟢MrDuckFIN的本体更新,已包含原模组文件,无.需英文本体,方便复制模组文件 2.扩展功能:自制功能性扩展 💎清除修改器加成 💎一键设置修改参数 💎解锁相关项目(原版/千禧...) 💎生成陆军将领(满级,技能全解锁,将官分配自行决定) 💎生成海军将领(满级,技能全解锁,将官分配自行决定) 💎生成特工将领(技能全解锁,请在间谍界面招募) 📇决议 扩展功能:千禧 3.独立中文字库,大字体(独立生效,可与其他自带字库的模组共存...
More Division Icons
Created by Mask
This mod expands the selection of division icons. - makes all base unit icons available as division icons - adds new icons Ironman compatible Can be removed savely without breaking savegames. Custom icons will be replaced by standard icons. Troubleshooting...
Moe Image Tactics for CN
Created by Fucifa
本人只是翻译 -功能 将“无聊”的战术图像替换为二次元图像图片! -已知问题 UI方面可能存在未知冲突 -相容性 该mod仅更改界面文件(landcombat.gui)和战术图像文件。 因此,认为HOI4版本更新或其他Mod没有问题。 - Also, see this! For 'non-Otaku' user (Real war-photo image) = https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2294960813 For kore...
More Navy factories and general limit
Created by Lancelot0001
现在可以给海军生产分配更多工厂了。最多可以150个工厂一起生产舰娘了。 民用工厂一起建造的上限提升到20;将军们一次可以带240个师的兵了。 本MOD可以和其他MOD一起用,只要那些MOD没有对以上文件进行改动。 如果想要一劳永逸,保证后续mod不会有任何冲突,就找到其他mod的目录,搜寻 00_defines.lua,如果能搜出来,那就删除这个文件,可以保证一起运行不会跳出。如果搜不出来,那么那个mod就和本mod无冲突。...
More supplies
Created by Donut Trumpet
Simply adds more supplies to strategic regions...
[OUTDATED] New East Asia: History of China 1936-1950
Created by Lee zi-hwei
Latest Version: 1.3.1, Supported Game Version: 1.12.x Click here to get it. Current Version: 1.2.2, Supported Game Version: 1.10.x About New East Asia This is a historical mod focusing on the Second Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945 and Chinese Civil War...
New ideologies icons!
Created by Ivan Kyrylenko
Ironman Compatible. Icon of neutrality group has been updated! Added anarchism icon (beta). Так же я записываю ролики с уроками по моддингу hoi4: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_3OIMEjQgake5-6lKEz-Jw...
Novum Vexillum: China Expansion
Created by AUG
An expansion of Novum Vexillum, focus Asia region. Change China focus and remove internal frontier conflict part and regroup diplomatic goal. This mod support English and Simp-Chinese localization....
Peace Deals
Created by Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Info This mod offers the option to make a peace deal with a country/faction you are at war with without capitulating it. It offers EU4 like peace deals that you can configure and send as a proposal to AI or other players. Add...
Radio TNO: Music of the New Order
Created by Chris
An unofficial, fan made mod, Radio TNO is a musical accompaniment to The New Order: Last Days of Europe. Consisting of over 600 pieces of popular music across six unique stations, Radio TNO gives an all-encompassing depiction of the musical worlds of 1960'...
Red Flood
Created by Red Flood Mod Team
The 0.3.7 update has finally arrived! https://docs.google.com/document/d/19XnAndS8Q8cCEmW1eU3mc9DmOW6zFkZ9Bt0_SY8xTLw/ Welcome to Red Flood https://i.imgur.com/8eO4zSq.png In 1905, when the guns fell silent in the Far East, the Russian Empire had won a pyr...
Red Flood CN
Created by 卡巴基
本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 赤潮有自己的讨论群了!群号:397587815 汉化组目前急需翻译人员,欢迎有志之士前往 https://paratranz.cn/projects/180 申请加入汉化 版本介绍: 由于赤潮原版的一些Bug以及相对频繁的版...
Red Flood MOE: MOE Flood
Created by 柒琳
============================================================================== Compatible with Red Flood version: 0.3.7 ============================================================================== Hi~Hi~ Long time no see.Do you like long to see again wit...
Return to Hyboria!
Created by exochan
Version 2.0 Hither came Howard the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, pistol in hand, a writer, a bandit, a visionary, with gigantic melancholics and gigantic mirth, to tread the jewelled thrones of the Earth under his booted feet. Play an all new focus...
Say Cheese! Smiling Portraits
Created by sb057 ☦
Have you ever been playing your computer game which simulates the worst travesty in human history in which tens of millions of people died and thought to yourself, "Gee, why is everyone so gloomy?" Well, wonder no more! With this mod, everyone will have a ...
Simple Gas Attack Ability
Created by prohacker当心
**REQUIRES "WAKING THE TIGER DLC"** Allows you to activate Gas Attack ability. Upon activating, your divisions will start spawning gas in any province they offensively attack, and they will use gas combat tactics. Gas will dissipate within around 2-4 weeks...
The Rise of AShakey
Created by PK Freeze
"What if AShakey led fascist Germany?" Disclaimer: This mod was created for the DShakey modding competition - it is not intended to be fair or balanced in any way. Follow AShakey's story as she ousts Hitler and achieves world domination! Except uh, it's no...
World of Anime
Created by Star
World of Anime is Anime History's companion mod with alternate portraits! https://i.imgur.com/pmJr2s4.png World of Anime is Anime History's companion mod with alternate portraits! This mod not only fills every single portrait in Hearts of Iron IV with an a...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe(CN.Ver)
Created by Camouflage
时值西历1962年,欧罗巴正在长筒靴下苟且偷生。 第二次世界大战将旧世界彻底焚毁,一个新秩序从它的废墟中涅槃重生。在它的暴政之下,数百万人归于黄土之中。在它的威胁面前,自由的最后灯火行将熄灭。 大日耳曼国在世界大战中崛起,成为欧洲无可置疑的霸主。无数的生命在终焉之战逝去,但他们的鲜血换来的只有耻辱。德国的雄心壮志最终都化为了痴人说梦。它的军队如死尸般臃肿涩滞,它的政治如马戏团般内讧不休。如此种种,悉数印在阿道夫·希特勒那行将就木的视线之中。在他的身下,无数秃鹫盯着他,目露饥渴凶光。 东亚细亚在共荣圈的大旗下...
The New Order
https://i.imgur.com/t6GK7yd.png The year is 1962, and Mexico is held fast by the Leviathan. Before the Second World War overturned the global system, the Mexican Revolution destroyed the Porfirian regime in a deluge of violence. Now, under the New Order of...
The New Order: Classic GUI
Created by TNO GUI Mods
Did you love The New Order's eye-searing neon blue GUI and were sad to see it go? Lucky for you, with the Classic GUI submod, you can experience all the eye soreness and fatigue you love on the full, release build of TNO! In all seriousness, this is the la...
Supply Hub 2000 cost
Created by Inspector Cat
I think most will agree that 20000 is too much to build a supply hub and is impossible for some countries. The mod simply removes one 0 out of 20000 and makes the build price 2000. NOT Ironman compatible....
TNO - Brave New World [OUTDATED]
Created by Solstron
This workshop page is old, will not work. Here's the link to the new one, good day: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2905539106 - The powers of old lay broken, one beneath the heel of the Reich, the other of the Rising Sun, yet as the...
Songs of the South African War: A TNO Thematic Music Mod
Created by Fossil.21
First, if you have not played the amazing The New Order: Last Days of Europe mod, stop what you are doing and play it right now: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2173766180 This mod is an unofficial music mod for that mod. For the ult...
SS-Division icon
Created by Fulda
Add 6 additonal army icons for Nazi SS.Division. List below: SS.Divison 1st SS-Panzer-Division L.A.H 2nd SS-Panzer-Division Das Reich 3rd SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf 5th SS-Panzer-Division Viking 12th SS-Panzer Division Hitler youth Update L...
Subideologies for Vanilla CN
Created by LemonZhanger
This is Chinese version for Subideologies for Vanilla The English version link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2742633894 需要同时加载52汉化 该mod修改和拓展了原版的意识形态 作者推荐搭配使用他朋友的旗帜mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26423528...
Super Events for Kaiserreich CN kr超事件汉化版
Created by Eisenhower
2022/2/13更新:中国统一超事件 (恰巧的是,原作者整合的这个submod恰好我前几天汉化过) 如果你要使用此mod:请开启kr原版和kr汉化包 不需要开启原submod 只需要开启此mod 关于kr mod,这个mod增加了各种超事件 目前包括 -中国统一 -黑色星期一 -第二次美国内战 -第四次巴尔干战争 -沙漠战争 -第二次世界大战 -印度统一 -美利坚统一 -德意志的陨落 -第二次中日战争 - 英法返乡团回家 - 意大利统一 已知的bug: -如果你通过控制台切换tag,它会再次播放任何已经触...
Supply Nodes for 7500
Created by luftwaffle
Decreases the cost of a supply nodes from 20000 to 7500...
Supply Options
Created by TheHunterManX
This mod allows you to modify the supply system. Currently, you can change build speeds for supply hubs and railways....
The Agency + Keiserreich Compatibility (Pre 1.11)
Created by Tallcastle
This version predates the Barbarossa DLC and does not account for any of the changes introduced by the version of Keiserreich introduced to account for it. A new version of this will become available once the most recent Agency release comes out of Bata. A...
The Agency
Created by Tallcastle
-OLD VERSION- A new public Bata test for version 1.11.* can be found -->Here<-- with a full list of changes in the description. This version will continue to be available until testing is complete -The Agency- A full rework HOI4's Espionage system Larger P...
The Agency CN--谍网重重
Created by Glacier_is_Capoo
HOI4间谍系统的部分重制 更多的特工 有更多机会增加特工槽 额外的机构升级 新的特工天赋 重新平衡行动和任务...
毛的遗产(Mao's legacy)音乐包
Created by 零点诗人
RRR制作组制作 本mod依赖52汉化 音乐素材来自其他游戏或网络素材,侵删 本组b站官方号https://space.bilibili.com/1346817433 本组招收有时间有精力者参与mod制作,有意者联系https://space.bilibili.com/193352469 想听的歌请在下方留言,会更新在下面的电台 附加电台搬迁至https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2741248470 =================...
tno cheat
Created by 李田所
Social dev cheat for TNO; Still WIP; event societal_development.1102 Poverty reduction event societal_development.1103 Poverty increased event societal_development.1104 Education level rise event societal_development.1105 Decline in education event societa...
Created by Crys7aL_L1nE
你是否还在苦恼社会发展度慢如龟爬? 你是否还在愤怒无法亲自设定法律法规? 你是否还在痛心经济曲线跌宕起伏? 你是否还在苦恼军队战斗力贫弱无法推进战线? 那么本模组将是您的上佳之选! 这是一个TNO限定作弊模组。 从屏幕顶部GDP及债务栏下侧新增的Cheat Menu进入即可打开作弊菜单! 当前功能一览 HOI4原版作弊(各类点数、稳定度、战争支持度、地区建筑、新增强力精神) 意识形态饼图作弊(全12种母意识形态) 种类齐全的经济作弊 社会发展度作弊(一个学术黄金时代、贫困率为0的勃艮第?) 一键拥核,跻身超...
TNO Disable Nukewar
Created by Master_Plasma
Note (Sept.17): Maybe outdated, still checking, Please wait till the next update WARNING: Enabling this mod will possibly ruin your game play for TNO. This mod is only for whose game are forced to stop by AI and are frustrated, wishing to have a full game ...
TNO Ultimate Anime Soundtrack
Created by Nuclear
Anime Music Soundtrack for The New Order: Last Days of Europe including the most atmospheric compositions picked specially for TNO and appointed for the certain countries, rulers and in-game situations Anime anthems list: STATE OF BURGUNDY - BAD APPLE!! (T...
Tool Pack Updated 2021 (No Longer Supported)
Created by SmoreShiba
Toolpack Updated This might still work but I can no longer work on keeping this updated due to a move I've undertaken. Hopefully you understand, if you want to continue the project then you can download the mod and use the code as I did. Good Luck! How To ...
The Moe Order: Last Episodes of Anime
Created by Rei
The Moe Order: Last Episodes of Anime - or TMO for short - is a full anime conversion of The New Order: Last Days of Europe that aims to recreate its entire world in a new light. We hope to be as accurate to the source material as possible within the mediu...
Touhou Ship Name List
Created by Wing-VI
Ship name lists from Touhou Project Brief: Name lists for ships. Available for every country. This mod should be compatible with any others mods and every game version. Have not test with Iron man mode. Compatible game version 1.*.* Not affect saved games....
White Peace Extended
Created by Tetori
** Update ** FYI there will be no updates for this mod. Paradox are working on their own peace conference overhaul so there will be no need for what I had originally planned with this mod. You can check out the developer diary relating to peace conferences...
Linked collections (1)