Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Öğe (589)
АН-225"МРIЯ" (AN-225 "MRIYA")
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Ukrainian super-heavy cargo aircraft. Made on the basis of AN - 124 In reality, only one copy was made for transporting USSR copies of the space shuttle aircraft. 3 color options. Year of issue 1988 - Today Currency RUB. !!!!!There is one bug. because of t...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
АТ-Т Тяжолый тягач на базе танка Т-54, Также на базе тягача Инжинерная машина БАТ-М. 1- Бульдозер 2- С закрытым кузовом 3- Лесовоз 4- Бульдозер для уборки снега Года выпуска 1950 - 1979 ---------------------------------------------- AT-T Heavy tractor base...
Баркассы (longboats)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
3 небольших открытых баркаса. 1 для открытых грузов. 2 для ссыпучих грузов. 3 для общих грузов Валюта RUB года выпуска 1941 1973 Инфраструктуру для мелкого водного транспорта позже сделаю. ------------- 3 small open longboats.. 1 for open cargo. 2 for bulk...
Временное жильё (temporary housing)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Сборник малого дешового жилья в виде строительных вагонов и домов на колёсах. Также есть сопуцтвующия инфраструктура. Присуцтвует: 15 видов жилья. Малая пристань для грузов. Малая пассажирская пристань. Кинотеатр. Электрогенератор на бинзине. Полевой медиц...
ГЭС-27 | Hydro electro power station '27
Yaratıcı: dimndroll
RUS Для тех, кто не может дождаться появления ГЭС от разработчиков — этот мод. Он основан на легендарной Волховской ГЭС, одной из первых советских гидроэлектростанций. Её строительство началось почти сразу после революции, но было прервано из-за гражданско...
ГорТранс. (city transport infrastructure)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Мод на разные станции, полустанки, депо, и прочее. Mod to different stations, stop stations, depots, and more. !!!! The use of mod materials is prohibited. !!!!...
Грузовая автостанция (Cargo station)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Простая грузовая станция для 6 грузовиков Simple freight station for 6 trucks ...
Железоплавильный цех
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Это второе здания из комплекса завода тяжелого машиностроения. Завод по переплавке железной руды в железо. Завозить можно непосредственно поездами - есть два пути, либо конвеерами со складов. Рабочие: 180 Вместимость 100 тонн. Комплекс зданий ЗТМ (завода т...
ЗиС-5 Рельсовый автомобиль / ZiS-5 Rail Car
Yaratıcı: Ƶh3Ka <3
РУС На днях я увидел фотографию ЗиС-5 на рельсах и сразу захотел портировать данный чудо-агрегат в игру, как временную железнодорожную технику. Характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 60км/ч Базовая грузоподъёмность, без вагонов - 3 тонны Годы производства...
Зил 135 \ Zil 135
Yaratıcı: Xenon
Зил 135 с автоцистерной. Характеристики: Масса пустого: 12.5 тонн Максимальная скорость: 75 км\ч Перевозит 15т жидких грузов. Годы выпуска: 1963-1995гг. Имеет 3 цвета покраски. Устранена проблема с вращением колес, спасибо vinnikandry за подсказку. =======...
Илилабалекан и Левотоби
Yaratıcı: Aristarh
Карта сделана на осное группы островов Индонезии....
Yaratıcı: Дима
Производитель КамАЗ Годы производства 2004 — настоящее время Компоновка полный привод Колёсная формула 8x8 Двигатель Трансмиссия механическая, шестнадцатиступенчатая ZF 16S 151 Масса 10750 кг (снаряжённая) Динамические характеристики Максимальная скорость ...
Каменная шахта с дробильной установкой (Big Gravel Mine )
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Stone mine with built-in crushing apparatus. At the exit, you immediately get gravel. Included in the ZTM complex. 100 Workers Productivity 13 tonn\day Excavators 3 things ------------------------ Каменная шахта с встроенным дробительным аппаратом. На выхо...
Катер (Passenger boat)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
1960 - 1997 RUB...
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Местность окрестностей Керчи. В наличии город и несколько деревень. Достаточное количество ресурсов позволит вести безбедное существование. Полностью ванилла, три КПП, и только одно с Ж\Д Надейтесь больше на себя! Обновление 9.09.20: Изменено количество ле...
Кузнечно-прессовый цех
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Первое здание из нескольких цехов завода тяжелого машиностроения. Это сталелитейный цех. Работает в принципе как обычный сталелитейный завод, только чуть с меньшей производительностью. Не бывает таких заводов, чтобы все делалось в одном цехе! Рабочие: 200 ...
ЛуАЗ-969М (LuAZ-969M)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
ЛуАЗ-969М "Волинянка" Лёгкий многоцелевой внедорожник. Есть 8 разновидностей: 1,2,3 - Пассажирские версии. 4 - Самосвал. 5 - Открытый кузов. 6 - Закрытый кузов. 7 - Автоцистерна. 8 - Бетономешалка. 16 расцветок. Года произвоцтва: 1972 - 2002 --------------...
МАЗ-537 (MAZ-537)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Четырёхосный седельный тягач разработки Минского автомобильного завода. 1 - МАЗ_537 с ТЗ-60 2 - МАЗ-537 с ЧМЗАП-5247М Года выпуска 1959—1989 3 цвета ------------ Four-axle truck tractor developed by the Minsk Automobile Plant. 1 - MAZ_537 with TZ-60 2 - MA...
Малое торговое судно (small merchant ship)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Валюта RUB Года выпуска 1960 - 1987 --------------- Currency RUB Year of release of 1960 - 1987...
НПП "Оргсинтез"
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
На сей раз это выдуманное здание невыдуманного института, построенно в духе позднесоветского модернизма. (научно-производственное предприятие) НПП "Оргсинтез" - занимается экспериментальными разработками и способами их внедрения в нефтехимическую промышлен...
Пак ранних вагончиков
Yaratıcı: Chestir
Небольшой пак вагончиков для раннего старта. Автор мода Валерий Карпов. Крытый вагон 18 тонн (т.н. нормальный товарный вагон, НТВ) для зерна, одежды и т.д. Вместимость 18 тонн, доступность 1916-1960гг Крытый вагон для цемента на базе НТВ 10т., 1916-1960гг ...
Простой баркас.
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Была моделька баркаса. Вот решил попробывать сделать мод с водным транспортом. грузовой баркас. Года выпуска 1951 - 1977...
Yaratıcı: Kostolom
Севастополь и окрестности....
Таврія ЗАЗ - 1102 (ZAZ - 1102)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1988 - 1997...
Спорт | Sport
Yaratıcı: Podolskiy
Стадион 1 Рабочих - 10 Посетителей - 120 Стадион 2 (2 версии) Рабочих - 15 Посетителей - 210 Баскетбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 24 Волейбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 18 Футбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих...
УАЗ - 469 (UAZ - 469)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
УАЗ - 469 Бобик. 2 варианта 13 расцветок 7 посадочных мест. Производился 1972 - 2003...
мАз 5440
Yaratıcı: Дима
Маз 5440 год выпуска 2000 - н/в Самосвал 30 тонн грузо-подъёмность Производитель Беларусь Мински Авто-завод макс скорость 90 км Мощность двигателя 400 л/скорость ...
15 Story Panel Apartments
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Inspired by buildings from Sovkhoz imeni Lenina, Moscow Oblast. Available in 3 colours. Capicity 180 Quality 87%...
1906 Zeppelin Pack
Yaratıcı: Calderiaän
This pack includes 6 variants of the LZ3 Zeppelin built in 1906 They include : Aggregate - Oil - Open and covered Cargo - Passengers - Concrete Be aware that these beauties are slow... Really slow, both for realism and balancing reasons Other than that, as...
21 storey flats prefab
Yaratıcı: 3division
Sample apartments with 21 storey. Good to save place in your city :-) For moders: Check source files to see how to add your new building Documentation will follow soon! (works with version and higher)...
2k22 Tunguska
Yaratıcı: Krinkov
2k22 Tunguska with Armor Cage Works as a bus until they add military vehicles Cost: 35000 RUB ...
3 into 1 Conveyor Transfer
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
3 into 1 Conveyor Engine...
3 Old planes
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
There were 3 aircraft models. Douglas DC-3 passenger - cargo. 6 colors Junkers Ju 52 passenger. Messerschmitt Me.323 Cargo 2 colors. Termination of release for all in 1963. Currency USD....
30m Hard Shelter
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
A small shelter for keeping your planes safe. -By Nyxyx...
4-axle soviet flatcar
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
4-х-осная платформа для перевозки техники и других грузов. Доступна с 1935 года. Авторы: Old, Alex, Ural_102 Конвертирование: ZIMA 4-axle flatcar for transportation of vehicle and other goods. Available from 1935. Created by Old, Alex, Ural_102 Converted b...
6 Unfinished prefab buildings - Part 1
Yaratıcı: Knudsen
The party does not talk about it, but not everywhere the ecomony goes well... 6 unfinished prefab buildings for decorative purposes. You will find the assets in the monument tab. I look forward to your opinion and your suggestions for improvement. More to ...
6 Unfinished prefab buildings - Part 2
Yaratıcı: Knudsen
Part 1 must be subscribed for the textures. The party does not talk about it, but not everywhere the ecomony goes well... 6 large unfinished prefab buildings for decorative purposes. You wil...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
Типовой аэропорт регионального значения. (Добавил малый аэропорт)...
Airport Hotel
Yaratıcı: Novu
A combind Airport terminal and Hotel. The buildings stack on top of each other. They can be built either together or individually. The Airport Hotel is compatible with Vanilla airport terminal and can be placed on top of other low rise buildings as well....
Airport Pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54 Hello There! That's my Airport Pack, it icludes: 5 Towers 2 Hangars 2 Cargo Stations 1 Aircraft warning lights You will find the Aircraft Lights in the section "Monument" Enjoy!!...
Airport terminal - Ivano-Frankivsk
Yaratıcı: Vikom
An airport terminal inspired by Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport, a small international airport in Western-Ukrainian city Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanislaviv until 1962, now named after famous Ukrainian poet Ivan Franko). Built in early 60s, architect Tamara...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
Аэропорт «Сеймчан» — аэропорт малой авиации в северной части Магаданской области, в Среднеканском районе, в пос. Сеймчан. Аэропорт введён в строй в 1942 году при организации воздушной трассы Алсиб, использовавшейся для перегона американских самолётов, пост...
AlG Helicopter Construction Office
Yaratıcı: AlGames
Helicopter Construction Office. Space for 14 vehicles and 3 helicopters....
AlG Open Storage 3K Plus
Yaratıcı: AlGames
Open Storage 3K+. Capacity: Open storage 3000 tons, electro components 50 tons and mechanic components 100 tons....
AlG Open Storage 4K.
Yaratıcı: AlGames
Open storage 4K. Capacity: 4000 tons...
Alpine Hotel
Yaratıcı: Novu
A rugged Hotel for those seeking the great outdoors, it is made from primitive materials such as rough hewn logs and rubble stone. Lodging for 50 Tourists. Made with building editor. Added a residential version....
AN-12 Arstotzka Air Force
Yaratıcı: Heidong
AN-12 Arstotzka Air Force...
An-12 Czechoslovak Air Force
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Antonov An-12BP 2105 Československé letectvo Czechoslovak Air Force...
An-12 Soviet/Russian Air Force SKIN PACK
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Antonov An-12 Soviet/Russian Air Force Skin Pack...
An-2 Interflug/NVA (DDR) 1958-90
Yaratıcı: Marius
Two skins for the ingame plane Antonov-2 based in a real plane wich served both in the east german airliner "Interflug" and in the east german army "NVA". It was named DDR-SKA in civil service (1968-1990), and as number 845 in the army (1958-1968). Today p...
Animal Farm V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
The Animal Farm V2. x3 production, 1/3 consumption. x3 storage....
Antonov AN-148
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-148 — среднемагистральный узкофюзеляжный пассажирский самолёт. Двухмоторный турбореактивный самолёт, построенный по аэродинамической схеме свободнонесущего высокоплана с крылом умеренной стреловидности и однокилевым Т-образным оперением. Пассажировм...
Antonov AN-22
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-22 «Антей» (по кодификации НАТО: Сосk—«Петух») — советский тяжёлый турбовинтовой транспортный самолёт, самый большой в мире турбовинтовой самолёт. Оснащён четырьмя турбовинтовыми двигателями НК-12МА с воздушными винтами АВ-90. Мощность каждого двига...
Antonov AN-24
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-24 (по кодификации НАТО: Coke — «Кокс») — турбовинтовой пассажирский самолёт для линий малой и средней протяжённости. Оснащён двумя турбовинтовыми двигателями АИ-24 с воздушным винтом изменяемого шага. Самолёт выпускался с 1959 по 1979 год, произвед...
Arctic Cathedral
Yaratıcı: Fiend
The Arctic Cathedral is the popular English name of Tromsdalen Church, the parish church of Tromso in Norway. It was designed in 1965 by architect Jan Inge Hovig. It serves 600 people....
Arctic Hotel (Azimut Hotel Murmansk)
Yaratıcı: Billman007 Description Greetings, I present to you the Arctic Hotel. This is an 18-storey building (hotel and business center) located in the center of Murmansk, the city's calling card and the tallest building beyond the polar circle....
Arhed hangar
Yaratıcı: Alexandr Tarasov
Хранилище различных ресурсов...
Yaratıcı: acc
Танк Т14 "Армата" работает как бульдозер.Можно продать на таможне...
Asphalt Plant Big
Yaratıcı: Okota Harinezumi
The "large" version of Asphalt Plant V2 from archiver213 Bitumen storage 150 t Gravel storage 300 t Asphalt storage 100 t...
Asphalt Plant V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
Asphalt Plant V2 - Increased Production. Original 3dArt: 3Division Workers: 15 Storage: 10T...
Asphalt Tuning Pack
Yaratıcı: knoelliX
Tuned Asphalt Paver and Roller for faster Street Build. Vehicles have to be transported by truck and do not need fuel. Getunter Asphaltfertiger und Walze für schnelleren Straßenbau. Fahrzeuge müssen per LKW transportiert werden und benötigen keinen Kraftst...
Assorted parking (dirt, gravel, etc.)
Yaratıcı: Comrade Sky
This is a pack of alternative parking lots: dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prefab hexagons. This pack includes 12 lots: - 6x dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prafab parking lots - 16x dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prafab parking lots - 30x gravel, cobblesto...
Yaratıcı: Augusto_Panalitico
Версия автомобиля (автобуса)/Version of the car (bus) На русском АСУ-85 — советская самоходная артиллерийская установка созданная на основе легкого танка ПТ-76Б, для противотанковой обороны Воздушно-Десантных Войск и мотострелковых подразделений. Разработа...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Collection of factories and mines for the nuclear industry. (Some buildings have animation. When the developer fixes the animation script, I will add it to the mod)...
Audi 100 (C3)
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Audi 100 — название семейства легковых автомобилей бизнес-класса, производившихся в ФРГ компанией Audi с 1968 по 1994 годы. Все поколения модели имели определённую техническую преемственность между собой и сохраняли заложенные с самого появления модели баз...
Auto Refinery
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
Auto oil refinery without the input of oil,just put it on oil region and it will automatically produce bitumen and fuel,and the production efficiency was greatly enhanced and it was depended on the quality of the material region. For balance,the electric c...
Auto Woodcutter
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
Wood cutting post fully auto with only workers needed. Includes 4 loading stations, 2 factory connections 2 pedestrian connections. ...
Automatic bread factory
Yaratıcı: MTandi
Automatic bread factory inspired by the Mechanized Bakery #9 in Moscow. Built in 1933 and was capable of producing 190 tons of bread per day (it's only 40 tons in-game). Very expensive to build (needs a lot of mechanical and electric components), but has a...
B-337, C17A, L-188.
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
3 aircraft 1 - Passenger Boeing 377 Stratocruiser 1949 -1963 6 colors 2 - Passenger Lockheed L-188 Electra 1957 - 1962 6 colors 3 - Freight Boeing C-17A 1991 - 2015 2 colors...
B1000 SMH3 (GDR)
Adds the ambulance SMH3 Barkas B1000 which was used since 1983. Using partly the original model of the game and a attachement modified from one of my own old models. (I used to prepare some mods for 911-First Responders some years ago...) See also my textu...
Bacan Islands
Yaratıcı: dayzru
Bacan Islands. - Hard map. - Challenging landscape. - Ready for ships. 2.0 update: - Heightmap redesigned in different scale. - More water for ships. Less land. Ships can go around Islands. - More stone. - Better resources spread (more balanced way). - Add...
Barbed Wire Fence
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Barbed wire fence for your republic! Now with 100% more spikes to intimidate your residents. Comes in sets of 1,3 and 10 fence sections. Plot s ostnatým drôtom. Tento mod zahrňuje sety jedného, troch a desiatich sekcií plotu. Ограждение из колючей проволок...
Bauxite mine
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Bauxite mine. Open pit mining of bauxite. Large-scale industry-60 jobs The number of special equipment-6 units Parking for cars-1 Conveyor connection-9 The fuel reserve is 15 tons. In the folder(D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\784150\2367820789)...
Bell 205
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Huge thanks to ryantheskinny for commisionning this iconic helicopeter! Whats to say really. Once of the most or if not the most iconic American helicpter of all times. Bell 205 or Huey now available to purchase in your own Soviet Republic. Helicopter mech...
Bell 206
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Light multipurpose helicopter Start of production of the model 1966 20 Colors . Currency USD. ...
Big Prison
Yaratıcı: Benco54 Big Prison This Prison is a big one. it has 2 complexes and a big wall. it can accommodate 355 prisoners and needs 92 employees. There are 4 vehicle station which is located in the inner courtyard and can only be acc...
Yaratıcı: WitcherShade
Большая версия электростанции на солнечных панелях. Требует много электроники для постройки, нужны 30 рабочих для функционирования. Генерирует 15 мегаватт электроэнергии. Biger version of solar power plant. Requires a lot of electronics to build, needs 30 ...
Binge (Завод Элитного Алкоголя)
Yaratıcı: Smert
Elite alcohol factory, now you can process food and create strong drinks. I just changed a simple distillery. And he took the model from the concrete plant, changing the colors to differentiate them. 20 workers. The maximum consumption of 16 tons of food a...
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
The Biofuel Plant, now you can turn grain into fuel. I repurposed the Concrete Plant model to become a Biofuel Plant instead, with new colours to differentiate them. I will try and improve the pipe connectivity at the back, they do work but you have to pul...
Bitum Powerplant
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
BitumenPowerstantion Bitumen means Mazut ("heavy fuel oil") , we no have no mazut in game but Mazut its close to Bitum so we can have one more resource for get Electricity! ...
Bitumen heating plant
Yaratıcı: DirrrtyDirk
Large heating plant with 600 GJ/day heating power and 10 big connections. The plant is fueled with Bitumen, consuming maximum 5 tons/day with maximum power and need 50 workers to run. The costs to build it will be around 145.000 RUB without inflation. Gene...
Blokovi Pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54
The Blokovi building pack include some buildings from Novi Beograd, Serbia. These Buildings there called Blokovi. You have 5 buildings in this mod with different sizes. The blokovi xl based on original building in novi beograd. The rest of the buildings ar...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
БМП-1 - советская гусеничная боевая машина пехоты.Первая в мире серийная боевая машина пехоты плавающая, предназначенная для транспортировки личного состава к месту выполнения боевой задачи, повышения его мобильности и защищённости и поддержки огнём и для ...
Yaratıcı: Augusto_Panalitico
На русском БМП-1 — советская гусеничная боевая машина пехоты. Первая в мире серийная боевая машина пехоты плавающая, предназначенная для транспортировки личного состава к месту выполнения боевой задачи, повышения его мобильности и защищённости и поддержки ...
BMP-1 (auto)
Yaratıcı: Augusto_Panalitico
Версия автомобиля (автобуса)/Version of the car (bus) На русском БМП-1 — советская гусеничная боевая машина пехоты. Первая в мире серийная боевая машина пехоты плавающая, предназначенная для транспортировки личного состава к месту выполнения боевой задачи,...
Yaratıcı: Soviet
BMP-2 (GBTU index - Object 675) - Soviet and Russian tracked infantry fighting vehicle, designed to transport personnel to the front line, increase their mobility, armament and security on the battlefield in conditions of the use of nuclear weapons and joi...
BMW E30 320i 4 door
Yaratıcı: Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ EDITED 12-2022 -added 8 new colours -added normal texture -fixed tail l...
BMW E30 POLIZEI (german police car)
Yaratıcı: Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ BMW E30 POLIZEI (german police car) -LOD included from 100m distance -4...
Yaratıcı: MC Bonito
USD 1988-1996 Max speed: 195 km/h Enjoy, comrades...
Boeing 727
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Boeing 727 — американский узкофюзеляжный среднемагистральный пассажирский самолёт. Первый полёт совершил 9 февраля 1963 года. Всего с 1963 по 1984 год было поставлено 1832 самолёта. Аэродинамическая схема — свободнонесущий трёхмоторный турбовентиляторн...
Boeing 737-800
Yaratıcı: Rod.Zam
The Boeing 737-800 English The Boeing 737 Next Generation, commonly abbreviated as 737NG, or 737 Next Gen, is a narrow-body aircraft powered by two jet engines and produced by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Launched in 1993 as...
Boeing 747
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
I think it does not need an introduction. 2 options: Covered Passenger 13 colors. Currency...
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner
Yaratıcı: Rod.Zam The Boeing 787-9 English The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a wide-body jet airliner manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The program was launched on April 26, 2004, with an order for 50 fro...
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engined heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). The B-17 was primarily employed by the USAAF in the daylight strategic bombing campaign of World War II agains...
Boeing B-29 Superfortress
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The Boeing B-29 Superfortress is an American four-engine propeller-driven heavy bomber designed by Boeing and flown primarily by the United States during World War II and the Korean War. Named in allusion to its predecessor, the B-17 Flying F...
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
USA heavy multipurpose transport helicopter. Manufactured since 1962 10 Colors. As long as there is passenger and cargo (I'll add a hanging ramp later) Currency USD...
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Massive thanks to ryantheskinny for commissioning me to make this heli! One of the most iconic American helicopter, Boeing CH-47 Chinook. Total of 4 different skins available: Olive green, flat grey (both military), Firefighter red/white combo and Louisian...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
Решил немного добавить военной техники, исключительно для производства на автозаводах и дальнейшей продажи зарубеж. Если вам такая идея по душе, напишите комментарий и какую технику хотели бы видеть у себя. БРДМ-2 — бронированная разведывательно-дозорная м...
Bread factory
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
A medium sized bakery, don't get fooled by its appearance comrades, here we produce only the freshest bread out of the finest chem... WHEAT FLOUR, made from our glorious republic golden fields. Thank you to Ryantheskinny for the help fixing some errors. NB...
Brick blocks of flats (5 storey) - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my 5-storey brick block of flats. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 5
Yaratıcı: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 45 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 45 robotników, wzo...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
БТР-60 стал первым в серии советских четырёхосных бронетранспортёров, развитие и производство которой продолжается до сих пор. Поставлялся как СССР, так и Румынией в десятки других стран, применялся во множестве региональных конфликтов и, несмотря на посте...
Yaratıcı: Soviet
BTR-80 is an 8×8 wheeled amphibious armoured personnel carrier designed in the USSR. It was created in the early 1980s as a further development of the BTR-70 armored personnel carrier, taking into account the shortcomings of the latter identified in the Af...
Bucket Dredger
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Instructional video on placement provided. Today I present to you a Bucket Dredger. An excavation boat meants for gravel mining in shallow waters. In game version, it acts as a factory, where you send fuel to power the boat and get gravel out of it. It con...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Build on Stalingradskaya str. Individual City project 1966 Жилое здание по индивидуальному городскому проекту на улице Сталинградской. 1966 год Qual 97 220 Workers...
ZSD Nysa 522 Prison Service | Służba Więzienna
Yaratıcı: PieoPlay
-==- Modyfikacja dodająca skin Służby Więziennej do Nysy 522. Działa jako karetka. Miłej gry -==- Mod that adds Prison Service skin for ZSD Nysa 522. Works as ambulance. Enjoy...
Yaratıcı: _Sabro_
Zil-157K is the first modernization of the Zil-157, produced between 1962-1978, using some parts from the Zil-130 truck. Zil-157K covered - 4.5t Zil-157K open - 4.5t, 20 logging skill Zil-157K bus - 10 passengers Max speed - 60kph -= Google Translate =- Зи...
Zeppelin Parking Spot and Stops
Yaratıcı: Calderiaän
I've grown tired of storing my zepps on tiny heliports... So I decided to come up with my own concrete slabs ! So this is just a heliport platform, and considering there is currently no way of forcing the zepps to orientate thermselves in a specific direct...
Zeppelin Factory
Yaratıcı: Novu
An aircraft factory specializing in Zeppelin and Blimp manufacturing. Employs 250 workers and 150 engineers. Added delivery truck parking. Added Tarmac Gate located under platform /station....
Yaratıcı: Novu
A Zeppelin made from captured German plans during WW1. Originally thought of as a weapon of war it has been repurposed for passenger travel. Max payload 20 passengers. Speed 85kph Power 100kw Available from 1919 to 1969 Located under Helicopter....
Xtra Large Bus Station V2
Yaratıcı: Akira43
An extra large 1 way bus station with 6 vehicle positions using advanced vehicle pathing. (Requested item by linch-roman) After hours of testing multiple variants (including an 8 positions station), different road configurations and different access order ...
XL Combined Cargo / Heliport / Rail + No Rail Storage Set
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 2 Extra Large Combined cargo storage's with Heliports. Apart from 8 Rail Lines on one, both have > 17 Factory connections 1 Road connection 4 Vehicle stations 4 Heliports 4 Pipe Inputs 1 High + 1 Low power inputs Meat + Livestock storage. Ple...
Workers' barracks 03
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
An aparment building for workers typical of the Stalin era. It is cheaper than other brick buildings as it uses a higher amount of wood for its constuction. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "S...
Workers' barracks 02
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
An aparment building for workers typical of the Stalin era. It is cheaper than other brick buildings as it uses a higher amount of wood for its constuction. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "S...
Workers' barracks 01
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
An aparment building for workers typical of the Stalin era. It is cheaper than other brick buildings as it uses a higher amount of wood for its constuction. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "S...
Woodcutting post
Yaratıcı: robs074 Woodcutting post based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 30 workers. Can be equipped with 6 vehicles. Miejsce wycinki drzew wzorowane na p...
Wood Heat Plant
Yaratıcı: Benco54
This is the wood heat plant which is based on the original one in Zurich, Switzerland. here are some facts about the work: Wood is considered a non-fossil, climate-neutral raw material and only releases as much CO2 as it previously bound. This means that t...
Wood Gas Conversion Plant
Yaratıcı: Novu
Through the process of gassification this factory takes wood and turns it into small amounts of fuel. Not very efficient but was often used in times of scarcity when other fuels were not available.
Watch Tower
Yaratıcı: Benco54
Watch Tower! We are watching you, or you watching your people in your country.. This tower based on the BT-11 Watch Tower from the DDR. ...
Watch Tower
Yaratıcı: archiver213
Wooden Watch Tower completed with grateful assistance from RyanTheSkinny....
Wartburg Fire Command Car
Adding the typical Fire Command Car in GDR-times. Wartburg 353 (1966-1989) Wartburg 1.3 (1988-1991)...
Wartburg - Pearl Grey
Yaratıcı: geoitj
Slightly lighter than the default 'spoiled milk' colour. Works on both the 353 and 1.3 variants....
Wartburg - Ocean Green
Yaratıcı: geoitj
I swear to God it's green. Just. Blame whatever freak decided to mix the paint, not me. Works on both the 353 and 1.3 variants....
Wartburg - Capri Green
Yaratıcı: geoitj
Too bad you can't go to Capri. Oh well. I'm sure Constanta will do. Works on both the 353 and 1.3 variants....
Wartburg - Beaver Brown
Yaratıcı: geoitj
A 'Beaver Brown' Wartburg. So named because it's an efficient tree-destroying machine, just like the noble water rat. Works on both the 353 and 1.3 variants....
Yaratıcı: Sausage and mash
--- WARSTALENSK --- (original version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LESS-RESOURCES-VERSION- ------------------------...
Yaratıcı: robs074 Five covered warehouses based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Their capacities are 200 t, 400 t, 700 t, 1100 t and 1600 t. Variants working as ope...
Walls, towers (made of wood, bricks, stone)
Yaratıcı: Vilaxe
Walls, towers (made of wood, bricks, stone). Now only buildings made of wood. The buildings are located in the"Monument" tab. The construction uses the following materials: Logs and workers...
W50 Gravel with Trailer
Transport capacity: 12 tons Country: East Germany Available: 1960 - 1990 Available for purchase for rubels...
W50 Coolertrailer
Transport capacity: 12 tons Transports: Meat Country: East Germany Available: 1961 - 1990 Available for purchase for rubels Uses ingame trailer, includes color variants green, yellow, blue, grey....
Vulykh tower block
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
A 14-storey brick residential building, originally designed by Soviet architect E. Vulykh (officially: series II-67). A modernised variant with white tiles and slightly higher quality of flats is also included. This model was originally developed by Pashka...
VT 18.16 "Vindobona"
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Representation of v 18.16 "Vindobona" train in-game. Power car statistics: Power: 1472kW Weight:62t Price: 95,530 RUB Availability: 1956-2003 Max speed: 160 km/h Wagon statistics: Capacity: 56 pasangers Weight: 44t Price: 25,708 RUB Availability: 1965-2003...
Volunteer Fire Department Medium, 3 fireengines
Adds a building inspired by volunteer firestations in east Berlin. Can hold 3 fire engines. Quickly built and cheap. Can be placed really near a living quarter to feed with workers....
Volkswagen Polo Sedan
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Volkswagen Vento (or Volkswagen Polo Sedan in some markets) is a subcompact car produced by Volkswagen India, Volkswagen Russia and Volkswagen South Africa, the subsidiary of the German manufacturer Volkswagen, since 2010. It is essentially a three-box...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
TrainStation 4 lines Medium Size , 3000 pass ...
Yaratıcı: Novu
Grow Grapes to make wine, only works in the warm weather. Located under Factory. Employs 50 workers. Added lighting Added residential Winehouse Added Expansion Fields Added Food grape Vineyard with expansions. NOTE: Expansions must be connected to main Vin...
Yaratıcı: Duplex
As seen in Chris Brammer's Victoria Socialist Republic series: Victoria was once a thriving British colony that gained independence in 1916. Following independence from British rule they remained close with the W...
Vehicle Production Line (Small)
Yaratıcı: Novich
Vehicle Production Line (Small) Worker needed: 200 Profesors needed 50 Open storage capacity: 150t Warehouse capacity: 125t Vehicle production speed: ½Vehicle Production Line Models and textures by 3division....
Vegetable Gardens / Oгород
Yaratıcı: EZ88
In Soviet times, a large portion of food was grown by the people themselves at their seasonal home(also called a dacha) or at their vegetable garden. Here you have three different aesthetic options, where your workers can grow food in exchange for wood. Do...
Uranium mine
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Uranium Mine. The mine is d...
Yaratıcı: robs074 University based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a medical university. Employs 75 workers with basic education and 75 lecturers. Educate...
Universal Skins - Tu-154 Republika Airlines
Yaratıcı: PieoPlay
-==- Modyfikacja dodająca skin uniwersalnych linii lotniczych do każdej republiki. Skin na obecną chwilę jest dostępny tylko na Tupolevie Tu-154. Modyfikacja zaproponowana przez txtacoman#2764 Miłej gry -==- Mod that adds universal air travel company skin....
Union Pacific 4000 "Big Boy"
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The Union Pacific Big Boy is a type of simple articulated 4-8-8-4 steam locomotive manufactured by the American Locomotive Company (ALCO) between 1941 and 1944 and operated by the Union Pacific Railroad in revenue service until 1962. The 25 B...
Underground Power Line to Electric Substation
Yaratıcı: HardCore Gaming
Modded Electric Substation with Underground Power Connection. Five versions up to 1 km of underground powerlines. The cost of construction includes the base building and underground powerlines. Therefore, only an advanced republic can afford such object. C...
Underground Parking
Yaratıcı: Pyro
A large capacity underground parking garage. Capacity: 32 cars (Update: I've noticed that the problems with this start when the vehicle population increases more than 32 cars. I have now limited the number to 32. Lets see if this cuts down the number of is...
Underground High Voltage Power Lines
Yaratıcı: HardCore Gaming
Modded Electric Substation with Underground Power Connection. Versions up to 1 km of underground powerlines. There is also a another version of the transformators with 9 underground outputs for connecting substations. With this mod https://steamcommunity.c...
Underground Heat Lines
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Underground Heat lines 3 type 100 meters 200 meters 300 meters Work like Heat Swich. Yes its looking no soo nice , ans some cheat, however, it can save your city from a web of pipesyes. for now, maybe, its only decision. work correct only with flat surface...
Underground Garage Cooperative
Yaratıcı: Holodets
Very small building under the guise of check-in. Made so that you can fit a lot more personal transport of residents in a small area. The capacity of 32 seats. Parking lot Big parking (54 places)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Us army multipurpose helicopter Production started in 1977 11 Colors. Currency USD....
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
a merchant submarine to bypass seablockades or sanctions, build during ww1 General Cargo Ship Capacity: 750t speed: 8 kn available from 1916 to 1995 for ₽ for more content from me my workshop...
Tzarsov Map
Yaratıcı: Alessio
Empty Map with 1 small village in the middle. Easy/Medium difficulty - Hard if you Start from the middle village. ENG -Tzarsov is a small medieval village built on a rock that control the below region. Discover Tzarsov from the mountain region to the swamp...
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
bulgarian bulk carrier comes in two variants for aggregate and general cargo. Both versions are able to transport Containers Capacity: 3608t speed: 13kn available from 1963 to 1990 for ₽ ...
Two Bay Valley
Yaratıcı: Alexander
Welcome to Two Bay Valley Country. A map without population. Balanced terrain for various play. This map's landscape features main great river, farming valley with overgrown abandoned plantations, mountains ranges for mining, great alpine scenery for touri...
Bureau Of Blueprints
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A small set of offices which allow you to purchase blueprints. With the new update test branch - blueprints no longer expire and these are no longer required, however people said they would still like to use them so I am leaving them as they are. L...
C-130 Air Force skins
Yaratıcı: Whitek3t
Additional skins for Lex713's C-130 aircraft. Hellenic Air Force Romanian Air Force Mexican Air Force Philippine Air Force * Added Royal Air Force & French Air Force ...
Car dealer
Yaratıcı: robs074 Car dealer based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers and has enough space for 18 cars. Motozbyt wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w ...
Car dealer - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my car dealer. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Cargo Zepplin
Yaratıcı: Calderiaän
During the golden age of airships, these flying monsters were used to carry resources to and from remote places Available from 1919 to 1969 Carries 60T of open cargo Can load vehicles This vehicle is quite large (120m) in order to be as realistic as possib...
Carpenter's Work Shed
Yaratıcı: Novu
Carpenter's work shed. A small lumber mill for villages, it is made from primitive materials such as rough hewn logs and rubble stone. ...
Cement Plant v2
Yaratıcı: r63Slam
At your request: vanilla production and consumption. x5 storage. +20 workers (50) Add 2 connection....
Cement Silo Multi
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Added more factory connections to the cement silo for easier connectivity...
Cement Truck VEB Zementwerke
Adds a german, GDR themed cement truck texture for the Skoda Chasis. As an easteregg, I added the insignia of the cementcombine "Rüdersdorf" near Berlin. Trivia: that´s where the last part of "The Hunger Games" was set, and that´s why you can see a ROBUR L...
Challenger 2 Tank
Yaratıcı: Krinkov
Challenger 2 TES Variant Nicknamed the Megatron ...
Checker Marathon
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
The yellow king of transportation. It is presented in two versions: Sedan, Universal. 2- Passenger versions 1- Ambulance 2- Police Produced from 1961 to 1982 20 Colors Currency USD....
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Checkpoint. The game is set like a small warehouse. Not a hindrance to transport. It interacts well with fences from other mods. UPD 28/03/20 - Completely redesigned model of the guardhouse. Контрольно-пропускной пункт. В игре установлен, как маленький скл...
Checkpoint for Railway
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Checkpoint for trains. The game is presented as a repository. Not a hindrance to transport. Контрольно-пропускной пункт для поездов. В игре представлен как хранилище. Не является помехой для транспорта. ...
Checkpoint for Workers
Yaratıcı: Tesmio
Checkpoint for people. It is also a repository. Front 4 entrances, rear two. Perhaps a hindrance to people. It fits well with fences from other mods. UPD 27.03.20 - Added the ability to stop public transport. The building is now a bus stop with all the ame...
Checkpoint N1
Yaratıcı: BORO
Здание проходной №1. С открытыми воротами. Работает как остановка общественного транспорта. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 – проходная без лозунга. 2 – проходная с лозунгом «Слава труду» На здании без лозунга вы можете написать собственный текст. Building ...
Chemical Plant V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
The Chemical Plant V2. x3 production, consumption, and storage....
Yaratıcı: dayzru
Scarce resources. Less customs. No zombies. Terracing effect left for a reason. Imported by Original map by Bohemia Interactive (Arma 2 Chernarus)...
Chevrolet Bel Air 1957
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
17 Расцветок Валюта USD Года выпуска 1957 - 1962 ----------------- 17 colors USD currency Year of production 1957 - 1962...
CHEVROLET C10 Third generation
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Third generation SUV. Produced from 1971 to 1991. There are 10 models with 20 colors: 4 Passenger 1 Open 1 Soverred 1 Gravel 1 Refrigerator 1 Snowplow 1 Police Currency USD. large weight of the mod due to the textures that must be placed in each folder wit...
Chevrolet Impala (1983)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Chevrolet Impala (1983) 12 color USD 1977 - 1985...
Chicken Farms
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
2 small chicken farms, mirrored for easy connection. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Requires up to 20 workers. In the mod category Factories. No heating requirement...
Church (80s)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Church from the 80s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Serves 100 believers. Kościół z lat 80. wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Obs...
Church (80s)
Yaratıcı: robs074 Church from the 80s based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Serves 80 believers. Kościół z lat 80. wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstocho...
Cinema Sojus
Adds a small cinema to the game. The name of the cinema is Sojus, like the soviet space ship. Employes 10 people, serves approximately 100 people....
Coal & Iron Mines(Auto)(Aluminium mine was added)
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
Completely Automatic Coal mine and iron mine,only need diggers for production ,need to be placed on rocks 全自动化煤矿和铁矿,有挖掘机就可以工作,需要放在岩石上 2019.11.13 the problem that diggers don't refuel automatically has been completely fixed,just make the gas station and the...
Coal heating plant
Yaratıcı: Novich
Coal heating plant Worker needed: 60 Production heat: 42000(700X60) Consumption coal: 33.6(0.56X60) Storage capacity: 100t coal Models and textures by 3division....
Coal mine
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
Coal mine Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Coal Mine Designe...
Coal processing plant
Yaratıcı: robs074 Coal processing based on a real building in Mysłowice, Poland. Employs 25 workers. Requires 350 t of coal ore and produces 200 t of coal per day when f...
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
Coastals from Germany and Poland includes: Kümo 500 general cargo capacity: 500 t speed: 8 kn available from 1950 to 1970 for ₽ Kümo 840 general cargo capacity: 840t speed: 11kn available from 1960 to 1987 for ₽ type b431 aggregate/Open capacity: 2959t 18T...
Twin nuclear pressurized water reactor
Yaratıcı: Benco54
Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) constitute the large majority of the world's nuclear power plants (notable exceptions being Japan and Canada) and are one of three types of light-water reactor (LWR), the other types being boiling water reactors (BWRs) and...
Tupolev TU-134
Yaratıcı: oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ту-134 (по кодификации НАТО: Crusty — «Резкий») — советский пассажирский самолёт на 76—80 пассажиров для авиалиний малой и средней протяжённости, разработанный в начале 1960-х годов в ОКБ им. Туполева и выпускавшийся серийно с 1966 по 1984 год на Харьк...
Tupolev Tu-114
Yaratıcı: Natronlauge
Tupolev Tu-114 "Rossiya" Туполев Ту-114 «Россия» In 1955, it was apparent that the Soviet Union lacked a big long-range airliner. Travelling across the huge country took a very long time (even by air) and there was no suitable plane for many international ...
Tuned Forklifts
Yaratıcı: knoelliX
Tuned Forklifts. Getunte Stapler. LZA4050: 1t Speed45 50KW 2.5t 1950-3000 LZA6050: 2.5t Speed40 50KW 4t 1950-3000 YL 80: 2t Speed50 55KW 2.2t 1950-3000...
Tu-154 side number 101 | Polish Government Tu-154
Yaratıcı: PieoPlay
-==- Modyfikacja dodająca malowanie Tupolewa Tu-154 Rządu RP. Modyfikacja nie ma na celu nikogo obrazić. Katastrofa w której uczestniczył była wielka, zmarły tragiczne wybitne osobowości - modyfikacja nie ma na celu wyrażać pośmiewisko, tylko być swoistym ...
Tu-154 Randomavia
Yaratıcı: Heidong
December 25th 1991, 7:32pm, a local communist party official receive an urgent call, the USSR doesn't exist anymore. He immediately pick up a phone, call his very good friend Dimitry, a former Kolchoz official which ****ed up a little during the corn crusa...
Tu-154 INTERFLUG (East Germany)
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Tu-154 Interflug (East Germany)...
Tu-154 Czechoslovak Airlines
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Tupolev Tu-154 OK-TCB Československé aerolinie Tupolev Tu-154 OK-TCB Czechoslovak Airlines...
Tu-154 Arstavia
Yaratıcı: Heidong
Tu154 by Arstavia Arstotzka National Airlines...
Tu-154 Aeroflot CCCP
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Tupolev Tu-154 Aeroflot CCCP-85412...
Yaratıcı: General Phanton
Are you tired of pesky capitalist bomber flying too close to your glorious republic's borders? Fear no more for the Experimental Design Bureau 156 presents the TU-148b interceptor to scare away anyone who dares to fly too close to your borders, it can also...
Tu-104 Aeroflot CCCP
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Tupolev Tu-104 Aeroflot CCCP 42460...
Tres Xemeneies
Yaratıcı: Novu
A large oil power plant based on the Tres Xemeneies generating station in Barcelona Spain. Employs 150 workers and can produce over 100MW of power. Added 200 worker version....
Toyota Corolla (E70)
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Toyota Corolla (яп. トヨタ・カローラ, Тойота Королла) — компактный автомобиль, выпускаемый компанией Toyota. Появившись в 1966 году, в 1974 году он попал в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самая продаваемая модель в мире. По данным книги, к декабрю 2000 во всем мире бы...
Toyota Tercel '90
Yaratıcı: mocma
The Toyota Tercel is a subcompact car manufactured between 1978 and 2000 through five generations. In this mod comes the 4th generation, available between 1990 and 1994 in four colors and in USD....
Tourist Hike
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
I want to walk all over the earth in sneakers, See in person what is in the distance. And you write letters to me in small handwriting, Since there is not enough space in the backpack .... - Leonid Derbenev So, comrades, take sleeping bags, tents, backpack...
Toprus' Warehouses Pack
Yaratıcı: Toprus100
Hi! This small pack includes 5 warehouses with track connection. They range from very small to very large ones. They are loosely inspired by the storages in the following towns (in order): -Czarna Woda -Potęgowo -Slavošovce -Szczecin -Wrocław You can easil...
Toprus' Trekking Trails Pack
Yaratıcı: Toprus100
Hi! This pack is my attempt at something a little unusual. Did you sometimes think about how the mountainous part of your country has unused potential? Do your mountains feel a little empty? This might be the solution! The pack contains 6 buildings, all of...
Collection of various cranes 3
Yaratıcı: Chestir
Первый и второй пак не обновляют, а каждый кран закидывать вручную мне лень поэтому: Третий пак кранов от Александра Тарасова Первый пак: Второй пак: ...
Combined Cargo / Heliport / Rail + No Rail Storage Set
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 3 Combined Cargo Storage's with Heliports. Two have Rail included. With 3 Rail includes > 4 Vehicle stations 14 Factory connections 2 Road connections 3 Rail lines 4 Heliports 2 Pipe Inputs 1 High and Low power inputs With 8 Rail includes > 8...
Combined Cargo Storage Set
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add a Small and 2 Large combined cargo storage units. One Large has Vehicle's storage Both Large have Livestock storage All with Open storage All with Covered storage All with Meat storage Vehicles have their own capacity which is mixed depending...
Combined Cargo Storage V2
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 2 Combined Cargo Storage's which include> One with Vehicle's storage Both with Livestock storage but only a visual capacity on the vehicle storage unit. Both with Meat storage but only a visual capacity on the vehicle storage unit. Both with ...
Combined Cargo Truck Set
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 2 covered and 4 Refrigerated Combined cargo Trucks. 4 Trucks have skin options. Each Truck can carry each item as an Individual Selectable cargo item. The purpose of making this is due to meat loading with trucks from a Combined cargo storage...
Combined Factory's
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This contains a selection of 8 Combined Factory's. For these to function you will need to supply all the cargo items needed. If an item is missing it will stop production of all items. The items needed are the same as the original factory's would need apar...
Compact diesel train station
Yaratıcı: Vanok [RUSMNB]
Diesel (gas) station with one track. Smaller then original, that helps with the lack of free space for construction. Has a piping connection and storage tank for 80 tons of fuel...
Compact Heliport
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
UPDATE: Added road connections UPDATE: Added asphalt rooftop version and compact passenger station! I do not own any of these assets or textures, they have been used from vanilla game. Just a very quick mod I made. Contains no clip cargo heliport for const...
Concrete Plant (Brickstone)
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Concrete plant made of brickstone and steel - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 5 workers...
Concrete Plant V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
Concrete Plant V2 - Increased Production. Original 3dArt: 3Division Workers: 10 Storage: 10T...
Container Ship pack
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
Collection of Container ships and Multipurpose Heavy Lift Vessels. This Collection includes: Sietas Typ 178 capacity: 17850t/1082TEU speed: 19kn available from 2008 to 2030 for $ T2-SE-A1 (Ideal X style) capacity: 16300t/86TEU (Oil and Containers) speed: 1...
Container Terminal
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
Container terminal is a transport infrastructure facility focused on working with containers. The main operations of a container terminal include transshipment of containers from one type of transport to another (or from one side to another) and temporary ...
Container Wagon
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Train production in screenshot made by OffTheRails: Containers kindly provided by Nyxyx :). Brand new redesign of my container wagon with 7 different variations of skins. Ca...
Construction Prop Pack: Vehicles
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information This prop pack includes total of 36 static construction related vehicles from vanilla game for all your decoration needs and it's only first pack of little construction series I'm gonna release for our great republics. Just like all my ploppabl...
Construction Prop Pack: Misc
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information This prop pack includes total of 17 static construction related props for all your decoration needs. Just like all my ploppable packs, "buildings" from this one can also be placed everywhere and can be found in monuments. What this pack include...
Construction Machinery Base
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
Hello everyone!!! I would like to present to you my next masterpiece. Hope everyone likes it. How many times have you wanted big construction companies? And construction offices that could be put somewhere well, very far away, and quite cheap. Or maybe you...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
Cooling Container 10ft, 20ft and 40ft
Yaratıcı: Henning
Cooling Container 10' Weight: 1.9T Capacity: 4.0T Cooling Container 20' Weight: 3.24T Capacity: 9.75T Cooling Container 40' Weight: 5.5T Capacity: 14.6T...
Cooling Container Un/Loading Facility
Yaratıcı: Henning
Loading and Unloading Facility for Cooling containers....
Czechoslovakian Embassy Berlin (Police+Secret Police)
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova Czechoslovakian Embassy Berlin The builidng is implemented as a police station and a secret police station. Both versions have room for 9 vehicles The police station employs 20 staff and 35 officers The secret pol...
Dark Green V3s series trucks w/decals
Yaratıcı: ryantheskinny
Green V3S series truck with CCCP decal and red star...
Dark Green W50 Tractor trailer series trucks
Yaratıcı: ryantheskinny
Green W50 Tractor trailer series trucks...
Yaratıcı: BORO
Дебаркадер Debarkader Речной вокзал --- River Station Кино - Театр --- Cinema - Theater Ресторан --- Restaurant Гостиница --- Hotel Ко всем зданиям может причаливать пассажирский водный транспорт. To all buildings can moor passenger water transport. 1 – Ре...
Diesel locomotive BM20
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
ВМ20 ВМ20 первый советский двухсекционный тепловоз с электрической передачей. Был построен в 1934 году на Коломенском заводе и назван в честь Вячеслава Молотова. Всего было построено два локомотива, которые работали в паре. Характеристики одной секции: Диз...
Discovery Bay
Yaratıcı: morcup
Here is my next map, based on a heightmap of the Discovery Bay area of Washington state. There is plenty of flat land in the center for whatever you may want to do. There are three outside connections, with power nearby each....
DODGE Diplomat
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Хорощая машина для вашей полиции. 3 варианта автомобиля. -Седан -Универсал -Полицейская ( как добавят в игру добавлю ) Выпускался 1977 - 1988 20 цветов. Валюта USD. --------------------------------------------- Nice car for your police. 3 car options. -Sed...
DODGE Tradesman VAN (1971)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
First generation minibus from Dodge. Produced from 1971 to 1978. 8 options: 1 - Passenger. 1 - Open. 2 - Covered. 1 - Refrigerator. 2 - Ambulance. 1 - Police 1 - Police bus 20 colors. Currency USD....
Double decker container wagon v2
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Second version of my "Double decker container wagon". Now works with the in-game containers. Double-stacking ability is kept, so you can transport twice as many containers in one train! Enjoy making long and awesome-looking monsters going throughout your r...
Double-decker Car-carrier Wagon
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
A blue double-decker car-carrier wagon. Finally updated, so its possible to load vehicles onto upper deck! It is recommended to only load personal cars due to other vehicles clipping onto upper deck. Modrý vozeň na prepravu vozidiel. Konečne aktualizované,...
Dry Bulk Multi Connection Transfers
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This is a set of Multi connection Dry Bulk Transfers for Aluminium oxide and Cement. Always connect lower first if you wan't connection above as well. ...
Dry Bulk Mid Height Transfers
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This is a set of Dry Bulk Mid Height Transfers for Aluminium oxide and Cement. ...
Double-decker Container Wagon
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Another container wagon to my wagon callection, this time huge, double decker one. Extreme capacity of 92t due to the sheer size of it, costing you 45,300 big ones. For balance reasons, the overall weight of the wagon has been increased significantly. Avai...
EC2-S-C1 Freighter
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
The EC2-S-C1 Freighter also known as Liberty ship is a ww2 mass produced cargoship that has been used in merchant fleets all over the world postwar Capacity: 10856t speed: 11kn available for $ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Electrical Heating Plant
Yaratıcı: Henning
Electrical Heating Plant Small: 5 Workers 2.35 MW 100M² Hot Water Electrical Heating Plant: 5 Workers 7.1 MW 300M² Hot Water...
Electrolytic aluminium plant(Integrated)
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
电解铝工厂,整合了铝土矿处理和氧化铝厂,输入铝土矿输出成品铝 单个工人生产率、每单位铝的资源消耗和原版大致保持一致(铝土处理的环节等也计算在内) 大幅增加了用电量 工人:750 输入: 150粗铝土矿 36煤 6化学品 输出:24铝 有意见或建议可以写在评论区。 The electrolytic aluminum plant integrates bauxite processing plant and alumina plant.It inputs bauxite and outputs aluminum...
Electronics Assembly Hall v2
Yaratıcı: Novu
Same as standard Eletronics factory but does not require researching circuitry to build. Assemble electronics as your first industry to make the big bucks....
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Была модель Американского локомотива и грузового вагона середины 50х Локомотив 1953 -1967 6 Цветов. Валюта USD Крытый вагон грузовой 1953 1986 3 цвета Валюта USD ----------------------------------- There was a model of an American locomotive and a freight ...
EMD SD45-2
Yaratıcı: Lex713
  Information The EMD SD45-2 is a 6-axle road switcher diesel-electric locomotive built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division (EMD). EMD built 136 locomotives between 1972–1974, primarily for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (ATSF). The SD45-2...
Exportable Yak38
Yaratıcı: Sulphart
The Yakovlev Yak-38 was the Soviet Naval Aviation's only operational VTOL strike fighter aircraft in addition to being its first operational carrier-based fixed-wing aircraft. It was developed specifically for, and served almost exclusively on, the Kiev-cl...
Extended depo
Yaratıcı: Szwarc
This depo is an extended version of the standard rail depo available in the game and it is able to house longer trains....
Extra Barbed Wire Fence
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Another version of my barbed wire fence, this time with extra barbed wire coil going in the middle. 6m high, suitable for any kind of building worth protecting in your humbble, peaceful rebuplic. Comes in a set of 1, 3 and 10 pieces for easy placement. Ďal...
Extra-Long Vehicle Depot
Yaratıcı: Fiend
My original long vehicle depot was meant to be this, but the game didn't support more than 8 parking spaces. Now that the game has been updated, I can release this one. Space for 16 vehicles. Update: Added a distribution office version. Also changed the fe...
Fairchild C-123 Provider
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Army transporter Years of issue 1955 - 1970 11 Colors Currency USD....
Faster Road Vehicle Construction
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This mod will add 2 Vehicle Production buildings One with Rail connection and one without, that have been Upgraded for a capacity of 1500 Workers and 300 Engineers,which will accelerate the construction of road vehicles. Providing the Workers and Engineers...
Faster Ship Construction
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This mod will add a Drydock that has been Upgraded for a capacity of 1500 Workers and 300 Engineers,which will accelerate the construction of ships.Providing the workers and engineers can be provided. Power consumption has been halved for a normal balance....
Faster Train Construction
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This mod will add a Train Production building that has been Upgraded for a capacity of 1500 Workers and 300 Engineers,which will accelerate the construction of Trains providing the workers and engineers are supplied. Power consumption has been halved for a...
Fence PO-2/Забор ПО-2
Widespread in the USSR concrete fence PO-2. Fence sections fit well together. If you decide to fence off any building with this fence, then from the beginning put a fence, and only then connect the building to the road. The fence does not interfere with th...
Fire station 4-16-21
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Model project 4-16-21 was a typical Soviet fire station built between the '50s to the mid '60s. It comes in two variants, one with a plaster facade and a brick one (updated). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has b...
Fish Farm
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Fish Farm. Produces a small amount of meat in return for supplies of grain (to feed the fish) and wood (fuel for the smoker). Must be partially placed over the water (the side with the blue dots). Pre-levelling is definitely recommended as they can be a qu...
Fishing Lighthouse
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
Fish industry: requires the lighthouse to be staffed, and ships to pick up the fish. This version has been modified for extra remote locations, with a helipad, GPS beacons, and an internal RTG; meaning it needs no external power. I am not responsible for a...
Fishing Lighthouse (Old)
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
Fish industry: requires the lighthouse to be staffed, and ships to pick up the fish. This version is unmodernised, and requires external power. -By Nyxyx...
Fixed playgrounds
Yaratıcı: MTandi
The game has an issue with buildings that have only 1 worker. This issue makes citizens complain about sports even when you have playgrounds everywhere. Issue reason: New workers won't come until the previous worker leaves, which means that the building wi...
Farm v2
Yaratıcı: r63Slam
24 working vehicles. x2.5 storage. Added fuel in storage Added fertilizer in storage...
Fast nuclear fuel plant
Yaratıcı: Okota Harinezumi
This is the standard Nuclear fuel fabrication model. Increased productivity and therefore resource consumption. It also requires more workers to work....
Faster Airplane Construction
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add a Airplane Production building that has been Upgraded for a capacity of 1500 Workers and 500 Engineers,which will accelerate the construction of Airplanes.Providing the workers and engineers are supplied. Power consumption has been halved for...
Yaratıcı: Elektrofumigator
Hello. I'd like to present you "Fjords". This is my first map to W&S heavily inspired by Nordfjordeid region of Norway. Map itself is hilly, highest point measures approx 880 m. over sea level. Map contains one, medium-sized city, one small city and lots o...
Yaratıcı: Pyro
A set of flat rail cars for use in hauling building materials using advenced anti-grav tech. This is a railway wagon in my collection of USSR 2050 futu...
Fluid Container 20ft and 40ft
Yaratıcı: Henning
Fluid Container 20' Weight: 3.24T Capacity: 19.5T Fluid Container 40' Weight: 5.5T Capacity: 29.2T...
Food Factory V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
Food Factory V2 2x Production & Export...
Fluid Container Un/Loading Facility
Yaratıcı: Henning
Loading and Unloading Facility for Fluid containers....
Forced Work Camp <GULAG><PRISON>
Yaratıcı: MBELA3858
GULAG PRISON in old Russian Style. Prison Capacity 315 prisoners Guard men capacity 105 Need cloths and food- not Meat! Kulaks haven't right for eatin meat! They are enemies of people and our Soviet state. Enjoy this Gulag Prison, Comrades and my advise fo...
FORD Crown Victoria 1987
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
FORD Crown Victoria 1987 COST USD 11 Color PASSANGER 5 1981 1991...
FORD E-150 (1975)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
5 Типов: 1. Личный транспорт. 2. Грузовой фургон. 3. Грузовой треллер. 4. Открытый кузов 5. Рефрежиратор. 20 цветов. Валюта USD Года выпуска 1975-1991 --------------------------------------------- 5 Types: 1. Personal transportation. 2. Cargo van. 3. Cargo...
FORD f-350 (1971)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
FORD f-350 (1971) FORD f-350 1971 года 4 типа: 1 - Пассажирский 3 места. 2 - Закрытый кузов. 3 - Открытый кузов. 4 - Снегоуборщик. 20 Цветов. Выпускался 1971 1979 Валюта USD --------------------- FORD f-350 1971 4 types: 1 - Passenger 3 places. 2 - RESOURC...
Ford Trimotor
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
The Ford Trimotor was a popular and successful aircraft design of the inter-war years. It is avaible here for those wishing to have early game starts. Produced: 1926-1933 Capacity: 11 Passengers, or cargo Engine power: 660KW Takeoff run: 350m Comissioned b...
FORD Victoria
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
COST USD 1991 1998...
Forklift Garage
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Forklift garage for 8 vehicles and a separate parking space for fuel deliveries. At the moment the garage menu only displays 4 vehicles, although 8 work fine without any issues. I have contacted the dev's and they are going to get it fixed soon....
Forklift Road Crossing
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
You can now cross the road with your forklift connections, allowing for much better planning. Vehicle clipping will occur, this I can't change. Rail crossing available here -
Full-Auto Solar Farm 全自动太阳能农场
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
注意:游戏必须启用“测试版(test)”才能使用此mod Note:you have to enable "test version“ for the game otherwise the mod will not function 全自动太阳能农场,不需要工人即可自动产出农作物,产量受日照条件影响。 满效率为6吨每日,约等于原版16块大田(开启季节交替的情况下),建议连接谷仓使用 有意见或建议可以写在评论区。 模型 by 3division The full automatic solar farm ca...
Garage Cooperative
Yaratıcı: Holodets
Garage for 32 seats. Occupies an area less than 3 storey garage Parking lot...
Gas Station Pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54
This is my gas station pack, it contains 14 different gas stations. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly so that not every gas station looks the same. Please check our discord server: https://discord.g...
Gas station with connection
(En) A gas station with piping, for four cars, in the Soviet style....
Yaratıcı: frostsey
Gaz 2975
Yaratıcı: acc
Газ 2975 "Тигр" Создавал для себя,может кому пригодится,колёса крутятся,свет в салоне в ночное время суток убрал, т.к. не очень реалистично выглядит,особенно для военной техники. Работает как личный автомобиль 10 пассажиров макс скорость 135км/ч...
GAZ Dealership
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Это мое второе полноценное — здания. По этому не судите строго. Этот мод не претендует на реалистичность. Основная тематика моих модификациях — автомобили, вот решил затронуть и околоавтомобильные тему. Описание: Типовой дилерский центр, абсолютно стандарт...
GAZ-M21 Volga - Blue/Cream
Yaratıcı: geoitj
Chevrolet? Chrysler? Ford? Pah! This is the car the Union wants - and it will cost you no more than ten times the average wage; a bargain at twice the price....
Gazelle 1st gen van & minibus
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
1st generation "Gazelle" van and minibus * GAZ-2705 panel van Capacity: 1350 kg Max speed: 115 km/h Power: 74 kw * GAZ-322132 minibus Capacity: 12 passengers Max speed: 115 km/h Power: 74 kw Both available 1996-2003 Skins included GAZ-2705 / GAZ-322132 - w...
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ГАЗель NEXT — семейство российских малотоннажных автомобилей, серийный выпуск которых начался на Горьковском автомобильном заводе с 9 апреля 2013 года. Новая модель (заводкой индекс A21RXX) отличается от предыдущей новой кабиной поколения NEXT c эргономичн...
Toprus' Small Railway Storage
Yaratıcı: Toprus100
Hi! Today I want to present to you my first building that is not a passenger station - it's actually a small brick storage. I wanted to create this for people, who want to roleplay on their republics. The inspiration was the system used in Poland untill la...
Toprus' Multifunctional small shed
Yaratıcı: Toprus100
Hello there! Another mod, the same day, simmilar theme - new open beta branch (but not only). Here I present to you, the Multifunctional Small Shed. It comes in 4 different versions. Most importantly: -TECHNICAL SERVICES (feature added in the new update) -...
Toprus' Gdynia Harbour Refridgerated Storage
Yaratıcı: Toprus100
Hello! This is one of my largest projects so far. I have recreated (to a certain degree :p) the refridgerated storage of Gdynia Harbour. The building is designed, as the main meat storage for your entire republic, because guess what? IT HOLDS 15,5k TONNES ...
Tiny University for villages and small towns
Yaratıcı: precum baby
A little quality of life mod enabling you to maintain university education population levels in villages cut off from society or little towns that don't fit large unis to prevent lack of doctors and teachers. It's really annoying when you have to micromana...
tiny cargo station
Yaratıcı: Lac_M
If You don't have much space to fit regular sized cargo station, and need more trucks waiting to unload in shop...
The Socialist Republic of the Balkans
Yaratıcı: LordDarthV
A perfect scale Balkans map made with real life topographic imaging with plentiful resources and border locations. I hope you enjoy! Update Log: - Old - Update 1.0: Release update adding access to workshop Update 1.1.1: Release added: - topographic mountai...
General Container 10ft, 20ft and 40ft
Yaratıcı: Henning
General Container 10' Weight: 0.9T Capacity: 8.0T General Container 20' Weight: 2.1T Capacity: 19.5T General Container 40' Weight: 3.7T Capacity: 29.2T General container are able to load Covered goods and Open goods....
General Container Un/Loading Facility
Yaratıcı: Henning
Loading and Unloading Facility for General containers. General container are able to load Covered goods and Open goods....
Geothermal heating and power plants
Yaratıcı: Comrade Sky
Now you, comrade, can access energy life has used since the beginning. Volcanic vents may have spawned life billions of years ago, but now it can keep the proletariat warm and the lights on in the factories. Geothermal energy is gaining popularity because ...
Geothermal Powerstation
Yaratıcı: Novu
Based on a geothermal power plant in Utrecht the Netherlands it produces electricity with no pollution or fuel inputs. Expensive to build for it's size but cheap to maintain. Has a 3MW output. Added a re-skinned version v2. Added heating plants....
Yaratıcı: Staines
The Republic of Geuria. - No Population An isolated and idyllic bay, surrounded by rugged windswept hills. Designed for balanced gameplay. Terrain based on northern Spain....
Grain Silo Multi
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A grain silo with multiple factory connections....
Granite embankment
Yaratıcı: BORO
Гранитная набережная. 21 элемент для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Granite embankment. 21 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. 1. Набережная 12 метров (спортивная площ...
Gravel Mine v2
Yaratıcı: r63Slam
x2 production. x10 storage. +10 workers (50) Add 2 conveyor output. Added fuel to storage...
Gravel Processing v2
Yaratıcı: r63Slam
At your request, I removed the increase in production. Added only workers. Add conveyor input, vehicle station and connection road. x5 storage (50t import, 650t export) +5 worker (20 workers) If you need to return back with a boost, write in the comments ...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Greenhouse 2 type of greenhouse complex Use Coal for Warm Electro for light Chimical for save growing Greenhouse Complex for your Comrades Warning! Now in balancing resources!...
Gym(nasium/Sportshall) - GDR like
Adds a gym, working like a normal football field, but serving much more people. Employes 5 people, serves approximately 35 people....
Half Life 2 Skoda truck
Yaratıcı: Zombiedragon
Welcome. Welcome to the Skoda 706. You have chosen or been chosen to drive one of our finest remaining heavy trucks. I thought so much of the Skoda 706 that I decided to mass produce them. In the vehicle plant so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. S...
Hangar huge
В моде есть 5 большие ангары: 1 большой ангар 2 большие ангары 3 большие ангары 5 большие ангары Простой и большой ангар, который вмещается большие самолеты. Примечание, ширина вороты ангары небольшая, что некоторые самолеты, например АН-225 'Мрия', не мог...
Hard Truck 2: Building Pack Vol.2
Yaratıcı: Lex713
UPDATE: Everything is now buildable everywhere with no restrictions whatsoever! Also added fuel tank and SuperCargo container as monuments for decoration purpose. Building pack from old (1998-2001 releases) game Hard Truck 2 aka Rig&Roll 2 aka Дальнобойщик...
Hardau Commercial Pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54
The Hardau Commercial Pack is the addition to my other mod hardau pack. It contains: 2 gas stations ( 1 is one way) ) 2 shops 1 hospital 1 school Disclaimer: Parts of the in-game models and textures created by the game developers Google Maps Link for the o...
Heating Plants
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small heating plants. Available in 4 sizes: X Small - 4 staff - 12 Gj of heat - 60m3 - No Pipes Small - 6 staff - 24 Gj of heat - 120m3 - No Pipes Medium - 8 staff - 40 Gj of heat - 200m3 - 2 Small Pipes Large - 10 staff - 70 Gj of heat - 3...
Helicopter infrastructure
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
With the introduction of helicopter transport into the game, it became necessary (at least for me) to create an infrastructure. Of course, the game already has a helipad and a place for helicopter parking, but I wanted something a little different. The ent...
High Flow Oil Rig
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
Not getting enough from your Oil Rigs ? Well this is for you! This will enhance your max extraction of Oil to 30 tons per Workday which will give you better extraction when placed on Small or Large Deposits. Also with larger internal storage of 50 tons. ...
High voltage railroad electric connection
Yaratıcı: Emhyr var Emreis
This mod allows you to connect high voltage (power up to 13MW) to your rail system. Trains propel all Soviet republics! This mod allows you to power them up properly, comrade. Using default railroad electric connection our construction bureau was able to p...
High Voltage Substation
Yaratıcı: Novu
Bring high voltage electricity directly to dense urban developments. Added mainly for the benefit of using higher capacity underground wires. No collision enabled (not for use on the Beta / test server) Added variant with collision....
Holden Station
Yaratıcı: Fiend
My interpretation of the kind of station that Charles Holden might have come up with if he had lived in the Soviet Union. Capacity 4000 4 tracks Three versions included, with the road on the right or the left, and a smaller two-track one with no road conne...
Honda Concerto
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Honda Concerto — автомобиль, производившийся британским подразделением японского изготовителя с 1988 по 1994 год. Concerto выпускалась в двух вариантах кузова: хетчбэк и седан. Как и её предшественник, Honda Ballade, она разделила свою платформу с продукта...
Hospital (with Helipad)
Yaratıcı: Benco54
Hello, this is my hospital. It requires 90 employees and 40 doctors, so it can also accommodate many patients. It offers space for 4 vehicles and from now on 1 for helicopters at the roof! there is a vehicle connection and 4 pedestrian connections as a sma...
Hospital with helipad
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Edited vanilla hospital buiding with integrated functioning helipad. It is more expensive to build due to the additional structures and reinforcing, and has an additional parkiing slot for the helicopter. All other stats remain the same as the default buil...
Huge Coal Plant
Yaratıcı: Novu
The ultimate coal power plant it employs 428 workers and can produce 30000MWh per day on a 500MW circuit breaker. Based on the Battersea Powerstation which operated in the UK between 1933 to 1983. The powerstation was shutdown due to high maintenance costs...
Huge Fabric Factory (NEW)
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Huge Fabric Factory Based on a cotton mill in Leipzig (east Germany). - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connection - 500 places for workers...
Hughes OH-6 Cayuse
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
USA light helicopter. Produced 1966 - 1973 10 Colors Currency USD....
Hybrid Refinery
Yaratıcı: Novu
A mid sized refinery that comes in three versions. Employs 100 workers each. Hybrid fuel & bitunum Fuel only refinery Bitunum only refinery...
Il-18 Aeroflot CCCP
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Il-18 Aeroflot CCCP-75554...
IL-18 Arstavia
Yaratıcı: Heidong
IL-18 by Arstavia Arstotzka National Airlines...
Il-76 Aeroflot CCCP
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Il-76 Aeroflot CCCP-86915 CCCP-76478...
Il-76 AIR KORYO (North Korea)
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Il-76 AIR KORYO...
il-76 Flatbed - ил-76 для контейнеров и автомобилей
Yaratıcı: Elessar_warrior
ENG Vanilla il-76 but with the capacity to load vehicles/containers. Can carry up to 47 tons. It also has cargo capacity for open and covered goods. It can load most vehicles in the game. Now you can export tanks and military hardware by plane! (if you hav...
Improved customs
Мод для ускорения прохождения таможни без пробки Хотите, чтобы грузовики перестали стоять в бесконечных очередях на таможне? Этот мод поможет! Инструкция по установке: - Подпишите мод: Это важно для корректной работы мода. - Создайте резервную копию: Перед...
Industrial Embankment
Yaratıcı: BORO
Промышленная набережная. 23 элемента для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Тип здания – монумент. Industrial embankment. 23 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. Building t...
InterCity-Express 1 | ICE 1
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Statistics: Power car: Price: 146,091$ Max speed: 160km/h (limited by game) Power: 4800KW Empty Weight: 80t Passanger Wagon: Price: 57,029$ Capacity: 71 passangers Weight: 53t Restaurant Wagon: Price: 64,487$ Capacity: 40 passangers Weight: 60t Wiki page f...
International K Series
Yaratıcı: CrowdSceneExtra
International Harvester was a manufacturer of trucks and agricultural equipment based out of Chicago. The K series of trucks served as both their light and heavy duty trucks through the 1940s, including before, during, and after WWII. While the heavy duty ...
International Transtar 2 (CO 4070)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Седельный тягач. 8 типов прицепов: 1 - Бетономешалка. 2 - Рефрежиратор. 3 - Цементовоз. 4 - Цистерна 5 - Прицеп для сыпучих грузов. 6 - Лесовоз 7 - Открытый прицеп. 8 - Закрытый прицеп. 20 цветов. Года выпуска 1968 - 1981 ----------------------------------...
Yaratıcı: Дима
International_9800i Грузовик был построен в период с 1999 по 2015 год согласно Википедии тип полуприцепа бортовой грузо подъёмность 21 тонна можно пре обрести за USD. к нему же будет добавлены другие модификации полу прицепов....
Yaratıcı: RED
Hello JELCZ fanatics! Here is a pack of trailers for JELCZ 317 so you could have even more of your favorite vehicle in the game. Content: - Jelcz 317 with covered trailer - available from 1968 - Jelcz 317 with medium covered trailer - available from 1974 -...
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
a polish passenger ferry converted from a german ww2 s-boat Capacity: 100 Passengers speed: 19kn available from 1945 to 1970 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
K67 Kiosk
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova 0,25% loyalty for 250 meters Kiosk K67 is a modular space system by the Yugoslav (Slovenian) architect and designer Saša J. Mächtig. K67 was designed as a flexible multi-purpose structure that can be used in manifold...
K67 Kiosk Skins
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova Kiosk K67 is a modular space system by the Yugoslav (Slovenian) architect and designer Saša J. Mächtig. K67 was designed as a flexible multi-purpose structure that can be used in manifold variations and configuration...
K700 series
Yaratıcı: Sulphart
Kirovets K700 Series. 2 Dumper versions: 6x6 Dumper (16t capacity) Loader (7t) 1 6x6 Cargo (16t) 1 6x6 Open hull (16t) 1 Tractor 1 Wood logger (7t) 1 Snowplow 1 Base version (as personnal car, for production and...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Light multipurpose helicopter for agricultural and civil aviation. Start of production 1969 15 Colors Currency RUB...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Soviet shipborne multipurpose helicopter. Production started in 1980. 10 Colors. Currency RUB...
KamAZ 4310
Yaratıcı: KapgaH
КамАЗ 4310. В игре не хватало лесовоза от Камского завода, встречайте. Сдернул из одной известной игры про грязь и изрядно с ней помучился. Представляю бортовую открытую, бортовую закрытую, тоже с прицепами, лесовоз с роспуском, и вахтовку, в кчестве автоб...
Kamaz 53215
Yaratıcı: MC Bonito
KamAZ 53215 2001 - present time Model author Holodets Enjoy...
Kamaz 55102
Yaratıcı: vinnikandry
KAMAZ 6350
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
Прололжаем тему военного автопрома. Автор модели: неизвестный. КамАЗ-6350 — бортовой тягач повышенной проходимости, выпускаемый Камским автомобильным заводом (КамАЗ). Унифицированный армейский полноприводный автомобиль многоцелевого назначения семейства «М...
Karosa B 734 RED & YELLOW
Yaratıcı: Lac_M
červená a žltá karosa 734...
Khovrino Hospital
Yaratıcı: Akira43
An ill fated real life building ( ) adapted as closely as possible to be an in game hospital. It has 2 road connections and parking spaces for up to 15 ambulances and a roof heliport. It has more or less t...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Kindergarten Детский сад серии VI-52 medium size 360 kinders 30 workers Автор модели: Тимур Самедов (citizensnip)...
Kamaz 5320 Army
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Third set of skins for the Kamaz 5320, generic army skins including construction vehicles for army sappers/engineers. In detail, this pack includes: Kmz 5320 Covered - army olive green Kmz 5320 Open - army olive green Kmz 5320 Tanker - army olive green Kmz...
Yaratıcı: robs074 Typical Polish kiosks, working as monuments. In version or newer they also slightly increase people's loyalty in the neughbouring area by selli...
KMZ5410 tractor trailer in gray
Yaratıcı: ryantheskinny
Gray Kmz 5410 cabs for route identification...
Krasniy Gulf [v1.0]
Yaratıcı: Sirion
Krasniy Gulf, a fictional map, which presents a challenge for even experienced tycoons out there. You have been assigned to this relatively flat, foresty area to expand our Soviet reach towards the Asian continent. You can import & export with us via the W...
Yaratıcı: Augusto_Panalitico
In English KrAZ-6322-Ukrainian cargo four-wheel drive car hood layout. Designed for transporting people and various goods on public roads, as well as off-road. ...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Kukuryza Prototype was build in 1989 in Poland little bit problems with build visualisation , but all work :)....
Yaratıcı: pascha.frolow1990
The quarry. Quarry for the extraction of stone rocks. Attention! Updating the mod. It does not require: electricity, drinking water and sewerage. Parking has been removed as unnecessary (it takes a long time to load, the trash can interferes, there is only...
The five islands.
Yaratıcı: Lupus
--- THIS MAP IS CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT --- I generated this map with a small phyton script. I hope you like it. I am currently testing it myself. Feel free to leave some feedback Thanks :)...
The Bottleneck
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
The Bottleneck balanced map with wide open areas, hills, large towns and a lot of water for ships....
TH type 765 and 866
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
project 765 (general cargo, aggregate and waste) Capacity: 600t speed: 9kn available from 1956 to 1990 for ₽ project 866 (Tanker) Capacity: 600t speed: 9kn available from 1963 to 1990 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Television tover
Yaratıcı: Sahsa_STALKER
Television tower...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
Technical University
Yaratıcı: Benco54
This is a technical university. it is based on the 3division model with the textures. a few informations: requires 105 workers and 90 professors it trains many people to become academics there is a pass for 2 streets. my idea would be to have a large stree...
Tatra 815 pack
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
The Tatra T815 is a truck family, produced by Czech company Tatra as a successor to Tatra T813. It uses the traditional Tatra concept of rigid backbone tube and swinging half-axles giving independent suspension. This pack includes several versions of the 8...
Yaratıcı: Novu
A tannery for making leather fabric. Consumes cattle + wood to make fabric. Employs 25 workers. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. Residential (original m...
Tanker Wagon
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Large tanker wagon for liquids. 150t carrying capacity (can be subject to balancing, for being longer than normal wagons). Available from 1965 and costs 8300 rubles. Diffuse for the cisterns has been reused from original wagon files, otherwise its my origi...
tanker r63a
Yaratıcı: olDen
tanker_r63a SPEED 5 uzla CAPACITY 200 CAPACITY 300 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Oleg Gordienko...
Realistic Škoda Pack Part 1/4 - Škoda Garde/Rapid
Yaratıcı: precum baby
Six new skins for Škoda Garde and Rapid inspired by real color charts. _____________________________________________________________ Škoda Garde: - Lagoon Blue - Sun-Yellow - White - Black - Tobacco Brown - Ruby Red Škoda Rapid: - Lagoon Blue - Modena Gree...
Realistic Škoda Pack Part 2/4 - Škoda 120L
Yaratıcı: precum baby
Thirteen new skins for Škoda 120L inspired by real color charts. ______________________________________________________________ Skin List: - Blue - Black - Lagoon Blue - Modena Green - Sahara Beige - White - Tobacco Brown - Sun-Yellow - Turquoise Blue - Go...
Realistic Škoda Pack Part 3/4 - Škoda 120M
Yaratıcı: precum baby
Thirteen new skins for Škoda 120M inspired by real color charts. _____________________________________________________________ Skin List: - Colorado Red - Black - Lagoon Blue - Modena Green - Sahara Beige - White - Tobacco Brown - Sun-Yellow - Turquoise Bl...
Realistic Škoda Pack Part 4/4 - Škoda 100/1000
Yaratıcı: precum baby
Ten new skins for Škoda 100 and five new skins for Škoda 1000 inspired by real color charts. _____________________________________________________________ Škoda 100: - Ruby Red - Colorado Red - Lagoon Blue - Zenith Blue - Black - Sun-Yellow - Modena Green ...
Large Capacity Distribution Open Storage
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add a Large Capacity modified open storage to your game. Included > 10 Factory connections. 8 Rail Lines. 2 Visual cargo bays. 4 Vehicle stations. 2 Road connections. And also a central Distribution capacity of 25000 tons. Putting your'e grass de...
Large Capacity Distribution Warehouse
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add a Large Capacity Modified Distribution Warehouse to your game. This is the Train Production building converted to a Covered Storage building. I have changed the color of the building a little bit from the original. No workers are needed as th...
Large capacity Tankers
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
Two sets of Tankers with a capacity of 280 ...
Large Chemical Plant
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large Chemical Plant - 500 workers - 4 railroad connections - 1 road connection...
Large City Hall
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large City Hall/Accounting office This building serves as a city hall. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Large Clothing Factory (NEW)
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large clothing factory made out of bricks - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - 250 places for workers...
Large Coal Power Plant
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large Coal Power Plant - Place for 80 workers - up to 5600 MWh energy production - 2 road connections - 6 medium voltage connections - 6 high voltage connections...
Large Electronic Component Factory
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large Factory for Electronic Components Inspired by the 'Halbleiterwerk' in Frankfurt (Oder) in east Germany. - 1 Road connection - place for 300 workers...
Uyumsuz Olarak İşaretlenmiş ]  Large Farm
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large Farm - 768 tons storage - 24 vehicles - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connections - 5 factory connections...
Large Food Factory
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large Food Factory - 260 workers - 1 road connection - 4 factory connections...
Large Grain Elevator
Yaratıcı: Pyro
A large grain elevator built from prefab panels. It stores 24,000 grain tons of grain. - 6 factory connections - 2 road connections - 2 vehicle stations Thanks to the the W&R modders discord for help building and debugging: https://...
Large Harbors Pack
Yaratıcı: Sulphart
Pack of large harbors for gigantic ships (around 300m). It contains: - A large dock with 3 slots - A large container terminal - A large cargo terminal I made it especially for my aircraft carrier mod:
Tank t72b3
Yaratıcı: acc
Танк т72б3,работает как бульдозер.Подойдёт для отыгрыша впк. T72b3 tank, works as a bulldozer.Suitable for wagering military-industrial complex....
Yaratıcı: Augusto_Panalitico
Версия автомобиля (автобуса)/Version of the car (bus) На русском Танк Т-72А — это усовершенствованная модификация легендарного танка Т-72. В частности в башне теперь применялась комбинированная броня, вместо литой. Также усилена защита верхней лобовой дета...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
Т-64 (Объект 432) — советский средний танк. Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 65 км/ч Мощность - 515 кВТ Пассажировместимость - 3 чел. Года - с 1963 по 1969 T-64 (Object 432) - Soviet medium tank. Main characteristics: Maximum speed - 65 km ...
Yaratıcı: Augusto_Panalitico
На русском T-34-85 — войсковое обозначение последней модификации советского среднего танка Т-34 с орудием калибра 85-мм. Принят на вооружение РККА Постановлением ГКО № 5021 от 23 января 1944 года. Спроектирован на базе серийного танка Т-34 образца 1942 год...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
Т-62 (объект 166) — советский средний и основной танк. Создан на базе танка Т-55. Производился в СССР с 1962 по 1975 год. Первый в мире серийный танк с гладкоствольным орудием, и массой среднего танка при высоком уровне бронирования. Основные характеристик...
T-34 Monument
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Monument of the famous soviet T34 tank....
SZ-Class Ferry
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
a small polish passenger ferry Capacity: 120 Passengers speed: 16kn available from 1961 to 1981 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Yaratıcı: Alexander
This is my first ever attempt to mod a vehicle to this game. Thanks to all guides and authors in W&R Community! I created this mod for early steam locomotive for my personal use and decided to share. Since there is not many options for early train engines ...
Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) Monument V2
Yaratıcı: Minister of Wolves
*This item has been updated with Loyalty and 0 Collision* A surface-to-air missile (SAM), also known as a ground-to-air missile (GTAM) or surface-to-air guided weapon (SAGW), is a missile designed to be launched from the ground to destroy aircraft or other...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
THE STORE SUPERMARKET.The mod is based on the store: Shop_Prior. The number of platforms for unloading goods has been increased to three. All other parameters of the original store were not changed....
Submarine Monument
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A Submarine Monument for a bit of decoration....
Yaratıcı: General Phanton
After the succesful deposition of gorbachev by comrade yanayev the people rejoiced for the soviet union had survived its most difficult trial yet, now at the dawn of a new millenia your soviet republic is in dire need of modernising its military, but this ...
Street decoration asset pack
Yaratıcı: equinox.nova A small collection of decorative items for the city. The pack includes: - ad column - awning - cafe tables + chairs - mailbox - phone booth - sunshade - ...
Stops for trams
Yaratıcı: BORO
Остановки для трамваев. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 – одно железнодорожное полотно. 2 – два железнодорожных полотна. Stops for trams. In two versions. 1 - one railway track. 2 - two railway tracks. ...
Steel Mill V3(The electric furnace steel mill)
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
半自动化电炉炼钢厂,提取地下矿床中的铁矿到仓库中,通过电炉消耗巨大的电能炼制成钢,不再直接需要煤炭作为生产原料,但还是需要工人。 一定要放置在铁矿资源区才有产出,产量取决于原料质量(机制类似于铁矿),百分之百质量时每人每天产量约为0.4吨,为原版钢厂的5倍。耗电量极大,满负荷生产约为69mw左右。也就是说,必须直接接4个及以上电厂才能保证生产。 (无情的工业机器.jpg) 在部分丘陵地图可能不方便使用,但是可以通过产量来弥补。 分类在矿井标签下,而不是工厂。 有意见或建议可以写在评论区。 The semi-...
Steel Mill v2
Yaratıcı: 他敬爱的琛爸
Integrated steel mill without the need for mine processors,produce steel with RAWiron and RAWcoal,and the production efficiency was greatly enhanced,and the number of rails was adjusted to 5. For balance,the electric consumption was increased and it will c...
Star 266
Yaratıcı: _Sabro_
Star 266 is a medium offroad cargo truck used by the Polish Army, produced between 1973-2000. Star 266 covered - 5t Star 266 open - 5t Star 266 bus - 10 passengers Max speed - 90kph Średnia ciężarówka terenowa Star 266 używana przez Wojsko Polskie, produko...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Stadium Sport Complex for your Comrads...
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
SRT-300 or Nietlogger were fishing vessels build in huge numbers by the gdr starting 1949 as war reparation for the ussr Capacity: 60t speed: 9kn available from 1949 to 1985 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Soviet WW2 army props
Yaratıcı: Jutland
Pack contains models of: ML-20 152mm howitzer (standalone + towed) M-30 122 howitzer (standalone + towed) IS-2 T-34/85 T-34/76 m. 1943 Studebaker US6 (open and closed top) ...
Soviet Warship - Kashin Class Destroyer
Yaratıcı: Sulphart
The Kashin class, Soviet designation Project 61, were series of anti-aircraft guided missile destroyersThe Kashin class, Soviet designation Project 61, were series of anti-aircraft guided missile destroyers built for the Soviet Navy since the 1960s. https://...
Soviet Warship - Kiev Class Aircraft Carrier
Yaratıcı: Sulphart
The Kiev class, Soviet designation Project 1143 Krechyet (gyrfalcon), was the first class of both fixed-wing aircraft carriers (heavy aircraft cruiser in Soviet classification) and battlecruisers built in the Soviet Union for the Soviet Navy. https://en.wi...
Yaratıcı: tomtomtotal Information Building type Tourism; Sport; Monument Function Satisfaction by need sport and loyalty; tourism magnet; Indoor and outdoor pool Star rating 3-4 Stars; loyalty 450m 3% Seasonal operation Continuous operation Capac...
Soviet tenement 1-228-3
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Aparment building typical of the late Stalin era. The Series 1-228-3 were built during the late '40s and'50s all over the USSR. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me. All cr...
Yaratıcı: WitcherShade
Электростанция на солнечных панелях. Требует много электроники для постройки, нужны 5 рабочих для функционирования. Генерирует 2,44 мегаватта электроэнергии. Обновление v1.1: - увеличено число рабочих с 2 до 5 - добавлены пешеходные дорожки - добавлено доп...
Solar Park Pack
Yaratıcı: Benco54
it has 5 different large solar parks. the smallest generates 3.3 mwh the second 6.7 mwh the third 10 mwh and the two largest 21 mwh and 36 mwh. the parks work autonomously and generate electricity like the ingame solar park ...
Socialist Europe
Yaratıcı: Michael
This map of Europe comes very close to reality. The raw materials are evenly distributed, but there is a little less uranium. Youtube: Homepage: Steam Kurator: https://store...
Small Wood Heat Plant
Yaratıcı: Benco54
This is the small wood heat plant. here are some facts about the work: Wood is considered a non-fossil, climate-neutral raw material and only releases as much CO2 as it previously bound. This means that the wood heating plant pollutes the environment much ...
Small warehouse
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
A small warehouse, may be useful as a storage for consumers' goods and/or to connect to department stores. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full permission from th...
Small Transformer and 4 way Switch
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Two cut down versions of the power transformer. One with High Voltage throughput, 2 High Voltage and 2 Medium Voltage connections. And one with 4 Medium Voltage connections. Larger version with High Power throughput also available - https://steamcommunity....
Small Technical Offices
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
TEST BRANCH ONLY 3 small technical offices for 1, 3 or 5 snow ploughs. Available in a choice of 4 colours each. No heating requirement...
Small tank storage
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
A smaller tank storage, made from existing ingame models, edited and adjusted. Capacity: 300t Original 3dArt: 3Division...
Small Steel Mill
Кирпичный чугуноплавильный завод Сбалансированный мод, отлично подойдет в начальном этапе игры или для тех, кто постепенно развивает свой регион. Максимальный выпуск стали — 14т (15т версия с рельсами) Максимальное количество рабочих — 200 (220 версия с ре...
Small Shop
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A small shop based on a design from the Institute for State trade and public catering. Designed in 1955....
Small secret police building
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Small secret police building that can be suited for smaller towns and/or a 1950s time frame. This model is based on the 1950s clinic, originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines" and ported to W&RSR by me, edited and retextured by me to fit the ...
Small school
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
A small school buiding, with reduced personnell requirements and capacity compared to the original one (5/8). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 as an admin building for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with...
Small Red Star
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Red star monument made out of steel....
Small PrefabPanel Factory (Brickstone)
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Small prefabricated panel factory - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 40 workers...
Small police station ('50s)
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Small police station that can be suitable for smaller towns and/or a 1950s time frame. This model is based on the 1950s clinic, originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines" and ported to W&RSR, edited and retextured by me to fit the new function...
Small orphanage - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my small orphanage. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small orphanage
Yaratıcı: robs074 Small orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 22 workers and houses 66 children. Mały dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku...
Small Open Storage
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A small open storage facility, available in 4 colours....
Small Jetty
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
Small Jetty: useful for moving small numbers of people across the water. -By Nyxyx...
Small Helicopter Construction Office
Yaratıcı: Novu
A small Helicopter construction office for sending workers and materials to remote or distant locations. Added a Version 2 that behaves similar to vanilla. NOTE: Helicopters will not send resources to places they cannot land such as foot paths or short roa...
Small gravel unloading station
Yaratıcı: Niss Tagm
Маленькая железнодорожная станция разгрузки сыпучих грузов. Вдвое короче и дешевле ванильной. Имеет 5 конвеерных соединений....
small Firestation, 1 fireengine
Adds a very small firedepartment for rural areas of your town. Can hold only 1 fireengine. Quickly built and cheap. Not heated....
Small fire station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Small fire station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Can be equipped with 3 fire engines. Heating requirement disabled. Mała remiza strażacka...
Small fire station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Small fire station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Can be equipped with 2 fire engines. Heating requirement disabled. Mała remiza strażacka...
Small Farm Collective
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A small farm, storage barn, food factory and micro-brewery. No heating requirement...
Small Clothing Factory
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
4 small clothing factories in white or red brick with mirrored versions for easy placement. Much smaller than the vanilla clothing factory with a reduced capacity. No heating requirement...
Small clinic ('50s)
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
Small Churches
Yaratıcı: Fiend
Religion is incompatible with Marxism and religion was suppressed by the Soviet Union, but religion is not necessarily incompatible with socialism, so if you want to put churches in your socialist state, here are three you can use. They are based on the on...
Small Cement Silos
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small cement silos. 75 tonne capacity. One parking space, one way in and out. 4 colours with mirrored versions for easy placement....
Slaughterhouse V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
Slaughter V2. x3 production, 1/3 consumption. x2 storage....
Yaratıcı: robs074 Slaughterhouse based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 100 workers. Requires 25 t of livestock and produces 10 t of meat per day when fully...
Yaratıcı: morcup
Good news, I have made a new version of this map. It can be found here: This original version will stay available. Welcome to Skokomish lands. This is a heightmap based on land around the Sk...
Skoda Superb (B8)
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Škoda Superb — легковой автомобиль класса D, выпускаемый чешским автопроизводителем Škoda Auto с 2001 года. Название современных автомобилей было позаимствовано у линейки машин, производившихся в 1934 —1949 годах. Представлен с кузовами лифтбек и универсал...
Yaratıcı: Truckercech
You can support me here: :) ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ ►ITEM (id 2569388338) vehicle /auto ►GENRE / ŽÁNR personal / osobní ►CAR/AUTO /PRICE IN RUB ŠKOD...
Skoda Octavia (1Z)
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Škoda Octavia — автомобиль размерного класса C, производимый чешской компанией Škoda Auto a.s. Название современной модели (четыре поколения, начиная с 1996 года) было позаимствовано у предшественника, производимого в 1959—1971 годах. Выпускается с кузовам...
Yaratıcı: pepernoot
Deutrans skin for Skoda 706 RT and RTTN These trucks were used for international transport from the GDR(/DDR). Currently only the early decal for the Skoda 706 is included -- most of the trucks that later had these decals were heavier imported ones such as...
Skoda 130/125/135
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
The Škoda 130, Škoda 135 and Škoda 136 are three variations of a rear-engined, rear-wheel drive small family car that was produced by Czechoslovakian car manufacturer AZNP in Mladá Boleslav, Czechoslovakia between 1984 and 1990. The Škoda 130 is known inte...
Skins Industrial Embankment package 2
Yaratıcı: BORO
Скины «Промышленная набережная» пакет 2 Эти скины, позволяют прятать отдельные элементы на построенной набережной. Skins «Industrial Embankment» package 2 These skins allow you to hide individual elements on the built embankment....
Skins Industrial Embankment package 1
Yaratıcı: BORO
Скины «Промышленная набережная» пакет 1 Эти скины, позволяют прятать отдельные элементы на построенной набережной. Skins «Industrial Embankment» package 1 These skins allow you to hide individual elements on the built embankment....
Skins Granite Embankment package 3
Yaratıcı: BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 3 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 3 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Skins Granite Embankment package 2
Yaratıcı: BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 2 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 2 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Skins Granite Embankment package 1
Yaratıcı: BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 1 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 1 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Skins for resource pile
Yaratıcı: Knudsen
Skins for resource pile - Asphalt - Coal - Raw coal - Iron - Raw iron - Bauxite - Raw bauxite - Uranium - Raw gravel - Dirt You will find the assets in the monument tab. I look forward to yo...
SKINS for Hangar huge
Перекраска для большого ангара SKINS FOR HANAGR HUGE ...
Simple Forwarding Pump
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
A simple pump for long distance pipelines, one input and one output connection. Comes in two versions with different connections on both sides....
Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Heavy Military Transport Helicopter. Produced from 1965 to 2012 10 Colors. Currency USD....
Yaratıcı: LM25SD
Многоуважаемый наш, господин Мэр! Свершилось наконец чудо! Местные жители - избрали Вас сегодня, правителем этого региона! Скорее назначайте себе управляющих, изучите местность и начинайте строительство! Докажите местным жителям, что Вы - тот САМЫЙ... кото...
Seven Crosses
Yaratıcı: Stephen Silverbeard
Seven crosses is a fictional map loosely based on the islanda and waterways near Stockholm. The seven crosses are crossroads placed in different locations on the map, some on islands. For easy reference each crossroad is marked with a church, the fate of w...
Sea cargo port
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
Hello everyone! For quite a long time I was hatching an idea and implementing this project. Of course, it turned out not quite what I wanted, but still good enough. So, I present to your attention a set of buildings for the implementation of the carriage o...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
School Medium Size , bricks , 300 students ...
Scania 124 - Tank
Yaratıcı: Klapaucius IV ---------------------- Production: 1998 - actual Cargo Capacity: 27ton Engine Power: 360hp (268.452 kW) Max. Speed: 80Km/h High Performance Model (LowPoly Model) A special thanks for the brill...
Scania 124
Yaratıcı: Klapaucius IV ---------------------- Production: 1998 - actual Cargo Capacity: 35.5 ton Engine Power: 360hp (268.452 kW) Max. Speed: 95Km/h High Performance Model (LowPoly Model) A special thanks for the br...
Scania 124
Yaratıcı: Klapaucius IV ---------------------- Production: 1998 - actual Cargo Capacity: 32ton Engine Power: 360hp (268.4 kW) Max. Speed: 95Km/h High Performance Model (LowPoly Model) A special thanks for the brillia...
Scania 113
Yaratıcı: Klapaucius IV ---------------------- A special thanks for the brilliant Soviet Modders community and the Brazilian supporters...
Ryan's Farm Buildings Pack
Yaratıcı: ryantheskinny
Another pack from yours truly. This time i got a pack of large silo's losely based on the famous grain elevator located in Stalingrad (now Volgograd) i made it suitable for the game with six truck slots all with the coding for flowing traffic and also two ...
Run-of-river hydroelectricity
Yaratıcı: Benco54
Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) or run-of-the-river hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of stora...
Rooftop Landing Pads
Yaratıcı: Novu
Helicopter landing pads for rooftops. Did you plan your infrastructure without consideration for helicopters? This mod is for you. With no collision enabled these heliports can be constructed on top of existing buildings. Fitted for the vanilla firestation...
RoadRail Station
Yaratıcı: r63Slam
3 in 1. Bus, trolleybus and rail station. Add 2 pedestrian connection. 500 passanger....
Road vehicles depot - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my road vehicles depot. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Road vehicles depot
Yaratıcı: robs074 Road vehicles depot based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in two versions: for 17 and 32 vehicles. Zajezdnia wzorowana na prawdziwym budynk...
Yaratıcı: painkillerlexar
Rinok FoodMarketplace 300 Persons KolhozMarketplace...
Retro Airport Pak
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
A huge airport pack of 12 totally custom, bespoke models and textures. All of this pack is hand-made, not ported into the game from free model sites. Contains Several large retro terminals based on Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow, two old wooden cargo termi...
Restaurant series 51046
Yaratıcı: Raysione
This mod contains a typical restaurant 51046 made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 15 workers serves at least 150 people (tourist restaurant has 4.8 * attractiveness) There are two options: works as a restaurant (for tourists) and a ba...
Yaratıcı: frostsey
polnostiy novay model restorana...
Reskin of Mauser_NATO's Merchant Ship
Yaratıcı: Heidong
Mauser_NATO's old merchant ship reskin....
Residetial buildings type 93m
Yaratıcı: Billman007
Greetings! I present to you, panel residential buildings type 93M. Residential buildings of this series were built mainly in Murmansk and in the Murmansk region in the period from 1985 to 1995, some buildings were completed in the 2000s. The buildings were...
Republic of Murmanastan
Yaratıcı: nishma
Welcome Comrade. This is the Republic of Murmanastan, A small under developed peninsular in north western Russia. There is 1 land border crossing with Russia and only sea routes to the Nato countries. Geologists report Good mounts of natural resources with...
Red Venice
Yaratıcı: Novu
Venetian style canal buildings that are built half on land / half on water. Residential buildings are planned first and then shops and tourist attractions. Comes in 4 versions so far: - On the edge of the water - In deeper water - Fully on land - All Terra...
Red Prussia (empty)
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Red Prussia without cities and villages. Inspired by the prussian Coastline. While coal and iron can be found on both sides of the bay, oil can only be found on the southern side and uranium is only available on the northern side....
Rare Earth Element Refinery
Yaratıcı: Novu
Stuck on a map with no resources? This factory can convert gravel into iron ore, bauxite, or uranium ore. Employs 200 workers. Three different factories. 10 gravel = 1 iron ore 10 gravel = 1 bauxite 50 gravel = 1 uranium...
Yaratıcı: olDen
$MOVEMENT_SPEED 24 uzla $COST_RUB 50000 $RESOURCE_CAPACITY 66 $AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Vladimir Vitaro adapted by Oleg Gordienko...
Yaratıcı: Lac_M
Rail yard for parking cargo trains, based on rail cargo station It act like cargo station, because there is limitation in train depot code Not recommended to use as regular station. There are no factory connections, and only 2 road connections without park...
Yaratıcı: Lac_M
railroad crossing trough factory connection need forklifts to work road crossing here:
Radio Tower
Yaratıcı: Mayor__Defacto
This is a Radio Tower. Add Sophistication to your Republic!...
r18100 & ANGARA
Yaratıcı: olDen
r18100 & ANGARA SPEED 5 CAPACITY 1000 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Queets Version 2
Yaratıcı: morcup
It became clear that the original Queets map that I made had several shortcomings, including a sea that was too shallow. It is time for version 2. Deeper water, reduced terrain ruggedness, and expanded play area (500m border instead of default 2000m) are t...
Pyramiden Barracks
Yaratıcı: Comrade Joe
For some reason this description has been reset to the placeholder text. I don't remember what I had written when I posted it, but in a nutshell this is a reskinned version of one of the games vanilla houses, meant to resemble the ones that can be still se...
Yaratıcı: Augusto_Panalitico
На русском ПТ-76 - советский лёгкий плавающий танк. Принят на вооружение в 1951 году. За время серийного производства, с 1951 по 1967 год, неоднократно модернизировался, всего было выпущено 3039 ПТ-76, а также ряд машин на его базе. Танк состоял на вооруже...
Projekt 616
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
russian general Cargo ship comes in 3 Variants General Cargo, Aggregate have the same following stats: Capacity: 4500t / 150 TEU speed: 12kn Dry Bulk Capacity: 4050t speed: 12kn available from 1997 to 2005 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Yaratıcı: olDen
project_585 COOLER SPEED 7uzla CAPACITY 350 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Yaratıcı: olDen
project-903 Bulk cargo SPEED 18 RESOURCE CAPACITY 543 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Project 503
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
soviet refrigerating seiner-trawler since there is no fishing in the game this ship works as a cooler transporter capacity: 100 t speed: 12 kn available from 1971 to 1994 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Yaratıcı: Benco54 Small Prison the prison is a lot smaller than the vanilla. it can accommodate 90 prisoners and needs 30 employees. There is 1 vehicle station which is located in the inner courtyard and can only be accessed via a bar...
Primorje / Blanc
Yaratıcı: Новичок
The map contains mountains, highlands, valleys, plains, sea, islands and more picturesque places waiting to be domesticated. Also chek out inhabited map:
Poliklinika pr. VII-40
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Soviet medical building project VII-40, originally designed in 1963, it was built until the early 1980s. Generally used as a local medical clinic, in game it works as a smaller hospital. The main model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skyl...
Power Plant v2
Yaratıcı: r63Slam
x5 production and consumption. x5 storage. +20 workers (40) Add more outputs. ...
Police station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my police station. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Police station - skins
Yaratıcı: robs074 Skins for my police station. Includes twelve colour variants as seen in the preview....
Police station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Police station based on a real building in Gdańsk, Poland. Employs 9 workers with basic education and 18 investigators. Can be equipped with 4 vehicles. Komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Gdańsku. Zatrudnia 9 p...
Police station
Yaratıcı: robs074 Police station based on a real building in Szczecin, Poland. Employs 15 workers with basic education and 20 investigators. Can be equipped with 5 vehicles. Komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Szczecinie. Zatrudn...
Ploppable vanilla resources
Yaratıcı: Knudsen
All vanilla resources as ploppable object for decorative purposes. - Aluminium - Boards - Bricks - Prefabpanels - Steel - Wood - Resource pile You will find the assets in the monument tab. A little tip, to place small assets like the steelpiles precisely, ...
Ploppable container assets
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Freely ploppable container assets. I also made 2 skin packs for all of them so you can make container stacks which dont have the same skins. You can find them under monument menu. Models and skins are all property of 3Division, they were not made by me....
Plastics factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Plastics factory based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 45 workers. Requires 2.3 t of chemicals and 20 t of oil and produces 4.9 t of...
Plastics Factory
Yaratıcı: archiver213
The Plastics Factory V2. x2 production and consumption. x5 storage. Thanks to OffTheRails for his help....
Pipeline overpass
Yaratıcı: BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
pile of gravel and 5 stacks of wood
Yaratıcı: Lac_M
small non effective pile of gravel + tiny useless open storage + little low-cost bus stop (60 passengers) added heliport connection to gravel and bus stop heliport connected to bus stop work only with Heli-CO, can't be assigned to passenger helicopter rout...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
PETERBILT-351 Американская дорожная классика. Идеально подходит для дальнобойщиков и дорожных маньяков убийц. Присутствует 2 варианта грузовика, а также 5 типов кузовов и 7 прицепов. Прицепы: 1 - Открытый. 2 - Закрытый. 3 - Рефрижератор.. 4 - Лесовоз. 5 - ...
Perpendicular Parking ||
Yaratıcı: Holodets
Parking for 20 places. Travel through it through (people and cars can pass through it). It is possible to do modular Parking near the plant like I have in the screenshot....
Perpendicular Parking
Yaratıcı: Holodets
Perpendicular Parking along the road. Takes up little space, 2 connections for pedestrians. Cars can drive through it. 10 seats...
Passanger ship Pack
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
This collection includes some ferrys and cruiseships from east and west Germany, most of these ships are too big for the stock passenger harbor but can be used by my big passenger harbor. Included ships are: Wappen von Hamburg capacity: 1200 speed: 22 kn a...
Park Monuments and Buildings
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of monuments and buildings to add some decoration to your cities, towns and park areas. Pack includes: Trimuphal Arch, 2 Flags, Obelisk, Red Star Monument, Clock Tower, Amphitheatre, Pavilion, Greenhouse, a selection of fountains and urns and ...
Panel house 9
Yaratıcı: robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 145 workers, based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, miesz...
Pack of buildings: Constitution Square
Yaratıcı: Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a pack of buildings located on the Constitution Square in Warsaw (Poland), built in the 1950s. This square, in my opinion, contains the most beautiful ensemble of buildings built in the style of socialist realism in Warsaw. I d...
P-3 9 storey
Yaratıcı: kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
P-3 4 storey
Yaratıcı: kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
P-3 17 storey
Yaratıcı: kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red, blue and yellow Number of res...
Orthodox Cathedral 2
Yaratıcı: Rat
The Cathedral of the Archangel is a Russian Orthodox church dedicated to the Archangel Michael. It is located in Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin in Russia between the Great Kremlin Palace and the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. It was the main necropolis...
Open wagons
Yaratıcı: Frantic_Monkey
Open wagons is railway open-topped goods wagons used for transporting loose bulk materials, high-density cargos as steel plates or coils and others that do not require protection from atmospheric precipitation. The most common freight wagon, the main car f...
Open Mining Pit
Yaratıcı: βlu∃_βrO
Project Open Mining is a map, where the main objective is revolving around usage of Open Mining Pit. Whole map is based on real open mining pit in USA, Salt Lake City. Mining Pit contains every resource in the game, including a little bit of oil. Road and ...
Old Ships Pack
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
This collection of old ships includes: Clyde Puffer general cargo/aggregate capacity: 80 t speed: 6 kn available from 1900 to 1993 for $ Flat Iron Aggregate capacity: 1800t speed: 11kn available from 1932 to 1974 for $ Motor Coaster / Motor Tanker general ...
Old school - project 222
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
Project 222 is a typical Soviet school buiding from the late stalinist period, it was built from the late 1940s to the 1950s. Stats are the same as the vanilla school. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been ada...
Old merchant ship
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Старое торговое судно Года выпуска 1941 - 1968 Валюта USD ----------------------- Year of production 1941 - 1968 USD currency...
Old General Cargo Ship Pack
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
collection of Old General Cargo Ships includes: Motorschooner capacity: 150 speed: 6kn available from 1901 to 1957 for $ Kitesch capacity: 1890 speed: 9kn available from 1929 to 1976 for ₽ Frankfurt-Klasse capacity: 9690 speed: 13kn available from 1928 to ...
Old city castle pack
Yaratıcı: Jutland
Inspired by city of Toruń in Poland pack of gates, walls and other castle parts ...
Oil pipeline customs
Yaratıcı: Emhyr var Emreis
This mod allows you to sell oil, fuel and bitumen directly by your pipeline. We need faster oil export! This building allows you to export your oil products by long, steel pipeline, comrade. Important notes Due to limitations of the game, you cannot destro...
Offshore Wind farm (2005)
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
Modern Offshore wind farm: Generate a large amount of power (1000MWh/workday) for the modest price of about 250,000 1980 Rubles. Competetive with coal! -By Nyxyx...
OBC collection
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
OBC is short for: Ore Bulk Container This pack includes two OBC ships from the GDR built in the 70s and 80s. the Game units carry only containers and aggregate OBC type III Capacity: 23308t/400TEU speed: 16kn available from 1977 to 1995 for ₽ OBC type V Ca...
Offshore Pack
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Information Allow us to introduce this offshore pack that will make your sea ways feel more alive. This pack include 3 version of offshore oil platform: all of them are basically same but slightly different in a way game see them. You can find one under fa...
Nuclear water cooling
Yaratıcı: Benco54
Nuclear water cooling plant. Now you can replace the cooling tower for your nuclear plant with my new mod. It need acess to water because it works with water :P The rest works like the cooling tower....
Nuclear Storage / Ядерное хранилище
Yaratıcı: EZ88
A repurposed missile silo that can be used as Nuclear Storage facility. Small in size as the containers are stored underground. Has room for 26 containers. Переназначенный ракетный бункер, который можно использовать в качестве хранилища ядерных материалов....
Nuclear Reprocessing Plant
Yaratıcı: Benco54
This is the recycling plant for nuclear waste. It requires a lot of chemicals and, of course, nuclear waste for reprocessing. This will then produce the UF6 for nuclear fuel fabrication. Nuclear fuel was recycled in the USSR. Mainly in the so-called RT-1 p...
New one way road way! V2
Yaratıcı: Raysione
The second option is one-way marking on the road! Based on this version, it was impossible to understand the direction of the road. As you like (solid bar on the right - forward direction / solid bar on the left - backward direction) Installation: (We reco...
New Customs
Yaratıcı: SerpPort
I still cannot work with 3D models (my monitor does not allow working normally in building editors), but I can correct the parameters of the original buildings, in my opinion. Whoever likes it - subscribe !!! So, I added 5 new customs posts to the game. Th...
Multirail train gas stations
Yaratıcı: almensky
Multirail train gas stations This mod allows you to refuel 8, 6 or 4 trains in one station. Gas station for your railroad system! Version for 4, 6 and 8 tracks available. Difference with the volume of stored fuel: 4/6/8 tracks - 250/350/450 tons, respectiv...
Multi Connections Pipe Transfers
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
Multi connection pipe transfers,Original and High connections in one. With added pass through road connections. The visual error is the vehicles drive over a Pipe. All connections are easy to connect,I had to keep the High road side connection away from th...
Mountains and Valleys
Yaratıcı: Saxon
The breakaway province from an empire that fell to the revolution. It consists of large, fertile. populated valleys seperated by steep mountains. While there are few passes to the abroad, these are connected by an old railway line, spanning almost all impo...
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
A small powered metal boat, for moving up to five people at a time to remote locations. -By Nyxyx...
Motor Works
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A small vehicle manufacturing plant. Works at 1/10th the rate of the vanilla facility, although much smaller and much cheaper. Under the mod category Production Line. Available in two colours, white tiles or red brick and with mirrored versions for easy pl...
Motor Barges Pack
Yaratıcı: Mayor__Defacto
This is a pack of barges designed to go with my 'Maritime Infrastructure Pack', which adds facilities for aggregate loading and unloading in multiple sizes. This mod currently includes an Aggregate Barge, and a General Cargo Barge....
Modular Integrated Steel Mill
Yaratıcı: Wild Bunny
I made some major changes, but i left the old files intact, let me know if you know a better solution This mod contains everything to build an integrated steel mill, buildings included: blast furnace workers: 200 production: 30t steel, 14t of slag (waste_g...
Modular Farm PGR LEGACY
Yaratıcı: neigabZkezoJ
Modular Polish farm PGR (State Agricultural Farm) avaiable modules: Farm Cow farm Pig farm Chicken farm Big silo Fruit orchard ...
Modified Hospital-2Roads
Yaratıcı: Akira43
The original hospital from the game modded to allow 2 road entrances for more in/out flexibility and 8 parking slots. All other stats are same as original. Hopefully it will cut down those ambulance queues a bit (At the very least they will get distributed...
Modified Covered Storage
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 2 Large capacity Twin and 3 Rail modified covered storage units. One Includes/ 3 Vehicle stations 2 Road connections 6 Factory connections 2 Rail lines One Includes/ 2 Vehicle stations 2 Road connections 6 Factory connections 3 Rail lines Bot...
Modified Agro Farms
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This will add 2 Modified Agro Farms which include > 2 with 24 Mechanism slots. 2 with 2 Road connections. 1 with 10 Factory connections. 1 with 8 Factory connections. 1 with 2 Rail lines. 2 with 6 Vehicle stations. And also a larger internal capacity of 20...
MN-TG 18.4 Black Series
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This is the MN-TG Black series containing a mixture of skins for both cab and trailer and also with 2 different looks, which all combined make 90 different combinations. Includes a Custom Box Covered Trailer with several skin options and Original Covered T...
MN TG 18.4
Yaratıcı: 3division
Transport capacity: 21 tons Empty Weight: 7.5 tons Engine Power: 320 KW Transport type: Covered Country: Germany Available: 2000 - present Available for purchase for dollars...
Yaratıcı: KsenoN
РСЗО 9К57 или «Ураган» — советская реактивная система залпового огня (РСЗО) калибра 220 миллиметров. Выполнен в двух окрасах, камуфляжный и камуфляж ГДР. Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 65 км/ч Мощность - 265 кВТ Пассажировместимость - 4 ч...
Ministry of State Security Skins
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Two skins for the Ministry for State Security building....
Ministry of Education
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Ministry of Education This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry of Finance
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Ministry of Finance This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry of Culture
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Ministry of Culture This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry for State Security
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Ministry for State Security - Secret Police - 90 (high educated) Workers - 15 Cars...
Yaratıcı: _Sabro_
Mil Mi-8T of 103. Ministry of Internal Affairs Regiment lended to Dakomat, which was serving under ICONA (Nature Conservation Insitute) in Spain, putting out forest fires in the area. Mil Mi-8T ze 103. Pułku Lotnictwa Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych wypoży...
Mil Mi-8 Soviet Air Force
Yaratıcı: PETRMA
Mil Mi-8 Soviet Air Force...
Yaratıcı: _Sabro_
Mil Mi-6A SP-ITA of Instal construction company, purchased in 1974. Along with another Mi-6, SP-ITC, it was used in various constructions, like placing power line towers, installing ventilation tunnels in FSO Żerań or RTV mast on top of Poznań's Library of...
Mil MI-24 or HIND Monument V2
Yaratıcı: Minister of Wolves
*This item has been updated with Loyalty and 0 Collision* The Mil Mi-24 (Russian: Миль Ми-24; NATO reporting name: Hind) is a large helicopter gunship, attack helicopter and low-capacity troop transport with room for eight passengers. It is produced by Mil...
MiG-31 Foxhound
Yaratıcı: General Phanton
The Mikoyan MiG-31 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-31; NATO reporting name: Foxhound) is a supersonic interceptor aircraft that was developed for use by the Soviet Air Forces. Max speed: 3000 Km/h...
MiG-25 Monument V2
Yaratıcı: Minister of Wolves
*This item has been updated with Loyalty and 0 Collision* MiG, any member of a family of Soviet military fighter aircraft produced by a design bureau founded in 1939 by Artem Mikoyan (M) and Mikhail Gurevich (G). (The i in MiG is the Russian word meaning “...
Yaratıcı: Nyxyx
The famous MiG-21 Fishbed fighter aircraft. Produced in massive numbers throughout the USSR. Would make for a good export. Features several skins. Max speed: 2229kmph Cargo: 1 passenger or 0.58t of steel Takeoff Distance: 830m Empty weight: 8t Engine power...
MIG-15 prop
Yaratıcı: Jutland
As in title, legendary MiG-15 as prop to place wherever you want it to! ...
Yaratıcı: General Phanton
The classic Mig-15, the most iconic fighter from the vietnam war. The perfect export for your growing soviet republic No landing gear animation for now The 3D model was provided by friend of the Soviet union: Vermishel ( und...
Mig 21 Monument
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
Mig 21 Monument. My own version of other similar Soviet era monuments. Due to the shape of the model I have had to put the footpath at the back but this is only needed if you want to build it with a construction office. Monuments serve no purpose other tha...
Mi-8 military skin pack
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
FOR TEST BRANCH ONLY Military skin pack for the Mil Mi-8 helicopter, it currently includes just two skins from Hungary, but will be updated in the future with more liveries. At the moment the pack includes: MILITARY - Hungarian People's Army - Hungarian Pe...
Mi-6 textures pack (fix)
Yaratıcı: NTI
FIX. Sorry, first mode. Mi-6 textures pack...
Mi-26 Russian/Belarussian AF
Yaratıcı: _Sabro_
Two skins of Russian and Belarusian Air Force for Mi-26: Included are standard Russian AF camouflage and Belarusian AF sharkmouth '07', which was used in rescue during the 1986 Chernobyl dis...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Soviet heavy multipurpose transport helicopter. Manufactured since 1980 8 Colors. As long as there is passenger and cargo (I'll add a hanging ramp later) Currency RUB...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
I think there will be demand for it. Soviet transport and attack helicopter. The armament has been removed. Production started in 1972 7 Colors. Currency RUB....
Mercedes-Benz W140 S600
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Mercedes-Benz W140 - is a series of flagship vehicles that were manufactured by the German automotive company Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz unveiled the W140 S-Class at Geneva Motor Show in March 1991. The W140 series replaced the W126 line with the first p...
Mercedes-Benz W124
Yaratıcı: Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Mercedes-Benz W124 — серия легковых автомобилей бизнес-класса немецкой торговой марки Mercedes-Benz, которая производилась в 1984—1996 годах. Впервые была представлена в 1984 году и предназначалась для замены моделей серии W123. В 1995 году автомобили W124...
Mercedes-Benz Arocs
Yaratıcı: Дима
Сверхмощный грузовик, представленный компанией Mercedes-Benz в 2013 году. 5 видов, крытый,бортовой,авто-цестерна, крытый 40 тонн,самосва 50 тонн,цестерна 50 тонн. бортовой 45 тонн,рефрижератор 40 тонн имеет 5 цветов можно купить за баксы буду ищё пару добо...
Mercedes-Benz Actors MP1 Semi
Yaratıcı: Lex713
Mercedes-Benz Actros - a good mid-class car for carrying capacity, average in terms of performance from foreign cars represented in the game Hard Truck 2. The game features 2 modifications of the first generation truck (MP1), manufactured in Germany from 1...
Medium Waterfront Store
Yaratıcı: Fiend
Medium sized store, capacity 600. It has two docking stations for ships, two railway lines, and two vehicle stations....
Mechanical components factory
Yaratıcı: robs074 Mechanical components factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 75 workers. Requires 11 t of steel and produces 7.5 t of mechanical c...
Meat Storage V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
Meat Storage V2. x2 storage....
Yaratıcı: Gerbilskij
MAZ-5429 is the tractor-trailer version of the MAZ-5335 serie, manufactured at the Minsk Automobile Plant from 1978 to 1990. The main differences from the previous version (MAZ-504) are new headlights moved to the front bumper and a new grille. The MAZ-504...
MAZ-2000 road train
Yaratıcı: vinnikandry
maz- 2000 road train this option with one active trailer having its own engine that allows the road train to develop this speed and power AVAILABLE 1986 3000 MOVEMENT_SPEED 120 MOVEMENT_POWER_KW 426,5 MOVEMENT_EMPTY_WEIGHT 22 RESOURCE_CAPACITY 45 ...
Yaratıcı: vinnikandry
maz- 2000 this option with one active trailer having its own engine that allows the road train to develop this speed and power AVAILABLE 1986 2000 MOVEMENT_SPEED 120 MOVEMENT_POWER_KW 213 MOVEMENT_EMPTY_WEIGHT 12 RESOURCE_CAPACITY 33 ...
MAZ -530
Yaratıcı: vinnikandry
Soviet heavy-duty dump truck with a 6 ? 4 wheel arrangement, produced serially by the Minsk Automobile Plant and the Belarusian Automobile Plant from 1957 to 1960 and from 1960 to 1963, respectively....
Mauser_NATO's small cargo ship repaint
Yaratıcı: Heidong
Mauser_NATO's small cargo ship repaint...
Mauser_NATO's Co to Distribution Offices
Yaratıcı: MC Bonito
Model author: Mauser_NATO Textures: Raisyone Distribution offices with 4, 20 and 32 vehicle capacity...
Massive mining
Yaratıcı: Kapik1081
The Massive Mining Pack adds a set of miningn buildings that will allow your repbulics mining industry to compete with the rest of the world. This mod adds: >Gigantic coal and iron mines ( 1500 workers, 6300 tons of iron production or 6750 tons of coal pro...
Maritime Infrastructure Pack
Yaratıcı: Mayor__Defacto
Assorted Harbours to improve maritime infrastructure in your republic. Goes well with my Motor Barges Pack....
Main Firestation East Germany, 6 fireengines
Adds a building inspired by main firestation east Berlin (Marzahn) and (Bernard Kunze). Can hold 6 fire engines....
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
MACK RD 690 Есть 8 разновидностей: 1- Бетономешалка. 2- Самосвал. 3- С закрытым кузовом. 4- Тягач с закрытым прицепом. 5- Тягач с открытым прицепом 6- Тягач с прицепным рефрежиратором. 7- Тягач с цистерной. 8- Cнегоуборщик. 31 Расцветка Года выпуска - 1992...
MACK B-61 (1953)
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
1- Бетономешалка 2- Открытый прицеп 3- Закрытый прицеп 4- Цементовоз 5- Рефрижератор 6- Прицепная цистерна 7- Снегоуборщик. 20 цветов Года выпуска 1953 - 1966 Валюта USD ---------------------- 1- Concrete mixer 2- Open trailer 3- Closed trailer 4- Cement t...
Yaratıcı: Mauser_NATO
Нашёл у себя модель Американского 6х6 военного грузовика. 1 Открытый кузов 2 Закрытый кузов Года выпуска 1955 - 1988 7 цветов. ------------------------------- 1 Open 2 Closed Years of production 1955 - 1988 7 colors....
Yaratıcı: Lac_M
lz100 cisterna (some random characters because description too short: vfjcsdaxecdtgbzju,nguvfdhcsdfbzgniuh.lxsecgbj,)...
Long Vehicle Depot
Yaratıcı: Fiend
Longer, thinner vehicle depot, for squeezing into narrow spaces. Looks better with smaller vehicles....
Lokheed C-130H Hercules
Yaratıcı: Lex713 What's up, Doc? Production: 1964 - nowdays; Manufacturer: Lockheed Martin, USA; Top speed: 700 km/h; Engine: 4 х Allison T56-A-15; Capacity: 22t; Wingspan: 40m; Length: 30m; Height: 11.5m; Takeoff distance: 777m. 12 Skins, 8...
Livestock Hall Storage V2
Yaratıcı: archiver213
Livestock Hall Storage V2. x2 storage....
Li-2 Skin pack
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Ли-2 Советский поршневой пассажирский и военно-транспортный самолёт времён Второй мировой войны средней дальности, выпускаемый по лицензии на выпуск Douglas DC-3, США. Строился в СССР до 1953 года. Широко эксплуатировался в МГА СССР — «Аэрофлотом», в подра...
Li-2 Cargo/passenger utility aircraft
Yaratıcı: ZIMA
Ли-2 Советский поршневой пассажирский и военно-транспортный самолёт времён Второй мировой войны средней дальности, выпускаемый по лицензии на выпуск Douglas DC-3, США. Строился в СССР до 1953 года. Широко эксплуатировался в МГА СССР — «Аэрофлотом», в подра...
Lend-Lease pack v1
Yaratıcı: Jutland
Pack contains: Studebaker US-6 in configurations for: -Open cargo -Covered cargo -Liquid cargo -Passangers Matador AEC in configurations for: -Open cargo -Covered cargo -Passangers Jeep Willys MB as Police Car (two skins). Truck models original creator: ht...
Adds a laundry place for your socialistic neighbourhoods. Why is it a kindergarden? The idea was not mine, but I liked it alot! Laundry places are a good place to hold a chat, and do homework while looking over (your) children. Employes 2, watches over 6 i...
Larger Capacity Wagons Pack
Yaratıcı: Twiggy
This mod will add an assortment of 10 larger capacity Wagons. ...
Large Warehouse
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large Warehouse in 2 different variations: - Warehouse for covered goods with 1600t of space. - Warehouse for open goods with 950t of Space. ...
Large Oil Well
Yaratıcı: OffTheRailsGaming
A large Oil Well, which started out as a bit of an experiment in Blender. I liked how it came out so I thought I'd share it. More expensive than the vanilla oil well but also about 70 percent more productive. This is in the mod category as a mine, I can't ...
Large Oil Storage
Yaratıcı: Sam
Large Oil Storage 13500T Storage Facility 2x Input 2x Output 1x Road Connection Now with rail loader option Big thanks to ryantheskinny for help/guidance throughout. Any bugs please message me....
Large Plastic Factory
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large Plastic Factory - 250 workers - 1 road connection - 1 pipeline input - 2 factory connections - 3 pedestrian connectionsN...
Yaratıcı: tomtomtotal
Large outdoor pool with fully simulated water Attraction; Outdoor building; Session operation from 10 degrees; 15 employees; Maximum admitted guests 120; rating 3; Sport/Swimming 5 If you like it give me a like :) I wish you a lot of fun with it ...
Large Rail Depot
Yaratıcı: Fiend
The default rail depot is fine for trams, but larger trains would not fit. This one is more than twice the size. Updated to support long trains. I have added a new version, with 5 connections, properly spaced to match the standard rail alignment. It also h...
Large Storehouse (Brickstone)
Yaratıcı: KArantukki
Large storehouse made of brickstones - 650t capacity...