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Even More Origins
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15 Feb, 2020 @ 6:39am
8 May, 2024 @ 3:07am
40 Change Notes ( view )

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Even More Origins

Federations brought us the fancy new Origin system! You want more?
- I've got you covered: This mod adds Even More Origins to the number of vanilla ones!

Origin Description & Features
Below is a list of all included Origins, describing their features. Due to the steam workshop character limit I had to drop the flavorful background stories, but you should definitely check them all out in game!

Back to the Future
Start in a maximum sized Trinary System on a size 26 Relic World orbited by two Relic Moons (size 1 and 11). Your species has the Relic World Habitability.

Ecosystem Integration
Start on a Hive World.

Eldest Sibling
Start with up to two primitive civilizations in your home system. At the start of the game you can choose whether to spawn one or two primitive civilizations and if they're of your own species or randomly generated ones.

Endeavour to Enlightenment
Your leaders have a 20% chance to retain their level. Their leader experience gain is increased by 200%, and your effective councilor skill is increased by 2 as well. Agendas progress 20% faster and last 20% longer. Your leaders have a 20% increased upkeep and cost 200% more to hire.

Paradox had dropped this idea from among their planned Origins - so here's me rushing to the rescue: This allows you to start in a system together with a Tomb World. Funnily enough they did add a picture sprite for this already.

Legacy of Nine Suns
Start on a size 30 home world that orbits a Black Hole. Oh, and 9 different stars are part of this system.
Feast your eyes on this glorious home system!
I recommend reloading a few times to check out different effects (depending on the angle it generates you can end up with different camera tints - blue is rarest).
Naturally, living in the presence of so many stars is dangerous: The Superflare event chain will fire for your home world.
If you are also subscribed to Gigastructural Engineering, then your civilization will have thought of building a Birch World around the core of the collided galaxy - and if you don't block it with other megastructures - you will be able to build it here, in your home system after taking the Ascension Perk.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Start with a Subterranean Civilization on your home world. This gives powerful bonuses in the form of additional districts or some districts and powerful jobs at the cost of losing quite a bit of science income for a while. If you aren't careful, they might take over the planet. And you don't want that, do you?

The Chosen One
Your ruler is the Chosen One, an immortal, level 10 leader. They will allow you to start researching Psionic Theory right from the beginning. Though you probably shouldn't do that as it would take about 72 months.

Walking On Eggshells
Start with a Voidspawn growing inside your Home Planet. It will hatch and destroy your empire capital.
You will be able to pick how long it takes at the start of the game. Choose from options between certain annihilation at 1 year and the 'very challenging' timeframe of 100 years.
List of possible options:
  • 1 year (impossible, if you do not get a habitable planet in a neighbouring system - and the default ones are disabled by this origin / I haven't been able to clear this myself, yet)
  • 1.5 years (slightly less punishing, allows you to colonize a planet a little farther away)
  • 2 years (you don't have to get really lucky to be able to find and colonize a planet with this - build an extra science ship, explore until you find the first planet and go for that one immediately)
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years (recommended, you have some time to explore, but will probably still lose all of your starting population)
  • 7 years (recommended, slightly less punishing - you might even save a few pops)
  • 10 years (recommended, if you don't think losing most of your pops is cool)
  • 15 years
  • 25 years
  • 100 years (for everybody who would just like to fight a voidspawn without a particularly challenging start)
The screenshots are from the 1.5 and 2 years options.

Future Development & Compatibility Notes
I am still adding more Origins to the mod (albeit slowly), as well as working on supporting compatibility with other mods, so please feel free to keep any ideas coming my way!
A specific mod you like doesn't work with this one? Report in detail, and I will fix the issue! Thank you for all the support!

Only the latest version of the game is supported, as several Origins use solar_system_initializers and the mod interface has been changed for these with 2.6.3

As of Mod Version 1.5.1 Planetary Diversity is fully compatible!
It is now possible to use the "Eldest Sibling" Origin with a home world from that mod.
Even the Planetary Diversity - Exotic World ones!
Any randomly generated worlds will also spawn using the Planetary Diversity list of normal and rare planet classes.

As of Mod Version 1.6.0 Gigastructural Engineering will allow you to build a Birch World around the supermassive black hole featured by the "Legacy of Nine Suns" origin (a new save game is required).

All of the added features above are optional. There's no need to subscribe to any more mods, if you don't want to do so in the first place.

This mod should also be fully compatible with almost any other mod (even those adding more origins). No vanilla files were touched. There's two small exceptions: I have overwritten the following events:
colony.50 # Allowed Subterranean Civilization to fire on empire capitals
utopia.2650 # fixed The Chosen One getting the Psionic trait

Endorsed Translations in Unsupported Languages

Obligatory Footnote
Looking for my other creations?

Thanks for reading the description, downloading & playing with my mods!

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Popular Discussions View All (5)
16 Feb @ 11:00am
Feature Requests
20 Mar, 2023 @ 2:40pm
About the error.log and Stellaris modding more generally
6 Mar, 2021 @ 4:16am
License for TGPIII
nighthawk  [author] 1 Mar @ 10:59pm 
@Yindiram The Faerie Dragon: Any specific idea on your mind, or would you just want: "Reconquer your home system"?
Yindiram The Faerie Dragon 28 Feb @ 10:16pm 
I do sincerely suggest a situation chain for voidspawn origin, making game way more fun than before.
YutaniWakazashi 11 Nov, 2024 @ 7:32pm 

You are welcome! I love this mod so thanks for what you do.

Regarding earlier CTD's I got, they ceased after the minor update made right before my last post. So my guess is Paradox bugged some feature out on the initial release and fixed it later.
nighthawk  [author] 1 Nov, 2024 @ 5:37am 
@YutaniWkazashi: Thank you for confirming! I'll see if I can get my setup back to working order in the following days.
YutaniWakazashi 31 Oct, 2024 @ 6:10pm 
This mod seems to be working fine with the update! Just started a new game, no CTD anymore.
nighthawk  [author] 27 Oct, 2024 @ 5:21am 
Unfortunately my SSD "burned up" due to a firmware upgrade (thanks Samsung). So I am not motivated to recreate my setup "just to fix a flag", if everything's still working properly. Just ignore the launcher warning.
I'll get to it when the next Stellaris release drops. :butterfly:
tilarium 26 Oct, 2024 @ 10:30am 
As I’ve said several times, it’s been working fine for me in 3.13. If you’re having problems with, what are those problems that need to be updated and fixed?
ColdSpaCe7 26 Oct, 2024 @ 9:03am 
can you update it to 3.13 please?
nighthawk  [author] 26 Oct, 2024 @ 3:36am 
@nerevarite: It means that when they level up, you get to pick a new trait, but with the stated chance, they'll go back to their old level. This allows you to get many more trait picks over the course of their lifetime. However, this won't happen for special levels where you pick your focus (4 and 9).
nerevarite 26 Oct, 2024 @ 2:07am 
What does "retain level" in Endeavour to Enlightenment mean?

I saw the comment from 19th Dec which states they retain their level instead of randomly adding common traits, but does this mean they just don't level up when they would level up with a common trait?
