项目 (229)
【汉化】Custom Lord Creation/自定义人物mod汉化
创建者: PJGG
仅汉化文本,需要原mod做前置 原mod: mod问题不要找我,问就是不懂,我只是个搬砖工 因为汉化了脚本,所以mod一旦更新这个汉化就不能用了,切记...
创建者: misaka233
巴托审美太落后,帝国光法像野兽 想找莫得搜不到,花点时间自己凑...
(停止维护)中文汉化合集第一弹 CapS Chinese Pack 1
创建者: CaptainSnafu
以前的二人汉化合集基本都过期了,现在回来新开一个 右边的mod不需要全部订阅,只订阅要的就行。在启动器里把汉化mod排到最前面。 Just chinese language pack. 以后会继续新增,我玩什么更什么,不接受委托 第二弹在这里: ======================================== 1、Allied Auxiliaries (Cros...
(停止维护)中文汉化合集第二弹 CapS Chinese Pack 2
创建者: CaptainSnafu
Just chinese language pack for mods. 第一弹在这里: 因为太多了,维护起来麻烦,所以开第二个。 右边的mod不需要全部订阅,只订阅要的就行。在启动器里把汉化mod排到最前面。 以后会继续新增,我玩什么更什么,不接受委托 =========================================== 1.Expanded Roster ...
修复暗精小姐姐+自制小姐姐 中文
创建者: 314212538
陈哈哈大佬的原mod地址→ 由于大佬@陈哈哈 跑路(误←_← 迟迟不更,古墓王更新后mod失效只能自己去学着用pfm了,学会后又在基础上自己改了几个小姐姐 新增加的单位: 巫灵骑手 巫灵骑手(着甲持盾) 欢愉掠夺者 赫莉本巫灵亲卫(仅麻辣鸡丝 赫里本) 黑色宫廷侍女 黑色宫廷侍女(重甲长矛) 黑暗飞马骑士 黑暗飞马骑士(长戟) 色孽神选骑士(仅欢愉教派) 凯恩神选骑士(仅麻辣鸡丝 ...
创建者: 鲨鱼辣椒
不知道是否有人看过这部番呢:) 此为新兵种版 替换原版兵模: (支持我) 您的支持将是我的动力,感谢!...
这个mod的效果是让玩家每次开始新战役(无论是大漩涡还是凡世帝国)时,无论哪个派系进去都会在加载之前播放一段预置过场动画,让那些本来就没开场动画的可怜派系,还有战锤1的那些本来有开场动画但是由于CA偷懒导致有文件却不播的派系现在也能看到开场动画。 这个mod在工坊上有差不多的,不过我这个版本进行过专门处理,锤1的诺斯卡DLC是没有中文的,而且CA脑袋坏了,连字幕文件和用于加载诺斯卡开场动画的字幕都被其他数据给覆盖了,我这边又给想办法处理回来了,字幕使用的应该是蒹葭汉化组的?(这个mod制作和上传了挺久的,只...
创建者: Sorin
早期版本基于自@ClayChuang制作的 蜥蜴人装备商店 / Lizardmen Crafting 感谢@ClayChuang 的技术支持! 兼容绝大多数mod! 请勿于其他有锻造功能的mod一起使用! 注意事项: 1、与其他有锻造功能的mod一起使用会造成UI上的显示问题。 兼容sfo(但sfo的帝国、野兽人、矮人由于自带锻造系统,会造成UI显示问题,但不会导致游戏崩溃) 2、战斗中军队召唤技能需要订阅前置MOD,链接
因为在合集里翻译过于繁琐,我把这个mod独立出来了 该mod为各个古墓王新增了专属兵种、科技 强化了科技古墓王,新增4个传奇领主、2个传奇英雄 新增部队升级 洛阳侯战锤汉化群 群号:887232998 注意事项 该mod只汉化了文本,需要订阅原mod 如果订阅了没有变化应该是载入顺序的问题,把该mod放到第一位载入就行了 ...
女王们万岁(Long Live the Queens)
创建者: GUMP
战锤世界里有众多女王,可惜的是她们分属不同的种族与派系,这个mod让高精永恒女王、暗精莫拉丝、巴托湖神仙女、古墓至高女王四位女性领主齐聚阿瓦隆,她们也获得了全新的领主特性与技能树,女王们还带来了若干种各自种族的精锐部队。 兼容SFO,MIXU,各类领主兵种美化mod,各类兵种拓展mod。 仅对凡世帝国与大漩涡战役的阿瓦隆派系有效。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
汉化版 外交选择增加:附庸、解放和邦联 Diplomatic Options -Vassal, Liberate & Confederate
感谢原作者 @Dresden 原mod指路 这个mod允许所有派别通过外交来征服和附庸其他派别,可进行征服、解放与强制邦联。 外交选项只适用于新开游戏,且适用于玩家和AI。 兼容大多数其他mods,兼容保存游戏。 无需订阅原mod,直接订阅启用即可。 推荐去原作者处点赞或送礼物以表示支持。 由于是本体直接搬运,故需要手动保持与原mod同步的更新。若本mod更新不及时请留言。 ...
创建者: 鲨鱼辣椒
大大大大大 (支持我) 您的支持将是我的动力,感谢!...
创建者: 鲨鱼辣椒
替换弓箭手,轻甲弓箭手以及精英弓箭手。 如果出现模型无变化,声音是男声等问题请将此MOD置顶。 SFO版: 如果遇到模型扭曲置顶无法解决可以用替换阿瓦隆的版本 SFO版: 原版:
创建者: 霸天虎出击
5/31更新!缩小并虚化边框,调整了字体颜色,现在更少遮挡兵牌立绘了。享受吧! 5 / 31 update! Reduce and virtualize the border, adjust the font color, and now it's less blocking Unit Cards. Enjoy! 我只想要清晰、简单地知晓我的兵种等级,但工坊里的等级图标都比较妖艳,并不能很清晰地表达等级,很多时候依然需要自己将鼠标点过去,我感觉非常恼火,于是自己做了这个MOD。 图标很简单,直接用数字表示等...
创建者: 天元
为欢愉教派添加5个新兵种,都是欢愉教派宗教建筑招募。 1·极乐姐妹团:远程、破甲、移动射击、女兵单位 2·欢愉卫队骑手:远程骑兵单位、破甲、移动射击、重甲 3·欢愉卫队:剑盾重甲、反步兵 4·欢愉禁卫骑士:重甲冲击骑兵、反步兵 5·恶鸦卫队:飞行远程、破甲、装备重甲...
混沌兵种升级:“我全都要” 汉化
创建者: Braised fish
这只是汉化文本,需订阅原mod才能生效 请把此mod排序放在原mod之上 原mod: 把绿皮的废料升级移植给了 混沌 。 给混沌添加了一种新的资源 骷髅头 , 通过战场上杀死敌人来收集。把它们献祭给混沌诸神,就能得到混沌诸神的赐福。...
Sword Of Fay Enchantress湖神仙女之剑
创建者: 金花
SFO版: MOD内容: 给湖神仙女更换了动作,加上了一把新的剑跟杯子 感谢荼蘼为我制作了新建模 在早期设定图中,湖神仙女有一把剑跟杯子,但是到了正式版中,这些都没有了,杯子也只出现在了预告片中。另外,通过游戏内容挖掘,我们发现伊莎贝拉的动作ID为:hu1b_bretonnian...
猎巫人事物官骑惊惧兽terrorgheist-witch hunter mount
创建者: 天涯幽冥
你是否曾经觉得猎巫人在战斗中毫无用处? 你是否觉得走路太费劲了? 你们是否觉得猎巫人输出不给力? 现在它来了,惊惧兽,是猎巫人从腐败的尸骨中缴获的 经过帝国大法师的魔法加持,它现在有基础的灵魂,可以骑乘 上吧,为了西格玛! 坐骑在11级解锁。 内容已汉化,与大部分MOD兼容 Have you ever thought witch hunters were useless in battle? Do you find it too hard to walk? Do you think the witch hu...
创建者: ProfessorWang
给玩家军队添加生命恢复系法术,不消耗魔法之风能无限使用,并且可以进行战斗复活补员,再生术拥有死战不败等特性。法术冷却改为1s。法术范围翻倍。 兼容大多数mod。 可以随时添加或移除出存档。 祝各位玩的愉快。 The Emperor protects!...
[ys]Legend dragon RORs for hef
创建者: 宋大一
Feature: 1.Add 5 legend dragons to the recruitment of renown pool for avelorn, eataine, nagarythe, order of loremasters and yvresse 2.compatible with my mod "recover legend dragon". 3. legend forest dragon —— rank 26, legend sun dragon —— rank 30 legend bl...
[ys]imrik use tunnel
创建者: 宋大一
imrik use tunnel Feature:the knights of caledor faction can use tunnel to go through the forest and mountain! Needn't to create new campaign my other mod mod:高精城防军增强(Enhance hef garrison) mod:伊姆瑞克派系特性增强(Enhance imrik faction) mod:复原传奇龙(Recover Legend Drago...
[ys]Enhance Imrik faction
创建者: 宋大一
Enhance Imrik faction feature: 1. ALL ARMY immune to desert & mountain attrition 2.Recruitment duration : -2 turn for Dragon and Dragon Prince units. needn' t create a new campaign my other mod mod:会打洞的imrik(imrik use tunnel) mod:高精城防军增强(Enhance hef garris...
创建者: Atcher♛
秩序+5 发展,税率,科技双倍 事务官行动成功率极限 军队,事务官和领主初始级别+5 战斗结束装备爆率和装备偷取率最大 大量的补员 大量的招募槽 大量增加游牧派系和黑方舟发展 维护费减30%,不影响补给线 全军+20%特保 全军+50%射程 全军跑得更快,永不疲劳 强化领主领导力光环 150+魔法之风储量 有bug或者想法可以告诉我.我会尝试更新...
玩家综合加强 科技+弹药+其他 technology_research and ammunition
创建者: 霸天虎出击
1: 科技研究速度+50%【technology_research】 2:公共秩序+5 【order_difficulty】 3:弹药+200% 【ammunition 】 4:领主招募等级+5 【generals level】 5:英雄招募等级+5 【actionl evel】 6:将领血量+20% 【generals Healthy】 7:单位疲劳速度-30% 【fatigue_resistance】 【只对玩家有效】 【player only】   欢迎订阅我的另一个mod——玩家综合加强V2 htt...
玩家综合加强V2 装备掉落等【魔法之风修改回调】 The probability of equip drops
创建者: 霸天虎出击
1: +10%事务官行动成功率 2:+25%装备掉率 3:+25%装备缴获率 4:+100%大地图视野 5:+50%贸易资源产量 6:魔法之风额外+60 7:所有派系外交+10 8:高精每回合+2影响力 9:维护费-50% 【以上,只对玩家有效】 【适用于所有种族】 12/04更新:取消全局有效的魔法之风上限,AI不再会对你狂轰魔法,而玩家已有增强,so,玩得愉快,各位! 嫌找mod麻烦的朋友,可以去订阅我的合集,全局无冲,基于原版。
护甲 30 攻防: 命中 10 防御 10 近战伤害 100% 士气 15 抗性: 特保,物抗,魔抗,远抗 20% 弹药 500% 射程 50% 远程伤害 100% 装弹速度 75% 最低2.0 领主新募等级 20 英雄新募等级 20 发展 500 魔法之风充能 500 英雄行动成功概率 100% 魔法物品掉落概率 80% 战后魔法缴获概率 100% 研究速率 1000% 这是大角鼠的恩赐,懂吗?懂吗?斯卡文最大方了,所有人都知道!所有人! 哼哼,想去斯卡文魔都玩玩吗?想吗?我可以安排,是的,是的! 锤3 ...
创建者: 布霖
目前鸽了OVN,汉化了这个。 接下来摸了,要玩CK3。。。。。。。。。 近日准备把搞诺斯卡熊人搞了...
[ys]enhance high elf defence
创建者: 宋大一
enhance high elf defence 兵种配置 一级主城:1银光守卫3长矛兵4弓箭手 二级主城:2银光守卫2长矛兵4弓箭手 三级主城:1贵族2银光守卫2长矛兵4弓箭手 四级主城:1贵族1剑圣2白狮禁卫1银光守卫2海卫2银盔骑士 五级主城:1贵族2剑圣1银光守卫3海卫2银盔骑士 一级小城:1银光守卫2长矛兵2弓箭手 二级小城:2银光守卫1长矛兵2弓箭手1艾里昂掠夺者 三级小城:1贵族2银光守卫2弓箭手2艾里昂掠夺者 主城1级城防建筑:1游侠5弓箭手 主城2级城防建筑:1银光守卫6海卫 主城3级城防...
创建者: 鲨鱼辣椒
暂时只做了矛兵及精英矛兵。 如果你喜欢这个,请点赞或留言。 如果有很多人喜欢我会继续做下去。 (支持我) 您的支持将是我的动力,感谢!...
这个mod是搞毛二哥群的米娅·SAMA做的mod,给玩家军队加入了6个军队技能 包含技能如下: 米娅·SAMA的赐福【大地之血】 米娅·SAMA的赐福【石化之躯】 米娅·SAMA的赐福【再生术】 米娅·SAMA的赐福【荆棘护盾】 米娅·SAMA的赐福【战场补给】 米娅·SAMA的赐福【次元核弹】 This mod was made by 米娅·SAMA of the second brother of the mau group, adding 6 army abilities to the player'...
创建者: 鲨鱼辣椒
替换普通矛兵及精英矛兵的模型 (支持我) 您的支持将是我的动力,感谢!...
维护费减40%(仅玩家)-40%upkeep player only
创建者: 霸天虎出击
-40%upkeep 维护费减40% player only(仅玩家) ...
创建者: 持锤大只佬
创建者: Braised fish
巴托 添加了一个吸血鬼圣杯骑,添加了重生 血堡战旗 防护光环和各种抗性 战役跟圣杯骑士一个建筑。吃其技能点和科技加成 一个吸血鬼探险骑,带回血,心免光环,跟探险骑士一个建筑。吃其技能点和科技加成 一个吸血鬼侠义骑,先锋部署,攻击附魔减士气,跟侠义骑士一个建筑。吃其技能点和科技加成 一个吸血鬼剑圣,永不战败,抵御所有冲锋, 攻击附魔凯恩癫狂,极高的魔法抗性,狂暴,回血,血堡战旗,跟步战侍从一个建筑。吃其技能点和科技加成 一个上位老农弓,用的阿瓦隆小子的箭,高远抗,潜行,狙击,鹰眼,跟步战侍从一个建筑。吃老农弓...
让帝国再次伟大:帝国兵种建筑补充 (S&F dlc 更新)
创建者: ClayChuang 新增多种帝国单位、经济建筑 仅卡皇、沃克玛能使用新兵种,元帅、金属脸、其他选帝侯无法使用 若你想使用其他帝国派系玩此mod中的兵种,请在打上子mod并排序于本mod上 新增兵种: 步行帝国骑士(剑盾):三级剑盾步兵 三级兵营可招募 步行帝国骑士(持戟):三级持戟步兵 三级兵营可招募 帝国剑圣:顶级反步步兵(高精剑圣...
创建者: 柒夜凛
此汉化由本人(steam ID柒夜凛)及汉化群一位好友联合汉化,使用时务必将汉化mod置顶。由于MOD作者本身制作mod时出现了一些问题,导致某个建筑树建筑序列三个建筑同名且无法修改以及领主技能中对冰霜妖龙的加成描述错误,具体问题详见贴吧汉化发布贴。帖子链接:
创建者: 鲨鱼辣椒
替换银光守卫的模型 如果出现模型无变化,声音是男声等问题请将此MOD置顶。 已知问题:不知道为什么被击飞的刹那手上会出现一根鞭子 SFO版: 参考图: (支持我)
Alastar and his white Mew
创建者: Sparkle Eldar
Alastar and his white Mew The war lion pet will be unlocked as mount at level 6. Hope you like it and enjoy. Thanks all the supports....
!@0 No Cheats for the AI
创建者: MINOS
This Mod negates Cheats the AI gets to Normal Levels, if they are exceeding the Normal Values. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Penalties are left untouched, so Difficulty will be still higher, ...
*Updated* New Lore Friendly Climates
创建者: Brosh
This mod is now updated for the Something and the Something Else. This mod creates several new climate categories for both the Mortal Empires and Vortex campaigns (24 in total) expanding upon the original ten found in the vanilla game. Each faction has new...
+25% More Movement Range for Generals & +75% More for Agents & Heroes (Player Only)
创建者: [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ +25% More Movement Range for Generals & +75% More for Agents & Heroes (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will give yo...
60 Levels and 2X Skill Points with Skill Dump (S&F dlc Updated)
创建者: ClayChuang
自用的技能点mod 60等 每级2技能点 增加处理多馀技能点的dump 并让多馀技能点有一点作用 最高可升到120等 兼容 Compatible SFO: Grimhammer II Mixu's Legendary Lords 1 Mixu's Legendary Lords 2 Mixu's Tabletop Lords Mixu's Mousillon Mixu's: Vangheist's Revenge O6OPMOT's Heroes of the Empire Empire Master En...
A Blackbriar Topiary (Ranged Treemen and Dryads)
创建者: ChaosRobie
This mod adds in ranged Treemen and Dryads for the Wood Elves and Avelorn. Description Bowtreemen have a ranged attack, less armour, leadership, and melee attack compared to regular Treemen. Their projectiles are explosive. There is also a RoR version, the...
AI General II: Spectator Mode Advanced
创建者: Decomposed Warning: This mod is not compatible with Spectator Mode II. You will have to choose one or the other. Fully supports Vandy's Mod Configuration Tool! AI General for A Total War Saga: TROY here! Ini...
All Faction - Monster Hunting (Updated)
创建者: prop joe
This is DarudeSandKing's All Faction - Monster Hunting updated for the current patch and modified a bit. You don't recruit monsters from buildings, but get them into the RoR pool if you capture or raze a city that has the prerequisite. You can also get the...
Allies of The Woods
创建者: CaptainSnafu
As the End Time comes, the magic forest itself understands that it can not survive if it only depends on the wood elves and the tree spirits. Now it welcomes all creatures who respect the forest to fight together. Units: 1. Jade Druid Spear infantry Can us...
Ancient Zoat
创建者: Toshinori Yagi
I always though that the Wood Elves were missing an ap monster hunter and while the zoats are good, with the new mass changes once they get sucked into a tar-pit they are stuck there. So I came up with this. A large high mass single entity monster hunter t...
Apprentice Packmasters
创建者: Advice
THIS IS THE VANILLA VERSION OF THE MOD. SFO VERSION FOUND HERE. Description Due to the sudden explosion in demand for both Moulder monsters and Packmasters to accompany them, the lords of Hellpit have seen fit to start offering the services of entire class...
Arboreal Sunbringers (Ranged Tree Spirit) (T&T Updated)
创建者: Squiggy
Endlessly patient, the ancient watchers of Athel Loren stare across the woods. With each step, Interlopers feel eyes upon them. As if each tree they pass means them harm. With a crack, the Sun's gaze is drawn to those foolish enough to linger. All that's l...
Armoury of Torgovann (Wood Elves Unit Upgrades) (version 1.0.4) (Upgraded for the S&F)
创建者: greyTiger
Adds unit upgrade functionality (as seen in 'The Warden & the Paunch' DLC for Greenskins) to the Wood Elves using a new resource called Moonspring Crystals. The resource can currently be obtained from battles and from the two highest tiers of the Oak of Ag...
Ash's 33 New Skills for Lords
创建者: ArahorPlays
Updated for The Silence & The Fury + Thorek! *Please read Known Issues at the bottom of the description before posting & to find the list with Compatible Mods + Previous working mod version if you run into complications* The legacy lives on from Ash's 33 N...
Bálint Unique Cards
创建者: Bálint
This mod add unique unit card to all faction, and some mods: Vanila factions NEW Beastmen (UNIQUE CARDS & COLOR REWORKED) Empire High Elves Dark Elves Norsca Skaven Vampire Counts Campire Coast Lizardmen (UNIQUE CARDS & COLOR REWORKED) Wood Elves by Sparta...
创建者: Balrok99
Hello there, Welcome to my new mod. This mod aims to add basilisk into the game. I tried to stay true to its abilities and lore and to its visage. Sadly It cant have 8 legs. So 4 legs must do. "The Basilisk is a huge, eight-legged reptile which prefers to ...
Battle Chants
创建者: Boo!
                                                                                         Support me by rating this mod up! Battle Chants is a lightweight mod that simply adds battle ch...
Beautiful Alarielle
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description Alarielle the Radiant is goodness incarnate. She’s the kind of goddess-next-door you’d be proud to bring home to Mom. This version of Alarielle is similar to how she looks in Age of Sigmar. Reskin only. Does not ...
Beautiful Archmages
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description More beautiful Asur archmages. They now wear short sleeves and have smoother faces. Reskin only. Does not affect any stats. This mod is included in my High Elves reskin: Radiant High Elves This mod is included in...
Beautiful Compilation
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description This is a compilation of my Beautiful reskin mods for certain units and heroes. This mod will be updated as I release other warrior or hero or lord reskins. Legendary lords (including Alarielle and Morathi) and f...
Beautiful Death Hags
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description Better Death Hag textures. Face tattoos removed. Fairer skin, whiter hair fading to faction color. Overall not much changed, as CA’s textures are very good. Graphical only. Does not change any stats. This mod is ...
beautiful fay enchantress湖神仙女美化
创建者: 金花
更改了湖神仙女的贴图材质,去掉了一些皱纹跟痣,让她看起来更少女 衣服增加了透明质感 眼睛变成了蓝色、眉毛加深 其他美化: 贞德美化(短发): 贞德美化(长发):
Beautiful Handmaidens
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description The Handmaidens of the Everqueen aren’t selected just because they can hit the broad side of a Beastman with a blue blaster bolt. They’re also blindingly beautiful. I gave them smoother skin, made the skirt short...
Beautiful Khalida
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description High Queen Khalida Neferher of Lybaras, rejuvenated. Which, despite her decayed appearance in tabletop, is more true to the army book: Khalida was embalmed and placed in a seated position within a specially made ...
Beautiful Mages
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description More beautiful Asur female mages. They now wear short sleeves and have smoother faces. They also do not wear cloaks (which just clip with the dress) and they use a smaller sword more fitting to a mage. All gems a...
Beautiful Morathi
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description Annoyed with all the attention Hellebron has been getting lately, Morathi has decided to up her game and remind everyone why she can show her face in public more than once a year. This one is more faithful to the...
Beautiful Princesses
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description More beautiful Asur princess. The vanilla model and texture for her lower body armor are seriously messed up, so I fixed them. I also gave her smoother skin. Reskin only. Does not affect any stats. This mod is in...
Beautiful Repanse De Lyonesse贞德美化
创建者: 金花
去掉了原版的大肩甲,让角色看起来更苗条,加了一个更薄的单肩甲 替换了手臂部分,加上了金属手套 修改了脸部以及头发 修改了坐骑的配色,现在是红蓝配色 其他美化: V2版本 V3版本: 湖神仙女美化:
Beautiful Repanse De Lyonesse贞德美化V2
创建者: 金花
去掉了原版的大肩甲,让角色看起来更苗条,加了一个更薄的单肩甲 替换了手臂部分,加上了金属手套 修改了脸部以及头发 修改了坐骑的配色,现在是红蓝配色 其他美化: V1版本: V3版本: 湖神仙女美化: https://steamcommunity.c...
Beautiful Repanse De Lyonesse贞德美化V3
创建者: 金花
MOD状态:可以正常使用,无需更新 MOD内容: 修改了贞德的模型跟贴图 胸甲变得更女性化 兼容性: 不兼容任何修改贞德模型贴图的mod 跟Animated Banner for Repanse不兼容 兼容SFO的骑马拿旗 其他美化: V1版本:
Beautiful Sisters of Avelorn
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description More beautiful Sisters of Avelorn. I gave them smoother skin, a more "summery" outfit, more hair variations (partial credit to Dryrain’s previous version for the colors). Reskin only. Does not affect any stats. T...
Beautiful Sisters of Slaughter
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description I gave the Sisters of Slaughter hair, and lighter smoother skin. Graphical only. Does not change any stats. This mod is included in my Dark Elves reskin: Somber Dark Elves This mod is included in the compilation:...
Beautiful Sisters of the Thorn
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description More beautiful Sisters of the Thorn. I removed their face tattoos and gave them smoother fairer skin and lighter hair. I also gave them glowing eyes to set them apart from other Elves. They are like Wild Riders, ...
Beautiful Sorceresses
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description More beautiful Dark Elf sorceresses. Smoother fairer skin, no more runny eye makeup. I also exchanged the sword for something less bulky and more fitting to a sorceress. Graphical only. Does not change any stats....
Beautiful Spellsingers
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description The Spellsingers are some of CA's best models, but I made some improvements. I changed their outfits and their hair. I gave them more natural looking hair with smoother and more pronounced wind motion. This was p...
Beautiful Supreme Sorceresses
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description More beautiful Dark Elf Supreme Sorceresses. Smoother fairer skin, no cloaks, no more red eyes, and slightly more revealing outfits. I also exchanged the sword for something less bulky and more fitting to a sorce...
Beautiful Wardancers
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description Beautiful deadly Wood Elf wardancers. Gave them smoother skin and removed some of the blurry body tattoos. The Wardancer regiment of renown (Loec’s Tricksters) has been reskinned to match. Graphical only. Does no...
Beautiful Witch Elves
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description Proper beautiful deadly Witch Elves. Smoother fairer skin, no face tattoos, no gray hair, no red eyes. The Witch Elf regiment of renown (Sisters of Singing Doom) has been reskinned to match. This mod also include...
Better Auto Resolve (kind of outdated)
创建者: Zarkis
IMPORTANT NOTICE Since CA fixed a lot of issues with autoresolve in recent patches, I consider this mod as kind of outdated. You can still use it if you like it, but I don't think it is mandatory anymore. CONTENTS This mod makes the outcome of battles more...
Better Bretonnia Garrisons (Green Knight Aids Us!)
创建者: heavystorm
This mod improves Bretonnia garrisons. Every Capital and Minor City grants Green Knight to garrison instead of Paladin. (level 3 and above) Wall upgrades improved. No infantry added to wall upgrades because main buildings already grants 8-10 of them. The G...
Better Camera Mod
创建者: kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots for better view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to zoom...
Better Medusa
创建者: GUMP
If you are not satisfied with Medusa's performance in the campaign, this mod may help you to strengthen Medusa in the following aspects: 【Medusa gaze】Medusa can petrify enemies and make them unable to move within 30 seconds 【Effective range】 increase Medus...
Better Trade (WH2/ME)
创建者: Zarkis
This mod increases the amount of exportable goods in relation to the number of regions your trade partner owns while reducing the price of commodities to keep the original balance of the game intact. With enough trade partners you may actually export all y...
Bloodletters of Khorne
创建者: Bálint
"Behind him wait the Legions of his Master, arrayed in armour fluted and droved with gold, brighter than the sun and darker than midnight. Each holds a shrieking sword, each shrieks in disharmony with his blade, each joins the chorus of Chaos, a promise of...
Bretonnian Questing Beasts
创建者: Xoudad
"Many of my fellows would say that the Pegasus is the grandest mount that any knight could ever aspire to. They speak of the Pegasi's grace, beauty and speed, extolling these as the greatest virtues to be had in any beast. But the only virtue I see in spee...
Brutal Battles 2
创建者: Boo!
                                                                                          Support me by rating this mod up! Brutal Battles is a battle spacing overhaul that retains va...
[ys]enhance dragon prince
创建者: 宋大一
enhance dragon prince introduction: dragon prince: anti large :15、anti infantry:10、attack :10、armour pierce atack :30、Never tired dragon prince ror: anti large :20、anti infantry :18、attack:15、armour pierce atack :35、Never tired、magic defence :20%、all defen...
创建者: 宋大一
高精传奇龙精英部队 1.将5条传奇龙添加到精英兵种招募池! 2.可用派系:阿瓦隆、伊泰恩、纳加瑞斯、魔剑士议会和伊瑞斯! 3. 兵种 招募费用 维持费用 传奇黑龙 2400 1000 传奇森林龙 2000 900 传奇月龙 2400 1000 传奇星龙 3000 1300 传奇太阳龙 2200 900 4.与我的mod“复原传奇龙”兼容! 此mod为汉化文本,需订阅本体mod mod:会打洞的imrik(imrik use tunnel) mod:高精城防军增强(Enhance hef Garrison) ...
创建者: 宋大一
介绍 还在为 【黑化强十倍,洗白弱三分】的传奇龙强度不够而烦恼吗? 现在,我修改了5条传奇龙招募时的属性以及模型大小,使其与挑战它时的属性一致! 重点 1.保证招募的传奇龙和挑战它时属性、被动一致 2.传奇龙获得科技、领主红线加成 不需要开新档。 mod:暗精新术士组合 mod:会打洞的imrik(imrik use tunnel) mod:高精城防军增强(Enhance hef garrison) mod:伊姆瑞克派系特性增强(Enhance imrik faction) mod:会潜行的伊姆瑞克 mod...
创建者: 宋大一
伊姆瑞克主动伏击 状态:潜行 令这支军队可在移动时保持隐蔽,并伏击其经过的敌军 效果: 1.至少需要25%的行动力 2.增加10%的伏击成功率 不需要开新档 mod:会打洞的imrik(imrik use tunnel) mod:高精城防军增强(Enhance hef Defence) mod:伊姆瑞克派系特性增强(Enhance imrik faction) mod:复原传奇龙(Recover Legend Dragon) mod:会打洞的imrik(imrik use tunnel) mod:高精城防军...
[HN] Cleaner Balance Bar
创建者: [HN]
Cleaner Balance Bar does what the name implies, making the balance of power bar cleaner and more easy to read.
We'z Speshul
创建者: Lost2Insanity
I am no longer modding for Total War - Warhammer II and there will be no more updates for this mod. About We'z Speshul This mod is an expansion for the Greenskins containing units, campaign features, some new legendary lords and a few other bits and pieces...
Warbands - Warriors of Hydra
创建者: Macho Chunko
Introduction Ah the Hydra, such a majestic creature, you can't look at it and not marvel at how adorable it is. If you ever thought the same then this is the mod for you, as so did the warriors that encountered an Hydra and felt the need to band togheter a...
Realistic Particle Effects
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description This mod removes non-realistic particle effects from the game. It does this by editing the VFX files themselves, so it changes no stats and is fully compatible with all overhauls and reskins. This mod is based on...
Varied Monsters Compilation
创建者: Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This is a compilation mod that adds colour variations to the following monsters and beasts in the game: DARK ELVES 3 variations to Kharibdyss 6 variations to War Hydras --> Varied Hydras HIGH ELVES 2 variations to Flamespyre Phoenix 2 variation...
Vampire Count Mount
创建者: jenosite
This mod adds 15 mounts to Vampire Count. Vlad von Carstein - Empire of Carstein ( Warsphinx ) - 18 level Vlad von Carstein - Guardian of Sylvania ( Griffon ) - 18 level Vlad von Carstein - Nightmare Horse ( Ethereal ) 10 level Vlad von Carstein - Barded N...
Urban Defense Expand城墙拓展
创建者: 金花
MOD状态:可以正常使用,无需更新 This mod adds new garrison buildings of their own style for each faction 这个MOD为各个种族增加了属于他们风格的独特城墙(大城城墙+小城城墙) 一个地区你只能选择建造一座城墙。同时,新城墙费用更贵,他们拥有独特的驻军以及军队技能 SFO Submod兼容补丁: Mixu...
Upkeep -75%
创建者: Draizix
This mod lowers upkeep cost by -75% of the original. This is effect is for AI and Human players, i.e. everyone. Some Lords may make units cost 0. This is expected due to certain traits lords may have or get. If you like my work feel free to toss me a beer ...
Vampire Coast Unit Upgrade 吸血鬼海岸兵种升级
创建者: oil
简介 把绿皮的废料升级移植给了 吸血鬼海岸 。 现在 不再 直接使用钱升级,而是使用吸血鬼海盗特有的资源 恶名来升级。 升级 每个兵种都包括三项升级,根据兵种的不同而设计了不同的升级。 一些有趣的升级包括: 深海护卫升级灵体化: 65%物抗,无甲。 塞壬女妖升级完全灵体话: 满物抗,-60%攻击力,无甲 低级僵尸海盗水手升级肉体炸弹:少于10%血是会爆炸杀伤敌人 僵尸火枪升级射程,爆炸弹丸或者魔法弹丸。 甲板枪手升级反大弹丸或爆炸弹丸 僵尸投弹手升级投弹减对面火抗,同时自己变成火焰攻击 腐化利维坦升级召唤小...
Upkeep -50%
创建者: Draizix
This mod lowers upkeep cost by -50% of the original. This is effect is for AI and Human players, i.e. everyone. Some Lords may make units cost 0. This is expected due to certain traits lords may have or get. If you like my work feel free to toss me a beer ...
Upgrade Units
创建者: prop joe
Allows you to upgrade some of the units into other units if they have a high enough experience rank. List of available upgrades We've avoided upgrades that make no lore sense or are a huge combat style jump (for example going from cavalry with bow to lance...
Unlock all Lord Skills
创建者: kroatoa
This mod removes the restriction of having to choose between skill lines for lords, by removing the locking of skills. Compatible with any mod that does not add its on skill locks (SFO, Radious..)...
Capture Artillery! 缴获火炮!
创建者: Alex Zhao
Description A simple mod that increased the chance of capture artillery from 10% to 50%. The rules are same as vanilla, you can only capture artillery that are available to your faction, you can capture artillery from garrison, or capture multiple artiller...
Cataph and Vandy's: Return of the Lichemaster 1.2 [update TBD]
创建者: Cataph
This mod is based on a story that, like many in Warhammer, is about passion, honour, hope and faith in the ultimate greater go- hold up, wrong script. This is a mod about a murderous magical hobo that only wishes personal power. That is, Heinrich Kemmler. ...
Cataph's Dragon Mages of Caledor [updated for Silence]
创建者: Cataph
OH OH OH! We begin our adventure on WH2 modding - that is not porting stuff already done for WH1, I mean - by adding a new Hero for the High Elves, as per title. The Dragon Mages are princes of Caledor that are known not for original names, but for a pre-d...
Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol
创建者: Cataph
Warhammer3 port There are all kinds of scoundrels and, worse, Druchii in the sea these days. And what does the Asur fleet do about it? Nothing! Today the High Elf fleet says get off my lawn! Ocean. Whatever. This pack introduces ship-building (hybrid horde...
Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs 2.0
创建者: Cataph
WH3 version here. ==Chatty blog post about latest changes!== Try it with our Closer to Tabletop overhaul!|| Here we go again. Another roster expansion, new techs, characters, skills, just like with the Southern Realms, but with less plumes and more beards....
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0
创建者: Cataph
- WH3 port. Latest blog posts: - Visual Updates!. - NEW UNITS! Thanks to ChaosRobie, Tortoise Tanks and their fancy ROR version! You know Da Vinci’s tank? Yeah, SURPRISE! with extra wack. ||Try it with our Closer to Tabletop overhaul!|| Southern Realms is ...
Unit Upgrade for Emperor 帝国兵种升级 钢铁信仰和火药
创建者: oil
简介 把绿皮的废料升级移植给了 帝国 。 你需要研究特定科技来解锁对应的升级。 使用 钱 或者 威望 来升级:对一些特别基础的升级将继续使用金币,保证玩家在初期也有升级可以用。所有中级到高级的升级现在都使用帝国威望,让后期多余的威望有用武之地。 升级 所有的帝国原版兵种都有对应2-3项升级: 选择钢铁,还是信仰还是火药! 一些有趣的升级包括: - 小鸡可以升级一个变身技能,可以变成会飞的狮鹫骑士 - 坦克可以升级变身技能,变成死灵巨像。变形金刚来了 - 巨剑士可以升级一个扔手雷的技能,朝四周随机扔手雷,还没...
Unit upgrade for dark elf -- 黑暗精灵兵种升级
创建者: oil
Intro Introduce the scrapy unit upgrade system to Dark Elves 。 Now it no longer uses gold to upgrade. Instead, I give dark elves an unique resource called bloody steel, which they can get after each battle, similar to greenskin scrapy. And you can also bui...
UI Modding Framework
创建者: Vanishoxyact
This mod adds a whole framework allowing the possibility of creating custom user interfaces within mods. Creating UI's within mods is notoriously difficult which results in very few, if any mods utilizing them. This framework unlocks this possibility by pr...
Tier 4 Minors 2 - Walls
创建者: Mazz
*** TIER 4 MAIN MOD REQUIRED TO WORK *** FIND THAT HERE: This submod adds walls to the Tier 4 Minor settlements for all factions, except for Norsca because they don't have walled settlement m...
Tier 4 Minor Settlements 2
创建者: Mazz
**** Updated for Silence + Fury **** Added a walled submod here: This mod is made based on the vanilla building values. If you are playing with an overhaul, like Grimhammer, or a faction expa...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0 assets
创建者: Cataph
Heavy duty pack for the main TEB mod. Required to use it, on pain of spooky invisible models. This allows me to update the main mod in a timely manner, instead of having to wait until my challenged update bandwidth can tackle hundreds of MBs. NOTE: this pa...
Celestial Hurricanum
创建者: ChaosRobie
"As seen on milkandcookiesTW" This mod adds in the Celestial Hurricanum, a Luminark-type unit for the Empire. Make sure you also subscribe to the effects mod! Link Description The Hurricanum can fire while moving and fires faster than the Luminark. However...
Celestial Hurricanum Effects (Requires Main Mod)
创建者: ChaosRobie
Main mod here! This mod has all the effects for the Celestial Hurricanum, including the lightning ball and the projectile effects. It's kept separate because they are in a movie (yes movie) type .pack file. This is a work around for vfx files not being loa...
Chaos Unit Upgrade: I wanna them all!!
创建者: oil
Intro this is the "I wanna them all" version of my chaos unit upgrade mod: Use either one of them, do not use both together Note that some of the upgrades are naturally exclusive, like diffe...
Clan Ferrik - Faction Overhaul
创建者: Thom
*Mixu’s Unlocker is required to play as Clan Ferrik in Campaign Mod Overview This is an overhaul for Clan Ferrik, a skaven clan focused on blacksmithing and enslaving dwarfs as a skilled workforce. This mod gives Clan Ferrik a new Legendary Lord, new units...
Clan Grudge-Faction Overhaul-Minor Clans Rising.
创建者: stiginge-oy This is overhaul of made-up Clan Grudge. It's add new faction of skavens worshipping the Dark Prince, the Prince of Pleasure, the Lord of Excess, the Perfect Prince, Her/His Majesty Slaanesh. Is it Lore accurate you ask? Wel...
Clan Skurvy - Faction Overhaul - Minor Clans Rising (working on WH3 port)
创建者: ExplodingLiger Introducing Clan Skurvy and it's Legendary Lord - Skretch Half-Dead. This faction is range heavy with custom projectile effects on weapons, new heroes, buildings and much more. DIsclaimer! This mod currently only works for M...
Clan Vrrtkin-Faction Overhaul-Minor Clans Rising.(SFO submod is ready!!!)
创建者: stiginge-oy SFO submod by Flamboyant_Schemer. Introducing Clan Vrrtkin and it's Legendary Lord - Trikstab Gribnode. Faction is poison gas heavy with custom status effects on weapons, new tech, hero, landmarks and much more. Disclaimer-O...
创建者: ChaosRobie
"Half dragon, half bird, half snake" This mod adds in Coatls for the Lizardmen. Description A Coatl is a large, single-entity flying unit. It has three bound spells, each from a different lore, Chain Lightning, Net of Amyntok, and Shield of Thorns. Its att...
Confederations for player but not for AI
创建者: {XXX}predALIEN
Should do exactly what it says, except for the horde factions and woodelves no faction should confederate when AI controlled. However if you play as a faction you can still confederate. Requires a new game. Affects mortal empire campaign only....
*Important Notice* Cpecific's Traits Manager (+win64)
创建者: Cpecific
*Works on 1.12.1* *IMPORTANT NOTICE* CA is going to disable some modding functionality, after which memreader will no longer be possible to use (this is not an old *notice*, as some people misinterpreted, but a current state of affairs). I asked them to in...
Unique Faction Currencies
创建者: Müsliriegel
Summary Changes the icons of several Factions from the generic treasury icons to something more loreful. Skaven: Warpstone Tokens Lizardmen: Ancient Artifacts Greenskins: Teef Wood Elves: Gifts of the Forest Tomb Kings: Souls Norsca: Plunder Vampire Coast:...
Custom Lord Creation
创建者: Vanishoxyact
This mod adds a brand new custom UI which allows you to customize lords or heroes before recruitment. The custom UI allows you to modify the lord's/hero's name, type, skills, traits and starting attributes. To create a custom lord/hero, click the �Custom� ...
Dark Elf Unit Upgrade: I wanna them all
创建者: oil
Intro this is the "I wanna them all" version of my dark elf unit upgrade mod: Use either one of them, do not use both together Note that some of the upgrades are naturally exclusive, like di...
Dark Elven Warriors (3 in 1)
创建者: ™ZuL
Hello A mod that brings together our three mods for dark elves. New lord, new units, new buildings and more. Details in the descriptions of the mods. All three mods are also presented in separate versions. Dark Elven Chosen (standalone): https://steamcommu...
Dark Elves Elite Units - The World is Ours
创建者: ChopChop92
Greetings friends, This mod is inspired by multiple Warhammer sources and it includes 5 units for the playable Dark Elves Factions and 1 new building, the Dark Battlement. Lords of Oblivion (inspired by the End Times - even though I DO NOT like the End Tim...
Darker and Deeper Sea
创建者: [BROS] Attila
As the title says, Mod' purpose is giving much more darker yet vivid and contrast sea texture for a better visual experience, (Vortex and Mortal Empires Campaigns) For the Main Mortal Empires...
Decline Diplomacy
创建者: Marthenil
You can now alt-tab to your heart's content during those long turn times, without worrying that those pesky Dawi that declared war on you (again) have stopped the end of the turn waiting for you to click ok. Adds a UI button next to the existing pause and ...
The Woodelves (ME) OUTDATED
创建者: Zarkis
THIS MOD IS OUTDATED! With the release of the new Wood Elves related patch this mod will be outdated. CA has changed a lot of the game mechanics for the woodelves, which make many parts of this mod obsolate. I will keep the mod in the workshop for a few mo...
The Ubersreik 5 All In One (legendary heroes for Reikland)
创建者: 99Kingcarl
Oi! We're the bloody Ubersreik five! The legendary Ubersreik 5 from the Vermintide games are now available as legendary heroes for the Reikland in one mod pack. They can be recruited in the Red Moon Inn, the Landmark in Ubersreik and have their own, custom...
The Princess Guards
创建者: Poljanan
Clad in starforged steel, these warrior maidens are the personal retainers for many of Ulthuan's prestiged princesses. Their gleaming armor, as splendorous as quicksilver and almost as implacable as gromril iron, is very resistant to most conventional form...
The Bank of the Great Ocean
创建者: Un Poisson Rouge
DESCRIPTION The Bank of the Great Ocean is another addition to my extended campaign series. With this mod, you can now take out loans or invest money with a bank, whose identity and origins you will discover through events. Loans work by giving the player ...
The Amber Kingdom (TAK) | Blood Elf Conversion - BETA
创建者: Hazard Maks SUBMODS #) This Submod allows the Wood Elf factions to recruit the core Amber Guard units once they build a landmark in the Amber Glade. #) If you play with the HN flags and icons overhaul, Clic...
The Amber Kingdom (TAK) - VFX Pack
创建者: Hazard Maks
This is an additional pack that adds and changes VFX for various units/lords in the main Amber Kingdom mod. It is not mandatory to have, but preferred. Should be compatible with anything, really. NOTE: This is a separate mod solely due to it being a movie ...
Diplomatic Options - Vassal, Liberate & Confederate
创建者: Dresden
This mod allows all factions to confederate, liberate and vassal other factions. Confederate - All factions can now confederate with other factions of their type (i.e. Vampires with vampires). This does not allow factions to confederate with other culture ...
Dogs of War Submod: Legendary Heroes From Mods
创建者: prop joe
Adds legendary heroes (unique heroes like Henri le Massif) from mods as cross-faction recruitment options in my Dogs of War mod. YOU NEED ALL THE REQUIRED MODS OR YOUR GAME WILL CRASH OR REFUSE TO SAVE. YOU NEED ALL THE REQUIRED MODS OR YOUR GAME WILL CRAS...
Dogs of War: Cross-Faction Unit Recruitment + Mercenary Camps
创建者: prop joe
No plans to port it to Warhammer 3 currently for a couple of reasons: 1. it'd be a LOT of work to rewrite it to not use the UI modding framework 2. the outpost system they added in WH3 does a lot of what this mod aimed to do Adds a way to recruit units fro...
Drink It II
创建者: Wallets
Sick of clicking the eight active buffs each of your characters gets from items? This mod makes the active abilities from non-unique items and skills into passive abilities, so that your heroes can decide for themselves when to drink their potions. Changes...
Dwarf Grudge Tank
创建者: Kimlegar
This mod adds powerful Grudge Tank for Dwarf faction. Description of this unit Dammaz(grudge) Tank is a tier 4 unit for Dwarf. It has no range weapon, but it is immensely fast, not fast for a dwarf, and very heavy that can penetrate into almost any infantr...
Dwarf Units (Stronger Dwarf)
创建者: jenosite
This mod adds eight new units to Dwarf factions. Rune Quarreller - 3 tier unit Rune Guardian - 4 tier unit Dwarf volley gun - 4 tier unit Dwarf Bombard - 4 tier unit Dwarf Brewhouse - 4 tier unit Fire Thrower - 5 tier unit Dragon Slayer - 5 tier unit Dwarf...
Dwarfs Dawi of the Karaz Ankor
创建者: Mr.Nsane32
Description Adds new units to the Dwarfs faction based on warhammer lore. All unit are balance for the vanilla game. All units are effect by tech and lord skills. Units Dragon Slayers: Slayers unable to find an honourable death become Dragon Slayers that s...
Expanded Event Art Compilation
创建者: GunKing
Compilation featuring expanded campaign event art for Greenskins, Wood Elves, Beastmen, Bretonnia, Vampire Counts, Dwarfs and The Empire. These illustration expansions have NOT replaced all of the original vanilla art assets, they exist alongside each othe...
Expanded Event Art Compilation Vol. II
创建者: GunKing
Expands the variety of event illustrations seen in the campaign of the High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Skaven and Tomb Kings. These event images exist ALONGSIDE all the pre-existing work, no piece of vanilla art was completely removed! In some cases, I ...
Faster End Turn Camera
创建者: Vanishoxyact
Simple mod to speed up the camera used to move around the map during the end turn phase, as I found it was too slow. Should be compatible with every other mod, unless it also changes this camera. Save game compatible. If you would also like a higher campai...
Faster End Turns (Fewer AI Diplomacy Offers)
创建者: The Mall of America
Updated for SB! Description Note: You MUST complete a full end turn cycle before the effects take hold This mod significantly improves End Turn Times (~30% mid-game on my rig) by stopping the AI from making MOST of their own offers to the player (offers be...
Flamboyant's - Events Compilation
创建者: Flamboyant Schemer61
IMPORTANT!! ABOUT GREY-OUT BUG It's an old bug that NOONE can solve except CA (we had it in wh1 too), I'm sorry. It's probably happening more on low end systems because the game is getting messed up on start of the turns with events and dilemmas. There are...
Force Confederation
创建者: sm0kin
Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Hammers & Herdstones". Tired of messing with the diplomacy system until the AI finally agrees to confederate? So why not beat them up and force them into submission? Spare yourself ...
GCCM2: Custom Assets 汉化
创建者: xx
此MOD功能:将GCCM2: Custom Assets进行了汉化。原MOD地址: 注意事项:该MOD需订阅原MOD使用,需排序于原MOD上方。主要文本存在于城市防御设施中。 如果大家还有喜欢的MOD需要汉化的话可以给我留言奥,我会注意并采纳的。 请大家多多给我点评价哦~评价就是我动力的来源,谢谢~ 附: New Settlement, Who Dis?汉化 https://stea...
GCCM2: Custom Assets
创建者: Frodo45127
What is this? This is a compilation that includes: 50 buildings restored from TW:W1 that CA only included partially in TW:W2. Collection of custom decals made by Maruka. 5 custom buildings by Frodo45127 (those flammenwerfer gates are one of them). 64 Kisle...
GCCM: Beta
创建者: Frodo45127
BEFORE COMPLAINING IT DOESN'T WORK, PICK THE GOLDEN BOI AND ATTACK EITHER GRIMHOLD OR KARAK HIRN. What´s this? This is the beta branch of GCCM, or "Grand Campaign Custom Maps". Basically, here is where all the stuff will land before adding it to the main v...
GCCM: Beta mod 汉化
创建者: xx
此MOD功能:将GCCM2: Custom Assets进行了汉化。原MOD地址: 注意事项:该MOD需订阅原MOD使用,需排序于原MOD上方。主要文本存在于自定义战斗中。 另:还有小部分文本未汉化完全。(3月16日已施工完毕) 如果大家还有喜欢的MOD需要汉化的话可以给我留言奥,我会注意并采纳的。 请大家多多给我点评价哦~评价就是我动力的来源,谢谢~ 附: GCCM2: Custo...
GCCM: Main mod
创建者: Maruka
BEFORE COMPLAINING IT DOESN'T WORK, PICK THE GOLDEN BOI AND ATTACK EITHER GRIMHOLD OR KARAK HIRN. What´s this? This is GCCM, or "Grand Campaign Custom Maps". It's a mod that brings custom maps to the campaign, with the goal of increasing visual and gamepla...
glf Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
创建者: 金花
这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多玩具兵种 以后不定期更新(如果我有时间) SFO版: 한글 패 치: English Patch :
Swordmasters of Nagarythe
创建者: Ganjadalf Alith Anar has sworn vengeance against the Druchii and with his elite warriors, the Swordmasters of Nagarythe, he will get his revenge! Fuelled by their hatred of the Druchii, these elite warriors are a force to be feared. T...
Sorin“s 战场召唤军队支援MOD
创建者: Sorin
本MOD的作用类似于斯卡文鼠人在战斗中召唤氏族鼠。 目前为三个派系增加了相应军队技能: 吸血鬼——忿怨幽灵 (强力近战单位,破甲反骑反大,存在99秒。99秒后消失并在原地产生一队凶暴蝙蝠) 帝国———奥斯曼军团(强力远程火枪步兵,近战中血量掉到50%以下将会自爆) 帝国———黑色骑士(来源于ET小说奥特多夫之秋,大数量多人数高破甲的帝国专属黑骑士部队) 矮人———喷火直升机(将火焰喷射器加装在直升机上,拥有为友军单位补充弹药技能) 皆通过科技解锁。 可在自定义战斗中选择吸血鬼伯爵、瑞克领、卡拉扎-阿-卡拉克...
Skip Intro Logos
创建者: DaTroll
Last Update: 2021.07.14 Launches the game straight to the main menu. Skips the intro logos (SEGA, Creative Assembly) and the opening cinematic. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to report bugs....
Sisters of Twilight on foot 暮光姐妹步行姿态 - 汉化(Chinese )
创建者: flameyjf
请把此mod排序放置于原mod之上 原mod: Sisters of Twilight on foot 原mod介绍: 1.解锁暮光姐妹步行姿态,并把巨鹰坐骑作为升级技能获得,和原版森林龙坐骑获得方式一样。 2.修改了暮光姐妹攻击属性,把暮光姐妹作为2个单独的个体,但依然是一个单位。 (原版游戏里,暮光姐妹是一个模组,2人只会射出一支箭,只是看起来是2人,实际就是一个人, 而这个mod把暮光姐妹分为2个不同模组,让她们有自己的攻击模式,2人都会射出各自的箭矢, 近战时也是2人协同攻击,这就会出现领主单挑时2...
Sisters of Twilight on foot
创建者: RomoR
Updated for the Silence & the Fury If like myself, you wanted to have the option to play with the Twilight sisters on foot this is the mod for you. Main changes are: They now start out on foot and unlock Gwindalor at level 6 like most mounts. Their Conjoin...
Sienna Fuegonasus (legendary hero for Reikland)
创建者: 99Kingcarl
You’ll know me by my trail of flame… The fiery tempered Wizard Sienna Fuegonasus from the Vermintide games is now available as a legendary hero for the Reikland. She can be recruited in the Red Moon Inn, the Landmark in Ubersreik and has her own, custom sk...
SFO: Grimhammer II: Regeneration Cap SUBMOD
创建者: Venris
This is submod for SFO: Grimhammer II. It lowers 200% regeneration cap for all units to 100% basic health. That means that unit can regenerate only 100% of its basic health during battle, no more.
SFO: Grimhammer II: More Armies SUBMOD
创建者: Venris
This is submod for SFO: Grimhammer II. It makes that Player and AI can make much more armies thanks to lowered upkeep. Notice: DO NOT REPORT BUG OR BALANCE ISSUES, UNLESS YOU HAVE TESTED SFO WI...
Greenskin Mount
创建者: jenosite
This mod is for tear of greenskin. This mod adds 19 mounts to greenskin. Almost every lords and heroes(LL-legendary Lord-, Lord, Hero) now can become monster units. This mod was motivated by Lizardman faction. Grimgor Ironhide - Body guard: Black Orc Grimg...
Greenskin Units(Stronger Greenskin)
创建者: jenosite
Greenskin is one of the most weak faction in TW2. So, I make them much stronger. This mod adds nine units to Greenskin. Colossal Squig - 3 tier unit Armored Colossal Squig - 3 tier unit Squig Gobba - 4 tier unit Black Orc Boar Boyz - 4 tier unit Ruglud's A...
Guardian of the Realm (Updated for The Silence and the Fury)
创建者: DrunkFlamingo
Gives the Green Knight a chance of appearing during settlement defences. This chance is based on chivalry if the Bretonnian is human, or upon how many Bretonnians remain if they are the AI. Thanks also to norse for making the other half of the mod. COMPATI...
创建者: 有点小浪b
原作者: 需要先订阅原mod后订阅此汉化补丁,然后排序位于原mod之上。 已完全汉化,汉化内容包括兵种说明,主动&被动技能文本,科技以及新传奇妹子领主技能线。 扩展内容: 新传奇领主凯恩之女,只有巫王(纳加隆德)可使用。 新招募建筑各暗精派系通用,且各个暗精地标可提供独特兵种进行招募。 新增大量小姐姐,女性兵种,和位于科技栏底部的独立女性兵种加强科技线。 如有BUG或者错误欢迎留...
Sacrifices for the Sacrifice God
创建者: Groove Wizard
Sacrificial Offerings Rebalance Another small one today! This super simple mod changes the way that the Cult of Sotek's "Enslave" post-battle captive option works. I was really bothered by how long it took to get any real amount of sacrificial offerings, a...
High Elf Units for High Elfs (WH2)
创建者: LordOmlette
A version of this mod is now available for Total War: Warhammer 3. This means that this mod will no longer be maintained. If you confederate Avelorn, you gain access to Dryads, Treekin, and Treemen. If you confederate Nagarythe, you gain access to Shadow-w...
Hooveric Reskin
创建者: hooveric
On January 22, 2022, all data were updated after being newly created. So it's a little different from the previous version. Also there are some incomplete units, but they will be updated in the future. About Hooveric Reskin This is a unit reskin mod as kno...
Improved Skill Points
创建者: Getto Gecko
Lords get additional 34 points by having a base gain of 2 points from level 11 on and getting 1 more point every 10 level. Spy, Engineer, Runesmith and Wizard Heroes get 1 additional point every 10 level. Champion and Dignitary Heroes get 1 additional poin...
Instant Quest Ancillary 立即获得神器
创建者: TransARM
(Scroll down for English description) 已整合DLC沉默与愤怒,达到神器任务等级后等一回合可直接获得传奇领主神器(包括所有隐藏神器). 注意事项 - 旧档只有在未激活神器任务的前提才兼容; - 先读取此mod再读取SFO; - 跟 Community Bug Fix 部分不兼容,如果坚持要用,此mod读取顺序要优于CBF。 由于强制跳过一些神器任务会影响其绑定派系的某些功能,具体参考以下操作可重新获得完整体验: 如何解锁 ''精英死灵巨像'' 和完成 ''哈肯的破碎心灵'...
Kaylica's Lahmians【Neferata's Ambitions】
创建者: Kaylicaaa
The ancestor of the vampire, Queen Neferata, now reappears. She have stepped down the Silver Pinnacle with her servants, trying to invade the Old World and establish her own kingdom. At the same time, Neferata's most loyal daughter, Naaima, ​​with the supp...
Kaylica's mods 汉化包
创建者: Kaylicaaa
Kaylica's mods zh-cn translation submod 为我的莱弥亚派系,史崔格派系和尼古拉契派系MOD添加了中文文本 如果以后能有新MOD,也会在这里更新文本 请将该汉化包的加载顺序放在较高的位置 如果有什么问题请在下面留言...
Kaylica's Necrarchs【The Return of W'soran】
创建者: Kaylicaaa
Kaylica's Necrarchs【The Return of W'soran】 I, W'soran, the ancestor of Necrarchs, has recovered my body and is now resurrected. Wait and see, you rude people who disturb the Master of the Dark Arts's meditation on necromancy, you will eventually become the...
Kaylica's Strygos【Rebuild the Strygos Empire】
创建者: Kaylicaaa
Ghoul King Vorag Bloodytooth have led his army to build a strong fortress in the Plain of Bones. Hearing of Vorag’s achievements, King Ushoran saw the hope of rebuilding his empire, he returned again, and finally recovered Morgheim. Let the two armies work...
Kerillian (legendary hero for Reikland)
创建者: 99Kingcarl
Lumberfoots! The enigmatic Elf Kerillian from the Vermintide games is now available as a legendary hero for the Reikland. She can be recruited in the Red Moon Inn, the Landmark in Ubersreik and has her own, custom skill tree. She is immortal by default. No...
Leaders of Legend (Lord/Faction Trait Overhaul)
创建者: Cryswar
Total War Warhammer 3 Status The mod is in the process of being rebuilt and ported to Warhammer 3! ETA unknown, may be released in beta state. Look forward to dozens of custom traits, rebalanced or entirely new legendary lord skill trees, and updated facti...
Less Blood, Less Gore! - II
创建者: bigsur
This is a TWW-II version of the same mod for the TWW-I. ( This version only changes the amount of of blood seen on the units. From now the battle doesn`t appear to be a bloody comics-like mes...
Lily's Bretonnia Technology Expansion CN(巴托尼亚科技拓展汉化)
创建者: Love&Peace
原mod地址: 原作者:Lily 发现原作者更新了,加了些新的内容,就补充了下汉化(其实老版本也能玩) 汉化失效或缺失可能是订阅了其他mod冲突导致的,因为我并没有出现过这种问题 —————2021.1.13更新分割线—————— 大漩涡和凡世帝国均有效 无需订阅原mod 挺少见的巴托科技拓展 让老农和老爷们都有一条属于自己的幸福道路(逃 ...
Loading Lore
创建者: Thundergun
A simple mod that lets you stay up to date on the lore of Warhammer Fantasy while you wait for your battles to load. From quotes to pieces of lore, it's contained in this very mod....
创建者: misaka233
Lore of Light for Repanse de Lyonesse
创建者: Imminent Overview: Repanse de Lyonesse is blessed by the lady with the power to command the Wind of Hysh! Mod Features: - Adds Lore of Light to Repanse de Lyonesse's campaign skill tree and custom battle load out for 3x more undead c...
Lore of Light for Tyrion
创建者: Imminent Overview: A semi-lore friendly, addition to Tyrion's skill tree. During the End Times thanks to his brother's sacrifice Tyrion was resurrected by Hysh and became master of the Lore of Light. Mod Features: - Adds Lore of Ligh...
Macho's Empire EX Unit Pack-CN 汉化版
创建者: Braised fish
不知道为什么原帖没了 就弄成单独版的 原帖: 原mod介绍:给帝国添加了一些步骑,添加了怪兽飞行骑兵,这个模组将来可能会扩展,有更多的单位。 因人建议做的汉化,虽然原mod最近没更新,但是在自定义及战役都可用,就是兵种序列可能不合理,没有独立建筑。...
Mammoth Skull Giant
创建者: ChaosRobie
"Enjoy while relevant" This mod adds in a non-canon Regiment of Renown for Norsca, the Mammoth Skull Giant. Description It's a Norscan Giant with a Mammoth skull on its head. It has increased armor compared to the regular Norscan Giant. Yes, this was made ...
Mixu Submod-Urban Defense Expand城墙拓展
创建者: 金花
MOD状态:可以正常使用,无需更新 If you use my 【Urban Defense Expand】 and 【Mixu's Unlocker 】 at the same time, some areas will not be able to build new walls. The function of this mod fixes this problem 如果你同时使用我的【Urban Defense Expand】和【Mixu's Unlocker】,会导致一部分地区无法建造新城墙,这个...
Mixu's CN 汉化 合集(2021/10/15 持续更新,想众筹个战锤3 )
创建者: 鱼大仙
贴吧汉化文本错误反馈地址 欢迎大家反馈汉化问题,比如说名称错误,语法错误或优化,逼格更高。关键字:杨大仙(方便查找) ————————————————————————————————————————————— 经过MIXU大佬的授权 ————————————————————————————————————————————— 由于本人不懂英语,汉化在参考全战官方中文翻译原文,及大...
Mixu's Gor-Rok reskin
创建者: Mixu
This is a mod that changes Gor-Rok's appearance, unit cards and portholes to my original model, it has been improved a little bit, i'll probably do some further changes to it once i have more time, like add some scars and stuff. Mod will work with anything...
Mixu's Legendary Lords 1
创建者: Mixu
This mod adds new characters to Empire, Bretonnia, Dwarfs, Wood Elves. Characters will still be spawned without the unlocker, so you will only need the unlocker if you wish to start as them. Characters added: Empire/Kislev Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Stirlan...
Mixu's Legendary Lords 2
创建者: Mixu
This mod adds new characters to various different races. Faction Leaders: High Elves Belannaer the Wise, Saphery Korhil, Chrace Lizardmen Lord Huinitenuchli, Xlanhuapec Tetto'eko, Tlaxtlan Dark Elves Tullaris Dreadbringer, Scourge of Khaine * Unless you're...
Mixu's Mousillon
创建者: Mixu
This mod adds new legendary lords, heroes, units, techs, skills and bunch of other stuff for Mousillon. Features: Added Mallobaude and his gang. Removed access to all vanilla RoR's from Mousillon. Removed access to Vargheists, Hexwraiths, Black Coach and T...
Mixu's VFX Pack
创建者: Mixu
Hi, this here is a movie mod that will add new vfx things to my mods. I would recommended to use this with my mods, without it some of the vfx things in my mods may not work as intended. You don't need to have all of my mods enabled if you want to use this...
Mixu's Tabletop Lords
创建者: Mixu
This mod adds various new lords and heroes that have been missing from the vanilla game. Lords & Heroes added Chaos Shaggoth Champion, lord - Limited recruitment; build a tier 2 dragon ogre building and you'll get one Shaggoth Champion Wood Elves Shadowdan...
Mixu's Unlocker
创建者: Mixu
If you don't see DLC content, try redownloading the mod, deactivate submods and use the latest KMM for fuck sake. This mod is a startpos mod that makes pretty much all factions playable and adds custom slot templates everywhere, allowing stuff like landmar...
Mixu's: Vangheist's Revenge
创建者: Mixu
Updated for Silence & Fury This mod adds Vangheist, the captain of the Shadewraith into the game. - Disabled chaos invasion from mortal empires when you're playing as Shadewraith, so you no longer get a freeze when Mr. Chaos invades, should also work in ex...
More Beautiful Aranessa!
创建者: Black Rabbit
This is something I have been requested for for awhile, but I was waiting for others! Here it finally is! =) Thank you for all your support! I started with her base file and slowly changed the way her face was shaped, making her more like her concept art o...
Restored Faction Intros [Updated for TT]
创建者: Mixu
This mod restores those faction intro cutscenes from wh1 that CA "removed" in wh2, available for all factions that have them. Also applies the vortex campaign cutscenes to ME campaign for most factions, few of them don't have it since they don't make that ...
Realistic Flight - Vanilla Flying units
创建者: Schmiki
New version here _________________________________________ - Updated 15.05.2021 - Save Game Compatible. Increases flying speed of vanilla flying units. _________________________________________ This is straight out copy of Sebidee's Realistic Flight mod bu...
MUC Legendary Lords - Isandor the Illustrious
创建者: Macho Chunko
Macho's Unique Characters Did you ever want some more Legendary Lords to play with during your campaigns? Tired of the same generic lords to recruit? Don't want to wait till you confederate to get someone more unique in your faction? Well don't worry i hav...
MUC Legendary Lords - Isandor the Illustrious MUC传奇领主 - 光耀者伊桑多尔 汉化 (Chinese)
创建者: flameyjf
请把此MOD排序放置于原MOD之上 原MOD:MUC Legendary Lords - Isandor the Illustrious MOD介绍: 为高等精灵增加了一位传奇领主——伊桑多尔,他是一位来自卡勒多的巨龙领主,拥有一匹古老而伟大的银月之龙坐骑,以及精湛的独特光明系魔法技艺,同时也是一位强大的战士。 译者按: 这个MOD添加的传奇领主造型很酷,是我喜欢的类型,骑马和银月巨龙,近身战斗力丝毫不逊于穷王子(笑)伊姆瑞克,并且还会法魔法,他的魔法隶属于光明系,属于作者原创,这些独特的魔法强大但不破坏游...
Nagarythe Expanded Unit Roster
创建者: VanguardMk1
SFO submod by Doofalicious Supreme (Updated for Twisted & Twilight!) SFO submod by 金花 (outdated, but a big thank you for all the months you've supported it, 金花!) This mod is meant to flesh out the Nagarythe roster and give it a more skirmishing and ambushi...
New Legendary Lord Artefacts Warhammer 2 (Updated for Silence and Fury)
创建者: stompie5
**If you are have problems with the mod, try unsubscribing and then resubscribing and then restart Steam** **Updated for Warhammer 3** This mod adds over 200 new Legendary Artefacts for all ...
Nitz' Fake Skill Point Dump
创建者: Nitz Are your level up mods giving your lords and heroes way too many skill points? Are you tired of getting that annoying pop-up telling you to spend your unspent skill points all the time? This is the mod for you! Support the m...
Nitz' Improved Experience Rank Icons
创建者: Nitz Gives the rank icons in Total War: WARHAMMER II more of a Warhammer feel. This a re-upload of an older mod made by "Ali-TP" for TW:WH1. Support the mod! READ BEF...
No AI Cheating in Battles
创建者: Zorander
Last updated: 14th July 2021 A mod for these desperate times when you charge the AI's archers with full health heavy cavalry only to watch your unit lose to the archers in melee combat afterwards. No seriously, this mod removes the unit stat bonuses grante...
No Confederation Bonus for the AI
创建者: MINOS
This Mod deletes the Confederation Bonus the AI will get on all Difficulties. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AI gets a Bonus to Confederation, so it can faster confederate, when it has a rela...
No difficulty Public Order Bonus for A.I.
创建者: [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ No difficulty Public Order Bonus for A.I. (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will prevent Public Order Bonus from difficulty level ...
No Extra Upkeep
创建者: Unnamed_Shadow
This mod removes the percentage increase to your upkeep when recruiting a new lord. I found it necessary considering the annoying Chaos Hordes spawning whenever a new ritual for the Vortex starts. The AI already can recruit as many armies as they want. Mak...
Normal traits extended
创建者: Sir_Isenhart
Updated for S&F. This mod adds a layer of gameplay adding more ranks to most gainable Lord and hero traits and making them significantly more powerful and meaningful. List of changes:
Aid for Nya's passive skills
创建者: ωうさぎωニャω
<Psychological immunity> The psychological immunity effect is to ignore the effect of scaring the enemy, fear will never fail! <Regenerate 20 health every 0.5 seconds> This effect is not strong because it removes the ability to revive soldiers! Formula pro...
Old World Rites
创建者: Groove Wizard
Please note - this mod can be added in the midst of a campaign, but not removed! What It Does This mod adds 4 brand new rites to all currently playable Game 1 factions. These rites are unlocked similarly to how the WH2 ones are - with a faction leader rank...
Rebanner II
创建者: Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners (including gifts and marks of Chaos as well as Dwarf runes) have been ...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords(汉化)
创建者: Ashen One
(暂未获得原汉化作者授权,仅供应急使用,如原汉化作者更新,将下架本汉化!) 感谢原作者:迪奥·死神、刺客、mrking168、King Arthur、依神紫苑的精彩汉化, 本汉化mod仅新增『Rakarth』和『The Silence & The Fury』更新相关文本 ----------...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
创建者: Militus Immortalis
WARHAMMER 3 VERSION HERE Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Rakarth Update". This mod transfers legendary lords and legendary heroes of defeated factions (of the same culture) to factions that are still in play. This...
Region Trading
创建者: Vanishoxyact
This mod adds a new UI which provides a basic version of region trading. Functionality currently includes purchasing and gifting of regions. The main reason this mod was added was to allow the player to obtain regions which have been taken by friendly AI f...
Region Trading - Unrestricted
创建者: Vanishoxyact
This mod removes the restrictions from the Region Trading mod allowing you to buy any province from any faction, and gift to any faction. This mod requires the base Region Trading mod to function, which can be found below: Region Trading Enjoy! Vanishoxyac...
Somber Dark Elves
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description The Dark Elves are now dressed in armor as black as their hearts. For most units, metal armor is now gold and charcoal-black. Most fabric is also black, except for subtle color acc...
Leafy Wood Elves
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description This mod is inspired by the best Wood Elf artwork, and makes them more aesthetically consistent while fixing a few graphical bugs. The Wood Elves now have bright gold accents in their armor and wear more leaves t...
Undivided Warriors of Chaos
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description Are you tired of Warriors of Chaos that look more like shiny Roman legionnairies than psychotic worshippers of the dark gods? This is the mod for you! This mod reskins the Warriors of Chaos to give them more indi...
Radiant High Elves
创建者: The Rogue Roman Description The lower races should fear the deadly radiance of the Asur. The High Elves are now brilliant silver and white. All metal is bright silver. Fabric is white or gray, with just a few...
Drink It II MOD 简体中文补丁
创建者: [HAN]Sephiroth
各位,本次给各位带来的,是Wallets制作的另一款MOD Drink It II的简体中文补丁。 Drink It II是一代同名MOD的升级版,作品对一些小饰品【它们包含但不限于护身符、挂坠、头盔、法杖、权杖等物品】进行了重制,改变以往属性较低,缺乏存在感的现状,是一款少有的、专门针对饰品的作品。 原MOD由Julianer【小C】汉化,由于小C已脱坑战锤,经与小C商议后,此MOD之后续汉化,由本人接手。希望朋友们喜欢。 注:原MOD汉化基本完整,补充修订极少,请大家吃水也不忘挖井人,给Julianer...
Rebanner II MOD 简体中文补丁
创建者: [HAN]Sephiroth
各位,本次给各位带来的,是Wallets制作的Rebanner II的简体中文补丁。 Rebanner II是一代Rebanner MOD的升级版,作品对旗帜原有属性进行了大幅重制,改变以往旗帜属性较低,缺乏存在感的现状,是一款少有的、专门针对旗帜的作品。 对比原作,属性修订有一定提高,但并不过分拔高,基本兼顾了游戏原有装备属性,是装备修改类作品的上乘之作,希望朋友们喜欢。 请喜欢或欲尝鲜的朋友在下列地址订阅MOD本体,然后订阅中文补丁即可游戏 Rebanner II:https://steamcommun...