

Even More Origins
nighthawk  [author] 1 Mar @ 10:59pm 
@Yindiram The Faerie Dragon: Any specific idea on your mind, or would you just want: "Reconquer your home system"?
Yindiram The Faerie Dragon 28 Feb @ 10:16pm 
I do sincerely suggest a situation chain for voidspawn origin, making game way more fun than before.
YutaniWakazashi 11 Nov, 2024 @ 7:32pm 

You are welcome! I love this mod so thanks for what you do.

Regarding earlier CTD's I got, they ceased after the minor update made right before my last post. So my guess is Paradox bugged some feature out on the initial release and fixed it later.
nighthawk  [author] 1 Nov, 2024 @ 5:37am 
@YutaniWkazashi: Thank you for confirming! I'll see if I can get my setup back to working order in the following days.
YutaniWakazashi 31 Oct, 2024 @ 6:10pm 
This mod seems to be working fine with the update! Just started a new game, no CTD anymore.
nighthawk  [author] 27 Oct, 2024 @ 5:21am 
Unfortunately my SSD "burned up" due to a firmware upgrade (thanks Samsung). So I am not motivated to recreate my setup "just to fix a flag", if everything's still working properly. Just ignore the launcher warning.
I'll get to it when the next Stellaris release drops. :butterfly:
tilarium 26 Oct, 2024 @ 10:30am 
As I’ve said several times, it’s been working fine for me in 3.13. If you’re having problems with, what are those problems that need to be updated and fixed?
ColdSpaCe7 26 Oct, 2024 @ 9:03am 
can you update it to 3.13 please?
nighthawk  [author] 26 Oct, 2024 @ 3:36am 
@nerevarite: It means that when they level up, you get to pick a new trait, but with the stated chance, they'll go back to their old level. This allows you to get many more trait picks over the course of their lifetime. However, this won't happen for special levels where you pick your focus (4 and 9).
nerevarite 26 Oct, 2024 @ 2:07am 
What does "retain level" in Endeavour to Enlightenment mean?

I saw the comment from 19th Dec which states they retain their level instead of randomly adding common traits, but does this mean they just don't level up when they would level up with a common trait?

tilarium 23 Oct, 2024 @ 6:52am 
If you’re looking for a version that works in 3.13, well, you’re looking at it. Unless you’ve found a reason it doesn’t
ColdSpaCe7 23 Oct, 2024 @ 5:13am 
is there an updated version of this mod?
nighthawk  [author] 30 Sep, 2024 @ 12:16pm 
@arckimeige: I actually thought of it because of Star Wars. The quote is from the animated series, and describes Anakin.
qwilsneb 29 Sep, 2024 @ 5:23pm 
was the chosen one origin inspired at all by 40k?

caus i'm going to use that and a few other mods to make a proper imperium of man
nighthawk  [author] 28 Sep, 2024 @ 4:27am 
@Dodi.pazderka: Oh, if that's the case I'll actually have to push a fix. Maybe it's one of the other mods, but it makes more sense to be mine in that case. Can you tell me the output of the error.log in your Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\logs\ folder?
It's probably something like leader_trait_chosen or emo.6 or maybe something else.
You can check the GitHub page linked in the description, if no file name matches, it's not this mod.
Dodi.pazderka 28 Sep, 2024 @ 1:02am 
Hello Mr. I have trouble with this mod, when i create new civilization and chose origin "The chosen one" game crash back to windows. It is great mod so would you please check it? I have also other mods, but nothing crash without this mod.
nighthawk  [author] 27 Sep, 2024 @ 11:25pm 
@YutaniWakazashi: Thank you for the feedback. The only origin with many events is the "Endeavour to Enlightenment", and as long as your leaders get additional traits, they work too. The other origins, you'd notice if the events weren't there, because they happen in the beginning and grant you the benefits the origin promises.
Sounds like everything's working as expected, if that' the case.
Sorry, I'm a little slow updating this time (due to personal reasons), and I might push it back until the next vanilla update (which is already in October). :butterfly:
YutaniWakazashi 27 Sep, 2024 @ 4:23pm 
I have been running it since the update and haven't run into any issues.

That being said, I don't know if I am missing any events. If some aren't firing, I wouldn't know because I have like four or five event mods and they would be buried.
nighthawk  [author] 13 Sep, 2024 @ 10:12am 
I'm planning to check tomorrow. Depending on whether my setup still works after my SSD destroyed itself, I might finish this weekend - or not. :butterfly:
Testakill 13 Sep, 2024 @ 7:39am 
@yutaniwakazashi Give it a go and let us know
YutaniWakazashi 12 Sep, 2024 @ 9:19pm 
How is this one after 3.13?
Chomik 19 Jul, 2024 @ 2:50pm 
Do you think there is night in home world in Legacy of Nine Suns origin?
nighthawk  [author] 14 Jun, 2024 @ 7:47am 
@m13796624212: Obviously not. You need the mod, otherwise the Birchworld Megastructure doesn't exist.
m13796624212 1 Jun, 2024 @ 2:01pm 
So uh...can I build a birch world without gegastructure mod?
nighthawk  [author] 8 May, 2024 @ 3:09am 
Version 1.21.0
* Update to game version 3.12.*
* Updated "Eldest Sibling" Origin, ensuring compatibility for all planet classes from Planetary Diversity (up to its release on 7th May 2024).

The massive internal rework of Planetary Diversity has taken me a bit of effort to fix compatibility for, but it should be working perfectly now.
Please report anything else you might encounter, I could only take a cursory glance at some of the other things (but according to the official patch notes, nothing should be broken).
Thank you! :butterfly:
nighthawk  [author] 8 May, 2024 @ 3:04am 
@floof: I couldn't reproduce the issue, but somebody once reported something similar. Using superhabitable worlds as your starting planet would change the star into a K-class star.
This didn't happen to me in the newest patch any longer - so I believe it might've been fixed on their end coincidentally due to the massive rework they just released. Could you confirm that that's what happened to you to, maybe?
nighthawk  [author] 8 May, 2024 @ 3:02am 
@Haerzog: I just played around with it a bit again and if I set the star class to a black hole, it messes with the beautiful effects of the many different suns. You'll only get an effect that overexposes them to the "black light" (doesn't look good). And it always looks the same instead of allowing for variations in all kinds of colors, depending on the generated angle. Now, I remember that that was exactly why I didn't do it back then.
Honestly, I would need to do my own star class for this (keeping the effects, and looking like a supermassive black hole), but I shouldn't do that either, because it messes with the compatibility of this mod. So it is how it is, we'll just have to live with our "B-Class Star" on the map.
nighthawk  [author] 6 May, 2024 @ 11:43pm 
@Haerzog: Back when I originally created it, that was not possible, unfortunately (due to the many suns). I've noticed that some mods have started changing the star symbols these days, so I will check if it is possible in the next update (but it might still not be).
Haerzog 6 May, 2024 @ 3:11pm 
Should the Legacy of Nine Suns start, have the star symbol on the star map be a black hole? Because in my game it is represented by a B-class star.
nighthawk  [author] 4 May, 2024 @ 1:17am 
@floof: Hm, thanks for letting me know. I will double check on Tuesday, when the new patch releases. Maybe they changed the internal star class name and I need to update the reference in my code.
floof 3 May, 2024 @ 6:13pm 
okay so every time i try legacy of 9 suns the black hole turns into a tiny class k star and i have no clue why. maybe a giga issue but just thought id mention it
Muffin 18 Apr, 2024 @ 8:23am 
@Nighthawk thanks for the fast response, lol so many mods now adays i cant keep track lmao
nighthawk  [author] 18 Apr, 2024 @ 8:15am 
@Muffin: No, that's part of Gigastructures or one of the other big mods as far as I remember.
Muffin 18 Apr, 2024 @ 8:10am 
Hmm, Didnt this mod have a "Flat-earth origin?"
nighthawk  [author] 14 Apr, 2024 @ 1:52am 
@0zzymandeus: I've initially specifically created it as a "weird" planet, exactly because that poses a more interesting question of when to colonize it (usually only worth it after you can easily afford the 20000 minerals to transform it, but maybe earlier still helps creating new pops). It also looks cute (because it is tiny), so I'd like to keep it.
REDbeard 13 Apr, 2024 @ 7:10am 
Could you please bump up the Size 1 relic world in the Back to the Future origin to a size 11 or 10? It's really weird having a speck of a planet. Personally I think it would be more balanced to have a size 20 main planet and two size 8-10's, but that's just me.

Other than that, thank you for the update.
nighthawk  [author] 11 Apr, 2024 @ 8:06am 
@democles_pl: No, why would it do that? Does it do that now in Giga?
democles_pl 9 Apr, 2024 @ 3:10pm 
If you have Giga with 9 Suns origin does building a Birch world destroy all other bodies in the system?
Testakill 10 Mar, 2024 @ 1:28pm 
Nighthawk the GOAT. Thank you for your dedication and support for the Stellaris modding community!
nighthawk  [author] 9 Mar, 2024 @ 1:16am 
Version 1.20.0
* Update to game version 3.11.*
* Updated "Eldest Sibling" Origin, allowing you to choose on which planets pre-FTL empires will spawn.

I hope everybody continues to have fun playing Stellaris with my mods. :butterfly:

Some of the localization has become outdated by now. I'm looking for people willing to help out!
If you'd like to contribute a translation, please get in contact with me through a GitHub PR directly, or PM me here on steam. You will be credited for your work. Thank you!
YutaniWakazashi 6 Mar, 2024 @ 6:20pm 
Thank you Nighthawk!
nighthawk  [author] 6 Mar, 2024 @ 11:43am 
@YutaniWakazashi: Yes, as far as I've read the change log, nothing should be problematic. I'll update the tag and picture on the weekend (probably).
YutaniWakazashi 6 Mar, 2024 @ 10:47am 
Does this mod work with 3.11?
nighthawk  [author] 16 Feb, 2024 @ 7:56am 
@Bukkacracy: It's a random chance I added to make it more fun for roleplay reasons (back when hiveminds were enabled as primitives). You can restart a few times, the chance to change is lower than them keeping to the original.
You could also go for Genetic Ascension, and incorporate them a little later.
Bukkacracy 15 Feb, 2024 @ 2:21am 
Is there a way to stop the sibling planets from the Eldest Sibling origin from becoming hive minds when you choose to have your own species inhabit those planets? My species is definitely not hive minded so I'm not sure why a different hive minded copy of my species is showing up sometimes.
nighthawk  [author] 23 Jan, 2024 @ 11:13am 
@Xanthiras: That sounds very curious. I'll have to check if there's some kind of weird interaction. It shouldn't matter for what my mod does, but maybe those worlds are coded to change the home star the way you describe. Would it be more appropriate to keep it this way, or make me change it back into the black hole? It feels weird. Not really intended behavior either way.
Maybe I should make the origin exclude the superhabitable worlds - as that would prevent the issue - as well as the conflicting narrative.
Xanthiras 22 Jan, 2024 @ 6:50am 
When I select any of the superhabitable worlds in Planetary Diversity as homeworld, the 9-suns origin system spawns with a K-class star in the center instead of the black hole. Didn't see it happen with other planet types I tried.
nighthawk  [author] 3 Jan, 2024 @ 2:52pm 
@Smokehouse03: These origins are not from my mod, did you post on the right page?

Some of mine can be used by AI (and some of those only once), but they're not guaranteed. They don't even have a pick weight increase.
Smokehouse03 1 Jan, 2024 @ 8:55am 
AI seems to always spawn with ascended destiny, one will always spawn with the iron curtain one. Theres 1-2 others that seem too sometimes appear but the majority of the times its just ascended destiny. Is this a bug?
Testakill 21 Dec, 2023 @ 11:21am 
Any way for set parameters for eldest sibling. If using sol, pop 1 spawns on Mars, if two pops the 2nd spawns on venus?