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Cyberpunk 2077
Best Videogames IMO
:Page:Click on the :tga_drop: to go to the game's page :tga_trophy:

:drstar:Outer Wilds:drstar:

:tga_drop: A Short Hike
:tga_drop: Gorogoa :gorogoamoth:
:tga_drop: Gris
:tga_drop: Life is Strange :LIS_PolaPhoto: :LIS_butterfly:
:tga_drop: OneShot :os_sun: :os_niko:
:tga_drop: Outcore
:tga_drop: Papers Please :glory: Return of the Obra Dinn
:tga_drop: Portal 1:p2blue:&:p2orange:2 :p2cube:
:tga_drop: Stray :stray_karatekat:
:tga_drop: The Stanley Parable & The Beginner's Guide
:tga_drop: The Red Strings Club
:tga_drop: The Wolf Among Us
:tga_drop: To The Moon Series :neildeal: :evawhat: :megawatts: :moustacheva:
:tga_drop: What Remains of Edith Finch :finchjournal: :finchcrest:

:p2aperture:Honorable Mentions:p2aperture:
:tga_drop: Before Your Eyes :bye_ferryman:
:tga_drop: Firewatch :Walkie: :Raccoon:
:tga_drop: Journey & ABZU
:tga_drop: Superliminal
:tga_drop: The Artful Escape :oxenalex:
:tga_drop: Unravel :unravelhoop:
:tga_drop: Untitled Goose Game:Deer:

:crown1:Casual / Action:crown1:
:tga_drop: A Hat in Time
:tga_drop: ANIMAL WELL:alwayschicken::huntdeer:
:tga_drop: Everhood :BlueHappy:
:tga_drop: Inscryption :stimulation: The Hex:p03:
:tga_drop: Limbo & Inside
:tga_drop: Tunic
:tga_drop: Omori
:tga_drop: Sayonara Wild Hearts :SWHFool:
:tga_drop: Subnautica :peeperfish: :reaperleviathan:
:tga_drop: Undertale :sans: :papyrus:

:tga_drop: Celeste :celeste_granny: :celeste_bird:
:tga_drop: Cuphead :cuphead: :mugman:
:tga_drop: Hades :zaggrin: :zagmad:
:tga_drop: Hi-Fi RUSH
:tga_drop: Hollow Knight :hollowknight: :shadeknight:
:tga_drop: Hotline Miami 1 & 2 :Burn: :Owl:
:tga_drop: Neon White

:p2aperture:Honorable Mentions:p2aperture:
:tga_drop: Blasphemous:blassaint:
:tga_drop: Katana Zero :katana_zero: :katana_psych:
:tga_drop: Ori and the Will of the Wisps

:tga_drop: Alan Wake 2
:tga_drop: Dead Space
:tga_drop: Doki Doki Literature Club :SG0_OK: :Mayuri:
:tga_drop: Fatum Betula
:tga_drop: Little Nightmares I & II :Six_Alone:
:tga_drop: Outlast :cwalker: :fingers:
:tga_drop: Resident Evil 2 :re2zombie: & 4 / 7 :re2umbrella: & 8
:tga_drop: Signalis
:tga_drop: Stories Untold
:tga_drop: Until Dawn
:tga_drop: Who's Lila?

:crown1:AAA Titles:crown1:
:tga_drop: Batman Arkham Series :batsymbol:
:tga_drop: Dark Souls Series / Sekiro :burnstatus: :shockstatus: Elden Ring
:tga_drop: Detroit: Become Human & Heavy Rain
:tga_drop: God of War & Ragnarok
:tga_drop: Hellblade :hellblade: :valravn:
:tga_drop: NieR:Automata :hacking: :machine_lifeform:
:tga_drop: Persona 3 Reload :P3R_Hero::P3R_Koromaru: & 4 :p4g_attention::p4g_smiling::p4g_idea: & 5 Royal :Mask3::Mask4: / Strikers :Mask1:
:tga_drop: Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2
:tga_drop: Spider-Man 1 & Miles Morales & 2
:tga_drop: The Last of Us Part 1 & 2
:tga_drop: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt :Geralt:
:tga_drop: Uncharted Series
:tga_drop: Yakuza Series :Y0MarlinCannon: :Y0GoldenPistol:

:crown1:Playstation Exclusives:crown1:
Astro Bot & Playroom
Gravity Rush
Infamous Series
LittleBigPlanet Series
Sly Trilogy

:crown1:Nintendo Exclusives:crown1:
Super Mario 64 / Galaxy 1 & 2 / Odyssey / Wonder
Zelda BOTW / TOTK / Link's Awakening

ADHGui 25 сен. 2024 г. в 14:05 
Como este perfil não tem nada de interessante vou ensinar a fazer churros:
200g de farinha de trigo sem fermento
250 ml de água
50g de manteiga
1 casquinha de limão
Sal q.b.
3 ovos
Óleo para fritar
Açúcar para polvilhar
Canela para polvilhar
1. Num tacho leve ao lume a água.
Tempere com umas pedrinhas de sal.
Junte a casca de limão e a manteiga.
Deixe ferver.
2. Logo que comece a ferver, retire a casca de limão e adicione a farinha.
Mexa até descolar do tacho.
Coloque a massa numa tigela e deixe arrefecer um pouco.
Cooking Crack 22 авг. 2024 г. в 23:01 
Added for goat sim BFF achievement
APENOX DESIGNS 24 июн. 2022 г. в 13:36 
Hey bro, I recently started posting my artworks and 3D designs on my instagram account, I'd be more than happy if you could support and follow my account : @apenoxportfolio / Link: https://www.instagram.com/apenoxportfolio/
rxben3850 10 мая. 2018 г. в 3:43 
Ricci ラ 14 апр. 2018 г. в 3:21 
Tens um perfil do caralho ...
NOG Chumbinho 12 фев. 2018 г. в 10:17 
Já que este perfil não tem nada útil, vou ensinar a fazer baba de camelo.

4 Ovos
1 Lata Leite Condensado Cozido


Passo 1:
Deitei o leite condensado numa tigela. Mexi com uma colher e juntei as gemas previamente batidas com um garfo.

Passo 2:
Bati muito bem, até obter um preparado fofo.

Passo 3:
Bati as claras em castelo bem firme, e envolvi no preparado anterior, muito suavemente com uma varas de arames.

Passo 4:
Distribuí este preparado por taças e levei ao frigorífico.