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Items (110)
Mistwalkers and Imrik's Dragons Get Bonuses 迷雾行者与传奇龙吃领主与科技加成
Created by Alex Zhao
Mistwalkers will now get more bonus from lord skills and techs. Faithbearers will get bonus for rangers (except they will get spearmen’s level 7 red line bonus), griffon knights will get bonus foe dragons, and all other mistwalkers will get bonus for shado...
Imrik permanent legendary dragon buff
使伊姆瑞克击败传奇龙得到的buff永久化,而非只持续二十回合 Make Imrik's campaign buff from defeating a legendary dragon permanent instead of just 20 turns should be compatible with any mods...
Nagarythe Remake纳迦瑞斯重置
Created by 金花
这个MOD增强了纳迦瑞斯派系,增加了新的功能与单位 使得纳迦瑞斯相比其他高等精灵派系更具特色,玩法多样化 English Patch: 纳迦瑞斯适应温带岛屿气候(奥苏安) 修改了祭礼,当执行祭礼后,可以获得一个BUFF,增强全局的伏击成功概率,以及在伏击时获得被动,增强所有单位的远程杀伤 新增随机事件,这些事件能带来一些正面和负面BUFF https://s...
High Elf female archers
Created by Nothing.
This mod adds two new unique style units to the high elves, using the special mistwalker longbow, comes with 50% AP and a bit more range than the default high elf archer. one replaces the light armour archer, while the other one is a new lothern sea guard ...
【ys】伊姆瑞克龙之背(imrik Take the dragon to cross the mountain)
Created by 宋大一
伊姆瑞克龙之背 给【卡勒多骑士】新增一种行军方式——龙之背 乘坐龙背翻山越岭 imrik can fly over the moutains 兼容存档...
Created by Lk
10.23更新 修.........脸,尽力了。 给高等精灵派系增加了一个阿瓦隆铁雹铳手(这海上贸易去震旦进一批震式装备,没问题吧)科技线和红线同阿瓦隆弓箭手,由于属于4本兵 所以输出偏高 但是血量比较少容易暴毙( 毕竟伤害已经这么高了) (由于作孽原因评论区我无法回复有BUG请留言或私信 我会定期查看)...
More Fun for the Grim
Created by fa21
* Updated to include Chaos Dwarfs! * This is a combination of several tweaks for the imprisonment mechanic of Eltharion and the Yvresse Mistwalkers' Mirror Abilities. It combines two little mods that I more or less ported from WH2 (all credit to the origin...
Mistwalker 空降迷雾行者
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
Mistwalker joins the ror recruitment pool 迷雾行者可以在精英兵招募池中招募 增强版 ...
High Elves Tech-Tree
Created by Decky
What does this mod do? The mod adds over 50 new technologies and new Unit-Abilities and some more... to the High Elves Tech-Tree. DESCRIPTION Completely technologies with new effects have been added to the vanilla tech-tree. New technology groups were crea...
Gary the Bastiladon
Created by LordOmlette
Welcome back, commanders! If you used the WH2 version of this mod, then you know what the deal is. For everyone else, read on: If you are playing as any of the High Elfs (yes, even Tyrion) and if you have an Archmage with a unit slot open, then a very curi...
McShooterz's High Elves Enhancement
Created by McShooterz
Introduction This is first and foremost my personal mod, which I play. The intent of the mod is to make playing the High Elves for long campaigns more interesting by adding new content and re-balancing as needed. Changes What does the mod specifically do? ...
Unity Of Elves!
Created by Wyccc
It's time for the elves to unite! High Elves/Dark Elves/Wood Elves can recruit each other's units through special buildings. All units will receive skill/technology effect bonus. EN Patch SFO Patch Possible things to do in the future: agent recru...
高等精灵战帮精英升级/Upgrade units of High Elves to RoR by Warband
Created by yuudachi
为高等精灵兵种解锁精英兵种战帮升级 需要“Warband Upgrade Ultimate”mod的支持 You can upgrade units of High Elves to RoR by warband. This mod need “Warband Upgrade Ultimate” to get basic support....
[Ported] Revival Glory of Phoenix Immersion Mod & Expansion
Created by Magician
Introduction High Elves Technology Mod. Grand and Massive. This project was migration from TWII Workshop. The glory of Phoenix is a mod that allows you to go deeper into the amazing world of Warhammer Fantasy. Conquering the world with your favorite HE fac...
招募原版传奇龙/ Recruit ORIGIN Legendary Dragon
Created by Zbo
玩家可以从巨龙大厅(卡勒多地标)招募伊姆瑞克的原版传奇龙。只有高精灵有效。 兼容性:布吉岛。 Player can recruit ORIGIN Legendary Dragons of Imrik(same status as the one which u hunt when play as Imrik) form the Hall of Dragons(Caledor Landmark).Only works when play as high elf faction. Compatible: Sti...
Elves Can Recruit Each Other Elves Units! (EN Patch)
Created by Wyccc
High Elves Can Recruit Wood/Dark Elves Units! (EN Patch)...
LoW - Dragon Legion
Created by Macho Chunko
Sup y'all, it's ya boi bringing out a quick BETA of the original Dragon Legion mod from WH2. Changes in WH3 This version has some changes compared to the original, some to the units themselves, some new added buildings, changes to the original Dragon Princ...
High Elf Units for High Elfs
Created by LordOmlette
Welcome back, commanders! If you used the WH2 version of this mod, then you know what the deal is. For everyone else, read on: If you confederate Avelorn, you gain access to Dryads, Treekin, and Treemen. You must own The Queen and The Crone DLC. If you con...
Dragon Mounts for High Elves Legendary Lords
Created by Master Fuch
This mod is intended to work for both Vanilla and SFO / radious What it does This mod adds dragon mount which fits to the character by adding a new mount as follows : Tyrion > Star dragon Alarielle > Forest dragon Eltharion > Moon dragon Teclis > Sun drago...
High Elves Garrison Upgrade
Created by oldie
- Can be added/removed during campaign (changes next turn) - Works for AI too - Unbalanced - Only changes units from wall buildings All-In-One version: Tier 1: Spearmen x2 Lothern Sea Guard ...
招募传奇龙/ Recruit Legendary Dragon
Created by Zbo
玩家可以从巨龙大厅(卡勒多地标)招募伊姆瑞克的传奇龙。只有高精灵有效。 兼容性:布吉岛。 Player can recruit Legendary Dragons of Imrik form the Hall of Dragons(Caledor Landmark).Only works when play as high elf faction. Compatible: NO Idea, second mod I ever made. 招募原版传奇龙/ Recruit ORIGIN Legendary D...
伊瑞斯-守望者高塔加强/Yvresse Amphitheatre Tweak
Created by Zbo
把军队技能:『止息之祈』改为所有军队都可以使用,不在局限于伊瑞斯地区,但只可以使用三次。不在无限使用。顺便把T5的洛瑟恩海门的发展改为全派系加成,但数值改为15,原为30。 This mod sets Army ability: "Invocation of Ending" from local province to all army factionwide, but It can be cast only 3 times per battle. I found I rarely have a chanc...
高等精灵科技购买 High Genie Technology purchase
Created by 沙条爱歌
这个mod为高等精灵派系增加了额外科技购买。 This mod adds additional technology purchases to the High Elf Faction. 注意:如果度过回合时你的财政不足以支付科研费用那么就无法继续研发哦。 Note: If you don't have enough money to cover your research expenses during the round, you won't be able to continue research. ...
卡勒多烈焰英灵(新 )(new)true dragon princes.pack
Created by TWJK
这是修正后的版本(修正了原mod里烈阳龙不能吐息的BUG,并令火焰特效变成主动技能,由玩家决定什么时候开启,避免审美疲劳。) 新增兵种 “卡勒多烈焰英灵”。 利用神奇的时光魔法可以让远古时期伟大的卡勒多龙骑士为你作战。 泰瑞昂与伊姆瑞克在解锁最高等级坐骑时获得法术“召唤卡勒多烈焰英灵”(使用限制为:生命值低于50%,陷入近战,消耗20点魔法之风) 所有高精派系可以在完成凤凰与巨龙两个序列的五本建筑时,招募一队卡勒多烈焰骑士。(彩蛋:震旦派系可以在巍京的地标建筑天廷里招募这一特殊兵种 卡勒多烈焰英灵,具有酷炫...
[Zerooz] 高精兵种 High Elf Units
Created by zerooz
special thanks/特别感谢: 谷玄,海茵里希 这是我的高精兵种mod。 如果你喜欢我的mod,可以请我喝杯快乐水。 This is my High elf Units Pack. Ai can hire all the units. If you want to support me you can buy me a cup of coffee
Teclis can FLY (Levitate)
Created by laff
The Tyrion and Teclis Omnibus (Warhammer Chronicles) "He cast his mind back to his first flight on Silver Wing’s back, when he had tried to derive a spell of levitation from first principles. It was time to put that spell to the test. He summoned more powe...
TDQ - The Dragon Queen III
Created by Typher
Princess Islandra of Caledor “The Dragon Queen” Hi again everyone, With fire and blood the Dragon Queen Islandra has returned to bring terror to all enemies of the High Elves. For those of you that are new to my mods, Islandra is a custom Legendary Lord th...
HighElvesNeverWeakened 高精永不被削!!
Created by 宝宝疯了
本mod将会不断更新,但只限于高等精灵被削弱的内容。 此mod将本次补丁,所被削弱的高等精灵特性修改如初: 1. 烈火轰雷 -> 改回原版的 +10攻击 +10防御 +100%威力 +100冲锋加成 2. 节衣缩食 -> 改回原版的 -15%维持费 3. 精灵贵族的百折不摧 ->改回原版的 +15%特殊保护 +精力充沛 (精灵王子的百折不摧,因新有趣特性,暂不改动) 1.本mod已经包含 烈火轰雷归来 mod 的内容。互相兼容,不会冲突。 2.为了保证本mod简洁的特性,尽可能不与其它mod发生冲突,故特性...
本mod为二代的 我TM射爆的 移植版,替换了阿瓦隆模型。 但由于战锤三以及战锤二调色以及光影有区别,所以人物皮肤颜色有些瑕疵,有会调色或者能帮忙调色的朋友可以评论或私信我谢谢。 如果您喜欢这个mod请帮忙点个赞,让更多人看见,谢谢各位。 10.26更新:调整了皮肤颜色让她看起来更加像个人...
Masterworks of Vaul's Anvil - Unit Upgrades for High Elves
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds a Unit upgrade system similar to the Greenskin scrap upgrades to the High Elf factions. They cost a new resource called Splendour which is gained by having exceptional leaders under your command, constructing court buildings and holding special import...
高精美化(high beautify)
Created by Lk
3.10更新 龙王子美化 11.18更新 凤凰守卫模组替换(其实是想穿少一点的,但是一想都穿这么少打个仗都和去开yinpa一样,太色孽了 no! no!所以就变成这样了 希望能喜欢。) 11.15更新 更新了银光守卫模型(至于为什么银光他是黑色的呢?因为老婆饼里面也没有老婆。。) 部分模组借用了Pablo大佬的模型 11.13更新 游侠模型替换 弓箭手模型替换与弓箭手(轻甲)模型替换(没错,重做了。) 10.22更新 阿瓦隆双持版本做完了,红线和科技都是荷斯剑圣的科技(因为阿瓦隆姐妹本来的科技线不会加武器威...
Alarielle strength a little
Created by zja
Imrik the Majestic and his Fancy Helmet
Created by Macho Chunko
BEHOLD! My helmet Sup, it's ya boi bringing out another quick mod, this time just a simple reskin that adds a helmet for Imrik. Why? Cause you should wear protection when going into battle. Notes: Compattible with everything that doesn't change Imrik's mod...
本mod为二代的女银光守卫的移植版,替换了银光守卫模型。 但由于战锤三以及战锤二调色以及光影有区别,所以人物皮肤颜色有些瑕疵,有会调色或者能帮忙调色的朋友可以评论或私信我谢谢。 如果您喜欢这个mod请帮忙点个赞,让更多人看见,谢谢各位。 10.26更新:调整了皮肤颜色让她看起来更加像个人...
Created by poorly_Jack
娘化高精的白狮和剑圣,单纯的模型替换,后续应该会有添加兵种模式的。 以后可能也会更新新的兵种娘化 目前缺陷 白狮腰部有些穿模,剑圣手部略有缺失。 11.6更新长矛 回复不了评论区,抱歉 阿瓦隆美化可以去看看:我,阿瓦隆色爆 这个mod 11.9更新弓箭手 11.11给白狮新增两种头模,例如猫耳OvO 11.13更新凤卫(感觉凤卫脑袋和身体在某些图看起来色差有点明显啊,要不要把身体换成腿部这种看起来穿丝衣的感觉啊?) 回复一下评论区 银光有个锤2移植的我觉得不错,我自己也有些想法 我过两天试试,最近有点忙 声...
Teclis can Confederate Saphery at the start of his Campaign
Created by laff
High Loremaster of Hoeth and Warden of the White Tower Teclis is the Ruler of Saphery, as Eltharion with Yvresse and Imrik with Caledor Occupy 5 Settlements to trigger Dilemma Compatibility Should be compatible with almost everything as this is just a scri...
Teclis Levitate - laff的泰格里斯中文汉化
Created by CheNg
介绍 由laff制作。 整合汉化了laff制作的三个关于泰格里斯的MOD。 此汉化已包含在我的汉化合集中 Teclis Levitate(泰格里斯飘浮术): 根据战锤背景,泰格里斯不需要坐骑来飞行,他讨厌骑动物。作为大魔法师,他只需使用魔法就能翱翔于天空。 因此该MOD对此作出了改动,当泰格里斯到达18级时,他将自动解锁飞行能力。 该MOD为泰格里斯添加了自定义动画,允许泰格里斯飞行和落地。但一旦解锁了飞行,他将不能在地上行走。(类似于飞行骑兵) 被动能力:到达18级后增加30%法术精通并解锁飞行能力 凤凰...
[Ported] High Elves Landmarks Overhaul (OUTDATED)
Created by Magician
HE Landmarks Overhaul Use new links in below Use new links in below Use new links in below New version here This mod requires Mixu's Unlocker onwards. Features This mod adds 30+ landmarks for the High Elves race. ...
[Ported] High Elves Landmarks Overhaul - 高等精灵地标大修中文汉化
Created by CheNg
This MOD is a Chinese submod 介绍 由MYsteRy制作。 此汉化已包含在我的汉化合集中 为高等精灵添加30个新地标 注意:原mod前置需要mixu's unlocker,如果没打将会造成游戏闪退 主要派系 伊瑞斯:引路石,艾索塔玛哈 伊泰恩:世界贸易中心,闪光塔,凤凰着陆地 阿瓦隆:古代原始森林,阿瓦隆之秘 魔剑士议会:黎明要塞,阿苏焉的祝福,森之智 纳迦瑞斯:阿塞尔·马兰特,北凋零群岛要塞 伊姆瑞克:阿佐格矿场,龙宫 次要派系 (旧)泰格里斯:吐毒蛇岛,奥术密室 萨芙睿:环形...
Johnny's Artillery Pack
Created by Johnny
Hello! this is my first custom unit mod and I am excited to share it with the community. what does this mod do? - adds new artillery units to the game for custom battle and campaign. - see below for which races are currently affected (i will be making more...
TDQ - The Princess Guard
Created by Typher
TDQ – THE PRINCESS GUARD The Princess Guard mod brings six new units to Warhammer 3! I may have went a little overboard here. This mod includes a total revamp of the wh2 Princess Guard model, a new heavily armored spear unit, a new hybrid spear/archer unit...
Created by 理塘珍珠宝莉
这个版本的已经弃更,还想玩的话可以用下面这个 泰格里斯个人线 1.增加三种军队技能 2.增加针对荷斯剑圣与凤凰加强的技能 3.增加针对荷斯魔剑士增强的技能 艾萨里昂个人线 1.增加针对迷雾行者增强的技能 2.增加针对伊瑞斯迷雾效果的技能,加大对敌方军队的影响(2022.11.09) 3.增加防御战时军队增强的技能(2022.11.09) 泰瑞昂个人线 1.增加对抗毁灭阵营的技能...
Created by 理塘珍珠宝莉
锤2有要塞大门招募塞门守卫的mod,翻了创意工坊没找到,自己就做了一个。 四大门四本宏伟要塞建筑可招募,外加纳迦瑞斯地标可招募。 顺便把兵种强化了一下: 护甲70,加强攻防,反大加成16点,远程反大型8点破甲杀伤且有碎甲效果,吃海卫加成...
Created by 任务
高等精灵可以用金币进行废料升级 这个mod是我照着Dirty Dan大佬的mod做的 English Version Here:
Permanent Dragon Effect for Imrik
Created by Ez1O-
This mod allows Imrik's dragon effects last forever after defeating legendary dragons. It should be compatible with other mods. Hope you enjoy it :)...
Merwyrms, Sea Dragons, and Lothern Skycutters
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Merwyrms, Sciowyrms, and Lothern Skycutters for the High Elves and Pagowyrms, Sciowyrms, Sea Dragons, and Helldrakes for the Dark Elves. Description Wyrms Merwyrms and Sciowyrms are recruitable at ports for all High Elf factions. Merwyrms ...
Sisters of Avelorn - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Highborn Elves - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Alternate High Elves Loading Screens
Created by CastledCard This mod adds new loading screens for High Elves. Check out my other loading screens....
更帅的剑圣 better swordsmaster of hoeth.pack
Created by TWJK
对荷斯剑圣做出了一些加强与改动。 面板数据改动:血量不变,减少模组为36模组一队,武器威力翻倍,攻防微调。 攻击方式改动:攻击附带溅射与击飞 技能改动:新增技能“荷斯剑道”:当魔法之风到达15以上时,剑圣会获得75魔抗以及魔法攻击的附魔。 外观改动:添加蓝色的魔法微光萦绕在剑圣周围。 Some enhancements and changes have been made to Jos Kensei. Panel data changes: Health level unchanged, REDUCED t...
Faster Dragon Princes and Silver Helms
Created by Eruntinco
Ordinarily, the Silver Helms and the Dragon Princes move noticeably slower than the Ellyrian Reavers. This is despite the lightness of their armor and the fact that all of these units shared the same very high movement rate in the 8th edition of Warhammer ...
全派系筛选初始特性【高等精灵】All Factions Filter Innate Character[Hef]
Created by TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod is a single-faction version. This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that ...
Valen - Legendary Ranger Lord
Created by Moe the Monk
This mod adds a new legendary lord to all playable High Elf factions, recruitable under the Prince lord tab. Character Valen is a Ranger Lord of Ulthuan, leading the bands of fiercely independent rangers into battle. Originally a prince of Chrace, he has l...
Hooded Rangers and Shadow Warriors
Created by Moe the Monk
This mod changes the appearance of Rangers and Shadow Warriors on the High Elf roster. Rangers received hoods to match their cloaks, while Shadow Warriors were changed to more closely resemble rangers from other media, wearing earthy brown and green tones ...
Realistic High Elf Dragons
Created by Delta_BOSS
Updated v.1.3 v1.3 update: compatibility with Faction Colored Saddles - for H.E. Dragons FACTION COLORED SADDLES - for H.E. Dragons v1.2 update: Imrik's dragon Minaithnir Maybe need a bit of...
High Elves - New Faction Colors - v.1.3
Created by Delta_BOSS
Updated to version 1.3 What's new: - All Elven factions recolored - About 90% of all texture masks redone, using in-game RGB channels to get 3 colors (colored gems) - All Elven factions with unique colors, so there shouldn't be too much confusion - MORE co...
Tyrion Host of Khaine Reskin
Created by Kriega1
White, gold and silver hued outfit for the cursed Heir of Aenarion and self declared Pheonix King, inspired by some End Times artwork. Includes a reskin for his mount, Malhandir, and a unit card / porthole....
[LIG] Reskin - Alarielle
Created by Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin of Alarielle make her looks less older, while put a quite effort to give similar impression & face sculpt. Thus I didn't changed unit card & 2D portrait Unlike one which I posted on WH2, It does not contain nudity though transpare...
Appearance Tweaks: Eltharion Silver and Black
Created by Kerr
Reskin of Eltharion, changes his armor to Silver and Black colour scheme, shortened his skirt, and made his helm smaller...
Mistwalker Reskin
Created by Kerr
The successor to my Warhammer 2 Yvresse Mistwalker reskin mod. New unique appearances for the Faith Bearers, Sky Hawks, Sentinels, and slight changes to the Spire Guard Silver version: Feel ...
Every Shadow Walker wears a mask
Created by augur666
Makes every Shadow Walker wear a mask, doesnt change any stats....
Elven Engineering/Technoheresy
Created by Chapter Serf
Description: Gotten tired of the same old boring bolt throwers for the High Elves and Dark Elves? Ever wanted something more explosive and exciting in your Elven artillery? Look no further! This mod adds 2 new pieces of artillery at tier 4 and 5 for both t...
Fortress of Dawn revived
Created by chris0
Credit to OvN for getting me started. I enjoyed playing as the Fortress of Dawn before the last patch and love the aesthetics of the faction. This is a simple cosmetic overhaul to turn the Order of Loremasters faction into the Fortress of Dawn, this works ...
Yvresse Mists Upgraded
Created by Lycia Pintella
This empowers the upgrades in the Athel Tamarha Dungeon that impact mist. Specifically, levels 2 and 3 of the upgrade will further increase campaign movement range and agent action success chance. While I don't yet know how to add it to the rite descriptio...
Asur cosmetics X Guv's blue and black Nagarythe
Created by zerg93
A simple submod that makes Guv's blue and black Nagarythe compatible with Asur cosmetics, that's all. P.S. This mod is kinda superfluous: you can actually achieve the same result by simply putting Guv's mod above Asur cosmetics in the load order. This mod ...
凤凰姐妹(骑兵)Phoenix Guard (Cavalry)
Created by Lk
2.14更新 新增单位:凤凰守卫(双持) 当需要远行时肯定不能光靠走不是 所以我们的凤凰姐妹就骑着她的小母马哒哒哒的赶来了。。。 好了,说正经的 新增凤凰守卫骑兵持剑版本 高精貌似没有持剑骑兵就有点离谱。招募是五本的凤凰守卫建筑和神胜阿苏尔圣殿(这建筑前期根本没有想造的欲望所以就给个骑兵吧),科技和红线同凤凰守卫科技(这样就不需要额外点龙王子的科技了)。 部分模型是借用了dswgyxxlmy与Pablo两位大佬的模型 在此感谢大佬。 (有BUG可以留言) ...
Avalon Sisters beautify
Created by Lk
Avalon Sisters Beautification (machine flip)...
Created by 德意志元首
弹药弹道轨迹增加观赏性、projectiles_tables 由于战锤3 弓箭手弹道模糊不清 故将高精中的弓箭手弹道效果做了替换 具体影响兵种为:海卫(包含持盾和精英兵种) 弓箭手(包含轻甲弓) 弹道模型修改为:精英兵种弓箭手使用的火箭效果(射出去的箭带火) 不影响存档 仅仅是 ”弹道模型“更换 无任何伤害加成 ---------- ------------- 2023.9.6至此后续版本可能不在更新,一般情况下无论更新什么版本,这个MOD都是兼容的,即使游戏更新后显示该MOD已过期仍然可以使用,毕竟只改了...
Shaws White Lion Helms
Created by shawmuscle
Pretty simple mod, adds new helmets for white lions. (keeping old as well, just an addition) a model I had made for another game and sadly never came out. So thought I would add as a mod here. Any modders are welcome to take and use as they like. Better th...
Created by 德意志元首
--------------高等精灵们在他们的家乡奥苏安岛上用灿烂的白银和大理石建立起了恢弘华美的城市,这这片祥和的岛屿上,精灵学者们和星辰交谈,并驾船在大洋中穿行。然而随着终末危机的到来,这片乌托邦国度也面临重大危机。奥苏安岛屿外环尽皆沦丧敌手。泰瑞昂,中古战锤及战锤西格玛纪元的主要人物,奥苏安的守护者。面对如此危机,他将阳炎剑重新放回了瓦尔铁站铸造炉锻造,再次获得了强大的力量,他将守护这片净土。 ------------------------------------------------------...
All Elves factions can build all faction's landmarks
Created by Wyccc
All Elves can build all faction's landmarks except Chaos, Vampires, and Skaven. All Human factions can build all faction's landmarks All Dwarf factions can build all faction's landmarks...
Legendary High Elven Characters [LHEC]
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information This mod project started back in 2019 for Warhammer 2. Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below carefully before you ask questions or request updates etc....
Archmage Variants (No more clones!)
Created by Inu Mod Description This mod adds 11 new variants, 1 for each lore (and 2 for some of them), to the Archmages of the High Elves. Always thought that they received the short end of the stick in the Warden and the Paunch DL...
Vanguard of Cothique (Updated 2.3)
Created by Inu
Hi everyone. This mod adds (for now) 1 unit to the High Elves, the Cothique Raiders. Is a high risk, high reward unit, designed to be a glass cannon that would cut through low armor chaf any day. They have a lower model count than the standard high elf inf...
Alarielle the Radiant
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
本mod之后版本将不再更新,最新版 内容介绍 1、为艾拉瑞丽增加了森林龙坐骑 2、修改技能:将放逐之光替换成地灵觉醒,将奥术导体替换成强力奥术导体,将荆棘护盾替换成阿明托克之网 3、互斥技能解除 4、为牧场解锁骑兵招募 5、为侍女增加巨牡鹿坐骑;为精灵贵族增加狮鹫坐骑;为精灵法师增加巨鹰坐骑 6、为艾萨里昂神器增加特保及重生技能,并解除了荷斯护符和法术技能的绑定 Content ...
Loremaster Variants (No more clones!)
Created by Inu
Mod Description This mod adds 7 new variants to the Loremasters of Hoeth for the High Elves. Honestly they really lack variety, so i wanted to spice up the character for some of them. They all have custom working portraits, portholes and unit cards. It als...
Elves Enhanced
Created by libērtaŞ
A mod focused on elves and curviness The mod is a compilation of different changes and "enhancements": Graphical New Units Statistical Campaign Graphically Most elf units there are smoother textures. Their face, body and leg textures improve up to WH3 stan...
Elven Formed Attack
Created by Grandolph
It always seemed weird to me that despite having very hoplite like infantry that was supposed to be highly trained, Elven Spearmen would very quickly turn into a blob in combat. Well now with the addition of Cathay, a few of the Cathay units have an abilit...
Elven Synced Marching
Created by Grandolph
A simple change that makes Elven spearmen/swordsmen units march in unison by syncing the movement animations like skeleton warriors. made to accompany my other mod: Elven Formed Attack Compatibility: - Everything except mods that change the land_units tabl...
Matching Uniform Colour to Unit Card for All High Elf
Created by Taste of Capitalism
Fix High Elf elite units Uniform Colour to be always same, unrelated to faction Phoenix Guard (Red) Shadow Warrior, Shadow Walker (Black) White Lion, Lion Chariot, Tiranoc Chariot (Yellow) Reaver, Silverin Guard, Sisters (Light Blue) Dragon Prince, Sea Gua...
Mage Variants (No more clones!)
Created by Inu Mod Description This mod adds 18 new variants to the Mages for the High Elves. Following the feedback i got from the Archmage Variants mod, i tried this time to make 2 of each so that you have at least one more ...
【Deer24高等精灵单位包】荣光国度( HEF UNITS PATCH Glorious Nation)
必要MOD列表的MOD只是一些submod,包括无限制补丁及MOD的英文翻译,并非必要MOD,大家按自己的需求订阅即可 这次为大家带来的是高等精灵的兵种包,目前包含7个单位,放在了高等精灵各个主城的地标建筑招募,大家可以自行探索 The MODs in the list of necessary MODs are only some submids, including unlimited patches and English translations of MODs, not necessary MOD...
Teclis skill set overhaul cn submod
Created by 3motionless
this mod is the chinese loaclization mod of mod: “Teclis skill set overhaul” mod load order(as the picture): 1.Teclis skill set overhaul cn submod【泰格里斯技能树大修汉化】 2.Teclis skill set overhaul【泰格里斯技能树大修】...
高精兵种扩展(New High elf unit)
Created by Lk
3.10更新(话说真的有人会看更新了啥吗) 给伊姆瑞克地标添加了新兵种 血齿要塞——卡勒多巨龙魔导师(限招2个 龙穴可以增加招募容量) 自带一次再生术 死亡之颅(一个强化版的烈焰之颅(无友军伤害)) 巨龙召唤——召唤烈焰冠军-戈迪纳尔(本局战斗永久存在,如果没死下一局有没有没试过,可以试一下。)随后就是一个15秒的火雨,伤害有点高,召唤出来的龙得尽快拉走,不然就是召了个寂寞。 1.2更新 优化了影行者的深渊技能 伟大祝福新增一个阶段 把上一个阶段没用完的魔风回收并且回血(可以复活死亡模组) 12.31更新 ...
Handmaiden Variants (No more clones!)
Created by Inu
Hi everyone, happy new year! I'll be resuming work on this mod series this days after a short break, so you can expect Nobles, Prince and Princess Variants soon™. This mod adds 9 new variants to the Handmaidens for the High Elves. So, this time around i di...
Created by ZYF
1 为高等精灵添加了2个女性3级近战单位。...
Male Archmage (and Mage) Variants
Created by Ki Adi Hoontang
Archmages This mod adds a Male Archmage variant for each of the 9 lores of magic. Available in custom battle and campaign. They should function the same as the vanilla female Archmages. No changes have been made to them. Mages UPDATE: Male Mages can now be...
Dark Elf Rivalry feature for Tyrion (Discontinued for now)
Created by Rhox
Dicontinued mod After the 4.1 patch, ImperialAuthorityEntryCallback was revamped and so does the twui for it. So I need to remake the twui from scratch and have to change some of the scripts to live with it. However, this mod was getting some attention fro...
Nobles Variants (No more Clones!)
Created by Inu
Hi everyone, it's been a while, been busy with other projects, but here is one of the last entries of high elves variants, next up will be both princesess and princes together, promise to try and not take that long until that one. As always, they 'd be arr...
卡勒多烈焰英灵(测试) true dragon princes(beta).pack
Created by TWJK
新增兵种 “卡勒多烈焰英灵”。 利用神奇的时光魔法可以让远古时期伟大的卡勒多龙骑士为你作战。 泰瑞昂与伊姆瑞克在解锁最高等级坐骑时获得法术“召唤卡勒多烈焰英灵”(使用限制为:生命值低于50%,陷入近战,消耗20点魔法之风) 所有高精派系可以在完成凤凰与巨龙两个序列的五本建筑时,招募一队卡勒多烈焰骑士。 卡勒多烈焰英灵,具有酷炫的特效和强大的吐息技能。 该版本为测试版,修复BUG版本已经更新,请移步订阅以下两个mod
[Zerooz] High Elf‘s units no limited 高精兵种无招募上限
Created by zerooz
此mod能让高精的高级mod兵种无招募上限。 this mod makes High Elf’s units hire unlimited....
[LIG] Reskin - Handmaiden
Created by Less Is Good
Description Handmaiden reskin, changed armor & added one head variant Coverage of faction colors increased significantly Compatiblity Compatible unless change handmaiden's appearance Save file compatible Should be compatible with great Handmaiden Variants ...
High Elves, Tyrion custom Stormwings with Malhandir Armor
Created by VesPeral
It is pretty simple but i like it so i figured someone else might too. This mod gives a custom version of Stormwings (the Griffon from Eltharion) to Tyrion. You will still be able to have Malhandir as in vanilla game, but in addition arrived at level 20 yo...
LoW - Phoenix Legion
Created by Macho Chunko
This is a port of the original Phoenix Legion mod from WH2. It does what the original did, adding some new units for the Phoenix Guard for the High Elves. Unit List by Types: Infantry: Spearmen, Swordsmen, Archers and Shielded Archers, the basic units, can...
Vengence of the Shadow Realm - Alith Anar Expanded
Created by Nameless
Introduction This mod adds a new progression system to Alith Anar’s faction which unlocks new units and skills for those units. The system and units are thematically appropriate for Alith Anar, but I don’t know the details of the lore so if you want someth...
[Not supported anymore] Old Court of Phoenix King use new mod
Created by Rhox
Link to the new mod Unless you have a savefile issue, I recommend new using new one as it has more features and awesome arts Description Simple, this mod adds a Tower of Zharr like mechanism...
白狮部队扩展 V0.1 BETA (White lions of chrace units)
Created by [HAN] YH — 北岛
本MOD赞助者和定制者:螃蟹(感谢支持) 新增白狮禁卫相关部队 查瑞斯白狮持弓禁卫 查瑞斯白狮长戟禁卫 查瑞斯白狮剑盾禁卫 强化了白狮禁卫和弩炮的属性...
奈朵琉雅的高等精灵火枪部队 / Nydoriya's High Elf Rifle Armies
Created by 奈朵琉雅
总感觉没有火枪的派系是不完整的,所以制作了这个MOD。 使用AI(Stable Diffusion)制作了兵牌,动漫画风,看起来略违和,不过不打算改了。 洛瑟恩海卫(火枪) 二本火枪,招募条件于洛瑟恩海卫相同。 招募价格850,维持费213,射程145,伤害与通常火枪相同。 阿瓦隆姐妹(魔铳) 四本火枪,需要伊瑟拉玛银匠房作为前置。 招募价格1200,维持费300,射程150,伤害比混沌矮人的宽刃火枪低一些,但是有魔攻、破盾者特性和6点反大加成。 ============================= ...
Tyrion - Original Armor of Aenarion
Created by Kurmudge
Enough with the red and white! Here's something a little different. The Armor of Aenarion, painted and accessorized as Aenarion wore it. I took a popular illustration of the first Phoenix King and did what I could to match the styling of Tyrion's gear. Mal...
Dragonspine Princes
Created by BucleCT
Lore The Dragon Spine Mountains (sometimes spelled Dragonspine Mountains or "The Dragon Spine") collectively form a volcanic region within the High Elf Kingdom of Caledor made famous for the great beasts that dwell within. Upon the blazing black island at ...
[BETA] Sons of Asuryan - Dragon Mages
Created by Xoudad
"We are the chosen of Asuryan, beloved of the gods and heirs to the world. Our armies are the finest in creation; swift where our foes are lumbering, cultured where they are barbaric. Give no thought to failure, nor defeat – we are the Children of Ulthuan ...
The Asur - High Elf Character Armory
Created by NoKhaineNoGain
Recruit a rising Asur prince into your ranks. Through him leveling up, gain armaments to mix and match buffs and weapons to create a personalized High Elf LL. These include armor from units and lords as well as from LL once confederated allowing for some v...
The Ten Kingdoms
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
The Ten Kingdoms mod for the High Elves Adds 22 new unique units to the roster for use in campaign or multiplayer, inspired by a mix of warhammer novels and fantasy supplement books. There are 11 units and 11 regiments of renown, each based on one of the 1...
[GLF] High elves tech overhaul高等精灵科技大修
Created by 金花
English Trasnlation: 这个MOD重做了高等精灵的科技 它现在像混沌矮人那样拥有3页科技,分别是军事、经济&文化、特殊,原版66个科技→151个科技 科技将会合理化分配,不会上一个科技还是研究步兵的,下一个科技突然变成了骑兵或者战兽,不必为了某一个科技,去特地研究一个毫不相关的兵种科技 这个MOD算是先行版,如果反响不错,我会制作全种族科技大修 另外这个MOD...
Created by Mr.J
为Deer2四的荣光国度兵种包制作的ATC大修适配。 目前为测试阶段,后续将根据反馈及自己游玩体验适当修改数据。...
Eltharion Autoresolve Capture
the mod can 100% capture lords in auto resolve,the enemy lord must be alive,dead cannot be captured PS:not compatible with old save ...
Aguirre's Elves
Created by gervbafdsw
Finally one of the essentials of Warhammer, Aguirre's Elves, is arriving into Warhammer III, helping to preserve his legacy. The mod is mainly on High Elves, though it includes also two units of Dark and Wood Elves. The featured units that are into this pa...
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