Left 4 Dead 2
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Artículos (243)
[COOP Campaign] Luna Park by SWAT Blasterz
Creada por IIIOR
Play four or more,as bot navigation doesn't work well :( . if you have balls of steel,then play alone :DDD . The campaign was created 2 weeks ago by SWAT Blasterz Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/swat_blasterz_yoptooday...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake)
Creada por 遗世紫丁香
This version improves from last version. Major changes: Added plot voices and cut-off animation Added boss Sirin Split into 3 levels Added extra map Map name: h3c6m1, h3c6m2, h3c6m3 Animations, voices, models and textures are mainly extracted from Honkai I...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake) Resource Pack Part.1
Creada por 遗世紫丁香
This is the resource pack of <Honkai 3rd Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon>, containing materials, sounds, models and particles...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake) Resource Pack Part.2
Creada por 遗世紫丁香
This is the resource pack of <Honkai 3rd Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon>, containing materials, sounds, models and particles....
2 Evil Eyes
Creada por Fabien
2 evil eyes l4d2 created by Matt L. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2478 2 evil eyes l4d2 Version: 2.0 (Final) Last Updated: 01/07/11 Released: 01/07/11 Author: Matt L Publisher: Matt L Maps: 6/6...
2019 (Anniversary Edition)
Creada por DasMaddi
The future is here. And it's not looking good. Remastered for Left 4 Dead 2's 10-year anniversary, with overhauled visuals and gameplay improvements! Travel through an overrun apartment complex, through San Marino's riverfront, and wind up in Xen-Corp's of...
25 To Life: A Co-Op and VS campaign.
Creada por Gaming2
After breaking into Western State Pen, the survivors are knee deep in zombies spawned from societies outcasts. Does a victim's personality affect their behavior post infection? Dig into this Co-Op and Versus campaign....
4 Sided Coin
Creada por ChimiChamo
You found your escape, an airliner right back to civilisation. But did you really think getting on a plane in a zombie apocalypse would end well? INSTALL THE ASSETS IN THE REQUIRED ITEMS SECTION BEFORE PLAYING Would not recommend playing the first map with...
4 Sided Coin Assets
Creada por ChimiChamo
assets for the 4 sided coin campaign ...
7 Hours Later II
Make your way through the forest to airport! Special thanks to: - Aynekko (AGRESSOR) for built this great campaign to L4D1 and give to me permission to convert it to L4D2. - Marcos Outsider from "Project Detonado" YT channel for thumbnail. - Xanaguy and Ra...
九死一生之小女孩的梦境 V2.6
Creada por jiu mei
left 2 is an open world that allows for any form of existence. If you want to play normally, you can go play landscape maps. I designed this map for multiplayer games, playing happily together, rather than single player games map +++ jiugongchang1 jiugongc...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Creada por 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
生还之锋-重制版(fos_remake) V6
Creada por Aiden锋锋
6.0调整了药的位置,使之不会刷在非主要道路中,修复了对抗下一部分不同模式的触发会冲突导致的bug。 全新的生还之锋地图,可以和旧版共存。更新点和特性详见介绍: 视频介绍: --------------------------------- B站介绍视频 --------------------------------- 总体调整: 1,所有关卡支持战役,药役,对抗模式 2,药役和对抗模式的坦克数量固定为1,救援为2 3,所有关卡的广告纹理进行了焕然一新的重置 4,增加了大量的彩蛋和隐藏内容 5,修改了关卡...
连接 Connection (part 1/2)
Creada por 佐伊未婚夫
订阅并下载完 “两个” 文件后如果模型纹理缺失请重启游戏!!!! 这不是一张新地图,我把之前做过的两张地图(合肥、致小玉)合在了一起。也可以去gamemaps上下载未分P版本。搜索 "Connection" Restart the game after subscribing the “two" parts if the models don't load in game !!!! Actually, this is not a new campaign, I combined "hefei" with "...
拜山(Bai mountain)
Creada por 晨晨
Map name: Bai mountain Version: 4 Repair the rescue of a helicopter near the death of a helicopter Repair the bug in the first safety room Background story: the survivors drove through a barren hill. There were many graves. They had to flee, but they got i...
拜山2【bai mountain 2】
Creada por 晨晨
地图名字:拜山2 地图关卡数:12 地图难度:地狱十星★★★★★★★★★★ 地图风格:战役、挑战、boss、多人娱乐 背景故事:幸存者们开车出外游玩,不料发生了交通意外,他们昏迷了,灵魂离开了他们的身体,前方有一道白光,当他们走进去后却发现自己进到了地狱世界,这里有很多亡魂和地狱使者,他们能离开这里回到自己的肉身吗? 作者建议: 1.不建议单人带电脑 2.不建议萌新游玩 3.不建议心脏不好者游玩(本地图有可能造成砸电脑鼠标等不安成分,请三思后游玩) 4.本地图可当娱乐地图或喜欢挑战(抖M玩家)的玩家游玩 5...
洞穴之旅 cave tour 1
幸存者们意外的落入到一个洞穴之中,他们能否逃离呢? 地图属于半解密地图,环境漆黑,难度较高,试做地图,不喜勿喷。 6关卡,难度建议:困难以下。 ---感谢@烈锋的技术帮助---- The survivors accidentally fall into a cave. Can they escape? This map is a semi-decryption map, dark environment, higher difficulty, trying map, if you do not like ,...
洞穴之旅2-轮回 cave tour 2
洞穴之旅的续作,幸存者们在城市中的地下室中发现了前往地下的暗门,经过一段恐怖旅程的幸存者们又会是什么结局. 地图较为恐怖,不建议单人游戏,感谢烈锋的帮助. 建图代码:cave2_mX (X是关卡数字) 12月份:cave tour前传和 cava tour3-重生两幅地图 制作中...
洞穴之旅3-重生 cave tour 3
幸存者在一次意外中误入了阴森洞穴中,卷入了阴阳之间的斗争,历经阴间、阳间最终回到人间得以重生。 感谢烈锋大佬的技术支持 难度较高,建议多人游戏及服务器游戏 不建议单人带电脑NPC以及200h以下萌新游戏。 推荐难度:简单及普通以下 cave4制作中...
洞穴之旅4墓 -cave tour 4 beta
幸存者从古墓出来之后感染了尸毒,需要在古墓中将尸毒去除,偶然得知山区废弃殡仪馆内有一座古墓踪迹,前去寻找解毒方法,结果发现了更加恐怖的场景….. (A路线5章节地图) 本地图极其诡异,难度极高 ////推荐难度:简单//// 建议开黑进行游戏,不建议带人机进行游戏, ////建议游戏时长:500小时//// 感谢@烈锋的技术支持 还有3-4关在开发中 Survivor is infected corpse poison after coming out from tomb, need is in tomb ...
洞穴之旅5-鬼(cave tour5)
幸存者一行人醒来后发现他们来到了在阴间的某个地方,寒冷的天气让他们不得不往雪山深处探索,一步步的前进,等待他们的是什么呢? - - - - - - - 提示:本地图为双路线地图,路线短的难度较低,路线长的难度较高,不建议单人游戏,建议在多人服务器游戏 推荐难度:简单难度普通模式 除了l4d2中文网.co以外可以转载 -------------------- 建图代码 map code: cave5mX (X=level num) -------------------- The survivors woke...
洞穴之旅6-幻境-上(cave tour 6 - A)
地图介绍:幸存者寻找“它”的根源,来到了鬼森林中寻找线索,意外进入了地下洞穴,开始怀疑自己现在所处的是虚幻还是现实....... 难度推荐:8-16人,普通以下,不要带bot,自动复活,近战不要锁伤害。 关卡难度: 常规地图★★★★,m1-m5★★★★★★★, m6-m9★★★★★★★★★,m10★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 建图指令:cave6mX 洞穴之旅6-幻境-下(作者去现充了,完结了) m8.9.10为下篇章热身章节 国内第三方战役群:592588233 83272131...
特殊任务2(special task 2)4.0
Creada por 晨晨
Survivors'plane crashed in the middle of the way. They crashed into a desert. But it wasn't a desert. It was just a desert after the city was deserted. They accidentally entered a mysterious building. They went into a research center in ceda. They caught s...
停留在彼岸的夏天1 V3.1
Creada por 彼岸花
地图信息: 把以前的作品【彼岸】小修复一下,排序缝合起来的作品(没错,我副业是炒米粉的),未完成作品不定期更新... 提示:本地图可游玩时间短&非正常地图&非风景向地图,介意慎入。有地图问题可以评论区留言,有能力修复会去修 提示:本地图提示基本全在聊天框内提示,需要注意部分服务器端可能会屏蔽该消息! 地图代码: map summer01_0 map summer01_1 map summer01_2 map summer01_3 更新信息: 2023/10/21 V2.2 更新:缝合M1&M2完成; 202...
黄昏时刻2re At the gloaming Ⅱ RE
Creada por 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第三部】 直升机驾驶员被感染,飞机坠毁在北方边境的城市,幸存者们跟随军方撤离的路线,一路穿过穿过城市、森林、城镇到达通往北方的大桥,赶上最后一架直升机。 建图命令 第一关:map m1_city_outpost 第二关:map m2_through_forest 第三关:map m3_fled_town 第四关:map m4_north_bridge 【已停止更新】...
黄昏时刻re At the gloaming RE
Creada por 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第一部】 军队和CEDA开始撤出城市,幸存者向城市郊区出发,穿过城市街道,乘坐火车到达沙漠竞技场寻找救援。 地图代码 map watercity_re map watercityii_re map town_re map arena_re 【已停止更新】...
管道恐惧 (bushi) Pipe Fear
Creada por Thomas King XXX
Taken from Gamemaps - https://www.gamemaps.com/details/28229 - All rights reserved to QHYL. This is basically a puzzle map, not so much of a troll. Maybe :D Chinese Translation: "It's my first time to make a drawing. I've been learning for a long time and ...
A Dam Mission (With Voice) (Fixed) v2.3
Creator gave permission to repair / post. Repaired all models, textures, and nav issues. This thing plays great....
A Qualia Macabre (v2.1)
Creada por Evil
The overlords of these grim places do not want you to leave, but you have no plans of staying. Fight your way through hellish pits and nightmares to find a way out. // This campaign is based around exploring different levels of a nightmare. The coloring an...
absolute zero part 1
Creada por Lucy Is Very Noob
under the CC BY-NC 3.0 the creator gave me permission to re-upload this map (i really hope it work cause i never did something like that.)...
Away Stadium by Olain
Fight thru 6 maps of zombie killing fun! These are 2 campaigns found on an a server out of Japan combined in to on six map campaign. ...
Back To School
Author: 100_o/o_f@ke aka envirozavr and romasm Having abandoned cozy forest camp, heroes struggle out of thickets to forester house. Forester has barricaded the gorge, but infected dashed from the other side. Not much a lone sniper can do against a tank. A...
Back To School Textures at sound
materials at sound only ...
Creada por ^w^
My first stupid map ever in l4d2 It's a bad and trolling map dont play it with Touhou stuffs and fumos credits at stage ex And replaced M16, also fixed w model (published in workshop) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3049136959 any pr...
Beldurra 2 (part 1 of 2)
Creada por Mashed torpedoes
PART 1 OF 2 - YOU MUST SUBSCRIBE TO BOTH FOR THE CAMPAIGN TO WORK! The infection has left more than a wake of dead in Beldurra. Something big is living there now, and it brings down the Survivors' chopper as they attempt to fly over. Players will make thei...
Beyond Dead (V6)
Creada por Evil
-Welcome to Deadsville- They thought they had escaped once they boarded the helicopter and took to the air. Until a large object struck the side of the helicopter. Was it a tank rock? No, it couldn't have been. The answer was quickly revealed as the moment...
Big Wat
Creada por Awarets
Combining levels from Wat Mania and Big Room, Big Wat is a five-chapter campaign which is playable in both co-op and versus. One chapter is also playable in Survival, and two chapters are playable in Scavenge. You play as the L4D2 Survivors in this campaig...
Big Wat (Fixed)
Author: Awarets DESCRIPTION Combining levels from Wat Mania and Big Room, Big Wat is a five-chapter campaign which is playable in both co-op and versus. One chapter is also playable in Survival, and two chapters are playable in Scavenge. You play as the L4...
Black Mesa Campaign [Update 1.3]
Creada por Knee
Play the original maps ported from Half-Life: Source in Left 4 Dead 2. Going from Anomalous Materials to We Got Hostiles. File Size: 387.56 MB due to lots of Half-Life: Source assets ** Please comment if there are any missing textures ** Some known issues:...
Black Mesa: Undertow [v2.0]
Creada por Order_Squamata14
A little campaign made by General Ecchi on Gamebanana, ported to Steam Workshop with his permission. "This is a Half-Life Source map port, made as I started learning Hammer. Tried to create my original map, but took the entire week to make a small one that...
Black Mist
Creada por Tinai
The town has been shrouded in black mist. Escape! 小镇被迷雾笼罩,赶紧逃脱! 这是我第一次尝试做冲锋的救援,可能会有bug,希望你们玩的开心。 特别鸣谢,烈峰老师,ty老师,晨浅虪醒 已经更新1.2版本,如果有bug和建议可以继续提,后续会统一继续修改。 Version 1.1 has been updated. If there are bugs and suggestions, you can continue to put forward them, ...
Blackout L4D2 V4 Updated
Creada por Someone
This map was originally created by Wixard back in 2009. I have always wanted to play this on L4D2 so I ported it over and fixed all the bugs that I could find. NOTE: Map 1 has a new and different Convenience Store event, I have removed the original Van eve...
Creada por Kryogen
This Is All Going To Hell GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/26649 Map Info: -L4D1 Characters -Enable Hints -2nd & 3rd map inspired by Scarlet Nexus -Red Sky -2 Easter Eggs Map Console Code: Map1: btm1_apartment Map2: btm2_construction Map3: btm3_h...
Blood Tracks Official
Creada por Trunten
Final version 4 4 Map campaign, new weapons, new music Supports all modes including scavenge and survival Single VPK version from "Game Maps" community dated July 3, 2012 I was an official tester for Warlock Psychologist (my name is in the campaign) https://...
Creada por Kryogen
Inspired by Bloodborne Info: -l4d1 characters -Enable Hints -Custom Sounds -Custom Songs GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/30667 Credits: I do not own anything I used, all rights belong to the creators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...
Bloodsouls material
Creada por Kryogen
Materials for Bloodsouls...
Bloodsouls material 2
Creada por Kryogen
Materials for Bloodsouls part2...
Blue Heaven
Creada por Grumpy
It's very blue. This is the antidote to the map called ORANGE HELL. This map is blue and grey all over, very dull to look at, is long, boring, nothing exciting to do or see. I'd play ORANGE HELL if I were you, that is short, exciting and has lovely bright ...
Blue Heaven Long Version
Creada por Grumpy
Please don't complain that its too long, its meant to be. After you've finished this map you won't want to play another game for the rest of the week. I have re-instated Map 2 and split Map 5 into two parts, so now there are a total of 6 maps. All the maps...
Breakline Ext. Mashup
Creada por Trunten
This is another all L4D1 port for your enjoyment. No reason to let all the nice hard work that these folks put into these campaigns go to waste. This campaign is comprised of Breakline-drunkugly / Away From Reality_part1-jacktheripper / A Little Urban Prob...
Broken Hand / 断手
Broken Hand / 断手 version:1.1 (2022/6/3 12:26) coop map: bh_z_m1 bh_z_m2 bh_z_m3 bh_z_m5 ...
Buried Deep [1/2]
Creada por Zanieon
An underground military complex where the survivors were resting was overrun, the only way out is opening a path through the infected. Features: 1. 5 Long Maps (Not joking about this one) 2. Heavy atmosphere for the most part 3. Also heavy action for certa...
Cambalache - Buenos Aires
Creada por Roku
*ROKU: Level design - Custom props and textures *KEVKAS: Main tester - Gameplay tips *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies and props *SERGI: Tester - Custom L4D1 deadbodies A lot of people helped me, from scripters to 3D artists. Even working with The Last St...
Cambalache - Music Replacement (for streamers)
Creada por Roku
In case you want to make videos or live stream you can use this addon to change the music in my campaigns "Cambalache - Buenos Aires" and "Cambalache 2 - Total Remake" , to avoid copyright issues....
Cambalache 2
Creada por Roku
*ROKU: Level design - Custom music, props and textures *KEVKAS: Main tester - Gameplay tips *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies and props *SERGI: Tester - Custom L4D1 deadbodies *MAXI MORALES: Musician - Custom intro music (tango themed) A lot of people hel...
City 17
Creada por Mrs. Puss
Please, check out my HL2 movie! "Seven hour war" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVuqIuCCpT8 == Take a deadly walk through the City 17, straight from Half-Life 2 ep 1. Fight your way from the very bottom of the town to the trainstation and... well, escape. ...
City Center Apocalypse (Extended) - Author By 'Splatter Panda'
Creada por 소다므
City Center Apocalypse (Extended) - Author By 'Splatter Panda' This Campaigns not My Files. Original Author is "Splatter Panda". (https://www.gamemaps.com/details/17802) 이 맵은 제가 제작한 것이 아닙니다. 'Splatter Panda'라는 분이 제작하신 맵입니다. Uploader: Herbius Author: Splatt...
Creada por Blood_Wraith
Current version: V 1.2 Make sure to enable game instructor in options > multiplayer menu for important objective and key item text. Claustrophobia (Once named "The Sewer") is a converted Half-Life 2 mod made by me. This campaign features seven maps startin...
Coald Blood 2 Ext. Mashup v2.6
Another fun Timelords mashup consisting of 8 maps - Abandon Hope - Dookie Bot, 10000 ft Under - Nigel Moran, Breakline - Drunkugly, and Coald Blood - Hunter McJesus). Our crew land at an over run military base and have to work their way through the country...
Condition StranDead (Tank Factory Edit) v23
Our adventurers start off in a factory and stumble upon a secret Umbrella Facility where they discover a deadly secret in an underground Military Bunker. What kind of experiments are they running in there. Beware, tank containment failures can occur. They ...
Confused I Nightma RE
Creada por 秋风扶麦*
The survivors are involved in a strange experiment that is just the beginning of the nightmare... 幸存者们被卷入一次奇怪的实验,而这仅仅只是噩梦的开始。。。 The original work《confusion》;The original author <ZC榨菜>.Remade by authorization, the difficulty is high.It is not recommended to...
Confused Ⅳ Regret
Creada por 秋风扶麦*
这次,我们将彻底离开这个疯狂的世界,不留遗憾。 This time, we will leave this crazy world completely without any regrets. 这张地图是我用来测试脚本和一些其他机关的地图,难度极高,有闪退bug,游玩需谨慎。 This map is what I use to test the script and some other organs. It's very hard and has crash bugs. Play with cautio...
Confused Ⅴ Breakage
Creada por 秋风扶麦*
也许是一个我,也许不止一个我。 Maybe it`s one me,maybe it`s more than one me. 困惑系列第五部,本作是一部练手作品,请酌情体验。 The fifth part of the confused series, this work is a practice work, please experience it as appropriate. 建图代码/Map code map Confused5_m1 map Confused5_m2 map Confused5_...
ContraZ V0.5(part1)
Creada por 月兔鸽
ContraZ V0.5 This is a campaign that imitates and pays tribute to Contra. The campaign has only four levels,more levels are still in development. Level completed: 5 / 8 =================================== Mod Features: Difficulty balance mechanism: The hea...
Crash Bandicoot: Left 4 Dead 2 (Classic 2013)
Creada por DoctorAnubis
Classic 2013 version. This campaign has been re-packaged to not cause conflict with the 2020 release. You can find the 2020 remaster below or on my workshop page. It features extended campaign, HD textures and entirely reworked gameplay. 2020 remaster: htt...
Crash Bandicoot: Left 4 Dead 2 [Part 1 of 2] (2020)
Creada por DoctorAnubis
6 map coop campaign - Crash Bandicoot and L4D2 - A virus threatens humanity, survivors journey through the universe attempting to stop a mass extinction. !Please note! - Both *623mb and *395mb are required, and must be enabled - The ingame add-on menu will...
Cure 2 by Hitten Z Dirten
Creada por {aic}
Our survivors crash land delivering "The Cure" to the lab... but the infected find it first... and we must get it back! Follow-on to the original campaign....
Cursed and Babbling Mashup
Creada por Trunten
Our survivors start out rummaging a hospital for supplies before venturing forward through several city adventures only to end up in a nightmare called Babel. Their otherworldly escape is something else. This campaign is a combination of 7 maps from 4 diff...
Dam It Complete
Creada por AkiraTea
TRS's last Left4Dead campaign that was never finished, now completed to a more finished state by DGB. Dam It stitches Dead Air and Blood Harvest together. The C130 makes an emergency landing at a small rural airport and the survivors need to find a new way...
Dark Wood (Extended) Part 1/5
Creada por Phaeton
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png Update v1.9 (19.08.2024): All maps: - Optimized geometry and lighting on all levels. This should result in better flow and overall smoother gameplay experience - Fixed minor bugs - Fixed one of the door models missing Null te...
Day Break v2
Creada por Hoangzp
Re upload the light and old version map, because the newest version get drop fps when run in dedicate server...
Dead Before Dawn (Extended) (Part 1/4)
Creada por PopTheseFools
Extended version with all 6 chapters from various versions before DC. 1: "Citylights" cut map which was featured in L4D1 and in L4D2 until v4.1 2: "Anna Is Gone" which is set in daytime instead of morning like in DC 3: "The Mall" with non-randomized unskip...
Dead Before Dawn (Uncut) (Part 1/6)
Creada por PopTheseFools
"BrInG mE a BeEr, h'I nEeD a BeEeEeR!!!" (c) Hank Kowalski This is a very first version of this campaign ever released before even Left 4 Dead 2 came out. It has cut from further versions quests, randomizations, voicelines, overall maps layout differs. Now...
Dead City 2 (official)
Creada por Trunten
Kill plenty of zombies starting in RiverSide Battle through the Back Alleys, over a Draw Bridge, at a Military Outpost Find yourself at a Water Plant and during the escape at the Subway Station https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2464 https://copyrightdepot.c...
Dead County V2
Creada por Frost
The final version of Dead County is finally here! A campaign divided into four distinct chapters featuring the cozy countryside, ravenous hordes of the dead and all the pills you can swallow! Please let me know if you have any feedback! Have fun and thanks...
Dead Echo (official/fixed) v3.0
Escape through urban / rural areas while fighting swarms of undead on your way to a deserted old military outpost called 'Echo' . Survival and versus has been updated on all maps. Would like specific feedback on versus modes if you have any problems. "Sgt....
Dead Flag Blues 2
In a desolate and zombie infested world you and your group try to find some refuge. Your last hope may be an abandoned train station on the other side of town. Thanks for Juxtapox for give me permission to port it to L4D2, my friend Caio for poster, The Re...
Dead Military 2 (Original)
Author: Robin Sherriff Hood at Sherriff huck Soldier your way thru multiple maps slaying a myriad of British zombies LOL! The British are coming, they are snobs, and they're lets im fucking! zombies too! Much You start on the city skyline and you fight you...
Dead Run L4D2 Pt 1 by Patrik Takבט | XSOUND
The bridge is down, what now? Well there's always a LONG way around. Enjoy exclusive new models, an automatic sentry gun mounted on the train, and unique game situations including a HL2 nugget :) Can you survive this on expert? Versus added back in. Works ...
Dead Street 13
Creada por Cass
Author: 2049* and ALX Fixed Stringtable...
Dead Vacation (Ported from L4D)
Creada por KingDavid
Creator of the map is Markus Niklasson (Manneklint). There are two versions included in the VPK, and . The one is the finale as it was on the original campaign, the one is a modified version to be more of a standard L4D2 finale for those that may prefer it...
Creada por Soup Toaster
A doomsday cult is using radio messages to lure survivors into deadly traps. Someone has to take out their radio tower and stop the slaughter. That someone is you. And you and you and you. Deadenator is a 4 map co-op campaign designed to maximize replayabi...
Death Aboard II v2
Author: Diputs Death Aboard 2 is the convertion to L4D2 of the popular Death Aboard campaign for L4D. It is now set during daytime If you have problems figuring out what to do on the second level: Try looking in the sewers https://steamproxy.net/shared...
Death From Above (Part 1 of 2)
Creada por Meowstopher
Update 5/12/15 Long overdue update fixing a few errors that had been causing problems. Please leave a comment if you find any issues! A full 5-map campaign featuring random and player-caused map permutations, custom scripted events and puzzles, custom mate...
Death Mountain(fixed)_p1
The original Death Valley had a lot of problems with explosives. Personal decompilation fixes a number of issues with exploding servers. You cannot subscribe to the original version at the same time. The original address: https://steamproxy.net/worksho...
Death Row
Creada por Saleck
Originally made in 2009 and ported from L4D1 to L4D2, As the only known group of survivors left, you and your group must make your way through the town and out to an abandoned prison for shelter or for some kind of rescue. This campaign was my first attemp...
Death Sentence 1/2 by Neojo aka neojobabynou
This is now 100% compatible with https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1733246596 Only difference is that the .vtx files have been updated to .dx90.vtx so the models actually show up. Will you be able to survive through the city, the camps...
Death Stop
Creada por treeshade
Author: Draxonfly ( https://www.gamemaps.com/search?q=Draxonfly ) Get to the Truck Stop - It is a shortish 4 map Co-Op campaign....
Deja Vu - Tactical Espionage Action
Creada por 3495
Journey on a path of memories Author:iLightningFlash...
Detour Ahead
Creada por boogada
Detour Ahead campaign....
Devil Mountain
Creada por Pips
The survivors find themselves trapped in the suburbs with Devil Mountain looming large in the distance, its emergency beacon activated. Is it a call for rescue, or a warning of danger? Climb the back of the beast and find out! Devil Mountain is a sprawling...
Die Screaming II
It's the L4D2 port of Die Screaming campaign and Forage survival map. Special thanks to: - Soup Toaster for give me permission to port L4D1 campaign to L4D2. - RabidMonkey (Spence) for give me permission to port Forage survival map. - Trunten for giving me...
Divine Cybermancy (part 1-8)
Creada por Crazy
Divine Cybermancy v3.6 Author: Streum On Studio?MLUI ...
Dr Malroy: The First Encounter (v3.3)
Creada por Evil
You've awakened in a dimly lit lab with no memory of how you got there. All you can think about is that you don't feel well, and that this place smells gross. And every so often it feels like a monster is trying to claw it's way out of your head.. It's tim...
Dr. Malroy's Absolution (v4.2)
Creada por Evil
The doctor escaped his lab by the skin of his teeth, but not without paying a heavy price. He's now headed to the Alpine mountains, to a research center he shares with his former apprentice Dr. Geiler. Here he hopes to reverse the affects of what he's been...
Dr. Malroy's Laboratory (v4)
Creada por Evil
They found the survivors of Dr. Malroy's experiments in the labs beneath Lakeside shooting range, but they found much more than that inside those labs. A note pad on a blood stained table also revealed the hidden location of Dr. Malroy's main lab. After re...
Drop Dead Gorges (Complete) / 暴毙峡谷
Creada por 裂波斩
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 暴毙峡谷是一张非常刺激的非官方地图 Drop Dead Gorges is a very exciting map. 原本这个地图有两个part,但是互相冲突,我上传的这个是两个part二合一的版本 Originally this map has two parts, but they conflict with each other. The one I uploaded is a two-in-one version of the two p...
Dry County
From Dust To Dust... This is a beta version of the campaign Dry County. So far this campaign features 4 new maps in a new environment. A dusty mining town where deadly sandstorms can whip up in a second and make the infected far more of a challenge. The ca...
El Hoyo C-Cube
Creada por CR0NO
Escape the El Hoyo Prison and the C-Cube! Inspired by both movies: "El Hoyo" & "Cube". Campaign MOD made by: CR0NO If you havent seen the movies , here is the objectives: First map is inspired by (el hoyo or "the platform" movie) Objective: don't spill or ...
Energy Crisis
Creada por Sulkens
In order to evacuate, the survivors must traverse to an active nuclear power station in the hopes of shutting down the atomic reactor for a wounded helicopter pilot waiting on the opposite side. Features: Compatibility with Co-Op, Versus, and Survival 5 De...
Escansion by Brainstorm
Creada por {aic}
You are in the lucky situation not being infected due to the reason that you were isolated in prison. ... but not any more, gates are open and you try to leave the totally infected planet. took Brainstorm over 750 hours for creation, have fun...
Escape From Castle Yhy
Creada por MerCurio
inspired by return to castle wolfenstein Aww shaka here we go again... i took your feedback from my last campaign "Temple Ruins", how infinite hordes were annoying and put quite a challenge for some of you and taking out the fun. Now i don't like to make i...
Escape From Valencia v2
Creada por Xanarcy
Here is this awesome 4 map campaign with a working link. It will still work with the older version missing it as well. Cleaned up a few extra files that were not needed as well....
Escape the Devil's Chapel TLM
Creada por w223
Hours after the infection decimated civilization the survivors try to fight their way out of the city of the dead. Map from l4dmaps.com file has been removed and re release is not mine. this map point shows how scary the bridal witch is. ...
Fake (two maps + a finale of choice)
Creada por Grobi
WARNING: This campaign is a "concept study" and very unstable. It is big and it is unfinished too. The Source engine is not made for multiple escape vehicles and dimensional switches. I tried it anyways. The first two maps are very big - my idea was to con...
Fall in Death (Complete)
Creada por Terminus
Just an upload of the final release on gamemaps. All credit goes to CastorJudo. Original description as follows: 'Survivors by helicopter crashed in a small town, they will have to survive in the mountains. 4 coop and versus maps campaign 2 survival maps M...
Creada por R󠀡F
Original campaign made by H(eiti). My personal L4D2 port of this great campaign, which i think is more "faithful" to L4D1 version than other ports. L4D1 Version: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2511 Original Description: "The stages take place in Japan. m...
Farewell Chenming
Creada por ŠĦĪFŦ
The 4 survivors known the Chen Ming city is the final evacuation sites, they had to go through untold hardships to the town square from a road, a small town, they can see the dawn of the second day? enjoy campaign v3.0 Fixed finale level lag v4.0 More know...
Fatal Freight: Remastered (1/7)
Creada por Tamari
PART 1 of 7 https://i.imgur.com/ck3dCCR.png "They're on a one way trip.... to HELL!! VERSION: 1.7 (Final) (Changelog) SUPPORTED GAMETYPES: Campaign, Versus, Scavenge, Survival, Mutation CHAPTERS: 5 (Campaign & Versus), 3 (Survival), 4 (Scavenge) SURVIVORS:...
Field of the Dead Ext. Mashup v5.1
This mashup campaign is created from four/five older campaigns: Abandon Hope - Dookiebot - 2009, Wheel of Misfortune - Jozin - 2010, Country Roads - President Obama - 2010, Field of the Dead - Preamp/skodhippie - 2010, MIC Finale - Unknown. Any problems fe...
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
Creada por Deep Thunder
During the day, it's a place of joy. But you aren't here during the day. Now including checkpoints and jumpscares. Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! From your small office you must prevent the restaurant from any intruders and put F...
Freezing Point (Campaign + Survival)
Creada por Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Explore the Frozen Wilderness! (1.7) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heading northwest seemed like a good idea to the Survivors, but the harsh winter has strained their supplies, and they can't stay holed u...
Glacier Challenge-如履薄冰
Creada por 观星云计算
这是一张具有挑战性的地图,此地图不建议单人游玩,请多人游玩(4个人以上),这张地图是一张以跑酷为定义制作的一张地图,难度还是挺高的,建议游戏技术比较高的人进行游玩,当然如果你要单通当我没说(这是你不可能正常单通通过的地图),如果有问题请留言反馈,我看到会修复的,最后祝你玩的愉快! This is a challenging map. It is not recommended to play alone. Please play with more than four people. This map is...
Gloom Town (v1.4)
Creada por Evil
It's Halloween. You know what that means, it's time to find some candy. Make your way through Gloom Town and find some sweets. Modes: Coop Hills Have Eyes Info: * 3 maps * Unique witch and tank models * 4 unique melee weapons Music Credits Jack Turner - Ni...
Glubtastic 2
Creada por Fug
More dumb maps for dumb people, you must stop the large glob from destroy the world! checkout this great video of glubtastic by Gov,nor GR££N https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdA-011_BIQ Sequel campaign: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
Glubtastic 3
Creada por Fug
A mysterious forse threatens to tilt the balance of glub and course of the left 4 dead two history forever. You must defeat the big sis and restore order to the dark glubverse. Previous campaign: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=20661...
Glubtastic 4
Creada por Fug
The survivors thought they had destroyed the mysterious Sis, but they were wrong. After an anonymous tip, they board a zombie airbus to intercept top secret glub documents, containing the thickest plot yet. This is not the final chapter of the Glubtastic s...
Glubtastic Maps
Creada por Fug
5 awful maps for awful people. Me and my buds love playing stupid left 4 dead campaigns, so I decided to make my own. Play the sequel campaign here! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2066106924 checkout this great video of glubtastic b...
Glubtastic: Back 4 Glub
Creada por Fug
-- READ TO AVOID ISSUES -- -Before playing set "sv_consistency 0" in console or you may get an error related to the custom tank model. -Disable mods that use high poly models like player or infected replacements etc to avoid hitting the vertices limit. -Th...
Creada por Defa
sorry to these people who played the old versions of this map and suffer to know whats next and 36 cans!!, i no got friends to be testers but anyways thanks to all testers who played the earlys versions special thanks for Roku for saying me what i need to ...
GoldenEye 4 Dead - Fixed
Creada por Thunder _Germany~*
This file was downloaded from GameMaps.com Uploader: Herbius Author: David 'marshmallow' Gibbons GoldenEye 4 Dead - Fixed This map had no stringtable.dct file in map one. Anyone who would join a game in progress on that first map would crash the server = A...
Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (Reset Version)
Creada por HerobrineAce
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - This map is difficult. Please protect your teammates! - Four survivors came to the power school and decided to find a way out. - There are four maps in total, one of which is the survival mode. Due t...
Creada por 春风妩媚*
Half-Life 2: Highway 17(L4D2) v2.1
Creada por 桃李果树
The survivors were trapped in a dock, they must go through Highway 17 to find the evacuation point and call for help to leave out here. Author: taoliguoshu(editor) Version: 2.1 Warning: The version 2.1 use new materials and models of half-life 2, and may b...
Half-Life 2: Route Kanal schayk91 aka |NFG|Angerfist
Creada por monoka
source:https://www.gamemaps.com/details/6781 REQUIRES additional addon to display textures: Half-Life 2 Texture Pack (linked below) Chapter 3. Follow the footsteps of Gordon Freeman as our survivors make their way thru the HL2 content. -Exploration is rewa...
Half-Life 2: Water Hazard by schayk91 aka |NFG|Angerfist
Creada por monoka
地图源地址:https://www.gamemaps.com/details/7343 地图介绍: REQUIRES additional addon to display textures: Half-Life 2 Texture Pack (linked below) Chapter 4 & 5. This campaign is very long and rather difficult! Be Warned! Also includes the 'Black Mesa East' chapter ...
Haunted Forest (Author's upload) - Fixed finale
Creada por Snow
This is the Haunted Forest campaign, re-uploaded by the author himself (that's me). Back in the days when I published this campaign, the Steam Workshop didn't yet exist. After all these years, I decided to put it on the Workshop myself. The finale was fixe...
Heaven Can Wait II
After surviving an air crash, the survivors turn out to be in most epicenter of the contamination. The Military has already left all attempts to rescue survivors in the region. Thanks to L4D1 authors to give me permission to convert it to L4D2, to my frien...
Creada por 晨晨
本次hehe30为hehe7周年纪念作品,有10多位国内知名地图作者和模型作者一起合作制作!每关的地图风格各异,欢迎小伙伴们游玩!!? 主要增加了15关,总关卡数45,为了能正常游玩,请订阅part2与part3 喜欢作者的可以支持下哦 建图命令: map hehe30_1 map hehe30_2 .............. map hehe30_45 hehe合集:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=1378644101 晨晨市②群:...
Hiking Trails
Creada por aSoggyCrouton91
Survivors must escape a short mountain trail which passes through campgrounds and a logging plant and await the helicopter that periodically comes to pick up stranded individuals. This is a fast paced, short campaign designed to be played on higher difficu...
Infection Overdrive
Creada por JohnnyRamoneBR
The survivors escape from the highway in Road to Ruin was short lived. They crashed their truck a few days later, and now must proceed on foot towards an once vibrant city where they hope to find the military. The lights still shine bright all around, but ...
Innards 2: Into the Chaos
Creada por goanna
More gnome shenanigans....
Journey to Splash Mountain - Part 1
Creada por [DCC] Dives
The Survivors head to Disneyland after hearing it is a military evacuation zone, only to find it completely overrun by zombies. Might as well have some fun while we're here. You MUST download all 5 parts for the campaign to work. FInd all 5 parts here: htt...
Kokiri Forest (Complete)
Originally Full Map HQ created upload by NickNak 2013 New minor Update Should be selectable in versus now. Fixed red console spam Fixed some missing assets Just a note, this level is available for versus but not really balanced for it, there's a lot of tun...
Creada por K.
Labirinferno was my first campaign, so at that time I was learning how to make a map. It was supposed to be a just for fun thing, but at some point it became a real goal. In general, the map doesn't make any sense. There's no narrative nor context to anyth...
Lambda Pt. 1 by [X6] Herbius
Lambda aims to bring the experiences from HL2 into L4D2. Nine maps with nice finale. Permission from author obtained to port. Herbius is the author of this map and gets 100% of the credit for making Lambda (nod to Valve of course) Enjoy everyone! ...
Land of oblivion V2.71
Creada por 月兔鸽
Number of chapters: 5 Recommended difficulty: normal It took one year to create this graph 👍 Thank you for your support~ map threedays01 map threedays02 map threedays03 map threedays04 map threedays05 ———————————————————————————— 22023.5.7 v2.71 Thank you ...
Last Breath
Creada por tv/DamonTvv
Last Breath The survivors find themselves stranded, again. They have no choice but to push forward and fight until their very last breath. Question is will there be anyone left to save them? If so, will they even make it to the very end? Throughout this ca...
Last Breath Content
Creada por tv/DamonTvv
The content pack contains all Custom Materials and Models The maps will not work properly without this pack installed! Last Breath The survivors find themselves stranded, again. They have no choice but to push forward and fight until their very last breath...
Last Call at The Reactor by Danger McD and Optio
Sometimes... living just isn't good enough. This one has slo-mo, opera music to kill zombies by, and silly DJ Danger MCD! Saddle up hunters! ...
Left 4 Cake
Creada por Trunten
Survivors find themselves imprisoned and must solve puzzles Advance through testing stages while defending yourselves from the zombie infestation Features cooperative puzzles, random spawning puzzle objects, and changing paths Fixed sound by adding sound c...
Left 4 Mario
PLS IF U WANT TO DO A DONATION JUST CLIKC TO REWARD ⊂_ヽ   \\ _    \( •_•) F     < ⌒ヽ A    /   へ\ B    /  / \\ U    レ ノ   ヽ_つ L   / / O   / /| U  ( (ヽ S  | |、\  | 丿 \ ⌒)  | |  ) / `ノ )  Lノ (_/...
Left 4 SGC Beta v2.2 (1 of 2)
Creada por Russell
Part 2 NEEDED TOO. Download from here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1713621105 --------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: If Left 4 SGC is not getting many updates in recent times, it is because I am conce...
Left 4 Toonrun
Creada por Mr. Scoot
About this Mod Survivors must escape a cartoon style world. Note This is a campaign ported from Sven Co-op. If you never played Sven Co-op, get the free mod and try it. Mirroring/Redistribution The version on the steam workshop will always be the most to d...
Lego Campaign
After a mysterious portal to the Lego Dimension opened, humanity has exploited the Lego World for its resources thus creating the collaboration between both Lego and Humanity. After years of tranquility and peace, it has been broken... What was once known ...
Lockdown DLC
Creada por a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/I0Ar14U.png 5 maps Chapter 1 has a hidden room with loot Combination of daytime and nighttime maps Players can choose to play chapter 4 in either bright or dark mode Supports survival mode The virus outbreak holds a death grip on the Un...
Lord Of The Rings Campaign (Part 1/2)
Creada por PopTheseFools
Abandoned for years campaign is now complete and fully functional. Basically a mashed potato of two CS:S Zombie Escape mod maps and finale map from HL2 mod Age of Chivalry. So don't expect this to be a triple A type of campaign and it's not recommended to ...
https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2625 6 maps When you get crash error Try this Manually type "stringtabledictionary" in the server console (but you need to restart the map after this), Add "-stringtables" in the server's launch parameters, or; Set "stringt...
Lost and Damned [v1.4c]
Merry Christmas ! Here is my 3rd campaign. built from the vmfs of Black Widow Game's They Hunger: Lost Souls (06-08 build) It was a cancelled zombie game made for the Source Engine. This was made in about a month or so, not having to build everything from ...
Creada por MARCO玩家
preface This is my first map. I originally finished it half a year ago, but due to my laziness, I dragged it for nearly two years and didn't finish it. In the end, I didn't really want to do it anymore, so I sent it out hastily This is the map I created af...
Military Industrial Complex II
Creada por The Thug Shaker
*I am just uploading this campaign to the Steam Workshop. All credit for the creation of this campaign goes to Garbage Boy. I have not edited any part of this campaign. This is my first upload, so if there happen to be any problems with the download/instal...
Military Industrial Complex III v666 by Garbage Boy
*Version 7.0 FINAL* This map WILL NOT conflict with MIC 2 or MIC L4D1 anymore. Re-added twitching zombies in map 4 - woot! Cold wanted this one updated. So here it is one final time. Take the 4 best maps of MIC for L4D1 and 4 more from MIC 2 for L4D2 and y...
Naniwa City (Fixed)
Creada por Trunten
Escape Osaka Before You Get Left 4 Dead! Finale fix by "RF" the recycle bin. Alternative download at "Game Maps": https://www.gamemaps.com/details/29170 Wow. Hey, Mia, can you send me that? Sure!...
Creada por iambogu
Description Our survivors' chance to escape from the deadly city is by listening to a guy... or else... Navigation is a 4 chapters campaign sets in a city without any hopes, however our survivors' gonna hear from someone, who tries to help them through the...
New World Order Ext. Mashup
Creada por Trunten
This is mashup of New World Order 1 (Anticon), New World Order 2 (Anticon and Buck65), 10000 Feet Under (Nigel Moran), and Zombie Movie Without a Name (LoPony). It is 12 maps of fun and one of the first campaigns we ever put together for fun. Some of the m...
Night Terror
Creada por NIPPER
Night Terror by NIPPER and Dr.Boo This is a very old campaign that was never finished. This whole campaign was one big experiment that I never really got to work how I wanted. It was abandoned after this initial release because of lack of interest in Left ...
No Continuity
Creada por Gutatto
10/14/2021 - Major Update Added new finale map "Datacenter" Removed Mall finale -note: You cannot escape until ALL terminals are green. Do not use the music as a cue. 8/14/2021 - Major update Added custom car visual adjustments fixed navigation issues fixe...
No Space 4 Zombies (Fixed) v2.8
This is a fixed campaign created by Hunter McJesus back in May 2010. It's a retake on Coald Blood with a much different finale and journey to get there. All models, nav, etc have been fixed - replaced as necessary to get it working correctly. Thanks to Bia...
One 4 Nine (Part 1)
Creada por keved
In the Nevada Desert, the U.S. Army have built a Military base around an ancient 'alien tomb' and after years of trying have managed to open it. Four survivors heard rumors of a fortified safe zone in the base, but have no knowledge of the tomb nor what wi...
One 4 Nine Visual Effect Removal
Creada por Olde
This mod removes the distracting visual effects in the finale of the custom campaign One 4 Nine. It will retain the original mood and feel of the finale location before the wacky color corrections take effect. I made this because personally I found the wei...
Open Road
Creada por ICS
The chopper where our 4 survivors escaped in The Parish campaign, has fallen into harms way. Co-pilot of the chopper was not immune and started to turn into infected. The other pilot got bitten by the infected one but managed to land the chopper. However. ...
Ottawa Rock City
Creada por Murmkuma
v2.1 - 2023-03-11 - 3 Chapters TURN ON HINTS!!! Set in Ottawa, based on no particlar locations This Campaign Ottawa Rock City (Pt.2) bridges Innes Road Road Rash (PT.1, my first campaign) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=654357584 and...
https://i.imgur.com/gmaqOA3.png If you like my work and would like to see more, you can support me directly by donating. And if not, a nice comment or feedback on my maps would be much appreciated. :) Thank you! Welcome to Outrun City! Here is a Retrowave/...
Creada por <<J4CK>>
No credit to me! An upload of an underrated favourite from l4dmaps, which I couldn't find in the Workshop. A solid campaign with a 28 Weeks Later vibe. Stay ahead of the gas! Excellent story, great voice acting, imaginative interactive events, and the most...
Pain Train
Creada por ᴺᵃˢ
I noticed pain train was taken off of the steam workshop, so i figured I would re-upload it for ease of access for players who just want it nice and easy. Credit: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2604...
Pasiri [4 Chapter Campaign]
Creada por Somnician
'Pasiri' is japanese. It means it is made to run errands. This is a 4 chapter campaign that has the cola event in each map. The finale consists of bringing all of the cola bottles to... each building with an antenna attached, and escaping in a pod at the e...
Pitch Dark Mesa
Creada por Remort
Another day another chopper crash, this time the survivors find them selfs trapped at an abandoned research facility. And the only way out is down to the core. Survivors must escape from half life's black mesa complex. This campaign uses five maps on each ...
Plague Tale
Creada por Kryogen
Inspired by A Plague Tale Innocence GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/25163 MAP INFO: - 4 Maps - L4D1 Characters - 2 Hidden Stuff - Enable Hints CONSOLE CODE: - Map1: pt_home1 - Map2: pt_village2 - Map3: pt_retributution3 - Map4: pt_conclusion4 Cr...
Portal 2: The Underground 1/5
Creada por The Mafia
The underground from Portal 2 ported into Left For Dead 2, and converted into a campaign, and two survival maps. All content is packed so you dont need Portal 2. Please get the other required Parts!...
potu (Remake)
Creada por pear
Since the potu was originally made with many shortcomings, it was remade. There will be puppets on the map that will shoot, which is not suitable for playing with AI, This is not a trap map...
Creada por pear
This is a trap map, which is unacceptable. Please do not download it. It is recommended that you do not bring a bot. Please bring your own friends...
Creada por pear
最好是在工坊下最新的老的有卡关BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!) 各位元旦快乐!原本没打算做这张图,只因potu3-5没达到预期,做成了potu4的最终关。此图是potu2的风格。 本张地图带有脚本 幸存者相关:1.M60 榴弹带备弹(子弹打完不换弹会掉地上) 2.倒地爬行 3. 15血才会减速 4.每张图只有单一特感 丧尸相关:1.小丧尸攻击减速更明显 2.虽然单一特感但是强化过 每关会有一两个非必经之路的坑点,和特殊BUFF,部分特殊BUFF会有队友伤害, 特殊BUFF的触发是 鼠标右击(推) 祝大家在新...
Powerstation by cameraman-4
Current version is 7.0. Welcome to your doom! 5 levels of traps and untimely and infuriating death! Rage quitting begins here! ...
Prague PART 1/5
Creada por perfect_buddy
This campaign takes place in Prague, Czech Republic during the onset of the apocalypse. Players will have to travel across the city through 4 different districts in order to reach the last remaining evacuation point. REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALL 5 PARTS, O...
Precinct 84 | 4-Map Campaign ( 2018 Edition )
Creada por Payne☣
This is a L4D1 campaign I created in 2011. This version is for Left 4 Dead 2 and has updated visuals, same map layout and fun gameplay but better looking. This campaign contains 4 maps starting at high noon and slowly changes to the last minute of dusk in ...
Prison Break
The company is based on the American TV series (Prison Break) "Escape". The company has 4 chapters. 1. Fox River. (The beginning of the company, you will find yourself in the famous Fox River Prison). "75% of the series, all made from standard textures and...
Prototype Mk. 3
Creada por wyte_eagle
Participate in the Synergenic Technologies Inc. Hazardous Environment Teambuilding Study. Fight through teaming hordes of the infected to escape the testing area. Inspired by eighties and nineties era sci-fi aesthetics, the campaign is designed to start si...
qiuming city
Creada por A/Z
chinese city This map has some difficulties:D advise normal difficulty,unless more than two players are playing. map code: beta_thecity1 azcity_senter azcity_new_street azcity_end...
Questionable Ethics
Creada por Nihilanth
* special thanks to kenoTetra.tv (v1.2) Survivors got stuck in a mysterious research facility. This campaign is about randomness and some traps. I started making this campaign out of curiosity. But as it progresses, it's got bigger and bigger. Have fun. (!...
Questionable Ethics : Alpha test
Creada por Nihilanth
* special thanks to kenoTetra.tv (v2.4) This campaign is a 5-map campaign, a sequel to 'Questionable Ethics'. I strongly recommend playing 'Questionable Ethics' first. (!) This campaign is long and difficult. Teamwork is crucial. (!) This campaign could be...
Questionable Ethics : Combined
Creada por Nihilanth
(v2.3) (!) Item-altering add-ons may cause the maps unplayable (!) This campaign could be confusing for those who have not played 'Questionable ethics' & 'Questionable ethics :Alpha test'. map 1 : Great Reset map 2 : Illusion of Choice map 3 : Build Back B...
Red Tide
Creada por Monsterman94
(Instructor hints are highly recommended) Dropped off in a seemingly abandoned town in Florida, the survivors must make their way to their own little slice of paradise... safety....
Redemption 2 (Complete)
Creada por Terminus
Just an upload of the final release on gamemaps. All credit goes to Morloc. Original description as follows: 'Redemption takes place midway through the L4D comic strip, it continues the story after the survivors flee the military base they were taken to af...
RMS Titanic (v2.0.1)
Creada por ThisKid55
Version 2.0.1 available now including fixes for prop ERROR signs and more! The survivors find themselves stuck on the ill-fated ocean liner with a ship full of disease-ridden zombies. They must make their way from their 2nd class cabin on F-Deck up to the ...
Road To F18
Creada por Arctic
"There are rumors that sweden is the only place with quarantined areas left in europe. After looking for days, the survivors thought they found a rescue next to a garage, but it is just another broken radio. Get down from the mountain area, maybe there is ...
Creada por 遊戯
Welcome to play, the second level is a difficult point. After crossing the sewer, light the wood with a gun and you can see the walls and stairs. Finally, when entering the forest, there will be a lot of zombies to stop the team from going to the safe hous...
SaltHell Park (Part 1 of 4)
Creada por Wyld Stallyns
Set in the victorian Saltwell Park (a real park in Gateshead, UK), survivors need to navigate through it and reach the safety of the rescue vehicle. The park has been used by the military as a secure evacuation centre before being overrun by the zombie hor...
Secret Operation v1.6
Creada por Masamaru
The military found four survivors with antibodies and hoping that they can go to a technology company which has been fallen to obtain research results on zombies. They began their journeys without hesitation under the official instructions, but they were c...
SECTOR-74: March of the survivors
Creada por CR0NO
SECTOR-74: March of the survivors 16 Level campaign made by: CR0NO If your new to this campaign? Best to play the map in multiple sittings, but if you have experience, you can playthrough it 100% in a couple of hours! Encounter spawn bugs? (restarting the ...
Shadow Moses Island
Creada por Nekoborn
DISCLAIMER: THIS MAP WAS NOT CREATED BY ME! The original author is inhumandesign....
Silk Road(Fixed)
Silk Road(Fixed)...
Creada por wyte_eagle
Welcome back to the Synergenic Technologies Testing Chambers in this spiritual successor to the "Prototype Mk2" and Prototype Mk3" Campaigns. Fight your way through a strange, minimalist world to escape. This campaign relies on heavily tiled, small size te...
Sin Esperanza
Creada por Yami No Game
Despues de un rescate, el piloto estaba infectado y termina tratando de matar a los supervivientes, ellos se defienden pero terminan estrellandose. Este mod es una remasterizacion de mi mod Desastre, escogi los mejores mapas y lo mejore en un aspecto unico...
Snow Den 2.0
Creada por Snow
From the maker of Haunted Forest, a new campaign set in a snowy landscape. The L4D2 survivors somehow managed to end up somewhere in a Northern European area. The only way to get out alive, is to reach the harbor but there are some obstacles in the way... ...
Source of Infection (Fixed) v5
This matches version on gamemaps. Our survivors start out in a subway, working their way through some city adventure until they finally reach an underground bunker where they can catch a helicopter ride out. This campaign is just a re-release with map 2 re...
special task3【特殊任务3】
Creada por 晨晨
The story continues with special mission 2, where survivors escape in tanks and come to the institution and discover the plot map verson:1 Drawing command: map st3_1 map st3_2 map st3_3 map st3_4 map st3_5 map st3_6 —————————————————————————————————— 故事延续特...
Spurned (Part 1)
Creada por Thomas King XXX
Taken from Gamemaps - https://www.gamemaps.com/details/27572 - All rights reserved to QiuFengFuMai. The survivors are evacuated by the military and are forced to stop the train in an unknown place along the way, which hides a terrifying secret. . . ////幸存者...
Suicide Blitz 2: Part 1 of 3
Creada por DangerousPerson
Part 1 of 3 Visit Suicide Blitz 2 Collection Page and + Subscribe to all 3 parts! *This version will work with any other Version 4 of Suicide Blitz 2 available on the web. This version does however contain a couple of small GUI texture fixes. If you alread...
Taco Bucket Supreme
Creada por AlwaysToast
Survivors must leave the safety of their apartments to travel across the city to reach the evac point at the Taco Bucket Supreme, signal the military, and wait for rescue. What could go wrong? This is the evolved version of my original Taco Bucket campaign...
The Arrival
Creada por ilcannibal
The Arrival is Final Chapter of DeadCity Series, the surivors have arrived at River City in hope to find others where the virus had started. The survivors were LEFT BEHIND to fine themselves to see the DAY AFTER and hopefully to reach the final chapter and...
The Bloody Moors (Part 1)
Creada por keved
Survivors have fled the USA to seek safety in England, but crash land on the bleak wind-swept Yorkshire moors and must fight through isolated old cottages and stables, a filthy canal and apartment building, an old cemetery and ruined church, a quarantined ...
The Cure 2017 (치료법)
Author: Hitten-Z-Dirten Survivors must retrieve a lost infection antidote from an abandoned medical facility - 5 map campaign 생존자들은 버려진 의료 시설에서 잃어버린 감염 해독제를 되찾아야 합니다 - 5개 지도 캠페인. 버전 1.3...
The Curse of Lazar Castle
Creada por K.
~{ History }~ On the mist moutains of Transylvania, the strange and ancient castle of Lazar remains in silence. Some say that its abandoned. Some say that strange lights shine on night. No one ever dare to come too close. A journalism student decides to do...
The Dark Tower 1 The Gunslinger
Creada por Murmkuma
v2.1 - 2022-01-02 - 7 Chapters A tribute to Stephen King's Epic Series The Dark Tower: Book 1 The Gunslinger, 7 maps. Thanks for Playing...and thanks to Stephen King for creating inspiring material...and not suing :D Don't forget to try VS...I put in some ...
The Day After (Part 1)
Creada por ilcannibal
Four map campaign: ------------------------- 1. Roads (Upper) 2. Roads (Lower) 3. Bridge 4. Canals 5, Cliffs 6. Zephyrhills The survivors are now aware of Reuseable Water in 'Zephyrhills' before they can reach their destination. They must reach 'Zephyrhill...
The Day After (Part 2)
Creada por ilcannibal
Part 1: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2966819690 Part 2: a. materials b. models c. sound...
The Divide: 5th Anniversary Hardcore
Creada por iStealthvPiex
This version is HARDCORE focused The difference between this and STORY version? This has infected included and challenging puzzles. The Divide: 5th Anniversary restores the original vision of the map/chapter 'Beginnerguide' that me and my friend came up wi...
The Evil Within
Creada por Kryogen
Inspired By The Evil Within GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/27683 Info: Enable Hints L4D2 Characters 5 Maps Custom Music Boss Fight 4 Easter Eggs Console Code: Map1 w4e1_basement Map2 w4e2_asylum Map3 w4e3_keeper Map4 w4e4_mansion Map5 w4e5_evil...
the hive(fix) 蜂巢(fix) part1
Creada por 洛琪希べ
Fixed errors in Chapters 4:Engine error: ED_Alloc: no free edicts 修复了实体溢出的错误 Original Link:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=384921079 What specific fixes have been made? (1)Fixed an error in NAV in Chapter 2, which caused the survivor...
The Mortuary New Version 2017 By Poor, Vaz2107 Port l4d1
Creada por {aic}
15.10.17//// 10/17/17 update 2 map: The survivors must go to the mortuary to examine the infection. The campaign includes many places to visit Metro> Car Park> Industry> City> Mortuary - New textures - New Tag with humor - Each meter was tested many of tim...
The Return of the Jockeys
Creada por flapjax
After the events of Wormwood, the survivors skirmish once again through space and time against even greater odds. Ensuing boss battles stand to obstruct your co-op campaign of death and carnage in this fourth chapter of the Mob Stadium 2012 Saga, The Retur...
The Tsunami City : Dark Tide V1.6
Author: QiuFengFuMai After the tsunami hit, survivors fled to the roof of the building, seeking rescue in the sea and the tide of zombies... Map Code ttc_m1_college ttc_m2_roof ttc_m3_mall This is a consolidated version of “The Tsunami City” and “Dark Tide...
The Woods 2 Fixed by Dank Frank and Mothra, Valve
Creada por {aic}
The Woods 2: More Woods, More Zombies. The survivors boat from the original Woods campaign crashed leaving them stranded in the Woods yet again. They must set off from there in hopes of reaching a military evacuation site....
Time to Die (Campaign)
Creada por Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Travel Through Time and Space! (1.6) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After narrowly escaping from yet another Infected horde, four desperate Southern Survivors decide to search for a secret government lab...
Tokyo Dark part1
Creada por Kryogen
*IMPORTANT* File size was too big so it has to split into 2 parts. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Campaign Details: This is map is based of Tokyo Dark. This has nothing to do with Japa...
Tour of Terror
Creada por novalin
Tour of Terror is a 5 level custom campaign for L4D2 Four American tourists in Eastern Europe are holding up in a large hostel after the zombie apocalypse has plagued the Earth. Their food and water supplies are running thin, and the hostel, which was once...
Creada por gent001st
Tralala crazy advantures. My first L4D2 campaign ever inspired by hehe and shenmejb awesome series. Anyway, map 3 is a little bit hard so bellow are few hints for those who are frustrated but still want to finish it: * you can (mostly) stuck rotating barre...
Tralala2 - ABC
Creada por gent001st
A Bit Crazy tralala campaign is here - 5 new maps for tralala fans ;) It is a "constant specials" campaign so you'd better not play it, or at least not with bots alone. ...
Tralala3 - The pyramid
Creada por gent001st
Next Tralala crazy advantures, this time in the freaking pyramid. Notes: * this is my 2nd campaign ever made so you can find many bugs - let me know if you find some * this is crazy campaign so many glitches are not BUGS - you should play with other player...
True FangShi
Creada por Thunder _Germany~*
This file was downloaded from GameMaps.com Uploader: mixmedia Author: Mixmedia After the crash survivors must find their way through doomed locations of China. ...
Creada por Chuck Norris
Cualquier error, notificarme por favor --------------------------------- Mapa de trampas y retos --------------------------------- 15 mapas --------------------------------- Por favor, recomendable jugarlo de 4 personas -------------------------------- Err...
Undead Zone (Fixed)
Creada por Trunten
The Undead Zone is a Left 4 Dead 2 campaign based on upcoming film Mary Doe. The campaign stars horror legend Tom Savini. It will take players through 5 unique and challenging levels. Enter the Undead Zone if you dare. The Undead Zone boasts a large 5 map ...
Urban Flight
Creada por The Rabbit
The city is burning. As ash falls, the survivors attempt to flee to a small military airfield on the other side of the river. It's a straight path down the main boulevard, but nothing is ever simple. Crashed cars, blazing fires, police barricades, and the ...
Vague Reminders
We Reupload Map workshop by Finalhour10000 The survivors must rip through 4 errie environments, including a junkyard, underground railways, a 4 story office building,and a hedge maze full of witches! ...
Vienna Calling 1 (real version 2.2)
Creada por Trunten
Take a look at the sights of Vienna such as the Ancient catacombs or famous recreation areas! If you're not hunted by hungry dead Austrians!...
Vienna Calling 2 (real version 3)
Creada por Trunten
The sequel campaign 'Vienna Calling 2' further hunts its tourists through the streets of Vienna. Unfortunately, you don't have the time for sightseeing, as hordes of Viennese zombies want you like a drunkard wants his schnitzel at 4 am after a night of hea...
Wan li
Creada por CastorJudo
Coach, Nick, Rochelle and Ellis are in an airliner in distress. They ditch the airliner in mid-flight over China... Many areas of this campaign are based on the real Great Wall of China. 3 maps campaign map 1 : Great Plane map 2 : Great Wall map 3 : Great ...
Creada por Calango Aceso
Parte Unica...
Creada por CR0NO
WASHER Crazy Platform MAP/MOD made by: CR0NO Washer V3.0 -Shortcut ladder to skip (for those who hate) the platform part in first map, or if crash occurs to skip the map -Divided map in 3 parts for = checkpoints / savespots , less phrone to crashing , more...
Watered Down
Creada por ChimiChamo
Ellis crashed your free ticket to safety and now you're stuck in the middle of nowhere. Your last hope is the Aqua Season Waterworld. This is my first campaign ever made for this game, and after playing it I'm sure you'll hope it would be the last. I've sp...
We Don't Go To Ravenholm
Creada por Chuffy [s^3]
This is a port of the Ravenholm maps from Half Life 2. This is NOT original work, all I did was modify some areas to be suitable for Left 4 Dead 2, all credit goes to Valve for the maps. If you encounter a problem with the campaign, please check the FAQ be...
Welcome to Hell
Creada por Flute
Welcome to Hell created by Garfield!!. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2248...
Where the Fairies go (V3)
Creada por Evil
Elders once dreamed of living out their days in Ethermar, along the banks and shores of the tranquil waters surrounding it. Those days seem to be long gone though. And while some of the charm of Ethermar remains, so too does the remnants of what happened h...
White Forest
Creada por oi
White Forest By ported by Missed Updated: 05/20/16 "Four survivors were riding the train accident occurred near the white forest, they had to trek across multiple regions of the white forest, and finally reach a radio stations and seek help. v2.0 Modify th...
WitchHunter 2014 Part 1/4
Creada por ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
This map is made by Tisa. I asked them for permission to port it to L4D2 and it was granted. When ever they would change their mind I am gonna remove this item from Steam. All tasks which might differ from L4D2 to L4D1 are marked as such. I placed texts on...
Yama (Finale Fixed)
Creada por Trunten
Yama is a campaign set in Japan, starting out in Tokyo with the survivors escaping west to Kyoto's Kiyomizu temple, before moving further into the mountains the next morning. This includes the finale fix by "RF" (the recycle bin) which Orthopedic Surgeon o...
Z-PTZ v2.0 (Fixed)
Creada por treeshade
Author: DarthDed ( https://www.gamemaps.com/search?q=DarthDed ) Added stringtable to all maps. Vehicle glowing, music, poster and outro title fixed....
ZMB-13 (Fixed)
Creada por treeshade
Author: Army of Sarcasm ( https://www.gamemaps.com/search?q=Army%20of%20Sarcasm ) Map 2 had way too many entities and would not load. Removed entities so it will now....
Zombie Blackout Ext. Mashup
Creada por Trunten
Fixed this broken oldie up. Replaced map 1 and fixed all remaining issues nav and otherwise. Another Timelord Mashup - 10000 ft Under (Nigel Moran) + Black Out (Wixard) + Fright Train (FiNB0B) + Zombie Movie Without A Name (LoPony)!! All credit to the orig...
Derailed v5
Creada por Rick_0_Shay
A brand new 4 level campaign for Autumn 2020. A long running project finally completed due to Covid-19 lockdown. A train wreck an underground lab and a zombie prison riot, can this day get any worse? Featuring original maps created by Rick_0_Shay and oodid...
King PlatteLAN
Creada por CR0NO
King PlatteLAN A small 4 map, campaign i made long ago for a lan party for friends. Years later, i gave this mod some love, and heavy improvements for public launch, its still a short campaign, but fun for sure! Enjoy... ...
Squidtastic (DEMO | BETA)
Creada por Axel
No hay mucho que describir, solamente me basé en los mapas que tienes que hacer parkour puzles, etc. Lo he lanzado en versión demo, por lo cual estaré subiendo el mod completo si es que apoyan esta demo. Tambien subiré los mapas (son 10 mapas) 100% pulidos...
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7 artículos