Brick Rigs

Brick Rigs

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Items (928)
Created by Mumia
BMP - 2M Berezhok The BMP-2M is a Russian modification of the BMP-2 developed in the early 2000s. Its main difference from the conventional BMP-2 is the installation of a new Berezhok combat module on the vehicle, which includes four Kornet ATGM launchers,...
Created by Elektrofumigator
BTR-60PB was a turreted version of a personell carrier BTR-60PA. It's still in use in military and - more commonly - as a police car. PB version includes revolving turret with KPVT 14,5mm gun a 7,62mm coaxial MG. Controls: L - lights <driver and front pass...
БДК - 64 Цезарь Куников | BDK - 64 Caesar Kunikov
Created by MeløK «Цезарь Куников» (БДК-64) — большой десантный корабль проекта 775 (775/II), состоящий на вооружении Черноморского флота ВМФ России (Севастополь, 197-я б...
Created by Boogiman
ВАЗ 2103 Жигули / WAZ 2103 Łada / VAZ 2103 Lada
Created by Elektrofumigator
VAZ 2103 was created to be a more luxurious car, than popular VAZ 2101. Produced between 1972 and 1984, was eventually replaced by VAZ 2106. This car has 1,5l inline 4 engine. I have no idea what more to add. Controls: L - lights mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
ВАЗ 2105 Жигули / WAZ 2105 Łada / VAZ 2105 Lada
Created by Elektrofumigator
Wait a second, have I just made a modern car?! Technically yes. Does it change anything? idk really VAZ 2105 was meant to replace VAZ 2101 as normal Ivan's personal car. Production started in 1980 and till 1988 it was produced alongside 2101 it was meant t...
ВАЗ 2106 Жигули / WAZ 2106 Łada / VAZ 2106 Lada
Created by Elektrofumigator
Another жигули. I know, I was supposed to make Volga, but that has to wait as I just began making Победа/Warszawa line, so... I hope I can make all of these by the end of this year! Lada 2106 was produced in Togliatti, Samara, Russian SSR, Soviet Union, an...
ГАЗ-21 Волга 2 серия / GAZ-21 Wołga 2 seria / GAZ-21 Volga 2 series
Created by Elektrofumigator
Construction for replacement of outdated GAZ-20 Pobeda (rus. for Victory) began in 1951. New Volga was released in 1956 and despite having same wheelbase as older model, it was in fact bigger and more comfortable car. Till 1970, when production ceased, 639...
ГАЗ-21 Волга 1 серия / GAZ-21 Wołga 1 seria / GAZ-21 Volga 1 series
Created by Elektrofumigator
Construction for replacement of outdated GAZ-20 Pobeda (rus. for Victory) began in 1951. New Volga was released in 1956 and despite having same wheelbase as older model, it was in fact bigger and more comfortable car. Till 1970, when production ceased, 639...
ГАЗ-21 Волга 3 серия / GAZ-21 Wołga 3 seria / GAZ-21 Volga 3 series
Created by Elektrofumigator
Construction for replacement of outdated GAZ-20 Pobeda (rus. for Victory) began in 1951. New Volga was released in 1956 and despite having same wheelbase as older model, it was in fact bigger and more comfortable car. Till 1970, when production ceased, 639...
ГАЗ-21С Волга 3 серия / GAZ-21S Wołga 3 Seria / GAZ-21S Volga 3 series
Created by Elektrofumigator
Construction for replacement of outdated GAZ-20 Pobeda (rus. for Victory) began in 1951. New Volga was released in 1956 and despite having same wheelbase as older model, it was in fact bigger and more comfortable car. Till 1970, when production ceased, 639...
ГАЗ-24 Волга / GAZ-24 Wołga / GAZ-24 Volga
Created by Elektrofumigator
GAZ-24 entered production in 1967 and was in fact just a bigger modification of GAZ-21 with, what was most noticable, radical styling changes. Volgas were tested alongside older model and western luxurious sedans to make a car capable of being sold in the ...
ГАЗ-24-10 Волга / GAZ-24-10 Wołga / GAZ-24-10 Volga
Created by Elektrofumigator
In 1985 GAZ-24 was modified to be GAZ-24-10 and was produced till 1992. GAZ-24-10 was in fact cheaper to manufacture and buy family-size sedan. Controls: L - lights mouse1/mouse2 - indicators X - wipers...
ГАЗ-24-24 Волга "Догонялка" / GAZ-24-24 Wołga / GAZ-24-24 Volga
Created by Elektrofumigator
Volga was intended to carry not only the stock 2,5l inline 4 engine, but to carry heavier V8 from Chaika with automatic gearbox. Why? KGB wanted fast car. And they got it. Not many were produced, legends say they were supplied with cast iron 200kg plate in...
Created by Лёня
Created by Лёня
Created by Kent
Created by Лёня
ЗСУ-37-2 (Object 119) Enisey
Created by 🔰Yomiko-129
Mumia - Изначальная модель башни и корпуса denruy22 - дальнейшая доделка постройки - декор - описание RU: 17 апреля 1957 года Постановлением СМ СССР № 426-211 принято решение о начале разработки новых ЗСУ ЗСУ-23-4 «Шилка» и ЗСУ-37-2 «Енисей». ЗСУ являлись ...
Created by Лёня
Created by Лёня
Created by Лёня
Created by kopeykin_2017
Ми-8 АМТШ. Многоцелевой транспортно-ударный вертолёт. ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Вертолёт может рассыпаться на некоторых гаражах (это такой баг в брик ригсе раньше его на карте Desert видел) например в BRICKSVILE там где аэродром, в этом случае просто заспавнить в другом...
Лазерный комплекс 1к17 «Cжатие»
Created by Mumia Control WASD (alt-no alt) - движение/moving мышь/mouse (alt) - башня/turret Num1 - огонь/fire X - мощный свет/powerful light Brick 1444 RU Разработкой лазерного комплекса нового поколения «Сжатие» занималось НПО «Астрофизика»....
Объект 675
Created by Mumia
RU Jey-курировал историческую достоверность и реалистичность проекта Модель в игре и идея танка Mumia Танк полностью вымышленный! Объект - - - - это попытка создать обсалютно новую машину на агригатах и составных частях предыдущего поколения ОБТ, для повыш...
Объект 675 А
Created by Mumia RU Jey-курировал историческую достоверность и реалистичность проекта Модель в игре и идея танка Mumia Описание В данной модификации, Объект 675 А , было переработано влд танка, что дало наиболее возможную стойкость от кинетиче...
Created by Лёня
Опустошитель со дна workshop
Created by Darc325
Считайте его наследником лего пожирателя) Вид и способ разрушения изменились, но вот цель осталась преждней, это сожрать всё на своём пути! И на данный момент, он уже подкрепился забытыми изделиями Brick Rigs, стройте лучше! Или ваши постройки пойдут ему н...
Created by Лёня
ПТРК Конкурс 1970 Г.
Created by Mumia
Даже не планировал делать просто решил попробовать и вот что из этого вышло Делал 1 день I didn't even plan to do it, I just decided to try it and that's what came out of it I did it for 1 day История создания и применения «Ко́нкурс» (индекс комплекса — 9К...
Created by Лёня
Пулемёт Максима образца 1910 года
Created by kopeykin_2017
станковый пулемёт, вариант британского пулемёта Максим, широко использовавшийся российской и Красной армиями во время Первой мировой и Второй мировой войн....
Реактивный нагибатор
Created by Darc325
Зажав колёско мышки пускать ракеты, при том можно не все разом, а дозами, ЛКМ две авто пушки стреляющие очередями, с микро перезарядкой, управлять полётом на алт и мыкшой, мощность двигателя регулировать на W S при том когда выбрали нужную, зажимать не не ...
РЖД фирменный вагон плацкарт
Created by )Humanoid(™
Фирменный российский вагон плацкартного типа Думаю многие видели и знают его немного ключевых слов для продвижения: РЖД , Вагон , Поезд , Train , Car , RZD , R/D , Плацкарт , россия , russia , ссср , ussr...
Сухой СУ-30 | Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker
Created by MeløK
2.245 Bricks RUS Су-30 (по кодификации НАТО: Flanker-C — «Фланкер-Ц») — советский/российский двухместный многоцелевой истребитель завоевания господства ...
Created by Лёня
Created by Elektrofumigator
SMZ S-3D was soviet microcar made for disabled people, especially war veterans. Cars like these were given to them at no cost, and were changed every 2 years to maintain reliability. This small vehicle could be operated with one hand only (although it's mo...
Сухой СУ-27 | Sukhoi SU-27 Flanker
Created by MeløK
1.577 Bricks RUS Су-27 (заводской шифр Т-10С; по кодификации НАТО: Flanker-B — «Фланкер-Б») — советский многоцелевой всепогодный сверхзвуковой тяжёлый и...
Created by karmen1690
Т-14 Armata
T-14 Armata Russian MBT with an uninhabited turret, based on the Armata universal tracked platform. There are also rumors that this tank is in the yard of every Russian, so we advise you to be careful when traveling to Russia. We did it. Something that a l...
Created by Лёня
Created by Лёня
Created by MeløK
951 Bricks/Деталей RUS: 40 лет назад, 7 августа 1973 года был принят на вооружение объект 172М. Начало процессу создания танка Т-72 положило постановлен...
Т-80У I T-80U
Created by MeløK
1,761 Bricks THE HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF THE T-80 By the end of the 1960s, the Soviet Army had the most advanced tanks at that time. In 1967, the T-6...
Т-90А I T-90A
1,259 Bricks I 1,259 Деталей Проектирование танка Т-90 началось в 1986 году силами КБ «Уралвагонзавод» под руководством главного конструктора В. И. Поткина. Перед конструкторами изначально стояла задача модернизировать советский танк Т-72Б, однако модерниз...
Т-90СА I T-90CA
1,226 Bricks I 1,226 Деталей Проектирование танка Т-90 началось в 1986 году силами КБ «Уралвагонзавод» под руководством главного конструктора В. И. Поткина. Перед конструкторами изначально стояла задача модернизировать советский танк Т-72Б, однако модерниз...
Created by Mayor_Tim
В апреле 1945-го военные дали указание оснастить один из прототипов Т28 120-мм пушкой Т50. Именно эта машина первоначально получила обозначение Т34. Однако после Второй мировой войны работы над Т29 сильно замедлились, так что прототип Т34 не был использова...
Created by Лёня
Created by )Humanoid(™
~5,940 bricks ЭП2К - российский пассажирский шестиосный электровоз выпускаемый Коломенским заводом. EP2K is a Russian passenger six-axle electric locomotive produced by the Kolomna Plant. Ключевые слова: РЖД , RZD , train , поезд , электровоз , локомотив ,...
Created by Лёня
бмп 1
Created by 903(RF)
бмп 2
Created by 903(RF)
бмп 3
Created by 903(RF)
Created by kasper
пожиратель лего
Created by Darc325
Возможно я что-то и не доработал, но вид и урон уже стоят того) Прячте ваши лего спорткары, оно идёт!...
Created by Лёня
Created by Mafanya2121
т-64бв t-64bv
Created by avarm (RUS)
1,330 дет. есть пулемёт на крыше башни, так же есть ПНВ в прицелах (включать ПНВ на англ. B) макс. скорость 64 км\ч...
т-64а (1971) t-64a (1971)
Created by avarm (RUS)
1,035 дет. есть ПНВ в прицелах (включать ПНВ на англ. B) макс. скорость 64 км\ч...
𝐀𝐇𝟔 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃 (𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚎𝚛)
Created by o
The Boeing AH-6 is a series of light helicopter gunships based on the MH-6 Little Bird and MD 500 family. Developed by Boeing Rotorcraft Systems, these include the Unmanned Little Bird (ULB) demonstrator, the A/MH-6X Mission Enhanced Little Bird (MELB), an...
🗿Ooga Booga🗿
Created by Joey Jazz
It is the statue of an ancient from Easter Island, as known as Moai or Moyai. Only real tribesmen will get this post....
AH-1F Cobra
Created by 🔰Yomiko-129
«Кобра» (англ. Cobra, общевойсковой индекс — AH-1, заводской индекс изготовителя — Bell Model 209, по-русски — АЭйч-1) — американский ударный вертолёт, разработанный фирмой Bell Helicopter в начале 1960-х годов. Первый в мире специально спроектированный се...
"Кустос" Support drone
Created by Mumia Вымышленный советский дрон боевой поддержки "Кустос" или же "Смотритель" В основном лучше применять на баттле или же канквесте Делал не на серьёзе просто как удобную постройку для пвп Кнопки снизу отвечают за отстрел основы пт...
"Wiesel" German Armored Weapons Carrier TOW (LITE)
Created by jagdpenguin
This is a Tow version of a Wiesel AWC. ---Tow missile works, but sometimes may glitch and break, if this is the case delete the vehicle and respawn it at the nearest garage.--- Missile is locked to turret via actuators. action 4: detach tow +feel free to d...
(OLD) HMMWV Humvee
Created by Mrs. Tuna
The High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle or "Humvee" in 1-1 scale Has 4 seats including the driver, as well as a gunner seat on the roof. The trunk opens and closes with Q. 490 bricks...
(OLD) M1a2 Abrams MBT
Created by Mrs. Tuna
A 1-1 scale M1a2 Abrams. (UPDATED) Some details tweaked to look cleaner, has a more powerful gun, contains less bricks, and I improved on the suspension. Reworked version with better suspension and slightly higher detail. One of the US's most modern MBTs. ...
(WW2) (Rp) Stug. III Ausf. G
Created by xBLOHAx
StuG III Ausf. G-German self-propelled artillery installation based on the medium tank Pz. III.It was serially produced in various modifications from 1940 to 1945 and became the most mass-produced representative of the Wehrmacht armored vehicles (8636 self...
100 brick airplane
Created by Cheko
Creator: Cheko this by me designed biplane was made for the 100 brick contest. press i to activate the engine it has two guns in the front (activate with action 1) It is WASD controlled because thats how I like it....
122 mm D-30 Howitzer 2A18
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The 122 mm D-30 Howitzer! This Howitzer is one of the most popular artillery guns made by the Soviets. It has a really good range, and it can be extended with a rocket propelled round. It includes both direct and indirect fire sights for differ...
10U-5-A "Intruder" LOC
Launching & Operating Complex on a UTV base with "Intruder" UAV. Controls: Alt mode + WASD - vehicle movement Alt mode + mouse - turret movement Green button - internal lights Red button - window armor plates L - headlights Panoramic scope - Alt + mouse mo...
Created by thomasknudseen1986
1941 Douglas DC-3 C-47A USAF
Created by Pizza Endstazioni
f you like this creation please leave a rating This is the 1941 Douglas DC-3 C-47A! A military version of the DC-3 specifically built for the US air forces. It had upgraded radar and radio technologies as well as new Pratt & Whitney 1200 HP rotary engines....
1942 CTM PPT-35
Created by Cromturion
A Patrol Torpedo boat with 2 torpedoes. 1,323 Bricks. Does not float on "water", this is the wheeled variant for use on ground(without camo). For the floating/water variant with camo For the floating/water variant without camo Features: - 2 functional torp...
1956 Visure AeroFloat
Created by zman90
Here is a prediction of the year 2000 in 1956: The year is 2000 and you get in your new Visure Aerofloat But there is no steering wheel, because it's self driving! at a fast rate you will get to school/work this is because of floating there is no resistanc...
1955 Buick Roadmaster Sedan
Created by Cheko
One of the more luxurious cars of the mid 50s. I decided to make it really quite detailed because it is for a contest, thats why its so high brick. (yes some people may find it oversized but i really dont care) 420 Bricks (Nice haha weed number) Key words:...
1966 Chevrolet Impala
Created by GCfordtaurus
Chevrolet Impala. Featuring a full interior that seats 4 comfortably. Press B for high beam lights. Added flaps, now 254 bricks....
1957 Mikrus MR-300
Created by Cheko
Little 2-stroke rear engined car from Poland produced from 1957 to 1960. THANKS TO GLORE TO ARSTONKA for making the side vents and the side thingy that sticks out and some other stuffs. 234 Bricks....
1967 Mi-8
Created by YOKKO
The dog approves. ( By Y O K K O & denruy22 ) Bricks:1383 ATTENTION Button for turning on the Wipers from the BOTTOM ON THE PANEL !!! and turning on the light from above !!! !!! ОСТОРОЖНО ВЫСОКИЙ ПОТОК ВОЗДУХА !!! Управление: Зажимаем кнопку Ч-Запуск двига...
1967 Mi-8 Armed
Created by YOKKO
Один клик- один сбос бомбы зажать чтобы взорвать....
1970 GAZ-21 Volga 3 Series
Created by YOKKO
Легенда 1970 года, на котором ездил сам Ю. Гагарин, Привет Cheko....
1970s Accessories Pack 1
Created by Elektrofumigator
Henlo it is I, and today we put unnecessary crap onto vehicles. Thanks for getting it to the slideshow top 3! In the part 1 of the Super Accesories Pacc, I am proud to release: - Lots of cigs (made with Klein) - Chockolate (cool Wedel chockolate, 1st quali...
1977 Lada Niva (VAZ 2121)
Created by Cheko
Great little Russian 4x4 car, made for rough conditions and harsh winters. This model is the 1977 - 1994, with the horizontal taillights. Press Q (beacon) for WORKING beacon lights, warning: they might not always work as well in multiplayer. 297 Bricks...
1990s American McDonalds
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
Update: July 27th 2019: Fixed Drive Thru menu sign. It's now 2 bricks less. European McDonalds by M0NEX and Turtle: here Hello guys, this is an American McDonalds, It's got the classical golden arches sign, the historical joke of the ice cream machine, and...
1995 Bajaj Chetak
Created by Hyder
Backstory: Originally based upon the Italian made Vespa Sprint, the Bajaj Chetak was a small, affordable motor scooter made by the Bajaj Auto company from 1972 to 2006. Powered by a 150 cc two-stroke gas engine, this motorbike reaches max speeds of 40 mph ...
1990 VAZ (ВАЗ)-21099
Created by 🔰Yomiko-129
Работа по созданию кузова типа седан семейства моделей «Спутник» началась в 1980 году. Первоначально он получил индекс «ВАЗ-2110». Через год появился полноразмерный макет кузова. В 1983 году сформировалась внешность передней части: в отличие от моделей с к...
1995 Decker Crusader Military
Created by Car Crusher
Popular choice for military in the 2000's, although use ended in 2005, its still favored and recognized as one of the best military vehicles such as the Jeep. Alt mode to control the gun on the roof....
1997-2000 Saturn SC1
Created by kal
Base model second generation Saturn coupe. Lights (Will vary depending on keybinds): Low Beams - Headlights High Beams - Beacon Running Lights - Disable Steering Left and Right Signals - Actions 1 & 2 Bricks: 349 You are free to upload modifications of thi...
1K17 Szhatie
Created by snerso
A laser "tank" developed by the Soviets in the 70's and 80's, and adopted in 1992. Three of these tanks were built, but the only surviving tank is located in the Military Technical Museum at Ivanovskaya. ...
2006 Ford Crown Victoria
Classic 2006 Crown Victoria This is the Civilain Version Includes: Standard Factory Vehicle Openable Doors Openable Trunk Headlights Highbeams Interior Lights Hazards and Turn Signals Full interior DO NOT REUPLOAD (DUH)...
2006 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor (Civilian)
Classic 2006 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor This is the Civilain Version Includes: Retired Police Vehicle Openable Doors Openable Trunk Headlights Highbeams Interior Lights Hazards and Turn Signals Full interior DO NOT REUPLOAD (DUH)...
2004 Three-Story Office Building
Created by AngryGamer1224
A large office built in the Soviet Union. It has many computers and chairs, plus a break room and front desk. The office is 1,773 bricks, so it is not recommended to spawn in multiplayer servers. Invincibility is recommended but not required. I hope you en...
2007 Kalinin K-7 Fortress
Created by Pizza Endstazioni
If you like this creation please leave a rating Oh boy! This is the 2010 3D render version of the Калинин К-7! This is a heavily modified version of the original Kalinin K-7, that can be traced back to an individual going by the name of "Levin" These rende...
2008-2021 SMW Overlander Guard
Created by Mushy
Modern LAPV built on the Overlander chassis. Popular for both military and civilian agency usage. ______________ Motor: 1x2x5s V2 motor Transmission: 5 forward, 1 reverse Drivetrain: 4WD Weight: 12,458 lbs Bricks: 397...
2011 Ford Grand C-max
Created by tyyppi155
Grand C-max The Ford C-Max is a compact multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) produced by the Ford Motor Company since 2003. The Ford Grand C-Max has a longer wheelbase. Ford introduced the C-Max in the United States as its first hybrid-only line of vehicles, which ...
2011-2016 Veliar Blingo
Created by †𝐚𝐤𝐢 Info Blingo series is the flagship for Velair. This sedan aimed for higher class markets. The 5th gen Blingo was produced from 2011 to 2016, as the 6th gen Blingo stepped in. 5th gen have powerful 3.1L V6-turbo motor, RWD, Man...
2015 Dodge Charger LASD
Created by oбemus
Original: Controls: Q - ELS (Emergency Lightning system) Num1 (lmb) - Left blinker Num2 (mmb) - Right blinker J - Warning lights L - lights H - horn I (Invert steering) - Traffic adviser to ...
2018 Accishi Cresna sedan
Created by Aarno
Brick Count: 366 The new Cresna is now a D-Segment/midsize car. Comes in RWD and has a nice two-tone interior...
Created by Лёня
6 Pounder
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰 ▷ The Ordnance Quick-Firing 6-pounder 7 cwt, or just 6-pounder, was a British 57 mm gun, serving as a primary anti-tank gun of the British Army during World War II, as well as the main armament for a number of armoured fight...
2016 Audi R18 e-tron quattro
Created by Not Jason Blundell
Real Life Car Counterpart Statistics: Engine - Audi TDi V6 Transmission - 7 Speed Semi Automatic Power - 549 BHP / 410 KW Electric Motor - 268 BHP / 200 KW Combined Power - 827 BHP / 609 KW Torque - - NM / - FT LBS @ - RPM Top Speed - - KM/H / - MPH Drivet...
60mm MORTAR working
Created by o
The M224 60 mm Lightweight Mortar is a smooth bore, muzzle-loading, high-angle-of-fire weapon used for close-in support of ground troops. It was deployed extensively in the War in Afghanistan by the United States. CONTROLS> W/S up down ALT for aiming if BU...
2021 DRT Formula Street World Tour Y01
Created by vetch
After the Coronavirus debacle of 2020, Formula Street’s inaugural season was moved to 2021. This car was originally designed for 2020, but wasn’t able to be built until 2021. Meanwhile, the team was busy building ventilators. When that was over, they got b...
2k22 Tunguska Anti Aircraft
Created by jagdpenguin
the 2k22 Tunguska is a Russian tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon armed with a surface-to-air gun and missile system. it has 4 working surface to air missiles that can be aimed by turret movement. 1100< Current progress has stopped for now due to ...
Created by Лёня
37 mm Gun M3
Created by ]v[acGyverFiN
37 mm Gun M3 Anti tank gun...
Created by Лёня
737 Max 7
Created by Cr3ator
After 1 Month of work, It's out! The Boeing 737 MAX is the fourth generation of the Boeing 737, a narrow-body airliner manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA). It succeeds the Boeing 737 Next Generation (NG). It is based on earlier 737 designs, w...
737 Max 7 Remaster
Created by Cr3ator
2,500 Sub special!!! The Boeing 737 MAX is the fourth generation of the Boeing 737, a narrow-body airliner manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA). It succeeds the Boeing 737 Next Generation (NG). It is based on earlier 737 designs, with more eff...
88 mm Flak 37 Sfl
Created by Dreams70
88mm Flugabwehrkanone Selbsfahrlaffette auf schwerem Zugkraftwagen 18t Tank Destroyer Armanent: 1 88 mm cannon. Controls: Num 1(or LMB) for the cannon Turret controlled in alt mode. Driving in normal mode. Brick count: 863 ...
9A52 Smerch LBC
Created by eca001
A lower brick count version. Cluster rocket replaced by normal rocket. brick count 1243 Original
9U-12-A "Amplifier" LOC
Launching & Operating Complex on a UTV base with "Amplifier" UAV. Controls: Alt mode + WASD - vehicle movement Alt mode + mouse - turret movement Green button - internal lights Red button - window armor plates L - headlights Panoramic scope - Alt + mouse m...
9U-12-R-M "Observer" LOC
Launching & Operating Complex on a UTV base with "Observer" UAV. Controls: Alt mode + WASD - vehicle movement Alt mode + mouse - turret movement Green button - internal lights Red button - window armor plates L - headlights Panoramic scope - Alt + mouse mo...
9U-15-A "Interrupter" LOC
Launching & Operating Complex on a UTV base with "Interrupter" UAV. Controls: Alt mode + WASD - vehicle movement Alt mode + mouse - turret movement Green button - internal lights Red button - window armor plates L - headlights Panoramic scope - Alt + mouse...
Created by HABU
Douglas A-4E Skyhawk is a single-seat subsonic carrier-capable light attack aircraft developed for the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps Skyhawks were the U.S. Navy's primary light attack aircraft used over Nor...
Abrams M1A1
Created by †𝐚𝐤𝐢 Tanks on last 2 screenshots - Leclerc S2 and T-80U Thanks for hull size to Mayor_Tim To end reload press LMB after green light turns on(1-st person) To normal see sight turn off Depth of Field in video settings Historical info...
Abrams M1A1 HC
Created by †𝐚𝐤𝐢 Tank on pre-last screenshot - T-72B Thanks for hull size to Mayor_Tim To end reload press LMB after green light turns on(1-st person) To normal see sight turn off Depth of Field in video settings Historical information M1 Abra...
Abrams M1A2 SEP v.3
Created by †𝐚𝐤𝐢 Destroyed tank - T-90M Thanks for hull size and 12.7 to Mayor_Tim To end reload press LMB after green light turns on(1-st person) To normal see sight turn off Depth of Field in video settings Historical information M1 Abrams i...
Admiral Graf Spee
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰 ▷ Admiral Graf Spee was a Deutschland-class "Panzerschiff" (armored ship), nicknamed a "pocket battleship" by the British, which served with the Kriegsmarine of Nazi Germany during World War II. The two sister-ships of her c...
9U-12-M "Prospector" LOC
Launching & Operating Complex on a UTV base with "Prospector" UAV. Controls: Alt mode + WASD - vehicle movement Alt mode + mouse - turret movement Green button - internal lights Red button - window armor plates L - headlights Panoramic scope - Alt + mouse ...
A-7D Corsair II with working air to air missile and Mavericks
Created by Milik
!!!BE SURE TO READ THIS!!! Vulcan(Minigun)-action 1 Aim-9j №1-action 2 If you miss or hit hold ation 2 for 2 seconds to turn off the autopilot Aim-9j №2-action 3 If you miss or hit hold ation 3 for 2 seconds to turn off the autopilot Maverick №1-action 4 I...
Advanced war heavy missile launcher (reMASTER)
Created by Gork Brat Morka
this launcher was designed and created by Anklah war group for military purpose. This missile is very heavy, but fast. You can use it for destroing big groups of enemy, enemy's Levithan vehicles and other. Don't reupload, all rights reserved. Anklah. ~~ ho...
Created by KV Productions
Based off Laihela's WW1 Rotatory engine fighter. Check out his awesome models! The AEG D.I Fighter Biplane Prototype from WW1 comes to Brick Rigs! It is a pretty agile plane armed with two ...
Created by eca001
Here is the AH-1Z! OOH RAAA! Armed with 32 HE cannon, 8 rockets and 5 mg. flight control- alt view control rocket pod(cannon)- action 1 Hellfire release(rockets)- hold action 2 rocket pod jettsion- action 8 turret- alt view control(gunner turret fire- acti...
AH-64A -Stock heli ver
Created by eca001
Here is the AH-64A Apache! Stock heli engine to save you from suffering! Armed with 40 HE cannon and 8 rockets. Able to carry two crew. flight control- alt view control rocket pod (HE)- pilot action 1 rocket release- hold action 2 turret- gunner action 1 t...
AH-64 Apache Longbow
Created by J9Josh
Finally, its here... The Boeing AH-64 Apache is an American four-blade, twin-turboshaft attack helicopter with a tailwheel-type landing gear arrangement and a tandem cockpit for a two-man crew. It features a nose-mounted sensor suite for target acquisition...
AH-64D Block II
Created by eca001
Toggle engine - Beacon Flight control - ALT mode view and wasd Rocket pod - Action 1 Missile - Action 2 Auto Hover - X Turret control for pilot - L then wasd, action 3 to fire Turret control for gunner - L then alt view Weapon jettison - action 8 brick cou...
AH-1Z Viper (Legacy)
Created by Mrs. Tuna
The AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter. I'm assuming the scale is about 1-1.2. Since it's based off the size of my original viper (the first vehicle I've ever made) I never properly measured it. I got lucky that it's so close to actual scale. It's in-game armam...
Air Destroyer Goliath
Created by 【PikminQuentin】
This is my take on the Goliath from the movie: the castle in the sky. Movements: to activate/deactivate turbine to go up/down to turn left/right to activate/deactivate engine (to go forward or backward) Turrets: in alt mode/operation mode from the mouse to...
Airbus A220-100 Swiss Air Lines
Created by BasicFrog
Press X for flaps....
AJ-37 Viggen by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Swedish AJ-37 Viggen (Thunderbolt). It's an approximation not a 1:1 replica. The AJ stands for "Attack-Jakt" (attack/fighter) so it's primarily used for ground/sea attack with four smaller missiles and two large RBS 15 anti-ship missiles....
Created by Лёня
This preview is a fake, but the AK-47 built in BRIC rigs.If you subscribe, the Creator of the game can add AK-47...
AJ219 Sky Rival
Created by GamingX33 AJ219 "Sky Rival" Attack Jet Made for Air to Ground combat This a legacy creation! I am not good at making planes, be fair with rating ...
Akira | Shotaro Kaneda's Bike
Thanks grzybek337 for help with bike !...
Akula-3 HGH
Created by hebus1360
Akula-3 HGH for Heavy Gunship Helicopter I was very inspired by the V22 Osprey , the Sikorsky CH54 and the KA52 for the cockpit and the tail It is made of Aluminium so as not to burn , it weighs 55 tons (I advise to add blades if you add heavy weapons) 989...
Created by UniShall
Updates 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 was for the old AMX version, you can see it with the link under. UPDATE 9: Major update (rebuilded) Hi gyes you tell me to rebuild the AMX-10 RC, and I done it! So I changed all. I restarted by 0, it represent 980 min...
AMX-56 Leclerc
Created by eca001
Here is the AMX-56 Leclerc! Vive la France! Armed with 10 AP/8 HE cannon and two mg. turret aim- alt view control cannon- action 1 mg- action 2 ammo type selection- Q IR camera- X fire suppression- I brick count 1358...
Alien fighters swarm
Created by VerriosHFD
Info Swarm of 12 alien fighters. They are non armored, weak and small but very fast, agile, and very cheap. One of them can't do anything but swarm of them can deal massive damage to enemies. They even can sacrifice itself to blow up everything around. Con...
AMX-56 Leclerc Camo ver
Created by eca001
Here is the AMX-56 Leclerc! Vive la France! Armed with 10 AP/8 HE cannon and two mg. turret aim- alt view control cannon- action 1 mg- action 2 ammo type selection- Q IR camera- X fire suppression- I brick count 1395...
Anbus NB232-200 Jet Airliner
Created by MysteriousGadget
Remember to rate fairly These creations take a long time to make, so always remember to show appreciation to creators! Like what I make? Vehicle Information Brick count: 858 The Anbus NB232-200 is a small twin-engined jet air...
Antonov AN-2 Colt Antek
Created by Anhek
UPDATED to 1.2.2 Normal mode: WASD - taxiing to the runway (like regular car) Operational mode: W/S - Accumulated throttle (8700 rpm on 45% gear reduction max) A/D - Accumulated rudders Mouse - Accumulated ailerons and elevator X - Flaps B - Beacon lights ...
Artillery Tower
Created by Stake From JateFarm
Attention: Please credit me if you modify and re-upload a version of this. Also, try not to spam different camo versions. Please and thank you :) A spontaneous creation, it was designed to partake in a challenge my friend and I had involving turret towers....
Created by zman90
Who says you can't use super cars in the wasteland? This is a ramp car that will flip cars. This was made with a 1980s Greenson Cobra. Thank you guys for 4,500 subs! original car:
Created by Grauichkeit
hope you like it ...
AT-99 Scorpion
Created by eca001
Here is the AT-99 Scorpion! Rocket truck in the sky! Armed with 30*HE cannon, 24*mg, 4 rockets. -Refer to wiki this thing got 10 rockets pod with total 150 rockets, I replace it with a 30 shots auto cannon, release trigger for few second to wait for the co...
Atomic Bomb - Mukhtar
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
Hey, look at this. ►🔥 Full Name - Super-Atomic Bomb - Mukhtar <Мухтар> 🔥◀ Mukhtar-this is the latest atomic bomb developed by Atomico Industries, power superior to previous models 3-5 times and is able to destroy the city an...
Attack helicopter PR-92-6
Created by IRFZ44
Attack helicopter PR-92-6 1.Armament: 1) Cannons (NumLok / on) - Action 1 2) Machine gun (NumLok / on) - Action 2 3) Rockets (NumLok / on) - Action 4,5,6,7,8 2. Cargo compartment 3. 4 passenger seats 4. Turret (controlled by the seat behind the pilot's sea...
Aurelia | Warrior Class Destroyer
Created by Steel Tortoise
Aurelia | Warrior Class Destroyer ======================================================================= This ship wasn't made with realism in mind. ======================================================================= Specifications: Brick Count: 929 M...
Austro-Daimler Panzerautomobil -AC-
Created by niho2906
Bricks:160 Driver: W,A,S,D to drive ALT+View Yaw and Pitch to aim the AP cannon and press the left mousebuttonl to fire mouseweel to fire the machine gun Gunner: ALT+View Yaw and Pitch to aim fire it using the left mousebutton Hope you like it and please r...
Autosan H9-21
Created by Elektrofumigator
Hello, this time is the bus time. Autosan H9 was introduced in SFA bus factory in Sanok, Poland in between 1973-2004. This legendary piece of engineering is still a common site in Eastern part of Poland, thanks to it's unkillable diesel engine built under ...
AV-8B Harrier
Created by eca001
Here is the AV-8B Harrier! Armed with 8 bombs and 2 rockets. -make sure there are some forward speed when doing V/STOL, there is no way to recover once you flip it flight control- alt view control engine nozzle angle- alt page up/down landing gear- X drop ...
Avia A30
Created by Cheko
Creator: Cheko A truck, I got inspired from Half Life 2 and Garry's Mod so I made this. It drives pretty nicely and has functioning lights, brake lights and reversing lights. To open the rear hatch, press page down. To close it again, press page up. Top sp...
B-17 Flying Fortress by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the iconic B-17 Flying Fortress bomber. It's an approximation, definitely not a 1:1 replica. Top speed is a bit high but the power is needed for turning. Alt controls to fly. W/S: Variable throttle. A/D: Ground steering/Yaw. Up/Down Arrow: Pi...
awp lego 2
Created by Лёня
B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber
Created by The Golden Brick
Update: Added ground steering & throttle. Made Thruster output more realistic. 0.7 to 0.3. Please Like & Favorite, this was incredibly difficult to make. Keyplay & I spent a incredible amount of time on this. It would mean a lot if you gave a reward to thi...
Avro Lancaster Mk2 by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
A four-engine WW2 bomber inspired by the iconic Avro Lancaster. It's an approximation and definitely not a 1:1 replica, but it flies well and drops a lot of bombs. More "realistic" version with no exterior bomb load. Three working machine gun turrets, seat...
B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber Lower Brick Version
Created by The Golden Brick
This is just the lower brick version of Me & Keyplay's B2 Spirit Stealth Bomber. Controls: Alt+Mouse Up & Down= Aircraft Pitch, Alt+Mouse Left & right= Roll, LMB=Drop Bombs, (Hold) X=Landing Gear, Q=Landing Gear Bay Doors, L=Main Lights, Alt=Control & Oper...
B-24 Liberator by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
REDUX! New wings, engines , propellers and tail including wing fins and underside. My version of the B-24 Liberator with retractable ball turret. It's an approximation and definitely not a 1:1 replica. Alt controls to fly. W/S: Variable throttle. A/D: Grou...
Created by BricK
BA-64D with a DShK machine gun - an experimental version of the BA-64 with a large-caliber 12.7 mm DShK machine gun. Unlike the regular DT-29, the armor penetration of the DShK gave the armored car the ability to deal with light armored vehicles, and to a ...
B-4 Soviet 203 mm Howitzer
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰 ▷ 203 mm howitzer M1931 (B-4) (Russian: 203-мм гаубица обр. 1931 г. (Б-4), GRAU index 52-G-625) was a 203 mm (8 inch) Soviet high-power heavy howitzer. During the Second World War, it was under the command of the Stavka's st...
Created by TrackHaul273
"POV: You No-Clipped Out Of Bricksville" "If you're not careful and you no-clip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the backrooms, where its nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise...
Baal Class Destroyer
Created by eca001
Here is the Baal Class Destroyer! For the Galaxy! Armed with 18 fixed HE cannon, if these not working. Ram those m*th*r f*ck*r. With 6 drop pods, each can seat one person. And lots of interior that you can walk around. The design is base on the Baal Class ...
Basic Fighter Biplane [435 Bricks]
Created by lamp post
it's like a fighter plane but it's old and not very powerful, but the wings are a buy two get two free offer, you've got nothing to lose. It's easy to fly-ish. If you try to turn too tight it will go into a spin, but if you can handle that, everything will...
BatDuck's Hover Tank
Created by Bat
The military is never far behind... Standard tank controls. Alt for turret rotation Known problems: - vulnerable sides - vulnerable rear - can destabilise...
Bat-Chatillon 25 t
Batignolles-Châtillon 25t — опытный французский средний танк, разрабатывался в начале 1950-х годов. Batignolles-Châtillon 25t должен был стать основным танком в вооружённых силах Франции. (Оригинал башни от CaptainCannon, он крутой чел: https://steamcommun...
Bat.-Chatillon 25t
Created by --SORRY!--
How to shoot: Num 1- the first shot Num 2- the second shot Num 3- the third shot Write in the comments what needs to be finalized)...
Created by Milik
!!!EXPERIMENTAL VERSION ONLY!!! !!!HOST ONLY!!! TAKE OFF: 1 step: press alt 2 step: press L 3 step: press B 4 step: press X Weapon control: bombs: Num1, Num2. Camera & Bomb control: (alt) WASD Tips: If UAV want to fall press alt 2-3 times...
Bell UH-1 Iroquois
Created by Bujevino
The Bell UH-1 "Iroquois" or "Huey" is a utility military helicopter. First flew in 1956 and more than 16,000 have been built since. L- Landing lights. J - Nav. Lights. Q - Cab. light. LMB - Machine guns Num2 - Rocket pods.. Белл UH-1 "Ирокез" или "Хьюи" - ...
BELL UH-1C Huey "Shark's"
Created by HABU
Bell UH-1C Huey Painting: 174th "Sharks" Multi role helicopter Armament -2x 7.62mm Minigun -2x seven rockets in rocket pods Control I-engine 1-Miniguns 2-Rocket pods besides standard controls Number of Parts: 1,047 UPDATE 1.1 New Blades...
BELL UH-1C Huey Vietnam
Bell UH-1C Huey Painting: 174th "Sharks" Multi role helicopter Armament -2x 7.62mm Mg`s Control I-engine besides standard controls Number of Parts: 1,065 UPDATE 1.1 New Blades original: ...
Birch Gun
Created by ßpün
The Birch gun was the first practical self propelled gun and also the first SPAAG, it was a tracked steel hull which mounted an 88mm 18Pdr gun on a 360 mount with 80 degrees of elevation. The concept was a massive success but was rejected by British milita...
Created by kopeykin_2017
Дешёвая замена автомобиля цена его 275 долларов. Можете попробовать убежать от зомби на нём =)...
Bkan 1A
Created by Steel Tortoise
Bandkanon 1A...
Bismarck [Germany WW2 Battleship] [With Wheels]
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
| | | | Bismarck - Nazi Germany Battleship | | | | Weapon: - 8 guns - 4 guns - 8 guns ___________________________________________________________________________ Bismarck was the first of two battleships built for 's Kriegsmarine. Named after Chancellor Ot...
Bkan 1C
Created by Steel Tortoise
Bandkanon 1C...
BM-13 Katyusha
Created by Grouchy
Read manual before use! To operate the launcher: 1. Press Alt. 2. Use mouse to aim. To launch the rockets: 1. Hold RMB. 2. Aim at orange circles and press E. To move driver's cover: 1. Press Alt. 2. Use W/S keys. To open/close the doors: 1. Press Alt. 2. U...
Created by Twilight Festival
This is the BM-8-8, based on the Soviet BM-8-24 "Katyusha" Rocket Artillery Tank, this vehicle does the same job but with 1/3 of the rockets, tho they are more powerful than the ones on the real tank. Features: Slit headlight, Regular headlight and Interio...
Created by hebus1360
BMD-4 AR-M Sinitsa light airborn IFV armoured+missiles Controls WASD / Alt+WASD : hull movement Alt+mouse : turret movement (the turret have a stabilisator 2 axles) Fire Action 4 : Laser Rangefinder Fire Action 1 : Main gun (HE) Fire Action 2 : Secondary g...
BMP-1 У Шквал
Created by kopeykin_2017
БМП-1У «Шквал» — украинская боевая машина пехоты, модернизированный вариант советской БМП-1, разработанный в конце 1990-х годов Киевским Научно-техническим центром артиллерийско-стрелкового вооружения. Вместо штатной башни БМП-1 установлен боевой модуль «Ш...
bmp 2 bempy 2 use alt mode the move turret and shoot action 3 shoots "atgm" i had to use normal cannons its cool it has realistic armor so if you get shot from side or front you will immediately die :)...
Created by eca001
Here is the BMP-2! Armed with 32 AP/ 32 HE cannon and 1 mg. Able to carry 2 crew and 7 passengers. turret- alt view control cannon- action 1 mg- action 2 ammo type selection- Q IR spot light- J brick count 1035...
BMD-4 M Sinitsa
Created by hebus1360
BMD-4M Light Tank Airborn IFV Controls WASD / alt+WASD : hull movement Alt+mouse : turret movement Fire Actio...
Marked Incompatible ]  BMP-2B3
И так, пока вы в раздумии, что за чудо вы увидели, мы распишем всё по порядку. Перед Вами БМП, максимально раскачанная по броне, с ужасной динамикой и потерявшая возможность плавать из-за своего веса. (!!!) Внимание - данной машины в реальности НЕ СУЩЕСТВУ...
Created by HABU
1966-1982 Soviet infantry fighting vehicle (BWP) BMP-1. Introduced in 1966. Armament 2A28 Grom 73mm cannon and 7.62mm PKT machine gun. Control Steering Alt + W / S / A / D Tower control Alt + rotate Camera rotation / Cannon-1 PKT-2 L-Lights Q-Night vision ...
BMD-4M Middle East
Created by hebus1360
BMD-4M Airborn IFV Middle East version Controls WASD / alt+WASD : hull movement Alt+mouse : turret movement F...
Created by kopeykin_2017
БМП-1 — советская гусеничная боевая машина пехоты. Первая в мире серийная боевая машина пехоты плавающая, предназначенная для транспортировки личного состава к месту выполнения боевой задачи, повышения его мобильности и защищённости и поддержки огнём и для...
Created by eca001
Here is the BMPT-72! Lets brrrrrrrrrrrt in a russian style!! Armed with two auto cannon, one mg, four rocket. turret control- alt view control auto cannon- action 1 mg- action 2 rocket throttle- alt w/s rocket release- action 3 & 4 brick count 880...
Created by Vulcat
This thing took so ******* long Thanks for Tom. and ALEK for helping Bricks: 13674 Controls: Standard TO GOD HEAVENS DONT USE THIS IN MULTIPLAYER APRIL FOOL funny joke day...
Created by Armored Soul
It's exactly what it sounds and looks like. A helicopter made of Bobs. 1096 Bricks God mode is highly recommended as the entire thing is made of plastic. Created by: The Inventor. God this is hilarious to use. Based off of the helicopter in this video: htt...
Created by plantmj
Boeing 727
Created by Yaysimonsays
how did i even manage to make this actually look good and work??????? i do not know but it is cool i guess...
Boeing C-17
Created by Mojo
Boeing C-17 Stuff you probably won't read: This is the Boeing C-17. Although it doesn't look too much like the C-17 it is 1:1 scale with the real thing. Controls: W/S (ALT) = Throttle S/D (ALT) = Rudder Mouse X = Roll Mouse Y = Pitch Q/Beacon = Doors X/Inv...
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
Created by easyJet001
This is the first Boeing 787-8 in the Brick Rigs. Building time was i think 4 days. This bird is flying VERY good. I hope you like it. Features -Working gears -Airstair: will not uploaded because fucking brick rigs dont want to upload it -Flight control in...
Boeing P-26A Peashooter
Created by ohiotank
One of the USAAF's most well known interwar fighters, and the starter plane in War Thunder.. The P-26 Airframe first flew in 1932 with it being put into service in 1933. 779 Bricks (i used moving rear elevators instead of moving flaps for better control) P...
BR-19D -- early WW2 Fighter
Created by Krautregen
Original design based on several late inter-war/ early WW2 fighter aircraft such as The Dewoitine D.520, the Morane-Saulnier MS.406 or Hawker Hurricane. Built several months ago but never uploaded because originally the handling was way too bad. Brickcount...
Brick-Aero Majestic MJ60
Created by Long
Welcome aboard aircraft Brick-Aero Majestic (BR-A MJ60). Controls: Thrusters: W (alt) Rudder: A; D (alt) Elevator: Up; Down / Mouse (alt) Ailerons: Left; Right / Mouse (alt) Flaps: Page down (alt) Spoilers: S (alt) Retract/Extend Landing gears: Automatic O...
BricksBurg City
Created by The Golden Brick
Here it is folks, a new little map for you likings. Perfect for PVP or roleplay. For some context I did not build this this, BrunnoMM did & he did a splendid job. I just made thumbnail. Special thx to Pharaoh for letting Bruno build with his prop buildings...
Bricksville High School
Created by Puffrat
OK. I've decided to start reposting some of my creations. I'm starting with the multiplayer buildings. I've made some improvements so enjoy! = 2130 Bricks By: Puffrat...
Bridge Worm
Created by VolcanicShadow
Based off of Bridge Worm by Trevor Henderson. Bricks: 528 Controls: LMB: Attack H: Roar Q: Reveal face DO NOT REUPLOAD...
Bowing 373 - Functional Flight Instruments
Created by ZiggyZug
4551 Bricks !! FUNCTIONAL ONLY IN LEGACY !! Plane, may or may not be based on various versions of the Boeing 737. If 4551 Bricks is too much, try 1994 Bricks instead: (The cockpit is left mo...
BR-3 Fighter Biplane
Created by Krautregen
I built this aircraft quite some time ago but only recently came around to upload it. It's one of many fictional biplanes I built and is inspired by aircraft such as the Sopwith Camel and the Fokker D.VII. Updated: Added two machine guns under the upper wi...
Bristol Beaufighter Mk X Ground Attack by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
UPDATED! My version of the Bristol Beaufighter Mk X heavy fighter/ground attack. It's an approximation and not a 1:1 replica. Since the guns in this game are so big I could only fit two auto-cannons in the nose without bits poking out quite a lot so it's a...
Bristol Beaufighter Mk X Bombs by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
UPDATED! My version of the Bristol Beaufighter Mk X heavy fighter/ bomber. It's an approximation and not a 1:1 replica. Since the guns in this game are so big I could only fit two auto-cannons in the nose without bits poking out quite a lot so it's armed w...
Bristol Beaufighter Mk X Torpedo Bomber by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
UPDATED! My version of the Bristol Beaufighter Mk X heavy fighter/torpedo bomber. It's an approximation and not a 1:1 replica. Since the guns in this game are so big I could only fit two auto-cannons in the nose without bits poking out quite a lot so it's ...
Bristol M1
Created by KV Productions
Created by tyyppi155
Update 1: Removed the Finnish military logos, since Steam didn't like them. Thanks a lot So yes, i tried my luck on a tank for the first time. So i did a Finnish BT-42. BT-42 is an Assault gun, that was constructed from captured BT-7 Tanks, and British 4.5...
BT-5 (BRT)
Serial tank of the BT family (high-speed tanks). Adopted in accordance with military doctrine, which determined the advantages of high-speed cruising tanks, capable of covering long distances in the shortest possible time and operating in operational space...
Created by Лёня
BT-5 Model 1933 (1B2C)
Created by Cromturion
A very fast tank with a heavy-hitting 45mm gun... BT-5 mod. 1933 1st Battalion 2nd Company The BT-5 is a rather odd/unique tank. with an up to 38 HP/Tonne power to weight ratio and Christie suspension allows it to drive like a racecar among tanks. To top i...
Created by eca001
Here is the BTR-4E! Armed with 16 AP cannon, 16 HE cannon, 1 mg and 2 rockets. Able to carry three crews and 6 passengers. turret- alt view control cannon- action 1 mg- action 2 rockets- action 3~4 switch shell type- Q rear door- alt page up/down front arm...
btr 82A it is btr 80 but with cool fast 30 mm gun i misspelled btr 82 and i was to lazy to go back and fix it so i just drew over it...
Bugatti Chiron
Created by Timo
The Bugatti Chiron. Bugatti's most powerful supercar. Finally, after ages and ages, AND AGES, it's here. The Bugatti Chiron. This vehicle is Bugatti's fastest vehicle, and I spent WAY longer on this than I probably should have. I wanted to get this car RIG...
C-130 Hercules
Created by Bat
Arguably the most famous cargo aircraft of all time, the hercules has been used to fill a variety of roles throughout the years it has been used for. FEATURES: - Opening cargo door - Enough room to fit one (6 or 7 wide) car - Cockpit stuff - Automatically ...
Created by eca001
Here is the C-2 Greyhound! No one like it if no mails on board! A cargo aircraft from US Navy, able to carry two crew and 21 passenger. throttle- w/s & alt w/s pitch- alt view pitch roll- alt view yaw yaw- alt a/d ramp door- alt page up/down landing gear- ...
C218 Guardian APC
Created by GamingX33 C218 "Guardian" Armored Personnel Carrier Features: Hybrid R5 engine 168 km/h max speed Reconaissance drone Capacity : 3 + 10 (commande...
C214 Defender IFV
Created by GamingX33 Infantry fighting Vehicle 2 Features: 164 km/h max speed Can carry 6 passengers Long range sight Thermals (epilepsy warning!) Controls:...
Created by mercado_24
explodes after 10 seconds do not reupload built by mercado_24...
Created by Nomvana
Working C4...
Created by D>N 卡Q yin
Camodo Dragster Remastered
Created by WarChallenger
Who needs a big block when you can have a THICC block!? At 407 bricks, this thing is a speed demon. Truly, Camodo knew what he was doing when he designed the original model of this dragster. Made by Camodo more than two years ago in 2017, this was one of t...
C400-700 STAG AIR
Created by Cr3ator
**Only use in 1.0** Finally uploaded it for people who want to use it. The Pioneer Aviation C400-700 was one of the most popular variants of pioneer's commercial airliners. After the succesful 2nd generation (SG) and 1st generation (Original) Airlines were...
CardBoxx Mk-1
Created by egstak
Description The Cardboxx Mk-1 was created in 1984 by some soldier who simply used cardboard, wood and plane parts to build this amazing masterpiece. Info 234 bricks includes 2 machine guns retractable landing gear 2 explosive fuel canisters on wings 100% w...
Cargo ship - "Rusalka" Works on water
Created by 🔥Köströv🔥
УПРАВЛЕНИЕ- ТОРМОЗ+W> ВПЕРЕД УДЕРЖИВАЙТЕ W В ТЕЧЕНИЕ 5 СЕКУНД> автодрайв CTRL/SHIFT>обратный/контроль скорости Это очень большой Российский контейнеровоз (вымышленный) Хоть в нём и 3000 блоков, лагать он не будет ___________________________________________...
CC Jaguar
Created by cheeky_sim
A car I spent 2 days on lol. 429 Bricks Top Speed: 246 MPH / 396 KM/H Keybinds: : Left Indicator : Right Indicator : Headlights : Warning Lights : Sport Mode Links: My discord: My youtube:
Centauro B1
Created by Josh
This is my first creation and took around week to build. All I ask is not to re-upload this creation otherwise go ham. Controls: - Turret & Drive is in - Machine guns are - Adjusting rangefinder within optics is - Thermal Vision within optics is Notes: - Y...
Created by TitaniumRaptor3
Per your high requests for this dino, I bring before you... CERATOSAURUS CONTROLS: WASD: Move Left Mc / Numpad 1: Open jaw H: Roar (arms move) ALT CONTROLS: Alt W/D: Pitch up and down (down will cause Cerato to sometimes lag) Alt A/D: Yaw torso Left/Right...
Cessna 172
Created by ZiggyZug
981 Bricks Cessna 172 in Brick Rigs, built from the ground up in the new brick rigs version. Instruments are mostly non-functional (for now); I'm uploading now because it might be a while until I get the flight instruments working 100%. Plane dimensions no...
CFA CF-120-300
Created by Cr3ator
Been a while eh? After a few troubleshooting and steam being gay to me, I finally got to upload this. The CFA CF-120-300 was produced in 1959 and a half. Made to rival the Boeing 707 and Douglas Dc-8. Or rather, Was. After Stag Air Flight 312 And Nova Airl...
CFC Medium Bunker
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Medium Bunker! I'm finally back from my break after doing stuff irl and helping Alex on his helis. This creation is simple and effective, especially on flag C. Remember to use it on flags with garages! Enjoy it! :D...
CH-53C/HH-53C "Sea Stallion"
Created by HABU Sikorsky CH-53C / HH-53C (1967) American multirole helicopter, used by the United States Air Force for search and rescue tasks in CSAR combat conditions and support for special operations. It was designed for the purpose of tr...
Check-Point [For Muiltiplayer]
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰 ▷ This checkpoint is a modernized checkpoint with 2-sniper towers which are 2 radio stations and high-speed machine gun with sight and adjustment. The wall is a steel monolith stitched 5-layers of steel cladding height of 20...
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant ( Чернобыльская Атомная Электростанция - ЧАЭС)
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is a closed nuclear power plant near the abandoned city of Pripyat in northern Ukraine, 14.5 kilometers (9 mi) northwest of the city of Chernobyl, 16 kilometers (10 mi) from the Belarus–Ukraine border, and about 110 kilome...
City Train (broken from update)
Created by batt
An almost exact replica of the infamous indestructible train from the City map. Due to this game's broken train physics and my lack of train knowledge, this will derail at high speeds from wheel bouncing... shouldn't be a problem if you have a solid 60FPS,...
Classic Roblox: Passenger Plane
Created by RocketShotgun
The classic Roblox plane seen in many "Can You Survive the Plane Crash?" games remade stud by stud into Brick Rigs! It even has all the many small mistakes in it as the real one does. Sadly it doesn't fly because I can't get it to fly right lol. I may thou...
Cravler A-71 APC
Created by Колчак
Apc version without turret 448 Bricks...
Cruiser Tank mark VI, Crusader mark III
Created by Elektrofumigator
Cruiser Tank mark VI, Crusader mark III was a WW2 fast tank built by Britain.Used mainly in North Africa, could go as fast as over 40km/h on road and 31 off-road. Controls: L - lights Q - searchlight mouse1 - fire 6 pounder mouse2 - fire Besa Armour: up to...
CS Gas Grenade
Created by Kam
rioters hate him! also known as teargas press i to activate...
Chi Ha Long gun
Created by Tayto Gaming
The Chi Ha Long Gun, a 12cm naval cannon mounted on a Chi Ha Type 97 Chassis. Truly a beast right out of WW2 have fun with your friends, The war doesn't wait. Please don't claim this vehicle as your own, if you want to make a video with it. credit me if th...
Created by D>N 卡Q yin
-=War Thunder=- Children of Arachis CT-T -=BULL=-...
CS-GO Timer Bomb
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
Explosives C4 — a special weapon that is given only to terrorists to lay it in a certain place. This improvised explosive device is stable and resistant to most mechanical shocks, and has a detonation rate of more than 8,000 meters per second when ignited....
Created by D>N 卡Q yin
-=war thunder=- CT-T -=HAWK=-...
Custom Hot Rod Dragster
Created by CyberTheChef
A rear wheel drive dragster built of an old fictional muscle car body. It has 3 powerful hot rod drag engines that allow the car to go 1/4 of a mile in 7.2 seconds as its fastest time! It also has a pretty sturdy roll-cage in case this thing crashes. The s...
Created by Omatsu
Thank you all for getting this to the front page! Though not having a turret, this vehicle makes that by being very heavy and very fast. Weighing in at over 660,000 LBS and completing the quarter mile in under 13 seconds, this vehicle is designed to ram in...
Dacia 1310 TLE
Created by Elektrofumigator
go check wikipedia for more info l - lights q - high beam mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
Dacia 1310p
Created by Elektrofumigator
go check wikipedia for more info l - lights q - high beam mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
Dave's Low Clip (Low Lag) Anti-Air Base, Passenger Controls
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
Hi this is Dave's Anti Air Base, with passenger control. Only 196 bricks, with Low clipping, has beautiful damage but horrible armor. Press C, then press ALT and move your mouse around, press left mouse to fire. Tags: Anti-Air , AA , Alex , Alex Monamocham...
Daher-Socata TBM 700
Created by WarChallenger
Who needs commercial airliners on multiplayer anymore? Servers hardly get enough people to even fill first class, much less the whole plane. Cessnas are fun, but don't carry nearly ENOUGH people for you and your friends to take the same ride, plus turbulen...
DB Class V 60
Created by Grouchy
An iconic German diesel locomotive produced from 1956 to 1964. This one comes with 2 freight wagons. Features - Universal coupler: Hold RMB, aim at white circle between locomotive and wagon and press to engage/disengage. - 2 freight cars (press J to toggle...
Death Star Drivable Mini DeathStar Star Wars Ship
Created by Mök
Part of a collection of mini wheeled Star Wars ships see my profile or the collection link above for more Features: Works on servers with almost no lag (only 1151 bricks) 70 degrees of tilt (alt mouse Up/down) Drives like a car Semi-auto laser works withou...
Decker Fox Stock Car
Created by Car Crusher
Simple stock car that drives well if driven properly and has great crashability. Brick count: 337...
Defensive Bunker Position
Created by The Golden Brick
For my 25th build I made a really awesome bunker defense line! Great for role play, custom game modes, war, & more! It took a long time to make and i put lots of effort into it so please consider hitting the like, & subscribe button. I made this as realist...
DF-10A cruise/guided TV-missile
Created by 风云城关
a chinese cruise missile system ,like the Tomahawk missile of the American one。 wiki dont have it,,,, so i wil just pass the introduction of the original DF-10A in real life and,this is important,the reason i call this cruise missile is not a simple replic...
Created by Homer
This is a Deinosuchus the name translates as "terrible crocodile". If you like my creation, give it a thumbs up so more people can see and have fun with it. Have fun, Homer :) You can steer with W A S D ALT mouse left and right to move the head left and ri...
Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc - Tower
Created by Turtle
Well, Perry the Platypus. What an unexpected suprise......
Dora - Artillery Gun
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰 ►🔥 Full Name - Schwerer Gustav - DORA 🔥◀ ▷ Schwerer Gustav (English: Heavy Gustaf) was a German 80-centimetre (31.5 in) railway gun. It was developed in the late 1930s by Krupp in Darłowo (then Rügenwalde) as siege artillery...
Douglas A-1H Skyraider
Created by HABU
Douglas A-1H Skyraider Painting : VA-52 "Knight Riders" Icon of an airplane powered by a piston engine from the time of jets. The design was approved as an on-board attack aircraft. He was put into service in 1946 and only withdrawn after the end of the Vi...
Douglas SBD-5 Dauntless by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Douglas SBD-5 Dauntless aircraft carrier based dive bomber (SBD - Scout Bomber Douglas). It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. This is the same plane as my Douglas A-24 Banshee but with a different paint scheme and this version has an...
Douglas A-24 Banshee by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Douglas A-24 Banshee USAAF dive bomber. It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. This is the same plane as my Douglas SBD-5 Daunless but with a different paint scheme and this version has no arrestor hook for carrier landings since it wa...
Created by Nukprach
Drone DJI Mini 2
Created by Blaszko
VrOoM VrOom Have fun xD Like IF you want :> sorry for the clickbait thumbnail :I but HEY, its really flying, true ? YES, OF COURSE, xD but really, it flying, lol...
Created by xX_NYET_Xx
One of the vehicles in the instruction book series. This is the dragster for the drag transport truck and trailer. Unfortunately it doesn't like to work very well with the ramps on the trailer... There is another version of the drag transport that has this...
Created by Cartoonist_Key
The genuine thing. Just how you'd imagine it to look. Another ancient thing I dug up. Actually kinda neat to be honest. Just push the button on the top, and RUN! Better suited to demolition purposes. Like, demolishing the central towers or something. Try s...
E 100
Created by Mumia
Е-100 — проект сверхтяжёлого танка с массой 130—140 тонн, разрабатывался как альтернатива разработанному Ф. Порше сверхтяжёлому танку Maus, который при сходных боевых характеристиках с «Маусом» был бы достаточно технологичным для массового производства. Пр...
DVC Roamer Police
Created by Kam
The police variant of the DVC Roamer. Brick Count: 377...
Created by BricK
Glass wheels are attached to the platform so that it does not fly away with the machine gun due to Brick Rigs bugs You can use this machine gun for your buildings Bricks: 67 Enjoy! :3...
Created by Kam
A large industrial haul truck for use in quarries or just carrying large amounts of cargo. The truck is equiped with a massive V16 engine, a massive bed, all wheel drive, a back up beeper, and a fading exhaust. Brick Count: 1,295 Special thanks to Tom. for...
Created by WarChallenger
Entiat Firewatch Tower
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
Hello everyone, this is your generic West Coast USA Firewatch Tower. These towers aren't of use anymore because we have satellites to track the forest fires now instead of the towers to track them. It's fit for a person to live here for weeks on end and to...
Eurofighter Typhoon
Created by ]v[acGyverFiN
Eurofighter Typhoon Fighter Press the button inside the cockpit to raise (E) / lower (Q) the landing gear. Engine -------------------- W Afterburner -------------- W hold Air brake ----------------- Q Armed with: - 27 mm gun -------------------------------...
F-117 NightHawk
Created by Banana_man27
Hello, my name is Banana_man27! This is my first experimental plane I've made, hop y'all enjoy!...
F-12FM [ Bombs | Autocannons ]
Created by 🅹ⒺⓎ
Дорогие друзья, перед началом просмотра данной боевой машины и истории её создания, я прошу вас поставить like и написать комментарий - это поспособствует более частому выпуску различных моделей, спасибо. Моя группа в ВК: htt...
Created by 🅹ⒺⓎ
Дорогие друзья, перед началом просмотра данной боевой машины и истории её создания, я прошу вас поставить like и написать комментарий - это поспособствует более частому выпуску различных моделей, спасибо. Моя группа в ВК: htt...
Explorer School Bus Dragster
Created by PharOs
Explorer School Bus Dragster ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Special controls: -Turn signals: Action1=left Action2=right -Red Warning light: Q -Warning light: J -Doors: Pitch Stats: Speed: 489 Km/h / 303 Mph Country: Sweden Type: Petrol Bricks: 384...
Created by eca001
Here is the F-14B! The legendary tomcat! cannon -action 1 AIM-9, AIM-7 -action 2 AIM-54 -action 3 (hold) Jettison fuel tank -action 7 manual wing swept angle -alt page up/down ejection seat -action 8 (hold) landing gear -X airbrake -Q arresting hook -J lan...
F-15E Full load
Created by eca001
Here is the F-15E! Merica~ Armed with 5 big mg, 4 rockets, 8 bombs. Able to carry two crews. flight- alt view control mg- action 1 rocket- action 2 bomb- hold action 3 landing gear- X air brake- Q drop tank- I brick count 2003...
F-22 Raptor
Created by Mojo
The F-22 Raptor is here yaiy! Controls: (Alt) A/D=Rudder W/S=Throttle Mouse X=Roll Mouse Y=Pitch X=Landing gear S does not = Airbrake don't slow down loser Stuff you shouldn't read: Hi this was a cool project hope you like it. -Mojo ...
F-35B Lightning II
f-35b cool vtol plane inorder to vtol make sure your in manual transmission i showed how to go into it in the screen shots, you use left shift and left ctrl to shift up and down and you should see what gear your in in your speedometer first press q then go...
Created by eca001
Here is the F-35B. Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) Takeoff- Press L, apply a little bit throttle to start rolling then press J to liftoff. Press J again to transit to forward flight. Landing- Throttle down, press J into STOL mode or J+L into VTOL mode, m...
F-4 Phantom II
Created by eca001
Here is the F-4 Phantom II! The lengendary since 1958! Armed with one auto cannon and 24 bombs. Able to carry 2 crews. With ejection seat, retractable landing gear. Ejection seat: Action 8 to detach the cabin glass and the seat, then it will launch on its ...
Created by Dreams70
McDonnell-Douglas F-4E Phantom II Fighter bomber Armanent: 1 nose mounted 20mm gun. 9 750 pound bombs. Controls: Num 1(or LMB) for the guns. Num 2(or MMB) for the first drop of bombs. Num 3 for the second drop of bombs. Num 4 for the third drop of bombs. B...
Created by Dreams70
McDonnell-Douglas F-4J Phantom II Strike Fighter Armanent: 3 20mm gunpods. Controls: Num 1(or LMB) for the guns. Button in cabin to the left to lower (Q),and to rise (E) the landing gear. Button in cabin to the right to jettison the middle gunpod. X to jet...
F-4J Phantom II
Created by HABU
McDonnell Douglas F-4J Phantom II 1961-1996 Painting- VMFA-451 "Warlords" One of the most popular fighter and multi-role planes from the Vietnam War period and later. It was the last plane to be established as Aviation Ace. Notes (Speed ​​adapted to the Co...
F/A-18 Hornet
Created by tombed578
McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet is american plane. First flight - 18 November 1978 num 1 - 20 mm vulcan num 2 - maverick num 3 - maverick X - landing gears Q - flaps...
F4U-1 Corsair
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is American fighter. Control: A D (with alt mode), Mouse (with alt mode too), i - on / off motor, Q - flaps (to stop), J - up the wings, LBM (Action 1) - fire, X - remove the chassis. ------------------------------------------- Американский истребител...
FA-37 Spartan
Created by SomeStaples
The FA-37 Spartan is the main 4th generation fighter plane of the BRAF, supplied by the vehicle department of Brick Rigs arms. The FA-37 is the most successful fighter plane in the BRAF’s history, gaining over 106 confirmed kills and only 4 friendly casual...
Created by 🔰Yomiko-129
ФАБ-5000 НГ, где NG означает его изобретателя, Нисона Гельперина) представляла собой большую 5000-килограммовую (11000 фунтов) фугасную фугасную бомбу с тонким корпусом, которая использовалась советскими ВВС во время Второй мировой войны. Устройство было с...
Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II
Created by Tumosz
The Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force. To hide gears press X To take up flaps press SPACE BAR To turn on lights press L It ...
F/A-31 Sabretooth
Created by Zer0TehNumber
Fighter / Attack A revision of the WAWS F/A-21E Puma design. 912 Bricks Gear + Altitude / Attitude / Alpha Warnings Action 1 - 17 round burst Alt View - Pitch / Roll Alt Steering - Yaw Warning Lights - Position Lights Disable Steering - Gear Invert Steerin...
Created by CaptainCannon
Hello! This is my replica of the Grumman F9F-2 Panther Landing Gear: Press the switch inside the cockpit (E) and (Q) Throttle: (W/S) Airbrakes: (S) Flaps: (Q) Armed with: - 4x 20mm Cannons (Action 1 = lmb) - 2x 1000lb Bombs (Action 3) 939 Bricks DO NOT REU...
Fairchild C-119 "Flying Boxcar"
Created by The_Weapon_Factory
Requested by NVIDIA21, and also since this doesn't exist in the whole BR workshop. Rate fairly plz Target: get this to 3 stars or maybe 5 STARS NOW WITH CUSTOM DECALS ATTENTION this was made to test the community's worthyness, if this gets reuploaded too, ...
fake bob
Created by D>N 卡Q yin
Fairey Swordfish w Torpedo by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on the Swordfish torpedo bomber. It's an approximation and not a 1:1 replica. Working machine gun for navigator. Alt controls to fly. W/S: Variable throttle A/D: Steering ground/Yaw Arrow up/down: Pitch Arrow left/right: Roll Num 1/Mouse 1: Forward...
Fairey Swordfish w Bombs by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on the Swordfish bomber/torpedo bomber. It's an approximation and not a 1:1 replica. Working machine gun for navigator. Alt controls to fly. W/S: Variable throttle A/D: Steering ground/Yaw Arrow up/down: Pitch Arrow left/right: Roll Num 1/Mouse 1: ...
FDNY Squad 252 Seagrave
Created by Invett
This is my FDNY Seagrave Squad 252. Not recommended for multiplayer as it has a high brick count due to to the fact that I focused on detail. Features: Hose bed Pump panel Equipment lockers Detailing based off real FDNY Squad trucks Large mudflap on back E...
Falton - Police Car
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
And Hello everyone, thank you for waiting and here is a new police series of cars and transporters, support these works with a like, now there will be less crime in the city. The series contains 1 heavy Transporter, 2 support vehicles, 2 conveyors and poli...
Fi-45 (no-clip)
Created by Laihela
DO NOT USE ALT MODE Pitch: W, S (throttle) Roll + Yaw: A, D (steering) Engine: I (invert steering) Landing gear: X (disable steering) Why the weird controls? This way you can use the mouse to look around while you fly, which grants you a big advantage in s...
Fiat 6612
Created by Juno
Fiat 6612 Light APC Parameters Maximal speed: 100 kph. Front armor: 8 mm. Side armor: 8 mm. Rear armor: 8 mm. Armament & Controls Cannone da 106 s.r.M40A1 - Action 1 Interior lights - Q Headlights - L Throttle - W, S Steering - A, D Good luck and enjoy! ...
Finnston Mango (no-clip)
Created by Laihela
DO NOT USE ALT MODE Pitch: W, S (throttle) Roll + Yaw: A, D (steering) Engine: I (invert steering) Equipped with sensor stability assist and smart handbrake. Why the weird controls? This way you can use the mouse to look around while you fly, which grants ...
Fire Station 1
Created by FallenFirebird
NOTICE: This Brick Rigs add-on was built in legacy and will no longer be updated. Description Fire Station 1. This American fire station has been built in an art-deco style with modern furnishings. It is also 1:1 scale which will fit any RescueTech or othe...
Fire Response Chopper GMI
Created by grzybek337
I present to you this universal use fire department helicopter. It's a remake of the heli I made half a year ago but with better look, and more technology. Rotor is started by pressing the switch that is located in the cabin It's very useful as you can tur...
FJ2110A Sky Aquila
Created by GamingX33 FJ2110 "Sky Aquila" Multirole Fighter Jet (Air to Air variant) This a legacy creation! I am not good at making planes, be fair with rat...
FJ2110G Sky Aquila
Created by GamingX33 FJ2110 "Sky Aquila" Multirole Fighter Jet (Air to Ground variant) This a legacy creation! I am not good at making planes, be fair with ...
FJ2111A Raven
Created by GamingX33 FJ2111 "Raven" Multirole Fighter Jet (Air to Air variant) This a legacy creation! I am not good at making planes, be fair with rating B...
FJ2111G Raven
Created by GamingX33 FJ2111 "Raven" Multirole Fighter Jet (Air to Ground variant) This a legacy creation! I am not good at making planes, be fair with ratin...
FJ221A Sky Predator
Created by GamingX33 FJ2121 "Sky Predator" Multirole Fighter Jet (Air to Air variant) This a legacy creation! I am not good at making planes, be fair with r...
FJ221G Sky Predator
Created by GamingX33 FJ2121 "Sky Predator" Multirole Fighter Jet (Air to Ground variant) This a legacy creation! I am not good at making planes, be fair wit...
Flak 8,8cm gun
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is German AA gun. Control: Mouse with alt mode, Action 1 - fire. --------------------------------------- Это немецкое крупнокалиберное зенитное орудие. Управление: Мышка с альт. модом, Action 1 - выстрел....
Flak 88
Created by Tayto Gaming
The Flak 88, most feared piece of Anti aircraft in WW2. a true masterpiece in action. Enjoy! Please don't claim this vehicle as your own, if you want to make a video with it. credit me if there are any bugs, let me know! ...
FlaK 88 Position
Created by ]v[acGyverFiN
Mighty eighty eight!...
Flakpanzer I Germany AntiAirCraft [WW2]
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
The 2 cm Flak 38 auf Panzer I Ausführung A, commonly known as the Flakpanzer I, was a rare self-propelled anti-aircraft gun conversion of the Panzer I in use by the military of Nazi Germany during World War II. Count of Blocks >1000 Number of seats - 2 Gun...
Created by Лёня
Flakvierling 38
Created by Killer4117
A German AA emplacement developed in 1940, it is equiped with four Flak 38 cannons on a transportable mount that can be towed with trucks and halftracks, such as the Opel Blitz and the SdKfz 251 respectively. Specifications: Armament: 4x Flak 38 2cm (20mm)...
Created by dru_walker
A flashlight i made for an rp, Use to your heart's content...
FMI - Low Poly Heavy Bunker
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
FOXICO INDUSTRIES CORP. 2020 ▶ 🔔 Count Of Blocks - ➀ Official Site - Click Here ➁ Official Steam Group - Click Here
FMI - Low Poly Heavy Forest Bunker
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
FOXICO INDUSTRIES CORP. 2020 ▶ 🔔 Count Of Blocks - ➀ Official Site - Click Here ➁ Official Steam Group - Click Here
FMI - Low Poly Medium Bunker
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
FOXICO INDUSTRIES CORP. 2020 ▶ 🔔 Count Of Blocks - ➀ Official Site - Click Here ➁ Official Steam Group - Click Here
FMI - Low Poly Small Bunker
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
FOXICO INDUSTRIES CORP. 2020 ▶ 🔔 Count Of Blocks - ➀ Official Site - Click Here ➁ Official Steam Group - Click Here
Fokker AIII (softbody and No-Clip)
Created by niho2906
Plane: Fokker AIII Gameplay Bricks: 204 Weapons: 1MG Maximum speed: ~ 150kmh Controls: View Yaw(Alt) : Elevator View Pitch (Alt) : Aileron Steering (Alt) : Rudder Beacon : Engine Fire Actions : Guns Discord server: BR WW1 community server Hope you like it ...
Ford Crown Victoria Patrol
Created by batt
The staple car of any police department in the US....
FMI - Low Poly Small Forest Bunker
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
FOXICO INDUSTRIES CORP. 2020 ▶ 🔔 Count Of Blocks - ➀ Official Site - Click Here ➁ Official Steam Group - Click Here
Fortnite battle royale battle bus
Created by VolcanicShadow
DO NOT RE UPLOAD This is the battle bus from fortnite. Now you can actually fly the bus in the desert, city, canyon, and grid map. I built this for all those Fortnite battle royale lovers out there. This build took a while and i nearly gave up on the ballo...
FSC Star 200 Osinobus Milicja
Created by Elektrofumigator
happy martial law anniversary (it happened on 13th of december 1981 btw) Designed as bus, later adopted for Police use. Changes included doors signals and paintjob. Star 200, produced in Lorry Power Plant in Starachowice, Poland (hence the name Star that d...
FSC Star 25
Created by Elektrofumigator
sorry its only in polish or f*rench :( anyways a lorry produced in Starachowice, Poland, 1960-1971 powered by inline-6 petrol engines and these lorries had like idk 4t idk man use google controls wasd - drive l - lamp ...
FSC Star 25 GBAM
Created by Elektrofumigator
sorry its only in polish or f*rench :( anyways a lorry produced in Starachowice, Poland, 1960-1971 powered by inline-6 petrol engines and these lorries had like idk 4t idk man use google FIRETRUCK WALTER VERSION BY CZA...
FSC Star 266
Created by Elektrofumigator
big boy 6x6 polish power star 266 i love star 266 military loves it everyone loves 266 even you do (even if you are yet to realise that) 365 bricks iirc...
FSC Star 28 Hydromil-I
Created by Elektrofumigator
happy martial law anniversary (it happened on 13th of december 1981 btw) Designed as riot control vehicle, this bad boy has big water tank and revolving turret with waterguns. It's like śmigus-dyngus but bit more serious. Also, you are not beaten afterward...
FSC Star 28/29
Created by Elektrofumigator go learn polish to understand because there is no english version wasd - drive l - lights h - horny sounds mouse1/mouse2 - indicators credit to uhhh i think cheko for help with reducing bricks...
FSO 125p Kombi
Created by Elektrofumigator
go check wikipedia for more info l - lights q - high beam mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
FSO 125p MR83
Created by Elektrofumigator
1983, it's not even a fiat anymore lol it died in 1991 L - lights Q - high beam mouse1/mouse2 - indicators J - hazards...
FSO Polonez 1500C MR83
Created by Elektrofumigator
Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: Less than 400 bricks, L for lights, Q for high beam, I for foglights, mouse1/mouse2 for indicators and j for warning lights credit to tyyppi sto pięćdziesiąt p...
FSO Polonez 1500 Milicja
Created by Elektrofumigator
happy martial law anniversary (it happened on 13th of december 1981 btw) Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: bricks, L for lights, Q for beacon, I for foglights + high beam, mouse1/mouse2 for ind...
FSO Polonez Jamnik
Created by Elektrofumigator
Very special version for a very special Santa Claus day (6 XII) consider this as a small gift from me to you o_o Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: Less than 400 bricks, L for lights, Q for high...
FSO 125p pickup
Created by Elektrofumigator wasd - drive l - lights h - horn mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
FSO Polonez MR83
Created by Elektrofumigator
Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: Less than 400 bricks, L for lights, Q for high beam, I for foglights, mouse1/mouse2 for indicators and j for warning lights credit to tyyppi sto pięćdziesiąt p...
FSO Polonez MR83 Ratownictwo Drogowe
Created by Elektrofumigator
Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: bricks, L for lights, Q for high beam, I for foglights, mouse1/mouse2 for indicators and j for warning lights credit to tyyppi sto pięćdziesiąt pięć, cheko and...
FSO Polonez 1500 (MR78)
Created by Elektrofumigator
Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: Less than 400 bricks, L for lights, Q for high beam, I for foglights, mouse1/mouse2 for indicators and j for warning lights credit to tyyppi sto pięćdziesiąt p...
FSO Polonez MR85
Created by Elektrofumigator
Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: Less than 400 bricks, L for lights, Q for high beam, I for foglights, mouse1/mouse2 for indicators and j for warning lights credit to tyyppi sto pięćdziesiąt p...
FSO Polonez MR86
Created by Elektrofumigator
Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: Less than 400 bricks, L for lights, Q for high beam, I for foglights, mouse1/mouse2 for indicators and j for warning lights credit to tyyppi sto pięćdziesiąt p...
FSO Polonez MR87
Created by Elektrofumigator
Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: Less than 400 bricks, L for lights, Q for high beam, I for foglights, mouse1/mouse2 for indicators and j for warning lights credit to tyyppi sto pięćdziesiąt p...
FSO Polonez MR89
Created by Elektrofumigator
Too lazy to write description again. Go use wikipedia: Less than 400 bricks, L for lights, Q for high beam, I for foglights, mouse1/mouse2 for indicators and j for warning lights credit to tyyppi sto pięćdziesiąt p...
FSO Syrena 104
Created by Elektrofumigator model based on the one from „Brunet Wieczorową Porą”...
FSO Warszawa M-20
Created by Elektrofumigator
License built GAZ M-20 "Pobieda". Production started in 1951 in FSO plant near Warsaw, Poland. License was one of the "Gifts" from Stalin himself, as he cancelled negotiations between Fiat and FSO. Warszawa M-20 was built till 1957, when newer model was pu...
Fullsize Space Shuttle [Broken]
Created by NoxiousFumes
This shuttle is not functional in the current version of Brick Rigs. It has not been updated in years. I will not be updating it anytime soon as I am in college and do not have the time. A fully walkable space shuttle. This was originally inspired by my ol...
Created by ßpün
This is my third try at an FV4005. The tank itself doesn't need much of an introduction, its just a centurion with a big gun on top that fires HESH. Bruno Powroznik classic...
Created by jt.schwarm
Do NOT reupload any modified version of this tank without my permission! CaptainCannon asked me if i could build his favorite tank, the FV4202, and.. this is the result. Instructions: Action 1 = Cannon Action 2 =MG Information: Bricks: 810 Weight: 47t Have...
G3A4 Fossa MBT
Created by SomeStaples
The G3A4 Fossa is the fourth version of the generation 3 Fossa MBTs, manufactured by the vehicle department for Brick Rigs Arms. The G3A4 again brings all around improvements from the last generation of Fossa. The G3A4 features a vertical stabilizer and ov...
GAH 215 Rival
Created by GamingX33 Attack Helicopter 3 / Ground Attack Helicopter 215 "Rival" This is my 3rd attack helicopter and 2nd one with these building methods, I ...
GAH 214 Rival Attack Helicopter
Created by GamingX33 Attack Helicopter 2 / Ground Attack Helicopter 214 "Rival" This is my 2nd attack helicopter, I am not good at making aircraft. Brick Co...
GAH 216 Avenger Attack Helicopter
Created by GamingX33 Ground Attack Helicopter 4 / Ground Attack Helicopter 216 "Avenger" This is my 4rd attack helicopter and 2nd one with these building me...
GAH2110 Ultor
Created by GamingX33 GAH2110 "Ultor" Ground Attack Helicopter Brick Count: 644 This is a legacy creation! Features: Rocket Pods 30mm high rpm autocannon Mac...
GAH2111 Reaper
Created by GamingX33 GAH2111 "Reaper" Ground Attack Helicopter Brick Count: 633 This is a legacy creation! Features: Rocket Pods 30mm high rpm autocannon Ma...
GAH218 Assailant Attack Helicopter
Created by GamingX33 Ground Attack Helicopter 218 "Assailantl" Brick Count: 674 Weaponry: Rocket Pods 30mm Autocannon Why no functional missiles? Because th...
GAH222 Rebel
Created by GamingX33 GAH222 "Rebel" Ground Attack Helicopter Brick Count: 592 This is a legacy creation! Features: Rocket Pods 30mm high rpm autocannon Cont...
GAH219 Hydra Attack Helicopter
Created by GamingX33 Ground Attack Helicopter 219 "Hydra" Brick Count: 672 This is a legacy creation! Features: Rocket Pods 30mm high rpm autocannon Machine...
GAH221 WhiteShark
Created by GamingX33 GAH221 "WhiteShark" Ground Attack Helicopter Brick Count: 568 This is a legacy creation! Features: Rocket Pods 30mm high rpm autocannon...
Marked Incompatible ]  game craser (ЁЖИК)
Created by kapysta_haosit
Он убивает нахуй игру...
Garage Brick Rigs 2
Created by STRemontator
Here is the garage of Brick Rigs DON'T RE-UPLOAD...
Created by Mayor_Tim
«Gepard» — германская зенитная самоходная установка (ЗСУ). Предназначена для непосредственного прикрытия сухопутных войск, уничтожения воздушных целей на наклонных дальностях от 100 м до 4 км и на высотах до 3 км, летящих со скоростью до 350—400 м/с, а так...
Godzilla the child
Created by Лёня
1700 bricks...
GOT - Great Wall (Game Of Thrones)
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
FOXICO INDUSTRIES CORP. 2020 ▶The Wall is a colossal fortification which stretches for 100 leagues (300 miles) along the northern border of the Kingdom of the North, separating the realm from the domain of the wildlings who ...
GLA Quad Cannon
Created by Grouchy
I'll puncture the next thing that moves! Equipped with four heavy machine guns, the Quad Cannon is most effective against flesh and lightly-armored targets. Its range of motion and firepower make it a great counter to aerial units as well. Beware though, a...
Gotha GI (softbody and No-Clip)
Created by niho2906
Plane: Gotha GI Gameplay Bricks: 544 Weapons: 2MG, 6 100kg bombs Maximum speed: ~ 130kmh Controls: View Yaw(Alt) : Elevator View Pitch (Alt) : Aileron Steering (Alt) : Rudder Beacon : Engine disable steering : altitude-based detonator (bombs) Fire Actions ...
German WirbelWind (Contest)
Created by The Golden Brick
For my special 20th build i have made a German Wirbelwind! It is great for fighting, battle, and custom game modes! I really hope everybody will enjoy this build! Please Do Not reupload! Controls: L = Lights Alt Left & Right = Turret Rotation Alt Up & Down...
GOW M4A3E8 Sherman
Created by Grouchy
Tank time! Sherman is a must-have here. Quick info: - 3x HE + MG - commander, gunner and first person views - interior Controls - Alt+mouse to aim - LMB for main gun; Middle Mouse Button for machine gun - L for light - C to change view Brick count: 516 See...
GOW Volkswagen Kübelwagen
Created by Grouchy
Grouchy's Optimised Warfare presents... Volkswagen Kübelwagen optimised with low brick count and adjusted for player scale. This series will bring you detailed player-scale historical war machines optimised with low brick count for multiplayer and roleplay...
GOW Willys MB
Created by Grouchy
Grouchy's Optimised Warfare presents... Willys MB, optimised with even lower brick count and adjusted for player scale. This series will bring you detailed player-scale historical war machines optimised with low brick count for multiplayer and roleplay use...
Grumman TBF Avenger Bomber by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on the Grumman TBF Avenger / General Motors TBM Avenger bomber. It's an approximation and definitely not a 1:1 replica. It's a bit rough around the edges in places and some areas are what they are; take it or leave it I guess. :) Top speed is too h...
GTMV Chimera Improvised Defence Truck
Created by Grouchy
Sometimes legends do come true! Chimera was a monstrous hybrid creature depicted as a lion with the head of a goat arising from its back and a tail ended with snake's head is a zombie survival improvised military defence vehicle, operated by 5 crewmen who ...
GTMV BRAF Battle Tank Lite
Created by Grouchy
Another lite creation. This time it's a Main Battle Tank for Brick Rigs Armed Forces team. Instructions: - WSAD to move - Alt + mouse to operate the turret - LMB for main gun - Middle Mouse Button for coaxial and rooftop machine guns - C to change view - L...
Grumman TBF Avenger Torpedo Bomber by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on the Grumman TBF Avenger / General Motors TBM Avenger torpedo bomber. It's an approximation and definitely not a 1:1 replica. It's a bit rough around the edges in places and some areas are what they are; take it or leave it I guess. :) Top speed ...
GTMV Riot Police APC
Created by Grouchy
A vehicle that comes in handy when crowds become troublesome. Instructions: - Alt + mouse to aim - Hold LMB to fire - L, J, Q for lights; H to horn; 1 and 2 for siren Uses 9mm rubber ammo. Aim for crowd's feet to flip them over when necessary. Riot Police ...
GTMV Operation "Two Forts"
Created by Grouchy
Operation "Two Forts" is a multiplayer deathmatch map with functionable vehicle for each side. LAV instructions: - use WSAD keys to move - toggle Q and hold W for reverse gear - use mouse in operation mode to operate the turret - hold LMB to fire - L for l...
GTMV Universal Bunker
Created by Grouchy
Not that much of a vehicle. Instructions: Exit vehicle as soon as you spawn it. Your character will appear next to the door which you can open/close by pressing E/Q keys on the bottom right corner of it. Then, enter the bunker, aim at grey circles on the f...
Half Life 2 Hunter Chopper
Created by Joey Jazz
When a dangerous anticitizen is on the loose, the only way to make sure that he doesn't spread a spirit of rebellion like a fire in the city is to send the Hunter Chopper. Equipped with the necessary arsenal to pick out a single person or immobilize an esc...
H-34D Choctaw
Created by HABU
Sikorsky H-34D "Choctaw" 1954–1970 Painting used by the USMC It is successively the most popular helicopter from the Vietnam War after Huey and Cobra. Its task was to transport soldiers to the battlefield and to hard-to-reach terrain, as well as supplies. ...
Created by Taka-C_273
Hello everyone! I built a Humvee. This will be my first proper car with a gun. There is no model like this one. The upper machine gun is in the upper seat and can be moved with W.S.A.D. The machine gun can be hit with a left click or 1 on the keyboard. The...
Hang Glider with Launcher
Created by Joey Jazz
Feel the soft breeze in your face as you let your sail guide you in the sky. Ok I might have gone too far with that quote, but you get the idea : This is a state of the art Hang Glider that will conserve all its velocity to allow you to go (almost) as far ...
Hawker Hurricane Mk IID Tank Destroyer by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the iconic Hawker Hurricane WWII fighter. It's an approximation , not a 1:1 replica. This is the tank destroyer version armed with 2 40 mm automatic cannons. Only 2 machine guns were left to use tracer bullets for aiming the cannons. The ammu...
Hawker Hurricane Mk IIB by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the iconic Hawker Hurricane WWII fighter. It's an approximation , not a 1:1 replica. I wanted to make the Mk IIC with 4 20 mm cannons but the guns in this game are just too bulky so I had to settle for the Mk IIB with 12 machine guns. It also...
He 162
Created by enderschlaubi
!!! do not reupload this vehicle !!!...
Hawker Hurricane Mk IIB Night Fighter by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the iconic Hawker Hurricane WWII fighter in night camouflage. It's an approximation , not a 1:1 replica. I wanted to make the Mk IIC with 4 20 mm cannons but the guns in this game are just too bulky so I had to settle for the Mk IIB with 12 m...
Heinkel He 177 Greif by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on theGerman long distance bomber Heinkel 177 Greif (Griffin). It's an approximation and in no way a 1:1 replica. I wanted to differentiate the front and aft auto-cannons from the regular machine guns so used the bigger gun. Sadly they take a lot o...
Heinkel He 177 w Guided Bombs by Uncle
Created by Mean Green
My take on theGerman long distance bomber Heinkel 177 Greif (Griffin). This version carries three of the Hs 293 guided rocket propelled bombs instead of regular bombs. It's an approximation and in no way a 1:1 replica. I wanted to differentiate the front a...
Heinkel He 111
Created by CyberPlays26
First entering production in 1935, the Heinkel He 111 was a German medium bomber plane. Masqueraded as a 'civil airliner' pre-WWII due to post-WWI restrictions, the design was intended to provide the Luftwaffe with a fast medium bomber. It was the most num...
Heinkel He 177 Greif Night Bomber by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on theGerman long distance bomber Heinkel 177 Greif (Griffin). Night bomber version. It's an approximation and in no way a 1:1 replica. I wanted to differentiate the front and aft auto-cannons from the regular machine guns so used the bigger gun. S...
Created by Elektrofumigator
WARNING: 950 BRICKS (not really suitable for MP battle server, sorry) Hibneryt was esentially Star 266 army lorry with ZU-23-2 installed on bed. Star 266 was a heavily modified Star 28, with bigger engine and big wheels (6 of them) each one driven (so, 6x6...
Created by enderschlaubi
!!! do not reupload !!!...
Ho-229 V3
Created by CaptainCannon
Hello! This is my replica of the Horten Ho-229 V3 Landing Gear: Press the switch inside the cockpit (E) and (Q) Throttle: (W/S) Armed with: - 2x Ballistic autocannons (Action 1 = lmb) 962 Bricks DO NOT REUPLOAD!...
HMC 2S19 "Msta-S"
Created by IRFZ44
2S19 " Msta-S "(GABTU index-object 316, according to the classification of NATO-M1990 "Farm") is a Soviet and Russian 152-mm divisional self-propelled howitzer. Control: WASD-motion control, it is necessary to be in the driver's seat LMB-shooting from a gu...
Ho-229 V7
Created by CaptainCannon
Hello! This is my replica of the Horten Ho-229 V7 Landing Gear: Press the switch inside the cockpit (E) and (Q) Throttle: (W/S) Armed with: - 2x Ballistic autocannons (Action 1 = lmb) 1029 Bricks DO NOT REUPLOAD!...
House 2 floors with Garage
Created by 🔥Köströv🔥
Это комфортный двухэтажный дом (не считая чердак), у которого так же есть гараж. У этого дома вылетают окна, когда по ним стреляеш, так же он хорошо и реалистично горит. Отлично подходит для рп. Имеет в себе 3 комнаты, кухню, и большое, просторное помещени...
HQ-6A Anti-Air homing/self-guide Missile
Created by 风云城关
Corruption warning, this creation is no longer working after update 1.0 due to the massive change of the sesnor and air/pneumatic. fundmantel design incompatible with new version . there is no fix -----------------------------------------------------------...
HS-61 Skycrane
Created by GCfordtaurus
A fictional heavy-lift tandem rotor helicopter suitable for troop transport and cargo hauling. Suitable for loads 10000 pounds or less....
Created by enderschlaubi
!!! do not reupload !!!...
Homing Missile Tank | MAV-SAM-B
Created by Multirotor
Left Click: first missile Numpad 2 : second missile Numpad 3 : third missile Missiles fire in left-to-right order. (Action 1, 2, 3,) ALT (Operation Mode) - Yaw : Turret Yaw ALT (Operation Mode) - Pitch : Turret Pitch Do not re-upload this vehicle. Update 1...
House (Legacy)
Created by JJ
Whatever motivated me to open brick rigs let alone make something to post on the workshop I will never know but I did Don't commit joe biden on the stairs...
Created by o
MINIGUN- non turret- made out of me old humvee that i took doors out and make it lighter faster and with better suspention t...
Created by o
International Hover Carrier PVALA is the biggest low lag hower carier in game (at least what i know) made entirely from me fantazy its about 400 bricks long 197 bricks width and 80 brick hight total brick caunt is 1185 witch is shuld not be lagy if you don...
IFA W50L, OrWo Film Funnycar Dragster
Created by coycoy
Oh no, whats this? And why? Well, another dragmod again. The base is a IFA W50L build by my good olf friend keksonator Click here and check out his fantastic W50L. Have some fun on the racetrack....
IFA Multicar M25
Created by Elektrofumigator
Update: bigger wheels so whole car looks better, i'm too lazy to take new pics so you have to believe me :) A small dump lorry produced in East Germany (1978-1990) and Germany (1990-1993) that used 2l inline-4 diesel, mid-mounted engine that powered rear w...
IFA Wartburg 353W
Created by Elektrofumigator
hort ałf ajne jugendlisze kinder won der de de er jungen medszen ale frojde won der ude es es er iś wil szprehen und erzilen won der organizacjon di sol binden und erzeihen unsere generacjon wir zind ale hir so fraj (in der ef de jot) wir zind ale hir so d...
IFA Wartburg 353W Tourist
Created by Elektrofumigator
Kombi version of late 353 (353W, W being modernised version). Has funny tailgate that was an absolute hellish nightmare to build around 400 bricks...
IJ219 Sky Sentinel
Created by GamingX33 IJ219 "Sky Sentinel" Interceptor Jet Made for Air to Air combat I am bad at making planes, be fair with rating This is my first attempt...
IJN Kyohaku
Created by MysteriousGadget
脅迫 (Kyōhaku) - Intimidation The IJN Kyōhaku was commissioned in March of 1942, with its hull originating from battleship design. She possessed a strong armor belt, however this extra weight caused issues with maneuverability and speed. She was ultimately s...
Created by CaptainCannon
Hello! This is my replica of the Ilyushin IL-28 Beagle Landing Gear: Press the switch inside the cockpit (E) and (Q) Throttle: (W/S) Flaps: (Q) Nav lights: (L) Bomb bay doors: (X) Armed with: - 2x Heavy Mgs (Action 1 = lmb) - 4x 500Kg Bombs (Action 3 and 4...
inflatable mattress
Created by 🔥Köströv🔥
for the beta version (but it also works in the regular version)...
inflatable orca
Created by 🔥Köströv🔥
for the beta version (but it also works in the regular version)...
inflatable ball
Created by 🔥Köströv🔥
for the beta version (but it also works in the regular version)...
Created by o
An intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) is a ballistic missile with a range of 3,000–5,500 km (1,864–3,418 miles), between a medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) and an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Classifying ballistic missiles by ra...
Created by Лёня
IS-2 Mod. 1944
Created by Killer4117
The IS-2 Model 1944 is an improved version of the IS-2 developed in late 1944 featuring, sloped armor, a new gun, and later in the war a top-mounted DShK heavy machine gun. Specifications: Max Spd: 37 km/h (23 mph) Armament: 122mm D25-T cannon 1x DShK 12.7...
Created by BricK
... Attention!!! The cannon of this building takes 10 seconds to reload! If a conventional gun fires every 3 seconds, but here after 10! Enjoy! =3...
Created by Masleena
Советская самоходная артиллерийская установка ИСУ-122. Вооружение: Пушка 122мм - активация - Action 1. Пулемёт ДШК калибра 12.7мм - Action 2. У данной модели нет УГН (угла горизонтального наведения) и реализованных внутренностей....
Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer
Created by Grouchy
Hetzers gonna hetz. This tank destroyer has customizable spaced armor. There are 6 segments you can detach separately: Left side: Num 8 (front), Num 7 (middle) and Num 4 (rear). Right side: Num 5 (front), Num 6 (middle) and Num 3 (rear). Make sure you have...
Created by Лёня
James The Dog
Created by jt.schwarm
Because i like Dogs. ...
Created by YOKKO
Just for today, and only for you....
Junk Bird
Created by Joey Jazz
Have you ever wanted to fly a plane built by non qualified scavengers who only know how to slap rusty plates onto engines ? Have you ever wanted your engine to break down 200m above the ground and burn alive as you dive towards the ground ? Have you ever w...
Junkers JU-87 Stuka
Created by IkarusFan HUN
Germany's most known and most feared dive bomber. It flown first in 1935 and were in service till the end of ww2. Controls: -it can be flown by 1 pilot but for full operation(gunner) 2 person required. -flying is basic alt +mouse/arrows -alt+W: throttle -n...
Junkers Ju-87 Stuka by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the iconic Junkers Ju-87 Stuka (Sturzkampfflugzeug/"dive bomber"). It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. ***** UPDATE! ***** Made the wings larger and much closer to the real thing and reduced the overpowered engine which meant a far too ...
Junkers Ju-87 Stuka Kanonenvogel by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the iconic Junkers Ju-87 Stuka (Sturzkampfflugzeug/"dive bomber"). It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. ***** UPDATE! ***** Made the wings larger and closer to the real thing and reduced the overpowered engine which meant a far too high ...
JZS Jelcz 315
Created by Elektrofumigator
go to wikipedia for more info thanks to wombat for reducing brick count...
JZS Jelcz 315 Isotherm
nice truck with nice isotherm with nice authors more information:
JZS Jelcz 316
nicer jelcz with one nice author and one no-nice author in nice workshop more information: Autosan trailer:
JZS Jelcz 317WK
nice jelcz with nice upfit with nice authors in nice workshop more information:
JZS Jelcz 415
POL:bylem torturowany pszez miesionc rzeby je wydać to je macie wyphajcie sie i niesluhajcie zbrodniarza glorego to artotzki bo to podwujny agent ENG: i'm very happy to spend this jelcz for you so that you can enjoy and ride them :DDDDD...
JZS Jelcz 417 with Zremb NP22
o widzicie całe te ugułem transbud o własnie jelcz cały ten o i naczepe ma oribt eng: jelcz with zremb NP22...
JZS Jelcz C620 with Zremb D-18
Ka-Mi Type 2 [Abandoned]
Created by Jamzs3k
The type 2 tank is a special tank. Made the boat to tank mechanics easy with just 1 button press (Numb 3) The parts auto eject so you can drive on land with no problem. Remember this tank has very little armour, can only withstand small gun fire. Has 3 sma...
Kalinin K-12 Bomber
Created by Klppp
The kalinin K-12 was a tailess bomber deisgned around the late 1930s. Only one example was completed though it never saw action due to konstantin kalinin being arrested and executed as an enemy of the state. What makes the kalinin k-12 special in my opinio...
Khruschyovka - USSR House LOW [Хрущевка]
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
## Khrushchyovka (Russian: хрущёвка, IPA: ) is an unofficial name of a type of low-cost, concrete-paneled or brick three- to five-storied apartment building which was developed in the Soviet Union during the early 1960s, during the time its namesake Nikita...
KMS Scharnhorst
Created by OOF
This creation was made in collaboration with my friend MysteriousGadget. He makes all kinds of cools stuff, and was great help in getting the shape of this build right. German Battleship Scharnhorst The battleship (or battlecruiser) Scharnhorst was a large...
Konstal 105Na
Created by Elektrofumigator
q - doors i - interior light sth like 375 bricks idk it's a tram...
KORD-12.7 mm HMG
Created by o
KORD is russian heavy machine gun chambered in 12.7 mm i tryed to repicate one of them in brick rigs is bit over sized but i cant make it smaller cause of brick rigs huge bricks controls> press the button on legs to set it ON > stend close next to the sigh...
Kortz Ko-60 "Pegasus"
Created by PhaZe haZe aZe Ze e
So this plane is a bit behind schedule. A week behind schedule. So after 4 days of work and then 7 days of being AFK, I bring the Kortz Ko-60 "Pegasus", a general-purpose twin-engine aircraft inspired by the Beechcraft Model 18. Although it has a very heft...
King-Kong 2005
Created by Лёня
KPP-120 Functional Flaps and Spoilers Softbody plane 4740Bricks
Created by Milik
Landing Gear-X Flaps-I Spoilers-Q Lights-L Action 1-Left Engine Detonation Action 2-Right Engine Detonation Action 3-Tail Detonation Action 4-Cockpit Detonation ...
Created by ALEK
Hi guys! This is Krom-370, the biggest plane i've ever made in Brick Rigs. The Krom-370 is based on a Boeing 747-400. This plane sometime glitches because it has many actuators Controls Plane: - This plane uses alt mode controls. - Throttle: Throttle W/S (...
Created by ALEK
Hi guys! I'm back to air vehicle builds now. This plane is based on an airbus a320. Controls: Plane - This plane uses alt mode controls. - Throttle: Throttle W/S (alt). - Landing gears: disable steering (X by default). - Spoilers: Invert steering (hold X)....
Created by Grouchy
Requests from Commissar Remover, keksonator, nukebox (C.L.). UPDATE 11/21/2017: Changed inscription on the turret. Za rodinu! For the motherland! Warning! The first three screenshots show the actual inscription on the turret. To operate the turret: 1. Pres...
KV-1 ZIS-5
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is Soviet heavy tank KV-1. Control: W A S D to drive, Mouse (with alt mode), LBM (Action 1) - fire, MBM (Action 2) - gun, Num 3 (Action 3) - front gun. Q to switch the type of projectiles, L - light. ---------------------------------------------------...
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is Soviet heavy tank KV-2. Control: W A S D to drive, Mouse (with alt mode), LBM (Action 1) - fire, MBM (Action 2) - gun, Num 3 (Action 3) - front gun. L - light. --------------------------------------------------- Советский тяжёлый танк КВ-2. Управле...
Created by Grouchy
Requests from nukebox (C.L.), kim jong un, CL86. Bey fashistov! To operate the turret: 1. Press Alt. 2. Use mouse to aim. Middle Mouse Button to use the hull machine gun. LMB to fire the main gun and turret machine gun. C to change view. Have fun! If you h...
KV-2 Heavy Assault Tank
Created by PanzerAce
The KV-2 (Kliment Voroshilov 2) was a Soviet Heavy tank designed from 1938 to 1939, and set into service in 1940. It was a variant of the common KV-1 Heavy Tank, however it featured a much larger turret with a 152mm gun. SERVICE HISTORY Type Heavy Tank Pla...
Created by Лёня
Created by Лёня
L3 LF lanzallamas compacto
Created by Cap
alt for turret mouse 1 for flamethrower action 2 for MG l for lights H for horn...
L32 Military [WW1 Airship]
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
В связи с большим количеством дизлайков и малым количеством лайков, а также занятостью автора, новые работы будут выходить только к началу 2020 года. - Due to the large number of dislikes and a small number of likes, as well as the employment of the author...
LADA 2107 adventure
Created by Gamer!
This LADA 2107 is perfect for going on offroad adventures in the woods or even desert!...
LADA 2107
Created by Gamer!
the LADA 2107 is the typical russian car. This one has detailed brown interior, openable doors, openable hood, and a openable trunk. please dont reupload, have fun!...
Created by Grauichkeit
LAPD Helicopter
Created by Snakeytoe
This is the Helicopter used by the LAPD Air Support Division, the purpose of the LAPD ASD is for surveillance, pursuit, and overwatch Thanks to CoyCoy and Blaze for making the vehicle: Part ...
LASV | OTTER (1.2+)
Created by Grizzly
|ONLY USE IN EXPERIMENTAL OR 1.2+| Light Amphibious Support Vehicle Alt controlls: drive and aim. Alt-page up/page down: water movement....
Created by Bujevino
Парни, вы дождались. Новые жигули, для зимнего дрифта, колхоза и всего, что угодно Наслаждайтесь) Я постарался уменьшить количество деталей и при этом точнее передать геометрию кузова. 493 детали. You guys have waited. New Lada, for winter drift, tuning an...
Leopard 1
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 4x man; Top speed: 65 km/h Armament: 1x 105mm L7A3; 2x 7,62mm MG3 machine gun; Brick count: 1227 Cost: 7,023u How to use: Switch APDS (6x bal...
Leopard 2A5
Created by Mrs. Tuna
The German Leopard 2A5 main battle tank. 1.4+ Updated with a 2 plane stabilizer, recoil system, and other minor changes. Disable Steering (X): Activates turret Action 1: Main gun Action 2: Coax machinegun Beacon (B): Switch ammo types 1,391 Bricks....
LASV-A2 | OTTER (1.2+)
Created by Grizzly
|ONLY USE IN EXPERIMENTAL OR 1.2+| Light Amphibious Support Vehicle (with alternative turret) Alt controlls: drive and aim. Alt-page up/page down: water movement....
LHD-6 Bonhomme Richard Front Portion
Big Thanks to my friend Kamunist For helping me edit the thumbnails. How to set the Carrier Up 1. Spawn the Rear portion of the ship in a big open space. 2. Spawn the Middle Portion and put it in line with the Rear portion as close as possible. 3. Get in t...
Leopard 2A7
Created by eca001
Here is the Leopard 2A7! No doubt it is the best tank in the world! Armed with 10 HE cannon and one mg. Able to carry two crews. It is base on my previous Leopard 2A4. Differents: -gun sight position raise and added one more gun sight on manlet -add-on arm...
LNER Class A4 'Sir Nigel Gresley'
Created by SpAmTrak
The A4 was the fastest steam locomotive, This locomotive Sir Nigel Gresley achieved 112 mph 35 were produced from 1935 - 1936 and 6 of them still exist to this day, This being one of them. Also, includes 4 teak coaches, 3 of them are the same but one of th...
Little Stinger Mk-2 (Legacy only)
Created by Dromgi
Little Stinger Mk-2, is a drone lel. And is armed with two high rate of fire machine gun's, And two 4 burst rocket pod's. It will also have great mobility able to fly through tight area's. How to fly? Go into alt mode, fly's like a helicopter....
Lockheed P-38J Lightning by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning. It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. The is the pure fighter J model and is armed with 4 machine guns and one 20 mm automatic cannon (the bigger "machine gun") in the nose. Alt controls to fly. W/S: Variable ...
Lockheed P-38L Lightning w Bombs by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning. It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. The is the L model with more powerful engines and reinforced wings so it was able to carry a considerable bomb load. It's armed with 4 machine guns and one 20 mm automatic...
Lockheed P-38L Lightning w Rockets by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning. It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. The is the L model with more powerful engines and reinforced wings so it was able to carry a considerable weapons load, and it's armed with 4 machine guns and one 20 mm au...
Low-Brick Zombie Fortification
Created by skip
Total Cost: 1057u (around 5 headshots) A low-brick and extremely stable zombie fortification tweaked perfectly for use in Zombie Mode. Working bunker, blast-resistant walls and completely zombie-proof. Even exiting the driver seat won't get you past its bo...
Low Brick Plane
Created by Kam
Title says it all. A single person, low brick plane for casual flying. Flies pretty good considering it was made in 30 minutes. Brick Count: 84...
M Mk1
Created by 🅹ⒺⓎ
Народ, оценивайте постройки справедливо, ведь в каждую работу автор вкладывает всю свою душу, и иногда сборка и отладка идёт часами, не будьте тупым быдло, которое идёт по головам других, ставьте справедливые оценки! Дорогие друзья, перед началом просмотра...
Created by Killer4117
An American SPAA developed in 1943, the M16 MGMC is an M3 halftrack mounted with an M45 quadmount equipped with four M2 Browning machine guns. It was nicknamed the "Meat Chopper" for its effectiveness against infantry and low-flying aircraft. Specification...
M19A1 anti aircraft gun
Created by 🔥Köströv🔥
Орудие включается на ALT, имеет в себе 688 кубиков The gun turns on ALT, has 688 brick in it Выпускалась серийно с апреля 1945 года до конца Второй мировой войны, всего было выпущено 300 единиц. Во Второй мировой войне M19 принять участие не успела, но акт...
M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams OD (Obsolete)
Created by Mrs. Tuna
The United States' main battle tank. Olive drab. 2 seats including the operator and commander. AP and HE available with the beacon button (Q). Off: AP, On: HE. The commander has access to a .50 cal. To some it might look the same as my older Abrams. But th...
M24 Whiteshark Hovertank [legacy]
Created by Lemon
LEGACY VERSION. NOT SUPPORTED FOR LATEST UPDATE. Introducing; the M24 'Whiteshark' All-Terrain / Low Gravity Rapid Assault Vehicle! (AT/LG RA-V) Heavily and obviously modelled after Mass Effect™'s M44 Hammerhead. I recommend using Ctrl+G (Unbreakable mode)...
M1151 HMMWV Humvee OD
Created by Mrs. Tuna
The United States' well-known light military truck. Olive drab. 5 Seats including 1 driver, and 1 gunner. The beacon button (Q) opens the trunk. Invert Steering (Hold X) for the left turn signals. Disable steering (press X) for the right turn signals. 477 ...
M1A2 SEPv2 Abrams (Obsolete)
Created by Mrs. Tuna
The United States' main battle tank. 2 seats including the operator and commander. AP and HE available with the beacon button (Q). Off: AP, On: HE. The commander has access to a .50 cal. To some it might look the same as my older Abrams. But this is a full...
M338 Davy Crockett
Created by OZZA
Creators: OZZA eca001 Like and subscribe! Brick count: 455 Cost: 9,221u How to use: Beacon Button - fire; Alt mode + mouse - gun movement; History of M388: The Davy Crockett Weapon System was the tactical nuclear recoilless g...
M3A1 Scout Car
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: Driver; Gunner; Commander; 5x Troopers; Top speed: 81 km/h Armament: 1x 12.7mm M2 Browning machine gun; Brick count: 464 Cost: 2,564u How to ...
M41 Walker Bulldog
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 4x man Top speed: 72 km/h Armament: 1x 76mm M32A1 cannon; 1x .30cal M1919A4; 1x .50cal Browning M2; Brick count: 985 Cost: 5,474u History of ...
Created by MysteriousGadget
This evolution came in April 1942, with a new General Motors 6046 engine (two GM 6-71 General Motors Diesel engines), welded hull with extra applique armor on the hull sides and gunner position (left side of the turret). It was produced to a total of 8053 ...
Created by Лёня
M3a3 Bradley
Created by Mrs. Tuna
The cavalry variant of The United States' main infantry fighting vehicle. 3 seats including the operator and 2 seats in the rear for scouts. Has an AP autocannon and coax. TOW launchers are cosmetic only and deploy/retract with the beacon button (Q). The r...
Created by Лёня
M4A2 76W
Created by Лёня
M4A2 Sherman
Created by MysteriousGadget
Thanks to ßpün for helping out so much with the tank (turret, details, weaponry) Remember to rate fairly! These creations take a long time to make, so always remember to show appreciation to creators! Vehicle Information Brick count: 890 The early-producti...
Created by Лёня
M4E2 76W
Created by Лёня
Created by Rask the Viking
The M60 AMBT is a Turkish upgrade of the american M60 MBT. This upgrade added a new engine, replaced the old m68a1 105mm cannon with a M256 120mm cannon, new optics and added slat armor. This allowed it to go faster and have increased firepower, the new ca...
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 4x man Top speed: 48 km/h Armament: 1x 105mm M68 cannon; 1x 7.62mm M73 machine gun; 12.7mm M85 AA machine gun; Brick count: 1,358 Cost: 8,156...
Created by Bendy Game
The M8 "Scott" or M8 Howitzer Motor Carriage is a late war american upgrade of the M5 Stuart. Its equipped with a bigger open top turret with a short barrel 75mm gun. It's a nice little tank with not much armor but quite a punch. Controls Alt mode to drive...
Mallard - Fighter Biplane
Created by CloudPixel
Noclip WW1 style biplane so you can acquire that oil like it's 1914. Tags: WW1, Plane, Biplane, Low Brick, Noclip, Fighter plane, Lego biplane, CloudPixel © 2018 CloudPixel. Do not reupload (modified or not) without my permission....
1:1 Scale M82A1! small enough to drag & carry & aim,HUGE DAMAGE, DIY scopes if u R to pick the stock up & use E to fire. Enjoy :)...
Map for battle "Syria" [2.0]
Created by VladMIr
Map for battle "Syria" Bricks: 9.858 ( Russian ) Эту карту вы можете использовать как для PVP, так и для массовых сражений. (Карта была переделана человеком - Hebus1360) Постройки которые были использованы при создании этой карты:
Mark V
Created by CyberPlays26
The British Mark V was an upgrade of the previous Mark IV during World War I with around 400 ever being built. It was improved in several aspects including a new steering system, transmission, and engine. However due to poor ventilation it was common for c...
Mark V -TC-
Created by niho2906
Bricks:365 Driver: W,A,S,D to drive View Yaw and Pitch to aim one cannon and press the mouseweel to fire ALT+View Yaw and Pitch to aim the other cannon and press the left mousebuttonl to fire Every Gunner: ALT+View Yaw and Pitch to aim one main cannon and ...
Mark W Stealth Bomber
Created by Armored Soul
An original stealth bomber design. I created internal parts such as wing spars. There are many designs such as actuator powered controls that have been disabled due to Brick Rigs physics. Controls: Alt Mouse for controls Alt W for thrust Alt A/D for yaw Q ...
Created by Mayor_Tim
Panzerkampfwagen VIII «Maus» (Maus — «Мышь», иное название — Porsche Type 205 или Pzkpfw.VIII Maus) — сверхтяжёлый танк, спроектированный в Третьем рейхе в период с 1942 по 1945 годы под руководством Фердинанда Порше. Является самым крупным по массе танком...
Created by Masleena
Сверхтяжёлый немецкий танк-прототип "Маус", который ни разу не был использован в бою. Вооружение: 128мм пушка - сделать выстрел - Action 1. 75мм пушка - сделать выстрел - Action 2. Максимальная скорость - 30 км/ч. Медленный поворот башни. Реализованные вну...
Mazda RX-7 FC Race Car
Created by batt
Dubbed the "FC3X", this RX-7 is a custom widebody kit I made ages ago and never got around to releasing. It is AWD swapped and has hours of handling tuning put into it. It also has a working gear stick and handbrake lever....
Created by Rask the Viking
The MBT 70-KPz-70 was a MBT project between America and Germany. It was made to replace the M60 and the Leopard 1. The tank itself was good but the project was too expensive so they had to abandon it. But it was not a lost cause, information from making th...
Created by Turtle
Hello Everyone Classic 1990 version by Alex here - it has multiple parking spots - 2 drive in at the back - an extra lane to get out from the parking spot - it has multiple seats to eat stuff - openable doors - detailed kitchen and you can pick up Fries an...
McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet
f-18 q - tail hook x - landing gear numpad 8 is ejection seat alt pg up and down is flaps accumalated throttle but if you hold down on w a set of a few more thrusters go off to give you a boost...
Me 262
Created by ]v[acGyverFiN
Messerschmitt Me 262 A-1 Schwalbe Jet fighter Press the button inside the cockpit to raise (E) / lower (Q) the landing gear. Armed with: - 4 x 30mm autocannons --- Action 1 ...
Me 262 a-1/u4 Pulkzerstorer
Created by Mayor_Tim
German jet fighter "Pulkzertstorer". Control: W A S D, mouse (alt mode) X - chassies Action 1 (LBM) - fire Q - flaps. --------------------------------------------------------- Немецкий реактивный истребитель "Пулькцершторер". Управление: W A S D, мышка (в ...
Me 262 A-1a
Created by CaptainCannon
Hello! This is my replica of the Messerschmitt Me 262 A-1a Schwalbe Landing Gear: Press the switch inside the cockpit (E) and (Q) Throttle: (W/S) Flaps: (Q) Armed with: - 4x 30mm Cannons (Action 1 = lmb) 949 Bricks DO NOT REUPLOAD!...
Me 262 A-1a/U1
Created by CaptainCannon
Hello! This is my replica of the Messerschmitt Me 262 A-1a/U1 Schwalbe Landing Gear: Press the switch inside the cockpit (E) and (Q) Throttle: (W/S) Flaps: (Q) Armed with: - 2x 20mm Cannons (Action 1 = lmb) - 2x 30mm Mk 108 Cannons and 2x 30mm Mk 103 Canno...
Me 262 Narwhal/Narwhale by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on the Messerschmitt Me 262 bomber buster. It's an approximation, definitely not a 1:1 replica. It's armed with one 50mm automatic cannon meant for taking out allied bombers. Alt controls to fly. W/S: Variable throttle. A/D: Ground steering/Yaw. Up...
Me 262 Biplane
Created by Bubulacik
why did i do this? why?...
Me 262 Sturmvogel/Stormbird by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet bomber. It's an approximation, definitely not a 1:1 replica. It's armed with two of the heavy machine guns (should be 30mm cannons but...) instead of the four the fighter version has, and two 500++ kg bombs. Alt cont...
Me 262 Schwalbe/Swallow by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My take on the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. It's an approximation, definitely not a 1:1 replica. It's armed with four of the heavy machine guns (should be 30mm cannons but...). Alt controls to fly. W/S: Variable throttle. A/D: Ground steering/Yaw. Up/...
Me 262 A-2a
Created by CaptainCannon
Hello... This is my replica of the Messerschmitt Me 262 A-2a Sturmvogel Landing Gear: Press the switch inside the cockpit (E) and (Q) Throttle: (W/S) Flaps: (Q) Armed with: - 2x 30mm Cannons (Action 1 = lmb) - 2x 250kg Bombs (Action 2 = mmb) 1037 Bricks DO...
Melkus RS 1000
Created by Elektrofumigator
Big thanks for upvoting and subscribing - I'm very happy to see it being at the top! Made especially for Official BR Discord Challenge. And for fun! Melkus RS 1000, East German supercar powered by inline 3 1l engine, that was two stroke and made about 160h...
Mercedes-Benz O404 15 RHD
Created by ALEK
Hi guys! This is the Mercedes-Benz O404 15 RHD. Bus advantages: - Detailed interior. - Detailed exterior. - Open able door. - Working windshield wipers. Bus disadvantages: - High brick. - Not really recommended to use in a RP server. Brick count: 1.372 Hop...
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the iconic Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter. It's an approximation and in no way a 1:1 replica so no need to tell me every detail that might be wrong. This the G-6 "light" fighter version armed with 1 20 mm automatic cannon in the nose and 2 mach...
Messerschmitt Bf 110 B-1 by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Messerschmitt Bf 110 B-1 heavy fighter. It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. This is the "basic" fighter version armed with 4 machine guns and 2 20 mm auto cannons (I use the bigger "machine guns" which I managed to cram in there.) i...
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6R2 Bombs by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the iconic Messeschmitt Bf 109 fighter. It's an approximation and in no way a 1:1 replica so no need to tell me every detail that might be wrong. This the G-6R2 fighter/bomber version armed with 1 20 mm automatic cannon in the nose, 2 machine...
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C-1 by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Messerschmitt Bf 110 C-1 heavy fighter and ground attack. It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. This is the ground attack version armed with 4 machine guns and 2 20 mm auto cannons (I use the bigger "machine guns" which I managed to c...
Messerschmitt Bf-109K4
Created by HABU
Messerschmitt Bf-109K4 BUILDER CIRCLE / WW2 / Germany / Luftwaffe / Bomber escort / fighter-bomber / day-, night-all-weather fighter / ground-attack aircraft / reconnaissance aircraft / ARMAMENT 1x 30mm cannon 2x 13mm machine guns STANDARD CONTROL 1- Guns ...
Messerschmitt Me 262
Created by Bubulacik
-HISTORY- The Messerschmitt Me 262, nicknamed Schwalbe (German: "Swallow") in fighter versions, or Sturmvogel (German: "Storm Bird") in fighter-bomber versions, was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. Design work started before Worl...
Meteor 2.0
Created by RocketShotgun
Remake of my original Meteor that did really well. This one though uses real fire instead of smoke effects, and is actually a sphere! How to use: After you spawn it put it in invincibility/godmode (Ctrl + G) I recommend putting Bob in godmode too, then use...
Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-2 by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-2 heavy fighter and bomber buster. It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. This is the bomber buster version armed with 4 machine guns and 2 20 mm auto cannons (I use the bigger "machine guns" which I managed to c...
Created by Elektrofumigator
Helicopter produced in Świdnik, Poland, based on slightly improved Soviet plans. Used till this day but pretty much every possible institution (military included). Only (or that much?) 405 bricks. Controls: alt mode - flight + engine on/off alt+ mouse move...
Created by OZZA
Creators: Glory to Arstotzka!, OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: Pilot; Gunner; 6x Troopers; Armament: 1x 23mm NS-23KM autocannon; 2x 57mm MARS-2 rocket pods; Brick count: 570 Cost: 4,...
Created by MeløK
1.171 Bricks RUS Вертолёт Ми-8 является воздушным транспортным средством, основное его предназначение — перевозка людей и различных грузов. Вертолёт кла...
Created by IRFZ44
MiG-15bis (in the name of the model — bis, that is, the second, according to the codification of NATO — OTAN: Fagot — Rus. Vyazanka) — is a Soviet jet fighter developed by a separate design bureau (OKB) of Mikoyan and Gurevich, the development of the MiG-1...
Created by ]v[acGyverFiN
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 Fighter Press the button inside the cockpit to raise (E) / lower (Q) the landing gear. Flaps ---------------------- Q Engine -------------------- W Air brakes----------------- S hold Armed with: - 2 x 23 mm guns ------------- Action...
MiG-23 M
Created by Juno
Thanks to Dreams70 and CaptainCannon for helping. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 M Fighter Parameters Maximal speed: 2250 kph. Climb rate: 249 mps. Range of taking off: 750 meters. Time of maneuver: 35 s. Armament & Controls Gsh-23 L - Action 1 Flaps - Q Landing ...
MiG-17 PF
Created by ]v[acGyverFiN
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 PF Fighter Press the button inside the cockpit to raise (E) / lower (Q) the landing gear. Flaps ---------------------- Q Engine -------------------- W Air brakes----------------- S hold Armed with: - 3 x 23 mm guns ------------- Act...
MiG-23 UB (JFM-11)
Created by ^1kaffinator
This jet is a no flap, heavy built jet designed for direct air to air combat. She's modeled after the MiG-23 UB, a twin seat trainer variant of the standard MiG-23. The plane incorpirates a detailed cockpit that is nesissary to oporate the aircraft effecti...
Created by ]v[acGyverFiN
Mikoyan MiG-29 ''Fulcrum-A'' Fighter Press the button inside the cockpit to raise (E) / lower (Q) the landing gear. Flaps ---------------------- Q Engine -------------------- W Afterburner -------------- W hold Air brakes----------------- S hold Armed with...
Mig-29S (Ukrainian Paint)
Created by eca001
Suppose to be done before the Apache but stuck in cockpit interior, kinda burnt out so I just yeet it out. Another MiG-29 on workshop. Features Ejection seat (Action 8) Landing gear (X) Flaps (Alt page up/down) Air brake (B) Intake door (L) Crappy missile ...
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21
Created by Tumosz
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 is a supersonic jet fighter and interceptor aircraft, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich. Approximately 60 countries on four continents have flown the MiG-21, and it still serves many nations six decades after its maiden flight. I...
Created by HABU Mil Mi-24P HIND-F (1979) (Hind-F) The gunship version, which replaced the 12.7mm machine-gun with a fixed side-mounted 30mm GSh-30-2K twin-barrel autocannon. Color version as used by the Soviet army at the time Soviet war in A...
Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-21PFM
Created by HABU
The MIG-21, from the "F" "PF" "PFM" to "MF" version, took an active part in the conflict over Vietnam and guarded the sky against enemy units. From this conflict stem some aces who flew these MIG's and did amazing deeds. painting Vietnam People's Air Force...
MIM-23 Hawk Guided Missile
Created by D-T-R
Note: For better performance, operate this missile in <90 PIN Internet condition during mutiplayer gaming is recommended. The Raytheon MIM-23 Hawk (or HAWK: Homing All the Way Killer) is an American medium-range surface-to-air missile. It was designed to b...
Minecraft Killer Bunny
Created by Homer
This is a killer bunny from Minecraft. I hope you like it, then leave me a like here and share it with your friends. Have fun, Homer :) WASD for steering ALT W and S to sit down Page up and down to bite -----------------------------------------------------...
Minecraft Steve with two miniguns
Created by Homer
Leave a like if you like it and share it with your friends. Have fun, Homer :) You can steer with W A S D Press ALT W and S to move the hands Press ALT A and D to move the head Use ALT mouse right and left to rotate Press C to switch the cameras (on the mi...
Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Mitsubishi A6M2 "Zero" or "Zeke". It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. This is the early, pure fighter version launched from airplane carriers. It's armed with 2 machine guns in the wings and 2 automatic cannons in the engine cowling...
Mitsubishi A6M7 Zero by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Mitsubishi A6M7 "Zero" or "Zeke". It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. This is the late dive bomber/fighter version launched from airplane carriers. It's armed with 4 machine guns in the wings and 2 automatic cannons in the engine co...
MODERN pillbox bunker
Created by o
do i rly need to describe it it's bunker what else you expect enterance is on top so the enemy need to climb up first wich slow them down and vehicles cant get good shoot on it....
Moretti M400 (Rebuilt)
Created by batt
Winner of the BR Discord 80's Supercar Contest -------------------- Now 383 bricks! The old one is 483. Has more realistic handling, more details, and a better looking stance. Thanks to Remanedur for helping with the handling....
Created by Лёня
MT-LB ZU-23-2
mltb zu23 ukraine mtlb slava ukrani...
MT2110 Aquila SPAAG
Created by GamingX33 MT2110 "Aquila" Self Propelled Anti Air Gun This is a legacy creation... SPAAG Variant of the MT2110 Aquila MBT Brick count: 684 Weight...
MT216 Nemesis SPAAG
Created by GamingX33 Main Battle Tank 12 / MT216 "Nemesis" SPAAG variant This is my 4h SPAAG Brick Count: 685 Features: Good armor Fire surpression 100+ km/...
N F S Hot Pursuit Spike Strip
Created by Cartoonist_Key
NEW! Criminal Edition! First Creation to hit 100 Subs! Wohoo!!!!!!!! OK. HOW IS THIS THING GETTING TO 400 SUBS IN JUST A WEEK?!?!? GAH! ALMOST 500! 600 SUBS! SAY SOMETHING PEOPLE! WHY SO MAN...
Nakajima B5N Kate Bomber by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Japanese Nakajima B5N "Kate" carrier based bomber. It's armed with to forward facing machine guns in the wings, one rear facing Lewis type machine gun with rotating pan magazine manned by the radio operator, and one 800 kg bomb. The bombe...
MT219 Xenesis SPAAG
Created by GamingX33 MT219 "Xenesis" Self Propelled Anti Air Gun This is a legacy creation... This is my 5th SPAAG. Brick count: 656 Weight: 43,000 kg | 97,...
Nakajima B5N Kate Torpedo Bomber by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
My version of the Japanese Nakajima B5N "Kate" carrier based torpedo bomber. It's armed with to forward facing machine guns in the wings, one rear facing Lewis type machine gun with rotating pan magazine manned by the radio operator, and one 800 kg type 91...
MUH-50 Condor
Created by SomeStaples
The Medium Utility Helicopter Condor (MUH-50 Condor) is a four-blade, twin engine and medium utility aircraft of the Brick Rigs Armed Forces, manufactured by the vehicle department of Brick Rigs Arms. Multiple variations of the Condor have been created for...
Created by Mizdu
Lighty armored transport truck. Can fit up to 9 passengers + Driver...
Naglfar Weaponised Invasion Helicarrier
Created by Nuclear Toothbrush
NOTE 25/07/2021 Brick Rigs 1.0 kinda broke this; the landing gear cannot support it so only spawn it in the air. Also for some reason, some controls have changed and it's now B to start the engines, still (pgup/pgdn to ascend/descend). Watch out, the auto-...
Created by NeOn
Control WASD (alt) - movement mouse (alt) - tower 1 - Rigt 2 - Left 3 - MG B - PNVd Brick 2179 ...
Created by MysteriousGadget
I cannot thank everyone enough for over 10,000 subs!!! Do not re-upload without my permission! ________________________ The NB232 is a low-brick, smoothly flying twin-engined jet airliner. There are bound to be updates to this creation in the future, impro...
Nerfer co - A7v Sturmpanzerwagen (Male) -Ht-
Created by thatonenerfer64
The a7v's armor was so weak some rifle rounds managed to pierce them, it wasnt a sucessfultank as it was weak, and handcrafted. Handcrafting makes every tank slightly different from one another. Top speed ~ 23 kph Have fun and DO NOT REUPLOAD!...
NB707E Eagle Eye
Created by MysteriousGadget
The NB707E "Eagle Eye" is an AWACS or airborne warning and control system used for battle space surveillance and command. During allied military actions the NB707E provides an early warning against enemy action under the watchful eye of its large radar. He...
Created by MysteriousGadget
UPDATE: April Fool's joke has been removed Brick count: 920 Information The NB252 is a very efficient flex-winged aircraft meant to compete in the medi...
Nerfer co - Ago c.i -Lb-
Created by thatonenerfer64
A Very Fast, and Manuverable light bomber that carries 3 medium bombs. Controls: W/s - Pitch up/down A/d - Roll left/right B - Arm bombs Armament: 6 Medium bombs 1 Maxim Mg08 machine gun (Pilot) 1 Maxim Mg08 Machin gun (Gunner)...
Nerfer co - Mark IV (Male) tank -Ht-
Created by thatonenerfer64
The most famous ww1 british tank, it had armour that could block rifles bullets, unlike the little willie. It was also nicknamed Big willie, being a tank that was designed for combat. This is about a 1:1 scale, and highly realstic. Top speed ~ 20 kph Armou...
Nerfer co - Raptor ASF-58A "Fyrfaux"
Created by thatonenerfer64
Oh-kay where do i start with this one. This is a highly expermental BVR (Beyond visual range)/CCS (Close combat situation) Fighter. Its 1700 bricks so its not at all recommended for large mutiplayer servers. The fighter is designed to Outclass any other fi...
Nerfer co - Raptor F-52B "Devil dog"
Created by thatonenerfer64
Wow this took me 3 days to build and im proud of it. Managed to land front page! So this is by far the most advanced aircraft in brick rigs, it has a working radar, autopilot, cruise missile, etc. How to fly it: First of all be on a long runway. Second mak...
Nerfer co - Sopwith gunbus -Lb-
Created by thatonenerfer64
A Large and well armoured light bomber. Quite stable, fast, but not manuverable. Controls: W/s - Pitch up/down A/d - Roll left/right B - Arm bombs Armament: 6 Medium bombs 1 Lewis machine gun (Pilot) 1 Lewis Machin gun (Gunner)...
NH90 NFH -NATO Frigate Helicopter-
Created by Romix
1.0 version is uploaded The NH90 – developed by Europe’s NHIndustries partnership (Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo Helicopters, and Fokker Aerostructures) – was designed to meet NATO’s requirem...
Nerfer co - Vickers vimy -Hb-
Created by thatonenerfer64
A very late ww1 RAF bomber that flew barely any missions. Has a good bomb payload and good manuverablity and armour Controls: W/s - PItch up/down A/d - roll left/right X - Engines B - Arm bombs Armament: 2 Vickers machine guns (Gunners) 4000lbs of bombs....
NH90 NFH with interior
Created by Romix
1.0 version is uploaded The NH90 – developed by Europe’s NHIndustries partnership (Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo Helicopters, and Fokker Aerostructures) – was designed to meet NATO’s requirem...
Niewiadów N126
Created by Elektrofumigator
attatch it to a vehicle in editor, hook provided less than 200 bricks, has interior...
Nissan Skyline GT-R 32
Created by Bujevino
Всех с наступающим, небольшой подарок вам от меня и Worke:) Настоящая годзилла, мы хорошо поработали и в ней много интересного:. -Имеет распределитель тормозных усилий, при кратковременном нажатии колеса не блокируются, если нажать в пол, то тогда заблокир...
Noclip LMH
Created by CL86
A LeMans Hypercar, with no clipping parts. It holds an impressive level of detail for its low brick count of 268, with a no-scalable approach to construction that provides excellent crash physics. Inspired by a speculative render of a Ferrari LMH entry cre...
Created by TheRealSimu
The NOM TEG series consists of many transporters that are extremely practical and inexpensive. The NOM TEG emergency ambulance (Short Wheel Base) is an easy-to-use, spacious transporter that has been specially converted and equipped to save lives. It has b...
Nuclear Missile Truck
Created by Fluppi393
Engage operation mode to control the rocket. Steering axis will raise or lower the rocket, hold throttle for a bit until the rocket reaches max thrust and then you can let go. Press the left mouse button to manually detonate the missile. Warning: Starting ...
Created by monkeonus
It's a bomb....
Nuclear Power Plant (Реакторный блок АЭС)
Created by SekyHdo4ky
RUS Добро пожаловать на нашу атомную электростанцию! Здесь законы физики дают нам электричество, которое вы повседневно используете в быту! Мы рады любым квалифицированным работникам и готовы предоставить хорошую зарплату! Так же здесь есть всё для вашего ...
Created by Sydney
Nyan Cat
Created by Homer
The Nyan Cat, also known as Pop Tart Cat. I hope you like it, then leave me a like here and share it with your friends. Have fun, Homer :) Nyan Cat, auch bekannt unter der Bezeichnung Regenbogen-Katze. Wenn dir meine Kreation gefällt, dann gib ihr einen Da...
Oak Minecraft Boat
Created by chubbs256
The Block, The Blyth, The Blegend, The Boat...
Office building
Created by komar22572
Simple 9 floors + garage building with working elevator. + some easter eggs with links to interesting songs and more 6039 Bricks...
Created by o
36,339 m wide make sure to pin...
Opel Blitz
Created by Dreams70
Opel Blitz Utility Truck Controls: Trunk opening by pressing "Q", and closing by "E" Driving in normal mode. Brick count: 665...
Opel Omega A
Created by Wombat
Opel momend Car i made together a while ago. Nyan helped me with it. The original Omega went into production in September 1986, as a replacement for the final version of the Opel Rekord, which had been in production since 1978. Sales began in November. The...
Oshkosh MATV
this is oshkosh matv it is cool normal wasd driving L for lights and Q for light bar thing Theres a door on the back that can be opened with a button probably gonna upload 4 more versions of this use the seat behind the driver to control the turret...
Created by Verdeth
Bricks 4376 Overcharged is a rail guided cluster rocket set the angle ~30° or more and engage the rocket controls: - alt pitch up/down (page up/down) to elevate the rocket - alt w to engage the rocket (hold it) - action key 2 (numpad 2) to disengage the hu...
Overcharged less hull
Created by Verdeth
Bricks 4122 Overcharged is a rail guided cluster rocket set the angle ~30° or more and engage the rocket controls: - alt pitch up/down (page up/down) to elevate the rocket - alt w to engage the rocket (hold it) - action key 3 to disengage cluster bombs iss...
P.1000 Ratte
Created by Killer4117
The P.1000 Ratte was a Super Heavy Tank design proposed in 1942, it was to be the heaviest and the largest tank in the world if built. The German Minister of Armaments, Albert Speer cancelled the project due to the lack of materials required to build such ...
P-750 Attack Plane (HOLIDAY)
Created by Yaysimonsays
The P-750 It is a fictional plane, though the design features are based off a combination of a few different radial engined US fighter planes. After WW2, Santa and the North Pole Air Force bought many old fighter planes and tanks to defend the north pole a...
PanserBandVagn 301 PBV 301 APC
Created by Cap
alt for turret page up and down for hatch x for smoke button for door l for lights h for horn...
P-38 lightning
Created by Joey Jazz
Here's WW2's most famous dual engine fighter ! It is a very fast and agile beauty on top of having a deadly arsenal and an obscene size for a single seated plane. Features : -4 light machine guns, enough to kill anything that moves... -2 fat bombs, now upd...
Panther A
Created by †𝐚𝐤𝐢 Some parts taken from Mayor_Tim and Mumia To reload press LMB after green light from the 1st person lights up and you can shoot again. To normal see sight turn off Depth of Field in video settings Information German medium tan...
Panther F
Created by †𝐚𝐤𝐢 Some parts taken from Mayor_Tim and Mumia To reload press LMB after green light from the 1st person lights up and you can shoot again. To normal see sight turn off Depth of Field in video settings Information Panther Ausf. F i...
Panzer 38(t) F
Created by PanzerAce
The Panzer 38t F (Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) Ausf. F) was a variant of the Panzer 38t. It originated in Czechoslovakia as the LT vz 38. After Germany annexed the country, it began producing it's own LT vz 38 under the name of Panzer 38t. The 38t was far superi...
Panzer Selbstfahrlafette 2 für 7,62 cm Pak 36
Created by sKATik
Panzer Selbstfahrlafette 2 für 7,62 cm Pak 36 или просто Marder III («Куница») — немецкая САУ на базе легкого чешского танка Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t), вооруженная трофейной советской 76-мм дивизионной пушкой Ф-22, переделанной под немецкие снаряды и получившей наим...
Panzer VIII Maus
1000 - BRICKS __________________________________________________ Costs - $10.000 - Brick Dollars __________________________________________________ Heaviest tank ever built. Weighs 188 metric tons. Just like in real life, it's 188 tons in-game as well. Pre...
Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausfuhrung E Late Production
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -Added and fixed details on the gun manlet and driver's window. -Added the new small cameras. -Added more AP cannons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let's go *clicks play* tigers?!?!...
Panther II
Created by Mayor_Tim
Танк Panther II был немецким проектом танка, основанным на танке Panther во время Второй мировой войны. Он имел немного более толстую броню по сравнению с пантерой, и некоторые стандартизированные компоненты были реализованы из танка Tiger II. "Пантера II"...
Created by CaptainCannon
Hello... This is my replica of the Petlyakov Pe-2-110 "Peshka" Landing Gear: Press the switch inside the cockpit (E) and (Q) Throttle: (i) Flaps: (Q) Air Brakes (S) Armed with: - 1x 7.62mm Machine gun and 1x 12.7mm Machine gun (Action 1 = lmb) - 10x RS-132...
Phalanx CIWS
Created by eca001
Here is the Phalanx CIWS! Armed with 31 big mg. turret- alt view control mg- action 1 brick count 373...
Pepes Phoenix Building
Created by Barbaren
Pepes tallest building yet, called "the Phoenix" stands 50 stories high and towers over most of Bricksville. Subtlety isn't really what Pepe is about so the exterior of this huge building looks like a bad trip from the 70's. Due to harsh "atmospheric condi...
Created by QuickWittedHare
Plant Air Krom-230 (Without cabin) Remastered
Created by ALEK
Hi guys! This is the Krom 230 Remastered with Plant air Livery, and without the cabin. The Krom 230 is based on a Bombardier Dash 8 Q400. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls - This plane uses alt mode controls. - Us...
Polikarpov I-16
Created by CyberPlays26
First entering production in 1935, the Polikarpov I-16 was a revolutionary Soviet fighter plane with it forming the backbone of the Soviet Air Force during the beginning of World War II. By the end of its production in 1945, around 10,292 were built. Brick...
Polikarpov I-16 by Uncle T
Created by Mean Green
Called "Ishak" or "Donkey" by the Russian pilots. Also known in the Spanish civil war as "Rata/Rat" or "Mosca/Fly". This is my version of the cutest, nimblest little fighter you ever saw. It's an approximation, not a 1:1 replica. Armed with 4 machine guns ...
Polski Fiat 125p
Created by Elektrofumigator
Earliest model, 1967-1972. Equipped with either 1,3l inline-4 ohv or 1,5l inline-4 ohv. UPDATED ON 11 XI 21 - new and cooler grille :> L - lights Q - high beam mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
Polski Fiat 125p Kombi MR73
Created by Elektrofumigator
go check wikipedia for more info l - lights q - high beam mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
Polski Fiat 125p Kombi MR75
Created by Elektrofumigator
go check wikipedia for more info l - lights q - high beam mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
Polski Fiat 125p MR73
Created by Elektrofumigator
First modernisation, before MR75 and after regular 125p. Changes included grille, bumper and small interior changes, mainly. And door handles. L - lights Q - high beam mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
Polski Fiat 125p MR75 Sanitarka
Created by Elektrofumigator
go check wikipedia for more info l - lights q - beacons i - high beam x - fog lights (or other way around check yourself) mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
Polski Fiat 125p pickup
Created by Elektrofumigator wasd - drive l - lights h - horn mouse1/mouse2 - indicators...
Polski Fiat 126p "Maluch" Drag
Created by Keks
If you do not understand fun, please do not subscribe to the vehicle, just keep going. Thank you. Fiat Drag "Much-Maluch" Yo, Yo, Yo, here's coycoy-coy, what's going on?! Yes, for those of you who do not know yet, this text here is writen by me, coycoy, an...
Polski Fiat 126p 1st series
Created by Elektrofumigator
Production of this little car started in 1973 in Poland. This model has 0,6l inline-2 air cooled engine powering rear wheels. Not much, but it's enough to motourise Poland. This car was renown for being such a small thing it earned nickname "Maluch" (eng "...
Polski Fiat 126p 2nd series
Created by Elektrofumigator
Production of this little car started in 1973 in Poland. This model has 0,6l inline-2 air cooled engine powering rear wheels. Not much, but it's enough to motourise Poland. This car was renown for being such a small thing it earned nickname "Maluch" (eng "...
Polski Fiat 126p 650E
Created by Elektrofumigator
Production of this little car started in 1973 in Poland. This model has 0,65l inline-2 air cooled engine powering rear wheels. Not much, but it's enough to motourise Poland. This car was renown for being such a small thing it earned nickname "Maluch" (eng ...
Polski Fiat 131p Mirafiori
Created by Elektrofumigator
Italian Fiat 131 was mounted in FSO plant, Żerań near Warsaw, Poland, as Polski Fiat 131p and sold for dollars, not regular money, mainly to private business owners (Poland was the only Eastern Bloc country where private business was legal) or some medium-...
Porsche Schwerer Kleiner Panzer
Created by Inkintx
!!Not suitable for the new version!! The Schwerer Kleiner Panzer is another late-war wonder weapon designed by Porsche. It was designed in conjunction with the Jaguarundi and both tanks would have used the same chassis. Aaaaaaaaand that's about all the inf...
Powerline - Dragonite Jetpack
Created by WarChallenger
An automatically landing jetpack! Happy holidays, everyone! At just 143 bricks, the Dragonite stands and flies as a quite efficient personal flyer! It can also serve as almost power armor, if you really want it to. The small size allows for even less inert...
Powerline - Hydiesel Dragster
Created by WarChallenger
The hydiesel, (or hydrogen diesel), engine - The ultimate zero emissions powerhouse for any machine. Since hydrogen gas works so similarly to diesel fuel in a combustion engine, Powerline uses it without end in industrial machines. However, to prove its ve...
Precision Guided Missile Drone
Created by Jλh Geppo
Bayraktar inspired light drone with 4 precision guided missiles. Also includes an autopilot loitering mode by pressing the beacon button. (B by default) action 1-4 for the missiles which have nose mounted cameras. Guidance using operation mode (ALT) and mo...
Precision Guided Missile Drone Independent
Created by Jλh Geppo
Bayraktar inspired light drone with 4 precision guided missiles. Also includes an autopilot loitering mode by pressing the beacon button. (B by default) action 1-4 for the missiles which have nose mounted cameras. Guidance using operation mode (ALT) and mo...
Private space station Solitude Private Space station Solitude now available on Steam Workshop! This research laboratory is designed for 4 people for 150 days. It has 12 separable compartments, each with its own specific function. On the bridge you can con...
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is German medium tank Pz.IV E! Control: WASD, mouse (with alt), Action 1 - cannon, Action 2 - gun, ------------------------------------------------- Немецкий средний танк Pz.IV E. Управление: WASD, мышь (с альтом), Action 1 - пушка, Action 2 - спаренн...
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is German medium tank Pz.IV G! Control: WASD, mouse (with alt), Action 1 - cannon, Action 2 - gun, Action 3 - front gun. ------------------------------------------------- Немецкий средний танк Pz.IV G. Управление: WASD, мышь (с альтом), Action 1 - пуш...
Created by Masleena
Немецкий средний танк Второй Мировой Войны Pz IV G. Вооружение: 75мм пушка - сделать выстрел - Action 1. 7.92мм пулемёт MG 42 - сделать выстрел(ы) - Action 2. 7.92мм стрелковый пулемёт MG 42 - сделать выстрел(ы) - Action 3. Данная модель не имеет реализова...
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is German medium tank Pz.IV H! Control: WASD, mouse (with alt), Action 1 - cannon, Action 2 - gun, Action 3 - front gun. ------------------------------------------------- Немецкий средний танк Pz.IV H. Управление: WASD, мышь (с альтом), Action 1 - пуш...
Created by Dreams70
Panzerkampfwagen III Ausführung B Medium tank Armanent: 1 37 mm cannon. 3 8 mm machineguns. Controls: Num 1(or LMB) for the cannon Num 2(or MMB) for the 2 machineguns in the turret. Num 3 for the hull machinegun. Controlled in alt mode. Brick count: 715...
Pz.Kpfw IV ausf G
Created by Mayor_Tim
Немецкий средний танк времён Второй Мировой войны. Самый массовый танк Вермахта: выпущено почти 8600 машин; серийно выпускался с 1937 по 1945 год в нескольких модификациях. Управление мехвода: W A S D, L - фары. Управление наводчика: Мышка (alt), ЛКМ - стр...
PZ4 F2
Created by Лёня
PzKpfw I Ausf A
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 2x man Top speed: 37 km/h Armament: 2x 7,92mm MG 13 machine gun; Brick count: 460 Cost: 2,301u History of Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. A : The Panzer I w...
PZ5 H1
Created by Лёня
PzKpfw III Ausf J1
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 5x man Top speed: 67 km/h Armament: 1x 50mm KwK 39 L/60 cannon; 2x 7,92mm MG 34 machine gun; Brick count: 779 Cost: 4,116u How to use: Choose...
PzKpfw III Ausf M
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 5x man Top speed: 48 km/h Armament: 1x 50mm KwK 39 L/60 cannon; 2x 7,92mm MG 34 machine gun; Brick count: 953 Cost: 4,917u How to use: Choose...
PzKpfw V Panther "Pudel"
Created by Killer4117
"Pudel" is a Panther captured by Polish resistance fighters during the Warsaw uprising which lasted between August 1 1944 to October 2 1944. Specifications: Max Spd: 46 Km/h (29 Mph) Armament: KwK 42 L/70 75mm cannon 2x MG-34 7.92mm machine guns Crew: 5 Dr...
QF 18-pounder
Created by CyberPlays26
The QF 18-pounder was the standard British field gun during World War I. Approximately 10,000 were ever manufactured, making up the backbone of the Royal Field Artillery during the war. Controls: Mouse (Alt) - Pitch Cannon Action 1 - Fire Cannon Feel free ...
QEK Junior
Created by Elektrofumigator
German camper trailer. Small and light. Every Trabant can tow it, but be sure to avoid hills. Produced between 1974 and 1990 in East Germany (only wikipedia article is in german so i understand nothing of what they say sorry)
Created by D>N 卡Q yin
-=War Thunder=- Children of Arachis R-LAU -=BULL=-...
Quadcopter Drone | GMI
Created by grzybek337
It's a propeller powered drone. To fly, get into 3rd gear and go to ALT (operation mode) Then you fly it like a helicopter, with ALT on. It's capable of stunt/race flying and delivering fun to the pilot. Q - Racing Mode Controls: L - Headlights Q - Racing ...
farting bob machine (subscribe)
Created by Yaysimonsays
best creotion evere...
Created by hebus1360
RBT-5 Russian WW2 Light Tank 1930s Controls WASD/alt WASD : hull movement Alt+mouse : turret movement Fire Ac...
Created by Grauichkeit
action 1-6 for rockets...
realistic Bob
Created by 🔥Köströv🔥
It only works with version 1.0 Работает с версии 1.0...
Realistic Nuclear Bomb RNB
Created by Bryqnthesup3r
This is probably the first ever realistic nuclear bomb on the game, most of the others just copied and pasted multiple explosives but this one DOES look like a real one. With a high AOE this nuke explodes just like a real life one destroying everything in ...
Reichstag WW2 without interior
Created by 🔰SweetFox🔰
Also, visit our joint Discord server ! All waiting for! 📫 Ofiicial Steam Group - Subscribe to the official group on Steam, there are often news and much more fun 📫 O...
Renault FT
Created by Killer4117
Creator's Note: Thank you to those who were with me since the beginning. A remake of the first vehicle I uploaded to the Brick Rigs workshop. Original Description: A WW1 light tank that revolutionized future tank designs with the use of a fully rotating tu...
Research Vessel "Antares"
Created by SavvySeal
The first Polaris-class Vessel produced for the Brick Rigs Oceanographic Institute. Designed for Remotely Operated Vehicle deployments. POLARIS-CLASS SPECS: Bow-to-stern: 62 feet Max Speed (not in game): 12 knots Crew Capacity: 4 ...
Research Vessel "Orion"
Created by SavvySeal
The command vessel of the Brick Rigs Oceanographic Institute fleet! Bricks: 2,693! CONTROLS: Command (Driver’s) Seat: WASD Lift Control Passenger Seat: Alt W+S to raise and lower the deck lift Radio Officer Passenger Seat: Alt A+D to turn the satellite dis...
RGG - the real gatling gun
Created by Verdeth
Bricks 322 simply use alt+ mouse I present to you the first real gatling gun in the workshop ! i kept things pretty simple, just 10 mgs in a circle, activated on a single spot, no more happy o's from these fake gatlings. thumbnail and vid are from the 2nd ...
Rhino Experimental Heavy Armoured Car (Contest)
Created by The Golden Brick
Here is my 35th build, a recreation of the Experimental Rhino. Great for tank battles, custom game modes, PVP, Role play, & much more. Controls: L=Light Alt+Left & Right=Turret Rotation Alt+Up & Down=Turret Elevation LMB = Main Gun MDB = Secondary Machine ...
Rigid Inflatable Boat
Created by SavvySeal
A small RIB! WASD controls...
RKP-1A Kartoffelstampfer
Created by 76561199014527915
ENG description: Hello! This is another case of "I like building things and publishing them,but I hate writing description.",with a very special heavy tank. Note: A small issue with the loader's seat has been fixed. Turret elevation issues should be reduce...
Riot crowd
Created by jyr1101
W S A D - throttle, steering page up / down - sit up...
Created by Joey Jazz
Yes, this is USSR ultra secret weapon, and it just got released on the motherland to bring back the past glory ! Annihilate any enemy of the almighty russia with your double machine guns ! Burn down insurgent's crops with the incendiary missiles ! Comes wi...
Created by Rs_Snab
Russian grocery store Pyaterochka (Пятёрочка)
Created by 🔥Köströv🔥
Это обычный российский магазин, в России он расположен чуть ли не на каждом углу. Сама постройка хорошо оптимизирована, имеет в себе всего 999 блоков (для таких построек это мало). НЕ ЛАГАЕТ НА СЕРВЕРАХ. Пятёрочка выручает) This is an ordinary Russian stor...
S.W.A.T. Van
Created by Car Crusher
This van is used in the S.W.A.T. for dangerous missions and holds multiple S.W.A.T officers in the back. Bricks: 556 Thanks to Mushy for the thumbnail....
SA 313B Alouette II HEER
Created by OZZA
Creators: OZZA ============ eca001 Like and subscribe! He he - my first flying thing in BR :D Specifications: Crew: 2x man; Top speed: 150 km/h Armament: 2x 37mm HE rocket pods; 4x 7,62mm MG3 machine gun; Brick count: 830 Cos...
Saturn V (50 Bricks)
Created by Snow
Another (rejected) creation for the BR Discord 50 brick challenge “Okay, Houston. As I stand out here in the wonders of the unknown at Hadley, I sort of realize there's a fundamental truth to our nature. Man must explore.” -Dave Scott, Apollo 15 So, I’ve d...
Schwarm PW21 Medium Tank -Interior-
Created by jt.schwarm
Do NOT upload any modified versions without my permission! So, i challenged myself to make a small tank with Hatches and Interior and engine. It was difficult, but i think the tnk came out pretty good. Upon request, i can release a multi-crew version of it...
Schlyiine Strike Lightning Dragster Remaster
Created by Not Jason Blundell
Schlyiine has produced yet another dragster and now features a Wheelie bar and a Parachute that definitely wasn't taken from coycoy and re-branded ;)...
Schwarm Sc 3500-H
Created by jt.schwarm
Do NOT reupload any modified verions without my permission! I decided to make a version of my stealth fighter without cannon. It looks better without it and the backwheel now fully retracts. The version with cannnon ->
Douglas SBD Dauntless
Created by cuppie*
The Douglas SBD Dauntless is an American naval dive bomber that was used by the United States Marine Corps, both from land air bases and aircraft carriers in WWII. The Scout Bomber Douglas (or SBD in short) is best remembered as the bomber that delivered t...
SCP-173 Containment Cell
Created by TopBins
SCP-173's Containment cell. Good for Roleplaying and stuff like that! Item #: SCP-173 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewe...
Scrumptious Star Wars AT-AT
Created by Scrumptious
You like my work? Visit me at Patreon: Here it is, my new masterpiece. At first i have to say - it can walk and its huge! I hope you like it! It took much time but its done now. Usermanual: W - S - W - S - W .... to walk...
SCTech Bunker 36
Created by Space Bunker is a state of the art shelter designed to protect against natural and unnatural disasters, you are here today because of . Don't worry, you can wait out the while eating Bricdonalds, watching TV, Sleeping, and many ot...
SCUD Truck
Created by Jλh Geppo
Heavy SCUD ballistic missile truck. Beacon for launch mode Action 1 for fire Operation mode arrows/mouse for guidance Fire from flat ground and wait until missile leaves the rails completely before starting guidance....
Sd. Kfz. 221 Armored Car (MP Edition)
Created by Hyder
Backstory: The Sd.Kfz.221 was a lightly armored, highly mobile car, with a 20 mm squeeze bore cannon chambered in 28mm AP rounds (s.Pz.B.41). It came equipped with double steering axles, allowing it to make tight turns even though it was a wheeled vehicle,...
Sd.Kfz. 234/2 "Puma"
Created by †𝐚𝐤𝐢 Info Sd.Kfz.234/2 is a German heavy eight-wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicle. The second modification of the Sd.Kfz.234 series of armored vehicles differed from the others by a completely closed turret borrowed from the ex...
SdKfz 251
Created by eca001
Here is the SdKfz 251/1! Armed with two mg. Able to carry 2 crews and 10 passengers. turret- alt view control mg- action 1 door- Q brick count 809...
SdKfz 251 Stuka Zu Fuss
Created by eca001
Here is the SdKfz 251/1 II! The walking stuka! Armed with two mg and 6 rockets. Able to carry 2 crews and 10 passengers. turret- alt view control mg- action 1 rocket pitch- alt pitch rocket launch- hold action 3 rear door- Q brick count 1246...
SdKfz 251-17
Created by eca001
Here is the SdKfz 251/17! Armed with 10 AP cannon. Able to carry three crews. turret- alt view control (gunner cannon- action 1 (gunner side armor- Q (gunner rear door- Q brick count 955...
Seversky Super Clipper
Created by Klppp
No interior yet, one will come out with an interior. brick count :2,775 Controls K: Landing gear Special thanks for the people at: For gathering the rare information on this craft...
Sea Gladiator Mk II
Created by Mayor_Tim
British fighter Gladiator. Control: IN ALT MODE: Mouse, A D. NO ALT MODE: Guns - LBM (Action 1), Engine - i, Q - flaps. ------------------------------------ Британский истребитель Гладиатор. Управление: В АЛЬТ. МОДЕ: Мышка, A D. БЕЗ АЛЬТ. МОДА: Пулемёты - ...
Server Nuke
Created by Martisabolt
This is a nuke that can cause a lot of damage to Buildings. Explosions are massize when it touches the group at a fast enough speed. you can also self destructe it with a left click. The best part about this nuke is you can partialy control it using s and ...
SF-76A "Scimitar" Mouse
Created by Hyperion 181
The SF-76A "Scimitar" is a lightweight low brick dog fighter. Equipped with 2 4x firing large MGs as it's only armament, this plane is meant to fight other planes and light armored targets. This isn't the most maneuverable plane, but it is more realistic. ...
Sherman Firefly
Created by MysteriousGadget
Thanks to ßpün for helping out so much with the tank (turret, details, weaponry) Remember to rate fairly! These creations take a long time to make, so always remember to show appreciation to creators! Vehicle Information Brick Count: 956 The Sherman Firefl...
Shrimp Mk1 O.R.A.N.G.E Millitary Industries (1937)
Created by Rennid
The Story During 1937 with many designs and papers floating around in the O.R.A.N.G.E headquarters to help with the expansion of the industry and newly formed private millitary corp some head engineers pointed out that O.R.A.N.G.E headquarters were located...
Siren Head
Created by VolcanicShadow
Based off of Siren Head by Trevor Henderson. Bricks: 590 Controls: V: Siren DO NOT REUPLOAD...
Simple BRCM Tank Type 2 Female
Created by jt.schwarm
Good day. Most of you here probably wonder what the "BRCM" stands for, let me tell you. BRCM is a BrickRigs discord server that focuses on hosting small PvP combat missions in BrickRigs as multiplayer events. I modified my old WW1 Tank to fit the tank requ...
Simple BRCM Tank Type 1 Male
Created by jt.schwarm
Good day. Most of you here probably wonder what the "BRCM" stands for, let me tell you. BRCM is a BrickRigs discord server that focuses on hosting small PvP combat missions in BrickRigs as multiplayer events. I modified my old WW1 Tank to fit the tank requ...
Skoda 105L
Created by Elektrofumigator
read wikipedia if you want more info made for my good friend Keksonator...
Skoda 120L
Created by Elektrofumigator
ceskoslovensko roman svehla skodicka na licence w ceskoslovensko vyrobena polacky-robacky...
Skycrane remastered
Created by Verdeth
Bricks: 779 Discord builder challenge, pick a default vehicle and remaster it. here i am and i thought: "man, probably nobody will pick the skycrane, let's give him some love" ...
Skyline R32 [Powerslider] AWD Drift
Created by ☄ zykari 🌟
Original Car! : This is a JDM Legends version of the mysterious Nissan Skyline R32 It is a very famous car in japan and tokyo. ~ Read this ~ History: The 1989 R...
Skyline R32 Drift
Created by Rif1x
Original Car! : This is a JDM Legends version of the mysterious Nissan Skyline R32 It is a very famous car in japan and tokyo. ~ Read this ~ History: The 1989 R...
Softbody Airco DH 1 -MF- (Legacy)
Created by niho2906
Bricks:420 overeat: 200 guns:above average(4) HP:average Pilot: ALT+W,S for the eginre ALT+View yaw and pitch to fly Gunner: left mousebutton to fire ALT+View yaw and pitch to aim All Planes:
Softbody Fokker D-VII -SF- (Legacy)
Created by niho2906
Bricks:260 overeat: 220 guns:good(4) HP:good left mousebutton to fire ALT+W,S for the eginre ALT+View yaw and pitch to fly All Planes: Recolor planes:
Soviet panel house
Created by Mumia
RU Небольшая советская панельная трёхэтажка Сделал полтора месяца назад просто так так что проработка довольная простая но вполне хорошая разрушаемость 3.383 деталей если выбить окно вместе с его основанием можно пролезть через него ENG The small Soviet pa...
Softbody Airco DH10 -LB- (Legacy)
Created by niho2906
Bricks:670 overeat: 220 (engines will explode some time after the overheat) guns:best (5) (not acurate) HP:average Gunner: left mousebutton to fire ALT+View yaw and pitch to aim Pilot: ALT+W,S for the eginre ALT+View yaw and pitch to fly Action 2 (mousewee...
Softbody Halberstadt DII -SF- (Legacy)
Created by niho2906
Bricks:365 overeat: 220 guns:above average(4) HP:average left mousebutton to fire Mouseweel for the rocket ALT+W,S for the eginre ALT+View yaw and pitch to fly Balloon: All Planes: https://s...
Softbody sikorsky s22 -LB- (Legacy)
Created by niho2906
Bricks:595 overeat: 220 (engines will explode some time after the overheat) guns:good (4) (not acurate) HP:average Gunner: left mousebutton to fire ALT+View yaw and pitch to aim Pilot: ALT+W,S for the eginre ALT+View yaw and pitch to fly Action 2 (mousewee...
Created by Juno
Описание и история создания Разработка данного аппарата началась в 2050 году, после 3-х лет упорной работы инженеров, машина поступила в производство в 2053 году. Было выпущено около 3200 машин, большие из них пошли на экспорт. Большую часть данных боевых ...
Softbody Gotha GI -LB- (Legacy)
Created by niho2906
Bricks:480 overeat: 220 (engines will explode some time after the overheat) guns:good (4) (not acurate) HP:average Gunner: left mousebutton to fire ALT+View yaw and pitch to aim Pilot: ALT+W,S for the eginre ALT+View yaw and pitch to fly Action 2 (mousewee...
space brake
Created by CheeseBoi3333
so aparently if you hate sisioty and you go to space you need one of these, all you need to do is to subsrcibe and BOOM YOU ARE NOW RELAXED IN SPACE allso like this cus i AM LETING YOU REUPLOAD THIS!!!!!! YOU CAN CHANGE WHATEVER YOU WANT AND ALLSO you cant...
Spartan TA | GMI
Created by grzybek337
"Spartan Time Attack" is a High Performance Coupé. It was made for the BRRL A class race. I got 3rd place. :D Active Aero As you can see in the gif, the rear wing is actuated, improving the handling. Great to drive on canyon roads! Controls: L - Glow headl...
Space Shuttle with Satellite
Created by Rigge
NEW IMPROVED VERSION UPDATED FEBRUARI 2022 ______________________________________________ Space Shuttle with Satellite. Inspired by lego set 10231, Shuttle Expedition from 2011. The Space Shuttle has a satellite in the cargo. Your mission is to place the s...
Spitfire IX
Created by Bat
The famous British fighter is back for revenge with 2 x 20mm and 4 x 7.7mm and its insane turning time FEATURES - Retractable gear - Guns - Flaps CONTROLS Non Alt: - WASD to move Alt: - C for first person - W and S for throttle - A and D for yaw - S for la...
Spj fm/43-44
Created by Steel Tortoise
Stormpjas fm/43-44 Assault Gun...
Sport Motorbike Track ver
Created by grzybek337
My finals are finally over so I'm back uploading. It's a track version of the Sport Motorbike. It's made strictly with performance in mind. It's not suted for city commuting or good at low speed. Good for canyon, racetrack and any other place where you go ...
StaHau I "General Guderian" - Howitzer / Haubitze
Created by Rudolfus165
English: The StaHau I "General Guderian" is a self-propelled howitzer developed by "Rudolfs Panzerwerke". It is currently in production. This tank has proven itself very well in anti-tank and artillery - However, in close combat this tank shows some weakne...
SR Train Pack
Created by Silver Owl
UPDATE: Removed ghost wheels. Update: Changes to coupling style. Map is Stud Valley. Update: Overhaul time! Like with the Olton Hall pack, this train now features the new Mk1 coaches with some recolouring for the SR theme. This also means the brick count h...
star wars - sand crawler
Created by Kieren
Sandcrawlers were huge mobile fortresses which could be seen on the deserts of Tatooine, used by the Jawas as their transport and shelter. They were equipped with a magnetic suction tube for sucking droids and scrap into the cargo hold. They were equipped ...
Star Destroyer Star Wars full size flyable
Created by Jett Amuno
Massive 3000 brick Victory Class 1 star destroyer fitted with plenty of turbo lasers and AA guns please note: it will not hover correctly if the player is not in the driver's seat, its a problem with the game -What are midichlorians -Q for hover mode -when...
Strv m/41 S-I
Created by Steel Tortoise
Stridsvagn m/41 S-I Light Tank...
Stielhandgranate (IT WORKS!)
Created by niho2906
Push button and throw (R to pick up and G to throw)...
Strv m/41 S-II
Created by Steel Tortoise
Stridsvagn m/41 S-II Light Tank...
STAR WARS - Agressive ReConnaisance-170 Starfighter ARC-170
Created by KV Productions
ORIGINAL: I gave it a facelift and made it actually fly STARBRICK WARS BATTLES AND RP DISCORD: The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter, al...
Star Wars AT-TE (lego 75019 set)
Created by VerriosHFD
Replica of lego 75019 AT-TE, (All Terrain Tactical Enforcer) from SW. Controls: WASD: move\turn Alt mouse: turn turret Page up\down: move guns LMB: shoot light guns MMB: shoot main cannon. Bricks: 1220 Ps: I successfully made him walking, but unfortunately...
Stryder Offroad Bike
Created by LordOgryzek
Bricks:75 Max Speed:151 Bike for Offroad Autor:Lord Ogryzek...
Created by DiamondPrism
The Sturmtiger (Assault Tiger) was a German tank manufactured in 1943-1945. It's primary role was to provide heavy support fire for infantry units in urban areas. And with it's 380mm cannon and 150mm thick armor, this is a force to be reckoned with. In rea...
SU-100-Soviet anti-tank self-propelled artillery (PT-ACS) during the Second World war, class of tank fighters, the average weight. Was established on the basis of the average T-34-85 tank design Bureau of Uralmashzavod in late 1943 — early 1944 as further ...
Created by Mayor_Tim
German self-propelled gun StuG III. Control: W A S D - move, Mouse (alt mode), Action 1 (LMB) - 75mm Stuk cannon. ------------------------------------------------------ Немецкая САУ StuG III. Управление: W A S D - движение (это жизнь), Мышка (alt), Action ...
Created by jagdpenguin
900 bricks to scale realistic armour...
Su-100 M1
Created by xBLOHAx
Su-100 M1 — soviet self-propelled artillery armed with 100-mm cannon. Developed in 1944 on the base of T-34-85. No prototypes built. Brick count: 780 Controls: Num 1 - cannon ( 100-mm D-10S ) Top speed: 50 km/h Reload takes 6.3 sec You can open the door in...
Created by Killer4117
A Soviet Prototype Self-Propelled Gun developed in 1940, it was based off of the T-100 heavy tank and was to mount a 100mm gun or a 130mm gun in order to give it the capacity to destroy bunkers and structures. It saw combat in the suburbs of Moscow. Specif...
Created by xBLOHAx
Brick count: 918 Controls: Num 1 - cannon ( 122-mm D-25-44S ) Top speed: 55 km/h Reload takes 8.5 sec Works in Alt mod Enjoy! ...
Created by Elektrofumigator
SU-14, later called SU-14-1 was Soviet Self Propelled Artillery built on T-35 heavy tank chassis. Armament was 203mm B-4 cannon. SU-14 saw combat, most notably as up-armoured SU-14-2 version. WARNING: OVER 800 BRICKS, NOT-REALLY-SUITABLE FOR MULTIPLAYER Fu...
Нравственность возникла вместе с пороком. SU-152 SU-152-heavy Soviet self-propelled artillery (ACS) during the great Patriotic war, built on the basis of a heavy tank KV-1C and armed with a powerful 152-mm howitzer gun ML-20S. On their combat mission SU-15...
Created by Dreams70
Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker-B Jet Fighter Armanent: 1 Wing mounted 30mm cannon Controls: Num 1(or LMB) for the gun. Button in cabin to lower (Q),and to rise (E) the landing gear. S for airbrake. W for throttle. Hold W for afterburner. Brick count: 1111...
Created by eca001
Here is the Su-37! The crazy bias from ace combat! Armed with one HE auto cannon(48 shots per spin). With auto retract landing gear, ejection seat, vector thrust. flight control- alt view control cannon- hold action 1 ejection seat- hold action 8 brick cou...
Created by eca001
Here is the Su-27! One of the best jet in human history! Armed with one HE auto cannon (48 shots per spin). With auto retract landing gear, ejection seat. Yes this thing can do cobra(kinda) : full throttle> cut it down to 0 and pull up at same time>throttl...
USSR self-propelled gun crew - 4 people 1 mechanic driver 1 gunner - can fire from 1 person 1 loader 1 commander worked out the inside of the tank maximum speed - 36 km / h reverse speed - 10 km/h Soviet experienced light self-propelled artillery, created ...
Created by eca001
Here is the Su-57! Armed with 16 AP auto cannon. flight- alt view control landing gear- X weapon bay- Q canopy- I AOA limiter- L (kinda useless) cannon- action 1 ejection seat- hold action 8 brick count 1364...
Su-57 MP ver
Created by eca001
A version for better performance in mp. Sensor based control removed. Armed with 16 AP auto cannon. flight- alt view control landing gear- X weapon bay- Q canopy- I AOA limiter- L (kinda useless) cannon- action 1 ejection seat- hold action 8 brick count 13...
Swiss Krokodil
Created by coycoy
Swiss Krokodil Who does not know her? The good old Swiss crocodile. In my opinion, the most beautiful freight train ever driven on tracks. And well, this is the train from the canyon map thumbnail, again thanks to you Fluppi Lappie : )...
Created by Лёня
Super Sport Police Interceptor
Created by batt
Straight from the secret research facilities of the Brick Rigs Police Force, this is a specialized, purpouse-built pursuit unit that employs the absolute latest in top-secret technology. Previously having never seen the light of day, this particular unit i...
T-26 (1933)
T-26 is a Soviet light tank. The most numerous tank of the Red and Finnish Armies at the beginning of World War II and the Army of the Spanish Republic of the Civil War in Spain, the second largest after the T-34 Soviet tank of the 1930s - 1940s Management...
T-26 Chassis with Tunguska turret
Created by Milos
WASD - move hold 1 to fire alt pitch to deploy 3 to launche all rockets (this may blow your self up)...
T-26 lite
Created by Лёня
T-26 lite B
Created by Лёня
T-34 model 1941/1942
Created by Elektrofumigator
Does this tank need any introduction? Modded T-34 with cool and good 76mm gun. 1941 version was visually indistinguishible from model 1942 (one-hatch-turret version) so i uploaded it as both because why should i reupload it with different name? :V Controls...
Created by Killer4117
The T-34-85 is an upgunned variant of the T-34 developed in response of newer German tanks, such as the Panther and the Tiger making an appearance in the eastern front. Specifications: Max Spd: 54 km/h (32 mph) Armament: 85mm ZiS-S-53 cannon 2x DT 7.62mm m...
T-34-85 „Rudy 102”
Created by Elektrofumigator
Hero of a 60s tv series, now as a standalone vehicle. Dog is inside. alt mode - turret mouse 1 - 85mm gun (3xhe) mouse2 - coaxial DT machinegun (1xmg) mouse3 - hull MG (1xmg) L - lights H - horn 860 something bricks...
T-34-85 "Rudy"
Created by Grouchy
Requests from Firebirdrjb, M4A3ев, nukebox (C.L.), Catapliarpillar, keksonator, Dofaniec. UPDATE 10/13/2017: Fixed turret and first person views, added turret machine gun. This Soviet tank was operated by the Polish crew in the Polish TV series entitled "C...
T-34-85 (1944)
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is T-34-85 with D-5T cannon. Control: W A S D (no alt mode), Mouse with alt mode, Action 1 - cannon, Action 2 - gun, Action 3 - front gun, Q to switch the type of projectiles, L to on / off light. ----------------------------------------------------- ...
Created by Elektrofumigator
I haven't made a tank for a very long time, eh? THIS VEHICLE IS A MULTICREW VEHICLE, BE SURE TO TRY IT OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS! T-35 was a Soviet interwar heavy tank produced in around 61 units. It was the only 5-turreted tank that reached production. They s...
T-34-85 (D-5T)
Created by Mayor_Tim
This is T-34-85 with D-5T cannon. Control: W A S D (no alt mode), Mouse with alt mode, Action 1 - cannon, Action 2 - gun, Action 3 - front gun, Q to switch the type of projectiles, L to on / off light. ----------------------------------------------------- ...
Created by Dreams70
T-44 Medium tank. Armanent: 1 85 mm cannon 1 machinegun Controls: Num 1(or LMB) for the cannon Num 2(or MMB) for the machinegun Controlled in alt mode. Brick count: 690...
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 4x man Top speed: 51 km/h Armament: 1x 100mm D-10T2S cannon; 1x 7.62mm SGMT machine gun; 12.7mm DShK AA machine gun; Brick count: 1,021 Cost:...
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 4x man Top speed: 52 km/h Armament: 1x 100mm D-10T2S cannon; 1x 7.62mm PKT machine gun; 12.7mm DShK AA machine gun; Brick count: 1,180 Cost: ...
Created by eca001
Here is the T-62! Armed with 8 AP/HE cannon and one mg. turret- alt view control cannon- action 1 mg- action 2 ammo type cycle- Q brick count 1266...
T-60 | Soviet light tank
a simple light tank with a 20 mm cannon based on the T-40 tank. Structurally, the T-60 repeated its predecessor, the T-40, differing from it in a new body, a number of components, assemblies and armament: a 20-mm TNSh cannon and a 7.62-mm DT machine gun. п...
T-64A 1975
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! (People asked for remake of my old T-64A, so here it is). You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 3x man Top speed: 60 km/h Armament: 1x 125mm 2A26 cannon; 1x 7.62mm PKT machine gun...
T-64B 1983
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 3x man Top speed: 60 km/h Armament: 1x 125mm 2A46M cannon; 1x 7.62mm PKT machine gun; 1x 12.7mm NSVT machine gun. Brick count: 1,375 Cost: 8,...
T-72A 1982
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA Like and subscribe! You can suggest tanks here. Specifications: Crew: 3x man; Top speed: 65 km/h Armament: 1x 125mm 2A46 cannon; 1x 7,62mm PKT machine gun; 1x 12.7mm NSVT machine gun; Brick count: 1300 Cost: 7,9...
T-72B 1989
Created by eca001
Here is the T-72B (1989)! I am testing another way of gun elevation and it turn out a few steps from being shitty. (=_=#) turret -alt view control cannon -action 1 mg -action 2 roof mg -gunner seat alt view control, action 1 to fire IR spotlight -X brick c...
Created by MeløK
1.400 Bricks RUS _____________________________________ Управление: W A S D, Num1 (ЛКМ) - Фугасный снаряд Num2 (СКМ) - Бронебойный снаряд Управление зенит...
Created by MeløK
1.338 Bricks В 2004 году по инициативе Уральского конструкторского бюро транспортного машиностроения в рамках НИОКР «Прорыв-2» начата разработка варианто...
Created by Mayor_Tim
В период с 2001 по 2010 годы танк Т-90 стал самым продаваемым на мировом рынке новым основным танком. По состоянию на 2019 год стоимость нового Т-90 составляет 2,5-3,5 миллиона долларов, Т-90МС — 4,5 миллиона долларов. С конца 2011 года закупка танков Т-90...
T-VI Tiger H1
Created by Mayor_Tim
German heavy tank Pz.Kpfw VI Tiger H1. Control: W A S D, mouse (alt) Action 1 - 88mm KwK cannon Action 2 - 7,92mm machine gun Open / close engine cap - Switch (on vehicle) L - lights. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Немецки...
T17E2 Staghound Armored Car
Created by Hyder
Backstory: The Staghound armored car was developed under specifications issued by the US Army Ordnance for a medium armored car to be used in the European theatre. The US army, while not officially adopting the Staghound for itself, would continue to produ...
TAC Boston 1982
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The '82 Boston! This 1982 model of the Boston line-up became one of the most common cars during that time in Europe and other parts of the world. It was affordable, reliable and came with multiple versions for different interests, one of the tr...
TAC Boston 1982 Premier
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The '82 Boston Premier! The Boston Premier versions are very similar to the DLX versions of modern TAC cars. These include the best comfort and technology possible for those who spare some money. It has a tan interior with comfortable seats and...
TAC Brava 1965
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The '65 Brava! TAC's first sports car, the famous Brava, performed well but it needed some improvements and solve some issues. TAC heavily modified the car, improving the suspension, engine and design to compete with the other sports cars in th...
TAC Boston 1982 SR
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The '82 Boston SR! SR stands for "Speed" and "Racing", since this version of the '82 Boston is a heavy modification for driving on racetracks. It's not as good as other race cars due to the main focus of the original version being civilian use,...
T45 Supporter ocean working (public)
Created by o
Corvette T45 Supporter purpose: T45 was made as semi cheap fleet support vessle so its NOT made to duel battle ships in 1v1. Its wooden hull and 8 VLS: BM 10 DIR EL24 make it perfect for carring out supportive fleet task such as: mine clearing - anti subma...
TAC Brooklyn 1967
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The '67 Brooklyn! This series of small, cheap muscle coupes ended with this model year before being replaced by the Dasher series. It's pretty generic, but still its looks make it very attractive. 328 bricks. Fireball:
TAC Brooklyn 1967 Fireball
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The '67 Brooklyn Fireball! This is the sport version of the original Brooklyn, with an amazing engine which can reach really high speeds. Its handling, suspension and design were also modified to imporve its performance. 326 bricks. Original: h...
TAC Criollo 1995 BRPD Special Units
Created by Tom.
Here it is! BRPD's Criollo! During the 90's, BRPD used the cheapest police vehicles they could find so they included TAC's new Criollo in the BRPD Special Units. It isn't very fast but it's good for carrying SWAT men. uhhh... I think that's all. 1 and 2 fo...
TAC Criollo 1995 RV
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The 1995 Criollo RV! This took me longer than the BRPD one but it seems lit at least. It's a nice option for long trips from coast to coast. It has some stuff inside like a fridge, a stove, some beer on the table, a flower, a bed, etc. It is a ...
TAC Criollo 2018 High Roof
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The 2018 Criollo! The 2018 Criollo was one of the best Euro vans TAC designed during the last decade. It was cheap, reliable and had lots of space and great comfort. This simple van is supposed to be realistic and low brick for using it in RPs,...
TAC Criollo 2018 Heavy Duty Cutaway
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The 2018 Criollo! The 2018 Criollo was one of the best Euro vans TAC designed during the last decade. It was cheap, reliable and had lots of space and great comfort. This simple van is supposed to be realistic and low brick for using it in RPs,...
TAC Criollo 2018 Light Duty Cutaway
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The 2018 Criollo! The 2018 Criollo was one of the best Euro vans TAC designed during the last decade. It was cheap, reliable and had lots of space and great comfort. This simple van is supposed to be realistic and low brick for using it in RPs,...
TAC Dasher 1968 Florida
Created by Tom.
why is Florida sometimes weird? Here it is! The Dasher 1968 Florida! This is the convertible version of the Dasher 1968, it's also slightly faster and cooler. It's only that, nothing special. Original:
TAC Dasher 1968 SS
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
A supped up car made from the original TAC Dasher made by Tom. It's a fast muscle car that has a slick, iconic 60's /70's muscle car double pinstripes down the car. ...
TAC Dasher 1973 SS
Created by Tom.
now you can dash faster Here it is! The '73 Dasher Super Sport! This version of the 1973 Dasher model includes a new paintjob, an improved engine and racing seats. It doesn't include anything more, it just fits more for racing now. Original: https://steamc...
TAC Dasher 2007
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Dasher 2007! This Dasher is a cool Mustang knock-off which goes pretty fast and has surprisingly amazing looks. This fast muscle car was also used in the Bricksville Police Department as a great interceptor and chaser of sports cars escapin...
TAC Dasher 2007 BVPD
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Dasher 2007 BVPD! This fast police muscle car is a good interceptor and still keeps its nice looks. Although it's a bit expensive, it can stop any criminal on its way home. It's also low brick, excellent for RPs in multiplayer. That's all. ...
TAC Dasher 2007 Rock Crawler
Created by Tom.
don't ask why I made this... Here it is! Something no one has asked for! The Dasher 2007 Rock Crawler! This is another mod of my Dasher 2007 but this time focusing more on something not commonly seen, a rock crawler muscle car. I have made one before but w...
TAC Dasher 2014
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -New thumbnail -Motor changed (Thanks to Poisoned Sugar for the advice) UPDATE 2: -Improved handling -Faster -Missing details added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here it is! The Dashe...
TAC Crumber 1985
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Crumber! This sedan is fast and comfortable! Also, as always, it has a nice interior! By the way, we got 80 followers! Thanks everybody! :D <3 Alt+W&S for hood and trunk door Alt+A&D for doors Enjoy it! :D...
TAC Dasher 1968
Created by Tom.
faster than any car!... maybe? Here it is! The Dasher 1968! Finally, FINALLY, a TAC muscle car. I haven't done any muscle car months but here you have one. This classic muscle car from the late 60's is really nice looking, expensive and fast. This Dasher w...
TAC Dasher 2018
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Dasher 2018! Keks told me to do the mudguards wider since it looked weird, and I did! This civilian version has a nice spoiler and different rims. Like the BRPD's one, it can go as fast as hell. Enjoy it! :D...
Created by Tom.
7000 RPM Here it is! The GTP-66! I haven't done any race car for a while, so here you have the Puppy! This is a race car designed by the best British car designers from TAC for the Le Mans championships. It has the best engine by TAC and a light but fragil...
TAC IRC-100 Remake
Created by Tom.
sorry I'm so hyped for mafia that I can't stop making 1930's cars Here it is! The IRC-100, now remade! This is my remake of my old and bad looking Indianapolis Race Car-100 (IRC-100). This car with a great eight-cylinder in-line engine raced between the la...
TAC Jeweler 1973
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The 1973 Jeweler! After 17 years, TAC wanted to do a new Jeweler. It was designed in 1972 and produced worldwide in 1973. This version was more boxy than the last one. The engine was faster, too. It was used as a limo and a police car. Its pric...
TAC Jeweler 1973 BRPD
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The police Jeweler 1973! The Jeweler 73 was rarely used for BRPD. There were few of them because they were expensive but fast and safe. The Jeweler was first introduced into the BRPD units in the mid 70's. BRPD used 10 Jewelers in total. Enjoy ...
TAC Jumper 1945
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The 1945 Jumper! The 1945 model of the Jumper wasn't that different from the first 1941 model for the military. It was aimed for civilian costumers and it suffered from some modifications. This became the first Jumper model to enter mass produc...
TAC Jumper 1941 50 Cal
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The 1941 Jumper with a 50. caliber machine gun! This version of the '41 Jumper includes a functional turret with an oversized M2 Browning machine gun on top. This gun can kill any player on the way with 2 shots on their body or only 1 on the he...
TAC T-10 Comet 2010
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Comet 2010! TAC wanted to do a Formula 1 car and have a team in the 2010 F1 cup. The Comet was a success but sadly the TAC team didn't win the cup. 6 years later, the Formula E started, TAC did a new electric car called the E-Comet which ha...
TAC T-16 Comet 2016
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Comet 2016! I missed doing a F1 car so much. However, as you can see now, I made one which looks more realistic and drives impressively well. It's very reliable and fast like a F1 car. It's also less than 300 bricks (264 bricks to be exact)...
TAC Uranus 1979
Created by Tom.
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE USE. a new an*s! I mean... Uranus! Here it is! The 1979 Uranus! This is the oldest in the Uranus line-up. It was very well made during that time since it had a good suspension system, a light body and also a ...
Created by Tom.
INSTRUCTIONS ARE INSIDE THE VEHICLE omg guys the tank from fat funder!!!!! Here it is! The TAM 2C! This member of the Tanque Argentino Mediano family is an improved variant of the original TAM VC. This heavy modification was made thanks to the Israeli Defe...
TAC TF-77 Comet 1977
Created by Tom.
the classic nyoom by TAC Here it is! The 1977 Comet! This model of the classic Comet has satisfying crash physics, realistic handling and a high top speed. It's also exactly 300 bricks, perfect for Formula 1 races in multiplayer with your friends. I recomm...
Created by Tom.
INSTRUCTIONS ARE INSIDE THE VEHICLE if only we had better tanks... Here it is! The TAM! The Tanque Mediano Argentino Vehículo de Combate (TAM VC) is an MBT designed by Argentinian and German engineers to modernize the Argentine tanks during the late 70's (...
Target airlines new gen passenger jet.
Created by sekammerer
This is a passenger jet for V1.0. The base plane is not mine as this is a heavily modified version of the jet, so the original is linked below. Contains: Bathroom Working...
Created by Tom.
the weak tank... even weaker Here it is! The TAMSE Tanque Argentino Mediano (Argentinian Medium Tank)! This was the first version of the first Argentinian MBT, which is an attempt on replacing the older M4 Shermans and Sherman Fireflies in the 1970's. As I...
TAC Uranus 1979 Burya
Created by Tom.
Katyusha? who needs that when you got the Burya! Here it is! The "modern Katyusha"! The '79 Uranus "буря"! This is rocket launcher version from my 1979 Uranus. It has a rocket launcher turret (duh) with 4 long-range unguided missiles + a camera which can b...
Tarpan Honker
Created by Elektrofumigator
Tarpan Honker was a Polish 4x4 jeep-like thing designed in late 80s and put in production in 1988, famous for its reliability (it was not reliable), rustproofing (rust and tarpan are 2 best friends) and build quality (what is that???? never heard of it) Pr...
Taxi ГАЗ-24-01 Волга / GAZ-24-01 Wołga / GAZ-24-01 Volga
Created by Elektrofumigator
Taxi can used by taxi drivers in USSR. This one is modelled after that one car from ,,Petrovka 38" film. It used same engine as a regular GAZ-24, yet with less power, just to make engine less stressed and longer-lasting. Controls: Lights - L indicators - m...
TDAC 88 mm FlaK 36
Created by Tom.
kein FlaK, kein victory. Here it is! The FlaK! This is our 2nd AA and this one is really useful for defending objectives. It is a really simple FlaK with a small German flag with physics (multiplayer friendly) and some other stuff. The shelves go so fast t...
TDAC AH-1W Super Cobra
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -Now it has 2 blades, each blade has 3 blades (Pics show outdated version). UPDATE 2: -Better control. -More accurate rockets and now you just need to press Action 2 to launch them. -Now the passenger seat can control the MG -And more! UPDATE 3: ...
TDAC Bell AH-1G Cobra
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
USE ' i ' TO TURN ON HELICOPTER Hello guys! This is a new helicopter that I had revamped from a previous TDAC creation and made a new variant of, this in particular is the AH-1G Camera, being the first well produced Cobra variant, and being the first true ...
TDAC Bombing Run
Created by Tom.
What's better than bombing with some big bombs in the sky? Here it is! The Bombing Run! These bois are just there for you to spawn them in the sky, just use F and place them at the top with the Space bar! Now, the ones who don't know how to fly bombers now...
TDAC Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet
Created by Tom.
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE USE Here it is! The Super Hornet! This variant of the Hornet was made by Boeing after McDonnel Douglas joined them. Boeing made this bird faster, stronger and really agressive. It can have more suspended arma...
TDAC Bristol F.2
Created by Tom.
BIG HANDLING IMPROVEMENT UPDATE: -All fighters and dive bombers now have a better handling and also some planes' bugs and glitches were fixed! UPDATE 2: -Thinner wings -Fixes -Faster -Smooth flight -Functional gunner (Alt+Mouse and LMB for passenger) -And ...
TDAC Camo Plane
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Camo Plane! My first creation ever built is finally done after 3 years (2100-ish hours in-game) of being WIP. Anyway, jokes aside, this is my gift for the end of this decade, inspired by my first plane which never worked, but this one is lo...
TDAC Consolidated B-24D Liberator
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
yes, the big flying fatty is back and better than before. read instructions before flying though. Here it is! The B-24D! The B-24 is back and with a more realistic shape! It’s very detailed and its brick count isn’t that high. All gunners are completely fu...
TDAC Curtiss P-36G Hawk
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The P-36G Hawk! After doing the Hawk 75O, I decided to convert it into the original Hawk. It's another generic fighter with a stubby fuselage and decent armament for its time. I'm not that proud of it since the shape is not that accurate, but i...
TDAC Dornier Do 217 N-1
Created by Tom.
Here it is! Another German plane! The Do 217! This Do 17's younger brother was used between 1942 and 1945. The Do 217 sometimes had a black skin. It was sometimes used at night. I know, in real life it had 4 MGs and 4 cannons but it is very OP and the big ...
TDAC Eurocopter EC-665 UHT Tiger
Created by Tom.
the flying Tiger tank? Here it is! The Eurocopter Tiger Unterstützungshubschrauber! This is TDAC's first European chopper, designed both by Germany and France. This is also the first European attack helicopter to use stealth armour, making it decently stea...
TDAC Fairchild Republic A-10C Low Brick
Created by Tom.
A low brick version of the A-10C. It has less details and features making it 700 bricks less than the original. Original: Warning: firing the main gun at high speeds may explode the plane, s...
TDAC Fiesler Fi 103 V-1 Rocket Low Brick
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
Here it is! The famous nazi controllable rocket! The V-1! This might be the most detailed V-1 rocket in the workshop yet. The rocket is surprisingly very well at flying, although you will need some help when taking off. The rocket itself is really fun to u...
TDAC Fairchild Republic A-10C Thunderbolt II
Created by Tom. Here it is! The Warthog! The most famous ground attack plane from the Air Force is finally here with its iconic BRRRTT GAU-8 and its heavy load. This took Wild, Kam and me about 20 hours and I am very proud of it. It has everyt...
TDAC Fokker Dr.I "Red Baron" Remake
Created by Tom.
hippity hoppity, your planes are my property. Here it is! The Remade Fokker! We are updating/remaking our current WW1 planes and we are going to upload the Sopwith next! This remake flies better and smoother, it is also smaller which makes it lighter. The ...
TDAC Fw-190 Wurger
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
Updated as of Feb 21 2018, new FW 190 coming soon! - Yeah sorry we never did that, Alex, jan 2022 Here it is! The Fw-190! This interceptor was the F4U Corsair from the Germans. This is a German fighter from WW2,it has 3 Small MG's and 1 big MG! This took 4...
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
MADE IN LEGACY, UNKOWN IF WORKS IN 1.0+ To little, to late, only saw service towards the end of the war. Hey guys! It's been a while since we have made a plane. I have been working on this plane for the past 10 months now and we are finally able to fully r...
TDAC Junker Ju 87 G-2 Stuka
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -Flies much better and faster thanks to Alex UPDATE 2: -Better wings -Shorter tail -Accumulated pitch flaps -New flight stick -Added 1 bomb -Functionable turret -Other minor changes UPDATE 3: -Lower wings -Better flight -More accurate sight -Fast...
TDAC Junkers Ju 87 B-2 Stuka
Created by Tom.
Totally not a kamikaze plane made by the Nazis Here it is! The Stuka B-2! The Junkers Ju 87 Sturzkampfflugzeug was the most famous German dive bomber and ground attack plane during WW2. Although by mid-war it was already outdated, the Stuka became the symb...
TDAC Junkers Ju 87 R-2 Stuka
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Stuka R-2! The Junkers Ju 87 Sturzkampfflugzeug was the most famous German dive bomber and ground attack plane during WW2. Although by mid-war it was already outdated, the Stuka became the symbol of the Blitzkrieg. This aircraft was very kn...
TDAC Low Brick Bf-109E
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -Improved flight performance -Minor tweaks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A German fighter plane with good armament although it's not as agile as its rival. It got 1 autocannon and 2 MGs, all of them ...
TDAC Low Brick Bf-109E Trop
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -Improved flight performance -Minor tweaks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tropical variant of the Bf-109E. A reskin of the Bf-109E but it includes one big bomb which can deal great damage to vehic...
TDAC Low Brick Ju-88A
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -Improved flight performance -Minor tweaks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most known German medium bomber. It was also used as a dive bomber and a night fighter. It got its famous air brakes, 1 MG...
TDAC Low Brick Spitfire Mk II Trop
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -Improved flight performance -Minor tweaks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Spitfire from North Africa. This fighter got a new desert camo with 3 bombs to attack infantry on the ground. Great for so...
TDAC LZ 129 Hindenburg Airship
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
flying sausage! Here it is! The Hindenburg! The “flying Bismarck” is finally here with an accurate design! This airship was built in Nazi Germany during the 30’s. It was made for commercial use, it would do transatlantic flights from Germany to the USA. It...
TDAC McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet
Created by Tom.
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE USE Here it is! The Hornet! This supersonic jet fighter was made for my supersonic jet contest in the BR discord. It flies really nice, has good weaponry and a new cool feature. You require decent building sk...
TDAC Messerschmitt Bf-109 E-7
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Bf-109 E-7! I decided to build the entire line-up of the "Emil" frame with 5 different variants in total. The Bf-109E was the backbone of the German Luftwaffe's fighter force. It became the main fighter for the Axis, with others like the Ze...
TDAC MH-6 Little Bird
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
“Marines! Go, go, go!” Here it is! The MH-6 Little Bird! This recon heli which has 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot and 4 passengers is nowadays used by the iconic Marines from USA. It is so agile and fast that it “disappears” in a second. It’s very well armed, you hav...
Created by Alex Monamochamuch
so basically a kamikaze V-1 Here it is! The Ohka bomb! This standalone bomb was used by the Japanese (our only Japanese creation yet) during WW2 to damage ships. It needed a pilot to fly the bomb to its target. This one is very accurate and also not laggy....
TDAC Mitsubishi A6M3 Model 32 Zero
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -New paintjob. -New propeller with better acceleration. -Made the tail smaller. -More minor tweaks. UPDATE 2: -Flies more realistically. -Added always on and non-accumulated flaps on the elevators. -Landing gear is no longer driven. -Nose is much...
TDAC Ohka with Mobile Launch System
Created by BootLeg
Original Ohka: A functional improvement to Alex and Tom's Ohka. This is a launch cart that can be driven around and then used as a launch platform. Features: Action 1 disconn...
Created by Tom.
GET THE TASTE OF FREEDOM!!! Here it is! The Phalanx CIWS! This is the most famous modern Anti-Air defense used in the US Navy, made with a tall radar on top of the turret and its unique 20mm M61 Vulcan 6-barrel minigun, meant for destroying helicopters, an...
TDAC Piper Aircraft L-4H Grasshopper Rosie The Rocketer
Created by Tom.
"They never used to bother Cubs. Bazookas must be bothering them a bit." Here it is! The Piper L-4H "Rosie The Rocketer"! This popular modification of the L-4H, which includes 6 bazookas in total on the wings, was made by lt. col. Charles "Bazooka Charlie"...
TDAC Piper Aircraft PA-18-150 Super Cub Floatplane
Created by Tom.
big feet plane Here it is! The Piper Super Cub Floatplane! This Super Cub variant comes with floats for you to land on water. They make it high brick so take that in mind. Features: -Working flaps. -Working flight stick. -Accurate details. -Almost accurate...
TDAC Republic P-47D-28 Thunderbolt
Created by Tom.
only American kids from the 40's will get this *sunglasses emoji* Here it is! The famous Jug! After trying many times to do a nice fuselage, it's finally here! This plane is very fast and well-armed. It participated in many fronts and was operated by many ...
TDAC SBD-5 Dauntless
Created by Tom.
BIG HANDLING IMPROVEMENT UPDATE: -All fighters and dive bombers now have a better handling and also some planes' bugs and glitches were fixed! UPDATE 2: -New wings and landing gear -New skin -New flight stick -Better handling -Some other minor changes ----...
TDAC Sikorsky S-22 Ilya Muromets
Created by Tom.
For the motherland! PLZ READ DESCRIPTION BEFORE USING IT Here it is! The Ilya Muromets! TDAC is back again with the first strategy bomber ever made in Russia and in the entire world. As you can see, it is from the 1st World War and yes, it's a me me big bo...
TDAC Softbody Biplane
Created by Tom.
*nyooom* *poof* *crash* Here it is! The Softbody Biplane! This small biplane fighter includes amazing physics, even on the tail! It's pretty low brick and not that laggy too. You can do whatever you want with it, but don't use it in Multiplayer or you will...
TDAC Softbody Bomber
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Softbody Bomber! So this is our 2nd softbody biplane, but this time it's a bomber. This bomber has 2 big bombs and a MG turret and includes physics on the tail and wings. Since its wings are bigger, its destruction is even better. It's low ...
TDAC Softbody Space Station with Real Destruction
Created by Tom.
I thought space was a safe place? Here it is! The Softbody Space Station! This space station is a collab between TDAC and Real Destruction. It's softbody, so that means it has really cool and satisfying destruction physics! It's a bit high brick, so be car...
TDAC Sukhoi Su-25K Grach
Created by Tom.
slavs in slavic countries be like Here it is! The Su-25K Grach, or Frogfoot! The A-10's rival! This amazing agile ground attacker is capable of destroying any ground troops on its way. The Su-25 is known for being the A-10 of the Soviet (and now Russian) A...
TDAC Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker
Created by Tom.
blue flying vodka bottle Here it is! The Su-27! TDAC finally made another modern jet fighter (*cough* it's from the 90's *cough*). This fighter is one of the last jet fighters made by the Soviet Union before the end of the Cold War. Its design was also use...
TDAC Sukhoi Su-37 (Su-27S)
Created by Tom.
black flying vodka bottle Here it is! The Su-37/Su-27S! This variant of the Su-27 has a different camo, more rockets and better mobility. It's also slightly faster. Start shooting the capitalist pigs down! Features: -Same stuff from the Su-27 -Dark camo -8...
TDAC Supermarine Spitfire Mk I
Created by Tom.
UPDATE 1: -Longer -New stick -Better at flying -And more! UPDATE 2: -Less bricks -Wings moved forward -Enhanced details -Better handling and speed -New prop -Landing flaps -And more! -------------------------------------------------------------------------...
TDAC Sopwith Camel
Created by Tom.
doomly dum, the Treaty of Versailles is now done Here it is! The Camel! This WW1 plane was very suggested so we decided to do it. It has some stuff from the Dr.I like the explosive darts and lightning on the MGs. This one flies faster because it's way ligh...
TDAC Supermarine Spitfire Mk XVI
Created by Tom.
BIG HANDLING IMPROVEMENT UPDATE: -All fighters and dive bombers now have a better handling and also some planes' bugs and glitches were fixed! UPDATE 2: -New wings, cockpit, etc. -Better flight performance. -Better guns. -And more. ------------------------...
TDAC Yakovlev Yak-3P Remake
Created by Tom.
communist camo best camo Here it is! The Yak-3P, now remade! The Yak-3P was an improved version of the Yak-3 which replaced the 3 guns with 20 mm Berezin B-20 cannons. Although bigger cannons were added, it became slightly lighter than the original, theref...
TH219 Envoy Transport Helicopter
Created by GamingX33 Transport Helicopter 219 "Envoy" Brick Count: 520 This is my first Transport Helicoter, please be fair with rating. This is a legacy cr...
The Citadel
Created by Joey Jazz
The tower that is provided by our benefactors... The citadel, symbol of the Combine oppression on mankind in Half-Life 2, will now gaze upon the helpless Bobs Contains strange activity around and inside of the citadel. Press the Horn button to ring the ala...
Created by Voxel
What do you do when life gives you lemons? (READ DESCRIPTION BEFORE SPAWNING) Welcome to Aperture Science! Literally. This 47,000+ brick build is almost as big as the City on the City map. It's also very laggy. It was made on the span of about 2.5 months, ...
The Dart UFO - Flying Triangle - Aircraft Space ship plane
Created by Mök
A triangular airplane / alien spaceship thing 265 bricks click (action 1) for hyperdrive alt W/S for thrusters Flys like an airplane...
Created by o
BEST WORKING SUBMARINE FOR BRICK RIGS OCEAN YET for all your exploration needs :) Controls>alt like driveing the plane Q>for boat mode CTRL>to use engine for slowing down SHIFT>for boost 1>to grap things be hidraulic hand L>light the lantern X>to deploy ca...
The Devourer of Gods
Created by VerriosHFD
"You are no god... but I shall feast upon your essence regardless!" But first of all two VERY important things: 1.This is almost 8.500 bricks creation so if your pc can't run it please read the following text (somewhere down below) 2.Necessarily read the i...
The Parking Garage from Bricksville
Created by Interrobang‽
There is nothing special about this. It has a complete and total lack of notable features. The brick count is average....
The Office Shooting
Created by Tom.
Here it is! The Office Shooting map! As you can see, this was a bit unexpected. This is a "capture the flag" map for multiplayer. It's only 805 bricks so you can play it normally on multiplayer with your friends. Basing on Rainbow Six: Siege and Counter St...
Throwable and Pickupable C4 Bomb
Created by Blaszko
Just c4 bomb (Counter stike XD)...
Throwable Grenade
Created by DiamondPrism
Press E on the switch, then R on the top to pick it up and then G to throw it forward. Take cover and wait 5 seconds, BOOM! Only costs $70 and has 14 bricks, so after one kill on conquest you can buy this. Enjoy!
tiger 2 porshe
Created by Лёня
Tiger I
Created by Killer4117
The Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger is a German Heavy Tank developed in 1943. it was one of the most famous tanks of WW2. Its thick armor made it imprevious to the guns of the Sherman, Cromwell, and the T-34 unless flanked from the side or rear. It first saw com...
Tiger II
Created by Mayor_Tim
Последний серийный тяжёлый танк нацистской Германии. Благодаря мощной 88-мм пушке был способен поражать в лобовой проекции все танки антигитлеровской коалиции периода Второй мировой войны на дистанциях более 2,5 км, что значительно превышало эффективную да...
Tiger II
Created by Killer4117
A German heavy tank developed in 1944, the Tiger II was developed to replace the Tiger I while combining its thick armor with the Panthers armor sloping. It first saw combat in the Battle of Normandy and served until the end of the war in the Battle of Ber...
[OUTDATED] Timer Bomb
Created by Joey Jazz
Don't download this Use this instead : This bomb will tick for 40 seconds before blowing up ! Hopefully you got your master degree in bomb defusal, so go ahead and be a...
Tiger II (10,5cm KwK)
Created by Mayor_Tim
Модификация серийного тяжёлого танка Tiger II со 105мм орудием и дополнительной оптикой. Толстые листы брони, расположенные под рациональными углами наклона, обеспечивали танку высокую защиту от большинства противотанковых средств того времени. Вместе с те...
Created by Homer
This is a Titanoboa. If you like my creation, give it a thumbs up so more people can see and have fun with it. Have fun, Homer :) You can steer with W A S D ALT A and D to move the head left and right ALT W and S to move the head up and down Press the left...
TJ2110 Sky Envoy Transport Jet
Created by GamingX33 TJ2110 "Sky Envoy" Transport Jet This is a legacy creation! This is my first big plane, be fair with rating It's just a simple Cargo Je...
Tobias the Ragdoll with Real Destruction
Created by Tom.
Here it is! Tobias! This creation has been heavily requested after doing 2 epic bridges which got very popular. This ragdoll is like Rob but less laggy. It has some organs like the heart, the stomach, the lungs, the brain, etc. It's made of foam but the bo...
Created by The_Weapon_Factory
YES THIS IS HIM FOLKS! The legendary tank that made thousands of people laugh because of its shape! Here what you have been waiting for, the TONK. 1:1 Scaled, it drives! it shoots! ITS GUN CAN PUSH A CAR!? 90 Bricks Pros: Can be used for Conquest and Zombi...
Toprus BM-13N КАТЮША on ZIS-6
Created by Toprus100
ATENTION: REMASTERED VERSION OUT! NOW IT DOESN'T HAVE THE BIG BOX: TO THE VICTORY COMRADES! This famous Stalin's organ was spreading fear across the German trenches and bunkers. If you don't...
TON 618 | Hypermassive Black Hole
Created by o
Aye guys, my name is Banana_man27! This is by far the largest creation I've ever posted!!! But I didn't do it alone! As you may know, a player by the name of "o" has made some incredibly massive stars by upscaling peices, which is exactly what he did here!...
Torumekian Bumblecrow
Created by 【PikminQuentin】
This my take on the Bumblecrow from the movie Nausicaä Of The Valley Of The Wind __controls:__ to activate engine (already at max power) to control pitch (it will keep the angle you give him) to control roll for air brake to open the door __in alt mode / o...
Trabant 1,1
Created by Elektrofumigator
Trabant 1,1 was a Trabant 601 overhaul produced between 1988 and 1991. Whole front was redesigned, alongside with interior and some exterior details. Major improvement was replacing the 600ccm twin cylinder two stroke engine with license-built 1,1l VW Polo...
Trabant 1,1 Pick-up
Created by Elektrofumigator
Trabant 1,1 was a Trabant 601 overhaul produced between 1988 and 1991. Whole front was redesigned, alongside with interior and some exterior details. Major improvement was replacing the 600ccm twin cylinder two stroke engine with license-built 1,1l VW Polo...
Toprus Third Improvised Armoured Train of People’s Coastal Defence “Kashubian Dragon”
Created by Toprus100
Trzeci Improwizowany Pociąg Pancerny Obrony Wybrzerza "Smok Kaszubski". This is a Polish armoured train used in September 1939. There aren'tmany photos of it but we know it was armed with 16 machine guns 2 mortars a 40mm bofors AA and a 47mm cannon. Have f...
Trabant 1,1 Universal
Created by Elektrofumigator
Trabant 1,1 was a Trabant 601 overhaul produced between 1988 and 1991. Whole front was redesigned, alongside with interior and some exterior details. Major improvement was replacing the 600ccm twin cylinder two stroke engine with license-built 1,1l VW Polo...
Trabant 601
Created by Elektrofumigator
My second take on the Trabant. This is an early version of Trabant 601, modelled after the 1971-1977 model. Trabant 601 was an East German people's car, produced in millions between 1964-1990. It had 0,6l inline-2 two-stroke engine that powered front wheel...
Trabant 601 De Luxe
Created by Elektrofumigator
My second take on the Trabant - now in Deluxe trim. This is an early version of Trabant 601, modelled after the 1971-1977 model. Trabant 601 was an East German people's car, produced in millions between 1964-1990. It had 0,6l inline-2 two-stroke engine tha...
Trabant 601 Late
Created by Elektrofumigator
My second take on the Trabant. This is a late version of Trabant 601, produced between 1977-1987. Trabant 601 was an East German people's car, produced in millions between 1964-1990. It had 0,6l inline-2 two-stroke engine that powered front wheels. Engine ...
Trabant 601 Universal De Luxe
Created by Elektrofumigator
My second take on the Trabant - now in Deluxe trim and Universal body style. This is a late version of Trabant 601, modelled after the 1977-1990 model. Trabant 601 was an East German people's car, produced in millions between 1964-1990. It had 0,6l inline-...
Trabant 601 Universal
Created by Elektrofumigator
My second take on the Trabant, this time Universal. This is an early version of Trabant 601, modelled after the 1971-1977 model. Trabant 601 was an East German people's car, produced in millions between 1964-1990. It had 0,6l inline-2 two-stroke engine tha...
Trabant 601 Universal late
Created by Elektrofumigator
My second take on the Trabant, this time Universal. This is a late version of Trabant 601, modelled after the 1977-1990 model. Trabant 601 was an East German people's car, produced in millions between 1964-1990. It had 0,6l inline-2 two-stroke engine that ...
Trabant Kuebel
Created by Elektrofumigator
Trabant Kuebel was a modification of Trabant 601 for military use. Controls: L - lights num1, num2 - indicators Q - foglights X - wipers pgup/pgdn - bonnet Thanks to Keksonator and Ghaleas for help!...
Created by Darc325
Trabant Tramp
Created by Elektrofumigator
Trabant Tramp was a civilian version of Kuebel, that was a modification of Trabant 601 for military use. Controls: L - lights num1, num2 - indicators Q - foglight X - wipers pgup/pgdn - bonnet Thanks to Keksonator and Ghaleas for help!...
TT Star Wars TIE Fighter
Created by TT
I was feeling the force today and decided I needed to make something Star Wars. fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your perspective) that happened to be the dark side of the force, and I went for making a TIE Fighter. Controls: W/S - Pitch A/D - ya...
Trabant Kuebel (roof)
Created by Elektrofumigator
Trabant Kuebel was a modification of Trabant 601 for military use. Controls: L - lights num1, num2 - indicators Q - foglight X - wipers pgup/pgdn - bonnet Thanks to Keksonator and Ghaleas for help!...
Trojan pig
Created by Homer
This is a trojan pig from Minecraft. I hope you like it, then leave me a like here and share it with your friends. Have fun, Homer :) WASD for steering ALT mouse left and right moves the body left and right ALT mouse up and down moves the arms up and down ...
Created by Tom
This is my recreation of the TU-95 "bear" bomber, its not great but I like it :3 The control to powerup/go forward with the engines is Q (beacon lights), alt mouse controls the plane, Pitch up and pitch down controls the landing gear. Go easy on the contro...
Tupolev Tu-95
Created by snerso
The Tupolev Tu-95 is a large multipurpose aircraft, with use as a strategic bomber or cruise missile carrier. This almost 70 year old design is still in use today by the Russian Federation. More information can be found here:
type 95 HA-GO
Created by Лёня
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Created by Homer
This is a T-Rex. If you like my creation, give it a thumbs up so more people can see and have fun with it. Have fun, Homer :) You can steer with W A S D ALT mouse up and down to move the head up and down ALT A and D to move the body to the left and right A...
type 65
Created by YarLit
Created by kopeykin_2017
Created by Misha_380
UAZ-452 Off-road vehicle A family of Soviet and Russian all-wheel drive low-tonnage passenger and cargo vehicles of increased cross-country capability, produced at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. It was forced to take the place of the UAZ-3165 model in 199...
UAZ-452 - Gasser Edition
Created by coycoy Hell-o people, today I build a gasser from a fantastic base Eborian build. - here is Eborian's workshop. - here it goes to the UAZ-452 Metro Exodus. The...
UAZ-452 Low
Created by Misha_380
UAZ-452 Off-road vehicle A family of Soviet and Russian all-wheel drive low-tonnage passenger and cargo vehicles of increased cross-country capability, produced at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. It was forced to take the place of the UAZ-3165 model in 199...
Created by kopeykin_2017
Created by FriendlySkies25
UH-1Y Venom
Created by eca001
Here is the UH-1Y Venom! flight control -alt view control rocket pod- action 1 jettison rocket pod- action 8 folding sight- Q L/R mg aiming- alt view control of gunner seat mg- action 1 of gunner seat brick count 1213...
UH-1 Iroquois Huey
Credit to le alex mona lisa for making the interior of the heli and helping me take screen shots press i to start engine Veitnam flash backs time Its a huey nothing else to say Right mouse button for mgs and middle mouse button for rocket pods...
UH-60 Black Hawk
Created by wannacat
****MODIFIED VERSION**** ORIGINAL by J9Josh ; UH-60 Black Hawk ||| (thumbnail guide) J9Josh ; Custom thumbnails (many) Mrs Tuna ; AH-1Z (rotor sensor) Romix ; NH90 NFH -NATO Frigate Helicopter- (smoothness) WILDSHAMAN ; Black Hawk with Miniguns ||| :: 67.8...
Ukraine Flag
Created by Strudel
HELP UKRAINE WIN THE WAR!!! Btw the flag is steel so you cant kill it and it blows in the wind....
Ukrainian BRDM-2
ukraine version of my brdm 2 couldnt bother to make a thumbnail...
Ukrainian BTR-80
ukraine version of my btr 80 couldnt bother to make a thumbnial...
UME 100MM Anti Tank Gun
Created by Kam
A quick little anti tank gun I made. Has alternating ammos (Press X to switch). Brick Count: 196...
UME 155MM Howitzer
Created by Kam
155mm field howitzer. fun to shoot people with x to lower stabilizers i to raise target marker 235 bricks...
UME Crocodile K3
Created by Kam
A newer, more advanced helicopter for the UME fleet. Armed with 2 7.62 MM miniguns, 2 2.75 inch rocket pods, 4 anti-tank missiles, and a lower mounted 30 MM auto cannon. The 30 MM and front camera can be controlled by the passenger seat in the front. Pilot...
Created by Kam
big big apc with a bigger gun and a 50cal because why not 381 bricks...
UME F/A-23E Condor
Created by Kam
Overview The F/A23-E Condor is a 5th generation air superiority fighter jet combining stealth capabilities and unmatched maneuverability. The plane can super cruise at speeds over Mach 1.0 and maintain over 500 KM/H in a turn. Features - Thrust vectoring -...
UME E-4642 | MMRS
Created by Kam
The E-4642 is a Multi Mission Rescue System designed for use across the world in all conditions, rain, snow, sleet, hail, it can probably operate in it. With a max carrying capacity of 100,000 pounds, it can carry just about anything you could need to carr...
UME D400 Martin LPPV
Created by Kam
A small "car" with protection against small arms for low intensity conflicts and recon. 270 bricks...
UME D600 Canis LPPV
Created by Kam
The Canis LPPV is a Light Protected Patrol Vehicle derived from the need for more light protected vehicles to serve conflicts in the middle east. Protected from IED blasts and small arms fire, and equiped with a 12.7mm machine gun 377 bricks...