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Items (88)
Created by SanagiPierfries
这是一份中国主题的预设名称表,在游戏内显示为“人类(中国)”。目前已有76万5359种可能的人名组合,更有独具中国特色的舰船命名方式,兼顾了科幻和传统的风格。 This is a Chinese themed name list showed as "HUMAN (China)" in the game. There are totally 765,359 possible combinations of leader names, accompanied by stylized naming system...
Created by 键语泪梦
多彩银河拓展MOD 对原有的6个物种大类进行了立绘拓展 持续更新中...
对原版除了灰风以外的所有英杰进行了二次元化 灰风美化请订阅其他MOD 本人代码水平挺烂,我自己跑了几局应该是没问题的,如果发现某个角色立绘有问题请告诉我 素材来自
个人制环世界增强 包括内容: 5个常规帝国区段: 发电区段 +10住房与技工岗位 堡垒区段 +10住房与士兵岗位 综合服务区段 +10住,+5执法者岗位,+5医护岗位 官僚区段 +10住房与官僚岗位 六个格式塔区段: 组装区段: +10住房与组装者子个体 调度区段 +10住房与调度者子个体 催化加工区段 +10住房与催化师子个体 猎杀者无人机仓库区段 +10住房与猎杀者子个体 防御无人机仓库区段 +10住房与护卫者子个体区段 4个蜂群区段与一个石头人特殊区段: 孵化场区段: +10住房与培育者子个体 主脑凸...
Created by L1N0
mod内容: 添加了一种新的奴役方式“性奴”。 性奴不从事生产,拥有专属的工作,每个性奴人口会增加舒适度,他们不会去担任其他岗位。 添加了一种基因特质,大幅度增加舒适度并减少全产。 理论上不会影响其他mod。 画饼: 1.一种高度增加舒适度的建筑,只能由性奴人口担任。 2.某些才华横溢的性奴或许也可以担任领袖,人前高冷总督人后淫乱性奴(bushi。 3.目标以征服全银河种族为自己性奴的传统、飞升、事件。 4.更多。 —— 因为某种原因,我无法在steam社区进行评论,不是我不想回复,是根本回复不了- - —...
Created by 大酒鸽
星球决议里添加了三个决议 ...... 花费100影响力获得帕丽达雅修正:幸福+10%,岗位凝聚力+10%,岗位食物+20%,迁入吸引力+25% 花费300影响力获得殖民地精神修正:幸福+10%,舒适度+15%,岗位产出+15%,宜居性+10% 花费300影响力获得度假星球修正:迁入吸引力+15%,舒适度+15%,宜居性+100%,每2个人口增加1个白领岗位 ...... 这些修正可以共存,可以在决议里移除,移除免费...
此MOD的原版来源: 感谢原作者的付出 此为个人修改版,改版起源如下: 原来仅限非智械,现在智械也能选此起源了(没有任何限制,谁都可以选了) 星环基地可以建设在这个星系里了,从居住站拓展那边复制的文件夹 起始星系: 母星:25格盖亚 特殊地块:+25农业 矿物 发电区划 +10三特殊资源 +10舒适度 起始星系内: 4个遗落星球(有标准的区划) 一个完整的环世界 一个废弃的戴森球...
菜鸡作者的继续开坑来了 飞升与星球决议改动: 格式塔帝国在点出“机械世界”飞升后可以建造理想城了 蜂群思维帝国在点出“蜂巢世界”飞升后可以建造理想城了 格式塔和蜂群帝国可以改造遗落星球为理想城了 新增九个常规帝国理想城区划: 研究理想城 +10住房,+4科研主管,+6科研人员 堡垒理想城 +10住房,+10士兵,防御部队生命值+10% 贸易理想城 +10住房,+4商人,+6职员 综合服务理想城 +10住房,+5医护人员,+5执法者 精炼理想城 +15住房,+5晶体研究员,+5微粒催化员,+5气体提炼员 机械...
开局查看L星团和机械爹好坏和一些特殊星系是否生成,因为增加了事件触发所以不支持铁人获得成就。如果需要更多刷开局查看变量请留言,我会添加到mod中。 本mod语法基本不会发生变化,如果提示过期直接载入就行,除非有新的特殊星系否则不需要更新。 不需要更新,无视黄感叹号无视黄感叹号无视黄感叹号! 封面出自b站up唯一正妻列克星敦,给大家推荐太太的视频()
Created by 陈霖
影响力无上限。 稀有文物最大库存15k,可以吃到加储量的科技、建筑的加成。...
Created by 630672881
吾杀汝,实救汝于诸苦也,吾实爱汝。这个mod允许玩家在选择星河卫士的同时选择文武天灾中的一种(文武天灾似乎还是不能并存),群星这款游戏是这样的,其他文明只需要老老实实等死就行了,而作为第四天灾,我们既要和其他三灾以及新出来的牢塞斗智斗勇,还需要攻入虚境or创造宇宙,要考虑的事情可就太多了。 如有任何问题,还请评论区及时反馈!...
Created by 幻灭暗影
星球决议:将这个星球上的外族人口全部变成你的主体种族,不管是生物机械石头人还是mod物种,种族洁癖福音。 顺便物种政策里把死灵dlc尸化机制修改了下限制,使玩家能随意使用,并大幅提高了转化速度,效果也是同化成主体种族. ai不会使用....
Created by Magic dove DB
More_flags(更多旗帜)这个mod添加了十多种上百面新的旗帜,让你的自建帝国更加多样。 从共产主义到资本主义,从幻想乡到高达,文化,政治,帝国,宗教,工厂,企业,工人都能找到合适的旗帜 素材均来自互联网,侵删,禁止商业使用。 来都来了,不顺手点个订阅吗?All of you have come. Why don't you order a subscription?...
Created by 优木立希
更多银河系大小 测试电脑:114514 超级大:2500 略大:750 略小:250 迷你:60...
更好的中文随机名(better Chinese random name)
Created by 天亮了
本模组为免费模组,并反对任何模组收费与合集收费 生成的各种中文随机名将更符合中国人的语言习惯 修改内容: 1.删除了国家名和联邦名那些多余又难看的空格(比如“XXX 天命 王国”变成了“XXX天命王国”); 2.调整了国家名与联邦名的部分语序,使其翻译后更加通顺(比如“联合 XX 同盟”变成了“XX联合同盟”); 3.堕落/觉醒帝国拥有特殊的名字格式(比如圣卫的“XXX守望者”,军孤的“遗忘者XXX”,机械爹的“XXX-延续”); 4.部分圣地的名字改用了旧版圣地名(比如“至朴古珠”改为了“至纯瑰宝”); ...
更好的舰船作战AI(better ship behaviors)
Created by 天亮了
本模组为免费模组,并反对任何模组收费与合集收费 修改原版的舰船作战AI 蜂拥战术:舰船将冲锋至极近距离处,随后开始盘旋。 哨戒战术:舰船将盘旋至最近射程处,随后缓慢推进。 线列战术:舰船将冲锋至中等射程处,随后缓慢推进。 炮击战术:舰船将缓慢推进至最远射程处,随后保持静止。(不再像原版一样打到一半就逃跑了!) 航母战术:舰船将缓慢推进至极远距离处,当敌人进入远距离处时开始后撤。 注意: 舰船使用炮击战术与静止敌人(如恒星基地)作战时,舰船将静止在最远射程处,此时只有最远射程的武器才能攻击到敌人!建议搭配使用...
Created by ZLC32
在政策下面加了一个无消耗抽卡选项,启用就会弹出抽船界面(使用后会消失几天,之后会再度出现 一共6种稀有度,按军事力量划分 分别需要消耗能量和影响力进行普通抽和氪金 另外这是后辈: 《朋友,大建不?》
Created by 墨染新月
主要是和朋友联机或自己用。 (很烦辛苦养成的领袖死了。) (领袖不够用,我要每个球一个!) (明明资源爆仓,堡球锚地一堆,还是不够舰队容量?) 如上。 一:特质 1永生特质(朴实无华的不朽。) 2人口降级速度-99%(主要是用来减少统治者或专家失业后降级所需时间) (减少负面特质上限,增加等级上限。) 二:科技 指挥上限(5级,每次20指挥上限) 循环科技:(以下循环科技都只能循环5次) 指挥上限(30上限)、恒星基地(1座) 领袖经验(10%) 舰队维护费(6%)、资源产出(6%) 三:法令 1增加领袖上...
Created by 世界之轴
禁止ai建造居住站,将ai造居住站权重设为0 排序要放在最下边,以防止被覆盖失效...
Created by 键语泪梦
从多彩银河的拓展MOD中分离出的单独版本 独立的物种大类跟立绘...
永生种族特质 Immortal Species Trait
Created by Kylo
简介 / Instruction 添加了一个永生的种族特质,这样领袖就不会死于年老了。一般不会和其它mod冲突。 Added an immortal species trait so that leaders won't die of old age. Normally it wouldn't conflict with other mods. 更新日志 / Change Log 2024.8.7 已支持 v3.12.5,虽然只是简简单单的刷新了下版本号 添加了对石质物种以及机械物种的支持。 v3.12.5...
Created by 江澤之主
RT,禁止ai挖坟 现在所有的坟,ai应该都挖不出来了(异种杂碎们的考古界灾难233333) 如有ai强行挖坟或者什么奇奇怪怪的问题,麻烦留言说明详情。 不会回复因为暂时无法通过常规途径解决“所在区域禁止回复”的睿智情况,所以有失效情况先看看mod版本是否符合当前游戏版本,以及是否和其他mod冲突等,下次更新时间(除非在当前游戏版本中遇到bug)依旧是薛定谔的猫,请耐心等待(或自行修改更新版本内容解决,毕竟改动很简单) GLHF...
Created by Hua Zhang
给原版游戏中不够科幻的舰船配件重新写一遍本地化,兼容一切(除了可能会造成画风冲突),支持铁人获得成就。 ——大概就是把2200年还在用核裂变和化学推进器,以及观察土著给终极合金和全新宇宙的数学这种离谱的设定去掉了,再这么搞下去我都怀疑我们真上天了是不是就真的是异星歧途了.........
Created by 墨染新月
自用及和朋友联机用 萌化用二次元立绘种族, 少数素材自制,其他来自 自用自用自用自用自用自用自用自用自用自用自用自用...
Created by 玻璃漓漓
《萌化星河·自用更新》的选择性亲缘版本,让你设身处地地体验到选择性亲缘国策,让你同时具备善意与敌意 (隔壁调色盘:???) 调色盘 亲外主义特化·《萌化星河·自用更新》: 此mod是玩家个人在《萌化星河:自用整合+水毒更新》的基础上,根据部分玩家需求,对人形物种的特化整合,相较之前的无差别萌化提高了代入感,以特殊的方式也算增强了基因飞升。模组内容包括: ○兼容铁人模式 ○仅萌化人...
Created by 总钻风
目前添加了四个起源,多个通过在user_empire_designs中添加flag达成的增益,如果起源已经拥有增益,将不会生效。 任何使用人类立绘\使用人联地联flag\拥有 wmrfix_human_species 的种族将会被视为同一种族 起源 视界行者 这一文明曾建造了一艘能够扭曲现实的舰船,试图穿越视界前往更加适宜的家园。在穿越了数个凶险的宇宙后,它们在新世界中找到了一个宜居的星系,并试图继续进行未尽的创世之旅。 初始拥有视界刺针 行者残余 这一文明曾建造了一艘能够扭曲现实的舰船,试图穿越视界前往更...
Created by clin
增加了附庸协议—凝聚力补贴/税收 建议配合 UI Overhaul Dynamic 使用...
Created by Salvacrimae
一个非常简单的小mod,包含才不是特意为你添加的一个(划掉)两个法令,可以让领袖负面特质上限-5,或者移除全部领袖的负面特质。 注:移除负面特质对mod特质可能无效。 mod制作背景:当我使用死灵人儿搞军国独裁和朋友们联机时我的统治者,居~然~在二十年内成为了鸽派II,随后被大家戏称为不死和平宇宙灯塔女王,然后超强的debuff让我差点就在早期边界争端中被隔壁一个ai干碎了,那时我一边猛吃奴隶一边看着+25%的造舰费用、+25%的造舰时间以及我伟大的宇宙灯塔女王那190才有可能暴毙的一生时陷入了深深的沉思。...
! Better Performance & Utilities
Created by Kasako'小傘
Better Performance & Utilities Current version for Legacy version of Kasako's mods Up to 75% increase in game fluency in later game New pop growth control method (disabled by default) Automatic demotion function Express manual pop migration method Reduce t...
! Casako's Framework & Modmenu
Created by Kasako'小傘
This mod will always go with the last update of Stellaris <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Current mod version for mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of Infinite System Independent function...
! Dark Blue UI Remake
Created by Kasako'小傘
Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Some additional new features Legacy version of last major update Universal Patch for compatibility of mods list...
! Dark Blue UI Right Menu
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: all instructions are machine translation> New main menu layout New theme interface background <All pre-mods must be installed, see the required items on the right> Detailed description -The main interface has been changed to the button layout on ...
! Immersive Beautiful Stellaris !
Created by Kasako'小傘
117 New Sky Box Galaxy position affects skybox Beautify the Milky Way map Optimize the lens Simplify the map UI 100 new wallpapers New room background New flag Other new materials original mod Change the appearance of the sky box according to the position ...
! Immersive Energy Shield
Created by Kasako'小傘
This is a simple mod, but it enhances one most important part of the game: the visual effects of energy shields. Modified the vanilla rudimentary shield to a more technological shield with animated hexagonal shape, and added more details on it. No more wor...
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.12 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Created by Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
Created by Zhao_sj
描述: 1.开局后通过触发事件来为你的帝国添加新的领袖。 2.新增法令,允许你手动获取更多领袖。 效果: 1.开局获得2个内阁总督、3个治理总督、2个内阁科学家和3个调查科学家。 开局时期拥有多个领袖会导致凝聚力维护费的压力巨大,因此请根据个人需求,对领袖予以保留或自行将其解雇。 2.新增法令,允许你手动获取更多领袖。" 2.1法令:获取行政官领袖 花费:0。 维护费:0。 效果:获取3位行政官。 2.2法令:获取科学家领袖 花费:0。 维护费:0。 效果:获取3位科学家。 2.3法令:获取内阁领袖 花费:...
Created by Zhao_sj
描述: 1.修改了与星海共同体有关的定义文件,将其需要的开会时间等大幅缩短。 效果:(略) 修改: 1.投票表决时间 = 60 2.监管人/皇帝可以提前结束投票表决的天数 = 30 3.休会时间 = 60 4.星系理事会成员投票时的外交权重倍数 = 2.0 5.更改投票时间 = 0 6.同类别冷却时间 = 0 7.同议案冷却时间 = 0 8.一票否决冷却 = 0 9.紧急议案冷却 = 0 10.星系理事会选举间隔 = 1080 11.冻结月数 = 3600 12.成立星系理事会所要求的星海共同体现已成立的年...
!!Universal Modifier Patch (3.13.*)
Created by jasonpepe
Fix the modifier issue after the 2.2.6 update. With the release of 2.2.6, once again, Paradox fools buried countless of mods and modders into the abyss. This fix mod brings the missing modifiers that existed in 2.2.0 to 2.2.5 back to life. (via overweight ...
Created by Zhao_sj
描述: 1.修改了采纳传统花费的定义文件,修改了其计算系数的大小。 效果: 1.现在采纳传统的花费不再 “ 高速 ” 指数级增长,适用于一堆传统mod然而一百五十几年都不见得能传统关门的小伙伴们。 修改:(略) 因为我其实不确定计算算式的准确的中文翻译,所以这里就不详细列出来了。 注意: 1.与其它作出了同样涉及到的修改的mod可能不兼容,可能会相互覆盖导致修改失效或冲突。...
Created by Zhao_sj
描述: 1.修改了研究科技、采纳传统和启用议程相关于帝国规模的计算系数,减少帝国规模超额惩罚对科研、传统和议程的影响。 效果:(略) 修改: 1.将研究科技、采纳传统和启用议程的花费的帝国规模超额惩罚系数修改为0.0001。 这个系数使得科研、传统和议程的帝国规模超额惩罚会在帝国规模上千时达到10%左右,我个人认为这个数值在计算其他修正之后总算是可以接受的了。 注意: 1.与其它作出了同样涉及到的修改的mod可能不兼容,可能会相互覆盖导致修改失效或冲突。...
Created by Zhao_sj
描述: 1.原版舰船升级速度实在是太慢了,甚至比建造新舰船更慢,这很不合理。 效果: 1.你不用再忍受长达好几年的舰船升级时间了,现在它们只需要短短几天就能完成升级并重新投入战斗。 修改: 1.修改了舰船升级的时间成本系数,由初始建造时间的0.50倍缩短为0.01倍。 2.修改了舰船升级的区段退款系数,由区段花费的0.75倍提高至1.00倍。 3.修改了舰船升级的部件退款系数,由部件花费的0.90倍提高至1.00倍。 注意: 1.与其它作出了同样涉及到的修改的mod可能不兼容,可能会相互覆盖导致修改失效或冲...
3D Fleet Formation
Created by breloom1994
This mod is a rework of the mod: Fleet Scale once created by@Magog Since the former creator stopped updating anymore, and I personally believe this mod is a "must-have". So I decided to upload this new version and continue the update. I also made a little ...
A Farewell to Diplomacy
Created by 有电脑
Main feature is creating federation no longer need Diplomacy tradition, the require change to Xeno Diplomacy tech. What's more, allow Gestalts to research Xeno Diplomacy series techs. After all, Gestalts also need to study how to deal with Xenos in Galaxy....
Created by eye
你是否碰见过ai在一个星系里狂造N个科研船或工程船攻击CPU的情况?那么这个补丁 或 许 可以解决你的烦恼,通过把科研船和工程船的ai_ship_data中的min和max都设置成具体的数字,理 论 上 ai会且永远都只会造3个工程船和5个科研船。 注意:本mod和一切修改了原版科研船和工程船的mod不兼容!...
Amazing Space Battles
Created by Chickenhunt
Compatible with V3.12 This Giant mod combines my previous graphical mods + far more, in order to completely improve the graphics of Stellaris space battles. It improv...
Azur Lane - Kawakaze Advisor
Created by Utopia Planitia Fox
Add "kawakaze" and "Kawakaze - Unsullied White Fox" Advisor voice type, audio are from Azur Lane....
Backgrounds+ Loading Screens
Updated and working with Stellaris version 3.4 ("Cepheus" update). Features 130+ new, elegant loading screens for maximum immersion and space-iness. Including a couple Easter eggs (yes, those count as features now). FAQs I don't want a certain background i...
Better Ringworld Icon
Created by 3d15d8b
Ironman Compatibility...
CG Fleet Formation
Created by Dr. Addiction
Make your fleet formation looks like the trailer of Apocalypse! It will be especially spectacular when you have a large number of ships in fleets(and move them together :P). Change Breakdown: common/defines/00_defines NGraphics = { SHIP_RANDOM_HEIGHT_OFFSE...
Elegant Chinese Random Names & Localisation Fix
Created by ChagatuAlin
A Chinese Localisation Mod ------------------------------------- 最后更新:3.12 尝试修复了随机名称包乱码的问题,在3.12运行正常; 由于在新版本下蠢户已经修正了大多数的汉化问题,因此撤销了大部分对原版格式的修改,仅修正少部分词组 新增了一个预设名称包 - 人类(中华); 既复古又未来的中国风预设名称包。 已经完成对新版本的重制与调整适应,模组正常运作,但是否还有隐藏问题仍旧需要游戏体验去测试。 暂时未发现与新版本的兼容性问题。 由于更改...
Cirdiness Species
Created by karokaro3
(This text is machine-translated.) Description Add 120 static portraits of Cirdiness, a species with a third eye in forehead. By the way, only female. Inspired by the "Salah" race from the old PC space strategy game "Frontier Universe" (BPS, 1993). Add nam...
Ethics and Civics Infinity
Created by Hua Zhang
Incompatible Classic, Redux,Revolutions,Bug Branch These other versions of Ethics and Civics! If the mod does not take effect or the icon shows a question mark, please open the steamapps\workshop\content\281990\2810254780 file, delete and unzip the latest ...
Ethics Points +3 & Civics Points +2
Created by foridlaw_47
EVE Online: Caldari Shipset
Created by Target
Shipset for the Caldari Faction from EVE Online. Who doesn't like profits? EVE裡的C族船 This is a reupload to fix the lack of thumbnail. Unfortunately couldn't get the original upload to work. Many many apologies The prototype for this had been finished for a ...
Faster Galactic Community:更快节奏的星海共同体
Created by Middlewhite中白
number of days a resolution will be on the senate floor before being passed/failed:1440 ---> 360 number of days until the custodian/emperor can prematurely end the senate session:720 ---> 180 number of days until the next proposed resolution will be put on...
Fleet Museum
Created by Utopia Planitia Fox
Welcome to the Fleet Museum, the final resting place of every legendary starships. Welcome to join our Discord :
Galactic Council:No need for 20 years
Created by 小咕咚
Once the Galactic Community is established, the Galactic Council can be established. No need to wait for 20 years ...
Graygoo style cursor but within the game
Created by kjiesadfe
Source:(Tieba): (Bilibili): Uploaded a video tutorial for installing the mod: 包含字幕 Please move all files in the gfx/cursors f...
Husnock Shipset
Created by walshicus Star Trek: Husnock Shipset Stellaris 3.12.4 compatible Description This standalone shipset uses content from Star Trek: New Civilisations. It is intended to be used vanilla Stellaris and should not be run alongside STNC, whi...
Kurogane 2.0
Created by Gage
KUROGANE 2.0 is a total overhaul of the older Kurogane mods made by Paragon and General Nekko. Credits go to COLA the creator of the original mod, to Paragon for creating Kurogane Expanded and General Nekko for creating Kurogane Expanded (New) and maintain...
Hypergalactic Neptunia Goddess Fallen Empires
Created by Clam
3.*✔️; English✔️ Hypergalactic Neptunia Goddess Fallen Empires...
More Cosmogenesis Ships
Created by 6thStrikeUnit
リドル護衛艦・エニグマ巡洋戦艦・パラドックスタイタンにセクションを追加します。 (精神没落・物質没落・受容没落・排他没落・機械没落、人類・機械・ネクロイド風) また、パラドックスタイタンのロケータ位置修正も行っています。 Ship Decorative Equipmentを導入している場合、戦艦・タイタンで追加のセクションを利用可能になります。 以下の部分の定義、3Dモデルを上書きしています。 Ancient Cache of Technologies などと競合するので、使用する際はこのmodのロード順を...
[3.13] Neo-Enigmatic Shipset
Created by MadamLava
Neo-Enigmatic Shipset - Version 1.0.0 1.0.0 - Its been 84 years... Added a custom Habitat model, which means every planned custom model is now implemented!! There MAY be more additions in the future but no promises UPDATE: Due to some unfortunate decisions...
Limit AI to Expand
Created by time lapses
限制AI扩张 1.mod效果 AI只能10个星系,超了就会获得建造DEBUFF,AI这辈子都不可能建造出新的恒星基地哨站。 2.制作初衷 100年不到,银行系被几个刚上天的文明瓜分完了,属实有点假。 所以做了这个mod,当AI达到10个星系时,限制AI扩张,以此来达到全银河大部分星系都是“中立无主”状态。 3.debuff移除条件 少于10个恒星系,或者玩家操控 4.English After AI has 10 systems, AI will stop building star bases. No o...
Neuro-Sama Advisor
Created by Neyko
添加Neuro-Sama顾问语音 台词和原机械智能一样 Add Neuro-Sama Advisor The lines are the same as the original mechanical intelligence...
No more habitat
Created by wzzhaoyi
禁止AI建设居住站,降低AI 虚空居者建设居住站的欲望...
One system one subject
Created by Blorg
One Vassal Per Star In-game English supported, this intro is translated by chatGLM-4, you got what I'm trying to say. —————————————————————————————— Feature Introduction: - Added the "Release the Star System" planetary resolution, which allows a single sta...
Origin Fallen Empire
Created by Cepheus
This mod is simply the origin mod of the fallen empire. In this mod, you can choose the origin of "Elder Race" to become one of the five fallen Empires at the beginning, and experience the fallen life close to the original. Support English, Chinese and Rus...
Pop Curve Tweak
Created by Cardinal_Z
Base pop growth: 3 -> 1 Pop Growth R: 0.125 -> 0.375 New Logistics Ceiling Slider: 1.0-10.0 (Default is 6, I recommend 5+) Double planet capacity from empty districts: 3/4/6 -> 6/8/12 Colony designation max pop: 5 -> 10 Colony designation gets +50% growth ...
Real Galaxy
Created by Annatar
Real Galaxy v 1.0 This standalone mod was created based on the galaxy model used in the optional Real Space - Color out of Deep mod. I...
Star Trek:32C shipsets
Created by 清秋
"Let's see what the future holds." Beyond the final frontier, in the distant future of the year 3069, the dilithium crystal instability disaster "The Burn" shook the destiny of the galaxy. The disaster almost destroyed all long-range interstellar travel ca...
starwars empire shipset with nsc re-reborn
remake mod of "Reiring's Star Wars Ships Reborn(NSC2+) ( remake of 'Star Wars Empire Ships Reborn by TheSting' ) " The origin of this mod is "Star Wars Ships Reborn made by TheSting / links:
Stellaris 101: How to Read
Created by jasonpepe
This mod does nothing, no contents, don't subscribe! If you are wondering why you are here, Congrats! That means you passed 'The Read Test'! You now hold the power of reading the mod description, which makes you think twice before comment - way better than...
Tasty Maid: Portraits 美味女仆:肖像
Created by ChouGou A fully animated, customizable portrait mod: Added 14 unique anime portraits, fully animated and customizable. Tasty organic maid species and robotic m...
Tasty Maids: Vanilla 美味女仆:香草味
Created by ChouGou
This is Tasty Maid: Portraits vanilla replacer version。 A fully animated, customizable portrait mod: Added 14 unique anime portraits, fully animated and customizable. Replaced 1st portrait for every specie categories, for humans it replaced legacy human in...
The beautification of Gray's portrait and the Gray admiral
Created by XiaDuo
add Gray's portrait and Gray admiral The author of portraits is EagerLLier,and the portraits from an artistic work that pixivID:26050001...
Technology Tree (for Chinese Language)
Created by Sakuya Minagami
为原版拥有后置科技的科技显示它的科技树,稀有科技和危险科技分别用紫色和红色标出。 本mod可选择游戏语言为英语或中文启动,游戏中的科技树会显示为中文。 下面的全语言通用版mod同样有中文科技树,但不支持选择游戏语言英语来启动。 for English, Brazilian Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean : Technology Tree 支持铁人成就。 为了更好的阅读体验,你可能...
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Compatibility Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod is spe...
The Nanites Revolution
此mod现在已可以独立运行,但不支持铁人模式 本mod现在提供的内容: · 一套新的纳米主题物种皮肤(一群白毛)(内置有机体及机械版的立绘) · 一整套纳米原版船模和纳米主题船模 以上内容开局可选,并且理论上可以兼容所有mod ------------------------------------------------------------------ 以下内容从7/7起已经全数搬迁至KDC事件包modmod中 · 新的纳米科技树 · 一个新的星团(开发中) · 新的纳米巨构,以及一个巨构超级武器 ·...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Ethics and Civics Alternative
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ⚠️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and either Ethics and Civics Alternative - FunEFork or Ethics and Civics : Infinity. Doesn't add anything new by itself. 📑 Load Order 📑 Ethics and Civics Alternat...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - More Tradition Categories (16)
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that increases the amount of selectable tradition categories from the default 7 to 16. (The AI will also fully fill the new slots be...
Upper Limits V3.12+
Created by Guluere
Introduction This mod aims to go above and beyond the normal game, allowing players to research techs above tier 5 and more! More Info Currently in English, French, Russian and Braz-Por. The non-english translations might be delayed. Thanks for checking th...
Varied Monster Girls-Only portraits
Created by Nidehogg
Varied Monster Girls: some species with only partrait. Bust portrait patch:
Vengeance Shipset
Created by Gage
VENGEANCE Supports Stellaris 3.1*.* (Vanilla) NSC and ACOT. Vengeance is a co-production of Paragon who created the models and me integrating the models. For more ship-sections, starbase-sections, starbase-buildings, techs and components download: Vengeanc...
Voyage to Eternity - Kemomimi Girl Species and More
Created by Utopia Planitia Fox The main characters and some of the settings in this mod are inspired by the illustrations drawn by Japanese Illustrator Nagishiro Mito(凪白みと). The back...
Warship Girls Advisor
Created by Amatsukaze 本顾问语音mod为幻萌公司旗下游戏 战舰少女 中游戏角色 列克星敦(cv:@Sakula小舞)、赤城(cv:@紫苏九月)、维内托(cv:萝卜Cheddar)、长春(cv:@林簌SUSU)的角色语音包。 本语音mod中收录的台词均为氪金特别定制,以贴合游戏提供更好的体验。 本语音mod收录321句台词,...
Wheat Food Icon Replacer
Created by Chaz
The most unnecessary mod ever to have been conceived - said no one ever! Time to kick those apples away and chomp down on those succulent, err, wheat bushels... What does this mod do? Simply eradicates those pesky apple icons from the galaxy and replaces i...