Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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รายการ (840)
Škoda 47E ,,Laminátka
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ ŠKODA 47E (production series 240, older 230, nickname is ,,laminátka") ...
Škoda 81-71M
สร้างโดย annamathys
Škoda 81-71M is a modernised version of the 81-71 series operated by the Prague metro in the Czech Republic. The carriages were modernised between 1996 and 2011 by Škoda Transportation works in Pilsen. Available from 1996-2011 Capacity of 440/660/880 Inclu...
Žižkov TV tower
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
Tune your 80s synthesizer-heavy music because we have something special today! Unique transmitter tower built in Prague (Czechoslovakia) between 1985 and 1992. Designed by the architect Václav Aulický and the structural engineer Jiří Kozák, it stands high ...
АЗС Аврора (Gas station Aurora)
สร้างโดย Serguchos!
Всем доброго времени суток! Представляю свой первый мод: АЗС вымышленного бренда Аврора Из особенностей: - Есть подземное внешнее соединение для заливки топливом; - Одновременная заправка 4х авто; - Резервуар на 200 тонн топлива. ==========================...
Автобаза/small distribution office
สร้างโดย Lexii
Маленькая автобаза. Требуется немного ресурсов на постройку. Вмещает 3 автомобиля. Добавлена автобаза на 1 автомобиль. Поддержи автора
Автодром Autodrome
สร้างโดย Олег Монолит
Рус________ Рабочие____2 Посетители_10 Мин. темп +7C En________ Workers____2 Visitors_10 Min. temp +7C...
Балтийский вокзал [Без надписей]/ St. Petersburg-Baltiysky railway station [unmarked]
สร้างโดย ☭ ★ AlexDad ★ ☭
Балти́йский вокза́л — один из старейших вокзалов Санкт-Петербурга. Современное здание вокзала построено в 1855—1858 годах архитектором А. И. Кракау. Прототипом вокзала послужил Восточный вокзал в Париже. По бокам здания располагались двухэтажные флигели, л...
Pesticides Research Institute (RSIP)
สร้างโดย Tesmio
The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection Chemicals was established by order of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Chemistry of September 29, 1962 on the basis of the Department of Insectofungicides NIUIF (...
Вокзал | Rail station
สร้างโดย Podolskiy
Раздел: Станция / остановка Вместимость - 3500 Длина - около 150 метров Есть возможность добавить своё название станции ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 15.01.2021 - Проведена работа с текстурами (добавлен мипмап, заменена текстура платформы); - Оптимизация модели (вместо 178 т...
ГорТранс. (city transport infrastructure)
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
Мод на разные станции, полустанки, депо, и прочее. Mod to different stations, stop stations, depots, and more. !!!! The use of mod materials is prohibited. !!!!...
ДРУЖБА Sign Friendship City Monument
สร้างโดย I.A.Eumel
=========================================================================== Sign/Monument Friendship (Дружба) - 2 Sizes =========================================================================== Stats BIG: Cost - 14.391 RUB Material - gravel 1.7t - concre...
Драматический театр | Dramatic theater
สร้างโดย Podolskiy
Вологодский государственный ордена «Знак почёта» драматический театр — крупнейший театр Вологодской области и один из старейших в России. Первое здание для театра было построено в 1849 (1 спектакль состоялся 1 ноября 1849 года). С 1932 года, после того, ка...
Мемориал Победы (Victory memorial)
สร้างโดย Serguchos!
Мемориал Победы Мемориал расположен на площади Победы в селе Ермаковское Красноярского края. В игре тип здания - монумент. Из особенностей: - Влияние +8,5% лояльности в радиусе 850 метров Ребят из Ермаграда - всем огромный привет! :) ======================...
Мод общих текстур/Mod general textures
สร้างโดย Vilaxe
This mod contains ONLY general textures for modifications. Links to modifications whose textures are contained in this mod: 1. Подземный переход (Метро) / Underground passage (Metro) 2. metro station Vorontcovskaya 3,...
НИИ Спецавтопром (Car Factory)
สร้างโดย Tesmio
Support me: НИИ "Спецавтопром" - научно-производственное предприятие, разрабатывающие технологии производства новых автомобилей, проектирующие их производство и техническую основу. Прототипом здание послужило НИИ Автомобильной...
Отделение милиции | Police station
สร้างโดย dimndroll
РУС Типичное советское отделение милиции, в котором могут работать 10 милиционеров и 5 следователей. Во дворе место для 4 милицейских машин. Необходимые ресурсы для строительства: 5,4 тонн досок 16 тонн кирпичей 5,6 тонн стали 7,7 тонн бетона 5,4 тонн досо...
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
สร้างโดย Podolskiy
Вологодская детская поликлиника №1. Не рассчитана на транспортировку больных, но в игровой версии были добавлены кареты скорой помощи. Рабочие - 40 Доктора - 40 Транспортных средств - 5 ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 28.09.2020: Добавлена стоянка для карет скорой помощи Рабоч...
Рабочий и колхозница | Worker and Kolkhoznitza
สร้างโดย dimndroll
RUS «Рабочий и колхозница» - один из самых известных советских памятников, символ единства пролетариата и крестьянства. Концепцию и композиционный замысел придумал архитектор Борис Иофан, автором скульптуры стала Вера Мухина. Первоначально статуя была уста...
Склады ЗТМ v.2 (Storage's Pack)
สร้างโดย Tesmio
Склад завода тяжелого машиностроения. Присутствует три вида - комбинированный склад общих грузов, отдельно склад ценных грузов и отдельно - склад сухих грузов. Подписывайтесь также на мою группу в ВК: Warehouse of a heavy engineering ...
สร้างโดย Frantic_Monkey
ТЭП60 (TEP60) is soviet diesel locomotive, produced especially for passenger trains in the USSR at the Kolomna diesel locomotive plant. It also available in a DMU version (2TEP60). A total of 1241 single-section diesel locomotives TEP60 and 116 two-section...
ТЭЦ -Heat Power Plant
สร้างโดย Олег Монолит
рус________________ рабочие____________30 тепло______________270 мазут______________3.6 емкость____________80 eng _______________ workers ____________30 heat_______________270 bitumen____________3.6 tank ______________ 80...
Тракторостроительный завод (Car Factory)
สร้างโดย Tesmio
Одна из моих старых моделей. Я решил, чтобы труды не пропадали, выкладывать их понемногу. Здание представляет собой завод автомобилей. Для выполнения лора стоит выпускать на нем можно только тракторы, экскаваторы, тягачи, бульдозеры и строительные краны. М...
Универсам | Universam (grocery supermarket)
สร้างโดย dimndroll
RUS Универсам (универсальный магазин самооблуживания) – это один из первых советских супермаркетов в современном понимании слова. Правда, в отличие от универмагов, там продавали исключительно продукты и хозяйственные товары. Такие магазины массово строилис...
Университет | University
สร้างโดย Podolskiy
Прототип настоящего здания (Дворец творчества детей и молодёжи) Игровая модель Тип: университет Рабочие - 20 Профессора - 20 Максимум студентов - 300 Доступны исследования технического университета Другие мои работы:
ЦНИГРИ (RM RSI - Techical University)
สร้างโดย Tesmio
Support me: Центральный научно-исследовательский геологоразведочный институт цветных и благородных металлов (ЦНИГРИ) основан в 1935 году в целях обеспечения выполнения планов золотодобычи в стране. Основные задачи института св...
ЦНИИС (RSI Transport Construction)
สร้างโดย Tesmio
Государственный НИИ транспортного строительства — советское научно-исследовательское предприятие, осуществляющее исследования, стандартизацию и нормирование в области проектирования, строительства и реконструкции автомобильных и железных дорог (включая эле...
Школа | School
สร้างโดย Podolskiy
Это прототип настоящей школы в Вологде, Россия. Я учился в ней и теперь ваши товарищи тоже смогут. Рабочие - 20 Учителя - 30 Максимум учеников - 300 Также, это мой первый мод, так что я надеюсь, он вам понравится) P.S.: Если вам не нравится асфальтная площ...
Ш-5733/14 + parking
สร้างโดย Shotkey
This project was built in Leningrad (74 houses), Moscow region, Ivanovo (2 houses), Sestroretsk (3 houses). It is mentioned that the building structures of this modification are not highly reliable. So, some buildings, erected in 1967, were in disrepair by...
Ш-5733/8 + store
สร้างโดย Shotkey
This series was built in Leningrad (31 houses), Rybinsk (2 houses) and, possibly, other cities of the RSFSR. The shape of the building in plan is a long rectangle (the so-called «house-plate»). The outer walls are made of unplastered gray bricks, the width...
สร้างโดย Shotkey
This Leningrad series of residential buildings is a 12-story gray brick building. The houses are equipped with two passenger elevators and a garbage chute. All flats have loggias or balconies. On the 13th floor there is a service room, according to the pro...
"Stalinist" houses series II-18
สร้างโดย Raysione
This mod adds 8 options for large-block houses of type II-18: 1-5 sectional nine-story buildings and 1-3 sectional five-story buildings. I must say right away that my houses are not those richly decorated palaces for workers, but Stalin's of the late perio...
สร้างโดย Shotkey
1Lg-600A is a Soviet series of residential buildings for industrial housing construction, created according to a Polish project revised by the LenZNIIEP Institute in the mid-60s. Initially, the construction of houses was carried out by Avtovsky DSK-3 in Le...
12-floor prefab residential
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
12-floor prefab residential type in Yerevan, Armenia. Houses 264 workers and provides 85 percent living quality. These buildings were built mainly in 1970s....
13-Storey Prefabs Flats Skins
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Skins for my 13-storey prefab flats tower....
13-Storey Prefabs Flats Tower
สร้างโดย KArantukki
- Quality of Living: 86% - max. 183 residents...
16-storey residential building
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I present to you a 16-storey residential building of type C-97-1. The project of the house is individual and is based on elements of type 97. These houses were built in Chelyabinsk and Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk regi...
16-storey residential building
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I present you a 16-storey panel apartment building. The design of the building is individual, but based on the elements of the 97 series. There are a total of three similar buildings built in Chelyabinsk, each sl...
1980s Moscow Warehouse
สร้างโดย Comrade Joe
Multi-purpose warehouse in late Soviet modernist style. Copied after an existing building in North Moscow whose construction stopped with the destruction of the USSR. It can store both covered hull goods, open hull goods, and meat (all indoors) at a propor...
2-Car Astra IVA Metro
สร้างโดย The Warlord
A two-car version of the Astra IVA metro for lines which require less passenger capacity. Does not override the vanilla 4-car metro. For 2-car versions of the Russian metros, download this mod:
2-Car Russian Metros
สร้างโดย The Warlord
Two-Car versions of the Russian metros for those suburban lines using the smaller stations. Prices have been adjusted to account for the removed middle cars. Mod does not replace the 3-car metros already existing in the game. A 2-car Astra IVA metro can be...
24 storey tower
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
24 storey simple residential apartment tower. Great for highrise cities and a must have for those who like to safe spaces like me :-) 384 workers can live here, Quality of flats 80...
4 Way Train Pumping Stations
สร้างโดย Twiggy
This will add 2 Train Pumping Stations with Inputs and Outputs on both sides. Includes/ Original size and Full Train length size. Road position has been moved and another two connections added on the full size station. Both road connections are a pass thro...
70s brick stores / libraries
สร้างโดย Shotkey
This mod includes two common extensions to houses of the series 1-528KP-40 and one detached department store, assembled on the basis of a large extension project. Small shops were sometimes attached to houses of the classical design in Leningrad. Large - t...
8 skins for 1-528KP-40
สร้างโดย Shotkey
Almost all buildings of this series were built of gray bricks. Some of these buildings have a pink tint. In later periods, the load-bearing walls of buildings were made of red brick. During the quarterly development of some cities outside Leningrad, gray t...
A set of water intake wells
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: Water treatment plant Set of underground utilities (well) part 1 Set of und...
Aggregate storages
สร้างโดย robs074 Aggregate storages for 1000 t, 2000 t, 2500 t and 5000 t of goods. Składy materiałów sypkich dla 1000 t, 2000 t, 2500 t i 5000 t towarów....
ALFA (Święty Marcin- Poznań)
สร้างโดย mattslodki
Alfa – kompleks pięciu 12-kondygnacyjnych wysokościowców, wybudowanych w latach 1965–1972 w Poznaniu, przy ul. Święty Marcin 40–72 (wówczas Czerwonej Armii), w centrum miasta. Od neonu ALFA na pierwszym wieżowcu, cały kompleks otrzymał swoją potoczną nazwę...
AlG Helicopter Construction Office
สร้างโดย AlGames
Helicopter Construction Office. Space for 14 vehicles and 3 helicopters....
AlG Oil Storage Pack
สร้างโดย AlGames
Oil Storage Pack. Capacity: 5000 and 10000 tons...
AlG Open Storage 3K Plus
สร้างโดย AlGames
Open Storage 3K+. Capacity: Open storage 3000 tons, electro components 50 tons and mechanic components 100 tons....
AlG Open Storage 4K.
สร้างโดย AlGames
Open storage 4K. Capacity: 4000 tons...
AlG Parking Pack
สร้างโดย AlGames
AlG Parking Pack. Car parks with 10, 20, 30 and 32(optimized traffic) spaces....
Aluminum Mechanical Parts
สร้างโดย Novu
Manufacture lightweight mechanical components from Aluminum. Employs 100 workers and features a railroad connection....
Anchor monument
สร้างโดย Vikom
An anchor monument, inspired by a real life monument in Brno. The real one was errected in 2009 beceuse of pope's visit. Doesn't give much sense in a soviet themed game but who actually cares? It took me less than 20 minutes of modeling, still, would be co...
Arctic Hotel (Azimut Hotel Murmansk)
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description Greetings, I present to you the Arctic Hotel. This is an 18-storey building (hotel and business center) located in the center of Murmansk, the city's calling card and the tallest building beyond the polar circle....
Asphalt factory with 100t output storage
สร้างโดย mikhail
Asphalt plant with a much larger (100t vs 0.5t) output buffer (output storage). ***********!!!!*********** Updated to support Heliports / helicopter pads, and all the other connections the unmodded asphalt factory has! Now perfectly up-to-date and compatib...
Asphalt plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Asphalt plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers. Requires 60 t of gravel, 10 t of bitumen and produces 70 t of asphalt per day when fully staffed. Wytwórnia asfaltu wzorowana na prawdziwym bud...
Astoria restaurant
สร้างโดย robs074 Restaurant/cafe based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Available in two versions: as a restaurant (sells food and meat) and as a pub (sells alcoho...
Astoria restaurant - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my Astoria restaurant. Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview and further variants without the neon signs for each of them....
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
Collection of factories and mines for the nuclear industry. (Some buildings have animation. When the developer fixes the animation script, I will add it to the mod)...
สร้างโดย ondrahoracek
CZ Přípojný vůz určený k motorovým vozům M240 (820) používaný i s jinými typy motorových vozů a nebo v soupravách vedených lokomotivou. EN A trailer for M240 (820) railcars also used with other types of railcars or with diesel locomotive. 1958 - 1970 ...
Bardotka by 4smiler
สร้างโดย 4smiler
The 751 and 752 series locomotives (nickname Bardotka) are four-axle diesel locomotives with electric power transmission. They were manufactured in ČKD in the years 1964 to 1971. These locomotives were replacing steam locomotives and were in service for pa...
Bauxit processing plant
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. A factory with railway trac...
Belkan SSR
สร้างโดย Condemed Puddle
A map with nice natural harbors and a good spread of resources....
สร้างโดย Toman
Based on Czech gas station Benzina Works like Normal Gas Station. Enjoy Comrades...
Berlin TV Tower
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Berliner Fernsehturm Der Berliner Fernsehturm ist mit 368 Metern das höchste Bauwerk Deutschlands sowie der vierthöchste Fernsehturm Europas. Der Fernsehturm befindet sich im Park am Fernsehturm im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte. Der Fernsehturm im Internationale...
Big car dealer
สร้างโดย robs074 Big car dealer loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers and has enough space for 32 cars. Duży motozbyt luźno wzorowany n...
Big car dealer - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my big car dealer. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big clinic
สร้างโดย robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic
สร้างโดย robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education, 25 doctors and serves about 75 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic
สร้างโดย robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my big clinic. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big clinic - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my big clinic. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big clinic - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my big clinic. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big coal power plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Coal power plant based on a real building in Łódź, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Requires 72 t of coal and produces 4200 MWh of power when fully staffed. Requires a cooling tower to work, I recommend using the ones added a...
Big coal processing plant
สร้างโดย Waldemar
Big coal processing plant. Requires 700 tons of unprocessed coal, producing 400 tons of processed coal. Requires 50 workers for full efficiency. Has two rail connections....
Big fire station
สร้างโดย robs074 Big ire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 8 fire engines. Duża remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku ...
Big fire station
สร้างโดย robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 7 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Big fire station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my big fire station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big fire station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my big fire station. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big food factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Big food factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 250 workers. Requires 62 t of crops and produces 30 t of food per day when fully s...
Big heating plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Big coal-fired heating plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Capacity of the water tank is 2100 cubic metres. Duża ciepłownia opalana węglem wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zat...
Big kindergarten (80s)
สร้างโดย robs074 Big kindergartens based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. They employ 22-27 workers and serve about 220-270 children. Duże przedszkola wzorowane na ...
Big orphanage
สร้างโดย robs074 Big orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers and houses 180 children. Duży dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku ...
Big plastics factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Big plastics factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 10 t of chemicals and 90 t of oil and produces 22 t of p...
Big police station
สร้างโดย robs074 As this is my 200th building item, time to make something more unique. This is a police station based on a real one from Częstochowa. The Y-shaped building, designed by Marian Kruszyński and finished in 1979, is sometime...
Big police station (+ small prison)
สร้างโดย robs074 Big police station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 40 investigators. The pack also includes a prison block attachable to the police station (can also be used as a s...
Big police station (+ small prison) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my big police station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big Prison
สร้างโดย Benco54 Big Prison This Prison is a big one. it has 2 complexes and a big wall. it can accommodate 355 prisoners and needs 92 employees. There are 4 vehicle station which is located in the inner courtyard and can only be acc...
Big railway station
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
The railway station of Leninakan, Armenia. Leninakan is the second city of the country and has the oldest and the largest railway junction in Armenia. It was formed in 1897. This building is built in 1979. The platform has 4 rail lines and accepts up to 22...
Big school (80s)
สร้างโดย robs074 School from the 80s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers with basic education and 45 teachers. Educates about 540 pupils. The ...
Big school (80s) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my school from the 80s. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big sports hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers and serves about 245 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with s...
Big sports hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers and serves about 175 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with s...
Big sports hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 18 workers and serves about 125 people. It also works as a tourist attraction w...
Big sports hall - skins
สร้างโดย robs074
Skins for my big sports hall. Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big train station
สร้างโดย robs074 Passenger train station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Comes in two versions: with four and with six rail connections. They serve 4000 and 6000 passengers respectively. Pasażerski dworzec kolejowy wzorowany ...
Big train station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my big train station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Bitum Powerplant
สร้างโดย painkillerlexar
BitumenPowerstantion Bitumen means Mazut ("heavy fuel oil") , we no have no mazut in game but Mazut its close to Bitum so we can have one more resource for get Electricity! ...
สร้างโดย molot_
BK670, one of the most widely used bus in China back in the 1980s. BK670:articulated bus 135 passengers 65 kph 132 kw 13 tons BK652 85 passengers 70 kph 132 kw 8 tons Comes with 3 different colors. Chassis based on the JN150 series from my collection, so i...
สร้างโดย gachimuchiman
БКМ-201 - белорусский городской высокопольный троллейбус. Выпускался на заводе Белкоммунмаш с 1996 по 2011 год. Имелись следующие модификации: 20100, 20101 и 201А7, отличавшиеся электрооборудованием. Так же в период 2002-2007 гг. производился сочлененный т...
Black Sea Coast (uninhabited)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Black Sea Coastline A balanced map with rivers, coastline, forests, hills, lakes and mountains....
Blokovi Pack
สร้างโดย Benco54
The Blokovi building pack include some buildings from Novi Beograd, Serbia. These Buildings there called Blokovi. You have 5 buildings in this mod with different sizes. The blokovi xl based on original building in novi beograd. The rest of the buildings ar...
Boeing 727
สร้างโดย oleksii.kapustin
RU: Boeing 727 — американский узкофюзеляжный среднемагистральный пассажирский самолёт. Первый полёт совершил 9 февраля 1963 года. Всего с 1963 по 1984 год было поставлено 1832 самолёта. Аэродинамическая схема — свободнонесущий трёхмоторный турбовентиляторн...
Boiler Room (Tiny Heating Plant)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Did you ever build a small settlement or outpost in the middle of nowhere and thought 'Even the small heating plant is too big for this'? Good News! This tiny boiler room can provide some heat to it's surrounding buildings and it's also a fast and good sol...
Boxcar 11-280 Skins
สร้างโดย Jozef
Alternate skins for Boxcar 11-280 -Red Boxcar Recolor -Grey Boxcar RZHD -Blue Boxcar NOVOTRANS -Green Boxcar Wheatered -Green Boxcar Recolor Also check the other Boxcar Skins: 11-066: 11-270...
สร้างโดย robs074 Brewery based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 170 workers. Requires 51 t of crops and produces 10 t of alcohol per day when fully staffed...
Brick block of flats (11 storey) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my brick block of flats (11 storey). Includes sixteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks
สร้างโดย gonzaldd
Brick version of vanilla modern panelack block, it has a little more housing quality at the cost of having a few fewer inhabitants, having one more construction phase and cost more resources, is independent of the original building, so both can be used in ...
Brick blocks of flats (3 storey) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my brick blocks of flats (3 storey). Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (4 storey) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my brick blocks of flats (4 storey). Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (5 storey) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 5-storey brick blocks of flats. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (5 storey) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my brick blocks of flats (5 storey). Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick factory loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 70 workers. Requires 31 t of coal and produces 47 t of bricks per day when fu...
Brick house 13
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 65 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 65 robotników, wzo...
Brick house 13 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 8-storey brick block of flats. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 14
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 165 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 165 robotników, w...
Brick house 16
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 100 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 100 robotników, wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Jakość mieszkań: 89%....
Brick house 16 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my brick house. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 17
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 110 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 110 robotników, wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Jakość mieszkań: 85%....
Brick house 17 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my brick block of flats. Includes fifteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick houses 4
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 180-200 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 70%-80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 180-200...
Brick house 7
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 150 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 150 robotników, w...
Brick house 7 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 11-storey brick block of flats. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick house 9
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 180 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 180 robotników, ...
Brick house 9 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my brick house. Includes fifteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick houses 1
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 40-80 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 40-80 robotni...
Brick houses 12
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 65-195 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 65-195 robot...
Brick houses 15
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 170-280 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 170-280 robotników, wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Jakość mieszkań...
Brick houses 15 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my brick houses. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick houses 8
สร้างโดย robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 50-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 50-125 robot...
Burevestnik cinema
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
The fictional cinema project consists of two auditoriums, there is a buffet, game rooms, a wardrobe and household rooms. The number of jobs is 20. the Capacity is 1040 people. Tourism rating (default)-3.2 Have a nice game!...
สร้างโดย Nyxyx
A Custom, totally fictional TV tower for your republic. Requires 80 workers + 27 Professionals....
Bus end stations
สร้างโดย robs074 Bus end stations including one with two parking spaces and one with four parking spaces. Both buses and trolleybuses can use them. For stations with trolleybus wires subscribe to the building skin mod listed as a depeden...
Bus end stations - trolleybus variant
สร้างโดย robs074 Trolleybus skin variants for my bus end stations....
Bus station
สร้างโดย robs074 Intercity bus station with six platforms for 2000 passengers based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Dworzec główny PKS z sześcioma peronami dla 2000 pasażerów wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie....
Bus station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my bus station. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Bus station Brno – Hotel Grand
สร้างโดย Vikom
Bus station Brno - "Hotel Grand" Inspired by a real life building in Brno, built in 1950, architect Bohuslav Fuсhs. The building is historically protected and it serves it original purpose. Originally it was supposed to consist of three similar platforms b...
Bus stop
สร้างโดย Олег Монолит
Pripyat. The central part of the colonnade in the town square....
Bus/Trolley Combo Stations
สร้างโดย Akira43
This is a pack of 4 combined bus/trolley stations all using advanced pathing to allow multiple vehicles to go into and out of the station at the same time. The pack includes: 1- The Large bus station (V2 - 4 vehicle stations) from the vanilla game simply m...
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Small Café for your citizens. One for alcohol and one for food. - max. 6 workers - max. 30 visitors - Base attraction score: 1.5...
Car dealer PACK
สร้างโดย Benser
Магазин "Автомобили" Модель основана на реальном здании. 17.01.2021 обновил мод, немного исправил скрипт и размеры модели. Теперь в моде 3 автомагазина: 1. Магазин "Автомобілі" (назва Українською мовою) 2. Магазин "Автомобили" (название на русском языке, к...
Cargo train station
สร้างโดย robs074 Cargo train station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in three versions: with two, four and with six rail connections. Towarowa stacja ...
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Updates: 1. New textures; 2. The factory model has been modified; 3. Added fixtures: 4. Fixed lighting of buildings. Cement Plant It is intended for the production of cement from clinker in a dry way. Clinker is a product of lime and clay firing. Cement is...
Cement Silo Multi
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Added more factory connections to the cement silo for easier connectivity...
Cement plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Cement plant loosely based on a real building in Kraków, Poland. Employs 40 workers. Requires 240 t of gravel and 28 t of coal and produces 108 t of cement per day when fully staffed. Cementownia luźno wzorowana na prawd...
Central Airport
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
Airport Zvartnots near Yerevan, Armenia (old terminal which opened in 1982 but stopped work after 2010s). Because of original large sizes, I have decreased the big circle size and rooms number in order to fit it into the game. Large number of airplane park...
Central Bank (city hall)
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
Central Bank The headquarters of the state banking system of your republic. Works as office building, large administrative building useful for employing a surplus of manpower in larger cities. Can employ up to 120 workers...
Central bus and train transport hub
สร้างโดย Matyniov
6 non-blocking platforms for buses, 6 train platforms, undergound and ground level pedestrian entrances, 8000 passenger capacity. With this combo this unit will bear any load of passengers you throw at it! UPDATE! Workers now visible on platforms! Its prim...
Central Bus Station
สร้างโดย Benser
Центральный автовокзал Мод основан на реальном здании речного вокзала, который построен в 1957 - 1960 годах в городе Киев, Украина. Автовокзал обслуживает 1000 пасажиров, 10 парковочных мест для автобусов (станции не блокируються). Надеюсь этот автовокзал ...
Central bus terminal
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
Large bus station including four platforms for 1000 passangers. Perfect for huge cities....
Central Railway Station
สร้างโดย Benser
Центральный ЖД вокзал Мод основан на реальном здании речного вокзала, который построен в 1957 - 1960 годах в городе Киев, Украина. Вокзал обслуживает 1500 пасажиров, 4 жд пути и парковочных мест для автобусов (станции не блокируються, дорога сквозная). Cen...
Central Station
สร้างโดย Heidong
Central Train Station, 1500 passengers....
Che Guevara Statue
สร้างโดย Nicoletto
Its a statue of the Che Guevara based on a real one builded in Oleiros, Galicia, Spain...
Cheap Temporary Housing
สร้างโดย Matyniov
UPDATE: With the newest update this is kinda useless lmao Now when workers enter a bus to go to a construction site they will stay in the vehicle practically forever. But this is still useful in other circumstances! UwU --- Have you ever wanted to create a...
Cheap temporary shop and cultural centre
สร้างโดย Matyniov
Are you building a temporary settlement for your workers in the middle of nowhere? (Perhaps even using my temporary buildings?) You might find that your workers, despite having a roof over their heads, still complain! This building provides an enclosed are...
Chemical and more Industries Mod Collection
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
this mod is a collection of chemical industrial buildings and some other related stuff. - added waste mechanics for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Chemical plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Chemical plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 2.4 t of gravel, 2.8 t of wood, 2.6 t of crops and 4 t of oil ...
Chemical plants
สร้างโดย l0ddar
translated with Yandex Ammonia Factory input: 50t raw coal 42.5m3 of water 1.7MW power consumption output: 2.5t of chemicals 33t environmental pollution Function: Hydrogen from the Winkler generator( ) +Nitro...
Cinema "Pobeda"
สร้างโดย Tesmio
Cinema "Pobeda" The cinema "Pobeda" is an individually designed cinema located in Pushkino, Moscow Region. In 2015, the cinema was reconstructed and turned into a shopping mall of an unsightly appearance. This work is a kind of digital monument to one of t...
Cinema Kosmos
สร้างโดย robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base score...
Cinema Lot
สร้างโดย robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 100 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base sco...
Cinema Lot - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my cinema Lot. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Cinema Sojus
สร้างโดย Sebastian||the-bass-tian
Adds a small cinema to the game. The name of the cinema is Sojus, like the soviet space ship. Employes 10 people, serves approximately 100 people....
City hall
สร้างโดย robs074 City hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 80 workers. Best used with Useful Offices Mod. Urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budyn...
City hall
สร้างโดย robs074 City hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 100 workers. Urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 100 praco...
City hall - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my city hall. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
City hotel (4 stars)
สร้างโดย robs074 Big hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers and houses about 200 tourists. Base tourist score: 4 stars. Duży hotel wzorowa...
สร้างโดย ondrahoracek
CZ Přípojný vůz k motorovým vozům M131. EN A trailer for M131 railcars. 1948 - 1965 ...
Clothing factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Clothing factory based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 180 workers. Requires 5.4 t of fabric and produces 2.7 t of clothes per day w...
Coal and iron mines
สร้างโดย robs074 Coal and iron mines with concrete headframes based on real buildings in Ruda Śląska and Gliwice, Poland. The coal mine employs 400 workers and produces 1680 t of coal ore while the iron mine employs 400 workers and produ...
Coal power plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Coal power plant based on a real building in Katowice, Poland. Employs 37 workers. Requires 44 t of coal and produces 2590 MWh of power when fully staffed. Requires a cooling tower to work, I recommend using the ones add...
Coal Power Plant
สร้างโดย Kollati
Coal power palnt based on real buildings in Bánhida, Hungary. The original power plant had one 100MW steam turbine. Built between 1963-1967. Ingame stats: -30 workers Production: -1200MWh (20MW) -3t gravel (ash) Consumption: -21t coal -45m3 water 4 Medium ...
Coal processing plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Coal processing based on a real building in Mysłowice, Poland. Employs 25 workers. Requires 350 t of coal ore and produces 200 t of coal per day when f...
Coal processing plant
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Game crashes are possible. Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. ...
Combined train and bus station
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
Combined train and bus station in Kirovakan, Armenia. The rails was constructed in year 1899. The station has 3 rail lines, 4 bus stops and accepts up to 1300 passengers....
Committe of the Communist Party of Montenegro
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Zgrada Centralnog komiteta Saveza komunista Crne Gore Tu, na desnoj stani Morače, stoji od 13. jula 1979. godine. Njen autor je čuveni arhitetka iz Crne Gore – Radosav Zeković koji je u novembru 19...
Compact Cement Plant
สร้างโดย Novu
A cement plant that takes up much less space. Employs 50 workers....
Compact diesel train station
สร้างโดย Vanok [RUSMNB]
Diesel (gas) station with one track. Smaller then original, that helps with the lack of free space for construction. Has a piping connection and storage tank for 80 tons of fuel...
Concrete 100t
สร้างโดย Hatdatsat
Concrete Plant with 10 ton concrete storage Workers: 10 consumption at max: gravel: 270 cement: 60 water 170m3 quality: 55% power: 12 mwh storage: Concrete: 100 Cement: 80 Gravel: 80 Water: 60 I have modified an existing mod to my liking. The things that h...
สร้างโดย morcup
Here is another map. For a long time, I thought that the terrain was from somewhere along the Columbia River. Not the case... after two years of wondering, I finally found the location of the map, for those curious: It is Newport, WA, on the border with Id...
Concrete plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Concrete plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers. Requires 45 t of gravel, 10 t of cement and 30 cubic metres of water and produces 60 t of concrete per day when fully staffed. Betoniarnia wzo...
Construction Machinery Base
สร้างโดย SerpPort
Hello everyone!!! I would like to present to you my next masterpiece. Hope everyone likes it. How many times have you wanted big construction companies? And construction offices that could be put somewhere well, very far away, and quite cheap. Or maybe you...
Container packing facility
สร้างโดย robs074 Container packing facility based on a real building in Gdynia, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Also includes a version with a rail connection. Miejsce załadunku kontenerów wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Gdyni. Zatrudnia 6...
Container packing facility - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my container packing facility. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Container Ship pack
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
Collection of Container ships and Multipurpose Heavy Lift Vessels. This Collection includes: Sietas Typ 178 capacity: 17850t/1082TEU speed: 19kn available from 2008 to 2030 for $ T2-SE-A1 (Ideal X style) capacity: 16300t/86TEU (Oil and Containers) speed: 1...
Container Terminal
สร้างโดย SerpPort
Container terminal is a transport infrastructure facility focused on working with containers. The main operations of a container terminal include transshipment of containers from one type of transport to another (or from one side to another) and temporary ...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
Conveyor towers
สร้างโดย MTandi
An alternative to the standard conveyor engine that makes your conveyor spaghetti better organized. Differences: - All conveyor attachments are elevated - Has 2 footpath connections that can be used instead of road connection after construction is complete...
Cooling towers
สร้างโดย robs074 Two cooling towers based on real objects in Lublin, Poland. I recommend using the concrete cooling tower for my power plant from the 50s and the other for the rest of my power plants. Dwie chłodnie kominowe wzorowane na ...
Court House
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Court House Building...
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
The fictional building of the "People's Court" (the court of first instance). Two buildings, for 8 and 24 courtrooms. O-PZSP-02 (P-PBJL-02) The public panel building is a two-storey judicial and legal building. Secretaries-16 Judges-8 O-PZSP-03 (P-PBJL-03)...
สร้างโดย robs074 Courthouse based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 15 judges. Sąd wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach. Zatrudnia 25 pracowników z podstawowym wykształceniem i 15 sęd...
Courthouse - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my courthouse. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
CSD Blm/CD 010
สร้างโดย ondrahoracek
CZ Přípojný vůz Btax780 známý spíše jako řada 010 nebo pod starším označením Blm a Baafx. Je určen pro provoz s motorovými vozy 810, ale běžně se vozy tohoto typu využívají i ve vlacích vedených lokomotivou. V letech 1973–1983 bylo ve Vagonce Studénce vyro...
CSD EM475.1
สร้างโดย ondrahoracek
CZ Elektrická jednotka původní řady EM475.1, dnes označená 451, vyráběná ve vagonce Tatra Studénka od roku 1964. Z důvodu možnosti změny délky soupravy je k dispozici samostatně čelní, vložený a zadní vůz. Z výroby byly jednotky dodány jako čtyřvozové, v p...
Czechoslovak State Railways class 363
สร้างโดย PETRMA
Czechoslovak State Railways electric locomotive class 363 (363.144-7)...
Czechoslovak State Railways wagon 1st class
สร้างโดย PETRMA
Czechoslovak State Railways wagon. Second class here:
Czechoslovak State Railways wagon 2nd class
สร้างโดย PETRMA
Czechoslovak State Railways wagon. First class here:
Czechoslovakian Embassy Berlin (Police+Secret Police)
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Czechoslovakian Embassy Berlin The builidng is implemented as a police station and a secret police station. Both versions have room for 9 vehicles The police station employs 20 staff and 35 officers The secret pol...
สร้างโดย CptAnony
Map for me and my comrades...
สร้างโดย FroehlicheForelle Zwei Sporthallen aus der Zeit der DDR "KT60 & MT90". LOD-Variante enthalten. Kleinere Halle KT60: 4 Arbeiter / max 60 Besucher / 1.0 Attraktionswert Mittlere Halle MT90: 6 Arbeiter / max 90 Besucher / 1.5 Attrakt...
Decor elements
สร้างโดย Олег Монолит
(Рус) Элементы декора для оформления тротуаров и площадей. Установка в любом месте. Дорожка прокладываеться до или после декора. Замена асфальтных площадей под зданиями, тротуарной плиткой. Отдельное спасибо BORO, за помощь в создании мода. (En)Decor eleme...
Delicje cafe
สร้างโดย robs074 Small cafe/restaurant based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Available in two versions: as a restaurant (sells food and meat) and as a pub (s...
Delicje cafe - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my Delicje cafe. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Department Store Centrum / CDT
สร้างโดย Al.Nenninger
Department store Centrum based on the Warsaw department store CDT which was designed by Zbigniew Ihnatowicz and Jerzy Romańskiin in a modernistic style and built in the early 1950s. There are two versions included: The first one more closely resembles its ...
Department store Megasam
สร้างโดย robs074 Department store based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 35 workers and serves about 315 customers. Dom handlowy wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstochowie. Zatrudnia 35 pracowników i obsługuje około...
Department store Megasam - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my department store Megasam. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Department store Merkury
สร้างโดย robs074 Department store based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 50 workers and serves about 450 customers. Dom handlowy wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstochowie. Zatrudnia 50 pracowników i obsługuje około...
สร้างโดย molot_
The DF4 is a type of diesel-electric locomotive used in the People's Republic of China. It has been in production since 1969 and is still produced as of 2007 by several local companies. It is the most common locomotive in China and is used for both passeng...
Diesel locomotive BR 130 BR 132 BR 142 T679.2 ТЭ109
สร้างโดย l0ddar
DR-BR 130,132,134 DB-BR 230,232,242 Die Diesellokomotiven der Baureihe 130, 132 und 142 wurden ab 1970 aus der Sowjetunion in die DDR importiert und bei der Deutschen Reichsbahn für den Personen- und Güterverkehr in Dienst gestellt. Zwischen 1970 und 1982 ...
สร้างโดย robs074 Distillery based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 250 workers. Requires 75 t of crops and produces 15 t of alcohol per day when fully staf...
Distribution offices
สร้างโดย robs074 Distribution offices based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes three versions: for 4, 8 and 15 vehicles. Centra dystrybucyjne wzorowane na p...
Distribution offices & techical services
สร้างโดย Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 6 buildings of car depots (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32 parking spaces) and 3 buildings of technical services (4, 8, 12 parking spaces). Such buildings have no analogues, I came up with it myself :) The same buildings that act as const...
District Court Warszawa Śródmieście
สร้างโดย Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the building of the Warsaw-Sródmieście District Court. It was built in 1952 according to the design of Marek Leikam. The building is light and concise. BUILDING DESCRIPTION Courthouse 100 workers 60 workers with higher educatio...
Doctors Office
สร้างโดย Novu
A doctor's office and small clinic for old city towns. Employs 10 workers and 5 doctors. Includes covered garage for 1 ambulance. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. Residential
Double twin nuclear reactor power plant
สร้างโดย Benco54
Hi, that is my NPP, some facts about it: - it has 4 reactors - total power: 15210 mwh per day - nuclear waste: 0.091 tons per day - Nuclear fuel consumption: 0.13 tons per day - pollution: 20.40 tons per year - maximum power consumption (day): 5.7 mwh - ma...
Double-decker Car-carrier Wagon
สร้างโดย βlu∃_βrO
A blue double-decker car-carrier wagon. Finally updated, so its possible to load vehicles onto upper deck! It is recommended to only load personal cars due to other vehicles clipping onto upper deck. Modrý vozeň na prepravu vozidiel. Konečne aktualizované,...
Downtown Tourism
สร้างโดย Novu
Touristy buildings designed for urban downtown areas. Includes Downtown Brick hotel and and Indoor hotel pool. More buildings to come later. Compatible with Mixed Use Urbanism shops. Added Outdoor Pool Added Garden Hotel Added road connections to Hotels...
Drive Through Stations
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Drive through bus stations which allow regular traffic to pass. Sending too many vehicles through these will still likely cause traffic jams as the buses will queue to enter the station platforms, this I can't do anything about....
Dry bulk silos
สร้างโดย robs074 Dry bulk silos loosely based on real buildings in Kraków, Poland. They store 2300 t and 1000 t of goods. Zbiorniki na materiały suche luźno wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Krakowie. Mieszczą 2300 t i 1000 t towarów....
สร้างโดย olDen
DU-47 roller SPEED 20 SKILL 22 AVAILABLE 1971 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
สร้างโดย vinnikandry
Dushanbe station
สร้างโดย dassakuya
Dushanbe station,Tajikistan Note: This station is almost exactly the same as the real one, with only one platform and one track. ...
East Berlin Monument
สร้างโดย Novu
A soviet monument located in East Berlin. Legacy of the DDR. Gives +3 Loyalty for a radius of 250m....
สร้างโดย Frantic_Monkey
ED9M (Russian: ЭД9М) is an AC electric train, similar in design to ED4M DC trains. Operated on the railways of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. 240 trains ED9M and about 500 ED4M were produced. The mod includes trains of 4 and 6 cars. Created by Old, Toha. ...
สร้างโดย Eb_TheKillerBunny
Electric heating stations. Big: 2.334WW 60GJ 300m3 Small: 0.778 20GJ 100m3 There is also this mod ( which does the exact same thing however I disagree with the balancing. Values have been de...
สร้างโดย Tugan
ЖД строительный кран ED300. С немного увеличенной вместительностью, скоростью работы и скоростью движения Railway construction ED300 crane. With slightly increased capacity, working speed and travel speed 1961-1994 80km/h ВНИМАНИЕ !!! МОД РАБОТАЕТ НА ВЕРСИ...
Efficient Electric Heating Plant
สร้างโดย Matyniov
The game makes it clear: Small heating plant heats 210m^3 of water with 42 GJ of energy per day. This comes out to be just around 0.5 MW of constant power for 24h, and as we all know, converting electricity to heat is always 100% efficient! So i say, hey, ...
EJ 460 by 4smiler
สร้างโดย 4smiler
Electric multiple unit 460 is designed for operation on tracks with 3 kV DC traction supply system. Two electric units coupled together with 2 or 3 passanger wagons were typical for intercity transportation in ČSR (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic). They we...
Electric substation
สร้างโดย Kollati
Electric substation based on real 10/0,4 kV VHTR substation from Hungary. Includes 4 versions: -Low voltage substation with road connection (2 low voltage inputs) -Low voltage substation with path connection (2 low voltage inputs) -High voltage substation ...
Electronic Circuitry Factory
สร้างโดย Novu
A medium sized factory that manufactures electronic components from Aluminum and Plastic while consuming smaller amounts of chemicals. Employs 40 workers. Added Medium electronic components factory that uses steel....
Electronic component factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Electronic component factory based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 70 workers. Requires 0.7 t of plastics, 0.7 t of steel and 0.56 t of chemicals and produces 1.8 t of electronic components per day when ful...
Electronic component factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Electronic component factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 2 t of plastics, 2 t of steel and 1.6 t of chemi...
Electronics assembly hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Electronics assembly hall based on a real building in Lublinie, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 3 t of plastics, 2 t of electrical components and...
Elevated Railway & Metro Stations
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Elevated Station (small) - 100 Passengers - 25m Lenght - 2 Pedestrian connections Elevated Station (medium) - 250 Passengers - 60m Lenght - 2 Pedestrian connections...
[DEPRECATED] EMD Export Series
สร้างโดย superplunger
These are now included in the base game and no longer need to be downloaded. I'm leaving them on the workshop for now to prevent any disrupted saves. EMD G8, G12, G16, G22, and G26. This is a collection of similar diesel locomotives designed by EMD during ...
ER2 coloration Ministry of Railways USSR
สร้างโดย Безумный безумец
ER2 is a passenger electric train produced at the Riga Carriage Building Plant (RVR) from 1962 to 1984. A variant with a "flat" cab has been produced since 1976. The mod adds the color of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR....
Ex-Yu | Eas-z | Eamos-z | Open freight wagon PACK
สร้างโดย Adrii_95
Open wagon ( EAS-Z ) and Dumpcar wagon ( EAMOS-Z ), wagons used for transporting bulk materials, Eas-z Avaliable from: 1975 Weight: 22t Capacity: 58t Eamos-z Avaliable from: 1975 Weight: 31t Capacity: 59t UPLOADING ANY MODIFICATIONS OF THIS MODEL, IT'S TEX...
Extra-Long Vehicle Depot
สร้างโดย Fiend
My original long vehicle depot was meant to be this, but the game didn't support more than 8 parking spaces. Now that the game has been updated, I can release this one. Space for 16 vehicles. Update: Added a distribution office version. Also changed the fe...
Fabric factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Fabric factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 115 workers. Requires 23 t of crops and 0.57 t of chemicals and produces 5.8 t of fa...
Fabric factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Fabric factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 115 workers. Requires 23 t of crops and 0.57 t of chemicals and produces 5.8 t of fa...
สร้างโดย jarzomb FAP-Fabrika Automobila Priboj is an Yugoslavian/Serbian license vehicle manufacturer (mainly Mercedes). This truck series is licensed Mercedes NG but engineers changed some Mercedes parts (example engine into one made in Yug...
สร้างโดย robs074 Farm loosely based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 32 vehicles. Kołchoz luźno wzorowany na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Może być wyposażony w 32 pojazdy....
Farm - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my farm. Inbcludes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Faster loading cableway station
สร้างโดย Kollati
Faster loading cableway station. For the best performance us it with my inreased capacity aggregate car mod. In my test run the building was ca. 17% faster than the vanilla. The daily throughput increased form 40t to 50t. With high capacity cars it was 84%...
FIAT DUCATO ambulance
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other fiat ducato mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ map layout is kept same as my first ducato maxi version so your own skin...
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other fiat ducato mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ map layout is kept same as my first ducato maxi version so your own skin...
FIAT DUCATO maxi - van
สร้างโดย Truckercech
UPDATE: i also added smaller version of fiat ducato (with less loading capacity of course ...) You can support me here: :) ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ ►...
Film Posters for Kino International (Skins)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
This skinset adds 8 new film posters from the GDR (East Germany) and other socialists countries for my Kino International mod....
Fire station
สร้างโดย robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Wrocław, Poland. Can be equipped with 6 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku we Wroc...
Fire station
สร้างโดย robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 5 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Fire station O-ZPO-P03
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Fictional Fire statio series O-ZPO-P03 the public building of the fire department is a three-storey panel building. Special transport parking spaces-16. Fuel storage-10 tons. O-ZPO-P03-A three-storey panel fire department public building with a helipad. Sp...
Flag of Yugoslavia skin
สร้างโดย The Ministry
Just a flag of Yugoslavia, it's a skin. So consider to subscribe to the original mod....
Flat map with big river (blank)
สร้างโดย JonahF2014
A flat map with some small mountains, many resources and most importantly a huge river with a lot of Islands. Instpration/ base river map from some random river in greenland, didn't save the coords so I'm not sure but I think it might be this one: https://...
FMZ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7
สร้างโดย xlimeee
FMŻ Bizon combine harvester pack with different paintjobs. Harvesting skill ranging from 25 to 32, cost is simmilar to E512 Paczka kombajnów zbożowych FMŻ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7. Szybkość koszenia od 25 do 32, koszt podobny co E512 Z040 Z050 Z056 Z056-7 poz...
Football Stadiums
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
A medium sized football stadium in a choice of 4 colour options. 30 staff - up to 600 visitors. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here -
สร้างโดย Taranoz
Removes restrictions on performance modules in Beacons and allows these modules to influence all recipes. It also provides settings for changing the status of the vanilla beacon. All functions can be disabled individually - no forced side effects....
Free Heating Plant
สร้างโดย Zyx Abacab
Like having seasons and energy management, but hate having to deal with heating? This building produces enough heat for a very large neighbourhood while taking up practically no resources at all. It more-or-less does away with having to worry about heating...
สร้างโดย kosthar4uk
I present to you a pack of 4 Soviet / Russian-made freight cars. This pack adds 2 Soviet-made wagons and 2 modern-made wagons. 1)19-6978 - Russian articulated 6-axle hopper car for grain transportation, manufacturer: United Wagon Company. Wagon weight - 36...
Gas (fuel) power plant
สร้างโดย Comrade Sky
This is an advanced NG/PG power plant that burns the lightest and cleanest fossil fuels in the motherland (and on the planet), but it is expensive to build and requires engineers to maintain the advanced equipment that prevents the release of most toxic po...
Gas Station Pack
สร้างโดย Benco54
This is my gas station pack, it contains 14 different gas stations. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly so that not every gas station looks the same. Please check our discord server: https://discord.g...
Gas turbine power plant
สร้างโดย Kollati
Open cycle gas turbine power plant based on real building in Inota, Hungary. The original power plant was a 2x100MW peaking power plant, built between 1973-1975. Ingame stats: -30 workers Production: -2400MWh (40MW) Consumption: -30t oil 4 High voltage con...
Gas turbine power plant V2
สร้างโดย Foxer
Эта электростанция потребляет 2 тонны топлива, вырабатывая 200 МВт/ч. ---------- This power plant consumes 2 tons of fuel, generating 200 MW/h....
General Cargo Ship Collection
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
this collection of General Cargo Ships includes: C4-S-64a capacity: 13500t speed: 19kn available from 1964 to 2003 for $ Vogel Framo capacity: 2734t speed: 12kn available from 1961 to 1990 for ₽ Tanager type capacity: 1640t speed: 12kn available from 1975 ...
สร้างโดย Gorbachev
Жилой комплекс "ГЕРЦ" 24 этажный жилой дом на 216 квартир (432 рабочих). Подобные здания расположены в жилом комплесе "Герц-парк" вдоль набережной реки Кальмиус в центре Калининского района города Донецк. Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, пр...
Go-kart racetrack
สร้างโดย Bublis00
This is a go-kart racetrack as an tourist and culture attraction. Employs 2 workers and can have 10 visitors at max. Boosts tourist, culture and sport ratings....
Gradski Stadion
สร้างโดย Benco54
the Gradski football stadium holds almost 13,000 people. It has a conventional floodlight system and a well-designed cloakroom for the club's respectable players. There are 4 grandstands, one of which is the main grandstand, hard to miss! The stadium has a...
Grain storages
สร้างโดย robs074 Four grain storages based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Their capacities are 3200 t, 5600 t, 8000 t and 11200 t. Version with railroad connections are also available. Cztery silosy zbożowe wzorowane na prawdziwym...
Gravel plant
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, conveyor connections are combined with the grid. For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one....
Gravel processing and storage
สร้างโดย l0ddar
Gravel processing and storage Translation with Yandex Mine: -Gravel pit with loading bays, 2x excavator bays, 1x conveyor belt connection -Gravel pit with loading bays, 1x dredging bays, 1x conveyor belt connection Processing: -Gravel processing with a max...
Gravel quarry mine
สร้างโดย vajeeking
Gravel quarry mine 1 conveyor output 1 fuel input. Just a small addon for gravel quarry in the game - water/sewage disabled - same specs as vanilla - No more stuck excavator goes filling up gasoline causing trafick jam situations, if you had clicked wait i...
Green skin for 1Lg-600A
สร้างโดย Shotkey
Adds one skin with green inserts between the windows to all buildings from the 1Lg-600A mod. You can also subscribe other skins for 1Lg-600A using the links below: 1. RED inserts 2. BLUE inserts 3. Plastered walls...
Ground Metro Station v2 (OUTDATED)
สร้างโดย Mr. Suka_Blyat
Gym(nasium/Sportshall) - GDR like
สร้างโดย Sebastian||the-bass-tian
Adds a gym, working like a normal football field, but serving much more people. Employes 5 people, serves approximately 35 people....
HAL IW84 WBS70 (Plattenbau)
สร้างโดย Brammered
Model and Texture by the wonderful MeisterMonis. Converted for Workers & Resources by me. What’s this?: Made from blueprints of the original buildings, this is a collection of 5 and 6-floor, filler and end block buildings from Halle (Saale) from Cities Sky...
Hammer and Sickle Monument
สร้างโดย Brammered
NOW UPDATED WITH LOYALTY STATS What is this? A modernist looking Hammer & Sickle Monument for your nation...because this game needs more monuments, and more Hammers & Sickles. Item in game is a Monument. Like what I've done? Hey, if you like this thing, it...
Heat distribution pumping station
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Update: 1. Added connections to the power grid; 2. Added tasks with underground connection of pipelines; 3. Added a heat point (for small settlements). There are no pipeline connections; 4. An underground building has been added for installation under a po...
Heat exchanger
สร้างโดย robs074 Heat exchanger based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes two variants: with a pedestrian connection and with a road one. Capacity: 300 m3. W...
Heating plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Coal-fired heating plant based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 15 workers. Capacity of the water tank is 525 cubic metres. Ciepłownia opalana węglem wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach. Zatrudnia 15 ...
High Capacity Cableway Cargo Cars
สร้างโดย Mia
This mod is a simple extension of High Capacity Cableway Cars. It adds 2 Heavy Cargo Cars which carry 5t (2x) and 10t (4x) capacity as measured by steel. The mod uses the default cable car m...
High capacity cableway cars
สร้างโดย Kollati
The mod contains 2 Heavy aggregate cableway cars with 9.4t (2x) and 18t (4x) capacity. For the best performance use it with my faster loading cableway station mod. The mod uses the original game models....
High Flow Oil Rig
สร้างโดย Twiggy
Not getting enough from your Oil Rigs ? Well this is for you! This will enhance your max extraction of Oil to 30 tons per Workday which will give you better extraction when placed on Small or Large Deposits. Also with larger internal storage of 50 tons. ...
High School of Matyáš Lerch
สร้างโดย Vikom
High School of Matyáš Lerch, a building inspired by a real life high school (having the same name) in Brno. I don't know much about the building, according to my info it was built in early 90s and it fully operates since 1996. Matyáš Lerch (1860 - 1922) wa...
High voltage railroad electric connection
สร้างโดย Emhyr var Emreis
This mod allows you to connect high voltage (power up to 13MW) to your rail system. Trains propel all Soviet republics! This mod allows you to power them up properly, comrade. Using default railroad electric connection our construction bureau was able to p...
High Voltage Split Transformer
สร้างโดย Novu
An electric transformer that splits medium voltage from a high voltage source....
Hockey Arena
สร้างโดย phx.Ham
Sports Palace from St. Petersburg. Build in the year 1967. The early name was: "Sports Palace jubilee" Full Name: Дворец спорта ленинградских профсоюзов «Юбилейный». Have fun....
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Prefab Hospital - 65 staff workers - 65 high educated workers - max. 195 patients - 12 vehicle slots - 1 integrated helicopter landing platform....
สร้างโดย robs074 Hospital based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 30 workers with basic education, 30 doctors and serves about 90 patients. Can be equipped ...
สร้างโดย robs074 Hospital based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 50 workers with basic education, 50 doctors and serves about 150 patients. Can be equippe...
Hospital (VII-70)
สร้างโดย kostas667
The city hospital, massively built in Moscow from the late 1970s to the late 1990s. The project was developed by the Moscow Research and Design Institute of Culture, Health and Sports. Architects V. Fursov, I. Abaev, I. Moseshvili, E. Chuchmareva. Workers ...
Hospital (with Helipad)
สร้างโดย Benco54
Hello, this is my hospital. It requires 90 employees and 40 doctors, so it can also accommodate many patients. It offers space for 4 vehicles and from now on 1 for helicopters at the roof! there is a vehicle connection and 4 pedestrian connections as a sma...
Hospital - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my hospital. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Hospital - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my hospital. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Hospital O-GPZ-M05
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
For the hospital there is a set of textures with English names at the link below. Attention!!! Updating the mod. Fixed bugs ...
Hospital skins
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Skins for my hospital....
Hotel (4 stars)
สร้างโดย robs074 Hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers and houses about 135 tourists. Base tourist score: 4 stars. Hotel wzorowany na pra...
Hotel and Pub Salyut
สร้างโดย Benser
Гостиница "Салют" построена в 1984 году в городе Киеве. «Салют» стал одним из самых необычных построек минувшей эпохи. «Салют» в игре работает как бар и как отель. PUB $WORKERS_NEEDED 15 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 30 $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE 4.9 $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE_ALCOHO...
Hotel (4 stars) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for 4-star hotel. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Hotel Boskov
สร้างโดย Benco54
Hotel Boskov needed workers: 43 number of possible guests: 215 warehouse: 14t of food and alcohol, 1.5t meat has 1 connections for road and 2 for pedestrians Mod by Benco54 ...
Hotel Commissar**
สร้างโดย Benco54
This is my Hotel Commissar ** Height: 74m Needed workers: 50 Attractive Score: 2.5 The Hotel Commissar ** is a real soviet/yugoslawia prefab style building. Enjoy it! ...
Hotel Obrenovac
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Hotel Obrenovac je Izgrađen 1983. godine, i u to doba je bio popularno mesto za izlazak gde su dolazili gosti iz svih delova Beograda. Tu su se održavale svadbe, proslave matura, ispraćaji u vojsku...
Hotel Rodina****
สร้างโดย Benco54
HOTEL RODINA **** A great luxury hotel for tourists with money. The hotel needs 53 workers, but offers a large car park in front of the building and an outside terrace at the rear. have fun...
House of culture Pod Akacją
สร้างโดย robs074 Small house of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 50 people. Mały dom kultury wzorowany na prawdzi...
House of culture Maki
สร้างโดย robs074 Small house of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 6 workers and serves about 30 people. Mały dom kultury wzorowany na prawdziw...
House of culture Maki - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for house of culture Maki. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
House of culture Pod Akacją - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my house of culture Pod Akacją. Includes sixteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Houston Texas USA
สร้างโดย Dixie Country (kaantaveeti)
Houston Texas USA, Westernmost extension of the Deep South. East Texas has the humid subtropical climate (do not use seasons) Map is mostly flatlands. The eastern part of the map has a dense wooded region where rivers flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Map has ...
HQ building «Raduga»
สร้างโดย Shotkey
The mod contains one high-rise headquarters building with several functions to choose from: 1. Communist Party HQ (30% more vanilla) 2. Secret police (~8 times more vanilla) 3. Electronics factory. It assumes an orientation towards scientific and design de...
Huge Coal Plant
สร้างโดย Novu
The ultimate coal power plant it employs 428 workers and can produce 30000MWh per day on a 500MW circuit breaker. Based on the Battersea Powerstation which operated in the UK between 1933 to 1983. The powerstation was shutdown due to high maintenance costs...
Huge coal power plant
สร้างโดย Alexandr Tarasov
Угольная электростанция мощностью 6000 МВт.За основу взята Экибастузская ГРЭС-1....
Huge Fabric Factory (NEW)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Huge Fabric Factory Based on a cotton mill in Leipzig (east Germany). - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connection - 500 places for workers...
Huge Water Truck
สร้างโดย Novu
A large tanker truck designed for transporting water. Beware it moves slowly and may cause traffic jams. Capacity 50 tonns, speed 42kph, 120kw. Availible in 1959. Added Sewage version....
I-447 4 storey
สร้างโดย kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section, three-section and four-section versions of this buildi...
I-447C-3x series - skins
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
Set of Skins for the buildings of the 1-447C series (second generation)....
Ikarus 260/280T trolleybus
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
Ikarus 280 T is the trolleybus version of the famous Ikarus 280 articulated bus, around 380 units were produced between 1975 and 1992. Besides being widely used in Hungary (Budapest, Szeged, Debrecen), it was also exported to Bulgaria, East Germany, North ...
Ikarus-60 -600 -620
สร้างโดย olDen
Industrial Emblem
สร้างโดย Vikom
An industiral looking emblem which appeared as a company logo in a Czechoslovak movie UPDATE Now supports loyalty...
Iron processing plant
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Game crashes are possible. Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. ...
JŽ 441
สร้างโดย biverix
Class 441 electric locomotive of the Yugoslav Railways. This series is based on the design licenced from the Swedish company ASEA which, to this day, remains the reliable workhorse of railway transit in Sweden, ex-Yugoslav countries, Romania and Turkey. Th...
Janáček Theater
สร้างโดย Vikom
The National Theater of (Leoš) Janáček is one of main theaters in Brno, named after the famous composer. It was built between 1960 and 1965. The main architect was Jan Víšek. This building is inspired by this theater. It attracts tourists and it works as a...
สร้างโดย Дима
Jelcz BusPack
สร้างโดย neigabZkezoJ
Jelcz BusPack by: neigabZkezóJ - main author, 3D Modelling, repainting, research Siakinnn - repainting Mattslodki - repainting Pieo - repainting EZeT - repainting Pack include: Jelcz 043 Jelcz 272 MEX Jelcz AP02 Jelcz 021 Jelcz 043+Jelcz PO-1 Jelcz 272 MEX...
Kalina restaurant
สร้างโดย robs074 Restaurant/cafe based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Available in two versions: as a restaurant (sells food and meat) and as a pub (sells alcoho...
Kamzík TV tower
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
Kamzik Television Tower Situated on the Kamzík hill, part of the Little Carpathians, overlooking Bratislava and much of western Slovakia. The tower was constructed in 1975 (replacing a previous tower) by the government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republi...
Karl Marx Statue
สร้างโดย Brammered
NOW UPDATED WITH LOYALTY STATS What’s this?:A blackened bronze bust of German philosopher, economist, historian, and sociologist, Karl Marx on a red marbled stand. The monument, based on the many similar busts erected across the globe, shows the philosophe...
Karosa B732 Prison bus
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ Karosa B732 prison bus made in czechoslovakia, in this purple-white col...
Karosa B741 bus
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ Karosa B741 bus made in czechoslovakia, is used from arround 1987. Afte...
สร้างโดย wild
Извиняюсь но названия не на шол каток можно купить за USD год выпуска 1990 2010 I'm sorry but the names are not on Shol Katok you can buy for USD year of manufacture 1990 2010...
Karosa minibus 4x4
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ Karosa MINIBUS 4x4 on platform from GAZ 66 made in czechoslovakia, proj...
Khovrino Hospital
สร้างโดย Akira43
An ill fated real life building ( ) adapted as closely as possible to be an in game hospital. It has 2 road connections and parking spaces for up to 15 ambulances and a roof heliport. It has more or less t...
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Based on a pre 1950's building plan by architect AP Ivanov, and some examples of derilict buildings. Project no 722/1. A kindergarten for up to 8 staff and 48 children....
สร้างโดย phx.Ham
Kindergarten based on the TS 66 from DDR. extended by 2 floors. Since the fifties the architekt Helmut Trauzettel worked on the typing of kindergarten - buildings. The Type 66 was constructed as combined facility. It become the most build type of Kindergar...
สร้างโดย frostsey
สร้างโดย painkillerlexar
Kindergarten Детский сад серии VI-52 medium size 360 kinders 30 workers Автор модели: Тимур Самедов (citizensnip)...
King Coal
สร้างโดย Novu
Build an empire of coal around the Battersea Power station. The only mod required to play this map is 'Huge Coal Plant.' Objective is to power the entire map using just one power plant. Map ...
Kindergarten Teremok
สร้างโดย Benser
Детский сад "Теремок". Kindergarten "Teremok". Add more workers, serve more children. * (retexture WR version). Update 22.08.2020 $WORKERS_NEEDED 10 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 30...
Kino International (Cinema)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Kino International (Berlin) The Kino International is a film theater in Berlin, built from 1961 to 1963. It is located on Karl-Marx-Allee in former East Berlin. It hosted premieres of the DEFA film studios until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989....
Konstal 105na Multiple Units
สร้างโดย annamathys
Small pack of double and triple unit for the Konstal 105na Tram Includes: -Double unit (2locs) -Double unit (1loc+1car) -Triple unit (2locs+1car) -Liveries of Polish cities...
Kozara Spomenik
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Memorijalni kompleks Kozara Memorijalni kompleks Kozara, podignut je na dijelu Nacionalnog parka Kozara pod nazivom Mrakovica, općina Pri...
Labe department store - Skins
สร้างโดย VencaCZ
Two skins for OD Labe department store. One of them is a skin that was at the time of opening in 1974. Second one is some sort of similiar, but it has different color tones on the cores from the side. Both of them shows original logo for the store, which c...
Labe - Department store
สร้างโดย VencaCZ
Department store based on a real building in Ústí nad Labem in Czech republic. This pack contains a department store and a small monument also called "Labe". A store itself is capable of providing a great amount of goods, since its storage capacities are b...
Kuban Region (Inhabited)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Map with rivers, hills and some large mountains in the south. The map was inspired by the Kuban river. There are two larger and two smaller towns, several villages and one old railroadtrack that goes from the west to the east....
Large Capacity Distribution Open Storage
สร้างโดย Twiggy
This will add a Large Capacity modified open storage to your game. Included > 10 Factory connections. 8 Rail Lines. 2 Visual cargo bays. 4 Vehicle stations. 2 Road connections. And also a central Distribution capacity of 25000 tons. Putting your'e grass de...
Large Chemical Plant
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Large Chemical Plant - 500 workers - 4 railroad connections - 1 road connection...
Large Clothing Factory (NEW)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Large clothing factory made out of bricks - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - 250 places for workers...
Large Coal Power Plant
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Large Coal Power Plant - Place for 80 workers - up to 5600 MWh energy production - 2 road connections - 6 medium voltage connections - 6 high voltage connections...
Large coal storage
สร้างโดย Alexandr Tarasov
Большое хранилище сыпучих грузов с роторной погрузочной машиной на 100 тыс. тонн....
Large Construction office
สร้างโดย Benser
Большая строительная контора Здание основано на реальном строительном управлении, построено в 1960-х в городе Лохвица, Полтавская область, Украина. Вместимость - 25 транспортных средств Бак для топлива - 35 тонн БЕЗ (!) вертолетной площадки. Надеюсь вам по...
Large Food Factory
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Large Food Factory - 260 workers - 1 road connection - 4 factory connections...
Large HV switch
สร้างโดย VencaCZ
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to game scripting limitations, maximal power capacity is limited to 19MW! I figured it out last day of making this project. Maybe, someday in the future we will be able to change this limitation. With the arrival of new power lines, I i...
Large Mechanical Components Factory
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Factory for Mechanical Components - 200 Workers - 4 Factory connections - 3 Pedestrian connections - 1 Road connection...
Large Oil Storage V2
สร้างโดย Okota Harinezumi
Large Oil storage by Sam Change the input / output connection of pipelines....
Large Oil Well
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
A large Oil Well, which started out as a bit of an experiment in Blender. I liked how it came out so I thought I'd share it. More expensive than the vanilla oil well but also about 70 percent more productive. This is in the mod category as a mine, I can't ...
Large Plastic Factory
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Large Plastic Factory - 250 workers - 1 road connection - 1 pipeline input - 2 factory connections - 3 pedestrian connectionsN...
สร้างโดย tomtomtotal
Large outdoor pool with fully simulated water Attraction; Outdoor building; Session operation from 10 degrees; 15 employees; Maximum admitted guests 120; rating 3; Sport/Swimming 5 If you like it give me a like :) I wish you a lot of fun with it ...
Large Rail Construction Office
สร้างโดย Fiend
Larger rail construction office with double the capacity for resources....
Large Rail Depot
สร้างโดย Fiend
The default rail depot is fine for trams, but larger trains would not fit. This one is more than twice the size. Updated to support long trains. I have added a new version, with 5 connections, properly spaced to match the standard rail alignment. It also h...
Large School
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Large Schoolbuilding...
Large Storehouse (Brickstone)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Large storehouse made of brickstones - 650t capacity...
Large vehicle + Small combined vehicle storage
สร้างโดย Twiggy
This will add 2 Large vehicle storage units and a Small combined cargo + vehicle storage. One Large Storage is (ALLOWPASS) traffic drive through. Both Large vehicle storage units have, 12 factory connections 2 road connections 2 rail lines 4 vehicle statio...
Larger Capacity Wagons Pack
สร้างโดย Twiggy
This mod will add an assortment of 10 larger capacity Wagons. ...
Larger Kindergarten
สร้างโดย archiver213
Kindergarten with larger capacity, double workers, which allows for many more babies. New roof to make it easier to spot. Thanks for all the help to ryanskinny....
LAZ 42021
สร้างโดย KsenoN
ЛАЗ-42021 — советский и украинский городской автобус среднего класса семейства автобусов ЛАЗ. ЛАЗ-42021 являлся пригородной версией автобуса ЛАЗ-4202. Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 77 км/ч Мощность - 132 кВТ Пассажировместимость - 95 чел...
Lenin Technical University
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Based on a real building at the Krasnoyarsk hydro-electric power station, which I have repurposed (with a little artistic license) into a Technical University for up to 100 students....
สร้างโดย robs074 Library based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a cinema. Employs 5 workers and serves about 25 people. Biblioteka wzorowana na prawdziwym...
Light Industry Collection
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
this is a collection of light industry, it contains a brewery, food factories, textile, electronic assembly and two storage buildings more info can be seen on the pictures added a small food factory added modified version of the big electronic assembly to ...
Little Soviet Radio
สร้างโดย Novu
A small radio station employing 60 workers and 30 moderators. Added a secret police to ensure your workers are only listening to communist party approved radio stations. In the soviet republic the radio listens to you....
Local Train Station
สร้างโดย Heidong
Local Train Station, 750 passengers...
Long distance underground heating extender
สร้างโดย DirrrtyDirk
This mod is mainly for people (like me) who use big central heat sources (e.g. nuclear heating plants, big coal heating plants, ...) and would serve more cities around it. I mainly made this mod for the nuclear heating plants and the combined nuclear heat-...
Long perpendicular parking
สร้างโดย Holodets
Long Parking (perpendicular parking 2) lot along the road. 18 seats. Vehicles and pedestrians can pass through it. It takes up little space, and can be placed in courtyards between houses. 2 version: - parking - parking-trolleybus...
long rail depot
สร้างโดย BORO
long rail depot Длинное здание железнодорожного депо. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 - здание без лозунга. 2 – здание с лозунгом «Решения партии в жизнь» На здании без лозунга вы можете написать собственный текст. The long building of the railway depot. In...
Long Vehicle Depot
สร้างโดย Fiend
Longer, thinner vehicle depot, for squeezing into narrow spaces. Looks better with smaller vehicles....
LSM House of culture
สร้างโดย robs074 House of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers and serves about 120 people. Dom kultury wzorowany na prawdziwym budynk...
Lybrary series 2-06-22
สร้างโดย Raysione
This mod contains a sample library 2-06-22 made exactly according to the project around 1955-1957 CHARACTERISTIC. 7 workers serves at least 100 people Such a library will perfectly fit into any of your village, or urban area, subscribe :)...
Main library
สร้างโดย robs074 Main library based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a cinema. Employs 40 workers and serves about 280 people. It also works as a tourist ...
สร้างโดย Kollati
The MÁV Class V63 'Gigant' series are made by Ganz–MÁVAG for MÁV (Hungarian State Railways) to haul heavy freight and passenger trains with high tractive effort. This is the most powerful type of locomotive that have been made in Hungary. In total, 56 unit...
Marktdreieck Waiblingen
สร้างโดย equinox.nova The building is implemented as a shop. Sellers 32 Shoppers 285 Capacity: Food 8,67t Clothes 8,67t Electronics 6,07t Meat 7,50t German: Marktdreieck Waiblingen, erbaut 1976. Der Architekt des Marktdreiecks Wilfried...
Massey Ferguson MF 187 - combine harvester
สร้างโดย ChalwaBechatex
Small combine harvester available to buy for dollars. It fits on open platform trucks unlike vanilla harvesters. Harvesting skill: 33 Speed: 18 km/h Power: 46 kW Weight: 3.8 t Available: 1968-1974 Country: USA Big thanks for: xlimeee - polishing model and ...
McDonnell Douglas DC-9
สร้างโดย Lex713
Information The McDonnell Douglas DC-9 (initially the Douglas DC-9) is an American single-aisle airliner designed by the Douglas Aircraft Company. After introducing its heavy DC-8 in 1959, Douglas approved the smaller, all-new DC-9 for shorter flights on A...
Meat storage
สร้างโดย robs074 Meat storage based on a real building in Krępiec near Świdnik, Poland. Stores 350 t of meat. Magazyn mięsa wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Krępcu pod...
Mechanical components factories
สร้างโดย Kollati
Mechanical components factory halls based on a real buildings in Székesfehérvár, Hungary. The real building was buildt in 1958-1960 as an aluminium Casthouse (Hall 1, Hall 3) and a Rolling Mill (Hall 2). Factory Hall 1 (small): Employs 150 workers. Require...
Mechanical components factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Mechanical components factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 75 workers. Requires 11 t of steel and produces 7.5 t of mechanical c...
Medium 60s School
สร้างโดย Jachet Medium 60s School and School Gym based on real schools in Slovakia (Bratislava, Nitra, Topoľčany and many other towns) Teachers: 45 Workers: 30 Children: 450 ...
Medium 70's Clinic
สร้างโดย Jachet Medium 70s Clinic (hospital) to serve your sick citizens. Building is constructed in standardised reinforced concrete system MS-RP which consist of reinforced concrete skeleton and panel shell. Based on Zdravotné Stredis...
Medium hotel (4 stars)
สร้างโดย robs074 Medium hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers and houses about 140 tourists. Base tourist score: 4 stars. Średni hotel wz...
Medium hotel (4 stars) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my medium hotel (4 stars). Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Medium kindergarten (50s)
สร้างโดย robs074 Medium kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 18 workers and serves about 180 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdzi...
Medium kindergarten - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my medium kindergarten. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Medium kindergarten (80s)
สร้างโดย robs074 Medium kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 18 workers and serves about 180 children. Średnie przedszkole wzorowane na praw...
Medium kindergarten - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my medium kindergarten. Includes sixteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Medium Shopping Centre
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Medium sized Shopping Centre - max. 40 workers - max. 280 visitors - 2 vehicle unloading spots - 2.0 attraction level...
Medium Shopping Centre
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Medium sized shopping centre: - max. 30 workers - max. 270 visitors - 2 unloading spots for vehicles - 3 factory connections...
Mercedes 1017 FIRETRUCK
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ CHANGELOG: 30.12.2023 added family to mercedes 2629 solo covered (download from my w...
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ 30.12.2023 added family to mercedes 2629 solo covered (download from my workshop aft...
Metalna LM 120HC
สร้างโดย Chestir
По просьбам трудящихся товарищей: Югославский башенный кран Metalna LM 120HC. Заменяет 60 работников Доступен с 1985 года Порожний вес 10 тонн Автор мода Александр Тарасов. At the request of working comrades: Yugoslav tower crane Metalna LM 120HC. Replaces...
Metalna LM 90.1HC
สร้างโดย Chestir
Югославский башенный кран Metalna LM 90.1HC. Заменяет 50 работников Доступен с 1980 года Порожний вес 10 тонн Автор мода Александр Тарасов. Yugoslav tower crane Metalna LM 90.1HC. Replaces 50 employees Available since 1980 Empty weight 10 tons The author o...
สร้างโดย HardCore Gaming
Ability to build Metro Station and Metro Tunnels in your Republic! Please see video to know how it works. You need some additional ground works :) Locate Metro station at Passenger stations and Tunnels at Forklift Garage mod menu. As bonus you can build ot...
metro station Vorontcovskaya
สร้างโดย Vilaxe
Model Information All stations have a depth of laying: 12 m, 24m, 36m. Standard Capacity: 900 Dimensions: 165 x 20 meters Construction: * 5100 workdays * 554 concrete (tons) * 176 gravel (tons...
สร้างโดย Delta
WELCOME TO METROVSKA! WARNING: This map was made with the Public Test of the Metro/Borders Update. If you are on the official release the map will likely be broken!! Greetings, Comrades! Metrovska is a region with a lot of rough shorelines, islands, and sw...
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
Soviet heavy multipurpose transport helicopter. Manufactured since 1980 8 Colors. As long as there is passenger and cargo (I'll add a hanging ramp later) Currency RUB...
Microdiscrict City 27
สร้างโดย Gorbachev
микрорайон Сити 27 Набор зданий эконом-класса, разной этажности, состоящий из 6 строений: Дом №1 - 16 этажей, 160 квартир (320 рабочих); Дом №2 - 9 этажей, 86 квартир (172 рабочих); Дом №3 - 9 этажей, 90 квартир (180 рабочих); Дом №4 - 15 этажей, 150 кварт...
Mid Height Conveyor Set
สร้างโดย Twiggy
Easy to connect Mid Height Conveyors. With added Pass Through road connections...
Mig 21 Monument
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Mig 21 Monument. My own version of other similar Soviet era monuments. Due to the shape of the model I have had to put the footpath at the back but this is only needed if you want to build it with a construction office. Monuments serve no purpose other tha...
Mil Mi-V-12
สร้างโดย Nyxyx
The famous Mil Mi-V-12; the largest helicopter ever built; can carry 40t of cargo and comes with 4 skins. Now features the 196 seat passenger version. -By Nyxyx...
Militia (Police) O-PZVD-04
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
An additional set of coloring pages (in English) for the police department by reference: Attention!!! Updating the mod. Fixed bugs with the movement of cars, optimized parking spaces. Improv...
Ministry for State Security
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Ministry for State Security - Secret Police - 90 (high educated) Workers - 15 Cars...
Mine with rail connection
สร้างโดย βlu∃_βrO
Just a quick mod for the vanilla coal mine which adds 2 track connections and removes the need for electricty, made for my friend....
Ministry of Culture
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Ministry of Culture This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry of State Security Skins
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Two skins for the Ministry for State Security building....
Ministry of Education
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Ministry of Education This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Modern Storage Pak
สร้างโดย Nyxyx
The final word in storage. I take no responsibility for any loss of framerate. Open storage: 35,000t of steel Coolstore: 13,500t of meat General storage: 7,200t of crops Vehicle storage: lots...
Monument to Georgy Zhukov
สร้างโดย Zyx Abacab
This is a sculpture of Georgy Zhukov, famed Marshal of the Soviet Union. Supports loyalty. Thanks to S. Gainsbourg for the original 3D model and texture. Alternate version by @Зеленый змий at Workshop Item 2669033895. Monument to Georgy Zhukov UI Navigatio...
Morgenrot (Populated)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Balanced map with a three towns and several smaller villages. Ressources are evenly distributed....
สร้างโดย painkillerlexar
Monument of MotherlandCalls...
Motor Works
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
A small vehicle manufacturing plant. Works at 1/10th the rate of the vanilla facility, although much smaller and much cheaper. Under the mod category Production Line. Available in two colours, white tiles or red brick and with mirrored versions for easy pl...
MTV-82 & MTB-82
สร้างโดย olDen
MTV-82 SPEED 55 CAPACITY 90 AVAILABLE 1947 1961 MTB-8282 SPEED 55 CAPACITY 56 AVAILABLE 1946 1961 the model is adapted by denizabr...
Multirail train gas stations
สร้างโดย almensky
Multirail train gas stations This mod allows you to refuel 8, 6 or 4 trains in one station. Gas station for your railroad system! Version for 4, 6 and 8 tracks available. Difference with the volume of stored fuel: 4/6/8 tracks - 250/350/450 tons, respectiv...
Multilevel Garage (32 places)
สร้างโดย Holodets
Garage box for 32 cars. Works without any problems. Parking lot...
Museum 21. Oktober
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Spomen-muzej "21. oktobar" Kragujevac Spomen-muzej „21. oktobar“ Kragujevac je podignut 1976. godine kao sastavni deo Spomen-parka „Kragu...
Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Muzej savremene umetnosti Beograd Muzej savremene umetnosti u Beogradu otvoren je 20. oktobra 1965. godine. Delatnost Muzeja počinje 1958. godine, kada je aktom Saveta za kulturu Narodnog odbora gr...
Museum of the Revolution of BiH
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Muzej Revolucije Bosne i Hercegovine Muzej je osnovan 28. novembra 1945. godine kao "Muzej narodnog oslobođenja u Sarajevu", prema zakonu...
Music School
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Small school of music. Acts as a normal school for up to 50 students. The rear of the building houses a mosaic copied from the Tchaikovsky Almaty School of Music in Kazakhstan. Original mural by Evgeny Sidorkin, Genrikh Danderfer and Oleg Bogomolov 1969-70...
Nadezhin's 1-528KP-40
สร้างโดย Shotkey
The modpack contains 5 residential buildings from the 1-528KP-40 series. Projects Houses according to the classical design were built mainly in Leningrad and its suburbs, as well as in Vyborg and Veliky Novgorod. https://i.i...
New Bus Stations V2 Pack
สร้างโดย Akira43
This is a pack of 4 new bus stations all using advanced pathing to allow multiple vehicles to go into and out of the station at the same time. The pack includes: 1- A new medium bus station (V2 - 3 vehicle stations) based on the vanilla Cargo staion. 2- A ...
New Customs
สร้างโดย SerpPort
I still cannot work with 3D models (my monitor does not allow working normally in building editors), but I can correct the parameters of the original buildings, in my opinion. Whoever likes it - subscribe !!! So, I added 5 new customs posts to the game. Th...
New Map Season 3
สร้างโดย Andrew
New Map For Workers & Resources...
No-collision station
สร้างโดย Shotkey
This item consists of three suburban railway stations of varying sizes, based on a station from Leningrad. Designed to be installed on a mound, as is usually IRL, thus the collision is disabled. The permissible height of a mound is 5 meters. It is possible...
Nuclear Reprocessing Plant
สร้างโดย Benco54
This is the recycling plant for nuclear waste. It requires a lot of chemicals and, of course, nuclear waste for reprocessing. This will then produce the UF6 for nuclear fuel fabrication. Nuclear fuel was recycled in the USSR. Mainly in the so-called RT-1 p...
Nuclear Storage / Ядерное хранилище
สร้างโดย EZ88
A repurposed missile silo that can be used as Nuclear Storage facility. Small in size as the containers are stored underground. Has room for 26 containers. Переназначенный ракетный бункер, который можно использовать в качестве хранилища ядерных материалов....
Nuclear Transport
สร้างโดย Novu
An old truck used for transporting nuclear waste. Can only be seen in ''Show ALL'' at the road depot. Added Skoda varient....
Nuclear water cooling
สร้างโดย Benco54
Nuclear water cooling plant. Now you can replace the cooling tower for your nuclear plant with my new mod. It need acess to water because it works with water :P The rest works like the cooling tower....
OBC collection
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
OBC is short for: Ore Bulk Container This pack includes two OBC ships from the GDR built in the 70s and 80s. the Game units carry only containers and aggregate OBC type III Capacity: 23308t/400TEU speed: 16kn available from 1977 to 1995 for ₽ OBC type V Ca...
Off Shore Oil Platform
สร้างโดย Novu
Off shore oil rig. Now you can drill for oil under water. Comes in two versions. First version is found under mining and works the same as land oil rigs but will look weird if placed in deep water or entirely on land. The 2nd version is found under factory...
Office building
สร้างโดย robs074 Office building based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employs 125 workers. Biurowiec wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach. ...
Office building
สร้างโดย robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Office building
สร้างโดย robs074 As this is my 150th building item, time to make something more unique. This is an office building based on a real one from Gdańsk, nicknamed Zieleniak ...
Office building
สร้างโดย robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Office building
สร้างโดย robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Office building
สร้างโดย robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Office building
สร้างโดย robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Office building - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Office building - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Office building - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Office building - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Office building - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Oil Heating Plant
สร้างโดย Novu
Use Oil to heat a city of moderate size. Employs 50 workers to produce 150MJ of heat....
Oil storages
สร้างโดย robs074 Five oil storages based on real objects in Lublin, Poland. They store 250, 600, 750, 1250 and 2500 t of oil. Pięć zbiorników na ropę/paliwo wzorowanych na prawdziwych obiektach w Lublinie. Mieszczą 250, 600, 750, 1250 i ...
Oil Wagon
สร้างโดย Pyro
A futuristic high capacity tanker carrying oil and oil products safely and quickly. This is a railway wagon in my collection of USSR 2050 futuristic ve...
สร้างโดย mote454
Pack of Open Aggegrate Storages with conveyor, truck and rail if needed. 1k and 3k Open Aggregrate storages with and without rail, each has 4 truck bays...
Orange KT-8 Tram
สร้างโดย 3division
Orange skin for KT8 Tram...
Ore Processing
สร้างโดย Novu
A medium sized ore processing factory that coverts raw ores into refined materials. Employs 10 workers and can output up to 70t of materials. Comes in coal and iron variants. Added Gravel version....
Orhanage - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my orphanage. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
สร้างโดย robs074 Orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers and houses 100 children. Dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublini...
Osmosis Water Treatment
สร้างโดย Novu
A modern Water treatment plant that uses reverse osmosis filtration instead of chemicals to make water safe to drink. Employs 25 workers. Added large Osmosis Waterworks. Employs 40 workers. Added Osmosis Waterworks XL. Employs 60 workers....
Ostankino Television Tower
สร้างโดย phx.Ham
Based on Ostankino Television Tower Buildingtime 1963–1967 originally 537 meters high. This Objekt has the original hight with 537 meter. Have fun. ...
Outdoor swimming pool
สร้างโดย robs074 Outdoor swimming pool based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 105 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with score 2 stars. Odkryty basen wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w ...
P-3 4 storey
สร้างโดย kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
P-3 9 storey
สร้างโดย kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
P-4 flats
สร้างโดย Comrade Joe
The P-4 series is a less common building design of the late USSR. It was built in the years 1973-1980 exclusively in Moscow. As far as I could find out, 5 copies of it were built (though it seems some variants with different shapes exist with the same name...
P-44 Skin
สร้างโดย Billman007
The set of skins for the buildings of the P-44 series...
Palace of Culture
สร้างโดย Marius
Cinema in the shape of a neoclassical building using the new game building editor and the "stalinka pack 1" kindly published by user "Du Serpent", also some game textures, wich are needed to be suscribed too. It employs 30 workers and serves 360 visitors, ...
Panel factory
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, conveyor connections are combined with the grid. For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one....
Panel house 15
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 135 workers, based on real buildings in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący 135 robotników, wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Częstochowi...
Panel house 15 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my panel house. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Panel house 2
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 185 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Panel house 3
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 120 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Panel house 7
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 165 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący...
Panel house 9
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 145 workers, based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, miesz...
Panel houses 1 (12 storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 120-180 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, miesz...
Panel house 9 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 11-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Panel houses 1 (5 storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 50-75 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, mieszcz...
Panel houses 12
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 50 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, mieszczące 50 robotników, wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Jakość...
Panel houses 11 (legacy)
สร้างโดย robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
Panel houses 12 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my panel houses. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Panel houses 14
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 75-150 workers, based on real buildings in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, mieszczące 75-150 robotników, wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Czę...
Panel houses 5 (legacy)
สร้างโดย robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
Panel houses 14 - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my panel houses. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Panel houses 6 (legacy)
สร้างโดย robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
Panel tower by Gorbachev
สร้างโดย Gorbachev
Панельные дома от товарища Горбачева Многоэтажная застройка Пак включает в себя 4 здания повышенной комфортности для товарищей с братских республик. Двухподъездные здания по 5 квартир на площадке. 1. 15-этажный панельный дом: 150 квартир, 300 рабочих; 2. 1...
Panelak Building pack
สร้างโดย Benco54
This is my panelak building pack, it contains 9 different buildings. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly. When you have some problems or issues please let me know ;) Please check our discord server: h...
Passanger ship Pack
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
This collection includes some ferrys and cruiseships from east and west Germany, most of these ships are too big for the stock passenger harbor but can be used by my big passenger harbor. Included ships are: Wappen von Hamburg capacity: 1200 speed: 22 kn a...
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
Additional car parks with 12, 14, 20 and 32 parking spaces. The first is based on the small parking, while the other on the vanilla medium parking, with rearranged access and dimensions. UPDATE: Large car parking is now passable, I also removed collision f...
Passenger Locomtive TEP10
สร้างโดย ZIMA
ТЭП10 «Стрела» Пассажирский шестиосный тепловоз с электрической передачей постоянного тока, производившийся в СССР на Харьковском заводе транспортного машиностроения с 1961 по 1968 годы. Дизель: 10Д100 (3000 л.с.) Вес 129 т Нагрузка на ось 21 т Скорость 14...
Passenger Locomtive TEP60
สร้างโดย ZIMA
ТЭП60 Пассажирский шестиосный тепловоз с электрической передачей постоянного тока, производившийся в СССР на Коломенском тепловозостроительном заводе с 1960 по 1987 годы. дизель: 11Д45 (3000 л.с.) Вес 126 т Нагрузка на ось 21 т Скорость 160 км/ч Выходная м...
Passenger stations
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
As the new stations are ready, I will upload them to this mod. Here's another mod with stations:
Passengership Collection 2
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
Collection of small ferries and some small passanger ships: Hafenbarkasse capacity: 25 Passengers speed: 11kn available from 1900 to 1970 for DM B&V-BN-788 capacity: 425 Passengers speed: 16kn available from 1956 to 1999 for DM Paddle Steamer capacity: 150...
Penitentiary Big ('40)
สร้างโดย Jutland
Building located in Szczecin. Prison can hold up to 375 people and hire 75 workers. ...
People's Broadcasting Service
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
Regional radio station A triangular 100 metre tall steel framed fictional building. It is headquarters to People's Broadcasting Service. Requires 75 workers in total, 50 workers with basic education and 25 actors/moderators....
Perpendicular Parking
สร้างโดย Holodets
Perpendicular Parking along the road. Takes up little space, 2 connections for pedestrians. Cars can drive through it. 10 seats...
Perpendicular Parking ||
สร้างโดย Holodets
Parking for 20 places. Travel through it through (people and cars can pass through it). It is possible to do modular Parking near the plant like I have in the screenshot....
สร้างโดย robs074 Philharmonics based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Satisfies the cultural needs of your citizens and also works as a tourist attraction (theatre) with a base score of 3 stars. Employs 20 workers and serves ab...
Pipeline overpass
สร้างโดย BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
PKP class EN71
สร้างโดย KKraken
PKP class EN71 is a Polish 4-carriage electric trainset, based on 3-carriage EN57. Produced by Pafawag, and operated in Poland and Yugoslavia. Models and textures by 3Division. Specifications: Available: 1965-2011 Engine Power: 700KW Speed: 100km/h Weight:...
Plastics factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Plastics factory based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 45 workers. Requires 2.3 t of chemicals and 20 t of oil and produces 4.9 t of...
Plattenbau (WHH-GT-18) Skins
สร้างโดย Brammered
This model is designed and textured by the awesome AmiPolizeiFunk, who has allowed me the task of converting some of his most DDR of buildings for Workers & Resources! All credit should go to him for the creation! What’s this?: 3 skins for the WHH-GT-18 Pl...
Plattenbau (WHH-GT-18)
สร้างโดย Brammered
This model is designed and textured by the awesome AmiPolizeiFunk, who has allowed me the task of converting some of his most DDR of buildings for Workers & Resources! All credit should go to him for the creation! What’s this?: The WHH-GT-18 Large Panel Co...
Police station
สร้างโดย robs074 Police station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 40 investigators. Can be equipped with 6 vehicles. Komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 2...
Podgaric Spomenik
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Spomenik revolucije naroda Moslavine Spomenik revolucije naroda Moslavine je monumentalan spomenik kod mjesta Podgarić u Moslavini, rad kipara Dušana Dža...
Police station
สร้างโดย robs074 Police station based on a real building in Gdańsk, Poland. Employs 9 workers with basic education and 18 investigators. Can be equipped with 4 vehicles. Komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Gdańsku. Zatrudnia 9 p...
Police station
สร้างโดย robs074 Police station based on a real building in Szczecin, Poland. Employs 15 workers with basic education and 20 investigators. Can be equipped with 5 vehicles. Komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Szczecinie. Zatrudn...
Police Station
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Medium Police Station...
Police station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my police station. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Police station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my police station. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Police station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my police station. Includes twelve colour variants as seen in the preview....
Police Station Skins
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Skins for my medium police station....
Poliklinika pr. VII-40
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
Soviet medical building project VII-40, originally designed in 1963, it was built until the early 1980s. Generally used as a local medical clinic, in game it works as a smaller hospital. The main model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skyl...
Polish bus stations
สร้างโดย robs074 Polish bus stations including a two-platform (for 400 passengers), a three-platform (for 600 passengers) and a four-platform one (for 800 passengers). Both buses and trolleybuses can use them. For stops with trolleybus w...
Polish bus stations - trolleybus skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Trolleybus skin variants for my bus stations....
Polish bus stops
สร้างโดย robs074 Polish bus stops pack including a two-way (for 400 passengers) and a one-way (for 200 passengers) urban stops with a sign, as well as a bus loop for 20...
Polish bus stops - variations
สร้างโดย robs074 The pack includes the following variations of the bus stops: - trolleybus stop with a sign, - bus stop with a shelter, - trolleybus stop with a shelter...
Polish gas stations
สร้างโดย robs074 Polish gas stations for two and four vehicles. A standard and a one-way version are available. Polskie stacje benzynowe dla dwóch i czterech pojazdów. ...
Polish Shops (Part 2)
สร้างโดย robs074 The pack includes 5 Polish shops, based on real buildings in Lublin: - small shop (10 workers, 70 customers, 15t closed storage - clothes and electroni...
Polish shops (part 2) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my Polish shops (part 2). Includes 16 skins for 4 shops (Sezam not included)....
Polish shops (part 4) - skins (part 1)
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my Polish shops....
Polish shops (part 4)
สร้างโดย robs074 The pack includes 6 Polish shops, based on real buildings in Lublin, Kielce and Częstochowa: - 12 workers, 96 customers, 20 t closed storage, 2 t of meat (also available as a restaurant and a pub), - 15 workers, 120 cust...
Polish shops (part 4) - skins (part 2)
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my Polish shops....
Polish shops (part 5)
สร้างโดย robs074 The pack includes 4 Polish shops, based on real buildings in Lublin: - 1 building: 25 workers, 200 customers, 40 t closed storage, 4 t of meat, - 3 buildings: 20 workers, 160 customers, 30 t closed storage, 3 t of meat. ...
Polish shops (part 5) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my Polish stores. Includes 11 skins for 4 buildings....
สร้างโดย neigabZkezoJ
-==- Pack include: EW51/Class 91 produced by HCP Poznań, L. Zieleniewski and Lilpop, Rau and Lowenstein between 1936 and 1939. It can bring 534 passengers. EW54 produced by ASEA between 1950 and 1953. It can bring 529 passengers. EW90 which is Baureihe ET ...
Polish State Railways part 3
สร้างโดย mattslodki
Welcome to the third and last pack of the PKP (Polskie Koleje Państwowe - Polish state railways) waggons - the next one will finally be locomotives. This pack contains freight waggons used to transport specific materials across the railway, so don't let th...
Polish State Railways part 4.0- Diesel pack
สร้างโดย mattslodki
PKP diesel pack by: Mattslodki-Adaption Chester models to game, reworked ripped models from game, skins, alpha bogeys, UV mapping. J ó z e k Z b a g i e n-Moddeling locos, UV mapping, skins. Xlimee-SU160 model, fixing skins. Big thanks for: Prof Dr Inż. P....
Polish State Railways WAGON PACK 2.0
สร้างโดย neigabZkezoJ
PKP Wagon Pack 2.0 by: neigabZkezóJ-Moddeling, UV mapping, texturiung. Big thanks for: Dr Inż. P. Kilanowski (kilanziom) from trainz (textures for wagons). enjoy!...
Polish tram stops with shelters
สร้างโดย robs074 Tram stops with shelters....
Polish tram stops
สร้างโดย robs074 Polish bus stops pack including two-way (for 400 passengers) and one-way (for 200 passengers) stops with a sign. For stops with a shelter subscribe to the building skin mod listed as a depedency. Paczka polskich przystan...
Polyester and Nylon Factory
สร้างโดย Novu
A polyester and nylon factory. Converts oil and chemicals into fabric. Added water front version....
Polytechnische Oberschule (School)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Polytechnische Oberschule / GDR School...
Port Infrastructure Collection
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
this is a collection of port infrastructure it includes ports for all kind of goods in different sizes, two shipyards, a floating drydock and some warehouses for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Post office
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
Post office based on a real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Works as a secret police. Employs 200 agents, has space for 12 personal vehicles. --- Почтамт на основе реального здания в Ереване. Работает как секретная полиция. Максимальное количество агентов - ...
Power plant
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Power plant Many thanks for the advice and help of andrei777z! Thermal power plant with a capacity of 300 MW. Cooling tower connection-3 39 pins of 110 kv high voltage 10 pins of average voltage 22 kv Large-scale industry-180 jobs, 60 engineers With a capa...
สร้างโดย frostsey
Small powerplant coal...
Prefab - 16 floors
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
MOD SIZE DECREASED BY MORE THAN 40%! ------------- 16 floor prefab houses in Yerevan, Armenia. They were built in late 80s in the north-west side of Yerevan called Kvartal. Because of the collapse of Soviet Union the construction of Kvartal was stopped. Th...
Prefab apartments element
สร้างโดย 3division
This brings the new elements to build vanilla game like prefab panels apartments with balcony Purpose of this item is for modders - as sample file for custom elements for building editor...
Prefab block of flats (11 storey) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 11-storey prefab block of flats. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Prefab blocks of flats (7-11 storey) - skins (part 1)
สร้างโดย robs074
Skins for my 7-11-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Prefab blocks of flats (7-11 storey) - skins (part 2)
สร้างโดย robs074
Skins for my 7-11-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview.....
Prefab bus station
สร้างโดย Bublis00
This is a bus station with a small prefab building for passengers. 3 places for vehicles. One way entry and exit roads. Max amount of people waiting: 700. This bus stop has a non-blocking feature so it is efficient....
Prefab panel factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Prefab panel factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 200 t of gravel and 30 t of cement and produces 220 t of...
Press house
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
Press house in Yerevan, Armenia. Works as a radio station. Employs 240 workers (120 normal + 120 educated). --- Здание прессы Еревана. Работает как радиостанция. Максимальное число работников 240 человек (120 с высшим образованием, 120 обычных). ----- http...
Press HQ (radio station)
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
An Office building for your republics press and publishing agency. Works as a small radio station and requires 50 workers with basic education and 50 workers with higher education....
Prior Department Store
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
Medium shopping centre Original design inspired by the vanilla shopping centre. Good alternative between the vanilla shopping centre and a small shopping centre. Can serve in a decently large district. Requires 30 workers and can serve up to 190 customers....
Department store PRIOR Brno
สร้างโดย Vikom
Department Store PRIOR, Brno Inspired by a real life building built between 1980–1984, architects Zdeněk Řihák and Zdeněk Sklepek. Art (railings, walls structure etc.) Milan Buříval. One of few remaining brutalist buildings in Brno, so it's fate is, obviou...
Pripyat (Chernobyl) ferris wheel
สร้างโดย Comrade Sky
Soviet ferris wheel based off of the famous Pripyat (Chernobyl) ferris wheel. It serves as culture building. I also included a recolored version by Comrade Joe The asset is designed for animations, so once animations are implemented, I will add animations,...
สร้างโดย robs074 Prison based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 60 workers and accommodates 180 prisoners. Więzienie wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 60 robotników i mieści 180 więźniów....
สร้างโดย Benco54 Small Prison the prison is a lot smaller than the vanilla. it can accommodate 90 prisoners and needs 30 employees. There is 1 vehicle station which is located in the inner courtyard and can only be accessed via a bar...
Prison - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
สร้างโดย olDen
project-903 Bulk cargo SPEED 18 RESOURCE CAPACITY 543 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Projekt 616
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
russian general Cargo ship comes in 3 Variants General Cargo, Aggregate have the same following stats: Capacity: 4500t / 150 TEU speed: 12kn Dry Bulk Capacity: 4050t speed: 12kn available from 1997 to 2005 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Public Sauna PACK / БАНИ
สร้างโดย Benser
ПОШЛИ В БАНЮ!:) Баня всегда была больше чем баней. Не только «помывочным местом» и цирюльней, «второй матерью» и праздником души и тела, но и этаким клубом для дружеских посиделок и пиршеств. ПАК состоит из трех типов бань: 1. баня - больница (1 машина) 2....
Pumping facilities
สร้างโดย robs074 Pumping facilities based on real building in Lublin, Poland. The pack includes a heating pumping stations, a water pumping station (more powerful than vanilla, but also more expensive, comes with an optional medium volta...
PZ-672 - Primer Grey
สร้างโดย geoitj
Bit of an ugly little duckling, isn't it? This one should horrify other road users a little less, at least until they slam into it at full speed because it blended into all the other depressing grey bricks around here....
Rába 838 trucks
สร้างโดย lajka521
Rába 838 semi trucks Rába 838 semi truck with Rába 574 opened trailer: Power - 147 KW Resource type: open Resource capacity - 24 T Speed - 66 Km/h Available: 1969-1972 Rába 838 semi truck with Rába 574 covered trailer: Power - 147 KW Resource type: covered...
Rába U16 trucks
สร้างโดย lajka521
Rába U16 semi trucks Rába U16 semi truck with Rába 574 opened trailer: Power - 147 KW Resource type: open Resource capacity - 24 T Speed - 66 Km/h Available: 1969-1972 Rába U16 semi truck with Rába 574 covered trailer: Power - 147 KW Resource type: covered...
r18100 & ANGARA
สร้างโดย olDen
r18100 & ANGARA SPEED 5 CAPACITY 1000 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Radio Station 1970s medium size
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Third installment of the "Basic Buildings Series". Radio station based on the post office building in Bugojno. S23-003 Radio Station 1970s medium size Workers needed: 40 + 15 Actors Trece poglavlje serije "Basic B...
Radio station tower
สร้างโดย Dejfo94
National broadcasting Institution Works as a radio station, building is purely fictitious design. It can employ 100 workers with basic education and 50 actors/moderators, and its cost is comparable to the vanilla radio station. Textures by 3Divison....
Rail construction office
สร้างโดย robs074 Rail construction office base on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 4 sets. Biuro budowy kolei wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w L...
Railway distribution offices
สร้างโดย robs074 Railroad distribution office based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in two versions: with four and six tracks. Kolejowe biuro dystrybucji wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Dostępne jest w dwóch wersj...
Railway distribution offices - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my railway distribution offices. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
RailwayStation Lipetsk
สร้างโดย Dead Бухломороз
The railway station of the South-Eastern railway, located in the city of Lipetsk. It has a rather original appearance. In addition to the station building itself, it accommodates a hotel and a cafe (they are not functional in the game, but if one day there...
Red Broadcasting Tower
สร้างโดย Benco54
The red broadcasting tower a few facts about this very exciting building: Height: about 100 meters number of employees: 100 number of professors: 60 number of vehicle stations: 2 number of pedestrian connections: 7 the building is based on the red tower, f...
Red skin for 1Lg-600A
สร้างโดย Shotkey
Adds one skin with red inserts between the windows to all buildings from the 1Lg-600A mod. You can also subscribe other skins for 1Lg-600A using the links below: 1. GREEN inserts 2. BLUE inserts 3. Plastered walls...
สร้างโดย tomtomtotal
Support ME > < Support ME Red Star Fountain with Light (no cullision) Sports facility type (12 people 3 employeer) heat is not needed I hope you enjoy it ...
สร้างโดย Okota Harinezumi
Standard refrigerator with the addition of railway track. UPD 04/25/2020: Increased storage capacity up to 1000 tons...
Regional radio station
สร้างโดย robs074 Regional radio station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers with basic education and 25 actors. Regionalna rozgłośnia radiowa...
Republic Woywonien
สร้างโดย Lord Vendruchi
Greetings from the great Woywonien Socialist Sovietrepublic - WSSR A balanced map with coastline, rivers, lakes ,forests, hills and mountains. Good luck, comrade....
Regional radio station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my radio station. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Residential building type 1-464D-89
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I present to you, Residential building series 1-464D-89. These residential houses were built mainly in Dnepr (Dnepropetrovsk), Nizhniy Novgorod and Arzamas between 1970 and 1980. The houses were intended for coop...
Residential buildings (121 series)
สร้างโดย Holodets
A set of 9-storey panel buildings with a different number of entrances. Buildings can be built close to each other, thus creating a line of buildings of different curves. Unfortunately, due to the mechanics of the game, some buildings can not be placed clo...
Residential buildings type 1-464A
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I present to you one of the most common series of typical apartment buildings in Russia and CIS countries. The buildings of this series in various modifications were built in many cities of the USSR during the pe...
Residential buildings type 112
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I present to you, the 112 Series Residential Buildings Pack. These houses were erected in the period from 1981 (early modifications) to the present. The buildings were designed by the LenZNIIEP, for the construct...
Residential buildings type 75 (5-6 floors)
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I present to you, panelized residential buildings series 75. Residential buildings of this series were built in many cities in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti), in the period from 197...
Residential buildings type 75 (9-12 floors)
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I present you the second part of the set, panelized residential buildings series 75. Residential buildings of this series were built in many cities in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti)...
Residential buildings type 78
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I would like to introduce you the 78-series panel houses. Residential buildings of this series were built in Murmansk, Severomorsk, Snezhnogorsk and other settlements of the Barents Sea coast during the period fr...
Residential buildings type 93M
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I would like to present to you the panel houses of the 93m series. Residential buildings of this series were built in Murmansk and Murmansk region in the period from 1985 to 1995 by Murmansk DSK, some buildings w...
Residential buildings type I-521A
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I would like to present you a package of 25-storey apartment buildings of the type I-521A. These buildings were built in Moscow (the districts of Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Chertanovo, Obruchevsky) from 1974 to 1994. T...
Residential buildings type P-44
สร้างโดย Billman007 Description I present you, the panel houses of the series P-44. Residential buildings of this series and developed on its basis (P-44T, P-44K and others) - the most popular type series of houses in Moscow and Moscow region. ...
Retexture - Bus stops
สร้างโดย gonzaldd
Retextured from the bus stops to make them less run down, it has seven color variations on the signage to customize the lines. Retexturado de las paradas de autobus para hacerlas menos deterioradas, tiene siete variaciones de color en la carteleria para pe...
Retexture - Coal Powerplant
สร้างโดย Hutch
Ретекстур ванильной угольной электростанции Обновил текстуру бетона на основном здании и конвеере, убрал рябь текстуры при отдалении. сделал металлические части чище перекрасил в серый. Добавил 5 цветовых вариаций подпоркам и трубам - серую, голубую, красн...
Retexture - Gas power plant
สร้างโดย gonzaldd
Retextured for the gas power plant to make it look newer and less run down, there are eight versions, with slight color modifications. Retexturado para la central electrica de gas para hacerla parecer mas nueva y menos deteriorara, hay ocho versiones, con ...
Retexture - Nuclear power plants
สร้างโดย gonzaldd
Retextured for the in-game nuclear power plants to make them look newer and less deteriorated, there are eight versions for the single power plant, with minor color modifications, and one for the double power plant. Retexturado para las centrales nucleares...
Retexture - Rail stations
สร้างโดย gonzaldd
Retextured from the passenger stations to make them less run down, it has seven color variations on the signage to customize the lines. Retexturado de las estaciones de pasajeros del juego para hacerlas menos deterioradas, tiene siete variaciones de color ...
Retro Airport Pak
สร้างโดย Nyxyx
A huge airport pack of 12 totally custom, bespoke models and textures. All of this pack is hand-made, not ported into the game from free model sites. Contains Several large retro terminals based on Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow, two old wooden cargo termi...
River Station (Riga)
สร้างโดย Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the building of the river station from Riga (Latvia). The prototype for all river stations of that time was the luxurious northern station of Moscow, the capital of the USSR, built in 1933-37. Its architecture with galleries of...
Riverlands (Inhabited)
สร้างโดย bansz
Map based on the area of Riverlands. (Inhabited) Uninhabited version: More maps: If you like it, https://s...
Road Building Pack (1931-Present)
สร้างโดย CrowdSceneExtra
This pack adds more road building vehicles available for dollars to the game, allowing players to build gravel roads from 1931 to present day, and asphalt roads from 1936 to present day. Note that you will need to change the start year of your save game or...
Road vehicles depot
สร้างโดย robs074 Road vehicles depot based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in two versions: for 17 and 32 vehicles. Zajezdnia wzorowana na prawdziwym budynk...
Road vehicles depot - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my road vehicles depot. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
RoadRail Station
สร้างโดย r63Slam
3 in 1. Bus, trolleybus and rail station. Add 2 pedestrian connection. 500 passanger....
ROCAR DAC - E217, 117UD
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
Romanian bus and later a trolleybus. I will make a short version later. Year of release: Bus 1979 - 1998 Trolleybus 1985 - 2000 12 Colors Currency RUB. !!!!!! Large size mod due to textures. !!!!!!...
Romanian Block from Ploiesti
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Link to the painting of the building: The house is made with a real project located in the city of Ploiesti, Romania. The mod was made according to the request of Comrade Ultron 666. The num...
Run-of-river hydroelectricity
สร้างโดย Benco54
Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) or run-of-the-river hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of stora...
สร้างโดย robs074 Sawmill based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 30 workers. Requires 270 t of wood produces 210 t of boards per day when fully staffed. Tar...
สร้างโดย ☭ ★ AlexDad ★ ☭
Распространенная типовая постройка школы A common standard building of a school ...
School (50s, 3-4 storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 School from the 50s loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pup...
School (60s)
สร้างโดย robs074 School from the 60s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. The...
School (60s, 4-storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 School from the 60s based on real buildings in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. The pack also includes a school gym attachable to the school, which ...
School (60s, 4-storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 School from the 60s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 25 teachers. Educates about 300 pupils. The...
School (70s)
สร้างโดย robs074 School from the 70s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. The...
School (80s)
สร้างโดย robs074 School from the 80s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers with basic education and 35 teachers. Educates about 420 pupils. The ...
สร้างโดย painkillerlexar
School Medium Size , bricks , 300 students ...
Sewage Condenser
สร้างโดย Novu
A sewage treatment plant that condences raw sewage into solid waste and does not require a dischage pipe. However, this waste is highly toxic and must be transported to safe location. Located under factory Added Aeration Sewage Treatment using the same mod...
Sewage treatment plants
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: A set of water intake wells Water treatment plant Set of underground utilit...
Sewer (Sewage) switches
สร้างโดย Vanok [RUSMNB]
A two simple sewer splitters that allows you to connect up to 3 or 4 drains to the input and up to 3 or 4 to the output (3x3 or 4x4). Works like an overflow pump (inlet is lower than the outlet in height), but does not require electricity....
Shopping centre
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Shopping center O-TPZ-K03 Lade till en byggnad utan tecken, med möjlighet att skriva text. A fictional shopping center project, with a retail area of 2900 m2. Includes a department of products, clothing and footwear, household goods, household appliances. ...
Simple Forwarding Pump
สร้างโดย KArantukki
A simple pump for long distance pipelines, one input and one output connection. Comes in two versions with different connections on both sides....
Skin options
สร้างโดย Олег Монолит
Set of colonnade skins with bus stop function...
Skins for 70's Schools
สร้างโดย Jachet 3 Skins for Small 70's School...
Skins for Medium 60s School
สร้างโดย Jachet Skins for Medium 60s School...
Skins for Medium 70's Clinic
สร้างโดย Jachet Yellow and beige skins for Medium 70's Clinic...
Skins for T478.3 (Class 753)
สร้างโดย VencaCZ
Skin set for czechoslovakian class 753 with various skins all around czech and slovak depots. Only one is available for now. I am planning to do more. Current set: - Red skin - Red skin with yellow stripe - Red skin with yellow stripe and bolts on side Com...
Skins for the prefab block of flats (12 storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 12-storey prefab block of flats. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Skins for the prefab blocks of flats (12 storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 12-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Skins for the prefab blocks of flats (4 storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 4-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Skins for the prefab blocks of flats (5 storey)
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 5-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Skins for the prefab blocks of flats (5 storey) part 1
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 5-storey prefab blocks of flats (part 1). Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview....
Skins for the prefab blocks of flats (5 storey) part 2
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my 5-storey prefab blocks of flats (part 2). Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview....
สร้างโดย robs074 Slaughterhouse based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 100 workers. Requires 25 t of livestock and produces 10 t of meat per day when fully...
Small 70's School
สร้างโดย Jachet Small 70's School and School Gym constructed in standardised reinforced concrete system MS-RP which consist of reinforced concrete skeleton and panel shell. MS-RP Schools are one of the most common schools in Slovakia Te...
Small admin building
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
A small administrative buiding, functioning as a town hall with reduced personnell requirements comapred to the original one. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full...
Small clinic
สร้างโดย robs074 Small clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers with basic education, 5 doctors and serves about 15 patients. Can be equippe...
Small clinic
สร้างโดย robs074 Small clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 7 workers with basic education, 7 doctors and serves about 20 patients. Can be equippe...
Small clinic ('50s)
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
Small clothing factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Small clothing factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 37 workers. Requires 1.1 t of fabric and produces 0.54 t of clothes per day when fully staffed (slightly less efficient than the default one). Ma...
Small coal power plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Small coal power plant based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 20 workers. Requires 18 t of coal and produces 1050 MWh of power when fully staffed. Requires a cooling tower to work, I recommend using the one...
Small courthouse
สร้างโดย robs074 Small courthouse based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 12 judges. Mały sąd wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 20 pracowników z podstawowym wykształceni...
Small courthouse
สร้างโดย robs074 Small courthouse loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers with basic education and 10 judges. Mały sąd luźno wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 15 pracowników z podstawowy...
Small courthouse - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small courthouse. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small courthouse - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small courthouse. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small Distribution Offices
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
3 small distribution offices for 1, 3 or 5 vehicles. Available in a choice of 4 colours each. No heating requirement...
Small electronics assembly hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Small electronics assembly hall based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 85 workers. Requires 1.3 t of plastics, 0.85 t of electrical compon...
Small Electronics Factory
สร้างโดย Novu
Small Eletronics factory for assembling electronics as an early game industry. Employs 25 workers....
Small fabric factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Small fabric factory loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers. Requires 9 t of crops and 0.22 t of chemicals and produces 2.2 t of fabric per day when fully staffed (slightly less efficient ...
Small fire station
สร้างโดย robs074 Small fire station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Can be equipped with 3 fire engines. Heating requirement disabled. Mała remiza strażacka...
Small fire station
สร้างโดย robs074 Small fire station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Can be equipped with 2 fire engines. Heating requirement disabled. Mała remiza strażacka...
Small fire station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small fire station. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small fire station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small fire station. Includes fifteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small natural gas heating plant
สร้างโดย Jachet Since we don't have gas in game, this plant is burning oil. Does not generate pollution thus can be placed near homes as shown in pictures Two versions each with different placing of road access Workers: 7 Capacity: 168m...
Small heating plant
สร้างโดย robs074 Small coal-fired heating plant based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 6 workers. Capacity of the water tank is 180 cubic metres. Mała ciepłownia opalana węglem wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach. Zat...
Small hospital
สร้างโดย robs074 Hospital based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equipped with five ambulances. Szpital wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lubli...
Small hospital - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small hospital. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small hotel (3 stars)
สร้างโดย robs074 Small hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and houses about 75 tourists. Base tourist score: 3 stars. Mały hotel wzorow...
Small hotel (3 stars) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small hotel. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small Kindergarten
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Small Kindergarten: - max. 8 workers - max. 80 kids...
Small kindergarten (60s)
สร้างโดย robs074 Small kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 150 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziw...
Small kindergarten (60s) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for kindergarten. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small kindergarten (70s)
สร้างโดย robs074 Small kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 14 workers and serves about 140 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziw...
Small kindergarten (70s)
สร้างโดย robs074 Small kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 150 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziw...
Small kindergarten (80s)
สร้างโดย robs074 Small kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 150 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 15 pracowników i obsługuje około 150...
Small kindergarten (80s) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small kindergarten. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small kindergarten - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small kindergarten. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small Kindergarten Skins
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Skins for my small kindergarten....
Small mechanical component factory
สร้างโดย robs074 Small mechanical component factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers. Requires 3 t of steel and produces 1.5 t of mechanic...
Small medical university
สร้างโดย robs074 Small medical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 25 lecturers. Serves about 75 students...
Small orphanage
สร้างโดย robs074 Small orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 22 workers and houses 66 children. Mały dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku...
Small orphanage
สร้างโดย robs074 Small orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and houses 45 children. Mały dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku...
Small orphanage - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small orphanage. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small orphanage - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small orphanage. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small police station
สร้างโดย robs074 Small police station based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 6 workers with basic education and 12 investigators. Can be equipped with 3 vehicles. Mały komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Często...
Small police station
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
Typical small soviet police station that can be suitable for smaller towns or districts. This model is based on a small police station originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", ported to W&RSR and edited by me. STATS Staff requirements: 7 st...
Small police station
สร้างโดย robs074 Small police station based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 5 workers with basic education and 7 investigators. Can be equipped with 2 vehicles. Mały komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstoc...
Small police station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small police station. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small police station
สร้างโดย robs074 Small police station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers with basic education and 10 investigators. Can be equipped with 3 vehicles. Mały komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Z...
Small police station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small police station. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small police station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small police station. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small Pub
สร้างโดย Jachet Small 70s pub perfect for your panel housing estates Workers: 5 Alcoholics: 50 Storage: 5 tons of alcohol Special thanks to Robs074 for providing window textures and advices...
Small radio station
สร้างโดย Vanok [RUSMNB]
Compact building of a regional radio station. Drawn from the head, real prototypes are missing. Maybe someone will find her too small, but it suits me perfectly. In addition, until inspiration came to me to draw a normal antenna, I might fix it later. Para...
Small Rail Infrastructure Pack
สร้างโดย Mayor__Defacto
This pack includes two structures; a small Rail Construction Office, and a small Tram Depot. Items include a few objects and textures by Ryantheskinny and Blue_Bro....
Small railway unloading station
สร้างโดย Gemad
Маленькая железнодорожная станция разгрузки сыпучих грузов. Один железнодорожный путь, 2 соединения. В два раза дешевле старндартной. Small railway station for unloading bulk cargo. One track, 2 connections. Two times cheaper than the standard one....
Small Red Star
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Red star monument made out of steel....
Small school (70s)
สร้างโดย robs074 Small school from the 70s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 13 workers with basic education and 13 teachers. Educates about 150 pupils. The pack also includes a school gym attachable to the school, which...
Small school (70s) - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my school. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small secret police
สร้างโดย gonzaldd
A small secret police building, for rural areas or cities with few population. Profesors needed 5 Vehicles needed 2 Storage fuel 4T Pedestrian access 4 GROUNDWORKS Gravel 7.2 Asphalt 6.7 Concrete 8.3 Work days 76 BRICKS LAYING Steel 2.8 Bricks 17.8 Work da...
Small secret police
สร้างโดย robs074 Small secret police based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers and can be equipped with 5 vehicles. Mały gmach służby bezpieczeństwa wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 25 pracownikó...
Small Secret Police
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Small Secret Police Station - 20 (high educated) Workers - 6 Cars...
Small secret police - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small secret police. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small secret police building
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
Small secret police building that can be suited for smaller towns and/or a 1950s time frame. This model is based on the 1950s clinic, originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines" and ported to W&RSR by me, edited and retextured by me to fit the ...
Small Storage for Shop and Pub
สร้างโดย Igi_PL
Small Storage for Shop and Pub. Base on default meat storage. You can use a road or a pedestrian path (sufficient during construction and in case of fire) - the choice is yours. I tried to create modded Pub with a factory connection, but it is not possible...
Small Technical Offices
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
TEST BRANCH ONLY 3 small technical offices for 1, 3 or 5 snow ploughs. Available in a choice of 4 colours each. No heating requirement...
Small technical university
สร้างโดย robs074 Small technical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 lecturers. Educates about 60 stud...
Small technical university - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my small technical university. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small Transformer and 4 way Switch
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Two cut down versions of the power transformer. One with High Voltage throughput, 2 High Voltage and 2 Medium Voltage connections. And one with 4 Medium Voltage connections. Larger version with High Power throughput also available - https://steamcommunity....
Snowplow station
สร้างโดย MTandi
Small technical services building with 3 parking slots for snowplowers. Textures by 3division....
Soviet Palace of Sports
สร้างโดย Brammered
What’s this?:This is a Soviet Palace of Sports, based on the building that sits in central Kaliningrad. It’s function is as a host of sporting events, and it’s artistic mural outside the entrance depicts this. Front and rear windows all have security bars,...
Sport center
สร้างโดย gonzaldd
A sport center, works both as a sports facility and as a tourist attraction. Workers 20 Max guest served 140 Type of attraction: Swim General category 1.5 Sports category: 3.5 Swim category: 2.0 Pedestrian access 4 GROUNDWORKS Gravel 16.2 Asphalt 15.0 Conc...
Sports Hall
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Sports Hall - 20 Workers - 100 Visitors - 2.5 Attraction Score...
Sports hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Sports hall based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 105 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with score 2.5 stars. Hala sportowa wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach...
Sports hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Sports hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with score...
Sports hall - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my sports hall. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Sports playgrounds
สร้างโดย robs074 Sports playground based on real objects in Lublin, Poland. Includes: - a volleyball court, - a basketball court, - a basketball + volleybal court, - a ...
Sports playgrounds with fences
สร้างโดย robs074 Additional variants of my sports playgrounds with fences. They work as building skins....
สร้างโดย Quieklebendig
Hi all! This is a set of tenement houses from the late 19th / early 20th century, ideal for the creation of central european themed maps. It contains 10 individual residential buildings without the collision & ground leveling needs to maximize the flexibil...
สร้างโดย Lac_M
stars variation for pedestrian overpass...
สร้างโดย Niss Tagm
Пак элементов редактора зданий для постройки здания в сталинском стиле. Помимо несущих элементов есть колонны, балконы, декоративная лепнина, арка с кессонами, скатная крыша, барельеф, карнизы. Делитесь своими сталинками в мастерской. Pack of building edit...
Station 2 platf. 4 tracks, bus stop
สร้างโดย EdekZamknijDrzwi
en: 2 rail passenger platforms ca. 200m lenght (for set of 3 EN57) with 4 tracks, station building, entrance to underplatform tunnel and 2 platforms for buses. Capacity for 2500 passengers pl: 2 perony pasażerskie o długości ok. 200m (dla trójskładu EN57) ...
Steel mill
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
The plant is designed for the production of cast steel and rolled products. Large-scale industry-400 jobs With a capacity of 300 tons. Open warehouse of products-7000 tons. Maximum consumption: Iron-600 tons. Coal-600 tons. Electricity-60 MW*h. Resources: ...
Steel Water Tower
สร้างโดย Quieklebendig
Hi comrades! The third water tower of my series. Just like real water towers this 56 m high silent giant acts as storage and pumping at the same time, providing a constant pressure for your buildings (as long as they don't exceed the height of the tower ;)...
Stepeniste Building
สร้างโดย Benco54
Stepeniste Residental Building 322 residents cool design 2 doors and connections for pedestrians...
Stops for trams
สร้างโดย BORO
Остановки для трамваев. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 – одно железнодорожное полотно. 2 – два железнодорожных полотна. Stops for trams. In two versions. 1 - one railway track. 2 - two railway tracks. ...
Stromschubboot Typ 64/ Projekt 2414
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
a GDR Pusher Boat with different combinations of Barges Barges for Aggregate capacity: 970/1940/3880t Speed: 8 kn available from 1966 - 1997 for ₽ Barges for Open and Containers capacity: 970/1940/3880t 24/48/96 TEU Speed: 8 kn available from 1966 - 1997 f...
Student Halls
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
4 Small brick student houses to make your own campuses. They're in the mods residential category....
Student residence hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Student residence hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Houses 100 students. Akademik wzorowany na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Mieści 1...
Student residence hall - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my student residence hall. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Student residence halls
สร้างโดย robs074 Student residence halls based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. They house 90-120 students. Akademiki wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie....
Student residence halls - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my student residence halls. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Submarine Monument
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
A Submarine Monument for a bit of decoration....
Substation 110/20kV type 407-3-191
สร้างโดย Shotkey
OBSOLETE MOD – CHECK UPDATED VERSION: This modification includes 16 versions for power transmission lines of different power, and several dead-end versions (one high-voltage input) + two all-purpose substations without wires...
Super Kzh
สร้างโดย Fiend
Extended version of the Kzh 461 railway crane, with extra trailer. Slightly slower max speed because it has more weight, but it can theorectically* carry twice the cargo, so fewer trips are required. * Unfortunately the rail contruction yard will only load...
สร้างโดย olDen
SVSRZ & SVARZ-ts SPEED 60 (65) CAPACITY 90 (220) AVAILABLE 1955 1964 (1959 1967) the model is adapted by denizabr...
Svechka Skomorohova Gora
สร้างโดย vova017
This is a common type of building in Rybinsk. 310 people live in this building. It has 14 floors. This type is very common among residents of Rybinsk and the Yaroslavl Region. You will also need to subscribe to ,, Prefab apartments element "and ,, Typical ...
Swampiria - Populated
สร้างโดย Roves
There is - the Socialist Republic of Swampiria. To be honest, there are only three smaller and two bigger swamps, but who care's? It's my third map - that's a populated version. You can find here three cities, two villages and one more road than in unpopul...
Swampiria - Unpopulated
สร้างโดย Roves
There is - the Socialist Republic of Swampiria. To be honest, there are only three smaller and two bigger swamps, but who care's? It's my third map, maybe in the near future I will remake it or give u populated version. Have fun, and report any problems or...
Swimming pool
สร้างโดย robs074 Swimming pool based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 18 workers and serves about 90 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with score 3.5 stars. Pływalnia wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach. Z...
สร้างโดย vinnikandry
T-34 Monument
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Monument of the famous soviet T34 tank....
T06B NA - 70s Towers pack
สร้างโดย Jachet 4 tower residential buildings built in panel construction system T06B NA (Nitra region, Slovakia) This pack contains: 11-story tower 110 workers 87% quality 13-story tower 156 workers 85% quality 12-story tower 120 worke...
T3 & LM68 Old Models - Re-Release
สร้างโดย Tigrovica
This is not my creation, Those are just old models that used to be in the game but were replaced by new models during the updates. All credits goes to 3division....
TAM 80 T5
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
TAM 80 T5 Лёгкий грузовик фирмы Tovarna avtomobilov Maribor. 4 варианта кузова: Закрытый кузов Открытый кузов Самосвал Автоцистерна. Года выпуска 1985 - 1995 10 Цветов Валюта RUB. ----------------------------------------------------- Tovarna avtomobilov Ma...
TAM AS 3500 E
สร้างโดย jarzomb
TAM AS 3500 E is an Yugoslavian Bus maked between 1970-1975 (probably) in Maribor, Yugoslavia (Now Slovenia) in Tovarna Avtomobilov Maribor. Max Speed is 115km/h and 85 passengers. Sorry Wrong Photo.......
TAM BUS 272 A180
สร้างโดย Frenky [SVK]
TAM 272 A180 Dopravny podnik Bratislava evc 1414 licencia Tam bus Slovenia...
tanker pack
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
collection of tankers includes: T2-SE-A1 capacity: 16300 speed: 15kn available from 1940 to 1983 for $ Type 935 capacity: 1542 speed: 10kn available from 1965 to 1997 for $ Motor Tank Leichter capacity: 150 speed: 6kn available from 1900 to 1970 for $ Niob...
Tatra KT4(t)
สร้างโดย LodzkiBus
Tatra KT4(t) Tatra KT4 is the name of a four-axle, articulated tram-car developed by CKD Tatra. The first pre-production vehicles entered service in Potsdam in 1975, with the first production vehicles in 1977. Tatra KT4T has a thyristor equipment TV3. Conv...
Tatra T6A2+SME
สร้างโดย LodzkiBus
Tatra T6A2+SME - Berlin *SME - car with lowered pantograph Tatra T6A2 was a tramcar built by CKD Tatra between 1985 and 1999. Having enjoyed widespread success with its previous models among mainly Soviet customers, the T6A2 was quite different in appearan...
Technical services
สร้างโดย robs074 Technical services based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes three versions: for 4, 8 and 11 vehicles. Biura utrzymania infrastruktury wzoro...
Technical university
สร้างโดย robs074 Technical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 60 workers with basic education and 60 lecturers. Serves about 180 students. P...
Technical University
สร้างโดย Benco54
This is a technical university. it is based on the 3division model with the textures. a few informations: requires 105 workers and 90 professors it trains many people to become academics there is a pass for 2 streets. my idea would be to have a large stree...
Terrestrial Sewage Discharge
สร้างโดย Saxon
A modified version of the sewage discharge that is already in the game. This one does not require nearby water and can therefore be placed everywhere. All other properties are the same....
The Motherland Monument
สร้างโดย Brammered
NOW UPDATED WITH LOYALTY STATS What’s this?: The Motherland Monument (Ukrainian: Батьківщина-Мати, romanized: Batkivshchýna-Máty, Russian: Родина-мать) is a monumental statue in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. The sculpture is a part of the National Museum o...
The Twin Rivers
สร้างโดย milidh
*This was designed for my own gameplay and while I was at it figured I would share it. Maybe someone else will enjoy it.* Fantasy version of Dee & Don Valleys in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Reduced heights of hills to enable more open gameplay. A map of 2 riv...
สร้างโดย Fuller
Theatre is a collaborative form of performing art that uses live performers, usually actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage. The performers may communicate this e...
สร้างโดย robs074 Theatre loosely based on a real building in Gdańsk, Poland. Satisfies the cultural needs of your citizens and also works as a tourist attraction with a base score of 3 stars. Employs 20 workers and serves about 100 peopl...
สร้างโดย robs074 This is my 100th item so I decided to make something special. This building was planned to house a drama theatre and philharmonics and be the main thea...
Tiny House of Culture
สร้างโดย Vikom
A tiny House of Culture, insipred by a real building in Brno built in the 70s. (I'm not sure if the building was originaly meant to serve this purpose but now it does in real life) Employs 5 workers, serves around 35 guests. It is "closed" at night, so the...
Tiny Panel Factory
สร้างโดย Novu
A small scale panel factory employing 10 workers. Also includes industrial storage building. Added Tiny Cement Factory. Added Concrete Mixing....
Tiny Plastic Factory
สร้างโดย Novu
A tiny plastic factory for small scale domestic productions. Employs 15 workers and produces 1.5t plastic per day....
Ton'tal (unpopulated)
สร้างโดย BitOne
A typical survival map. Mountains, plains, seas, rivers, etc. Your republic is rich in bauxite deposits, as well as in oil. Develop as you wish :)...
Tiny Train Distribution Office
สร้างโดย Chocolate Tracktor
It's a very small distribution office with realistic rails connection. Can be used at compact industrial areas to provide flexible logistic. Thinner than vanilla covered storage. It has only one locomotive slot and 20 tons of fuel storage. Train length up ...
Toprus' Bąk Railway Station
สร้างโดย Toprus100
Hi yall! Today I present you my very first model I made myself from scratch, textured and scripted to work in Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. It is a rough recreation of a railway station in northern Poland - Bąk. It is positioned in the middle of ...
Toprus' Coal Power Plant
สร้างโดย Toprus100
Hi! Here's my first ever power plant mod. It is loosely based on the EC1 in Bydgoszcz. It is moderately sized, is smaller and cheaper, than the base game power plant, but it produces less power (while using less coal and hiring less people). Storage: 150 t...
Toprus' Electric Arc Furnace Steel Mill
สร้างโดย Toprus100
Hi! This time I present to you my first large industrial building - an electric arc furnace steel mill. I know a lot of people missed those and the workshop offered very little items from this category... until now. It is based on the steel mill located in...
Toprus' PKP Wagons pack
สร้างโดย Toprus100
My large pack of the basical Polish wagons. It includes: -110A sleeping coach (Blue+white stripe) -111A 2nd class passenger coach (Green+Beige stripe) -112A 1st class passenger coach (Red+Beige stripe) -Jwx restaurant wagon (Red+Golden stripe+ WARS) These ...
Toprus' Smolna 8 Hammer highriser
สร้างโดย Toprus100
Hi guys! After a long pause in building mods, here's a big project I've been working on for quite a while. The building at Smolna 8 in Warsaw, nicknamed Hammer (because of its characteristic shape). The construction was finished in 1976. originally, it was...
Toprus' Szklarska Poreba Srednia station
สร้างโดย Toprus100
Hi! I welcome you back in another mod of mine! My second station - this one is based on Szklarska Poręba Średnia, a station in south - western Poland between Jelenia Góra and Szklarska Poręba. It has one platform, two tracks and a building. The connections...
Town hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Town hall loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers. Urząd miasta luźno wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrud...
Town hall
สร้างโดย robs074 Town hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers. Mały urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 20 pr...
Town hall - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my town hall. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Town hall - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my town hall. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Train aggregate loading stations
สร้างโดย robs074 Train aggregate loading stations based on a real building in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland. Includes three versions, with two, four and six tracks. Kolejowa stacja załadunkowa materiałów sypkich wzorowana na prawdziwym budynk...
Train aggregate unloading stations
สร้างโดย robs074 Train aggregate unloading stations loosely based on a real building in Łódź, Poland. Includes three versions, with one and two tracks. Kolejowa stacja wyładunkowa materiałów sypkich luźno wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku ...
Train depots
สร้างโดย robs074 Small and big railroad depots based on real buildings in Łódź and Gdynia, Poland. Mała i duża lokomotywownia wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Łodzi i Gdyni....
Train depots - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my train depots. Includes five colour variants for each of them as seen in the preview....
Train end station
สร้างโดย robs074 Train end station based on a real building in Łódź, Poland. Also includes a metro version. Stacja końcowa dla pociągów wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Łodzi. Dostępna również wersja dla metra....
Train end station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my train end station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Train production line
สร้างโดย robs074 For my 250th item, I prepared a train production line loosely based on real buildings in Bydgoszcz, Poland. It consists of a few buildings belonging to the Repair Shop for Railway Rolling Stock in Bydgoszcz (currently Pe...
Train station
สร้างโดย robs074 Passenger train station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in two versions: with two and with four rail connections. They serve 2000 and...
Train station/passenger platforms
สร้างโดย Vilaxe ------------------------------------------ This package of passenger platforms for the construction of railway stations is made based on the motives, and on the basis of structural elements and design, of the station distric...
Tram depot
สร้างโดย robs074 Tram depot for 10 vehicles based on a real building in Poznań, Poland. Zajezdnia tramwajowa na 10 pojazdów wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Poznaniu....
Tram depot - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my tram depot. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Tram end stations
สร้างโดย robs074 Tram end stations including one with two parking spaces and one with four parking spaces. Przystanki końcowe, jeden z dwoma miejscami postojowymi i jeden z czterema....
Trans Europ Express | Rheingold
สร้างโดย βlu∃_βrO
Kindly commissioned by Bo.Om!# ! Thank you very much :) Representation of Trans Europ Express. Luxorius german train consisting of multiple unique wagons. Every loco and wagon is available to purchase via USD. All available from 1962 to...
สร้างโดย Vikom
A building inspired by a real life building from Prague. The real life "Transgas" was built between 1972 and 1978. The architects were Václav Aulický, Jiří Eisenreich, Ivo Loos and Jindřich Malátek. This brutalist complex was the central dispatch of the Tr...
Transition stations pack
สร้างโดย Shotkey
OBSOLETE MOD - CHECK UPDATED VERSION: The modification includes various transition points (TP), which allow you to convert overhead power lines (OHL) into cable (CL) realistically, and two 110 kV substations with cable sleev...
Triple winged prefab building
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
3-wing residential house based on real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Accommodates 312 workers. Provides 90 percent of quality. This is a remake version of old mod which had too many details (even window bars and glasses) and was taking more than 28MB. Now ...
Trolleybus depots
สร้างโดย robs074 Trolleybus depot based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in two versions: for 14 and 26 vehicles. Requires version or newer. Zajezdni...
Trolleybus depots - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my trolleybus depot. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
TROLZA-5265 Megapolis
สร้างโดย Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Тролза-5265.0* «Мегаполис» — семейство российских низкопольных троллейбусов большой вместимости для внутригородских пассажирских перевозок, серийно производившееся с 2007 по 2019 год на ЗАО «Тролза» в городе Энгельсе Саратовской области. Год выпуска: 2005—...
Tupolev 144 Monument
สร้างโดย Rod.Zam
Some players have mirrored text on the monument, this is no longer the case. The Tu-144 was the world's first commercial supersonic transport aircraft with its prototype's maiden flight from Zhukovsky Airport on 31 December 1968, three months before the Br...
TV station
สร้างโดย robs074 Regional television station based on a real building in Wrocław, Poland. Employs 75 workers with basic education and 45 actors. Regionalna stacja telewizyjna wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku we Wrocławiu. Zatrudnia 75 pra...
TV station
สร้างโดย robs074 Regional television station based on a real building in Szczecin, Poland. Employs 60 workers with basic education and 35 actors. Regionalna stacja tele...
TV station - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my TV station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
TVZ 61 Belarus
สร้างโดย 3division
Belarus skin for TVZ61...
TVZ 61-4177
สร้างโดย KsenoN
Вагон пассажирский плацкартный производства Тверского Вагоностроительного Завода - один из самых распространённых на территории бывшего СССР вагонов. Вагон доступен с 1964 по 1991 год. Доступно два цвета: Советских железных дорог и УЗ. Пассажировместимость...
Twin nuclear pressurized water reactor
สร้างโดย Benco54
Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) constitute the large majority of the world's nuclear power plants (notable exceptions being Japan and Canada) and are one of three types of light-water reactor (LWR), the other types being boiling water reactors (BWRs) and...
สร้างโดย Wild Bunny
bulgarian bulk carrier comes in two variants for aggregate and general cargo. Both versions are able to transport Containers Capacity: 3608t speed: 13kn available from 1963 to 1990 for ₽ ...
Typical panel residential buildings
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
Pack of typical residential prefab buildings based on real buildings in Yerevan and other towns in Armenia. Pack contains 5 buildings with 2,3,5,7,9 entrances which accommodate 120-540 workers. Bigger capacities have less living quality. These buildings we...
Underground Conveyor
สร้างโดย Novu
Are you tired of having to transport everything by truck because there are too many obstacles for a conveyor connection? Don't worry, we have the solution for you. The lastest in soviet technology now offers underground conveyors. Tunnel under those pesky ...
Underground heating infrastructure
สร้างโดย Stele
Underground heating infrastructure. 1. Forwarding pump 1 -> 1x300m3 2. Spliter pump 1x300m3 -> 3x100m3 3. Heat exchanger 100m3 All of them have only footpath connections, that allows for construction of pipes in between....
Underground Light Rail Station
สร้างโดย Knexcar
Underground light rail station. Intended as a lower-cost alternative to metro, where trams can burrow underground in the city center, and run on street level out in the suburbs. Currently only one variation: Underground 9m - Capacity: 400 - Length: 40m - D...
Underground Metro Infrastructure
สร้างโดย KArantukki
This pack helps you to create a nice and efficent underground Metro network for your workers. There may be more stations and metro stuff in this pack in the future. Additional to the three metro stations, there are four different pedestrian metro entrances...
Underground Parking
สร้างโดย Pyro
A large capacity underground parking garage. Capacity: 32 cars (Update: I've noticed that the problems with this start when the vehicle population increases more than 32 cars. I have now limited the number to 32. Lets see if this cuts down the number of is...
UNIS Towers Sarajevo
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Available as a City Hall and University Serbo-Croatian: UNIS-ovi tornjevi UNIS-ovi tornjevi (danas UNITIC poslovno upravne zgrade) se nalaze u ulici Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1 u Sarajevu, a izgrađeni su 1986. godine ...
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
Shopping center based on Leninakan central univermag, Armenia. Because it was rebuilt and nowadays works as a college, I tried to restore it's soviet era view based on old photos. Employs 58 workers, accepts more than 400 visitors. Tourist rating - 3.5 ---...
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
Optimized the textures. ------- University based on real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Employs 30 workers and 30 professors, each of them serves more students then vanilla universities. Costs more than vanilla universities but can serve up to 600 students....
สร้างโดย robs074 University based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a medical university. Employs 75 workers with basic education and 75 lecturers. Educate...
University of Technology Brno
สร้างโดย Vikom
Building of University of Technology - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno Serves as a technical university for 50 workers, 50 teachers and over 300 students. Inspired by the real life building in Brno. Built between 1974 and 1984, projected by archite...
Updated Small Red Star Monument
สร้างโดย Zyx Abacab
This is an updated version of @KArantukki's Small Red Star (Workshop Item 1896223471). The monument was mirrored (in order to correct an error), then support for loyalty was added. I am not the original author of this mod! I have created this fork in order...
Urban Kindergarden
สร้างโดย Skimbo
Urban Kindergarden 24 workers, 240 kids. Numbers reflect the 12 kindergarden groups that would be possible in such a cubature. Designed to fit into rows of houses in a more urban envoirment, goes well with default and modded buildings. Lotting is not perfe...
Vagonmash 81-572.2
สร้างโดย annamathys
Refurbished version of the Russian 81-572/573 metro specially made for Warsaw. Available from 1997-2014 Includes: 2 cars, 3 cars, 4 cars, 5 cars variants, Old Warsaw livery (blue stripes) New Warsaw livery (yellow stripes) Neutral Blue (white stripes) ...
Vehicle production line
สร้างโดย robs074 Vehicle production line based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 1200 workers with basic education and 300 engineers. Has the same productiv...
Vehicle Production Line (30s-40s)
สร้างโดย KArantukki
Car Production Plant - 400 workers - 100 engineers...
Vehicle Production Line (Small)
สร้างโดย Novich
Vehicle Production Line (Small) Worker needed: 200 Profesors needed 50 Open storage capacity: 150t Warehouse capacity: 125t Vehicle production speed: ½Vehicle Production Line Models and textures by 3division....
Victory Memorial Museum
สร้างโดย SerpPort
Apple and pear trees blossomed Mists floated over the river. Katyusha went ashore, On a high bank, on a steep one. Happy Victory Day!!!!!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------- Katyusha Appeared during the Great Patriotic War of 194...
Village prefab bar
สร้างโดย Bublis00
This is a small prefab bar that fits best in small villages. 3 workers, 1 vehicle station and adequate storage compartment for the small village....
Village prefab motoshop
สร้างโดย Bublis00
This is a small prefab motoshop that fits best in small villages. 2 workers, 1 loading/unloading station and 3 parking spaces for cars for sale....
Village prefab shop
สร้างโดย Bublis00
This is a small prefab shop that fits best in small villages. 3 workers, 1 vehicle station and adequate storage compartment for the small village. People can buy here food, meat, clothes and electronics....
Villiage Kindergarten
สร้างโดย Novu
A villiage kindergarten with 4 workers that can handle about 40 kids. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. Residential (original mod pack) Corner Market htt...
VINDOBONA TRAIN - Diesel railcars M296.1
สร้างโดย PETRMA
VINDOBONA TRAIN Berlin - Prague - Vienna Diesel railcars M296.1(853) (M296.1032, M296.1009) Wagons here: From 1969 to 1972 Vindobona was operated by diesel railcars M296.1 and wagons Aam, Ba...
สร้างโดย PETRMA
VINDOBONA TRAIN Berlin - Prague - Vienna Wagons Aam (1st class), Bam (2nd class), BRam (Dining car) Railcas here: From 1969 to 1972 Vindobona was operated by diesel railcars M296.1 and wagon...
สร้างโดย painkillerlexar
TrainStation 4 lines Medium Size , 3000 pass ...
Volunteer Fire Department Medium, 3 fireengines
สร้างโดย Sebastian||the-bass-tian
Adds a building inspired by volunteer firestations in east Berlin. Can hold 3 fire engines. Quickly built and cheap. Can be placed really near a living quarter to feed with workers....
Voronezh OGPU (Secret police)
สร้างโดย Vanok [RUSMNB]
The building of the secret police (state security service) for 30 employees and 8 parking spaces. The real prototype of the historical building of the Voronezh OGPU built in 1933 was taken as a basis (with some simplifications). The United State Political ...
Vulykh tower block
สร้างโดย Gerbilskij
A 14-storey brick residential building, originally designed by Soviet architect E. Vulykh (officially: series II-67). A modernised variant with white tiles and slightly higher quality of flats is also included. This model was originally developed by Pashka...
Vuoksi [blank]
สร้างโดย Hawttu
Mostly flat map with some mountains and rivers. Easy to build. 2+2 outside connections (large customs house + power connection each)...
VW GOLF mk1 1.1L
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ VW GOLF mk1 4 Door 1.1L -12 colours -LOD included from 100m distance -4...
สร้างโดย robs074 Five covered warehouses based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Their capacities are 200 t, 400 t, 700 t, 1100 t and 1600 t. Variants working as ope...
Warsaw Central Railway Station
สร้างโดย annamathys
The Warsaw Central Railway Station (Warszawa Centralna) was opened and inaugurated by Leonid Brezhnev in 1975. The station is located on the Warsaw Cross-City Line and features four underground island platforms with eight tracks in total. It was constructe...
Water Filtration Plant
สร้างโดย Novu
Purify water without chemicals using osmosis filters and sand / gravel. Employs 10 workers. Requires game version 0.8.7.x Added larger version. Added Water Tower. Added smaller version. Added tiny water tower....
Water Road Stations Pack
สร้างโดย Akira43
4 water loading/unloading road stations downsized from the game vanilla station while keeping the same building visual elements and relative building costs. The stations can be found in the mods tab. Tip: remember that you can mirror buildings in game with...
Water substation and sewage tank
สร้างโดย robs074 Water substation based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes two versions: with a path connection and with a road connection. Also added a sewage tank. Hydrofornia wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Dos...
Water Switch 3-in 1-out
สร้างโดย des
Same as vanilla water switch but with 3 inputs and 1 output, or 2 inputs and outputs. Useful for load-balancing water supply from different networks. It decreases the wafer flow a bit if not followed by a pump downstream (couldn't find a way around this li...
Water treatment plant
สร้างโดย pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: A set of water intake wells Set of underground utilities (well) part 1 Set ...
Water treatment plants
สร้างโดย robs074 Two water treatments plants based on real building in Lublin, Poland. They employ 8 and 13 workers and treat 192 and 390 cubic metres of water. Dwie stacje uzdatniania wody wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. ...
Water treatment plants - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my water treatment plants. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Water wells
สร้างโดย robs074 Three water wells based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. They produce 70, 150 and 200 cubic metres of water. Trzy podziemne ujęcia wody wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Produkują 70, 150 i 200 metrów sz...
Water wells - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my water wells. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Water/sewage loading/unloading stations
สร้างโดย robs074 Water and sewage loading/unloading facilities based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Punkty załadunku/wyładunku wody i ścieków wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie....
Water/sewage loading/unloading stations - skins
สร้างโดย robs074 Skins for my water/sewage loading/unloading stations. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview.....
สร้างโดย OffTheRailsGaming
Upgraded the woodcutting post to have an extra factory connection for easier connectivity and a footpath for the peeps No heating requirement...
Woodcutting post
สร้างโดย robs074 Woodcutting post based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 30 workers. Can be equipped with 6 vehicles. Miejsce wycinki drzew wzorowane na p...
Xtra Large Bus Station V2
สร้างโดย Akira43
An extra large 1 way bus station with 6 vehicle positions using advanced vehicle pathing. (Requested item by linch-roman) After hours of testing multiple variants (including an 8 positions station), different road configurations and different access order ...
XX train plant
สร้างโดย Shotkey
The mod contains one medium-sized railway equipment factory. Its characteristics are approximately 75% of vanilla plant. There is a small warehouse and platforms for unloading imported raw materials on the territory. Finished products are placed on rails o...
Yakovlev Yak-40
สร้างโดย w101011
The Yakovlev Yak-40 (Як-40) is the a classic regional jet airliner of USSR. It was exported to many countries, including western countries. *** Thanks to @RusGameTactics my friend who add and optimize the textures. *** Length: 20.36m Height: 6.50m Span: 25...
Yerevan Lenin avenue building
สร้างโดย abelyanhayk852
Residential building based on real building in Yerevan, Armenia. Accommodates 240 workers. --- Здание, моделированное по образу реального жилого здания в Ереване. Вмещает 240 рабочих. -----,44.5055972,3a,90y,245.18h,1...
Yugoslav 80s Duplex House
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Kapacitet: 8 Kvalitet: 95% Duplex kuce bazirane na objektima iz naselja Brunkovac, grad Kutina, SR Hrvatska. English: Capacity: 8 Quality: 95% Duplex houses based on objects from the Brukovac neigh...
Yugoslav Big Clinic
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Velika klinika bazirana na Domu Zdravlja Vozdovac-Beograd. Uposljava 26 radnika, 26 doktora i moze primiti 104 pacijenta. 6 parking mjesta za ambulanta kola. English: Big clinic based on the "Dom Z...
Yugoslav House of Culture
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Meidum size house of culture based on a real building in Majdanpek, Serbia. Employs 15 workers and serves 150 workers. Attractive score 3.0....
Yugoslav Residential Building 2
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Jugoslavenske stambene zgrade. Dizajn objekta je djelomično baziran na stambenim zgradama u Somboru, Srbija. 168 stanovnika Kvaliteta stanova je 98% English: Yugoslav residential buildings. The des...
Yugoslav Residential Buildings
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Jugoslavenske stambene zgrade. Dizajn objekta je djelomično baziran na stambenim zgradama u Boru, Srbija. Ovaj mod sadrži tri verzije zgrada: 10 katova, 152 stanovnika 7 katova, 106 stanovnika 4 ka...
Yugoslav Residential Buildings Cerak
สร้างโดย equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Mod sadrzi 6 objekata: Cerak tip 1 4 sprata Kapacitet 68 Cerak tip 1 7 spratova Kapacitet 98 Cerak tip 1 10 spratova Kapacitet 145 Cerak tip 2 7 spratova Kapacitet 280 Cerak tip 2 3 sprata Kapacite...
Yugoslavia Railways Class 442 'Brena'
สร้างโดย Adrii_95
Yugoslavia Railways Class 442 Thiristor locomotive made in Yugoslavia in 1980's by Rade Končar. Name 'Brena' prevailed among train drivers, after the singer 'Lepa Brena' , who enjoyed exceptional popularity throughout Yugoslavia during the 1980's. Axle lay...
Zastava - 101
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
Я точно не знаю какая это модель. но вроде похожа на Сербскую заставу. Года выпуска 1980 2008...
Zastava 1100 T
สร้างโดย mocma
Zastava 1100 was a licensed version of the FIAT van of the same name. Available in RUB from 1959 to 1981 as open, closed and police...
Zastava 1300
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
Yugoslavian version of Fiat 1300. 2 body options: sedan and station wagon. There will also be a police version Year of issue 1961 1966 15 Colors. Currency RUB....
Zastava 850 FICA
สร้างโดย jarzomb
Zastava 850 is an modernized in Kragujevac, Yugoslavia Fiat 600 with more powerful 850cc engine! Available from 1955 to 1985...
Zastava 750
สร้างโดย Mauser_NATO
Простой Сербский легковой автомобиль. Выпускался с 1955 по 1985 15 цветов Валюта RUB ------------------------------- Simple Serbian passenger car. Produced from 1955 to 1985 15 colors Currency RUB...
Zastava 900 AK
สร้างโดย mocma
Zastava 900 AK was a minivan manufactured during the eighties, it was a licensed version of the FIAT model of the same name. Available from 1980 to 1989 as a private and closed cargo vehicle....
สร้างโดย Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►Hello! / Ahoj!◄ ZASTAVA YUGO 45 (folder id 2679422662) -price in RUB -10 colours -L...
Zhezkazgan monument
สร้างโดย K-3D
Monument to the Conquerors of Space Place: Zhezkazgan (Kazakhstan) Built: 1978 Text Billboard: Available Improves Loyalty: yes (300, 4.5) Comrades, its time to show the world which country is first at space racing. The Glory of Soviet flight and space prog...