Caravan Mood Buff
Komentarzy: 41
graublau 18 maja o 13:52 
Reading the comments here I take it this as well as the Bar Adjuster still require Hugs, eh? Too bad. Great idea though, love it.
Dagger 2 maja o 6:07 
I had to do a ancient complex quest by shuttle with 16 colonists. It had about 20 centipedes + other mechs inside, and 8 terminals to hack. Took a day to kill all of the mechs, after which the mood debuffs alone made it impossible to hack any terminal, since the low expectations moodlet turns into high expectations after exploring a complex for some reason. No drugs, no food thanks to the shuttle not taking any item.

I did it thanks to this mod, thank you for making it. It even works mid save.
Syrus  [autor] 12 kwietnia o 15:12 
Version 1.5.0
No code changes -- tested and appeared to work fine

Did not remove HugsLib as it's been updated.
netgyrl 11 kwietnia o 18:25 
Thank you Syrus! Looking forward to using this again. Takes the pain and suffering out of caravans.
Syrus  [autor] 2 kwietnia o 15:37 
I will update all my mods when I have time to do so (and when their dependencies are up to date), it may likely be after 1.5 is released, though.

Also, since I wanted to remove HugsLib from my mods, it may take a bit longer, especially since I'm busy with an unrelated private project.
ALE199 1 kwietnia o 7:40 
do hope it gets updated to 1.5
Limburgse Kiwi 31 stycznia o 1:19 
@Syrus, the 28.8k Dial-up masterrace is grateful
Syrus  [autor] 7 stycznia o 13:57 
Version 1.4.1
Reduced mod size by removing git-, obj-, & .vs-files, etc.
Syrus  [autor] 22 listopada 2023 o 10:30 
Hm...apparently because I have the solution (project, source code, etc.) included in it.
I thought size doesn't matter? :p
Homar 22 listopada 2023 o 6:40 
Great mod, but why does something that seems so simple need 15mb?
Madcap Magician 24 sierpnia 2023 o 12:12 
Thank you so much. What a frustrating mechanic.. They should have a "caravan optimisim" in the default game or something. Without this mod you basically need to bring some building materials with you to build a nice building with heat or cooling and a table everywhere you go.
Dizzy Ioeuy 27 czerwca 2023 o 0:38 
How is it only 6000 people use this mod? Are the half million others simply losing their minds with lunatic pawns!? Or never going on caravan adventures!?
Syrus  [autor] 22 kwietnia 2023 o 10:51 
Sorry, but as long as I haven't heard any feedback on which problems are caused by HugsLib, I don't see the reason to prioritize removing it from my mods, because it is quite a bit of work to do so, not to mention it would reset the settings for everyone using this mod.
Ghost 25 lutego 2023 o 7:43 
Hey, I was wondering if you'd be willing to make this not require hugslib? Because hugslib is severely broken at the moment and is messing up a ton of mods and it doesn't seem like it's going to be fixed any time soon, if at all.
Syrus  [autor] 30 grudnia 2022 o 13:16 
I see no reason for there to be any issues, though I always recommend making a backup save when adding mods, just in case something unexpectedly breaks. Even if a mod is safe to add, it might still cause conflicts - unlike, but better safe than sorry!
idman799 30 grudnia 2022 o 12:15 
Is this fine to add to a existing save file? I have a game I started about a week ago and I'm thinking of adding this, but I want to make sure it won't cause any issues
Velxra 3 listopada 2022 o 3:17 
Thanks for updating!
Syrus  [autor] 3 listopada 2022 o 2:05 
No, only in the mentioned cases.
Isn't there a mood buff while forming a caravan in vanilla even?
Maybe I could add an option to adjust that.
Arnovitz 2 listopada 2022 o 18:20 
Does this mod also give them a buff when they are forming a caravan?
Syrus  [autor] 23 października 2022 o 6:12 
Updated for 1.4 (no changes)
Velxra 21 października 2022 o 16:55 
Please update to 1.4
Evono 21 października 2022 o 11:51 
really need this mod , its absolutely neccessary not sure why they dont have that in the standard game.
Syrus  [autor] 14 października 2022 o 9:33 
Once 1.4 is released - and I have time - I will look into updating my mods.
Latest should be some time in November, as I'll have a lot of time from the on.
G0ldheart 13 października 2022 o 20:43 
1.4 compatible version?
Yusukitty 21 września 2022 o 16:40 
h thank you. I too find it super annoying.
Zairya 1 czerwca 2022 o 11:02 
Ah ok, thank you for the answer.
City builder will make traveling depised and the more buildings (probably roofed tiles) you have the happier pawns will be. It's a bit illogical like the original fungus precept.
Syrus  [autor] 1 czerwca 2022 o 10:56 
I've seen it on a stream, haven't played RimWorld in a few months (taking a break after a few months of binging pretty much).

It's a crazy mood debuff. I don't know what "City Builder" does, but that mood debuff would make me not pick it.
In regards to adding a patch to remove it - doesn't fit the purpose of this mod, sorry.

It's not difficult to make a mod for that yourself though!
Make a local "mod" and add a patch that changes the mood debuff to 0 (or removes it, but that's likely more diffcult to do than to change the value).
Zairya 1 czerwca 2022 o 1:49 
Hey Syrus,

do you know about the city builder meme of vanilla ideology expanded - memes and structures (hell, those names get out of hand)?
It's a horrible -30 (lss than 5 days of having traveled) mood buff for despised travel on encounter maps. Do you think you could make a little patch to remove it? I'm fine taht they're upset once back home but even bustling and properous cities send out merchants every now and when, don't they?
Syrus  [autor] 28 kwietnia 2022 o 15:37 
New Version 1.0.2
Also changed CaravansBattlefield.CheckWonBattle Pre/Postfix patches into Transpiler; just in case.
Syrus  [autor] 28 kwietnia 2022 o 14:02 
New Version 1.0.1
Changed FormCaravanComp.CompTick Pre/Postfix patches into Transpiler
Fixed harmony patches being applied twice

I have looked into it and changed the Pre/Postfix patch into a Transpiler.
While the CompTick method responsible for this mess is still being called an abhorrent amount of times - this is vanilla behaviour, no idea why, never expected this - my code part will only be called in very specific circumstances anymore.

The Performance Analyzer will, of course, still show all the CompTick calls under "Harmony Transpiled Methods", but the actual time spend on my code is minimal (due to the very specific circumstances required: it's only supposed to be called once when all enemies in a site have been killed).

Thank you for notifying me about this!
Frank 26 kwietnia 2022 o 23:41 
Using Dub's Performance Analyzer, this mod is generating 200k tick calls a second (100k for prefix, 100k for postfix), I just started a new game, it's still the first year and I only have 5 colonists. No ones traveling and there aren't any caravans, so not sure why there's so many calls going out.
AKEKHQ 15 marca 2022 o 7:43 
Before this mod i just defulted to drugging my colonists before sending them out
Now i dont have to
ŅĚǾ人ŖŨŠ 7 stycznia 2022 o 8:19 
Finally found it again
FoxoManiak 2 stycznia 2022 o 7:32 
Honestly, great mod
Unfriendly Joe 31 grudnia 2021 o 10:24 
CrazyOatmeal 20 grudnia 2021 o 10:55 
Alexander Zagirov 17 grudnia 2021 o 13:32 
Oh, how long I've been looking for something like this :) Thanks, man!
Goblin 15 grudnia 2021 o 19:09 
thank you beautiful creature
Velxra 13 grudnia 2021 o 18:17 
makes caravans great again
MECHARAUSER 12 grudnia 2021 o 16:31 
YES! Been looking for this for ages now!
I hated it so much when people break down like 7 year olds because they have to actually do a field mission. Rimworld's pawn mood simulation is quite possibly the worst feature of any game I've seen, just due to it's sheer dumbness and pain.
Features like this should be pre-packaged in the base game, but alas.

Either way, you're doing God's work, keep it up! :slimetabby:
d_valroth 12 grudnia 2021 o 14:40 
Sounds good!