Los Angeles, California, United States
A PC Gamer
Kirjautunut ulos
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 1 993 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 28.4.
100 pistettä
yhteensä 4 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 27.4.
yhteensä 42 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 24.4.
Puggu *PP Dont Work :(* 16.4. klo 19.05 
Forgot to say it was our yellow. Name was like csgofan### or something. Started on T side.
Puggu *PP Dont Work :(* 16.4. klo 19.00 
Hey man I just played a game with you. Dust 2 13 - 4. Teammate of ours was cheating. If you could report him that'd be awesome.
HERR MAJOR 3.4. klo 1.55 
+rep thx for game
Thonara 2.4. klo 10.45 
lets do it again
Clume 1.11.2023 klo 5.01 
████▀─▀████▐─█▐██▐─▐─▐██ ▀█▐▐▐▀▐▀▐█▐
█▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄█▐▀█▐▄█▐─▐─▐─█ ─█▐▐▐▀▐▀▐▐█
─▀█▄▄▄▄▄█▀─▐─█▐─█▐▄▐▄▐▄█ ─███▐▄▐▄▐─█
Clume 29.6.2023 klo 11.40 
:2017stickytube:summer!:2017stickypopsicle:summer!:2017stickypopsicle:summertime!:2017stickypopsicle:time to sit back and unwind!:2017stickytube:
:2017stickyorange:hope you have a great week and enjoy the whole summer sale!:2017stickyorange: