Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Itens (253)
АКСМ 321
Criado por Дима
Завод-изготовитель Флаг Белоруссии Белкоммунмаш → BKM Holding АКСМ-321 Проект, г. 1999 Выпускался, гг. 2001—н.в. , 2009-2010 (СВАРЗ-6235.01) Экземпляры 2359 (на декабрь 2019) Макс. скорость, км/ч 70 Время разгона до скорости 50 км/ч, c 26 Вместимость, чел....
Žižkov TV tower
Criado por Dejfo94
Tune your 80s synthesizer-heavy music because we have something special today! Unique transmitter tower built in Prague (Czechoslovakia) between 1985 and 1992. Designed by the architect Václav Aulický and the structural engineer Jiří Kozák, it stands high ...
АН-225"МРIЯ" (AN-225 "MRIYA")
Criado por Mauser_NATO
Ukrainian super-heavy cargo aircraft. Made on the basis of AN - 124 In reality, only one copy was made for transporting USSR copies of the space shuttle aircraft. 3 color options. Year of issue 1988 - Today Currency RUB. !!!!!There is one bug. because of t...
Балтийский вокзал [Без надписей]/ St. Petersburg-Baltiysky railway station [unmarked]
Балти́йский вокза́л — один из старейших вокзалов Санкт-Петербурга. Современное здание вокзала построено в 1855—1858 годах архитектором А. И. Кракау. Прототипом вокзала послужил Восточный вокзал в Париже. По бокам здания располагались двухэтажные флигели, л...
Волжанин 6270
Criado por Дима
Завод-изготовитель Россия ВАП Волжанин Выпускался, гг 2001—2008 Экземпляры около 270 Полная масса, т 25,0 Снаряжённая масса, т 15,3 Макс. скорость, км/ч 110 Класс автобуса особо большой ЭКО стандарт Евро-3 Вместимость Мест для сидения 30 Полная вместимость...
Вологодский вокзал / 'Vologda' railway station
Вологда 1 (до 1926 года — Вологда-Город) — железнодорожная станция в Вологде. Расположена на 494 километре от Ярославского вокзала Москвы и 597 километре от Ладожского вокзала Санкт-Петербурга. У этого вокзала есть 5 ж\д путей: 4 длинные и 1 укороченный. V...
ГЭС-27 | Hydro electro power station '27
Criado por dimndroll
RUS Для тех, кто не может дождаться появления ГЭС от разработчиков — этот мод. Он основан на легендарной Волховской ГЭС, одной из первых советских гидроэлектростанций. Её строительство началось почти сразу после революции, но было прервано из-за гражданско...
Деревня | Village
Criado por dimndroll
RUS Для тружеников села в первом выпуске "Сельской жизни" представлена традиционная русская деревня. Это 64 уникальных дома: 16 отдельных участков и 16 сельских улиц, по 3 участка. Дома относительно уютные, качество жилья — 55-65%. Для строительства нужны ...
Дворец культуры
Дворец был построен в начале 70-х годов для посетителей Припяти и Чернобыльской АЭС. «Энергетик» являлся частью целого комплекса городских центральных зданий, куда входили сам дом культуры, универмаг, гостиница «Полесье», ресторан, кухня для детей, кинотеа...
Гостиница | Hotel
Criado por Podolskiy
Прототип реальной гостиницы в городе Вологда, Россия. Тип постройки: Гостиница Рейтинг: 4.2 / 5 Рабочие - 40 Максимум туристов - 200 Другие мои работы: ===============...
Жилой дом в стиле 'Сталинский ампир' / Stalin Empire style house
Ста́линская архитекту́ра — обобщающий термин для архитектуры в СССР, начиная с начала 1930-х годов (конкурса Дворца Советов) до середины 1950-х, представляющей собой характерное узнаваемое сочетание нескольких архитектурных стилей и отличающейся от предшес...
ИКИ АН СССР (Space Research Institute)
Criado por Tesmio
ИКИ АН СССР - головной академический институт по исследованию и использованию космического пространства в интересах фундаментальных наук. ИКИ выполняет экспериментальные научные работы по таким направлениям космической физики, как астрофизика, физика плане...
МИТХТ (MITHT) (Chemical University)
Criado por Tesmio
Support me: Warning! Вы можете обратится ко мне в личные сообщения с предложением какого-либо здания - за небольшие деньги я сделаю это здание персонально для вас, либо выложу в общий доступ в мастерскую, в зависимости от ваше...
Criado por Tesmio
Абсолютно пустая, относительно равнинная карта местности Москвы в пределах МКАДа. Приятной игры! Absolutely blank, relatively flat map of the area of Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road. Have a nice game!...
НИИ Спецавтопром (Car Factory)
Criado por Tesmio
Support me: НИИ "Спецавтопром" - научно-производственное предприятие, разрабатывающие технологии производства новых автомобилей, проектирующие их производство и техническую основу. Прототипом здание послужило НИИ Автомобильной...
НПП Пульсар (Pulsar - Electrodetail Factory)
Criado por Tesmio
Support me: НПП "Пульсар" – научно-производственный центр, специализирующийся на производстве изделий СВЧ-электроники на основе кремния, кремний-германия и широкозонных полупроводниковых материалов. НПП «Пульсар» основан в 195...
Criado por Tesmio
Support me: Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени НИИ радиоприборостроения (НИИРП) — советский институт, расположенный в городе Химках. На данный момент, как и многие другие НИИ бывшего СССР, заброшен и разграблен. Разрабатывал си...
Машиностроительный цех (Car Factory)
Criado por Tesmio
Головное производство завода тяжелого машиностроения - машиностроительный цех. Огромнейший цех - это самое большое здание в игре и в мастерской. Его размеры - 336 метров ширины на 670 метров длины. Создано по реальному прототипу цеха завода "Дизель" - коор...
Criado por Дима
автобус ПАЗ-3237 пасожиров 17 сидячих мест обьщее число в мещаемости 54 пасожира Год выпуска 2002-2014 можно купить за РУБЛИ...
Пластиковый цех (Plastic Factory)
Criado por Tesmio
Пластиковый цех научно-производственного предприятия "Резистор". Списочное количество сотрудников цеха - 88 рабочих. По производительности немного превосходит обычный ванильный завод. Потребляет химикаты, нефть, производит пластиковые корпуса для электрони...
Серия 121 60 25 В
Серия 121-60-25 – крупнопанельные дома, распространенные в городах, строившихся в качестве обеспечения жилой инфраструктуры крупных энергетических объектов (ГЭС, ГРЭС, АЭС). Дома имеют специфический внешний вид, в связи с крестообразной планировкой этажа. ...
Почтовое отделение | Post office
Criado por dimndroll
RUS Теперь для граждан республики доступна почта (в комплекте киоск “Союзпечать” и старый советский уличный телефон). Поскольку в игре нет почтовой инфраструктуры, это здание работает как кинотеатр. Сотрудники: 30 Посетители: 68 В качестве бонуса киоск “Со...
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
Criado por dimndroll
RUS Районная поликлиника – медицинское учреждение для оказания амбулаторной помощи больным на приёме. Поэтому службы «скорой помощи» здесь нет. Пациенты добираются на приём пешком или на общественном транспорте. Персонал: 10 Врачи: 30 Максимальное число па...
Советская техника - Soviet vehicles
ГАЗ-53 вахтовка, ЛАЗ-699Н, ГАЗ-52 крытый, ГАЗ-52 живая рыба, ГАЗ-53 молоко, ГАЗ-53 силос, КаМаЗ-5320 колхозник одиночка и сприцепом, ЗиЛ-133ГЯ колхозник одиночка и с прицепом...
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 2
Criado por Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" PART 1
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 1
Criado por Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Это 1я часть Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" Part 1 PART 2
Спорт | Sport
Criado por Podolskiy
Стадион 1 Рабочих - 10 Посетителей - 120 Стадион 2 (2 версии) Рабочих - 15 Посетителей - 210 Баскетбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 24 Волейбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 18 Футбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих...
Тракторостроительный завод (Car Factory)
Criado por Tesmio
Одна из моих старых моделей. Я решил, чтобы труды не пропадали, выкладывать их понемногу. Здание представляет собой завод автомобилей. Для выполнения лора стоит выпускать на нем можно только тракторы, экскаваторы, тягачи, бульдозеры и строительные краны. М...
Таврія ЗАЗ - 1102 (ZAZ - 1102)
Criado por Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1988 - 1997...
Criado por Benser
Универмаг / Store Оригинальная модель/model from: 17.09. update textures $WORKERS_NEEDED 25 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 12 $STORAGE_DEMAND_ADVANCED RESOURCE_TRANSPOR...
газель некст
Criado por Дима
Газель next маршрутка В местимость 17 человек Годы производства 2013 н/в Можно купить за рубли Производитель Россия Н-Новгород Горьковский Автомобильный Завод...
Электродетальный цех (Electrocomponents Factory)
Criado por Tesmio
Электродетальный цех ЗТМ - цех по сборке специализированных электро- и радиодеталей для автомобилей. В цеху работает 110 рабочих и 24 инженера. Цех производит из химикатов, пластика и незначительного количества стали электродетали, необходимые для сборки п...
Универсам | Universam (grocery supermarket)
Criado por dimndroll
RUS Универсам (универсальный магазин самооблуживания) – это один из первых советских супермаркетов в современном понимании слова. Правда, в отличие от универмагов, там продавали исключительно продукты и хозяйственные товары. Такие магазины массово строилис...
Criado por Shotkey
1Lg-600A is a Soviet series of residential buildings for industrial housing construction, created according to a Polish project revised by the LenZNIIEP Institute in the mid-60s. Initially, the construction of houses was carried out by Avtovsky DSK-3 in Le...
Химический цех (Chemical Factory)
Criado por Tesmio
Химический цех завода тяжелого машиностроения. Потребляет битум, топливо, уголь, производит химикаты. Цех - не является автономной единицей. Все комменты тех кто будет писать "а как я буду вилкой чистить" без коннекта сыпучих и жидкий грузов, будут удалять...
"P-44-like" buildings
Criado por Comrade Joe
This mod proposes one (maybe more in the future) reskin of Comrade kostas667's highrise buildings (original mod:, inspired from the 80s designs of complexes seen in the area of Warsaw highw...
15 Story Panel Apartments
Criado por OffTheRailsGaming
Inspired by buildings from Sovkhoz imeni Lenina, Moscow Oblast. Available in 3 colours. Capicity 180 Quality 87%...
16-storey residential building
Criado por Billman007 Description I present you a 16-storey panel apartment building. The design of the building is individual, but based on the elements of the 97 series. There are a total of three similar buildings built in Chelyabinsk, each sl...
1930s Electric Components Factory
Criado por Comrade Joe
The Elektroapparat factory is a real life factory located in old Leningrad. It produces electric components for the heavy and energy industry. Originally set up by German Capitalists in the late 19th Century, it was gloriously confiscated by the Revolution...
24 storey tower
Criado por Dejfo94
24 storey simple residential apartment tower. Great for highrise cities and a must have for those who like to safe spaces like me :-) 384 workers can live here, Quality of flats 80...
31 storey Red Road Flat
Criado por Sepis
Replica one of Red Road Flats buildings Fits 507 workers....
21 storey flats prefab
Criado por 3division
Sample apartments with 21 storey. Good to save place in your city :-) For moders: Check source files to see how to add your new building Documentation will follow soon! (works with version and higher)...
22 storey "Clouds"
Criado por Gorbachev
Жилой комплекс "Облака". 22 этажа, по 5 квартир на этаже, 110 квартир для 220 рабочих. Здание имеет реальный протопип жилья среднего класса. Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments element от 3DVISION, о...
81-717/714 Leningrad v. / 81-717/714 Ленинградская в.
ENG Famously known MetroVagonMash and VagonMash metro trains 81-717/714 (also known as "Nomernoi" (Numbered /Номерной) due to never receiving official lettered classification was developed as temporaly model before start of the production of "I" series. Bu...
Criado por Niss Tagm
Apartment 4 Floors 30 Workers Series A...
Airport Hotel
Criado por Novu
A combind Airport terminal and Hotel. The buildings stack on top of each other. They can be built either together or individually. The Airport Hotel is compatible with Vanilla airport terminal and can be placed on top of other low rise buildings as well....
AlG Open Storage 4K.
Criado por AlGames
Open storage 4K. Capacity: 4000 tons...
All Resources on the map
Criado por so mao
Added coal, iron, oil, gravel. on all maps. Attention please. This is cheat mod. and I am Japanese people. I use Google translation. Therefore, the translation may not be accurate.And there is no grass....
American 30's City Pack
Criado por Ternet18
American 30's City Pack Will grow as time progresses As of now the pack features a modest variety of lower income tenements with style matching shops, together with a different cup of tea being a Party HQ downtown skyscraper. The pack is highly inspired by...
Antonov AN-24
Criado por oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-24 (по кодификации НАТО: Coke — «Кокс») — турбовинтовой пассажирский самолёт для линий малой и средней протяжённости. Оснащён двумя турбовинтовыми двигателями АИ-24 с воздушным винтом изменяемого шага. Самолёт выпускался с 1959 по 1979 год, произвед...
Arctic Hotel (Azimut Hotel Murmansk)
Criado por Billman007 Description Greetings, I present to you the Arctic Hotel. This is an 18-storey building (hotel and business center) located in the center of Murmansk, the city's calling card and the tallest building beyond the polar circle....
Automatic bread factory
Criado por MTandi
Automatic bread factory inspired by the Mechanized Bakery #9 in Moscow. Built in 1933 and was capable of producing 190 tons of bread per day (it's only 40 tons in-game). Very expensive to build (needs a lot of mechanical and electric components), but has a...
B-337, C17A, L-188.
Criado por Mauser_NATO
3 aircraft 1 - Passenger Boeing 377 Stratocruiser 1949 -1963 6 colors 2 - Passenger Lockheed L-188 Electra 1957 - 1962 6 colors 3 - Freight Boeing C-17A 1991 - 2015 2 colors...
Bauxit processing plant
Criado por pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. A factory with railway trac...
Berlin TV Tower
Criado por KArantukki
Berliner Fernsehturm Der Berliner Fernsehturm ist mit 368 Metern das höchste Bauwerk Deutschlands sowie der vierthöchste Fernsehturm Europas. Der Fernsehturm befindet sich im Park am Fernsehturm im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte. Der Fernsehturm im Internationale...
Big clinic
Criado por robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
Criado por gachimuchiman
БКМ-201 - белорусский городской высокопольный троллейбус. Выпускался на заводе Белкоммунмаш с 1996 по 2011 год. Имелись следующие модификации: 20100, 20101 и 201А7, отличавшиеся электрооборудованием. Так же в период 2002-2007 гг. производился сочлененный т...
Big sports hall
Criado por robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers and serves about 245 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with s...
Block of flats 12 storey v1
Criado por EdekZamknijDrzwi
en: Block of flats from prefab 12 storey version 1, built using in-game editor. For 240 workers. Quality of flats 90%. Building need install in folder /buildingeditor/elements/residential_prefab3 pl: Blok z wielkiej płyty 11 pięter wersja 1, zrobiony we wb...
BMW E30 320i 4 door
Criado por Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ EDITED 12-2022 -added 8 new colours -added normal texture -fixed tail l...
Blokovi Pack
Criado por Benco54
The Blokovi building pack include some buildings from Novi Beograd, Serbia. These Buildings there called Blokovi. You have 5 buildings in this mod with different sizes. The blokovi xl based on original building in novi beograd. The rest of the buildings ar...
Boeing 727
Criado por oleksii.kapustin
RU: Boeing 727 — американский узкофюзеляжный среднемагистральный пассажирский самолёт. Первый полёт совершил 9 февраля 1963 года. Всего с 1963 по 1984 год было поставлено 1832 самолёта. Аэродинамическая схема — свободнонесущий трёхмоторный турбовентиляторн...
British Rail Wagons
Criado por Monotone
Train wagons from the nationalisation era of British Rail. Including Covered, Refrigerated, Livestock, Open, Mineral, Bulk, and Tank wagons. Intended as an alternative for my 'Wagons West' mod with real vehicles. They can all be purchased for dollars. Much...
Boeing 747
Criado por Mauser_NATO
I think it does not need an introduction. 2 options: Covered Passenger 13 colors. Currency...
Car dealer PACK
Criado por Benser
Магазин "Автомобили" Модель основана на реальном здании. 17.01.2021 обновил мод, немного исправил скрипт и размеры модели. Теперь в моде 3 автомагазина: 1. Магазин "Автомобілі" (назва Українською мовою) 2. Магазин "Автомобили" (название на русском языке, к...
Central railway station
Criado por abelyanhayk852
MOD SIZE DECREASED BY MORE THAN 20%! ----- Central railway station of Yerevan, Armenia. It was established in 1902, but the building was built in 1956. Has 4 rail lines, 1 bus stop and accepts up to 2000 passengers. --- Центральный ЖД вокзал в Ереване, Арм...
Cepsa Tower
Criado por Rod.Zam
The Torre Cepsa (renamed in June 2014, before was Torre Bankia) is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors,] it is the second tallest of the four buildings in the Cuatro Torr...
daf XF 105
Criado por wild
Daf XF 105 2 грузовика крытый и самосвал грузоподъёмность 18 оба купить за USD более точную инфо поже щас занимаюсь другие полуприцепы делою будут добавлены сюда....
Combined Factory's
Criado por Twiggy
This contains a selection of 8 Combined Factory's. For these to function you will need to supply all the cargo items needed. If an item is missing it will stop production of all items. The items needed are the same as the original factory's would need apar...
EMD SD45-2
Criado por Lex713
  Information The EMD SD45-2 is a 6-axle road switcher diesel-electric locomotive built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division (EMD). EMD built 136 locomotives between 1972–1974, primarily for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (ATSF). The SD45-2...
ER2 6 Car Trainset
Criado por Sam
ER2 Trainset 6 Car variant. Available in 3 colours. Green, Red, Blue. ...
ER200 | ЭР200
Criado por βlu∃_βrO
Representation of ER200. Since wagons are the ones containing pantograph, this trainset requires somewhat of a manual setup. Its pictured above in the preview pictures. This way you can make the train however long you want without being limited by trainset...
ER22 Jet train
Criado por Zombiedragon
Definately the fastest vehicle our republic can afford. Quite powerfull too. In 1970, researchers in the USSR developed the High-speed Laboratory Railcar (SVL) turbojet train. The researchers placed jet engines on an ER22 railcar, normally part of an elect...
Fire station 4-16-21
Criado por Gerbilskij
Model project 4-16-21 was a typical Soviet fire station built between the '50s to the mid '60s. It comes in two variants, one with a plaster facade and a brick one (updated). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has b...
Fish Farm
Criado por OffTheRailsGaming
Fish Farm. Produces a small amount of meat in return for supplies of grain (to feed the fish) and wood (fuel for the smoker). Must be partially placed over the water (the side with the blue dots). Pre-levelling is definitely recommended as they can be a qu...
Flat map with big river (blank)
Criado por JonahF2014
A flat map with some small mountains, many resources and most importantly a huge river with a lot of Islands. Instpration/ base river map from some random river in greenland, didn't save the coords so I'm not sure but I think it might be this one: https://...
FMZ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7
Criado por xlimeee
FMŻ Bizon combine harvester pack with different paintjobs. Harvesting skill ranging from 25 to 32, cost is simmilar to E512 Paczka kombajnów zbożowych FMŻ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7. Szybkość koszenia od 25 do 32, koszt podobny co E512 Z040 Z050 Z056 Z056-7 poz...
Flats 9&13 st
Criado por painkillerlexar
9 & 13 floor Flats Qual 97 workers 9 st- 120 13st- 160 13st 2t- 288 13st 3t- 400 9 - 13 st living Builds 5 variations...
Criado por juan_chiw77
Foreign Embassy
Criado por Nyxyx
Embassy: Comes in two variants: a smaller variant with no grounds, and a larger variant with some landscaping. Now functions as a Hotel...
Food Factory V2
Criado por archiver213
Food Factory V2 2x Production & Export...
Forklift Road Crossing
Criado por OffTheRailsGaming
You can now cross the road with your forklift connections, allowing for much better planning. Vehicle clipping will occur, this I can't change. Rail crossing available here -
Futuristic Appartment
Criado por Pyro
The year is 2050 and the USSR has survived some tough times. Now it looks like the socialist dream is coming true with new massive structures able to support many people in high-tech luxury.
Criado por BORO
Гаражи для личного транспорта. На 8, 16 и 32 машины. Тип здания – стоянка Garages for personal vehicles. On 8, 16 and 32 cars. Type of building - parking Дорога транзитная. При большом трафике машин, могут появиться пробки на дороге. The road is transit. W...
GDR "realistic"
Criado por Michael
The GDR was founded on October 7, 1949. According to Russian sources, more than 3,000 factories in the Soviet occupation zone were dismantled as reparations and brought to the Soviet Union. This made it impossible for the GDR to keep up with the developmen...
Granite embankment
Criado por BORO
Гранитная набережная. 21 элемент для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Granite embankment. 21 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. 1. Набережная 12 метров (спортивная площ...
GDR Berlin vehicle skin pack
Criado por Genosse_Domi
See ya' still living, comrades. Today I present you a vehicle skin pack, adding skins as east berlin BVB (nowadays BVG) busses, trolleys and subways. The BVB (Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe) was the east german equivalent to the west german BVG. Content/Inhalt ...
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Next — это флагманское поколение автомобильной техники «Группы ГАЗ». Основной принцип этой линейки - модульная конструкция кузова. Одним из примеров такой унификации стал автобус «Вектор NEXT», который был разработан на основе шасси «ГАЗон NEXT». Год выпус...
Ground Metro Station v2 (OUTDATED)
Criado por Mr. Suka_Blyat
Hardau Pack
Criado por Benco54
The Hardau building pack include the 4 High-rise buildings from Zürich, named Hardau building. You have all 4 original size buildings in this pack. Additional i made an extended version with 187m hight (inclusiv antenna) for tall building lovers. Its one o...
High Flow Oil Rig
Criado por Twiggy
Not getting enough from your Oil Rigs ? Well this is for you! This will enhance your max extraction of Oil to 30 tons per Workday which will give you better extraction when placed on Small or Large Deposits. Also with larger internal storage of 50 tons. ...
Hockey Arena
Criado por phx.Ham
Sports Palace from St. Petersburg. Build in the year 1967. The early name was: "Sports Palace jubilee" Full Name: Дворец спорта ленинградских профсоюзов «Юбилейный». Have fun....
High Tech Rail Works
Criado por Pyro
This is a high-tech factory full of the most advanced heavy manufacturing equipent available to your republic to build the next generation of rail equipment for public transport and freight.
Holden Station
Criado por Fiend
My interpretation of the kind of station that Charles Holden might have come up with if he had lived in the Soviet Union. Capacity 4000 4 tracks Three versions included, with the road on the right or the left, and a smaller two-track one with no road conne...
House of Soviets
Criado por Brammered
What’s this?: Based on the building in Kaliningrad, The House of Soviets was meant to be the political centre of the city during the USSR. However, construction was never completed, and the building now sits as an empty shell, affectionately referred to as...
Hospital (with Helipad)
Criado por Benco54
Hello, this is my hospital. It requires 90 employees and 40 doctors, so it can also accommodate many patients. It offers space for 4 vehicles and from now on 1 for helicopters at the roof! there is a vehicle connection and 4 pedestrian connections as a sma...
Criado por Shotkey
Here you can get houses by the project 9683/17. They can function as residential, dormitory or hotel. The outbuilding is used for public needs - cafe / shop, it is built over the main building (see screenshot, binding to a common center works). The hotel c...
Huge Fabric Factory (NEW)
Criado por KArantukki
Huge Fabric Factory Based on a cotton mill in Leipzig (east Germany). - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connection - 500 places for workers...
Hotel "Ukraine"
Criado por Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the hotel Ukraine, as well as several tourist extensions. It was made according to an unrealized project in 1954, later the project was greatly simplified. CHARACTERISTIC "Hotel_Ukraine" Hotel 160 employees 1051 visitors Storag...
Criado por painkillerlexar
I-447c различных версий 9 ти этажные жилые здания качество 85 количество рабочих- от 120 до 2000 I-447c various versions 9 floor residential buildings quality 85 workers - 120-2000 ...
Criado por painkillerlexar
И-700 серия i-700 series 3 вида 3 type И-700A И-700Н И-700Я Серийные дома серии И-700 – это панельные здания башенного типа. Строилась серия в Москве на протяжении десяти лет в период с 1980 по 1990 год. The serial houses of the I-700 series are tower-type...
IFA "Tiny Boi" M25
Criado por RED
This mod adds M25 Multicar as "forklift" option. Let's appreciate our tiny boi and let him do some good work....
InterCity-Express 1 | ICE 1
Criado por βlu∃_βrO
Statistics: Power car: Price: 146,091$ Max speed: 160km/h (limited by game) Power: 4800KW Empty Weight: 80t Passanger Wagon: Price: 57,029$ Capacity: 71 passangers Weight: 53t Restaurant Wagon: Price: 64,487$ Capacity: 40 passangers Weight: 60t Wiki page f...
International Transtar 2 (CO 4070)
Criado por Mauser_NATO
Седельный тягач. 8 типов прицепов: 1 - Бетономешалка. 2 - Рефрежиратор. 3 - Цементовоз. 4 - Цистерна 5 - Прицеп для сыпучих грузов. 6 - Лесовоз 7 - Открытый прицеп. 8 - Закрытый прицеп. 20 цветов. Года выпуска 1968 - 1981 ----------------------------------...
Iron Felix Monument
Criado por OffTheRailsGaming
A Soviet Era Statue for decoration. With many thanks to Ryan for his invaluable help during this steep learning curve....
Ikarus 260/280T trolleybus
Criado por Gerbilskij
Ikarus 280 T is the trolleybus version of the famous Ikarus 280 articulated bus, around 380 units were produced between 1975 and 1992. Besides being widely used in Hungary (Budapest, Szeged, Debrecen), it was also exported to Bulgaria, East Germany, North ...
Ikarus 180 & 556
Criado por olDen
Ikarus556 & Ikarus180 SPEED 80 (65) CAPACITY 105 (160) AVAILABLE 1962 1972 (1966 1973) the model is adapted by denizabr...
JenTower 1972 DDR Tech-University
Criado por phx.Ham
Jentower - build from 1970 - 1972. The tower was used as university. Work as a tech-University The architect of the tower was Hermann Henselmann, one of the most famous architects of the former German Democratic Republic. The idea of a monolithic tower as ...
Karosa B741 bus
Criado por Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ Karosa B741 bus made in czechoslovakia, is used from arround 1987. Afte...
KamAZ 5320/5511
Criado por KapgaH
Правильный КамАЗ-5320, с кабиной без спальника. Моделька максимально правильная. Не пложу лишние сущности, выкладываю только типы, которых в игре нет. Мод дополнен миксером, самосвалом, и комунальной машиной, в общем всеми моделями на которых от роду с зав...
Khovrino Hospital
Criado por Akira43
An ill fated real life building ( ) adapted as closely as possible to be an in game hospital. It has 2 road connections and parking spaces for up to 15 ambulances and a roof heliport. It has more or less t...
Criado por frostsey
Simplified version. Night illumination has refused to work)) a little later I will highlight and add....
Criado por painkillerlexar
Kukuryza Prototype was build in 1989 in Poland little bit problems with build visualisation , but all work :)....
Lada Niva Urban
Criado por gachimuchiman
Lada Niva Urban - российский внедорожник, выпускаемый с 2014 года на АвтоВАЗе. Является "обновлением" обычной "Нивы" и производится в двух вариантах: с тремя и с пятью дверьми Характеристики в игре: Макс. скорость - 143 км/ч Макс. мощность - 59.6 кВт Масса...
Large Electronic Component Factory
Criado por KArantukki
Large Factory for Electronic Components Inspired by the 'Halbleiterwerk' in Frankfurt (Oder) in east Germany. - 1 Road connection - place for 300 workers...
Large Plastic Factory
Criado por KArantukki
Large Plastic Factory - 250 workers - 1 road connection - 1 pipeline input - 2 factory connections - 3 pedestrian connectionsN...
Large oil storage
Criado por CAHTEXHUK
Резервуар на 12.000 единиц топлива Oil storage for 12.000...
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Criado por Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the building of the Latvian Academy of Sciences from Riga (Latvia). It is made in the "Baltic style", which I really like, because I really liked the architectural style of the Baltic cities and most likely this is not the last...
Kyiv map
Criado por OYaVizuViIzAnglii
Kyiv map with some parts of city centre ...
Criado por WinLen
Leningrad (St-Petersburg) map Flat-hilled with meduim resources Fleet friendly Uninhabited Updating (Looking for your feedback!) ...
Criado por frostsey
Large-block apartment building, Leningrad layout (1980-1992)...
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ЛиАЗ-5256 — советский и российский высокопольный автобус большого класса производства Ликинского автобусного завода. Предназначен для крупных городов с интенсивным пассажиропотоком. По состоянию на август 2019 года выпущено около 25700 таких автобусов. Они...
Leningradskaya Hotel *****
Criado por Raysione
This mod contains a hotel building made from a photo of the Leningradskaya hotel, which is located in Moscow, as well as an additional building (without collisions), which you can insert into your hotel, thereby increasing the number of meters in it. CHARA...
Criado por painkillerlexar
Ленинградский Спортивно Концертный комплекс имени Ленина Строительство было начато в 1970 году и окончено в конце 1979 года СКК был открыт 19 мая 1980 года Уничтожен в 2020 проек руководитель арх.Чайко Игорь Михайлович арх-ры Чайко И. М., Баранов Н. В., Як...
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ЛиАЗ-5292 — российский городской низкопольный автобус большого класса производства Ликинского автобусного завода. Первый полностью низкопольный автобус российского производства. Предназначен для крупных городов с интенсивным пассажиропотоком. Серийно выпус...
Criado por gachimuchiman
ЛиАЗ-677 - советский городской высокопольный автобус, производился на Ликинском автобусном заводе с 1968 по 1982. Появился на смену модели 158 и был заменен модернизированной своей версией 677М. В игре имеет 6 вариантов окраса. ЛиАЗ-677Б - советский пригор...
Liberatian Socialist Republic / Liberatia
Criado por Ternet18
Liberatia is a country from a Youtube series I've taken part in few years ago. It has a special place with me and re-creating it in W&R:SR was a pleasure and a honor Winter Screenshots possible thanks to 123 and his winter texture pack: https://steamcommun...
LM-49 LM-57 LVS-86 LM-99
Criado por olDen
LM-57 SPEED 65 CAPACITY 170 AVAILABLE 1957 1968 LVS-86 SPEED 75 CAPACITY 186 AVAILABLE 1987 1997 LM-99 SPEED 75 CAPACITY 102 AVAILABLE 1999 2008 LM-49 SPEED 55 CAPACITY 125 AVAILABLE 1949 1960 the model is adapted by denizabr...
Criado por PhasyX
The 4-year-long war has finally concluded and our glorious nation has proven victorious. We have "liberated" this country from the abysmal greed of the capitalists and you have been tasked to handle the borough of Lyubinsk. Here are the details: Lyubinsk i...
Main library
Criado por robs074 Main library based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a cinema. Employs 40 workers and serves about 280 people. It also works as a tourist ...
MAN Lion's City A21 NL273
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
MAN Lion's City - это серия городских автобусов с низким полом и низким входом, производимая немецким производителем грузовых автомобилей и автобусов MAN Truck & Bus (ранее MAN Nutzfahrzeuge) с 1996 г. в основном для европейского рынка, но также доступна в...
Marx University
Criado por Novu
When the revolution happened this old cathedral was seized by the workers party and repurposed to a university lecture hall now called Marx University. Employs 20 workers and 20 professors. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming s...
Maz 104 with rote table
Criado por shadasviarus
Add route table to the maz 104 bus ...
MAZ 2050
Criado por Pyro
With the use of compact anti-grav units MAZ has produced a truck suitable to carry massive loads quickly and efficiently across long distances. This is...
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
МАЗ-203 — белорусский низкопольный городской автобус второго поколения Минского автомобильного завода. Мелкосерийное производство этого автобуса началось со второго квартала 2006 года; первая крупная партия из пятидесяти автобусов была произведена по заказ...
MAZ-105 MAZ-107
Criado por olDen
MAZ 105 SPEED 85 CAPACITY 160 AVAILABLE 1997 2017 MAZ 107 SPEED 90 CAPACITY 120 AVAILABLE 2001 3000 the model is adapted by denizabr...
Criado por Gerbilskij
MAZ-5432 is an evolution of the MAZ-5429 4x2 tractor-trailer, manufactured at the Minsk Automobile Plant from 1981 to 1988. The MAZ-54323 is an upgraded version that become available in 1988, the main differences from the base 5432 are a more powerful engi...
Medium Shopping Centre
Criado por KArantukki
Medium sized Shopping Centre - max. 40 workers - max. 280 visitors - 2 vehicle unloading spots - 2.0 attraction level...
Mercedes-Benz W124
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Mercedes-Benz W124 — серия легковых автомобилей бизнес-класса немецкой торговой марки Mercedes-Benz, которая производилась в 1984—1996 годах. Впервые была представлена в 1984 году и предназначалась для замены моделей серии W123. В 1995 году автомобили W124...
Criado por Дима
mersedes_acros tonar 35 ton.колёса не врощаются ...
Mill-Tower (grain storage)
Criado por Benco54
This is the mill tower, it based on the real exist mill tower in Zurich, Switzerland. Wikipedia: It has the original size and the real storage volume: 60'000 tons When you have some problems or issues please let me k...
Microdiscrict City 27
Criado por Gorbachev
микрорайон Сити 27 Набор зданий эконом-класса, разной этажности, состоящий из 6 строений: Дом №1 - 16 этажей, 160 квартир (320 рабочих); Дом №2 - 9 этажей, 86 квартир (172 рабочих); Дом №3 - 9 этажей, 90 квартир (180 рабочих); Дом №4 - 15 этажей, 150 кварт...
Ministry of Culture
Criado por KArantukki
Ministry of Culture This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Mercedes Benz Monobloco O-362
Criado por mocma
Mercedes Benz Monobloco O-362 is a city bus manufactured by the Brazilian subsidiary of this brand in the early 1970s. Its single-block body technology made it a revolutionary bus at a time when most were built in parts on adapted truck chassis. Available ...
Ministry of Finance
Criado por KArantukki
Ministry of Finance This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
MN TG 18.4
Criado por 3division
Transport capacity: 21 tons Empty Weight: 7.5 tons Engine Power: 320 KW Transport type: Covered Country: Germany Available: 2000 - present Available for purchase for dollars...
Modified Agro Farms
Criado por Twiggy
This will add 2 Modified Agro Farms which include > 2 with 24 Mechanism slots. 2 with 2 Road connections. 1 with 10 Factory connections. 1 with 8 Factory connections. 1 with 2 Rail lines. 2 with 6 Vehicle stations. And also a larger internal capacity of 20...
Moscow Unified Frame Towers
Criado por Comrade Joe
This mod proposes 2 late-Soviet 25-storey residential buildings located in Moscow, not far from the Ostankino TV Tower. These buildings are not part of a standardized building series, but instead are individual projects based on the KMS-101 catalog of cons...
Moscow 29-storey Monolith
Criado por Comrade Joe
The building of this mod is inspired by a building in Eastern Moscow that dominates the landscape of the Preobrazhenskoye district (exact address provided by Comrade doctorwolf1). It is the tallest residential building of the Soviet era to my knowledge. It...
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Комплект расцветки «МосГорТранса» Икарусов 260, 280 и МАЗ-104 + МАЗ-104 «МосТрансАвто». ______________ MosGorTrans" Ikarusov 260, 280 and MAZ-104 + MAZ-104 "MosTransAuto" color set....
Moskvich-408, Moskvich-427
Criado por gachimuchiman
Москвич-408 - базовый седан, производился на Московском заводе малолитражных автомобилей с 1964 по 1969 год Москвич-426 - универсал на базе седана 408, производился на Московском заводе малолитражных автомобилей с 1967 по 1969 год Москвич-427 - универсал н...
Criado por painkillerlexar
Monument of MotherlandCalls...
Motor Works
Criado por OffTheRailsGaming
A small vehicle manufacturing plant. Works at 1/10th the rate of the vanilla facility, although much smaller and much cheaper. Under the mod category Production Line. Available in two colours, white tiles or red brick and with mirrored versions for easy pl...
MTV-82 & MTB-82
Criado por olDen
MTV-82 SPEED 55 CAPACITY 90 AVAILABLE 1947 1961 MTB-8282 SPEED 55 CAPACITY 56 AVAILABLE 1946 1961 the model is adapted by denizabr...
Multi Connections Pipe Transfers
Criado por Twiggy
Multi connection pipe transfers,Original and High connections in one. With added pass through road connections. The visual error is the vehicles drive over a Pipe. All connections are easy to connect,I had to keep the High road side connection away from th...
New Textures
Criado por BRONTO
This Mod change some textures and icons. (all changes create in max graphic) ...Tip from me.... Turn of the grassanimation, not necessary with this mod. -colorized worker/students/child icons -road -grass -rail -different trees -industrie connetion -some o...
Non-blocking bus stops [Implemented in 0.8.2]
Criado por MTandi
A bus will not enter the bus stop until the previous one leaves it completely. This may create a traffic jam when the road is used by other vehicles even if you have only 2 busses using this stop. The mod adds a non-blocking flag to the bus stops. Now the ...
Criado por OffTheRailsGaming
An aquarium for your people to marvel at the wonders of the deep blue sea. Works as a cinema for up to 250 people....
Office building
Criado por robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a party HQ, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employs 80 workers with basic education and 80 lecturers and serves 240 stud...
Office building
Criado por robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Oil pipeline customs
Criado por Emhyr var Emreis
This mod allows you to sell oil, fuel and bitumen directly by your pipeline. We need faster oil export! This building allows you to export your oil products by long, steel pipeline, comrade. Important notes Due to limitations of the game, you cannot destro...
Office building - skins
Criado por robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Old Town Residential Blocks
Criado por baronjutter
A delightful palette of old town buildings to create charming perimeter blocks for your historic Soviet Republic. This is the residential set, featuring a collection of blocks, strips, and individual buildings to create many configurations. I hope to add s...
Orthodox Cathedral 2
Criado por Rat
The Cathedral of the Archangel is a Russian Orthodox church dedicated to the Archangel Michael. It is located in Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin in Russia between the Great Kremlin Palace and the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. It was the main necropolis...
Orthodox church and Museum
Criado por Benser
Свято-Варваровская церковь была построена еще в 1824 году в селе Корсуновка Полтавской области, Украина. В 1984 году комунисты решили ее уничтожить и взорвали ее со второй попытки. В память о ней этот мод. В игре работает как церковь и как музей. St. Barba...
Ostankino Television Tower
Criado por phx.Ham
Based on Ostankino Television Tower Buildingtime 1963–1967 originally 537 meters high. This Objekt has the original hight with 537 meter. Have fun. ...
P-30 14 storey
Criado por kostas667
P-30 is a project of prefabricated residential buildings from isolated block sections, developed by the design institute MNIITEP in the early 1970s. These houses were mainly built in Moscow. There are three buildings with different colors: blue, brown and ...
P-3 17 storey
Criado por kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red, blue and yellow Number of res...
P-4 flats
Criado por Comrade Joe
The P-4 series is a less common building design of the late USSR. It was built in the years 1973-1980 exclusively in Moscow. As far as I could find out, 5 copies of it were built (though it seems some variants with different shapes exist with the same name...
Pak of portraits of Soviet leaders
Criado por Raysione
A pack of portraits of Soviet leaders, as well as Comrade Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party of Russia, who could have been the next secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, and also Marx and Engels, the founders of the communist movement. And, of...
Palace of Soviet Museum
Второй вариант Дворец Советов, который функционирует как музей. Первый вариант, который функционирует как горком (ратуша): Дворец Советов — неосуществлённый проект строительства высотного ад...
Panel houses 6 (legacy)
Criado por robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
Panel house 3
Criado por robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 120 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Panel house 2
Criado por robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 185 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Park Inn Hotel
Criado por Benco54
The Park Inn**** by Radisson Berlin Alexanderplatz is the tallest building and the eleventh-tallest structure in Berlin and the 29th-tallest building and tallest hotel-only building in Germany. The 37-floor high-rise is in the northeast of Alexanderplatz i...
Party HQ University
Criado por Benser
ДЕКОММУНИЗИРОВАНО! А так все прежне:) Рабочий и колхозница» — памятник монументального искусства. Представляет собой скульптурную группу из двух фигур, мужской и женской, которые устремлены вперёд. После декомуннизации с тризубом, так как серп и молот в Ук...
Pelotas Region Brazil RS
Criado por Klapaucius IV ---------------------- A special thanks for the brilliant Soviet Modders community and the Brazilian supporters...
People's Theater
Criado por Comrade Joe
Old-fashioned/early-Soviet theater building that offers an alternative to the concrete-based cinema cube. More adapted for older settlements and/or small towns. Employs 20 people and has a max capacity of 200 (if I understand how that works correctly). The...
Peoples Palace Flats
Criado por Ternet18
Comrades of our great socialist paradise! A new super-luxurious mega project has arrived from our architects Ryan and Ternet! 840 people living in what they described as a Glorious 92% quality flats! The price lies up there at roughly 140 000 Rubles but wh...
Park Monuments and Buildings
Criado por OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of monuments and buildings to add some decoration to your cities, towns and park areas. Pack includes: Trimuphal Arch, 2 Flags, Obelisk, Red Star Monument, Clock Tower, Amphitheatre, Pavilion, Greenhouse, a selection of fountains and urns and ...
Pipeline overpass
Criado por BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
Criado por OffTheRailsGaming
The Planetarium. A cultural centre for your people to wonder at the stars. Works as a cinema for up to 250 people....
Polish State Railways part 3
Criado por mattslodki
Welcome to the third and last pack of the PKP (Polskie Koleje Państwowe - Polish state railways) waggons - the next one will finally be locomotives. This pack contains freight waggons used to transport specific materials across the railway, so don't let th...
Polish Shops (Part 1)
Criado por robs074 The pack includes 7 Polish shops: - small grocery store (10 workers, 70 customers, 6t of food, 1.5t of meat), - medium grocery store (15 workers, 105 c...
Polytechnic university
Criado por abelyanhayk852
MOD SIZE DECREASED BY MORE THAN HALF! ---------- Polytechnical university based on a real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Employs 125 professors and 125 workers. Educates up to 500 students. --- Политехнический институт на основе реального здания в Ереване, ...
Power plant
Criado por pascha.frolow1990
Power plant Many thanks for the advice and help of andrei777z! Thermal power plant with a capacity of 300 MW. Cooling tower connection-3 39 pins of 110 kv high voltage 10 pins of average voltage 22 kv Large-scale industry-180 jobs, 60 engineers With a capa...
Radio Transmitter
Criado por Nyxyx
This tall (~510m) longwave radio mast will allow your republics' signal to be heard around the world, literally! However, it draws 5MW of power, and the irrational fears of high power RF cause nearby citizens to get sick with stress, so plan accordingly....
RAF 2203
Criado por kndrju
---------------------------------------------------- Paczka RAF-ów 2203 w 4 kolorach. Irytowało mnie to, że model domyślnego busa z gry posiadał syreny, więc proszę, naprawione. Zmieniłem też pojemność i lata produkcji na te, które widnieją na Wikipedii. D...
Criado por Lac_M
railroad crossing trough factory connection need forklifts to work road crossing here:
Regional radio station
Criado por robs074 Regional radio station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers with basic education and 25 actors. Regionalna rozgłośnia radiowa...
Red Broadcasting Tower
Criado por Benco54
The red broadcasting tower a few facts about this very exciting building: Height: about 100 meters number of employees: 100 number of professors: 60 number of vehicle stations: 2 number of pedestrian connections: 7 the building is based on the red tower, f...
Residential building
Criado por abelyanhayk852
Decreased the textures size. ----- Residential house based on real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Accommodates 312 workers. Provides 95 percent of quality. Жилое здание на основе реального здания в Ереване, Армения. Вмещает 312 рабочих. Качество жилья - 95%...
Residential buildings type 1-464DM
Criado por Billman007 Description I present to you one of the most common series of standard residential buildings in Russia and CIS countries. The presented houses type of 1-464DM series are a local modification of the All-Union series of houses...
Residential buildings type 75 (9-12 floors)
Criado por Billman007 Description I present you the second part of the set, panelized residential buildings series 75. Residential buildings of this series were built in many cities in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti)...
Riga Technical University
Criado por Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the old building of the Riga Technical University from Riga (Latvia). This university is also designed in the "Baltic style", like my previous buildings. The building is well optimized, although it has many details. Unfortunate...
ROCAR DAC - E217, 117UD
Criado por Mauser_NATO
Romanian bus and later a trolleybus. I will make a short version later. Year of release: Bus 1979 - 1998 Trolleybus 1985 - 2000 12 Colors Currency RUB. !!!!!! Large size mod due to textures. !!!!!!...
Run-of-river hydroelectricity
Criado por Benco54
Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) or run-of-the-river hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of stora...
Criado por frostsey
Smale Radio Station
Criado por Vupi Goldberg
Small radio station Workers - 80 Leading - 40 end...
Singer Building
Criado por Novu
Built in 1908 the Singer Building was the tallest building in the world at 205m and 41 foors. It has been scaled down by 30 percent to only 140m to make it more in line with other buildings. Housing for 450 workers at 90% quality. The real building was dem...
Small clinic ('50s)
Criado por Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
Small Churches
Criado por Fiend
Religion is incompatible with Marxism and religion was suppressed by the Soviet Union, but religion is not necessarily incompatible with socialism, so if you want to put churches in your socialist state, here are three you can use. They are based on the on...
Small Houses
Criado por Fiend
Small houses using the models from the default prepopulated map. These buildings require no concrete, asphalt, or steel; so can be self-built early in the game....
Small Red Star
Criado por KArantukki
Red star monument made out of steel....
Small Stalinkas from Leningrad skins
Criado por Comrade Joe
Three different skins for the small Stalinkas from Leningrad pack. Due to the limitation in numbers of items per mod, I cannot include more in the same pack, and for the little arch there's only one color alternative available. The player can eventually sw...
Small Stalinkas from Leningrad
Criado por Comrade Joe
This pack proposes a set small of residential buildings that were built in Avtovo district of Leningrad in the late 1940s. There are 5 houses and 1 arch, typically marking the separation between the street side and the yard side (filed as monument, no effe...
Spire Houses
Criado por Benser
Два отдельных жилых дома в стиле Cталинский ампир со шпилем в городе Киев. Жители - 250 чел Two separate houses in Stalin ampir style,based in Kyiv Ukraine Residents 250 Update 23/08/2020, fix , heating Другие мои работы/ More my mods: https://steamcommuni...
Criado por gachimuchiman
Старт - советский микроавтобус. Выпускался на Северодонецкой авторемонтной базе, Луганском автосборочном заводе и Коростенском ремонтном заводе с 1964 по 1970 год. Характеристики в игре: Реализован в виде автобуса и личного т/с Макс. скорость - 130 км/ч Ма...
Soviet buses fixed year and capacity
Criado por abelyanhayk852
Soviet vanilla buses and cars which had wrong capacity/years/speed/name in game now have fixed details. They are the same model as vanilla, but have corrected data. You may see them by "F" letter on preview icon. Liaz 695, Paz 672, Paz 3205 - edited capaci...
Statistical office
Criado por Dejfo94
Statistical office of the Republic. The central body of state administration, which deals with statistical surveys. This building serves as a city hall, it should have relatively the same footprint and cost the same as the vanilla one....
Criado por frostsey
THE STORE SUPERMARKET.The mod is based on the store: Shop_Prior. The number of platforms for unloading goods has been increased to three. All other parameters of the original store were not changed....
Criado por Tugan
Автомобиль Татра 815 в версии под полуприцеп и пару версий спец машин. года 1983-бессрочно от 14т полезной нагрузки 90км/ч The Tatra 815 in a version for a semi-trailer and a couple of versions of special vehicles. year 1983-indefinite from 14t payload 90k...
Criado por Frantic_Monkey
The ТE3 (Russian: ТЭ3) is a two-unit Soviet diesel-electric freight locomotive. From the early 1960s to the mid-1970s, it was the main locomotive on the non-electrified railways of the USSR, replacing powerful steam locomotives. Due to its simple and relia...
Technical University
Criado por Benco54
This is a technical university. it is based on the 3division model with the textures. a few informations: requires 105 workers and 90 professors it trains many people to become academics there is a pass for 2 streets. my idea would be to have a large stree...
Criado por Twiggy
This Mod contains 2 Buildings/ Alternate Television Station / Electronics Assembly. Rework of original television building with slightly different looks. Electronics assembly has 3 Factory connections.And is set to High output. Television station has origi...
The Centipede House
Criado por Akira43
This is a residential building based on a real life one built in the 80s on Begovaya Street in Moscow. It has been nicknamed Centipede because of the 40 leg shaped high pillars the structure stands on. It is also known as The House On Legs and The House of...
Tram & Trolleybus (Duo Sets)
Criado por Tigrovica
Mod idea requested by "Jaguaro" Adds these vehicles in couple: Tram T3 (Tram) Tram T6B5 (Tram) Skd 8T (Trolleybus) ZiU-682 (Trolleybus) ZiU-682-83 (Trolleybus) Trams are mainly as decorations. Have same effect like when you connect 2 trams together. Just a...
The Federation tower
Criado por Vilaxe
The Federation tower is the second tallest building in Europe. It is located in Moscow. In the game, the building accommodates 2,714 residents. I did a little bit in the style of the game, removing the Bank logo and put a red star instead :) the Building i...
Toprus' Smolna 8 Hammer highriser
Criado por Toprus100
Hi guys! After a long pause in building mods, here's a big project I've been working on for quite a while. The building at Smolna 8 in Warsaw, nicknamed Hammer (because of its characteristic shape). The construction was finished in 1976. originally, it was...
Tropicana Tower Hotel
Criado por Akira43
The Tropicana is a high rise 5 stars hotel capable of accommodating 1050 tourists and provide them with all the pampering they would wish for. The design is my own and is a strange mix of modern and classical. I hope you like it. Viva Tropicana ;) (For bui...
TROLZA-5265 Megapolis
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Тролза-5265.0* «Мегаполис» — семейство российских низкопольных троллейбусов большой вместимости для внутригородских пассажирских перевозок, серийно производившееся с 2007 по 2019 год на ЗАО «Тролза» в городе Энгельсе Саратовской области. Год выпуска: 2005—...
Tzarsov Map
Criado por Alessio
Empty Map with 1 small village in the middle. Easy/Medium difficulty - Hard if you Start from the middle village. ENG -Tzarsov is a small medieval village built on a rock that control the below region. Discover Tzarsov from the mountain region to the swamp...
Underground Metro Infrastructure
Criado por KArantukki
This pack helps you to create a nice and efficent underground Metro network for your workers. There may be more stations and metro stuff in this pack in the future. Additional to the three metro stations, there are four different pedestrian metro entrances...
Underground Conveyor
Criado por Novu
Are you tired of having to transport everything by truck because there are too many obstacles for a conveyor connection? Don't worry, we have the solution for you. The lastest in soviet technology now offers underground conveyors. Tunnel under those pesky ...
Criado por frostsey
The Store Supermarket. At the heart of the mechanics of the store...
Criado por frostsey
USSR Military Vehicles 1950-x
Criado por Ƶh3Ka <3
РУС Данный мод добавляет в игру небольшое количество военной техники СССР 50-х начала 60-х Список техники: Тяжёлый танк ИС-3 Макс. Скорость - 40 км/ч Экипаж - 4 человека Мощность двигателя 382 кВт Масса - 45.8 тонн Годы производства 1945-1946 Основной Боев...
VDNH (Expocentre of the republic)
Criado por Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a pack of buildings with which you can build your expo center of your republic. All pavilions have the names and styles of a certain branch of the gaming industry, for example, "metallurgy" or "agriculture". The mod is based on...
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Criado por Rod.Zam Національна бібліотека України імені Вернадського — головна академічна бібліотека та головний науково-інформаційний центр України, одна з найбільших національних бібліотек світу. Бібліотека має найповніше зібрання слов'янськ...
Criado por gachimuchiman
ВИС-2346 - семейство коммерческих полноприводных автомобилей, выпускаемое с 1996 года на заводе ВАЗинтерсервис. Помимо основной версии с двухместной кабиной, были еще модификации 23461 с двойной и 23464 с полуторной кабиной. Характеристики в игре: Макс. ск...
VL-095-P Habitat
Criado por MIZO
VL-095 Pre-Fab Stepped Pyramid Habitat House 125 citizens ...
VL-090 Habitat Tower
Criado por MIZO
VL-090 Pre-Fab 13-Storey Habitat tower Expanded version of VL-089 Habitat tower that can houses double the amount from the previous version. 130 citizen...
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Волжанин «СитиРитм» — семейство российских городских низкопольных автобусов, производимое на автобусном заводе «Волжанин» с 2005 года, разработанные на базе автобусов Волжанин-5270 и Волжанин-6270. В 2012 году проведён рестайлинг линейки. В 2012 году в про...
Criado por Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Волжанин «СитиРитм» — семейство российских городских низкопольных автобусов, производимое на автобусном заводе «Волжанин» с 2005 года, разработанные на базе автобусов Волжанин-5270 и Волжанин-6270. В 2012 году проведён рестайлинг линейки. Обновленная верси...
Volkswagen LT I
Criado por kndrju
Volkswagen LT I − samochód dostawczy klasy wyższej i lekki samochód ciężarowy o dopuszczalnej masie całkowitej nieprzekraczającej 5,5 tony produkowany przez niemiecką markę Volkswagen w latach 1975-1995. Waluta: Dolary Lata produkcji: 1975-1995 Dostępne we...
Voronezh OGPU (Secret police)
Criado por Vanok [RUSMNB]
The building of the secret police (state security service) for 30 employees and 8 parking spaces. The real prototype of the historical building of the Voronezh OGPU built in 1933 was taken as a basis (with some simplifications). The United State Political ...
VT 18.16 "Vindobona"
Criado por βlu∃_βrO
Representation of v 18.16 "Vindobona" train in-game. Power car statistics: Power: 1472kW Weight:62t Price: 95,530 RUB Availability: 1956-2003 Max speed: 160 km/h Wagon statistics: Capacity: 56 pasangers Weight: 44t Price: 25,708 RUB Availability: 1965-2003...
Criado por neigabZkezoJ
VOV-II BusPacken Machen. Includen: Mercedesen O405 Mercedesen O407 Mercedesen O405G Man SL202 Man SG2X2 Repainten authoren: Siakinnn Me: whiteen diffuses...
Waste Industry Collection
Criado por Wild Bunny
this is a collection of waste industry facilities and other stuff It includes: (small) General Recycling facility (small) waste treatment plant (big) gravel recycling plant depolymerasation plant (plastic waste to oil/highly inefficient unfortunatly) (big)...
Vulykh tower block
Criado por Gerbilskij
A 14-storey brick residential building, originally designed by Soviet architect E. Vulykh (officially: series II-67). A modernised variant with white tiles and slightly higher quality of flats is also included. This model was originally developed by Pashka...
Criado por painkillerlexar
Колесо обозрения Работает как элемент культуры , заменяет кинотеатр Работники - 3 максимум посетителей - 88 Ferris wheel type in game - cinema Workers - 3 maximum visitors - 88...
Xtra Large Bus Station V2
Criado por Akira43
An extra large 1 way bus station with 6 vehicle positions using advanced vehicle pathing. (Requested item by linch-roman) After hours of testing multiple variants (including an 8 positions station), different road configurations and different access order ...
Criado por sinan222
Hello welcome to my World Map mod. There are no custom houses in this map because there is no one you can sell something to. The goal is to be self sufficient. I hope you enjoy this map....
Criado por gachimuchiman
YaAZ-6211 is a city high-floor bus of a particularly large class. In 1996, two copies were made at the Yakhroma Bus Plant for Moscow, and in 1998 one bus was assembled in Volzhsky at the Volzhanin plant....
Criado por gachimuchiman
YATB-3 is a Soviet double-decker trolleybus manufactured from 1938 to 1939 at the Yaroslavl Automobile Plant. In the game, the trolleybus is presented in two versions: with two doors for passengers and with one...
ZIS - 8
Criado por Jason Curtis
ЗИС-8 — советский городской автобус на длиннобазном шасси ЗИС-11 , выпускавшийся на Московском автомобильном заводе им. Сталина с 1934 по 1936 год. Количество мест — 29. ZIS-8 is a Soviet city bus on a long-wheelbase ZIS-11 chassis, produced at the Moscow ...
Zapad Tower (Cityhall)
Criado por Benco54
Zapad Tower is a huge Cityhall with more than 150m hight. - it has 4 pedestrian connections - needs 80 Employees -looks perfect for your city skyline When you have some problems or issues please let me know ;) Please check our discord server: https://disco...
ZiU 10 BVB Skin (Fiktiv)
Criado por Kazi
A fictional skin from BVB from East Berlin for the ZiU-10....
ZiU-682 Kurumi
Criado por Kazi
Ein ZiU-682 im Kurumi Design...