Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

[VJ] DOOM Eternal SNPCs
Showing 11-20 of 29 entries
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Update: 26 Apr, 2021 @ 10:31am

Mancubus gore corpse (when killed with explosions) is now non solid, so you can walk through them ( applies to the now added tyrant gore corpse too)
The Tyrant now leaves behind his exploded corpse when killed with explosions

Update: 25 Apr, 2021 @ 4:43am

Hellknight jump fixed

Update: 25 Apr, 2021 @ 3:47am

-added Cyber-Mancubus his own skin.
-DOOM Hunter missiles / tyrant Missile rain smoke changed.

-Since the Tyrant has been remade, his laser is dodgeable. however, i made it even easier to dodge it.

Update: 22 Apr, 2021 @ 10:56am

fixed Prowlers hitgroups not working
----the Spirit can possess the Prowler now again since the fix
-DOOM hunter got some fitting thruster particles

Update: 21 Apr, 2021 @ 10:14am

I've been contacted by someone who gave me tools to precisely get every sound from the game. so im gonna push out this big update now instead of the small ones:

-enabled the icon of sins raging (in both stages) (when health reaches specific point)
-modified Lost Soul
-Fixed the bufftotem eliminating buffs from spirits when killed, effectivly turning spirited demons back to normal.
-Remade the Tyrant
-Changed the sparks effect whenever you hit metal or armor
-Every npc has been updated.
-Clean Sounds for everyone (copyrighted)

Update: 14 Apr, 2021 @ 1:06pm

quick spirit model fix

Update: 14 Apr, 2021 @ 12:47pm

-Baron of Hell (fireborn) & Armored Baron & the DOOM Hunter look a tiny little bit more like ingame of doom eternal
-DOOM Hunters Shield has been improved with moving textures and a grid.
-Missing demon eyes on the Archvile, Carcass and Baron (i dont know how that happend honestly)
-Spirit Improvements (a beam to show which demon will be affected)
-Spirit Improvement (when more spirits are spawned, make each one choose 1 individual demon instead of targeting the same one, easy to make)
-added thumbnails for the demonic troops, spirit and stone imp

Update: 12 Apr, 2021 @ 12:25pm

Spirit improvements (in cannon fodder classes) (possessed cannot flinch anymore)
hell soldier (shield) shields have health & change color depending on health, same for Carcasses Shield Walls
-mancubus eyes fixed (again, texture in wrong folder)
-some more movements upgrades (moving in directions) for mancubi
-mancubus fall animation fixed
- The Dark Lord Boss (complete)
- the new, reworked icon of sin (both stages)
-particle changes (cannon fodder projectiles, doom hunter and others)
-more sounds (spirit, doom hunter, tyrant, projectiles and others, making the demons feel more alive)
-Explosion by destroyed Hell Soldier Shields (and carcass Walls) with Shock damage hurts nearby enemies
-better Spirit effect

Update: 5 Apr, 2021 @ 12:11pm

-added Stone Imp
-added Demonic Troops
-added a WIP Spirit & spirit buff
-fixed wierd spawning behavior on some of the demons
-fixed "missing" textures on the gun of the hell soldier shield variant
-saves should now properly contain the demons

Update: 4 Apr, 2021 @ 12:22pm

-reduced the size of the addon by alot (reduced texture size)
-added some missing glowing parts on the Carcass
-added some missing glowing parts on the Baron of Hell (Fireborn)
-added Thumbnails for the new NPCs
-merged the two addon pieces together into one again

happy slaying