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Items (59)
Created by AURORA
极光工业为某科研公司设计制造的小型科研船。 谁会找一家战舰工厂定制科研船?这艘船的建造费用高昂——仅有小部分经费是用在科研设备上的。实际上,这艘科研船拥有全套完整的武装系统。但既然客户与工业都说这是一艘科研船,那她就是一艘科研船。尚且不知道她的船员们有什么科学突破,不过她击杀巨兽的事却是有目共睹。 “让船员们更有安全感。”看来,设计部门很好的贯彻了客户的需求。船内装有较先进的控制系统与不少大屏幕——这家客户与极光工业关系不错,否则工业只会像大部分联盟船厂那样直接将勉强能用的设备堆在船内。 价格:3850mk...
Created by 233-1
------ “记忆也许会随洋流消失,苦痛只会随着时光沉淀。”------ ------“ 当航道再次被探照灯点亮,她的命运将与你共鸣。”------ ------ "Memories may disappear with ocean currents, and pain will only precipitate with time." ------ ------" When the channel is lit up again by the searchlight, her fate will res...
东方潜渊行动组/Touhou Deep Sea Operation Team
Created by Fy林鸱
Mod update has been restored. All rights belong to its original author (Team Shanghai Alice). This mod is not allowed for commercial use. Module introduction videos can be found by searching on Bilibili. Maiden praying—— Equipment preparation—— List of com...
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰
Created by AURORA
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰 极光工业专为指挥舰队作战设计的大型巡洋舰。首次在船上搭载了辅助AI,AI能够使用自动近防炮与电击线圈杀伤靠近的敌人。 晨曦 上配有重型速射炮、钢失近防炮与一门聚焦光束炮。聚焦光束炮由此前于南十字天佑上的光矛改进而来,可在一定角度内旋转。另有自动近防炮阵列,覆盖了船上下方向大部分区域。可选择开启自动近防炮阵列。 尽管船体十分巨大,得益于诸多自动化设计,晨曦所需要的船员数大大减少。若船长指挥得当,这将是一座坚不可摧的堡垒。 价格:30,000mk(反正也没法直接用她开局,价格高一些也没什么问...
南十字座 CRUX 战列巡洋舰
Created by AURORA
I'm very sorry, because there are too many texts and text decorations in this submarine, and my English ability is really limited, so I can't make an English version of it. 非常非常抱歉,由于这个潜艇里的文本量和文字装饰实在太多,且我的英语能力实在有限,所以我难以制作英语版本。 此船为南十字的翻新版本,不再有bug电路了。 价格:3000...
Created by 星辰水螅体
描述 一个超模的56格手提大容量箱子,方便单人在换船、捞沉船、剿匪时搬东西。 可装物品 除了基础的物品,还能装 工具箱、弹药箱、轨道炮、大型枪械、潜水服,等等 无法直接放 特殊的异星遗物,需要内套 异星遗物箱 购买与贩卖 基础价格 1000,基本多数站点的商人处都能购买与贩卖 构造与解构 构造材料:摄魂块 x 1,刚素块 x 1,雷素块 x 1,铅 x 1 解构返还:摄魂块 x 1,刚素块 x 1,雷素块 x 1 特性 防火; (防水); 可悬浮在水中;(官方bug,防水与悬浮二选一,观望中) 水中发出荧光...
波江座 ERIDANUS 驱逐舰
Created by AURORA
翻新自“灰鲭鲨”驱逐舰,内部装饰采用了与南十字相似的风格。装载了强力的自动防御系统和重火炮,能够撕碎一切来犯之敌。 价格:6050马克 规格:41X12米 载货量:8箱 推荐人数:5~8人 船内藏有一些彩蛋。这些设定仅是我本人对于《潜渊症》这个游戏背景的拓展。...
盾牌座-Ⅲ 防卫火力平台
Created by AURORA
价格:7000马克 规格:51×14米 类型:T3 攻击型 载货量:8箱 推荐人数:5~8 item:约2.2k...
Created by 233-1
——————生于黑暗,带来光明。—————— 简介: 祝融级中型巡洋舰是ELU(Europa Labour Union)在“追溯”行动中发现的众多科技模板之一,其被发现于一处大型哨站遗迹的干船坞中,现已在第233科工所完成维修和适应性改装,并编入附近海域的潜艇编队中,主要执行大型目标的歼击任务。 基本配置: 舰长室*1,会客室*1,武器库*1,接线室*1,反应堆机房*1,种植舱*1,备用电池舱*1,气闸及其准备室*2,货舱*2,医务室*1,火控舱*1,弹药舱*2,工程舱(多功能舱)*1,物资仓库*1,引擎舱...
雾凇 重型科研船
Created by AURORA
价格:9000mk 规格:44×15m 载货量:28箱 推荐人数:5-9人...
飞鱼座 VOLANS 蜂群无人机母舰
Created by AURORA
注意:这是一艘为多人游戏设计的船,不建议单人游玩! 由极光工业开发的蜂群母舰原型机改造而来,兼顾了各方面的性能。搭载了五台为战斗设计的无人机,能够应对各种敌人。 类型:T3 侦察型 价格:7000mk 规格:61×14m 载货量:12箱 推荐人数:6-10...
Created by Loafer
For players of other languages: This is a language patch for Chinese players. 这是一个整合了潜渊症诸多模组的汉化补丁的整合包,旨在减少服务器模组列表的长度,以及维护原作者不再维护的汉化项目。 由于bug,过长的简介会被截断。...
Created by 233-1
温馨提示:如果您在游玩时出现任何生理或心理上的不适,请立刻停止游玩。如果情况严重请及时就医。如果您无法承受意料之外的损失,请不要订阅!请不要订阅!请不要订阅!(为了您好) Tip: If you experience any physical or psychological discomfort while playing, please stop playing immediately. If the condition is serious, please consult a doctor promp...
Created by 233-1
警告:这是一个旨在增加游戏难度的mod,若因此导致战役卡关,请重新开始或关闭mod Warning: This is a mod designed to increase the difficulty of the game, if this results in a campaign level, restart or turn off the mod 水雷,作为一种廉价而致命的武器,自18K时期首次加入战争以来,越发成为试图突破封锁船只的噩梦,尽管单个水雷难以构成威胁,但不幸的是这种低技术武器如今在木卫...
Acolyte Job
Created by Cthulhu77
My first ever mod, the Acolyte job, was inspired by the assistant's clown tree. There is a clown talent tree for the children of the honkmother, but the church of husk has nothing of the sort so I thought I'd try my hand at making one myself. At first I th...
Advanced Headsets 高级耳机
原MOD链接: 【个人汉化,无需原mod。提示的必需物品只是为了指向原MOD作者】 新增了四个新的配方,让你的耳机兼具热成像或是健康扫描仪功能的同时,不妨碍你戴着炫酷的帽子。 新增装备:热成像耳机,使用热成像仪和耳机组合制造。 - 需要50机械工程 新增装备:热成像自注射耳机,使用热成像仪和自注射耳机制造。 - 需要50机械工程、50医疗水平 新增装备:健康扫描耳机,使用健康扫描...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Finding the game too easy and uneventful? Boring and repetitive vanilla monsters adding no variety or challenge to your life? Using Mods like EK that give you overpowered but fun toys, but there isn't anything to shoot? * THEN THIS MOD IS FOR Y...
Barotraumatic Creature Pack
Created by mikehagen22
Attention! If you have recently updated the mod and experience errors such as unable to join server with the current version and being prompted to download the mod, missing files in console, mod unable to be loaded due to errors and red in mod loader. Then...
Better Exosuit with Platform 外骨骼优化和置物架
Created by MKSERY
一个简单优化了原版机械师外骨骼(现在有小丑的乐子3000了!)的模组: A simple mod enhancing Mechanic's exosuit (now including Funbringer3000!) 外骨骼可以像PUCS一样使用房间中的氧气(船体中氧气含量大于50%),同时可以让AI穿上后不会主动脱下 Exosuit can use oxygen in the room like pucs(when Hulloxygenpercentage is above 50),also bot w...
Created by whosyourdaddy
该mod为加工台添加了两个额外的过滤选项: 分类(医疗、武器、潜水、装备等...) 内容包(Vanilla、BOS、EK Pack、ITA 等...) 需要客户端LUA,与一切Mod物品完全兼容。 This mod adds two additional filtering options to the fabricator: Categories (Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, etc...) Content Package (Vanilla, BOS, EK P...
Created by Ma'am
This mod overhauls the health interface. Notable changes include: Buffs are listed seperately from non-buffs Afflictions aren't wildly spazzing around in the health interface anymore More afflictions can be displayed at once The health window is bigger The...
Converted Armed Heavy Freighter “Casablanca”
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! Introduction “Casablanca”, a converted armed heavy freighter, is formerly known as the “Holy Grail” luxury cruise ship of Avalon Travel Agency, is known for its elegant appearance and exquisite interior decoration. However, with the...
Cs For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
ATTENTION THIS MOD DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE, INSTEAD: Go to your MainMenu, Click on LuaCs Settings found top left, and check "Enable CSharp Scripting" This is still useful as a simple way to show that your mod uses CSharp. Description Addon for Lua For ...
Duffle Bag 2.0, Backpack & WaistBelt CN
Created by 冬绫
不需要额外订阅原MOD,可以直接使用。 大背包MOD,增加了36格大背包,36格行李袋和16格的腰带 因为是古人之前版本的MOD,所以背包可能会有稍微的不贴合,不影响使用,腰带有明显的错位,不推荐使用,但因为有背包和行李袋,实际影响不大。 背包可以背负,行李袋可以放在快捷栏,而且弹药箱也可以放入行李袋,非常方便。 虽然对于老玩家来说可能并不需要翻译,但是我是属于那种能用中文就用中文的玩家2333,所以我便自己尝试翻译了,如果有翻译不恰当的地方,还请见谅,并且能够在评论区留言,我会尝试进行修改,当然只局限于汉...
Epic accordion
Ever tried to play vanilla accordion in absurd situations, like outside of the ship or during a massive hull breach or when standing in fire? Then try this new accordion with 38 different memes songs. Originally I just wanted to mesh two mods together (thi...
Extract It! x Neurotrauma Patch
Created by Koventry
As a foreword, I take 0 credit for the coding for either 'Neurotrauma' nor 'Extract It!'. Mannatu & the Neurotrauma team as well as Lagmanor did fantastic work in creating these content packs, this is merely a patch to allow 'Extract It!' to work within Ne...
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.1 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that adds Lua modd...
Material IO
Created by Biff_W
Supported Languages:English, Русский, 简体中文, 繁体中文 This mod adds a new container to store your materials —— IO Storage Container With this, you can have significantly less material instances in your game session which might be helpful for performance. Now he...
More Artifacts (AOCS)
Created by Irradaven
Hi. What if it turned out that there were more than five artifacts? What if there were more than three alien trinkets? What if they began to find in the ruins not only traces of an ancient race? Maybe the answer is here somewhere. So what does this mod off...
Meaningful Upgrades CN
Created by DarthCY
为Meaningful Upgrades添加了简体中文汉化,这是一种外挂的汉化,里面不包含本体。 需要安装原mod,将此mod放置于原mod之后并勾选。 写了一篇简单的汉化mod制作教程,大家可以参考参考:
Created by Ma'am
okay, i changed my mind. this mod will now be receiving updates whenever i feel like it. which very well may be never again. who knows though, really. it's a free mod. Neurotrauma completely revamps the health of humans. This mod adds a lot of depth to the...
NT Cybernetics
Created by Ma'am
Neurotrauma Cybernetics is an expansion for Neurotrauma that focuses on mechanical body modifications and augmentation. It currently adds: - Cyberarms - Cyberlegs - Custom damage types for mechanical limbs - Custom hit sounds for cyberlimbs ...thats about ...
NT Blahaj Plus
Created by Ma'am
NT Blahaj Plus adds a new job, with a full set of custom talents: The Swedic, a plush shark obsessed lunatic that might just be onto something. Notable features include: - 21 custom talents - custom game mechanics such as ram ventilation - AOE submarine de...
NT Blahaj Plus 中文补丁
汉化包简介 由老虎脱粒机汉化组汉化 NT Blahaj Plus 的外挂汉化包,要连同本体一起订阅。仅包含 NT Blahaj Plus 汉化,不包含其他。 如果发现问题,请告诉我们,我们会即时修改。 以下为 Mod 原简介汉化版 Touch it 不是很懂Blahaj,有翻译错误请告诉我...
NT Pharmacy
Created by Ma'am
Neurotrauma: Pharmacy is a neurotrauma expansion that adds custom pill fabrication. The official guide can be found here. If you wanna ask questions, do it on the neuro discord...
NT Surgery Plus [busted [stop using me]]
Created by Ma'am
unsubscribe please, thanks this mod is unlisted and broken and i hate it. stop using it. This mod is kinda bad don't use it thanks oh and it also crashes if you select the first medic loadout for some reason so dont do that and surgery books dont give skil...
R-278 «Dugong» [CN]汉化版
Created by 废魚
This is the Chinese version of the R-278 «Dugong» submarine. You can find original work here 這是中國版的R-278儒艮潛艇。 您可以在這裡找到原創作品 所有問題和建議請寫在原修改頁面 R-278潜艇是原版«Dugong»(儒艮)潜艇的现代化版本。 此版本更换和安装了所有必需的设备使其更...
Sort Container UI
Created by Daria
Client-side Lua Script to add an UI to containers which has sort functionality. There are 5 buttons in total: Sort by Alphabet, sort every item in the container by alphabetical order Sort by Category Merge Stacks, if possible, merge identical items togethe...
Created by AURORA
"我仰头向上,视线穿过厚重的冰层,向璀璨的星空祈求祝福。" 以曾经的太空战舰造型为蓝图而制造的轻型驱逐舰。其内部被装修的干净整洁,船上大量的信息屏让人回想起以前那段傲游太空的岁月。 没人知道工业的那些人为什么要造出这样一个与木卫二的冰洋格格不入的怪物。整洁的内饰与大屏幕是经不起木卫二的考验的,一次次航行后这些东西最终都会变得残破不堪。而这艘船也一直停靠在工业船坞的那个角落里,静静等待着属于她的远航。 或许,她只归属于人们头上那片无垠的星海。 价格:8000马克 规格:57×19m 载货量:38箱 推荐人数:...
Created by SOFA Made by MIRROR ^ This mod is mainly for practice. As i haven't used the creature editor much a lot of these creatures are pretty jank to be honest. You can try to use Barotraumatic for the creatures to spawn in game. But it'...
Storage Icons
Created by Dr. Turtle
Adds an icon to storage containers that shows their most abundant item, any item with an inventory can be configured to have this effect (including modded) REQUIRES LUA FOR BAROTRAUMA, FOLLOW INSTALLATION GUIDE use the command 'storageicons' in the console...
T.S.M MISSIONS-问君此去几时还
Created by Lerentine
T.S.M MISSIONS 奇迹之海任务包 Add English translation, the English translation is AI translation, there is machine translation phenomenon, it is impossible to translate completely according to the original meaning, but most of the text should be fine. This is a l...
天赋增强 - Talent Enhancement[CN-EN-RU-FRN]
Created by SinerSAMA
#天赋树修改-和其他修改天赋树的MOD互相冲突: #Talent tree modifications - and other mods that modify the talent tree conflict with each other: #Модификации дерева талантов - и другие моды, изменяющие дерево талантов, конфликтуют друг с другом: 通用天赋学习一个就可以解锁下一行,三条线的所有天赋都可以学习并且...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
Created by FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
Wreck Locator
Created by Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
Zyleand Shipyard Flagship “Koka”
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported!(Mostly) Intro This sub is a remastered version of my previous sub “红霞”级攻击核潜艇, Basically, only the name and general shape is the same, all the rest are re-made.
Created by AURORA
卡戎 驱逐舰 专为拦截,奇袭,支援而设计的小型炮艇,装备了连射炮和可通过驾驶室控制的爆矢电磁炮,能够对小型目标造成有效杀伤。可手动开启超载充能,电容器会以减少耐久为代价用最快速度充能。5-8人最佳 水平极速34-下潜极速17 售价8500 规格54X15 载货量48 ...
Created by AURORA
阿娜希塔 巡洋舰 在积累了一定经验后所建造的大型巡洋舰,其上首次搭载了无人机系统,可以远程操控小型穿梭艇。安装了直接消耗电力的光束炮,缩减武器种类的同时也减轻了不少后勤的压力。使用了角度切换炮塔的系统,可以用一个潜望镜控制多个方向的炮塔。6-10人最佳 水平极速29-下潜极速17 售价13500 规格75X28 载货量48 ...
Created by Noking
Backpack CN/EN ●●●Items●●● 1. Backpack: crafting material Small satchel + relic bag Capacity 20 compartments, waterproof, can be fitted with tool belt, medium deceleration 2. Shoulder pack: crafting material tool belt + tool belt Capacity 12 blocks, not wa...
Created by Noking
Diving 潜水模组 CN/EN “上九天揽月下五洋捉鳖” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加一套潜水服 2.增加一个水下推进器 3.增加一个耳机 4.增加一个球灯 5.潜水服面罩半透明化 ●●●参数●●● 1.堡垒潜水服:在深渊潜水服的基础上提高抗性到80%,增加眩晕,麻痹,自带声呐,略微减速,能抵御10000米水压 2.高级水下助推器:速度更快,并自带声呐信标功能,可开关灯光照明 3.增强耳机:提升通讯距离 4.球灯:一个便携灯,可大范围照明 5.半透明头盔被官方抄了 英化提供:DKAMX ---------...
Created by Noking
Wrecks 沉船模组 “水能载舟亦能覆舟” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加15个原版沉船 2.包括所有原版潜艇与穿梭艇 3.增加一个沉船定位器,感谢Biff_W的代码,原MOD: Wreck Locator 4.将会持续增加,并且符合原版强度,无陷阱(非某些阴间沉船模组 注:此模组兼容其他任何沉船模组,也不会影响沉船生成 ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用沉船模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造...
重要 Important - Support language: Chinese, English 本mod的Github:Raven-233486/Barotrauma-Animated 所有更新日志和早期版本 qq群号:322191319 223590606 Discord: 自由讨论区 兼容补丁 Compatibility Patch 与欧罗巴战争EuropaWar的美术兼容Visual Compatibility Patch 精神创伤Neu...
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “如陨星般划过,撕裂大气,坠入渊洋” “血色彗星”由位于新上海的“东亚重工”与香港新南昌的“破碎穹顶”合作研发,为了相应木卫二联盟的号召,“血色彗星”级仅仅用了14个月实际上是三个星期半的时间完成研发到制造,其性能也极为优越,更加适合新船长驾驶,而外观方面参考了“宿怨级” 基础参数 定位:单人/多人 价格:4200 规格:41*13m 载货量:60箱 推荐船员数量:3-6 推荐船员经验:初窥门径 最大水平速度:54KM/H 最大下潜速度:21KM/H 最大上浮速度:18KM/H 武器:4+2标准型...
Created by 頭文字 撅
-Barotraumatic -Barotraumatic Creature Pack 以上MOD的挂载汉化补丁 已汉化并润色了所有游戏里能见着的MOD物品,以及所有MOD任务描述(真多啊)。 部分怪物名字还没翻译(其实BT里自带大部分了) 有错误请在留言指出.. 关键词:Barotraumatic汉化...