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Mechanitor Balance Tweaks
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
2.624 MB
2023年3月11日 19時38分
8月16日 2時10分
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Mechanitor Balance Tweaks

hYPERION 作成の 1 件のコレクション
My Rimworld Mods
14 アイテム
This mod adjusts various mechanoid and mechanitor things to make more sense and be more of an investment. While also increasing the amount of work needed to obtain mechanoid stuff.

  • All standard tier subcore and above mechanoids now require appropriate "skill packages" to gestate. These packages can be created by any pawn with the appropriate skill level at a new work station.

    Work related skill packages require 10 of the matching skill. (The skill level of labor mechanoids.)

    Combat packages only require 8. (The skill level described as "Employable professional".)

    Creating skill packages counts as "crafting" work, and grants intellectual skill experience.

    Skill packages can also occasionally be bought from various traders. Faction bases and orbital ships tend to have better stock.

    Needing to source skills adds a whole new layer to getting mechanoids.
    Works well with slavery & likely prisoner labor mods too.

  • All mechanoids now require "gestation mechanite canisters" to gestate.

    Lightweight mechanoids require 1 canister to gestate, and no canisters to resurrect.

    Medium mechanoids require 2 canisters to gestate, and 1 canister to resurrect.

    Heavy/Ultraheavy mechanoids require 3 canisters to gestate, and 2 canister to resurrect.

    Canisters can always be acquired by rejuvenating mechanite detritus at a new workstation, detritus is sourced mainly from destroyed mechanoids at a machining table.

    Some mech cluster buildings, ship parts, and the ancient exostrider pieces also leave behind mechanite detritus on destruction.

    Once High mechtech is researched canisters can be synthesized from scratch without the need for mechanite detritus.

    Canisters can also occasionally be bought from exotic goods traders.

  • Standard and High subcores now additionally require Basic subcores to be loaded into scanners. (Good idea to simply keep one in stock via bill.)
  • Basic subcores are 30 steel cheaper. (This is mainly to help offset the pricing of the other cores.)

  • All "mechtech" technologies have increased research costs.
  • Standard mechtech now also requires microelectronics research.

  • Most mechanoids now require associated technologies to gestate, below are three examples:

    Militors require "Gunsmithing" research.
    Fabricors require "Fabrication" research.
    Gunner Centipedes require "Multibarrelweapons" research.

  • Agrihand and Constructoid are moved to Standard mechtech.
  • Agrihand and Constructoid Bandwith usages are now 2 instead of 1.
  • Slightly buffed movement and work speed of Agrihands and Constructoids.
  • Fabricors now require 3 Bandwith instead of 1. (They cover alot of roles, including cooking.)

  • Airwire Headset and Control Pack now both require microelectronics.
    (They are portable computers after all, and the Mechanitor scenario starts with the research for them already.)

  • Control Pack slightly buffed to provide +3 bandwidth.

  • Softscanners require an additional 2 Advanced Components to construct.
  • Ripscanners require an additional 3 Advanced Components to construct.
    (They are high power brain scanners!)

  • Mechanitor Start now begins with "Gunsmithing" research, a selection of skill packages, 24 gestation mechanite canisters, and 4 Advanced components to account for the above changes.

  • Pikeman mechanoids now have a weak personnel shield. (With a pitiful recharge rate.)

  • Shield size for the tunneler mechanoid is increased to actually fit them.

  • Gunner Centipedes are given a new custom minigun that lacks a movement speed penalty, while also sporting a more mechanoid-like appearance.

  • Adds in a new structure, the "mechband broadcaster".

Should be fine to add to existing saves. But as always, making a backup just to be safe is advised.

Supported Mods:
Note: If a mod is not supported there should be no compatibility problems, however new mechs will not need skill packages or have their research requirements tweaked.

Why Make This Mod?

"Mechanoids - Autonomous intelligent robots built for domestic, industrial or military purposes. Only available to advanced cultures because such complex AI is needed to control them." This description is side stepped entirely with how blatantly easy it is to get your own so quickly.

Mechanoids are not the advanced technology they allegedly are supposed to be when you can research the first stage quicker than beer brewing only after installing a fancy remote control into your head. I believe the tweaks made by this mod make mechanoid gameplay more engaging and interesting to pursue, with slightly more involved stepping stones that lead to more interesting scenarios. Alongside generally being more immersive.

Mechanoids also give access to technologies ahead of when they are available to normal pawns. It seems odd to be defending a base with minigun slinging centipedes, while you may not even be able equip normal pawns with them.

This mod is naturally tailored to my tastes, but I hope others who feel some of the same ways about biotech mechs enjoy using it.

There's More?!:

Pairs well with the Stepping Stones research

Check settelments for skill packages easily with What's for sale?

Thank you for reading this far, if you would like to support future mods consider donating via ko-fi.[ko-fi.com]
78 件のコメント
hYPERION  [作成者] 9月4日 14時51分 
@TheBronzeWarrior Tragically not, you'd need to recompile the mod. If you REALLY need to you could just have the extra broadcaster, it will do very little aside from acting as a redundancy encase any others get destroyed or de-powered. if you have another mechanitor you can also tune it to them, or go for a set of 6.
TheBronzeWarrior 9月1日 13時12分 
hey is there a way to make the mechband dish bandwidth thingies to have four max tuned? i need symmetry
Linked 8月31日 10時50分 
I'm a big fan of this mod, it has addressed most of the bits of biotech's mech system that I didn't like and I'm having fun playing with it. Thanks!
Daijin 8月29日 20時22分 
This mod is causing an xml error when ran together with alpha mechs after the latest alpha mechs update. it has something to do with the guttersnipe mech.
hYPERION  [作成者] 8月16日 2時12分 
@nchorbajian Good catch, surprised I let that slip. Should be amended now thank you for highlighting it.
Flockerkill 8月15日 21時25分 
Thy hyperion. I am just used to it as I am part of some modding groups for the game Ark
nchorbajian 8月15日 20時02分 
There is an extra MechanoidSkillPackage_Animals in Patches.xml without the MayRequire="Nalzurin.MoreMechanitorMechs20" that might be a duplicate. HugsLib[\url] [gist.github.com]
lag4092 8月15日 4時49分 
Thank you very much
hYPERION  [作成者] 8月15日 3時05分 
@lag4092 Support has been added in the new update.

Also thank you @Flockerkill for answering questions throughout a variety of my mods, I appreciate it.
Flockerkill 8月12日 8時42分 
That's the workbench for the persona mechanoids, linked under "There's more?!"