Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (500)
Created by CM.
上海市震旦国际大楼LED by CM. 此建筑是led版本,但是制作过程中因为bug过多不得不去掉了很多细节,整体来说影响不大。 This building is a led version, but due to too many bugs during the production process, many details have to be removed, and the overall impact is not significant. 注:想要原版细节的最好方法是放一个原版再放一个led版...
Created by 红米先生
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications
Created by CM.
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level of special buildings 此建筑是我在作者joues的原版交通银行大厦建模上做的一些修改,由于是从游戏中导出的模型,模型面数过多,很多地方对我而言实在无法理解,又出现了类似于镜像的建筑翻转,无奈之下就删除了裙楼,便只修改了贴图,重做了lod,并做了夜景。 This building is some modifica...
上海人民英雄纪念塔 Shanghai Round Hero Memorial Towe
Created by CM.
可以在公园建筑中找到(Can be found in the park) 上海市人民英雄纪念塔建筑面积1.6万平方米,建成于1993年,是为了缅怀自1840年以来为解放上海而献出生命的革命先烈而建成的纪念性建筑。她位于外滩黄浦公园内,在黄浦江与苏州河的交汇处。 三根拔地而起的擎天巨柱,宛若无言的丰碑,追念着由1840-1921年、1921-1949年以及1949年为上海解放而英勇献身的革命先驱。三根巨柱象征着永垂不朽,这是根据上海市政府为书写碑文而定的。粗壮的塔身巍峨雄伟,每当人们置身塔下,仰望塔顶,一根跟...
上海国际会议中心(Shanghai International Convention Center)
Created by CM.
可以在三级建筑中找到(Can be found in a tertiary building) 上海国际会议中心位于浦东滨江大道,与外滩建筑群隔江相望。她与东方明珠、金茂大厦一起组成陆家嘴地区的一道著名的景观。上海国际会议中心总建筑面积达11万平方米,拥有现代化的会议场馆:有4300平方米的多功能厅和3600平方米的新闻中心各1个,可容纳50-800人的会议厅三十余个;豪华宾馆客房,有总统套房、商务套房、标准间近270套;还有高级餐饮设施、舒适的休闲场所和600余个车位。1999年9月,20世纪最后一次“财...
上海和平饭店shanghai peace Hotel
Created by CM.
上海和平饭店shanghai peace Hotel by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. 和平饭店是上海市地标性建筑,位于上海黄浦区南京东路20号,是上海近代建筑史上第一幢现代派建筑,拥有最具特色的九国式特色套房及众多别具特色的餐厅、宴会厅、多功能厅、酒吧、屋顶观光花园等。 和平饭店是中国首家世界著名饭店,2005年的营业额达到1.88亿元,创利6668万元,接待宾客101468人次...
上海华能联合大厦 Hua Neng Union Tower
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它(You can find it in the third-level special building) 华能联合大厦位于陆家嘴环路与东城路交汇口,是中国华能集团在浦东的标志性建筑物。华能联合大厦外立面由玻璃幕墙构成,楼体方正,造型美观大方,西面与外滩隔江相望,正向面对陆家嘴10万平方米的中央绿地,视野开阔,为选择商务办公的上乘之地,楼高188米,总建筑面积73,000平方米。这是一座5层裙房、33层标准写字层及3层地下停车库组成的5A级智能型办公综合楼。 Huaneng U...
上海光明金融大楼 ShangHai Guangming Fiancial Building
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. 光明大厦位于金陵东路外滩,地上三十二层,地下二层。外观挺拔雄伟,气势非凡,是外滩沿江地区有史以来唯一的一幢超高层涉外商务楼,是该地区醒目建筑物之一。 Guangming building is located on the Bund of Jinling East Road, with 32 floors above ground and 2 floors un...
Created by Slicky
五车道分流指示 by Slicky...
上海明天广场(shanghai tomorrow square)
Created by CM.
无裙楼(No podium) 你可以在六级建筑中找到它。You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 明天广场位于上海市南京西路399号,南京西路与黄陂北路口。基地总面积约664平方米。总建筑面积127400平方米,建筑总高度283米,地下3层,地上58层,总投资约28亿人民币。既有商业用房、公寓,酒店、商场、风味餐厅又有会议中心及宴会厅和健康设施,五十七至五十八层还设置为总统套房。是上海第六高的摩天大楼。地上60层,地下3层,高约2...
上海汇丰银行大楼 HSBC Bank building
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third price special building. 上海汇丰银行大楼,在上海外滩中山东一路12号,又名市府大楼,1925年建造,今天是上海浦东发展银行的总部驻地。汇丰在1990年代曾经与上海市政府接触,想购回大楼,但最终因价格原因没有实现。汇丰银行大楼除了华丽,这还是一幢充满历史感的建筑,汇丰银行,市政府和浦东发展银行曾先后使用过此楼。 Shanghai HSBC Bank building, also known as...
上海白玉兰广场 Shanghai Siner Mas Center
Created by CM.
由于有三个建筑,所以文件大小有点大(File size is a bit large due to three buildings) 第一次做LED,也是第一次用3Dmax里面的真实玻璃,效果很不理想但是也找到了一些方法,希望下次能更好。 I made LED for the first time and also used the real glass in 3Dmax for the first time. The effect is not ideal, but I also found some m...
上海虹桥综合交通枢纽-transportation hub
Created by hikke
作品介绍: 上海虹桥综合交通枢纽是我国首个集航空、铁路、公路长途客运(已预留出入口)、地铁、城市公交、磁悬浮(游戏和现实里都没)等多种运输方式为一体,集交通功能、商务功能等为一身的大型、综合化、立体式的综合客运枢纽。该枢纽位于上海市中心城区西部,距市中心人民广场约12公里,其立足上海市,辐射长三角,面向全世界,对引导和促进区域性资源要素的有序流动与高效聚集具有重要作用。 作者发言~: 大家好~~本次作品制作参考对象为虹桥综合交通枢纽,当然也有一定的修改~~ 制作断断续续花了二周时间完成~耗时较长(中途懒癌发...
Created by 红米先生
东方明珠广播电视塔 pearl tower
Created by CM.
东方明珠广播电视塔 pearl tower by CM. 这是我做的一个新版本的东方明珠,主要着重于东方明珠底部的制作,只为了更好的去还原它。 This is a new version of the Oriental Pearl that I made, mainly focusing on the production of the bottom of the Oriental Pearl, only to better restore it. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到! You can find...
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 15车
Created by ZM0263
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 15车 by 醉梦0263 警告:机车面数9700+ 车厢面数 10200+ 请酌情下载 车辆编组 DF4D-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G...
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 5车
Created by ZM0263
东风4D 金温铁路 YZ25G 5车 by 醉梦0263 警告:机车面数9700+ 车厢面数 10200+ 请酌情下载 车辆编组 DF4D-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G-YZ25G...
Created by 红米先生
中国上海浦东恒生银行 by 白米...
Created by 红米先生
中国浦东海关大楼 by 白米...
Created by 红米先生
中国上海银行大厦 by 白米...
中国风多层住宅 Typical Chinese Residential Building
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
中国馆 China pavilion
Created by LIME
中国高铁左行版 CRH Track Left
Created by 狼少
这是中国高铁的5.0版本,在中国,汽车右行但是火车左行 This is CRH Track V5.0 Left version,In China,cars drive on right side,train drives on left side... 升级 1.贴图质感升级,适配更多过亮的LUT 2.扣件实体化,即使下雪也不会被覆盖成一码色,新的模型——桥体和隧道面数更少了 3.新的连接模式,可以支持四线铁路了【注:当pavement width=half width便可与我的铁路完美连接,双线主动生成模...
中国高铁正线站台线 China Highspeed Bypass Track
Created by 狼少
The V2.0 of China 4 lane station track speed limit:400km/h & 60 km/h Track Gauge:1435mm Can change catenary by network skin in game!!!!!!! 游戏内可以随意更换接触网架!!! 可以充当普通铁路用,不过列车一般只在中间两根车道跑,除非强行车道连接弄到两侧 Thank you for rating this road/leaving your comments and impr...
中国高铁 China Highspeed Railway
Created by 狼少
2019/12/13 V5.0 added,please use V5.0【Build 2019.12 and V5.0 can be updated,so, no V6 anymore】 It may says "duplicate pillar",don't worry,update your all V4.0 Tracks to V5.0 and disabled v4.0 ,ok About V6.0?....NO V6.0!I can update road asset without save ...
中国高铁-单根 CRH Track-Single
Created by 狼少
这是中国高铁的5.0版本 This is CRH Track V5.0 Single version 升级 1.贴图质感升级,适配更多过亮的LUT 2.扣件实体化,即使下雪也不会被覆盖成一码色 3.新的模型——桥体和隧道面数更少了 4.新的连接模式,可以支持四线铁路了【注:当pavement width=half width便可与我的铁路完美连接,双线主动生成模型连接单线,单线只会主动生成模型支持单线】 5.隧道里也能显示火车啦! What's New V5.0 update: 1.Train will n...
Created by 红米先生
中式住宅楼 by 红米...
中式商业街双层餐饮-B2 星巴克 Chinese Style Commercial Restaurant-B2 StarBucks
Created by FlyInTheSky
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 星巴克 StarBucks,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growa...
Created by 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
中式小区住宅楼第8层 by Redmi(红米) 共计两栋建筑分别25层一栋(85米高) 8层一栋(30米高),颜色由淡黄色+灰白色搭配 纯中式风味,楼顶带阳台柱子 LOD:1200 分辨率2K 属性:高密度住宅楼...
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building
Created by 红米先生
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building 住宅楼属性...
Created by 红米先生
中式现代中学 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
中式超宽大门 by 红米...
中式高层公寓 ChineseStyle Mansion
Created by amamIya
中式高层公寓 ChineseStyle Mansion by amamIya Real Glass Model: Main:23604 Glass:2210 SubMesh:12248 Lod: Main:1952 Others:0 Texture: Main:1024 Others:256 Lod:64...
Created by 红米先生
Created by 红米先生
中式天桥 by 红米 资产尺寸仅支持6车道道路,资产为35米宽。 贴图大小1024X1024,人可以行走,另外附加了夜晚LED灯光效果,桥墩高度为限高5米。...
全新CRH380A统型 8编组珍藏版 v2.10
Created by 言绥
和谐号CRH380A型电力动车组 *订阅前置mod: VehicleEffects和CNSoundPack,方可体验以下内容: 1.高铁的运行声音 2.车尾的红灯 - 订阅CNSoundPack让列车能够在高速行驶时发出轰鸣。 - 订阅VehicleEffects让列车在行驶时车尾拥有亮起红灯的特效。 *默认铁路达不到最高时速,推荐使用中式模块化铁路轨道资产合集。 更新日志 v3.00 4-8-2021 增加了修改车厢连接处模型,长度增加了。 v2.10 12-2-2020 修复报错。 v2.9 11-29...
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package
Created by TAEMIN B
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #...
Created by 910095247
南京南栏杆 by 910095247...
Created by 910095247
公交站牌 by 910095247...
Created by 红米先生
南京汉中门如家连锁酒店(分店) by 红米...
城市管理局大楼City Authority building
Created by 红米先生
城市管理局大楼 by 红米 可执行城管执法功能,最好订阅执法功能MOD,或者不订阅也行...
Created by 红米先生
多层住宅楼-1 by 逍遥子掌门人 3种一样风格,不一样贴图材质,展示三种多层住宅楼外观...
大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda
Created by hikke
大家好 这次制作的是西安的大雁塔 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 资产背景介绍: 大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔,最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。 Background introduction: Great Wild Goose Pagoda or Big Wild Goose Pago...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A1
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential quarters-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A2
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential quarters-A2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential quarters-A3
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential quarters-A3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B1
Created by kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区底商Podium Building-A1
Created by kami❀
小区底商Podium Building-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
Created by 红米先生
小区蓝色围栏 by 逍遥子掌门人...
市公安局 Municipal PSB
Created by amamIya
市公安局 Municipal PSB by amamIya Real Glass Caution: High Polyhedron Model Polyhedron: 36433 LOD Polyhedron: 2688 Texture: Major Structure: 1024*1024, 64*64 Glass & others : 256*256, null Area: 15*9 Jail capacity: 200 Police Car: 40 ...
Created by 红米先生
广州侨鑫国际底座版 by Redmi(红米)...
广州国际金融中心/International Finance Center GuangZhou
Created by UNFU 广州IFC国金中心,即大家熟知的西塔。为了体现此楼“通透水晶”的特性,使用了真实玻璃并制作了内部结构以达到更好的视觉效果喔!注册为RICO办公。 广州国际金融中心位于中国广东省广州市天河区珠江新城西南部,毗邻花城大道和珠江西路,是珠江新城七大地标建筑之一。它由套间式办公楼、裙楼和主塔楼三部分组成,建筑总面积约44.8万平方米,是集办公、酒店、休闲娱乐为一体的综合性商务中心。 广州国际金融中心有437.51米高,103层,在建成当年成为仅次于上海...
Created by 红米先生
广州环球都会广场 by 逍遥子掌门人 环球都会广场总建筑面积为18万平方米,总高度318米,楼层67层,是中轴至高可售甲级写字楼地标。配备地下5层智能车库、38层之上的空中奢华大堂、8.8米挑高豪华宴会厅等顶级商务配套。项目正处珠江新城最繁华的中轴核心区域,与东塔比肩相邻,共同组成68万平方米集超甲写字楼、高端商场、星级酒店、高端公寓于一体的顶级城市综合体。同时,中轴线上广州歌剧院、图书馆、博物馆、广州塔等七大地标景观也近在咫尺,又可北看56万平方米花城广场中轴景观、南望绝版一线珠江、东北向远眺珠江公园,中...
Created by 红米先生
新上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1
Created by CM.
上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1 by CM. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 注:该建筑会有报错 The building will report an error 现实中上海中心大厦隐约能够看到其内部的构造,我为了能够还原它想了不少办法,包括了最常用的真实玻璃,但是真实玻璃一离远就会消失,仍旧难让人满意,后来自己想到了一种玻璃幕墙的制作方式,虽然复杂了一点,但是最起码达到了效果,只是建筑的优化...
Created by amamIya
新上海国际大厦 New Shanghai International Tower by amamIya...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A1
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A2
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A3
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B1
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B3
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
Created by TOKACHI269
It will be added to level6 unique buildings. 東京スカイツリーです。現実の3分の2の大きさです。 ユニーク施設レベル6に追加されます。 <mesh info> main triss : 22554 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 4748 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specurar,ill...
Created by 红米先生
欧式居民楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 共计三栋分别:30层一栋 17层一栋 8层一栋,属于住宅楼建筑类,风格偏向于闽南风格建筑...
江南民居Folk House of Jiangnan
Created by MC100
江南风格的传统民居,硬山顶,适合古风造景。2X2大小,高度为10米。别忘记点赞哦! 模型制作:leon_sun 模型优化导入:MC100 This is a traditional Chinese folk house in Jiangnan area(regions south of the Yangtze River,"江jiang" means "big river" in Chinese, here it refers to "the Yangtze River"; "南nan" means "so...
湖南国贸中心Hunan International Trade Center
Created by MC100
湖南国贸中心Hunan International Trade Center by MC100 湖南国贸中心,又叫湖南国贸大酒店,是长沙市的最有名的标志性建筑之一,地处长沙市芙蓉广场,楼高170米,顶楼建有直升机,有"三湘第一楼"的美誉。该资产大小为13X8.可以在独特建筑中找到这一资产。如果不能,用“find it”搜“湖南”即可。 Hunan International Center,also called Hunan Fowin Hotel, is one of the most famous lan...
Created by 红米先生
现代中式高层住宅楼 by Redmi(红米) 楼层:30层 高:103米,占地4X3格子,属性:住宅类...
Created by 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Created by 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Created by 红米先生
现代新式公寓楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 纯中式沙黄色外墙,楼层高92米,层高30层 ,占地2X3格...
Created by 46890115
苏州中南中心 Suzhou South Central Center
Created by CM.
可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 Special Buildings 苏州中南中心位于苏州金鸡湖湖西CBD核心区,是湖西CBD城市天际线的中心和制高点,与东方之门、苏州中心广场组成一个整体,形成风格统一的面向金鸡湖的城市建筑群形象。项目总建筑面积约50万平方米,地上138层,地下5层,檐口高度598米,塔冠最高点729米,成为全国在建第一高楼。项目以打造绿色、生态、智慧、高效、多功能复合的超高层综合体为理念,建成集观光、七星级酒店、顶级公寓、国际5A级写字楼、世界顶...
虹桥综合枢纽机场组件 PART 2
Created by hikke
虹桥综合枢纽机场组件 具体介绍请看 part 1 LINK:
Created by 红米先生
足球场 by 红米...
Created by hikke
Created by 29724548
重庆喜来登国际中心 by 29724548...
Created by 红米先生
铜陵恒玖金山广场大厦 by 红米 大型商场,商住楼,占地比较大,有100多米长宽度25米,高度70米,共计20层左右。...
香港新世界大厦K11 Bank of Shanghai Headquarters Buliding K11
Created by CM.
可以在第六级建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 buildings 上海香港新世界大厦由香港新世界集团开发建设,由英国A+U建筑规划公司设计总监郑翊(现上海尧舜设计总监)亲自设计,为淮海中路商圈地标性建筑。 The Hong Kong New World Building was developed and constructed by Hong Kong New World Group. It was designed by Zheng Ai (now Shanghai Yao S...
Created by 红米先生
高层住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 楼层高95米,总楼层30层,另外一座总楼层10层,高度35米,两座楼属于高密度住宅楼 贴图大小:1024X1024 LOD:1200 分辨率:2K 附带夜景 占地4X3格...
高层公寓楼high-rise block
Created by 红米先生
公寓楼 by 红米 酒店式公寓楼可以大面积摆放,高都在100米,共25层左右。占地4X2格子...
"CNIT", Paris by Drosovila
Created by Drosovila
Im not good with those messages, so here is my little tribute to the amaying city (and people) of Paris. My heart goes out to all those who are suffering. The CNIT Technology center, hotel, business school and mall from La Defense in Paris -12x12 size. How...
"Franco" Residential Building
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
(1:1) Chicago Board of Trade Building
Created by jaspinko
The Chicago Board of Trade Building is a 44-story art deco skyscraper that was built in 1930 to house the world's oldest futures and options exchange. It features a 31 foot (9.5 meter) tall statue of the Roman Goddess Ceres at its pinnacle. The building's ...
2x4 Parking Lot v2.0
Created by JCity
A simple parkinglot for your city! Takes up 2x4 squares. Updated values so tourists do not visit it. This version will overwrite the old one since they have the same name! A part of my modular parking set:
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel by bartz!
Created by bartz!
After Dark version: ● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
4-Lane Road with Junction Median 路口分隔带不间断的4车道路
Created by RyanCat
This is an 4-lane avenue that can make continuous median at any junctions.It matches the defaut 4-lane avenue. It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junctions by judging whether there is a traffic light. That means all the defau...
Created by Reaper
590_Madison_Avenue_IBM by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 3569 highpoly tex resolution 2048 85 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below...
6-Lane Road with Junction Median 路口分隔带不间断的6车道路
Created by RyanCat
This is a 6-lane avenue that can make continuous median at any junctions.It's based on NE6-lane road. It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junctions by judging whether there is a traffic light. That means all the default small ...
7th Island Enhanced
Created by blackwiddow
7th Island Enhanced is a labour of love and another recreation of one of my favourite maps that I wanted to release for you guys to play on aswell. EyeSketch's original map can be found here:
8-Lane Road with Continuous Median at Junctions 路口分隔带不间断的8车道大道
Created by RyanCat
Based on NE2 8-lane road Monorail version: This is an 8-lane avenue that can make continuous median at any junctions. It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junctio...
Ability to Read
Created by REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
ADI Rollercoaster 2 - The Twister [AD]
Created by AllDangerInc
After a long time here is my second rollercoaster :3 Sorry that it took so long :c Now you have more rollercoasters for your park, plus improved the details. ************************************************************************* Twitch:
Advanced Road Tools
Created by pcfantasy
This Mod can build more complex curve to help build a interchange quickly. 这个mod可以画出一些复杂曲线,帮助快速修立交 !!!!! Tools will still detect your real cash amount even when you use unlimited money. If you want to build roads for free, you can click a option in mod`s o...
Aeration basin
Created by Kollati
Aeration basin by Kollati Cleans out the city sewage and convets it to fresh water. Cost: 6500 Upkeep: 480/week Water pumping capacity: 40000m3/week Sewage pumping capacity: 80000m3/week Creates moderate noise. Needs clean groundwater! No garbage no proble...
AIA Central 香港友邦经融中心 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
AIA Central 友邦金融中心 No LED AIA Central located at No. 1 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong, AIA Central is 185 meters high and looks like a traditional Chinese sailing boat. AIA Centr...
Airport Roads
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Alibaba Guangzhou operation cent
Created by 红米先生
广州华南阿里巴巴运营中心大厦 占地10X8格,80米X64米,高度210米。建筑属性(独特建筑), LOD:1500,贴图分辨率2K。 Guangzhou South China Alibaba operation center building It covers an area of 10x8 grids, 80m x64m and a height of 210m. Architectural properties (unique architecture), Resolution: 2K, LOD:...
Amber Arena
Created by p0ppy
Based on Stadion Energa Gdańsk , formerly known as PGE Arena Gdansk. The name Amber Arena was used during the design stage. The scale is 1:2, but IMHO this size fits rest of the buildings in CS. ...
Created by Reaper
AMP_Centre_growable_offv1_164M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
AMP_Centre_growable_offv2_133M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Angsana Hotel Tower
Created by 752811818
Angsana Hotel Tower-Dubai Damas塔楼-迪拜 50层 50 story by 752811818...
Apollo Hotel
Created by Visu
Supertall hotel complex (level-5 unique building) - employs about 750. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Apple Store (High Commercial L3) [re-up]
Created by Elias
All the thanks for that object have to go to HISTOR (<-- Link) Here his original Apple Store (<-- Link) What is different: - bigger (footprint 3x4) - L3 instead of L2 - iPhone-Billboard on side and back of the Store (when you are subscribed to the prop) - ...
Ares Tower
Created by Visu
Office complex that employs several thousand. This building is gigantic, almost 1 km tall. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Art Deco Office Tower (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
An Art Deco skyscraper, based off the countless number of towers in the same style found throughout New York City. 4x4 Growable Level 3 Office Building 123.4m Height 1103 Tris, Custom LOD 92 Tris...
Created by Justov
THE WORLD BIGGEST AIRPORT - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport - By Trivu/Coffeebread MY YOUTUBE:
Auto Rocket Launch
Created by mshsheng
Launches your rocket automatically Includes 2 modes: 1. Immediate Mode: Launch the rocket immediately after the construction is completed. 2. Launch the rocket when there is a certain number of visitors. (Recommend for users with No Time For Caution mod) Y...
Bank of china building , Shanghai 上海中国银行大楼
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level special building. 中国银行上海分行早先是使用汉口路3号原户部银行行址办公,1923年迁至仁记路(今滇池路)22号原德国总会大楼内办公。这是一幢三层楼的巴洛克式建筑,由德国在沪侨民集资建于1908年,砖木结构,由倍高洋行设计,楼顶由南北两个不同形状的巴洛克式塔楼,中间屋面上有山墙。二、三层有内阳台,门窗为券式。从1908年到1917年的十年间,他是在沪德国侨民娱乐、聚会的场所。 The B...
Bank of China Tower Shanghai
Created by XDBX
Bank of China Shanghai 上海中银大厦 You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 —————————————————————————————— 上海中银大厦位于中国上海浦东新区陆家嘴金融贸易区,是中国银行上海分行的总部。上海中银大厦于1999年建成,总建筑高度为226米,包括地面53层和地下3层。 大厦业主为上海浦东国际金融大厦有限公司,投资总额为2亿美元。 Shanghai Zh...
Bank of communications building(Reprint) 上海市交通银行大厦(转载)
Created by CM.
此建筑并非我本人制作,最早由作者joues于2015年3月18日发布于模拟城市中文网,是当时非常少见的国人资产,其质量在当年也并不算差,只可惜没有人将它转载至steam创意工坊,现在模拟城市中文网衰落,知道此建筑的人更少了,这次就将它转发在创意工坊,让更多人知道这五年前的国人精品资产。 This building was not made by me. It was first published by the author joues on the Chinese website of SimCity o...
Bank of Guangzhou
Created by 红米先生
Bank of Guangzhou广州银行 by Redmi(红米) SUB方式导入多个子建筑,最后组合在一起,总计面数1200个。LOD:600个面数,贴图分辨率1024x1024, 在独特建筑倒数第二个类目里,也可直接搜索名称。占地7X7格,楼房高度201米,共计57层,位于广州珠江新城CBD附近...
BankOfChinaTower(1:1)香港中银大厦 HK hong kong
Created by XDBX
BankOfChinaTower(1:1) by XDBX...
Barry Plaza
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A mid 1980's boxy (large floorplate) skyscraper, a staple of any successful city skyline Stats:- Growable 4x4 Level 3 Office Building *NEW MODEL* Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion ...
Baseball Field
Created by Dutch
Baseball Field Size: 10x10 Construction Cost: 7500 Fire Hazard: 0 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage Accumulation: 2 Maintenance Cost: 500 Electricity Consumption: 4 High Wealth Tourists: 50 Low Wealth Tourists: 50 Medium Wealth Tourists: 50 Sewage Accumulation: 0...
Basic Nursing Home - (2 Star) (Requires Related Mod)
Created by BoostHungry
This functional Nursing Home requires the SeniorCitizenCenterMod by BoostHungry to function properly. This is a basic 2 star nursing home with 40 rooms for Senior Citizens. Only Senior Citizen...
Basic Nursing Home - (4 Star) (Requires Related Mod)
Created by BoostHungry
This functional Nursing Home requires the SeniorCitizenCenterMod by BoostHungry to function properly. This is a basic 4 star nursing home with 45 rooms for Senior Citizens. Only Senior Citizen...
Created by pdelmo
Beech_Tree by pdelmo Updated 14 nov 2020, to better suit new assets in the game. model is the same just improved the textures. and is a tad smaller. Thanks to AmiPolizeiFunk for the request Stats Tris- 764 Texture D,A,C,N 1024x1024 ...
Biohazard Research Center [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Biohazard Research Center 75 ambulances, being able to treat 800 patients. Building with 3 parts in specific shape builds around a central staircase with a glass transparent cage. A road allows to enter directly the building (who can be equipped with a bus...
blackwiddow's Railway Half Clover
Created by blackwiddow
Railway Half Clover by blackwiddow Railway crossover junction that resembles a half clover highway intersection. All my assets can be found here: All sections between juncti...
blackwiddow's Simple Highway Exit
Created by blackwiddow
Simple Highway Exit by blackwiddow All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a roundabout highway exit. The actual asset itself is a road only and has no foliage s...
blackwiddow's Spiral Highway Exit
Created by blackwiddow
Spiral Highway Exit by blackwiddow Left Hand Drive version here: All my assets can be found here: Designed to...
blackwiddow's Willow Highway Exit
Created by blackwiddow
Willow Highway Exit by blackwiddow All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a highway exit, entrance & U-turn that resembles a Weeping Willow. The asset consists ...
Blueberry Blossom Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Fantasy Blueberry Blossom Tree by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys I also removed the dirt patch at the bottom of the tree, I took the screenshots before I edited the .crp file. You will see in game that the dirt patch is no more! Enjoy Please be sure to r...
Brooks building (lvl 3 high commercial corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x4 high commercial lvl 3corner. About the model The high commercial category in the workshop was in dire need of some love and I was looking for an excellent example of the chicago style for a mode...
Building Themes
Created by boformer
This mod makes possible to apply building themes to a district or the whole city. Only buildings which are contained in one of the selected themes will grow in a district. You can subscribe to theme mods from the workshop, or create your own themes in the ...
Bund Center SH 上海外滩中心
Created by XDBX
Bund Center Shanghai 上海外滩中心 by XDBX 海外滩中心(英语:Bund Center, Shanghai),是上海知名建筑群,地址为延安东路222号,座落于上海黄浦区外滩的黄金地带,毗邻黄浦江,延安东路高架和上海自然博物馆。其包括外滩中心商务楼和外滩中心威斯汀大饭店两部分,商务楼共50层高198米,分立商务楼西南、西北位置的两栋威斯汀大饭店为26层,总建筑面积约190000平方米。外滩中心建成于2001年,由波特曼建筑设计事务所负责设计,其商务楼顶部别具一格的菠萝造型成为其最具标...
Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa) [HD]
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Special thanks to Ray Fleury a.k.a. Fury from Skyscrapercity for providing some top notch data! ------------------------ Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa), Downtown Dubai, Dubai, UAE Version 1.0 This version goes to all detail-fanatics and those who appreciate acc...
Bush #7 (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
3d modeling is just a hobby. So I'm not spending a lot of time on this. This is the version changed the color of the flower. This will definitely look like a bush. I hope you decorate your city with your wonderful ideas. :) --------------------------------...
Camp Nou
Created by Salmon Le Bon
Camp Nou by Salmon Le Bon. A compact likeness to the home of Barcelona football club, measuring 14x11 squares. New, full scale version available, please see bottom of description below. Uses the same statistics as the games default stadium. I've left it fr...
Candler building 220 West 42nd St. (3x4 growable high comm lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial building lvl 3 based on the Candler Building in New York, at 42nd street. This building is part of a 42nd street series. Expect many theatres and other leisure buildings when Collosal Order...
Canton Tower广州塔(1:1比例)
Created by 红米先生
广州塔高楼LED版本,总高度600米。杆子高度146米,塔楼454米,夜晚带LED,另外附加底商(底座还原显示底盘,占地30格左右,由于广州塔占地面积大,需要后期配合道路无碰撞模组,在塔或者底座内部穿擦一条道路即可实现正常运营。 真实还原度为:95%,楼顶和底商(底座)可带行人站台观光。 Led version of Guangzhou tower tower, with a total height of 600 meters. The height of the pole is 146 meters, ...
Canton Tower - 广州塔
Created by Miskale
Canton Tower - 广州塔 by M1sk4 Canton Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), formerly known as Guangzhou TV Astronomical and Sightseeing Tower (Chinese: 广州电视台天文及观光塔) and also known as Guangzhou Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), is a 600-metre (1,969 ft) tall multi-purpose observation tow...
Car Awning 1
Created by ManuRamos
Pack of two cantilever car awnings; the single one and the double one. I put these props into the street light tab because I have treated like lamps by lighting them. Highly recommended MOD,s: - More Beautification - Prop & Treee Anarchy - Prop Precision -...
CENU North Tower (RICO)
Created by hqsouza
Office building of São Paulo, Brazil. It's a landmark of the city. It's part of the CENU(United Nations Business Center - in portuguese) complex. The building is one of the tallest of Brazil. It has 158m and 38 floors. The model has 1790 triangles. The LOD...
Chicago Tribune Tower
Created by Frog
The Chicago Tribune Tower In 1922, the Chicago Tribune announced an international competition for its new downtown HQ on the occasion of its 75th anniversary then. The competition sought "the most beautiful building in the world" and I gotta say I agree. T...
CHINA FOXCONN factory building中国富士康工厂厂房
Created by 红米先生
富士康工厂厂房 by 白米...
China pavilion at Expo 2010
Created by dabaofu
China pavilion at Expo 2010 by dabaofu unique Space:10*10 Cost: 250000 Electricity:0 Maintenance: 0 ...
China Resources Building HD
Created by XDBX
China Resources Building HD 華潤大廈高清版 加入高清材質 加入透明玻璃 加入更多的細節 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 我還是做了很久的, 別噴我炒冷飯 最近學校活動比較多,又臨近期末考試,我暫時先不做資產了,等到放假了俺再回來做資產。 对了,我创了个组,要是想和我唠唠嗑,拉拉家常,开开荤段子可以加入,关于我的资产的一些问题可以来跟我反映。 XDBX’都市天际线资...
China Resources Building1:1.5
Created by XDBX
China Resources Building1:1.5 by XDBX 一比一比例 1:1scale version:
China-当代中国 强军主题宣传牌
Created by zcy
china/chinese style强军主题宣传牌 by zcy prop版本也已经发布...
Chinese Community Wall 1
Created by amamIya
Chinese Community Wall 1 by amamIya...
Chinese New Year Package 春节装饰包
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是春节装饰包 里面包含了5个小摆件 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家春节愉快~~ 别忘记点赞~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi everyone~ This is Chinese New Year Package It contains 5 items if you like please ra...
Chinese style community gate European style中国中式小区大门欧式风格
Created by 红米先生
Chinese style construction house中式工地建设房
Created by 红米先生
工地建设房共2中样式,包括4种围墙广告牌,可模拟现实中小区房屋建设。房屋属性是住宅楼 4X5格子,另外可自行订阅吊塔或者工地资产。 There are two types of building on the construction site, including four kinds of wall billboards, which can simulate the building construction in the real community. The property of the hou...
Covfefe Museum
Created by Lost Gecko
Great museum, it's the best museum you've ever seen. Tremendous green façade, in fact it's the most ecological building, could you believe it. It's full of things, the greatest things. You can visit for free, even if you're from Paris. It's named after a w...
CR400AF“复兴号”高速动车组(High Speed train)
Created by Go!Vnian
CR400AF “复兴号” 高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+动+拖(2动3拖) 载员:430人 速度:350km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CR400AF "Fu Xing Hao" High Speed Train Formation:2 Motor cars + 3 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:217.5mph ★ It works better with Improved Public Transpor...
Created by Go!Vnian
5编组版本 5-Car Version CR400AF “复兴号” 高速动车组 编组:8编组 速度:350km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CR400AF "Fu Xing Hao" ...
Cosmo Oil Truck
Created by jaijai
Cosmo Oil コスモ石油 Cosmo Oil Company is a Japanese petrochemical company. It is one of three major oil companies in Japan. Category: Oil Capacity: 8,000 Tractor and Trailer Prop is here....
Control Tower
Created by Raxell
Madrid airport traffic control tower. Cost: 30.000 Maintenance: 160/week Extras: 240 KW 80 m3 ...
CRH380A/AL 16 Cars
Created by 言绥
DUBAI-Paramount Tower Hotel 迪拜-派拉蒙酒店
Created by 752811818
DUBAI-Paramount Tower Hotel & Residenc 迪拜 派拉蒙酒店及住宅大厦 250 m 65 Floors level six unique building 4000+ tris 1800+ tris for LOD 250米 65层 第六级特殊建筑 4000+ 三角形面数 1800+ ...
EdTheTruth 4x4 park luxury lido swimming pool
Created by EdTheTruth
Want to add a little luxury for your Cims? Then here’s a 4x4 park that will fill those spaces the standard 5x5’s wont and add an air of class to your city. Only slight change was to tourists – see below LW – 30 MW – 55 HW – 65 The cost and maintenance are ...
Elevated Train Stop (Read Description pls)
Created by jens
Important: You will need BloodyPenguins Elevated Station Track Mod for this to be properly working otherwise they ground will rise up to the tracks and make it look like wtf. It's also not clear ...
Emerald Hotel
Created by Visu
Level-5 Unique Building Hotel - employs 470. Complete with LoD model. Credit to the tree-makers for making the trees. You won't need them to run the asset, but they will look much better with them....
ENEOS Oil Truck (Semi-Trailer)
Created by jaijai
JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation Category: Oil Capacity: 11,000 Tractor and Trailer Prop is here....
DHL Distribution Centre (AD)
Created by BaskB
DHL Distribution Centre by BaskB **** Now with Lighting **** First off credit to rik4000 for the initial model he has created and that I've adapted for use here, pelase check out his great UK retail unit collection here:-
DK-H3 2x4 Harriman Office Building NYC 39 Broadway
Created by DethKwok
A Wall to Wall Office Building that grows at Level 3 Will update when I can figure out if Jobs can be changed. This is an art Deco building located in NYC, at 39 Broadway. ------------------------------------------------- DK-H3 2x4 Harriman Office Building...
Double-Paperclip Interchange
Created by Scotland Tom
Here's what I like to call the 'Double-Paperclip' Interchange. Why? Well, isn't that what it looks like? This was used as the main starting connection in my Boulder Rapids map. This is a very large interchange that takes up almost as much room as it can in...
Drosovilas ELEVATED & 4TRACK Trainstation.
Created by Drosovila
REQUIREMENTS -You need BloodyPenguins awesome "Elevated Trainstation" Mod DOWLOAD HERE -You also need the "Multitrack Station Enabler" to use all 4 tracks. without it you will only be able to use 2 of the 4 train tracks! DOWLOAD HERE Stats & Stuff -Require...
Daylight Classic
Created by BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
Dav118's - World Finance Centre, Shanghai (Scale 1:2)
Created by Dav118
Here is the iconic World Finance Centre, Shanghai at 1:2 scale In game this can be found in Unique Buildings -> Tier 6 section and has a footprint of 7x8 squares. The model is using Diffuse, Spec, illumination and Normal maps. The model also has it's own L...
Drosovilas Olympiastadium from Berlin, Germany.
Created by Drosovila
DEPENDENCIES ! You need this mod (click me) to place the asset, afterwards you can remove it but why would you :p This is due to the huge size (300x230m) so its split into 8 parts but you can place it like any other asset. (the ground has to be completely ...
Chinese style large parking lot中式大型停车场
Created by 红米先生
Chinese urban people's Hospital中式市区人民医院
Created by 红米先生
中式市区人民医院 by 红米 资产多边形和三角形共计9千多面,占地为8X21格子,贴图大小为1024X1024,救护车100辆,救治人数3千人,治疗率达70%。...
Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0
Created by RyanCat
Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0 by RyanCat An update of my former work Chongqing World Financial Center,with much more detailed textures and much better optimization. This 78 floor building is the tallest one in Chongqing,China,which is 339 meters in ...
Church of St. Ludmila
Created by Tomas13TO
Church of St. Ludmila from Prague,(Czech Republic). The Church of St. Ludmila (Czech: Kostel svaté Ludmily) is a typical neo-Gothic church at Náměstí Míru (Peace Square) in Prague's Vinohrady, built on plans of Josef Mocker in 1888–1892. It is named in hon...
CITIC Tower Beijing noled and CITIC Tower Beijing 1:1.5
Created by XDBX
CITIC Tower Beijing noled by XDBX CITIC Tower Beijing 1:1.5 by XDBX...
CITIC Tower with LED Hong Kong HK
Created by XDBX
CITIC Tower(Additiv shader) 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version :htt...
Cleyra - Color Correction
Created by creativeDEX
Cleyra - Color Correction by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Color Corection for my project Cleyra. The Color Correction is created for my Cleyra Map Theme and Map. Its a temperate sunny lightning with high contrasts and less saturation for more realistic....
Cleyra - Map Theme
Created by creativeDEX
Cleyra - Map Theme by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Map Theme for my Cleyra project. This is a theme for temperate maps. All textures use a high resolution(4k) and gives cities/maps a better and sharper look. The style is created with natural and realist...
Clock Tower
Created by UK122
Elizabeth Tower Added this by request, Its the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) from the Houses of Parliament building here: Makes a nice landmark, if not real. The Elizabeth Tower (previously called...
Clock Tower 钟楼
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个钟楼 属于配套小区的一部分 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:Clock Tower-HI ...
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Created by BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
CN-High-speed rail(中国高铁)
Created by LIME
Chinese high speed rail Ballastless track is mostly used in China's high speed railway. Ballastless track is composed of rail, fastener and unit plate, which can reduce shock absorption and reduce pressure. The sleeper of the ballastless track itself is po...
College Soccer Stadium
Created by Bfb Da Packman
22,893 Tris / 6.4 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Public Soccer Field by Ngon Source Collection: Better Soccer Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 22,893 /80 Category - Level 3 Unique Size - 13x9 Electricity - 320 KW Construction Cos...
CRH380B(BG)“和谐号”高速动车组(High Speed Train)
Created by Go!Vnian
欢迎大家订阅REV0大佬制作的版本: CRH380B(BG)高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+拖+动+拖(2动4拖) 载员:430人 速度:300km/h 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 Formation:2 Motor cars + 4 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:186mph It work...
CSUR Asym Pack [R4]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Asym Pack ...
CSUR Slim Pack [M3]
Created by amamIya
CSUR Slim Pack ...
Curb Props 2
Created by KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Environment Changer (+ Improved Theme Selection )
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to change a saved game's, map's or theme's environment. It also decouples environment selection from custom theme selection. This mod allows to change environment of an existing save game. It adds a drop down to main ...
experimental primary school实验小学
Created by 红米先生
中式实验小学,占地8X8格,64X64米,容纳1300名小学生。 模型LOD(sub):4500左右, 贴图分辨率:512X512. Chinese Experimental Primary School, covering an area of 8 × 8, 64x64 meters, accommodates 1300 primary school students. Model LOD (sub): 4500, map resolution: 512x512 ...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Feyenoord Football Stadium (Stadion van de Kampioen van Nederland)
Created by CaptainFidus
Feyenoord Football Stadium by Long Long 龙龙 Wow, much tri, much modeling noobage by me, so it's probably not recommended for people who already have trouble running the game. Having said that I'm running this on a laptop and it works okay for me in a medium...
Figueroa at Wilshire, L.A. 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Figueroa at Wilshire, Los Angeles, California What a great example of postmodern architecture. Unlike international style this office tower has a distinctive base, shaft and crown. Notice the turquoise facade elements. Very typical color for the late 80’s....
Fire escape - 4 story - black - customprop
Created by Feindbold
-customprop, model and textures done by myself -ment to fit 4 story buildings -206 triangles (diffusemap, alphamap 512² each) -52 triangles LOD (diffusemap, alphamap 256² each) Prop for my Brooklyn Theme...
First Person Camera: Updated
Created by tony56a
An update of nlight's First-person camera! Also: a fix for the light flickering issue when following a vehicle/pedestrian. adjustable vehicle camera offset positioning increased field of depth options for a more "isometric camera"-y feel ( reduce field of ...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 11052 highpoly tex resolution 1024 727 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 ...
Flatiron Building
Created by RoiboschT
Some information about the building in real life: The legendary Flatiron Building from New York City. Located at the meeting point of the Fifth Avenue, Broadway and East 22nd Street, with 23rd Street grazing the triangle's northern peak. It is one of the o...
Flower-Orange (6 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Orange (by Breeze) Ui priority : 336 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 -------------------------------...
Flower-Purple (2 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Purple (by Breeze) Tris : 40 Height : Only 1.8 m Ui priority : 332 -------------------------------...
Flower-Red (3 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Red (by Breeze) Ui priority : 333 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 ----------------------------------...
Gate 小区大门
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是小区大门 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Generic Tree pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Genesis Beijing 北京启皓大厦1:1
Created by abuchou
Genesis Beijing is located in the core zone of Sanyuan Bridge and Lufthansa Business Circle, and within the 2nd and 3rd embassy areas - the most unique and historically valued zone in Beijing. Home to 103 embassies and consulates, headquarters and offices ...
Goldin Finance 117 - 596m (Tianjin, China)
Created by Jerenable
Goldin Finance 117 by Jerenable ITS BIG MAN. updated entrance to be more pretty! Goldin Finance 117, also known as China 117 Tower, (Chinese: 中国117大厦) is a skyscraper under construction in Tianjin, China. The tower is expected to be 596 m (1,959 ft) with 1...
ground tile-s4(4x4)
Created by hikke
地砖贴花 大小是 4mx4m =========================== ground tile decal 4mx4m 512x512 ===================== Thanks boformer, Ronyx69,for sharing video and code
Created by 红米先生
guangzhou广州城区 1:1城区地图,17.28X17.28公里范围主要呈现广州主要城区范围。需要路网图的可以微信扫一扫右下角二维码,即可获取广州真实路网图,可下载,保存到电脑桌面后,通过订阅真实路网模组来导入下载好的路网图,具体路网图如何操作可以去biubiu站上查阅相关视频教程。...
Find It! -汉化版
Created by Catnip.
This is the Chinese version!...
Fine Road Anarchy 2 汉化版
Created by Catnip.
根据原作者最新的版本汉化!请给我点赞,谢谢 作者原址: 感谢作者的开源和源代码分享 如有侵权,请联系我删除! 此mod与游戏的1.12。*版本兼容(并且可能与下一版本兼容)。 原始说明 该mod在建造道路时添加了其他选项。 基本上具有锐利的交角,但与Fine Road Tool兼容,并且在启用无秩序状态时具有更好的行为。 -无政府状态(Ctrl + A):启用后,将消除所有限制,...
Fine Road Tool 2 汉化版
Created by Catnip.
更多道路工具选项 By:Catnip.汉化...
Guangzhou Garden Hotel
Created by 红米先生
Guangzhou Garden Hotel by redmi Guangzhou Garden Hotel, one of the best in the business circle, has enjoyed a good reputation both at home and abroad since its opening in 1985 Guangzhou Garden Hotel Guangzhou Garden Hotel (10) Ten years is the largest five...
Gula's Adam Highrise (Growable)
Created by Gula
Gula's Adam Highrise (4x4 Residential Growable) Updated for After Dark Why have 4 sides when you can have 9? High density residential building. Just zone high density residential and get to the highest tier of growth. ----- 4458 tris on the main model 1024...
Gula's CN Tower
Created by Gula
Gula's CN Tower (5x5 monument) Updated for After Dark "The 3rd tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline, and a symbol of Canada, attracting more than two mil...
Gula's Kingdom Tower
Created by Gula
Gula's Kingdom Tower (1:1) Updated for After Dark ------------------- The winner of my Patreon supported monthly raffle for the month of May was Jack B and he chose....... "At about one kilometre, the Kingdom Towe...
Gula's Privet (4x4 HD Residential)
Created by Gula
Gula's Privet Updated for After Dark --------- 4x4 Residential High Density Growable This building is Level 5 and will not show up in zones with high-rise ban "Privet is Russian for Hi!" 2940 tris 83 tris LOD 1024 map 4 color variations --------- Other bui...
Innenhof/park 6 x 10
Created by core79
Innenhof/park 6 x 10 by core79 Update 13.09.2016 : I have more lights added and replaced the flowers! Costs / Kosten :500 Maintenance / Unterhalt : 16 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion anse...
Inner City Metro
Created by Fishbus
Larger metro station that looks real nice and city like - purdy lookin fella'. Stats: Footprint: 10x2 Cost: 27500 Upkeep: 240/week Power Usage: 560KW Water Usage: 240 Noise Pollution: 10 Noise Radius: 30 Tris: 944 Smaller version:
International Airport
Created by Polygon Ready for take-off? Please read the description first! This is an International Airport Terminal with six gates and one metro station. You have to build taxiways and runways by yourself! Airport Roads is the only mod you defi...
Island Shangri-La 港岛香格里拉大酒店 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
ShangrilaHK by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA tractor and a semi-trailer. Good for your gas power plant. Tractor GIGA tractor 6x4 Trailer Nippon Sharyo 15.1t LNG semi-trailer. Nippon Sharyo Ltd is a Japanese heavy vehicle manu...
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA tractor and a semi-trailer. Tractor Isuzu GIGA 2016 QKG-EXD77 It is available only in some regions including Japan. The previous generation products are sold in the worldwide as Isuzu E-series. This is sold as VC61 in China and is manufactured b...
HanJing Financial Center [Real Glass]
Created by amamIya
HanJing Financial Center ,Shenzhen , CHINA Tris:5700 Texture:2048p Lod Tris: 2058 Lod Tex: 64p Height:350m(1:1)...
Harbour Plaza Condos, Toronto
Created by Supernova
Harbour Plaza Residences is a mixed-use development in the South Core district of Toronto, Ontario. It consists of 63 and 67 storey condominium towers and 200,000 square feet of retail space. The two residential towers, rising to 237M (778ft) and 228M (748...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Hide TMPE crosswalks V3.2 [stable]
Created by kian.zarrin link to Experimental Mod! CLICK HERE to understand where are the log files and how to upload them. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) you must exit to desktop AFTER you have unsubscribed from the old version. ** N...
High School Soccer Field
Created by Bfb Da Packman
20 Tris / 2.1 MB - Based on original 3D Model: UK Park Football Pitch by rik4000 Source Collection: Better Soccer Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 20 / 10 Category - Park Size - 12x12 Electricity - 144 KW Construction Cost - $61,00...
Highrise Hotel (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
A 4x4 Level 3 High Density Commercial Building. Growable. 107m Height Tris: 271 ...
JA-SS Oil Truck
Created by jaijai
JA-SS 全農エネルギー JA-SS is the oil retail brand of the Zen-Noh(National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations) group in Japan. Category: Oil Capacity: 8,000 Tractor and Trailer Prop...
Jacaranda Tree Adult
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Jacaranda Tree Adult by Shroomblaze 330 Tri's / 83 Polys Child Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :)
Japanese cherry
Created by Ston3D
Japanese cherry by Ston3D...
Jin Mao Tower
Created by <3Alex
Jin Mao Tower by <3Alex 28/02/2016: THE LOD PROBLEM IS NOW FIXED. ENJOY THE NEW DLC. THE 1:1 VERSION IS FINALLY HERE. IGNORE HOW LONG IT TOOK AND JUST ENJOY: Yes, I'm aware that the original t...
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦
Created by XDBX
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. ______________________________ 上海金茂大厦,位于上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号,地处陆家嘴金融贸易区中心,东临浦东新区,西眺上海市及黄浦江,南向浦东张杨路商业贸易区,北临10万平方米的中央绿地。 上海金茂大厦占地面积2.4万平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米,其中主楼88层,高度4...
Jinan Evergrande IFC 1:1
Created by Roger Wang
Jinan Evergrande international financial center is located in the East plot of Sports Park in Huaiyin District of Jinan City, with Weihai Road in the north, Rizhao road in the south, Weifang road in the East and Dongying road in the West. It is located on ...
Hotel Bristol, Warsaw
Created by tomzako
Don't forget to vote and comment! ABOUT THE BUILDING: Hotel Bristol - a five-star hotel located in Warsaw at Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, next to the Presidental Palace. Hotel was built in 1898-1901 in neorenaissance style. ABOUT THE MODEL: Main model 2...
Hunan International Finance Building湖南国际金融大厦15X11
Created by MC100
Hunan International Finance Building湖南国际金融大厦15X11 by MC100 湖南国际金融大厦是一座集金融、贸易、宾馆、办公为一体的现代化建筑综合体。坐落于长沙市中心芙蓉中路,地处长沙市最繁华的中央商务区,毗邻东西主干道五一大道,距长沙黄花国际机场25公里,离长沙火车站仅3公里,离长沙南站武广客运火车站约为10公里,交通十分便利。曾经是长沙的重要地标建筑。建筑总高200m,屋顶高度181.8米,地上层数44楼,地下层数3楼。建成于1998年。 Hunan Intern...
Improved Public Transport 2
Created by BloodyPenguin
Also known as IPT2. Provides improved control of public transportation. Compatible with More Vehicles, TM:PE, Vehicle Selector! YOU MUST DELETE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD AND RESTART THE GAME BEFORE USING THIS! This is a...
Infinity Resort Hotel [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Infinity Resort Hotel Large Resort Hotel, size 14x6, Monument level 2 Attractiveness Accumulation: 10 Entertainement Accumulation: 150 Entertainement radius: 500 Noise Accumulation / radius : 0 Tourist Low: 100 Medium: 150 High : 200 Triangles: 4.657 / 385...
Gula's Slothingham Place (4x3 HD Com Growable - L3)
Created by Gula
Level 3 - High Density Commercial Growable (just zone for HD Com after subscribing) 3 wide by 4 deep ---------------- I thought that my city could use some tall commercial buildings that are perhaps something like a gigantic 30 story supermall or a chain f...
Gula's StarTrust Office
Created by Gula
Level 3 Office (4x4) Growable in the Office zone! Updated for After Dark In every great city, there are recognizable structures that define the city’s character, shape its skyline and make it distinct from all other cities. In Tampa, that landmark is the S...
Created by agusingnavy
Gyroscope by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND Big thanks to user Sl4sh&D4sh for giving me the idea about this inverted cloverleaf a long time ago. OWL, if you read this, lolololol , haha "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the groun...
Created by Reaper
Kilbourn_Tower by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 4105 highpoly tex resolution 2048 431 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal...
L4 Apartment tower KOPE80 [+AD]
Created by AleX_BY
L4 Apartment tower KOPE80 by AleX_BY Living High density Level 4 Soviet and Russian apartment tower, model KOPE 80. Was built in Moscow and Moscow region from 1981. In asset also used Soviet antenna:
Lake Tian
Created by Tianlein
Lake Tian by Tianlein A beautiful lake surrounded by a park(10x10) There you will find trees,benches, a nice wooden terrace with a restaurant. Theres a landing stage with little boats and and small island too. Perfect place to enjoy a day outside. Hope you...
Langer Parkweg 13 x 3
Created by core79
Langer Parkweg 13 x 3 by core79 Inc. Thumbnail Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe http://steamc...
Large European Primary School
Created by nikolaj.vt
A large European-style primary school for your inner city kids. Model: Footprint: 8x10 Tri Count: 1.123 (LOD: 69) Texture: 1024x2048px (LOD 128x128px) Stats: Student capacity: 1000 Construction cost: 10000 Maintenance cost: 1000 Education accumulation/radi...
Large Soccer Stadium
Created by Bfb Da Packman
9,044 Tris / 9.3 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Söderstadion Hammarby Stockholmby Blip Source Collection: Better Soccer Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 9,044 / 198 Category - Level 5 Unique Size - 16x18 (Larger Footprints Mod is...
LaSalle-Wacker Building
Created by AJ3D
Completed in 1930 by architects Holabrid and Root, this Art Deco masterpiece sits on the corner of Wacker Drive and LaSalle Street in Chicago Ill. Its limestone facade towers 543 feet over the Chicago Loop. Unique Building: -1:1 scale -5x6 plot -1024x512 t...
Kales Building
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) The Kales Building is a high-rise apartment building in downtown Detroit, Michigan. It is located 76 West Adams at the northeast corner of Adams Avenue West and Park Avenue, across from Grand Cir...
Created by Golonka
"Karla Tower" is a planned residential building which will become the tallest building in Sweden and Scandinavia. Located in Gothenburg, it will be 245 meters tall and have 73 floors. This monument was created in blender as a 1:1 replica. It includes night...
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Ploppable 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Kentucky Fried Chicken by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (ploppable) A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type KFC in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. I do not own any rights on Kentucky Fried Chicken and have only made this for free, non-commercial pub...
Flower-Yellow (5 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name :Flower-Yellow (by Breeze) Ui priority : 335 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 --------------------------------...
Forest Brush v1.3
Created by Katalepsis
Lets you create, edit, and save mixed tree brushes. Forest Brush lets you paint realistic and varied forest, grasslands, gardens or just patches of plants with ease and convenience. It features a slick and intuitive interface and extensive customisation op...
Forluz Building (RICO)
Created by hqsouza
Tallest building of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It is the headquarters of the state-owned energy company CEMIG. The building has 130m, with 27 floors. Model has 2018 triangles. The LOD has less than 100. It is located in unique buildings level 6. 29/08/2015: T...
May 4th Square 青岛五四广场
Created by 红米先生
占地15X8格,长200米,宽120米,此资产为青岛五四广场南片区,与现实中略有差别,属性是公园类属性。 LOD:2300,贴图分辨率2k。 It covers an area of 15x8, 200 meters long and 120 meters wide. This asset is the south area of Qingdao May Fourth Square, which is slightly different from the reality. Its attribute is...
Medium Football Stadium
Created by pborn
Medium Football Stadium (Millerntor - FC St. Pauli) European style Football Stadium Acts more or less like the standart stadium, you'll get it a little earlier, costs less and is less attractive, smaller influence... everything just a little smaller :) The...
Medium Parking Garage / Multi-storey Car Park
Created by GCVos
A streamlined prefab parking structure for all modern cities. This one has a 12x4 footprint which makes it more easy to use than the large one I published before. There's entrances on three sides as well as a pedestrian path running through the elevator ar...
Mercantile Building (Ploppable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
7x3 Ploppable Building, 1:1 Scale The Mercantile Building is a 189m (620ft) tall art deco skyscraper built in New York City in 1929. 2048x2048 Textures: Diffuse, Spectral, Illumination, Normal 260 Tris, Custom LOD + Custom LOD Textures...
Metropolitan Depot
Created by MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot by MrMaison Thank you for your patience. Introducing the Metropolitan Depot! It's a depot/shop giving your new metro trains a home as they now can see the light of day with the new Metro Overhaul Mod. This is a great centerpiece for a me...
MAN Lion's City 2018 18-4: Generic
Created by REV0
Model 18-4 Door variant, Generic - 150 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The MAN Lion's City is a range of low-floor and low-entry public buses built by German truck and bus ...
Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore
Created by EndlessFtw
Marina Bay Sands Singapore is a three-tower integrated resort located south of the Central Business District of Singapore, and east of the Marina Bay Financial District. The resort is an iconic and integral part of Singapore's skyline. It is one of the two...
LINQ Casino Hotel Tower
Created by KingLeno
LINQ Casino Hotel Tower by KingLeno Stand alone LINQ Tower. This was created for my Paradise Valley Cities Skylines series, a recreation of the Las Vegas Strip. Since this is part of a larger build, it has no lobby. The casino floor and entrance will be re...
Marked Incompatible ]  Loading Screen Mod
Created by thale5
Update May 22, 2021 Support for the new DLCs. Update Oct 31, 2020 Support for the Chinese language. My thanks to @Yuuki for the translation! Update Sep 23, 2019 New Safe Mode loading options. Read here. Update Jul 28, 2019 New feature: Optimize thumbnails ...
Loews Hotel
Created by KingLeno
Loews Hotel by KingLeno Texture 1024 x 1024 Triangles 3256 Custom LOD Lot size: 10 x 8 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, conside...
Luggage carts Prop
Created by kurtus_mob
Luggage carts by kurtus_mob...
Luxury Yacht - Color Changing
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model. I got it from the 3D Warehouse. You can see the original listing here... I did edit the model to be less Tri's and uvwmapped/re-textured. ---- Asset ...
Network Tiling
Created by Ronyx69
Loads custom tiling values for network segment and node textures. The mod is required for people who want to use networks which depend on this mod. Makes it easier for asset creators to texture networks (roads, walls canals etc.) by allowing to control the...
Neubau Block v2.0 Full Color
Created by Killerkartoffel
Neubau Block v2.0 Full Color by Micha Alternative full colored version of my german Neubau building. 2 custom colors. Low residential. Size 3x4 Original version is here:
Network Skins
Created by boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Neubaublock - 4x4 - RICO compatible
Created by sonicnurse
A typical german (european?) housing block for your cities. It's a 4x4 plot, level 1 building and has 10 households on 3 stories. Not especially pretty but very typical for german cities! Stats: tris count is quite high: 1358 textures are 1024x1024 (d,n,i,...
Nightlights updated! The Sherry Netherland Hotel - Level 3 Highrise Officebuilding
Created by Feindbold
-growable (of course) -1:1 (of course) -working cornerbuilding ( works on all biomes!) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -4x4 Level 3 office building -7065 triangles (thats a lot,.. but as I have seen glassboxes with 10k+ here on the wareh...
MGM Signature Hotel
Created by KingLeno
MGM Signature Hotel by KingLeno The Signature at MGM Grand is a condo-hotel at the MGM Grand Las Vegas resort, in Paradise. It features three identical 38-story towers, each consisting of 576 fully furnished units. The MGM Grand Las Vegas is the third-larg...
Mint Office - L3 3x4 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Hi Skyliners !! Here's a new Office building for more diversity in your cities. It's at the same time neutral... and still stands out a bit (hmmm... does it make sense ???.). Technical facts : The building is 97m high It stands on a 3x4 lot, and is a level...
Modular Cargo Centre - DHL Pack
Created by BaskB
Modular Cargo Centre - DHL Pack by BaskB *** Further reduced the Tri count for the LOD to bring both under 200 Tri's now. In addition the A+C Building has had 300 Tri's shaved from it without loss of detail. Will apply this to the other packs tommorow *** ...
Modular Cargo Centre - FedEx Pack (AD)
Created by BaskB
Modular Cargo Centre - FedEx Pack by BaskB Pack I hear you say? Yes thats right, clicking subscribe will download 6 assets to your C:S folder. All items of which you can clearly see in the screenshots. The pack consists of:- Cargo Centre - FedEx A Building...
Modular Through Station | Modern Central | BadPeanut
Created by BadPeanut
Now with a transparent roof! No Mods are required - Don't forget to Rate up if you like it! This is a modular through station consisting of three assets: Module 1 Metro, Module 2 and Module 3 Busport. No mods are required for this to work. Keep reading the...
Palms Casino Resort (RICO) Unique
Created by Crazyglueit
UPDATED MODEL - TEXTURES - LOD (4/30/18) Features UV Animation Palms Casino Resort, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 12x6 Main - Tris 1,542 / Texture 1024 / Weight 5.94 LOD - Tris 242 / Texture 256 / Weight 0.94 RICO CategoryTourist (A...
Parallel Road Tool
Created by S__T Road Toolhelps you easily drawing parallel and stacked networks.Main features are: Limitless parallel/stacked configurations: you can choose any network (not only roads!) and distances (both horizontal and vertical) ...
Park Inn Modular Hotel
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
The Park Inn at Alexanderplatz is Berlin's tallest building at 149.5 meters. Completed in 1970, it was originally the "Hotel Stadt Berlin," part of the GDR "Interhotel" chain. After reunification, it was purchased by the Park Inn hotel chain, which was lat...
Parked Jumbo Liner
Created by kurtus_mob
CIMAIR airlines is glad to introduce you the brand new 749 Jumbo Liner from Boring Industries. Pretty low polycount (1700) so you could plop gazillion of it if you wish ! As always, come also in a prop version for your own airport fantasies : http://steamc...
Parking 4x6 yh
Created by Couch_surfer
Functional frills.....decorate as you will......
Pearl Tower 1:1
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
This asset is an up-scaled and re-propped version of Colossal Order's Oriental Pearl Tower by Finski. It is designed to fit in either the vanilla or modded version of our Shanghai True 1:1 Map. What I did: Increased the scale from 1:1.6 to 1:1, topping off...
Pedestrian Bridge
Created by LIME
天桥已更新,最新优化,描述编辑中 The flyover has been updated, the latest optimization, described in the editor...
MAGLEV Tracks: Shanghai
Created by REV0
Unleash the power of Tesla. Transrapid is a German developed high-speed monorail train using magnetic levitation. Planning for the Transrapid system started in 1969 with a test facility for the system in Emsland, Germany completed in 1987. In 1991, technic...
Magna Plaza
Created by Epic Lurker
The old post office building has been converted into a luxury shopping mall. No less than 3 towers with pear shaped crowns will add to your skyline. In the interior, visible through the sunroof, atriums are ringed by 3 floors with galleries, walkways and a...
Main Fire Department
Created by PeeR
by PeeR large fire department with coordination center 10x14 cost 115000.- maintenance 2144.- fire trucks 35 water 1280 power 1920 workers uneducated 14 educated 28 well 56 highly 42 department accumulation 90 department radius 2100 -----------------------...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
Created by 910095247
高铁南京南站V.2.2 by 910095247...
Nanjing Zifeng Tower南京紫峰大厦
Created by 红米先生
南京紫峰大厦(Nanjing Zifeng Tower),位于江苏省南京市鼓楼区中山北路1号,地处鼓楼中央商务区,东可眺望紫金山、西可望长江、南有雨花台和新街口、北有幕府山,是世界第一座完全中国投资、中国建设的超级摩天大楼。 南京紫峰大厦占地面积18721平方米,总建筑面积261075平方米, 其中主楼地下4层,地上89层,高度450米。办公副楼24层,裙房7层。南京紫峰大厦1-6层为商场,8-9层为健身中心,10-41层为办公区,42-71层为酒店,72层为观光厅,76-79层为餐厅,80-81层为总统套...
Nanjing Zifeng tower紫峰大厦
Created by York Lee
绿地广场·紫峰大厦(Greenland Square Zifeng Tower)简称紫峰大厦或紫峰,位于南京市鼓楼区鼓楼广场,是江苏第1、中国第6、世界第10高楼。(截至2016年8月)。 紫峰大厦东至中央路,西至北京西路,周边区域有玄武湖、北极阁、鼓楼、明城墙等历史文物古迹;该地段是南京主城区的中心点及城市的制高点,周边远景尽收眼底:东可眺望紫金山、西可望长江、南有雨花台、北有幕府山。 中文名称:绿地广场·紫峰大厦 外文名称 Greenland Square Zifeng Tower 地理位置:南京市鼓楼...
Dav118's - Shanghai Tower, Shanghai (Scale 1:2)
Created by Dav118
Here is the Shanghai Tower, Shanghai at 1:2 scale (50% smaller). A lot of people have been asking for this, so now you have the Shanghai Trio! :) In game this can be found in Tier 6 section and has a footprint of 8x9 squares. The model is using Diffuse, Sp...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Citaro G (O530) '2011
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Citaro G (O530) '2011 18m tri-axle articulated 4 doors capacity 115 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Citaro C (O530) '2011
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Citaro C (O530) '2011 standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 75 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
[Sunset Harbor Ready] Beijing Subway QKZ5 Capital Airport Express Rolling Stock
Created by Kaeru教信者 The Capital Airport Express of Beijing Subway (北京地铁首都机场线), also known by the initials ABC (Airport Beijing City), is an airport rail link from Dongzhimen station to the Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK).The Airport...
[RICO]Residential-S3 [R] 住宅楼样式S-3[R]
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是2个对称的小高层,这个是右对称 属于配套小区的一部分,你也可以单独使用 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: ...
[RICO]Residential-S3 [L] 住宅楼样式S-3[L]
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是2个对称的小高层,这个是左对称 属于配套小区的一部分,你也可以单独使用 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: ...
[RICO]Residential-S2 住宅楼样式S-2
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋住宅 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[RICO]Residential-S1 住宅楼样式S-1
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋住宅 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[RICO]Commercial-S1 商铺建筑样式S-1
Created by hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋商铺 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[RICO] Marriott Hotel & Suits - Dubai
Created by Bibel Gurra
If you like my work and want to support me; Twitter: Special thanks to Static who provided all in-game images Additive shader mod is optional but will improve the the nightlights...
Pedestrian Underpass
Created by clus
Hello Community, I finally present you my idea (asset) which was buzzing around in my head for a long time. Nobody, at least I think*, created something like this. *correct me if i`m wrong... ;)* With a litle bit of pride, I present you the workshops first...
Pegasus Plaza
Created by Visu
Level-5 Residential Growable - high-value luxury real estate.This isn't the tallest building around. But it has a lot of character, including a big rooftop pool!...
Perth Council Building (RICO) Australia
Created by Crazyglueit
As requested the Perth Council Building on St Georges Terrace in Perth, Western Australia. Completed in 1963 and opened by The Queen. This 13-storey office building, 47.9-metre (157 ft), was designed by Howlett and Bailey Architects and mostly serves as th...
Ping An Finance Center 1:1
Created by koxx
Ping An Finance Center 1:1 by bisabeols 平安金融中心 -height : 660m / top loof : 580m texture : 2048x2048 lod : 512x512 Unique lev.2 - 1:1.5 size : - more pics :
Pink Flowers on Grass (Prop)
Created by ReticentDaikaiju
A group of pink flowers planted on grass. An alternate version of these flowers planted on dirt is also available. For more flowers and small plants check out ReticentDaikaiju's Gardening Collection:
Plane stairs prop
Created by kurtus_mob
Plane stairs prop by kurtus_mob...
Plop the Growables
Created by Katalepsis
Allows you to manually plop growable buildings with Find It! and having them remain where you put them. In essence this mod removes the "Demolish me" signal growables normally send to the game when they are not in a zoned area or not in the correct distric...
Node controller V2.11 [Stable]
Created by kian.zarrin ADVICE TO USE INSTEAD: Node Controller Renewal as it is actively developed and more user friendly. Control node types/properties - move corners (Control+N) This mod lets you control Nodes and override the base games' automat...
NYC Elevated Pillar
Created by MrMaison
NYC Elevated Pillar by MrMaison...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv1_182M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 7920 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv2_143M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 6470 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Office_Kilbourn Tower_offv1_106M
Created by Reaper
Kilbourn Tower_offv1_106M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 4105 highpoly tex resolution 1024 431 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ...
Nelson Tower 1:1 Scale
Created by moxiecrimefighter
A 171m (560ft) tall Art Deco skyscraper in New York City, built in 1931. Recreated for Cities: Skylines in 1:1 Scale 5x5 Unique Building $125000 to build, $96/month 2048x2048 Textures Diffuse, Spectral, Illumination, Normal 615 Tris LOD 278 Tris ...
Network Extensions 2 汉化版
Created by Catnip.
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Quad's Currency
Created by Quad Rioters
Bring a better drill. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Office - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,624, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 114, 128x128 - Description: A bank headquarters. Updates - v6: Improved models and textures. Don't forget to Like, Favorite...
Quad's Midnight Gallery
Created by Quad Rioters
Is the night before there wasn't any. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,477, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 141, 128x128 - Description: A modern gallery museum. Updates - v8: Overhauled the asset. Don't forget t...
Quad's Rhinestone
Created by Quad Rioters
Falling from the sky. Attribute - Size: 6x14 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 2,248, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 348, 256x128 - Sub-building: Rhinestone Glass (aesthetic-only) - Description: A modern geology museum. Stats - Cost: 130,000 - Upkeep: 960/week - Wo...
Quad's Stalwart
Created by Quad Rioters
Loud and proud. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 3,043, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 137, 512x256 - Description: Stalwart office tower. Updates - v6: Ovehauled the assets. Now no longer resemble SC2000's building. - Don't forget to Like, Favo...
Quanjude Peking Roast Duck
Created by Emperor Li Your cims want some Peking roast duck? Build the Quanjude in your city. Quanjude is a Chinese restaurant in Beijing, China established in 1864 during the Qing Dynasty and is known for its Peking roast duck. (from Wikipedia )...
Rai NHow Hotel
Created by Jerenable
Rai NHow Hotel by Jerenable Made to look after the currently under construction NHow Hotel at the Rai in Amsterdam. its a fully glass building with the basic hotel room layout inside. It uses additive shader for the lighting in the rooms the building can b...
Rail tracks 2 with footbridge
Created by Flumpmuncher
Rail tracks 2 with footbridge by Flumpmuncher A bi-directional pedestrian bridge crossing two railway lines. If you have a situation where you would prefer the bridge to only access from one side then simply place it and delete the unwanted side....
Created by Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv1_160M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv2_129M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv3_100M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
One Way Roads
Created by Lucislayer
One Way Roads by TheOnlyBeast21. I think you need after dark but I am not sure. There are tunnels with the paths ...
One-Way Train Tracks
Created by BloodyPenguin
Provides single & double one-way train tracks, single station tracks and two-way single tracks This mod was created at a time when neither custom network assets nor single train tracks were supported by the game. I keep this mod to support the existing sav...
OzOne Building - 4x4 L5 Residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
So many gems of the early days of CSL have been left without nightlights... Like this marvel by Ozo, one of the first CSL builders : It was in desperate need of an AD update, and of a LOD. Wel...
Half Chase Manhattan - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners !! After two recreations (SC3K and SC4 buildings) it was time for some original content... and I chose to reproduce an existing building (so long for "original"). I took a nice looking NYC skyscraper and reduced it to make it fit as a gr...
Lind Entertainment (Growable)
Created by
Lind Entertainment by It's a level 3 Office I attempted to recreate the Lind Entertainment building from simcity 4, complete custom model, textures and lods. 4348 tris on the base model 1024 texture resolution, LOD texture res at 512 Custom LOD...
Line Decal Networks
Created by Ronyx69
Includes white and yellow line decal networks and the line decals used for them. Found in landscaping paths menu. You can save on the prop limit by using these instead of decals, but don't overdo it, as there are segment, node and lane limits as well. You ...
Created by Snowsign
Korea brand apartment SK VIEW 4*4 size Level5. SK E & C Korea Apartments brands. 29 floor tower apartment building It can make production more apartments Assets Okay, Please click rating. --------------------------------------------------------------------...
[KOREA] Hoban Vertium apartment RICO.
Created by Snowsign
Hoban by Snowsign Korea brand apartment Hoban 4*3 size Level5 Please click rating. --------------------------------------------------------------- update list 4*2 size Level5 ...
[Growable] Laurel Hills Tower
Created by LucasK336
The Laurel Hills Tower Yet another BIG growable. Because this game's growables aren't tall enough and stuff (s-sorry CO). This level 5 high density residential tower will "grow" on 4x3 lots. It's about 120 meters tall (just a bit lower than the Aqualina To...
[Growable] Keymark Hotel (deprecated)
Created by bigmoodenergy
** DEPRECATED ** Newer version here: Constructed in 1964, the Keymark Hotel is still viewed as the height of luxury downtown lodging. With its lavish rooms, fine ammenities, and landmark roof...
[Growable] Aqualina Tower
Created by LucasK336
The Aqualina Tower A big level 5 residential highrise. Its total height is about 125 meters. It has an automatic parking and a spa on the last floor woah! Yes, it's taller than the average level 5 buildings, but come on, the vainilla buildings are great bu...
[AD]Drosovilas OCBC Centre from Singapore (Unique Building)
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas OCBC Centre from SIngapore. -Unique Building Level 5, Stats based off of "Modern Arts Museum" -8x4 size. Height 197.7 meters(1:1) -680 tris, 2048x1024 texture res, custom LOD(300 tris, 512x256 texture res) -Feel free to send me screenshots of it...
[AD]"Loss" Casino and Hotel by Drosovila
Created by Drosovila
"Loss" hotel and casino by Drosovila -Unique Building -stats based off of "cathedral of plentitude"(Level 6) -11x5 size -950 tris, 2048 texture resolution, Custom LOD(300 tris, 256 texture resolution). -Heavily inspired by the "Wynn" casino from vegas. -He...
Shanghai customs house 上海海关大楼
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. Ps:此资产顶端并没有国旗,如果有需要国旗的需要自己摆放。 Ps:There is no national flag on the top of this asset. If you need a national flag, you need to place it yourself. 上海海关大楼是1891年拆除旧屋,于1893年建成一座英国建筑师设计、浦东...
Created by Hayden
Shanghai by Hayden You need to enable Continental / vanilla style I use Custom Building Themes three regional style SH-A.B.C, do not know the other players loaded tube does not work, you can try...
Created by Hayden
Created by agusingnavy
Shanghai by agusingnavy "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Video (timelapse 7.5x unedited 30'): "The making" Shanghai *UI Priority: -1265 Mods used: Network mods - Fine Road Anarchy (...
Created by Hayden
SH-C by Hayden...
Created by Hayden
SH-B by Hayden...
[RICO] JW Marriott Marquis - Dubai
Created by Bibel Gurra
If you like my work and want to support me; Twitter:
[RICO] Highcliff 2.0 Skyscraper Unique Building (Hong Kong)
Created by Drosovila
-Highcliff Skyscraper From hongkong -Unique building Level 6 -6x3 plots -Stats based off of the Sea and Sky skyscraper -Size is 1:1 -1000 tris, 2048 texture res, custom LOD(200 tris, 256 texture res) -Here is a link to its little brother, The Summit http://...
[RICO] Drosovilas U.S. Bank Tower from Los Angeles
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas U.S. Bank tower -Unique Building level 6, 8x8 size -1:1 Scale, 310m height. -Based off of this tower. -3200 tris, 1024 texture res, CustomLOD(350 tris, 512x texture res) -1:1.6 version will follow soon. ...
[PLT]Prop Line Tool汉化版
Created by Catnip.
[Milgram]Shenzhen Bay Sports Center 深圳湾体育中心
Created by XDBX
ShenzhenBaySportsCenter 深圳湾体育中心 深圳湾体育中心位于中国广东省深圳市南山区后海湾畔,占地30.774公顷,是深圳湾绵延15公里海滨休闲带上的一个地标性建筑,因主体使用白色巨型钢结构网架将“一场两馆”及其他商业设施整合为一体而被称为“春茧”,与称为春笋的中国华润大厦互相呼应。 2011年第26届世界大学生运动会开幕式在这里举行。 Shenzhen Bay Sports Center (Simplified Chinese: 深圳湾体育中心), nicknamed Spring C...
Roundabout Fantastic Fountain 8x8
Created by Elias
Update: The size of the fountain was rediculously big --> reduced to 60% and added hedgerows and red lights to improve look. It's still 8x8. The Base-Model for this Roundabout-Decoration is the Unique Building "Fantastic Fountain" from the After Dark-DLC. ...
Roundabout Art 6x6
Created by Elias
This park was my base-modell. Hail the great Morsh ;) As you can see in the pictures, you can plop this roundabout-park everywhere. It doesn't need to be attached to a road and that's why I kept it from producing garbage and it can't burn, so it won't caus...
Rockery landscape假山景观
Created by 红米先生
Rockery landscape假山景观 by Redmi...
Marked Incompatible ]  Road Options (Road Colors Changer ++)
Created by Katalepsis
Change road colors, remove crosswalks, remove road markings and more. Provides sliders to change road colors per road category. Lets you remove crosswalks and road markings (Highways, Vanilla small and medium roads done so far, rest coming soonish). You ca...
Created by Reaper
Res_dubai_growable_blue_v4_70M by Reaper growable residental 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Residential Building 028
Created by Valex L5 4x2 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Meridian" (Sochi, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready....
Residential Building 021
Created by Valex L4 9x5 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Festival Park" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 005
Created by Valex L4 7x3 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Orange Park" (Kotelniki, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 004
Created by Valex L4 6x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Cheremushki" (Krasnodar, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Created by agusingnavy
Rennes by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -1269 I made it almost completely with copy-paste and improved snapping (for perfect bending when b...
Render It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change render processing. NEW IN 1.37 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). - Updated to latest YamlDotNet version. NEW IN 1.36 - Recompiled for Citi...
Residential Building 027
Created by Valex L5 6x2 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Sapphire" (Sochi, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Postillion Amsterdam Hotel
Created by Jerenable
Postillion Amsterdam Hotel by Jerenable hotel version of the OG version Its a unique building. RICO files included if you use that mod. hope you like it. Normal version here You can donate if you want to support me I am now on active on Patreon ...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Prop & Tree Anarchy
Created by BloodyPenguin
Place props & trees wherever you like With this mod enabled you can place props & trees: - under water - on roads - within building's footprint This is useful when placing props with More Beautification mod. I also recommend to use Prop Snapping to snap pr...
Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
Created by Alterran
Prop Line Tool Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads! This mod will save you time by placing items one by one for you! Compatible with Campus DLC and Patch Concerning Campus Update I've tested this mod with Campus patch and everything is in...
Prop Precision
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) This mod allows props to be placed much more precisely. This is not a new tool but allows existing tools to place props with a lot more precision. It saves additional data to preserve the precision of t...
Prop Snapping
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to snap props to buildings and elevated roads - just like in asset editor! This mod does the same job as Tree Snapping, but for props. This mod won't break your save games, and can be safely disabled at any time. But ...
Pedestrian tunnel
Created by THEcatcake
Pedestrian tunnel by THEcatcake...
Pedestrian tunnel 2
Created by THEcatcake
Pedestrian tunnel 2 by THEcatcake...
Railway Japanese Props
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Japanese Style Props Also includes a bunch of decorative props. Search for "rwyjp" using Find It! Read description of the Railway collection: Select Japanese props in Railway Replace...
Railway Replacer
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Regional Public Soccer Field
Created by Bfb Da Packman
2,710 Tris / 3.5 MB - Based on original 3D Model: UK Football Stadium - Small Generic 1 by rik4000 Original Author's Paypal Donation Link Source Collection: Better Soccer Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 2,710 / 241 Category - Park...
Remove Need For Pipes
Created by Overhatted
This mod removes the need to place pipes all over your city. If you also don't want to waste time building power lines you can use my Remove Need For Power Lines mod. How it works This mod works simply by storing the water, sewage and heating produced in s...
Remove Need For Power Lines
Created by Overhatted
This mod removes the need for power lines. If you also don't want to waste time laying down pipes you can use my Remove Need For Pipes mod. How it works This mod works simply by storing the energy produced in a small buffer and then distributing it to buil...
Quad's Aegis
Created by Quad Rioters
Safe n' sound. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 3x4 - Tri: 1012 - LOD Tri: 106 Updates - v7: Improved speculation map. - v6: Desaturated textures. - v5: Overhauled asset. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. ...
Quad's Baiyoke Tower II
Created by Quad Rioters
Pride of the golden concrete. Attribute - Size: 9x14 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 4,177, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 708, 256x256 - Description: A golden skyscraper hotel located in Bangkok, Thailand. - Source: Baiyoke Tower II, Bi-yok 2, ใบหยก ๒. Stats - C...
Shanghai future asset building上海未来资产大厦
Created by 红米先生
Shanghai International Convention Center 上海国际会议中心(重置版)
Created by CM.
上海国际会议中心 by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level special building 这算是一个炒冷饭作品,我的第四个资产就是这个建筑,但是因为我当时刚接触建模不久,受到水平上的限制,做的非常地差,所以这个是在我当时的建模基础上做出的改进,希望大家喜欢。 如果真的喜欢还望能够点个赞!谢谢! This is a piece of fried rice. My fourth asset is this building, but ...
Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station (Monorail Version) 上海磁浮龍陽路站 (單軌鐵路版)
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-11-19*** fixed pink pedestrian path. ****************************** Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station 上海磁浮龍陽路站 Maglev train station in Shanghai, China, where people can take the maglev train to Shanghai Pudong International Airport and b...
Shanghai Minsheng Bank, China中国上海民生银行
Created by 红米先生
中国民生银行(英文名称:China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd.,简称CMBC,民生银行,上交所:600016 港交所:01988)是中国大陆第一家由民间资本设立的全国性商业银行,成立于1996年1月12日。主要大股东包括刘永好的新希望集团,张宏伟的东方集团,卢志强的中国泛海控股集团,王玉贵代表的中国船东互保协会,中国人寿保险股份公司,史玉柱等。 民生银行A股于2000年12月19日在上海证券交易所公开上市,民生银行的H股于2009年11月26日在香港证券交易所挂牌上市。2018...
Shanghai Park Hotel 上海国际饭店
Created by CM.
Shanghai Park Hotel 上海国际饭店 by CM. 你可以在第四级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the fourth level of special buildings. 上海国际饭店(Park Hotel)是上海年代最久的饭店之一,有三十年代“远东第一高楼”之称。饭店地处繁华的南京西路,对面是风景如画的人民公园,饭店拥有供应中西菜肴的“国际廊”、“丰泽楼”、“顺风厅”、“孔雀厅”、“云楼”等五个不同风格的餐厅。 2016年9月,上海国际饭店入选“首批中国20世...
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版
Created by XDBX
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
Xinzhuang Interchange Shanghai,China
Created by Arisandi,121.3875418,15z all direction Rd same as real map (by Arisandi) some part it sunken more -6m. so ,fine road tool must enable it. or become messy tunnel. make sure to fllaten first. i tried to help. i decide to rema...
Sheridan Tower
Created by honker
This is based on the Park Tower Condominium building in Edgewater, Chicago. It's one of the tallest buildings outside downtown. I ogle at it from the train every time I go into the city. It's a fairly standard curtain wall modernist thing, but the rounded ...
Singer Building
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) The Singer Building or Singer Tower, at Liberty Street and Broadway in Lower Manhattan's Financial District, was a 47-story office building completed in 1908 as the headquarters of the Singer Man...
Siny- Module Escalator 拼装扶梯
Created by Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
RoundRobin with FootBridge
Created by camilla_ett
RoundRobin with FootBridge by camilla623...
RTGbuilding3 L2 3x4
Created by rtgstream
RTGbuilding3 L2 3x4 by rtgstream Cool text effects and animation to create online...
Sample Roundabout
Created by amamIya
Sample Roundabout by amamIya...
Set of Dual Island Platform Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of dual island platform train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These s...
Set of Single Island Train Station Track
Created by BadPeanut
This is a Train Station Track with an Island platform. Please subscribe if you're using any train stations that utilize this network. This is NOT a normal train track, nor will I be making one as they would not be visually supported by the vanilla game - t...
Created by Hayden
SH-A by Hayden...
Sky Tower Auckland (AD Update)
Created by Hafiz
Sky Tower Auckland (AD Update). This is a After Dark ready version of Krodge's Sky Tower with illumination mapping and outside lighting. Credits to him. I only updated the illumination map and outside lighting. Other than that, nothing else was changed. Th...
Skye Suites Hotel
Created by ukupon
Skye Suites by ukupon My second asset! Yay! If you like it please help rate it, thank you! : ) All feedback is welcome! A luxury hotel. Ploppable. It is under Unique Buildings > Tourism & Leisure Size: 4 x 6 Construction cost: 120,000 Tris: 3224 Map: 2048 ...
Small 4-Lane Ave. with Median at Junctions 路口分隔带不间断的小型4车道
Created by RyanCat
This is an small 4-lane avenue that can make continuous median at any junctions. With monorail It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junctions by judging whether t...
Small Airport Hangar
Created by Golonka
A smaller aircraft hangar for the more realistic airport projects, made from scratch in Blender. With LOD ***NOW WITH NIGHT TIME ILLUMINATION MAPS AND FLOODLIGHTS!*** 8x6 Airport Cost: 20,000 Maintenance: 500 100 workers Tris:733 LOD tris: 49 Texture: 1024...
Small Airport Terminal by BaskB [Fixed for 1.4]
Created by SamsamTS
Planes will land if connected properly with Airport Roads. It may take some time until planes start to come (~a month of in-game time). Original asset (planes won't land) Original BaskB's version (with runways) ...
Small and Proper DCMI 2
Created by Employee 432
Another DCMI! this time with the surface lanes passing over the highway. And probably the last. Man are these things difficult to make. This took me several tries, and way more time than I expected. I smoothed all the slopes and, as much as possible, the c...
Small Car Park 4x4
Created by Lucki_lady
Small Car Park 4x4 by Lucki_lady...
Spiral park (8x8)
Created by Richard Cephal
A 8x8 spiral park that fits neatly across the 8 cell buildable area in your grids. Costs 10,000 credits 125 entertainment value (same as high value vanilla parks) 400 radius (normal)...
Space Needle
Created by Alvin
UPDATED FOR SNOWFALL: I've finally had time to update the LOD on the model, it should now be compatible with Snowfall! Thanks for all your patience and understanding! ============================================= Space Needle by x3 The iconic observation t...
Soviet antenna
Created by AleX_BY
Soviet antenna for apartment buildings...
Soldyne's RMB Rounded x2
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Iron Fence x4
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Iron Fence x16
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Small Inner City Metro
Created by Fishbus
Small metro station that looks real nice and city like - purdy lookin fella'. Stats: Footprint: 3x2 Cost: 20000 Upkeep: 256/week Power Usage: 400KW Water Usage: 160 Noise Pollution: 20 Noise Radius: 40 Tris: 744 Larger version:
Small Soccer Club Stadium
Created by Bfb Da Packman
6,067 Tris / 3.4 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Soccer field 9x15 by The G@|j*$%a@{8%P4%ДW(dmother Source Collection: Better Soccer Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 6,067 / 78 Category - Level 4 Unique Size - 9x15 Electricity - 1...
Small Turbine (Mass Transit)
Created by Arisandi
at the middle this more smallest than original CO Cloverleaf ! as you can see on the picture.but keep the slopes are not worst ,for compact class,it still looking good . put and replace Colosal order cloverleaf, it far better using this,cloverleaf without ...
Solar Parking Lot 2x2
Created by Zuben
Solar Parking Lot 2x2 by Zuben Parking lot with solar panels. Changed the category and re-uploaded. Park -> Electricity Tris : 1232 / 48 Texture : 512x512 / 256x256 Size : 2x2 Cost : 1000 Upkeep : 24/week Electricity production : 3MW (100%) Solar Parking L...
Soldyne's Chinese Gate Red 2Way
Created by soldyne
This is a traditional Chinese Gate or Paifang. This is part of a community project to create Chinatown assets. It is a park that can be placed anywhere, although it is designed to hook up to your road way. It can connect to any road type (2, 4 and 6 lane) ...
Soldyne's Guardian Lion Stone
Created by soldyne
Also known as Fu Dogs in the American West or Korean Dogs in Japan, these creatures are used as guardians of important places. They traditionally come in stone or bronze variants. There is also a female version with a lion cub instead of a sphere, but, the...
Spotlight Pink(prop)射灯,激光灯
Created by 红米先生
Spotlight Pink(prop版本) by 红米 射灯,激光照射,射出距离600米,角度30度 共三种颜色,分别蓝、绿、粉,可以任意放置高度和物体上 LOD: 30 贴图分辨率:1024X1024 Spotlight, laser irradiation, shooting distance 600 meters, angle 30 degrees A total of three colors, blue, green, pink, can be placed at any height and ...
Created by agusingnavy
Stack by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -90000009 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road Tool -Move it! -Precision Engineerin...
Starbucks (Growable)
Created by marconok19
"Starbucks" a coffee brand that everyone would be familiar. This item is a little shop of Starbucks that is a growable commercial level 3. This building was designed by me which i got an inspiration from many modern and minimalist architectures on Pinteres...
Steel Wall Quay
Created by BadPeanut
This is a simple but effective Steel Wall Quay - good for around industrial areas or where ever really! Hope you enjoy, thumbs up if you like! Points of Interest: - the game doesn't allow you to upgrade quay walls so you will have to delete and manually re...
Stone quay - Plain fenced
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on The stone quay - plain with a fence so your citizens don't fall down. Comes in a dirty version as well for those shorelines. To place on land you'll need Quay Anarchy. When placed o...
Strata Resort
Created by Visu
Large luxury hotel complex that employs about 800 and brings tourists to an area. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Streetlights Pack
Created by targa
30 different lanterns for avenues, streets and highways. Also may be Park Lightings Pack will be interesting for you. In the game and in the editor park lights are in the same place where the standard street lights. Each lantern has a custom icon with the ...
The Grand Hotel
Created by dabaofu
The Grand Hotel by dabaofu unique Space:12*10 Cost:100000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000...
The Great Plan
Created by lil Dawg
The Great Plan Edit by lil Dawg map: This awsome map was made by "Mulleboy", this is just some small changes, for a slightly better experince i hope. Added: - 1 New h...
The Hudson Center (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
Hudson Center (Growable) 4x4 Level 3 Office An Art Deco skyscraper that looks a lot like 275 Madison Avenue in New York. I wonder if that's a coincidence Technical Stuff: 1194 Tris 1024x1024 Textures: Diffuse, Spectral, Normal, Illumination Custom LOD 218 ...
The Opus - Dubai [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
The Opus - Dubai Design by the architect Zaha Hadid, “The Opus” is an Hotel In Dubai. Adapted for the game Cities Skylines. The Opus Welcome to the building that never sleeps. The Opus by Omniyat is the first foray into Dubai by the world-famous architect ...
The Pearl Roundabout
Created by Mythrax
The Pearl Roundabout from Bahrain Perfect for those centre pieces on a lonely roundabout. Building stats: Size: 4x4 Cost: 20,000 Monument Level: 2 Attractiveness: 8 Entertainment Accumulation: 120 Entertainment Radius: 400 Fire Hazard: 1 Fire Tolerance: 20...
The Plaza Hotel Seoul
Created by TDB The Plaza Hotel Seoul 87m 이 에셋은 한국 창작자 커뮤니티 PLAY CITY와 함께합니다. 바로가기 Level 3 Unique Building Tris: 14K (for Details) Texture: 2048 X 2048 (2K) / LOD 512 X 512 LOD Ready After Dark Ready Update: July 7, 2018. P.M.12:15 (GMT) #O...
The Rotterdam (RICO enabled)
Created by Jerenable
The Rotterdam by Jerenable This building is now RICO enabled, you don´t need the mod for the building to work, get it though its great!! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and this building will work like any growable Highrise. De Rotterdam is a building on t...
Created by Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_en_Puerto_Madero by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 14329 highpoly tex resolution 2048 256 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this...
Track and field
Created by Tomas13TO
Athletics events for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5644 LOD triangles - 96 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 12x8 ...
Trailer DHL
Created by SGT_Hest
Trailer DHL by Hest...
Created by 红米先生
tree by Redmi(红米) 树木根部为涂刷白色石灰,以保护树根为基础。偏向于中式风格树木画风 LOD:685 分辨率:2k...
Truck - (LKW): bofrost
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (LKW): bofrost by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: bofrost =========================================================================...
Truck - (LKW): DPD
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (LKW): DPD by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: DPD ========================================================================== Info: ...
Truck - (LKW): FedEx
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (LKW): FedEx by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: FedEx ========================================================================== In...
Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED)
Created by boformer
This mod is now deprecated! The game developers added official support for sub buildings in the asset editor! Sub-buildings are separate building assets which can be used to create assets which are larger than 16x8. For example, the feature is used by the ...
Sunken Plaza
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A modern, sunken, city plaza for your citizens to enjoy. Size:4x4 Cost: 1000 Maintenance cost: 100 Tourist draw: 50 Ent Accum: 100 Ent Radius: 400 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
SuperStack 12m
Created by GCVos
Large pillars for stacking any type of network. Works best with highways, avenues as well as NExt/T++ roads. Shoutout to Baleur for suggesting purple hue. :) You need Network Skins to select and use this asset. You need No Pillars, Sharp Junction Angles or...
Suzhou global 188苏州环球188
Created by 红米先生
苏州环球188,位于苏州园区CBD核心地段是苏州地标性建筑 此资产是商住综合体,分别为一座底商两座写字楼组成,占地长200米左右,宽50米左右,写字楼一栋高度385米,另一栋285米,底商高度15米左右。 LOD(SUB):2500 贴图分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑购物商城 Suzhou global 188 The asset is a commercial and residential complex, which is composed of two office buildings at th...
Suzhou W Hotel苏州W酒店
Created by 红米先生
Suzhou W Hotel苏州W酒店 by Redmi(红米) 酒店位于苏州CBD建筑群,东方之门南片。 W酒店建筑群特点:共计四栋建筑高度分别为:200米,170米,130米,外加底座一栋为整合建筑群包含写字楼两座。 占地长度240米X宽50米,38格X7格,属性:独特建筑类。 LOD:2400 分辨率2K。 另外有一个地下停车场和8米道路连接线,地下停车场只是个摆设效果无实际停车效果,外加一个道路需要开启道路无碰撞链接即可。 The hotel is located in Suzhou CBD com...
Timboh's Kleinploderplein Interchange
Created by Timboh
Is it a stack? Is it a turbine? Is it a roundabout? No, it's confusing, and I love it! Jokes aside, knooppunt Kleinpolderplein is an interchange is Rotterdam, connecting Rijksweg 13 and Rijksweg 20 with local roads. Now, there isn't really a construction d...
Timboh's Motorway Rest Area
Created by Timboh
Here's a bit of an experiment for you. A rest area! See, in the modern era, humans require access to basic necessities 24/7, such as lead-free petrol, chocolate bars and "fresh" wrapped sandwiches. Now you can provide those services with the Motorway Rest ...
Timboh's Pentagon Interchange
Created by Timboh
A fully functional five-way interchange, with access for all directions. My first attempt at an interchange design of my own, and shit went downhill pretty fast. I'm sorry for failing completely in making this interchange symmetrical. If you want me to rew...
Timboh's Spaghetti Interchange
Created by Timboh
Here it is! It's the pasta interchange, the nudle crossing, the one and only Spaghetti Junction... Or Gravelly Hill Interchange, since that's its real name. I hope I've been faithful enough recreating the interchange; the asset editor does have its limitat...
Timboh's Turbine Interchange
Created by Timboh
Looking for a turbine with U-turns? Check out grimarchangel's version: The first interchange in my collection, and my favorite! I mean, just look at it! The spiral ramp pattern is almost mesme...
Timboh's Turbine-Stack Interchange
Created by Timboh
"Wait a minute!? A new upload from that Timboh guy. I thought that selfish scrub had abandoned us! Oh, is it time to return now?" That's hopefully not your reaction when you see this, but I can understand why. I've been gone for a loooong time. Real life c...
Time Warner Center
Created by honker
The Time Warner Center is a mixed use twin-tower building in New York City. Opened in 2003, this 55-story building wraps around Columbus Circle at the southwest corner of Central Park. Its postmodern design reflects the city around it, both literally and f...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Tokyo Gas LNG Truck
Created by jaijai
Tokyo Gas 東京ガス Category: Oil Capacity: 15,000 Tractor and Trailer Prop is here....
Toronto Style High School 10
Created by JSF-1
NOTE* This asset has a high triangle count The 10th High School in my Toronto Schools collection and my 200th asset. This asset comes with 3 buildings! This is a recreation of Central Technical Collegiate Institute. Central Tech CI is the largest High Scho...
Sky Point
Created by Keith3201
This building has 6,654 tris. It uses 2k diffuse, specular, normal, alpha, and illumination textures. It also comes with an LOD version. It is 600 feet tall (183 meters) with 50 floors. It is an entirely unique building and is not based on anything else. T...
Walkway + parking lot with 18 slots by vip
Created by Vip
Walkway by vip UPGRADE to After Dark A wonderful cobblestone promenade with beautiful design. tall trees on a hot day provide excellent shade and freshen. A small park on the banks of the river, give your city a small increase in tourists. and increases th...
Walkway With Shops
Created by Tair
Walkway With Shops by Tair Another Addition to the Walkway This time with small shops and a few parking spaces. Hope you enjoy!. Thanks for the support. If you feel like it,support me further ...
Wall Lanterns pack (2017 updated)
Created by targa
10 differents lanterns for placing on house walls. To gain access to this asset in-game, not only in the editor use More Beautification MOD. To hang a lantern on the wall will need Prop Snapping (require Prop & Tree Anarchy for work). In the asset editor t...
Warsaw Financial Center
Created by DawiD
From Wikipedia: Warsaw Financial Center is a skyscraper in Warsaw with a height of 165 metres (541 ft) topped with an antenna mast which is nearly 20 metres (66 ft). The Warsaw Financial Center was designed by the American skyscraper design studio of A. Ep...
Waterfront Walkway
Created by Tair
Waterfront Walkway by Tair Wow,thanks for the amazing feedback and support people! I've seen some really cool stuff you made with it! Keep going! Like Tuesdae Suggested try if you ...
Wooden bridge in ancient China中国古代木桥宫殿田园桥梁天桥
Created by VQVQ
宫殿天桥 bridge by VQVQ 木桥以天然木材作为主要建造材料的桥梁。由于木材分布较广,取材容易,而且采伐加工不需要复杂工具。所以木桥是最早出现的桥梁形式。其具有重量轻,强度较高,加工及各部分连接的构造简单等优点。但其也有易燃,易腐蚀,承载力和耐久性易受木材的各向异性及天然缺陷影响等缺点。 Wood bridge is a bridge with natural wood as the main construction material. Because of the wide distribut...
Wtc 1, 2 & 3 Marriott Hotel
Created by The Governor
World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 & 3 Marriott Hotel I made the models using 3ds Max and textures using Gimp. The towers are not scaled to real world size but are scaled to suit the game buildings better. 12 x 13 lot Construction cost 125,000 Maintenance c...
Created by ChiPore
Underpass by Chi Pore...
Unlimited Outside Connections Revisited 1.1
Created by algernon Resurrected! BloodyPenguin's original Unlimited Outside Connections mod is no longer functioning as of the 1.15 (Plazas & Promenades) game update. The changes required to fix this were more than simple tweaks, and this mod h...
Unlimited Trees Mod v1.12
Created by DRen72
UNLIMITED TREES MOD v1.12 Current code by BloodyPenguin and mod site hosted by DRen72 Latest Code Update: May 24, 2018 (Compatible and tested with v1.12.2 and Campus DLC) This mod unlocks the games limitation of 262,144 tree...
Unlock All + Wonders & Landmarks
Created by BloodyPenguin This mod unlocks all from beginning, including all Wonders (a.k.a. Monuments ), Unique Buildings Levels I-VI, European biome Landmarks, (if you have Deluxe Edition) Deluxe Edition Landmarks + DLC specific unique buildings an...
Van - (MB-Sprinter): SIXT
Created by RaverTiger
Van - (MB-Sprinter): SIXT by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Van (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 24 • Cargo Capacity: 3000 • Design: SIXT • original Design:
Vanilla Trees Remover
Created by Katalepsis
Removes vanilla trees from the map, from buildings and from roads. Configurable. Provides options to remove vanilla trees from your game. Use the checkboxes in the options menu to remove vanilla trees from. All options take effect next time you load a save...
Velaro CN - CRH 3C (8Car)
Created by REV0
Chinese High Speed Siemens Velaro is a family of high-speed electric multiple unit trains built by Siemens and used in Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia and Turkey. The Velaro is based on the ICE 3M/F high-...
Truck - (MB-Actros): Post
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (MB-Actros): Post by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 10000 • Design: Post • original:
Truck - (MB-Truck): tof
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (MB-Truck): tof by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 12500 • Design: trans-o-flex • original:
Truck - (Peterbilt-Truck) B&D
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (Peterbilt-Truck) B&D by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 12500 • Design: Black & Decker • original Design: - truck:
Truck - (Scania): Cherry Coke
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (Scania): Cherry Coke by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 12500 • Design: Cherry Coke • original:
Truck - (Scania-G): Scania
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (Scania-G): Scania by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: Scania • original:
Truck - (Scania-R-SL): elf
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (Scania-R-SL): elf by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Oil - Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 12500 • Design: elf • original Design: - truck:
Truck - (US-Truck): Con-way
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (US-Truck): Con-way by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 12500 • Design: Con-way • original Design: - truck:
Truck - (US-Truck): Mobil 1
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (US-Truck): Mobil 1 by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Oil - Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 12500 • Design: Mobil 1 • original:
Created by Reaper
Trump_World_Tower by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 9752 highpoly tex resolution 2048 143 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below pay...
Turning Torso updated for AD
Created by ArakanI
Turning Torso as a unique building....
Two Lane Gravel Alley
Created by CitizenWMustache
A narrower (8m), parkingless version of the vanilla two lane gravel road. Compared to it's relative, it's 20% cheaper and 10% less noisy, but has a maximum speed of 25 instead of 30. Also doesn't accumulate snow on elevated/bridge sections. Network Stats: ...
Ultimate Level Of Detail (ULOD)
Created by boformer
Make use of your graphics card! Configure the LOD distance of trees, props, buildings and networks. Updated for Campus DLC This mod enables you to increase the render distance of detailed tree, prop, building and network models. Take a look at the mod sett...
Truck - (LKW): Haribo
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (LKW): Haribo by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: Haribo ========================================================================== ...
Truck - (LKW): Holsten
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (LKW): Holsten by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: Holsten =========================================================================...
Truck - (LKW): OBI
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (LKW): OBI by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: OBI ========================================================================== Info: ...
Truck - (LKW): REWE
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (LKW): REWE by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: REWE ========================================================================== Info...
Truck - (LKW): Saturn
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (LKW): Saturn by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: Saturn ========================================================================== ...
Truck - (MB-Actros): DB Schenker
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (MB-Actros): DB Schenker by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 10000 • Design: DB Schenker • original:
Truck - (MB-Actros): Eni
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (MB-Actros): Eni by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Oil - Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 12500 • Design: Eni • original Design: - truck:
XCAEC hotel 娱乐会所酒店
Created by XDBX
XCAEC hotel 都市天际线娱乐会所酒店 hotel of XDBX‘s Cities:skyline Asset and entertainment club hotel XCAEC大酒店,让您宾至如归。 本酒店由都市天际线娱乐会所所长亲自设计,裙楼共三层,为综合餐饮区,在裙楼顶部的天台上设有游泳池,其余楼层为客房和办公室,顶楼设有停机坪,并开通直升机接送服务(骗人的没开通)。 本酒店天台游泳池每周举办无上装派对,小朋友不能参加哟(游泳池区以被停业整改) 本酒楼开业大酬宾,所有顾客一律免费(编不下去...
Xi apartment_Growable 4x4
Created by Memories
Xi is the apartment of Korea. Growable 4x4 Level 3 Model Tris 5345 Lod Tris 188 Model Texture 2048x2048 Lod Texture 256x256 After Dark Update! ...
Xiamen International Center (501 Lujiang Ave.)
Created by Vincent
Today I would like to present you with my first Asset in Steam Workshop (and, obviously, first asset for Cities: Skylines). This 340 meters tall skyscraper is the tallest building in my Hometown, the city of Xiamen (or, more widely known as Amoy), and it's...
Created by GCVos
Y not try this tall Y-shaped pillar? Y you do need Boformers awesome Network Skins mod! This pillar is about 64 meters high and intended for highway ramps or small roads. 180 tris base = LOD 1024x512 Diff & Spec 128x64 LOD...
Youth Soccer Stadium
Created by Bfb Da Packman
2,917 Tris / 3.4 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Mini Soccer Field by Tomas13TO Source Collection: Better Soccer Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 2,917/72 Category - Level 2 Unique Size - 4x7 Electricity - 160 KW Construction Cost...
Three-lane JCT No.1
Created by ALICE
Timboh's C/E Cloverstack Interchange
Created by Timboh
I'm back, my fellow road geeks and infrastructure enthusiasts! After spending a week in the fouth ring of Hell we mortals refer to as 'studying', I'm back with more interchanges! Now, for my comeback I thought, why not make it big? How big? Well, as you ca...
Timboh's Clovermill Interchange
Created by Timboh
Clovermill? Cloverleafmill? Windleaf? Two-level Cloverleaf Windmill Hybrid... thingy... Meh, I'll go with Clovermill. It doesn't seem like this interchange has a specific name except being a cloverleaf/windmill hybrid, so I just made one up! These intercha...
Timboh's Diverging Windmill Interchange
Created by Timboh
What started out as a simple merge between the Gothic and Windmill design, became one of the most efficient designs in interchange history... And nobody has even built it yet! Seriously, when I read about this design I was pretty damn impressed with its si...
Created by xave
XAVE PROP Rose Bush by xave Rose bush, with 4 color variations and a 1-1.25 size variation. Model 150 tris Textures 128x128 I have started to replace my previous flora props for new ones that are optimized, and compatible with snowfall. Enjoy!...
Venetian Hotel Tower
Created by KingLeno
Venetian Hotel Tower by KingLeno The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino is a five-diamond luxury hotel and casino resort located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States. It is the second largest hotel resort in the world. (Wikipedia). This was ...
Walkway #5
Created by Tair
Walkway #5 by Tair More Walkway styles to accompany Walkway with Shops and Boardwalk. Hope you like it :) If you feel like it,support me in Thanks!...
Truck - (MB-Actros): MB
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (MB-Actros): MB by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 20 • Cargo Capacity: 8000 • Design: Mercedes Benz • original:
In 1 collection by laz1
25 items