アイテム (232)
作成者 老司机hot
作成者 老司机hot
这条鱼是专为地狱模式、MOD任务改造而成的终极鱼雷战舰,搭载4发核鱼雷和1枚可回收跟踪导弹,并配有无人机和穿梭艇。船只拥有超高的机动性,密集的火力网,让您面对女妖群、蠕虫群、摩洛克群、鲨鱼群等变态敌人时可以施展出优秀的风筝战术。 船只本体改造于:【T.S.M】山河无恙 日月重光 作者:Brynhild 已获授权 网址:
作成者 clzjcn
万年风雪号欢迎各位,我们的征途是星辰大海! 更多信息在: 视频介绍: 文章介绍: 若有版本更新会置于文章最后。 ...
作成者 Lucky-Zy
English explanation below Chinese 为了追求极限性能而设计的万年风雪号拥有超强的火力、坚实的装甲、无限的能源、极低的维护需求和高度的自动化功能,足以轻松应对木卫二海洋中的大多数威胁。经过仔细设计的舰体尺寸,以及长期优化的物品数量,保证了低廉的成本和流畅的运行。这艘隶属于中国人民太空军科学考察团的标准主力舰现已整装待发,听候来自星辰大海的召唤。 在原作者基础上 1.删除了对付内鬼的复杂内部激光系统,删除大量无用的装饰品,大大降低了对电脑性能的占用. 2.调整船体布局,加大压载舱...
作成者 Lucky-Zy
携带机动战斗艇版本参见-D改型,-D型也支持英语 I don't have enough time to fix two ships. So I fix 万年风雪-C and -D‘s English display problems first. So if you can't understand Chinese, 万年风雪-C is a very similar and appropriate sheep! 万年风雪-D even has a small battle submarine! Enjoy...
作成者 Lucky-Zy
!!!!!!English can be displayed correctly!!!!!! 中子灭杀 当光芒亮起时,天地清明,我们称之为高效 Neutron kill When the light shines, the sky and the earth are clear. We call it efficiency 1.自动化的中子灭杀炮,由于系统温度和游戏BUG原因,请尽量减少手动操作 2.调成船舱布局,功能合理化 3.削减物品,适应开局调整 4.后续将出普通船体版 5.增加灭火器 1. Auto...
作成者 Lucky-Zy
12/7 为战斗级增加气闸,重新进行船体分配 改进灯光系统 修正了AI路过对接处穿潜水服的问题 12/6更新 激光炮BUG多,换回轨道炮 轨道炮弹药室选为左上 删除不必要的物品 12/6 update Laser guns are buggy. Switch back to railguns The cartridge chamber of the orbital shell is chosen as the upper left Remove unnecessary items 更新 动力系统双模,默认使...
作成者 夜雲
小雀 适合2~5人,体形小,易上手,火力集中,维修便利 1,放电线圈为自动,开关在导航终端,终端显示器边的绿灯表示开闭 2,水泵有雷管和排水按键,起爆按键在导航终端上方 3,潜望镜位置与舰外炮台对应 4,外甲能有效对抗生物撞击 5,当怪物接近时,导航显示器可显示怪物位置 6,接驳时如港口无法供电,则需关闭港口供电功能,开关在对接口旁 7,‘加工’材料柜如物品过多导致卡顿,减少此柜中的物品 8,轨道炮有首发弹仓,装药发射时优先用 雏隼 进行多个任务时,分离人员的临时载具 1,小雀的雏隼终端上有个小开关,可开启...
作成者 PravДa_λrmy
小雀的改良型 設計上利用了大量來自前蘇聯時期潛艇的零部件 改善了原版小雀後方無人機空間的供氧問題(和主艇連接時) 最大化利用艇內空間,並增強火力 反應爐、超級電容器自動控制 艇內物資豐富,開局快速 無人機:2 軌道炮:3 電磁槍:5(不含無人機) 軌道炮最大彈藥儲量:41枚(包含填彈器) 電磁槍最大彈藥儲量:37箱(包含填彈器) 超級電容器:5...
Alicorn2 Stealth Light Cruiser
作成者 Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This is a sub with extremely high strength (seriously, very seriously), all features are totally vanilla. It’s NOT recommended to use this sub (Alicorn2+) if you want a ful...
红霞级攻击潜艇 Koka Class nuclear attack submarine [Outdated]
作成者 Zyleand
冰洋之下的传奇舰艇,“红霞”(Koka)级攻击潜艇由反抗军从一艘废旧的“鲫鱼”(Remora)级潜艇经过大幅改装而来,是原木卫二联盟反抗军“红色”旅的旗舰。 相比于前身“鲫鱼”,“红霞”级攻击潜艇继承了“鲫鱼”级优质的结构钢材,使得它拥有不亚于深潜型的性能;此外还整合了原先吊装式压载舱,升级了动力系统和指挥系统,并加装了令人畏惧的火力以及一艘小型突袭无人机,使得它能够胜任旗舰的角色,前往冰洋的任何地方。 “红霞”级最让人影响深刻的地方是其位于舰艏的电热激发的激光主炮,这也是“红霞”级最强大的火力。传言其主炮...
【T.S.M】山河无恙 日月重光
作成者 Lerentine
''如果九州都在沉睡,那么就让我们来做这第一声惊雷'' 背景介绍 重光是奇迹之海创立之初,为了应对外部势力组织的威胁而建造的打击舰,于甲乾33年,在奇迹之海重工建造改造完成。 重光从服役之初就不设立舰长,设立都尉这一职位,重光最高指挥权归都尉所有,仅次于奇迹之海总部。起初服役于红绯雨第一舰队,由于探渊者行动导致红绯雨第一舰队覆灭后,奇迹之海开始了整合运动,原先的九州第三舰队更改为九州第一舰队,残存的重光被划分到九州第一舰队。因其特殊的职能,所以她隶属于九州舰队但又脱离舰队,驻扎在无光海原86区,成为九州第一...
作成者 Lerentine
T.S.M-日暮山工程 战斗演示视频: 规格:43*11 装载量):20 上浮下潜最大速度:17 常规火力配置:三门无需蓄能连射炮+两门标准型轨道炮+一门脉冲式自动防卫炮(已安装NEX自动火控) 特殊火力配置:船头布置奇迹之海热熔型主炮系统+折镜型无人机 常备:冲击点引擎+全覆盖电磁线圈 建议配合BaroTraumatic Nightmare、高难狩猎等食用 如果你喜欢我的作品请多多点赞+评论,这些会成为我前进的动力,谢谢! 鱼雷来自https://steamco...
作成者 Lerentine
Machine translation 英语不好,所以英语部分是机翻 有些mod会导致声纳面板(大小调为0.2)、轨道炮(大小调为0.3)和潜望镜大小(大小调为0.4)、电磁线圈耗能(耗能调为100)变回原来的参数,进编辑器手动调一下就好了 Some mods will cause the sonar panel (size to 0.2), rail gun (size to 0.3) and periscope size (size to 0.4), electromagnetic coil power...
English is below 木卫二联盟人民议堂,一项议案正在热烈讨论中,由于木卫二上的众多潜艇因各种事故沉没(玩家作死致使船只数量下降),以及设备缺少保养,许多船坞老化严重,致使潜艇数量不足以承担木卫二的交通联络, 航行安全不断下降,以及深渊出现的巨兽占领航路,导致航道受阻,木卫二联盟下令将各学院的训练潜艇改造服役, 独眼巨人便是其中之一。虽然决定改造服役,但因为人手不足与资源短缺,船只的改造工作很多其实是由学院的教员和学生们完成的,但由于缺失实际的作战经验, 很多人其实并不知道具体要往上面装什么,学...
作成者 rho-915
TORAZAME 虎纹猫鲨深潜潜艇 定位:专为高难度模组(ita除外,因为反应堆不匹配)玩家打造,也适合萌新开荒与速通玩家 大小:39x11m 载货量:8箱(别运活性金属和硝化甘油) 推荐船员数量:3(保命)——6(休闲) 推荐船员经验:略有心得 售价:2883mk(你肯定买的起) 最高水平航速:75km/h(事实上还能更快) 垂直上浮:16km/h 垂直下潜:16km/h 通海阀:22km/h 紧急下潜:30km/h 物品:671(cpu friendly) 特性:五连装电磁线圈,自动反应堆,三连发火控(...
背景故事 锐冬级是御冬级的小号改型,搭载新一代高效核反应堆,小巧精致,高速静默。 和刻板印象不一致的是,锐冬级并不是新伊阿佩特斯的超钢船厂的产品,而生产于新上海的东亚重工。 东亚重工声称此船灵感源于一艘劫持来的海盗潜艇,而对网传的“锐冬级抄袭了海妖龙的构型”不予置评。 简介 基本性能 “锐冬级”深潜型潜艇 定位 单人/多人 价格 3599 规格 31*12m 载货量 58箱 推荐船员数量 4-7人 推荐船员经验 初窥门径 内容组合包要求 VisualVarietyPack 最大平动速度 39 最大下潜速度 ...
作成者 AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “如陨星般划过,撕裂大气,坠入渊洋” “血色彗星”由位于新上海的“东亚重工”与香港新南昌的“破碎穹顶”合作研发,为了相应木卫二联盟的号召,“血色彗星”级仅仅用了14个月实际上是三个星期半的时间完成研发到制造,其性能也极为优越,更加适合新船长驾驶,而外观方面参考了“宿怨级” 基础参数 定位:单人/多人 价格:4200 规格:41*13m 载货量:60箱 推荐船员数量:3-6 推荐船员经验:初窥门径 最大水平速度:54KM/H 最大下潜速度:21KM/H 最大上浮速度:18KM/H 武器:4+2标准型...
早期作品,有空改进 贴吧版简介更全面详细 御冬级潜艇最初是由新伊阿佩特斯的超钢船厂制造的,只生产了一年就被联盟收购用于研究目的。许多现存的型号都配备有船载研究室,而且武装到了牙齿。 对于这型优秀而经典的款式,所有的自由船长都对其垂涎已久,但古早版本粗糙而脆弱的内部电网,和臃肿的船载研究仓带来的火力死角问题令人望而却步。 而现在,新上海的东亚...
聚焦永恒炎阳之愤怒 FORGE THE FURY OF UNDYING SUNS 超能已经就绪!通过点击导航终端右侧的按钮启动。让你的敌人在永恒炎阳的愤怒下焚烧殆尽!但是要注意, 一切都是有代价的! SUPER CHARGED ! Use by clicking the button to the right of the navigation terminal. Let your enemies burn in the fury of undying suns ! But careful, Everyth...
<XT船厂> 罗芭 Loba
支持中英文! English & Chinese both are included! Size:49X10m Exactly should be 43X10m items:1200 + 120 (Drone) Storage:20 boxes Invincible parts of this ship To avoid monsters stack where they should not be,i made these walls cannot be damaged *The walls Right ...
Bermuda Class Old Frigate “百慕大”号双桅纵帆船
作成者 Zyleand
All Language Supported! 写在前面/Intro 感觉好久没在工坊上看见复古的敞篷船了,所以整了这艘船,适合多人游戏,理论上单人开也没问题。 虽然是敞篷,但是应该足以应付原版的难度,想要更刺激的游戏体验最好打一些高难度mod It has been a long time not seeing old-fashioned ship in the workshop, so I made this one. It’s better played in multiplayer mode, bu...
作成者 Handler Walter
R-22攻击潜艇 类型:深潜型 规格:42*10m 价格:6000MK 载货量:24箱 推荐船员数量:3—6 推荐游玩模式:单人战役 未改装水平极速:34km/h 浮潜速度:20km/h(下潜) 18km/h(上浮) 武装:激光连射炮*2,电磁枪*2,上下自动放电线圈(需要在指挥室手动开启)深水炸弹投射装置 特殊: 舰体首尾与指挥室船壳经过了额外加强,现在是标准船壳的两倍耐久; 对接舱兼用气闸,需要在开启前确认指挥室舱门关闭 自动对接系统,在接近站点后将自动与站点对接,无需手动操作 左下角为舰载武器的死角,...
作成者 Il principe madido
Catalyst has been my first trial on submarines editor. It should be played as an heavily aggressive sub capable to handle each and every mission that involves fighting with ease. Also features a bit of storage slots for your extra cargo mission credits. It...
Slim Bob
作成者 Hobotam
Slim Bob is a small and compact enough sub to be operated by just one skilful captain! Really lonely captain. You are alone. Only crawling noises behind the walls are keeping you company. As for actual info - reactor at the front of the sub, airlock with o...
Sweet Pea
作成者 SlipWhenWet
"Capable of exploring the narrow crags and caverns of Europa which larger ships cannot, the Sweet Pea is often used for small crew exploration, rescue, and salvage missions." A very small sub ideally for a crew of 2-4. It features solid coilgun coverage bu...
Gawr Gura
作成者 Andy H.K.
The result of a private contractor's attempt at creating the most compact hunter-killer possible. Named after the legendary shark from Atlantis fable for Luck. Both upper and lower airlock can be used to enter/exit ship. Be careful with using the upper air...
R-278 «Dugong»
Submarines of the R-278 project is a modernized version of the Dugong submarine. Modernization provides for the replacement and installation of all necessary equipment for more modern, increased carrying capacity, refinement and expansion of internal compa...
Project-971 Akula
作成者 Handler Walter
971型“阿库拉”攻击核潜艇 基于现实原型建造的攻击潜艇,外观基本还原。 规格:51*12m 价格:6000mk 未改装水平极速:34km/h,浮潜速度:18km/h(上浮),21km/h(下潜) 武装:改进型连射炮(无限弹药)*2,电磁枪*2,深水炸弹投射器,“Poseidon-B”制导鱼雷*2,船尾无人机(爆炸弹),上下自动电磁线圈 载货量:12箱 推荐船员数量:5-8 注意事项 “Poseidon-B”制导鱼雷不可回收,需要从站点补充,补充完毕后需要手动装填爆炸载荷(一枚轨道炮炮弹+2炸药,预备的爆炸...
The Catastrophic Run
作成者 ShinNoir
Welcome to Thomas Blake Glover Shipyards 2nd design, named so for one of his most famous drink recipes the Catastrophic Depth Charge, made with whisky from Thomas Blake Glover’s own distillery. This Attack class Tier 3 sub is fast and has the armament to t...
Midget U-Boat type XXVIIB
作成者 DrToffee
Based on the real german midget submarine Fleift-Uboat Type XXVIIB "Seehund" during WWII. Designed in 1944 and operated by two-man crews and used by the Kriegsmarine during the closing months of the war. Has all basic requirements Armaments: 1 Coil Gun 1 E...
[RH] Midnight +
作成者 Rehex
EXPERIMENTAL The ability to enter through its top is possible alone for entities that can already enter usually into submarines, although it is still fully vanilla. MIDNIGHT + The Midnight Plus is an additional larger version of the sub now available seper...
[EMS] The Black Bass (ORIGINAL)
作成者 DraconicRenegade
Description The Black Bass (AKA The Florida Bass) is a medium-sized sub made for the purpose of taking down large threats with ease while also being a 'comfortable' home for crews on long transport missions. It also features a compartment for flushing out ...
作成者 Jade Phoenix
*背景故事/Предыстория/BACKSTORY* ◆某座废弃前哨站船坞中遗弃的潜艇,原型来自百年前古代地球的科幻小说,直到探险队抵达这里发现并改装后焕发新生。 ◆An abandoned submarine in a derelict outpost dockyard, The prototype referred to a science fiction from ancient Earth centuries ago, has been brought to life after an expe...
UNT Aldhuma
作成者 Atheon
Originally a small scouting vessel used to explore Europa by the first settlers, the Aldhuma has been retrofitted with tougher armor and heavy weaponry. Features: -Diving room with a moon pool for easy access (Warning: The sub looses a lot of vertical mobi...
作成者 苏打Caburi
Le Reed
作成者 PraiseTheSun
"E'L VAISSEAU POUR CHARCHER L'REED." Battle harded french design scout sub. Found wrecked after the crew went missing. Repaired, re-thinked, re-equiped. More cannons and better use of the space for more efficacity to prevent an other tragedy....
[RH] Lethan
作成者 Rehex
INSPIRED BY THE R-278 (Translation Friendly/翻译友好) The Lethan is a vanilla sub made to be decently complicated and balanced, being heavily inspired by the R-278 Dugong
Iron Cavalry Prototype Gunship
作成者 Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This mod contains two vessels, the normal “Iron Cavalry” fits campaign mode and the “Iron Cavalry 2” fits PVP mode. I haven’t played PVP before so I’m not sure if it an int...
[VH] The Iroh
作成者 Quint
Valhalla Shipyards™ is proud to present its new flagship, The Iroh. This all-purpose technological wonder is well equipped to face any danger presented by the seas of Europa, while leaving space for customization to progress with its crew. NOTE: The Iroh i...
[Outdated] Cyclops Mk-II
作成者 HalfdeadKiller
Real Life has caused me to be super busy and pretty uninterested in maintaining this submarine. Eventually I will update it, but I have no time frame on that due to real life circumstances. I am sorry. The Cyclops Mk-II is an armed and improved version of ...
[Outdated] Atlas
作成者 HalfdeadKiller
The Atlas is the latest in submarine technology. Based upon the Cyclops Submarine concept, the Atlas is finally put into reality. Featuring two railguns, a more spacious interior, and two Seamoth MK-III submersibles, the Atlas could be considered an uparmo...
Apo-4A "Saber"
作成者 江奈
Now support: 简繁中文 English Russian Japanese (Translated by Arkblade) Polski (translated by Frosteusz) But the broadcasting system is still in Chinese. Localization will be ignored when the signal is transmitted to the chat box 如果你喜欢这艘潜艇,请给个赞,这对我很重要,谢谢你们! If...
Apo-3A "Dagger"
作成者 江奈
Now support: 简繁中文 English Russian Japanese (Translated by Arkblade) If you like this submarine, please give me a like! This is very important to me, thank you! 大家好,这是我自行设计的第三艘潜艇,Apo-3,绰号“Dagger”,意为“匕首、短剑”。潜艇虽小,但是武德充沛。小巧、灵活...
Apo-5 "Chainsaw"
作成者 江奈
For everyone having issues with pulse cannon while using Performance Fix - just add memorycomponent to the Client High Priority Items. It might help. Supported languages for now: 简体中文 繁体中文 English Русский Polski (translated by Frosteusz) 日本語(translated by ...
作成者 江奈
这是我自行设计的第二艘潜艇,欢迎大家来玩! 8门电磁枪,其中4门自动控制,可以手动接管,在对接的情况下,自动炮将会关闭。 上下两门轨道炮,5发弹匣,额外放置一个单发装弹机,在特殊情况下可以选择装填特殊炮弹,优先发射。 最大水平速度约60km/h,下潜极速约20km/h,上浮极速18km/h。 三个联合压载舱,方便检修和清理丘脑植物(赠送喷火器)。 反应堆直接给电池充电,电池给电网供电,根据电池电量自动设置充电速率,节能和性能达到平衡。 装备自动放电线圈(默认开启),可以手动开关。 在离港状态下,对接舱口均可...
作成者 MidnightShadow
The Ulysses was a submarine vehicle from the surface world. It was developed by Whitmore Industries to serve as the primary transportation vessel in the expedition to find the fabled ruins of Atlantis. Equipped with two rail guns, six coil guns, and a depl...
作成者 Kazet
A submarine designed to be maneuverable by three crew members. The Eel is nonetheless equipped to accomplish its duty....
[Old] EK Matriarch Mk-VII
作成者 Videogames
Matriarch Mk-VII Attack Carrier The Matriarch is a carrier vessel for force-projection and wide-area patrol operations. It is equipped with the standard compliment of coilgun defenses and a moderately powerful single-turbine engine, but the Matriarch's tru...
[Old] EK Reliant Mk-VI
作成者 Videogames
Reliant Mk-VI Advanced General-purpose Vessel Updated to support campaign A mainstay patrol vessel designed with an emphasis on versatility and reliability. Low maintenance and streamlined system operation allows the ship to be run with a very small crew i...
R-28 Indra
作成者 rav2n
RUS Недорогая цена, мощные двигатели, грозная огневая мощь и узнаваемый силуэт многими ветеранами сражений между Коалицией и Сепаратистами. Это неполный список достоинств, делающих R-28 "Индра" хорошим выбором для небольших экипажей и настоящей классикой с...
作成者 198xAD
Introduction: Under construction....
Dugong Mk2(Extended Hull)
作成者 Ninebreaker
*If you can't see the submarine in game enable it in the options, if you still cant find the submarine try to verify the cache, and if it still not showing up copy it from the mods folder to the submarine folder. File is called Dugong Mk2-6* Extended versi...
Vengeance Mk. III
作成者 JAD War Machine
Vengeance Mk. III If you're having stability issues with the Mk. III please use the Mk. II variant that is included. Also getting the mod Performance Fix can help too. The Vengeance was buil...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
作成者 FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station
作成者 Hirohito
Welcome aboard PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station! Data: Class - Deep Diver Role - Heavy Mobile Station Size - 216mx43m Recommended Crew: 20-128 Crafting stations: 3 fabricators, 3 deconstructors, 2 medical fabricators Maximum speed - 22km/h Price - 134767 Arna...
作成者 Explorer
For those looking to explore the secrets of Europa. These ships are equipped with a variety of automated systems that provide comfort and safety to you and your crew during any mission. Some of these systems are: - Module for automated reactor deactivation...
作成者 Noking
简介:Nova级小型核潜艇,响应新的开拓航线需求而建造的全能型潜艇,在顶部安装有额外装甲,同时拥有强大的火力配置并开创性的加入了基因分析设备。如果你要潜入深渊,那她一定是你的好帮手。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,原版战役 售价:2888mk 大小:25x5m 载货:12箱 最高水平航速:30km/h 最高下潜速度:17-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:2-6人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947...
Project-705k Lyra
作成者 Asadgunz
At the height of the Cold War NATO submariners found themselves confronting a Soviet submarine which not only greatly out-performed their own boats, but which could operate beyond the reach of their weapons. This untouchable submarine was designated the A-...
The Peregrine
作成者 BravoSixGoingDark
A top of the range assault corvette, the A-12 Peregrine is the newest competitor to the market of Coalition strategic defense contracts. Equipped with both heavy firepower and manoeuvrability, the Peregrine is suited for heavy duty reconnaissance, fast ass...
Seated Operators
作成者 Morbital Mutt
Ever wanted to get comfy while shooting crawlers n alike or piloting your shuttle? Now you can! By Dolorosus Ira. Warning! Gunships are for shuttle usage only!...
Zidrom MKVI
作成者 DragonWolf569
-DEEP DIVER CLASS SUB- -ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: mk 37000 Dimensions: 96x24m Recommended crew size: 5-16 Recommended crew experience: intermediate Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 18Km/h (Autopilot...
作成者 Noking
简介:Rod级迷你核潜艇,俗话说天下武功唯快不破,独特的单层船体轻量化设计,赋予了她顶尖的航速,同时也让日常维护变得非常轻松,如果你没有那么多人手,又喜爱强劲火力的话,她一定是你的最佳选择。 定位:任务潜艇,好友联机,快速通关 售价:1888mk 大小:41x11m 载货:0箱 最高水平航速:65km/h 最高下潜速度:17km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-3人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:20030094...
作成者 Noking
简介:Ero级中型核潜艇,采用仿生学设计,模拟了锤头鲨的外形,并且安装防撞隔舱和间隙外壳,使得无论是撞击或是爆炸都可轻松拿下,同时拥有惊人的货舱大小,如果想要通过运输来获利,那她一定不会让你失望的。 定位:运输任务,多人联机,原版战役 售价:5888mk 大小:50x8m 载货:72箱 最高水平航速:26km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-6人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:2003...
K-07 Kasatka
作成者 Doomich
Updated Mk II version: Well, it's here, and only thanks to the baro discord community again! Hope you can give me feedback on balance, design issues and bugs so that I can improve it for you...
V-1999 [BENZIN Corp.]
V-1999 is a Cold War Era Special Deep Diver Submarine with external and internal hulls. CHECK OUT: The Remastered MK.II version, it is better in every way: V-1999 MK II (DO NOT USE THE REMASTERED VERSION IF EXPERIENCING FPS PROBLEMS) UPDATED for "Hoist The...
[NEX] 宿怨-级攻击舰 (Vendetta-Class Assault Ship)
作成者 苏大妈
You are free to use, modify and distribute the XML and SUB of all my mods in any way you like. 你们可以随意以任何方式使用,修改,分发我所有mod的XML和SUB. If you using and mod, you will need using editor, set Navterminal's Scale to 0.200. This mod will reset the Scale data of Navt...
Bernkastel A50
作成者 thatcodyguy
In-Game Description: The A50 Deep Sea Cruiser 'Bernkastel', was originally a transport ship, hauling minerals to the surface. When rebuilt into a concept military vessel, the engineers was able to use the existing loading drones and the pressure resistant ...
MR-78 'Matilda' The Multirole Submarine of Europa
作成者 HeroKnight
Celebrating Barotrauma’s Release! WARNING, not fully tested with bots in mind yet, please be advised. Matilda Classified as multirole by the Europan Coalition, the MR-78 "Matilda" quickly garnered popularity by many captains, mostly due to its large cargo ...
The Iron Gear, General Purpose Submarine.
作成者 Just James
The "Iron Gear" is a name given to one of the first commercially successful general purpose submarines. It boasts an impressive amount of supplies, though lacks bottom weaponry and has a compact command area. Someday I'll get around to writing the rest of ...
作成者 无声萌狼
弹药装填完毕,武器管控已在线!潜水艇伊欧娜。急速下潜~ Ammo is loaded and weapons control is online! Iona ready to navigate. 2023年5月19日更新,这次为伊欧娜添加了语音,同时也将新建造的舰载机加了上去。 This time adding voice to Iona, and add a aircraft. 51休假之后更新,这次根据之前的造船经验增加了很多新功能,对内饰也有一定的优化。 游戏版本1.0之后回...
Gato Revamped
作成者 Zephyr
Barotrauma's new update is making it so I cant edit the two sub files I have in the old workshop post so here's a new one. The Europa Coalition have found blueprints of an old Gato-class submarine from WWII and built a special refit one from scratch. Trial...
Ulysse III (Atlantis the lost empire)
作成者 Vive la Raclette
Built by the Raclette Shipyard Inc. /!\ You need to activate the mod in the parameter as there is 2 modded wall ( 95° and 100° flat walls) /!\ The third and newest version of the Ulysse keeping most of the features of the 2 former Ulysses,including : a clo...
ULYSSES II (Atlantis the lost empire)
作成者 Vive la Raclette
Built by the Raclette Shipyard Inc. This second version of the Ulysses (from the movie Atlantis the lost empire) fix most of the issues of the first one. /!\ Please remember, due to the unique aspect of some features (exposed turrets, the command bridge, t...
B-17 Flying Fortress
作成者 Vive la Raclette
Working Vanilla B-17 Flying Fortress well defended by multiple turrets. Not for sane people or a calm campaign and can unleash a carpet bombing As most of the submarine is hidded behind its exterior hull you have to follow the yellow indications and take s...
Ulysses (Atlantis the lost empire)
作成者 Vive la Raclette
The new ulysses is out ! This is my vanilla (without mods) and english version of the Ulysses, the submarine from Atlantis the lost empire Disney movie. Weapons and shuttles : - 2 combat shu...
Ulysses (Atlantis movie) FR + Modded
作成者 Vive la Raclette
The english and vanilla version of this sub is here : French and heavily dependant on mods The submarine has a special shuttle bay with a working outer door and 3 shuttles : - 2 sub-pods (at...
The Blue Guppy
作成者 Crumpaloo
The Blue Guppy class of submarines serve as a general purpose utility vessel. Able to be operated with a crew of 1-4, this submersible can complete most commercial jobs your average outpost manager would ask. Its ability to be a cheap, simple, and easy to ...
[CN]“战刃”级 突袭潜艇
作成者 Akitsuki
————————————————————————————————————————————————— “君主”级轻型潜艇诞生后的第三年,一艘继承了她90%外观的新潜艇悄然试航。 “战刃”级 突袭潜艇是“君主”级 轻型潜艇的重大攻击倾向版本姐妹舰,其直接取消了无人机舱与无人机系统,在上部增加了重型轨道炮火力点。删除了原医疗舱,并入压载舱。原无人机舱被改装成带有新重型轨道炮装弹器的备用弹药舱,备用弹药舱内部包含了大量弹药储存箱(仓鼠症玩家狂喜)。她的外形漆黑深邃,舰艇尾部不经意间反射的细微白光就像一把战刃闪烁着蚀...
[CN]“君主”级 轻型潜艇
作成者 Akitsuki
————————————————————————————————————————————————— "典范"级轻型潜艇的作战能力已震惊整个木卫二,所有人的目光都集中在了这艘全自动化潜艇的身上,她出色的表现令海盗闻风丧胆,也令巨兽饮恨当场! 尽管她的表现已经算是相当出色,但由于原设计师只完成了80%,因此"典范"级轻型潜艇常在中后期任务中遇到一些难以应付的挫折。 在木卫二联盟舰船工会的强烈要求下,某不知名设计师踏上了改造潜艇的不归路…… 终于,“君主”级轻型潜艇应运而生! 战地记者正记录着任务完成归航的舰组人...
作成者 Angelica
Fighting spirit, attitude, determination, tenacity and professionalism are all commendable feats expected of an Admiral, and this mech offers nothing less. This is the Admiral, a true solo mecha submarine/drone/shuttle for ultimate bravery. Gimmick: If all...
作成者 Rocket
Whilst modest in its present state; the IKATERE is all about potential. Meticulously designed for survivability and expansion, she is packed full of monitoring sensors that make her truly fearsome when expanded and wielded by a hardworking crew. Central ba...
[AP] Sever
作成者 rundoomer
Having obvious simularities with "orca" class submarines,"sever" has nothing to do with it. Sever is a further step of "belfast" class submarines,operating guns of the same system,almost typical for apollo old version of reactor,but subs hull can withstand...
作成者 Maxyall
Tuned for high difficulty encounters - Campaign Ready Ebikko is an Akario Nomad's space shuttle modified to withstand the force of space anomalies and gravitational pull of the A-Class stars, making it a perfect exploration vessel under the immense pressur...
作成者 BravoSixGoingDark
The External Mining and Maintenance Apparatus is a high mobility, attack resistant, one-man submersible designed to lower the mortality rates amongst mining, maintenance and salvage crews, as well as to extend the operational range of mining and salvage ex...
一台机甲。 A MECH. 主要武器为一门10联装的镭射狙击炮。 The main weapon is a 10 unit laser sniper gun. 次要武器为双手的机枪与背部副炮。 The secondary weapons are two handed machine guns and back auxiliary guns. 自带逃生舱与熔毁自爆系统。 Equipped with escape pod and fusion self explosion system. 逃生舱配备了独立光源和...
作成者 Lightning
Description The M4-R3 'Mayari'-class carrier was reared to counter the increasing dangers of the Europan sea. She is heavily gunned, but her true power to trample enemies lies in her herd of gunboat shuttles. A large crew is needed to fully harness her str...
K-28 Alligator
作成者 Doomich
The Alligator is an attack class submarine based on the K-24 Crocodile transport submarine. Bots friendly. I would appreciate your feedback, feel free to report any bugs or strange things. A good layout with a single main deck, but with inconvenient joints...
“兰屿”级武装侦查舰 - 第一届蓝海重工造船大赛
作成者 Zyleand
本船是蓝海重工第一届造船大赛参赛作品 item数:1260(母舰)+163(无人机)=1423 barotrauma蓝海重工交流群:333500142 蓝海重工第一届造船大赛的作品合集 -------------<以下是泽兰船坞自动播放的广告>-------------- 恭喜您购买了泽兰船坞(ZyleandShipyard)“兰屿”(OrchidIsland™)级武装侦查舰!兰屿,让你感受如同旧地球般的温暖! 本舰所配置基本功能如下: 标准的舰内制造系统,帮助您随时补给航行物资。 自动化双模式反应堆及备用...
K-141 Kursk [RU]
作成者 BigBang
Атомная крейсерская подводная лодка проекта 949 «А» более известная как Антей в модификации К-141 «Курск» создана Конструкторским Бюро БигБенгия «КББ». Специальные проект повышенной выживаемости прошедший не одно количество модификаций изначально создав...
V-2008 Compact Version [BENZIN Corp.]
V-2008 is a Deep Diving exploration submarine. Designed based off the V-1999 Deep Diver , as a more compact version, suitable for exploring ruins and salvaging wrecks. inspired by Russian Losharik deep diving submarine. UPDATED for "Hoist The Sails" update...
作成者 Lino
A 1:1 scale replica of the USS X-1 Midget Submarine retrofitted with coilguns, a railgun, and a nuclear reactor to be more suited for operations in Europa. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Crew: The boat can be operated by a single experienced captain, optimal is 4 ...
K-02 Cataphract
作成者 Doomich
Bots friendly, traitor friendly. I would appreciate for the feedback and if you notify me about strange or broken things, thankee. Light Deep Diver for 5-8 people with an unarmed scouting drone. The main feature is that the submarine runs only on batteries...
GAZ-3302 Gazelle
作成者 Knarrenbluntz
От людей для людей...
AH-42-b (vanilla)
The "Ulysses" class light cruiser has been in service for eight years under the command of the Europa Coalition and by now has proven to be a formidable escort and border defense vessel. It has served in the Great Sea and Aphotic Plateau, some times even i...
Fast strike wreck buster breachpod - Albedo Zero Mk.I
作成者 Reddington
First iteration of a fast strike wreck buster breachpod. Able to comfortably carry 2 spec-ops marines safely to their target and penetrate most armoured vessels. These pods were usually reserved to spec-ops submarines but they were made obsolete by the new...
Kettenkrad from ~Girls Last Tour~ 少女木卫二旅行号履带摩托车~ The final ver.
作成者 Aleph
Dear user: Welcome, to the final version of Girl's Europa Trip. This word final doesn't mean I won't be fixing bugs or arrange some numbers in receiving your report, but a monument of what I have achieved these days. At the beginning, it is only a bare shi...
[Depreciated] EK Archer Mk-II
作成者 Videogames
Archer Mk-II Experimental Strike Craft A small but deadly strike craft used for covert attack missions or merchant escort. Role: Strike Craft Difficulty Factor: Medium Recommended Crew: 2 / 3 Recommended Experience: Experienced Notable Features: Extremely ...
T4 - Madus - MK I
作成者 Talseer
A minimalistic and simple shuttle to wander caves and retrieve valuable goods, comes with 2 coilguns to defend against creatures or destroy chunks of ice in the way, self-charging system. The docking port is located at the bottom of the ship, as its depict...
作成者 SAharOK
T-34-85 — the military designation of the latest modification of the Soviet T-34 medium tank with an 85-mm caliber gun. It was adopted by the Red Army by the GKO Resolution No. 5021 of January 23, 1944. It develops a speed of up to 53 KM/H, has 2 types of ...
KV-2 tank
作成者 SAharOK
Big tonk but in water? Already in your game! USSR tank KV-2(Not very historical accurate) have a two DT-56 and ONE (BFG) 152-mm M-10 gun. Good luck, you'll need it! Actualy that OP, not recommend for campaign.. The T-28 just came out: https://steamcommunit...
T-28 tank
作成者 SAharOK
A tank that looks like a baguette? Yes, this is an UNDERWATER baguette with 3 turrets! The T-28 is the first medium tank in the USSR, launched into mass production. In the period from 1933 to 1940, the Leningrad Kirov plant produced 503 copies of the T-28....
PAZ-3204 (ПАЗ-3204) Shuttle and PAZ Station
作成者 0xadg
Просто обычный челнок-пазик, на котором теперь еще можно и плавать Характеристики: - Вертикальная скорость: 18 км/ч - Горизонтальная скорость: ~100 км/ч - 1 ядерный реактор Также в комплект входят: боевая версия с цепной пушкой, обломки пазика и большая по...
Мощь 11 стволов
Мы справимся...
Loot Cage
作成者 DagobahDave
This loot cage is a kind of shuttle that can be easily added to almost any submarine, designed to assist with wreck salvage by providing convenient storage and support for salvage divers. The loot cage is fully mobile with a generous battery supply, and in...
作成者 Muff
In game description: Although on the smaller side, this heavy gunship is not lacking anything that the crew would need in the waters of Europa. Armed to teeth, but universal. Thanks to its highly hydrodynamic hull it can achieve higher speeds. Stats: Items...
The Lesbian
作成者 Eagle Scout
An extreme retrofit variant of the renowned and highly capable shuttle called the Cyclops, this sub is called The Lesbian, which is named after the main island of lesbos in greece. Its structure is simple, as it is a single deck, not including the main bal...
[Subnautica] Seamoth 海娥号
SUBNAUTICA SEAMOTH ·A railgun that can fire and reload.(seamoth torpedo module) ·Sonar module ·discharge module ·storage module Future planning: ·Add batteries and set the seamoth as a ship that needs electricity√ ·Add low power warning√ ·Modification spee...
Type-313 A
作成者 Edelweiss
Type-313 A is the first iteration of the 313 class of small but well equiped scout submarines. Ideal for a small crew of 1-5 individual she was designed with simplicity in mind. Armed with two coil guns, controlled via a single parascope, and a depth charg...
[Depreciated] EK Stoat Mk-I
作成者 Videogames
Stoat Mk-I Multipurpose Shuttle A robust and reliable shuttle commonly used for marine research and cargo jobs. Role: Shuttle Difficulty Factor: Low Recommended Crew: 2 / 3 Recommended Experience: Intermediate Notable Features: Highly maneuverable Toggle a...
作成者 Prydain
"The E.E.P. or Emergency Escape Pod, is designed as a one man vessel used to escape the ship from whatever disaster has occured. Fully equipped with ample survival supplies, this pod will allow crewmen to escape and survive what otherwise might be a doomed...
[Depreciated] EK Spritely Mk-I
作成者 Videogames
Spritely Mk-I Shuttle A reliable and agile shuttle often used by small research and diving crews. Role: Transport / Research Difficulty Factor: High Recommended Crew: 5 / 6 Recommended Experience: Beginner to Intermediate Notable Features: Economic electri...
作成者 时光
SG-X 武装护卫舰-第一届蓝海重工造船大赛
作成者 时光
SG研究部门的工作人员正在给SG-白鲸号研发一种攻击型潜艇为其护航,但一时间没有任何灵感,这时一位仓库管理员说了句:“3号机库不是停着一艘已经报废的迷你鲨吗?再过不久就要拆解回收了,不如来个翻新升级岂不美哉!”就这样经过所有人一致同意后“SG-X 武装护卫舰”(翻新迷你鲨)诞生了。 作为攻击型潜艇该舰拥有强大的火力,拥有四门实验型三连激光炮,电能压缩技术使其不用耗费额外的弹药,代价仅仅是电费的一点点提高。ps:该舰的无人机也使用了相同的技术。 不仅如此该舰还装备了四联装轨道炮,以及深水炸弹。为了节省空间还对...
作成者 时光
迷你鲨已经非常过时了,于是研究所成立了新部门SG,SG成立后针对木卫二现在的环境研发出了这艘中型多功能潜艇SG-白鲸号。 规格:49x11m 水平速度:42 垂直速度:-18/14 载货量:38 价格:8000 该舰基础设施齐全 , 拥有小型穿梭机SG-海娥号,探敌雷达,防丘脑水泵,舰首搭载了激光主炮威力巨大。崭新出厂的白鲸号火力并不充足,需要进行升级才能达到正常水平。 适合成员3-6名,老舰长一人出航也行。 不知道什么原因我没办法在评论区留言,有事请在贴吧找我 贴吧里有问题解答!!!...
作成者 时光
这艘潜艇在z86海域失事了,被打捞上来时全员已经奄奄一息,虽然抢救及时但已经不可能再次从事航行工作。根据日志描述,潜艇遭到了巨兽袭击。 经过修复并加装炮台后,这艘独眼巨人号将重新投入到木卫二的探索事业中。 解锁炮台权限需要密钥请仔细寻找线索。 海娥号mk1有舱门隐形按钮 海娥号mk2是普通按钮门 两者都需要爬隐形梯子才能出舱 The submarine was wrecked in the waters of Z86 and was recovered with its entire crew dying,...
Virgo 室女座 完全版v1.0 Vibrant Europa隶属于多彩欧罗巴 据lifeinvader游戏论坛的投票统计,或许是因为宣传画中潜水服太像宇航服了,超过一半的玩家入手Barotrauma之前都曾以为这是一款太空恐怖题材的游戏。请您包容,除了丑陋的藻鬃爬行者外,此游戏确实和木卫二,太空,高科技,未来等等关键词没有什么关系。但是这并不妨碍您完成驾驶宇宙飞船畅游星空的梦想。室女座拥有一切高科技飞船的炫酷外表和梦幻的星云涂装,虽然其本质仍然是一艘原始粗劣又耗油的潜艇,但是当您站在巨大的透明驾驶舱中面...
Flamingo 火烈鸟号 参赛版v1.1 提到恐怖外星生物,您会想到什么?对于藻鬃爬行者和泥偶迅猛龙来说,那代表拿着神秘妙妙工具猎杀巢穴的两脚外星人。好吧,至于更加传统和古板的锤头煞族群,在他们的幻想中有一种生物,拥有刺眼颜色的威胁性羽毛,吞食水生动物为生,甚至还有离开水面飞行的能力。那么您是时候向它们展示,这一生物的确存在。 隆重推出火烈鸟号,一艘拥有战舰级火力和游艇级内饰的豪华流线型潜艇。为了满足站点VIP,画皮小丑助手和评委们的特殊癖好,火烈鸟号使用最鲜艳的防水涂料包裹船体,并且以浅鲑红色墙纸装饰,...
作成者 smxy12hzm
Welcome to use this ship from smxy12hzm Xy-1 class armed escort ships are ready The XY-1 class itself was built for my personal online purpose as my online flagship this submarine was the first in the Xy series so I gave it that designation This ship's mai...
xy-2 [Planetoid]
作成者 smxy12hzm
欢迎使用本舰艇 来自smxy12hzm Xy-1 级小型侦查船已准备就绪 意为小行星 主要因为搭载了实验性的引擎系统可以实现短暂极速 如同小行星一般绚烂而短暂 漆黑的深海下潜藏着一位静默的猎手 其优异的机动性可以轻松将深渊甩开 哪怕是直接对抗也丝毫不怕 本舰主打联机优化 无初始物品情况下items 1.2k灯 100 投影灯2 优化十分良好 在xy-1的基础上持续优化而来。 本舰基本数据: 无加成最大水平航速:27km/h 无加成最大上浮速度:18km/h 无加成最大下潜速度:17km/h 24km/h(紧...
作成者 Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! MC GUARDIAN SHUTTLE MKII The IMC Guardian Shuttle MKII is a universal and improved version of the shuttle that accompanies the ...
作成者 QWERTY999
A german tank. Produced from 1939 to 1945. Also try:
Tiger E
作成者 QWERTY999
Panzerkampfwagen VI „Tiger“ Ausf. this is German Heavy tank used in WW2....
作成者 QWERTY999
Don't fall overboard and close the hatch. Very uncomfortable potato....
b-17 flying fortress
作成者 QWERTY999
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps. The B-17 was primarily employed by the United States Army Air Forces in the daylight strategic bombing campaign of World War II against German in...
作成者 QWERTY999
The IS-1 is a Soviet heavy tank from the WW2. The abbreviation IS stands for "Joseph Stalin"....
作成者 QWERTY999
Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus was a German World War II super-heavy tank completed in late 1944. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built. Weighing 188 tons. Armed with a 128 mm main gun and a 75 mm co-axial secondary gun....
作成者 QWERTY999
20mm Self-Propelled Air Defence Gun M163. Brrrrrrrrr....
Advanced Lifepod
作成者 Anikyte
An advanced lifepod for advanced emergencies. Have you ever been sailing free on the open waters of Europa, when suddenly, you get ass rammed by a giant space worm and need to abandon ship? Only to discover that your lifepods are boring as fuck and you'd r...
“信念”级 轻型潜艇 Faith-class submarine
作成者 Potato__cat
“信念”级轻型潜艇脱胎于NEX“典范”轻型潜艇以及“君主”级轻型潜艇,基于原舰上进行了更适应现任舰长的轻度改造,内部布局被大幅重制,并大幅提高了载货量。无人机舱被替换成了载人穿梭舰舱,用于进行载人采矿和清理巢穴任务。 The Faith- class light submarine was born out of the NEX "典范" class light submarine and “君主”class light submarine. Based on the original ship, it h...
作成者 chevady
东方呼啸,巨浪滔天! The East is whistling and the waves are huge! 种类:深潜 价格:6000MK 推荐船员:3-6 尺寸:42x9米 载货量:28箱 船只强度:中等 船只维护:普通 建议难度:高 推荐的船员经验:任意 武器系统 轨道炮x1 线圈枪x4 深水炸弹发射器 深潜诱饵发生器 自动放电线圈 如果您喜欢这艘潜艇,请给我一个赞,这真的对我很重要,感谢你们! If you like this submarine, please give me a like! ...
作成者 233-1
——————生于黑暗,带来光明。—————— 简介: 祝融级中型巡洋舰是ELU(Europa Labour Union)在“追溯”行动中发现的众多科技模板之一,其被发现于一处大型哨站遗迹的干船坞中,现已在第233科工所完成维修和适应性改装,并编入附近海域的潜艇编队中,主要执行大型目标的歼击任务。 基本配置: 舰长室*1,会客室*1,武器库*1,接线室*1,反应堆机房*1,种植舱*1,备用电池舱*1,气闸及其准备室*2,货舱*2,医务室*1,火控舱*1,弹药舱*2,工程舱(多功能舱)*1,物资仓库*1,引擎舱...
Wolfrum MkVI
作成者 DragonWolf569
-TRANSPORT SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: 22,325 mk Dimensions: 63x20m Recommended crew size: 4-9 Recommended crew experience: experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 20Km/h (Autopilot) 13Km/h Max vertical speed...
作成者 Blacklight
UPDATED: 02/11/2024: Updated pathing for AI compatibility. INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! THE IMC SONA The IMC SONA is a...
作成者 Newt
Medusa 100% vanilla balanced Medium sized submarine designed for campaign, comes with adjusted bot way-points for solo play and is newbie friendly, submarine is fairly minimalistic with components so the sub has very good performance whilst maintaining nic...
Bionic Fish(仿生鱼) N-EX
作成者 erya
我做的这么辛苦了,大家记得点个赞啊(哭 Please give it a thumbs up,thank you! 一艘现代化战舰?优化不够,船小来凑!这种秘密船只,往往伴随着复杂的系统。外星人见了都说好! A modern warship? Optimization is not enough, the ship must be small! Such clandestine ships are often accompanied by complex systems. Even the aliens s...
作成者 PsykokiN
Europalines is a public transport company. Their fleet of transport shuttles forms a network between Europa stations. Despite a high accident rate due to the local wildlife, Europalines is still the most popular and cheaper way to travel for the settlers. ...
作成者 L1A1F1
  当联盟注意到科技倒退的现象时就已成定局,但是在木卫二,可没有条件让你拿着木棍和石头去重新发展。   在联盟想方设法解决困境时,一个技术交流的提案得到了重视,并且让他们注意到——来到木卫二的不只有他们。   交流十分顺利,木卫二另一边的人十分慷慨,随行的科学家们获得了大量的先进技术,但是两边的技术代差过大,导致获得的技术无法解决目前的困境,反而还增加了新的烦恼。   依照对方的提议,双方合作改造其中一艘潜艇。   以联盟的潜艇为基础框架,用木卫二另一边的技术升级改造,这艘交流归来的潜艇一直活跃在各大军事基...
ATK-89 "Sardine"
作成者 Doge the biologist
ATK-89 "Sardine" Technical details TYPE: ATTACK Tier II PRICE: 11000mk SIZE: 34 m * 8 m CARGO: 10 crates RECOMMENDED: 4-7 crews, experienced Weapon systemis (probably the only thing) what makes you feel so safe on this ship. With three coil gun and a rail ...
作成者 rho-915
简介:rf-1 岩崩锤号小型撞击潜艇,基于上一代撞击潜艇“落锤”改进而成,该船拥有更高的安全系数以及极其隐蔽的航行模式,是您创死深渊的不二之选 潜艇数据: 价格:2101mk 最高水平速度:80km/h (静默模式):25km/h 最高垂直速度(上浮) 19/km/h (下潜):23km/h) items:341 定位:单人战役 模组战役 创死深渊 船体强度:中等 维护难度:中等 特性:双联发追踪弹 船头炸药撞角 静默航行 方位遇敌指示器 说明: 静默航行 开始静默航行后,全船外部灯光会强制关闭,引擎速率会...
作成者 Arti Strelkov
Что может пойти не так с обычным исследователем глубин? Хах, я знаю, много чего... К счастью, наши инженеры позаботились о вашей безопасности! Капитанский модуль способен отстыковаться от основного корабля и доплыть до станции! https://steamuserimages-a.ak...
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰
作成者 Imperium Secundus
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰 极光工业专为指挥舰队作战设计的大型巡洋舰。首次在船上搭载了辅助AI,AI能够使用自动近防炮与电击线圈杀伤靠近的敌人。 晨曦 上配有重型速射炮、钢失近防炮与一门聚焦光束炮。聚焦光束炮由此前于南十字天佑上的光矛改进而来,可在一定角度内旋转。另有自动近防炮阵列,覆盖了船上下方向大部分区域。可选择开启自动近防炮阵列。 尽管船体十分巨大,得益于诸多自动化设计,晨曦所需要的船员数大大减少。若船长指挥得当,这将是一座坚不可摧的堡垒。 价格:30,000mk(反正也没法直接用她开局,价格高一些也没什么问...
作成者 Imperium Secundus
极光工业为某科研公司设计制造的小型科研船。 谁会找一家战舰工厂定制科研船?这艘船的建造费用高昂——仅有小部分经费是用在科研设备上的。实际上,这艘科研船拥有全套完整的武装系统。但既然客户与工业都说这是一艘科研船,那她就是一艘科研船。尚且不知道她的船员们有什么科学突破,不过她击杀巨兽的事却是有目共睹。 “让船员们更有安全感。”看来,设计部门很好的贯彻了客户的需求。船内装有较先进的控制系统与不少大屏幕——这家客户与极光工业关系不错,否则工业只会像大部分联盟船厂那样直接将勉强能用的设备堆在船内。 价格:3850mk...
CRUX 南十字 巡洋舰
作成者 Imperium Secundus
极光工业“远望”工程的最后一艘战舰。由于建造巡洋舰耗资巨大,此工程在南十字建造完成后便结束了。与之前的战舰相同,南十字上大量使用了显示屏,并且对金属墙壁进行了遮挡。船内沿用了不少前期战舰的技术,并进行了优化。这艘战舰是专为对舰作战与对生物作战设计的,装备有复合炮塔与近防炮。南十字还没有实战经历,但即便缺少作战经验,她仍能用如同暴雨的弹幕淹没掉各种敌人。 规格:82×19m 价格:11000mk 运货量:32箱 推荐人数:6~10人...
作成者 Imperium Secundus
"我仰头向上,视线穿过厚重的冰层,向璀璨的星空祈求祝福。" 以曾经的太空战舰造型为蓝图而制造的轻型驱逐舰。其内部被装修的干净整洁,船上大量的信息屏让人回想起以前那段傲游太空的岁月。 没人知道工业的那些人为什么要造出这样一个与木卫二的冰洋格格不入的怪物。整洁的内饰与大屏幕是经不起木卫二的考验的,一次次航行后这些东西最终都会变得残破不堪。而这艘船也一直停靠在工业船坞的那个角落里,静静等待着属于她的远航。 或许,她只归属于人们头上那片无垠的星海。 价格:8000马克 规格:57×19m 载货量:38箱 推荐人数:...
作成者 Imperium Secundus
灰鲭鲨 轻护卫舰 灰鲭鲨使用了新的内构风格。极简的结构,宽敞的空间,使其在巡航时体验更好。虽然灰鲭鲨没有坚固的外壳,其上的飞弹,加农炮以及防御光炮仍然能够提供良好的防御。搭载了两个小型的电浆炮无人机,可以侦察打击敌人或深入洞穴。安装有自动反应堆,船员的后勤压力也大大减小。5- 8人最佳 水平极速44-下潜极速15 售价6050 规格41X12 载货量36 ...
作成者 Lerentine
作成者 Tool Man
授权声明:我不擅长英语。任何人均可制作并发布该潜艇的任意语言版本,只需在讨论区留言告知我即可。I'm not good at English. Anyone can make and publish any language version of the submarine, just leave a message in the discussion area and let me know.—— BY translation software 当被问及需要打什么MOD的时候,你们可以回答:打个鲛先 瞎编...
Mechtrauma ALPHA
作成者 Hadrada
INTRODUCTION Mechtrauma is an overhaul of the mechanical experience for Barotrauma. Keeping a submarine operational now requires a competent and engaged engineering team. No Longer a tedious marathon of clicking repair on anything that breaks for the engin...
海绵宝宝的菠萝屋 SpongeBob's Pineapple House
作成者 Tom Suger糖
【【潜渊症】当我在欧罗巴做了艘菠萝屋?(微瑕)】 /海绵宝宝的房子不小心掉进了木卫二的深渊 /更新了配套的蟹堡王信标站 /更新了配套的三种沉船:珊迪的树屋,派大星的石头,珊迪的火箭 一个海盗:痞老板与海之霸 /尽可能的1:1还原了菠萝屋的所有内饰,总共五层楼:客厅,卧室,厨房,图书馆,健身房...
K-03 Reaper
作成者 Doomich
Tier 2 Attack class for 5-8 players. Bots friendly. Traitor friendly. This is a rework of my previous submarine which was made for pirate missions. Submarine has almost all components set to default values. - An important feature is the nine compartments w...
K-08 Thanatos
作成者 Doomich
Would be grateful for your feedback or comment, as well as for reporting if you find anything broken. Thanks! Based on the submarine from Gears of War 3: Compact attack class submarine for a crew of 4-6 people. ...
K-07 Kasatka Mk II
作成者 Doomich
Would appreciate your feedback or a bug report. New version of a heavy carrier for 7-16 crew. Updated interior and standardized size of walls and compartments to avoid glitches with shadows. Also improved wiring, drones and shuttle. All this required a maj...
K-05 Skydiver
作成者 Doomich
Hey! The author of the original 3D model: (this is a redesign of a ship from the old UFO series) I would appreciate your feedback and if you let me know when you find something broken. There shouldn't be any...
The Stromson
The Stromson Background: The Stromson (EUCO-2788) is part of The Europa Coalition's newest line of TRCC-8G2B attack class vessels. Built-in the year 2381, The Stromson is the pinnacle of military submarine design. Sporting eight turret hardpoints, the Stro...
作成者 Nightlock
木卫二ALT科技的首个远洋长续航项目——“宵禁”级匿踪舰。 此为原本专注于实验室设备制造的科技公司首次参与整船的设计定型,项目集合了大量自动化设备,计划搭载先进整合式武器系统,自动电力自动水力系统,远程态势感知及出舱作业时的遥控系统。立项以来由于经验不足,原型机结构一再修改,各个系统的研发测试也状况频发,经历数次大改版后第一代定型标号为宵禁- S,其余皆为废案。 基本数据如下 价格:9064马克(含补给) 流线型外壳尺寸:57x13m 载货量:40箱 推荐船员数:5~7人 物品数:3343(含补给) 类型:...
Zyleand Shipyard Flagship “Koka”
作成者 Zyleand
All Language Supported!(Mostly) Intro This sub is a remastered version of my previous sub “红霞”级攻击核潜艇, Basically, only the name and general shape is the same, all the rest are re-made.
Black Steel Aigaion
作成者 useless man
百臂巨人级游轮是木卫二上最大的潜艇。支持多种语言 Aigaion is the largest submarine on Europa. Support for multiple languages 1:无线电输入1选择简体中文 2: radio input 2 Select English 3: ввод 3 для выбора русского языка 4: entrée radio 4 pour choisir le français 5: für radio 5 wird D...
K-01 Nautilus
作成者 Doomich
note: Double walls don't break AI except for a tiny section of the inner wall above the door to the engine - had to turn on "No AI Target" for those pieces, but Huge Monsters can still break it and bots can fix it. I would appreciate your feedback and opin...
Reaper (pirate)
作成者 Doomich
"A Spoon" asked me to make a pirate sub for his mod which adds new pirate missions. Well, I'll post it separately for those who want to try it in the campaign or just in the round. Bots friendly, traitor friendly. I have tested in several rounds, but most ...
作成者 Vootfer
The Vulture is a small patrol vessel designed to be fast and nimble while having enough firepower for even the most dangerous creatures of Europa. Great sub for starting your adventure or continuing one... Brought to you by Frontier Shipyards! Stats: Class...
作成者 Vootfer
The Vortex is an attack vessel designed to be tough and capable of safely deploying a small strike or dive team. Armed with multiple turrets, It can provide heavy overwatch to deployed troops, clearing a safe zone for extraction. It is brought to you by Fr...
FDF-Chopper Shuttle
作成者 Vootfer
Chopper is a long-range patrol shuttle designed to be faster and more agile than most shuttles. It comes in two versions, the A1 equipped with pulse lasers and the B1 equipped with chainguns. It was issued into service after a high demand for patrol class ...
虎式坦克 Tiger I
虎式坦克 Tiger I...
作成者 hUbert 2
Originally designed as a patrol vessel in the early years of Europan colonization, the Possum found itself outmatched by the ever growing threat of pirates and abyssal behemoths. Rather than being scrapped, this particular ship has been repurposed as a sma...
波江座 ERIDANUS 驱逐舰
作成者 Imperium Secundus
翻新自“灰鲭鲨”驱逐舰,内部装饰采用了与南十字相似的风格。装载了强力的自动防御系统和重火炮,能够撕碎一切来犯之敌。 价格:6050马克 规格:41X12米 载货量:8箱 推荐人数:5~8人 船内藏有一些彩蛋。这些设定仅是我本人对于《潜渊症》这个游戏背景的拓展。...
盾牌座-Ⅲ 防卫火力平台
作成者 Imperium Secundus
价格:7000马克 规格:51×14米 类型:T3 攻击型 载货量:8箱 推荐人数:5~8 item:约2.2k...
HellDiver [自愈潜艇/Self Heal Submarine]
作成者 Dino Legend
视频传送门: 价格:9000mk 部件数:1533物品+98结构+42船体结构 水平最大速度40,下潜最大27,上浮19 原装单层200血量船壳 ------------------------------- 船壳破损可自修补 紧急上浮模式开启后,上浮速度55+【1.0正式版更新后相关模...
Golden mice
作成者 Doge the biologist
Golden mice General information Attack (Tier II) Price 12000 mk Size 39*15 m Cargo capacity 8 crates Recommended crew size 4-7 One day I decided to do a submarine with a little steam punk style, and in the end this little thing was built. This is a super s...
雾凇 重型科研船
作成者 Imperium Secundus
价格:9000mk 规格:44×15m 载货量:28箱 推荐人数:5-9人...
飞鱼座 VOLANS 蜂群无人机母舰
作成者 Imperium Secundus
注意:这是一艘为多人游戏设计的船,不建议单人游玩! 由极光工业开发的蜂群母舰原型机改造而来,兼顾了各方面的性能。搭载了五台为战斗设计的无人机,能够应对各种敌人。 类型:T3 侦察型 价格:7000mk 规格:61×14m 载货量:12箱 推荐人数:6-10...
【TSM】Snoata '关外'
作成者 Lerentine
奇迹之海重型火力舰 配置介绍 初始火力配置:轨道炮*1 双联电磁枪*1 电磁枪*1 连射炮*1 小型炮塔基座*3 大型炮塔基座*1 初始速度:26 满级速度:?(未测) 下潜最大速度:20 其他:各类机器齐全。 军械库:需要自己在游戏内手动安装按钮打开军械库的门。 ITEM:1340(附带大量基础资源) 背景.其一 莱伦汀:列瑟芬,你知道为什么我们要自愿去那么危险的地方开启机器吗?如果我们成功了,我们就是整个木卫二人类功臣,我们就有了与联盟谈判的资本,我们就能收回我们以前的权力。 列瑟芬:那如果失败了呢?你...
Converted Armed Heavy Freighter “Casablanca”
作成者 Zyleand
All Language Supported! Introduction “Casablanca”, a converted armed heavy freighter, is formerly known as the “Holy Grail” luxury cruise ship of Avalon Travel Agency, is known for its elegant appearance and exquisite interior decoration. However, with the...
[NERV] NHG Erlösung (救赎号/Redemption)
作成者 DNF player
EN: Most of the design inspiration of the ship comes from the animation<Neon Genesis Evangelion>and<Mobile Suit GUNDAM Z>! You can find a lot of colored eggs about these two animations on the ship. CN: 该舰大多数设计灵感来自于动画《新世纪福音战士新剧场版》和《机动战士高达 Z》。 你可以在船上找到大量关于这两...
作成者 魂魄妖梦
地点:无光海原73区 地点:奇迹之海仅存的一处未被联盟发现的船厂-没落莱茵河 奇迹之海与联盟对峙时,一艘新式舰船即将下线,由游隼带来的实验结果以及各种实验数据以及雨燕的设计优点而结合的新式舰船,奇迹之海舰船识别码: Eagle-00 (加密) 虽然舰船被涂装为整体涂装为黑色,但从船厂驶出时仍被联盟巡逻的船队发现。“报告 ,疑似发现暴风雨燕,但不能确认”,“保持距离尾随不要打草惊蛇”,联盟某处作战指挥室内“奇怪,雨燕怎么会出现在这个地方”,某指挥官打量着航图思考着 “全速前进,我们得拦下联盟的舰队,尽可能给莱...
作成者 魂魄妖梦
寒霜游隼是奇迹之海外勤执行官虚无净的座驾 ,是由暴风雨燕逆向工程而得到的舰船, 整体作战风格 与暴风雨燕类似,并与其常驻于热液废土海域,也被称之为雨燕协同舰,整舰延续雨燕流线型设计。但 实际上,该舰还处于实验内,其搭载的新式炮台和特种弹药更是证明了这一点,由于每次执行破隐作作 战任务,外界很多人都没听说过有这么一艘战舰,每有海盗遭遇其时,内部更广为流传的外号为“白色 幽灵"。 该舰并未是完全体形态,所以在执行大型作战任务时,更多是和雨燕协同作战,来补充雨燕雨燕的火力 薄弱点。 游隼日常任务于其常驻执行隐秘外...
Swift 暴风雨燕
作成者 魂魄妖梦
R-26 Tara
作成者 rav2n
ENG Designed for courier transportation and searching for resource deposits, inexpensive small-sized R-26 "Tara" submarines are exactly those submarines on which captains make their first capital with a plasma cutter. And also submarines of this type have ...
作成者 魂魄妖梦
奇迹之海舰船识别码:Raven-00 快速反应舰-渡鸦 抢先体验版,具体介绍后续写( ...
Iris L鸢尾花-奇迹之海模块化深潜器
作成者 魂魄妖梦
“墨尔幽丝小姐,无论你在哪里,我知道你一切都好”---执行官妖梦 门打开了,外面明亮的灯光照进了实验室,墨尔幽丝借着光打开了室内的灯,展架和柜子上放着不少研发完成或者正在研发的机械,看着室内的东西,她并没有对自己成果的欣喜,只有研究过程遇到的各种不便引起的不悦;当然,研发过程会遇到各种麻烦,但那都是技术难题,需要缓慢攻克,而现在她的工作却是因为物理条件而暂停,简单地说就是她还在等自己需要的材料和工具,在这片海里蕴含着丰富的矿藏,而其中一些特殊的矿物需要特殊的处理方式,那种机械可不是轻易从随便什么地方就能找来...
作成者 魂魄妖梦
奇迹之海舰船识别码: Nightingale-00 由于重光(Collapsar)一直停泊在港处于不运作状态,所以被联盟缴获,在重光被联盟缴获后,夜莺作为新生代重光的继任舰艇来代替重光原有的任务,建造时使用与重光相同布局,但取消挂载无人机能力,但强化机动能力,同时搭载两组新型激光发生器来补充火力。建造于雨燕逆向工程期间,作为妖梦临时备用舰艇使用,因此设计方向对妖梦需求进行了特化,联盟对其代号为“南丁格尔” 背景: “变化不明显!区块不够大!输出功率要提高200%!”舰长文月在夜莺号科研船上传达。随着输出功率...
作成者 Doge the biologist
Flatfish General information Attack (Tier II) Price 7000 mk Size 40*13 m Cargo capacity 8 crates Recommended crew size 5-10 Read the manuscript before using Flatfish is a tier-2 attack submarine with limited inner space, ordinary speed and firepower. In or...
MECH D4U-2 (Military Inc.) by OO
作成者 W13
MECH D4U-2 Dive into the future with the awe-inspiring Underwater Armored Mech—a marvel of technological ingenuity and aquatic prowess. With its sleek design, impenetrable armor, and swift propulsion systems, this colossal mech dominates the depths, protec...
作成者 Mour
The need of mercenaries is ever present, even under the icy crust of Europa. Here in Prometheus Shipyards we wont question your morals. We are however going to provide you with a ship worthy of getting the job done. The aptly named ''Privateer'' is made fo...
The Patchwork Minelayer
作成者 Kookoorooza
Brand new submarines are expensive. Cost efficient people just use whatever lies on the ocean floor. This one is made of a Humpback, a Typhon and a Dugong, with just a touch of Remora. You are Barotrauma veteran and about to go through the release version ...
作成者 amphibian
a dual railgun clownified monstrosity at first the lord made lob and henceforth, there was ster...
作成者 Mour
Prometheus Shipyards here, introducing the Centurion light gunship. In this ship you are either qualified or dead. Centurion's agility and stealth are the only things keeping you alive, use them. The heavy chaingun will take care of the rest... GENERAL INF...
蟹堡王餐厅(信标站)Krusty Krab (Beacon station)
作成者 Tom Suger糖
Krusty krab's branch in Europa is about to open. Crab boss needs your help to clean the store and ensure the smooth opening. 蟹堡王在木卫二的分店即将开张,蟹老板需要你前去打扫店内以保证新店顺利开张 ...
Yamato Super Battleship
作成者 F34R itZ S3lf
BAROTRAUMA IRONWORKS & SHIPBUILDING CO. Patreon Donation page Thank You so much🙏 for your support on future builds: The Yamato Super Battleship was designed to counter the numerically superior a...
作成者 Cutter
Basic information Reconnaissance submarine Weapon armament: Lime "Lime" UAV 3 battery guns 3 gun mounts and 3 automatic coils Recommended crew: 2~4 people online, maximum capacity of 11 people Maneuvering data: horizontal 27KM/H (no afterforce, no upgrade)...
作成者 Libras
各位木卫二超人们,你们好!我是天秤,这是我造船的第5年了,希望你们喜欢。 0. 建议人员配置:6个安全官,4个机修工,2个工程师,2个助手,1个医生,1个船长 1. 尺寸70m x 16m 2. 采用双引擎,前后速度30km/h 3. 上升速度-18,下降速度22,7个压载舱提供强劲的机动 4. 4门大炮和6门小炮 5. 附带穿梭机 6. 附带自动线圈 7. 核心舱室集中于正中央,且舱室的布局四通八达 8. 所有物品数值没有魔改 9. 单人和多人都可玩 10. ***所有用电器采用电池缓冲,意味着绝对稳定的...
作成者 Kurisu
视频简介 建议搭配声纳范围升级(非常轻量化的MOD) 2024/5/22更新 1、修改技能模组电量消耗计算方式,现在应该不会再出现卡技能的问题 2、水泵调整为新紫魅相同的半埋入式设计 3、休息室的床铺改为双层医疗床 信息 这是复刻自游戏《无畏战舰》的紫魅级晨星号无畏舰,不同于之前发布的紫魅级切尔诺伯格号 晨星号更注重还原,且外观细节更为丰富,是全新建造而非简单换壳 保持整体性能...
作成者 Kurisu
简介 疾风是集高机动性、高火力于一体的新一代战舰,核爆撞角更是疾风的杀手锏 专为高难度MOD任务而设计 半轮椅 ,推荐配合TSM任务、高难狩猎、欧罗巴战争等MOD ·虽然疾风的舰首无懈可击,但是舰体的装甲和常规潜艇没有区别,一定要注意机动躲避 撞角激活方式 1、导航面板1号按钮,全舰灯光转为红色并开启警报,开启高功力副引擎,满级最高速度可突破100 2、专用瞄准镜(导航台右侧),持续按下鼠标左键激活,直接通过瞄准方向控制舰体移动 实战视频:
作成者 Kurisu
2024/7/18更新 1、调整外壳,提高观感 2、储物柜分类 3、修复BUG 简介 格林33是应对日趋危险的深渊探索提供的解决方案 两门超级格林炮拥有更快的启动速度和极高的射速,火力非常强劲 两台超级引擎提供澎湃的动力,水下最大速度超过60km/h(未升级状态) 但是——格林炮和引擎都有着极高的能量消耗! 所以格林33配置了三种能量分配模式: 【默认状态】拥有良好的加速与减速性能,与维持格林炮持续射击两秒的武器能量 【高机动模式】大部分能量分配给引擎,获得强大的机动性,同时格林炮停止充能 【高充能模式】大...
ZMEY Class
作成者 Kurisu
2024/5/21重置版更新 1、加入高精度超视距火控,远程打击精度超越旧版 2、重新设计双层火控室与军械库 3、取消种植室,加大压载舱,最大下潜提升至24km/h 4、加入自动电磁线圈,提高防御能力 5、部分电路的调整 信息 这是复刻自游戏《无畏战舰》的紫魅级无畏舰 切尔诺伯格号,该游戏已停服 整体性能强于官方潜艇,但不会过度破坏平衡性,增加实用功能与还原外观的同时尽可能减少item数量与装饰部件,对游戏性能影响较小 规格 item:900(裸船) 价格:7700mk 尺寸:51x12 载货:24 速度:...
LRHI-Shadowsong 影歌 [EN/CN]
作成者 二十二度幻月
影歌战斗潜艇 适用于多种任务的潜艇,搭载一艘小型武装穿梭艇 潜艇自带中英双语翻译文档 Shadow Song Battle Submarine Submarine suitable for multiple tasks, carrying a small armed shuttle boat Submarine comes with bilingual translation documents in Chinese and English 穿梭艇操控方式 ①只能由玩家进入驾驶,不允许远程控制 ②有外壳,1...
LRHI-Arc 弧光 [EN/CN]
作成者 二十二度幻月
弧光实验型武装潜艇 这艘船不是更大的蓝莓---不得不说月环确实大量借鉴了蓝莓的成功经验,但在试车了最新研发的整体升压超频系统后,那高压闪烁的弧光过于令人印象深刻,最终她拥有了新名字——尽管绝大多数人还是叫她大蓝莓 Arc-Experimental armed submarine This ship is not a larger blueberry - it must be said that it has borrowed a lot from the successful experience of b...
LRHI-Blueberries 蓝莓 [EN/CN]
作成者 二十二度幻月
蓝莓号轻型勘探潜艇 传统重型载具企业月环重工的第一艘正式自研建造的潜艇 作为采用了各种新锐技术的首发舰售价相对而言非常低廉,前提是签署一份用户反馈协议 随舰附赠一份沉船打捞打折卷 I have created an English version, although it is only a machine translation, I hope there won't be too many problems Blueberry light exploration submarine The first ...
Slug Mariner—SVX-17M
作成者 二十二度幻月
水手17号轻型潜艇 这是一艘穿梭艇,不包含母舰 你可以在一个垂直的对接口下方对接它 无法被AI使用 控制:点击前挡风玻璃驾驶,单击一次启动引擎并朝着目前鼠标方向移动(锁定航向),再次单击刹车(双击直接改变航向),长按开火,移动时自动解锁对接,刹车时自动对接 注意:外壳存在血量,弹药有限,后部有一个箱子可以在外面开启 This is a shuttle boat, excluding the mother ship You can dock it below a vertical docking port U...
Sand Shark
作成者 amphibian
The Sand Shark was created by the coalition as a military salvage vessel capable of reaching distress signals quickly, featuring an open layout for quickly draining water in the event of a hull breach, and a decently sized cargo hold for the sake of storin...
Black Steel Lobster
作成者 useless man
女士们,先生们,欢迎来到黑钢船坞的新船发布会! 今天带来的是,由著名赛博精神病,黑钢船坞的技术天花板,全木卫二最棒的游轮的设计师,USE先生带来的新一代的革命性电动力船! 粉-红-皮-皮-虾-号!! 让您体验无核反应堆供电的,木卫二之旅! 因此,哪怕拥有黑钢优秀工匠们所设计的厚实装甲与强大火力,您也必须不得不寻找散落在冰洋深处的“充电桩”们,包括但不限于,站点,沉船,信标站等常见设施,感受前所未有的航行体验! 或许有朋友会好奇,明明图片上是红色的,为什么要叫粉红皮皮虾号,那是因为红色的只是基础款!只有万中无...
-Atlas submarine-
作成者 猫鱼
As a large industrial submarine, Atlas submarine has a considerable body size. Her moon pool is capable of accommodating two Seamoth submarines or Exosuit. She has unparalleled firepower, making it adept at dealing with Leviathan class creatures. The entir...
USSR K-129M[探索真理号]
作成者 Electronic Evil
K-129“探索真理号”是一艘特殊的科考舰,在50年前席卷整个木星区域的亚空间风暴中 人们在一个冰川的夹缝里意外发现了她。 当打捞船靠近时人们惊奇的发现这艘潜艇编号、国籍均不属于这个世界的任何一个的国家,在打捞队员们的进一步探索中了解到了这艘船是来自于泰拉所生产的军用潜艇,由于亚空间风暴的影响她穿越了物质世界的时间与位面来到了欧罗巴的深渊。欧罗巴因为亚空间风暴的关系,已经与地球失去了50多年的联系,这艘神秘的潜艇自然是有着极高的价值,在进行了简单的修补作业后她被拖回了附近大型站点进行了维修与改造升级工作,包...
USSR K-131[联盟]
作成者 Electronic Evil
随着人们对K-129的研究和使用,技术人员在这艘来自异界的潜艇上发现了一些电子存档和STC模板。针对这些资料的解密 一项项崭新的设计和科技应运而生,同时也有一些特殊的文献被解读,这些文献宣扬了一个理想而美好的世界 这使得木卫二上的科学家们产生了浓厚的兴趣 并自发的组织起了一个个小组,基于这些资料设计和建造新的潜艇。本次K-131就属于此系列,设计师们优化了潜艇外壳结构、重新排布舱室设计使得潜艇的体积得以更加紧凑 提高了灵活性,并且加装了全新的电子设备和自动化系统,强大的武器装备让她足以在木卫二凶险的渊洋里为...
U-鲨 试验型
作成者 1732909594
在木卫二联盟辖区内的一座废弃船厂内建造的怪异潜艇,最初设计为攻击型潜艇,但由于木卫二联盟方面对于非官方攻击型潜艇部件的运输限制,该潜艇的型号在生产过程中被更改为侦察型,体型相较于设初版方案有显著削减。在联盟特工赶来查封这艘违规船只前,购买该船只的团队已驾驶其驶离港口,查封工作被迫终止。 该船只的外形似乎参照了已失联数十年的地球上可能存在的一种名叫鲨鱼的生物。根据剩余的设计情报,它的制造部件来多艘不同的船只,为了获取军用级别的外壳合金甚至拆了一座信标站,小型激光炮来自多艘被击沉的倒霉野獾,电磁线圈取自R29与...
作成者 Cutter
This little cheap combat submarine is UMI's new design. It has powerful battery arrays and drones, but lacks firepower because of its size limitations, and has a noisy engine.Also four bad-tempered junction boxs. EN ----------------------------------------...
Bomber Tuff
作成者 ⛧Zaphyra⛧
░▒▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ EN/US ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▒░ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomber Tuff is a Deep Diver class submarine, made to be versatile and efficient at any enviroment in Europa, it's design is based on a art...
Abyssal Wasp AT-II
作成者 MØNØĿi†H
Attack Submarine. General information Type: Attack Tier II Price: 22000mk Size: 42*12m Cargo capacity: 28 crates Recommended crew size: 4-8 Features: • Stealth mode. • Double strength walls. • Navigation terminal whith mineral scanner. • Ballast Flora Cuto...
作成者 时光
SG太空港建造的实验性巡洋舰 白鹭级拥有极其强大的正面火力,一门高射炮,一门结构优化的SAYA主炮及六门高速脉冲激光。 火力薄弱处需要依靠四架执法者无人机进行保护。 配备了和谐号穿梭机方便执行载人野外探索工作。 等级:T3 规格:81-20米 建材消耗:2529 水平极速:35km/h 下潜极速:23km/h 装甲厚度:400 货物运载:88箱 推荐成员数:6-12人 价格:25000马克 乘员经验丰富才能充分发挥白鹭级的潜力。...
[OUTDATED] [Pableqx] Dreadnought BR-3507 - EN/US & PT/BR
作成者 ⛧Zaphyra⛧
EN/US Note: This Submarine is Full vanilla, no mods required ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PT/BR Nota: Este submarino é totalmente vanilla, sem mods ...
project shipwrecks
作成者 rho-915
沉船计划---大型系列沉船模组 在木卫二的冰层之下,每时每刻都有新的潜艇崭新出厂,也无时无刻都有潜艇沉没至底。里面有无数财富宝藏,亦或是小丑教派改装的陷阱船。是能将财富带回到潜艇上,还是与沉船一同沉沦于这片渊洋之中,一切全凭你的智慧,勇气以及一点点运气,祝你好运,寻宝者。 Under Europa's ice, new submarines are being built and sunk all the time. It's filled with treasure troves, or clown cu...
作成者 天子的桃帽
来自潜渊之底的旗舰——天狼星 特色功能:"AF(autofix)"固化泡沫通风系统,"生命线"医疗维持系统,"星云"指挥系统,"桃心"舰载语音通报功能等 Special:Auto fix hulls Life support system Blueprint command system Alien reactor...
作成者 天子的桃帽
'Polaris'北极星 ‘这些沉船遗骸被撕得粉碎,从切口上看,绝对不是我们所记录的深渊巨兽所为’ ‘在渊洋里有未知的深渊怪物对我们发动攻击,绝对不止一只,它们就像狼群一样,无情地猎杀着我们的舰队’ 自‘鲸落’事件发生后,联盟的士气锐减,所有人都不敢相信由5艘‘座头鲸’级攻击型潜艇组成的传奇舰队,在不到两小时内全部陨落 在大功率深潜诱饵的掩护下,联盟成功捞回了座头鲸潜艇的残骸以及船上的黑匣子 ‘怎么回事,潜艇上同时存在大面积咬痕和弹痕,他们是被海盗袭击了吗?’ ‘不对,黑匣子里并没有与海盗交战的...
作成者 缘流
Sirius天狼星★临渊之巅 是综合全创意工坊90%以上船综合而来的最优秀的全方面配置 并汲取了权威建议 本船拥有强大的自调节能力,可以独立清除潜在威胁和外在风险 ChatGPT B站:海上的缘流(设计工程师)天子的桃帽(授权商) 该船基本信息 总价值:9999mk 载货量:24 等级:T3 类型:侦查型 规格:43*12m 推荐船员数量:7人(1人也可以玩) 船体防御:自动电圈、4自动近防炮、2轨道炮、2电磁枪、1加农炮 物资及功能:应有尽有,适用于原版平衡和绝大多数mod和高难包 注意事项:任何一个功能...
ROS|Dolphin 海豚级侦察潜艇
作成者 Noking
海豚跑得很快,还有刚刚好的配置与漂亮的外观,是红海学院教官们最爱的潜艇之一。 价格:8800mk 大小:42x11m 载货:4箱 推荐船员:4-8人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 如果你喜欢我的作品!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/新人交流QQ群:796185005...
ROS|Aun 安牛级侦察潜艇
作成者 Noking
安牛级潜艇拥有着较高的性价比,较长的船体减少了阻力,主要被红海学院采购,用于新海员的教学。虽然设备齐全,但驾驶者需要灵活机动来弥补火力的不足。 价格:6500mk 大小:34x9m 载货:8箱 推荐船员:4-6人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 如果你喜欢我的作品!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/新人交流QQ群:796185005...
ARA San Pijuan
作成者 Gereze
Stores pee in the balls. Men come out from the tip. Heavily modified Dugong, it's a Dudong. Big PP energy. Feel free to write me some feedback. V8: Many walls were placed when default hull health was 100, now its 200. Hull buffed to 200! Hull close to weap...
X37 Assault Carrier
作成者 BravoSixGoingDark
Service Bulletin - 2/10/23 Amoury security upgrade - Amoury doors are now resistant to crowbars - The Captain can lock open the armoury doors - An alarm will sound if the armoury door is forcefully breached - The brig now has a drop down hatch in the ceili...
作成者 InitialDesu
Class: Attack Price: 22 727 Tier: III Recommended crew size: 5 - 12 Dimensions: 94x24m Some of the features: Combat shuttle Light cargo shuttle Elevator (monorail) - stable version by Cryostasis Pneumatic pipes (item transfer system) Suck energy from outpo...
Cepheus [CEP] Cruiser
作成者 汐墨
Cepheus was a heavy artillery ship belonging to the Earth United Council's District 236 Garrison, although it is not an easy task to transform a starship into an abyss warship, and the factors can cause the entire progress to be thrown away; Therefore, a l...
Atlas Battle Cruiseship
作成者 汐墨
The design of the Atlas Battleship was derived from Legion battleships. Compared with the former, the giant God has optimized the layout of the space and shortened the huge body of the ship Weapon system: Due to the instability of the WLS weapon system, th...
(停止更新) 军团(Legion)战列舰
作成者 汐墨
军团(Legion)巨兽级战列舰最早可追溯至地球联邦时期,后随着木卫二开拓计划来到此处;此舰是天马工业的处女之作,虽然舰体庞大,但是其无论是机动性还是灵活性都十分优秀,船壳利用高密度合金压缩工艺制成,无论是海盗的枪林弹雨还是生物的持续猛攻,外壳都可以抵挡大量的伤害,强劲的火力在升级后绝对是所有敌人的噩梦。 战舰规格:巨兽级 出厂武器配置: XLS武器系统-双联激光电磁枪*1,散射电磁枪*2(此系统武器不可替换) 船长室攻城炮组-轨道炮*2 (速射轨道炮,建议不要更改其他武器) 潜艇副炮-连射炮*2 电磁枪*...
作成者 Imperium Secundus
实验性的先进侦查舰。“剑鱼”体积较小且功能齐全。其上搭载了生物雷达阵列、激光点防御等设备原型机,能轻易完成清剿敌怪、勘探搜救等各项任务。 ==== 我尝试过制作英语版本的潜艇,但由于这个潜艇的文字装饰风格很复杂,且我的英语能力不够,所以我没能完成。希望有能力的朋友能制作出这个潜艇的英文版本。 I tried to make an English version of the submarine, but I couldn't finish it because the text decoration sty...
Project007 - Changan长安级
作成者 Tem黄
长治久安,为天选之你保驾护航。 ----------------它原来是欧罗巴大殖民时代时地球人类命运共同体因故障而沉入欧罗巴冰层裂缝的一艘星舰,在三年前被木卫二联盟与木星分离主义者组织共同发现。为争夺它两大组织曾大打出手,但是在一次自然灾害(木星辐射)中,两大组织都失去了关于它的所有信息。在又销声匿迹了两年多后,一位神秘的舰长——你,驾驶着经过改造不再是星舰的它再一次出现在了众人的眼前。 ------------------------------------- 基础功能版共1750左右物品数,花里胡哨版...
“Silver Fury” Class Scout Submarine
作成者 Zyleand
All Language Supported! Nothing special, just a descent sub Basic Information item numbers: 476 structure numbers: 6642 (yeah it’s crazy) campaign FPS: about 110 (Cold Cavern, Ryzen7 4800H+RTX2060+16G RAM) Price: 8000mk Tier: 3 Size: 37x9m Weaponry: 2 chai...
作成者 魂魄妖梦
奇迹之海舰船识别码:Flacon-00 此形态游隼为解除伪装形态,解除了外挂装甲释放两个重火力搭载点 这是最后的一批材料,只要游隼能按时到达,白头鹰的建造就可以完成收尾,想要在联盟的管制下建造这么一艘船可不容易,好在游隼有伪装用的外装甲,以及让联盟船只只能望其项背的航速,但这么多次的任务,毫无疑问会被联盟察觉。 联盟的指挥官与几位舰长在通讯频道里最后一次确认信息,并且明确地嘱咐着,只能成功,不许失败,说罢,他关闭了一下麦克风,叹了一口气,一旦失败,他的乌纱帽是保不住了,“别怪我,哼哼,谁让你们撞到枪口上了呢...
作成者 Tom Suger糖
ai路径正在测试... 完整版再填写简介...