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Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
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27.8.2022 klo 10.53
14.5. klo 8.40
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Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords

Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.0.3

This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the player and the AI (though the player will be favored)!

Scenario 1
Has that foolish counterpart of a Vampire Count refused to confederate, be reasonable or flat out irked the grand, righteous ruler that you are? Are you left with no choice but to defeat him, yet fear for the consequences as you can’t have their legendary lord this way? Well no more!

That’s right, they will serve their rightful masters! You can now pummel your "like-minded", bovine-staring-face neighbor into the ground, destroy his useless empire, sack all his cities, plunder him to your heart's content and then recruit his legendary lord as a fresh, empty-headed recruit!

Scenario 2
You'd like to help the Last Defenders but as the Hexoatl you might as well be on another planet and confederating territories that far away might not be ideal.
Well, if he's ever defeated, you can now hire him, build up spanking shining new armies and lead him to retake his lost territories!

Current features
  • After factions are defeated their legendary/immortal lords and heroes will be made available to remaining factions (player as well as AI) of the same subculture/race - e.g. A defeated Lizardmen faction will only join other Lizardmen factions (basically confederation with a few extra steps).
  • Lords/heroes obtained this way will start off wounded.
  • Legendary Lords/Heroes recruited this way are the "original" ones (not copies like in previous versions of the mod). This means there won't be doppelganger, item quests will work and the lord/hero will retain their level, items, skills and traits.
  • This works with all legendary/immortal lords and heroes regardless whether they are modded or vanilla characters. No submods needed!
  • Event messages indicating newly available lords/heroes will appear for all base game & dlc lords.
  • Most factions, even if they are not able to confederate, benefits from this mechanic (e.g. Vampire Coast and Tomb Kings).
  • By default, defeated faction won't join AI led factions before turn 50 (for balance reasons).
  • By default, defeated factions prefer to join factions of the same race, they also prefer player over AI led faction, they furthermore prefer factions they already met, ones they had good relations with (before their demise) and they'd rather seek refuge with a playable (major) faction than a minor one.
  • When your faction is chosen as the preferred refuge, you'll get the refugee dilemma shown in the image above. You then either:
    Accept, to gain their immortal lords and heroes.
    Reject and another faction gets the dilemma.
    Kill them, so they can't join anyone (unless they manage to revive via rebellion).
    Delay your decision and decide again after 25 turn.
  • By default chaos factions (Warriors of Chaos, Mono-god, Daemon and Norscan factions) can join each other, even across "race-barriers" if all factions of a given race are defeated and only chaos factions of another race are available (players-led chaos factions are allowed to accept refugees from different chaos-races even if there are other factions of that race remain alive).
    There are mct-option to restrict this.

  • Fix MP desync issues.
  • Add a Legendary Heroes backup script to make sure legendary heroes, not yet recruited by the AI, stay in play in case their factions dies (Wulfhart's heroes, Ghoritch, Coeddil, Ariel etc).

Save to add at any point, but not save to remove! You can disable the mod via mct option.
Should play well with most other mods.
Works with Immortal Empires and the Return of Chaos campaign on singleplayer, but is disabled during The Lost God prologue campagn.

Not yet tested for Head-to-Head / Co-op. desync galore
...working on it.

Known issues
  • The mod transfers lords/heroes whether or not they are real legendary lords or just immortal lords. On the one hand this means you won’t miss out on legendary lords even if they were just recently added, e.g. by a mod update (you’d get the lord even if no event message appears) on the other hand you’ll get lords from minor factions you may not necessarily want. This may lead to a slightly more crowded recruitment pool (you can make us of the Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes mod to remedy this issue).
  • If you add the mod mid campaign and a lot of factions are already defeated by that point it may take a few turns for all characters to be assigned to their new factions. This was done deliberately to limit start turn lag.
  • If the player confederated recently then defeated characters will be transferred after the confederation penalty is expired.
  • Since the script uses confederation methods to transfer defeated characters, AI or player factions that take on defeated lords will have their original faction name changed to their "confederation name".
  • Faction that "were confederated" can't spawn endgame armies. In case you want the endgame events to be as scary as possible, I'd recommend setting the "AI Delay" (by default it's 50 turns) mct-option to a value greater than the maximum end turn number you set at campaign start.
  • Event messages are currently being revised and are thus blank for the time being.
  • Yes, the thumbnail is old and ugly. Send me a friend request on steam if you want to submit a replacement.

Previous Versions of the mod (e.g. to finish old campaigns):
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords - Version 4.2.x
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords - Version 4.1.x
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords - Version 3.1.x

Localisation submods:
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords DEUTSCH/GERMAN by TRON NG
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords - TRADUCTION FR
Recruit Defeated LL for KR
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords(汉化)
Traduccion, Recruit Defeated Lords EN ESPAÑOL

Da Modding Den[], because it's awesome.

Scipion for his original concept of the mod.
Lord Militus[] for writing the events of the mod.

This is a beta version for a beta campaign! Immortal empires is huge and it's impossible to test everything by myself in a few days, so there is a high chance you'll encounter issues.
Please let us know when you run into such problems or think there is an aspect of the mod we should improve on!
Suositut keskustelut Näytä kaikki (28)
7.6. klo 13.11
Uncertain Bug - Arkhan + Mannfred
Master Green Fox
4.6. klo 12.10
Don't have quest to get legendary item
17.5. klo 13.33
Notification appears, but can't recruit any new Legendary Lords
2 249 kommenttia
SunhoDrake459 5.6. klo 20.27 
>> is there submod that lets this work for custom factions like araby? - Mud

I'm also wondering this. Best mod in the game btw
Dragon32 5.6. klo 8.05 
Yes. Re-read the Description.
l0wBoB 4.6. klo 17.10 
I was offered to have N'Kari (Slaanesh) join me when I was playing The Changeling (Tzeentch).
RoboRetro 4.6. klo 12.05 
Got some lords who are missing some legendary items, no quest to get them either. Is this a known issue?
Dragon of Desire 3.6. klo 20.22 
So turning off Simultaneous Turns will remove the desync issues?
Dragon32 3.6. klo 8.07 
I think that's a vanilla game bug fixed by the Unofficial Bugfix Mod.
Fenix074 3.6. klo 5.23 
As far as I can tell, this mod is causing some issues with the new Dwarf rework. Firstly, it's doubling the grudges needed to confederate the dwarf legendary lords each time you use it, since it counts as a confederation when you accept characters, even from minor factions. I also seems to be causing an issue with the Legendary grudges that ask you to destroy factions, such as the elf ones or the skaven grudge. Seems like there is some strange exception causing the grudge to be aborted when the ai recruits characters from dead factions starting around turn 50
Kavvan Shrike 3.6. klo 1.42 
having an odd bug atm playing as malakai, upon accepting some defeated factions leave a generic lord outside kraka drak that i can't remove or otherwise interact with, they pop up in the spot where normally legendary heroes go.
marceror 2.6. klo 14.50 
@MLTYO, agree with what Nexus said, but you can use Mod Configuration Tool mod (MCT) to change the settings so that the player always takes priority over race. Then you will get first dibs on Chaos factions that are not of your race.
Blastaz 2.6. klo 13.39 
I think this might be bugging dwarf legendary lord recruitment by making them take an absurd amount of grudges.