Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Items (249)
Звездные империи ( Star Realms ) Все дополнения. Заскриптовано.
Created by MrLooney
Год 2050-й. В ближайшем будущем ресурсы Земли были полностью истощены, и крупные корпорации обратили свой взор к далеким звездам. Казалось бы на бескрайних просторах космоса должно было хватить место для всех, но человеческая жадность не знает пределов, и ...
Created by Markimus
This save contains: Carcassonne Main Game Deck 1 with starting tile, scoreboard and coloured meeples *excluding grey*. Carcassonne River Expansion Deck 2. Carcassonne Inns & Cathedrals Expansion Deck 3 with grey meeple set, large meeples and point tiles wh...
Warhammer 40k RU
Стол создан для удобства игры русскоязычному сообществу Вархаммера 40к. На столе есть: -книга правил и индексы 8-ой редакции на русском языке; -модели 9 фракций(Астартес,Милитариум,Механикус,Хаос,Тираниды,Орки,Т'ау,Эльдары,Некроны) переведенные на русский ...
Ведьмак: Старый Мир
В игре Ведьмак Старый Мир вы становитесь ведьмаком — профессиональным убийцей монстров — и погружаетесь в легендарную вселенную франшизы Ведьмак. В этой соревновательной приключенческой настольной игре 2–5 игроков путешествуют по огромной карте, выполняя к...
Created by rusty_dragon
Добавил русские правила. За игровые ресурсы спасибо автору оригинального мода.
Древний Ужас + 6 Допов RUS
Created by Domian
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Внимание, эта версия Древнего Ужаса больше не поддерживается. Способ запуска можно найти в комментариях ниже. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Манчкин + script (Rus)
Created by Ertaul
.....Полностью на русском языке. Отредактирован слегка скрипт, фишками игроков являются подставки на которых стоят модели, при желании любую модель можно открепить и заменить своей. Немного дополнены декарации стола. .....Вокруг стола возведена комната (по...
Мертвый Сезон - Перекрестки + Долгая Ночь (Dead of Winter - The Long Night) [RUS]
Created by VioletJam
«Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game» — игра о выживании в условиях пост-апокалипсиса, где зомби служат лишь фоном для взаимодействия персонажей и игроков. Игроки выступают в роли лидеров нескольких фракций одной небольшой колонии выживших. Для общей победы ...
Особняки безумия 2
Created by voky
Данный мод является перезаливом. Если его снова удалят, то он всегда будет доступ в моем telegram-канале: @arkham_horror_files_tts, где он по-прежнему будет обновляться. По некоторым причинам из описания пришлось убрать ссылки на сторонние ресурсы, поэтому...
Робинзон Крузо + Путешествие Бигля HD (RUS) / Robinson Crusoe
Created by Cantifik
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island + Voyage of the Beagle HD Цифровая версия настольной игры Робинзон Крузо (Robinson Crusoe) на русском языке. Коллективная, на 1-4 игроков. Игра находится на 20 месте в мировом рейтинге BGG (2016). DLC: - "Пу...
Цивилизация Сида Мейера / Sid Meier’s Civilization (RUS)
Created by Genie
Ура! Поздравляю, теперь вы можете сыграть в эту замечательную игру в TableTop Simulator! Цивилизация Сида Мейера / Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game, 2010 2-4 игрока Этот мод является копией оригинальной версии, без каких-либо дополнений. Если у вас...
Carcassonne All Expansions +AI [Scripted] (EN, NL, zh, RU)
Created by Arkady King
Теперь и на русском языке! (белый прямоугольник в списке языков) Select expansions on control panel (6 pages) you want to play with. Checkboxes have a description that is shown on hover. You can add AI or hotseat instead of the player. AI does not work wit...
Civilization: A New Dawn
Created by John Wick
Description from the publisher: Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn is a strategy board game in which two to four players act as the rulers of history's most memorable empires. Over the course of the game, players will expand their domains, gain new techn...
Frostpunk The Board Game (Official) [scripted]
The City Must Survive! In Frostpunk: The Board Game, a solo player or up to four players will be placed in charge of what could be the last city on Earth. The events take place in a post-apocalyptic, Steampunk world that was hit by a severe ice age. The pl...
Created by hamster godoy
==== INSCRYPTION™ ACT I - CARDS ==== Inscryption game cards manually ported to Tabletop Simulator. • All of the cards were made manually, using the assets from the game (each element is separated in the files); • Some elements were not found in the assets/...
Machi Koro (rus) / Мачи Коро
Created by VikManz
Настольная игра «Мачи Коро» представляет собой несложный в освоении градостроительный филлер, где каждый из участников, в количестве от двух до пяти, играет роль мэра небольшого городка. Задача каждого мэра заключается в том, чтобы привести свой город к пр...
Minecraft: Builders & Biomes
Created by Slaytonw
Descripción: Al igual que en el juego digital original de Minecraft, en Minecraft: Builders & Biomes los jugadores exploran Overworld, construyen estructuras y extraen recursos, ganando puntos por estructuras y los biomas conectados más grandes de bosques,...
Stardew Valley: The Board Game [RUS](Scripted)
Created by BrightyLola
Кооперативная настольная игра о фермерстве и дружбе, основанная на видеоигре "Stardew Valley" Эрика Барона. Работайте вместе со своими товарищами-фермерами, чтобы спасти Долину от гнусной корпорации JojaMart! Для этого вам нужно будет заниматься фермерство...
Created by whiteelightning
Полностью переведенная и удобно-оформленная монополия с комфортной комнатой. Проверьте кто из вас лучший предпринематель! Правила игры находятся в самом дополнении. Приятной игры! RU, RUS...
This War of Mine (Это моя война)
This character He stole my original version of the game, which took more than 1 week to scan. If the player can't buy the game in the original, why steal it? Apparently, my mother did not teach me how t...
Twilight Struggle RUS 2023
Created by lsd_pls
небольшая переделка версии от Langraff. Новый дизайн карт за авторством tikitavy, включая все промо карты. Дополнение Нулевой ход (Turn Zero). Минорное изменение карты для удобства...
Update Игра престолов/Game of Thrones [RUS]
Created by EmedNujon
Русифицированная версия карточной игры "Игра Престолов" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Правила к игре вы сможете найти по ссылке: https://yadi .sk/i/mS3Y0huzmdi...
Zombicide 2nd Edition + Exp
Created by timewolf
Nobody quite knows where it started, but the dead have started walking again, and they’re hungry… for human flesh. Society has collapsed and only a few Survivors remain. They’ve banded together, looking for shelter and gear. But they’re not content to just...
[RUS] Монополия Fallout: New Vegas
Created by 2
«Монополия» — экономическая и стратегическая настольная игра для двух и более человек. Цель игры — рационально используя стартовый капитал, добиться банкротства других игроков. Фактически «Монополия» представляет собой игровое поле, состоящее из квадратов,...
[Rus] The binding of Isaac : Four souls +DLC
Created by NamelessJPEG
Настольная игра The binding of Isaac : Four souls на русском языке. 12.05.19 - Первое глобальное обновление! Подробнее читайте в списке изменений! 08.08.2019 - Добавлено первое DLC! --------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Бункер [RUS]
Created by Shiftter
Описание Случилось страшное: глобальная катастрофа, конец света, апокалипсис – кому как больше нравится. Чтобы выжить, вам срочно нужно попасть в бункер, но в вашей группе слишком много людей, на всех внутри не хватит ни провизии, ни места. А значит кому-т...
Андор [RUS] Базовая игра
Created by 3 to play
«Андор» — приключенческая кооперативная игра для 2-4 игроков, сделанная по подобию компьютерных игр-приключений, состоит из нескольких легенд и развивается от сценария к сценарию, с нарастающей сложностью прохождения. Совсем как уровни в компьютерной игре....
Ангел Смерти [RUS] [HQ]
Created by kxx355
Русская версия карточной игры в мире Warhammer 40K про космодесант (Adeptus Astartes) противостоящий Генокрадам на космическом скитальце. Присутствуют все четыер дополнения. За русскую версию PnP спасибо benzolifinil с форума Меня интересуют ...
Властелин Колец ЖКИ / Lord of the Rings LCG (RUS Deck)
Created by volon
Локализация на русский язык Властелина Колец ЖКИ. Карты размещенны по мещочкам для облегчения загрузки. Локализация сделана на основе перевода и сканов пользователя Alan87 и других с форума Сам стол и ...
Created by Бублик
ДУЭЛИ - карточная игра на двоих, где игроки выбирают персонажей и сражаются друг против друга в равных условиях. Мой дискорд канал об этой игре: English version:
Данетки [Rus]
Created by biba
Лучшая карточная игра 2013 года теперь на Tabletop Simulator! Данетки- Это словесная игра, в процессе которой игрок, знающий часть некоторой ситуации, задает ведущему, знающему ситуацию полностью, разнообразные вопросы, чтобы выяснить истину. Ответом может...
Диксит / Имаджинариум — 4200 карт (Dixit / Imaginarium – 4200 cards)
Created by ЪЖСЛО
Dixit is a card game created by Jean-Louis Roubira, illustrated by Marie Cardouat, and published by Libellud. Using a deck of cards illustrated with dreamlike images, players select cards that match a title suggested by the "storyteller", and attempt to gu...
Древний ужас [scripted]
Created by voky
Данный мод является перезаливом. Если его снова удалят, то он всегда будет доступ в моем telegram-канале, где он по-прежнему будет обновляться. Состав мода - Базовая версия - Дополнение "Забытые тайны" - Дополнение "Хребты безумия" - Дополнение "Загадочные...
Криминалист: Убийство в Гонконге (rus)(scripted)
Created by Nyaner
В данной игре игроки примеряют на себе роли следователей, пытающихся раскрыть дерзкое преступление. Но всё еще сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд — в их ряды затесался преступник. Пока команда полицейских пытается докопаться до сути дела, преступник хит...
Манчкин Scripted RUS 26 дополнений + расширения
Created by Xotab
Данный стол является модификацией этого стола Краткое описание изменений Были добавлены новые расширения и дополнения для автоматического подсчета (карты подземелий не учитываются), немного увеличен функционал скриптов, улучшен столесть место для карт подз...
НОВЫЕ Карты против всех [RU] ремейк (18+)
Created by flamecheese
Мы очень любим эту игру, но нам катастрофически не хватало новых карт! Поэтому мы взяли немного классики, старых хороших шуток, и придумали свои. ИГРА ИМЕЕТ ЮМОРИСТИЧЕСКИЙ/ИРОНИЧЕСКИЙ ХАРАКТЕР И НЕ НЕСЕТ ЦЕЛИ КОГО-ТО ОСКОРБИТЬ ИЛИ ОБИДЕТЬ! С правилами вы м...
Робинзон Крузо HD/Robinson Crusoe [RUS]
Created by Genie
Цифровая версия настольной игры Робинзон Крузо (Robinson Crusoe) на русском языке. Коллективная, на 1-4 игроков. Дополнение "Пушетествие Бигля": Игра находится на 14 месте в мировом рейтинге B...
Сквозь века. Новая история цивилизации / Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization [RUS]
Created by жаба
Является сделанным на коленке переводом сие мода: Текстуры мыльные, кто не доволен, пишите, добавлю в редакторы. Делал для себя. .
Страдающее средневековье + Омерзительное средневековье
Created by Namid
Настольная игра "Страдающее средневековье" и дополнение "Омерзительное средневековье". Это безумный и веселый карточный филлер, который научит вас, как правильно страдать от чумы, крестовых походов и инквизиции. Правила
Тайны Аркхэма
Created by Dr. Henry Armitage
Версия игры "Тайны Аркхэма" для Tabletop Simulator. Призываю всех купить физическую версию этой замечательной детективной настольной игры по вселенной Г. Ф. Лавкрафта. Вот ссылка на магазин - Авторы мода: Рейвен, Нисфер...
Ужас в Генсокё / Gensokyo Horror [RUS]
Created by Кazak
Тохо мод на добротную настолку Ужас Аркхэма. Земле фантазий угрожают силы чудовищных Мифов. Странные существа наводняют Магический Лес, миражи Каркозы сводят с ума фей Туманного Озера. Ослабление Великого Барьера Хакурей позволило наполнить Генсокё невидан...
Человек-Паук. Герои и злодеи. Карточки из 1,2,3 коллекции (825 штук)
Created by roma_1337
Всего 825 карт: 275 из 1 коллекции -226 обычных карточек - 7 штук в каждом пакете. -33 суперкарточки - 1 штука в один пакет. -10 ультракарточек - 1 штука в один из 6 пакетов. -6 ультрасуперкарточек - 1 штука в один из 24 пакетов. 275 из 2 коллекции -226 об...
Черепашки-ниндзя. Боевая четверка/Воины тени/Братья по оружию (677 карт)
Created by roma_1337
Всего 677 карт: 267 из коллекции "Боевая четверка" - обычные (7 штук в каждой упаковке) - 212 штук; - редкие (1 штука в каждой упаковке) - 24 штуки; - суперредкие (1 штука в каждой 6-й упаковке) - 18 штук; - ультраредкие (1 штука в каждой 24-й упаковке) - ...
Шакал: Остров Сокровищ
Created by Tellur
Отличный настольный симулятор поиска сокровищ! Эта версия содержит в себе все дополнения и является на сегодня самой полной. Подробнее про игру можно почитать здесь(также там можно найти и правила): Важно: при загрузке игры нажимайте "да"...
Created by Ydrec
Game: LifeBoat Short Summary: Your ship (probably The Titanic) drowned, and you are probably sole survivors. You are in the boat, there are a six of you,no dog, and you must get to the land. Good news: you will do it,Bad news: it's unknown in which state y...
All models are taken from here: Good day! Your attention is HD model of stalkers. The models were specifically created for my table (
'CA' Tactical Naval Warfare in the Pacific, 1941-1945
Created by hjess60
Tactical WW II combat game in the pacific, Strategy & Tactics magazine #38. Counters represent individual battleships, battlecruisers, heavy and light cruisers, and destroyers, with varying characteristics to recreate seven famous battles in the Pacific Th...
100+ Mobile Legends 3D Models
Created by Kaijira
Uploading a bunch of Mobile Legends models for people to use in whatever they feel like. Some models didn't make the cut due to being either unrigged or due to their animation files being less than friendly. I can't take requests since I don't know any of ...
1812 Napoleon in Russia (Area Control Version)
Created by hjess60
"The innovative and very playable Strategic Game opens entirely new realms of game design. Instead of hexes, huge areas; instead of many combat values and a single Combat Results Table, simple troop evaluations but a seven step combat process with 3 suppor...
1812 Napoleon in Russia (Hex Version)
Created by hjess60
"The Grand Tactical Game Hex version of 1812 Napoleon in Russia belongs to the family of Napoleonic simulations started by Leipzig. However, the Russian campaign was so extraordinarily different from any other, that novel design features were necessary. Th...
1918 Operation Michel
Created by hjess60
"1918 recreates on a divisional scale the first German offensive on the Western Front in that year. This was the first German offensive in France since 1916 (Verdun), and is generally considered the last, and best, chance of a German victory in World War I...
Android: Netrunner [RU]
Created by aVoidPanic
«Android: Netrunner» — это ЖКИ для двух игроков в сеттинге киберпанка. Игроки берут на себя роль одной из сторон: Корпорации или Нетраннера. Корпорация стремится защитить свои данные, но для этого им необходимо ставить программы безопасности для защиты сво...
Anzio Beachhead
Created by hjess60
Anzio Beachhead is an operational level simulation game of the allied invasion of the Italian mainland near Rome during WWII. The invasion began January 22, 1944, under the code name Operation Shingle. It had the Alban Hills and the isolation of the German...
Armageddon: Tactical Combat 3000 to 500 B.C.
Created by hjess60
Originally published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #34. From the rules folder: "Armageddon is a simulation of the art of warfare from the earliest organized armies (c. 3000 BC) to the time that marching in step was introduced (c. 600 BC). The game represe...
Army Group South: Korsun
Created by hjess60
The German Pocket on the Dniepr, 1944, depicts the battle of the encirclement - known to the Soviets as the Korsun Pocket and to the Germans as the Cherkassy Pocket - fought in late January and early February 1944, the largest German pocket since Stalingra...
Assets Map
Created by Fire Mage
Ive waded through a couple hundred maps. Heres a decent compilation of props thats ive saved up....
Austerlitz: The Battle of Three Emperors
Created by hjess60
Austerlitz is a tactical level simulation of the battle between the French Army under napoleon, and the Austrian and Russian Armies under the Tsar Alexander of Russia. Known as the battle of Three Emperors, it ended the War of the Third Coalition (1805) wi...
Azur Lane - Board Game [RUS|ENG] [SCRIPTED] [Anime]
Created by IGA The is my Azur lane board game. In Azur lane, you compete with your opponents to create the greatest fleet. Draft ships to build up your fleet. Buy equipment and items for yo...
Barbarossa: The Russo-German War
Created by hjess60
On June 22, 1941, before dawn, German tanks and guns began firing across the Russian border. It was the beginning of Hitler's Operation Barbarossa, one of the most brutal campaigns in the history of warfare. Four years later, the victorious Red Army has su...
Battle of Moscow
Created by hjess60
Published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #24. The Battle of Moscow begins in the first week of October 1941. Turns are weekly and units are division to army. The map covers the area of Kursk to the Finnish border and from Gommel to East of Moscow. * I deci...
Battles of Bull Run
Created by hjess60
"Bull Run is an historical simulation of the two Civil War battles fought in the vicinity of Bull Run creek in Northern Virginia. First Bull Run (21 July 1861) was the opening engagement of the Civil War in which the Union Army was routed by the Rebels. Se...
Created by DedMachine
A recreation of the 1990's Milton Bradley Battleship game. Now with the original instruction book....
Blood Rage / Кровь и ярость (RUS, все дополнения)
Created by Empty Snake
"Всеотец Один в мудрости своей издревле знал, что Рагнарок неизбежен. Но он не сумел предотвратить гибель Мидгарда, и людям остаётся лишь одно: в страхе ждать конца. Но только не вам! Ведь вы викинг, вождь гордого и древнего клана. Даже в преддверии истреб...
Blue & Grey II: Battle of the Wilderness
Created by hjess60
Battle of the Wilderness is a tactical level simulation of the battle between the Union Army of the Potomac and the Confederate Army of the Northern Virginia, which took place during early May, 1864, in the area south of the Rapidan River in Virginia known...
Blue & Grey II: Chattanooga
Created by hjess60
Chattanooga is a tactical level simulation of the battle between General Ulysses Grant, commanding the Armies of the Cumberland and of the Tennessee, and General Braxton Bragg, commanding the Army of Tennessee. This game is part of the Quadrigame "Blue & G...
Blue & Grey II: Fredericksburg
Created by hjess60
Fredericksburg is a tactical level simulation of the battle between Ambrose E. Burnside's Army of the Potomac and Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. During the bloody battle, 114,873 soldiers took the field and were hurled against 74,867 well-forti...
Blue & Grey II: Hooker and Lee
Created by hjess60
"Hooker and Lee: The Battle of Chancellorsville" is a battle-level simulation of the engagement at Chancellorsville on May 2nd and 3rd, 1863. Union General Joe Hooker had just completed a brilliant strategic maneuver, trapping Lee's Army of Northern Virgin...
Blue & Grey: Antietam
Created by hjess60
Increasingly regarded as THE pivotal battle of the civil war, this "mini" game is based on rule systems from Borodino and Austerlitz; included in and shares basic rules with others in the SPI Blue & Gray Folio Series (Chicamauga, Cemetery Hill and Shiloh) ...
Blue & Grey: Cemetery Hill
Created by hjess60
"Cemetery Hill is a wargame simulation, on an operational level, of the battle between the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia at the town of Gettysburg, PA. The game covers the period from 1 July to 4 July, 1863, when these two armies fo...
Blue & Grey: Chickamauga
Created by hjess60
"Chickamauga is a simulation on a Grand Tactical level of the battle which took place between the Union Army of the Cumberland and the Confederate Army of the Tennessee in September, 1863. The battle occurred around Chickamauga Creek, a tributary of the Te...
Blue & Grey: Grand Chancellorsville
Created by hjess60
This wargame is part of the Quadrigame "Blue & Gray II". Hooker & Lee map combined with Fredericksburg map to play Grand Chancellorsville....
Blue & Grey: Road to Richmond
Created by hjess60
Road to Richmond is an extra Blue and Gray Civil War Quad game, first published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #60. Also released in Folio format From the introduction: Road to Richmond is a simulation of the engagement between Robert E. Lee's Army of Nort...
Blue & Grey: Shiloh
Created by hjess60
"Shiloh is a tactical level simulation of the largest single battle in US military history up to that date. Before the two-day battle was ended, elements of of three complete armies totalling 100,000 men had participated, as well as elements of the US Navy...
Created by hjess60
The game covers Napoleon's move on the way to Moscow but encountered severe resistance at Borodino. His aggression was stopped by the Russian Army and the winter effect. Strategy & Tactics magazine #32 game published by SPI in 1972. 100 counters This game ...
Brass : Lancashire
Created by Vatnojeskaya
Bonjour/Hi Voici un vieux mod qui a disparu du workshop que j'upload pour en faire bénéficier la communauté. Le mod originel a été crée par Draxous, je n'ai fait que rajouter un mélange automatique du sac 'marché lointain' et deux/trois bricoles très mineu...
Brass: Birmingham (English)
Created by Tarbuck
INTRODUCE Lightly scripted Brass: Birmingham with UI system. Having lots of wonderful features to enjoy Brass: Birmingham. FEATURES 1.UI turn system : Turns are automatically made and adjusted. 2.Auto scoring : The app will be calculating player's scores a...
Breakout & Pursuit: The Battle for France
Created by hjess60
- Allied blitkrieg across France - Scenario and Campaign games - Airstrikes, paradrops, logistics "Building on the game system designed for Kursk and France'40, Breakout and Pursuit focuses on the Allied logistic problem and the German expertise for delayi...
Buckshot Roulette Multiplayer - Tabletop expansion
Created by Dejw136 (Dawe)
DISCLAIMER: This is not the original game from - This is a fan-made project. I do not own any images nor the original idea. I do not make any money out of this. If Mike Klubnika contacts me to take down the game, I will do so without hesitation. UP...
Buck: Legacy [RUS]
Created by Вай
Buck: Legacy — это настольная карточная игра, разработанная Urban Meadows Publishing Ltd., рассчитанная для 2-6 игроков. Действие разворачивается в фантастическом мире Лории, где каждый игрок берёт на себя роль Авантюриста; храброго наёмника, борющегося за...
Caverna: Пещерные фермеры/Caverna: The Cave Farmers [RUS]
Created by Genie
Настольная игра Caverna: Пещерные фермеры, 2013. Цифровая версия настольной игры на русском языке. Для 1-7 игроков. Игра находится на 3м месте в мировом рейтинге настольных игр. Игра от автора Agricola (Агрикола). Фактически, это Agricola 2 :) Правила и ин...
Cards Against Humanity [RUS]
Created by qiwichupa
Русская версия игры "Карты против человечества" ("Карты против всех")....
Centurion: Tactical Warfare, 100 BC - 600 AD
Created by hjess60
Released with Strategy & Tactics magazine #25 (January/February 1971) and later available from SPI as a separate game. * Used redesigned counters by djlittle1960 ** Used redesigned map by Mekon ...
Chronicles of Crime [Ru, +5 Addon]
Created by molovik
Обратите внимание, что для игры обязательно требуется установленное приложение. "Место преступления" – это уникальная на сегодняшний день настольная детективная игра, в которой соединились физические компоненты и современные технологии. Бесплатное приложен...
City and Sewer Tile Playset (108 Pieces)
Created by MWMDragon
Now the City and Sewer are playable any time and any way you see fit!...
Civilization/Цивилизация [F&F и W&W] (RUS)
Created by Valek
Второе расширение для Цивилизация Сида Мейера добавит еще больше новых возможностей в эту любимую игру. The Wisdom and Warfare вводит новые дополнительния в боевую систему, социальную политику, чтобы помочь вам построить свою империю еще более эффективно. ...
Classical Silver Figurines
Created by Haunted Shell
64 figurines based on scans from fine art around the world. This set includes: 40 silver figurines (men & women) 12 bronze busts (men, women, & monsters) 12 pewter figurines (animals & beasts) Background image can be found here: C...
Cobra: Patton's 1944 Summer Offensive
Created by hjess60
Cobra - Game of the Normandy Breakout , is a regimental/divisional scale simulation of the allied break-out from the Normandy peninsula in the summer of 1944, which culminated in the encirclement of some 160,000 German troops in the "Falaise Pocket." Each ...
Coke Can Box and 13 kinds of Soda - Pepsi Box and Beer, Mountain Dew, Fanta, Clorox just added.
Created by MrPanda72
Canned Soda with Box. The Box dispenses the soda cans. The cans has 7 different states. Just type 1-13 while hovering your mouse over it and it will change it. > Credit goes to the person for the soda can model and cardbox model which I didn't make myself....
Combat Command
Created by hjess60
Strategy & Tactics magazine #30. Time Scale: ? day per turn Map Scale: .75 km per hex Unit Scale: Platoon/Company After SPI sold their groundbreaking Eastern Front wargame, PanzerBlitz, to Avalon Hill, designer James F. Dunnigan turned his eye to the Weste...
Combined Arms
Created by hjess60
First published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #46. Combined Arms is a tactical game that simulates modern warfare from the German Invasion of Poland in 1939 to the Yom Kippur War of 1973. The correct and proper interrelationship of the three basic combat ...
Cthonian mansion of madness
Created by ScruffyTheD0g
model of the Cthonian for the mansion of madness game...
Cyberpunk 2020 Table RUS
Created by Kendero-Pessimisto
Table for playing CP2020, assembled and adjusted for a group of 2 players plus a Referee. In addition to the well-known assets, what you will find here is new: — A set of several hundred NPC tokens in the “cyberpunk” style, sorted by category; — A set of a...
Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City [CMON Kickstarter Demo]
Created by Rugerfred
“You ready for this, choomba? Night City is never gonna be the same.” Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City puts you in control of a ruthless gang vying for control of the underground in the glittering hellhole that is Night City. Clash with other Gangs, the...
Cyberpunk Red (RU)
Created by temanedge95 Disclaimer This workshop table is supporting russian localization only. Йо, чубма! Добро пожаловать в Красное время, в мир нейроинтерфейсов и модификаций тела, мир глобализма и безграничных возможностей, мир киберпанка! Посл...
D&D Table [RU]
Created by BoomerRemover
Стол для D&D на русском языке, с заполняемыми листами персонажей. За основу взят стол от Boohya
Danmaku (Lunatic)
Created by hh54
This is the danmaku card game based on the Touhou Project including the lunatic expansion TTS save made by hh54, Noroi, and DigitalMaster For the base game see: For the lunatic and MoBS expa...
Danmaku (No Lunatic)
Created by hh54
This is just the base Danmaku game For the lunatic expansion see: For the lunatic and MoBS expansion see: None of the assets...
Danmaku Lunatic + MoBS
Created by hh54
Danmaku! with the two expansions Lunatic Extra and MoBS TTS save made by hh54 For the base game see: For the lunatic expansion see:
Dark Ages: Tactical Warfare, 500-1300
Created by hjess60
Tactical Warfare 700-1300 A.D. It covers all the major military systems such as the Vikings, Crusaders, Muslim Cavalry, Byzantine Legions and Mongol Hordes. It has 14 scenarios that cover the major battles from the Battle of Tours in 732 to the Battle of L...
Created by NORU
If you looking for English version, press here! СКАЛА И КАМЕНЬ, ШАХТЕРЫ! Перед вами полностью играбельная настольная игра DEEP ROCK GALACTIC изначально создана MOOD. адаптирована под Tabletop Simulator благодаря Miss Chevalier. русифицирована трудами shrad...
Desert War
Created by hjess60
Desert War: Tactical Warfare in North Africa, 1940-43, is an historical simulation of the tactical Combat in North Africa from 1941 to 1943. The scenarios show several common situations involving German, British and Italian Units. The combination of situat...
Destruction of Army Group Center
Created by hjess60
"Destruction of Army Group Center: The Soviet Summer Offensive, 1944, is a simulation on a corps/division level of the Russian Summer Offensive of 1944 on the Eastern Front (Operation Bagration). Historically this offensive destroyed one entire Nazi Army G...
DnD 5e RUS - Items icons from WoW
Created by Valor
Иконки предметов для DnD 5e Работа в процессе. На текущий момент добавлено: Щит (Обычный) в двух вариациях; Оружие из PHB; Доспехи - КД и вся информация о доспехе указана на нагруднике, однако добавлены и остальные части комплектов (декоративная функция); ...
DnD 5e RUS Cards - Spells | Features | Abilities | Items etc.
Created by Valor
Cards for DnD 5e in Russian. ...
Drive on Stalingrad
Created by hjess60
Drive on Stalingrad: Road to Ruin: The German 1942 Summer Offensive, is a divisional level simulation of the German drive across the Don River towards Stalingrad and the Caucasus in the summer and fall of 1942. In the summer of '42, the wide-open steppelan...
El Alamein: Battles in North Africa
Created by hjess60
EL ALAMEIN: Battles in North Africa, 1942, is an operational simulation, based on the KURSK Game System, of the battles between Rommel’s Panzer Armee Afrika and Montgomery’s Eighth Army near El Alamein from July through October 1942. The outcome of these b...
[RUS] Fallout Board Game
Fallout is a post-nuclear adventure board game for one to four players. Based on the hit video game series by Bethesda Softworks, each Fallout scenario is inspired by a familiar story from the franchise. Survivors begin the game on the edge of an unexplore...
Created by 亚松@Akko
This is Chinese(Simplified) Version of Fate/Domination and added some new contents. Original English Version by Caresim: ---------------------------------------------------------------------...
Fate/Grand Order Duel
Created by Rio
Fate/Grand Order Duel is a board game where you get to summon Heroic Spirits with mini-figures and Command Cards. As one of the Masters, the player will command 3 Servants and combat other players. How to Play A tournament-style version of this mod is avai...
Figures Compilation Sci-fi
Created by Sonycrow
Figures Compilation: Sci-Fi For use in other games. You can import this figures in your game for better experience. Alien Vs Predator and Star Wars models for you games. Contents - 1 Predator Dark (with mask and weapons) - 1 Predator Dark (fighter) - 1 Ali...
Flamme Rouge [ENG] [RUS]
Created by Mell
The excitement in the air is electric as the leaders round the last corner and head for the finish line. Each team has used cunning and skill to position their sprinter for this moment, but only one has done enough to pull off the win! Will your team lead ...
Flying Circus: Tactical Aerial Combat, 1915-1918
Created by hjess60
"Plane to plane combat in the age of the 'knights of the air.' Movement and combat rules permit the re-creation of the 'dog-fighting' characteristic of the period. Famous aircraft included for use in the scenarios are: Fokker III, Dr I, D VIII, Albatross, ...
Foxbat & Phantom
Created by hjess60
"Foxbat & Phantom" is a wargame simulation of tactical aerial combat in the 1970's. The game is basically a two player game but it can be modified to accommodate any number of players. Each player manipulates his aircraft on a grid which simulates air spac...
France, 1940
Created by hjess60
"France 1940 is an operational level simulation of the German invasion of France in 1940. Units are corps and divisions, with important regiments and brigades represented. The map covers the German-Franco border, from the parts of the Maginot Line to the E...
Franco-Prussian War
Created by hjess60
"The Franco-Prussian War is an historical simulation of the conflict between the French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia, with its German Allies. The game covers only the period of the defeat of the French Imperial Armies, from August 1 through September ...
Created by hjess60
Frigate simulates naval battles of the 18th and 19th centuries in 20 different scenarios. Battles involving the American, British, French, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch are represented. They range from single ship combats to full scale battles, like Trafalga...
GWIE: Caporetto, 1917
Created by hjess60
Caporetto, 1917 Catastrophe for Italy By the standards of the Great War, Caporetto was a remarkable battle. Within a month, the Austro-Germans inflicted over 300,000 Italian casualties at a loss to themselves of only 100,000, and had shifted the front over...
Grunt: Tactical Combat in Vietnam, 1965
Created by hjess60
Grunt, Company Commander in Viet-Nam, appears to be the first commercial squad level wargame. The rules cover areas such as U.S. air strikes, Medevac evacuation by helicopter of U.S. casualties, 'body count' victory points, NLF ambushes and booby traps. It...
GWIE: The Brusilov Offensive
Created by hjess60
The Brusilov Offensive Imperial Russia's Last Campaign, 1916 In mid-May 1916, the Allies were faced with two crises. At Verdun the French army was gradually being bled to death, and in Trentino, the Italian army was rapidly nearing its breaking point. As i...
Hab Blocks & Ruins Scenery
Created by JorfiK
A collection of scenery pieces designed mostly for 28mm wargaming, but usable wherever you like. ________________________________________________________ I've made these to be similar to what I'd use in real world tabletop games, and I've tried to keep a s...
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle & Monsters Box of Monsters & Charms and Potions
Created by DragonCrystal
The forces of evil are threatening to overrun Hogwarts castle in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle, a cooperative deck-building game, and it's up to four students to ensure the safety of the school by defeating villains and consolidating their defenses. In the...
Created by Kendo353
made for 'Source of the Nile', where each hex represents 100 miles. but feel free to use them for whatever you like. ...
HopperDropper Dice Tower
Created by B33J
My new dice tower themed after Minecraft! A hopper on top of a dropper! How cool, right? Change its States for a small surprise! Unfortunately, due to its design, it does not handle more than 5 dice at a time well. Sorry! This also pairs nicely with Jester...
Imperial Settlers/Поселенцы (RUS)
Created by Valek
Игрокам предлагают взять под своё крыло первопроходцев четырёх фракций (римляне, варвары, египтяне и азиаты), исследовать новые земли и расширять границы своих империй. Партия длится пять раундов, на протяжении которых игроки открывают новые земли, строят ...
Inside Tardis Background
Inside the Tardis. Doctor Who Series 7....
Island War: Bloody Ridge
Created by hjess60
Part of the Island War quadrigames which included standard rules for each wargame as well as exclusive rules for each wargame in the series. "Bloody Ridge: Turning Point on Guadalcanal, September 1942" covers the fighting on Guadalcanal during September 19...
Island War: Leyte
Created by hjess60
Part of the Island War quadrigames which included standard rules for each game as well as exclusive rules for each game in the series. Leyte covers the US invasion of Leyte on October 1944. Released in 1975 *Thanks to Mangofeet for Counter Exploder! ** Ori...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Deck Building Game
Created by DexThorn
Version: 0.5 (Check the change notes for updates on what changes between versions) WELCOME TO THE JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE DECK BUILDING GAME!! This is the first time since my Zelda deck builders that I have put this much extensive thought and effort into ...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure- Stardust Crusader Tarot Deck
Created by Xarcand
The Full 26 Tarot cards that appear in Stardust Crusaders! -Includes 22 Classic Tarot -4 Egyptian Tarot -Enjoy!~...
Created by broadWayy
JOJO x Monopoly mashup with custom STAND cards! ---- Mild spoiler warning for JoJo Parts 1-8 ---- Made by me~ :^) Features Wonderful locations from all JoJo Parts! See if you can recognize all of them~ Unique Stand cards which you obtain by collecting a fu...
Created by hjess60
Strategy & Tactics magazine #41. " tactical level simulation of armored warfare as it was in the period 1937-1940. Conflicts represented took place in the Spanish Civil War, the Battle of Khalkhin-Gol, the Russo-Finish War, and the early stages of World Wa...
Keep the Heroes Out !!! (All language)
Created by Fr4K4ss3
An asymmetric, cooperative dungeon defense game for 1-4 players where you play as the monsters protecting their hard earned treasures against invading hordes of looters (so-called heroes) trying to steal it. In their turn players draw 5 cards and play, the...
Korea: The Mobile War 1950-51
Created by hjess60
KOREA is a division level game of the police action during 1950 and 51. 3 scenarios: 1) The 17 turn Invasion Scenario (North Korea invades the South) 2) The 9 turn Intervention Scenario (Chinese forces attack overextended U.N. units occupying North Korea) ...
Created by hjess60
"Kursk: Operation Zitadelle, 4July 1943" is the first wargame by SPI (or anyone else) on history's largest land battle. The stark four-color map extends 440 miles from north to south at about 9 miles per hex. Games last 6 turns. The time scale, though not ...
La Grande Armee
Created by hjess60
"La Grande Armee is an operational ‘wargame’ covering three distinct Napoleonic campaigns in central Europe. There are scenarios covering the 1805 campaign against Austria, the 1806 campaign against Prussia and the 1809 campaign against Austria (again). Th...
Lee Moves North
Created by hjess60
"Lee Moves North covers both of R.E. Lee’s summer offenses (1862 & 1863) at the corps/division level using hidden deployment of units and dummy counters and one week turns. Confederate forces must go on the attack to win while the Union army struggles to p...
Leipzig: The Battle of Nations
Created by hjess60
Leipzig recreates the spring and summer campaigns of 1813 in Eastern Europe on a strategic and grand tactical simulation level. This is done through seven scenarios, two of which simulate the historical campaigns, while the others postulate several of the ...
Created by hjess60
"Leningrad: The Advance of Army Group North, Summer 1941", is a wargame that re-creates one of the most crucial campaigns of the Second World War - the drive by German forces to capture the Baltic seaport of Leningrad and trap the Soviet fleet. An easy-to-...
Created by Dustin
From the creator of Don't Let It Die comes.... PDF of Rulebook: Loading... Puts you as a video game player waiting for your MOBA match to load. You will compete to load all the assets of y...
Lobotomy Corporation - [beta]
Created by Pullahoko
A 4v1 game based on Lobotmy Corporation. Play as either Malkuth, Hod, Yesod, or Netzach and collect PE boxes by working on abnormalities. Angela will add abnormalities to the table, control breaching abnormalities, and try to stop the other players from su...
Lost Battles
Created by hjess60
Lost Battles is an operational game covering various Eastern Front battles at battalion - regiment level. These battles are fought on a generic map that represents the types of terrain found on the Eastern Front. The game has that essay quality of many Dun...
Love Formula
All the cards and the KS rules for Japanime's Love Formula...
MÖRK BORG / Тёмная Крепость (RUS)
Created by w/hyorld
Стол для комфортный игры в MÖRK BORG на русском языке. На столе присутствует полный перевод основной книги (включая переведенный и сверстанный самостоятельно материал с существами). Есть переведенный на русский язык лист персонажа, но детали перевода в нём...
Mansions of Madness 2e Mockup Miniatures
Created by Yekhus
These are mockup miniatures I made for Mansions of Madness 2nd edition. Initially for my own private use, I thought I'd share them in case someone else finds them useful. There's a set for the player characters, and two sets for the monsters: one flat colo...
Metro 2033 board game [RUS] (NO ENG)
Created by BW_
English version is not avalable... Attention! This product includes content from other users: * Metro 2033 Board Game by Qiub * Metro 2033 Set by ComeOnDante and Punk'sPlay https://steamcomm...
Created by hjess60
Minuteman: The Second American Revolution is a simulation of future partisan warfare in the United States (the future at the time the game was designed was 1984). Up to four players take on the roles of Rebel or Government forces. The object of the Rebel p...
Modern Battles II: DMZ
Created by hjess60
The game mechanics used in this series are similar to those found in other Quadrigames. The Standard Rules are identical to those used in the first Modern Battles (Quad). In this new series the same scale is used (one mile per hex and 12 hours a turn). Uni...
Modern Battles II: Yugoslavia
Created by hjess60
Part of SPI's Modern Battles II: Four Contemporary Conflicts series, notable for its use of untried units to simulate the uncertainty of armies that have never seen battle. The game mechanics used in this series are similar to those found in other Quadriga...
Modern Battles: Chinese Farm
Created by hjess60
Part of the Modern Battles: Four Contemporary Conflicts which included standard rules for each game as well as exclusive rules for each game in the series. Chinese Farm covers the combat around the Suez Canal during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. *Thanks to Ma...
Modern Battles: Golan
Created by hjess60
Part of the Modern Battles: Four Contemporary Conflicts quadrigames which included standard rules for each game as well as exclusive rules for each game in the series. Golan covers the fighting in the Golan Heights during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. *Thanks...
Modern Battles: Mukden
Created by hjess60
The "Modern Battles Quadrigame" consists of four completely separate games, each with its own 17" x 22", three-color map, unit counters and Exclusive Rules. The Standard Rules are common to all four games. Game scale is one mile per hex and 12 hours per ga...
Modern Battles: Wurzburg
Created by hjess60
Part of the Modern Battles: Four Contemporary Conflicts quadrigames which included standard rules for each game as well as exclusive rules for each game in the series. Wurzburg covers a hypothetical conflict between the US and Russia near the German city o...
Monopoly: A Hat in Time
Created by UnduGT
It is a fan-made Monopoly based on the Cute-as-heck Platformer A Hat in Time by Gears for Breakfast, created for the Table Top Simulator. It contains: - Own game board based on areas from the original game - Own playing card...
Monster Manual Mini Project (Work in Progress)
Created by Grimm
High detailed painted minis for you to use in your game. For those looking for minis for Lost Mines of Phandelver, there is a bag in the save that has all the minis you should need for the campaign. (Let me know if this is not the case) Contained in this m...
MTG 4 player table - scripted
Created by Oops I Baked a Pie
click here for a thorough guide (contains a link to an active EDH Discord server on TTS) Primary functions Scripted Mulligan, Untap, Draw, Scry, Mill, Reveal buttons Right click context menu options that automate some common mechanics: ‣ right click your l...
MTG Deckboxes
Created by RossenX
6 MTG themed Deckboxes usable as bags in TTS to hold all your MTG Decks!...
MTG: Commander Table
Created by Psyco
Magic Commander Table with deck downloader. You can download any deck from
Napoleon At War: Battle of Nations
Created by hjess60
This game is a simulation of a real-world event. It is played on a map that is a simplified terrain reproduction of the actual battlefield, A grid of hexagons printed over the map is used to regulate movement much as the squares on a chess board. The piece...
Napoleon At War: Jena-Auerstadt
Created by hjess60
Extrapolated from a short review written by Francois Charton for the SPI Compendium A small mini-game picturing the twin battles of October 1806, about 100 counters (a little less in fact), one half regular size map, representing the two battlefields, conn...
Napoleon At War: Marengo
Created by hjess60
Marengo is an operational level simulation of the battle between Napoleon's French Army and the Austrian Army commanded by General von Melas, which occurred on June 14, 1800 in Piedmont (northern Italy). One of Napoleon's first important victories, the bat...
Napoleon At War: Wagram
Created by hjess60
Wagram is a simulation of the battle which took place between the armies of the Hapsburg Empire under Archduke Charles and the French-Allied armies under Napoleon on July 5th and 6th, 1809. One on four games included in the Napoleon At War QuadriGame. The ...
Napoleon At Waterloo Advanced
Created by hjess60
"This game is an escalation of the basic game into more complex rules and game procedures, which represent more realistic detail, though both games are equally valid in results. The real purpose behind behind this greater complexity is to more accurately r...
NATO: Operational Combat in Europe in the 1970's
Created by hjess60
"NATO: Operational Combat in Europe in the 1970's" is a Brigade/Division level wargame simulating a hypothetical invasion of Western Europe by Warsaw Pact forces during the mid 1970's. The map portrays Europe from East Germany to France and from Denmark to...
Neco-Arc Figurine
Created by NaxoDeathAlive
Gurenyaa~~ Burunyaa~~ Model made by Paper Bandit on Sketchfab...
Created by hjess60
Normandy - The invasion of Europe 1944 is a classic simulation wargame by SPI. The German players has six different sets of victory goals, depending on the orders from the HQ: the Allied does not know which one is in use and has to plan the invasion accord...
October War
Created by hjess60
Strategy & Tactics magazine #61. This game is a tactical simulation of combat in the Middle East during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The game included a map, 200 counters representing Israeli and Arab forces, and a 12-page rulebook. Eight scenarios and two cam...
Panzer '44
Created by hjess60
Published by Simulation Publications, Inc. (SPI) in 1975, Panzer '44 is a game about tactical armoured warfare in Europe between the Western Allies and Germany from the summer of 1944 through the end of the war. P44 uses a simultaneous-sequential system. A...
OneWorld Revived
Created by ColColonCleaner
Revived version of OneWorld, which went offline recently. Complete Tutorial on using OneWorld: How to update your existing tables in-place without losing anything:
PanzerArmee Africa
Created by hjess60
"PanzerArmee Afrika: Rommel in the Desert, April 1941 - November 1942", is a wargame simulation of the North African Campaign between April 1941 and November 1942. Battalion, Regiment and Brigade-sized units represent the actual forces which took part in t...
PanzerBlitz Mini-Game
Created by hjess60
This is a minigame of tactical armor and infantry combat in Russia during WWII. Essentially a one-scenario demo, PanzerBlitz Minigame uses the game system developed in SPI's TAC Game 3 and refined for PanzerBlitz (a design sold to and published by Avalon H...
Patrol! Man-to-Man Combat in the 20th Century
Created by hjess60
"Patrol: Man-to-Man Combat in the 20th Century, is an individual man level simulation of non-urban infantry combat from World War 1 to the present. The game features various scenarios in which the average infantry squad would become involved. Typical scena...
Payday 2:The board game! 2.0
Created by Thatbrownmonster
The game just got updated and is still under developement. This is based on the bank heist from payday 2!I just made the layout and the squares and the mask and the police icons are taken from overkill software and from the payday wiki Play with you're fri...
Phalanx: Tactical Warfare 500-100 BC
Created by hjess60
Ancient warfare from Alexander the Great to Rome. Spearmen, swordsmen, bowmen and elephants clash in 15 battles from Marathon to Zama. Famous military commanders represented include Xerxes, Alexander the Great, Darius -- King of Kings, Hannibal, and Scipio...
Pirate's Cannon!
Created by Visceru
An animated toy cannon that can launch dice or anything else across your game board! Please rate and enjoy :) Known issue: Setting Options-General-Physics to 'Semi-Locked', and 'Locked' does not allow objects inside the cannon to fire properly. You need to...
Portal (Scripted) [Portal: The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game]
Created by Cluny
"With a grinding of gears and some uneasy rumbling, Aperture Laboratories has resumed testing! Your team of test subjects has entered the Lab and is ready to perform all sorts of important, dignified, and dangerous testing procedures...all in the pursuit o...
Created by hjess60
One of five games in a series by SPI called PRESTAGS (the others were SPARTAN, LEGION, VIKING and YEOMAN). Tactical level game. Each game shares a set of the same common rules. Each game also has a set of exclusive rules that highlight features of warfare ...
Created by hjess60
Legion, Tactical Warfare in the Roman Age, 100BC-700AD. An Historical Simulation Game, the time is: December 50 B.C. Tactical combat system pits Roman Legions against Barbaric Hordes, Carthage, and Legion vs. Legion. One of five games in a series by SPI ca...
Created by hjess60
One of five games in a series by SPI called PRESTAGS (the others were CHARIOT, LEGION, VIKING and YEOMAN). Tactical level game. Each game shares a set of the same common rules. Each game also has a set of exclusive rules that highlight features of warfare ...
Created by hjess60
One of five games in a series by SPI called PRESTAGS (the others were CHARIOT, SPARTAN, LEGION and YEOMAN). Tactical level game. Each game shares a set of the same common rules. Each game also has a set of exclusive rules that highlight features of warfare...
Created by hjess60
One of five games in a series by SPI called PRESTAGS (the others were Chariot: Tactical Warfare in the "Biblical" Age, 3000-500 BC, Spartan: Tactical Warfare in the Hellenistic Age, 500-100BC, Legion: Tactical Warfare in the Roman Age, 100BC-700AD, and Vik...
Quacks of Quedlinburg (Scripted) [By Varok]
Created by Varok
Coming Update Nov, 2023 What is coming? New Music soundtracks Tutorial Video about how to use this scripted mod ================ If you want to support Varok on any of his cool scripted modules on TTS, feel free to buy him a wolfy here 😋 https://www.paypal...
Raid Shadow Legends 600+ Models
Created by Kaijira
(I am not endorsed by Raid Shadow Legends) This took... so much time. Great models to use for RPGs or whatever. I finally took the plunge and downloaded the PC version of Raid and honestly, not a bad game. Not something I have time for lately, but still no...
Red Star / White Star
Created by hjess60
* Tactical Combat in the 70s * Helicopters, missles & Nuclear weapons! Red Star/White Star is a tactical simulation of the hypothetical conflict resulting from a Soviet-American confrontation in Germany in the 1970s. The game design represents the most sop...
Renaissance of Infantry: Tactical Warfare, 1250 A.D-1550 A.D
Created by hjess60
RENAISSANCE OF INFANTRY (originally Strategy & Tactics magazine #22) (Tactical Warfare, 1250AD to 1550AD) 20 different scenarios Melee and Fire combat Re-fight the battles of Bannockburn, Crecy, Bicocca, Agincourt and many more. Renaissance of Infantry mar...
Revolt in the East
Created by hjess60
Revolt in the East - Warsaw Pact Rebellion in the 1970’s, is a hypothetical wargame of Warsaw Pact nations revolting against the Soviet Union. Originally published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #56, later released as a part of the Strategy & Tactics Folio...
RPG Dice Collection
Created by FragaholiC
This is is a collection of RPG dice you might miss in the TTS but might need for your RPG. Since I wanted to have a somewhat uniform look and feel I made also dice which are included in TTS. This set has white dice with black figures and black dice with wh...
Created by Cheez
The currency from the world of The Legend of Zelda, modeled from scratch and made for use in all of your favorite gambling games! (or even just to use as tokens for any game!) Includes all seven colors of Rupees (green, blue, gold, red, purple, orange, sil...
Russian Roulette
Created by Flavor Flave
You owe a big chunk of money to the Russian Mob! You had 1 week to get the money but failed to do so. Word on the street is that there is Russian Roulette game taking place at a train station near you. This is your last chance to get the money. Do you have...
SAGA AOM Animated Vampire Counts (The Undead Legions)
Created by KMF42
This set contains all models needed to play as the Undead Legions for SAGA Age of Magic. This set also contains the models necessary to use the Spectres legendary unit. This set also contains the models necessary to use the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ...
Saught's Indoor Assets/Models/Objects/Props
Created by Saught
Similar to the last mod (Storage Assets), there's around 253 "unique" model meshes in this, but everything is tripled up, so it actually comes out to something like 771. While 253*3 doesn't add up to that, there's a few models I had to use AssetBundles to ...
Saught's Ruin Assets/Models/Objects/Props
Created by Saught
Some modular ruin building assets. Only like 273 models this time. As usual, I've manually set colliders for some objects so that they would stand up properly. Everything's been adapted for TTS myself. Plaza circle has a bit of z-fighting or whatever it's ...
Simple Pathfinder Table + Building Set (MAY NOT WORK)
Created by BunnyBolt
ATTENTION: This is an old building set. I do not play TTS much at all lately so it's unlikely I'll be updating it. PLEASE READ THIS: If you are getting errors such as: "cannot connect to destination host error", the following is relevant to you: TTS, to my...
Sinai: The Arab-Israeli Wars
Created by hjess60
Sinai is a simulation of the past, present and "possible future" conflicts in the Middle East between Israel and the Arab nations. The '56 and '67 wars historically end in quick total defeat of the Arab armies. The "recent" '73 war is seemingly a quick att...
Slay the Spire: Board Game
Created by garydworetsky
Official Mod for Slay the Spire: The Board Game. Currently still playtesting and testing scripting, so let us know if you have any issues! Preferably on our Discord:
Smart 5e Character Sheet
Created by nabbydude
A fully scripted Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Character sheet Updated to work with the newest version of TTS! See below if you want to update from an old version. Convenient The sheet automatically calculates Level, Ability Mods, Skills, Saving Throws, P...
Soldiers: Tactical Combat in 1914-15
Created by hjess60
Soldiers is a tactical company level game of warfare in the brief, mobile phase at the beginning of the First World War. This was the time before paralyzing trench lines had been dug and consolidated. The original rules credit both Isby and Glynn as design...
Solomons Campaign
Created by hjess60
Historical simulation of the Air-Sea-Land campaign waged on and around Guadalcanal in 1942. Game begins with US invasion and portrays the subsequent Japanese attempts to retake this strategic area and the American efforts to hold it. Each Turn simulates a ...
SPI Battle For Germany
Created by hjess60
Battle for Germany game is small, it only takes about three to four hours to play for players of normal skill and luck. The game starts in December of 1944 with the Ardennes Offensive (a variant allows the German player to skip this and save his strength)....
SPI Seelowe
Created by hjess60
Seelowe is a hypothetical wargame depicting Operation Sealion (in German: Seelöwe), the anticipated German invasion of the British Isles that would have followed a Luftwaffe victory in the Battle of Britain. The map shows central and southern England and t...
Created by hjess60
Individual aircraft and small group combat during WWII. Bomber and air superiority missions. 255 Counters Planes represented are from the early war in the European theatre. The game's namesake, for example, appears in the Mark 1 and Mark V versions only. I...
Created by hjess60
The game is a simulation of events within a conjectural future history in which telekinesis is used to move ships through space. It is played on a map which displays 74 star systems in a three-dimensional "sphere" of space measuring roughly 40 light years ...
Strike Force One
Created by hjess60
Strike Force One is an easy-to-use, two-player game designed to introduce the concept of "Conflict simulations." Designed as an introductory game to be given away at conventions and as a promotional item, the game consisted of a folder with map, Combat Res...
Synthwave background
Created by KDD
Tainted Grail: the Fall of Avalon (2019) (Ru)
Created by Chin
is an unforgettable, solo or cooperative adventure experience for 1-4 players. Blending Arthurian legends and Celtic mythology with a unique vision, it allows you to impact the game world in deep and meaningful ways. All content on russian language. Design...
Terra Mystica / Терра Мистика Fire&Ice and promos(with last errata changes)
Created by Valek
In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 20 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring landscapes into their home environments in competition with the other ...
Tank! Armored Combat in the 20th Century
Created by hjess60
First published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #44. Modern tank warfare involving individual tanks, guns, and squads. 100 counters. Also includes expansion, consisting of a supplemental rulebook and additional 200 counters. "The Expanded Game modifies and ...
Terraforming Mars ALL DLC [RUS] - Покорение Марса.
Created by Mugen
все вопросы в группу в вк Ознакомительная версия игры НЕ ДЛЯ КОММЕРЧЕСКОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ. Все права принадлежат: автор: Якуб Фрюкселиус художник: Исаак Фрюкселиус Daniel Fryxelius издатель: Kilogames Лавка игр Stronghold Games FryxGames ...
Terrible Swift Sword 1st Edition
Created by hjess60
Three full days of Gettysburg at a small-unit level including counters for individual leaders and horses. Many short scenarios are available but its appeal is the 125-turn 60+-hour full game. Inspiration for the Great Battles of the American Civil War seri...
The American Civil War
Created by hjess60
The American Civil War simulates the crisis of the American Nation. Operating on a map, which covers the war theatre from Mississippi to the Atlantic, the players maneuver counters representing the opposing field armies and the Union naval-river flotillas....
The American Revolution 1775-1783
Created by hjess60
"SPI area-movement simulation of The American Revolution 1775-1783. 9-page rules folder, 255 counters, unmounted 17" x 22" paper map. Regions on the map consist of multiple movement areas, with terrain-dependent movement cost to enter an area. Counters are...
The Ardennes Offensive
Created by hjess60
"The Ardennes Offensive: The Battle of the Bulge, December 1944 is an historical simulation of the German attempt to break through the Allied front in the Ardennes region during winter 1944/45. The historical scenario covers the period December 16th throug...
The East is Red
Created by hjess60
Strategy & Tactics magazine #42. The East is Red is a simulation on a strategic/operational level of a possible attempt by Soviet forces to invade and occupy Manchuria and North China sometime in the 1970s. Within the theatre of operations it is assumed th...
The Fall of Rome
Created by hjess60
The grandest empire the world has ever seen was neither built nor destroyed in a single day. The process of disintegration and collapse suffered by Rome, took place over more than five centuries (and indeed can trace its roots to the very start of the empi...
The Marne: Home Before the Leaves Fall
Created by hjess60
- Two basic games - Variable Orders of Battle - Clean, playable game system "The most crucial battle of the First World War. August 1914, the first and last chance for a decisive victory that could have prevented the shattering consequences of trench warfa...
The Moscow Campaign
Created by hjess60
"The Moscow Campaign; Strike and Counterstrike Russia, 1941, is the successor to SPI's earlier treatment of roughly the same events, The Battle of Moscow (originally published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #24). The Moscow Campaign covers the final German...
The Punic Wars
Created by hjess60
The Punic Wars appeared in Strategy & Tactics magazine #53, Nov-Dec 1975. It simulates the Roman-Carthage wars from 264-146BC. The game is a strategic simulation, each turn representing an entire year. Counters depict army, naval, and leader units. *Thanks...
The Wilderness Campaign
Created by hjess60
The Wilderness Campaign is an historical simulation of the conflict between Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Ulysses S. Grant's Union Army of the Potomac, from May 3 through July 1, 1864. There are two historical scenarios that may...
Touhou Unofficial RPG - Gensou Narratograph
Created by Sovereign Levander
Almost everything you need in order to play the unofficial Touhou RPG, Gensou Narratograph. Full rulebook not included; find it and bonus materials in a rar file here. Stand...
Turning Point: The Battle of Stalingrad
Created by hjess60
- Sixteen scenarios show alternatives - The effect of Hitler's "stand fast" order - How much the Soviets gambled Turning Point is a grand tactical (division/corps) game with hexes equal to 16 km. Each game turn represents two days. The game system is simil...
U.S.N. The War in the Pacific 1941-43
Created by hjess60
USN deals with the air, land and sea warfare in the Pacific between 1941 and 1943. Each hex represents over 200 miles. Each turn represents a week's operations. Land unit counters represent divisions or regiments. Air units represent multiples of 10 planes...
Ultimate Monopoly (Tablet Edition)
Created by The R
Re-upload of Rage of Africa's with added Tablets and rules. Update 1.2 Reset various custom models for ease of access. Added extra trays for more space. Moved various items...
Created by zombiebot2005
MANKIND IS DEAD. BLOOD IS FUEL. HELL IS FULL. Take on another player in this very fast paced 1 vs 1 game. Choose your weapons and build your own arena to customize your fight. This board game was made entirely out of love for the game "Ultrakill", this is ...
Uno Flip
Created by KnightHawk
A version of Uno Flip that I created based on another Uno Flip mod. This version includes counters, rules. Let me know if there is anything else that you'd like to see added. Card flippers originally created by MrStump. Modified by me to suit Uno Flip...
Created by ulia
uwu themed deck of custom UNyO cawds with a comfy game box owo You're welcome to use these assets in your mods and games without credit, enjoy! Fair use blurb for IP holders of UNO: All the assets and graphical material included is my original work for edu...
War in the East 1st Edition
Created by hjess60
War in the East is a simulation on a Corps/Division level of the Russo-German war of 1941-1945. The game covers the entire war from the Axis invasion of Russia to the final destruction of the Axis armies four years later. The Axis player has a fixed reinfo...
War in the East 2nd Edition
Created by hjess60
War in the East is a simulation on a Corps/Division level of the Russo-German war of 1941-1945. The game covers the entire war from the Axis invasion of Russia to the final destruction of the Axis armies four years later. The Axis player has a fixed reinfo...
Westwall: Hurtgen Forest
Created by hjess60
"Hurtgen Forest is a simulation on the battalion/regiment level, of the combat between U.S. and German forces near the Belgian border in November of 1944." (from the Hurtgen Forest rules folder.) Hurtgen Forest is one of four games included in the West Wal...
Westwall: Remagen
Created by hjess60
"Remagen" is a wargame simulation on the battalion/regiment level of the operations from 7 March to 17 March 1945 that saw the U.S. Army cross the Rhine River in force at the town of Remagen. An optional scenario is provided to show what might have happene...
What Do You Meme?
Created by Robert Slayer [M]
Based on a top-selling card game equivilant to Cards Against Humanity, but with memes. All 400+ cards have been scanned and compiled into a set of custom card decks! Includes all 360 Caption Cards, 45 Photo Cards, and rules. Please excuse the partial filth...
Witcher 3 Gwent \ Гвинт со всеми дополнениями
Created by AnberSnail
Карточная игра для 2-ух игроков из игры Witcher 3: WIld Hunt. В данной работе находятся все карты из оригинала и дополнений, включая колоду Скеллиге. Также внутри вы найдёте подробные правила. Некоторые изображения карт заменены на аналогичные из грядущей ...
Wheat, Grass and Flower Fields
Created by Baryonyx
Here you will find wheat, grass and flower fields for use in Wargames and RPGs. The collision is optimised so that objects can be hidden inside it. If you feel like it is not dense enough, you can put two into each other (can be seen on the fourth screensh...
Wixoss Diva EN Project (P11 updated)
Created by riokaru
Wixoss Diva format English version. Includes all english cards as of Dec 1st 2023. Comes with scripted buttons, a deck importer script, deckboxes, a cardback changer, tokens, dice and more. Deck importing guide on Github:
World War 1: 1914-1918
Created by hjess60
World War I is a simulation on the army level of the land combat in Europe from 1914 to 1918. the simulation is primarily a land conflict with the secondary influence of naval forces abstractly simulated. The game covers five years in semi-annual (six-mont...
World War 3
Created by hjess60
World War 3- 1976-1984, is a simulation on an army/fleet level scale of a hypothetical, world-wide, conventional conflict at the height of the cold war (1976-1984). The simulation is primarily of land and naval conflict with the secondary influence of air ...
World War II
Created by hjess60
World War Two is a simulation on an army level scale of the European, North African and Middle Eastern theaters of operations from 1939 to 1945. The simulation is primarily of land conflict with the secondary influence of naval and air forces. The Game cov...
[FIXED] Nemesis (RU & All DLC) + AutoMovement
Created by MilenVolf
Данный мод совмещает в себе немного отредактированную " Nemesis / Немезида " от "Doomich", а также подкованный и локализованный мною под него "Nemesis Auto Movement Tool" (Инструмент Автопередвижения) от "The King". Ссылки на их моды соответственно: Nemesi...
[RU 2.0] Gloomhaven - Fantasy Setup (Scripted UI)
Created by Maxsamson
Локализация оригинального мода: За основу взят оригинальный мод. Использованы материалы из локализация SoulRoot: Автор не ...
[RUS/ENG] When I Dream / Пока я сплю [Scripted]
Created by let me win once-
---RUS--- Описание Настала ночь, и вы мирно засыпаете. Самое время духам снов посетить вас и навеять яркие сновидения! Но что они для вас подготовят: сон вашей мечты или жуткий кошмар? Прислушивайтесь к голосам добрых Фей, но остерегайтесь злых Бук и непос...
[RUS] Dungeons & Dragons Стол содержит всё необходимое для игры в Dungeons & Dragons 5-й редакции, включая книги правил, книги описания классов, трёхмерные фигурки существ, а так же удобный лист персонажа. Стол создавался с мыслью передать процесс и...
[RUS] Fallout: The Board Game
Переведённая версия стола Fallout Ultimate Edition. Добавлены новые модели и исправлены незначительные баги. Радиоактивная пустошь Пустошь – опасное место! Ресурсов мало, все замышляют недоброе, а смертоносные враги подстерегают на каждом шагу. В настольно...
[RUS] The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game + Expansions
Created by voky
Состав мода Есть все, что в данный момент переведено. Руководства Правила игры Глоссарий Буклеты из дополнений The Sands of Harad и более новые дополнения Выборочный перевод буклетов от дополнений Все буклеты (на английском) можно найти на офф. сайте разра...
[RU] Уотергейт (Watergate)
Created by vipraiz
Уотергейт – дуэльная карточная игра, которая практически сразу после выхода получила несколько престижных наград и собрала восторженные отзывы игроков по всему миру. Узнайте больше о знаменитом Уотергейтском скандале и с головой погрузитесь в атмосферу пол...
[RU] Картографы + Герои (Cartographers + Heroes) [Scripted]
Created by vipraiz
Настольные игры "Картографы" и "Картографы: Герои" на русском языке. Оригинальный стол (ENG): Переведенные карты брал отсюда:
Created by ureshiisushi
Знаменитая игра по книгам Терри Пратчетта теперь в Tabletop Simulator. Правила: "Анк-Морпорк" - достаточно простая игра. Когда наступает ваш ход, вы разыгрываете карточку и выполняете то что на ...
[RU] Зверь (Beast) [Scripted]
Created by vipraiz Настольная игра "Зверь" на русском языке. Оригинальный стол (ENG): Перевод брал отсюда: Ав...