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UI Overhaul Dynamic
Tekijä: Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Compatibility Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod is spe...
Ethics and Civics Classic (Megacorp Civc Update)
Tekijä: petruxa
Now Has Megacorp Civics! Hello everyone! Joakim is sadly retiring from the modding scene. I would like to thank him for maintaining/updating the mod ever since Petruxa left, he was carrying the torch for so long, and I am honored to be carrying it forward....
Better Ship Icons
Tekijä: Gordon_CMB Ever got bored of the vanilla ship icons? Fear not, for I, a professional graphics designer random dude, have come to rescue you! Features This mod features 108 new sprites (52 akshually) of all the ships and their classes! ...
Astronomical Emblem Pack
Tekijä: Cassius
WORKS WITH ALL VERSIONS, WILL ALWAYS WORK WHEN OUTDATED CAN'T SCROLL THROUGH EMBLEMS? What happened?: A bug was introduced in Stellaris version 2.6.3 that removed the ability to scroll through many of the UI elements in the game. See these bug reports: htt...
255 Tradition Slots + 256 AP Slots
Tekijä: Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
宏大篇章 最初的勾勒
Tekijä: 墨汁鸽子
理想国真的存在吗? 千亿的恒星等待我们去探索,奇景,创造与渴求交织、不断超越与掌握命运的渴望构筑名为文明的奇妙产物。 进步、和平、我们的银河繁荣无比。 经济繁荣、科技研究、思想碰撞、文化昌盛、纵横捭阖、以及战略同盟,这一切创造了不同物种可以共存繁荣的世界。 尽管我们面临各式各样的挑战,即使身处硝烟和毁灭之中,我们也从不会放弃… 群星之间并非只有黑暗森林,愿希望和梦想永不磨灭。 难度描述 你好这是是色灵梦,欢迎使用ai强化计划,本mod的ai运营是随着玩家自身运营同步提升的(也就是说你越厉害,ai的运营和战斗...
Optimize repeatable technology 把社会学和工程学循环科技优化了 社会学 基因优化:食物产量+5% 领袖寿命+5年 领袖经验+3% 行政效率:地区规模-2% 人口规模-2% 星系规模-2% 殖民地规模-2% 凝聚力+5% 军队系统强化:军队伤害+5% 生命值+5% 成本-5% 维护费-5% 建设速度+5% 工程学 高密度弹药:动能武器伤害+10% 攻速+10% 舰载机强化:舰载机伤害+10% 攻速+10% 热力学结构优化:爆炸武器伤害+10% 攻速+10% 舰体优化:防御平台船体...
共产星际(communist galaxy)
Tekijä: haruna
地球是人类的摇篮,但是人类不能永远生活在摇篮里。 ——康斯坦丁·齐奥尔科夫斯基 本mod是作者不满足于原版拥有工人语音但共甘共苦这种国民性做的过于粗糙的mod。 同时也是一个宣传共产主义的mod。 全球苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 1848年,英国伦敦《共产党宣言》的出世为整个人类社会带来了巨大的改变, 1917年,十月革命阿芙乐尔的一声炮响让社会主义从理想成为现实。1992年,随着苏联的攻势愈发猛烈,12月30日,在苏联成立70周年之际美利坚合众国宣布解体,苏联赢得了冷战。 进入21世纪苏联开始了长达一个世纪...
Apocalypse No Diplomatic Punishment
The diplomatic penalty of Colossus has been canceled to prevent the diplomatic collapse caused by cleaning up AI planets to relieve CPU pressure....
Tekijä: 溯昔言
适配3.12 舰容总上限增加至99999 解锁泰坦、主宰、巨像、小龙的建造上限 资源仓库+200000上限 增加遗物、星界丝缕、影响力的上限...
Tekijä: 溯昔言
3.7更新:现在让堕落觉醒后的战力和天灾倍数挂钩,削弱了数值,改动了天堂之战。 3.12更新:再次削弱了觉醒之后的数值 一个简单的,加强堕落的mod,仅仅是刷舰队和数值层面进行的改造,不涉及具体的剧情。 如果你厌倦了小孩踏入了巨人的游乐场,同时怀念起萌新时期堕落带来的压迫感,欢迎使用本mod。 加强的方式如下: 1.请使用拆分8设置难度和细化设置,因为我不想再写一个菜单了。 2.为每个堕落增加一个巨型船坞,为失落帝国每年刷一次船直到达到预定的舰队实力。默认情况下堕落战力为2m,觉醒4m,天灾到来时6m。不过...
惠惠拆分模组-6——时之虫、脑虫与帝国修改Worms of time, brain worms and Empires
Tekijä: 溯昔言
时之虫现在遵循上个版本百分之一的概率触发 末日起源的buff被恢复了,现在可以正常粘球 成立星海帝国现在不会拆散联邦,更改旗帜和名称 脑虫概率增加十倍 Time worms now trigger with a 1% chance from the previous version Doomsday origin buffs have been restored and now stick to balls properly The creation of the Starsea Empire will n...
Tekijä: 溯昔言
已适配3.13,没效果的请确认是否被小伞框架覆盖了 错过法令可以控制台输入event megumin_chaifen.799调出来 增加了难度自动调整,星球计数器,把法令的消失时间改成了5年。 另外关于额外生成的利维坦打了没局势这个问题,大家可以在打之前选中利维坦控制台手动加代码。为什么不单独写事件hhh,事件到时候还要更新,谁知道蠢驴会不会再给局势改点别的,写起来太麻烦了。 无畏舰: effect = {save_global_event_target_as = automated_dreadnought...
Tekijä: 溯昔言
!!标准难度为尉官!! 其实这几个版本的ai已经很强了,我比较建议一些强度需求不大的玩家使用我的拆分8上buff,而不是使用爆裂之道,不过爆裂依然能为mod环境提供帮助。 前言: 传统强化ai的方式有很多种,1.优化ai建造逻辑,最大化利用难度加成优化运营-starnetai。2.无视运营、利用buff强行将ai的战力堆起来-小伞阶段强化与战力自适应。3.完全加成运营,利用特别的起源塑造强大的独特ai-涅槃。4.拒绝运营,利用事件固定刷根据时间决定强度的舰队与科技。 在上述那些优化方式中,玩家中接受度最广的...
Tekijä: 溯昔言
前言: 原版情况下的飞升彼此之间强度差距极大,飞升槽只有八个导致飞升路线十分固定。本mod旨在加强一些弱势飞升的存在感,增加他们的竞争力。本mod同时改写了ai的选取权重,让ai更进行一些更有效的飞升。 3.12更新: 兄弟,你怎么越更新越不平衡了?蠢驴你能不能睁开眼睛看看现在几个飞升有资格坐在一桌上面吃饭吗? 三槽飞升四槽科灾后续理想城巨像星河奇迹,改成固定飞升算了,还点啥啊。 飞升改动: 战争之王:增加专属选项,佣兵可以无限进行升级,同时分红进行修改。 天机工程 :现在额外赋予神秘编码器、神秘解码器、水...
拓展恒星基地 星环适配版
Tekijä: 昊天2099
由于原作者很长时间没有更了,我就把这个mod重制优化了一下。 强化星环,把星环的槽位数量大大增加,略少于恒星基地,并且无法使用部分强大的武器模块,以生产为主。一些不是原版星环的模块会出现一些大的离谱的模型,尽量在前4格建原有的模块。 修复了NSC和acot槽位不是最大值的情况,使用时记得放在这两个MOD的后面。 多个恒星基地的问题没有解决,一是我不知道是何种原因导致的,更不知道怎么改;二是我不认为这是问题,反而能大大增强防御能力,击溃中央恒星的基地依然可以正常获得星系控制权。...
Tekijä: 穆先生
群星拓展包 舰队: -泰坦无上限 舰船组件: -舰船资源生产模块 --能量,矿物,食物,合金,消费品 --稀有水晶,易爆微粒,异星燃气 --暗物质,活体金属,泽洛,纳米机器 --科研模块均已部署 -舰船A槽模块,反应堆模块,引擎模块,脉冲模块 -传感器模块,电脑模块,泰坦特殊槽模块 舰船区段: -护卫舰:暴力 -战列舰:航母,鱼雷,巨炮 -泰坦:终极泰坦 行星: -奇点仓库,帝国建造限制1,能够储存10000000资源 -拥有更多建筑槽解锁决议分别为+1,+3,+12 - 种族特质: -添加了10种全新特质...
Tekijä: 天亮了
Main Contents 1.Add 52 origins and enhance 7 vanilla origins. 2.The initial fixed formation of four special black hole systems, and the event chain "The Worm-in-Waiting: Signals" can only be triggered by these four special systems(one of them is OK). 3.Add...
Tekijä: 天亮了
本模组为免费模组,并反对任何模组收费与合集收费 时与空的ECI版预设国,非必要。 此MOD已经很久未更新。 仅适用于同时使用ECI模组的情况,不要和时与空-预设国同时使用!...
更好的中文随机名(better Chinese random name)
Tekijä: 天亮了
本模组为免费模组,并反对任何模组收费与合集收费 生成的各种中文随机名将更符合中国人的语言习惯 修改内容: 1.删除了国家名和联邦名那些多余又难看的空格(比如“XXX 天命 王国”变成了“XXX天命王国”); 2.调整了国家名与联邦名的部分语序,使其翻译后更加通顺(比如“联合 XX 同盟”变成了“XX联合同盟”); 3.堕落/觉醒帝国拥有特殊的名字格式(比如圣卫的“XXX守望者”,军孤的“遗忘者XXX”,机械爹的“XXX-延续”); 4.部分圣地的名字改用了旧版圣地名(比如“至朴古珠”改为了“至纯瑰宝”); ...
明日方舟船模Arknights Shipset
本mod为明日方舟mod:“明日方舟:不远的未来Arknights:Near Future”中的船模部分。 已经集成进主mod中,没有必要再开这个,如果还想要同时开启的话一定要将船模mod置于主mod上方!!! 已根据模型配好了相应的尾焰粒子效果~ 强烈推荐与3D Fleet Formation一起使用! This shipset is loaded in Arknights mod:"Arknights:Near Future". Already loaded in the main mod, there...
Tekijä: 溯昔言
在攻占首都后100%概率掠夺遗珍 咋的,我买了游戏,这游戏里所有的遗珍都是我的,你ai还想独占不成? Loot relics with 100% probability after capturing the capital...
联合军船只模型-Nexus Army Ship models
从“联合军”mod里分离出来的船只模型,可以用于原版 PS:里面没有封面的船模 Ship models separated from the "United Army" mod,can be used in original PS: The ship model for the cover is not included...
Tekijä: c18ks
你是否为L-星团开启后的后续内容过少而感到烦恼?(尤指空无一物/L星龙分支) 这个MOD本来是为了解决这个问题而写的。 为此在进入L-星团深处(最里面的那个三合星星系)后会跳个事件(就像进入其他BOSS战星系时那样),告诉你这是个重要的地方。并在处理完原版事务后(比如打灰蛊/建门者之后)会触发一小段事件,以此为由获得原版中纳米舰队所用的三件套(能量弧、能量球、纳米战斗机)。 这样一来,就稍许加强了一点进入L-星团深处时的隆重感,也加强了一点进入L-星团后的收益。 …… 但问题是,写到这里有点停不下来了,又加...
水瓶座失落帝国强化 简介 这是对灰烬战线水瓶座の历史(AshArms Aquarius History)中水瓶座失落帝国系列 "舰船" 的强化模组 它将不惧任何危机,星河将在您脚下臣服。 友情提示:水瓶座终末危机极其强大,请搭配强力模组使用。当然,也可以在不启用本扩展情况下,打完危机再启用,并不会减少体验。 排序 请将其放在灰烬战线水瓶座の历史(AshArms Aquarius History)下方 更新计划 将加入一艘来自 EA大佬 赞助的强力旗舰,敬请期待 宣传一下朋友的mod:烛虚之路 狡猾ea在最初...
! ! Reworked Tactical System [attrib]
Tekijä: 木木来啦
伞のMOD 数值压缩与溢出修复操作视频 The following machine translation At present, only the original weapons have been balanced. =====needs to be placed below ! Reworked Tactical System ! ===== ===== No longer compatible with NSC2. If you need to use it together, please mo...
! Better Performance & Utilities
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
Better Performance & Utilities Current version for Legacy version of Kasako's mods Up to 75% increase in game fluency in later game New pop growth control method (disabled by default) Automatic demotion function Express manual pop migration method Reduce t...
! Casako's Framework & Modmenu
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
This mod will always go with the last update of Stellaris <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Current mod version for mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of Infinite System Independent function...
! Dark Blue UI Left Menu !
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
<warring: all instructions are machine translation> New main menu layout <All pre-mods must be installed, see the required items on the right> screenshot from mod: Main menu - Megastructure Detailed description -The main interface is changed to the button ...
! Immersive Simple map UI !
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
Animated New Icon Minimalistic Style Complete fleet information display Plus version add more details to fleet icons Simple Map UI Has been integrated in IBS Part of the content display
! Dark Blue UI ironman
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Complete version <UI Overhaul Dynamic is required and must be sorted above this mod.> Detailed Description A la...
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Tekijä: scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.13 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
! Reworked Tactical Battlefield !
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
<warring: non native English speaker, there may be translation errors> BETA TEST 2x system scale (while RSS is 6x) Bigger solar system + smaller ship The perfect balance between beautification and gameplay Compatible with partly compatible with Better stri...
! Universal Game Rules Patch
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
<warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Repair population cannot be assembled Repair orbital bombing failure Repair the failure of the jump engine Compatible with additional information types Make capital buildings from...
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Tekijä: Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
!Empty Portrait Patch - Gothic Ships
Tekijä: zulu9812
This is patch for kamip123'sGothic Ships Standalone mod. That mod has a weakness, necessitated by the way that the game works, but not corrected by the mod author. You see, to create a new ship set, you have to create a new species class to go with it. All...
!Planetary Diversity (Chinese Translation)
Tekijä: 神楽坂喵
这只是一个Planetary Diversity(的简体中文翻译包,需要下载本体才能行 翻译尚未完全,作者新增了大量的内容 暂时把旧版本的翻译中匹配的部分部署到这个版本上...
((( NSC3 - Season 1 )))
Tekijä: CaptainX3
September 12, 2024 - Season 1 - Update 10 (Mod Version 1.0.10) New Save Game is Recomended But Not Required Updates & Bug Fixes Due to some changes to NSC features, we recommend starting a new game with this update, however it shouldn't break save games, b...
! Production Revolution Patch 3.12
Tekijä: zero
Make MODs below to support PR system Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story Ancient Empire Azur Lane Stellaris DLC 皑茵世界旅行 Ancient Cache of Technologies ~Acquisition of Technology Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.12) Warship Girls R And MIST Species PR...
(((-NSC3 Season 1-))) Chinese Translation
Tekijä: Liyea
针对NSC3进行中文翻译的MOD,方便大家享受NSC3,本mod仅有文本,因此如果有文字、叙述缺失以外的问题的话请确认NSC3 mod与其他mod是否有发生冲突,如果汉化失败的话请把这个MOD放在NSC3的MOD后面 NSC2是一个增加船舰种类的mod,其中包括配套的恒星基地扩展、少量的武器以及大量的组件,增加舰队的变化性 由于本翻译发布时贴吧翻译尚未发布,因此某些名词翻译可能有所差异,如有差异欢迎提出 如果出现了只有局部汉化状况的话,请到MOD列表把这个MOD放到NSC MOD后面去 有一些玩法或使用上上...
3D Fleet Formation
Tekijä: breloom1994
This mod is a rework of the mod: Fleet Scale once created by@Magog Since the former creator stopped updating anymore, and I personally believe this mod is a "must-have". So I decided to upload this new version and continue the update. I also made a little ...
Age of Wonder: 2 System Scale
Tekijä: Laquly 零者
奇观拓展与宏伟战场(2倍行星缩放)的兼容mod 排序 !伞の决战兵器:宏伟战场! 奇观拓展 奇观拓展:2倍缩放兼容 考虑打赏 作者目前都是靠爱发电的,可能会因为各种各样的现实生活中的原因而拖更,不可能时时刻刻照顾mod。 如果有大佬打赏会激发作者的创作激情,加速更新哦~ 爱发电打赏链接...
Ancient Dreadnought and Improved Titan 3.12
Tekijä: Prolbo
Yep, its another mod adding ability to research and build The Ancient Dreadnought. What this mod about?It adds ability to reasearch (one way or another), improve and build Ancient Dreadnought. Also little section extention for Titan, minor vanilla turet & ...
Tekijä: seven
巨龙之路 Chinese Localisation 1.本来想扔到鸽组汉化里,但是有个见了鬼的随机名文件,只能单独拿出来 2.巨龙命名采用了来自上古卷轴、各大影视作品、各大游戏作品和各文明传说中的龙类名称,有一些来自波斯之类基本找不到任何文献参考的龙类名字实在无法翻译,故采用原文 -巨龙之路是一个增加少量野怪的MOD,重建了一个野生以太龙的生态系统 -巨龙会四处游走,在游戏的初期会给你或者你的敌人带来许多麻烦 -巨龙会从小长大,并可能留下龙蛋 -2种应对对策,弑龙和巨龙之友 -巨龙会建造虫洞,经过研究你也可...
Ancient Empire 1.9 [Stellaris 3.13]
Tekijä: AetherGhost
Stellaris 3.13.* Compatible Introduction Ancient Empire Mod is a late-game/end-game event mod that introduces the story of an ancient civilization that was once mighty but eventually fall for unknown reasons, a series of related technologies, ships, and ev...
AshArms Aquarius History
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 灰烬战线水瓶座の历史 时间的脚步继续向前,无尽的过去成为历史。 The steps of time continue to move forward, endless past become history. City,最后的生存之地,已成为曾经的记忆。 City, the last place to live, has become a memory. 在我们自己的战火中我们的文明得以幸存,这给予了我们无尽的机会。当我们再次展望星空.........
At War: Full Defense
This is NOT AN OFFICIAL MOD of At War or At War Continued! It's but an REFERENCE to original At War mod series with my customized content. And it has MISSING ENGLISH LOCALISATION since I really don't have time for it. FEATURES: ——Defence Platform will be D...
Beautiful Universe v2.0
Tekijä: Avel
This mod changes vanilla skyboxes and brings more beauty to the game. As references were used NASA photos, EVE Online skyboxes, and various digital art. Compatibility: - Use it with any other mod freely and no fear. If you are using mod Real Space subscrib...
Better Ship Sections
Tekijä: Mordachai
Adds more variety to existing ship classes to allow you to better specialize your designs for your technology, tactics, and strategies. Destroyer: + 10 evasion (45 evasion base) + Gunship bow (3 sm) + Missile bow (1 torp + 2 sm) + Picket stern (2 pd) + Gun...
Mass Effect: Beyond the Worlds
Tekijä: binaryhelixmods Beyond the Worlds uses optimized 2K textures, but we also have a 4K texture pack available here! Brought to you by the creators of Mass Effect: Beyond the Relays, Beyond the Worlds is a standa...
C&C: Scrin Ships
Tekijä: force728
This mod adds Scrin ships from the Command & Conquer 3 Universe to Stellaris. This set also comes with built-in NSC compatibility and ship colors. Downscaled Ships Patch Recommendations Scri...
Caitian Shipset
Tekijä: walshicus Star Trek: Caitian Shipset Stellaris 3.12.1 compatible Description This standalone shipset uses content from Star Trek: New Civilisations. It is intended to be used vanilla Stellaris and should not be run alongside STNC, whi...
centauri shipset
Tekijä: marchin_81
The 2nd in the Babylon 5 tv series shipsets I wanted to make, the Centauri Republic shipset WHAT'S IN IT? 1 corvette and 1 frigate model 3 destroyer models 3 cruiser models 3 battleship models 1 titan model 1 juggernaut model all civilian ship models, as w...
Tekijä: 木木来啦
一个现代风格的中文命名MOD 人名姓是从百家姓里面抠出来的,名就是起名大全里的,随机组合应该会有很多奇葩的名字。 船名大部分取自城市名 殖民船取自航空公司名称 私人殖民船廉航 防御站三国兵器名 浮游炮山海经异兽 陆军古代中国军队名...
CSS : Culture Special Ships
Tekijä: BaBoFantasy
CSS : Culture Special Ships CSS is a mod that gives variety to the Stellaris ship design. Various new specialized ships can be designed according to the composition of the POPs. Please check the update log! You can find out ...
Dark necroid ships [3.8]
Dark necroid ships with green tint texture. Does not replace any files, so should be compatible with anything.
Diplomatic Expansion: Basic Frame/外交拓展:基础框架
Tekijä: xskiper
This mod is just the basic framework of diplomatic development series. Please use it with other mods of Diplomatic Expansion series and load it at the bottom! 本mod只是外交拓展系列的基本框架,请配合外交拓展系列的其他mod使用,并且置于最下方加载! This Mod Offers a Lot of New Ways of Diplomacy 此mo...
Diplomatic Expansion: Penetration/外交拓展:间谍
Tekijä: xskiper
This mod allows you to infiltrate the leaders of other countries and perform many new spy missions different from the vanilla game! 这个mod允许你渗透其他国家的领袖,并且执行很多异于原版的全新间谍任务! This mod belongs to Diplomatic Expansion Series 这个mod隶属于外交拓展系列 Basic Introduction This ...
Dynamic Mod Menu [3.10.*]
Tekijä: TheFlyingPotato
Ever felt like your edicts list becomes cluttered by edicts whose sole purpose is to open the settings of a mod? Here is a lightweight and performance-friendly mod that can solve that issue! For players This mod adds a button on the main menu (opened up by...
Earth Force Shipset
Tekijä: marchin_81
The 4th in the Babylon 5 tv series shipsets I wanted to make, Earth Force! WHAT'S IN IT? 1 corvette and 1 frigate model 3 destroyer models 3 cruiser models 4 battleship models-- including a working rotating section on the Omega class! 1 titan model 1 jugge...
Endless Frontier: An Event Mod
Tekijä: mzilli
Endless Frontier is an event mod that adds dozens of new anomalies, events, archaeological sites, and more to the galaxy, adding tons of new content to your Stellaris games. Some of these are harmless fluff and world-building, some are moderately useful, a...
Endless Space 2: Cravers Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description Created by the Endless from an insectoid life form, the Cravers are in the purest sense hunter-gatherers who would never have independently evolved the systems and infrastructure needed to raise crops or domesticate animals. Their life cycle is...
Endless Space 2: Horatio Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description Incredibly wealthy and only slightly less deranged, Horatio was a trillionaire who left to discover his own star cluster. Finding a planet sprinkled with labs of ancient cloning technology left by the Endless, the boredom soon drove Horatio to ...
Endless Space 2: Sophon Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description The Sophons are a curious, peace-loving race whose highest ideals are found in scientific knowledge and technological advancement. Keen to explore and understand the mysteries of the cosmos, they believe the universe is something to intellectua...
Endless Space 2: Unfallen Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description The Unfallen have only ever known their homeworld of Koyasil, preferring to peacefully study what is near rather than discover what is far. They were content with this slow development that they refer to as the "Long Sleep" - the period from th...
Endless Space 2: United Empire Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description The United Empire developed from a fleet of Mezari settlers on a temperate, resource-rich world. For decades, commercial and industrial effort went into the conquest and development of the planet. Once the planet was largely colonized and contr...
Endless Space 2: Vodyani Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description Victims of a classic cycle of over-industrialization, the Vodyani were saved by technology culled from ruins of the Virtual Endless. These precursors quickly gained an aura of divinity in the eyes of the Vodyani, and are now worshiped as gods. ...
Eve Online - Lost Galaxy - Ships Only
Tekijä: Kabivel
Eve Online - Lost Galaxy A Eve Online mod for Stellaris Stellaris 3.7.4 compatible This is the shipset only Compatible with NSC3 Description This is the Amarr, Caldari, Gallente and Minmatar Ship only. Check the Join the community Discord here: https://i.i...
EVE Online: Caldari Shipset
Tekijä: Target
Shipset for the Caldari Faction from EVE Online. Who doesn't like profits? EVE裡的C族船 This is a reupload to fix the lack of thumbnail. Unfortunately couldn't get the original upload to work. Many many apologies The prototype for this had been finished for a ...
Even More Origins
Tekijä: nighthawk
Federations brought us the fancy new Origin system! You want more? - I've got you covered: This mod adds Even More Origins to the number of vanilla ones! Origin Description & Features Below is a list of all included Origins, describing their features. Due ...
Expanded Stellaris Traditions
Tekijä: Private Feelings
Currently non-maintained, see link for alternative version/h1] I currently do not have the time to maintain this mod as thoroughly as I would like. An update may happen in the future, but in the meantime consider this alternative version of it being mainta...
Extra Ship Components NEXT
Tekijä: NHunter
Extra Ship Components: NEXT WARNING: this mod is NOT compatible with existing ESC 3.0 saves. You need to start a new game. Other mod versions: Stellaris 3.3 -- Stellaris 3.4 -- Stellaris 3.6 -- Stellaris 3.7 Stellaris 3.9 -- Stellaris 3.10 -- Stellaris 3.1...
Fairy Empire:City and Flag
Tekijä: PSIONIC海豹 This mod provides a new city appearance and the flag of the Fairy Empire 这个MOD提供了一个新的城市外观和菲雅利帝国的旗帜。 BTW, this MOD can run independently, the ship set M...
Fairy Empire Shipset
Tekijä: 菲雅利女皇
家园2重制版的菲雅利帝国的船模MOD,使用它你就可以指挥菲雅利帝国的舰队逐鹿星空。 版权声明:本MOD由菲雅利女皇建模(QQ329670134),Eddy(QQ3279980942)导入完成 禁止任何方式的盗用,套取模型,任何非菲雅利女皇制作和上传的帝国MOD均属于盗版和冒用 关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道...
Fatal Foundations Story Pack [3.10]
Tekijä: FirePrince
The bonds between our realities are breaking down. Things that should not exist are finding their way through. How can we fight that which we cannot comprehend? This mod is a continuation of the great Fatal Foundations Story Pack by TFL - compat with curre...
Full Tiny Outliner
Tekijä: Harain This is a fork and merge of the 3.6 versions of the Tiny Outliner v2 and Tiny Fleets mods by Ivam. Lots of improvements over the original version, i...
Tekijä: haru
####################################################### このModはガミラス帝国の艦船を追加します。 艦船を追加するだけの単純なModなので、環境に影響はないはずです。 友人、作者環境で問題が出ない事は確認しています。 が、何かしらでクラッシュした場合等は使用をお控えください。 作者では解決できません。 ####################################################### NSC2への適応パッチを作ってくれた方...
Guilli's Planet Modifiers and Features
Tekijä: Guilliman Guilli's Planet Modifiers For version 3.12+ of the game. A big content expansion mod focusing on Planetary Modifiers. With hundreds of modifiers and lots of content that interacts with them. DLC's not required though some fe...
Gundam SEED OMNI Enforcer Ships Mod
Tekijä: Kakheti Kartli
このMODは未完成です! また、作者は日本人です。英語が苦手です。日本語以外での問い合わせには対応できない場合があります。 私が初めて作るMODです。バグがたくさんあると思います。 This mod is unfinished! Also, I`m Japanese. I am not good at English. We may not be able to respond to inquiries in languages other than Japanese. This is the first ...
Halo: Forerunner Ships & Portraits
Tekijä: force728
This mod adds animated Forerunner portraits from the Halo Universe (The screenshots above use a combination of other ui and civic mods). Features 1. Animated Forerunner portraits including Sentinel, Promethean, & Created machine portraits. 2. Forerunner sh...
Humanoid Dark Ships Redux
Tekijä: Chirumiru ShiRoz
This is an updated version of ProXz's Humanoid Dark Ship (or Dark Humanoid Ship). I have been given permission to reupload and update it. This adds a new shipset, it does not overwrite vanilla one. Old version of his work can be found here In case he ever ...
IIC - Sith Empire Ships
Tekijä: Yorick The Icarus Interstellar Corporation presents the Sith Empire Ship Pack! This ship pack allows you to play with the Sith Empire Fleet from the KOTOR/SWTOR Era's This Mod Includes 17 new ships and 2 n...
Improved Planet and Sector Automation
Tekijä: Dylan Dawn
Updated for 3.6.x Patch. IMPORTANT: Remember to turn off "Colony Automation" on each Planet! Improves Planet and Sector automation to make it usable. Description The current planet focus-based automation is downright broken and follows a pre-scripted build...
Kugelraumer Shipset
Tekijä: Martechi
The Kugelraumer-Shipset adds starships and stations inspired by Perry Rhodan to Stellaris. These iconic starships have been featured on book covers and technical drawings for sixty years. Now they are brought to life in-game! Workshop Version 3, adding the...
Kurogane Expanded (New)
Tekijä: General_Nekko
--------------------------- PLEASE DM ME BEFORE USING THESE MODELS Thank you all so much for coming together to share your love for this mod. I am sad to announce that I can no longer manage this mod but am happy to announce that I have found a new owner. ...
Legend of Galactic Heroes Ships MOD
Tekijä: lobolabo
Attention. Please do not publicly share or upload any contents(including 3D models) in this MOD without permission from author (@lobolabo). Given the vague characteristics of this project, publicly sharing makes further development impossible. The author w...
Machine Shipset
Tekijä: AryxCami
The Automated Dreadnought guardian is a beautiful ship. Which makes it a shame that it's one of a kind and that there aren't many other ships in its style. Until now! Behold machine ships, a fully sectioned shipset! Machine Ships adds a new shipset in the ...
Master of Orion: Terran Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description After centuries of strife and misery, the age of the Khans began. It was a time of great struggle, when dire circumstances called for radical solutions under ruthless and unwavering leadership. The price was dear, but through the Iron Rule of t...
More Enclave
Tekijä: 无言Infinite
作为多个modder的合作项目,本mod添加了多个风格迥异的飞地,让这片银河更加热闹! 本mod由 Stellaris 中文 Modder 交流协会 出品 飞地,比方说策展人或者行商,在原版游戏中并不是必要的存在。但是有了这些飞地,我们的银河便会更加热闹——简单来讲这些飞地提供给玩家一些,在经济和战争之外的新奇体验。 因此作为Modder交流协会的群活动,这个合作项目便计划以「飞地」为主题,丰富群星宇宙中的各种不同势力,增加一些玩家平常想不到可以在群星中体验的东西,同时也作为一次对群友技术的考察.........
Master of Orion: Darlok Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description Deep in the marshes of Nazin, the Darlok Cabal stirs. Secretive and paranoid shapeshifters, they live in a constant struggle for identity. Both contemptuous and resentful of the definite and immutable sameness of others. It is this existential ...
Master of Orion: Pirate Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description Yarr har fiddle dee dee Being a pirate is alright to be Do what you want cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! Major Features 1 full shipsets covering all ship classes. - Orion Pirate Decals that color with empire's flag. Includes all starba...
Master of Orion: Human Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description The Human Republic. Fulfilling a dream once thought impossible. All of mankind has come together as a single world of traders and diplomats, explorers and scientists, pressing towards the final frontier. Venturing forth from their blue planet E...
Master of Orion: Guardian Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description Just as mythical as the planet that it's guarding or the race that once inhabited that planet, the Guardian of Orion is subject of many ancient myths and legends. The very few that return alive from that star system, tell stories that it could ...
Master of Orion: Antaran Shipset
Tekijä: Cavily
Description Banished from Orion, the Antarans were imprisoned in a pocket dimension formed and carved out of the fabric of space-time. Now only known from ancient myths and dark legends, their name mentioned only in hushed whispers and unconfirmed rumours....
Music for Stellaris (Interstellar, Ftl and more)
Tekijä: I_sacha_I
Music mod for Stellaris (indev but working) with multiple musics: -Interstellar OST -Inception musics -Pirates of Carribean -FTL -And more ... If you know some good music that I can put in tell it in comments. (And I don't know why, localisation isn't work...
Malon Shipset
Tekijä: walshicus Star Trek: Malon Shipset Stellaris 3.12.1 compatible Description This standalone shipset uses content from Star Trek: New Civilisations. It is intended to be used vanilla Stellaris and should not be run alongside STNC, which...
More Events Mod
Tekijä: Malthus
COMPATIBLE with Stellaris 3.13.* Are you looking for more action and interesting events to show up while you are doing your day to day enslaving and conquering business? If, like us, you find the mid to late game a little lacking of interesting diversion, ...
Precursor Story Pack
Tekijä: XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible There was an ancient civilization before us... this is their story. This mod adds 3 precursor stories written by the community members. This is ...
Plentiful Traditions 3.x
Tekijä: Abominus [GER]
Welcome to Plentiful Traditions, it wasn't always easy to implement everything Birdy made for 1.9 into 2.0 and further. NOW for the 3.x Please report bugs! :) Works with: Extra perks (addon) Extra Districts (addon) Extra perk spots Civics Advanced Ascensio...
Smarter Hyper Relays: Improved AI (shrimpAI)
Smarter AI for building hyper relays Does the AI seem a little haphazard when building hyper relays? And then builds them more-or-less everywhere? This mod fixes that. With this mod, AI empires build proper networks starting at capitals, branching to secto...
Real Space 3.9
Tekijä: Annatar
Real Space v 3.9.6 This version is compatible with patch 3.13.0 Vela. This mod does not fundamentally change the game mechanics, creat...
SpaceBattleshipYamato:E.D.F. ShipSet
本MOD是基于《宇宙战舰大和号2199》与《宇宙战舰大和号2202》中出现的舰船作为核心 This MOD is based on the ships that appeared in Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and Space Battleship Yamato 2202 as the core 本MODは、『宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199』と『字宙戦艦ヤマト2202』に登場した艦船を基にしている。 仅以此MOD献给所有《宇宙战舰大和号》的粉丝和想了解内容的人 This MOD ...
Star Wars Mandalorian Ships 3.13
While best known for their Beskar-cladded warriors who fear no-one, Mandalore is also home to a well established shipbuilding industry. Organizations like MandalMotors are more than capable of building large warships that can rival and even exceed in fight...
Star Wars Rebel Ships
Tekijä: Elratie
Star Wars Rebel Alliance Ship Pack v.1.1 This ship pack allows you to play with the Rebel Alliance Fleet from the Imperial Civil War era. Do not redistribute the mod without permission, nor use mod content in another mod even if it is only the asset. files...
Star Oath Project 2.0
New Leader System Expand for 3.13 Star Oath is a large-scale standalone leader system mod, using a brand-new framework to redesign Stellaris' leader system...
Star Trek:32C shipsets
Tekijä: 清秋
"Let's see what the future holds." Beyond the final frontier, in the distant future of the year 3069, the dilithium crystal instability disaster "The Burn" shook the destiny of the galaxy. The disaster almost destroyed all long-range interstellar travel ca...
Sins of the Prophets: Stellaris
Tekijä: Lavo
Sins of the Prophets: Stellaris v0.3.11 Compatible with 3.8.*, 3.7.* Come join our Discord: Sins of a Solar Empire's best Halo mod has come to Stellaris! Sins of the Prophets is an award winning and critically acclaimed mod for S...
Republic Shipsets
Tekijä: 清秋
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 本mod支持NSC2 credit and big thanks Thanks for Nomada_Firefox allow me use his ship model...
Peculiarly Origin
Tekijä: 吉尔·梆·硬
一些特殊的起源 ################ 世外之地:位于一个布局独特的星系 ,除母星外还有4个30规模的宜居行星(与母星类型相同)以及20个25规模的改造候选星球。没有超空间航道与其他星系相连,只能通过一个星门前往其他星系。 无限星球:母星位于一个黑洞内部,可以通过决议无限增加母星的规模。母星增加建造速度,不需要舒适度,不会产生犯罪度,人口降级不需要时间,能根据人口数量提供一些岗位。 伟大先驱:母星系拥有一个"伟大先驱"考古据点,物种拥有"生还者特质"(增加20%宜居),且宜居性偏好设置为死寂偏好。...
Protoss Factions and Ships
Tekijä: Darkmourne
I have taken on myself to ensure that this MOD continues and is compatible to 3.8.* If someone is vexed by the intiative, simply don't use it. I take no credit for other's hard work, although don't expect me to let good content simply fade though :) Enjoy,...
! Age of Wonder
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
Partial support for English 41 new megastructures added If you installed Gigastructural Engineering & More, it is best to choose one of the two mods to play, otherwise you will see conflicts such as overlapping models and partial functional failures. But i...
Nirvana Empire Project
Tekijä: StaVis
欢迎大家加入QQ群讨论MOD及汇报BUG,或提出建议~ 建了个本MOD的QQ群~166037843 MOD大概内容: 1. 新国家具备较大幅度的强化,非平衡性MOD,若玩家未扮演涅槃帝国,则涅槃帝国将由AI扮演; 2. 玩家在开局一个月时可以选择是否保留AI涅槃,除非想要挑战自我(或开启了其他玩家强度...
ISBS: Doomsday Weapons & Ships
Tekijä: Ankain
Improved Space Battles - expand your mid / late game with 5 new super-capital class ships, over 50 new technologies and 11 doomsday weapons - including planet destroying, star system destroying and anti-fleet super-weapons. Initial Compatibility Hotfix for...
Leviathan Events Xtended - Legacy
Tekijä: Spacemike
2.0+ Update Note: there may still be bugs with this mod due to the massive changes in the latest update, please report any bugs to the bug discussion thread. Credits for everything in Leviathan Events Xtended but the port to 2.1 goes to: Forum user Bitterb...
LEX weapon upgrade PLUS
Tekijä: _OAO_
MOD整体翻新不容易。。。大佬们留个奖励或者关注吧 众所周知LEX是一个非常优秀的mod,船又帅又强(谁不喜欢又帅又强的船呢)但是毕竟是个原作者跑路的过时mod,舰船数据已经跟不上时代,好不容易拿到船结果被天灾集火按死,于是就自己动手加强LEX的数据,也发出来让其他第四天灾爽爽. 这个mod采用覆盖部分原版LEX文件的方式实现改动 必须订阅LEX temp fix并将该mod安排在启动器列表下方 所有模型均为LEX原作者所有 本mod未添加任何模型. 这个mod做了什么: ·所有LEX武器伤害数值提高至原数...
Random NameList : Chinese
############ 版本 ############ 此MOD支持3.9版本 (注意选择语言:简体中文) 另外为方便1.x死忠粉,提供旧版本,支持1.9版本,请移步: 旧版本2.3.x,请移步: 旧版本2.8.x,请移步: https://st...
Star Wars Rebel Ships 3.13 NSC3 Edition
The age of the Rebellion has arrived in Stellaris and with it comes the desperate rebel fleet fighting to restore democracy and freedom to your galaxy! This shipset contains many of the Rebel Alliances most iconic vessels including Corellian Corvettes, Ass...
Star Wars Republic Ships 3.13
The fleet of the Grand Army of the Republic has now arrived on the battlefield ready to serve the loyal citizens, clone troopers, and Jedi knights of the Galactic Republic. The evil forces of the Separatists and their army of malfunctioning clankers are su...
Star Wars: Kuat Ancient Empire
Tekijä: 清秋
评论区会被浏览,但不一定会追踪,有事请加入我们的QQ群:637596124 MOD内容及介绍 如果您喜欢这个MOD,请务必点赞和收藏,您的支持也是我开发的动力。 本MOD添加了大量来自星球大战的星级战列巡洋舰以及星际无畏舰的,你能够熟知的帝国舰船,都能在这里找到。同时,这些舰船的生产商——夸特动力船坞将...
Stargate - Asgard Shipset
Tekijä: Avatar ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stargate - Asgard - Shipset Work in Progress... This mod also disables shiptrails, spre...
Stargate - Downscaled Wraith Ships
Tekijä: Frstwlf
This is a Downscaled Ships compatibility patch for Stargate - Wraith Ships. Please ensure you download both files....
Stargate - Goa'uld Ships
Tekijä: Frstwlf
Please do not redistribute without all the proper permissions. Thank you. Stargate - Goa'uld Ships 2.0.0 Description This mod adds the Goa'uld ships from the Stargate universe. Here are the ships currently included: - Osiris' ship (science & construction) ...
Stargate - Wraith Ships
Tekijä: Frstwlf
Please do not redistribute without all the proper permissions. Thank you. Stargate - Wraith Ships version 2.0.0 Description This mod adds the Wraith ships from the Stargate universe. All ship classes and stations are modified when you select the ship set. ...
Stellaris Enhanced Sound Project
Tekijä: Chirumiru ShiRoz
Link to soundcloud for weapon examples - You can also expect to hear new sound samples from my profile there Note : The soundcloud does not includes Apoc Titan or Fa...
stellaris Galaxy Command ships
来自STELLARIS GALAXY Command的部分舰船模型。 我进行了一些处理后将其加入群星. 目前支持:工程船 科研船 护卫到主宰。 缺少殖民船 运输船 巨像等模型。...
STREGA - Downscaled Ships patch
Tekijä: COLA
Original MOD is here STREGA ships and stations This MOD is patch MOD for STREGA ships and stations. (-NSC2 Season 2 - Episode 1 - Mod Version 2.1.x-) Space Combat Expanded - Carrier Class and Space Combat Expanded - Dreadnou...
STREGA 2.X ships and stations
Tekijä: COLA
Modeling and textures by Grafxbox Add new choice to ship appearance. 船の外観に新しい選択肢を追加します。 This MOD is not compatible with achievement.This MOD is compatible with ironman. 実績に対応していません。鉄人モードに対応しています。 Fix turret locator (fix weap...
Systems Alliance Ships - Simplified Chinese
Tekijä: StaVis
The Ancient Star Ship:Caliburn
Tekijä: 月华天星
This mod is a simple archaeological events mod There is a 30% chance of discovering an archaeological site while your science ship is exploring a frozen planet. After completing this archaeological event you will have a chance to acquire an ancient cruiser...
The Nanites Revolution
此mod现在已可以独立运行,但不支持铁人模式 本mod现在提供的内容: · 一套新的纳米主题物种皮肤(一群白毛)(内置有机体及机械版的立绘) · 一整套纳米原版船模和纳米主题船模 以上内容开局可选,并且理论上可以兼容所有mod ------------------------------------------------------------------ 以下内容从7/7起已经全数搬迁至KDC事件包modmod中 · 新的纳米科技树 · 一个新的星团(开发中) · 新的纳米巨构,以及一个巨构超级武器 ·...
Tholian Shipset
Tekijä: walshicus Star Trek: Tholian Shipset Stellaris 3.12.5 compatible Description This standalone shipset uses content from Star Trek: New Civilisations. It is intended to be used vanilla Stellaris and should not be run alongside STNC, whi...
Tidy Tradition 3.10~3.13
Tekijä: Laquly 零者
3.13✔️;3.12✔️; 3.11✔️; 3.10✔️; English✔️; 日本語✔️; Italiano✔️ The author cannot speak Japanese and Italian, so the translation of these two languages needs to subscribe to the following mods: 日本語の翻訳:
Traditional Chinese for More Events Mod
This mod is a Traditional Chinese localization patch for More Events Mod. 此模組為繁體中文翻譯檔案 並不包含模組本體 因此必須先訂閱模組本體 我只進行了少量翻譯與潤飾 大部分本文由網路上搜尋而來 因此翻譯品質真疵不齊 有任何翻譯上的錯誤或建議 請與我聯絡...
Tuterian Shipset
Tekijä: walshicus Star Trek: Tuterian Shipset Stellaris 3.12.1 compatible Description This standalone shipset uses content from Star Trek: New Civilisations. It is intended to be used vanilla Stellaris and should not be run alongside STNC, wh...
Ultimate Technologies
Tekijä: breloom1994
Have you ever felt constrained by military advances and economic growth? Inalterable planets and negative modifiers. Insecure borders, pirates plunder and angry populations. Or do you just feel like the graphics could be taken up a notch and the weapons co...
Ultimate Weaponry (Restriction Break)
Tekijä: breloom1994
This is an expand pack of Ultimate Technologies. This weapon pack contains ship weapons and components which basically as same as the other two Ultimate weaponry packs except for the weapon firepower. The damage values of the weapons in this mod are way hi...
[Outdated] United Citizen Federation Shipset
Tekijä: Martechi
>>> Check out the updated version by Avatar Many thanks to Avatar for generously fixing up this mod and creating the updated version. Make sure to check out his other work as well! Do you enjoy playing xenophobic-militarists? Is Citizen Service your favori...
Universe at War: Novus Ships
Tekijä: force728
This mod adds Novus ships from the game Universe at War: Earth Assault by Petroglyph Games. Announcement: I have recently removed some of the extra gameplay features from the mod including the civics, policies, traits, prescripted empire, and starting syst...
US Astro Fleet Shipset
Tekijä: Martechi
The US Astro Fleet shipset adds near-futuristic, "low tech" spaceships and stations to the game. For that special near-future atmosphere, the designs feature modular hulls, industrial scaffolding, heat radiators and rotating sections. The black-and-white t...
Vaygr Shipset This mod can run in every version 这个mod可以在任何版本运行 BIG THANKS TO LORDZARMACK TO HELP ME REPAIR THE SCALE 欢迎加入群星中文频道...
Vengeance Shipset
Tekijä: Gage
VENGEANCE Supports Stellaris 3.1*.* (Vanilla) NSC and ACOT. Vengeance is a co-production of Paragon who created the models and me integrating the models. For more ship-sections, starbase-sections, starbase-buildings, techs and components download: Vengeanc...
We are the Imperial Navy NSC2 | Shipset for Stellaris 3.8+ and NSC2 Season 8
Tekijä: strik doggo
WH40k Shipset for 3.0* (Abandoned)
Tekijä: Alpharius Fuze
The original mod now has been updated so this would be abandoned. Check it out below WH40K Imperial Navy Shipset NSC2 for 3.0+ (Strik Doggo's WAIN Remaster) ...
Stargate Universe Reborn
Tekijä: Seph
Don't forget to: Stargate Universe Total Conversion MOD. Compatible with 3.12.* Join our Discord Channel Discuss the mod with other members and share your ideas! This mod adds: Origins, Trai...
WH40K Traits/small conversion mod
Tekijä: Joseph.S
WH40K traits for your roleplay desire. All traits are WIP and still need balanced please let me know if you have issues or suggestions. All racial traits have flat bonuses that I believe would match their playstyle. Humans(Mechanicus,SpaceMarine) all get l...
White-Gold Shipset
Tekijä: 슈팅스타
White-Gold Shipset which Paradox™ formerly described as "Impossible". Technical Support: ccoma01, lichking13, XVCV All Credits (and each model and textures ownerships) go to Following: - Leviathan Events Xtended teams - Forum user Bitterbaum - More Events ...
Xindi Shipset
Tekijä: walshicus Star Trek: Xindi Shipset Stellaris 3.12.1 compatible Description This standalone shipset uses content from Star Trek: New Civilisations. It is intended to be used vanilla Stellaris and should not be run alongside STNC, which...
Yridian Shipset
Tekijä: walshicus Star Trek: Yridian Shipset Stellaris 3.12.1 compatible Description This standalone shipset uses content from Star Trek: New Civilisations. It is intended to be used vanilla Stellaris and should not be run alongside STNC, whi...
[A Slot] Additional Ship Energy
Tekijä: MyresMkG
!!!NOT BALANCED. Please use it consciously!!! gives you an a-slot reactor that provides plenty of energy in order to meet the demand of some imba mod components. AI won't use it....
Stargate Weapons with Sound & More!
Tekijä: LeethalGambit
-- Mod Last updated on 1/8/18 -- Currently in this mod: 17 Stargate weapons with sound effects 7 Strike craft 17 Utilities (Armor, Shields, reactors, computers/crystals etc.) HOW TO UNLOCK WEAPONS & UTILITIES ^^^^ Click text above... ^^^^ And below is a li...
[JP localize Patch] LEX Temp Fix 3.13.x
Tekijä: 6thStrikeUnit
現在すでに更新停止している、 LEX Temp Fixのver3.8.x対応バージョンです。 元modの構成を現行の日本語パッチ用の構成に書き換えたものであるため、mod本体の更新に伴って追加された内容は反映されていない可能性があります。 最後に、「 LEX Temp Fix」の製作者のwasawasa氏にこの場を借りてお礼申し上げます。...
[JP_EN] Add Menacing ships - Stasis Fleets
Tekijä: 6thStrikeUnit
メナス艦用の追加セクションと専用の戦闘コンピュータ・兵装、さらに危機レベル5で使用可能となるメナス戦艦・メナス防衛プラットフォームを追加するMODです。 メナス戦艦およびメナス防衛プラットフォームは専用の動力炉・スラスターを持ちます。 なお、エーテル位相機関のグラフィックを差し替えるために「12_crisis_sphere」を書き換えているため、この部分を変更するmodと併用する際は干渉するmodよりロード順を前にしてください。(Gigastructural Engineering & Moreなど) AI...
[JP_EN]Additional Crisis's Super Weapon
Tekijä: 6thStrikeUnit
危機勢力が追加で超大型の艦船を使用してくるようになるmodです。 paragon氏より提供されたモデルを改造して使用させていただいております。(コンバイラ級知性抹殺機) 追加艦船を含む艦隊は危機勢力の星系基地が最初に建造された際に出現し、以後は星系基地10個の建造ごとに1個艦隊が出現します。 他の危機強化系modと併用可能ですが、追加艦船はAncient Cache of Technologies: Overrideなどによる強化の対象にはなりません。 コンティンジェンシー:コンバイラ級知性抹殺機 招かれざ...
[JP_EN]Machine fallen empire with functional ship
Tekijä: 6thStrikeUnit
機械没落帝国の艦船外見をステルス型の外見を持つタイプに変更するmodです。 paragon氏より提供されたモデルを改造して使用させていただいております。 また、メナス艦のセクションで色違いの外見を使用することができます。 This is a mod that changes the appearance of the ship of the Fallen Machinery Empire to a type with a stealth appearance. We have modified and us...
Tekijä: 溯昔言
银河的宜居球尺寸全部提升至16以上,同时一产区划更多。 国家起源母星全部提升至25格,盖亚起源提升至35格。 Galaxy's habitable spheres have all been raised to over 16 in size, with more zones for one generation. Nation origin star base increased to 25 squares and Gaia origin to 30 squares....
[Salvaged+]Marauders & Menacing Remodeled
Tekijä: 6thStrikeUnit
Marauders Remodeled の仕様をver3.13.xに適合させ、 艦船モデルをメナス系艦船でも使用できるようにしたmodです。 このmod単体で動作します。 イベント構文全てを書き換えていた従来の仕様と異なり、このmodではマローダー艦のデザインを置き換えるだけであるため、マローダー強化系modとの高い互換性を持ちます。 The Great Khan Expanded を導入している場合は「マローダーの巨大戦艦」が固有外見のものに変化します。 また、 Add Menacing ships - ...
Universe at War: Hierarchy Ships
Tekijä: force728
This mod adds the Hierarchy faction from the game Universe at War: Earth Assault by Petroglyph. Announcement: I have recently removed some of the extra gameplay features from the mod including the prescripted empire, armies, and starting system and have pl...
Tekijä: 烤薯条
3.9改了居住站,更新一下 1、去除了国家拥有巨构数量的上限且同一个巨构可以同时修建多个 2、同一个星系可以修建多个巨构 3、每种巨构AI国家现在只能修一个(包过环世界) 4、只有拥有虚空居者起源的AI才能修居住站 5、戴森球、巨型船厂可以在多恒星星系建造,且可以每个恒星各修一个 6、物质解压器可以在多个黑洞星系中修建,且可以每个黑洞各修一个 7、移除了量子弹弓的数量限制和必须修在中子或脉冲星上的限制 8、新加了政策"量子弹弓准确度调整",前置科技:量子弹弓 效果:增加了量子弹弓准确度,可以让舰队不再到处乱...
Vanilla Chinese Improving
Tekijä: 月华天星
———————————————郑重声明——————————————— 本汉化为公益性质,完全免费,任何需付费使用本汉化行为均与我组无关。 亦谢绝任何将全部或部分本汉化与下属独立汉化模组之内容用于盈利或其他商业用途,包括但不限于收费或收取任何形式赞助的模组、整合包、修改后二次发布、AI训练以及游戏内付费墙等。 鸽组对鸽组汉化、下属独立汉化模组及声明内容保留最终解释权。 ———————————————重要通知——————————————— 由于人手不足,本mod在一个或多个版本周期内会不定时多次更新,如果遇到翻...
Tekijä: 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 列表存在过时情况,修缮工作在做了 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 ...
【鸽组汉化】Some other origin AA更多起源汉化补丁
原模组链接: 注意事项 - 请将本模组置于原模组下方 - 如果汉化失效,请将本mod文件夹覆盖进原mod的本地化文本文件夹内 模组简介 - 加入了十个新起源——包括相关的新建筑、岗位与特质。 有错翻下次一定修,咕咕 ...
Real Space 汉化包(鸽组汉化)
Tekijä: jbdcr1234
───────────────── 模组概述 ───────────────── Real Space及其子Mod的汉化,由鸽组继续接手。 本模组仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 汉化模组永远可以使用,与版本号无关。原模组是否兼容最新版本与汉化模组无关。汉化模组只会在本体内容有更新或者群星更改了汉化方式或文件格式时才会更新。 RS及其子模组包含假中文,请自行删除以免出现随机英文内容。 翻译原则上以原版官中为准。 在此感谢KrukaL(Alpes Maritimae)与shouerma(兽耳娘是好文明)...
! Better Performance & Utilities [3.0]
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
last update of this mod Better Performance & Utilities <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Up to 100% increase in game fluency in the later stage New population growth curve (disabled by default) In game customlized...
! Casako's Framework LEGACY [3.2]
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
This mod is always one major version earlier than the latest version, as a backup <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Need back for old save? Version2.912 mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of...
UI Overhaul Dynamic for 3.0.4
Tekijä: Orrie
For 3.0.4 ✔️ Legacy Version Backup version for 3.0.0 -> 3.0.4 Will never be updated. Latest version: ...
【鸽组汉化】Expanded Espionage and Diplomacy 汉化补丁
Tekijä: Siran_China
原模组链接:Expanded Espionage and Diplomacy 注意事项 - 不推荐与 Expanded Events 模组同时使用,当前版本二者的一些事件几乎完全重合。 - 与 Galactic Community Expanded 模组不兼容,二者均修改了共同体议案。 模组排序 请将本汉化补丁置于原模组下方。 模组简介 Expanded Espionage and Diplomacy 模组增加了以外交和间谍活动为中心的各种功能和事件。主要内容包括: - 更加多样化的意见修正:飞升、政策、思...
首都的星球决议中,点击相应按钮后,让时间流动一天即可创建一个河外自闭星系(内含四球),由独特虫洞与首都链接(无需虫洞科技,AI禁止通过虫洞),这下就可以在银河外自闭了 2023.1.31 增加无宜居星球的星系创建(个人配合水獭编辑器来造巨构用的; 首府虫洞创建位置变为随机位置 2023.4.7 更新(更新下版本号)...
!Unique Solar System Force Spawn
This Mod forcefully and stably spawn ALL special solar system USING EVENTS, may cause some hyperlane disorder. However it works properly as I expected. It modded certain vanilla events to further ensure some event system like chosen or surviliance supercom...
Animated Prey Typhon Portrait (Dark Unbidden)
Tekijä: Doctor Verum
This is a fully animated portrait designed to look like one of the Typhon life-forms in the videogame Prey! Essentially an edited version of an unbidden, which will now be more black/dark grey while maintaining animations and particle effects. Prey is prop...
Tekijä: 耐牢王
本mod完全免费,任何途径形式的付费整合包,付费合集内的本mod都属于非认可行为。 不支持 不赞成 任何人在mod 创建,分享,内容上的盈利行为 。 设定: ·这是一个完全架空的世界,设定上人类灭绝于战争,半生物半机械的涅托在废墟上建立了新的文明。 游玩建议: ·完成EILD进攻母星事件链可以获得EILD作为附属种族。 ·歼星武器“瓦解射线”可以把天体变为黑洞,甚至包括你自己的殖民地。 ·泰坦可以装备w槽武器与h槽武器 游戏特色: ·狡猾 ·狡猾 ·狡猾 内容: 种族、事件、科技、国策、行星、建筑、区划、起...
Tekijä: Epsilon-Farblos
为普政、智械和蜂巢分别提供了一个提高帝国规模的建筑和岗位 现在不会覆盖任何原版文件,理论上不会有任何兼容问题 如果你发现了问题,请反馈给我,我会尽量解决...
Tekijä: 贴贴
这是红色警戒2心灵终结的mod。 有一些相应的武器科技以及超级武器建筑。并添加了支援技能(需要建造巨构解锁)和特有陆军单位工程师。 警告:请不要将超级武器向某些特殊星系发射(比如说天灾的母星),可能会导致事件卡死! 兼容绝大多数mod,特殊的国民理念没有任何限制;特殊特质只要求使用特定起源,在游戏开始一段时间后选择,政体是为了代入感而设置。 为什么有些东西没写效果?造一个试试是红警的特色,不得不品尝。我们可爱的天秤酱又能有什么坏心眼呢? 建筑科技需要星球上具有相应前置建筑才能刷出来(详见建筑描述)。 之后还...
! Dark Blue UI Remake
Tekijä: Kasako'小傘
<UI Overhaul Dynamic is required, sort it above DBUI.> Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Some additional new features Legacy version of last majo...
Apostle Empire 使徒帝国 1.8
Tekijä: MineInori
Apostle Empire 使徒帝国 如果你喜欢这个mod,请点赞并收藏 欢迎加入使徒mod讨论群:253540627与作者交流反馈 欢迎进入星规mod讨论群:937419692 种群从废墟中成长 文明在残骸里仰望 神灵垂眸降下天罚 使徒俯首静听星光 以路希维亚之名 为星海带去信仰 使徒永存 信仰不灭 荣光! 荣光! 本mod所有内容在选择使徒科技国策之后触发。 强度:无需循环科技,一倍科研75年后期,轻松过25倍三大天灾 内容:一个开局国民理念,一套强大但昂贵的舰船组件,一套独特建筑,强度较高的独特飞升...
B5 Shadows Ship Set
Tekijä: LukavSlambert
"As always, chaos is the way to strength Chaos is the engine powering life. The spread of chaos is our triumph. And the greatest joy is the ecstasy of victory." – A Shadow, 2260 This mod contains Shadows ships from Babylon 5. Mod includes all ship types an...
Archaeology Story Pack
Tekijä: XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible A year ago, there was a contest to make archaeology event mod in my community. This mod is made as a reward for the contest. It adds 19 archaeol...
Electroids Species Pack (Stellaris 3.12.4)
Tekijä: Exakan
This is the unofficial species pack called Electroids. Its one of the largest species-packs in the workshop. Now you can finally play an energy based race that lives on stars! Electroids Species (Basics) They live on a colony type called "Aurora-Habitat" i...
Dynamic Difficulty - Ultimate Customization
Tekijä: Gratak
Ever had the problem that early game was way to hard and either you die early, or the game becomes boring very soon afterwards? Or do you think the game is too hard/easy in general and the player would deserve some bonuses/penalties? Or do you want stronge...
Nanite Expansion (retired)
Tekijä: Machina Mystica
Sincerest apologies but my interests have moved elsewhere and I no longer have the time or inclination to continue maintaining my mods. I hereby authorize anyone who wishes to do so to utilize my mods for their own as they see fit, provided you attribute t...
天体战舰 Celestial warships
Tekijä: 小松岗 MOD围绕天体战舰和堡垒展开,通过巨构/船坞等方式建造特殊舰船和堡垒。 采取飞升→研究科技→设计舰船→建造巨构。 The mod revolve...
Project Gestalt [2.7.x]
The new version is here Description The Gestalt project is a mod that adds the final stage for each type of ascension: The psionic path will lead your citizens to becoming pure energy, a higher form of life. Energetic creatures have their unique traits and...
Real Gray
Tekijä: Kalo
~Real Gray:The Distant Stars Story Pack Module~ If you are finding a mod about waifu gray. That is direct made for this concept. If you are not. you are not. v3.13 Vela Main Feature All Stories to one road What never you find in L-Cluster you always find G...
Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib
Tekijä: _OAO_
This MOD is mainly for modders, if you are just a player and see that a MOD requires this as a prerequisite item, then you only need to subscribe to it. Features This MOD provides a solution to the conflict problem caused by adding rules between community ...
Storypack: The Nyblax and the Collector
Tekijä: Complex Storypack! Digsites! Relics! Midgame Crisis - 2 New Midgame Crisis: The and - Lots of custom new events - 6 New original digsites - 7 New relics - Custom initializing empire to interact with - Unique mechanics for relics - V...
Unbidden Ship Set (standalone)
Tekijä: Pilgrim
This mod creates a playable Energy ship set out of the Unbidden ships in the game and by altering other ship meshes to look like they are made out of extra dimensional energy. If you are looking for portraits and a trait to pair with this I recommend Extra...
Unconventional Initial Systems
Tekijä: BrynhildrDusk
update to 3.12! Unconventional Initial Systems Unconventional Initial Systems FOR Origin , initial system This MOD add more Initial Systems. Each Initial Systems has matching settings, with a total of 8 origin themes, including the following 30 different I...
After Constant delay, The viskal return for the most recent version of stellaris! Back, and better than ever, the viskal are now a purely organic species, and are more than ready to reclaim the galaxy, and reshape it in their image. This mod includes: Five...
[Abandoned] Evolutionary Origins
Tekijä: safr208
Note: Due to real life issues I will not be working or updating this mod for the forseeable future. This mod adds 11 new origins to Stellaris. These new origins are as follows. Codominant Evolution DLC Requirements: Utopia Origin Requirements: Xenophile or...
Suositut keskustelut Näytä kaikki (1)
26.5.2023 klo 4.40