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Tekijä: Arti Strelkov
Что может пойти не так с обычным исследователем глубин? Хах, я знаю, много чего... К счастью, наши инженеры позаботились о вашей безопасности! Капитанский модуль способен отстыковаться от основного корабля и доплыть до станции! https://steamuserimages-a.ak...
极光工业为某科研公司设计制造的小型科研船。 谁会找一家战舰工厂定制科研船?这艘船的建造费用高昂——仅有小部分经费是用在科研设备上的。实际上,这艘科研船拥有全套完整的武装系统。但既然客户与工业都说这是一艘科研船,那她就是一艘科研船。尚且不知道她的船员们有什么科学突破,不过她击杀巨兽的事却是有目共睹。 “让船员们更有安全感。”看来,设计部门很好的贯彻了客户的需求。船内装有较先进的控制系统与不少大屏幕——这家客户与极光工业关系不错,否则工业只会像大部分联盟船厂那样直接将勉强能用的设备堆在船内。 价格:3850mk...
【TSM】Snoata '关外'
Tekijä: Lerentine
奇迹之海重型火力舰 配置介绍 初始火力配置:轨道炮*1 双联电磁枪*1 电磁枪*1 连射炮*1 小型炮塔基座*3 大型炮塔基座*1 初始速度:26 满级速度:?(未测) 下潜最大速度:20 其他:各类机器齐全。 军械库:需要自己在游戏内手动安装按钮打开军械库的门。 ITEM:1340(附带大量基础资源) 背景.其一 莱伦汀:列瑟芬,你知道为什么我们要自愿去那么危险的地方开启机器吗?如果我们成功了,我们就是整个木卫二人类功臣,我们就有了与联盟谈判的资本,我们就能收回我们以前的权力。 列瑟芬:那如果失败了呢?你...
Tekijä: Lerentine
人人秉持正义之名 与武装不兼容,九州武库现为问君附属武器包,当然你单独启用也没问题。 4.16更新内容 全面重置武库 添加更多枪械和服装,添加更多材料,以及任务 如果在存档中途加入此mod,则无法体验到本mod的全部内容。 创了个群,欢迎大家加入,主要是为了让大家可以提提意见还有及时反馈bug,以及公布一些背景故事。群号:713011672 你的支持会使奇迹之海产出更多优质内容
分类存储柜 Categorized Cabinets
Tekijä: T-NT
For English, please scroll down 👇 材料太多,柜子里一大堆手提箱? 想搞制造,但根本不想整理材料? 生病了,但找不到药在哪? 武器全都塞在一个大柜子里? AI 会整理道具,但却随手乱放? 你的分类存储解决方案来了! 现在你可以把刚分解出来的材料扔地上,让 AI 去整理😉 特点: - 看图取物,简单直观 - 严格限制 AI 存放物品类型 - 仅使用原版组件,不依赖 Mod 包含四类组合: 1、材料柜:按元素周期表排列,提供两种图案风格,并各提供“空柜子”和“预填充”选择。 2、...
Tekijä: 雨望
有着各种各样的特殊装备和道具等等,将持续更新,不断完善......现目前已有的东西: 特殊道具: 加工台操作平板:远程查看加工台,但现在只能制造,不能远程摸物品。 飞船导航终端操作平板:一般用于远程操控无人机和穿梭机。 导航终端操作平板:一般用于远程操作船只。 战利品天赋经验:用沉船id卡和画皮卵合成,可以制作500天赋经验的道具!快去杀画皮吧! 手持制造机:可以便携制造普通的弹药,并且容纳下大多数物品等等。 万能工具:撬棍,螺丝刀,扳手,三合一! 辅助药品: 天赋点保留药剂:你不会再因为...
南十字座 CRUX 战列巡洋舰
I'm very sorry, because there are too many texts and text decorations in this submarine, and my English ability is really limited, so I can't make an English version of it. 非常非常抱歉,由于这个潜艇里的文本量和文字装饰实在太多,且我的英语能力实在有限,所以我难以制作英语版本。 此船为南十字的翻新版本,不再有bug电路了。 价格:3000...
Tekijä: SinerSAMA
优化物品: 装载集装箱:容量提升到12格,同时具备防水(集装箱可以安心放在压载舱了) 轨道炮炮弹架:可以制造、放置、拆卸和解构 箱子货架:可放置深弹 连射炮装弹器:可放入电磁枪系列弹药箱 大型潜水服柜:增加50KW电耗,可为存储其中的全部潜水服补充氧气 研究终端:提高一倍的鉴定速度,可以在机械分类中找到 大型钢柜:容量提高到42格 新物品: 导航终端:添加额外的按钮,目前导航终端有最多6个可用按钮 整合MOD: 更好的床铺:
天赋增强 - Talent Enhancement[CN-EN-RU-FRN]
Tekijä: SinerSAMA
#天赋树修改-和其他修改天赋树的MOD互相冲突: #Talent tree modifications - and other mods that modify the talent tree conflict with each other: #Модификации дерева талантов - и другие моды, изменяющие дерево талантов, конфликтуют друг с другом: 通用天赋学习一个就可以解锁下一行,三条线的所有天赋都可以学习并且...
Tekijä: 魂魄妖梦
寒霜游隼是奇迹之海外勤执行官虚无净的座驾 ,是由暴风雨燕逆向工程而得到的舰船, 整体作战风格 与暴风雨燕类似,并与其常驻于热液废土海域,也被称之为雨燕协同舰,整舰延续雨燕流线型设计。但 实际上,该舰还处于实验内,其搭载的新式炮台和特种弹药更是证明了这一点,由于每次执行破隐作作 战任务,外界很多人都没听说过有这么一艘战舰,每有海盗遭遇其时,内部更广为流传的外号为“白色 幽灵"。 该舰并未是完全体形态,所以在执行大型作战任务时,更多是和雨燕协同作战,来补充雨燕雨燕的火力 薄弱点。 游隼日常任务于其常驻执行隐秘外...
Tekijä: SinerSAMA
可爱的小宠物们不应该在遭遇怪物袭击时阵亡。 Cute little pets shouldn't be killed in battle. 参与无敌宠物实验的小家伙们:克苏鲁、花生、橙童、巨蟾、画皮寄生虫储存箱。 The little guys who participated in the invincible pet experiment: Cthulhu, Peanut, Orange Boy, Psilotoad, Huskified Storage Container. 实验内容:生命值修改为77...
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰 极光工业专为指挥舰队作战设计的大型巡洋舰。首次在船上搭载了辅助AI,AI能够使用自动近防炮与电击线圈杀伤靠近的敌人。 晨曦 上配有重型速射炮、钢失近防炮与一门聚焦光束炮。聚焦光束炮由此前于南十字天佑上的光矛改进而来,可在一定角度内旋转。另有自动近防炮阵列,覆盖了船上下方向大部分区域。可选择开启自动近防炮阵列。 尽管船体十分巨大,得益于诸多自动化设计,晨曦所需要的船员数大大减少。若船长指挥得当,这将是一座坚不可摧的堡垒。 价格:30,000mk(反正也没法直接用她开局,价格高一些也没什么问...
Tekijä: SinerSAMA
原版床铺回复速度从每秒0.05提升到每秒0.5,医疗床回复速度提升到每秒1.0. 所有床铺移动到杂物分类中. 床铺治疗以下损伤: 内部损坏(钝器伤,撕裂伤,咬伤,枪伤,器官损伤,深层组织损伤) 失血 / 流血 恶心 / 醉酒 阿片类药物成瘾 / 戒断 Original bed regeneration increased from 0.05 to 0.5, medical bed regeneration increased to 1.0. Move all beds to sundries. Beds t...
深渊基因 Abyss Gene
Tekijä: ALiza
添加了三种新的遗传物质: 1. 深渊基因:免疫所有伤害,水下呼吸与抵抗水压。 2. 画皮基因片段:水下呼吸、抵抗水压与免疫画皮感染。 3. 自愈基因:获得自愈能力。 三种遗传物质均可以在哨站商店中购买,基础价格已调整为 500000mk 与 200000mk。 也可以通过医药加工台使用一个未鉴定遗传物质制作。 如果你不想让遗传物质在商店中出售或通过制作获得,请使用 Mod 文件中 Replacement 文件夹下的 genetic.xml 覆盖 Genetics 文件夹中的同名文件。 物品ID: genet...
盾牌座-Ⅲ 防卫火力平台
价格:7000马克 规格:51×14米 类型:T3 攻击型 载货量:8箱 推荐人数:5~8 item:约2.2k...
Tekijä: Kurisu
视频简介 建议搭配声纳范围升级(非常轻量化的MOD) 2024/5/22更新 1、修改技能模组电量消耗计算方式,现在应该不会再出现卡技能的问题 2、水泵调整为新紫魅相同的半埋入式设计 3、休息室的床铺改为双层医疗床 信息 这是复刻自游戏《无畏战舰》的紫魅级晨星号无畏舰,不同于之前发布的紫魅级切尔诺伯格号 晨星号更注重还原,且外观细节更为丰富,是全新建造而非简单换壳 保持整体性能...
Tekijä: Tom Suger糖
ai路径正在测试... 完整版再填写简介...
Tekijä: 猫鱼
【第二届蓝海重工造船大赛参赛作品】 第二届蓝海重工造船大赛第一名作品—绿松石级轻巡洋舰 绿松石级作为老旧的座头鲸级的替代舰,它拥有相比于座头鲸级更强的火力,但是因为使用座头鲸级退役下来后翻新的反应堆,所以遗传了座头鲸级电力缺陷的同时也造成了反应堆十分的危险...
Tekijä: 星之语
萌新首个作品,苍蓝钢铁高雄号重巡洋舰发布 :) 本潜艇的部分设计参考了大佬设计的I401-Iona 伊欧娜(ek&现代化改造),所以本潜艇也是基于ek研发的。 本潜艇包含: 2x重型自动加农炮,上下自动切换型, 位于船长室 2x重型轨道炮(鱼雷),按下按钮切换,位于船长室 -----------------------------------------------------...
Tekijä: SinerSAMA
献给中国国内的所有MOD作者 目前已经完成角色编辑器全部界面的参数汉化,并添加大量注释内容,同时还附加了粒子编辑器的汉化。 - 或许还有更多...(指之后会发布新版的中文优化,以核心包的形式) 进行角色编辑器的汉化是希望能有更多的Modder参与到生物的制作中,制作出更多更有意思的生物MOD,该MOD中的文本内容全部由我个人手工翻译,各类注解从分析官方源码中的部分变量注释以及实现方法得出,有比较高的正确率,但依旧可能存在错误或偏差,欢迎各位Dalao指出,阿里嘎多! 粒子编辑器的汉化部分参考自BOS中文优化...
飞鱼座 VOLANS 蜂群无人机母舰
注意:这是一艘为多人游戏设计的船,不建议单人游玩! 由极光工业开发的蜂群母舰原型机改造而来,兼顾了各方面的性能。搭载了五台为战斗设计的无人机,能够应对各种敌人。 类型:T3 侦察型 价格:7000mk 规格:61×14m 载货量:12箱 推荐人数:6-10...
Tekijä: 法莎莉雅
高难度任务加入站点任务,奖励丰富(主要是我觉得,战斗不够嗨!所以增加战斗获得奖励的任务) 因为大型怪物直接还是会有碰撞,所以一次不能刷太多,不然会互相干扰无法正常进攻,只能控制在2~3只 目前有 黑摩螺克群,女妖,双或三女妖,末日蠕虫,毁灭蠕虫,双末日蠕虫,双毁灭蠕虫 提高了一下任务出现概率和条件,现在第一海域也可以刷出来了 增加了黄金之风任务,一堆黄金锤头鲨 增加了大棘刺群,精英迅猛龙群,大型爬行者,爬行者母皇的任务 增加捕钩兽的任务 增加三个高难巢穴任务(试验) 增加一个洞穴里清理画皮的任务(试验) 增...
Tekijä: 233-1
温馨提示:如果您在游玩时出现任何生理或心理上的不适,请立刻停止游玩。如果情况严重请及时就医。如果您无法承受意料之外的损失,请不要订阅!请不要订阅!请不要订阅!(为了您好) Tip: If you experience any physical or psychological discomfort while playing, please stop playing immediately. If the condition is serious, please consult a doctor promp...
Tekijä: Loafer
For players of other languages: This is a language patch for Chinese players. 这是一个整合了潜渊症诸多模组的汉化补丁的整合包,旨在减少服务器模组列表的长度,以及维护原作者不再维护的汉化项目。 由于bug,过长的简介会被截断。...
"Cold Star" Class Advanced Scout Ship
Tekijä: Zyleand
All Language Supported! well, mostly If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This mod contains 2 ships, of which the + version is a new generation of super OP ship, of course, as usual, Not recommended to players who expect a full game ...
Tekijä: 天子的桃帽
来自潜渊之底的旗舰——天狼星 特色功能:"AF(autofix)"固化泡沫通风系统,"生命线"医疗维持系统,"星云"指挥系统,"桃心"舰载语音通报功能等 Special:Auto fix hulls Life support system Blueprint command system Alien reactor...
Tekijä: Jade Phoenix
*简介/Введение/INTRODUCTION* ◆星座深受走私者和商人的喜爱,因为它们是模块化的、高性能的……而且具有十足的标志性的外观。星座全新设计的座舱可实现最大视野,配备了先进传感器、用于狭窄水道探索的CC穿梭艇与GC遥控潜水器。让咱们看看外面都有什么! ◆Constellations are beloved by smugglers and merchants alike because they are modular, high powered... and just downright ...
Abyssal Warsuit
Tekijä: Yak'All
Yup. You guessed it. Not a replacer "Fear not the creatures of the abyss, for they also can bleed" UnderEuropanSeaMarineCorps Europa changed: Deep caves, multiple outpost have lost coms, nightmarish roars from the depths. Adapt or die, this is how life goe...
Abyssal armory - Reinforcements
Tekijä: Yak'All
TL;DR Section provided as always Weapon breakdown: The A.R.C. Assault rifle The A.R.C. is the main focus for the wardens at MarineCorps. This fast shooter rifle kills its victim when it just barely realized it was being attacked. It holds an advanced 50 ro...
(OUTDATED) Taehoon
Tekijä: ⛧Zaphyra⛧
This version is no longer functioning due to changes in updates, and since i've stopped playing Barotrauma, i do not intent do update it any further. Feel free to update it, since credit is given to me. ░▒▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ EN/US ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▒░ -----------...
Acolyte Job
Tekijä: Cthulhu77
My first ever mod, the Acolyte job, was inspired by the assistant's clown tree. There is a clown talent tree for the children of the honkmother, but the church of husk has nothing of the sort so I thought I'd try my hand at making one myself. At first I th...
Alarms Extended
Tekijä: Melsie
Overview This mod adds forty new alarms to the game without overwriting the vanilla ones. Check above for a YouTube demonstration. In the demonstration video, the first two alarms you'll hear are the vanilla ones, in order to give a reference point. The al...
Alicorn2 Stealth Light Cruiser
Tekijä: Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This is a sub with extremely high strength (seriously, very seriously), all features are totally vanilla. It’s NOT recommended to use this sub (Alicorn2+) if you want a ful...
Tekijä: harrixson This mod adds the terrifying creature from Ridley Scott's critically acclaimed ALIEN universe into Barotrauma.                                                             Features incl...
Aurora Class Interceptor
Aurora class interceptors are highly compact multi-role light corvettes designed to fill in the strategic gap between the attack power of larger patrol vessels and the agility of shuttle fighter craft. Originally commissioned by the Coalition Navy for secu...
Auto-Doors for Outposts
Tekijä: Fuko
This was made using data from and may not work with the latest version of the game, use at your own risk! Manual doors begone! This mod rewires all the vanilla outpost and city doors to motion detectors so they automatically open when you get near!...
Tekijä: LeDoux
Hello there ! This mod add 8 different backpacks : - Backpack : 15 slots (regular items) - Heavy Backpack : 3 slots (large items) + 3 slots (for toolbelt and similar) + 3 slots (regular items) - Medical Backpack : 8 slots + 16 slots (medical items) + Boost...
Tekijä: MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Finding the game too easy and uneventful? Boring and repetitive vanilla monsters adding no variety or challenge to your life? Using Mods like EK that give you overpowered but fun toys, but there isn't anything to shoot? * THEN THIS MOD IS FOR Y...
Barotraumatic Creature Pack
Tekijä: mikehagen22
Attention! If you have recently updated the mod and experience errors such as unable to join server with the current version and being prompted to download the mod, missing files in console, mod unable to be loaded due to errors and red in mod loader. Then...
Tekijä: Ma'am
This mod overhauls the health interface. Notable changes include: Buffs are listed seperately from non-buffs Afflictions aren't wildly spazzing around in the health interface anymore More afflictions can be displayed at once The health window is bigger The...
Black Steel Aigaion
Tekijä: useless man
百臂巨人级游轮是木卫二上最大的潜艇。支持多种语言 Aigaion is the largest submarine on Europa. Support for multiple languages 1:无线电输入1选择简体中文 2: radio input 2 Select English 3: ввод 3 для выбора русского языка 4: entrée radio 4 pour choisir le français 5: für radio 5 wird D...
Tekijä: whosyourdaddy
该mod为加工台添加了两个额外的过滤选项: 分类(医疗、武器、潜水、装备等...) 内容包(Vanilla、BOS、EK Pack、ITA 等...) 需要客户端LUA,与一切Mod物品完全兼容。 This mod adds two additional filtering options to the fabricator: Categories (Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, etc...) Content Package (Vanilla, BOS, EK P...
Better Exosuit with Platform 外骨骼优化和置物架
Tekijä: MKSERY
一个简单优化了原版机械师外骨骼(现在有小丑的乐子3000了!)的模组: A simple mod enhancing Mechanic's exosuit (now including Funbringer3000!) 外骨骼可以像PUCS一样使用房间中的氧气(船体中氧气含量大于50%),同时可以让AI穿上后不会主动脱下 Exosuit can use oxygen in the room like pucs(when Hulloxygenpercentage is above 50),also bot w...
Beacons Extended
Tekijä: Sneaky Hermit
Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page! The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons. The mod currently consists of 56 beacons The current list of beacons...
Auto-Doors for Vanilla Subs
Tekijä: Fuko
Manual doors begone! This mod adds Automatic Doors and other Quality-of-Life features to all the vanilla subs, while leaving their combat effectiveness alone to respect vanilla's intended balance and difficulty. Automatic doors with "touch" detection range...
Bronze Age 1.0.0
Bronze Age/青铜时代 General information/基本信息 Tier III Scout / 探索型 Size: 29 x 6 m / 尺寸:29 x 6 米 Firepower: coil-gun x 2, rail-gun x 1, discharge x 3, depth charge / 火力配置:线圈炮 x 2,轨道炮 x 1,放电线圈 x 3,深水炸弹投放器 3-6 players / 适合3-6人 Fully vanilla / 纯原版 Bronze Age is a s...
Tekijä: Mour
Prometheus shipyards here, introducing our newest product. The Bullfish is a tier 2 light transport submarine that excels in salvaging operations of all kinds, even those that get someone killed! GENERAL INFORMATION: Class: Transport Tier: 2 Length: 40 m S...
Captain Navigation Terminal Hotkeys (Clientside)
Tekijä: Pastah
Features Adds a hotkey/keybind for toggling Sonar Adds a hotkey/keybind for toggling Sonar Direction Adds a hotkey/keybind for moving Sonar Direction Adds a hotkey/keybind for toggling autopilot Configuration GUI available for the above features Setup LuaC...
Clown Rework - Eldritch Diver
Tekijä: gas
Always smirking or carrying a tune, the clown is the enemy of all seriousness on board the submarine. His strange antics and colorful attire amuse the more relaxed crew while ticking off control freaks to no end. What causes him to be that way? Why does th...
Combinable Coilgun Ammo (Last Update Oct 2021) ABANDONED
Tekijä: inject
ABANDON SHIP Hi folks, I'll no longer be providing updates to this mod. As far as I know it still works as of 20/03/22 (at least, no one has complained about it not working since the last few updates). Anyone is free to take these files and update them and...
Converted Armed Heavy Freighter “Casablanca”
Tekijä: Zyleand
All Language Supported! Introduction “Casablanca”, a converted armed heavy freighter, is formerly known as the “Holy Grail” luxury cruise ship of Avalon Travel Agency, is known for its elegant appearance and exquisite interior decoration. However, with the...
Tekijä: Falkner
A fast, sturdy and well equipped scout, lots of features and upgrades - intended as starter ship for a small crew that can be fully upgraded to do everything the larger ships can. SCOUT - TIER 3 Price: 4200 Speed 45+ Dive 19 Surface 18 Crew 2-5 ...
Creatures of the Depth
Tekijä: CrusaderOfLight
Hey fellas! I quit gaming and will no longer be updating this mod, feel free to use it for any projects you wish! Mod filled with creatures from the deep. Currently featuring 9 creatures (A few W.I.P), creatures that are done and balanced will be able to s...
CRUX 南十字 巡洋舰
极光工业“远望”工程的最后一艘战舰。由于建造巡洋舰耗资巨大,此工程在南十字建造完成后便结束了。与之前的战舰相同,南十字上大量使用了显示屏,并且对金属墙壁进行了遮挡。船内沿用了不少前期战舰的技术,并进行了优化。这艘战舰是专为对舰作战与对生物作战设计的,装备有复合炮塔与近防炮。南十字还没有实战经历,但即便缺少作战经验,她仍能用如同暴雨的弹幕淹没掉各种敌人。 规格:82×19m 价格:11000mk 运货量:32箱 推荐人数:6~10人...
Cs For Barotrauma
Tekijä: Evil Factory
ATTENTION THIS MOD DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE, INSTEAD: Go to your MainMenu, Click on LuaCs Settings found top left, and check "Enable CSharp Scripting" This is still useful as a simple way to show that your mod uses CSharp. Description Addon for Lua For ...
Tekijä: Nightlock
木卫二ALT科技的首个远洋长续航项目——“宵禁”级匿踪舰。 此为原本专注于实验室设备制造的科技公司首次参与整船的设计定型,项目集合了大量自动化设备,计划搭载先进整合式武器系统,自动电力自动水力系统,远程态势感知及出舱作业时的遥控系统。立项以来由于经验不足,原型机结构一再修改,各个系统的研发测试也状况频发,经历数次大改版后第一代定型标号为宵禁- S,其余皆为废案。 基本数据如下 价格:9064马克(含补给) 流线型外壳尺寸:57x13m 载货量:40箱 推荐船员数:5~7人 物品数:3343(含补给) 类型:...
Cyclops Mk-III
Tekijä: ignis
The Cyclops Mk-III is an improved version of the galaxy's most popular and reliable deep-sea submersible. It has good maneuverability, great flooding resistance and a powerful arsenal which can repel hostile creatures attacking from any side. Smart systems...
DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser
Tekijä: Zyleand
CN+EN supported! 写在前面 封面舰娘图来源:远行星号吧 因为是坟贴所以没有问作者要授权,感谢作者不杀之恩 建议多人游玩 Recommend to play in multiplayer mode 背景介绍 / Background Story 本船原型来源于“远行星号”恶魔航电mod的同名战舰-“漩流”级战列巡洋舰,是经过了缩小和改装的版本。因为没有人想开一艘竖着的船所以我把它横过来了(捂脸) This ship is created from a ship in Diable Avioni...
Detectable Alien Materials 可探测的异星矿物!
Tekijä: Zyleand
这个mod只做了两件微小的工作:让异星矿物能够被矿物探测器探测到,以及让它们在黑暗中发光,使其更容易被玩家发现。可以兼容已有存档 This mod does only two simple things: made alien materials detectable to mineral scanner, and made them glow in the dark so that them can be easily found. Should be save to install/remove on ...
Dont Open Debug Console On Errors
Tekijä: Evil Factory
This is the stupidest mod i've ever made, but it's here, quite self explanatory, stops debug console from opening on errors while playing. Requires Client-Side Lua for it to work. How to install Client-Side Lua:
Tekijä: MasonMachineGuns
ATTENTION Please read the description as it contains important information about features, patches and incompatibilities! Requires a new campaign after first installation! Can't be added or removed to and from an ongoing campaign! Features: Unique Location...
Tekijä: Hunter
由于DE的中文翻译没更新所以自己翻译了缺失的部分,机翻+润色能看就行了,要什么自行车:P 外挂翻译,放在原mod之上使用 --20230315-- 适用于DE的1.0正式版更新。由于作者还没玩过更新的内容,有错漏或者不合适的请在帖子下面留言指正 --20230403-- 原DE作者已将HungryEuropan作为单独mod拆出,本翻译其中包含HE的部分仍会保留,不会单独发布针对HE的翻译mod。 --20230531-- 先放一个机翻更新版本,作者目前比较忙,过两天有空了会人工校对。...
[Old] EK Huxley Mk-V
Tekijä: Videogames
Huxley Mk-V Light Long-Haul Tanker The Huxley is a highly advanced light tanker vessel. Designed to transport biofuel or machine oil over extremely long distances and through remote areas; the Huxley contains many features of a fully self-sufficient expedi...
[Old] EK Kira Mk-V
Tekijä: Videogames
Kira Mk-V Multipurpose Vessel The Kira class submarine is the first of a series of next-generation multipurpose hulls. Designed for capability and versatility, nearly every aspect of the program has been designed from the ground up to produce a highly effe...
Tekijä: 椎名黑冬
EN/简/繁/Russian/Polish More than 40 kinds of enemies A number of human enemies will appear in the course, including human enemies like pirates, Jokers, separatists, new alien enemies, and some of the fearsome creatures of Cthulhu mythology Warning:! monster...
Tekijä: 椎名黑冬
N/简体中文 More than 40 kinds of enemies A number of human enemies will appear in the course, including human enemies like pirates, Jokers, separatists, new alien enemies, and some of the fearsome creatures of Cthulhu mythology This is a nerf patch for europa ...
FDF-Chopper Shuttle
Tekijä: Vootfer
Chopper is a long-range patrol shuttle designed to be faster and more agile than most shuttles. It comes in two versions, the A1 equipped with pulse lasers and the B1 equipped with chainguns. It was issued into service after a high demand for patrol class ...
Tekijä: Vootfer
The Vortex is an attack vessel designed to be tough and capable of safely deploying a small strike or dive team. Armed with multiple turrets, It can provide heavy overwatch to deployed troops, clearing a safe zone for extraction. It is brought to you by Fr...
Tekijä: Vootfer
The Vulture is a small patrol vessel designed to be fast and nimble while having enough firepower for even the most dangerous creatures of Europa. Great sub for starting your adventure or continuing one... Brought to you by Frontier Shipyards! Stats: Class...
Fix Garbled Message Text
Tekijä: whosyourdaddy
玩家有时在使用无线电发送消息时,对方可能会接受到随机乱码,而这个mod修复了此问题。 Sometimes when players use the radio to send messages, the receivers may get random garbled texts, but this mod fixes it. 单人游戏中运行仅需安装客户端Lua。 多人游戏中运行仅需选择服务端Lua。 Client-Side Lua is required for it to work on singlep...
Fully functional Russian roulette
Tekijä: Snubby
This mods adds an ACTUALLY fully functional Russian roulette revolver, with odds of the shot going off PROPERLY scaling with pulls of the trigger, and flavour sound effects ! The gun can even be loaded with revolver ammo to leave you barely alive, or handc...
Gatling Laser
Tekijä: Dewmoont
This mod adds a Gatling laser to the game. The Gatling laser is a large two-handed weapon that fire red laser pulses through two lenses and deals burn damage. It uses fusion cores for ammunition. Each fusion core provides 300 shots. It has a high rate of f...
Gene Splicer+ [New Genes]
Tekijä: The Nugget
Current Features IF THE NEW CONTENT IS NOT LOADING PLEASE REINSTALL THE MOD FROM IN GAME AND RESTART. + All genetic material is removable without destroying it. +Adds two new gene splicers with far more capacity than the vanilla ones. +Omega Gene Splicer 8...
Golden mice
Golden mice General information Attack (Tier II) Price 12000 mk Size 39*15 m Cargo capacity 8 crates Recommended crew size 4-7 One day I decided to do a submarine with a little steam punk style, and in the end this little thing was built. This is a super s...
Grande Fiesta
Tekijä: KARIN
完全版v1.1 Super cruise ship隶属于超级游艇 欢迎来到木卫二上最宏大的庆典!在接下来的短暂的航行中,希望您能无视众多的安全隐患和混入的恐怖分子,享受最优质的深海旅行服务。考虑到这很有可能是您人生中最后一段时光,您可以大方挥霍您的mk了。试玩强大的舰载武器,骑上地球进口的街机摩托,购买神奇的异星礼品,或是享用特殊的料理…… 或许您想认识一下同行的旅客?告诉您,船上都是人才(沉船里的尸体也是),包括最有钱的船东,最厉害的船长,和最倒霉的机修工。因为她13792512的容积和121.14m的总...
Halo Weapons(UNSC)
Tekijä: 月目巳
 Halo Weapons(UNSC)  The First part . Content: Ⅰ. Weapons 1. Light Weapons M6H2 pistol (New*)MK50 Sidekick M7 SMG (New*)M20 PDW M6H2 Tactics Type1 Recurve Knife*2 2.Conventional Rifle MA5D Assault Rifle MA5B Assault Rifle (New*)MA40 Assault Rifle (New*)VK7...
Head Detector 头戴探测仪
Tekijä: Tem黄
"Not a battle force detector, unable to detect battle force. " “不是龙珠里的战斗力探测仪,无法探测具体战斗力。” Integrated functions of handheld sonar, oxygen mask, health scanner, and thermal goggles. At the same time, it provides a small amount of lighting that can be turned o...
Holiday Oceanic
Tekijä: KARIN
海洋假日号Holiday Oceanic 完全版v1.4 抛开可怕的怪物和神秘的遗迹不谈,木卫二其实是个美丽而富饶的行星。所以,放下您那薄得可怜的钢板吧,反正它也抵挡不了女妖的攻击,用玻璃构造您的船只,并一览海底的美景吧。在酒吧坐一坐,或者是在长椅上看看书,您还可以种满植物,把玻璃球舱改造成深渊温室,有开阔的视野总是好的。上次我去Chatte科研站时,那里的研究人员声称她还可以防止船员的精神疾病,看来您可以少买点氟哌啶醇了。 您还在担心安全问题么?放心,传统游艇已经死了,在它们坟头上挥洒核废料的正是海洋假日...
Hira LSV
Tekijä: RainDreamer
The Hira-class Logistic Support Vessel is a versatile shuttle of the Europan Navy Engineering Corps designed for the variety of missions in the trecherous water of Europa, from cargo transportation, cave exploration, to even Thalamus wreck salvage. While i...
Hotkey Reload-Swap
Tekijä: NeckRopeMancer
NOTE: The new 2.0 Update requires the Modding Toolkit: IMPORTANT: Currently broken pending a PR to LuaCsForBarotrauma and some other stuff. A simple client-lua mod that Reload/Refills whatev...
Humpback Großreinigung
Tekijä: Kookoorooza
Deep modernization of the Humpback, based on idea of preserving the location of all nodes of the original submarine. This is the fourth iteration of my "Humpback", which incorporates 4 years of experience The general list of changes: - Completely redesigne...
Tekijä: Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC BOTANUS Botanical Cargo Transport (NOTE: This Vessel Looks Much Larger Than It Is. It is actually on the small to medium si...
Improved Husks
Tekijä: The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
Improved XP Rates
Tekijä: manchyy
This mod buffs the brutal vanilla XP formulas, resulting in higher rates. Experience rates in Barotrauma are dynamic to your character's skill levels. Which means that the higher your level the more actions (and time) it will require for you to level up. T...
R-28 Indra
Tekijä: rav2n
RUS Недорогая цена, мощные двигатели, грозная огневая мощь и узнаваемый силуэт многими ветеранами сражений между Коалицией и Сепаратистами. Это неполный список достоинств, делающих R-28 "Индра" хорошим выбором для небольших экипажей и настоящей классикой с...
Iron Cavalry Prototype Gunship
Tekijä: Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This mod contains two vessels, the normal “Iron Cavalry” fits campaign mode and the “Iron Cavalry 2” fits PVP mode. I haven’t played PVP before so I’m not sure if it an int...
Item Drop Key
Tekijä: Evil Factory
Client-Side Lua is required to be installed for this to work, look in the Performance Fix mod to see how to install Client-Side Lua. Also this mod will work in any server you join! Press U to drop the item you are currently holding! SIDE EFFECTS INCLUDE: h...
Item IO Framework
Tekijä: shangjiaxuan
Info Use c# to implement a stacking box. The box's condition is used for de-spawning and spawning stack-able items. Stores up to 1024 items with one entity. Since this update introduces new implementation, a new mod is released for safety of user items. Ne...
K-07 Kasatka
Tekijä: Doomich
Updated Mk II version: Well, it's here, and only thanks to the baro discord community again! Hope you can give me feedback on balance, design issues and bugs so that I can improve it for you...
Tekijä: Eisawesome
Another salvaged space faring vessel, this one seems to be rather sturdy. Marking some beige and orange livery, and baring some sort of "Federation" alignment. I welcome you to the Kestrel. Another FTL style sub that I made over the course of a few months....
Tekijä: Cutter
This little cheap combat submarine is UMI's new design. It has powerful battery arrays and drones, but lacks firepower because of its size limitations, and has a noisy engine.Also four bad-tempered junction boxs. EN ----------------------------------------...
Livelandr's Sandbox Menu
Tekijä: Livelandr
This mod adds a menu that allows you to spawn any items or afflictions from any mods Menu button is located at right bottom of the screen. YOU NEED TO HAVE CLIENTSIDE AND SERVERSIDE LUA!!! Installation: Also you ...
Lua For Barotrauma
Tekijä: Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.2 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 + Hotfix 3 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that ad...
Lua Linker
Tekijä: Ricky
Works in 1.0 A tool for linking/unlinking items like fabricators and cabinets together this can also be used to link/unlink turrets and their ammo source. You can craft this item at the fabricator its called lua linker There is also a tool that allows you ...
Tekijä: InitialDesu
Class: Attack Price: 22 727 Tier: III Recommended crew size: 5 - 12 Dimensions: 94x24m Some of the features: Combat shuttle Light cargo shuttle Elevator (monorail) - stable version by Cryostasis Pneumatic pipes (item transfer system) Suck energy from outpo...
Meaningful Upgrades
Tekijä: Videogames
A mod which improves the existing upgrade system and adds new ones. Upgrade cost scales more linearly with what you are paying for. More incentive to max out an upgrade category instead of buying a different sub. Some Items can be upgraded to +50% or +100%...
Meaningful Upgrades CN
Tekijä: DarthCY
为Meaningful Upgrades添加了简体中文汉化,这是一种外挂的汉化,里面不包含本体。 需要安装原mod,将此mod放置于原mod之后并勾选。 写了一篇简单的汉化mod制作教程,大家可以参考参考:
MECH D4U-2 (Military Inc.) by OO
Tekijä: W13
MECH D4U-2 Dive into the future with the awe-inspiring Underwater Armored Mech—a marvel of technological ingenuity and aquatic prowess. With its sleek design, impenetrable armor, and swift propulsion systems, this colossal mech dominates the depths, protec...
Tekijä: Dewmoont
This mod adds a minigun to the game. A six-barrel machine gun with a high rate of fire. 3000 rounds per minute. A badass look confirmed. The base price of the minigun 2000 cr. The base price of ammo is 120 cr. You can buy this items in the following places...
MN Creatures
Tekijä: Morphine
Mod development has been discontinued, the details are at the bottom of the description. Creatures description: Europan Trout The most harmless creature on Europa. Small packs of these will follow your submarine. It serves as a "decoration" for a variety. ...
Modding Toolkit
Tekijä: NeckRopeMancer
A toolkit providing GUI, configuration with Settings Menu integration, networking and Assembly-based plugin system for Barotrauma. Currently in Alpha. ...
Modular Backpack
Tekijä: LeDoux
Hello there! This mod adds a modular backpack customizable at a fabricator with up to 43 combinations possible! Items and customization: - Modular Backpack: Simple backpack with 9 slots for items - 4 pouch: Medical, Ammo, Mining and Tools adding 6 slots fo...
Monster Energy
Tekijä: VigersRay
Everyone's favorite energy drink is now in Barotrauma. Adds 7 brand new brand name energy drinks and their drinking sound. You can create them at the medical fabricator, they are also sold by almost all merchants, as ...
More Artifacts 中文补丁
汉化包简介 由老虎脱粒机汉化组汉化 More Artifacts (AOCS) 的外挂汉化包,要连同本体一起订阅。仅包含 More Artifacts (AOCS) 汉化,不包含其他。 如果发现问题,请告诉我们,我们会即时修改。 以下为 Mod 原简介汉化版 嘿! 你有没有感觉这个游戏中和异星遗物相关的东西太少?虽然原版的这些异星遗物也很有趣,但总是让我感觉有些许奇怪。比如解构外星垃圾可以得到一块钢筋和两块塑料什么什么的··· 所以,我决定要填补游戏在异星内容上的缺失,并尽量将我的想法顺利的展现出来。 说了...
More Artifacts (AOCS)
Tekijä: Irradaven
Hi. What if it turned out that there were more than five artifacts? What if there were more than three alien trinkets? What if they began to find in the ruins not only traces of an ancient race? Maybe the answer is here somewhere. So what does this mod off...
More Unique Weapons (v1.1) [ENRU]
Tekijä: amphibian
notice: this mod will not be receiving any more updates atleast from me. everyone is more then welcome and have my full permission to make patches / reuploads of this mod or use any of the code or assets. ive just been trying to put my own time other place...
Movable and Sellable Wrecks
Tekijä: Evil Factory
Movable and Sellable Wrecks This mod introduces the capability to move and sell wrecks from any mod, including the base game. It also provides a heavy industrial hook for lifting wrecks in situations where you lack a lower docking port or the wreck isn't r...
More Unique Weapons 中文补丁
汉化包简介 To players in other languages: this is a language patch for Chinese players! 由老虎脱粒机汉化组汉化 More Unique Weapons 的外挂汉化包,要连同本体一起订阅。仅包含 More Unique Weapons 汉化,不包含其他。 英烈榜:江某白(润色)、HDC(校对),佚名(汉化),你好(提取文本),炼铜(啥也没干,强烈谴责) 如果发现问题,请告诉我们,我们会即时修改。 以下为 Mod 原简介汉化版 还没搞...
Navalon Class Prototype Combat Cruiser 纳瓦隆级试做型战斗巡洋舰
Tekijä: Zyleand
CN+EN Supported! 写在前面/Intro 推荐配合高难度mod使用,如Barotraumtic 推荐mod:高难狩猎 It is recommended to use with mod that greatly increase game difficulty, like Barotraumatic. 基本信息/Basic Information item数:1350(母舰)+103(无人机)=1453精罗落泪 售价:7000mk,应该不止这个价 大小:69*20m(实际尺寸60*10m) 武...
Multiplayer crew manager
Tekijä: Oiltanker
Link to the sources on GitHub for anyone interested: link Thinking about adding MCM to your ongoing campaign? Read the thread below Adding MCM to an ongoing campaign Features For the mod to work, the server must use the Lua executable file All game clients...
New Wrecks For Barotrauma (With sellable wrecks)
Tekijä: heheboi
New Wrecks for Barotrauma Expand and enhance the world of wrecked ships with this high-quality mod. Discover 18 new wrecks and their variants. Encounter unique and perilous traps. Dock with any wreck, even those not from this mod. Experience more challengi...
Nova VX
Tekijä: RainDreamer
Repurposed from a failed line of luxury submarines, the Nova VX is everything a captain wants - if they never plan to take the submarine out of docking port. Its sleek design include wide open floor plan that cause heavy flooding on leak and lack safety fe...
oClockRadar / Sonar [Alt Appearance]
Tekijä: Triiodine //----------------------------------------------------- oClockRadar oClockRadar DegreeRadar //----------------------------------------------------- Alternative Version, featuring cleaner number...
Oxygen Reloader
Tekijä: Luger
A tiny piece of code made at the request. How it works: 1. Install client-side Lua 2. Press the button (by default Q) 3. It'll check your inventory and swap your oxygen tank if needed Still confused? Let me show you:
Pirate Vessels Expanded - Custom Submarines
Tekijä: A Spoon
Welcome to the Pirate Vessels Expanded page. A mod made as a sort of place where people can have their Pirate submarines come to life with actual Pirates. Feel free to contact me to look at your sub. Current Features: The Piranha: Made by Elusive Workshop ...
Pirates of the European /扩展与更强的海盗船
Tekijä: 雨望
注:此mod有了更强的海盗船,官船可能不是对手,请注意。 原版海盗船将奖励4400mk,且没有dugong海盗船了,可小心对战。 mod海盗船将在游戏难度30以上出现,并且比较强大,请谨慎对战。 海盗-锤击点:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Orca护卫舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-U-1211海盗鱼雷舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Kasrull指挥舰:50难度,5500mk。 海盗-Azimuth反潜艇舰:60难度,奖励5500mk。 且海盗npc将加多 而且接受反馈,也还在不断更...
Project004 - Wastelandpope废土教皇
Tekijä: Tem黄
------------------- 潜艇数据: 3800+items数量(不包含无人机),推荐配置:CPU: i19-9999999999990K 内存: 6400tb 显卡:9090Ti 长度:大约52米 高度:大约12米 宽度:得了吧难道你在用3D全息投影玩这个游戏 货运:48箱 最高上浮速度:17 最高下潜速度:21 无驾驶经验船长无升级限速时最高水平速度:34。 ...
Tekijä: Mour
The need of mercenaries is ever present, even under the icy crust of Europa. Here in Prometheus Shipyards we wont question your morals. We are however going to provide you with a ship worthy of getting the job done. The aptly named ''Privateer'' is made fo...
Project005G - Albireo
Tekijä: Tem黄
Project006 - Eternity class assault submarine 永恒号攻击潜艇
Tekijä: Tem黄
T1\T2:1243物品数,T3:1298物品数,T3完整版:1450物品数(统计都不包含电梯) T1、T2、T3各有一艘。T1较为简陋,T3有自动遇水变手动门 T3自动门功能在驾驶室后座导航台处控制开启 发射轨道炮前需要关闭轨道炮装填室的两个横向舱门 为了节约物品数,也没有切换炮台的电路 没带有多少制造和医疗资源...
Tekijä: amphibian
named after its distinctive markings, the redline is an acclaimed custom-built submarine that was designed for the now defunct sport of submarine racing a sleek design, powerful engine and quick pumps allow it to remain nimble while traversing the europan ...
Repair Key
Tekijä: Quavarx
Adds a repair hotkey for those who are too lazy to move their cursor to the button. Default key is "F" but can be changed in config. Use the command "repairkey" in the console to open the config. Requires client-side Lua...
Tekijä: Versus
READ FAQ BEFORE YOU COMMENT heyyyyyy buddy, if you haven't noticed by now, the mod's development is finished. I'm not updating it anymore. Tired of your decaying flesh prison? Crave the strength and certainty of steel? Well this is the mod for you! Adds Ro...
Tekijä: Chiko
It's a buyable roomba. You activate it by picking it up and throwing it against the floor or any surface. Its main purpose is to 'eat' corpses but it also comes with offensive capabilities such as a shock attack. Quite harmless on its own but a fleet of th...
Tekijä: 自由の代償
"Ride it on and you'll be the hottest guy in Europa" Man!I got this thing at a place they called Junkyard! And there was an old man who said that when he was on Earth, they called this thing "motorbike" Junkyard? The same lunatics who made a drone out of s...
Saber Armaments (OLD - v0.13.0.11)
Mod not working? Potential fix: ("A note about the patch: Unfortunately, there may still be some issues with mods. If a mod fails to update automatically, please head to the in-game Steam Workshop menu and click "reinstall" next to the mod in question. If ...
Tekijä: Lerentine
Saber Armaments CN
Tekijä: TJX
已获得作者授权 原MOD链接 Saber Armaments 中文版本 ...
Saber Personal Protection (OLD - v0.13.0.11)
Mod not working? Potential fix: ("A note about the patch: Unfortunately, there may still be some issues with mods. If a mod fails to update automatically, please head to the in-game Steam Workshop menu and click "reinstall" next to the mod in question. If ...
Tekijä: 时光
迷你鲨已经非常过时了,于是研究所成立了新部门SG,SG成立后针对木卫二现在的环境研发出了这艘中型多功能潜艇SG-白鲸号。 规格:49x11m 水平速度:42 垂直速度:-18/14 载货量:38 价格:8000 该舰基础设施齐全 , 拥有小型穿梭机SG-海娥号,探敌雷达,防丘脑水泵,舰首搭载了激光主炮威力巨大。崭新出厂的白鲸号火力并不充足,需要进行升级才能达到正常水平。 适合成员3-6名,老舰长一人出航也行。 不知道什么原因我没办法在评论区留言,有事请在贴吧找我 贴吧里有问题解答!!!...
Share Craft Qulity
Tekijä: Primarch Leman
Share quality level-up effect from Security and Engineer skills to the whole team....
Shipwrecks Extended
Tekijä: rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
Tekijä: 缘流
Sirius天狼星★临渊之巅 是综合全创意工坊90%以上船综合而来的最优秀的全方面配置 并汲取了权威建议 本船拥有强大的自调节能力,可以独立清除潜在威胁和外在风险 ChatGPT B站:海上的缘流(设计工程师)天子的桃帽(授权商) 该船基本信息 总价值:9999mk 载货量:24 等级:T3 类型:侦查型 规格:43*12m 推荐船员数量:7人(1人也可以玩) 船体防御:自动电圈、4自动近防炮、2轨道炮、2电磁枪、1加农炮 物资及功能:应有尽有,适用于原版平衡和绝大多数mod和高难包 注意事项:任何一个功能...
SMS Olympus
Tekijä: Sny_Vs_Spyper
Welcome aboard the Olympus superheavy mobile station! LIST OF CONTENTS: -a ballast/fish tank big enough to comfortably fit 3 dugongs inside it -20 coilguns -4 railguns -3 depth charge launchers -2 high powered reactors -a mass surveillance network so secur...
Tekijä: SOFA Made by MIRROR ^ This mod is mainly for practice. As i haven't used the creature editor much a lot of these creatures are pretty jank to be honest. You can try to use Barotraumatic for the creatures to spawn in game. But it'...
Tekijä: Lucifinel
SOFA'S CREATURES 簡體中文化 並不包含SOFA'S CREATURES 本體(你需要和這個一起開),且不修改模組本體的任何數據與內容,僅提供簡體中文漢化文件 這個模組挺小的,沒什麼好介紹的,但他是BT模組的前置模組之一(我是個人覺得中文玩起來更舒服)...
Sort Container UI
Tekijä: Daria
Client-side Lua Script to add an UI to containers which has sort functionality. There are 5 buttons in total: Sort by Alphabet, sort every item in the container by alphabetical order Sort by Category Merge Stacks, if possible, merge identical items togethe...
"我仰头向上,视线穿过厚重的冰层,向璀璨的星空祈求祝福。" 以曾经的太空战舰造型为蓝图而制造的轻型驱逐舰。其内部被装修的干净整洁,船上大量的信息屏让人回想起以前那段傲游太空的岁月。 没人知道工业的那些人为什么要造出这样一个与木卫二的冰洋格格不入的怪物。整洁的内饰与大屏幕是经不起木卫二的考验的,一次次航行后这些东西最终都会变得残破不堪。而这艘船也一直停靠在工业船坞的那个角落里,静静等待着属于她的远航。 或许,她只归属于人们头上那片无垠的星海。 价格:8000马克 规格:57×19m 载货量:38箱 推荐人数:...
Stations from beyond
Tekijä: rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
Storage Icons
Tekijä: Dr. Turtle
Adds an icon to storage containers that shows their most abundant item, any item with an inventory can be configured to have this effect (including modded) REQUIRES LUA FOR BAROTRAUMA, FOLLOW INSTALLATION GUIDE use the command 'storageicons' in the console...
Stronger Petraptor - 更强的宠物迅猛龙
Tekijä: SinerSAMA
像敌对的泥偶迅猛龙一样拥有护甲的宝石迅猛龙。 The Petraptor that has armor like the Mudraptor. 重写了宝石迅猛龙蛋,在放入盐水孵化时为其额外放入遗传物质(泥偶迅猛龙)后,遗传物质将被锁定,蛋的外观颜色发生变化,将会孵出更大只的宝石迅猛龙 Override Petraptor egg, after putting genetic material (Mudraptor) into the egg when incubating in saline, the ge...
Super Mining Sonar + oClockRadar [UPDATED]
Tekijä: aaron.golder
Disclaimer! This mod is an updated and fixed version of the "oClockRadar (Alt.) - " mod made by Tonic, which combines the "Super Mining Sonar" mod from LeDoux and the "O'Clock Radar Overlay" mod by Triiodine! Please show them support! If any of these mod c...
T.I.T.A.N. power suit V2
Tekijä: Yak'All
"When all hope seems lost, just don't forget: Aim for their head" "As always, this is NOT a replacer" "Community update. Quality of life improvements!" From: Head designer Matthias To: Bnllzmcdq Ktbhzm Latest ongoing project report: 'T.I.T.A.N.' With the r...
Tekijä: 猫鱼
Tachi is a Corvette class frigate of MCRN (Martian Congressional Republic Navy), capable of performing a variety of operational tasks, including serving as a torpedo bomber and a maritime insertion ship....
R-26 Tara
Tekijä: rav2n
ENG Designed for courier transportation and searching for resource deposits, inexpensive small-sized R-26 "Tara" submarines are exactly those submarines on which captains make their first capital with a plasma cutter. And also submarines of this type have ...
The Cephalopod [BROKEN]
Tekijä: Mour
The Cephalopod, one of the first attempts to utilize the barely understood but powerful alien machinery retrieved from ruin excavation sites. This ship is both stealthy and agile but initially lacks in major firepower.You will pilot a scout made to travers...
The Sword Core is ready.Keep your enemy close! Titanfall 2 Ronin Swords
Tekijä: jyjyjy11
This mod adds an in-game sword from Titanfall 2's Ronin Titan. Not the original version used on Titan, of course. This is a handheld version for pilot The sword has been miniaturized, and using the latest technology, pilot can now open the sword core! Feat...
Tekijä: Sun
Makes your run key toggle run so you dont have to hold it. If character stopped moving, run state will be reset to mimic toggle run feature from modern games. NOTE: requires additional steps in order to properly install Lua for Barotrauma. Please check cli...
Toolbox Expanded
Tekijä: Lord Autismo
Changes toolbox to hold 12 items again from the recent change to 6 each Now works with stacking items, and if you really want to be a madman you can stack your items in your toolbelts that you can stack in your toolboxes which you can stack into your metal...
Transparent Diving Helmet [REDUNDANT]
Tekijä: Udrakan
VANILLA NOW HAS TRANSPARENT DIVING SUIT HELMETS! Developers have made diving suit helmet glass transparent in the vanilla game. I'm happy this mod provided this option while it was working. I'll keep this up for historic reasons. Thanks for the support eve...
UNS Khopesh The Orbital Deployment Ship Destroyer was the result of a multilateral effort across the major member states of the United Nations Colonial Authority to counter the problematic rise of the Europan Coalition...
V-1999 Remastered MK.II [BENZIN Corp.]
Tekijä: BENZIN
V-1999 Mk.II, is an upgraded version of the V-1999 Cold War Era Special Deep Diver Submarine with external and internal hulls. UPDATED for "Hoist The Sails" update: Submarine tier set to 3 Flagship of the entire BENZIN Corp. fleet Made by Vortokua / Benzin...
V-1999 [BENZIN Corp.]
Tekijä: BENZIN
V-1999 is a Cold War Era Special Deep Diver Submarine with external and internal hulls. CHECK OUT: The Remastered MK.II version, it is better in every way: V-1999 MK II (DO NOT USE THE REMASTERED VERSION IF EXPERIENCING FPS PROBLEMS) UPDATED for "Hoist The...
Visual Variety Pack
Tekijä: Plebibus Maximus
26/08/2024: This is a general State of Affairs update, as there are a couple things I need to touch upon: Asset re-use: I've been asked today by someone for my permission to repackage and alter content of my mod. While I initially refused on reflex(hey, mo...
Vanillatic Ballance Armory (EN,KR,CN,RU)
Tekijä: BLKite
Ingame name 'Vanillatic weapon Armory' This mode includes this. 6 meele (3 is unique, 2 is need recipe) 8 Sidefirearm (4 is unique) 5 SMG, Carbine (2 unique) 2 Repeater (1 unique) 2 Rifle (1 unique) 3 Shotgun (1 unique) 1 backpack 2 afflictions Various kin...
Waifu Genetic (EuropaWaifu++) [FIXED]
Tekijä: VigersRay
Inspired by the Catgene mod. Adds 4 new genes and genetic material for research. Does not overwrite HumanHusk. Genetic material Allows you to get a random gene from a mod at a research station. Sold at outposts for ...
Warden job
Tekijä: Yak'All
The Warden is here, and no monster is safe After many weeks of research and development, The warden is now finally able to join the fight! Using three of my previously posted mods, this one makes sure you get the most out of each item. The warden is a powe...
Wreck Locator
Tekijä: Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
Tekijä: BENZIN
X-1989 ICEBREAKER, basically a GIANT DRILL Deepdiver submarine with a powerful laser drill powered by highly radioactive Alien tech. UPDATED for "Hoist The Sails" update: Submarine tier set to 3 Flagship of the Pioneer Regiment of BENZIN Corp. The body is ...
X-WT Kakodis卡柯蒂斯
Tekijä: Fruit milk
简体中文 English 《这是 DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser 为基础的二改潜艇》 概述 一艘宇航战舰改装过来的潜艇,船外可见改装后一些机械暴露在外,她用于联盟的运输补给各站点的任务,为了减轻船体重量增加载货量,船上大部分武器被拆除仅保留部分轻武器防御,同时也运输核武器并且能在紧急情况下可以使用的唯一致命手段,拥有强大的反应堆和超速推进器可在短时间内机动回避。 规格 类型:运输型 价格:8500mk 尺寸:65x24 载货:76箱 水平速度:22...
X37 Assault Carrier
Service Bulletin - 2/10/23 Amoury security upgrade - Amoury doors are now resistant to crowbars - The Captain can lock open the armoury doors - An alarm will sound if the armoury door is forcefully breached - The brig now has a drop down hatch in the ceili...
Zoom Key
Tekijä: zomgtehderpy
now you can see those tiny 0.4 scale labels or whatever. press F to toggle zoom. default is ~1.5x of your resolution-specific value. hold '-' or '+' to decrease or increase zoom level (limits 0.5x to 2.5x). press backspace to revert zoom to default. Moddin...
阿娜希塔 巡洋舰 在积累了一定经验后所建造的大型巡洋舰,其上首次搭载了无人机系统,可以远程操控小型穿梭艇。安装了直接消耗电力的光束炮,缩减武器种类的同时也减轻了不少后勤的压力。使用了角度切换炮塔的系统,可以用一个潜望镜控制多个方向的炮塔。6-10人最佳 水平极速29-下潜极速17 售价13500 规格75X28 载货量48 ...
阿尔忒弥斯 重型战列舰 专为对舰作战而设计的重型战列舰,拥有大量火炮与坚固的外壳。即使在炮弹耗尽时,依然能够保持一定输出。内部舱室大量连通,拥有庞大的储存空间。8-12人最佳 水平极速33-下潜极速13 售价13500 规格75X23 载货量107 ...
[15 Design Bureau] Phantom_Walker (LTS)
Tekijä: 15.5T
What would you like to wish for? “どうだろう…”(I don’t know...) Then there will be no more video games, anymore. “願い事はいくつ叶う?”(How many wishes do I get?) As many as you want. The more wishes you make, the more magnificent the video games will become. “はて?”(Reall...
Tekijä: Noking
Ammo 弹药模组 CN/EN “黄沙百战穿金甲” ●●●简介●●● 1.修改原版弹药材料 2.增加高级弹药 3.增加制作材料,底火 4.增加改装冲锋枪 5.增加照明鱼叉 ●●●原版●●● 冲锋枪弹药: 塑料+底火+钢筋 霰弹枪子弹x6: 底火+塑料+铁 左轮子弹x6: 底火+铜+钢筋 冲锋枪弹匣(再装填)弹匣+底火+钢筋 冲锋枪弹匣(分解) 塑料 ●●●高级●●● 被甲冲锋枪弹匣:塑料+底火+钢素块 弹匣扩容至25发,中幅增加伤害,小幅提升击晕时长 爆破霰弹枪弹药x6:底火+C4+塑料 对船壳墙体舱门伤害...
Tekijä: Noking
简介:Ero级中型核潜艇,采用仿生学设计,模拟了锤头鲨的外形,并且安装防撞隔舱和间隙外壳,使得无论是撞击或是爆炸都可轻松拿下,同时拥有惊人的货舱大小,如果想要通过运输来获利,那她一定不会让你失望的。 定位:运输任务,多人联机,原版战役 售价:5888mk 大小:50x8m 载货:72箱 最高水平航速:26km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-6人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:2003...
Tekijä: Noking
Medical 医疗模组 CN/EN “人命至重,有贵千金” ●●●简介●●● 原版修改: 活性纤维x2 可在加工台制作成 绷带x3 新增物品: 1.小型医疗包 恢复60点出血、失血、烧伤、内伤 绷带+盐水+鸦片合成 医疗使用等级需求10 2.大型医疗包 恢复120点出血、失血、烧伤、内伤 皮肤+血袋+吗啡合成 医疗使用等级需求30 3.强化合剂 六项增益BUFF全满 内用辅液+酒精+广谱抗生素+麻痹治愈剂+加速粉剂合成 4.浓缩枭祸根精华 三秒杀死迅猛龙 枭祸根精华x3 5.抽血包 多次抽血增加耐久,抽血...
Tekijä: Noking
Planting 种植模组 CN/EN(基础代码来自于Hydroponics) “听取蛙声一片” ●●●简介●●● 1.可以种植海底的植物/细菌 2.新增大号种植箱和五种生物样本 3.需要使用大号种植箱培养生物样本收获植物/细菌 ●●●大号种植箱/生物样本●●● 大号种植箱: 1.可以自行制造或者在科研站点购买 2.需要安装在地面,并接电源使用 3.属于电器设备,请注意防水 4.供电状态可以通过是否发光来区别 生物样本: 1.在加工台制作,放置到大号种植箱生长 2.样本制成后耐久会快速降低,请及时放到种植箱...
Tekijä: Noking
简介:Van级大型核潜艇,吸收新时代、蓝宝石、黑森林等潜艇优点设计的全能型潜艇。在这可以看到大胆的透明船壳设计,简单易上手的电子控制系统,还有标准的火力配置。当然,你需要一些好友与你一同驾驭这艘巨兽,若是孤狼,你也可以在站点招募些船员,与你共赴深渊。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,模组战役 售价:8499mk 大小:63x15m 载货:26箱 最高水平航速:40km/h 最高下潜速度:21-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-14人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:中 感谢使用!...
[J-San] Teardrop
Tekijä: Jetero
Small research submarine, just slightly bigger than a standard shuttle. Dedicated to those who want to directly explore and study Europa. Recommended to be used as starting submarine before switching to a bigger one. However, not few people choose to embra...
[CN] Destroyer-Class SSN (carry drone)
Tekijä: 鬼神泣
欢迎来到【破坏者级】核动力攻击潜艇 ================================================== 由于语音控制系统用起来大麻烦了,开个功能还要打字,所以一下内容全部移除了(20190714) ================================================== 本潜艇有语音控制系统,请给你操控的角色带上耳机,在聊天框发送如下文字可以使用秘籍噢 //MainSystem:MS/MSO 母舰中央系统 //MSO-CloseConnectio...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Tekijä: Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
Tekijä: Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
Tekijä: Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
Tekijä: Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
[USDB]More Clothing-更多的服裝
Tekijä: USDBear
---------------------------- ——在保留原本畫風的基礎上改進而來,通過添加的方式增加了若干女裝…… ——所有職位各一套 ——添加若干海軍主題服裝及帽子 ——添加小丑服與帽子一套 ——添加戰術JK一套 ——添加畫皮教徒服裝一套 - Improved on the basis of retaining the original style, and added a number of women's clothes by adding... - One set for all pos...
[USDB]Female Appearance Remake-女性外觀重製
Tekijä: USDBear
原女性髮型大修MOD。ID:2741926076 Original version:Female hair overhaul 這是一個材質替換包,已經將整個MOD的代碼進行重構,遂現在可以直接訂閲並替換生效。 但是目前還存在跟神經創傷這個MOD相衝突的問題,隨後我將持續更新並發佈兼容補丁。 This is a texture replacement pack Had been refactored the code of this Mod,so now,we can directly subscribe,t...
Tekijä: 頭文字 撅
-Barotraumatic -Barotraumatic Creature Pack 以上MOD的挂载汉化补丁 已汉化并润色了所有游戏里能见着的MOD物品,以及所有MOD任务描述(真多啊)。 部分怪物名字还没翻译(其实BT里自带大部分了) 有错误请在留言指出.. 关键词:Barotraumatic汉化...