Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

[VJ] DOOM Eternal SNPCs
Showing 21-29 of 29 entries
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Update: 3 Apr, 2021 @ 7:57am


-ALL Damage done by demons have been halfed.

All NPCs Should now work properly with the VJ base difficulty setting. want them to do only 1% of damage? want to make a zombie extremly deadly? now you properly can
Reverted some Health values back to the original ingame values, changed a few health values that dont have a official health value yet to a somewhat "realistic" value, based on expierence ingame (but slightly less)
-Arachnotron health Increased 1500 -> 3000(original))

-Baron of Hell (fireborn) health Increased (4500 -> 5500 )
-Cacodemon Health Increased 1250-> 2500(original))
-Cyber-Mancubus Health Increased (2250 -> 3250)
-DOOM Hunter Health Increased (3500 -> 4500) Second Stage (1500 -> 2000)
-Dread Knight Health Increased(1750-> 2250)
-Gargoyle Health Increased( 225-> 300(original) )
-Gladiator Second Stage health Increased( 8000 -> 10000)
-Hellknight Health Increased(1250 -> 2000)
-Hell Soldier (Blaster) Health Increased( 350 -> 500(original))
-Hell Soldier (Shield) Health Increased(350 -> 500(original))
-Imp Health Increased(150 -> 200(original))
-Mancubus Health Increased(2000 -> 3250)
-Marauder Health Increased(2500 -> 3000) Wolf Summon (100 -> 200)
-Maykr Drone Health Increased(600 -> 800(original))
-Mecha Zombie Health Increased(350 -> 500(original))
-Pain Elemental Health Increased(1750 -> 3000)
-Pinky Health Increased(1250 -> 2000 )
-Prowler Health Increased(750 -> 1000)
-Revenant Health Increased(1250 -> 1375)
-Spectre Health Increased(1250 -> 2000)
-Tyrant Health Increased(6000 -> 10000(original))
-Whiplash Health Increased(1250 -> 2000)
-Zombie Health Increased( 95 -> 200(original) )
-Damage dealt by all demons has been halfed. your surviveabiliy is therefor increased
-Marauder's wolf color fixed to Orange (green was the friendly one, Doh..)
-added Spectre Whiplash (TAG1)
-added Armored Baron (TAG2)
-added Cursed Prowler (TAG2) (getting cursed is in update pt.2, sorry)
-added Zombie (hell)
-added Zombie (Cultist)
-added Turret (TAG1)
-added Riot Soldier (TAG2)
-added WIP Dark Lord Boss (TAG2)
-added Giant Tentacle
-added tentacle

-Arachnotron face has been fixed (not stretched anymore)
-Cacodemons ass has been fixed (no more twitching)
-Mancubus Face has been fixed (not stretched down anymore)
-Zombies face has been fixed (no more broken mouth)
-icon of Sins face has been fixed
-Maykr Drone is now a Heavy Demons just like in the game
-fixed an error that occurs when the marauder gets damage and decides to throw a range attack when all enemies are dead
-jumping has been changed, works now (jump, in air cycle, land animation)
-Hitgroup damaging added (limbs do less, metal pieces even less, and headshots do WAY more damage)
-Hell Soldier (shield) now shoots ya...
-Prowler teleportation as been changed a bit
-Changed a few particles to make them a bit better from the looks.
-The Prowler jumping up or down areas is now accompanied with a teleportation effect
-changed the way Weakpoints work, (part of the hitgroup damaging now)
-Mancubus and Cyber-mancubus now explodes when shot with explosives (when they have little health)
-Marauder doesnt collide with his wolf anymore (walks right through him)
-Arachnotron grenades added
-Imp Behavior updated. It now stays in the back, changing positions now and then, but will chase you once you get to close until your farther away, continueing the previous behavior.
-Hell Soldier (Blaster) Behavior changed. Has a 50% chance to constantly chase its target, or stay in the back and walk to other positions now and then, but will chase you once close enough
-DOOM Hunter Behavior Changed... yeah
-Arachnotron Behavior updated. It now stays in the back, changing positions now and then, but will chase you once you get to close or destroy its turret, continueing the previous behavior.
-Gargoyle Behavior updated. It now stays in the back, changing positions now and then, but will chase you once you get to close until your farther away, continueing the previous behavior.
-Carcass Behavior updated. It now stays in the back, changing positions now and then, but does not activly engage in close combat.
-Carcass Runing animation has been changed to sprinting animation
-precached all models, killing the lag when you spawn something for the first time
-Increased the Gibs from gibbed cannonfodder demons

Update: 3 Apr, 2021 @ 7:01am

Again.. reverted -.-

Update: 3 Apr, 2021 @ 6:51am

None Provided

Update: 3 Apr, 2021 @ 6:12am

Reverted back to older version because of problems

Update: 3 Apr, 2021 @ 5:41am

None Provided

Update: 15 Feb, 2021 @ 7:54am

Fixed DOOM Hunter Range attacks ( shooting only 1 projectile instead of a continues amount, should be working again)

Update: 14 Dec, 2020 @ 6:43am

This could have been outa couple of weeks, but something more important caught my attention. While this update is partially done, the "possible" next update might change everything.

-model size reduced a lil bit
-another melee attack for the imp, covering a larger distance, now chases its enemy,faster projectiles
-Gargoyles now chases its enemy, faster projectiles
-Hell Soldier now chases its enemy, faster projectiles
-Maykr Drone now chases its enemy
-added Maykr Drone Death animations and Evade animations
-the head of the Maykr drone now disappears after headshots
-Arachnotrons now chases its enemy, faster projectiles
-Changed the Cacodemon, he should now NOT get stuck on the ground and float towards you
-Changed the Pain Elemental, he should now NOT get stuck on the ground and float towards you
-Some Projectiles now emit light
-2 additional Range attacks for the prowler.
-Whiplash chain particle fixed.
-Marauder can be damaged now, but the damage is really low. its best to use the advantage durring his axe attacks.
-added Buff Totem (buffs demons with speed and melee damage bonus)
BUFF TOTEM LIST (Zombie, Imp, Mecha Zombie, Gargoyle, Hell Soldier (Blaster), Hell Soldier (Shield), Arachnotron, Cacodemon, Carcass,
Cyber-Mancubus, Dreadknight, Hellknight, Mancubus, Pain Elemental, Pinky, Spectre, prowler, revenant, whiplash, Baron of Hell (fireborn),
DOOM Hunter, Marauder, Tyrant)

Update: 24 Nov, 2020 @ 8:23am

The Health Values where a bit overkill for gmod, but are understandable for doom eternal itself (ex. Super shotgun does around 900 damage point blank).
So i slightly reduced health, but didnt go to far just to keep the Heavy / Super heavies a bit more stronger. Additionally, the maykr Drone
now has its weakpoint, and the arachnotrons weakpoint health got adjusted aswell. Also comes with new spawn icons
-Arachnotron health Reduced (3000 -> 1500)
-Arachnotron damage for the Turret Weakpoint reduced (350 -> 175)
-Arachnotron's Turret Weakpoint Health Reduced (200 -> 100, quickscope that lil shiat with crossbow)
-Archvile health Reduced (7500 -> 4000)
-Baron of Hell (fireborn) health Reduced (8000 -> 4500 )
-Cacodemon Health reduced (2500 -> 1250)
-Carcass Health Reduced (2000 -> 1000)
-Cyber-Mancubus Health Reduced (4000 -> 2250)
-DOOM Hunter Health Reduced (6000 -> 3500) Second Stage (2500 -> 1500)
-Dread Knight Health Reduced (3500 -> 1750)
-Gargoyle Health Reduced ( 300 -> 225)
-Gladiator Second Stage health Reduced ( 16000 -> 8000)
-Hellknight Health Reduced (2500 -> 1250)
-Hell Soldier (Blaster) Health Reduced ( 500 -> 350)
-Hell Soldier (Shield) Health Reduced (500 -> 350)
-Icon of Sin (Stage 2) Health Reduced ( 1000000 -> 100000) (typo)
-Icon of Sin (Stage 1) Health Reduced (100000 -> 50000)
-Imp Health Reduced (200 -> 150)
-Mancubus Health Reduced (4000 -> 2000)
-Marauder Health Reduced (5000 -> 2500) Wolf Summon (200 -> 100)
-Maykr Drone Health Reduced (800 -> 600)
-Added the Weakpoint for the Maykr Drone, headshots now instakill the Maykr Drone
-Mecha Zombie Health Reduced (500 -> 350)
-Pain Elemental Health Reduced (3500 -> 1750)
-Pinky Health Reduced (2500 -> 1250 )
-Prowler Health Reduced (1500 -> 750)
-Revenant Health Reduced (2500 -> 1250)
-Spectre Health Reduced (2500 -> 1250)
-Tyrant Health Reduced (10000 -> 6500)
-Whiplash Health Reduced (2500 -> 1250)
-Zombie Health Reduced ( 200 -> 95 )
-Lost Soul Health Reduced (100 -> 25)

Update: 22 Nov, 2020 @ 7:58am

Pre-Release Changes:
-Added Marauder Eye Flash Sounds and Effect
-Added Gladiator Eye Flash Sounds and Effect
-added the Jacobs Ladder Attack to the Gladiators second stage.
-added Lost Soul flame Particles.
-added a supershotgun sounds to the marauder shotgun attack
-Arachnotrons Arm Textures and Face textures fixed
-Fixed Carcass Shield Wall attack
-added an improved ShieldTech Explosion effect when Carcass Walls, Soldiers Shields or DOOM Hunters Shield explode
-fixed Gladiators textures of the Armor

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