Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

FACTION: Iron Hands
[Spacious-Brainiac] 13 Jun @ 12:34am 
Is there a way for the tabletop squad sizes to be compatiable with this? Or the unit inventory mods? Or the venerable dreadnought mod made by reece?
Just curious
GOG IS BETTER 6 Jun @ 7:59pm 
Is this the same from the "Chapters of The Imperium" mod?
Beans360 2 Jun @ 3:12pm 
Can you maybe make Space Wolves?
dexgattaca  [author] 20 May @ 9:33am 
That's right SynisterSyclone. Unfortunately me and Rok connected too late about these models. Honestly I didn't think I could pull them off. So a few of them will become obsolete after this Pack. Having extra option is never a bad thing for modding factions and I can always make them special in some way.
SynisterSyclone 20 May @ 8:25am 
Proxy is about to give us assault terminators. Just an FYI since I'm not sure how that's gonna mesh with your assault termies.
dexgattaca  [author] 11 May @ 9:20pm 
Quick fix. Broken trait wasn't working. Oops.
RobertWrath 8 May @ 6:18pm 
This is by far the best SM mod so far!!
dexgattaca  [author] 2 May @ 11:58am 
I updated the Gladius+ addon.

What scaling mod do you guys prefer these days?
dexgattaca  [author] 2 May @ 11:29am 
DevilsTinkerToy, that's weird.
Are you using the Gladius+ add-on for Iron Hands?
DevilsTinkerToy 1 May @ 10:18pm 
I also noticed that the models for some models, specifically the Tactical Space Marines, are warped.
SynisterSyclone 29 Apr @ 6:50pm 
That new shadowsword you made would look great in black, and would be a great replacement for the baneblade...just saying.

Seriously though, epic work as always, sir.
dexgattaca  [author] 29 Apr @ 5:41am 
Thanks .jpg!

If Davian make the conversion I just might add it. He's been doing quite a few neat models I'd like to use. I personally have no plans to do something like that. Maybe I can give them to the Hel Fathers.
The undead cyber army does sound kinda cool haha.

Hi Lord_Draconis,

The version number is just arbitrary. Helps I usually bump it up by .1 after every content update.
No to White Scars. I leave the mod there hoping someone will resurrect it.
Im currently working on a Knights expansion for CSM. And will likely make knights for Imperials if it works well.
Lord_Draconis 29 Apr @ 3:41am 
1. What is the version number of the Iron Hands mod?
2. Will you update the White Scars mod?
.jpg 28 Apr @ 6:18pm 
Hey man, absolutely love the work and especially this mod!
How big of an ask is it to give someone either a volkite, phosphex or radiation weapon? Maybe, even letting the hel termies raise some low hp cyber iron hands as fodder. I mean if we're turning the keys of hel, why not keep turning am I right ?!? lol
dexgattaca  [author] 28 Apr @ 4:26pm 
It's probably TMV or Gladius+ that i need to update. I'll get around to it tonight
DevilsTinkerToy 28 Apr @ 2:07pm 
I have been getting a crash every time the Ironfather spawns on the field for both players and AI. the error reads:

Weapon.cpp:89: void _cdecl
Assertion "boneID != -1" failed: Muzle bone "Hand_R" does
not exist for "C:\Program Files

Im not loading a saved game. The crash happens during new games.
dexgattaca  [author] 26 Apr @ 10:00am 
Hi folks. Update was made. Your saved games will not work because there have been changes to unit weapons.
dexgattaca  [author] 20 Apr @ 2:52pm 
I hope I got them all. haha
dexgattaca  [author] 20 Apr @ 2:52pm 
Hi Firebringer. I added your mods to a list in the description. Thank you again for all your hard work.
Firebringer4 17 Apr @ 4:51am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Land Raider Excelsior, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 17 Apr @ 3:36am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Land Raider Terminus Ultra, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
dexgattaca  [author] 16 Apr @ 9:29am 
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Firebringer4.

I'll add these to the description soon.
Firebringer4 15 Apr @ 3:12am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Roads and Bridges, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 15 Apr @ 1:35am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Damocles Rhino, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 14 Apr @ 7:56pm 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Action Move, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 14 Apr @ 5:51pm 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Chapter Master, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 14 Apr @ 5:48pm 
np keep making units ill keep patching them for you
Doc 14 Apr @ 6:52am 
Thanks for adding the patch for my Scrapyard unit (the Cerberus). Dex's work is rightly crazy popular, and it's fantastic to have my unit be able to participate.
Firebringer4 14 Apr @ 5:24am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Fire Raptor, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 14 Apr @ 4:29am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Marine Super Heavies, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 14 Apr @ 2:05am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Knights Reinforcement, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 13 Apr @ 11:12pm 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Unlimited Space Marine Cities, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Firebringer4 13 Apr @ 9:02pm 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Doc's Scrapyard-custom units, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
Radioactive ☢ 13 Apr @ 12:27pm 
iron Captain aka TerminatorCaptain not have bionics traits, also he not listed in bionic traits itself for get new bionic slots on level ups, only medusa relic still present on it
Firebringer4 13 Apr @ 3:22am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod combat patrol, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it
Firebringer4 11 Apr @ 4:06am 
have you ever thought about making compatibility patches with "Space Marine Super Heavy pack" as it has a glaive and if i recall iron hands actually are rumored to be able to maintain those, it would be a great add on
Lord_Draconis 5 Apr @ 9:01pm 
I have old versions of the mod. Which version do you need?
liquid_lag 5 Apr @ 1:58pm 
Thanks dex! Gonna look into reverting to previous version. If anyone has tips on how to do that i'd appreciate ya
dexgattaca  [author] 5 Apr @ 11:57am 
Hi Liquid_lag.
Last patch made a lot of changes. So it won't be compatible with old games. Cheers!
liquid_lag 5 Apr @ 8:51am 
Hey @dexgattaca thanks for all you do! I'm enjoying a number of your mods right now and find them indispensable. Which is why I was so bummed to find this error today upon loading up a save after playing yesterday with no problems:

DataManager.hpp:100: class gladius::world::action::Action

&_cdecl proxy::core::DataManager<class
gladius::world::action::Action> ::get(const class
std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits < char>,class
std::allocator<char> > &,bool) const:
t/lronHands/Razorback" does not exist.

Let me know if any further info is needed. I'm using a handful of mods but not a ton. Crashes on both my steam deck and PC. Thanks again!
dexgattaca  [author] 4 Apr @ 11:27am 
Thanks! I really appreciate the info. 'll take a look tonight.
Lord_Draconis 4 Apr @ 9:53am 
I checked on level 10 infantry and when units merge, they disappear.
dexgattaca  [author] 3 Apr @ 10:55pm 
Hi Lord_Draconis. Appreciate the bug report. Should be fixed now. Please let me know if you find anything else.
Lord_Draconis 29 Mar @ 2:56pm 
When the level increases, a new bioaugmentation appears, if you increase the level further, it will disappear, then reappear, new and so on.
Lord_Draconis 29 Mar @ 2:48pm 
Bugs in v1.64
1. If you combine 2 squads into one, whose level is 11+, then they disappear, and a new squad does not appear. There is no such bug in the old version.
2. The Medusa Relic does not work. The infantry does not have new bio-augmentation slots, all of them have only the first level.
Lord Wulfgar 17 Mar @ 7:27am 
WOW. Great Work. I love this Mod. Thank you for a new game experience :-) :steamthumbsup:
dexgattaca  [author] 14 Feb @ 2:56pm 
Really appreciate the bug report Haplo. Fixed. Have a great day!
Haplo 14 Feb @ 1:46am 
Been enjoying the Mod. 2 issues i ran into are the Whirlwind Suppression does not work. no debuff on targets. I ran both Vanilla SMs and Iron hands. The SMs worked as intended, but the Iron Hands did not. The other issue is the Hunters Weapon name is missing. Only a minor issue since it works just fine.
Azi_Dahaka12th 9 Jan @ 10:09pm 
yeah i found the files needed and dd some rescaling, HQ should be .9 to match normal space marines and fortress should be 1.4, and for anyone else wondering this will only apply to you, in multiplayer your friends will see the default scale of the mod, so everyone needs to change the code
dexgattaca  [author] 9 Jan @ 3:51am 
Hey Azi, my bad, default FoR scale is 1.4.

ffr the game files are in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40000 Gladius - Relics of War\Data\World
If you mess these up just reinstall the game.