Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (55)
日共重置子mod: 赤日舰队完全汉化:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941048102 汉化了日共海军的舰队,与日共重置mod兼容。 日共重置地块细分:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3111236135 日本会有更多的地块,与日共重置mod兼容。 赤日国际电台:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filed...
Created by Kasumi
本mod为埃塞红线重置模组,在调整部分原版国策的同时对埃塞红线进行了更多拓展。 内容简介: 1.团结打倒法西斯:号召全世界的反法西斯力量、呼吁全体人民,将帝国主义赶出东非; 2.工农业改造、非洲社会革命、建立非洲红军:其中都包含无政府主义者和共产主义者不同的方案; 3.全非大建设:从人饮粮食工程到疾病防治,再到全非地方公社; 4.团结一致到永远:团结国内的无政府派与共产派,团结全世界的共产主义者,共赴美好明天, 5.非洲统一:从一个处在生死存亡关头的小国开始,建立非洲联盟,让赤旗插遍非洲,带领全非人民夺回解...
Created by Levi
中美洲国策(重置?),选择危地马拉,最左边的那个紫黑色国家。 主要为 日共重置 世界观,中美洲联邦共和国并没有解体,反而因为()变红。 可单独游玩。...
西欧社会主义一体化 (West European socialist integration)
Created by 小一查
本mod加强了法兰西公社,不列颠联盟,马统工西班牙,澳大利亚共产党,匈牙利共产党扩展了许多新的国策 更新了由finest hour和伊沙维亚联合制作的不列颠联盟重置! 更新了由伊沙维亚制作的 西班牙马统工! 更新了冰小魂制作的匈牙利共产党重置!(未完成) 更新了大狼狼做的澳大利亚共产党重置! QQ交流群:762596054 EN ver. = https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2964951784 更新内容和计划请各位在开局事件里面...
Created by 饕餮天殇
看到原作者好久没有适配新版本所以就动手适配了一下,只是适配稍微修了点小bug,只是适配如果有bug影响不大的话可能是原本就有的,因为没有要授权原作者可以随时找我要新文件进行更新,我只是适配了一下新版,还要感谢原作者的努力。 ################ 发现点完党和人民的领袖并不能释放傀儡国,已经修复 另外把地块图标改了一下原本那个大大的图标我看着别扭 ################# 1.发现有两条船的生产线消失了,已经修复(我每次苏联船生产线开局就删没注意) 2.根据p社历史李维诺夫被抓来凑数清洗...
日共重置子mod。 汉化了日共海军的舰队。 mod本体:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2064073319 For the English original mod please visit: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854190379...
Created by 典哒哒
觉得有用可以点赞👍评分 这里是我的其他模组推荐 更好游戏体验:优化游戏方方面面 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2922910987 简单ai加强:觉得原版ai太弱鸡 来一点点加强吧 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2990549813 做了汉化处理,支持官方中文和英文 原mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfi...
Created by Sinni
更多的军官团精神,像kr这种未大改军官团的基本都兼容 b站留言https://space.bilibili.com/35396643...
Created by 吾双RG
公告:无论将来p社怎么更新,本字体mod永远都是可运行的,有感叹号也不用管! 铁人√ 这个mod会在你开启官方中文时显示52汉化mod所用的字体 侵删 如果字体变糊了评论区有解决方法 尘埃漫步粉丝群:528536160...
在外交界面有召回志愿军的按钮 更新了版本号...
Created by 雨三夕
日共重置拆出来的电台模组,适合那些想要游玩其他模组的同时听到日共重置歌单的玩家。 组建了模组交流的企鹅群:374847104 欢迎各位进群直接推荐歌曲和反馈意见(不知怎的,我无法回复你们的评论orz) 现在不会与主模组冲突了。 自接手以来自找并加上了一百首歌了!欢呼! 原模组作者为日共重置作者爱丽丝,该电台模组已获得爱丽丝同意。(智将) 鉴于计划增加的曲目已经基本加上了,所以该模组接下来将会与主模组同步更新曲目。 如果有本模组尚未包含的合适左翼曲目,可与爱丽丝或模组负责人交流,合适的话将会在下一次更新加入。...
Created by ZDongYu
政治面板更多内容 汉化 由于没有修改任何现有的游戏文件,因此本MOD与所有游戏都兼容。至少应该是这样。...
Created by 墨染新月
Gain a trait slot per level 1.14.*✔ 1.13.*or below✔ Change from obtaining 1 feature slot for every 2 level increase to obtaining 1 feature slot for every 1 level increase. lt can be used alone or with the following mods: Higher level upper limit:https://st...
Created by 墨染新月
Higher level upper limit 1.14.*✔ 1.13.*or below✔ lncrease the general's level limit to 20 lt can be used alone or with the following mods: Get more skill slots:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2785310169 Gain more experience:https://s...
Created by 墨染新月
Gain more experience Optional gain in experience 1.14.*✔ 1.13.*or below✔ AI disabled version:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827152339 lt can be used alone or with the following mods: Get more skill slots:https://steamproxy.net/...
Created by 西瓜君
原mod地址https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1906548875 仅对意识形态buff进行了修改 共产主义再怎么说也是人类社会的最高级阶段所以强一点很正常 如果想自己该数值可以在本地文件中common>ideologies>00_ideologies.txt中修改,已添加了部分注释可以直接改动,基本不会更新,除非原模组更新 部分可用复制添加代码 production_factory_max_efficiency_factor 生产...
为日共重置mod制作的日本地块细分。 与其它地图mod不兼容。 测试中,有bug记得说一下。 日共重置: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2064073319 日共重置测试版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2676498991...
Created by dybhkc
原版 改名mod 多次被屏蔽后的新版 受 Rename States (with keyboard!) 启发,感谢mod原作者Yard1,DRAFT 改名,支持简体中文 目前能改:国家,地区,阵营,党派,领袖,城市,将领名字 其它功能:设置胜利点,移除城市,迁都 如果觉得有用,左上角点个赞👍吧,非常感谢 因为游戏没开放输入相关的接口,所以利用p社开放了的接口简单实现了一个拼音输入法,用于输入中文(简体),包含gb2312-80内的6700多汉字,及其对应的繁体中文(要用包含繁体中文的字体才会显示,否则显示?...
更多制造商、军工组织(More Manufacturers、mio)
Created by Sinni
Created by 胖虎胖虎胖
星星之火,可以燎原。 中国革命的成功,鼓舞了全世界被压迫人民;被压迫民族为谋求自身独立幸福的斗争。 在这个黑暗世界东方亮起的星火, 将会以燎原之势席卷全球,终结刽子手的残暴统治。 本电台收录来自苏、法、中、朝、德、日的革命音乐共249首,并且会在后续继续更新,欢迎同志们支持星火的工作,订阅收听 星火之声和巨人之声音乐包,请自行取用 链接:{LINK REMOVED} 提取码:1234 --来自百度网盘超级会员V3的分享 链接可能放不出来,有需...
Created by shv2013
增加了十几个可选的政治顾问,小国终于也有顾问了(不要问我为什么是这个图标,我想这应该比一堆克隆人图标要好) 仅添加了可选的顾问,没有添加顾问槽位...
Created by 典哒哒
觉得有用可以点赞👍评分 这里是我的其他模组推荐 禁止加入阵营:防止ai乱加入阵营乱创建阵营 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2939780838 简单ai加强:觉得原版ai太弱鸡 来一点点加强吧 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2990549813 更新日志:数值小改,现在购买资源会随着挖掘等级科技的提升而提升。 ===============<更好的游...
Created by Enlinya
Created by dybhkc
一个简单的通用中文番号池 玩任何国家都可以使用 不知道为什么这个mod好像不会生效,试过改版本号,也没用,然后我新建了个mod,把文件复制过去,开新的mod,就有用了???就很奇怪。所以如果不生效的,可以去试试新的:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3057428397 如果想自己加点番号或者改一改的,可以改mod文件: steam路径\steamapps\workshop\content\394360\2914783445\com...
Better Mechanics : Battalion Limiter
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Hello Everyone ! I have been cooking this mod for a long time and I am very pround to present to you the Battalions Limiter Mod ! This simple addition to your p...
Better Mechanics : Civilian and Military Laws
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Compatible with R56 It will enbale you through a combination of those mods to enact civilian and military decisions through pp and your country politics view. Y...
Better Mechanics : Intelligence Agency.CN
Created by vvan2233
Better Mechanics : Intelligence Agency的汉化版本,原mod内容是对间谍系统的补充,感谢原作者的授权和贴吧大佬的帮助,这是本人第一次做给mod做汉化,部分翻译由机械完成,针对中文语法特点,对部分升级和行动的描述做了些中文方面的优化,如果对一些翻译感到违和,可以在评论区指出,酌情修改,最后祝大家有一个好的游戏体验(原来的文件丢失,现在在这个链接更新)...
Better Mechanics : More Spies
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Have you ever wanted to have more flexibily with your intelligence agency and wanted to make more operations ? Are you flabbergasted that as a powerful nation you only got 4 operatives ? If so...
Better Mechanics : National Economy
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Hello Everyone ! In the 2.0 Version of this mod, I took inspiration from TWR GDP Screen by Saha and the Economic System of the Red Worldux Mod to create a syncr...
Better Mechanics : Production
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Using the Better Mechanics : Production Mod, you will be able to take full adavntage of your industy to pump out the tools of war you need and make historical n...
Better Mechanics : Tactical Warfare
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Hello Everyone! This mod expands and refines the tactical aspects of Hearts of Iron IV by adding many new tactics (More than 45 !) and four additional combat st...
Better Mechanics : Training and Experience
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png I think hoi4 has gotten much better as time has passed, however one thing still remains the same as at launch - land units experience system. I think anyone can...
Better Mechanics CHS
Created by zhang_shutao
Better Mechanic系列模组的多合一汉化。这一系列的模组由Arcane Master创建,在原版游戏的基础上增添了各类机制,如更复杂的政府系统、经济系统、军队上限等。 目前本模组支持的汉化包括: - AI装备设计优化(Better Mechanics : Air/Land/Sea Designs (AI) ) - 陆军上限(Better Mechanics : Battalion Limiter) - 增加民用与军事法案 (Better Mechanics : Civillian and Mili...
Lamp's Eqpt Icons_简体中文补丁
Created by 电灯弗里曼
经测试,部分玩家运行本MOD时并不能有效加载,这个错误是由P社自身的启动器所致,解决办法是将电脑上的《钢铁雄心4》完全删除干净(包括一切本地的MOD文件,比如“我的文档”),再重新安装游戏。 部分词条无法正常显示是由P社BUG所致,这部分词条的英文优先级总是高于中文优先级,修不了,我无能为力 设计器专用的新坦克和飞机图标正在制作中,坦克的优先级高于飞机,这将是一个长久工作,还请诸位保持耐心。感谢诸位亲的支持哦 本MOD是一个简体中文补丁,需要配合母MOD使用。 This MOD is Simplified ...
Lamp's Eqpt Icons
Created by 电灯弗里曼
I am drawing new icons for tank and plane designer. The priority of tank is higher than plane. This is a long-term work. Please be patient. Thk u for your support. While some equipment do exist in-game, they have no corresponding icons. This MOD provides s...
Add USA Generals AI REWORK
A Series of the Add Generals mod Reworked using Stable Diffusion and Photoshop. Almost all are redone, Im aware of the couple that arent and will be making the changes. This is my first public mod series leave feedback in the comments. PSA LET TEN INGAME D...
Add Soviet Generals AI REWORK
A Series of the Add Generals mod Reworked using Stable Diffusion and Photoshop. Almost all are redone, Im aware of the couple that arent and will be making the changes. This is my first public mod series leave feedback in the comments. UPDATED** Fixed Loca...
Add German Generals AI REWORK
A Series of the Add Generals mod Reworked using Stable Diffusion and Photoshop. Almost all are redone, Im aware of the couple that arent and will be making the changes. This is my first public mod series leave feedback in the comments. ALSO THANKS FOR PUTT...
Additional Effects: RE-loaded
Created by Archangel
This time with more ammunition! Implemented new ideas and balance changes, as well as included support for people with AND without DLC's. Feel free to leave feedback about further changes and balance tweaks as this is a mod that is actively used during our...
Toolpack without the Errors
Created by marijn211
The most improved and up-to-date continuation of Toolpack Perfect for debugging, fixing peacedeals or just cheating. The opening button is above the map options at the bottom-right (or use control+T). After enabling a menu click a state on the default map ...
Historical Mod Pack
Created by Chiantozzo
https://i.imgur.com/fmPYN9u.png CONTENT: This mod adds better portraits for most of the leaders, uncensored focus icons, uncensored historical flags and some spy agency icons. DISCLAIMER: I do NOT claim ownership of any of the amazing portraits i've used i...
Minor Nations Reborn (CN)
Created by fengyuan0529xiao
This is the Simplified Chinese translation of the mod "Minor Nations Reborn" by Sardonic in the link below https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2741869375 This mod is a complete overhaul of the generic focus tree designed to make progress...
Generic Portraits 399+
Created by InternetDuce
This mod adds Generic portraits. IMPORTANT NOTE If a country does not display portraits from the mod, then this country has its own list of portraits, it does not use the generic portraits. Most of them are Majors, but some have them, so if you want portra...
Created by Mlecz
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif This mod will optimize your game and make the map more clear and colorful. Addons: *less shaders *non-reflective water *sharper borders *coloured icons *strategic view adjustments HOI4 version: 1.14+ Mods Paradox version: ht...
25 Factories "PER_LINE"
Created by AeneasXI
This mod was requested from multiple people so here it is! It increases the amount of CIV Factories you can build with at the same time to 25 instead of the regular 15! -This will speed up Construction by quite a bit if you actually have 25 Factories to bu...
50 Construction Slots
Created by MrBlazzar™
This mod makes the maximum number of building slots in a state 50 instead of 25. It also makes it so you can build 40 of a factory instead of just 20. Also I doubled the amount of starting slots for each state type. So cities use to be 6 now they are 12. I...
原版美国 国策优化
Created by Aarugon
修改了美国蓝线的国策时间,海陆空三军国家精神,工业产能以及国策工厂数。 在德国和苏联结成苏德邪恶轴心时,可以吞并整个美洲。 优化了美国蓝线AI的国策顺序。...
AI海军生产优化(better naval production for AI)
Created by Lzhyy
本MOD主打一个兼容性,理论上兼容所有不修改海军舰船模块及科技的模组(已证实兼容56和KX模组)。 1.本模组专注于海军建设,重写了AI的海军船坞分配及舰船设计。 2.由于AI本身基本上不会建造船坞,因此所有AI将获得20%海军船坞产出加成,同时AI海军强国(舰队规模超过100艘)每年将获得额外的五个船坞,AI非海军强国的主要国家每两年获得5个船坞,用于增加AI海军生产的数量。 3.通过决议内置有五个等级的AI加成,可以让AI建造更多船只。 4.新增决议可以让AI不建造航母,实现真正的巨舰大炮的世界。 反馈...
Created by Rikki
English Here :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2908400003 !!!###中文版请和汉化一起使用。###!!! 为除了7个主要国家的国家增加了更多的勋章 名单(2023.9.12): 中华民国 中华人民共和国 中国军阀(来自中华民国的勋章) 波兰 墨西哥 西班牙 葡萄牙 匈牙利 南斯拉夫 芬兰 捷克斯洛伐克 挪威 瑞典 丹麦 保加利亚 罗马尼亚 希腊 土耳其 爱尔兰 尼德兰 比利时 卢森堡 奥地利 阿尔巴尼亚 ...
Created by lced
添加了更多顾问槽位,你可以同时上6名顾问了 已适配中文...
原版意大利 国策优化
Created by Aarugon
MOD来源:本人在第3次被加强德国速通乌拉尔后怒火中烧从而写了这个MOD MOD内容:这个MOD在接近苏联最艰难的1942年历史控制地区增加了强大的地区修正,这样就算前线被德国创烂只要在这些地区放了部队就可以守住,不至于让首都移动到海参崴.适合和我一样打不过加强德国AI的玩家以及练习苏联的玩家使用 地区修正一共5种:1.坚不可摧的碉堡2.混泥土工事3.组织动员4.战时管制5.巨型炮塔每种都有相对的效果,只有在大于5的投降倾向且与德国作战时才可以使用决议添加修正-并且需要35天的时间,而与德国开战后会自动在战...
Better Mechanics : Optimization
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Hello This mod may boost your speed by an absurd amount if you click on the red speed. However if you use a poor computer, it will minimally boost speed. It doe...
Better Mechanics : State Categories
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Hello Everyone ! This mod adds more variety to state categories with various buffs and nerfs while also giving you the opportunity to develop your states to mor...