Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Ura Nihon: Props
Items (479)
Created by m_riwo
うーちゃん☆わ~るど市長選ポスター掲示板のpropです。 --【注意】 --------------------------------- 単体では街に設置することができません。 設置したい場合、下のアセットもサブスクライブしてください。 うーちゃん☆わーるど市長選ポスター掲示板 ----------------------------------- お借りした絵↓ http://...
どこでもショップ Prop15pack / JP aws 20 - 29
Created by koma
These are props for stores that could be on the ground floor of condominiums, office buildings, and residential buildings. 15 types of props are included in the package. This is a prop of a previously published building with the store portion extracted and...
お祭り屋台 - YATAI -
Created by [JP]@sayaka
お祭り用のPropです。 ・たこ焼き屋台 - TAKOYAKI - ・わたあめ屋台 - Cotton Candy - ・焼きそば屋台 -YAKISOBA- ・金魚すくい屋台 -KINGYO- 一応、夜間照明も設定してあります。 ※アセット制作 初心者の為 不慣れなので少しずつ作っています。 今後、少しずつ屋台の種類を追加する予定です。 Rezしたときにrandomでlightのcollarが変化します。  ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any ...
どこでもショップ Prop17Pack / JP aws 01 - 17
Created by koma
This is a prop for a store that might be on the first floor of an apartment building, office building, or other miscellaneous building. 17 types are included in the package. Find it! 2 is searched for "aws" (anyplace shop). --------------------------------...
エアコン室外機 / JP AC Units
Created by koma
This is a prop for the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. 16 types are included in the package. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- エアコンの室外機のプロップです。 16種類同梱しています。 ---------------------------...
どこでもドア / JP awd-01~16
Created by koma
These are door props for general housing and offices. 16 types are included in the package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一般住宅や事務所などのドアのプロップです。 16種類同梱しています。 -------------------------------------...
Created by hono_north
ガードガードロープ、柱白色、4本バージョンです。こちらはメイン部分になります。田舎の国道などにとうぞ。  JP fence...
ガードロープ4本ver.白 - 右端
Created by hono_north
ガードガードロープ、柱白色、4本バージョンです。こちらは右端用になります。田舎の国道などにとうぞ。  JP fence...
ガードロープ4本ver.白 - 左端
Created by hono_north
ガードガードロープ、柱白色、4本バージョンです。こちらは左端用になります。田舎の国道などにとうぞ。  JP fence...
コイン精米機 3packs / JP Coin-operated rice mill
Created by koma
A coin-operated rice mill is a machine where coins are inserted and the bran is removed from brown rice to make white rice. They can be found on the side of the road or in the parking lots of supermarkets and home centers. Three types of props are included...
コンクリート製側溝蓋 / gutter cover
Created by kasasasa
コンクリート製側溝蓋のプロップです。 側溝のない道路やploppable asphalt に片側だけ置くなどしてメリハリをつけることができます。 三叉路など交差点にて側溝が消えたところに置いてカモフラージュもできます。 This is a prop for concrete gutter covers. It can be placed only on one side of a road without gutters or on a ploppable asphalt to add a sense of...
コンビニの看板 - Convenience Store Signs -
Created by [JP]@sayaka
セブン&ローソンのポール看板です。 写真は、Ryuichi Kaminogi さんに撮ってもらいました。 by @sayaka ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any problems, please point them out. 支援 Donate:
ゴミ袋 / garbage bags
Created by kasasasa
CSL CONTEST#7にて使用したアセットになります。 → ゴミ捨て場やゴミ箱、ゴミそのものはありましたが、ゴミ袋アセットは半透明のポリ袋がなかったので作成しました。 There were garbage dumpsters, garbage cans, and the garbage itself, but the garbage bag asset was created because there were no transluc...
ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ Daihatsu Hijet Cargo Prop
Created by kizuri
Vehicle版: Main Tris: 2718 Texture: 1024x1024 Lod Tris: 220 Texture: 64x64 Tags: Van, JP, Japanese, Kei, 軽バン,ワゴン,商用車 ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ Daihatsu Hijet Cargo Prop by Ezoshika...
プラットホームのライト / JP Old Platform Light
Created by koma
This is the lighting of a railroad station platform. Custom Effect Loader Mod is required. Subscribe to it and turn it on in the Content Manager to use it. ---------...
プラットホームのライトB / JP Old Platform Light-b
Created by koma
ローカル駅用の古いタイプのプラットホームライトです JP Old Platform Light-b by koma...
プラモニュメント / artwork_phone & post
Created by kasasasa
「静岡市プラモデル化計画」において市が設置したアート作品です。 今回制作した公衆電話と郵便ポストは実際に機能し、市民の生活の一助となっています。 非常に遊び心のある公共のサービスとなっています。 This artwork was installed by the city as part of the "Shizuoka City Plastic Model Plan". The pay phones and post created in this project actually function an...
プレハブ小屋 Prop7pack / JP Prefab hut
Created by koma
Prefabricated sheds used for storage and offices. It is finished in a used and slightly dirty appearance. Seven types, with and without night lighting, are included in the package. By combining the 7 types, it can be set up in various sizes, such as a scho...
ミニ油圧ショベル(オレンジ)Mini Excavator (Orange)
Created by kizuri
2種類のプロップのセットです。 コマツのPC20MRという油圧ショベルを参考にしています。 This is a set of 2 props. カラーバリエーション↓ Blue: Yellow: Main Triangles: 1568 Texture...
レトロな街路灯 / JPRL Retro Streetlights
Created by koma
It is a street light that seems to fit in with the retro cityscape. Two types are included in the package. レトロな街並みに合いそうな街路灯です。 2種類同梱しています。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト JPRL Retr...
ミニ油圧ショベル(ブルー)Mini Excavator (Blue)
Created by kizuri
2種類のプロップのセットです。 コマツのPC20MRという油圧ショベルを参考にしています。 カラーバリエーション↓ Orange: Yellow: Main Triangles: 1568 Texture: 1024x516 LOD Triangles...
ミニ油圧ショベル(イエロー)Mini Excavator (Yellow)
Created by kizuri
2種類のプロップのセットです。 コマツのPC20MRという油圧ショベルを参考にしています。 カラーバリエーション↓ Orange: Blue: Main Triangles: 1568 Texture: 1024x516 LOD Triangles: ...
可変式速度規制標識 / JP Variable Speed Limit Signs
Created by Zindai
Variable speed limit signs on Japanese highways. For greater installation flexibility, Speed limit signs, Auxiliary signs and Sign Pole are separate. 主に日本の高速道路にある、可変式の速度規制標識です。 設置の自由度を高めるため、規制標識・補助標識・標識柱は別々となってます。 When searching for Find It!, please search...
乗車駅証明書発行機 JP machine that issues documents proving the boarding station
Created by rakrak
乗車駅証明書発行機です。 無人駅や、最近では一部時間で駅員のいない有人駅にも多く設置されています。 Find it でお探しの場合は joshaeki で検索してください。 Find it, search for joshaeki...
和風住宅塀パック / JP js-fence
Created by koma
This is an exterior wall prop pack for Japanese style houses. Four different parts are included in the package. By combining them, you can create exterior walls of various sizes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Created by koma
This is a sidewalk roof (decorative tent) in a Japanese shopping arcade. Two types are included in the package. 日本の商店街にある歩道用の屋根(装飾テント)です 2種類同梱しています 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券
官公庁の銘板 Japanese Government Office Sign asset
Created by Nigorilla
官公庁の看板セットです JP_GOS1...裁判所 JP_GOS2...地方合同庁舎 JP_GOS3...検察庁 JP_GOS4...県庁 JP_GOS5...市役所 JP_GOS6...県警察本部 JP_GOS7...地方総合庁舎...
Created by koma
The townhouse assets published by Pochi and EXYN4. This is a prop to create an inn town using the townhouse assets published by Pochi and EXYN4. 16 types are included. Please adjust signage, etc. with Move it! Search for "THP" in Find it! (THP stands for t...
新鳥栖道の市場 Prop 6pack
Created by koma
JP Shintosu Table by koma...
屋上看板セット2_Rooftop sign set2
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 屋上看板シリーズセットの第二弾です。 The second set of the roof signboard series set. ■メモ(Memo) セット1の絵柄を変えたものになります。 日本以外でも使用できそうなデザインもあります。不要なものは削除して使ってください。 Variation of the set 1 pattern. Some designs can be used outside of Japan. Delete unnecessary items be...
日本のタクシー乗り場の看板 JP style taxi stop billboard 01
Created by rakrak
中規模以下の駅にあるタクシー乗り場の看板です。 タクシー乗り場としての機能は有しません。看板のみとなります。 あまり大きくない駅や、港などに設置すると似合うかもしれません。...
日本のパーキングチケット発給機 Parking Meter Jp01
Created by stmSantana
* Japanese asset 路上駐車場(時間制限駐車区間)用チケット発券機パーキングメーター Cities:Skylinesの一般道路にはパーキングメーターPropがあるのを知っていますか? (街路樹付き道路などには駐車禁止の標識が立っていて、パーキングメーターは出てこない) このPropは日本...
日本のレトロ看板 / JP Retro sign
Created by koma
This is an enamel signboard from the Showa period in Japan. 20 types are included in the package. The size of the signboard is made at about 50 cm, so please change the size by PO or other means depending on the situation and install it. ------------------...
日本のマンション用プロップ Jp_condominium_prop
Created by Momisuke
日本のマンションに使えるプロップをまとめました 「ネットワーク型低層マンション Jp_Low-rise condominium」を使用する場合は必ずサブスクしてください Jp_condominium_prop_door 玄関 Jp_condominium_prop_window ベランダ窓 Jp_condominium_prop_miniwindow 小窓 Jp_condominium_prop_fire 消火栓 Jp_condominium_prop_condenser エアコン室外機 Jp_condom...
日本の商店街にある「アレ」 / JP Shidare decoration
Created by koma
日本の商店街によく飾られている「アレ」です。 正式な名称が分かりませんでしたので、アセット名は JP Shidare decoration (しだれ飾り)としています。 2種類同梱しています。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 支援 / Donate ご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾン欲しいものリスト https://www.amaz...
日本の柱 JPPe Japanese pole series
Created by Nigorilla
日本風の柱です。青看板用と信号機用の柱がモデルです。工夫次第で様々な使い方ができます。必要に応じてPOで微調整してください 門型はこちら 内容 JPPe_Brown1 JPPe_Brown2 JPPe_White1 JPPe_White2 おまけ JP_Crossingname_pole JP_Countrysign_pole 2020/5/6 Updated  以下のものを追加しました(主に青看板で多い柱)  JPPe_1  JPPe_2  すべての柱を微修正して更新 2020/7/1 Updated  ...
日本の街頭消火器 Shoukaki Jp01
Created by stmSantana
* Japanese asset 日本の街角にある消火器、街頭消火器というらしいです。 設置している自治体などによりデザインが違うようで、都内でも区によって様々みたいです。(参考:東京いろんな消火器めぐり) この赤箱一眼一本足のものは世田谷や品川、目黒で見かけます。避難先の表示シールは目黒区の中でもシンプルなデザインものにしました。 ============================================= Polygon: 26 (LOD 16 ) Texture: 512x512 px ...
日本の家庭菜園 / JP Farm prop & decal
Created by koma
This is an asset to represent the Japanese home garden. Includes 9 types of props and 8 types of decals. There will be 4 types of decals for 8m x 8m and 4 types for 4m x 4m. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
日本の複合遊具 / JP's combination playground equipment
Created by kasasasa
全6種類の複合遊具です。 保育園や新興住宅街などの子供の多いエリアに設置すると街に活気があふれます。 A total of six types of composite playground equipment. If installed in an area with many children, the town will be filled with vitality. 検索ワードは「combination playground equipment」「複合遊具」です。 The search terms...
日本の道路標示「転回禁止」「指定方向への進入禁止」JP Road Marking No Turns Sign Decal
Created by Nigorilla
日本のUターン禁止規制と指定方向への進入規制標示です 矢印標示はKaminogi氏制作の Japanese Road Markings Pack / 日本の道路標示 より提供していただきました Japanese Road Marking No Turns Sign Decal Thanks:Kaminogi...
日本の電力キャビネット2 / Japanese Electrical Cabinet 2
Created by takagi
This is a cabinet to supply electricity. This cabinet has switches or electrical transformers. In many cases, electricity is supplied by utility poles in Japan, but it is supplied by underground power transmission line in some urban areas. Then we can see ...
歩道橋用横断幕 / banner for footbridge
Created by kasasasa
錆びた歩道橋に組み合わせて使う横断幕のアセットです。 これを加えてひと工夫することで街に色がつきます。 またこのアセットからRyuichi Kaminogi氏の瑞城市配信に向けてプロップをいくつか寄付させていただいております。 This is an asset for a banner to be combined with a rusty footbridge. Adding this asset will add a touch of color to the city. We have also do...
段差スロープ Safety Slopes
Created by TOKACHI269
段差スロープ Safety Slope 段差用のスロープです。高さが10cmと15cmのものが含まれており、10cm verは紺野つかささんが制作された JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201 用に調整してあります。 他に必要なものがあれば言ってくれれば10%くらいの確率で採用するかも。 Slope for the step. 10cm and 15cm heights are included, and the 10cm ver is adjusted for JP 4m Tiny Roads KT...
昭和っぽい看板( Old Billboard of Japanese )
Created by toaru
※大きめのサイズになっています。 昭和っぽい看板です。(4種類) ・JP Sign toaru 001 3商店看板 ・JP Sign toaru 002 質屋看板 ・JP Sign toaru 003 学生ローン看板 ・JP Sign toaru 004 不動産屋看板 ...
Created by Takamon27
Jp_Sluice Gate by Takamon...
歓楽街を作ろう(Prop)Let's build an entertainment district
Created by koma
Let's build an entertainment district (Prop) 歓楽街を作ろう(Prop) This is a prop sign for the entertainment district. 10 types are included. 歓楽街向けのプロップ看板です。 10種類同梱です。 Recommended Assets. https://st...
灯油ホームタンク / JP Kerosene home tank
Created by koma
2024.03.20 2種類のプロップを追加、計4種類を同梱しています。 This is a prop for an outdoor kerosene home tank, a must for northern homes. Two types are included in the package: 400L and 200L capacity. Four random colors. Find it ! please search for "tank". -----------------------...
物干し台と物干し竿 / JP Drying laundry
Created by koma
This is a prop for a clothesline and a clothesline pole. Two types are included in the package, a new one and an old one. (Recommended props) Japanese Residential Props ---------------------...
自動販売機 / JP Vending Machine
Created by newp
This asset is a set of 2 vending machines, one blue, one red. The Vending machines are to be used as props and for decoration as they don't actually function. They are very small so make sure to have Move It! to place into the right position. SPECS JP Vend...
看板いろいろ 37pack / JP Signboard s001 - s037pole
Created by koma
These are signs for Japanese companies, stores, restaurants, etc. 36 types and a pole for signage are included in the package. Sleeve signs can be used as pole signs by combining them with poles. ------------------------------------------------------------...
街路標識 JP Road name sign For PO
Created by Nigorilla
街路標識のアセットです。文字などはすべて空白のままなので、Procedural Objectsで文字を自由に編集できます。道路標識に使われているHelveticaのフォントファイルも同梱していますので、ぜひお使いください。Find itでは118と検索してください 内容 118-1...国道番号 118-2...主要地方道番号 118-3...一般都道府県道番号 118-4...道路の通称名 HelveticaFont...PO用のフォントファイル 2021/6/24Updated 以下のもの(片方向用)を...
資材セット (Material Sets)
Created by にる~ niroo
資材セット (Material Sets) 商業施設の裏手や工場、ホームセンター等幅広い場面で活用できる資材をまとめてみました。 内容物は以下の通りです。 ・ハンドリフト(ハンドリフター)(現場猫のやつ)(handlift)・ 1種 ・木材運搬台車(ホムセンにあるやつ)(Material trolley) ・・ 1種 ・かご台車(Material basket trolley)・・・・・・・・・・・・7種 ・段ボールの山(Material cardboard box) ・・・・・・・・・7種 ・肥料の山(M...
街灯用バナー広告 15pack / JP SL-Banner Ads
Created by koma
This is a type of banner advertisement that is attached to streetlights in shopping arcades and other locations in Japan. 15 types are included in the package. You can also use Procedural Objects to change the size of the banners to fit on large streetligh...
速度取締機予告標識 JP Speed Check Notice Sign
Created by Nigorilla
日本中のドライバーの敵(?)である速度取締機(オービス)の手前に予告として設置されている標識です。表記の違うもの4種類を制作しました。この標識を見かけたらアクセルを緩めましょう。油断していると警察からメンヘラ級のラブレターを送られてきてしまいますよ 内容(全4種) JPTS_SC1 JPTS_SC2 JPTS_SC3 JPTS_SC4 Japanese Speed Check Machine Notice Sign For Highway...
道路灯3packs / JPRL Streetlights jp
Created by koma
This is a road light that looks like it could be found on a main street in Japan. Three types are included in the package. In order to change the roadway lights you need this mod.
鉄道駅の古い蛍光灯 / JP Old Platform Light(K-Lamp)
Created by koma
These are old fluorescent lamps installed in railroad stations. Custom Effect Loader Mod is required. Please subscribe and turn it on in the content manager to use it.
鉢植えの植物 prop 6pack / JP Potted plants a-f
Created by koma
Potted plants, Prop 6 types included. Please use under the eaves of houses or indoors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鉢植えの植物、Prop6種類同梱しています。 住宅の軒下や屋内などにもどうぞ。 ----------------------------...
錆びたカーブミラー / jp rusty road mirror
Created by kasasasa
住宅街のカーブミラーって結構錆びてるものが多いよね、っていうお話 I think about many road mirrors in residential areas are rusty. contents ・jp rusty road mirror1 ・jp rusty road mirror1_low ・jp rusty road mirror1_high ・jp rusty road mirror2 ・jp rusty road mirror2_low ・jp rusty road mirror2...
錆びたフェンスパック / rusty fence pack
Created by kasasasa
日本のフェンスは非常に充実していますが、綺麗なものばかりだったので錆びた汚いものを造りました。 長さは2mであり、 TOKACHI269さんのもの や SUGINOKOさんのもの と同じサイズなため組み合わせることもできます。 Japanese fences are very substantial, but they were all beautiful, so we built a rusty, dirty one. It is 2 meters long and the same size as TO...
錆びた歩道橋 / rusty footbridge
Created by kasasasa
このアセットはプロップであり、歩道の機能はありません。 各自透明パスを引くことをお勧めします。 完成形とパーツの2パターン同梱しています。 アセット名は「jp rusty footbridge~」ですが、長いので「JPRF」でも検索できます。 find it!にて「pedestrian」「歩道橋」でも検索できます。 This asset is a prop and does not have sidewalk functionality. It is recommended to draw a transp...
錆びた遊具 / rusty playground equipment
Created by kasasasa
以前作った遊具アセット のリペイントです。 This is a repaint of a playground asset I made before . 検索ワードは「playground equipment」「遊具」「遊具の名前」です。 The search terms in Find it are "playground equipment" and "遊具". contents ・jp park rusty swing ・jp park rusty swing guard ・jp park rust...
電動アシスト自転車 / electric assist bicycle 【prop】
Created by kasasasa
乗り物版はこちら / vehicle version is here 電動モーター搭載の自転車です。 私は使ったことありませんが、上り坂をスイスイ上っているので相当楽できそうな印象。 ママチャリ3種と近年都市部で展開されているシェアサイクルの計4種があります。 This is a bicycle with an electric motor. I have never used...
首都高標識 SHUTO EXPWY Signs
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY Signs 2車線, 2+2車線, 3車線 <Mesh info> Main triss : 372 texture size : 512 x 256 (defuse,normal,specurar) SHUTO EXPWY sign by TOKACHI269...
飲食店の提灯 / JP Paper lantern
Created by koma
These lanterns are used to decorate the storefronts of restaurants. JP Paper lantern 01~07 7 types are included in the package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 飲食店の店頭など飾り付けられている提灯です。 JP Paper la...
駅ホームの安全確認ミラー / JP Safety mirrors
Created by koma
This is a prop of a safety confirmation mirror installed on a railroad station platform. Six types are included in the package. The prop is made longer, so you can adjust it to your desired height with Move it! R-01 to 03 and S-01 can be used for general r...
Created by hakurai
Main model Tris: 720 Texture size: 256x256 LOD model Tris: 162 Texture size: 32x32 donate PayPal ofuse 高欄_kouran by hakurai...
( PROP ) 和風公衆トイレ / JP JS Public toilet
Created by koma
This is a prop of a public restroom that might be found in a tourist spot in Japan. The color of the roof can be changed. 日本の観光地などにありそうな公衆トイレのプロップです。 屋根の色を変更可能です。 JP JS Public toilet by koma...
( PROP ) JP Garage 01~04 pack / 車庫4種パック
Created by koma
It's a garage prop. 4 types included. For housing in suburbs and vacant space in densely populated area. 車庫のプロップです。4種類同梱。 郊外の住宅や、住宅密集地の空きスペースなどに。 If grass grows on the ground after installing a garage, please use either Mod. 車庫を設置した際、地面に草が生える場合はどちらかのModをご利...
(PROP) JP Store flag pack
Created by koma
It is a "nobori flag" that is likely to be found in Japanese shopping areas and sightseeing spots. 11 types included. 日本の商店街、観光地などにありそうな「のぼり旗」です。 11種類同梱。 The design of the flag is original. The sense is bad, but please use it if you like. 旗のデザインはオリジナルです。セン...
( PROP ) JP Roadside station prop / 道の駅プロップパック
Created by koma
It is a prop pack such as a toilet in a roadside station. Three kinds of signboards are included. Please use the signboard you like. 道の駅のトイレなどのプロップパックです。 看板は3種類同梱しています。お好みの看板をお使い下さい。 JP Roadside station toilet / トイレ JP EV Charge stand / EV充電スタンド JP tssign ...
( PROP ) JP Rural bus stop / 田舎のバス停
Created by koma
It is a bus stop that seems to be located along the country road. Three types are included. 田舎の道路沿いにポツンとありそうなバス停です。 3種類同梱。 JP Rural bus stop 01 ~ 03 by koma3 ...
( PROP ) JP Suburb shop pack
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a store in various buildings. 15 types included. いろいろな建物に商店を設置できるプロップです。 15種類同梱。 JP prop cherry  スナック チェリー JP prop ekimae  駅前調剤薬局 JP prop fukuda  福田泉月堂 JP prop ichiryu  中華料理 一龍 JP prop kaminoyu  上の湯商店 JP prop kudo  工藤畳店 JP prop...
( PROP ) JP Suburb shop pack 2
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a store in various buildings. Add 10 types. いろいろな建物に商店を設置できるプロップです。 10種類を追加します。 JP prop ai ビューティーサロン あい JP prop amano おみやげ 天野商店 JP prop bisyodo 美粧堂 JP prop choju 長寿庵 JP prop dynamic ダイナミック産業 JP prop kimagure 喰い処 きまぐれ家 JP prop m...
( PROP ) JP Various Signboard / 町内会掲示板・看板各種
Created by koma
It is a bulletin board and a signboard of the neighborhood association which seems to be in a residential area in Japan. There are 2 kinds of bulletin boards and 17 kinds of signboards. 日本の住宅街にありそうな町内会の掲示板と看板です。 掲示板2種類、看板17種類です。 6/22 I added two kinds. 6/2...
( PROP ) Transportation business logo / 運送業ロゴ
Created by koma
It is a prop of the transportation business logo. Includes 6 types. Please use it for distribution warehouses and others. JP Logo Daiichi-kamotsu 第一貨物 JP Logo Fukuyama 福山通運 JP Logo Tonami トナミ運輸 JP Logo Seino 西濃運輸 JP Logo Senko センコー JP Logo Yamato ヤマト運輸 運送業...
(JP-Asset No.5)速度制限50km&駐車禁止標識
Created by hakurai
(JP-Asset No.5)速度制限50km&駐車禁止標識 by hakurai...
(PROP版) 住宅塀5パック / JP Housing fence
Created by koma
I received a comment that the housing fence I had previously released had a bug where the surrounding buildings would disappear when used on a winter map. I've created a prop version of the asset and tested it, and it doesn't seem to have the problem, so i...
(PROP) イナバ物置 / JP Inaba strage room A B
Created by koma
「やっぱりイナバ 100人乗っても大丈夫!」 でお馴染みのイナバ物置のプロップです。 2種類同梱しています。 扉のカラーは4色ランダムです。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 アマゾン欲しいものリストです。 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
(PROP) 落石注意の看板
Created by koma
酷道沿いで見かける落石注意の看板です。 2種類同梱しています。 支援 / Donate 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾンギフト券 アマゾン欲しいものリスト JP Warning Sign by koma...
(PROP) 街灯と看板いろいろ
Created by koma
第4回CSLフォトコンテストにエントリーしましたが、予選落ちで撃沈しました。 このプロップパックは、エントリー用スクリーンショット撮影のため制作したものです。 使用地域が限定されそうなプロップも含まれていますが、よろしければお使い下さい。 7種類のプロップを同梱しています。 JPRL Fuji Streetlights (本町2丁目商店街 街灯) JP Sign Fu koku (フコク生命) JP Sign Hikawa (日川時計店) JP Sign Kose JP Sign SKⅡ  JP Sign ...
(JP-Asset No.5)Japanese Route number information sign
Created by hakurai
幹線道路によくあるヤツです(適当) 不具合や気になる点、要望等がございましたらこちらへ
(PROP) 足踏み式消毒液スタンド
Created by koma
こんな世の中になるなんて、誰が想像したことでしょう・・・ 足踏み式消毒液スタンドのプロップです。 お店の入り口などに置いて使ってください。 4色ランダムカラーです。 支援 / Donate 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾンギフト券 アマゾン欲しいものリスト JP Disinfectant Stand by k...
(PROP) 野立(のだて)セット
Created by koma
Nodate is a tea ceremony where tea or powdered green tea is prepared and enjoyed outdoors. The term "nodate" is used when tea is served outdoors, especially in the tea ceremony, but it is also used when the tea ceremony follows the ancient Japanese style, ...
(PROP) JP Sign fujiya 富士屋旅館の看板
Created by koma
This prop is a signboard of Fujiya inn. 富士屋旅館の看板です。...
那珂ちゃんのファンやめます。 2 Oil Drum,4 Cannonball & 11 Iron Ingot ↓CS動畫上げてます。 燃2弾4鋼11 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Animated Blinker Lights 点滅するブリンカーライト
Created by ako_ako
ブリンカーライトのPropです。交互に点滅します! 正しく動かすためには、Ronyx69氏のAnimUV Paramsをサブスクライブする必要があります。 This is a blinker light props pack. They are blinking! You have to subscribe Ronyx 69's mod "AnimUV Params". Including BlinkerLight(Normal) : 通常版 BlinkerLight(Normal)_Low : 通常版。M...
Animated Waterfall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Let's get a feel for nature. By using Procedural Objects to change the size, you can create a wider range of waterfalls. Due to the AnimUV specification in the game, the waterfall stops in the distant view. By using the Ultimate Level Of Detail, you can ma...
Ball Fence / 防球ネット
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
※日本語の説明は下にあります。 2019.08.23 UPDATED Improved bad colors and view from far. ---- Soft fence to prevent balls. Good to place them around Japanese schools like the screenshot. Including 2 versions : Normal / Joint. Put version in every 8m with PLT. W: 8m / H: ...
Big Pichon-kun / 大ぴちょんくん
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Pichon-kun is a mascot from DAIKIN Corporation which is famous for air conditioners in Japan. This Big Pichon-kun is placed on a building around Osaka station. It shows temperature and humidity with animation. Comission This asset is sponsored by 超社畜級のゲーマー...
Chain detachable area sign
Created by Krakow131
Japanese Tire chain detachable area sign ☆Donate ☆Model info Tris: Main 72〜76 LOD 18〜28 Texture: Main 512x512 (d) LOD 256x256 (d) ...
COALCITY Maiwa Props
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Original props in my video "Reborn of the dead city" #4 「搬入車専用」jpsm_parking_cargo_entrance.crp 「駐車場空き状況P1」jpsm_parking_entrance_sign_p1.crp 「駐車場空き状況P2」jpsm_parking_entrance_sign_p2.crp 「駐車場空き状況P3」jpsm_parking_ent...
First Sketch - Draft your city
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This asset is experimental. This asset will help you in the early stages of building your city. Putting a 200 meter square decal on the ground will make the concept and direction of the city you want to build more specific and inspire your imagination. Thi...
Fuji Fire billboard 富士火災 豊田
Created by やばい
Fuji Fire billboard 富士火災 豊田 by やばい 富士火災海上保険豊田支店の看板でございます。 The Fuji Fire and Marine Insurance Toyota branch billboard. Enjoy^_^ 豊田 愛知 日本 Toyota Aichi Japan Lod fixed Guys, sorry for deleting the old version,because I don‘t know how to update an asset correc...
General purpose asset pack vol.01 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
General purpose asset pack vol.01 by 001HANNO These assets will be signs (blue signs, etc.) and signs based on the fictitious city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video "Mizuki City Live" series. Some notations do not reflect Mizuk...
General purpose asset pack vol.04 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
General purpose asset pack vol.04 by 001HANNO These assets will be signs (blue signs, etc.) and signs based on the fictitious city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video "Mizuki City Live" series. Some notations do not reflect Mizuk...
General purpose asset pack vol.06
Created by 001HANNO
General purpose asset pack vol.06 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facil...
General purpose asset pack vol.07
Created by 001HANNO
General purpose asset pack vol.07 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facil...
General purpose asset pack vol.05
Created by 001HANNO
General purpose asset pack vol.05 by 001HANNO These assets will be signs (blue signs, etc.) and signs based on the fictitious city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video "Mizuki City Live" series. Some notations do not reflect Mizuk...
General purpose asset pack vol.10 (JPCV)
Created by 001HANNO
General purpose asset pack vol.10 by 001HANNO These assets will be signs (blue signs, etc.) and signs based on the fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video "Mizuki City Live" series. Some notations do not reflect Mizuki...
General purpose asset pack vol.11 (JPCS)
Created by 001HANNO
General purpose asset pack vol.11 by 001HANNO These assets will be signs (blue signs, etc.) and signs based on the fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video "Mizuki City Live" series. Some notations do not reflect Mizuki...
GuardCable_4mR (4m and Rightmost GuardCable)
Created by E_kamu
---English--- This is a prop of Cable barrier (one of the traffic barriers). It is used and called "Guard Cable" in Japan. * alpha version Pole span : 4m+1.5m (Rightmost prop) Pole : 3 poles Color : Grey ---日本語--- ガードケーブルのプロップです。 βバージョンです 支柱間隔:4m+1.5m(一番右端...
GuardCable_L (Leftmost GuardCable)
Created by E_kamu
---English--- This is a prop of Cable barrier (one of the traffic barriers). It is used and called "Guard Cable" in Japan. * β version Pole span : 1.5m (Leftmost prop) Pole : 2 poles Color : Grey ---日本語--- ガードケーブルのプロップです。 βバージョンです 支柱間隔:1.5m(一番左端のプロップです) ポー...
Hankyu Bus Bus Stop
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Bus stops from Hankyu bus in Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe. Since these props are road related props, please use Find It! to place them. Comission This asset is sponsored by だいどう -DAIDOH-. Thank you for his commission. Specifications Prop List: ** Hankyu Bus Bus S...
Created by hakurai
ホンダ フィットのプロップです。 vehicle ver. ↓ donate ofuse PayPal HONDA FIT(GE6) PROP by hakurai...
Industrial Tank (MC-50000)
Created by omusoba3
Industrial Tank (MC-50000) Description MC-50000 (Made by Suiko in JAPAN) This tank is a 50,000 liter rotational molding tank for factories. Used in food factories and chemical factories. Outside diameter: 3,350mm Height: 7,555mm (Including handrails) Capac...
Japan Old Shed 2 蔵
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の蔵(土蔵)です。 3つの蔵を同梱しています。 Old shed "Kura" in Japan. 3 props are included. See following link for detail of "Kura". 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Information Sign / エリアマップ [PROP]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese information sign inspired from Tokyo's one. This is essential around pedestrians walk, avenues and parks. Containing local area map and directions to the stations. 千代田区仕様のエリアマップです。道路や公園、広場などにご利用ください。 Tris: 42 / 42 Tex: 512x512 / 128x128 ...
Japan Old Shed 1 蔵
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の蔵(土蔵)です。 3つの蔵を同梱しています。 Old shed "Kura" in Japan. 3 props are included. See following link for detail of "Kura". 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Japan Post Sign 郵便局の看板
Created by ako_ako
郵便局の看板のPropです。 適当なビルに据え付けることで雰囲気を郵便局に出来るかも? 赤とオレンジの2種類が追加されます。 赤いものが現行版、オレンジのものは置き換えされていない旧版のようです。 Propの共通カテゴリに表示されます。"Japan Post Sign"で検索しても出てきます。 Sighboard of Japanese Post Office. Including Red and Orange. Red one is used currently. Recommended Mod More...
Japan Post Sign 1
Created by hakurai
Japan Post Sign 1 by hakurai...
Japan Post Signs
Created by Ronyx69
Includes the Japan Post logo and a central post office sign. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Can be used for any japanese post office. Main: 46 - 76 tris 256x256 LOD: 10 - 36 tris Twitch Yo...
Japan Power Line Caution Banner
Created by OSARUSAN
「送電線注意」垂れ幕です。 3種セットとなっています。 仕様 高さ:5 m 幅:1 m 傾き:3度 "Caution: Power Line" Banner. 3 banners set. Specification Height: 5 m Width: 1 m Tilt: 3 degrees 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Japan Shed 1 納屋
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の納屋です。 3つの納屋を同梱しています。 Shed in Japan. 3 props are included. 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Japan Shed 2 納屋
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の納屋です。 3つの納屋を同梱しています。 Shed in Japan. 3 props are included. 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援いただければ幸いです。 If you like my works, please consider a small donation by following the platform link below. Support on Twitter Support on YouTube Support on Paypal Su...
Japan Substation Set 1
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の変電所セットです。 以下のアセットを含みます。写真も参照ください。 Substation in Japan. Including following assets. See picture for the detail. See following link for how to place components of substation. 仕様/Specification 1-1: 1回線鉄構/Single Circuit Steel Structure Network 1-2: 2回線鉄構/Do...
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN Drink vending machines appeared in Japan in the middle of the Meiji era, and the number of installed drink vending machines is now about 2.5 million units nationwide. ASSET LIST Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, ...
Japanese coffee shop 喫茶店看板
Created by [JP]@sayaka
Japanese coffee shop 喫茶店看板 by @sayaka...
Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパートの看板
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Signs of Japanese department stores. Good for decorating with my "Japanese Department Store" Quick Usage: Search "JPSS" on Find it!. This pack includes 7 props: - Atre - Opa 1 / 2 - PARCO - ...
Japanese Directional Signs Pack / 日本の案内標識(青看板)パック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese common directional signs. There are these blue boards near the intersections. Search "JPTS" on Find It! or find in prop menu. Package: * JPTS-intersection-T-L / T-intersection Left and straight * JPTS-intersection-T-R / T-intersection Right and st...
Japanese Electrical Cubicle (substation equipment)
Created by takagi
These are Japanese substation equipment placed by/on small building. Many convenience stores have these types of cubicles. JPEC_ElectricalCubicle1 by takagi JP Japanese JPN transfoming transfomation substation equipment unit...
Japanese Fence and Wall pack 1
Created by Sakura
Japanese Fence and Wall pack 1 I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: A Collec...
Japanese Fire Hydrant Sign 日本の消火栓標識
Created by Dyglone
This is a typical japanese "fire hydrant sign(Shokasen Hyoshiki)" prop. Because of Japan's narrow land,most fire hydrants are constructed under the roads. This sign may help japanese firefighters to find them! Category is Industrial prop. 日本のよくある「消火栓標識」です。...
Japanese Flag Pack (Waving)
Created by SamhitApple
Note: All 5 flags have a waving animation! This pack contains: - JapaneseFlag (big & small) +Added with 05/04/20 update: - Rising Sun / Asahi Flag (big & small) - Japanese Royal Flag (only small) For Half the file size and loading time, take advantage of t...
Japanese Garbage can
Created by Krakow131
自動販売機の横などにおけるゴミ箱です デフォルトや既存のアセットのゴミ箱はおしゃれすぎたので取り急ぎ作りました japanese garbage can to throw away plastic bottles....
Japanese Noise Barrier (JPNB)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a type of road noise barrier (Network) that is often seen on Japanese expressways. The motif is based on the TOKYO-GAIKAN Expressway, Tomei Expressway, and Hanshin Expressway. The curved wall has a special light attached to it. This is a great way ...
Japanese Foods Vending Machine PACK
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Foods Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN It is a food vending machine installed in offices and drive-in. ASSET LIST Curry Toast CupNoodle Tenpurasoba & Ramen NITIREI FOODS Pastry ...
Japanese Railway Speed Limit Sign 日本風鉄道速度制限標識
Created by Nigorilla
日本風の鉄道の速度制限標識です。Find itではJPRPと検索してください Posted 2019/10/31 以下の7種を作成、投稿しました JPRP_35km/h JPRP_45km/h JPRP_60km/h JPRP_85km/h JPRP_95km/h JPRP_120km/h JPRP_Seigenkaijo 35km/45km/60km/85km/95km/120kmとおまけに制限解除標識の7セットです。左右分岐用の標識は今はありません。ごめんなさい Updated 2019/11/3 以下...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック用のプロップです。 Japanese Residential Props by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by Ronyx69
Props for my modern japanese houses. Found in industrial props menu or search "r69 jp res prop". Some of the props are random prop variations of an empty container prop, however you can still plop individual props. Main: 10 - 64 tris 32x32 - 512x256 LOD: 1...
Japanese Road Markings Pack / 日本の道路標示
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----------------------------- UPDATE: 2020/5/11 Added 1 decal. - Left and Right arrow ----------------------------- ----------------------------- UPDATE: 2019/10/27 Added 3 decals. - Orange line compatible with Konno Model's new roads - Orange turning lane...
Japanese Roadside Signs ( Welcome and Road Safety ) / 日本のようこそ看板と交通安全標語
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical roadside signs meaning "Welcome to our town" and "Road Safety". In rural areas and sightseeing spots ,there are many unique welcome signs. We can see road safety signs along major roads as well. There are 3 variants of welcome signs : an O...
Japanese Station Entrance v2
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the new version from my old Station Entrance. You can make custom stations with other large buildings. There are 3 props in this asset: 1) JR EAST style module 2) No station sign module 3) No sign, no pillars module ( for connecting ) This modules ...
Japanese temple prop pack
Created by TOKACHI269
Temple stone lantern 石灯籠 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Traffic Lights Decoration Props
Created by ako_ako
信号機を装飾するPropのパックです。 画像にあるPropが追加されます。必要ない物は、コンテンツマネージャーから削除してください。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。"JPTLProp"で検索しても出てきます。 This is a JPTL Decoration Props pack. They are in the under of the Industrial props. Also you can search with "JPTLProp". If you don't need some pr...
Japanese_Police Motorcycle VFR800P 白バイ PROP
Created by sanyu321
Officially, it is written as a motorcycle for traffic control. Vehicle please click here↗️。 Description Search "Motorcycle" or "VFR800P" on Find It! This is the Japanese name for a white-painted motorcycle equipped with various equipment necessary for traf...
Created by Hibuna93
日本の川の名前が書かれた看板集です。川の名前は作者が適当に選びました。 Content 荒川 Arakawa 信濃川 Sinanogawa 四万十川 Simantogawa 長良川 Nagawagawa はげ川 Hagegawa 富良野川 Huranogawa 目黒川 Megurogawa 淀川 Yodogawa Contact twitter...
Japanese_Tamping Machine 近鉄つくつくぼうし保線車両 PROP
Created by sanyu321
This is the tamping machine vehicle of the Kintetsu Railway in Japan, called つくつくぼうし (Meimuna opalifera). It looks like it usually stops at the vehicle base next to Yamato Saidaiji Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line. Also known as the doctor of Kintetsu. Se...
Japanese_Work Train Pack 事業用車パック
Created by sanyu321
It is a pack of work train. It seems that most of them are parked at the depot, so some people have never seen it. Search "Work Train" on Find It! Vehicle please click here↗️. Description It doesn't shine. I made it 1: 1. I omitted the details in considera...
JHTS 首都高 入口 標識 Shutoko Entrance Sign
Created by OSARUSAN
首都高の入口標識です。10種類を同梱しています。 Shutoko (Japan Metropolitan Expressway) Entrance Sign. 10 props included. 首都高装飾シリーズ 出口標識: こちら 入口標識: 本作品 ナンバリング標識: Coming soon... 分岐標識: Coming soon... 補助標識: Coming soon... 道路情報板: こちら POフォントシリーズ 道路番号用フォント: こちら 道路情報板用フォント: こちら 支援/Dona...
JHTS 首都高 出口 標識 Shutoko Exit Sign
Created by OSARUSAN
首都高の出口標識です。14種類を同梱しています。 モデルおよびテクスチャは神乃木さん・にゴリラさんの以下の作品を改変して作成しました。 この場をお借りして御礼申し上げます。 Shutoko (Japan Metropolitan Expresswa...
JCL500NK tower crane v1
Created by Shady311
JCL500NK tower crane v1 without logo JCL500NK タワークレーン Model Information: Tower crane JCL500NK V1 high- 35 metres poligons- 3399 Tris textures- 1024 x 1024 LOD poligons- 1234 Tris textures- 512 x 512 Find: Parks and Plazas >> Props...
JP グレーチング - 道路装飾プロップ/Grating - props to decorate the road
Created by kasasasa
道路を装飾するプロップです。デカールではありません。 バニラ道路など、車道部分が下がっている道路に対してはプロップが浮いてしまい綺麗に設置できないので、MOD「Procedural Objects」などの活用をお勧めします。 These are props for decorating road. These are not decal. The prop floats and cannot be installed neatly, for example vanilla road which has di...
JP スロープ付き階段 / stair with slope
Created by kasasasa
高低差のある住宅街に使える階段をイメージしました。 自転車を押して通れる階段スロープ付きです。 ほぼすべてに手すりありverとなしverを用意してます。 I image stairs that can be used in a residential area with difference heights. These have a slope that you to push your bicycle. Almost all have whit a handrail version and no han...
JP トタン屋根の駐輪場 / zinc roof bicycle parking
Created by kasasasa
※私の画面でサブアイテムが表示されない不具合が発生しているので、同じような不具合が発生している方は以下のリンクからサブアイテムのサブスクをお願いします。(21/09/29) I am experiencing a problem with sub-items not showing up on my screen, so if you are experiencing the same problem, please use the following link to subscribe to the su...
JP 公園の看板 / japanese park sign
Created by kasasasa
町名+番号で表記されるタイプの看板です。 1号~3号の看板とそれぞれの無地のものが同梱されています。 無地の看板をPOしてオリジナルの看板を作ることも可能です。 This is a sign that is indicated by the town name + number. No.1~No.3 signs and their respective plain ones are included in the package. It is possible to make your own origin...
JP 宅配便ロッカー / delivery locker
Created by kasasasa
オープン型宅配便ロッカーであるPUDOステーションです。 駅やスーパー、コンビニ、ドラッグストアに設置されており、24時間いつでも荷物の受け取ったり送ったりすることが可能となります。 あなたの街に設置することでより生活感を表現することができるかもしれません。 大小2つのロッカーが同梱されています。 This is a PUDO station which is an open-type parcel delivery locker. Installed in stations, supermarkets, ...
JP 日本の遊具 / japanese playground equipment
Created by kasasasa
日本の遊具を集めました。 うんてい、シーソー、ジャングルジム、スプリング遊具、ターザンロープ、ブランコ、ブランコの柵、滑り台、鉄棒 の全9種(遊具8種+関連アイテム1種)のプロップが同梱されています。 住宅街のちょっとした空きスペースにでも公園を作って設置してあげてください。 This is a collection of Japanese playground equipment. Includes 9 types of equipment (8 types of playground equipment...
JP 貸しコンテナ / rental container
Created by kasasasa
貸しコンテナを運営する「ハローストレージ」です。 カテゴリーは公園、サイズは2×2と3×3となっています。 平地に簡単に設置することを目的としています。 It is a rental container that Japanese company run. it is a park. Its size are 2×2 and 3×3. Since it is vulnerable to height differences, it is intended to be easily installed on ...
JP 駐輪場の屋根 / bicycle parking roof
Created by kasasasa
アパートやマンションの駐輪場として使われている屋根のアセットです。 屋根単体のプロップと自転車込みの建物アセットの各2種類ずつ梱包しています。 SUGINOKOさんの自転車ラックとの相性も良いです。 These are assets for roofs used as bicycle parking lots in apartments and condominiums. We are packing two types each of the prop for the roof alone and the...
JP (prop pack) 貸しコンテナ / rental container
Created by kasasasa
コンテナと関連するアイテムのプロップパックになります。 It is a prop pack that has Items related to containers. ・container ・container_high ・container_signboard ・container_signboard2 ・container_stair ★寄付・お布施について★ よろしければ下記よりご支援についてもご検討いただければと思います。 container by...
JP Activity Poster Pack
Created by Osacania
Prop pack of posters that can be seen everywhere in Japan. 24 props included in pack. The photos of people are generated by Stable Diffusion2. All organization and person names used in this asset are fictitious. Any political activity using this asset is n...
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs texture : 512*256...
JP Bench Park set 座ってくれるベンチセット
Created by Takamon27
It is a 1x1 park where citizens can sit on JP benches. Use MoveIt to move to any position you like! JP Bench Set is required. ↓ レトロベンチセット(
JP bench Set レトロベンチセット
Created by Takamon27
A prop set of 4 types of benches. Each has a new one and an old one. 昭和レトロな感じのベンチセットです。 4種類でそれぞれ新品と使い古された(中古)タイプがあります。 1-4は木製のベンチ5-8は樹脂製のベンチになります。 7,8は無地になっていますのでPOに変えてスクリーンショットのようにオリジナルベンチを作ることができます。 またプロップペインターによる色変えにも対応しています。 2021/6/10 座面の高さを変更しました。 1 J...
JP Big snow pole (Yahane)
Created by Koh
Big snow pole in Hokkaido, Japan. You can found in "Find It!", please search "Yahane". JP Big snow pole Yahane by Koh...
JP Building Material Shop Signs 建材店の看板
Created by EXYN4
Japanese building material shop(factory/office) sign pack. ・LIXIL ・Sankyo Aluminium ・TOTO ・YKK ap ・Takara Standard...
JP Bus stop KT01
japanese bus stop prop...
JP Car ferry port entrance gate
Car ferry port entrance gate made by TOBU_Isesaki...
JP Car Port
Created by SUGINOKO ver.1.0 モデル情報/Model info ●日本のカーポートです。 ・Japanese car port. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is a ruin and can be placed freely. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 55cm. ●以下の21種類が同包されています。 ・The following 21 types are include...
JP Car Shutter
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.1 ■ 日本のカーシャッターです。 ▪ Japanese car shutter. ■ 以下の21種類が同包されています。 ▪ The following 21 types are included. C_Shutter-CA1P×1 C_Shutter-CA2P×1 42 256×256/a/c/d/n/s
JP Catenary KT01
Japanese Catenary pillar 架線柱です。ちょっとポリゴン多いです。1200ちょっと...
JP Catenary KT01-3
JP Catenary KT01-3 by Konno Model...
JP Catenary KT01-X
JP Catenary KT01-X by Konno Model...
JP catenary pillar KT02
JP catenary pillar KT02 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP catenary pillar KT03
JP catenary pillar KT03 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP catenary pillar KT03-X
JP catenary pillar KT03-X...
JP catenary pillar KT04
JP catenary pillar KT04 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP catenary pillar KT05
JP catenary pillar KT05 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP Classic Road Light
Created by hakurai
JP Classic Road Light by hakurai...
JP Classic Road Light S
Created by hakurai
JP Classic Road Light S by hakurai...
JP Concrete Block Wall 1
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.0 ■ 日本のコンクリートブロックです。 ▪ Japanese concrete block wall. ■ 以下の126種類が同包されています。 ▪ The following 126 types are included. CB_Wall-CA1P00b CB_Wall-CA1P00c CB_Wall-CA1P00d CB_Wall-CA1P00n CB_Wall-...
JP Concrete Block Wall 2
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 ■ 日本のコンクリートブロックです。 ▪ Japanese concrete block wall. ■ 以下の39種類が同包されています。 ▪ The following 39 types are included. CB_Wall-CB1P00n 20 128×512/d/n CB_Wall-C...
JP Countrysign カントリーサイン
Created by Nigorilla
市町村境にあるカントリーサインです。正式名称は案内標識の「(101)市町村」と呼ぶらしいのですが、主に市町村章を取り入れたものをカントリーサインと呼ぶようです。 内容 JP_Countrysign1...原戸市 JP_Countrysign1B...原戸市(市章なし) JP_Countrysign2...小原町 JP_Countrysign2B...小原町(町章なし) JP_Countrysign3B...南区(区章なし) JP_Countrysign4B...白川県(県章なし) 柱アセットもご一緒にどうぞ...
JP Crossing and Route Sign 日本風道路標識「青看板」
Created by Nigorilla
青看板単体のアセットです。設置の自由度を上げるために柱はありません。必要に応じて別途用意してください このアセットはRyuichi Kaminogi氏制作の Japanese Directional Signs Pack / 日本の案内標識(青看板)パック から標識部分のモデルを使用させていただきました。この場をお借りして感謝申し上げます 私の制作した柱がおすすめです シンプル...
JP Convenience Store Parking Board
Created by gatomo
This asset often appears on Japanese convenience stores. The sentences mean: 1. Do not park here if you are not our customer. 2. Turn off engine, car audio and lights. 3. Separate and throw away trash. 日本のコンビニにありがちな看板を作成しました。...
JP Disaster Speaker 防災行政無線
Created by EXYN4
Japanese emergency broadcast system speaker. 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. 𝙉𝙤 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙,𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙇𝘾 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮. ...
JP Driving School Prop Pack
Created by Osacania
Props for training courses of Japanese driving schools. Pack contains 14 props. Contents Number Asset name (English) Information JPDS-1 Obstacle Obstacle for crank courses, S curve courses, parallel parking training area, reverse training area. Contains 2 ...
JP Expressway other signs / JEOS
Created by irokoro/1656
JP expwy other signs. This asset pack has more maniacal signs on Japanese expressway. Search for "JEOS" in Find it. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ List of marks in the upper left corner of the asset thumbnail Green)【Po】 Recommend using ProceduralObjects Red)【Po】 Require...
JP Faucet Pillar & JP Hose Reels 水栓柱とホースリール
Created by Takamon27
蛇口、水栓柱、ホースリールのPropになります。 蛇口1種類、水栓柱3種類、ホースリール2種類を同梱しています。 Prop for faucets, faucet columns, and hose reels. Includes 1 type of faucet, 3 types of faucet pillars, and 2 types of hose reels....
JP Fire Hydrant and Hose Storage Box
Created by Takamon27
This prop is a Japanese fire hydrant and hose storage box. 消火栓とホース格納箱のプロップです。 The texture has been changed to support color variations. テクスチャを変更しカラーバリエーションに対応しました。...
JP Exterior Base B&C
Created by SUGINOKO ver.1.1 モデル情報/Model info ●日本の外構基礎です。 ・Japanese exterior base. ●基礎は3m埋没しています。 ・The foundation is buried 3m. ●1作目はこちらからどうぞ。 ・Click here for the first work. ●以下の38種類が同包されています。 ・The following 38 types are included. Img Name Tris...
JP Election Posters Board/JPEPB - 選挙ポスター掲示場プロップ
Created by Nigorilla
時事ネタアセットです。選挙前に街の至る所で見かけるアレです。「erection」ではありません。衆議院選挙のものを制作しています Japanese election posters board...
JP Fire Prevention Signs
Created by EXYN4
Including 5 types....
JP Flag Rugby
Created by Sakura
JP Flag Rugby P.S. Its Japanese (too many ppl say Chinese)...
JP Gate Pole -JPGP 門型支柱
Created by Nigorilla
幅広道路の装飾に欠かせない門型の支柱です。必要に応じてProcedural Objectsなどで修正してください Special Thanks この支柱のモデルは、JP Variable Sign F型・門型可変標識 の門型のものを一部改変して制作しています。元のモデルはkaminogiさんに制作していただきました。この場を借りてお礼申し上げます F型、逆L型はこちら...
JP Gas Cylinder Pack
Created by jaijai
JP Gas Cylinder Prop Pack This asset contains 6 props. There are two types of cylinders: 20kg and 30kg. Asset Details 20kg A Triangles: 132 (23), Texture: 128x128 (32x32) 20kg A4 Triangles: 528 (48), Texture: 128x128 (32x32) 20kg B Triangles: 372 (36), Tex...
JP Guard Pipe Arch A
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.7.1 ■ 日本のガードパイプです。以下の78種類が同梱されています。 ▪ It is a Japanese guard pipe arch. The following 78 types are included. ■ このアセットは作成者の意向によって変更する場合があります。 ▪ This asset is subject to change at the discretion of the author.
JP Guard Pipe B
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本のガードパイプです。 ・Japanese guard pipe. ●パイプの外径は全てΦ60.5mmです。 ・The outer diameter of all pipes is Φ60.5mm. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 25cm. ●1作目のガードパイプはこちらからどうぞ。 ・1作目 ●以下の35種類が同包されています。 ・The following 35 types are i...
JP Guard Pole
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.1 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本のガードポールです。 ・Jpanese guard pole. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 25cm. ●このアセットは鎖が揺れます。 ・This asset chain sways. ●以下の22種類が同包されています。 ・The following 22 types are included. Img Name Tris
JP Industrial garbage bin 産廃用コンテナ
Created by Nabezow
JP Industrial garbage bin by Nabezow This is garbage bin for Industry. 極貧の地方から蜘蛛の子を散らすように撤退する、中央資本のパチ屋やスーパーの駐車場に置かれているアレです。...
JP Japanese Electrical Cabinet (JPEC)
Created by takagi
JPEC Electrical Cabinet by takagi This is a cabinet to supply electricity in high voltage (6000V). This cabinet has switches which stop an electrical current. In many cases, electricity is supplied by utility poles in Japan, but it is supplied by undergrou...
JP Johshuya sign prop pack
Created by koma
It is a signboard prop of Johshuya. Includes 5 types. 上州屋の看板プロップです。 5種類同梱。 JP Johshuya sign prop pack by koma...
JP Kerosene Can 灯油ポリタンク
Created by EXYN4
I made this because winter is cold and painful. Red version is common in east, blue version is common in west japan....
JP Lane Arrow Sign JPTLS - 通行区分標識
Created by Nigorilla
概要 通行区分標識のpropセットです。すべて標識単体なので、柱など必要に応じて別アセットを利用してください Find it!で検索する際は以下の内容リストを参考に検索してください 内容 2021/10/10 Updated JPTSL_B JP_TLS1~5のサイズ拡大版です JPTSL_B1 JPTSL_B2 JPTSL_B3 JPTSL_B4 JPTSL_B5 JPTS_LA JP_TLS1~5の電照式版です JPTS_LA1 JPTS_LA2 JPTS_LA3 JPTS_LA4 JPTS_LA5 J...
JP Light Pole
Created by SUGINOKO ver.1.1 モデル情報/Model info ●日本のライトポールです。 ・Japanese light pole. ●支柱は55cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 55cm. ●このアセットは光ります。 ・This asset giows. ●以下の14種類が同包されています。 ・The following 14 types are included. Img Name Tris https://i.imgu...
JP M Bicycle Parking Lot
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本のコインサイクルパーキングです。 ・Japanese metered bicycle parking lot. ●以下の5種類が同包されています。 ・The following 5 types are included. Img Name...
JP Mesh Fence
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 ■ 日本のメッシュフェンスです。 ▪ Japanese mesh fence. ■ 以下の40種類が同包されています。 ▪ The following 40 types are included. M_Fence-CA1P02b M_Fence-CA1P02c M_Fence-CA1P02d M_Fence-CA1P02g M_Fence-CA1P02w 78 25...
JP MS Parking Lot Custom
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の機械式立体駐車場です。 ・Japanese mlti-story parking lot. ●支柱から2.5cm分上げています。 ・2.5cm fried from the strut. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is aruin and can be placed freely. ●以下の15種類が同包されています。 ・The following 15 types are included. I...
JP Mini Supermarket Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
There are three types of Prop: small supermarkets that are fitted into the ground floor of condominiums and other areas. JP ASP Seijo Ishii Japanese Supermarket "Seijo Ishii" JP ASP Coop mini Japanese Supermarket "Coop mini" in Osaka, Kobe JP ASP My Basket...
JP Multi Pop Sign Set マルチポップサインセット
Created by Takamon27
屋外用樹脂製スタンド看板のプロップです。 6種類各2色を同梱しています。 This is a prop for an outdoor resin stand signboard. 6 types and 2 colors each are included....
JP Multi Pop Sign Set 2 マルチポップサインセット2
Created by Takamon27
高速道路のサービスエリアによくある屋外用樹脂製スタンド看板のプロップです。 全4種類でそれぞれNEXCO東日本、中日本、西日本のバージョンを同梱しています。 (ロゴの色が違うだけですが・・・) This is an outdoor resin stand signboard prop commonly found in highway service areas in Japan. All 4 types are included with NEXCO East Japan, Central Japan, ...
JP Old mailboxes / 郵便差出箱1号 丸型&角型
Created by koma
This is a prop of an old Japanese mailbox. Post Box No. 1 (Round) Post Box No. 1 (Square) Two types are included in the package. Support / Donate If you can support us, please consider it. Ofuse Amazon Gift Certificate f0501am...
JP Old Train Approach Indicator (not animating) 列車接近表示機
Created by EXYN4
Japanese Old Train Approach Indicator. Used as an alarm for railroad crossings in stations. Including lighting version and off version. Tris: 64 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 34 LOD Texture: 64x64...
JP Overpass wall 高架下の擁壁+法面
Created by Goemon
Overpass wall 高架下に設置する擁壁+法面のパックです。 壁の高さは7.5m...
JP Old Wooden Fence
Created by EXYN4
Japanese traditional wooden fence, called "Yamatobei(大和塀)" Including 2m, 4m, 8m types....
JP parking billboard 許可車輛専用駐車場の看板1
Created by rakrak
工業団地近くの駅や、公共施設にありそうな看板です。 駅ロータリーの一角や、市役所の駐車場などに置いてみてください。...
JP Parking Lot Light
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese light for parking lots inspired from Panasonic's one. 2 props are included. One is double-side, the other is single-side. You can use them for station squares or parks as well. Specifications 4.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 66(48), 98(64) Textures Mai...
JP Pipe Garage 1 パイプ車庫
Created by にる~ niroo
JP Pipe Garage 1 日本のパイプ車庫です。 小さいサイズで、物置やバイク、駐輪場として使われています。 Tris:57 texture:512*512...
JP Pipe Garage 2 パイプ車庫
Created by にる~ niroo
JP Pipe Garage 2 日本のパイプ車庫です。 大きいサイズで、軽自動車にぴったりです。 Tris:119 texture:512*512...
JP Platform Basic pack
Created by hanamaru
日本の在来線プラットホーム Generic platform in Japan ■Items - JP Platform Center 8M - JP Platform Left - JP Platform Right (2020/9/10 Updated) - JP Platform Center 24M - JP Platform Edge Center 2M - JP Platform Edge Center 8M - JP Platform Edge Center 24M - JP Platform...
JP Platform Extension Pack - Curve -
Created by hanamaru
日本の在来線プラットフォーム / 拡張パック - カーブ - Generic platform in Japan / Extension Pack - Curve - ■Items - JP Platform Curve Left 16M - JP Platform Curve Left 32M - JP Platform Curve Left Half 16M - JP Platform Curve Right 16M - JP Platform Curve Right 32M - JP Platform...
JP Planter Pack
Created by stop it D
A collection of planters commonly seen around Japan. Perfect for decorating the area in front of apartment buildings, offices, train stations, and other public spaces. Grass, trees, plants, or other decorations are not included. They extend pretty far bene...
JP Platform Extension Pack - Fence&Stair -
Created by hanamaru
日本の在来線プラットフォーム / 拡張パック - フェンス&階段 - Generic platform in Japan / Extension Pack - Fence&Stair - ■Items - JP Platform Fence 0.5M - JP Platform Fence 1M - JP Platform Fence 1.5M - JP Platform Fence 2M - JP Platform Fence 4M - JP Platform Fence Gate - JP Platfo...
JP Platform Extension Pack - Half -
Created by hanamaru
日本の在来線プラットフォーム / 拡張パック - ハーフ - Generic platform in Japan / Extension Pack - Half - ■Items - JP Platform Center Half 8M - JP Platform Center Half 24M - JP Platform Left Half - JP Platform Right Half ■Contact :
JP Platform Extension Pack - Utilities -
Created by hanamaru
日本の在来線プラットフォーム / 拡張パック - ユーティリティ - Generic platform in Japan / Extension Pack - Utilities - ■Items - JP Platform Asphalt 1x1 - JP Platform Asphalt 1x2 - JP Platform Asphalt 2x2 - JP Platform Asphalt 1x8 - JP Platform Asphalt 1x24 - JP Platform Wall 1M - JP...
JP Railway Crossing Props
Created by EXYN4
Including 1 sign and optical sensor....
JP Recycling Box 回収ボックス
Created by jaijai
These are often set up in the eaves of supermarkets. People are willing to use them. Asset Details Triangles: 176, Texture: 256x256 LoD Triangles: 20, LoD Texture: 32x32(auto generated)...
JP Red Barrier
Created by newp
Red wooden barriers for places under construction, temples or places that you want to make seem that no cars are allowed. (Or really anything else) The barriers are based off barriers in Kitakyushu near the castle SPECS TRIS: 232 TEXTURE: 1024x1024...
JP Railroad Switch Machine
Created by Koh
Japanese Electric railroad switch machine prop, For Railway Narrow. This asset for 1067mm gauge railway assets. tris : 1000 texture : 512*512 Turnout , Point , Railroad Swith ...
JP Rock shed ロックシェッド
Created by にる~ niroo
日本風ロックシェッドです 右側、左側、中間部分の3パーツに分かれています。(画像1~3枚目参照) Move itなどを使用されることをお勧めします。 find it では、rockで検索してみてください。 This is Japanese Rock shed. This prop is divided into three parts: right, center and left.(see 1~3 images) I recommend using MOVE IT. To find it, do a se...
JP Sightseeing Prop Pack ( JPSP )
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a Prophet version of various things you can find in sightseeing spots in Japan. I think they will be very useful when creating tourist spots, in front of train stations, etc. There are some examples in the video series I am producing. https://youtu...
JP Staircase
Created by newp
Staircase based off one in Yanaka Ginza District. There are two different versions of the staircase, one with pots and one without the pots. I dont know how to describe the size measurements so I included a few pictures to show its size in relation to the ...
JP Rotating Sign
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の回転看板です。 ・Japanese rotating sign. ●このプロップは回転します。 ・This prop rotates. ●以下の1種類が同包されています。 ・The following 1 types are included. Img NameRotating Sign 1 Tris118・38 Tex128*/d/s/i/a・32*/d 支援/Do...
JP Shrine Props 神社用小物
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese Shrine Props Make your own shrine! Shrine assets by four Japanese asset creators. The main shrine modeled after Katori Jingu Shrine, 6 types of buildings, and 37 types of Props. Katori Jingu Shrine is an ancient shrine in Chiba Prefecture that is ...
JP Sluice Gate Pack 水門パック
Created by Takamon27
This asset is a pack of sluices in Japanese agricultural canals. このアセットは日本の農業用水路にある水門のパックです。 Eight types of props are included. スピンドル式の水平巻上機とベベル巻上機の2種類の水門で 開いている物、閉まっている物、錆びついた物の計8個はいっています。 1 JP Sluice Gate 01 Open  水平巻上機 開 2 JP Sluice Gate 01 Closed  水平巻上...
JP Station Elevator for type3 modular station
Created by konfox0527
JP store flag-cashless payment
Created by Krakow131
Find it!で"JP store flag"と検索すれば出てきます...
JP StreetLamp in Koshigoe
Created by hanamaru
江ノ電の併用軌道区間として知られる腰越商店街の街灯をモデルにしたPropです。 A street lamp prop which was modeled after one in Koshigoe Shopping Street, along with the Enoshima Electric Railway (Enoden). ■Items - JPRL Green StreetLamp - JPRL Green StreetLamp Rusted ■Contact : https://twitter....
JP Style Baseball Score board 1  草野球場のスコアボード
Created by rakrak
日本の河川敷によくある草野球場のスコアボードです。 9イニング制のものになっています。7イニング制の物も作る予定です。...
JP Style baseball score board 2 草野球場のスコアボード(7回制)
Created by rakrak
日本の河川敷や学校にある、草野球・少年野球用のスコアボードです。 7イニング用です。校庭・河川敷・野球場などに置いてみてください。...
JP Style Curb Pack
TOKT Curb 1m by Konno Model...
JP style soccer score board 1 日本風のサッカー用スコアボード
Created by rakrak
河川敷や学校にありそうな、サッカー用のスコアボードです。 ラグビー等ほかのフィールドスポーツ用としても使えるかもしれません。...
JP Super Million Hair Ad
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: Well this is just simple. I saw it in S...
JP Takashimaya Props
Created by EXYN4
Japanese department store Takashimaya signs and awnings. Decorate the buildings by yourself....
JP Tree Support
Created by SUGINOKO ver.1.0 モデル情報/Model info ●日本の樹木支持です。 ・Japanese tree support. ●以下の4種類が同包されています。 ・The following 4 types are included. Img Name Tris Tree Support 1 33・33 Tree ...
JP Temporary Guardrail 5m 仮設ガードレール5m
Created by Takafumi3ry2ta
工事現場や拡幅中の道路などで使用されている仮設ガードレールです. ...
JP type i shed pack イ型シェッド
Created by にる~ niroo
日本風イ型シェッドです 右側、左側、中間部分の3パーツに分かれています。(画像1~3枚目参照) Move itなどを使用されることをお勧めします。 find it では、shed,rockなどで検索してみてください。 This is Japanese type i shed. This prop is divided into three parts: right, center and left.(see 1~3 images) I recommend using MOVE IT. To find it,...
JP Utility Pole Equipment Random 柱上機器 ランダム
Created by OSARUSAN
以下のアセットに必須です。 Required for following asset. 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援いただければ幸いです。 If you like my works, please consider a small donation by following the platform link below. Support o...
JP Variable Sign F型・門型可変標識
Created by Nigorilla
きめ細やかな交通規制の実施に欠かせない可変標識です。夜は光ります Special Thanks:Kaminogi 2021/10/12 Bug Fixed F型の支柱のモデルにミスがあったので修正しました...
JP-Business street items【一】
Created by waya
Business street items【一】...
JP Windsock 吹流し
Created by Takamon27
高速道路など橋の上やトンネルの出口など、風が通りやすいところに設置されている吹流しのアセットです。 NEXCO東日本、中日本、西日本のロゴ入とストライプの4種類あり、それぞれ吹流しの角度のが2種類あります。 ストライプの吹流しはプロップペインターMODで色を変更することができます。 NEXCO東日本 Windsock (NEXCO East Japan).crp (風速3m〜5m) NEXCO東日本2 Windsock (NEXCO East Japan)2.crp (風速10m以上) NEXCO中日本 W...
Created by suudon3
JP-Logo_of_Kawasaki by suudon3 カワサキのロゴです。 夜は光ります(多分)。...
Created by waya
JP-QingdaoBeach-RentalStore by waya...
Created by suudon3
JP-Saizeriya_AD by suudon3 Saizeriya signs. Italian restaurant in Japan. サイゼリヤの看板です。 以上です。...
JPRC 日本の踏切用小物 Japan Railway Crossing Props
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の踏切用小物です。 6種類のPropを同梱しています。 制限高標識はPOを使って幅を調整できます。 Japan Railway Crossing Props. 6 props are included. You can adjust width of Height Limit pole by PO. 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援いただければ幸いです。 If you like my works, please consider a small donation by f...
Created by waya
JP-VendingMachine-36kinds Most of them are 160x160 24 triangles,Thank you for the photo support of Mr. Kaminogi, Mr. Shibakata and Mr. Koma....
JPTS_No Entry Road Signs Pack 日本の通行止看板セット
Created by sanyu321
日本でよく見える通行止の12本セットです。 Search "JPTS_No" on Find It! 自分の好みでプロップを配置してください。Procedural Objectsで(会社名や電話番号など)を自由に編集できます。 注意 アップデートしました(変更履歴をご覧にください)。 同包 以下の12種類が同包されています。 JP_Road Closed 01 通行止 JP_Road Closed 02 この先通行止 JP_Road Closed 03 車両通行止 JP_Road Closed 04 工事通...
JPTS_Japanese Bike Signs Set 自転車の標識セット
Created by sanyu321
日本でよく見る自転車に関する標識セットです。 従来のバージョンはこちら↗️(非推奨)。 Search "JPTS_J" or "bike sign" on Find It! 説明 安全・安心な交通環境整備に目指しましょう!そのためこのセットを作りました。 自分の好みでプロップを設置してください。緑の標識(サムネイル)は電柱に付けるタイプです(JP_Countrysign_poleと一緒に使いましょう!こちら↗️)。 日本の規制・指示標識 JP Traffic Signは こちら↗️。 他の一方通行標識は こ...
JPRL-3-A 灯籠風道路灯
Created by hakurai
筥崎宮の目の前を通る福岡県道21号線の道路灯をモデルに作りました。 日本の神社のアセットと合わせて使うとエモい街ができると思います。 SSはkaminogi氏に撮っていただきました。 JPRL-3-A 灯籠風道路灯 by hakurai 支援 Donate ・ofuse→ ・PayPal→
Created by Alfred_Meyer
JP_Ad_Undertaker by suudon3 日本のどこかにありそうな葬儀屋さんの看板です。 It is a advertisement board of a funeral director likely to be somewhere in Japan. 作成者は私ではなく、フレンドになります。 (アカウントの設定なのか、エラーがあり、アップロード出来なかったため私が代わりにアップロードしています)。 kaminogiさんのアセット制作チュートリアルを見ながら作成しました。 kaminogiさ...
Created by sutaxa
I made an asset for the first time. It is a signboard that carries Japanese advertisements. Cats are my cats. Please let me know if there is something strange. There is also a back side, but since it does not have pillars, it is desirable to attach it to t...
Created by sutaxa
日本のアパートとかにおいて有りそうなごみ収集箱です。アパートの近くにおいてあげて下さい。 住宅街にあいそうなものが見つけられなかったのでとりあえず作ってみました。 日本の、と言っても貼ってある紙が日本語なだけなんで特に強調する理由はないです。 反射のテストだったりで作ってみたものなのでいろいろと反省… いずれもっと軽い、さらにサイズ違いのバリエーションも含め作りたいなあと思います。 It is a garbage collection box that seems to be in Japanese apa...
Created by hakurai
日本の電停です。Glass部分は別アセットとなっています。 日本のアセットが増えるかも?(donate) JP_TramStop by hakurai...
JR貨物タキ1000形貨車 (taki1000)
Created by TOKACHI269
根岸駅に常備されている、日本石油輸送のJR貨物タキ1000形貨車です。 This is JR Taki 1000 type freight car of Japan Oil Transportation Co., which is standing at Negishi Station. <Size> 軌間(Gauge) : 1,067 mm 全長(length) : 13,570 mm 全幅(width) : 2,960 mm 全高(height) : 3,918 mm <Mesh info> Main ...
JR貨物タキ43000形貨車 taki43000
Created by TOKACHI269
日本石油輸送のJR貨物タキ43000形貨車です。 This is JR Taki 43000 type freight car of Japan Oil Transportation Co., which is standing at Negishi Station. <Size> 軌間(Gauge) : 1,067 mm 全長(length) : 13,570 mm 全幅(width) : 2,960 mm 全高(height) : 3,900 mm <Mesh info> Main triss : 32...
Created by hakurai JP_platform_2.3m向けのホームの屋根です。 donate ofuse PayPal JP_Sta._Roof_2.3m by hakurai...
Lighthouse LED Lighting
Created by Takamon27
It is a prop of the LED lamp used for JP Irago Cape Lighthouse. 伊良湖岬灯台に使用しているLED灯器のプロップです。...
LED-type information board for the Tokaido Shinkansen
Created by sirogawa
This is an LED type information board for the Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train. We have set up an illumination map so that the letters glow at night. If you have any problems, glitches, or suggestions, please contact us in the comments section or via Twitte...
JR Highway Bus Vol.2 : Prop
Created by Chitoge
■Contents JRPB01 AeroAce / JR Bus Kanto JRPB02 AeroBus / JR Bus Tohoku JRPB03 AeroAce / JR Bus Tokai JRPB04 AeroBus / JR Bus West JRPB05 AeroBus / JR Bus Chugoku JRPB06 AeroAce / JR Bus Shikoku JRPB07 AeroQueen / JR Bus Kyushu JRPB08 AeroAce / JR Bus Tech ...
Mizuho Bank Billboard みずほ銀行 銀座
Created by やばい
Mizuho Bank Billboard by やばい みずほ銀行銀座中央支店の看板でございます Mizuho Bank Ginza branch'billboard Enjoy^_^ 銀座 東京 日本 Ginza Tokyo Japan...
mizuki-city-pack vol.02
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.02 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". In this pack, the signboards of public transportation st...
mizuki-city-pack 15
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-pack_15 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Mizuki City,...
mizuki-city-pack vol.03
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.03 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Miz...
mizuki-city-pack vol.07 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.07 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility...
mizuki-city-pack vol.08 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.08 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility...
mizuki-city-pack vol.09 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.09 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility...
mizuki-city-pack vol.11 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.11 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility...
mizuki-city-pack vol.10 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.10 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility...
mizuki-city-pack vol.13 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.13 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility...
mizuki-city-pack vol.12 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.12 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility...
mizuki-city-pack vol.14
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.14 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Miz...
mizuki-city-pack vol.16
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-pack vol.16 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Mizuki C...
mizuki-city-pack vol.17
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-pack vol.17 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Mizuki C...
mizuki-city-pack vol.18 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-pack_18 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Mizuk...
mizuki-city-pack vol.20 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-pack_20 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Mizuki City,...
mizuki-city-pack vol.19 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-pack_19 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Mizuk...
mizuki-city-pack vol.22
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.22 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Miz...
mizuki-city-pack vol.21
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-pack_21 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Mizuki City,...
mizuki-city-pack vol.24 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-pack_24 (JPTS) by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Mizuk...
mizuki-city-pack vol.25
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.25 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Miz...
mizuki-city-pack vol.29
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.29 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Miz...
mizuki-city-pack vol.26
Created by 001HANNO
mizuki-city-pack vol.26 by 001HANNO This asset (prop) is a collection of signs used in Japan's fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video series "Mizuki City Live". It is created according to each road and facility in Miz...
Mounted Street Lamp
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese style mounted street lamp. Usually they're mounted on utility poles. Comission This asset is sponsored by 弥亞. Thank you for his commission. Specifications Tris : Main(LOD) ~280(~93) Textures: 64x256(32x128) * Loading Screen Mod ready About the pro...
Parking Lot Signs JP-1
Created by Spence!
Signs from a car park in Tokyo. Includes all 3 props, use Find It! mod to search for them. ----------------------------------------- Sign 1a - 172 tris Sign 1b (without smaller LED sign) - 152 tris Sign 1c (information sign) - 32 tris Shared 512x256 textur...
Pit Garage Prop Set ピットガレージプロップセット
Created by Takamon27
Includes 6 different pit garage props. 次の6種類のピットガレージプロップが入っています。 Combination Reel コンセント、エアホース、制御用コード(カーリフターリモコン) Shelf 棚 Steel Locker スチールロッカー Tool Box 工具箱 Tool Wagon 工具ワゴン Wash Basin 洗面台...
Platform Doors in Japan
Created by sirogawa
This is an asset of Japanese platform doors. There are two types of doors: one with a separate door and storage compartment, and one with an integrated door and storage compartment. If you have any problems, please contact us in the comments section or via...
Portions of stations from Railroads of Japan
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack has the modified stations from the ]content creator pack Railroads of Japan for Steam Workshop users. In this third pack, I have compiled 13 individual props for station stairs, platforms, corridors, etc. This can be used to customize and create ...
PROP 鉄道駅のベンチとICカードリーダー
Created by koma
Two types of benches at railroad stations and a prop for IC card readers. These are props of the parts of the railroad station that were previously released. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鉄道駅のベン...
PROP 駅ナカ商業スペース / JP Station facilities
Created by koma
みどりの窓口やキオスク、弁当屋など、いわゆる「駅ナカ」の商業施設のプロップです。 6種類同梱しています。 自作駅の制作にお役立て下さい。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 支援 / Donate 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾン欲しいものリスト
Props for Japanese Style Roads / 和風道路小物
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
和風の道路に必要なProp類です。 Contents / 内容物 JP Traditional Bridge Pole / 橋の欄干 Tris: 92 (LOD: 40) JP Traditional Road Pole / 道路に立ってる柱 Japanese style bollard Tris: 92 (LOD: 40) Tris: 10 Textures: JP Traditional Planter Random / 橋で使っている植木鉢 3 variants randomly appear. 3種...
RICO Settings for Modern Japan CCP
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
RICO Settings for the Modern Japan Community Creators Pack (CCP) This is a settings file for my Modern Japan CCP buildings, to be used with Ploppable RICO. All the buildings in the CCP are Unique Buildings because I didn't intend for them to automatically ...
Railway Japanese Props
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Japanese Style Props Also includes a bunch of decorative props. Search for "rwyjp" using Find It! Read description of the Railway collection: Select Japanese props in Railway Replace...
Road Mirror 1
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Road Mirror No Sign 1
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Roof Heliport - Pack (Prop)
Created by _luminou_
Roof Heliport - Pack (Prop) Pack of 6 "Roof Heliport" (prop) No DLC required Contains all textures and LOD files Roof Heliport 01 Triangles: 610 / 106 Weight: 16.41 / 2.89 Texture: 256² / 128² Roof Heliport 02 Triangles: 314 / 10 Weight: 7.32 / 0.25 Textur...
Roll Box Pallet
Created by jaijai
Roll Box Pallet is a very common pallet for general goods in Japan. That is very suitable for manual transportation. There are two types of assets, each with its own color variation. Asset Details Triangles: 398, Texture: 256x256 LoD Triangles: 10, LoD Tex...
Rooftop Cell Tower
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Cell towers on roofs in Japan. These are for an upcoming shopping mall. 3 variants included. Specifications 5m-8.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 278(88), 232(84), 188(90) Textures Main (LOD): 64x512( 32x256 ) d/n/s/i * Loading Screen Mod ready About the producti...
Shibuya River Bank Prop Pack
Created by ARTFX
Welcome to my first ever Workshop asset! As seen in episode 3 of the Atsuki YouTube series: Shibuya River Banks Prop Pack Made for my first Cities Skylines YouTube series about the city of 'ATSUKI', which is a fi...
Shinkansen Pillar Prop 新幹線の橋脚(Prop版)
Created by ako_ako
新幹線の橋脚のProp版です。 The prop version of Shinkansen Pillar...
Shinkansen Pillar 新幹線の橋脚
Created by ako_ako
新幹線で使われている橋脚です。 新幹線要素が充実してきたので自分用に作ったものです。 Building Anarchyで設置方法を変更し、Move It!で高さを変更すると、橋脚間の隙間を埋めることが出来ます。 Prop版はこちら This is a pillar used in japanese Shinkansen track. Prop version is here....
Shinkansen Station Prop pack
Created by Hibuna93
This is a PropPack for a Shinkansen station It does not have a station function. Please note that these assets are only for diorama play. The prop included in this pack is for the Tokaido Shinkansen, with the exception of a few. attention The Prop version ...
Shinkansen Stop Limit Sign
Created by Takouma
Shinkansen Stop Limit Sign...
Syuto Expressway Light (PAZU)
Created by hakurai
OKACHI269氏から依頼を受け首都高 SHUTO Expressway向けに制作したものです。その他の道路での使用は想定しておりません。その他の道路で使用したい場合は こちら を使用してください。 Syuto Expressway Light (PAZU) by hakurai...
Shopping Street Signs
Created by stop it D
Shotengai (shopping streets) are a unique feature of Japanese cities. Local businesses, walkable areas, low prices, and friendly service, what's not to like? However, they are increasingly disappearing due to the accelerating pressures placed upon small re...
Syuto Expressway Light-L(PAZU)
Created by hakurai
Syuto Expressway Light-L(PAZU) by hakurai...
Tactile Paving Decal 点字ブロック
Created by ako_ako
点字ブロックのデカールです。画像にある5種類が追加されます。 デカールのあるタブに表示されます。"block" で検索しても出てきます。 Prop Line Toolのフェンスモードも使用出来ますが、90度回転する必要があります。 This is a Tactile Paving(Studded Paving Block)Decals. I don't know correct name in english. In japan, they are called "Tenji-Blocks". Recomm...
Tamurakoma Office Signs
Created by Ronyx69
Includes the Tamurakoma logo and sign. Made for the Tamurakoma Office. Main: 28 - 324 tris 128x512 + 512x64 LOD: 2 - 8 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutor...
TelephoneBooth [JPN]
Created by CityOfTokyo
TelePhoneBooth MC-3PNC DESCRIPTOPN It is a public telephone box installed by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. It was installed mainly along the main road, etc, but the number of installments has decreased since mobile phones have spread not only...
Created by CityOfTokyo
TowerCrane.JP The tower crane is a kind of the cranes. It is temporary crane which can go up and down used at a construction site. It paint and am divided into yellow red (international orange) and the white called the obstacle mark for Aviation Act in the...
Train Approaching said
Created by SanTen
Train Approaching said TrainApproach-A1 TrainApproach-A2 TrainApproach-B1 TrainApproach-B2 Please support me if you would like to help...!!!
Utility Poles Decoration PROP
Created by TOKACHI269
内容 広告、支線、ケーブル、支持柱、引き込み線、蛍光灯 Utility Poles Decoration PROP by TOKACHI269...
Utility Poles 電柱
Created by TOKACHI269
広告を表示させたい場合はUtility Poles Decoration PROPをサブスクライブしてください。 内容 電柱、電柱(16m)、電柱(24m)、電柱(32m)、変圧器付き電柱(32m)、電柱 x 4(32m x 4) Utility Poles by TOKACHI269...
Water storage tank 受水槽(貯水槽)
Created by Takamon27
受水槽(貯水槽)ステンレスタイプのアセットです。 水を供給できるタイプとプロップバージョンそれぞれ2種類、計4つのアセットを同梱しています。 学校やアパートなどに設置してみてはいかがでしょう。 2021/9/19 テクスチャ_d _s _nを変更しアップデートしました。 受水槽 2x2 Water storage tank 2x2.crp 受水槽 2x3 Water storage tank 2x3.crp 受水槽 2x2 プロップ Water storage tank 2x2 Prop.crp 受水槽 2...
Created by Takamon27
This is a weathercock prop used for the JP Irago Cape Lighthouse. 伊良湖岬灯台に使用している風見鶏のプロップです。...
Created by waya
wy-Fences01-38 by waya 256x256 2022.11.26 更新 37、38 2022.11.21 更新 35、36 2022.11.15 更新 33、34 2022.11.11 更新 31、32 ...
Wood Slat Props
Created by stop it D
UPDATE 3/8/23: Added "roof" pieces (the 3m wall piece oriented horizontally and placed 3m in the air) as well as single poles (oriented both horizontally and vertically). A set of low-poly wood slat props. (48/4 tris!) A timeless feature that can add eithe...
wy-JP-FenceGate 1-26
Created by waya
wy-JP-FenceGate by waya Most 128x128, few 256x128...
Yamada parking sign/YAMADA_RenewalSign
This is the sign of Yamada Denki (jp Appliance Store). This is a modified version of the prop included with ZZA's "ヤマダ電機 テックランド YAMADA Japanese electronics store" asset....
Created by waya
wy-JP-Streetlight 10.27更新 07-09 128x128 07 188t、08 28t、 09 65t...
[JPTL] japanese style traffic light
Created by ribou
jp traffic light by ribou by ribou...
[JP_PCKWZ] Japanese Bus Stop 01 日本風バス停標識 タイプ01
Created by pachi-kawazu
日本のバス停標識です。 東和製作所様の非電照式標識をモチーフにしています。 POで停留所名や時刻表部分を編集しやすいように考慮して作成しています。 皆様の街のバスに合わせてデザインしてみてください。 なおデフォルトでは、京王バスの代々木五丁目停留所をモチーフとしたデザインとなっています。 ※社名ロゴは入れていません。 初めて作成したアセットですので、粗いところもあるかもしれませんが、使っていただけると幸いです。 **** It is a Japanese bus stop sign. The motif i...
[JP] LED Road Signs with Temperature Display (9 types)
Created by Mu.So.
This is a prop of LED road signs with temperature indicators that are installed on bridges and in front of curves on roads in Japan. It contains a total of 9 types of signs: driving caution, flooding caution, freezing caution, Route 334, safe driving, shar...
日本の路側式標識 Japanese Traffic Sign Pack
Created by Krakow131
サブスクライブ非推奨 本アセットは移行しました、これよりサブスクライブされる方は下記のアセットを推奨します
General-purpose asset pack Vol.08 Gas station
Created by 001HANNO
General-purpose asset pack Vol.08 by 001HANNO These assets will be signs (blue signs, etc.) and signs based on the fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video "Mizuki City Live" series. Some notations do not reflect Mizuki...
Japanese Cushion Drums クッションドラム
Created by ako_ako
道路脇によくあるアレです。道路工事のお供にもどうぞ。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。 This is a japanese style impact attenuator. This pack includes 6 props show in the picture. These props are in the under of the Industrial props. Recommended Mod More Beautification Prop Precision Prop Line To...
JP Under rail decoration assets / 高架下装飾アセット
Created by koma
An asset, such as equipment, that is installed in a space under an elevated railway. Six types are included. Please use this with a shop asset under the elevated track. 高架下のスペースに設置する設備などのアセットです。 6種類同梱しています。高架下ショップアセットと共にお使い下さい。 JP uter equipment c1 高架下設備1 ...
工事現場 PROP PACK (japanese Construction prop pack)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の工事現場を再現するためのpropです。 コーンバーやフェンス等はPLTで違和感なく引くことが出来ます。 内容 コーン、 コーンバー、矢印プレート、ユニットハウス、仮設トイレ、敷き鉄板、仮設パネル、A型バリケード、パイプバリケード、足場、ネット、看板 お題箱(asset request) 工事現場 PROP PACK (japanese Construction prop pack) by TOKACHI269...
タイムズ駐車場 parking decoration pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本でよく見かけるタイムズ駐車場の装飾プロップです。 左側通行用 <mesh info> parking gate triss : 826 tex : 512x512(d) parking adjustment machine triss : 286 tex : 256x256(d) parking times triss:130 tex : 512x512(d) parking guide1 triss : 30 tex : 128x256(d) parking guide2 triss : 28 tex...
small oak
Created by pdelmo
田んぼパック Rice field packs
Created by TOKACHI269
Rice fields 4種類の田んぼアセット(3色)、休耕地、あぜ道、用水路、橋などを追加します。遠景でも表示されます。 add four types of Rice fields (three colors), fallow land, Rice field footpath, irrigation canal, bridge and so on. displayed in the distant view. 地面が貫通してしまうときはClipping Networkをお使いください。 Please u...
Ash Tree
Created by pdelmo
Ash Tree by pdelmo Made this one more of a vibrant green. enjoy tri 768 texture 512x512 D/A/C snowfall...
剪定された木 / pruned oak tree
Created by kasasasa
伸びすぎ防止のために強剪定された木のアセットです。 デフォルトの高さは4,5mです。 まったくの禿とわずかに葉を持つタイプの2種類です。 This is a pruned oak tree. This height is 4.5m. One has no leaf, another has a few leaves. contents ・jp pruned oak ・jp pruned oak with leaf ★寄付・お布施について★ よろしければ下記よりご支援についてもご検討いただければと思います。 ...
Alder Tree Pack
Created by Greyflame The Tree Alders are a common member of the birch family found extensively across the northern hemisphere. I modeled a relatively generic sampling of them to try and capture the variety found internationally, but I used the r...
Created by pdelmo
Beech_Tree by pdelmo Updated 14 nov 2020, to better suit new assets in the game. model is the same just improved the textures. and is a tad smaller. Thanks to AmiPolizeiFunk for the request Stats Tris- 764 Texture D,A,C,N 1024x1024 ...
Cherry Blossom 2
Created by MrMaison
Cherry Blossom 2 by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Cherry Blossoms based on the Prunus serrulata or Japanese cherry tree. This tree have it's roots in Japan, China and Korea and is introduced all over the world as an ornamental tree. More info in th...
Fir pack
Created by Evangeline
Whispering pines. A pack of 4 fir trees to liven up your forests, i wanted to make a douglas fir like pine tree to accompany the already excellent norway spruce. another attempt at using unity Mtree About this asset 5k tris 512x512 textures shared across a...
Fir Tree
Created by pdelmo
Generic fir tree. Not really heavy at 829tri and 512x512 texture. Tree Control Mod ...
Forest Beech Pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 3 forest beech trees. Shrubs: 1 asset with 2 random variations. Grow under the canopy of large trees. Full: Made to be placed along forest edges but can be used on its own. Heaviest geometry. Forest: 1 asset with 3 random variations. Made to be use...
Horse Chestnut
Created by MrMaison
Horse Chestnut by MrMaison When I was in Stockholm for PDXCon 2018, I saw this big beautiful tree with large white flowers while walking in a park. I had no idea what it was but always wanted to make it. Recently I discovered it's a Horse Chestnut tree. Th...
Norway Maple
Created by MrMaison
Norway Maple by MrMaison Introducing a Norway Maple tree. The Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) is a large dedicious tree native to eastern and central Europe and western Asia. It was brought to north America in the 1700s. This tree is found in many places i...
Created by MrMaison
OakTree by MrMaison Featuring an Oak Tree to add variety to our landscapes. This tree is great when plopped in groups giving you fluffy realistic foliage with realistic color. I plan to make a large more fuller one in the future. All the foliage was crafte...
Norway Spruce 2
Created by MrMaison
Norway Spruce 2 by MrMaison Introducing 2 more Norway Spruce variations. The 2 trees in this set are taller than the original to capture some of that Northern European forest look. The tallest one is "Norway Spruce Tall" made to look older. They are great ...
Norway Maple Variations
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
These trees were born from the desire to diversify the way trees from the Berlin city database can be represented in Cities Skylines. On my Berlin map, over 400,000 trees are now represented. 91,000 are Maples, and of those, the Acer Platanoides, commonly ...
Norway Spruce
Created by MrMaison
Norway Spruce by MrMaison Introducing Picea abies AKA the Norway Spruce! Native to Northern, Central and eastern Europe this tree stands out among any foliage with it's distinc shape. It is famous for being used as a Christmas tree around the world. This t...
Pine Forest Pack
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 11 unique pine tree assets, including a variety of ages and densities to create a diverse and dynamic forest. These are relatively generic and should fit a wide variety of biomes. I licensed th...
Pine Tree
Created by MrMaison
Pine Tree by MrMaison This is a generic pine tree that I had in my stash for well over a year as of this release date. If you look closely at some of my screenshots over the past year, you may see it lurking in the background. At first I thought it didn't ...
Spruce Tree
Created by pdelmo
Generic Spruce by pdelmo 1515 tri 1024x512 texture...
Created by pdelmo
4 pines in a pack Background filler trees 512x512 textures d,a,c,n reg- 1442 tri short- 1426 tri tall- 1134 tri pencil- 492 tri ...
Sweet Chestnut
Created by wvnl
Sweet Chestnut (Castanea Sativa) - a deciduous tree native to Southern Europe & Asia Minor, and naturalised across much of Europe. It has long glossy toothed leaves, straight stems and bears edible chestnuts. Only distantly related to the Horse Chestnut. T...
Pine Scrub Pack
Created by Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 11 unique pine scrub assets ranging from tiny bushes to small stunted trees. These are built from the same pieces as my pine forest pack and will go well with it. They also stand well alone as ...
Mountain Grass 2 Tiny Thick
Created by pdelmo
Mountain Grass 2 Tiny by pdelmo Thick Grass don't need visual mods. Short grass prop Includes Grass prop and a 4x4 plop anywhere park Prop is 998tris 1024x512 texture LOD is 4Tris 512x512 texture You can change colour in Game with Prop Painter 3.0 & Moveit...
Mountain Grass 2 Thick
Created by pdelmo
Similar to Mountain Grass II But thicker No visual Mods Needed Smaller Version Thanks to Quboid for the feedback. And Badpeanut for the alpha texture adjustment and help You can change colour in Game with Prop Painter 3.0 & Moveit NOTE you can not use move...
Landscape Grass
Created by abbator
Description Finally grass large enough to fill landscape scenes while remaining realistically scaled. 6 different grass assets, all made to 1:1 proportions so you can cover large areas without breaking your carefully crafted sense of scale. There are 5 dif...
Fluffy Grass
Created by MrMaison
Fluffy Grass by MrMaison Introducing a 4 piece set of Fluffy Grass! These are generic grass assets great for lawns and gardens. They look great from any angle. This set includes 2 short versions (green and dry) that are at a pretty realistic height and gre...
Filler Grass
Created by pdelmo
Filler Grass by pdelmo 2 lowpoly clusters My goal was something so light weight you can fill under the trees, fill the shoreline with tree brush and not have any fps drops and have a seamless lod using Tree LOD fix If you wa...
Field Grass
Created by wvnl
My take on some generic long grass patches. These are attractive, fine & fluffy, and well suited for detailing or filling out areas. There’s two styles in this pack - a shorter bronze grass, and a taller vibrant green, plus two densities of each. The lower...
Short Grass
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a short grass prop and a building version with 64 of them. Found in industrial props and parks. Color matched to the springwood map theme. Requires a lot of props to make it look reasonable. From certain angles and edges the polygon lines are visi...
首都高情報板_Shuto Expressway sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 東京都にある首都高速道路の混雑状況を説明する情報表示板です。 こちらは高速道路ではなく、一般道路に設置されているタイプです。 Information display board explaining the congestion situation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo. This is not an expressway, but a type installed on a general road. 2パタ...
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents
Created by TOKACHI269
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents イベント用のテントです。白色のみです。 Japanese tent for events. Only white. <Mesh info> Main triss : 528, 1000 tex size : 512x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 14 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Am...
Created by toaru
ゴルフ場の案内看板です。(どれも架空の看板です。) ・JP Sign toaru 006 龍神CC ・JP Sign toaru 007 瑞城CC 中松原CC 白田の湯 田中クレーン ・JP Sign toaru 008 豊岡ゴルフ場 岡部病院 たお建設...
シンプルなガードパイプ Japanese simple guard pipe
Created by Nigorilla
シンプルなガードパイプです。内訳は2種類のものが2色で計4つです Japanese simple guard pipe...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
マンホール Japanese Manholes
Created by TOKACHI269
7種類のマンホールを追加します。 tex : 256^2 ~ 512^2 Manholes by TOKACHI269...
井戸&浄化槽_Well&Septic tank
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 上水道があまり整備されていない地区に水道(井戸小屋)と下水(浄化槽)を供給します。 We supply water (well huts) and sewage (septic tanks) to areas where water supply is not well maintained. ■メモ(Memo) 本物は、井戸ポンプと浄化槽のブロワに電源が必要ですが、ゲーム性を重視して不要としました。 もちろん、浄化槽に道路接続とゴミ処理車を必要としません。 自分で街を作ろうとし...
企業ロゴセット_Corporate Logo Set
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 第一弾として、産業ごとに合計で横長タイプ68個作成しました。 容量が大きいため、使わないロゴは削除してください。 また、看板ではなくてロゴのため、自発光しません。 プロップの照明を併用してください。 要望等は受けておりません。 As the first step, we have created a total of 68 horizontally long types for each industry. Because the capacity is large, pleas...
店先の商品棚セット Product shelf pack
スーパーやドラッグストアによくある商品棚です。 店先に置くと良い感じになります。 店先商品棚00 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
新のぼり_New Banner-flag
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview/總覽) 様々なシーンで使えるのぼりを15個作成しました。 我们创建了15个横幅,可以在各种场景中使用。 We have created 15 types of banners that can be used in various scenes. ■メモ(Memo/注意事項) 新たなモデリングと、旗部分アニメーションを追加しました。 以下のアセットは解除してください。 添加了新的建模和标记零件动画。 请取消以下资产。 New modeling and flag parts anim...
日本の歩道橋(japanese footbridge)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の歩道橋です。 propなので人は通りません。 tris : 1008 textures size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specular,color,alpha) footbridge by TOKACHI269...
日本の鉄道標識 勾配標
Created by 白鷺
日本の鉄道標識の勾配標です。 線路の勾配の変化を示しています。 ☆propの登録名について 水平→L (Level) 上り→U (Up) 下り→D (Down) をもとに設定しています。 例えば、水平から上りの場合は「勾配標LU」です。 どの場所に使うかを説明文にも記載していますのでご確認ください。 種類は(?)です。...
日本の鉄道標識 停止位置目標(立柱型)
Created by 白鷺
駅などに配置されている立柱型の停止位置目標です。 種類→(?) 立柱停目 (1~8)両位置 立柱停目 最長編成 立柱停目 ワンマン の10種類が入っています。 ワンマンは標識だけなので1~8及び最長編成用の停止位置目標と併せてご利用ください。...
日本の高速道路標識 Japanese Roadside Sign For Highway
Created by Nigorilla
高速道路向けの大きめの警戒標識10種と、その他の標識4種のセットです。前者は高速道路向きのサイズで作ってるので一般道路にはサイズが合わないと思いますが、後者は、一般道路でも中央分離帯などに設置して使えるかと思います 警戒標識 JPTS_R400L 左屈曲あり(補助看板付) JPTS_R400R 右屈曲あり(補助看板付) JPTS_Syasengensyo_H 左から車線数減少(補助標識付) JPTS_SyasengensyoR_H 右から車線数減少(補助標識付) JPTS_GoryuariL 左から合流交通...
Created by Nigorilla
ako_ako氏の Japanese Traffic Lights (LHT) 日本風信号機MOD (左側通行用) よりモデルを流用し柱の変更などを行ったものです。飾り物なので動作はしません。あくまで暫定的な公開なので、中身が入れ替わる可能性があります。また、歩行者用信号機はイルミネーションマップを読み込ませてないので見栄えが微妙です(そのうち改善します。。)...
Created by hakurai
異常気象時通行規制標識 by hakurai...
逆L型・T型標識 Japanese Traffic Sign for median strip
Created by Nigorilla
逆L型・T型標識です 2021/2/11 Updated 内容を追加しました。以下の11種類となります 支柱の形状/設置標識/向き T型/40km・駐車禁止 T型/50km・駐車禁止 T型/40km・駐車禁止・横断禁止 T型/50km・駐車禁止・横断禁止 T型/駐車禁止 L型/40km・駐車禁止/L L型/50km・駐車禁止/L L型/40km・駐車禁止/R L型/50km・駐車禁止/R L型/駐車禁止/L L型/駐車禁止/R...
繁華街プロップ_Bustling street Prop
Created by shibakata
■セット内容 2vs1 wall sign_2対1型壁面看板 001~021 3vs2 wall sign_3対2型壁面看板 001~006 A type sign_A型看板 001~010 Beer Case_ビールケース Made by Kaminogi Financial sleeve sign_金融袖看板 001~013 Garbage collection site_ゴミ集積場 Illumination sign_電飾看板 001~010 Illumination sign2_電飾看板 001~0...
縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 屋上で見かける縦型の看板です。 今回からディテールを正しく表現することにしました。 H型鋼、ブレース、プレート、照明計画、LODデータ 看板の種類は10種類あります。 Vertical signboard seen on the roof. I decided to express the details correctly from this time. H-shaped steel, brace, plate, lighting plan, LOD data There ar...
簡易改札Simple ticket gate
Created by やばい
簡易改札Simple ticket gate by やばい 簡易改札出場型と入場型です。 Simple ticket gate entrance type and exit type. 熊本 日本 Kumamoto Japan updated log: \出場型text color corrected...
Created by hakurai
幹線道路によく設置されている逆L型タイプの進行方向通行区分標識のプロップです。片側3車線道路向けに設計しております。 This is a Japanese traffic sign for traveling direction indicator. It is designed for three lane roads. 進行方向別通行区分2 by hakurai08...
Created by hakurai
幹線道路によく設置されている門型タイプの進行方向通行区分標識のプロップです。駐車スペース無しの片側4車線道路向けに設計しております。 This is a Japanese traffic sign for traveling direction indicator. It is designed for four lane roads. 進行方向別通行区分 by hakurai08...
野立て看板 [01-05] signboard_[01-05]
Created by Gozy
野立て看板 signboard_ ロードサイドの野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2700×W5400 ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています。 ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
野立て看板 [06-10] signboard_[06-10]
Created by Gozy
ロードサイド用の野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2100×W3600 ・[01-05]よりも一回り小さいサイズになっています ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
首都高速 標識 (shuto express highway guide sign)
Created by TOKACHI269
首都高速の看板です。往復2車線用です。高架高速に設置するときはmove it!で調整してください。 triss : 396 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,normal) shutoko guide sign by TOKACHI269...
🎍門松🎍 Kadomatsu
Created by TOKACHI269
Kadomatsu 門松 門松です。おまけでのぼりもついています。 Kadomatsu is the New Year’s decorative pine branches. a little something extra Banner. <Mesh info> Main triss : 314 tex size : 256x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 12 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 http...
( RANDOM PROP ) JP Random shop prop pack
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a shop randomly in various buildings. 4 types included. The same store may be displayed continuously. Please note. いろいろな建物に商店をランダムに設置できるプロップです。 4種類同梱。 同じ店舗が連続して表示されることもあります。ご了承ください。 We received tips and advice from TOKACHI 269 ...
AC Units Pack | 冷氣機
Created by Jeremychit This is an updated version of, please unsubscribe the old item. AC Units 冷氣機 Discription 9 different AC units props, 4 large, ...
Acetylene Acylinder
Created by CityOfTokyo
Acetylene Acylinder by CityOfTokyo...
Aircraft Warning Lights / 航空障害灯
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Aircraft warning lights to be installed on the roof or in the middle of a high-rise building. I used Custom Effect Loader to get brighter and more realistic than traditional lights. Custom Effect Loader has good performance, it does not slow down your game...
AUTOBACS Rooftop Sign オートバックス屋上看板
Created by Takamon27
It is a rooftop signboard of AUTOBACS in Japan. オートバックスの屋上看板です。...
Created by MrMaison
Bamboo by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece Bamboo set. Included are a straight Bamboo tree, a bendy one and a little shrub cluster. Bamboo trees are actually in the grass family and considered the most primitive grasses. They are some of the fastest growing ...
Bamboo Cluster
Created by RyanCat
Bamboo cluster with more bent bamboos. STATS: Bamboo cluster- 3262 tris, 1024x1024 texture Texture by MrMaison. strong Suggestions Tree LOD Fix by TPB To see them even further without them popping in and out use Ultimate Level Of Detail mod Boformer's Rand...
Blinker Light
Created by Lambchop_1020
Blinker Light by Lambchop_1020...
Cabinet Props Set 2
Created by Spence!
Three cabinet/locker props: two chemical/flammable storage lockers and a plain, ordinary cabinet. They all have some color variations, the plain cabinet has significant size variation too. Use Find It and Move It mods to place and adjust props. Low tri, cu...
Car Lifter Set カーリフターセット
Created by Takamon27
It is a pantograph type car lifter. Contains the following three props. パンタグラフ式のカーリフターです。 次の3種類のプロップが入っています。 Storage Status 格納された状態 Car lifter height 1.1m 1.1m持ち上げた状態 Car lifter height 1.8m 1.8m持ちあげた状態...
Cherry Blossom
Created by MrMaison
Cherry Blossom by MrMaison Introducing a Cherry Blossom to celebrate this spring season! This flowering tree type is very popular in Japan and around the world. There are many species and I do plan on making more in the future. I could not choose which one...
Clock Monument set
Created by Takamon27
A prop set of a double-sided clock and a monument pole. There are 3 types each and 4 colors. The colors will come out randomly. You can use Move It Mod to create any combination you like. You can easily combine them by specifying the coordinates with Move ...
Common Tree Set
Created by pdelmo
A set of 4 generic trees to suit most environments. Each Tree has its own unique form. Designed the trees to be placed in the city parks and suburbs. added a lot more branches and better bark textures to hopefully make them more natural looking I work hard...
Construction Light
Created by Soap McCormick
Construction Light Its just a simple construction light for your workers at night. I was always upset that there was no real work light in cities skylines. Please leave a vote Check out my other Assets...
Display Tires 陳列用タイヤ
Created by Takamon27
Display tires. カー用品店にある陳列されたタイヤです。...
Down Light ダウンライト
Created by Takamon27
Includes 5 downlights with different spot angles. Requires Custom Effect Loader mod. スポット角度の異なる5つのダウンライトを同梱しています。 カスタムエフェクトローダーmodが必要です。...
Drinking Fountain Prop
Created by sway
Japanese style drinking fountain prop. Name Description Tris Tex sw_drinking_fountain prop 292(18) 128*256(32*32) Last Update I don't make or update Cities Skylines assets anymore. My assets are not very good in terms of quality, but feel free to use modto...
Elevated railway concrete prop pack
Elevated railway concrete prop 高架線路の壁とコンクリートの床です。...
Enoden Station Props
Created by hanamaru
江ノ電の長谷駅・江ノ島駅ホームをモデルにしたPropです Props to create Enoden Station (mainly Enosima and Hase station) ■Items - Enoden Station Roof (Center / Left / Right) - Enoden Station Wall (Main / End) - Enoden Bulletin Board at Station ■Usage : Img 3~5 (with JP Platform Basi...
FamilyMartの看板 FamilyMart Sign Prop
Created by Nigorilla
FamilyMartの看板です。FamilyMart Sign Prop...
Floodlight 投光器
Created by Takamon27
It is an asset of the floodlight. Contains three types: LED, HID, and OFF. 投光器のアセットです。 LED、HID、OFFの三種類が入っています。 1 Floodlight LED 2 Floodlight HID 3 Floodlight OFF...
General purpose asset pack vol.03 (JPTS)
Created by 001HANNO
General purpose asset pack vol.03 by 001HANNO These assets will be signs (blue signs, etc.) and signs based on the fictitious city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video "Mizuki City Live" series. Some notations do not reflect Mizuk...
Industrial Pipeline
Created by Badi_Dea
Get out the crane, construction time again. What is it this time? We're laying a pipeline. This is a large scale industrial pipeline, inspired by those you'd find in an oil refinery, but are pervasive in other industries as well. Remember my old set of Oil...
Information Board (観光案内板) - Prop
Created by kei_em
An information board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Ishibei (石塀) Type A - Prop
Created by kei_em
A stone fence. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Ishibei (石塀) Type B - Prop
Created by kei_em
A stone fence. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Japan Animated Ramen Shop Sign ラーメン屋の電光掲示板
Created by OSARUSAN
ラーメン屋の電光掲示板です。 PropではなくBuildingです。 電光掲示板が動きます。 Animated Japan Ramen shop sign. Building type, not prop. Electric noticeboard with animation. 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援いただければ幸いです。 If you like my works, please consider a small donation by following the...
Japan Footbridge (和風な木製の歩道橋)
Created by christinayan
Footbridge Japan by christinayan01. Inspiration from footbridge of Ise Shrine of Gegu. 木製の歩道橋。伊勢神宮の外宮の橋をイメージしています。 You need my prop "Lantern". 行灯propも一緒にどうぞ。 Japan Lantern (行灯) (Prop) **Stat...
Japan Post Bank Sign ゆうちょ銀行の看板
Created by ako_ako
ゆうちょ銀行の看板のPropです。 Propの共通カテゴリに表示されます。"Japan Post Bank Sign"で検索しても出てきます。 設置したいビルの形状によっては壁との間に隙間が出来る、めり込むことがあります。 その時は、MoveIt!を使用すると綺麗に設置することが出来ます。 ※SSの撮影にBachToBaroque様の「3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)」を使用しています。 In picture, using "3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 ...
Japanese Bridge Guard
Created by YODOH
Screenshot by @Kaminogi ( )...
Japanese Carsharing Stand Sign
Created by Krakow131
Stand sign of Japanese carsharing service (Times carshare and Careco carsharing club) ☆Donate ☆Model info Polygon 46~254 Texture 256x256 (_d)...
Japanese paid parking sign pack
Created by Krakow131
Japanese paid parking sign pack ☆Donate ☆Model info Tris: 34~94 Texture: 512x512 (d)...
Japanese House Kit - JPHK
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
A collection of props for anyone who wants to build a Japanese house from scratch, with 3 types of networks, 8 windows, 2 doors and 2 roofs. You can see how it is actually used on my Youtube live. Use "JPHK" to find it....
Japanese Post Box No.13 郵便ポスト(郵便差出箱13号)
Created by ako_ako
郵便ポスト(郵便差出箱13号)のPropです。 Search Box Modで「Post Box」と検索すると出てきます。 ゲーム中で配置する場合、下記のmodが必要です。 ・More Beautification ・Prop & Tree Anarchy This is middle size Post Box well used in japan. I recommend using with Search Box Mod to find this prop.(search with "Post Box...
Japanese Rural Bus Stop (田舎のバス停) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A Japanese rural bus stop. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Japanese Simple Tollgate
Created by Krakow131
This tollgate is only accept electronic toll collection system payment, It is desirable to add an highway exit to the rest area and install it at the intersection in the suburbs. ☆Donate ☆Model info Polygon 454 Texture 512x512 (...
Japanese Telephone Booth
Created by Auchmial
This is a modern NTT Telephone Booth which I made primarily as part of my new building - Osaka Setback Office 5. It is a building instead of a prop so that it can have both a solid and a translucent texture with the Rotors Shader. It does not, however, nee...
Japanese Traffic Lights Arrow Props
Created by ako_ako
矢印信号機Propのパックです。動作しません(重要) 必要ない物は、コンテンツマネージャーから削除してください。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。"JPTLProp"で検索しても出てきます。 This is a JPTL Arrow Signal Prop pack.They are NOT functional. They are in the under of the Industrial props. Also you can search with "JPTLProp". If you don...
Japanese Traffic Sign
Created by Krakow131
日本の道路沿いに生えている規制標識及び指示標識のアセットです 以前にも似たようなアセットをアップロードしましたがこちらはリメイク版となります、重複部分もありますので 従来のバージョン はアンサブスクライブ推奨です ☆従来版とリメイク版の違い ・24種類だったものを54種類へ ・サイズ及び色味の変更 ・JPTSタグへの対応 ☆補足 ポリゴン数 80~120 テクスチャサイズ 512x512 (_d) 紹介画像には一部製作途中のものを含みます ☆更新履歴 2021/8/16 標識2種類(環状交差点における右回り...
Japanese Urban School 1 Props
Created by Auchmial
This is a set of props for my building Japanese Urban High School. The set includes: Wall: 12 tris Shared texture with school: 1024 x 2048 Planter: 48 tris Shared texture with school: 1024 x 2048 Solar Panel: 240 tris 128 x 256...
JP Deck Plate Girder
Created by Chitoge
Highly recommended to use with Procedural Objects Railway Narrow - Bare Networks...
JP Private Railway Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a private railway line (1435mm) that I made while referring to Keihan, Hanshin, Keikyu and other lines. The feature of this model is that the power lines are stretched in the sky above. Type A is an asymmetrical power line, and Type B is a symmetri...
JP Shopping Street Light 商店街の街灯
Created by EXYN4
Japanese classic shopping street light. Network Skins 2 ready. Tris: 824 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 94 LOD Texture: 64x64 Tags: japan jp 日本 商店街 街灯...
JP Single Pipe Fence
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.3.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の単管パイプフェンスです。 ・Japanese single pipe fence. ●支柱は50㎝分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 50cm. ●以下の18種類が同包されています。 ・The following 18 types are included. Img https...
JP Sluice Gate 水門(樋門)
Created by Takamon27
It is a sluice gate of a Japanese embankment. Includes 11 assets. 堤防などで見かける樋門(水門)のアセットです。 樋門、樋門Prop無し、ボックスカルバート(水路)、ボックスカルバートProp、フェンス、接続通路10mと15m、量水標1m-4mと5m-8m(表裏で別デザイン仕様)、超音波水位計、入り口の照明器具の計11個のアセットが入っています。 樋門には超音波水位計、入り口照明器具、別公開の投光器が組み込まれています。フェンス、接続通路、量...
JP Vending Machine - Foundation -
Created by [JP]@sayaka
日本の自動販売機 - JP Vending    Machine Foundation - 1. Coke 2. Dydo 3. Asahi 4. KIRIN 5. SUNTORY - extra item - * small coke VendingMachine * Recycle Box @sayaka TamakiMiyamae ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any problems, please...
JPEW Toll Pack
Created by curr66
基本介绍: 这是多车道自由组合的料金所包。包含六个物件,料金所主体prop,分左中右三个组件,拼接方式已在图中给出;两个料金所LED屏,分别为ETC專用和ETC/一般;以及一个ETC地面标识net,内容比较简单,后续也会发布多车道料金所道路包。 Basic introduction: This is a toll station with multi-lane free combination. It contains six objects, the toll station main body prop...
JPPS_Japanese Police Station Sign(KOBAN) Pack 交番の看板セット
Created by sanyu321
交番の看板です。 説明 Search "JPPS" or "KOBAN" on Find It! 光る看板ですが、夜しか電気をつけません。高さは3Mです。柱がない看板は壁に設置して下さい。柱の高さを調整したい場合に、POを使って下さい。01と03の色は変更が可能です。 続編 続編(Japanese Police Station Sign(KOBAN) Park2): 交番の看板2↗️ 同包 以下の4種類が同包されています。 Japanese police Sign_01 交番の看板二つ制帽と柱 Japane...
JPRL-1 街道の道路灯1
Created by hakurai
田舎の国道(旧道)沿いにありそうな道路灯です 九州のアセットが増えるかも?(donate) JPRL-1 街道の道路灯1 by hakurai...
JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯
Created by hakurai
BROWN Ver.も同封しています。 またTOKACHI269氏よりScreenshotsを提供していただきました。 JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯 by hakurai...
Created by hakurai
BROWN Ver.も同封しています。 JPRL-2-Aアーム型道路灯 by hakurai...
JPTL_sign 日本風信号機装飾セット
Created by Nigorilla
ako_akoさんの公開されているアセット( Japanese Traffic Lights Decoration Props )の拡張版です 内容 JPTL_Csignname 交差点名標識(空白) PO MODで自由に文字を入力してご利用ください JPTL_sign1A 時差式信号機 JPTL_sign1B 時差信号 JPTL_sign1C 押ボタン式 JPTL_sign1D...
Created by Alfred_Meyer
JPTS-Expressway-Signs by suudon3 It is a group of signs for Japanese expressways randomly selected. It consists of 24 prop assets. Please refer to "Packaged Object" for the content. Search "JPTS" or "JPT" on Find It! or find in prop menu. ランダムに選抜した高速道路の標識群...
Created by Alfred_Meyer
JPTS-Expressway-Signs2 by suudon3 It is the 2nd in a group of randomly selected Japanese highway signs. It consists of 44 prop assets. The editing of this asset has been in charge of the author herself. There is a difference in expression to compare with E...
JPTS_Left Turn Permissible Sign Pack 常時左折可/左折可標識(標示板)セット
Created by sanyu321
日本の常時左折可と左折可の標識です。標識というより、標示板のほうが正しいそうですね。 Search "JPTS_L" on Find It! 「左折可」の標板がある交差点では、前方の信号が赤や黄でも周りの交通に注意しながら常時左折が可能ということです。 常時左折現在では、横断歩道がある交差点の標示板は殆ど撤去されたそうですけどw 注意 PROPなので、実際的に効果がありません。TM:PEで常時左折可能に変更してください。 一方通行ではありません(青い背景に白矢印)!見間違えないように。 同包 以下の2種類が...
LED Lighting Fixture 天井照明と看板照明
Created by Takamon27
LED lighting fixture and signboard lighting. LED天井照明と看板照明です。 2022.10.21 Update ポリ数を削減し、カスタムエフェクトローダーVerを追加しました。...
Lighting Tower - Construction
Created by Soap McCormick
This is a lighting tower for your workers at your local construction at night. Comes very handy. Please leave a vote. Check out my other Assets....
LP Gas Cylinder
家や店の裏側に配置するといいかも。 プロパンガスボンベ by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Message Board (伝言板) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A message board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Median strip curb prop Pack
Median strip curb Prop pack...
Created by hakurai
福岡県内の西鉄バスのバス停によくある屋根をモデルにして作ってみました。都心部を中心に新しいものに建て替えられていますが野間四角は発車標が後付されててびっくりしました。 九州のアセットが増えるかも?(donate) NNR_BusStopRoof by hakurai...
Old-fashioned Japanese Post Box (古い郵便ポスト) - Prop
Created by kei_em
An old-fashioned Japanese post box.This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread onこのプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
office construction siteA
Created by yamei
office construction siteA The first office building site in the new site series, number A. The design height of the office building is 250 meters, and the current building height is about 70 meters In the future, more styles and heights of construction sit...
Created by hakurai
PAZU-BN(景観配慮型1) by hakurai...
Created by hakurai
PAZU-CW(景観配慮型1) by hakurai...
Pedestrian Deck Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese pedestrian deck prop kit. Inspired from Takatsuki city in Osaka. Compatible with Tokachi's Pedestrian Deck and ako_ako's Invisible Pedestrian Path. Lights are included. Specifications Prop List: ** Pedestrian Deck Fence ** Pedestrian Deck 4m Strai...
Created by pdelmo
Pine plants two variations clip together to make a pine bush. Made for Pres Navota youtube
Plant package 1-52
Created by waya
这个是用少量三角型制作的树和植物以节约资源。所以它可以大范围的使用。 This is a small number of triangular trees and plants to save resources. So it can be widely used. これは少量の三角型で作られた木と植物で資源を節約している。だから広範囲に使用することができます。 wy-Botany001 128x128 129t wy-Botany002-A 128x128 18t wy-Botany003-A B C 2...
POフォント 道路情報板 PO Font Japan Road Info Board
Created by OSARUSAN
道路情報板用のPO用フォントです。フォント名はJP_Road_Infoで表示されます。 ゲーム中で色を変えることが出来ます。 Japan Road Number font for Procedural Object. Font name is "JP_Road_Info". 首都高装飾シリーズ 出口標識: こちら 入口標識: こちら ナンバリング標識: Coming soon... 分岐標識: Coming soon... 補助標識: Coming soon... 道路情報板: こちら POフォントシリーズ...
POフォント 道路番号 PO Font Japan Road Number
Created by OSARUSAN
道路番号のPO用フォントです。フォント名はJP_Road_Numberで表示されます。 高速道路番号は数の制限から首都圏近郊のもののみを採用しています。 数字は国道・県道番号用です。数字は大人の事情により商用フォントは不可のためWikipediaのページで用いられているフォントを使用しています。こだわりがある場合は高速道路の路線番号の数字は他のフォントを使ってください。 また、色付きのフォントはPOの仕様上ゲーム内で色を変更することが出来ません。そのため色は神乃木さん、にごりらさんおよび私の作成した首都高装...
Polytunnel prop
Created by Thokari
FINALLY! The ominous polytunnel for every cim's horticulture. About 1 square long, 674 tris First try on model-import, easily found in the park-props tab with custom icon. By forestfey...
River Revetment Prop Pack 河川護岸Propパック
Created by Takamon27
It will be a prop for river revetment. There are 6 types in total, 4 types inside and outside the 90 degree corner of each of river revetment A and river revetment B, stairs, and straight 16m of river revetment A. 河川護岸のプロップになります。 河川護岸A、河川護岸Bそれぞれの90度コーナーの内側...
Road Mirror 2
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Road Mirror No Sign 2
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Road Mirror Rural 1
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Road Mirror Rural 2
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Small Stadium Lights
Created by KingLeno
2 small high school football stadium lights with medium brightness and low (dim) brightness....
Speed Camera - Type H
Created by YODOH
Speed Camera "ORBIS" Type-H & Notice sign. ☆Recommend asset☆ Truss Gantry Network Screenshot by @atagonoumi ( )...
Spot Light Set スポットライトセット
Created by Takamon27
スポットライトのPropです。 2タイプ、40度60度80度の3つの角度を同梱しています。 カスタムエフェクトローダーを使用しています。 Spotlight Prop. Two types, three angles of 40 degrees 60 degrees 80 degrees are included. I'm using a custom effects loader....
Station Pedestrian Overpass Pack / 日本風の跨線橋
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack includes Japanese-style pedestrian overpass props. This is supposed to be used with konfox0527's platforms, but I believe there're many uses as well. Package: 1) Stair 2) Walkway (8m) 3) Walkway (21m) 21m walkway can across the 2-lane track and c...
Station-Name Board (駅名表示板) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A station-name board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Tin roof A1 10m
Tin roof A1 10m size = 6mx10m 屋根つき駐車場にありそうなトタン屋根propです。 サイズは6mx10mです。 SSでではタクシー車庫風になっておりますが、 アイデア次第で様々な場面で使えると思います。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。 ...
Wall-mounted Lights for signs / 広告看板用のライト
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is Japanese wall-mounted lights for signs and billboards. 広告看板用などに使われるライトです。 Tris: 52 Texture: 64x64...
Wild Hedges
Created by MrMaison
Wild Hedges by MrMaison Introducing a 6 pack of Wild Hedges. Or you can say Wild Hedge bushes or Bush Thingy. These hedges are generic. They are great "place anywhere" shrubs. Not as elegant as the boxwoods etc. but they are very useful. When plopped in ro...
Traditional Chinese market pack
Created by RyanCat
Traditional Chinese market pack(props) by RyanCat Contains 14 props Support me here...
Wooden Utility Pole (木製電柱) Type B - Prop
Created by kei_em
A woden utility pole with a light and a sign. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
[JPWD]Japanese Window Prop Pack #2 Residential
Created by Tamaki
This is my 2nd pack of Japanese Window prop XD This pack contains window props for Japanese residential buildings. These props works pretty well with using Ryuichi Kaminogi's House kit! Subscribe his awesome asset too XD
[PROP] Japanese Water Storage Tank 日本風の貯水槽
Created by n_mosimo
For prop. Best for install on the top of Asian buildings or apartment. 東洋的なビルやマンション・アパートの屋上に最適です。...
[prop]Station roof & platform
Created by konfox0527
駅用屋根&プラットホーム Station roof & platform Overview 概要 3型モジュール式駅から切り取った屋根のプロップです。 柱の配置とプラットホームの有無で4種類のプロップが付属します。 This is the Type 3 modular station design station roof prop. 4 types prop included....
Japanese Advertising Boards 10 Pack / 日本の看板広告セット(10個入)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
※日本語の説明は下にあります。 Advertising Boards that we can see near the station. It's good to place some boards in front of the platform like the picture. You can find them in the prop menu or just type "JPAD" in search mods. W: 4m / H: 3.7m / Tris: 44 / Texture: 1024...
Japanese traffic signs for normal road (Warning sing)
Created by Lambchop_1020
Japanese traffic sign for normal road by Lambchop_1020...
Big Trash Can 大きなゴミ箱
Created by Takamon27
大きなゴミ箱のPropです。 飲食店やコンビニ等の裏口に設置してみてはいかがでしょう? Prop of a big trash can. How about installing it at the back door of a restaurant or convenience store?...