Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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[RICO] Drosovilas Lotte Tower 1:1(550m) from seoul.
Erstellt von Drosovila
Drosovilas "Lotte World Premium Tower" in 1:1, because apparently some people here like tall skyscrapers -1:1, 555m height -Unique Building, stats based off of "sea and skyscraper", 10x12 size -Based off of the, currently in construction, Lotte Premium Wor...
[RICO] Drosovilas Transamerica Pyramid 1:1
Erstellt von Drosovila
The iconic Transamerica Pyramid from San Francisco in 1:1 -1:1 size, 260m height, 7x7 plots used -Level 2 unique building based off of Transport Tower. -1700 tris, 2048x1024 texture res, custom LOD(120 tris) -You can get the 60% scale version here http://s...
[RICO] Drosovilas U.S. Bank Tower from Los Angeles
Erstellt von Drosovila
Drosovilas U.S. Bank tower -Unique Building level 6, 8x8 size -1:1 Scale, 310m height. -Based off of this tower. -3200 tris, 1024 texture res, CustomLOD(350 tris, 512x texture res) -1:1.6 version will follow soon. ...
[RICO] Hong Kong Public Housing - Non-Standard Y-Shaped Block
Erstellt von Dennie Mok Mei Sang House is a 40-storey Non-Standard Y-Shaped Domestic Block¹ situated in Shek Kip Mei Estate (Phase 5). The estate is the first public housing estate² in Hong Kong, first constructed in...
[RICO] Hong Kong Public Housing - Standard Trident 4 Block - Lite Edition
Erstellt von Dennie Mok This asset is a semi-replica of Yiu Hong House, a 34-storey standard Trident 4 (a.k.a. Y4) block ¹ in Tin Yiu (I) Estate. Constructed in the 1990s, the estate is the first public housing estat...
[Rico]Greenland Zifeng Plaza 1:1
Erstellt von amamIya
Greenland Zifeng Plaza, Nanchang, CHINA Unique building Level 6 V1.1 Fix road connection ||| Fix Prop ||| RIco enabled V1.2 Fix LOD ||| Texture Remake model model tris texture main 264 2048 lod 264 512 sub 110 2048 RIco info servicel office UI office cost ...
[Sunset Harbor Ready][Line Coloured] Beijing Subway QKZ5 Capital Airport Express Rolling Stock Pack (Train + Metro)
Erstellt von Kaeru教信者 The Capital Airport Express of Beijing Subway (北京地铁首都机场线), also known by the initials ABC (Airport Beijing City), is an airport rail link from Dongzhimen station to the Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK).The Airport...
БКМ-321 / BKM-321 Trolleybus
Erstellt von AleX_BY
BKM-321 (AKSM-321) is a Belarusian trolleybus. It produced from 2003 in Minsk, and for now model BKM-321(there were a few defferent modifications) is the most mass produced low-floor trolleybus in the world (more than 2300 vehicles). In-game capacity: 60 P...
【抗击疫情】江铃福特全顺负压救护车 JMC Ford Transit Negative Pressure Ambulance
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
在此次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间,被誉为“医护人员的移动口罩”的负压救护车挽救了无数人的生命,发挥了巨大的作用。疫情在武汉爆发后,作为中国最大的救护车生产厂商之一的江铃汽车做出了积极的响应,江铃全体员工主动放弃假期返回工厂连夜加班生产了一大批全顺负压救护车来支援武汉。 During the COVID-19 outbreak, the negative pressure ambulance, which is often regarded as "mobile masks" for medical staff...
一汽大众捷达15款 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
这款捷达是一汽大众于2013年推出的一款中国特产的基于PQ25平台的A级轿车。 FAW-Volkswagen first released this car in 2013, it's called Jetta (Chinese version) and based on the PQ25 platform. Model Information Tris: 2224/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car Model Information Tris: 2348/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(涂装2红色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Painting 2 Red)
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
北京出租车涂装,若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 This asset is painted in Beijing taxi style. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(涂装2蓝色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Painting 2 Blue)
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
北京出租车涂装,若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 This asset is painted in Beijing taxi style. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(黄色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Yellow)
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
捷达是中国大陆最常见的出租车型之一,这个资产采用了最常见的双色配色。若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 Jetta is one of the most popular taxi in mainland China, This asset is painted in bio-color. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
上海 Shanghai 纯内环
Erstellt von KimuXY
上海 Shanghai 纯内环...
Erstellt von KimuXY
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications
Erstellt von CM.
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level of special buildings 此建筑是我在作者joues的原版交通银行大厦建模上做的一些修改,由于是从游戏中导出的模型,模型面数过多,很多地方对我而言实在无法理解,又出现了类似于镜像的建筑翻转,无奈之下就删除了裙楼,便只修改了贴图,重做了lod,并做了夜景。 This building is some modifica...
Erstellt von KimuXY
上海人民广场来福士 Shanghai People's Square Raffles City
Erstellt von KimuXY
上海来福士广场 是一座由凯德置地开发并管理的集8层大型购物中心、51层甲级智能化写字楼为一体的现代商业中心。该项目位于上海城市中心,紧邻人民广场和南京路步行街,靠近上海市博物馆和上海市政府。来福士广场地处浦西的交通枢纽位置,是3条地铁线路的交汇点。 上海来福士广场是一座222米高共51层(包括地下2层)的建筑,其中包括了一个面积为4万平方米的8层大型购物中心。 根据中国购物中心等级评价标准2019年评定为国家五星购物中心。...
上海光明金融大楼 ShangHai Guangming Fiancial Building
Erstellt von CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. 光明大厦位于金陵东路外滩,地上三十二层,地下二层。外观挺拔雄伟,气势非凡,是外滩沿江地区有史以来唯一的一幢超高层涉外商务楼,是该地区醒目建筑物之一。 Guangming building is located on the Bund of Jinling East Road, with 32 floors above ground and 2 floors un...
上海创兴金融中心 Shanghai Chuangxing financial center
Erstellt von KimuXY
创兴金融中心是国际甲级写字楼,位于上海市中心人民广场黄金地段,与周边商务楼群(包括仙乐斯广场、天安中心、上海明天广场万豪酒店等)形成新一代商务办公区和商业中心,致力成为一个全球旗舰中心。创兴金融中心 整体设计融合欧陆建筑的宏伟与现代楼宇的挺拔于一体,极力体现人性化办公内涵,优雅自然的办公环境,从材料到设备务求环保与舒适。...
上海华能联合大厦 Hua Neng Union Tower
Erstellt von CM.
你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它(You can find it in the third-level special building) 华能联合大厦位于陆家嘴环路与东城路交汇口,是中国华能集团在浦东的标志性建筑物。华能联合大厦外立面由玻璃幕墙构成,楼体方正,造型美观大方,西面与外滩隔江相望,正向面对陆家嘴10万平方米的中央绿地,视野开阔,为选择商务办公的上乘之地,楼高188米,总建筑面积73,000平方米。这是一座5层裙房、33层标准写字层及3层地下停车库组成的5A级智能型办公综合楼。 Huaneng U...
Erstellt von KimuXY
Erstellt von 鹿糜
Shanghai Convention and Exhibition Center,The Expo is held here every year 上海国家会展中心,每年都在此举办进博会 by 鹿糜...
Erstellt von KimuXY
上海市第一百货商店(SHANGHAI NO.1 DEPARTMENT STORE)也被称为中百一店,第一百货,位于上海市黄浦区南京东路,西藏中路东北角。坐落于中华第一街南京路的上海市第一百货商店是建国后的第一家国有百货零售企业,商店共有八个楼面,21400平方米营业面积,主要经营日用百货、服装、针棉织品、皮具鞋类、家具等大类4万余种的商品。...
上海市震旦国际大楼 Shanghai Aurora Plaza Pudong
Erstellt von CM.
目前这只是第一个版本,无LED版,后面还会有更新,可能会出LED版本,具体还要看情况! At present this is only the first version, there is no LED version, there will be updates later, LED version may be released, depending on the situation! 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third-level specia...
Erstellt von CM.
上海市震旦国际大楼LED by CM. 此建筑是led版本,但是制作过程中因为bug过多不得不去掉了很多细节,整体来说影响不大。 This building is a led version, but due to too many bugs during the production process, many details have to be removed, and the overall impact is not significant. 注:想要原版细节的最好方法是放一个原版再放一个led版...
上海港陆广场 Shanghai Ganglu Plaza
Erstellt von KimuXY
上海电信大楼 Shanghai Telecom Building
Erstellt von KimuXY
上海电信大楼(Shanghai Dianxin Dalou) 位于延安东路1122号,黄陂北路东侧。占地1.5公顷。建筑面积4.9万平方米。1982~1987年建。24层,高130.6米。由上海市长途电信局使用,故名。底层为营业大厅。拥有太平洋卫星、国际短波等终端设备,为中国的电话枢纽。...
Erstellt von 红米先生
上海白玉兰大楼 by 红米...
上海虹桥综合交通枢纽-transportation hub
Erstellt von hikke
作品介绍: 上海虹桥综合交通枢纽是我国首个集航空、铁路、公路长途客运(已预留出入口)、地铁、城市公交、磁悬浮(游戏和现实里都没)等多种运输方式为一体,集交通功能、商务功能等为一身的大型、综合化、立体式的综合客运枢纽。该枢纽位于上海市中心城区西部,距市中心人民广场约12公里,其立足上海市,辐射长三角,面向全世界,对引导和促进区域性资源要素的有序流动与高效聚集具有重要作用。 作者发言~: 大家好~~本次作品制作参考对象为虹桥综合交通枢纽,当然也有一定的修改~~ 制作断断续续花了二周时间完成~耗时较长(中途懒癌发...
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance
Erstellt von KimuXY
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance...
Erstellt von KimuXY
Erstellt von KimuXY
中国国家游泳中心-水立方China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube
Erstellt von 六六
中国国家游泳中心-水立方 China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube 资产介绍: 国家游泳中心又称"水立方"(Water Cube)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。 国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m ×177m ×30m。 国家游泳中心是北京2008年奥运会主要比赛场馆之...
Erstellt von Go!Vnian
牵引机车:HXD3D型电力机车 列车车体:YW25T型硬卧 车厢定员数:300(每节60人) 车厢数:5 运行速度:160Km/h Locomotive:HXD3D Electric Locomotive Wagon:YW25T series passenger coach(sleeper car) Capacity:300(60 per car) Speed:100MPH Prop版本(Prop Version) 25T型客车(Coach)
中国高铁 China Highspeed Railway
Erstellt von 狼少
2019/12/13 V5.0 added,please use V5.0【Build 2019.12 and V5.0 can be updated,so, no V6 anymore】 It may says "duplicate pillar",don't worry,update your all V4.0 Tracks to V5.0 and disabled v4.0 ,ok About V6.0?....NO V6.0!I can update road asset without save ...
Erstellt von 红米先生
中式住宅楼33层 by 红米...
中式公安局, Chinese police station
Erstellt von RAY
中式公安局, Chinese police station 中国天际线资产总部(China 中式公安局, Chinese police station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴...
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station
Erstellt von RAY
中式公安消防局, Chinese fire station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙...
中车C12公交车(原色)EVCRRC Bus Initial Color China
Erstellt von 尹水涯
关键词:公交 客车 城市 China 中国 国产 新能源 电动车 纯电动 汽车 原型为中车时代 TEG6129EHEVN08 公交车,大体相似 本版本为无涂装版本,包含一个公交车和一个prop在,使用 find it 搜索时建议输入CRRC 中车 TEG6129EHEVN08 青岛涂装 Qingdao(Bus&Prop) 版本 你可以在此找到 海口涂装公交车(Bus&Prop)...
中车C12公交车(海口)EVCRRC Bus Haikou China
Erstellt von 尹水涯
关键词:公交 客车 城市 China 中国 国产 新能源 电动车 纯电动 汽车 海南 海口 原型为中车时代 TEG6129EHEVN08 公交车,大体相似 本版本为海口涂装版本,包含一个公交车和一个prop在,使用 find it 搜索时建议输入CRRC/Haikou 中车 TEG6129EHEVN08 青岛涂装 Qingdao(Bus&Prop) 版本 你可以在此找到 无涂装...
中车智轨列车 CRRC Autonomous rail Rapid Transit
Erstellt von Go!Vnian
中车智轨列车 类型:公交车 编组:3 载员:150人 速度:70km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用车型 ★ 推荐采用BRT运行模式 CRRC Autonomous rail Rapid Transit(ART) Type:Bus Formation:3 Capacity:150 Speed:70km/h ★ It works better with Improved Public Transport 2...
中车电动C10 自贡公交涂装
Erstellt von ZEIR
CRRC C10 ZG by ZEIR 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:中车电动 系列:C10 涂装:自贡公交 颜色:不可变 最大速度:140km/h 载客量:30(IPT2可更改) 低模:无 贴图:2048*1024 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: CRRC EV Series: C10 Painting: Zigong Bus Color: immutable Maximum speed: 140km/h Passenger capacity: 30 (IPT2 c...
人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People
Erstellt von MC100
中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东,南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。这个资产和现实中比较起来因为一些原因它的长度和宽度可能要短一些,但是不影响使用。请不要在评论区谈论有关政治的话题,就把它当作城市的一栋建筑就好了。最后不要忘记点个赞哦! First of all, I made this asset just for fun and entertainment, not for any...
佛山苏宁广场 FoshanSuning Plazza
Erstellt von Zmax
佛山苏宁广场位于广东佛山新城中央商务区核心地段(CBD核心位置) 高度318m Foshan Suning Square is located in the core area of the central business District (the core location of CBD) It is 318 meters high...
八一南昌起义纪念塔(4K Texture)
Erstellt von PeeKyboo
本资产基础模型资料由 @GeniusKKG 提供,我只负责后面的优化修改 八一南昌起义纪念塔为八一广场标志性建筑,塔为长方体,高53.6米,由塔基、塔座、塔身、塔顶四部分组成。塔座正面镌刻“八一南昌起义简介”碑文,东、南、西三面各有一幅反映武装起义的人物浮雕。塔身正面为“八一南昌起义纪念塔”铜胎鎏金大字。塔顶由一支直立的巨型“汉阳造”步枪和一面八一军旗组成。 2018年3月,八一南昌起义纪念塔被江西省人民政府公布为第六批江西省文物保护单位。...
冰阳 城市
Erstellt von 祈佑
冰阳 城市 by 祈佑...
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW
Erstellt von TAEMIN B
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #紫禁城 #故宮博物院...
北京中央电视塔 Beijing Tower
Erstellt von CM.
该资产中包含之前还原武汉计划视频中的武汉龟山电视塔。 The asset includes the Guishan TV Tower in Wuhan, which was previously restored in the video of Wuhan plan. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到(两个资产) You can find it in level 6 special buildings (two assets) 因为工作等原因,现在做资产的时间并不多,这次的资产也只是自己抽空做的,在细节等方面...
Erstellt von 红米先生
人民日报社总部大楼可谓自2008年北京奥运会之后北京最重要的建筑物之一,于2010年完成施工图设计,同年大楼开始建造,并于2015年建造完成,建筑高度:179.7米、首先,人民日报社是中国级别最高、影响力最大的报社媒体,其次大楼位于北京核心区,是未来北京发展最主要的区域 人民日报社总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区金台西路2号,用地面积:88 856 m~2建筑面积:13.84万m~2建筑层数:地上33层,地下3层建筑结构 ...
Erstellt von 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
Erstellt von 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
Erstellt von 忆起时
南宁凯旋一号住宅楼 中式住宅楼...
南昌绿地中央广场NCGCP RICO
Erstellt von GeniusKKG
南昌绿地中央广场(303米双子塔) 图中LED资产需手动move it对准到建筑本体,游戏内搜:ILoveNC_LED_RotateAnim 建筑属性:办公类Rico 资产制作者:amamlya 如果您喜欢这个资产就请点个赞👍 Nanchang Greenland Central Square (303m Twin Towers). The LED assets in the picture need to be manually moved and aligned to the building body...
Erstellt von kaikai0706
Erstellt von 红米先生
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building
Erstellt von TAEMIN B
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Kokkai gijidō'. It is a house of councillors, National diet building of Japan. It is in tokyo, Around of imperial(royal) palace. And it's popular landma...
Erstellt von 红米先生
宁波中心大厦A座,Ningbo Center A
Erstellt von RAY
宁波中心大厦A座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
宁波中心大厦B座,Ningbo Center B
Erstellt von RAY
宁波中心大厦B座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
宇通 E12/YUTONG E12
Erstellt von ZEIR
YUTONG-E12-CN by ZEIR 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:宇通 系列:E12 颜色:可变 载客量:150 如果你喜欢,请给我点赞鼓励,以制作更多国产客车。 关键词:宇通、中国、公交车、巴士 摆件: Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: Yutong Series: E12 Color: variable Passenger ca...
宇通 ZK6128HQB5Z 杭州长运 YUTONG
Erstellt von ZM0263
宇通 ZK6128HQB5Z 杭州长运 YUTONG by 醉梦0263 公告型号 ZK6128HQB5Z 用途 客运客车,旅游客车,团体客车 车身长度 12000mm 车身宽度 2550mm 车身高度 3695mm 座位数 25-54 最高车速 100km/h...
安凯 HFF6129G03EV12-上海
Erstellt von ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-上海 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、上海、申城、纯电动、大白 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF6129 涂装:上海公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF6129 Skin: SHANGHAI Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel g...
安凯 HFF6129G03EV12-合肥
Erstellt von ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-合肥 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、安徽、合肥、纯电动、大白 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF6129 涂装:合肥公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF6129 Skin: HeFei Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good...
安凯 HFF6129G03EV12-广州
Erstellt von ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-广州 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、广东、广州、纯电动、七巧板 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF6129 涂装:广州公交 颜色:不可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF6129 Skin: GUANGZHOU Bus Color: No Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel...
安凯HFF6104G9EV21公交车(海口) Ankai BUS Haikou China
Erstellt von 尹水涯
安凯10m公交车 EV 6104 海口涂装(公交车)AnkaiEV 6104 Haikou Bus 205 (bus) 原型为安凯Ankai HFF6104G9EV21,但后期参考了安凯其他车型,因而只是大体相似 涂装采用海口市经典的黄色(205路)和绿白色涂装(93路) 本版本在游戏中为 公交车(bus) ,使用 find it 搜索时建议输入Haikou或Ankai 你可以在此找到 prop 版本
安凯HFF6104G9EV21公交车(海口) Ankai BUS Haikou China prop
Erstellt von 尹水涯
安凯10m公交车 EV 6104 海口涂装(prop)AnkaiEV 6104 Haikou Bus 205 prop 原型为安凯Ankai HFF6104G9EV21,但后期参考了安凯其他车型,因而只是大体相似 涂装采用海口市经典的黄色(205路)和绿白色涂装(93路) 本版本在游戏中为 prop ,使用 find it 搜索时建议输入Haikou或Ankai 你可以在此找到 公交车(Bus) 版本
安凯HFF6104G9EV21公交车(原色) Ankai BUS Initial Color China
Erstellt von 尹水涯
原型为安凯Ankai HFF6104G9EV21,但后期参考了安凯其他车型,因而只是大体相似 本版本为无涂装版本,包含一个公交车和一个prop在,使用 find it 搜索时建议输入Ankai 你可以在此找到 海口涂装公交车(Bus) 版本 你可以在此找到 海口涂装公交车(Prop) 版本
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Garmisch-Partenkirchen by fei行zhu...
工地A4 construction site A4
Erstellt von yamei
广州圆大厦 The Guangzhou Circle
Erstellt von HooHeeHaa
Guangzhou Circle is a landmark building located in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China. The building was designed by Italian architect Joseph di Pasquale. The total height is 138 meters for 33 stories. The building consists of a total area of 85.000 squar...
Erstellt von UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
正佳广场,曾位居“全球十大购物中心”之列的超大型购物中心、家庭时尚体验中心与城市中心的旅游目的地,更是一个集商贸、旅游、文化、教育、娱乐、社交、商务等功能于一体的国家AAAA级旅游景区与文商旅综合体,位于广州市天河区,里面聚集了众多国内国外的知名品牌,是JMS平时逛街购物的好去处,亚洲体验之都,以体验式购物模式改变你的生活! Zhengjia Plaza, a tourist destination of super large shopping center, family fashion experie...
Erstellt von 红米先生
广州环球都会广场 by 逍遥子掌门人 环球都会广场总建筑面积为18万平方米,总高度318米,楼层67层,是中轴至高可售甲级写字楼地标。配备地下5层智能车库、38层之上的空中奢华大堂、8.8米挑高豪华宴会厅等顶级商务配套。项目正处珠江新城最繁华的中轴核心区域,与东塔比肩相邻,共同组成68万平方米集超甲写字楼、高端商场、星级酒店、高端公寓于一体的顶级城市综合体。同时,中轴线上广州歌剧院、图书馆、博物馆、广州塔等七大地标景观也近在咫尺,又可北看56万平方米花城广场中轴景观、南望绝版一线珠江、东北向远眺珠江公园,中...
广州(东塔)周大福金融中心 | Guangzhou(Canton) CTF Finance Centre
Erstellt von Solars Ou
感谢原作者chisuki的制作。 Made by chisuki 建筑介绍about building 世界第六高建筑 530 米摩天高度,总楼层达 116 层的广州周大福金融中心 - K11 Office于落成后将成为世界第六高,广州第一高的商业建筑。 广州K11 Office位于广州周大福金融中心的7-66层、分为4个区域,提供53层,总面积超过220,000平方米的办公楼空间,其单层租赁面积约3,500-3,700平方米,为广州市内目前面积最大的国际性超甲级写字楼。 围绕K11 Office的核心理念...
广汽中心 GAC center
Erstellt von HooHeeHaa
广州汽车集团股份有限公司位于珠江新城兴国路23号广汽中心。 广州汽车集团股份有限公司(简称广汽集团,证券代码:601238)创立于2005年6月28日,由广州汽车集团有限公司整体变更成立,是由广州汽车工业集团有限公司、万向集团公司、中国机械工业集团公司、广州钢铁企业集团有限公司、广州市长隆酒店有限公司作为共同发起人,以发起方式设立的大型国有控股股份制企业集团。 集团旗下拥有广汽乘用车、广汽本田、广汽丰田、广汽三菱、广汽吉奥、本田(中国)、广汽客车、广汽日野、广汽部件、广汽丰田发动机、广汽商贸、广爱公司、同方...
广西金融广场 Guangxi Financial Square
Erstellt von Mnir
关于建筑 广西金融广场位于广西壮族自治区南宁市青秀区中柬路和中越路交汇处,占地面积19605m²,楼高300m,长、宽均为42m。主体结构地下四层、地上68层,是一栋集办公、酒店、休闲娱乐一体化的综合性超高层建筑。 说明 占地面积:6x6 贴图:2048x2048 LOD贴图:256x256 模型三角形数量:988 LOD三角形数量:604 你可以在第5级独特建筑找到它。 这是我第一次制作资产,如果您有任何需要反馈的建议,请在下方留言。 6.19更新: 1.修复了贴图显示错误的问题 2.降低了贴图饱和度 6...
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 快狗打车上装
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 蚂蚁搬家上装
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
庆铃五十铃 ISUZU ELF KV600 货拉拉上装
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
庆铃五十铃KV600载货车是重庆庆铃汽车生产的中国版Elf轻卡。 Qingling KV600 is the Chinese version of the classic Isuzu light truck Elf made in Chongqing, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 3980/112 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
Erstellt von 76561198984735658
成都环球中心 by beibeiyu...
Erstellt von 红米先生
Erstellt von 红米先生
新中式住宅楼26层 by 红米...
Erstellt von 忆起时
春秋航空 ,欢迎订阅哟!...
杭州世茂智慧之门,Hangzhou Wisdom Tower
Erstellt von CSCA
Hangzhou Shimao wisdom gate 272.6m × 2\61F × two The plot is located in the landmark position of Binjiang District government, close to the Olympic Sports Expo City, with a total construction area of 372138 square meters and a total floor area of 33857 squ...
杭州东站--Hangzhou East Railway Station
Erstellt von hikke
作品介绍: 这次的作品是杭州东站 这次是纯车站 无广场 有什么问题留言 楼主要出差三天 回来后再看 喜欢的请点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: 三角形计数:8067X4+4210X4 贴图:1024X1024 LOD:198X4+230X4 LOD贴图:256x256 未经本人同意 严禁转载腾讯平台 =================================================== hi everyo...
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt
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杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 杭州高端小区有兴趣的话可以加入贊助并提早使用哦!! 四座楼一个大门接待厅两个道具 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资...
杭州奥体中心体育场 1:1 (Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium)
Erstellt von PeeKyboo
本资产为2022亚运会杭州奥体中心体育场 1:1 模型。由于占地过大的问题导致未设置灯光,玩家可自行DIY灯光夜景效果。PS:建议提高ULOD模组的建筑可视距离。 建筑体量:330m*280m*60m find it搜索:杭州奥体主场馆、HZ OSC Stadium 杭州奥体中心体育场 又称“大莲花”,为2022年杭州亚运会主会场举办开闭幕式。 杭州奥体中心体育场外形似莲花,造型动感飘逸,其造型取意于杭州丝绸纹理与纺织体系,建筑体态源于钱塘江水的动态,拥有简洁的花瓣单元,犹如一朵美丽的莲花绽放于钱塘江畔。 ...
Erstellt von TOKACHI269
It will be added to level6 unique buildings. 東京スカイツリーです。現実の3分の2の大きさです。 ユニーク施設レベル6に追加されます。 <mesh info> main triss : 22554 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 4748 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specurar,ill...
東京タワー tokyo tower 东京铁塔
Erstellt von CM.
你可以在第三级别建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 东京塔(日语:东京タワー;英文:Tokyo Tower),正式名称为日本电波塔,又称东京铁塔,位于日本东京都港区芝公园,是一座是以巴黎埃菲尔铁塔为范本而建造的红白色铁塔,但其高332.6米,比埃菲尔铁塔高出8.6米。1958年10月竣工,此后一直为东京第一高建筑物,直至2012年2月东京天空树(634米)建成而退居第二位。 Tokyo Tower (Japanese: ; 东京タワー;E...
Erstellt von 红米先生
共计两辆车:分辨率2K LOD:分别占用2200 车载属性。...
武汉绿地中心 Wuhan Greenland Center
Erstellt von CM.
前面那个版本出了点问题被我修复了,但是不知道为什么不能更新,所以只能另外开新的一页了。 这是一座已经被阉割的武汉绿地中心。 This is a castrated Wuhan green center. 武汉绿地中心是武汉绿地国际金融城项目的核心部分,位于武昌滨江商务区,是中部特大城市武汉新一轮城市发展的重点区域。金融城总建筑面积约300万平方米,总投资超500亿元。绿地中心是武昌滨江商务区“武汉国际金融城”率先开工的单体项目,建成后将成为一个集超五星级酒店、高档商场、顶级写字楼和公寓等于一体的超高层城市综...
武汉绿地中心V1.0 Wuhan Greenland Center
Erstellt von Aurouscia
武汉绿地中心没阉割之前的版本,高度不太准确请用魔物调整,有问题请在贴吧或者评论区反应,谢谢订阅。做资产不易,喜欢请点个赞。 如果游戏里找不到资产,这是常见的bug,可以试试点那些显示“已经建造”的图标,肯定可以找到...
Erstellt von 红米先生
海府一号A1 by 红米...
深圳万象天地T1/The Mixc World Tower 1
Erstellt von UNFU
2017 年华润置地为深圳带来与众不同的全新商业力作 ——万象天地,项目位于深圳市南山区,是深圳人文综合体华润城的商业中心,也是华润置地三大商业产品线之外的首个创新产品。 深圳万象天地力求突破传统商业中心封闭式的空间体验,携手全球35家顶级设计、创新、艺术顾问团队,以“街区+mall”的独特空间规划,打破传统购物中心大盒子形态,带来10座全新独栋旗舰店。国际时尚、特色餐饮、儿童天地、人文生活四大特色业态的品牌规划,带 来了近 300个店铺,逾 1,000 个品牌,其中约 30%的品牌是首次进入深圳,项目更引...
深圳万象天地T2/The Mixc World Tower 2
Erstellt von UNFU
2017 年华润置地为深圳带来与众不同的全新商业力作 ——万象天地,项目位于深圳市南山区,是深圳人文综合体华润城的商业中心,也是华润置地三大商业产品线之外的首个创新产品。 深圳万象天地力求突破传统商业中心封闭式的空间体验,携手全球35家顶级设计、创新、艺术顾问团队,以“街区+mall”的独特空间规划,打破传统购物中心大盒子形态,带来10座全新独栋旗舰店。国际时尚、特色餐饮、儿童天地、人文生活四大特色业态的品牌规划,带 来了近 300个店铺,逾 1,000 个品牌,其中约 30%的品牌是首次进入深圳,项目更引...
Erstellt von 1577384936
深圳世界金融中心 by 1577384936 1:1...
Erstellt von 红米先生
仿 深圳润府三期住宅楼 深圳华润城润府坐落于南山科技园,此次带来的是60层高的住宅楼版本。每层6户,RICO建议设置150人容积,可搭配工坊其他万象城资产使用。...
Erstellt von 1577384936
深圳国贸大厦 by 1577384936欢迎订阅...
Erstellt von Roger Wang
The PAFC South Tower complements its supertall neighbor, while breaking away from the city grid to provide a bespoke entry for its complementary office, hotel, and retail. Rising 285 meters and rotated forty-five degrees away from the North Tower, the buil...
Erstellt von 忆起时
深圳航空 欢迎订阅...
Erstellt von 1577384936
深圳金地中心 by 1577384936...
Erstellt von 红米先生
温州置信广场高层 by 红米...
Erstellt von 红米先生
特色中式住宅楼32层-2 by 红米...
独角兽高达 Unicorn Gundam
Erstellt von KimuXY
独角兽高达 Unicorn Gundam by jinxiyun...
Erstellt von 红米先生
现代住宅楼20层 by 红米...
Erstellt von 红米先生
现代小区住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 高层住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 楼层高95米,总楼层30层,另外一座总楼层10层,高度35米,两座楼属于高密度住宅楼 贴图大小:1024X1024 LOD:1200 分辨率:2K 附带夜景 占地4X3格...
现代底商 Modern Shopping Mall
Erstellt von KimuXY
现代底商 Modern Shopping Mall...
Erstellt von 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Erstellt von ZEIR
SWB6129BEV38 by ZEIR 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:申沃 系列:SWB6129 涂装:上海公交 颜色:可变 载客量:150 贴图:1024*1024 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: SUNWIN Series: SWB6129 Painting: Shanghai Bus Color: Change Passenger capacity: 150 Texture: 1024*1024...
Erstellt von PeeKyboo
石家庄新百广场 Shijiazhuang Xinbai Plaza 、 静态LED版本,LED夜晚自动发光。包含新百广场A,B两栋建筑,连廊以及门头共四个资产。 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产...
Erstellt von 红米先生
碧桂园住宅楼 by 红米...
Erstellt von ZEIR
FOTON-BJ6128 PRC70-ZEIR BUS by ZEIR 庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年英雄礼宾车 Celebrate the establishment of the 70th anniversary hero concierge car 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6128 涂装:中华人民共和国成立70周年 颜色:不可变 载客量:150 贴图:1024*1024 注意:此载具三角形数达9081,请酌情订阅!!!!!!!! Category: Vehicle+Pro...
Erstellt von ZEIR
分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6128 涂装:北京公交 颜色:可变(电显Logo变色、后风挡顶部变色) 载客量:180 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: FOTON Series: BJ6128 Skin: Beijing Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 180 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you can donate me ...
Erstellt von ZEIR
FOTON-BJ6180EV-ZEIR BUS by ZEIR 关键词:福田客车、中国、北京、BRT 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6180 涂装:北京公交 颜色:可变(空调两侧图标) 载客量:200 电显需订阅 Additive Shader Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: FOTON Series: BJ6180 Skin: Beijing Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 20...
Erstellt von ZEIR
FOTON-BJ6123FCEV by ZEIR 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6123 涂装:北京公交 颜色:不可变 载客量:150 贴图:1024*1024 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: FOTON Series: BJ6126 Painting: Beijing Bus Color: Can't change Passenger capacity: 150 Texture: 1024*1024...
站前广场Station Square
Erstellt von 红米先生
想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129 共计两个资产,属性同属公园类目,占地大小在16X10格,高度0.02米左右, 分辨率2K, LOD:只用了1000左右,因为就是一个平面铺砖形式,一张完整的铺砖地砖贴图而已,自己可以在上面添加任何物件,其中有一个广场铺砖带有两个地下坑,可供玩家自己摆放电梯商铺等物件,另外整个资产大小可以通过魔物模组任意改变大小。 There are two assets in total, belonging to the same category of ...
Erstellt von 红米先生
粤式住宅楼B by 红米 两种不同颜色住宅楼属性资产: 占地4X5格,贴图:2K LOD:3000 SUB方式导入。楼层高90米,共计30层。...
自由高达 Freedom Gundam
Erstellt von KimuXY
自由高达 Freedom Gundam 原模型非本人制作,我只是按照天际线标准进行减面优化并且重新烘焙贴图。 The original model was not made by my. I just optimized the polycount according to the skyline standard and baked the map. ...
Erstellt von 红米先生
凯虹广场于2011年12月1日开张营业,隶属于浙江舟山凯虹集团,是浙江省舟山市东港街道一个集百货、餐饮、娱乐、休闲文化、观光于一体的大型购物中心,是高档次、高品位商业旗舰。凯虹广场经营理念深化购物中心核心的主题:时尚、休闲、人性化。 此资产为独特建筑大型商场,占地16X16,高度相当于5层楼高, 贴图分辨率2k, LOD:2000.配带LED彩色夜景 ,可PO放大缩小。...
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED
Erstellt von CM.
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third level special building. 东方之门是位于中国江苏省苏州市的一座301.8米高的摩天大楼。苏州工业区双塔规划的核心建筑,它不仅代表着苏州的新大门,而且也是世界看中国的新大门。这座伟岸而优雅的标志性建筑位于苏州工业园区CBD轴线的末端,东临星港街及波光粼粼的金鸡湖,西面为国际大厦及世纪金融大厦。 The Gate Of t...
苏州中南中心 Suzhou South Central Center
Erstellt von CM.
可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 Special Buildings 苏州中南中心位于苏州金鸡湖湖西CBD核心区,是湖西CBD城市天际线的中心和制高点,与东方之门、苏州中心广场组成一个整体,形成风格统一的面向金鸡湖的城市建筑群形象。项目总建筑面积约50万平方米,地上138层,地下5层,檐口高度598米,塔冠最高点729米,成为全国在建第一高楼。项目以打造绿色、生态、智慧、高效、多功能复合的超高层综合体为理念,建成集观光、七星级酒店、顶级公寓、国际5A级写字楼、世界顶...
Erstellt von ZEIR
SHUDU-CDK6110CFCEV-ZEIR by ZEIR 关键词:蜀都客车、中国、四川、成都、熊猫、氢燃料 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:FC11 涂装:成都公交 颜色:可变 载客量:70 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: SHUDU Series: FC11 Skin: ChengDu Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 70 游览车版本-TOUR BUS VEHICLE https://steam...
蜀都 CDK6112CEG5R-汽运自贡
Erstellt von ZEIR
SHUDU-CDK6112CEG5R-汽运自贡 by ZEIR 关键词:蜀都客车、中国、四川、自贡、龙都、盐都、灯城 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:CDK6116 涂装:四川省汽车运输自贡集团 颜色:可变 载客量:80 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: SHUDU Series: CDK6116 Skin: SZMT Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 80 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel ...
蜀都 CDK6116ZBEV-上海抗疫
Erstellt von ZEIR
SHUDU-CDK6116ZBEV-上海抗疫 by ZEIR 关键词:蜀都客车、中国、新型冠状病毒、上海、COVID-19、致敬逆行者 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:CDK6116 涂装:上海抗疫 颜色:不可变 载客量:80 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: SHUDU Series: CDK6116 Skin: ShangHai BUS Color: No Passenger capacity: 80 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If...
蜀都 CDK6122CSHEV 普通公交
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
成都市区的12米插电式混合动力巴士。 12m plug-in hybrid electric bus in Chengdu, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2976/128 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
蜀都 CDK6126ZBEV-杭州
Erstellt von ZEIR
SHUDU-CDK6126ZBEV-杭州 by ZEIR 关键词:蜀都客车、中国、浙江、杭州 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:CDK6126 涂装:杭州公交 颜色:不可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: SHUDU Series: CDK6126 Skin: HangZhou Bus Color: No Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you c...
蜀都 CDK6186ZBEV-厦门BRT
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SHUDU-CDK6186ZBEV-厦门BRT by ZEIR 关键词:蜀都客车、中国、福建、厦门、BRT 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:CDK6186 涂装:厦门BRT 颜色:不可变 载客量:150 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: SHUDU Series: CDK6186 Skin: Xiamen BRT Color: No Passenger capacity: 150 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel goo...
蜀都 CDK6900-ZEIR
Erstellt von ZEIR
SHUDU-CDK6900-ZEIR by ZEIR 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:FC90 涂装:成都公交 颜色:可变 载客量:60 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: SHUDU Series: FC90 Skin: ChengDu Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 60 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you can donate ...
蜀都 CDK6900C 橙-ZEIR
Erstellt von ZEIR
SHUDU-CDK6900C-ZEIR by ZEIR 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:FC90 涂装:成都公交 颜色:可变 载客量:60 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: SHUDU Series: FC90 Skin: ChengDu Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 60 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you can donate...
Erstellt von ZEIR
CDK6182-BRT by ZEIR 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:CDK6182 涂装:成都公交 颜色:可变 载客量:200 贴图:1024*2048 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: ShuDu Series: CDK6182 Painting: Chengdu Bus Color: discolor Passenger capacity: 200 Texture: 1024*2048...
诺德金融中心Nord financial center
Erstellt von 红米先生
天津诺德金融中心Nord financial center by Redmi(红米) 位于天津滨海新区核心CBD,楼房高220米,占地13x13格 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑类型...
Erstellt von 红米先生
重庆人民大礼堂主楼Chongqing people's auditorium
Erstellt von 29724548
重庆市人民大礼堂(Chongqing people's auditorium) 该建筑位于重庆市渝中区人民路173号,于1951年6月破土兴建,1954年4月竣工,是一座仿古民族建筑群,是重庆十大文化符号,是中国传统宫殿建筑风格与西方建筑的大跨度结构巧妙结合的杰作,也是重庆的标志建筑物之一 。重庆市人民大礼堂由大礼堂和东、南、北楼四大部分组成。占地总面积为6.6万平方米,其中礼堂占地1.85万平方米。礼堂建筑高65米,大厅净空高55米,内径46.33米,圆形大厅四周环绕四层挑楼,可容纳3400余人。...
Erstellt von PeeKyboo
由于编辑器里限制prop数量,导致灯光道具不足,可以自行补充灯光。 项目位于重庆市渝中区民权路,解放碑CBD中心,民权路、中华路交汇处,步行街出入口,十字金街龙眼。项目根据解放碑CBD商务办公特性,通透大气,采光视线均好,为商务企业提供更具灵活性的办公空间。楼宇外立面借鉴吸收国内外流行元素,以水平和竖向线条为主,体形简洁,造就了整栋建筑的恢弘气势。同时以优美的“竹节” 为寓意塑造建筑物形体,彰显积极向.上的动势,使原本已高大的建筑体更具震撼力,并使边角每三层为一个“斗”斜切角,逐级叠加而成,立面构成别致而丰...
Erstellt von 风晴瑕
Erstellt von 红米先生
重庆广发银行 by 红米...
重庆李子坝站 Chong qing Liziba Station
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重庆李子坝站 Chong qing Liziba Station 车站特点: 重庆轨道交通2号线李子坝车站是国内第一座与商住楼共建共存的单轨(轻轨)高架车站,于2004年3月建成,占地面积3100平方米,建筑面积6000平方米。该站位于嘉陵江南畔的李子坝正街39号商住楼6-7层,因其“空中列车穿楼而过”成为蜚声中外的“网红车站”。 车站与商住楼同步设计、同步建设、同步投用,采用“站桥分离”的结构形式,轨道交通车站桥梁与商住楼结构支撑体系分开设置,有效解决两者结构传力及振动问题。同时,单轨列车采用低噪音、低振...
Erstellt von MonsDemonTer
重庆英利国际金融中心Yingli Tower
Erstellt von Same old
需要重庆资产的找我或者flandre QQ3569874860 &2301694887目前有重庆来福士,重庆世贸大厦,重庆长江国际,重庆联合国际,重庆塔,重庆陆海国际中心,重庆华润万象城,重庆光环购物中心,重庆江北嘴部分大厦。欢迎订阅及联系 重庆英利国际金融中心 by lyh不错吧 If you need Chongqing assets, please contact me or Flandre QQ3569874860 & amp; 2301694887. Currently, there are Ch...
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重庆轨道交通1号线地铁车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Metro Line 1 train (6car)
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重庆轨道交通1号线地铁车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Metro Line 1 train (6car) by CRT...
重庆轨道交通2号线车辆(4节编组) (6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Line 2 train (4car) (6car)
Erstellt von CR
此版本为CRT-monorail track (Tunnel version)专用车辆! This version is dedicated to CRT monorail track (tunnel version)!...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car)
Erstellt von Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(6両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
重庆鹅公岩大桥Chongqing E'gongyan Bridge
Erstellt von 29724548
重庆鹅公岩大桥(Chongqing E'gongyan Bridge) 鹅公岩大桥是中国重庆市境内连接九龙坡区与南岸区的过江通道,位于长江之上,为门型双塔柱悬索桥,是重庆市主城区东西方向快速干道的组成部分。大桥西起于九龙坡区鹅公岩立交,东止于南岸区赵家坝立交,正桥全长1.42千米;桥面布置为双向8车道,设计最高速度为80千米/小时。...
金陵双层 JLY6121S 抗击疫情公益广告涂装
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
长江双层 CJ6100SGCH 抗击疫情公益广告涂装
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长江福莱西宝无轨电车 Changjiang Flxible Trolleybus CJWG110K(原装版) Coca Cola Advertising 可口可乐广告涂装
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
中国杭州生产的一款美国风十足的无轨电车。 An American style trolleybus made in Hangzhou, China. 内容 车辆 Content Vehicle 颜色 不可变 Color Immutable...
Erstellt von DioTon
长沙IFS国金中心 by 1402880468 第一次做资产,谢谢大家支持 以后会给大家带来更高质量的资产的 建议大家关闭滤镜使用喔o(><;)oo...
Erstellt von 蓝血JS
卓越世纪中心综合体位于青岛市市北区CBD,本资产为综合体的T1主塔,总高度281米。未来将会发布综合体的剩余部分,敬请期待(本版本为无LOGO版) The excellence Century Center complex is located in the CBD of Shibei District, Qingdao. The asset is the T1 main tower of the complex, with a total height of 281 meters. The rest of...
首尔 景福宫/한국 경복궁/Kyeongbokgung Palace.Korea
Erstellt von 한양
景福宫 (朝鲜王朝王宫) 景福宫(Gyeongbokgung Palace),是朝鲜半岛历史上最后一个统一王朝——朝鲜王朝(李氏朝鲜)的正宫(法宫)。位于朝鲜王朝国都汉城,又因位于城北部,故又称“北阙”,是首尔五大宫之首,朝鲜王朝前期的政治中心。 景福宫始建于1395年(太祖洪武二十八年),历经多次破坏和重建。王宫得名于《诗经》中“君子万年,介尔景福”中“景福”二字。王宫面积与规制严格遵循与宗主国中国的宗藩关系,为亲王规制的郡王府,所有建筑均以丹青之色来区别于中国皇宫的黄色。占地面积占地12.6万坪(57....
Erstellt von 红米先生
高层住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 楼层高95米,总楼层30层,另外一座总楼层10层,高度35米,两座楼属于高密度住宅楼 贴图大小:1024X1024 LOD:1200 分辨率:2K 附带夜景 占地4X3格...
내각종합청사 Workers Party N. Korea
Erstellt von TAEMIN B
내각종합청사 Workers Party N. Korea 내각종합청사 Workers Party North Korea This asset means a Headquarters of Workers party of North Korea for real. This building is a one of top famous landmarks in Kim il sung square, Pyongyang, North Korea, Democratic People's Repub...
주체사상탑 Juche Tower North Korea
Erstellt von TAEMIN B
주체사상탑 Juche Tower North Korea 주체사상탑 Juche Tower This asset means a Juche Tower for real. This tower is a one of top famous landmarks in Kim il sung square, Pyongyang, North Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Communism, Kim's kingdom, Jong un, ru...
1177 Sixth Avenue
Erstellt von RoomMic
1177 Sixth Avenue by RoomMic Alright, drones, listen up! 1177 Sixth Avenue is a 50-story skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, completed in 1992. Designed in a classic 1980s post-modernist style based around Art Deco design elements, the building...
2 Ping An Finance Center 1:1
Erstellt von koxx
2 Ping An Finance Center 1:1 by bisabeols 平安金融中心 -Previous aerial view / not exist -Height : 398m / top loof : 323m texture : 2048x2048 lod : 512x512 Unique Buidling - 1:1.5 size : -more pic...
2009 Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG Black Series
Erstellt von letthelordbewithyou
Model Info Main Mesh Tris : 2,988 Texture : 1024 x 512 LOD Tris : 48 Texture : 64 x 64 Prop Included Hope you like it!
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺中顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit Medium Roof Long Wheelbase 中国囚车
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺中顶长轴版中国囚车。订阅此资产需要入夜DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese prisoner transport vehicle, medium roof long wheelbase version. For this vehicle to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2065 Textures: ...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版 JMC Ford Transit Low Roof Short Wheelbase 中国特警车
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版中国特警车。 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese troop carrying vehicle, low roof short wheelbase version. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2508 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版 JMC Ford Transit Low Roof Short Wheelbase Chinese Patrol Wagon 中国警车
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版中国警车。 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese patrol wagon, low roof short wheelbase version. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2046 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版 JMC Ford Transit Low Roof Short Wheelbase Securicar 运钞车
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺低顶短轴版运钞车。在游戏中作为商业货车出现 2013 JMC Ford Transit securicar, low roof short wheelbase version. It spawns as a box van truck in the game. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2384 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase 中国路政
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版中国路政巡查车。在游戏中作为道路养护车出现。订阅此资产需要下雪DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese municipal road administration vehicle, high roof long wheelbase version. It spawns as a road maintenance vehicle in the game. For this vehicle to spawn, Snowfall DLC is ne...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase 工程抢险车
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版中国工程抢险车。 游戏中作为道路养护车出现。订阅此资产需要下雪DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Chinese breakdown vehicle, high roof long wheelbase version. It spawns as a road maintenance vehicle in the game. For this vehicle to spawn, Snowfall DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Conte...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase Box Van Truck 货拉拉涂装
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版封闭式货车(货拉拉涂装)。 2013 JMC Ford Transit box van truck, high roof long wheelbase version. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2003 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase DHL Postal Van 中外运敦豪
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版邮政货车(敦豪DHL)。订阅此资产需要工业DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit DHL Postal Van, high roof long wheelbase version. For this vehicle to spawn, Industries DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2003 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase Postal Van 中国邮政
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版邮政货车(中国邮政)。订阅此资产需要工业DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Postal Van, high roof long wheelbase version. For this vehicle to spawn, Industries DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2003 Textures: 1024*512...
2013 江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版 JMC Ford Transit High Roof Long Wheelbase Postal Van 顺丰速运
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
2013款江铃福特新世代全顺高顶长轴版邮政货车(顺丰速运)。订阅此资产需要工业DLC! 2013 JMC Ford Transit Postal Van, high roof long wheelbase version. For this vehicle to spawn, Industries DLC is needed! 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop 模型信息 三角面数: 2003 贴图尺寸: 1024*512 Model Information Tris: 2003...
2017 Chinese Police Ford Transit
Erstellt von CADA
2017 Chinese Police Ford Transit based on the model of ninja's Ford Transit Known issues: There is a problem with the luminous map. In some scenes, the brightness of the model may be too high....
2017 Ford Explorer
Erstellt von ninjanoobslayer
Modern American SUV 2016 was a major facelift for the Ford Explorer with the 2017 model year carrying largely intact. Featuring a redesigned front fascia, hood and lower bumper, standard LED low-beam headlights, and fog lamp...
2017 Ford Taurus
Erstellt von ninjanoobslayer
The Bygone Era of the Full Size Ford Sedan The Taurus ended production early this year, marking the end of the line for Ford's full size sedans targeted at the American market. Although the new 2020 Taurus is going strong in...
270 Park Avenue NY, 纽约公园路270号
Erstellt von RAY
270 Park Avenue NY, 纽约公园路270号 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3...
40ft Maersk Container Set
Erstellt von Pirazel
40ft Maersk Container Set Single, double and tripple stack of 40ft container. This is a building not a prop! These containers are decorative buildings based on the abbadoned factory and stay visible zommed out. They have no game function. See my other work...
A350-900 in CAAC
Erstellt von abuchou
China's A359 pack 7 A359 in the pack,with vehicle and props 1、Sichuan Airlines B-301D (panda) 2、Sichuan Airlines B-304U 3、Air China B-1086 4、Air China B-308M (Star Alliance) 5、China Southern B-308T 6、Hainan Airlines B-1069 7、China Eastern B-304D 中国民航空客A350...
ADL Enviro 400 (KMB ATSE48) (Hong Kong)
Erstellt von Mikan
********************************************************************************* Do not upload any original or modified versions of my assets to Steam Workshop, other games and websites without my permission. 未經本人授權,不得將本人的作品(包括任何原著及修改版本)上載至Steam工作坊、其他遊戲及網...
air china中国国际航空B747
Erstellt von 忆起时
air china 中国国际航空B747,欢迎订阅...
Air China A330-200 B6075
Erstellt von abuchou
Air China A330-200 B6075 by abuchou 中国国际航空公司B-6075紫金号彩绘A330 “紫金号”飞机以国航高端产品——紫金头等舱命名,命名来源于国航的高端两舱产品品牌——紫金头等舱和紫宸公务舱,是国航打造具有特色的尊贵服务品牌。这是中国民航历史上首次以产品品牌为形象展示的彩绘飞机。 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 China Southern 中国南方航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787...
Air China B787-8
Erstellt von abuchou
Air China B787-8 by abuchou 中国国际航空公司 波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 China Southern 中国南方航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787 Xiame...
AIR Guilin桂林航空
Erstellt von 忆起时
桂林航空 ,欢迎订阅!...
Air Malta A320
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Air Malta A320 by SvenBerlin...
Airbus A330-300 Etihad Airways
Erstellt von Leeijo
This is a pack with both vehicle and prop! Etihad Airways is a flag carrier and the second-largest airline of the UAE. Its head office is in Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi, near Abu Dhabi International Airport. Etihad commenced operations in November 2003 and ope...
Airbus A350 Malaysia Airlines
Erstellt von Hafiz
Airbus A350 Malaysia Airlines by H4F1Z. Credits to Vasimr22 for the template. Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) (Malay: Penerbangan M...
Airbus A350-1000 Asiana Airlines
Erstellt von Leeijo
This is a pack with both vehicle and prop! Asiana Airlines Inc. is one of South Korea's two major airlines, along with Korean Air. Asiana has 10 A350-1000 currently on order. All credit goes to vasmir22 for the amazing model! Adjustments were made to make ...
Airbus A350-900 China Airlines
Erstellt von KriZ
Information This is a pack of both vehicle and prop. China Airlines is the flag carrier and largest airline of the Republic of China (Taiwan). It is headquartered in Taoyuan International Airport and has 12,607 regular emplo...
Airbus A380-800 Emirates
Erstellt von Leeijo
This is a pack with both vehicle and prop! Also note that this is a 1:1 scale version of the A380! Emirates is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Emirates is the world's fourth largest airline by scheduled revenue passenger-kilometers flown, ...
Aisan 15th Astros
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
"ASTROS" is a passenger car manufactured and sold by AISAN Motor Co., Ltd. (prior to the merger, Chukyo Plymouth Automobile Industry), a Japanese fictitious automobile manufacturer. Here, we will deal with the 15th generation (nicknamed "ASTROS JAPAN"). Th...
Ambank Tower - Kuala Lumpur [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
Ambank Tower - Kuala Lumpur AmBank Tower is the 29th tallest skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The tower is located in Jalan Yap Kwan Seng; close from the Kuala Lumpur City Centre. The tower was officially launched by the fourth Prime Minister of Malay...
Any Road Outside Connections
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin Adds outside connections to all roads This mod adds outside connections to roads that didn't have them. Remember that in order to build outside connections for zonable roads outside of unlocked tiles you need to temporarily ...
American Freight Train Intermodal Freight Car Pack (PROPS)
Erstellt von bsquiklehausen
The largest, most complete set of modern, American freight cars on the workshop! A complete ground-up remake of my original American Freight Train cars and props, this pack features 75 unique train cars in both vehicle and prop formats. From boxcars to tan...
Apple Billboard
Erstellt von Hafiz
Apple Billboard by H4F1Z...
Asiana Airlines A350-900
Erstellt von K_Green
아시아나항공 A350-900 Aiana Airlines A350-900 포함 항목 CONTENTS 에셋 이름 Asset Name유형 Item Class Asiana airlines A350-900Vehicle Asiana airlines A350-900 propProp 에셋 제원 ASSET SPECIFICATION 최고 속도 Max speed300km/h 승객 정원 Capacity311 Model Info. Main body6364tris, 2048X10...
Erstellt von K_Green
아시아나 항공 A380-800 ASIANA AIRLINES A380-800 ASSET SPECIFICATION 최고 속도 Max speed300km/h 승객 정원 Capacity495 Model Info. Main body7572tris, 2048X1024 textures Landing gear6110tris, same textures with main body Flaps and slats1662tris, same textures with main bod...
Asiana Airlines A380-800 for AIRPORT DLC
Erstellt von K_Green
이 에셋을 사용하려면 에어포트 DLC가 필요합니다. To use this asset, you NEED AIRPORTS DLC "Beautiful people create a beautiful world" 아시아나 항공 A380-800 ASIANA AIRLINES A380-800 ASSET SPECIFICATION 최고 속도 Max speed300km/h 승객 정원 Capacity495 분류 ItemclassLarge aircraft Model Info. ...
ATR72-600 - Mandarin Airlines
Erstellt von YufuCharioteer
ATR72-600 - 華信航空 ▲警告,如果你有購買機場DLC,此資產將會被歸類為中型飛機 ▲"Rotors FlipXZ"必要 △"Vehicle Effects"可選,額外的燈光與聲音 華信航空為中華航空的子公司,主要服務於國內航線 此資產修改自WTigerTw的ATR72,感謝他提供的檔案 機場DLC : here 道具 : here ATR72-600 - Mandarin Airlines ▲Warning, if you have the Airports DLC, this assets w...
B787-8 All Nippon Airways(Special liverie)
Erstellt von Krakow131
全日本空輸(全日空)は1952年に設立され現在では日本航空と並び日本を代表する航空会社です この側面に787と大きく書かれた塗装は全日空がB787を世界で最初に導入したことを記念して通称鯖塗装と呼ばれる特別塗装機と並んで作られたものですが現在では数が少なくなっています。 All Nippon Airways(ANA) is one flag carrier of Japan. SKYTRAX and ANA website SKYTRAX ANA SKY WEB Special Thanks This as...
Bahnhof Alexanderplatz (DEPRECATED)
Erstellt von AmiPolizeiFunk
** 2023 updated version w/ no dependencies: If you're not flying in to one of Berlin's airports, then there's a good chance you are getting to #PDXCON2019 by train. If you're coming from the...
Bank of China Tower Shanghai
Erstellt von XDBX
Bank of China Shanghai 上海中银大厦 You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 —————————————————————————————— 上海中银大厦位于中国上海浦东新区陆家嘴金融贸易区,是中国银行上海分行的总部。上海中银大厦于1999年建成,总建筑高度为226米,包括地面53层和地下3层。 大厦业主为上海浦东国际金融大厦有限公司,投资总额为2亿美元。 Shanghai Zh...
Bank of China Tower With LED
Erstellt von XDBX
注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version : 香港中银大厦 Bank of China Tower HK Hong Kong 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制...
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered香港中银大厦重制版hong kong HK
Erstellt von XDBX
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered 香港中银大厦重制版 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Better Planes Pack 3.0 | Cargo Expansion (PROPS INCLUDED)
Erstellt von bsquiklehausen
Improve your airports with the Better Planes Pack! This pack includes cargo jets to add realistic variety to your airports. This pack currently includes only a 757-200 freighter in 3 liveries. It will be updated in the future with additional jets and liver...
Boeing 757-200 - Eastern Airlines
Erstellt von Konkku
Eastern Airlines Boeing 757-200 by Konkku Eastern Air Lines was a major American airline from 1926 to 1991. Before its dissolution it was headquartered at Miami International Airport. In 1985, many of Eastern's assets were moved to other airlines, includin...
Boeing 777 Japan Airlines Oneworld
Erstellt von Hafiz
Boeing 777 Japan Airlines Oneworld by H4F1Z. Credits to Vasimr22 for the template. Japan Airlines Co., Ltd., is the flag c...
Boeing 777-300ER - Singapore Airlines
Erstellt von Konkku
Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-300ER by Konkku Singapore Airlines is the flag carrier of Singapore. Singapore Airlines flies to over 60 destinations worldwide. The airline operates an all wide-body aircraft fleet consisting of Airbus A330s, A350s, A380s and...
Boeing 787-8 - Japan Airlines
Erstellt von Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner by Konkku Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 destinations in 35 countries worldwide. Japan Airlines is one of the largest...
Boeing 787-8 Hainan Airlines
Erstellt von KriZ
Information This is a pack of both vehicle and prop. Hainan Airlines is an airline headquartered in Haikou, Hainan, People's Republic of China. It is the largest civilian-run air transport company, the fourth-largest airline...
Boston South Rail Station
Erstellt von Zarrix
Information South Station, officially The Governor Michael S. Dukakis Transportation Center at South Station—is the largest railroad station and intercity bus terminal in Greater Boston and New England. This asset uses REV0's RAILWAY 2 - American Concrete ...
Brick Concourse Network
Erstellt von KingLeno
Brick Concourse by KingLeno Functions like the vanilla DLC concourses....
Bridal Tea House Hotel HK
Erstellt von Lim Dzhy Gen
Bridal Tea House Hotel is located in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It`s pretty tall building but it`s classic height for places like Hong Kong. I think this apartment will fit perfectly in chinese or dystopian, cyberpunk themed cities Some info: Lvl 5 Residential Hi...
Burj Khalifa After Dark by Marculini
Erstellt von Marculini™
Burj Khalifa After Dark by Marculini™ Update february 16, 2016: What's the new? - Added new decorations in the main entrances. - Added new lights in the main entrances for better illumination in the night. - People now can enter and leave the building. ***...
Bus Terminal | 重庆菜园坝汽车站
Erstellt von RichardShi
Bus Terminal | 重庆菜园坝汽车站...
Cable Car | 重庆长江索道缆车
Erstellt von RichardShi
Cable Car | 重庆长江索道缆车 感谢QQ用户【Say&Say】提供的文件,使得我能够发布这个资产。 感谢您的订阅。 Wihtout the files that QQ user provides, I could not publish this asset.Great thank to him. Thank you for your subscription....
Caiyuanba Bridge | 菜园坝大桥
Erstellt von RichardShi
重庆菜园坝大桥连接了重庆渝中区和南岸区,是一座车辆量很大的桥梁。她点缀着长江,是山城重庆的一道风景线。 重慶菜園壩大橋連接了重慶渝中區和南岸區,是一座車輛量很大的橋樑。 她點綴著長江,是山城重慶的一道風景線。 Caiyuanba bridge in Chongqing connects Yuzhong District and Nan'an District of Chongqing. It is a bridge with a large number of vehicles. Dotted with t...
Campus Library (No DLC Required)
Erstellt von RichardShi
This is a library assets. about Library The prototype of this library is the Huxi Campus Library of Chongqing University. The red brick wall and square appearance of the sign make it conspicuous by the lake. Its attribute is university. Please find it in t...
Canton Tower广州塔(1:1比例)
Erstellt von 红米先生
广州塔高楼LED版本,总高度600米。杆子高度146米,塔楼454米,夜晚带LED,另外附加底商(底座还原显示底盘,占地30格左右,由于广州塔占地面积大,需要后期配合道路无碰撞模组,在塔或者底座内部穿擦一条道路即可实现正常运营。 真实还原度为:95%,楼顶和底商(底座)可带行人站台观光。 Led version of Guangzhou tower tower, with a total height of 600 meters. The height of the pole is 146 meters, ...
CCTV Headquarters 中央电视台总部
Erstellt von HAIKUI
中央电视台总部大楼 北京最COOL的建筑 THE BIG BOXER SHORT ==== The CCTV Headquarters is a 234 m (768 ft), 44-story skyscraper on East Third Ring Road, Guanghua Road in the Beijing Central Business District (CBD). The tower serves as headquarters for China Central Televisio...
Central Station (in the Style of Berlin Central Station)
Erstellt von Emperor Li
There are some issues with this station which need to be fixed. Please do not subscribe until I have the time to fix the station!!! ***UPDATE 2018-10-17*** reduce loading time, fix sub-buildings. ****************************** A perpendicular central stati...
Central Plaza, HK 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Central Plaza, Hong Kong SAR HK, 中環廣場 This futuristic looking building is king in Wan Chai and a stunner at night. The Triangular shape was supposedly chosen to increase the office area that can enjoy the harbour view. Today‘s standard, but at that time un...
Centrio Mall
Erstellt von bart
IF YOU LIKE THIS WORK, GIVE IT A THUMBS UP Centrio Mall CENTRIO COMPLEX - CDO Central Business District Part of Cagayan de Oro Central Business District Collection Rescaled, standalone version: Click here! Centrio Mall is a supermall in Cagayan de Oro City...
Chengdu 468 Greenland Center
Erstellt von kaikai0706
Chengdu 468 Greenland Center...
Chengdu BRT bus
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
18m hinged bus made in Chengdu, China....
Chengdu Kaide Tianfu Plaza
Erstellt von kaikai0706
Chengdu Kaide Tianfu Plaza...
Cheung Kong Center Remastered长江集团中心:重制版Hong kong HK
Erstellt von XDBX
Cheung Kong Center is located at the junction of Garden Road and Queen's Road Central.,and it was built in December 1995 and completed in 1999. 长江集团中心位处花园道及皇后大道中交界,于1995年12月兴建,1999年落成 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
CheungKongCenter(1:1.5)长江集团中心 hk hong kong
Erstellt von XDBX
CheungKongCenter(1:1.5) by XDBX...
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂 (building)
Erstellt von victor86520
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is one of the most famous sites in Taiwan. it located in Taipei city and build in 1980. Please give me five star if you like it, thanks! you can find it form Lv.1 building or RICO "cks Memorial Hall" 中正紀念堂是台灣最有名的建築之一,位於台灣台北市,並...
China Airlines B 737-800
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
China Airlines B 737-800 by Svenpotsdam...
China Eastern A330-200
Erstellt von abuchou
China Eastern A330-200 by abuchou 中国东方航空 空中客车A330-200 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 China Southern 中国南方航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787 Xiamen Air 厦门航空787 ...
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦
Erstellt von XDBX
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦 华润春笋 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 ...
China Southern B787-8
Erstellt von abuchou
China Southern B787-8 中国南方航空 波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787 Xiamen Air 厦门航空787...
China transport 20y20 cargo aircraft中国运20Y20货运飞机
Erstellt von 红米先生
备注:飞机是可以正常起飞停靠 运-20(中国编号:Y-20,绰号:鲲鹏,英文:Xian Y-20),是中国研究制造的新一代军用大型运输机,于2013年1月26日首飞成功 。 该机作为大型多用途运输机,可在复杂气象条件下,执行各种物资和人员的长距离航空运输任务。与中国空军现役伊尔-76比较,运-20的发动机和电子设备有了很大改进,载重量也有提高,短跑道起降性能优异。 运-20飞机研发参考俄罗斯伊尔-76的气动外形和结构设计,融合美国C-17的部分特点。运-20采用常规布局,悬臂式上单翼、前缘后掠、无翼梢小翼 ...
Chinese style construction house中式工地建设房
Erstellt von 红米先生
工地建设房共2中样式,包括4种围墙广告牌,可模拟现实中小区房屋建设。房屋属性是住宅楼 4X5格子,另外可自行订阅吊塔或者工地资产。 There are two types of building on the construction site, including four kinds of wall billboards, which can simulate the building construction in the real community. The property of the hou...
Chinese urban people's Hospital中式市区人民医院
Erstellt von 红米先生
中式市区人民医院 by 红米 资产多边形和三角形共计9千多面,占地为8X21格子,贴图大小为1024X1024,救护车100辆,救治人数3千人,治疗率达70%。...
Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0
Erstellt von RyanCat
Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0 by RyanCat An update of my former work Chongqing World Financial Center,with much more detailed textures and much better optimization. This 78 floor building is the tallest one in Chongqing,China,which is 339 meters in ...
Chrysler 250S
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
The "250S" is an EV sports sedan developed and manufactured by Stellantis North America and sold under the Chrysler brand. It is responsible for the middle range of Chrysler brand vehicles, which had become extremely scarce. The platform adopts the newly d...
CITIC Tower 2022
Erstellt von XDBX
CITIC Tower 2022 by XDBX 北京中信大厦 中国尊 高度:528m 全新重制,remake。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入 !更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
City 200k no Mods
Erstellt von flosch06
City 200k no Mods...
City City
Erstellt von WhatCats
by Master_Pilot...
Clouds & Fog Toggler 去云雾开关 Sakuya16个人汉化版
Erstellt von Izayoi _Sakuya16
Clouds & Fog Toggler 原作者链接: Clouds & Fog Toggler 去云雾开关 Sakuya16个人汉化版 汉化mod交流群:938052880 汉化了MOD主菜单...
Columbia Center
Erstellt von ExtraNoise
This is the updated asset with optimized textures and night lights enabled! If you have a moment, please rate this asset! About The Columbia Center is Seattle’s most iconic building. Constructed between 1982 and 1985, it still claims the title of tallest b...
Comcast Center
Erstellt von Raxteran
At 974ft and 58 stories, the Comcast Center is the tallest building in Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania. It was completed in 2008 at a cost of $540 million and is one of the tallest LEED certified buildings in the United States. This is a 1:1 scale model c...
Conrad Seoul Hotel (RICO, 1:1)
Erstellt von koxx
Conrad Seoul by bisabeols - Conrad Seoul Hotel (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 10x8 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : building height = 200 m : tris = 1579 : texture = 2048x2048px : LOD = 512x512px - RICO Compatible : Office 148 jobs ...
Construction site of office building B
Erstellt von yamei
Construction site of office building B No. B. is the second office building construction site of the new construction site series. The design height of the office building is 300 meters, and the current building height is about 180 meters. The building is ...
Copenhagen Metro 6-car (Metro)
Erstellt von meshd
AnsaldoBreda Driverless Metro - Copenhagen Metro Asset Name Copenhagen_Metro_6-car_Metro Front Car Mid Car Capacity 100 80 560 total Tris 1841 698 LOD 150 106 Speed 16 (80 km/h) 16 (80 km/h) Acceleration 0.2 0.2 Brake 0.2 0....
CR400AF“复兴号”高速动车组(High Speed train)
Erstellt von Go!Vnian
CR400AF “复兴号” 高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+动+拖(2动3拖) 载员:430人 速度:350km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CR400AF "Fu Xing Hao" High Speed Train Formation:2 Motor cars + 3 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:217.5mph ★ It works better with Improved Public Transpor...
cr400BF golden phoenix(6 cars)
cr400BF golden phoenix(6 cars) by kk没有钳...
CRH380B(BG)“和谐号”高速动车组(High Speed Train)
Erstellt von Go!Vnian
欢迎大家订阅REV0大佬制作的版本: CRH380B(BG)高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+拖+动+拖(2动4拖) 载员:430人 速度:300km/h 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 Formation:2 Motor cars + 4 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:186mph It work...
Croatia Airlines A320
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Croatia Airlines A320 by SvenBerlin...
CRT Elevated Metro Station 120m Detailed
Erstellt von RichardShi
This is an elevated metro station asset. About the Station The prototype of this subway station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count:...
Dauphine Apartments
Erstellt von MarleEvans
Update 2020.11.13: Add balconies' railings. Show in the last pic. Main Mesh:10376--->11012 tris Remake LOD:838--->532 tris Info: Dauphine Apartments. Designed by Leonard, Veysseyre & Kruze, Architects. Completed in 1935. Reinforced concrete structure. Mode...
CSL Map View
Erstellt von Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
Dav118's - Bank of China, HK (1:1) - After Dark
Erstellt von Dav118
As requested by a few people, here is the iconic Bank of China in Hong Kong at the proper 1:1 scale with the new illumination map. In game this can be found in Tier 6 section and has a footprint of 10x12 squares. The model is using Diffuse, Spec, illuminat...
Daylight Classic
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
Devon Energy Center
Erstellt von Camdyn
Good Afternoon Workshop! Just finished the Devon Tower! Overall, making this asset was pretty smooth (other than a weird normals problem in Blender) so it's out rather quick. I do have a lot of time this summer as well lol The Devon Energy Center is the sl...
Distribution Center - Medium
Erstellt von Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Ever wanted to build a large distribution center in your city? Here's your chance! Just grab the bits you want (including which company your citizens prefer) and put it together how you'd like! Stats Cost: 5000 Up...
Downtown Athletic Club
Erstellt von Cateinum
This is a 39-story Art-Deco building located in Lower Manhattan, New York City. It was completed in 1930. Designed as a skyscraper-sized gym it contained many different sports facilties such as swimming pool, gymnasium, bowling alleys, miniature golf cours...
Drosovilas Olympiastadium from Berlin, Germany.
Erstellt von Drosovila
DEPENDENCIES ! You need this mod (click me) to place the asset, afterwards you can remove it but why would you :p This is due to the huge size (300x230m) so its split into 8 parts but you can place it like any other asset. (the ground has to be completely ...
Drosovilas Panorama Train
Erstellt von Drosovila
Just a train from my homecountry with panorama windows for sightseeing n stuff. Fully functional and doesn't replace but rather complement the default trains. -Fully functional passenger trains. Dont replace the other ones -190 passengers capacity -Engine:...
DUBAI-Paramount Tower Hotel 迪拜-派拉蒙酒店
Erstellt von 752811818
DUBAI-Paramount Tower Hotel & Residenc 迪拜 派拉蒙酒店及住宅大厦 250 m 65 Floors level six unique building 4000+ tris 1800+ tris for LOD 250米 65层 第六级特殊建筑 4000+ 三角形面数 1800+ ...
Denver City Hall
Erstellt von Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. Denver City Hall Denver City Hall (officially the Denver City and County Building) was designed by a coalition of thirty-nine leading local architects formed in 1924 as ...
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.9!)
Erstellt von Gradius Twin
NOW WORKING IN 1.9 GREEN CITIES! KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. I would love to suppor...
Elevated Over Road Train Station 路上高架車站
Erstellt von Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-07-28*** fix pedestrian path; no more "distance too short" error message ****************************** Elevated Over Road Station I wanted to make something with semi-transparent glass and animated escalator, like BadPeanut's Sotunder Sunke...
ELVIS Seoul Cityhall
Erstellt von ELVIS
머리말 서울 시청이 5년만에 새롭게 단장했습니다. 새로운 서울시청과 함께 여러분의 도시를 꾸며보세요 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Seoul Cityhall.crp 도움 ELVIS Seoul Cityhall는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영또한 엘비스가 하였습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자용 에셋 등의 특권을 누리세요! http://i...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Figueroa at Wilshire, L.A. 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Figueroa at Wilshire, Los Angeles, California What a great example of postmodern architecture. Unlike international style this office tower has a distinctive base, shaft and crown. Notice the turquoise facade elements. Very typical color for the late 80’s....
Find It! -汉化版
Erstellt von Catnip.
This is the Chinese version!...
Fine Road Anarchy 汉化版1.3.5
Erstellt von Timiy
Fine Road Anarchy 汉化版 官方最新版同步汉化 作者版本1.3.5 汉化版本1.3.5 使用方法 订阅后找到该MOD启用即可 如有更新请留言,谢谢 原作者连接: 感谢作者的开源...
Forbidden City 12 parts(walls) package
Erstellt von TAEMIN B
Forbidden City 12 parts(walls) package Forbidden City parts package There are 12 parts in this package. These chinese traditional buildings mean real walls and doors of Forbidden City of Beijing, PR China. Use something correct that you want freely! So you...
Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院
Erstellt von TAEMIN B
Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院 Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院 There are 5 buildings in this package. These chinese traditional buildings mean real palaces of Forbidden City of Beijing, PR China. Use something correct that you want freely! So you can ma...
Ford Concrete Advertisement
Erstellt von Hafiz
Ford Concrete Advertisement. Retexture of Creepyeyes's Concrete Advertisement A . Credits to him Stats are the same as the base asset: ---------------GAMEPLAY INFO--------------- Cost: 2500 Maintenance: 50 Size: 2x4 Fire Hazard/Tolerance: 1/30 Garbage Accu...
Forte Tower 1, 1:1 Scale ( RICO ready )
Erstellt von Bibel Gurra
A +300m tall, 80 storey tall skyscraper currently under construction in Dubai, UAE. This building is part of the Dubai Opera District that will also include Il Primo, 111 tower, Adress and much more. RICO-stats: service="residential" sub-service="high" lev...
FPS Display
Erstellt von Fissll
Let's you see the current FPS ingame. You can drag and drop the display all over the screen and toggle it with F8. You can change the keybind in the Gameplay tab in the Options window. Thanks to Aras Pranckevicius for providing the FPS calculations. http://...
FUSO AeroAce: Tokyo Airport Transport
Erstellt von Chitoge
■Introduction ■東京空港交通株式会社は東京国際空港(羽田空港)・成田国際空港(成田空港)発着の高速リムジンバスを運行するのバス会社、空港発着バスのほか、成田空港及び羽田空港内で旅客ターミナルビルから離れて駐機する航空機と旅客ターミナル(搭乗口)とを結ぶランプバスによる航空旅客輸送も行ない、貸切バス事業も営む。 ■Airport Transport Service Co., Ltd.(ATS) is an airport bus operator in the Greater Tokyo Are...
Gate of China (Zhonghuamen)
Erstellt von Emperor Li Former southern gate of the Imperial City during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Built in the Yongle period of the Ming dynasty, the gate was originally named the "Great Ming Gate". Its name was then changed to the "Great Qing ...
GHQ Grand Theatre
Erstellt von XDBX
GHQ Grand Theatre by XDBX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 应投资方要求,删去浮雕艺术字,上传工坊。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感谢玩家“直男哥”的大力资助。 -----------------...
Google Billboard
Erstellt von Hafiz
Google Billboard by H4F1Z...
Erstellt von sebong
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre, HK 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre 1:1, Hong Kong SAR HK A office complex with shopping centre and public car park in Wan Chai. Location: 23 Harbour Road Architekt: Paliburg Development Consultants Limited Completed: 1983 Hight: 146 m ----In game Info---- Uniq...
Green city square绿地城市广场
Erstellt von 红米先生
绿地城市广场占地8X8格子,64X64米,贴图分辨率1024X1024,通过SUB方式导入,模型LOD面数在6千左右.由于在资产编辑器里无法放置更多PROP,有上限要求,所有里边有一半地方为空地,需要自己在游戏中开启相关prop模组便可在广场上任意地方放置你想要的prop资产,比如常见的树木等。 另外广场外形已对角为起点,可以想象摆放方式,比如十字路口放置在一边,或者十字路口对角摆放,镜像最好,这样可以形成一个大型城市广场。 The Greenland city square covers an area ...
Guangxi Investment Center
Erstellt von Apiem
This is a 1:1 scale version of the Guangxi Financial Investment Center. This building is 88 floors and a total of 352 meters tall. If you like my work, please take a moment and give a positive rating or post a comment. This is also by no means my last uplo...
Guangzhou Chow Tai Fu Financial Center (East Tower)
Erstellt von kaikai0706
Guangzhou Chow Tai Fook Financial Center, with a total height of 530 meters. Equipped with the world's fastest high-speed elevator, which can reach speeds of 45 miles per hour, the tower ranked fourth among the top 10 new skyscrapers in the world in 2016. ...
Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre (reupload)
Erstellt von Nickayz
This asset was originally created and uploaded by Solars Ou / Chisuki on May 28th, 2016: 广州(东塔)周大福金融中心 | Guangzhou(Canton) CTF Finance Centre. Since it has been broken for the past few years because of the now incompatible Larger Footprints Mod, I decided ...
Hainan Airlines B787-8
Erstellt von abuchou
Hainan Airlines B787-8 by abuchou Hainan Airlines(HNA),China B-2722,Boeing 787-8 海南航空,B-2722,波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 China Southern 中国南方航空787 Air China 中国国际航空787 http://steamcommu...
Hang Seng Bank, HK 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Hang Seng Bank 1:1, Hong Kong, SAR HK This middle sized Skyscraper hosts the headquarters of the Hang Seng Bank. The Hang Seng Bank is best known for creating the Hang Seng Index in 1969. Footbridges (Not included in the model!) connect this building with ...
HanJing Financial Center [Real Glass]
Erstellt von amamIya
HanJing Financial Center ,Shenzhen , CHINA Tris:5700 Texture:2048p Lod Tris: 2058 Lod Tex: 64p Height:350m(1:1)...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Erstellt von boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
high-rise apartment building 40 超高层住宅40层
Erstellt von XDBX
high-rise apartment building 40 超高层住宅40层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
high-rise apartment building 50 超高层住宅50层
Erstellt von XDBX
high-rise apartment building 50 超高层住宅50层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
Hino Poncho Kokoku Bus
Erstellt von EXYN4
KOKOKU BUS Co., Ltd. is a land transportation company that operates a passenger bus business and a charter bus business in the Kohoku region of Shiga Prefecture, Japan. It is a subsidiary of Omi Railway Co. Incruding a prop. Original model Special thanks t...
HNA-Poly Center (HCC) 重庆海航保利中心
Erstellt von RyanCat
Hainan Airlines-Poly Center (HCC)in downtown Chongqing. I don't know why it's"HCC" not "HPC" It's a Unique II building....
Honda Civic Royal Malaysian Police
Erstellt von Hafiz
2017 Honda Civic Royal Malaysian Police. Retexture of ninjanoobslayer's 2017 Honda Civic . Credits to him. Use ninjanoobslayer's Emergency Lights Manager V2 mod to set the right lights color for the vehicle. Includes both vehicle and prop version. https://...
Hong Kong-styled commercial High 港式高密度商业区
Erstellt von XDBX
HK commercial high by XDBX 本合集一共包括7棟樓,在高密度商業區. This collection includes a total of 7 buildings in a high-density commercial area.
Hong Kong-styled Residential High part1 港式高密度住宅 第一部分
Erstellt von XDBX
HK Residential High part1 本合集一共包括3棟樓,在高密居住業區. This collection includes a total of 3 buildings in a high-density residential area.
Hong Kong-styled Residential High part2 港式高密度住宅 第二部分
Erstellt von XDBX
HK apartment high4 by XDBX 本合集一共包括3棟樓. This collection includes a total of 3 buildings . 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the special building of the first level. 大家可用move it “ctrl+c”複製建築,不需要RICO You can copy the building with move it “ctrl+c” without RIC...
Hongmi office building phase II
Erstellt von 红米先生
红米办公大楼二期 by 红米...
Hopewell Centre 合和中心
Erstellt von XDBX
Hopewell Centre HK 合和中心 You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到
HSBC Main Building HD+Led
Erstellt von XDBX
HSBC Main Building HD+Led 香港匯豐銀行大廈高清版+LED版 新的貼圖 更精緻的模型 更多的燈光效果 New texture More refined model More lighting effects https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Huawei Billboard
Erstellt von Hafiz
Huawei Billboard by H4F1Z...
Hyundai Dealership (RICO)
Erstellt von Hafiz
Hyundai Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's Audi car dealership(Ploppable RICO ready) . Credits to him. The Hyundai Motor Company, commonly known as Hyundai Motors, is a South Korean multinational automotive manufacturer headquartered in Seoul. RI...
Hyundai LED Billboard
Erstellt von Hafiz
Hyundai LED Billboard. Retexture of Like_Mike's Macy's Billboard Which was based off GCVos's Billboard Template . Don't forget to rate and Favorite this asset if you like it! ...
ICC in Hong Kong(香港环球贸易广场)
Erstellt von Henry Suen
ICC in Hong Kong(香港环球贸易广场) by Book Sun 环球贸易广场(International Commerce Centre,简称ICC),其可用楼层的水平高度达490米,实际高度则为484米。 在独特建筑 第三级可以找到 Height: 490 m You can find it in Unique Building 3rd level....
IDS Center
Erstellt von Redstone
Description This is by far my biggest Cities: Skylines project totaling 562 hours and spanning nearly 10 months of work. I created it to be as accurate and true to the real building and put tons of time and effort into making it so. As well as the tower it...
IFC Mall 1
Erstellt von koxx
IFC Mall 1 by bisabeols - IFC Mall 1 (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 9x9 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : tris = 1453 : texture = 1024x1024px : LOD = 512x512px -Need prop : neros palace forum(prop) - Asset Group : One IFC Seoul / Two...
IFC Mall 2
Erstellt von koxx
IFC Mall 2 by bisabeols - IFC Mall 2 (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 9x7 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : tris = 1872 : texture = 1024x1024px : LOD = 512x512px - Asset Group : One IFC Seoul / Two IFC Seoul / Three IFC Seoul / Conrad ...
IFC One HK 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
One Internationa Finance center, Hong Kong SAR HK Part of the IFC Complex in Hong Kong. Completed: 1998 Hight: 210 m Floors: 38 ----RICO info---- Office Level 3 60 Worker Tris/Lod: 17.837 / 1040 1:1,5 scale version See my other works...
IFC Two, HK 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Two international Finance Center, Hong Kong SAR HK Hong Kong's second tallest building. A multi tenant office building on the Victoria Harbour front. Location: 8 Finance Street Architekt: Cesar Pelli Completed: 2003 Hight: 412 m ----In game Info---- Unique...
IMMT Express MB Tourismo '17
Erstellt von idanmund
IMMT - Inter Metropoline Mass Transit Express Bus Connecting the Metropoline... Fast IMMT is a fictional Mass Transit company for cities skylines community. Here is th...
Index Tower - Dubai [RICO]
Erstellt von _luminou_
Index Tower - Dubai The Index is a skyscraper situated in Dubai. This high rise contains 25 floors of offices(desks) and 47 floors of apartments for a total height of 328 meters Asset composed by 2 building - main building - podium Electricity consumption:...
INNOVIA Metro 300 (Metro) - Line Colour
Erstellt von meshd
BOMBARDIER INNOVIA Metro 300 (Line Colour) Asset Name MKIIIMetro_Colour Line Front Car Mid Car Capacity 150 150 600 total Tris 948 674 LOD 110 90 Speed 20 (100 km/h) 20 (100 km/h) Acceleration 0.2 0.2 Brake 0.2 0.2 My Worksh...
Inscription Square of Aug. 1 八一广场大字
Erstellt von HooHeeHaa
位于江西省南昌市的八一广场,题词位于升旗台北侧,汉白玉镌刻着江泽民的题词“军旗升起的地方”,突出了南昌在中国革命中的特殊历史地位。升旗台的南侧,与之相对称的汉白玉镌刻着毛泽东手书“星星之火,可以燎原”,反映了井冈山道路对于中国革命胜利的意义。 Located in the Square of August 1st, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, the inscription written Jiang Zemin on the north side of the fla...
International Airport
Erstellt von Polygon Ready for take-off? Please read the description first! This is an International Airport Terminal with six gates and one metro station. You have to build taxiways and runways by yourself! Airport Roads is the only mod you defi...
International Airport Terminal
Erstellt von KingLeno
International Airport Terminal by KingLeno Airport Terminal for Airports DLC. Functions just like the vanilla terminals. You can rename the building if you don't want the American airlines signs. In the content manager it gi...
International Commerce Centre HK 香港环球贸易广场 Hong Kong
Erstellt von XDBX
International Commerce Centre HK 香港环球贸易广场 环球贸易广场,简称ICC。 Global Trade Plaza, referred to as ICC. It is the last development of Kowloon Station. 位于香港西九龙柯士甸道西1号,是一座118层高的综合式大楼, Located at 1 West Austin Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong, 拥有先进的设计及高智能设施,为九龙站的最后一期发展项...
Japanese Shopping Mall
Erstellt von Ryuichi Kaminogi
Station-front Shopping mall named "Green Plaza Takatsuki" in Osaka. 3 variants included. Variant B is good to connect with my pedestrian deck. Do not forget to subscribe the necessary assets! Specification Variants: A: decorated, without pedestrian deck B:...
Jeneric Center
Erstellt von Jerenable
Jeneric Center by Jerenable This is a pretty jeneric (hAhAA get it) pretty tall building, At 453m (thats about 25000ft :3) it will tower over most cities. This building is fully my own design and doesnt excist in real life. The other 2 tall buildins in the...
Jianou residential building简欧住宅楼
Erstellt von 红米先生
简欧住宅楼高层+简欧住宅楼底层共计两座,其中一座32层高,占地4X3格子,高度104米,另外一座15层,占地4X3格子,高度54米,属性为住宅类,模型均采用SUB分层子建筑方式导入,共计面数4500,LOD:2400,分辨率2k. There are two high-rise buildings and two ground floors of Jianou residential building. One of them is 32 stories high, covering an area of ...
Jiayu Center 广州嘉裕中心
Erstellt von HooHeeHaa
Briefing Located on Xiancun Road, Zhujiang New Town, the central business district of Guangzhou, Jiayu Center is an office tower developed by Jiayu Group, with 46 floors, (2-5F for catering, banquet halls and conference halls, 6-13F for offices, 15-46F for...
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦
Erstellt von XDBX
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. ______________________________ 上海金茂大厦,位于上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号,地处陆家嘴金融贸易区中心,东临浦东新区,西眺上海市及黄浦江,南向浦东张杨路商业贸易区,北临10万平方米的中央绿地。 上海金茂大厦占地面积2.4万平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米,其中主楼88层,高度4...
Erstellt von 硬施德Ngenschde
JP High-Rise Apartment
Erstellt von Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese high-rise apartment inspired from Kawasaki city. This large residence would be one of the symbol in your city. Thanks to Additive Shader, we can see the beautiful window illuminations at night. Specifications 47stories, 150m height, 6x6 Residentia...
Erstellt von abuchou
JUNEYAO AIR B787-9 B-20D1 by abuchou 这架注册号为B-20D1的波音787梦想飞机身披“绚彩花瓣”彩绘涂装,由中国本土青年设计师陆然设计;该涂装设计延续中国传统文化元素,以牡丹国花为灵感,配以灵动轻盈的花瓣飘动形象,向世界展现吉祥航空与中国民航年轻活力的姿态。 vehicle and prop in this asset...
KK100 / 京基100
Erstellt von Rodrigo
KK100 / 京基100 from Shenzhen / 深圳, China / 中国 formerly known as Kingkey 100. I tried to stay reasonably faithful to the real building while also considering performance. The LED screen is animated and resembles what the real one does to the extent that it w...
Korea Broadcasting System (: KBS)
Erstellt von koxx
Korea Broadcasting System by bisabeols -Korea Broadcasting System (:KBS) : KBS main building (Korea Broadcasting System, Seoul, South Korea) : Size, 13x11 / Scale, 1:1.5 / Unique level 3 : tris = 9235 : Texture = 2048x2048px : LOD = 512x512px - RICO Compat...
Erstellt von K_Green
"Excellence In Flight, KOREAN AIR" 대한항공 A380-800 KOREAN AIR A380-800 ASSET SPECIFICATION 최고 속도 Max speed300km/h 승객 정원 Capacity399 Model Info. Main body7572tris, 2048X1024 textures Landing gear6110tris, same textures with main body Flaps and slats1662tris, ...
Korean Air A380-800 for AIRPORT DLC
Erstellt von K_Green
이 에셋을 사용하려면 에어포트 DLC가 필요합니다. To use this asset, you NEED AIRPORTS DLC "Excellence In Flight, KOREAN AIR" 대한항공 A380-800 KOREAN AIR A380-800 ASSET SPECIFICATION 최고 속도 Max speed300km/h 승객 정원 Capacity399 분류 ItemclassLarge aircraft Model Info. Main body7572tris...
KPF Forum 66 沈阳恒隆广场
Erstellt von Railgun
Building Level:Unique building lv5 独特建筑5级 This is the second-generation asset of Shenyang Forum 66, which mainly fixes the problems of fuzzy mapping and night scene of the first 沈阳恒隆广场的二代资产,修复了第一代贴图过黑和顶部夜景缺失的问题 Forum 66 is a multi-phase development that cr...
Kuala Lumpur PNB118
Erstellt von CM.
Kuala Lumpur PNB118 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 迪默卡PNB118大楼澳洲墨尔本的Fender Katsalidis建筑公司负责设计,由韩国三星集团负责建设,高644米,整个项目将分3个阶段进行,占地19英亩,估计整个工程于2024年竣工,首期工程将于2020年竣工。而首期工程则是兴建默迪卡PNB118大楼和7层购物中心,耗资50亿令吉。 Fender katsalidis construc...
Kuala Lumpur Tower
Erstellt von Hafiz
Kuala Lumpur Tower. This is not my model but rather a converted free 3D Model that I found in Turbosquid made by user v_chernobay so credits to him for making this amazing model. I only added Specular, Illumination, Alpha, Color and Normal map texture. The...
Main Tower; Frankfurt 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Main Tower, Frankfurt Germany This tower is named after the river Main and serves as the headquarters of the Helaba bank. It’s not the talles building in Frankfurt, but the only one with a public observation platform and a restaurant. ----Facts---- Complet...
Maiwa-Mercury MS6
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
The "MS.6" is an FR sports sedan developed and manufactured by Maiwa Automobile Industry, a Japanese fictitious automobile manufacturer, and sold under the "MERCURY" brand in Japan, the United States, China, and the Australian market. Returning to the stor...
Malaysia Airlines 737-800
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Malaysia Airlines 737-800 by Svenpotsdam...
Mall Center
Erstellt von vilgard92
Mall Center by vilgard92 Upgraded version of the Giper-Mall by borg2003. Credits to him The building was handed to the right scale. the original had very large doors compared to the cims. All textures have been reworked especially to get a nice effect at n...
Mall Parking Garage
Erstellt von KingLeno
Mall Parking Garage by KingLeno An older parking garage for malls but obviously can be used for any purposes. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but shorter. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingL...
Manhattan Bridge
Erstellt von Jerenable
Manhattan Bridge by Jerenable This is a 1:1 recreation of the Manhattan Bridge from NY. Its large, bulky and not a network, you will need an anarchy mod for this to be placeable in most locations. Again this is not a NETWORK but a ploppable The bridge was ...
Map of Haikou, China海口地图
Erstellt von 红米先生
Marcopolo New G7 1800DD (Double deck)
Erstellt von Klapaucius IV THIS VERSION ARE FOR NORMAL BUS LINES(You can select your own color) VEHICLE HISTORY The 'Marcopolo' bus bodywork company released the 'New G7' model in the mid...
Maternal and Child Health Hospit
Erstellt von 红米先生
Maternal and child health care hospital, Chinese style hospital It covers an area of about 100x60m and belongs to the architectural style of the hospital. The floors are about 3-10 floors LOD: the number of faces is a little large, about 3000, resolution: ...
Mercedes-Benz AMG CLA 45 Coupé
Erstellt von Hafiz
Mercedes-Benz AMG CLA 45 Coupé. The Mercedes-Benz CLA 45 AMG is a current high-performance model of the CLA-Class from Mercedes-AMG. The car shares its drivetrain with the A45 AMG, and it features an AMG M133 2.0-litre four-cylinder twin-scroll turbocharge...
Metro Market Dresden
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Metro Market Dresden by SvenBerlin Metro AG, otherwise known as Metro Group, is a German global diversified retail and wholesale/cash and carry group based in Düsseldorf. It was established in 1964 by Ernst Schmidt and Wilhelm Schmidt-Ruthenbeck. As of 201...
metro station-2205
Erstellt von hikke
作品介绍: 这次的作品是模仿 anno2205里的地铁站 属性是火车站 喜欢的请点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: 三角形计数:4100 贴图:2048X2048 LOD:262 LOD贴图:256X256 =================================================== hi everyone This is asset imitates the ANNO 2205 metro station. if you like please Infos for nerds: Tris...
Mizuki Riquetta Mk.1
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
"RIQUETTA" is a 5-number size B-segment hatchback developed and manufactured by MIZUKI Automobile, a Japanese fictitious automobile manufacturer. Manufacture is carried out at "MIZUKI Seisakusho Obama Factory" and "Shachimaru Motor Mihama Factory". Since t...
Mini FPS Booster
Erstellt von Krzychu1245
This is a mini fps booster which increases the frame rate in-game by 5-15%. It works by reducing the number of raycast calculations the game does to work out where the mouse is. You won't loose anything. It doesn't break any...
Modern youth apartment现代青年公寓
Erstellt von 红米先生
现代青年公寓,参考青岛五四广场周边住宅楼而模范建造,层高30层,105米,占地4X4格子,LOD:500,贴图分辨率:2K, 属性自长住宅楼。 Modern youth apartment is a model building with reference to the residential buildings around the May Fourth Square in Qingdao. It is 30 stories high and 105 meters in height. It cover...
Monument People's Heroes 人民英雄紀念碑
Erstellt von TAEMIN B
Monument People's Heroes 人民英雄紀念碑 Monument People's Heroes, 人民英雄紀念碑 This monument is real popular landmark in PR China, and for Chinese. This unique building is in front of Forbidden City, Tiananmen square of Beijing. 天安門, 紫禁城, 故宮博物院, 北京, 中國. 천안문, 인민영웅기념비, ...
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
"MS.5" is a hatchback and sedan series developed and manufactured by Maiwa Automobile Industry, a Japanese fictitious automobile manufacturer, and sold under the "MERCURY" brand. As the name suggests, Maiwa Automobile Industry is based in Maiwa, a fictitio...
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
"MS.5" is a hatchback and sedan series developed and manufactured by Maiwa Automobile Industry, a Japanese fictitious automobile manufacturer, and sold under the "MERCURY" brand. As the name suggests, Maiwa Automobile Industry is based in Maiwa, a fictitio...
Mercury MU4
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
"MU.4" is a crossover SUV developed and manufactured by Maiwa Automobile Industry, a Japanese fictitious automobile manufacturer, and sold under the "MERCURY" brand. As the name implies, Maiwa Automobile Industry is based in Maiwa, a fictitious city in Jap...
Messeturm,Frankfurt 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Messeturm, Frankfurt The Messetower designed by Helmut Jahn is a prime example of postmodern architecture. It's classic silhoutte is a great addition for every skyline. -Location Frankfurt am Main, Germany -Completed: 1990 -Hight: 257m -Floors: 63 -Use: mu...
MoveIt 汉化版
Erstellt von Timiy
请给我点赞 谢谢 由于创意工坊出现了问题 导致之前2W多订阅的MOD ID 无法上传更新 所以重新发布一个 Move It! 汉化版 This MOD is a Chinese language version customized for Chinese players. original author: If t...
Erstellt von Ryuichi Kaminogi
Mt. Fuji Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. And also it’s the symbol of Japan. This Mt.Fuji is a 1:5 scaled asset, but it still brings us a impact. Place it far from your city and it will be fine with your city. There is a cube inside the mountain,...
Nanchang GCP
Erstellt von amamIya
Nanchang GCP by amamIya Nanchang Greenland Central Plaza 南昌绿地中央广场 Additive Shader Required...
Nanchang international financial center (1:1)
Erstellt von 言绥
南昌国际金融中心 by 飞行的荷兰人...
Erstellt von 910095247
Deji Plaza Shopping Center is located in the northeast corner of Nanjing, Jiangsu's Xinjiekou, “China’s first business district”. This asset occupies an area of 8*10u You can find it in unique building level Ⅰ. Contact me if you have any questions. 德基广场塔楼 ...
Nanjing Zifeng Tower南京紫峰大厦
Erstellt von 红米先生
南京紫峰大厦(Nanjing Zifeng Tower),位于江苏省南京市鼓楼区中山北路1号,地处鼓楼中央商务区,东可眺望紫金山、西可望长江、南有雨花台和新街口、北有幕府山,是世界第一座完全中国投资、中国建设的超级摩天大楼。 南京紫峰大厦占地面积18721平方米,总建筑面积261075平方米, 其中主楼地下4层,地上89层,高度450米。办公副楼24层,裙房7层。南京紫峰大厦1-6层为商场,8-9层为健身中心,10-41层为办公区,42-71层为酒店,72层为观光厅,76-79层为餐厅,80-81层为总统套...
More air ducts (Pack)
Erstellt von Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A pack of 4 more variations of air ducts using the same texture as my previous ones. These are larger and great for filling in large empty rooftops. These also come as a rand...
Moscow Metro - Novoperedelkino
Erstellt von eligios⚡
UPDATED UPDATED STATION !!! Incorrect self-glow map (at night the station is incorrectly illuminated) I will try to fix it soon !!! The two-aisled Novoperedelkino is another station of the Kal...
Nanjing Zifeng tower紫峰大厦
Erstellt von York Lee
绿地广场·紫峰大厦(Greenland Square Zifeng Tower)简称紫峰大厦或紫峰,位于南京市鼓楼区鼓楼广场,是江苏第1、中国第6、世界第10高楼。(截至2016年8月)。 紫峰大厦东至中央路,西至北京西路,周边区域有玄武湖、北极阁、鼓楼、明城墙等历史文物古迹;该地段是南京主城区的中心点及城市的制高点,周边远景尽收眼底:东可眺望紫金山、西可望长江、南有雨花台、北有幕府山。 中文名称:绿地广场·紫峰大厦 外文名称 Greenland Square Zifeng Tower 地理位置:南京市鼓楼...
National Speed Skating Oval-国家速滑馆
Erstellt von abuchou
National Speed Skating Oval by abuchou The National Speed Skating Oval will host the speed skating competitions during the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Par...
New World Wellington City
Erstellt von mayorwont New World Wellington City, also known as New World Chaffers Park is a large supermarket located in Wellington Central Business District in New Zealand. You can also give the building a custom name to remove the supermarket s...
Newbie City
Erstellt von Hayden
Newbie City2015 by Hayden Mouse painted map Liberty City and New York's combination Update2016
Nissan Dealership (RICO)
Erstellt von Hafiz
Nissan Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram CDship ( ploppable RICO ) . Credits to him. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., usually shortened to Nissan, is a Japanese multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Nishi-ku, Yoko...
No Abandonment
Erstellt von Katalepsis
Disable Building Abandonment This mod disables abandonment in your game. Useful for people who like to play in complete sandbox mode and not worry about their carefully placed buildings being abandoned. Already abandoned buildings are not affected. Enjoy! ...
Not So Unique Buildings
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin
Now you can plop unique buildings and wonders (a.k.a monuments) as many times as you wish This mod doesn't unlock any landmarks, it just allows them to post them more than one time. GitHub repository This mod uses Harmony ve...
Office Construction site B+
Erstellt von yamei
The third office building site in the new site series, number B+, is an extended and upgraded version based on number B. T1 design height is 300 meters, current building height is about 180 meters T2 and T3 have an 8m high corridor in the sky, which makes ...
office construction siteA
Erstellt von yamei
office construction siteA The first office building site in the new site series, number A. The design height of the office building is 250 meters, and the current building height is about 70 meters In the future, more styles and heights of construction sit...
Olympiaturm, Munich 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Olympiaturm, Munich, Germany 1:1 In 1965 the city of Munich started to construct a communication tower to provide TV and radio service. In 1966 Munich was chosen as the host city for the 1972 Olympic games. The tower was integrated in the olympic park to s...
One IFC Seoul (RICO, 1:1)
Erstellt von koxx
One IFC Seoul by bisabeols - One IFC Seoul (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 7x9 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : building height = 185 m : tris = 443 : texture = 2048x2048px : LOD = 512x512px - RICO Compatible : Office 120 jobs : Cons...
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心
Erstellt von XDBX
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
When I was associated with the Yurakucho Center Building, something like this was completed. There are Toho and Toei cinema complexes, and shopping malls, offices, and hotels. When introducing ProppableRICO, Commercial High's Lvl3 is recommended....
Palais de la Bourse (Nantes)
Erstellt von Hafiz
Palais de la Bourse (Nantes) This is not my model but rather a converted free 3D Model that I found in CGTrader made by user Teksel so credits to him for making this amazing model. I only added Illumination, Alpha, Color and Normal map texture. The diffuse...
Perodua Myvi
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
The "Perodua Myvi" is a small hatchback car manufactured by Malaysian car maker Perodua. It is a small hatchback vehicle based on the Daihatsu "BOON / SIRION" / Toyota "PASSO", which is a jointly developed vehicle of Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. and Toyota Mot...
Petronas Towers By Drosovila Unique Building 1:1
Erstellt von Drosovila
-Petronas Towers from Kuala Lumpur -Size is 1:1 which is 450 Meters high in game and uses 16x8 plots. -5k tris, 2048 textures, Custom LOD(1k tris)(Yes its a lot but its just a impractical buidling) -Unique Building Stats based off of "Sea and Sky scraper"...
Ping An Finance Center 1:1
Erstellt von koxx
Ping An Finance Center 1:1 by bisabeols 平安金融中心 -height : 660m / top loof : 580m texture : 2048x2048 lod : 512x512 Unique lev.2 - 1:1.5 size : - more pics :
Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
Erstellt von algernon Check out the wiki page for additional information, descriptions, guides and FAQ. New in 2.4: Configurable cost overrides. Option to automatically lock the building level of plopped growables (requires Advanced Building Leve...
Pollution Solution
Erstellt von Shadow Link
Details A simple mod for Cities: Skylines that allows you to enable/disable Noise, Ground, and Water pollution. Noise Pollution Disabling and Re-enabling Noise Pollution takes effect after a few seconds. GroundPollution Disabling Ground Pollution takes eff...
Pyongyang Hotel, North Korea. Unique building.
Erstellt von Drosovila
Pyongyang Hotel from North Korea. This 333m high Hotel would be the fifth tallest in the world if it were to be finished. (It's beeing built since 1987). -Unique Building -Stats based of "Colossal Order Office" -12x13 size, but slightly larger. However it'...
Quay Anarchy
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin Allows to place quays and flood walls anywhere. Also fixes 'Height too high' for quays, flood walls, cargo and passenger harbors For those wondering what quay is, word 'Quay' means the same as 'Wharf'. Draggable quays were a...
Rehab Center
Erstellt von honker
This is based on the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago, a building so new it still appears under construction on Google Earth. It's part of the same downtown hospital complex as BoldlyBuilding's impeccable Prentice Women's Hospital, and is a 27-story slee...
Remove Need For Pipes
Erstellt von Overhatted
This mod removes the need to place pipes all over your city. If you also don't want to waste time building power lines you can use my Remove Need For Power Lines mod. How it works This mod works simply by storing the water, sewage and heating produced in s...
Remove Need For Power Lines
Erstellt von Overhatted
This mod removes the need for power lines. If you also don't want to waste time laying down pipes you can use my Remove Need For Pipes mod. How it works This mod works simply by storing the energy produced in a small buffer and then distributing it to buil...
Road network map of xiong'an New District, Hebei Province, China中国河北雄安新区规划路网图
Erstellt von 红米先生
雄安新区规划路网图 此图按照河北省出版的规划城市地图,绘制而成,覆盖整个雄安新区地图,主要是路网图。整个地图按照规划图布置大部分地区都是已格子路网为主,平原地形,南边已湖泊为主。比例为:1:1.8,实际尺寸为29X29千米,另外您可以百度搜索雄安规划图或者效果图,可以作为参考,定制出自己想要做雄安新区城市,这个一个新的城市发挥您的想象建造一座已森林为主的绿色生态智能城市。 Planning road network map of xiong'an New Area This map is drawn acc...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
Erstellt von XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
Roppongi Hills Complex-Mori Tower
Erstellt von UNFU 六本木新城(日语:六本木ヒルズ/ろっぽんぎヒルズ Roppongi hiruzu 英语:Roppongi Hills),又称六本木之丘,是位于日本东京六本木的都市复合开发区,由森大厦主导开发,是日本规模最大的都市更新计划之一。设计者为入江三宅设计事务所。 此资产为六本木之丘综合体的主体部分:森大厦。地上54层,地下6层,内有东京君悦酒店( グランドハイアット東京;Grand Hyatt Tokyo)、森美术馆、六本木新城TOHO影城等设施。雅虎...
Samsung Billboard
Erstellt von Hafiz
Samsung Billboard by H4F1Z...
SC44 Midwest Charger & Amfleet II - Amtrak NEC (4Cars)
Erstellt von REV0
Amtrak Northeast Corridor The Siemens Charger is a family of diesel-electric passenger locomotives designed and manufactured by Siemens Mobility for the North American market. There are four models of Chargers: the SC-44 for state-supported inter-city serv...
Seagram Building
Erstellt von TDB 한국인은 다음 링크에서 지원받을 수 있습니다: Seagram Building Be aesthetic. World's most prominent instance of corporate modern architecture. 시그램 빌딩 모던 건축의 미학 Informations Main Model: 2268 Tris LOD Model: 60 Tris ...
Shachimaru Saphir Mk.10
Erstellt von Tommy V Kochiya
The flagship model of Shachimaru automobile, a Japanese fictitious automobile manufacturer. This model is the 10th generation and is the next generation fuel cell vehicle (FCV). The rivals are "Toyota Mirai" and "Nissan Fuga", and the drive system is FR an...
Erstellt von abuchou
SHANGHAI AIRLINES B787-9 by abuchou vehicle & prop The 100th plane of SHANGHAI AIRLINES,B-1111. 上海航空波音787-9,上海航空第100架飞机纪念涂装,B-1111...
Shanghai International Convention Center 上海国际会议中心(重置版)
Erstellt von CM.
上海国际会议中心 by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level special building 这算是一个炒冷饭作品,我的第四个资产就是这个建筑,但是因为我当时刚接触建模不久,受到水平上的限制,做的非常地差,所以这个是在我当时的建模基础上做出的改进,希望大家喜欢。 如果真的喜欢还望能够点个赞!谢谢! This is a piece of fried rice. My fourth asset is this building, but ...
Shanghai Longyang Road Maglev Station (with real MAGLEV TRACK)
Erstellt von Emperor Li
Shanghai Longyang Road Maglev Station , now with real maglev station track created by REV0. In order to place stop correctly, you need Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE). Press "Shift" while placing stop. Also use Improved Public Transport to change the def...
Shanghai Metro ground station
Erstellt von 狼少
This is a sample station of my new metro track vanilla building+SMT tracks 此为上海地铁轨道的样板车站...
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版
Erstellt von XDBX
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
Shimao International Plaza 上海世茂国际广场
Erstellt von XDBX
Shimao International Plaza 上海世茂国际广场 无裙楼版 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 上次做完环球经融中心顺 https://steamuserimages-...
Shinjuku Center Building
Erstellt von Zatline
9x8 - Shinjuku Center Building My 3rd skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) The Shinjuku Center Building (新宿センタービル) is ...
Shun Hing Square SZ 深圳信兴广场
Erstellt von XDBX
Shun Hing Square SZ 深圳信兴广场 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. 你可以在第6级特殊建筑中找到
Skyper, Frankfurt 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Skyper, Frankfurt Skyper is a multi tenant office building in the central buisness district of Frankfurt. Its one of the smaller skyscrapers in the city next to the Silberturm. -Location Frankfurt am Main, Germany -Completed: 2004 -Hight: 153m -Floors: 39 ...
PostProcessFX v1.9.0
Erstellt von MazK
Enable additional post processing effects such as bloom, lensflare, different anti aliasing options and ambient occlusion. Bloom and lensflare Can be fully controlled with the ingame UI with the following settings: - Enable Bloom: Enables the bloom effect....
Southeast Financial Center 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Southeast Financial Center (1:1), Miami, Florida This Skyscraper is not the tallest in Miami anymore, yet it still dominates the Skyline of the city. It was designed by the world famous Skidmore, Orwings & Merrill bureau. It often serves as Miami setting l...
Spring Airlines A320
Erstellt von SvenBerlin
Spring Airlines A320 by Svenpotsdam...
State Library
Erstellt von BenTracker
State Library -------------------------------------------------------- 894 Tris / 2048 x 2048 px LOD: 384 Tris / 512 x 512px Inspired by Biblioteca Pública del Estado de Badajoz (España)...
Subway Restaurant
Erstellt von Cristolisto
Part of the Riverpark Shopping Center Volume two: New year 2017. A new year means a new logo for Subway. Well actually Subway introduced their new logo in 2016 but 2017 will be the year it will get more exposure through stores and ads. To plan for this, I ...
Sun Hung Kai Centre 香港新鸿基中心 HK Hong Kong
Erstellt von XDBX
新鸿基中心 Sun Hung Kai Centre 新鸿基中心于1981年落成,为湾仔北最早期发展的甲级商厦之一. Sun Hung Kai Centre is an office skyscraper in Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island。 It was built in 1981. You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Sun Hung Kai Centre, HK 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Sun Hung Kai Centre 1:1, Hong Kong, SAR HK Location: 30 Harbour Road Height: 215m Completed 1980 ----In game Info---- Unique building Level 3 Footprint 7x10 Footprint smaller than building! See my other works...
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 國父紀念館
Erstellt von Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-01-09*** Update for version 1.6.2-f1. Remove Sub-Buildings Enabler as dependency. 1.6.2-f1版更新 移除Sub-Buildings Enabler需求 A memorial to the Republic of China's National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall was built ...
Surface Painter
Erstellt von BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Taipei 101
Erstellt von Fly54
Formerly known as Taipei World Financial Center, Taipei 101 stands as a beacon for the people of Taipei, Taiwan. After construction had been completed in 2004, Taipei 101 was officially declared the worlds tallest building at an astonishing 509.2 m, which ...
Taiwan bus - Capital bus
Erstellt von YufuCharioteer
首都客運 首都集團其中一種塗裝,有些細節因為解析度和模型限制所以有誤差,能接受的就拿去裝飾吧 :D 本車是用 jaijai的KV290Q 公車修改塗裝而來的,感謝他提供的優良檔案和塗裝教學 現實中首都客運從未使用過這輛車,這輛車只能在日本看到 道具版本 : here 已知問題 : 車尾的LED與剎車連動,但我懶得再用mod更新它XD Capital Bus Capital is a passenger transporter serving in some cities in Taiwan. This ve...
Taiwan bus - THSR Shuttle bus TC
Erstellt von YufuCharioteer
高鐵快捷公車(台中) 高鐵快捷公車台中站的塗裝,高鐵快捷公車都是由當地客運業者負責跑車,所以塗裝沒有一定標準,台中站由統聯負責出車 本車是用 jaijai的KV290Q 公車修改塗裝而來的,感謝他提供的優良檔案和塗裝教學 現實中統聯客運從未使用過這輛車,這輛車只能在日本看到 道具版本 : here 已知問題 : 車尾的LED與剎車連動,但我懶得再用mod更新它XD THSR Shuttle bus (Taichung) THSR Shuttle bus is a service provided by Ta...
Taiwan Tour Bus - C3
Erstellt von YufuCharioteer
台灣遊覽車 - C3 ▲這是城際巴士(需要 Sunset Harbor DLC) ▲"Prop Anarchy"必要 類火車,鐵路罷工時運輸方案(呵,使用新市原創所設計的塗裝,感謝對方的使用許可 本資產部分素材來自於jaijai,感謝他提供的檔案 公車 : here 遊覽車 : here Prop : here Taiwan Tour Bus - C3 ▲This is the Intercity bus(Need Sunset Harbor DLC) ▲This asset require "Prop A...
Tesla Dealership (RICO)
Erstellt von Hafiz
Tesla Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's VOLVO car dealership (ploppable RICO) . Credits to him. Tesla, Inc. is an American automotive and energy company based in Palo Alto, California. The company specializes in electric car manufacturing and, t...
The Art Center
Erstellt von KingLeno
The Art Center by KingLeno A local art supply and custom frame store for your more creative Cims. Triangles 1448 Texture 1024 x 512 d,n,i,s,a Lot size 4x4 Custom LOD and textures Level 2 Low density commercial with 10 jobs with RICO mod. Click here to see ...
The Center of the Universe—Pyongyang平壤
Pyongyang,the The capital of the universe。It's the center of the politics, culture, science and technology and economy. 平壤,宇宙之都。是政治、文化、科技和经济的中心。  Пхеньян ,  Это вселенная в столице  ,  политики, культуры  , науки и техники,  экономический центр ....
The center with LED
Erstellt von XDBX
The center with LED by XDBX 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 由于游戏本身原因,使LED灯的颜色无法变幻。 the color of the LED light cannot be changed due to the game itself. You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊...
The Crescent Center
Erstellt von KingLeno
The Crescent Center by KingLeno A modern mid-rise office building with 65 workplaces with the RICO mod. Triangles 1380 - Texture - 2048 x 1024 d,n,i,s Custom lod and textures Size 14 x 10 This asset is based on an office building in Memphis, TN. The park i...
The Exchange 106
Erstellt von CM.
你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 106交易塔(TheExchange 106)是吉隆坡敦拉萨国际贸易中心的标志性建筑;该中心作为“1720亿大吉隆坡计划”重要部分,是纳吉布政府为马国发展的首要战略,纳吉布曾表示,要将此贸易中心打造为亚洲金融中心。 The exchange 106 is the landmark building of dunlhasa International Trade Center in K...
The Franklin Center
Erstellt von honker
At 1,007 feet (307m), the Franklin Center is Chicago's 5th tallest building. Located in the heart of downtown's Loop neighborhood at 227 West Monroe, this supertall tower hosts 60 floors of AT&T headquarters and a slew of other offices. Scale - 1:1 Tris - ...
The Hudson Center (Growable)
Erstellt von moxiecrimefighter
Hudson Center (Growable) 4x4 Level 3 Office An Art Deco skyscraper that looks a lot like 275 Madison Avenue in New York. I wonder if that's a coincidence Technical Stuff: 1194 Tris 1024x1024 Textures: Diffuse, Spectral, Normal, Illumination Custom LOD 218 ...
The Spring Shopping Mall
Erstellt von NameInvalid
After 6 years, finally found a sliver of motivation to roll out my first Cities Skylines asset... //-- Alternate version without parking space: //-- Col...
Three IFC Seoul (RICO, 1:1)
Erstellt von koxx
Three IFC Seoul by bisabeols - Three IFC Seoul (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 9x7 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : building height - 285 m : tris : 1125 : LOD = 512x512px - RICO Compatible : Office 210 jobs : Construction Cost - 120...
Time Warner Center
Erstellt von honker
The Time Warner Center is a mixed use twin-tower building in New York City. Opened in 2003, this 55-story building wraps around Columbus Circle at the southwest corner of Central Park. Its postmodern design reflects the city around it, both literally and f...
Erstellt von jaijai
Toei Bus 都営バス The Toei Bus is a bus service operated by the Bus Service Division, the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation. Category: Bus Capacity: 86 Model: ISUZU ERGA LV290...
Tokyo Metro 08 series
Erstellt von ron_fu-ta
東京メトロ08系 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:720名 (120名/両) 速度:100km/h Tokyo Metro 08 series Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been short train formation. Capacity : 720 person (120 person/car) Speed : 100km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作し...
Tokyo Metro 1000 Series (MOM)
Erstellt von JSF-1
The 1000 Series train set is the newest series to enter service on Tokyo Ginza Subway line, entering service in 2012. You will need the Metro Overhaul Mod in order to use these trains. Capacity: 252...
Erstellt von CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA Crown Comfort TOKYO MUSEN TAXI It is the car of the sedan type which Toyota Motor Corporation where I appeared in December, 1995 produces. Such as having been developed assuming using it as a taxi, and a thing and the muffler which the sash of the r...
Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Zaha Hadid Project
Erstellt von _luminou_
Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Zaha Hadid Project Following the news in 2012 that Zaha Hadid Architects had won a competition to design the 80,000-seat Tokyo National Stadium as a centerpiece for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Japan’s Prime Minister has announced that ...
TOKYO TAXI Vehicle assets
Erstellt von 紺野つかさ(Konno)
TOKYO TAXI Vehicle assets ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム...
TRA Ordinary Trains (5Cars)
Erstellt von Monocle Gentlesir™
Taiwan Railway Administration Ordinary Trains (5Cars) 3 Cars Edition Props Edition History of Ordinary Train: Ordinary Train is one of the train types of Taiwan Railway. Which has been operating since October 1, 2006. Only travels on the non-electrified se...
Trianon, Frankfurt 1:1
Erstellt von Pirazel
Trianon, Frankfurt 1:1 A skyscraper in Frankfurt, Germany. It is used by the DekaBank. It was the first skysraper in Germany that was constructed with high-strength concrete. Location: Mainzer-Landstrasse 16-24 Height: 186m Completed 1993 ----In game Info-...
Two IFC Seoul (RICO, 1:1)
Erstellt von koxx
Two IFC Seoul by bisabeols - Two IFC Seoul (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 7x8 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : building height = 176 m : tris = 425 : texture = 2048x2048px : LOD = 512x512px - RICO Compatible : Office 110 jobs : Cons...
Tysons Center
Erstellt von Keith3201
This building has 2,276 tris. It uses 2k diffuse, specular, normal, alpha, and illumination textures. It also comes with an LOD version. It is 1188 feet tall (362 meters) with 98 floors. It is an entirely unique building and is not based on anything else. ...
Undo It!
Erstellt von Strad This mod adds Undo/Redo options to the game! Tools that this mod supports: Building/bulldozing roads, buildings, props and trees The rest is unsupported Warni...
US container trucks - Pack 4
Erstellt von Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 7 vehicles with all your favorite brands by bsquiklehausen - all are generic industry and have twice the capacity as the default lorry. The trucks have color variations for added variation. A special...
VCT Searchlight
Erstellt von XDBX
VCT Searchlight by XDBX This is a searchlight of Vice City Tower. Vice City Tower :
Vodafone LED Billboard
Erstellt von Hafiz
Vodafone LED Billboard. Retexture of Like_Mike's Macy's Billboard Which was based off GCVos's Billboard Template . Don't forget to rate and Favorite this asset if you like it! ...
Volkswagen LED Billboard
Erstellt von Hafiz
Volkswagen LED Billboard. Retexture of Like_Mike's Macy's Billboard Which was based off GCVos's Billboard Template . Don't forget to rate and Favorite this asset if you like it! ...
WTC Twin Tower New Model
Erstellt von eicoln
WTC Twin Tower New Model by eicoln hight: 550m (higher than one WTC) size: 8x16 over (16x16) Miss Liberty is missing old friend, so I made new model of Twin Tower. This is Original Design for her....
XBRT XMQ6127G 厦门BRT大金龙
Erstellt von Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 全球少有的把高架桥作为专用道的公交车——厦门快速公交 Xiamen elevated bus system (BRT) has its own right of way with the whole journey on bridges. XBRT bus series XBRT 12m(you are here) XBRT 12m Electric XBRT 18m XBRT 18m Electric 金龙客车(KINGLONG) XMQ6127G 普通公交版本 Nor...
XBRT Elevated Station(Bus Stops on the Bridge) 厦门BRT
Erstellt von Streamer
Plop it and enjoy the elevated bus station. This time, MOVE IT is not needed any more. Don't forget to subscribe to the network dependency. It’s under bus items. 厦门快速公交高架部分是鲜有的完全独立路权、全程在高架桥上行驶的特色“轨道交通”,其中部分公交高架区间是由普通高架桥改造而来的。 Features >>Semi-transparent PS...
Xiamen Air B787-8
Erstellt von abuchou
Xiamen Air B787-8 by abuchou 厦门航空 波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 China Southern 中国南方航空787 Hainan Airli...
Xiamen International Center (501 Lujiang Ave.)
Erstellt von Vincent
Today I would like to present you with my first Asset in Steam Workshop (and, obviously, first asset for Cities: Skylines). This 340 meters tall skyscraper is the tallest building in my Hometown, the city of Xiamen (or, more widely known as Amoy), and it's...
Xiang River Fortune Finance Center (FFC) Blcok D
Erstellt von println_chui
Made by RedMi(红米). This asset is Block D of the whole FFC asset. accroding to the picture in the profile displays, this asset is a residential building. However, there isn't any difference between block C and block D, you can place them in the way you like...
Xiang River Fortune Finance Center (FFC) Block A
Erstellt von println_chui
Made by RedMi(红米). Xiang River Fortune Finance Center (FFC) Block A, 1076 ft high with 64 floors. usually, the exposed steel structure is often used in large but lower floor architectures or interior furnish. FFC Block A and Block B are infrequent skyscrap...
Xiaomi Billboard
Erstellt von Hafiz
Xiaomi Billboard by H4F1Z...
Xiong'an Railway Station :beta
Erstellt von kaikai0706
雄安站站房面积约13万平方米,以白洋淀水文化为设计灵感,采用水滴状椭圆造型,形似“青莲露珠”,也像涌出的泉水;屋顶的层层起伏形如平静水面泛起涟漪,立面设计融入中国传统大殿元素,展现中国文化基因。为雄安站各条线路提供动力的牵引变电所在国内首次被设置为全地下,充分融入地面绿地景观。 雄安站站房面积约13万平方米,以白洋淀水文化为设计灵感,采用水滴状椭圆造型,形似“青莲露珠”,也像涌出的泉水;屋顶的层层起伏形如平静水面泛起涟漪,立面设计融入中国传统大殿元素,展现中国文化基因。为雄安站各条线路提供动力的牵引变电所在...
Yuzhong Peninsula, Chongqing / 重庆渝中半岛部分
Erstellt von mahlergobi
已修复水流方向问题,这下污水啥的应该不会逆流了23333 UPDATE: waterflow problem has been fixed! ---- 嗯这是up主引以为豪的家乡233333 地形用了套应该是来自nasa的目前民用高精度灰度图(30m一像素),但是在比例1:1的情况下仍然达不到CSL要求的像素,所以做了些平滑处理……导进去才发现尼玛CSL的地图原来并不算大嘛,至少如果重点是在渝中区的话玩家是无法掌握沙坪坝区的大部分的……而且内环都显示不完2333333 尽管没啥人会坐船旅行,但是重庆一直都是...
Zeal Shopping Mall
Erstellt von eran0004
Zeal Shopping Mall by eran0004 This is a unique building with the same stats as the Posh Mall. It's an original design, created to fill a wedge-shaped lot in my city. The lot size is 9x4 grid units. The facade materials are mainly wood and glass. The main ...
(OUTDATED) - [AD] Petronas Towers 1:1 by Drosovila
Erstellt von Jewbacca™
Petronas Towers 1:1 updated for After Dark. Initially created by Drosovila. Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Please subscribe to the new original 1:1 scale asset Building color has also been...
[AD]Drosovilas Chicago Spire
Erstellt von Drosovila
The unbuilt Chicago Spire from.....Chicago. Planned to be 610m high by architect Santiago Calatrava. -Level 6 Unique Building -9x9 footprint, 600m height. -2200 tris, 1024x512 texture res, customLOD(196 tris, 512x256 texture res) - 1:2 Version here...
[AD]Drosovilas Grand Casino
Erstellt von Drosovila
Drosovilas grand Casino unique Building -Stats based off of Opera House -2700 tris, 2048 texture res, custom LOD(500 tris)...
[AD]Drosovilas OCBC Centre from Singapore (Unique Building)
Erstellt von Drosovila
Drosovilas OCBC Centre from SIngapore. -Unique Building Level 5, Stats based off of "Modern Arts Museum" -8x4 size. Height 197.7 meters(1:1) -680 tris, 2048x1024 texture res, custom LOD(300 tris, 512x256 texture res) -Feel free to send me screenshots of it...
[Milgram]Shenzhen Bay Sports Center 深圳湾体育中心
Erstellt von XDBX
ShenzhenBaySportsCenter 深圳湾体育中心 深圳湾体育中心位于中国广东省深圳市南山区后海湾畔,占地30.774公顷,是深圳湾绵延15公里海滨休闲带上的一个地标性建筑,因主体使用白色巨型钢结构网架将“一场两馆”及其他商业设施整合为一体而被称为“春茧”,与称为春笋的中国华润大厦互相呼应。 2011年第26届世界大学生运动会开幕式在这里举行。 Shenzhen Bay Sports Center (Simplified Chinese: 深圳湾体育中心), nicknamed Spring C...
[RICO] 圓山大飯店 Grand Hotel
Erstellt von Emperor Li
圓山大飯店 位於臺北市中山區劍潭山的中國風飯店,於1973年落成,是臺北市的著名地標之一。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 位於 Ploppable RICO 選單下Tourist裡,無RICO Mod在等級5特殊建築選單內。 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 漢白玉欄杆在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! 圆山大饭店 位于台北市中山区剑潭山的中国风饭店,于1973年落成,是台北市的著名地标之一(摘自: 维基百科 ) 位於 Ploppable RICO 选单下Tourist里,无RICO Mod在等级5特殊建筑选单内。 预览图片中的牌楼...
[RICO] Address The BLVD - Dubai
Erstellt von Bibel Gurra
If you like my work and want to support me; Special thanks to iSevenSimmer for providing me with great reference photos...