Just one MOOre thing...   Maple Shade, New Jersey, United States
:cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo:
:steamhappy::steamfacepalm: All Rights Reserved. All Wrongs Reversed :steammocking::steamsad:
:cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo: :bigfire2020: :cozyteddymoo:

My all-time favorite games that really touched/moved me in some way [()=games of series ranked] :
= Mass Effect (1 by a hair over 2; 3; Andromeda) [Fav OST ever from 1]
= Mirror's Edge (1, Catalyst) [2nd fav OST ever from 1]
= Assassin's Creed (Lib, Syn, Ody, Val, Bro, 2, Uni, Mir, 4, Rog, Ori, 3, Rev, 1) [OMG the OSTs]
= Tomb Raider (Underworld, 2013, Rise, Shadow, Legend, Anniv, some Angel) [Great OSTs]
= Hydrophobia: Prophecy [Just something about this one]
= Velvet Assassin [Hottest nazi-SCUM killer ever]
= Control / Remember Me / Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice / A Plague Tale: Innocence [Compelling experiences]
= Life Is Strange, Before the Storm, True Colors / Tell Me Why / Dreamfall series [Rides of emotion & feeling]
= Sleeping Dogs [Some really touching moments]
= Saints Row (3, 2, 2022, Gat, 4*) [You just feel for the characters] [*4 was just 3 at night with superpowers]
= Half-Life (Ep2, Ep1, 2; also Portal 1 & 2) [Damn anti-3 Valve to Hades!!!]
= Beyond Good & Evil [Just wow, a true classic]
= Borderlands (3, 1, 2, Pre) [Kickass babe characters]
= Dead Island + Riptide (essentially same game) [Sveti wants to parteee, baby!] :steammocking:
= Blade Kitten / Iron Roses [Such cuteness]
= Contrast / Firewatch / Submerged [Amazing atmosphere]
= Gray Matter [A point-and-click I found really cool]
= Grand Theft Auto 4 [The whole dating deal was cute]
= Far Cry 5 + New Dawn [All chick squad ability! And best game cows ever!!] :steamhappy:
= Fallout 4 [Amazing adventure with several heartfelt moments]
= Horizon Zero Dawn + Forbidden West [Exceptional huge-world adventures with super lead char & lore]
= Red Dead Redemption 2 [Incredible attention to detail with compelling story & chars]
= Watch Dogs series [Great attention to detail with awesome gameplay & char models]

My favorite go-to games :
- Grand Theft Auto 5 (online)
- Starfield (practically a "forever game" so far)
- Dino D-Day / Sniper Elite series (Killing nazi-SCUM will never get old)

Beloved now Retired :
Borderlands (played out), Counter-Strike (2 broke),
Dying Light (played out & 2 bad), Left 4 Dead (burned out),
Team Fortress (worn out), Unreal Tournament (just done)