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Items (88)
-BR- Valkia the Beautiful! 恶魔女王
Created by Black Rabbit
"I am the harbinger of your demise. I am the nightmare in all mortals. I am the thing you fear the most. I am death..." —Valkia the Bloody As a fan of mythology I have always been fascinated with valkyries as I believe them to be angelic looking beings tha...
Westluo的欢愉公主 美飚龙”妙影”独立美化包
Created by SS-N-19 Shipwreck
本mod是单独的MiaoYing模型美化mod。原模型来自GHS-万世天朝mod。 我对其进行了修改并使用在Westluo's Slaanesh MiaoYing-BETA mod中。 响应玩家需求,在此提供独立的模型美化mod。 响应玩家需求,将二次元兵牌独立打包,链接如下。
Climate Adaptation - Faster Version
Created by Alex Zhao
This is a faster adaption version of this Climate Adaptation mod. Please don't use both mods at the same time. This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely re...
Restore Chokepoint Battle(Mountain Pass Update)
Created by AraNg
캠페인 내의 다리지형과 일부 산지형에서 요충지맵으로 교체해줍니다. 산지형의 경우 다리와 달리 캠페인맵상에서 구분이 어렵기 때문에 연기이펙트를 캠페인마커로 추가하여 위치를 표시하였습니다. ●다리맵/산길맵/캠페인마커는 모두 MCT로 키고 끌수 있습니다 ●불멸캠에서만 작동합니다 This mod replaces land-normal map with chokepoint map in all of the bridges and some of mountain pass i...
Helper UI 汉化
Created by Wyccc
对Helper UI 这个神级UI mod进行了汉化 这个MOD重制了角色属性面板,显示了所有隐藏信息,护甲的等效减伤期望会直接帮你算好,远程齐射的总伤害也会帮你算好 法术面板上会直接写上蓝耗,就跟预览图里面显示的一样。 顶部状态栏会显示当前双方部队的金币价值,击杀数等等 我称之为战锤3最神UI MOD ========================= 需要排序在原MOD之上方可生效...
Helper UI
Created by Klissan
Checkout tooltips too! Detailed stats, applies fatigue effects to ui values, spells wom costs plus countless QoL improvements and more features to come! Built-in localisation support: * English * Russian (Русский) - локализация встроена в мод * (next updat...
【Deer24高等精灵单位包】荣光国度( HEF UNITS PATCH Glorious Nation)
必要MOD列表的MOD只是一些submod,包括无限制补丁及MOD的英文翻译,并非必要MOD,大家按自己的需求订阅即可 这次为大家带来的是高等精灵的兵种包,目前包含7个单位,放在了高等精灵各个主城的地标建筑招募,大家可以自行探索 The MODs in the list of necessary MODs are only some submids, including unlimited patches and English translations of MODs, not necessary MOD...
Capped Dwarf Grudges
Created by Alex Zhao
The grudge target of Age of Reckoning still can be ridiculously high in the late game due to it counting the total grudge of nearby factions' settlements and armies. This mod added a 20000 cap for it and a maximum of 20 regions and 20 armies of each factio...
Just Good Babysitter
Created by Deo
5.1 compatible Have you ever felt yourself more a baby tender than a commander because your units stop doing what they were doing and go smoking every 5 seconds for CA knows what reason? If yes - this mod is for you. It helps your units with one simple thi...
Created by Dulus of Talabek
持续更新中。请将需要更新的mod发到评论区里,尽量包含原名。如果是要求汉化本合集内还没有的Mod,请标明“合集未涵盖”。感谢所有汉化大佬们对社区的贡献。 本合集所包含的汉化mod请前往 此处 查看,排序请放在最上面 在评论区反馈前,请先确认需要更新的mod是本合集内所涵盖的。 ↓ 既存汉化统合快查表 ↓
[GLF] Landmark Remake地标重置
Created by 金花
MOD功能: 新增了12个地标 调整了游戏里的所有地标效果 部分地标添加了新驻军 部分地标还增加了低级与高级版本 English Patch: Thanks for FullAutoAttack's work 增强了部分较弱的地标,如帝国宫殿、凤凰王庭院、钉子街当铺、奴隶贩子公...
Victory Conditions Overhaul
Created by Oh_Man[TFE] Factions Currently Supported: 71/95 (74%) This mod adds custom victory objectives and rewards for each faction in the game. This mod is still under construction and does not yet support every faction in the game. Click here ...
Victory Conditions Overhaul(VCO)胜利条件大修汉化补丁
Created by WATER
本mod是对Victory Conditions Overhaul(胜利条件大修)mod的汉化补丁包,需要配合原mod一起使用。 原mod为战役中的大量派系设置了新的胜利条件和战役奖励。 原mod地址: 使用的一些事项: (1)本mod是在那夜Nayoru大佬和泡泡茶壶大佬的汉化补丁基础上继续汉化的,汉化应该是完整的,因此理论上只要订阅这一...
EdoCobei's Artifacts Shop(5.1Updated) / 小松殿的独特神器商店(5.1更新)
Created by 西红柿Hugo
所有的更新内容可以查看改动说明 我很喜欢原作者的这个商店mod,但是苦于作者迟迟不更新, 所以顺手更新了一下这个mod,新版本的更新感谢@endofanty 老师的帮忙, 原mod地址: ,不用订阅原mod 如果作者后面更新回归了,这个mod会删除,现在,先玩起来吧! 听评论区老哥说,可以配合下面这个mod:
Legendary Lords Get their Own Defeat Traits 传奇领主获得自身击败特性
Created by Alex Zhao
As the title said, legendary lords will get their own defeat traits at level 30, except ones that provide useless effects for them like immune to vampire attrition for Mannfred. Also works for some mod ll, and you can leave a comment if you want me to add ...
Landmarks of Chaos
Created by 代考BISS
Have you ever felt the Dark Fortresses, despite how powerful they are, remain a bit boring? Do you wonder where the landmarks are after reading the tooltip of 'This may provide a unique building chain'? If you want your empire-building as WoC to be more sp...
Created by 代考BISS
Landmark of Chaos的汉化,在mod列表中请将本mod放置在本体下方。 游戏里的混勇没有任何地标,导致看到黑暗要塞显示的‘独特建筑序列’属实让人难绷。本mod为混沌勇士派系添加大量地标,让获得新的要塞变得更有意义。 本体mod目前显示需要基于Mixu解锁,但事实上现在并不需要Mixu(某次更新后CA加了个slot template)。保留mixu解锁作为前置是故意的不是不小心,因为未来mod更新可能还是会需要它。 简介: 这个mod目前由2个作用: - 首先,它为游戏添加16个混勇(有一些与丹...
Yuanbo casts 4 Lore of magic, cast and use abilities in dragon form || 元伯4系法术变龙施法
Created by abf1999
Some magics are unlocked from start and some are unlocked through the skill tree. This mod is intended for campaign only. Feel free to provide feedback on bugs, thanks. 部分魔法出生即接锁,其余的通过技能树接锁。如果有bug请反馈谢谢。...
Bloodlines Plus
Created by Adamsevs
Overhaul of Bloodlines for the Vampire Counts. You can check the changes in the dedicated topic ! Warning : You need to start a fesh game to enjoy the new traits or they'll just appe...
Bloodlines Plus 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
血裔大修 MOD特色: 每个家族的3项全新的唤醒加成(就是初次激活时显示的加成) 每位血裔领主添加全新的独有特性 血裔领主技能树微调并添加了一些新技能,如:尼古拉契的黑暗强化,每次施法都能增加法强 血龙家族新特性 昔日冠军 破阵强手 不洁骑士 莱弥亚家族新特性 黑暗特使 致命魅妖 阴影之拥 尼古拉契家族新特性 冰冷如死 末日巫师 吸魂术士 史崔格家族新特性 污秽怪形 堕落宗主 摩茹堪之惧 冯·卡斯坦因家族新特性 军团领袖 午夜之主 午夜显贵 ...
Dead & Guv's Zombie Dragon unit Mod 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
吸血鬼伯爵新兵种 僵尸龙:享有多项科技与技能树加成,自带吐息技能 为了给僵尸龙添加各种加成,本mod修改了较多的科技与技能树词条,因此单独发布...
Dead & Guv's Zombie Dragon unit Mod (WH3) (Updated 2024-05-01)
Created by Guvenoren
Unit card and Model made by Dead Baron! Yo, Samtemdo8! I guess I am back with your most desired unit even in WH3? *high fives* Let's get to it! What does this Mod do? Vampire Counts now gain a new unit, Zombie Dragons. Improved by skills and a brand new te...
Created by 某鶸
省流:为吸血鬼的事务官增加了很多种坐骑(包含将领卫队) 感兴趣的朋友可以到自定义里看一下 SFO兼容子模组→ English version→ 吸血鬼现在确实强到匪夷所思,可是吸血鬼的英雄emmmmmm......只能说相当的不咋样...
Yukino All Upgrade mod
2023/10/02: Hi everyone (๑╹◡╹)ノ”,here is the author: Yukino, this mod was later made for Yuono! With the permission of the original author (BAGHolder), Yueno participated in the second creation of this mod! New addition! Warhammer 3's camp: (Kho) 4.0 New i...
yshdl's imrik legendary dragons fix
Created by the_yshdl
Fix the problem that legendary dragons can't fly. Now legendary dragons are same as bosses you meet in quests. All dragons are now unbreakable. Also legendary dragons get their special abilities. 2023.6.15 Update Fix legendary star dragon can't use heaven ...
Legions of Nagash - DISCONTINUED
Created by Urgat
IMPORTANT: The mod will be moved to Rhox's profile in roughly 3 days. You'll have to resub. Sorry for the inconvenience. The last mortarch will be added at this time., SUPREME BONE DADDIO AND MAD HATTER, HATH COME BACK...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
Legions of Nagash 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod 内含汉化 Legions of Nagash(纳迦什军团) Legions of Nagash: Mortarch Traits Submod(死亡统帅特...
【Deer24 基斯里夫兵种包】厄孙之牙 (Deer24 Kislve Units Patc Ursuns Tooth)
计划制作基斯里夫的兵种包 为基斯里夫添加很多没有背景依据但符合派系文化特色的部队 持续更新中 兵表更新: 基斯利夫满级城:咆哮之牙 红沙皇冠军 普拉格满级城:普拉格使徒 普拉格惩戒军 厄伦格勒满级城:厄伦格勒近卫军 达兹太阳雨(地狱风暴火箭炮) Intro This is my Kislev Unit Module - Ursuns Tooth. It contains 6 new unique units which include 3 new melee infantry, 1 missile infa...
[DEER24/巴托尼亚]骑士王国( BRETONNIA UNITS PATCH Knight Kingdom)
骑士王国 巴托尼亚单位合集 Intro      巴托尼亚,骑士的国度,这个伟大的派系把我的思绪带回了遥远的中世纪,CA为巴托尼亚制作了丰富而优秀的兵种,但为了得到更丰富、更有中世纪国度风味的游戏体验,我制作了本Mod,基于中世纪风格的大量新增步兵单位以及几个原创新骑士团的精锐部队,配合上原版无比强悍的巴托骑士,我想你一定能感受到来自中世纪的召唤      Bretonnia, the kingdom of knights, this great faction has brought my thought...
[GLF] High elves tech overhaul高等精灵科技大修
Created by 金花
English Trasnlation: 这个MOD重做了高等精灵的科技 它现在像混沌矮人那样拥有3页科技,分别是军事、经济&文化、特殊,原版66个科技→143个科技 科技将会合理化分配,不会上一个科技还是研究步兵的,下一个科技突然变成了骑兵或者战兽,不必为了某一个科技,去特地研究一个毫不相关的兵种科技 这个MOD算是先行版,如果反响不错,我会制作全种族科技大修 另外这个MOD...
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Created by VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
Disable startup splash screens / intros
Created by Aexrael
Just a quick a dirty mod that overwrites the various splash screens, epilepsy warnings and the intro movie that shows before the main menu. This lets you go directly from starting the game to the main menu. Note: The Tome of Fates video cannot be played fr...
Speedy Turn Camera
Created by Skywalker
Mod that just speeds up the camera move between your turns. Save Compatible Other mods Compatible This is a direct port from WH2 mod "Faster end turn Camera" to WH3 It modifies a database default entry the game has, nothing more. This mod doesn't need to b...
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
More Fun for the Grim
Created by fa21
* Updated to include Chaos Dwarfs! * This is a combination of several tweaks for the imprisonment mechanic of Eltharion and the Yvresse Mistwalkers' Mirror Abilities. It combines two little mods that I more or less ported from WH2 (all credit to the origin...
Mistwalkers and Imrik's Dragons Get Bonuses 迷雾行者与传奇龙吃领主与科技加成
Created by Alex Zhao
Mistwalkers will now get more bonus from lord skills and techs. Faithbearers will get bonus for rangers (except they will get spearmen’s level 7 red line bonus), griffon knights will get bonus foe dragons, and all other mistwalkers will get bonus for shado...
Norsca Recruit Monsters After Hunting
Created by AI(NORMAL)
Now you can recruit legendary monsters like ROR units after Monster Hunting. Conflict Warning:this mod used norsca monster hunting script,which may surely cause conflict with other mods used same script. <SFO Compatible> <Need starting new game> <No text> ...
Cultist of Pleasure Reskin
Created by Alshua
Cultists of Slaanesh get a reskin inspired by the Cult of Pleasure. Graphical only. Subscribe to Cultist Expansion - Pleasure Cultist + if you want all the exciting gameplay and lore features! Design All of the Cultists of Slaanesh in the vanilla game are ...
Alshua's Cultists
Created by Alshua
Alshua's Cultists brings together all four Cultist Expansion hero types: the Cult Oracle, Pleasure Cultist, Cultist of Brass, and Deathbell Lily Cultist. Extends Cultist recruitment (both the existing male cultists and the four new Cultists) to Warriors of...
Alshua's Cultists - 混沌狂信徒扩展【中文汉化】 介绍 为混沌四神各增添了一种狂信徒英雄,拥有独特的外形和技能。 作者还为这些英雄添加了几百个女性名字,很有讲究,比如纳垢的都是选的花卉和疾病名称,奸奇的则是各种矿石和鸟类,当然为了听上去好听,翻译文本都直接采用了音译。 Brass Sisters of Khorne: - 恐虐黄铜姐妹 - 可以召唤恐虐怒妖、血肉猎犬与磨魂者 Oracle of Tzeentch: - 奸奇教会传谕使 - 可以召唤奸奇怒妖与...
increase autoresolve point(0.4)增强玩家自动分(0.4)(永远有效 always valid).pack
Created by wodwd
Stupid ca makes player's autoresolve point terrible,So I used this mod to fix it 愚蠢的ca让玩家自动分变得很糟糕,所以我用这个mod来修复它 You can use this mod directly in the middle of the campaign 你可以在战役的中途直接使用这个mod SFO changed it to 0.25,only my mod takes effect when used togethe...
Zhao Ming Lore of Yang and Metal Spells + use abilities and cast in Dragon form 昭明双系12魔法变龙施法放技能
Created by abf1999
Update 2.2: enables active abilities in dragon form 更新2.2: 变龙可以使用主动技能 As the title suggested, this mod enables Zhao Ming to be able to cast full lore of yang and lore of life spells. I merged the mod to enable casting the disabled spells in dragon form. Th...
Miao Ying Lore of Yin and Lore of Life Spells + use abilities and cast in Dragon form 妙影双系12魔法变龙施法放技能
Created by abf1999
Please keep in mind that I am not responsible if this mod does not work when there is a mod conflict. I only test the mod on a new clean save without any other mods. Update 2.2: enables active abilities in dragon form 更新2.2: 变龙可以使用主动技能 ____________________...
Created by 北门吹雪
冰冻吊坠:+20特殊保护,+冰雪系被动,+冰雪女王之镜(基斯里夫引擎),绑定风爆术。 光明魔乘镜头:当地-100火抗,绑定火球术,本队霜火攻击,火焰攻击,+技能防护光环。 扎尔雕像:混沌腐蚀+0,+10特殊保护,免疫接触效果,-25技能冷却速率,哈苏特系被动。 狮鹫军团骑枪:20个人冲锋加成,部队骑兵+25%冲锋加成,部队骑兵+12%武器威力,+100破甲杀伤。 冯卡斯坦因之剑:吸血鬼腐蚀+0,+20近战攻击,+250破甲杀伤,+10特殊保护,+狂暴,+重生,+饥渴,+攻击造成灵魂榨取效果,魔法攻击。 珠宝...
Stronger Cathay Provincial harmony 更强大的震旦行省宁和
Created by Luke_Grand Master
对震旦的行省宁和进行了修改,使其更加强大 1、移除了所有宁和负面效果 2、处于”宁和中正”时可以获得少量的阳宁和与阴宁和的加成效果 3、增强了阳宁和与阴宁和的加成效果 Made modifications to Cathay Provincial harmony,Make it more powerful 1. Removed all harmony debuff 2. Improved the effectiveness when harmony in balance 3. Improved the ef...
Godslayer Overhaul by Mortrau
Created by Mortrau
INTRO Hi everyone! This is the Godslayer aka Daniel overhaul. I was disappointed when he was introduced, because he looks like some kind of filler for future work. I didn’t want to wait, so decided to make Godslayer interesting to play. My main goal was to...
Confederation for Warriors of Chaos and Tomb Kings
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod enabled confederation via diplomacy for Warriors of Chaos, Tomb Kings and Vampire Coast. It might needs 1 turn for the option to show up after loading Suggest to use with Wolfy's great mod: Allegiance of the Damned: Chaos Confederation....
No Strategic Threat Diplomatic Penalty
Created by DrDCB
The "Great Power" diplomatic penalty is back in WH3, now renamed to "Strategic Threat". This mod simply sets all scales of the penalty to zero. Note that there is supposedly a diplomatic buff available from some AI factions for being a strategic threat, bu...
Alarielle the Radiant
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
本mod之后版本将不再更新,最新版 内容介绍 1、为艾拉瑞丽增加了森林龙坐骑 2、修改技能:将放逐之光替换成地灵觉醒,将奥术导体替换成强力奥术导体,将荆棘护盾替换成阿明托克之网 3、互斥技能解除 4、为牧场解锁骑兵招募 5、为侍女增加巨牡鹿坐骑;为精灵贵族增加狮鹫坐骑;为精灵法师增加巨鹰坐骑 6、为艾萨里昂神器增加特保及重生技能,并解除了荷斯护符和法术技能的绑定 Content ...
High Contrast Border Colors (All Campaigns)
Created by Llamakazi
Hello there! This mod significantly increases the contrast of ALL border colors and removes the horizontal gradient (solid colors only) and modifies the overall size and visibility to boot. There are other mods that do something similar, but I wanted to ma...
Imperial Armoury - Unit Upgrades for the Empire
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds several purchasable unit upgrades to Empire units similar to the Greenskin scrap system. The upgrades cost Treasury or a dedicated new resource named fine steel and are not exclusive. This means one unit can receive all possible upgrades at once. Fine...
本MOD为原MOD的汉化补丁(你可以在右侧的必要mod列表找到) 原MOD为帝国部队添加了类似兽人废料强化的系统 增加了几个可购买的单位升级到帝国单位,升级需要花费金钱或一种名为精铁的新资源,精铁目前只能由帝国的铁匠建筑链生产,普通铁匠生产一种,升级后的铁匠生产三种精钢。铁资源建筑链也提供一些优质钢材。 升级包括部队的装备和特殊训练。训练升级需要花费大量黄金,但不会增加维护费用,装备升级需要优质钢材,并增加部队的维护费用。 ...
Better Imperial Authority & More Elector Count Units
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod adds two additional levels of Imperial authority, which will provide stat bonuses, and permanently boost the Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruitment pool cap. Volkmar also can get Elector Count units' replenishment rate and recruit...
【Deer24帝国单位包】帝国传奇 ( Units patch:Empire Romance)
如果喜欢我的MOD,请给我点一个赞,让更多人能看到我的MOD吧 If you like my MOD, please give me a “like” so that more people can see my MOD 非常抱歉,由于我加速器的问题,我无法在评论区进行回复,但大家反馈的问题我都会看的,非常感谢大家的支持! 在二代中,我制作了一款名为帝国传奇的MOD,为帝国制作了许多富有传奇色彩的单位,但在三代中,这些设计显得有些过时了,因此,我延续了二代MOD的制作理念,冠以相同的名字,重新为帝国制作了一...
Created by 德意志元首
身为拥有拯救(毁灭)世界能力的万国神器,当属万人敬仰之物! 修改内容:一、消除战役层负面效果 具体为:1.由减少公共秩序改为增加公共秩序-数值为10/15/20(三个阶段)ps:原版拔剑后秩序低后院起火?那还怎么拯救(毁灭)世界! 2.由减少所有派系外交好感改为增加好感-数值为+10/+15/+40(三个阶段)ps:如此神器当属万国来朝! 3.由增加维护费修改为减少维护费-数值为-5%/-10%(2个阶段)ps:如此神器三军将士无不用命! - 修改内容:二、战斗层武器威力加强-现在,拥有此神器的王者肩负着抵...
Classically Beautiful Fay Enchantress Reskin
Created by Alshua
A detailed reskin mod for the Fay Enchantress, improving her dress and facial features. Designed to enhance her realism and beauty, while remaining loyal to her excellent base design. The name "Classically Beautiful" is intended as wordplay; this reskin is...
Khalida the Queen
Created by zeta0080
If you like this mod, please give an endorsement, let more people see it! 如果您喜欢这个mod,希望能给个五星好评,让更多人找到它! Description: Zeta0080's Khalida reskin. Now our queen has darker skin (more like egyptian queen) and beautiful portrait. Author: Hi, I'm zeta0080, a mod...
Vlad von Carstein Restored
Created by Marthenil
Restores Vlad's face! ---Updated for 5.0 TOD Lets you choose between Restored and the more feral Vlad appearances during the campaign. Includes a remodeled sword for Vlad that more closely matches the sword on his mini. Added both variants to the custom ba...
Guv's Make Us Special: Kevin von Lloydstein (WH3) (Updated 2024-05-01)
Created by Guvenoren
Took some time, didn't it? Yeah guys sorry that it took so long to port over this one. I just never had the motivation, but I recently got the energy to tackle it. But here goes! Kevin von Lloydstein has finally returned better than ever!! What does this M...
伊莎贝拉花嫁 (Isabella Bride)
Created by 混沌破龍斩
为伊莎贝拉替换了新模型 This Mod has taken a lot of effort from me and is still constantly being updated. If you like my Mod and are willing to treat me to a cup of coffee, I would be very happy❤️ 这个Mod的制作花费了我很多心血,并且仍在不断更新。如果你喜欢我的Mod,愿意请我喝一杯快乐水的话,我会非常开心的❤️ ko-fi: http...
More famous battles/更多尸坑
PS:因为地区原因,我无法在评论区说话,敬请谅解 dlc腐烂王座之后依旧可用,其实不用更新,不过刷一下更新让大家放心( 这是一个简单的修改,它的作用很简单: 1.尸坑上限从200→2000 2.创造尸坑所需的阵亡人数从2150→2000 3.参战双方所需最少兵牌数从14→10 以上,祝游戏愉快~ This is a simple modification. Its function is very simple: 1. The upper limit of the famous battles : 200 ...
Normal Traits Extended
Created by Sir_Isenhart
Updated for 4.1. This mod makes its return from TWW2. It adds an extra layer of gameplay by making most gainable traits have more ranks thus making them a lot stronger. It does not change the traits for defeating Legendary Lords. It is intended for high/le...
Drink It III
Created by Wallets
Sick of clicking the eight active buffs each of your characters gets from items? This mod makes the active abilities from non-unique items and skills into passive abilities, so that your heroes can decide for themselves when to drink their potions. Changes...
More Ancillary Equipment Slots
Created by Alex Zhao
This simple mod increased the ancillary slots for all character from 6 to 8 just like dwarf's characters. Should be compatible with everything. ...
看到评论区大家都在说想要金发版本,我就做了一个,如果大家有别的意见都可以和我反馈,但是由于加速器的问题我无法在评论区回复,希望大家理解,谢谢大家的支持 拉远头发出现黑块是由于头发细节较多会导致帧数下降,所以我调整了LOD细节 黑发版本已在右边的必要MOD中列出 ...
湖神仙女美化 (Fay Reskin)
Created by 混沌破龍斩
为湖神仙女替换了新模型 This Mod has taken a lot of effort from me and is still constantly being updated. If you like my Mod and are willing to treat me to a cup of coffee, I would be very happy❤️ 这个Mod的制作花费了我很多心血,并且仍在不断更新。如果你喜欢我的Mod,愿意请我喝一杯快乐水的话,我会非常开心的❤️ ko-fi: http...
Green Knight Forever
Created by TravellerL
———————— INTRO ———————— A simple mod makes it so that the Bretonnia Culture Special ability "Green knight" lasts for 999 turns each time you activate it rather than the original edition. ———————— NOTE ———————— - Load order of this mod needs to be higher th...
Bretonnia Chivalry Unlock All Vows
Created by TravellerL
———————— INTRO ———————— This is my same mod in WARHAMMER II This mod adds the GRAIL VOW unlocking for Bretonnia Chivalry. The PALADIN and DAMSEL can also skip the vows at high enough chivalry. When this mod has been enable,you can recruit LORD PROPHETESS P...
【注】圣杯半狮鹫mod已经包含在本mod内,不需要再额外订阅,否则会引起冲突!!!!!!!! 本mod为巴托尼亚数据大更mod,全面的调整了巴托的数据只为改善玩家的体验 【骑士王】劳恩·莱昂科尔:专注于战争的王者,能在战场上为友军提供高额的buff,并为敌军带去超大范围debuff,同时在战略上也能先发制人,将敌军分割击溃! 【湖神祭司】莫吉安娜:看起来派系效果朴实无华,实际上却拥有最保值的全派系加成。能在战场上为友军提供强大的恢复能力,并且擅长对敌军造成直接的法术伤害。 【圣女】赫潘斯:巴托前期统军最强的...
[LIG] Reskin - Hellebron
Created by Less Is Good
Description Crone wanted to be young, now she's young. Khaine bless you Also you need to use it with Hellebron's Death Night to make it fully functional Compatiblity with Mixu's mod It is compatible and strongly recommended to use with sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY...
Malekith But Cool.
Created by Oombrella
Tired of golden masks and the ugly snarl? Made fun of my other mods for Malekith despite them being genuine? Then boy do I have the thing for you! Edits Malekiths head to no longer have the mask, but instead placed a void in its place. Combined with the tw...
Wood Elves Reborn | Faction Reskin
Created by JFred
Port of my reskin overhaul from WH2, with some minor updates. This mod turns the wood elves from homeless hobos and smurfs to a more armored, professional looking faction. Just about every unit has gotten a new look. Lords and heroes also have updated port...
Created by Mazisky
(5.x Dwarf) Guns, Smoke & Spectacle
Created by BrutusCz
!!WORKS ONLY ON ULTRA VFX SETTING (on low/mid/high you get no effects)!! Don't forget to enable "Smoke Transparency Fix" mod that I listed in dependencies. "Guns, Smoke & Spectacle" Overhaul aims to bring gunpowder units to another level, initially inspire...
Campaign Weather Overhaul
Created by John Matrix
Mod is fully compatible with Immortal Empires Expanded, but place mine first in the load order! *Screenshots are outdated, will upload new one soon* INTRODUCTION This mod is a complete overhaul of campaign map lighting and weather. I have created and added...
Tyrion - Original Armor of Aenarion
Created by Kurmudge
Enough with the red and white! Here's something a little different. The Armor of Aenarion, painted and accessorized as Aenarion wore it. I took a popular illustration of the first Phoenix King and did what I could to match the styling of Tyrion's gear. Mal...
[LIG] Reskin - Ulrika
Created by Less Is Good
Description Ulrika reskin each for Kislev and Empire, If you play campaign as empire you will get Empire version and Kislev version when playing Kislev Empire Design inspired by GW official artwork Compatiblity Compatible unless change Ulrika's appearance ...
[LIG] Reskin - Handmaiden
Created by Less Is Good
Description Handmaiden reskin, changed armor & added one head variant Coverage of faction colors increased significantly Compatiblity Compatible unless change handmaiden's appearance Save file compatible Should be compatible with great Handmaiden Variants ...
[LIG] Reskin - Damsel
Created by Less Is Good
Description This is WH3 port of Damsel reskin This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification In warhammer lore, Damsels are taken to fay before puberty and return after years, and stay young and beautiful with their magic....
[LIG] Reskin - Alarielle
Created by Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin of Alarielle make her looks less older, while put a quite effort to give similar impression & face sculpt. Thus I didn't changed unit card & 2D portrait Unlike one which I posted on WH2, It does not contain nudity though transpare...
Rebanner III
Created by Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners have been modified to make it worth your while to consider what unit c...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Created by sm0kin
WH2's Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.1.0 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the p...
全派系筛选初始特性 All Factions Filter Innate Character
Created by TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that I find useless in case you cannot get ...
Double Skill Points & Skill Dump
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod lets lords and heros get 2 skill points per level and provide a skill dump that increase the character's hit point 1% per skill level. Suggest to start a new campaign. AI will also get more skill points. Will conflict with other mod that edited ch...