Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Przedmioty (435)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
АТ-Т Тяжолый тягач на базе танка Т-54, Также на базе тягача Инжинерная машина БАТ-М. 1- Бульдозер 2- С закрытым кузовом 3- Лесовоз 4- Бульдозер для уборки снега Года выпуска 1950 - 1979 ---------------------------------------------- AT-T Heavy tractor base...
Балтийский вокзал [Без надписей]/ St. Petersburg-Baltiysky railway station [unmarked]
Балти́йский вокза́л — один из старейших вокзалов Санкт-Петербурга. Современное здание вокзала построено в 1855—1858 годах архитектором А. И. Кракау. Прототипом вокзала послужил Восточный вокзал в Париже. По бокам здания располагались двухэтажные флигели, л...
ГАЗ-13 Чайка (GAZ-13)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Газ-13 Чайка. Членовоз министерского уровня. 7 посадочных мест 6 цветов Выпускался 1959 1981 --------------------- GAZ-13 Seagull (GAZ-13) Gas-13 Seagull. Nomenclature transport ministerial level. 7 seats 6 colors Issued 1959 1981...
Дворец культуры
Дворец был построен в начале 70-х годов для посетителей Припяти и Чернобыльской АЭС. «Энергетик» являлся частью целого комплекса городских центральных зданий, куда входили сам дом культуры, универмаг, гостиница «Полесье», ресторан, кухня для детей, кинотеа...
Баркассы (longboats)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
3 небольших открытых баркаса. 1 для открытых грузов. 2 для ссыпучих грузов. 3 для общих грузов Валюта RUB года выпуска 1941 1973 Инфраструктуру для мелкого водного транспорта позже сделаю. ------------- 3 small open longboats.. 1 for open cargo. 2 for bulk...
Временное жильё (temporary housing)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Сборник малого дешового жилья в виде строительных вагонов и домов на колёсах. Также есть сопуцтвующия инфраструктура. Присуцтвует: 15 видов жилья. Малая пристань для грузов. Малая пассажирская пристань. Кинотеатр. Электрогенератор на бинзине. Полевой медиц...
ГосНИИОХТ (ГНИИ-42) (RSI-42)
Autor: Tesmio
Научно-исследовательский институт химической промышленности. (секретное обозначение ГНИИ-42). Начиная с 1970-х годов разрабатывал химическое оружие массового поражения. На данный момент в России называется ФГУП "ГосНИИОХТ" - государственный научно-исследов...
Деревня | Village
Autor: dimndroll
RUS Для тружеников села в первом выпуске "Сельской жизни" представлена традиционная русская деревня. Это 64 уникальных дома: 16 отдельных участков и 16 сельских улиц, по 3 участка. Дома относительно уютные, качество жилья — 55-65%. Для строительства нужны ...
Жилой дом в стиле 'Сталинский ампир' / Stalin Empire style house
Ста́линская архитекту́ра — обобщающий термин для архитектуры в СССР, начиная с начала 1930-х годов (конкурса Дворца Советов) до середины 1950-х, представляющей собой характерное узнаваемое сочетание нескольких архитектурных стилей и отличающейся от предшес...
Заводоуправление и четыре новых цеха ЗТМ
Autor: Tesmio
Сразу четыре новых типовых промышленных здания из комплекта завода тяжелого машиностроения. - Центральная заводская лаборатория(химический завод небольшой производительности) - Сборочный цех(автозавод) - Гальванический цех(завод электроники) - Электромехан...
Запорожець ЗАЗ - 968 (ZAZ - 968)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1971 -1979...
Железоплавильный цех
Autor: Tesmio
Это второе здания из комплекса завода тяжелого машиностроения. Завод по переплавке железной руды в железо. Завозить можно непосредственно поездами - есть два пути, либо конвеерами со складов. Рабочие: 180 Вместимость 100 тонн. Комплекс зданий ЗТМ (завода т...
Autor: Mauser_NATO
ЗИМ или ГАЗ-12 Членовоз Есть13 расцветок 2 варианта Личный транспорт Скорая помощь Вместимость 6 чел. Года выпуска 1949 - 1962 ------------------- ZIM or GAZ-12 Member carrier There are 13 colors 2 options Personal transport Ambulance Capacity 6 people Yea...
КРАЗ 260 (KRAZ 260)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Украинский многоцелевой тяжелый грузовик двойного назначения Кременчугского автозавода. Выпускался с 1979 по 1993 Представленно 15 вариантов грузовиков: 3 - Закрытый кузов. 4 - Открытый кузов. 2 - Автоцистерны. 1 - Цементовоз 1 - Лесовоз 1 - Бетономешалка....
Катер (Passenger boat)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
1960 - 1997 RUB...
Каменная шахта с дробильной установкой (Big Gravel Mine )
Autor: Tesmio
Stone mine with built-in crushing apparatus. At the exit, you immediately get gravel. Included in the ZTM complex. 100 Workers Productivity 13 tonn\day Excavators 3 things ------------------------ Каменная шахта с встроенным дробительным аппаратом. На выхо...
Kolhoz Market / Колхозный Рынок
Autor: Benser
Крытый рынок по мотивам Житнего рынка в г. Киев Update 23/08/2020, fix construction Covered market based in Kyiv , Ukraine. $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE 2.5 Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
ЛуАЗ-969М (LuAZ-969M)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
ЛуАЗ-969М "Волинянка" Лёгкий многоцелевой внедорожник. Есть 8 разновидностей: 1,2,3 - Пассажирские версии. 4 - Самосвал. 5 - Открытый кузов. 6 - Закрытый кузов. 7 - Автоцистерна. 8 - Бетономешалка. 16 расцветок. Года произвоцтва: 1972 - 2002 --------------...
НИИММ и НИИТМ (Medical and Technical University)
Autor: Tesmio
Support me: Два новых здания университетов: технического(НИИТМ) и медицинского(НИИММ). НИИ точного машиностроения занимается разработками современных высокоточных лазерных систем. НИИ Молекулярной Медицины занимается разработк...
Кузнечно-прессовый цех
Autor: Tesmio
Первое здание из нескольких цехов завода тяжелого машиностроения. Это сталелитейный цех. Работает в принципе как обычный сталелитейный завод, только чуть с меньшей производительностью. Не бывает таких заводов, чтобы все делалось в одном цехе! Рабочие: 200 ...
Малое торговое судно (small merchant ship)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Валюта RUB Года выпуска 1960 - 1987 --------------- Currency RUB Year of release of 1960 - 1987...
Машиностроительный цех
Autor: Tesmio
Третий цех из комплекта "Завод Тяжелого Машиностроения". Собственно это - головной цех производства. На входе сталь, на выходе высокотехнологичные механические детали для вашей республики! Внимание! Это вам не лопатой махать! Для точной работы станков треб...
МАЗ-537 (MAZ-537)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Четырёхосный седельный тягач разработки Минского автомобильного завода. 1 - МАЗ_537 с ТЗ-60 2 - МАЗ-537 с ЧМЗАП-5247М Года выпуска 1959—1989 3 цвета ------------ Four-axle truck tractor developed by the Minsk Automobile Plant. 1 - MAZ_537 with TZ-60 2 - MA...
Autor: Tesmio
Support me: Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени НИИ радиоприборостроения (НИИРП) — советский институт, расположенный в городе Химках. На данный момент, как и многие другие НИИ бывшего СССР, заброшен и разграблен. Разрабатывал си...
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
Autor: dimndroll
RUS Районная поликлиника – медицинское учреждение для оказания амбулаторной помощи больным на приёме. Поэтому службы «скорой помощи» здесь нет. Пациенты добираются на приём пешком или на общественном транспорте. Персонал: 10 Врачи: 30 Максимальное число па...
Полустанок (Rail station 1 track)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Простой пассажирский малый полустанок. Тут основной мод Here is the main mod ...
Почтовое отделение | Post office
Autor: dimndroll
RUS Теперь для граждан республики доступна почта (в комплекте киоск “Союзпечать” и старый советский уличный телефон). Поскольку в игре нет почтовой инфраструктуры, это здание работает как кинотеатр. Сотрудники: 30 Посетители: 68 В качестве бонуса киоск “Со...
НПП "Оргсинтез"
Autor: Tesmio
На сей раз это выдуманное здание невыдуманного института, построенно в духе позднесоветского модернизма. (научно-производственное предприятие) НПП "Оргсинтез" - занимается экспериментальными разработками и способами их внедрения в нефтехимическую промышлен...
НПП Пульсар (Pulsar - Electrodetail Factory)
Autor: Tesmio
Support me: НПП "Пульсар" – научно-производственный центр, специализирующийся на производстве изделий СВЧ-электроники на основе кремния, кремний-германия и широкозонных полупроводниковых материалов. НПП «Пульсар» основан в 195...
Простой баркас.
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Была моделька баркаса. Вот решил попробывать сделать мод с водным транспортом. грузовой баркас. Года выпуска 1951 - 1977...
СОВХОЗ / Real soviet farm
Autor: Benser
СОВХОЗ / FARM Новый Совхоз в советсом стиле. Техника - 18 мест Хранилище - 350 т New Farm in real soviet style. $WORKING_VEHICLES_NEEDED 18 $STORAGE_EXPORT RESOURCE_TRANSPORT_COVERED 350 26/12/2020 add version without rail and with 12 vehicles Другие мои р...
СМЗ С-3а (SMZ S-3a)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
СМЗ С-3а "Маргуновка" Двухместный четырёхколёсный автомобиль-мотоколяска. Предназначался для инвалидов. 15 Цветов Года выпуска 1958 по 1970 ------------------------- SMZ S-3a "Margunovka" Double four-wheel car-stroller. Intended for disabled people. 15 Col...
Склады ЗТМ
Autor: Tesmio
Склады в стиле зданий ЗТМ четырех видов для стройматериалов и ценных предметов. - Склад стройматериалов на 2000 тонн. - Производственный склад на 2000 тонн. - Склад стройматериалов на 4000 тонн. - Производственный склад на 4000 тонн. Warehouses in the styl...
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 1
Autor: Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Это 1я часть Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" Part 1 PART 2
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 2
Autor: Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" PART 1
Серия 121 60 25 В
Серия 121-60-25 – крупнопанельные дома, распространенные в городах, строившихся в качестве обеспечения жилой инфраструктуры крупных энергетических объектов (ГЭС, ГРЭС, АЭС). Дома имеют специфический внешний вид, в связи с крестообразной планировкой этажа. ...
Distillery / Спирткомбинат
Autor: Benser
Лохвицкий спиртовой комбинат (ЛСК) — предприятие спиртовой промышленности в городе Заводское Полтавской области Украина. Производил спирт, ликеро-водочную продукцию и биотопливо. Lokhvitsky alcohol plant is a factory of the alcohol industry in Zavodske tow...
Стела ЧАЭС им В.И.Ленина
Стела ЧАЭС им В.И.Ленина.может использоваться как церковь. The stela of the Chernobyl NPP named after V.I. Lenin can be used as a church....
Стела универсальная | Stela universal
Autor: Podolskiy
Стела универсальная Подходит для названия города, производства и т.д. Находится в разделе: монумент. ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 21.12.2020 - Добавлены 4 маленькие стелы. Другие мои работы:
Таврія ЗАЗ - 1102 (ZAZ - 1102)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1988 - 1997...
Спорт | Sport
Autor: Podolskiy
Стадион 1 Рабочих - 10 Посетителей - 120 Стадион 2 (2 версии) Рабочих - 15 Посетителей - 210 Баскетбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 24 Волейбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 18 Футбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих...
Autor: Tesmio
Теплоэлектроцентраль (ТЭЦ) — разновидность тепловой электростанции, которая не только производит электроэнергию, но и является источником тепловой энергии в централизованных системах теплоснабжения (в виде пара и горячей воды, в том числе и для обеспечения...
УАЗ - 452 (UAZ - 452)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
УАЗ 452 Буханка Грузовой вариант Автобус Личный транспорт Амбулатория 22 расцветки Параметры: Буханка Скорость: Буханка! Вместимость - Буханка!!!! Грузоподьёмность - БУХАНКА!!! Прочее: БУХАНКААА!!!! Года производства: 1965 - тепловая смерть вселенной ...
Autor: Benser
Универмаг / Store Оригинальная модель/model from: 17.09. update textures $WORKERS_NEEDED 25 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 12 $STORAGE_DEMAND_ADVANCED RESOURCE_TRANSPOR...
Угольная & Железная шахты ЗТМ
Autor: Tesmio
Современные добывающе-обогатительные комплексы завода тяжелого машиностроения теперь доступны для вас! Продолжайте строить ваш завод в едином стиле! Современное оборудование позволяет работать большему числу рабочих с увеличенной производительностью труда!...
ЦНИГРИ (RM RSI - Techical University)
Autor: Tesmio
Support me: Центральный научно-исследовательский геологоразведочный институт цветных и благородных металлов (ЦНИГРИ) основан в 1935 году в целях обеспечения выполнения планов золотодобычи в стране. Основные задачи института св...
УАЗ - 469 (UAZ - 469)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
УАЗ - 469 Бобик. 2 варианта 13 расцветок 7 посадочных мест. Производился 1972 - 2003...
Углеочистный цех
Autor: Tesmio
Это четвертый цех из комплекса завода тяжелого машиностроения. Завод по очистки угольной руды от шлаков. Завозить либо непосредственно поездами - есть два пути, либо конвеерами со складов. Рабочие: 180 Вместимость 100 тонн. Комплекс зданий ЗТМ (завода тяже...
ШАХТЫ (Mine)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Шахты и сопутствующие объекты. Буду сюда кидать сюда здания горной промышленности когда они будут готовы. Mines and related facilities. I’ll throw here mining buildings when they are ready....
1-201 series
Autor: NightWarrior
SERIES 1-201 VERSIONS OF 1950. The prerequisites for mass model housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of the decree of the Government and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on streamlining and reduc...
1-201 series (original cany)
Autor: Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original cany) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Pa...
1-201 series (original silver)
Autor: Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original silver) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist ...
ЭЭГУСЭ им. Тесла
Autor: Tesmio
ЭЭГУСЭ им. Тесла - Экспериментальная электрогенерирующая установка свободной энергии. Представляет собой реворк оригинального строения. Так как просто свободная энергия - это читерство, я решил немного переработать конфиг и добавить реализма. Представим чт...
1-201 series (original pink peach)
Autor: Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original pink peach) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Commun...
1-201 series (original cerulean blue)
Autor: Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSIONS 1950 (original cerulean blue) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Co...
15 Story Panel Apartments
Inspired by buildings from Sovkhoz imeni Lenina, Moscow Oblast. Available in 3 colours. Capicity 180 Quality 87%...
Aleutian Republic
Autor: Alexander
Welcome to the Mountainous Ranges of Aleutian Republic! This is a challenging beautiful map with limited land. Think tall or save money on land reclamation to expand your major city. The map has some basic infrastructure and mud serpentine roads to connect...
AP 5 (53213)
Autor: vinnikandry
Autor: Staines
Republic of Asenski - No Population A rugged island in the Black Sea. Terrain based on Ascension Island....
Automatic bread factory
Autor: MTandi
Automatic bread factory inspired by the Mechanized Bakery #9 in Moscow. Built in 1933 and was capable of producing 190 tons of bread per day (it's only 40 tons in-game). Very expensive to build (needs a lot of mechanical and electric components), but has a...
Bacan Islands
Autor: dayzru
Bacan Islands. - Hard map. - Challenging landscape. - Ready for ships. 2.0 update: - Heightmap redesigned in different scale. - More water for ships. Less land. Ships can go around Islands. - More stone. - Better resources spread (more balanced way). - Add...
Bagger 288 Bucket wheel excavator (Building)
Autor: βlu∃_βrO
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not on the beta test branch, the niamtion will be twitchy and after a few degrees of rotation, the arm will snap back to start. This is fixed in the new version, so please be patient until this fix comes to the stable release. Thank...
Assorted parking (dirt, gravel, etc.)
Autor: Comrade Sky
This is a pack of alternative parking lots: dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prefab hexagons. This pack includes 12 lots: - 6x dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prafab parking lots - 16x dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prafab parking lots - 30x gravel, cobblesto...
Baltic Coast Islands
This map represents the terrain of the forested baltic islands off the coast of Estonia and Finland. The extremely flat pine forests of the Baltic states meets the rocky coast of the shallow seas. This area is extremely poor in mineral resources, but the f...
Beaver Island Republic
Autor: Alexander
Welcome to the Beaver Island Republic. Another fictional hand crafted map with it's own little story. It is small isolated land. Partly colonised in the past by an imperial benefactor in the 19th century. Colonial port town of Rostko was established as a f...
Autor: frostsey
rural grocery store of the 1950s...
Automobile troops of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Part 1
Autor: Salty
The mod includes samples of automotive, construction, and special equipment that were in service with the Soviet Army. Thank you to everyone who points out the shortcomings and flaws in the mod's work. Together, we will make the mod even better. Peace to a...
Autor: frostsey
In the USSR, temporary barracks were one of the main types of workers ' housing until the mass housing construction of individual apartments began in the 1960s....
Autor: vinnikandry
Serial production of BelAZ 540 was launched at the end of 1965. The main feature of the car is the ability to transport up to 27 tons of cargo (or 15 m3)....
Big fire station
Autor: robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 7 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Big kindergarten (80s)
Autor: robs074 Big kindergartens based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. They employ 22-27 workers and serve about 220-270 children. Duże przedszkola wzorowane na ...
Big school (80s)
Autor: robs074 School from the 80s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers with basic education and 45 teachers. Educates about 540 pupils. The ...
Black Sea Coast
A map made using a 1:1 heightmap from a section of the Abkhazia coastal region of the Black Sea. The map has only 2 customs connections and contains no housing or roads. Coal, Iron and Uranium can be found in the mountains and Oil is spread around the coas...
Big clinic
Autor: robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
BMW Isetta
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Самый успешный послевоенный автомобиль малого класса. Выпускался с 1955 по 1962 Есть 20 Расцветок. Валюта USD. ----------------------------------------------------- The most successful post-war small car. Produced from 1955 to 1962 There are 20 Colors. Cur...
BMW Neue Klasse
Autor: Mauser_NATO
1962 - 1975 15 Color USD...
Bornholm SSR (populated)
Autor: Mogk
An island map based on the danish island of Bornholm. Updated with bauxite. Link to Uninhabited version The Island: There are no custom houses on the map (its an island.). However you start ...
Brick house 9
Autor: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 180 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 180 robotników, ...
Brick houses 4
Autor: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 180-200 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 70%-80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 180-200...
Brick house 7
Autor: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 150 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 150 robotników, w...
Brick houses 2
Autor: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 45-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 45-125 robot...
Brick house 5
Autor: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 45 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 45 robotników, wzo...
Brick house 6
Autor: robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 90 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 90 robotników, wzo...
Brick houses 10
Autor: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 20-60 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczący 20-60 robotni...
Brick houses 1
Autor: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 40-80 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 40-80 robotni...
Brick houses 3
Autor: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 100-250 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 100-250 rob...
Brick houses 8
Autor: robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 50-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 50-125 robot...
Brick Flats
A collection of brick flats in 5 different styles. Available in 3, 4 and 5 stories with single and double length units. 30 buildings in total, ranging from 48-160 capacity....
Bucket Dredger
Autor: βlu∃_βrO
Instructional video on placement provided. Today I present to you a Bucket Dredger. An excavation boat meants for gravel mining in shallow waters. In game version, it acts as a factory, where you send fuel to power the boat and get gravel out of it. It con...
Buick Electra 225 (1959)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Представительский автомобиль конца 50 х. 3 Варианта кузова: Седан. Универсал. Скорая. 20 Расцветок Года выпуска 1959 - 1964 Валюта USD. -------------------------------------------- Executive car of the late 50s. 3 body options: Sedan. Station wagon. Ambula...
Bus stop
Pripyat. The central part of the colonnade in the town square....
Rural Bus station
Autor: Benser
Автостанция Модель основана на реальном здании в городе Заводское, Полтавская обл, Украина. 07.02.2021 полностью обновленный мод автостанции: 1. почти полностью решена проблема с травой (немного все еще растет) 2. добавил неблокирующиеся станции и теперь и...
Autor: Benser
Автобусная остановка с мозаикой. Busstop mosaic. 12.10.2021 добавил одностороннюю остановку (add version of one way busstop ) Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Autor: Nyxyx
A Custom, totally fictional TV tower for your republic. Requires 80 workers + 27 Professionals....
Car dealer PACK
Autor: Benser
Магазин "Автомобили" Модель основана на реальном здании. 17.01.2021 обновил мод, немного исправил скрипт и размеры модели. Теперь в моде 3 автомагазина: 1. Магазин "Автомобілі" (назва Українською мовою) 2. Магазин "Автомобили" (название на русском языке, к...
CAT Pack
Autor: KsenoN
Caterpillar Inc. «Ка́терпиллар» — одна из ведущих корпораций по производству крупнейшей спецтехники в мире. В данном моде присутсвует техника CAT: автогрейдер, погрузчик и каток. Caterpillar Inc. Caterpillar is one of the leading corporations for the produ...
Calvert Island
Autor: Alexander
Your very own republic gained this island land far in the northern hemisphere. This Island based on Calvert Island. It was being flipped to have more interesting terrain. It is a challenging play as you have only 2 road custom connections. No Rail connecti...
Caucasian Highlands
This map represents the terrain of the Caucasian coastal highlands, in Georgia, Abkhazia and Southern Russia. This area is potentially one of the richest republics in our great union, comrade. The Black Sea coast offers trading ports with our friends in th...
Central Asian Steppe
This map represents the terrain types found in Central Asian Soviet Republics like Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Straddling the Caspian Sea Coast, your republic sits on three major trading ports and a vast inland steppe landscape. While rich in oil thanks to ...
Charcoal Kilns
Small charcoal kilns which produce coal from wood. Up to 20 staff. 10t of wood > 5t of coal. No heating requirement for Winter....
Zastava 750
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Простой Сербский легковой автомобиль. Выпускался с 1955 по 1985 15 цветов Валюта RUB ------------------------------- Simple Serbian passenger car. Produced from 1955 to 1985 15 colors Currency RUB...
Zastava 1300
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Yugoslavian version of Fiat 1300. 2 body options: sedan and station wagon. There will also be a police version Year of issue 1961 1966 15 Colors. Currency RUB....
Wood Heat Plant
Autor: Benco54
This is the wood heat plant which is based on the original one in Zurich, Switzerland. here are some facts about the work: Wood is considered a non-fossil, climate-neutral raw material and only releases as much CO2 as it previously bound. This means that t...
Wonsan-Hamhung-eko Herri Errepublika Demokratikoa / People's Democratic Republic of Wonsan-Hamhung (empty)
Autor: Prezlasky
Ongi Etorri Korea Hoberenera! Benetazko Ipar Korearen ekialdeko kostaldea, bere kokapenen izen zehatzekin. Gozatu bere lurzoru emankorraz eta mineralez beteriko mendikateekin! Orain uranioarekin! Japoniar jazarpenaren garaiko azpiegiturekin. Industrializat...
Wind turbine
Autor: Nyxyx
Wind Turbines! Generate small amounts of power with the energy of the wind; Now with a medium on-shore unit for 1995+. UPDATE: Added Medium Wind Turbine; tweaked values again. Small Turbine stats: (1980) About 4,200P, $5,300 Produces 14MWh per workday. Med...
Checker Marathon
Autor: Mauser_NATO
The yellow king of transportation. It is presented in two versions: Sedan, Universal. 2- Passenger versions 1- Ambulance 2- Police Produced from 1961 to 1982 20 Colors Currency USD....
Chevrolet 6400 COE (1954)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Лёгкий грузовик с коротким капотом. Хорошая машина для городских перевозок. Главное если вы встретите на дороге ржавый грузовик с кунгом , не вкоем случае не читайте его номер. Есть 9 вариантов грузовика: 2 - Открытый кузов. 2 - Закрытый кузов. 1 - Самосва...
Chevrolet Apache (1958)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Пикап в 4х вариантах кузова. Все пассажирские. 15 цветов. Года выпуска 1958-1961. Валюта USD. ------------------------------------------ Pickup in 4 body styles. All passenger. 15 colors. Year of issue 1958-1961. Currency USD....
Chevrolet Bel Air 1957
Autor: Mauser_NATO
17 Расцветок Валюта USD Года выпуска 1957 - 1962 ----------------- 17 colors USD currency Year of production 1957 - 1962...
White Freightliner WF8164T (1962)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Что сказать. Хороший грузовик для хорошего дальнобойщика. Такие варианты: 2 - Закрытых кузова 3 - Открытых кузова 1 - Рефрежиратор 1 - Самосвал 1 - Бетономешалка. 1 - Автоцистерна. Выпускался с 1962 по 1970 20 Цветов. Валюта USD. --------------------------...
Volkswagen Crafter
Volkswagen Crafter — серия легких коммерческих автомобилей, включающая цельнометаллический фургон, микроавтобус и бортовой грузовик (шасси с кабиной), выпускаемый компанией Volkswagen. Первое поколение Crafter было построено на базе второго поколения Merce...
VZ 2121
Autor: MC Bonito
RUB 1977-present Max speed: 132 km/h Cood Lada for good lads...
Chevrolet BLAZER k5
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Шевроле Блезер К5 Внедорожник второго поколения. Производился с 1973 по 1991 год. Присутствует 4 варианта кузова и 20 вариантов раскраски. Валюта USD. ----------------------------- Chevrolet blazer k5 Off-road vehicle of the second generation. Produced fro...
Chevrolet Impala (1959)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
1959 - 1962 20 Color USD...
Chevrolet Impala (1983)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Chevrolet Impala (1983) 12 color USD 1977 - 1985...
Chevrolet Niva
The Lada Niva Travel is a Mini sport utility vehicle (SUV) produced since 1998 by the AvtoVAZ Group. Originally called the VAZ-2123 (1998–2002), the SUV was marketed as the Chevrolet Niva from 2003 to 2020, when AvtoVAZ (the parent company of the Lada bran...
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Pickup from 60s 3 Types of Passenger Pickups 1 Passenger wagon 1 Pickup Covered 1 Police wagon 1960 - 1966 20 colors Currency USD...
Cinema Sputnik
Autor: Benser
Кинотеатр ангарного типа “Спутник” был построен в Тастаке (Казахстан) на месте старой церкви. Затем в этом здании разместилась 11-ая городская библиотека. Сейчас здесь находится Евангельский центр. The hangar-type cinema "Sputnik" was built in Tastak (Kaza...
Cinema Kosmos
Autor: robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base score...
Church (80s)
Autor: robs074 Church from the 80s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Serves 100 believers. Kościół z lat 80. wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Obs...
Chicken Farms
2 small chicken farms, mirrored for easy connection. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Requires up to 20 workers. In the mod category Factories. No heating requirement...
Citroen 2 CV
Autor: Mauser_NATO
12 Color 1948 - 1990...
Citroen Type H
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Французский культовый транспорт на уровне с Citroen 2 CV или Citroen DS ( обе машины есть у меня в мастерской ) Данный грузовик производился почти без изменений с 1947 по 1981 годы. Присуцтвуют варианты: 4 Пассажирских. 2 Закрытый кузов. 1 Открытый кузов. ...
City hall
Autor: robs074 City hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 100 workers. Urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 100 praco...
Citroen DS
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Ситроен ДС. Культовый французкий автомобиль. Года выпуска 1955 - 1975 20 Цветов. Валюта USD. ---------------------------------- Citroen DS. Iconic French car. Years of issue 1955 - 1975 20 Colors. Currency USD....
Concrete Plant (Brickstone)
Autor: KArantukki
Concrete plant made of brickstone and steel - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 5 workers...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
Conveyor towers
Autor: MTandi
An alternative to the standard conveyor engine that makes your conveyor spaghetti better organized. Differences: - All conveyor attachments are elevated - Has 2 footpath connections that can be used instead of road connection after construction is complete...
Daihatsu Midget MP-2
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Японский культовый трёхколёсный микро-грузовик. 3 - Пассажирские версии. 2 - Закрытый кузов. Выпускался 1959 1971. 15 Цветов Валюта USD -------------------------------- Japanese iconic three-wheeled micro-truck. 3 - Passenger. 2 - Covered. Produced in 1959...
Autor: Søgaard
This is a map that contains a large flat area with a river that splits in two and a swamp like area. The map also contains some big majestic mountains with a large lake that has access to the border so you can use ships. this is the second map i have made,...
Derevo Druzhby Narodov
Located in the southern part of the hostel microdistrict...
Dizel elektro stanciay
Autor: paster88
Дизель электро станция diesel power plant...
TrainStation 4 lines Medium Size , 3000 pass ...
Vladivostok (Владивосток) 0.1b
Владивосто́к — город и порт на Дальнем Востоке России. Политический, культурный, научно-образовательный и экономический центр региона. Административный центр Приморского края и Владивостокского городского округа. Расположен на полуострове Муравьёва-Амурско...
Vegetable Gardens / Oгород
Autor: EZ88
In Soviet times, a large portion of food was grown by the people themselves at their seasonal home(also called a dacha) or at their vegetable garden. Here you have three different aesthetic options, where your workers can grow food in exchange for wood. Do...
Lada Samara II
The VAZ-2108, known as the Lada Samara in much of Western Europe (codenamed and later officially badged as the Lada Sputnik in its native Russia), is a series of small family cars produced by Soviet/Russian vehicle manufacturer AvtoVAZ under the Lada brand...
VAZ-2105 "Zhiguli" (LADA 2105 — is a Soviet and Russian small class car produced by the Volga Automobile Plant from 1980 to 2010. The second generation of the factory "classics", a deeply modernized first model. The founder of a new family, which in 1982 a...
VAZ-2104 "Zhiguli" (LADA 2104 — is a Soviet and Russian rear-wheel drive car of the III group of small class with a station wagon body. Developed at the Volga Automobile Plant. It was produced from July 2, 1984 to September 17, 2012. Year of issue: 1984 – ...
Dodge A 100
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Было , вот сделал. 4 варианта модели. Из них: 3 Пассажирские 1 Закрытый кузов 1 Амбулатория Выпуск 1964 - 1970 20 Цветов Валюта USD --------------------- It was, here it was. 4 model options. Of them: 3 Passenger 1 Covered 1 Ambulatory Issue 1964 - 1970 20...
DODGE Diplomat
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Хорощая машина для вашей полиции. 3 варианта автомобиля. -Седан -Универсал -Полицейская ( как добавят в игру добавлю ) Выпускался 1977 - 1988 20 цветов. Валюта USD. --------------------------------------------- Nice car for your police. 3 car options. -Sed...
Dodge Monaco (1974)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Dodge Monaco of the third generation. Favorite transport of American police. 1 - Civil version 2 - Police version 20 colors Years of issue 1974 - 1977 Currency USD....
Dodge Palara - 1971
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Dodge Palara - 1971 Currency USD 20 Color 1971 - 1975...
DODGE Tradesman VAN (1971)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
First generation minibus from Dodge. Produced from 1971 to 1978. 8 options: 1 - Passenger. 1 - Open. 2 - Covered. 1 - Refrigerator. 2 - Ambulance. 1 - Police 1 - Police bus 20 colors. Currency USD....
Autor: vinnikandry
DZ 143
Autor: vinnikandry
Elektro razvetvitel eletric_switch
Autor: paster88
Электро разветвитель низковольтый eletric switch работает как тройник...
Eternal flame
Вечный огонь — постоянно горящий огонь, символически знаменующий собой торжественную память народа о павших героях, борцах за свободу, за честь Родины. Eternal flame-a constantly burning fire, symbolically marking the solemn memory of the people of the fal...
Extra Large Grain Elevator
Autor: Pyro
An even larger grain elevator built from prefab panels. It stores 48,000 tons of grain. Check out my smaller grain elevator here https://steamcommunity...
Extra-Long Vehicle Depot
Autor: Fiend
My original long vehicle depot was meant to be this, but the game didn't support more than 8 parking spaces. Now that the game has been updated, I can release this one. Space for 16 vehicles. Update: Added a distribution office version. Also changed the fe...
Farm Assets
A collection of small decorative items for your farming areas. Pack includes: Wooden Cart Grain Silo Old Barn 2 Windmills Fences 10m, 20m, 40m Fences with gates 10m, 20m, 40m All these are coded as monuments and serve no purpose other than purely for aesth...
Autor: SerpPort
Tweaked deforestation a bit so that in the wild you can do it the same way. Removed the asphalt area. I also updated those buildings that were previously added. Still, the mod has not been updated for a long time. ------------------------------------------...
Fire station
Autor: robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 5 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Fish Farm
Fish Farm. Produces a small amount of meat in return for supplies of grain (to feed the fish) and wood (fuel for the smoker). Must be partially placed over the water (the side with the blue dots). Pre-levelling is definitely recommended as they can be a qu...
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Была модель Американского локомотива и грузового вагона середины 50х Локомотив 1953 -1967 6 Цветов. Валюта USD Крытый вагон грузовой 1953 1986 3 цвета Валюта USD ----------------------------------- There was a model of an American locomotive and a freight ...
Fishing Lighthouse (Old)
Autor: Nyxyx
Fish industry: requires the lighthouse to be staffed, and ships to pick up the fish. This version is unmodernised, and requires external power. -By Nyxyx...
Fixed playgrounds
Autor: MTandi
The game has an issue with buildings that have only 1 worker. This issue makes citizens complain about sports even when you have playgrounds everywhere. Issue reason: New workers won't come until the previous worker leaves, which means that the building wi...
Football Stadiums
A medium sized football stadium in a choice of 4 colour options. 30 staff - up to 600 visitors. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here -
FORD Anglia 105E
Autor: Mauser_NATO
ФОРД Англия 105е Микролитражный легковой автомобиль британского филиала фирмы FORD. Хорошая модель для молодого рабочего или Колдуна. Топлива потребляет мало, маны тоже. Года выпуска 1959 — 1967 20 расцветок. Валюта USD. -----------------------------------...
FORD Corcel
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Бразильский форд первого поколения. 2 версии: двухдверный седан и универсал. Года выпуска 1968 - 1977 15 цветов. Валюта USD. ------------------------ First generation Brazilian Ford. 2 versions: two-door sedan and station wagon. Years of issue 1968 - 1977 ...
FORD Coupe 1940
Autor: Mauser_NATO
1940 - 1962 15 Color USD...
FORD Crown Victoria 1987
Autor: Mauser_NATO
FORD Crown Victoria 1987 COST USD 11 Color PASSANGER 5 1981 1991...
FORD E-150 (1975)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
5 Типов: 1. Личный транспорт. 2. Грузовой фургон. 3. Грузовой треллер. 4. Открытый кузов 5. Рефрежиратор. 20 цветов. Валюта USD Года выпуска 1975-1991 --------------------------------------------- 5 Types: 1. Personal transportation. 2. Cargo van. 3. Cargo...
FORD f-350 (1971)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
FORD f-350 (1971) FORD f-350 1971 года 4 типа: 1 - Пассажирский 3 места. 2 - Закрытый кузов. 3 - Открытый кузов. 4 - Снегоуборщик. 20 Цветов. Выпускался 1971 1979 Валюта USD --------------------- FORD f-350 1971 4 types: 1 - Passenger 3 places. 2 - RESOURC...
FORD Mainline (1952)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Not a bad car for the mid 50s. Model 1952 - 1954 introduced. Two body options: sedan and unvirsal. 20 coloring options. There is also an outpatient version and a police one. Years of issue 1952 - 1962 Currency USD...
FORD Pinto
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Микролитражный автомобиль фирмы Форд, будучи ответом на заполонивший рынок США малолитражок из европы и японии. Автомобиль всё-же занял свою нишу на рынке , и получил прозвище "Мустанг для бедных" Представленно 2 варианта: Купе и Универсал. Выпускалася мод...
Forklift Garage
Forklift garage for 8 vehicles and a separate parking space for fuel deliveries. At the moment the garage menu only displays 4 vehicles, although 8 work fine without any issues. I have contacted the dev's and they are going to get it fixed soon....
Forklift garage S + XL
Autor: Lac_M
Small forklift garage for 2 forklifts forklift garage from game after reduction diet. And extra large for 8 forklifts...
Forklift Road Crossing
You can now cross the road with your forklift connections, allowing for much better planning. Vehicle clipping will occur, this I can't change. Rail crossing available here -
From Russia with Love - export.
Autor: Salty
The mod allows your republic to establish the production and export of automotive, construction, and special equipment from the modification packages: "Military Construction Detachments of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR" and "Automobile Troops of the ...
Gangchon Province
Autor: rainau
Gangchon is a province in the Baljeongu District of the People's Republic of Kechuaju. The indigenous Quechua people had historically lived along the mountain range that divides the province into two, but were forcibly relocated following Imperial Jeongmia...
Garage Cooperative
Autor: Holodets
Garage for 32 seats. Occupies an area less than 3 storey garage Parking lot...
Autor: BORO
Гаражи для личного транспорта. На 8, 16 и 32 машины. Тип здания – стоянка Garages for personal vehicles. On 8, 16 and 32 cars. Type of building - parking Дорога транзитная. При большом трафике машин, могут появиться пробки на дороге. The road is transit. W...
GAZ 69
Autor: KsenoN
ГАЗ-69 — советский автомобиль повышенной проходимости. Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 90 км/ч Мощность - 38 кВТ Пассажировместимость - 4 чел. Года - 1952 1972 GAZ-69 - Soviet off-road vehicle. Main characteristics: Maximum speed - 90 km /...
Next — это флагманское поколение автомобильной техники «Группы ГАЗ». Основной принцип этой линейки - модульная конструкция кузова. Одним из примеров такой унификации стал автобус «Вектор NEXT», который был разработан на основе шасси «ГАЗон NEXT». Год выпус...
Geothermal heating and power plants
Autor: Comrade Sky
Now you, comrade, can access energy life has used since the beginning. Volcanic vents may have spawned life billions of years ago, but now it can keep the proletariat warm and the lights on in the factories. Geothermal energy is gaining popularity because ...
GMC 1400 (1954)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Есть 7 типов транспорта: 1 - Гражданский пикап. 2 - Гражданский пикап 2 версия 3 - Пикап для крытых грузов. 4 - Цистерна для житких грузов. 5 - Кузов для крытых грузов. 6 - Кузов для открытых грузов. 7 - Рефрежиратор. 20 цветов Валюта USD 1954 1964 -------...
Gradski Stadion
Autor: Benco54
the Gradski football stadium holds almost 13,000 people. It has a conventional floodlight system and a well-designed cloakroom for the club's respectable players. There are 4 grandstands, one of which is the main grandstand, hard to miss! The stadium has a...
Gran Canaria
Autor: Henning
Gran Canaria without population....
Hardau Commercial Pack
Autor: Benco54
The Hardau Commercial Pack is the addition to my other mod hardau pack. It contains: 2 gas stations ( 1 is one way) ) 2 shops 1 hospital 1 school Disclaimer: Parts of the in-game models and textures created by the game developers Google Maps Link for the o...
Hardau Pack
Autor: Benco54
The Hardau building pack include the 4 High-rise buildings from Zürich, named Hardau building. You have all 4 original size buildings in this pack. Additional i made an extended version with 187m hight (inclusiv antenna) for tall building lovers. Its one o...
Hardau Pack II
Autor: Benco54
Hardau Pack II Living Buildings: Hardau Y-1: 35m hight / 218 residents Hardau Y-2:65m hight / 398 residents Hardau Y-3: 95m hight / 563 residents Hardau Y-4: 125m hight / 697 residents Hardau Y-5: 155m hight / 766 residents Hardau Y-6: 219m hight / 1152 re...
Heat exchanger
Autor: robs074 Heat exchanger based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes two variants: with a pedestrian connection and with a road one. Capacity: 300 m3. W...
Heating Plants
A collection of small heating plants. Available in 4 sizes: X Small - 4 staff - 12 Gj of heat - 60m3 - No Pipes Small - 6 staff - 24 Gj of heat - 120m3 - No Pipes Medium - 8 staff - 40 Gj of heat - 200m3 - 2 Small Pipes Large - 10 staff - 70 Gj of heat - 3...
Hindustan Ambassador mk2
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Индийский народный автомобиль, вместе с песнями и танцами. Представлена модель второго поколения. Года выпуска 1963 - 1975 15 цветов. Валюта USD. --------------------- Indian folk car, with songs and dances. Second generation model presented. Years of issu...
Holden Station
Autor: Fiend
My interpretation of the kind of station that Charles Holden might have come up with if he had lived in the Soviet Union. Capacity 4000 4 tracks Three versions included, with the road on the right or the left, and a smaller two-track one with no road conne...
Honda Concerto
Honda Concerto — автомобиль, производившийся британским подразделением японского изготовителя с 1988 по 1994 год. Concerto выпускалась в двух вариантах кузова: хетчбэк и седан. Как и её предшественник, Honda Ballade, она разделила свою платформу с продукта...
Hospital (VII-70)
Autor: kostas667
The city hospital, massively built in Moscow from the late 1970s to the late 1990s. The project was developed by the Moscow Research and Design Institute of Culture, Health and Sports. Architects V. Fursov, I. Abaev, I. Moseshvili, E. Chuchmareva. Workers ...
House of culture Maki
Autor: robs074 Small house of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 6 workers and serves about 30 people. Mały dom kultury wzorowany na prawdziw...
House of culture Pod Akacją
Autor: robs074 Small house of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 50 people. Mały dom kultury wzorowany na prawdzi...
Hudson Hornet (1954)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
USD 1954 - 1963 21 Color...
I-447 5 storey
Autor: kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section, three-section and four-section versions of this buildi...
И-700 серия i-700 series 3 вида 3 type И-700A И-700Н И-700Я Серийные дома серии И-700 – это панельные здания башенного типа. Строилась серия в Москве на протяжении десяти лет в период с 1980 по 1990 год. The serial houses of the I-700 series are tower-type...
Iceland / Ísland - with cities and roads
Autor: danik
This is a map of Iceland which is a nordic country in the North Atlantic, with few cities and one long road connecting them. Including Custom house and Foreign power connection for both currencies....
Ikarus 55Lux
Autor: olDen
Ikarus 55Lux SPEED 98 CAPACITY 34 AVAILABLE 1955 1973 the model is adapted by denizabr...
International Harvester (1962)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Средний грузовик. Идеальная машина для фермерского хозяйства. Представлены такие виды кузовов и прицепов: 1 - Бетономешалка. 1 - Цементовоз. 3 - Закрытых кузова 2 - Самосвала. 1 - Автоцистерна. 1 - Снегоочиститель. 1 - Рефрежиратор. 2 - Открытых кузова. 1 ...
International Transtar 2 (CO 4070)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Седельный тягач. 8 типов прицепов: 1 - Бетономешалка. 2 - Рефрежиратор. 3 - Цементовоз. 4 - Цистерна 5 - Прицеп для сыпучих грузов. 6 - Лесовоз 7 - Открытый прицеп. 8 - Закрытый прицеп. 20 цветов. Года выпуска 1968 - 1981 ----------------------------------...
Isuzu Bellett
Autor: Mauser_NATO
1963 - 1973 15 Color USD...
Iturup Island
Autor: MIKEY yAkson
The second half of the 20th century. As a result of the war with Japan, the Soviet Union returns southern Sakhalin, and also receives the Kuril Islands. 60s. Realizing the importance of this region for the country, the Party is actively developing it: all ...
I-447 3 Storey
Autor: kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section and three-section versions of this building Two-section...
Karelian Marshland
This map represents the terrain of the Karelian SSR, to the east of Finland, with its many frigid waterways and marshes. The Karelian SSR offers many challenges to any prospective undersecretary. Apart from substantial iron ore layers, there is little in t...
Khovrino Hospital
Autor: Akira43
An ill fated real life building ( ) adapted as closely as possible to be an in game hospital. It has 2 road connections and parking spaces for up to 15 ambulances and a roof heliport. It has more or less t...
Kindergarten Детский сад серии VI-52 medium size 360 kinders 30 workers Автор модели: Тимур Самедов (citizensnip)...
Autor: olDen
KAVZ651 SPEED 70 CAPACITY 19 AVAILABLE 1950 - 1973 the model is created by Oleg Gordienko...
Autor: frostsey
Kino International (Cinema)
Autor: KArantukki
Kino International (Berlin) The Kino International is a film theater in Berlin, built from 1961 to 1963. It is located on Karl-Marx-Allee in former East Berlin. It hosted premieres of the DEFA film studios until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989....
Krasnozemsky Socialist Federal Republic
Autor: Raysione
Comrades, I present to your attention a television station made in the style of the Stalinist Empire. It is ideal for the 40s-50s. As you can see, I took the Frostsey model, for which many thanks to him. Here is a link to his original mod:https://steamcomm...
Krasnozemsky Socialist Federal Republic
(Map without population) Hello comrades! I bring to your attention my first map of the Krasnozem Socialist Federal Republic! Her creation took me a lot of time, I tried to make it as realistic as possible. I can not express gratitude to AlexDad, who throug...
Large Capacity Distribution Open Storage
Autor: Twiggy
This will add a Large Capacity modified open storage to your game. Included > 10 Factory connections. 8 Rail Lines. 2 Visual cargo bays. 4 Vehicle stations. 2 Road connections. And also a central Distribution capacity of 25000 tons. Putting your'e grass de...
The Lada Оkа (VAZ-1111, SeAZ-1111, КаmАZ-1111, Astro 11301)( Russian: Ока (ВАЗ-1111, СеАЗ-1111, КамАЗ-1111)) - city car designed in the Soviet Union in the later part of the seventies by AvtoVAZ. It entered production in 1988 powered by a 650 cc (40 cu in)...
Autor: robs074 University based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a medical university. Employs 75 workers with basic education and 75 lecturers. Educate...
United Socialists Republic of Neuwälder
Autor: Mr. Askgård
Welcome to the 10. of November 1960 The United Socialists Republic of Neuwälder WORKERS OF THE REPUBLIC! ALL GLORY TO THE PEOPLE & THE PROLETARIAT! _______________________________________________________________ History of the nation: After the 2. World Wa...
Underground Power Line to Electric Substation
Modded Electric Substation with Underground Power Connection. Five versions up to 1 km of underground powerlines. The cost of construction includes the base building and underground powerlines. Therefore, only an advanced republic can afford such object. C...
Underground Heating Pipes to Exchanger
Modded Big Heat Exchanger with Five Underground Connections. Five versions up to 1000m underground pipes. The cost of construction includes the base building and underground pipes. Therefore, only an advanced republic can afford such object. !!!Requires a ...
Underground Heat Lines
Underground Heat lines 3 type 100 meters 200 meters 300 meters Work like Heat Swich. Yes its looking no soo nice , ans some cheat, however, it can save your city from a web of pipesyes. for now, maybe, its only decision. work correct only with flat surface...
Living 9 floor bricks build type 164-80-4 by LexaR...
Large Chemical Plant
Autor: KArantukki
Large Chemical Plant - 500 workers - 4 railroad connections - 1 road connection...
Large Coal Power Plant
Autor: KArantukki
Large Coal Power Plant - Place for 80 workers - up to 5600 MWh energy production - 2 road connections - 6 medium voltage connections - 6 high voltage connections...
Large Electronic Component Factory
Autor: KArantukki
Large Factory for Electronic Components Inspired by the 'Halbleiterwerk' in Frankfurt (Oder) in east Germany. - 1 Road connection - place for 300 workers...
Large Food Factory
Autor: KArantukki
Large Food Factory - 260 workers - 1 road connection - 4 factory connections...
Large Grain Elevator
Autor: Pyro
A large grain elevator built from prefab panels. It stores 24,000 grain tons of grain. - 6 factory connections - 2 road connections - 2 vehicle stations Thanks to the the W&R modders discord for help building and debugging: https://...
Large Oil Well
A large Oil Well, which started out as a bit of an experiment in Blender. I liked how it came out so I thought I'd share it. More expensive than the vanilla oil well but also about 70 percent more productive. This is in the mod category as a mine, I can't ...
Large Rail Construction Office
Autor: Fiend
Larger rail construction office with double the capacity for resources....
Large Storehouse (Brickstone)
Autor: KArantukki
Large storehouse made of brickstones - 650t capacity...
Large Warehouse
Autor: KArantukki
Large Warehouse in 2 different variations: - Warehouse for covered goods with 1600t of space. - Warehouse for open goods with 950t of Space. ...
Based on a pre 1950's building plan by architect AP Ivanov, and some examples of derilict buildings. Project no 722/1. A kindergarten for up to 8 staff and 48 children....
Large Rail Depot
Autor: Fiend
The default rail depot is fine for trams, but larger trains would not fit. This one is more than twice the size. Updated to support long trains. I have added a new version, with 5 connections, properly spaced to match the standard rail alignment. It also h...
ЛиАЗ-5292 — российский городской низкопольный автобус большого класса производства Ликинского автобусного завода. Первый полностью низкопольный автобус российского производства. Предназначен для крупных городов с интенсивным пассажиропотоком. Серийно выпус...
Logging Camp
Autor: RED
Logging camp Building model - base game version Are you tired of plopping trees all the time? Well, your toil is over. I rescripted base woodcutting camp into factory. Now, trees will be supplied in return for food and alcohol. What?! Cutting trees is hard...
long rail depot
Autor: BORO
long rail depot Длинное здание железнодорожного депо. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 - здание без лозунга. 2 – здание с лозунгом «Решения партии в жизнь» На здании без лозунга вы можете написать собственный текст. The long building of the railway depot. In...
Long Vehicle Depot
Autor: Fiend
Longer, thinner vehicle depot, for squeezing into narrow spaces. Looks better with smaller vehicles....
LSM House of culture
Autor: robs074 House of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers and serves about 120 people. Dom kultury wzorowany na prawdziwym budynk...
Autor: Mauser_NATO
М1070А0 Американский военный тягач начала 90х 3 версии: 1 - Открытый прицеп М1000 2 - Самосвал. 3 - Просто грузовик ( искать с галочкой "показасть всё") 5 цветов Года Произвоцтва 1992 - нынешнее время. Валюта USD -------------------------------------------...
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Нашёл у себя модель Американского 6х6 военного грузовика. 1 Открытый кузов 2 Закрытый кузов Года выпуска 1955 - 1988 7 цветов. ------------------------------- 1 Open 2 Closed Years of production 1955 - 1988 7 colors....
MACK B-61 (1953)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
1- Бетономешалка 2- Открытый прицеп 3- Закрытый прицеп 4- Цементовоз 5- Рефрижератор 6- Прицепная цистерна 7- Снегоуборщик. 20 цветов Года выпуска 1953 - 1966 Валюта USD ---------------------- 1- Concrete mixer 2- Open trailer 3- Closed trailer 4- Cement t...
MACK R-600
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Культовый грузовик как на дорогах так и в кино. Данная версия представленна с кузовом выпуска 1966 - 1990. Такие варианты есть: 1 - Цементовоз. 1 - Бетономешалка. 1 - Снегоуборочная. 1 - Самосвал. 1 - Автокран. 1 - Рефрежиратор. 2 - Авто цестерны. 2 - Лесо...
Autor: Mauser_NATO
MACK RD 690 Есть 8 разновидностей: 1- Бетономешалка. 2- Самосвал. 3- С закрытым кузовом. 4- Тягач с закрытым прицепом. 5- Тягач с открытым прицепом 6- Тягач с прицепным рефрежиратором. 7- Тягач с цистерной. 8- Cнегоуборщик. 31 Расцветка Года выпуска - 1992...
Large Clothing Factory (NEW)
Autor: KArantukki
Large clothing factory made out of bricks - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - 250 places for workers...
Main library
Autor: robs074 Main library based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a cinema. Employs 40 workers and serves about 280 people. It also works as a tourist ...
Mauser_NATO's small cargo ship repaint
Autor: Heidong
Mauser_NATO's small cargo ship repaint...
Mayor Defacto's New Industry Pack
This pack is intended to have a variety of industrial buildings, made in a a soviet style, for various purposes....
MAZ -530
Autor: vinnikandry
Soviet heavy-duty dump truck with a 6 ? 4 wheel arrangement, produced serially by the Minsk Automobile Plant and the Belarusian Automobile Plant from 1957 to 1960 and from 1960 to 1963, respectively....
МАЗ-203 — белорусский низкопольный городской автобус второго поколения Минского автомобильного завода. Мелкосерийное производство этого автобуса началось со второго квартала 2006 года; первая крупная партия из пятидесяти автобусов была произведена по заказ...
Medium Waterfront Store
Autor: Fiend
Medium sized store, capacity 600. It has two docking stations for ships, two railway lines, and two vehicle stations....
Mercury Coupe (1949)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
2 Types 20 Color 1949 1962...
Messerschmitt KR200
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Пример того что бывает если авиационная промышленность начнёт выпускать микролитражку. Выпуск 1955 - 1964 15 Расцветок Валюта USD. ---------------------- An example of what happens if the aviation industry starts producing minicars. Issue 1955 - 1964 15 Co...
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1
Autor: Salty
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1 This mod is a set of objects of the field camp of the military construction detachment of the Ministry of defense of the USSR. An attempt was made to recreate the structures and struc...
Mid Height Conveyor Set
Autor: Twiggy
Easy to connect Mid Height Conveyors. With added Pass Through road connections...
Mig 21 Monument
Mig 21 Monument. My own version of other similar Soviet era monuments. Due to the shape of the model I have had to put the footpath at the back but this is only needed if you want to build it with a construction office. Monuments serve no purpose other tha...
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 2
Autor: Salty
Continuation of a series of mods dedicated to military construction units of the Soviet Army. I thanks everyone who points out the shortcomings and shortcomings in the work of the modification. Together we will make the mod even better. Peace to all. ...
In English Monument to Minin and Pozharsky. The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is a sculptural monument dedicated to the leaders of the Second national militia in 1612, as well as to the end of the time of Troubles and the expulsion of Polish intervention...
Mitsubishi Grandis
The Mitsubishi Grandis is a seven-seat MPV built by Mitsubishi Motors to replace its Chariot/Space Wagon/Nimbus line. It was launched on 14 May 2003 and sold in Japan, Asia, Europe, Oceania, Mexico, Honduras, Jamaica and South America. Engines available we...
Mitsubishi Lancer 10
The Mitsubishi Lancer is a compact car produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi since 1973. The Lancer has been marketed as the Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueas...
Moldiva Republic
Autor: Alexander
This a scenario play map. Welcome to the Free State of Moldiva! A small mountainous island located next to fjord land ranges. The lands used to be a part of autonomos region of Fjordland in early 20th century. The peaceful referendum was held to break away...
Autor: Benser
New monuments:(WWII small memorial, Stylized wheat ear, new one - sputnik) 27.10.2021 add for all monuments $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_RADIUS 250 $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_STRENGTH 4.5 Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Monument of MotherlandCalls...
Motor Works
A small vehicle manufacturing plant. Works at 1/10th the rate of the vanilla facility, although much smaller and much cheaper. Under the mod category Production Line. Available in two colours, white tiles or red brick and with mirrored versions for easy pl...
Monarch Sedan (1950)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Canadian version of 1949 Ford Sedan version. 2 types: 1 Passenger. 2 Police. Issue 1950 - 1962 20 colors. Currency: USD...
Tumen River RU CN NK
Autor: MrMiyagi
Tumen River - where the USSR, China and North Korea meet! No uranium nor bauxtite update needed: The developers made it so all maps autogenerate newer resources. Any map you pick will have these resources. 1.1 - 11 Jan 2020 Update to fix Kamyshovyy border ...
TV tower
Autor: dassakuya
Yerevan TV tower,Armenia This model is still in the preliminary stages of completion and will be subject to minor modifications. It's monument....
Type 1-447C33 redbrick
Autor: Comrade Joe
Red brick variant of the Type 1-447C33 apartment building, initially posted by Comrades Gerbilskij and Pashka2125, reproduced with permission. It requires less asphalt and concrete, and more bricks, for construction. Apartment quality lowered at 80 percent...
type IV
Autor: Wild Bunny
also called Frieden built in Rostock (GDR) 15 ships were built from 1957 - 1961 General Cargo Ship capacity: 10000 t speed: 14 kn available from 1957 to 1980 for ₽ for more content from me my workshop...
Multi Rail Large Capacity Open Storage
Autor: Twiggy
Large and Small Open Storage with Double Rail on Both Sides. Large Storage has a capacity of 2500, 4 Rail lines 12 factory connections, 2 road connections. 4 vehicle stations Small storage has a capacity of 1250, 4 Rail lines 8 factory connections, 2 road ...
New Customs
Autor: SerpPort
I still cannot work with 3D models (my monitor does not allow working normally in building editors), but I can correct the parameters of the original buildings, in my opinion. Whoever likes it - subscribe !!! So, I added 5 new customs posts to the game. Th...
Multi Rail Vanilla Capacity Open Storage
Autor: Twiggy
This will add 2 Vanilla Capacity open storage units (Medium / Small) with 2 rail lines on either side. Medium Includes > 2 Rail lines 8 Factory connections 2 Road connections 4 Vehicle stations Capacity 870 Small Includes > 2 Rail lines 6 Factory connectio...
Nuclear Reprocessing Plant
Autor: Benco54
This is the recycling plant for nuclear waste. It requires a lot of chemicals and, of course, nuclear waste for reprocessing. This will then produce the UF6 for nuclear fuel fabrication. Nuclear fuel was recycled in the USSR. Mainly in the so-called RT-1 p...
Nuclear water cooling
Autor: Benco54
Nuclear water cooling plant. Now you can replace the cooling tower for your nuclear plant with my new mod. It need acess to water because it works with water :P The rest works like the cooling tower....
OBC collection
Autor: Wild Bunny
OBC is short for: Ore Bulk Container This pack includes two OBC ships from the GDR built in the 70s and 80s. the Game units carry only containers and aggregate OBC type III Capacity: 23308t/400TEU speed: 16kn available from 1977 to 1995 for ₽ OBC type V Ca...
Obninsk Nuclear Power Station
Autor: Novu
The Obninsk Nuclear power station was the world's first nuclear power plant. Operated by the USSR it first opened in 1954 and was decommissioned in 2001. Employs 20 workers and 15 engineers and only produces 300MWh of electricity on a 5MW circuit breaker. ...
An aquarium for your people to marvel at the wonders of the deep blue sea. Works as a cinema for up to 250 people....
Oil pipeline customs
This mod allows you to sell oil, fuel and bitumen directly by your pipeline. We need faster oil export! This building allows you to export your oil products by long, steel pipeline, comrade. Important notes Due to limitations of the game, you cannot destro...
Old merchant ship
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Старое торговое судно Года выпуска 1941 - 1968 Валюта USD ----------------------- Year of production 1941 - 1968 USD currency...
Old Style Industry Pack
Old Style Industry Pack - Much thanks to Ryantheskinny for miscellaneous industrial items (Crates, Fuel Tank), and Comrade Joe (Texturing for Large Rail-Connected Warehouse). Building models and Clothing Factory textures by Mayor__Defacto This pack current...
Old Town Residential Blocks
Autor: baronjutter
A delightful palette of old town buildings to create charming perimeter blocks for your historic Soviet Republic. This is the residential set, featuring a collection of blocks, strips, and individual buildings to create many configurations. I hope to add s...
Old, small farm pack
Autor: Comrade Sky
This pack contains two small farms: Old farm -- space for 3 vehicles Old micro farm -- space for 2 vehicles I use this for small valleys and when I only have a few fields. It has storage space for 8t of crops, but I recommend using a distribution office to...
Orthodox Cathedral
Autor: Rat
Kazan Cathedral, formally known as the...
Orthodox Cathedral 2
Autor: Rat
The Cathedral of the Archangel is a Russian Orthodox church dedicated to the Archangel Michael. It is located in Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin in Russia between the Great Kremlin Palace and the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. It was the main necropolis...
Orthodox church and Museum
Autor: Benser
Свято-Варваровская церковь была построена еще в 1824 году в селе Корсуновка Полтавской области, Украина. В 1984 году комунисты решили ее уничтожить и взорвали ее со второй попытки. В память о ней этот мод. В игре работает как церковь и как музей. St. Barba...
Orthodox religion
Autor: Sahsa_STALKER
The package of the Orthodox Church...
P-3 17 storey
Autor: kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red, blue and yellow Number of res...
P-43 16 storey
Autor: kostas667
P-43 is a tower type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s. Number of residents - 206 Quality of life - 87%...
Autor: LM25SD
Pak updated texture. Пак обновлённых текстур Pak updated texture. Обновлённые текстуры: 1. Луговая земля, перекопная земля. 2. Грунтовая, щебёночная, асфальтовая, асфальтовая-городская, ж/д дороги. 3. Соединительные складские дороги. 4. Текстура щебня. 5. ...
Pamir Mountain Valleys
This map represents the terrain of the many valleys of the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan and Kirgizstan. These highlands have few areas that can easily be built upon, but the mountains hide vast coal reserves, and the lower valleys have considerable oil. T...
P-3 4 storey
Autor: kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
P-30 14 storey
Autor: kostas667
P-30 is a project of prefabricated residential buildings from isolated block sections, developed by the design institute MNIITEP in the early 1970s. These houses were mainly built in Moscow. There are three buildings with different colors: blue, brown and ...
Park Monuments and Buildings
A collection of monuments and buildings to add some decoration to your cities, towns and park areas. Pack includes: Trimuphal Arch, 2 Flags, Obelisk, Red Star Monument, Clock Tower, Amphitheatre, Pavilion, Greenhouse, a selection of fountains and urns and ...
Autor: Gerbilskij
Additional car parks with 12, 14, 20 and 32 parking spaces. The first is based on the small parking, while the other on the vanilla medium parking, with rearranged access and dimensions. UPDATE: Large car parking is now passable, I also removed collision f...
Party HQ
Autor: robs074 Party HQ based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers with basic education and 40 lecturers. Serves about 120 students. Siedziba part...
Autor: MTandi
A small-class bus for regional and suburban routes. Available in the beginning of the game (1960 start) until 1968 when replaced by its successor, PZ-672 (orange vanilla bus). Stats: Passanger capacity: 30 Top speed: 80 km/h Engine power: 66 kW (90 hp) Ava...
People's Republic of Brecht
Map for game version and up, no mods required Mostly mountain-ish with not a lot of flat spots so relatively hard to play. Contains all ores but they're placed rather randomly. It was built using a real heightmap (flipped and rescaled Lake Żywieck...
Tranzit Furgon
Ford Transit — серия грузовых фургонов, микроавтобусов, шасси и бортовых автомобилей, выпускаемых компанией Ford Motor Company в Европе (включая Турцию). Также Transit производится и в Китае. Transit стал самым продаваемым в Европе легким коммерческим авто...
Toyota LiteAce M30
Autor: gachimuchiman
Toyota LiteAce M30 - minivan, produced by the Japanese automaker Toyota from 1985 to 1988...
TOYOTA corolla E20
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Японская микролитражка. Выпускалась с 1970 по 1978. Представлено двухдверное купе. 20 Цветов. Валюта USD. ------------------------------------------------ Japanese minicar. It was produced from 1970 to 1978. Presented two-door coupe. 20 Colors. Currency is...
Town Square
Autor: Vikom
A generic town square based on several details from Brno and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic overall. Serves as a bus station for 500 workers. There's a wall which can contain some propaganda text. Trees can be planted into the pots only after switching in...
People's Theater
Autor: Comrade Joe
Old-fashioned/early-Soviet theater building that offers an alternative to the concrete-based cinema cube. More adapted for older settlements and/or small towns. Employs 20 people and has a max capacity of 200 (if I understand how that works correctly). The...
Perpendicular Parking
Autor: Holodets
Perpendicular Parking along the road. Takes up little space, 2 connections for pedestrians. Cars can drive through it. 10 seats...
Perpendicular Parking ||
Autor: Holodets
Parking for 20 places. Travel through it through (people and cars can pass through it). It is possible to do modular Parking near the plant like I have in the screenshot....
Autor: Mauser_NATO
PETERBILT-351 Американская дорожная классика. Идеально подходит для дальнобойщиков и дорожных маньяков убийц. Присутствует 2 варианта грузовика, а также 5 типов кузовов и 7 прицепов. Прицепы: 1 - Открытый. 2 - Закрытый. 3 - Рефрижератор.. 4 - Лесовоз. 5 - ...
Peterbilt 359 + semitrailers
Peterbilt 359 - американский седельный тягач, внушительных размеров, выпускавшийся с 1967 г. Мощность двигателя - 475 л.с. (350 кВт). Масса тягача - 21,5 т. Максимальная полная масса автопоезда - 86 т. Максимальная скорость - 120 км/ч. На данный момент в п...
Peugeot 308
Peugeot 308 — компактный автомобиль французской компании Peugeot, входящей в концерн PSA Peugeot Citroën. Начало выпуска — сентябрь 2007 года. В модельном ряду заменил Peugeot 307. С 2013 года выпускается второе поколение автомобиля. Автомобиль Peugeot 308...
Peugeot 404
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Французкий легковой автомобиль производившийся с 1960 по 1975. 4 варианта модели: 4 - Пассажирских. 1 - Грузовой зарытый. 20 Расцветок. Валюта USD --------------------------- French passenger car manufactured from 1960 to 1975. 4 model options: 4 - Passeng...
Peugeot Boxer
Peugeot Boxer — коммерческий фургон, разработан бюро-дизайна «Fiat Centro Stile». Выпускается совместным предприятием СП Sevel SpA, созданного в 1978 году итальянской «Fiat Group» и французской «PSA Peugeot Citroën». Современный дизайн фургон приобрёл в 20...
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Французкий легковой автомобиль. 1-Седан 2- Универсал 15 Цветов Года выпуска - 1968 1983 USD -------------------------------- French passenger car. 1-Sedan 2- Wagon 15 Colors Year of release - 1968 1983 USD...
Pig Farm
A small Pig Farm. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Connect three of them together and you can deliver to and collect from the middle one. No heating requirement. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here - ...
Town hall
Autor: robs074 Town hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers. Mały urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 20 pr...
Town hall
Autor: Raysione
In this work, a slide is presented, made according to the type of the palace of culture in Ukraine, the village of Rubezhnoe. The model is taken from the OffTheRailsGaming mod: I made the te...
Toprus' Szklarska Poreba Srednia station
Autor: Toprus100
Hi! I welcome you back in another mod of mine! My second station - this one is based on Szklarska Poręba Średnia, a station in south - western Poland between Jelenia Góra and Szklarska Poręba. It has one platform, two tracks and a building. The connections...
Tiny University for villages and small towns
Autor: precum baby
A little quality of life mod enabling you to maintain university education population levels in villages cut off from society or little towns that don't fit large unis to prevent lack of doctors and teachers. It's really annoying when you have to micromana...
Three Miles Bay
Autor: Alexander
Welcome to Tree Miles Bay. This map is lightly populated with a couple of small country villages located in the north. Is has 3 Blue Connections. One of them in on the separated island. 1 Red connection. Gravel resources are limited throughout the map, but...
The Three Sisters Islands
Autor: Alexander
Welcome to the 3 Sisters Islands. No population or settlements. There are 2 connections with Eastern block via thin land-bridge. 1 connection to the west at the northern part of an island. Each Island has a dedicated high quality source for mining. Keep yo...
Pinsk Peninsular
Autor: Alexander
Your little people's republic gained independence in late 40's. Earlier infrastructure investors abandoned you due to international crisis. Good news for you. Your country inherited a coal mining complex from them in Plovik. Your geography is mountainous p...
Pipeline overpass
Autor: BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
Playground Collection
A collection of 5 small, inexpensive wooden playgrounds which act as kindergartens. Playgrounds 1-3 can have 3 staff and up to 18 kids. Playgrounds 4 and 5 are slightly larger and can have 5 staff and up to 30 kids. No heating requirement...
Polish Shops (Part 1)
Autor: robs074 The pack includes 7 Polish shops: - small grocery store (10 workers, 70 customers, 6t of food, 1.5t of meat), - medium grocery store (15 workers, 105 c...
Polish Shops (Part 2)
Autor: robs074 The pack includes 5 Polish shops, based on real buildings in Lublin: - small shop (10 workers, 70 customers, 15t closed storage - clothes and electroni...
Polish State Railways Pack 1.0
Autor: mattslodki
Polskie Koleje Panstwowe (eng. Polish State Railways) Big thanks to: LovelyPL, Forged73, ((Toprus, ryantheskinny, CZsfPurplik. I'm an example that you can learn how to mod, so please check Still work in progress, need to add some lod1.nmf fi...
Polish State Railways Pack part 2
Autor: mattslodki
This is the part two of the PKP Polskie Koleje Państwowe Pack (eng. Polish State Railways) This set contains freight waggons used by the Polish railway operators throughout the years. The types included are 7 open waggons, 9 gondolas (hoppers) and 10 cover...
Polish State Railways part 3
Autor: mattslodki
Welcome to the third and last pack of the PKP (Polskie Koleje Państwowe - Polish state railways) waggons - the next one will finally be locomotives. This pack contains freight waggons used to transport specific materials across the railway, so don't let th...
Polish State Railways part 4.0- Diesel pack
Autor: mattslodki
PKP diesel pack by: Mattslodki-Adaption Chester models to game, reworked ripped models from game, skins, alpha bogeys, UV mapping. J ó z e k Z b a g i e n-Moddeling locos, UV mapping, skins. Xlimee-SU160 model, fixing skins. Big thanks for: Prof Dr Inż. P....
Autor: neigabZkezoJ
-==- Pack include: EW51/Class 91 produced by HCP Poznań, L. Zieleniewski and Lilpop, Rau and Lowenstein between 1936 and 1939. It can bring 534 passengers. EW54 produced by ASEA between 1950 and 1953. It can bring 529 passengers. EW90 which is Baureihe ET ...
Polish State Railways part 6.0- Track Builder and Motor Dresine pack
Autor: neigabZkezoJ
PKP Track Builder and Motor Dresine pack by: J ó z e k Z b a g i e n-moddeling, skins, bogeys, UV mapping. Mattslodki-moddeling, UV mapping. Pack included: WM10-Transport open hull Dresine. Find it in motor wagon category! WMB10-Transport open hull Dresine...
Polish State Railways ELECTRIC PACK
Autor: neigabZkezoJ
PKP electric pack by: neigabZkezóJ-Adaption Chester models to game, reworked ripped models from game, skins, alpha bogeys, UV mapping -Moddeling locos. Elektryczny Zespul Trakcyjny-skins. Big thanks for: Chester trainz 3d locos and textures Toprus100 provi...
PONTIAC safari (1956)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
1956 -1962 20 Color USD...
Power Ship Peter Adam
Autor: Benco54
This is the Power Ship called Peter Adam. Its my first Power Ship (modeling by benco54, textures by 3Division) - It need water access - production of 350 MWh - consumption: 28t of fuel per day - capacity: 80t of fuel Its a cool way and something other to t...
Autor: frostsey
Small powerplant coal...
Panel house 7
Autor: robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 165 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący...
Panel house 9
Autor: robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 145 workers, based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, miesz...
Panel house 3
Autor: robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 120 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Panel house 4
Autor: robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 50-105 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, mieszc...
Panel houses 1 (12 storey)
Autor: robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 120-180 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, miesz...
Panel house 2
Autor: robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 185 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Panel house 8
Autor: robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 50 workers, based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszc...
Panel houses 5 (legacy)
Autor: robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
Panel houses 6 (legacy)
Autor: robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
Primorje / Inhabited
The map contains mountains, highlands, valleys, plains, sea, islands and more picturesque places waiting to be domesticated. Check out clear map:
Panel houses 1 (5 storey)
Autor: robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 50-75 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, mieszcz...
Autor: olDen
project_585 COOLER SPEED 7uzla CAPACITY 350 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
r18100 & ANGARA
Autor: olDen
r18100 & ANGARA SPEED 5 CAPACITY 1000 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Radio Tower
This is a Radio Tower. Add Sophistication to your Republic!...
Radio Transmitter
Autor: Nyxyx
This tall (~510m) longwave radio mast will allow your republics' signal to be heard around the world, literally! However, it draws 5MW of power, and the irrational fears of high power RF cause nearby citizens to get sick with stress, so plan accordingly....
Regional radio station
Autor: robs074 Regional radio station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers with basic education and 25 actors. Regionalna rozgłośnia radiowa...
The Island of Rikini
Autor: Don't_tell_us
The Island of Rikini. The fictional Island is located 500 M (546 yards) of the coast of Romania near the city of Navodari. Backstory: In 1921 a city is founded on the island. The city is called Sacoi and it's purpose was to serve as a hub to this island li...
Autor: frostsey
Technical university
Autor: robs074 Technical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers with basic education and 50 lecturers. Serves about 150 students. A...
Technical University
Autor: Benco54
This is a technical university. it is based on the 3division model with the textures. a few informations: requires 105 workers and 90 professors it trains many people to become academics there is a pass for 2 streets. my idea would be to have a large stree...
Tatra 815 road cranes
Autor: Gerbilskij
The Tatra T815 is a truck family, produced by Czech company Tatra as a successor to Tatra T813. It uses the traditional Tatra concept of rigid backbone tube and swinging half-axles giving independent suspension. This pack includes three road cranes of diff...
Autor: olDen
project-903 Bulk cargo SPEED 18 RESOURCE CAPACITY 543 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Rail station PACK
Autor: Benser
PACK провинциальных жд станций. Первая станция двухколейная, остальные одноколейные. PACK of provincial railway stations from Ukraine. The first station is two-track, the rest are single-track. Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Autor: olDen
$MOVEMENT_SPEED 24 uzla $COST_RUB 50000 $RESOURCE_CAPACITY 66 $AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Vladimir Vitaro adapted by Oleg Gordienko...
Realistic start default map
Autor: Toprus100
Hey! This map is a thing I made because I hate people using truck instead of trains at the start. Basically the point of this was to make a realisitc post-war start, when road networks weren't well developed, the railway system was dense, small industry ex...
Renault Logan I
The Renault Logan is a low-cost, sub-compact vehicle designed by Renault specifically for emerging markets. The main production is deployed in Romania at the plant of industrial group Dacia, owned by Renault since 1999. In Russia, the first generation of t...
Residential buildings from the 50s
Autor: robs074 The pack includes 9 residential buildings from the 50s: - two 4-storey oblong blocks of flats (75 workers), - two 5-storey oblong blocks of flats (95 w...
Reskin of Mauser_NATO's Merchant Ship
Autor: Heidong
Mauser_NATO's old merchant ship reskin....
Retro gas station V.2
Autor: Benser
RETRO GAS STATION / АЗС Бензин АЗС из кинофильма Королева бензоколонки (3 версии), который снимался в городе Пирятин, Украина. 17.01.2021 полностью обновленный мод, все машины могуть заежать на станцию Gas station from the movie "The Queen of Gas Station "...
RSI of Biology [NII-22]
Autor: Tesmio
Research Science Institute of Biology "NII-22" --- Eng In the Soviet Union during the cold war, one of the areas of development was biological weapons. The Institute is developing strains under the code name NII-22. --- Rus В Советском Союзе во время холод...
Tempo Matador (1952)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
A promising light truck and bus once killed by a Volkswagen. Will be present: 1 - Bus 5 - Passenger versions. 3 - Covered. 1 - Open. 1 - Truck crane. 2 - Ambolatory. 1 - Snow removal. 1 - Tank truck. 1 - Refrigerator. 1 - Fire. 2 - Police bus 15 colors Yea...
Tatra 815 pack
Autor: Gerbilskij
The Tatra T815 is a truck family, produced by Czech company Tatra as a successor to Tatra T813. It uses the traditional Tatra concept of rigid backbone tube and swinging half-axles giving independent suspension. This pack includes several versions of the 8...
TAM 80 T5
Autor: Mauser_NATO
TAM 80 T5 Лёгкий грузовик фирмы Tovarna avtomobilov Maribor. 4 варианта кузова: Закрытый кузов Открытый кузов Самосвал Автоцистерна. Года выпуска 1985 - 1995 10 Цветов Валюта RUB. ----------------------------------------------------- Tovarna avtomobilov Ma...
Taiga republic
Autor: SerpPort
The third remake of the Murmansk map -------------------------------------------------- ------- Taiga is the “green” Siberian “sea”. A completely wild and inhospitable place, esp...
T-34 Monument
Autor: KArantukki
Monument of the famous soviet T34 tank....
Autor: vinnikandry
EN: KhTZ T-150K is a general-purpose agricultural wheeled tractor manufactured by the Kharkiv Tractor Plant (UKRAINE). It has been produced since 1971. Operating power is 170 horsepower (125 kW). Speed is up to 35 km/h. Operational weight is 8 t. In additi...
Suzulight Carry 360
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Японский малый грузовик. Данная модель выпускалася с 1961 по 1965 год. Присуцтвуют 4 варианта модели. 4 машины - пассажирская версия. 1 машина - Закрытый кузов. 15 Цветов. Валюта USD ----------------------------------- Japanese small truck. This model was ...
Autor: frostsey
THE STORE SUPERMARKET.The mod is based on the store: Shop_Prior. The number of platforms for unloading goods has been increased to three. All other parameters of the original store were not changed....
Subaru Leone III
Subaru Leone — компактный автомобиль Subaru, производившийся Fuji Heavy Industries с 1971 по 1994 годы. Слово «leone» переводится с итальянского как «лев». Автомобиль выпускался в качестве замены Subaru 1000 и является предшественником Subaru Impreza. Боль...
Studebaker lark (1959)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
15 color 1959-1964...
Stepeniste Building
Autor: Benco54
Stepeniste Residental Building 322 residents cool design 2 doors and connections for pedestrians...
Stops for trams
Autor: BORO
Остановки для трамваев. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 – одно железнодорожное полотно. 2 – два железнодорожных полотна. Stops for trams. In two versions. 1 - one railway track. 2 - two railway tracks. ...
Starter Houses
Autor: Fiend
Small wooden houses that can be self-built early in the game. Models are from the default houses in the game....
Ampire style school
Autor: Benser
Школа в стиле Ампир с парковкой для автобуса. Ampire style school with bus parking place, more workers, serve more citizen (retexture WR version)....
Stadium Sport Complex for your Comrads...
Sports hall
Autor: robs074 Sports hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with score...
Snowplow station
Autor: MTandi
Small technical services building with 3 parking slots for snowplowers. Textures by 3division....
Small Wood Heat Plant
Autor: Benco54
This is the small wood heat plant. here are some facts about the work: Wood is considered a non-fossil, climate-neutral raw material and only releases as much CO2 as it previously bound. This means that the wood heating plant pollutes the environment much ...
Small technical university
Autor: robs074 Small technical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 lecturers. Educates about 60 stud...
Small tank storage
Autor: Gerbilskij
A smaller tank storage, made from existing ingame models, edited and adjusted. Capacity: 300t Original 3dArt: 3Division...
Small Shop
A small decorative shop....
Small Shop
A small shop based on a design from the Institute for State trade and public catering. Designed in 1955....
Small school
Autor: Gerbilskij
A small school buiding, with reduced personnell requirements and capacity compared to the original one (5/8). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 as an admin building for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with...
Small Rural Store
Autor: Amotax
(PL) Mały wiejski sklep spożywczy z okresu PRL (1947-1989). Tego typu sklepy o nazwie „GS Samopomoc Chłopska” były powszechne na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce. Mały, słabo zaopatrzony, głównie z podstawowymi produktami. (ENG) Small rural grocery from PRL ( ...
Small PrefabPanel Factory (Brickstone)
Autor: KArantukki
Small prefabricated panel factory - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 40 workers...
Small Polish Orthodox Church
Autor: Comrade Sky
This is an Orthodox church from Białystok, PL/PRL (Cerkiew prawosławna pw Św. Jana Teologa). I have to take new pictures of the windows and doors next week in order to get a high quality, authentic appearance, and I'll add two more connections then. Capaci...
Small Open Storage
A small open storage facility, available in 4 colours....
Tiny kindergarten (50s)
Autor: robs074 Tiny kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 100 children. Bardzo małe przedszkole wzorowane na pr...
Small Jetty
Autor: Nyxyx
Small Jetty: useful for moving small numbers of people across the water. -By Nyxyx...
Small Houses
Autor: Fiend
Small houses using the models from the default prepopulated map. These buildings require no concrete, asphalt, or steel; so can be self-built early in the game....
Small fire station
Autor: robs074 Small fire station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Can be equipped with 3 fire engines. Heating requirement disabled. Mała remiza strażacka...
Small fire station
Autor: robs074 Small fire station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Can be equipped with 2 fire engines. Heating requirement disabled. Mała remiza strażacka...
Small Farm Collective
A small farm, storage barn, food factory and micro-brewery. No heating requirement...
Small Distribution Offices
3 small distribution offices for 1, 3 or 5 vehicles. Available in a choice of 4 colours each. No heating requirement...
Small medical university
Autor: robs074 Small medical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 25 lecturers. Serves about 75 students...
Small kindergarten (70s)
Autor: robs074 Small kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 150 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziw...
Small Clothing Factory
4 small clothing factories in white or red brick with mirrored versions for easy placement. Much smaller than the vanilla clothing factory with a reduced capacity. No heating requirement...
Small clinic ('50s)
Autor: Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
Small clinic
Autor: robs074 Small clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 7 workers with basic education, 7 doctors and serves about 20 patients. Can be equippe...
Small clinic
Autor: robs074 Small clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers with basic education, 5 doctors and serves about 15 patients. Can be equippe...
Small Churches
Autor: Fiend
Religion is incompatible with Marxism and religion was suppressed by the Soviet Union, but religion is not necessarily incompatible with socialism, so if you want to put churches in your socialist state, here are three you can use. They are based on the on...
Small Cement Plant (Brickstone)
Autor: KArantukki
Small cement plant made of brickstone and steel - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 15 workers...
Small Cement Plant
An old aging cement plant. Takes up to 20 workers and produces up to 12t of cement per day. About a third of the size and cost of the vanilla version. No heating requirement...
Small Brick Works
Small wood fired brick kilns. Can produce up to 6t of bricks per day from 20t of wood, requires up to 10 workers. No heating requirement...
Small Brick Factory / Малый Кирпичный Завод
Autor: EZ88
A small brick factory with a "classic" look. Produces a smaller amount of bricks than the regular factory but needs less workers. Workers needed: 30 Consumption: 9 ton coal per work day Production: 15 ton bricks per work day Небольшой кирпичный завод с «кл...
Sitkinak Island
Autor: Alexander
Large island with various terrains as acting as old volcanic island. With huge crater with opened inner plains that contains iron and coal. Resources are balanced geographically for interesting game play. Uranium deposits are present in small pits. The map...
Shopping mall
Autor: Benser
ЦУМ (Центральный универсальный магазин) Киева — один из крупнейших магазинов Киева, расположенный в центре города. ЦУМ - первый торговый объект формата department store в Украине построен в 1939 году. $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE 3.5 Игровые характеристики как у мага...
Set of small playgrounds (monument)
A set of small playgrounds in three variations. Each playground includes a sandbox, a bench and a swing. The models are extremely compact and will fit even in small yards. They work like monuments. It is built from a small amount of resources - boards, ste...
Autor: frostsey
Selski Stadion
Autor: Benco54
This is the selski stadion (selski means rural in balkan language), but the stadion has nothing to do with something rural. This stadion is for a big city, maybe your capital town in your country where you football team will play against other countries....
Autor: frostsey
Run-of-river hydroelectricity
Autor: Benco54
Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) or run-of-the-river hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of stora...
Rural Building Collective
A collection of small rural industrial buildings. Available in two textures, old stone and red brick. Includes: Farm: Space for 4 vehicles Bakery: 30 staff - Produces up to 6t of Food Brewery: 30 Staff - Produces up to 2.3t of Alcohol Textile Mill: 50 staf...
Rural Island
Autor: Alexander
This is moderate flat Island. The terrain packed with rivers and nice vistas for rural areas. There are 4 small peasant historic villages spread across the land. It is your choice. Those are enclave villages, if you wish to uplift them or resettle peasants...
Rural Waterfront
Autor: Fiend
Rural buildings for positioning at the waterfront, plus some other inland ones. Cafe, Pub, Shop, Seawall, Aggregate Dock, Aggregate Store, Covered Store. The cafe, covered and aggregate store can be resupplied by boat. Now includes general purpose small do...
Seguam Island
Autor: Alexander
If you are looking for small cosy island and tired of trains, give this map a go! Completely clean isolated, forgotten island - no connections, not even a power connector! Build your own powerplant from a loan and repay with fish,chickens and crops! Based ...
School (80s)
Autor: robs074 School from the 80s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers with basic education and 35 teachers. Educates about 420 pupils. The ...
School (70s)
Autor: robs074 School from the 70s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. The...
School (60s, 4-storey)
Autor: robs074 School from the 60s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 25 teachers. Educates about 300 pupils. The...
School (50s, 3-4 storey)
Autor: robs074 School from the 50s loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pup...
Russian Far Eastern Coast
This map represents the terrain of the Russian Far Eastern Coast, north of Vladivostok, with its many glacial valleys and rivers. Your oblast straddles two landmasses, the high mountains of Siberia in the west, and the low laying swamps and tidal pools of ...
Ryan's Farm Fields Pack
Autor: ryantheskinny
three new square fields and one massive test size...
Ryan's Rural Assets Pack
Autor: ryantheskinny
BETA - Package of Rural and light industrial Buildings. Special thanks to: Paradoxbound - testing wHAT - fuel station pump mesh Gerbilskij - the original scripting for the rural fuel station and the support of the modders community warning - the 4 slot roa...
Sado island(Japan)
Autor: Yukihisa
Sado Island has some of Japan's top gold mines and prospered as a mining town. However, it began to decline in the late 19th century and commercial mining ended in 1951. At present, the population is gradually declining. However, the Sado Soviet Union cont...
Ryan's Farm Buildings Pack
Autor: ryantheskinny
Another pack from yours truly. This time i got a pack of large silo's losely based on the famous grain elevator located in Stalingrad (now Volgograd) i made it suitable for the game with six truck slots all with the coding for flowing traffic and also two ...
Scania 113
Autor: Klapaucius IV ---------------------- A special thanks for the brilliant Soviet Modders community and the Brazilian supporters...
School (60s)
Autor: robs074 School from the 60s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. The...
School Atrium
Autor: phx.Ham
School based on the TS Magdeburg Atrium from DDR. This type was build in the years 1970 - 1980 You can finde these schools in Saxony-Anhalt Mostly used as Main / secondary school. During the years 1955 - 1990 the DDR build 2.500 schools with 50.000 classro...
Sakhalin Island Streams
This map represents the terrain of Sakhalin Island, in the Russian Far East, a land criss-crossed by streams, hills, and fir forests. Sakhalin Oblast is a land of unrealised potential comrade. Our prospectors have discovered vast oil and coal reserves in a...
School (50s)
Autor: robs074 School from the 50s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. Szk...
Распространенная типовая постройка школы A common standard building of a school ...
P-3 9 storey
Autor: kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...