Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (120)
Created by 柴柴Chai-Chai
在武器栏的最下面可制作妖刀红樱 RedSakura will show up at the bottom of the weapon crafting list. 伤害17,移速加成最高30% Damage 17, maximum 30% speed increase. 特性 - 持续伤害: 打一下开始从目标身上每隔一定时间转移血量到自己身上, 这个效果可以通过短时间内打多几次来叠加。 Specialty - d...
Winona Car
Created by Hornet
Winona has now gained the ability to create vehicular machines for herself and others. Drive around the Constant in your sweet new auto-mobile, running over creatures and crashing into obstacles! Winona can build the Car for the price of, -3x Trusty Tape -...
Dota 2 items (Pack 3 update)
Created by _Zero
(Description not finished for pack 3 update yet) Items from Dota 2.Includes Necrominicon, Talisman of evasion, Battle fury, Radiance, Crystalys, Ethereal blade and Shadow blade.Still have to balance and improve visual part. Предметы из Дота 2.На даный моме...
Steampunk DST - Gears Wersion
Мод, переработанный из заброшенного мода, добавляющий крафты, связанные с шестеренками, техникой и изобретениями. Исследуйте создания друга Максвелла, которые тот оставил в руинах. Upd: Добавлена механическая кирка (пока-что использует текстуры топора)...
Loot Pump
Created by Gleenus
Catches items from the ground and throw them in containers. (Autoloot) Recipe: 1 Gears, 1 Whirly Fan and 2 Electrical Doodads. The Loot Pump always priorise to launch the items on containers that already has that item inside. There are two placement rings,...
Ice Flower Hat 冰之花环
Created by 木瓜丷
起初是呆呆点名要的花环。 现在的定位是,后勤、存活、奶妈。 冰之花环:具体参数可自由设置。 装备后增加幸运效果的幸运值,具体在幸运效果mod中设置。 花环配方:15花瓣,2蓝宝石,1红宝石。需要三本科技。 耐久同海象帽(25天),使用缝纫包修复,每次修复20%耐久。装备后回复精神,在(地下)月岛时变为三倍扣除精神。 采收物体获得对应经验,升级后增加采收暴击率,触发后双倍采收。 采集包括一般采集、堆肥桶、新农场、多汁浆果、刮牛毛、刮胡子、刮海草海芽、刮蜘蛛巢、牛毛刷洗刷。 收获包括蘑菇农场、(寄居蟹)蜂箱、鱼...
Rod of Disguise
Created by Nor
Rod of Disguise allows you to copy the appearance of any playable character you want, including most modded characters. Effectively turning every character into a skin. How to use: 1. Craft the Rod of Disguise in the magic tab, no material required. 2. Equ...
Wooden Shelter
Created by Pinyaps
A Shelter that protects you from rain and overheating. Totally not made out of spite for not getting the Eyebrella Costs 4 Boards, 3 Ropes and 6 Twigs to build and can be found in the Survival Tab Art done by me Code done by Neutral...
almighty amazing fruit knife(friendly to beginners)
Created by 蠢嗷嗷w
!!!Add the version of English!!! The following translations are from Google and may not be as accurate: You can customize a watermelon knife according to your preference completely! All the following functions can be turned on or off or set! !! DS:https://...
Felix's Bomb Pack
Created by FelixTheJudge
Mod that adds a bunch of fun explosives. Small Bomb - 50 damage to players/75 to anything else. Doesn't burn objects. Damages buildings. =============================== Large Bomb - 200 damage. ...
Created by ♪Albe♪
This mod is a modification of the 'Hamlet Characters' mod by Hornet. I like Wagstaff's Thumper, so I export a separate version and let every character can craft Thumper. All credits are for Hornet support ...
萝卜冰箱(Carrot Icebox)
Created by Ann
在食物栏添加了个新建筑,萝卜冰箱,拥有4X4大小,并且前4格永久保鲜。 PS:这是一个可爱又喜感的冰箱,最初是在诸神黄昏mod里面见过,但不知道为什么,现在诸神黄昏在工坊里找不到了,此外诸神里面还有太多bt装备......总之我个人还是很喜欢这个冰箱的,觉得因噎废食有点可惜,所以把这冰箱单独搬运了出来,分享给喜欢的人。未经授权,若有侵权联系我删除。 Add a cute and funny refrigerator,it has 16 slots 。Besides,the first four slots ...
Indescribable 不可名状之物
Created by 喵帕斯
A multifunctional head, use it as an universal tool or weapon. Includes functions such as splitting attack & lifesteal & hp regen & move speedup & insulation. It would be upgraded by reusing, Feed it by raw meat to avoid rotting. Click rb on it to switch m...
Deluxe Campfires DST - Beta Release
Created by KreygasmTR
Deluxe Campfires Beta Builds for DST these will be sent to Fuzzy Logic. Original: ---------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------- Mod has been updated by KreygasmTR to work with the Hamlet DLC,...
Tungsten Mod
Created by Mr. Gentleman
Everyone thank Zarklord for the amazing fix, that's been long overdue (I myself haven't touched the mod for almost 3 years now) Since a lot of people don't know Tungsten: Tungsten, also known as Wolfram is the hardest elemental metal. Chemical Symbol is W....
Better Gem Spears
Created by hyperjll
Spears made from gems! - MysticWolf_1147 (I hereby give credits to all the original authors before me.) Unfortunately, these spears didn't do a whole lot in the DST version, but in the singleplayer version of Gem Spears, these spears were rather unique, no...
Magic Bottle Lanterns (DST)
Created by JustJasper
These bottle lanterns are pretty, magical, and useful! Use your magical knowledge to build these mysterious lights - they look so pretty, there can't be any harm, right? DON'T STARVE VERSION Thanks to SuperDavid, Serpens and Aquaterion for coding advice. L...
Watermelon Catapult
This mod adds a catapult which everyone can craft in the fight tab. Recipe: 15 Watermelons Damage: DAMAGE IN DESCRIPTION COMING SOON Health: 400 The catapult will also regenerate health overtime and does not need a generator or G.E.M.erator from Winona. If...
Created by ffffff
Damage(42) Durability(220) ------------------------------------- Damage(60) Durability(360)...
Ice Blue Rose
Created by NekoChocolate
Added a weapon: Ice Blue Rose Highly customizable weapons, please refer to MOD settings for details. The item is located in the <Weapon> craft tab, and the composition table will change according to the MOD configuration. Weapon features: Highly customized...
Created by Tykvesh
Build your own basements! The recipe can be prototyped with the Alchemy Engine in the Science Tab. The interior has unique effects: Provides safety... from outside danger Completely weatherproof, including daylight Food spoi...
Created by muffin
该mod已停止更新 The weapon belighted forever be made in the wartab 永恒发光的武器 在武器栏制作...
Created by pbc (temiruya)
Library of the parts for building a pastoral landscape. USAGE: At first, you must craft a Gardening Book by the DECOR filter. Putting the book into your inventory, you can craft other special items. 1) Cottage x2 (a kind of tent) 2) tiny Pebbles 3) tiny St...
Created by Don
1.0: *Machines: -Radiation Machine -> Converts fuel into radiation; -Nuclear Nightmare Machine -> Converts radiation into nightmare fuel; -Nuclear Light Machine -> Converts radiation into nuclear light; *Items: -Radioactive Rock -> Fuel for nuclear machine...
Beefalo Milk (Balanced)
Created by aldlel
Milking beefalo & eating Cheese! Original author : You can now milk beefalos! Milk regeneration Autumn 2 day (960 seconds) Winter 3 day (1440 seconds) Spring 2.5 day (1200 seconds) Summer 1.7...
Metal Armoury
Created by Petronas
Adds Copper, Bronze, and Iron Spears, and the Metal to Craft them. Plus a Wood Club! I just made everything look much more aesthetic as requested. Tools will come! A custom machine (furnace) may someday come, but that is currently beyond my ability. This m...
Moar Metals [RoG] [DST]
Created by ZayDekX
This mod adds new metals and things maded from them in the world of DST. Now we have only this items: -Iron & Cobalt boulders (from it you can get the iron ore) -Iron & Cobalt ore (from it you can make tools and armor) -Iron & Cobalt tools (axes, pickaxes,...
Wing Pack
Created by Captain Noir
you asked for it, and I listened. wing pack is now compatible with extra equipslots mod, or at least any of them that use the same name for the backpack slot. there is now a configuration option for equip slot; set it to true if you are using the equipslot...
what is it
Thank you for subscribing to this mod! What color can these wonderful settings bring to the world? The current version is "Crazy Literature" Learn more about MOD. Function introduction: ----------------------------------------Synthesis---------------------...
Albe's Item Pack
Created by ♪Albe♪
Albe's item pack, updated from time to time. The items can be found in tab like weapon or magic. Most of the item properties can be modified in the mod settings v2.3.0 · Reworked『Blood Briars』. · Moved『Fluorescent Powder』to the Refine tab.Now It can be cra...
[Terraria]Optic Staff
Created by WIGFRID
Summon the twin magic eyes to fight for you. This is a summoned weapon from Terraria. The following contents are machine translation. Please forgive me for any inaccuracies Video link: 模组演示视频B站视频链接 How to use: 1, Magic bar to craft the Magic Eye Staff, con...
DST Bramble Wall
Created by AI
荆棘围墙 1.可以制作荆棘球用来种出荆棘花 的,在合成栏需要魔法二本 2.每个荆棘球种下时会与周围最近的2个荆棘花连接起来,只能在可种的地皮上才行 3.连接最远距离 是5个草皮 4.荆棘花打死后会留下围墙 5.打烂的围墙可以挖掉或者等它再生 6.掉落的荆棘花腐烂后变成食人花 发挥想象可以连接 出 很多有意思的围墙 依旧如果你想用就订阅,厌恶就返回去找其他的mod ----------------------------------------------------------------- 现在 可以了...
Archery Mod (bug fix)
Created by pbc (temiruya)
This mod branched off from Archery Mod version:b2.0.171119. This mod would be discarded when the original mod worked rightly. BUGFIX: 1) When a game started, the game crashed. 2) Killing 30x Merms or Tentacles in the Swamp, the game crashed.(2023/11/19) 3)...
Wormhole Builder
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
- Now you can make a "Wormhole Builder" using 10 "Desert Stones" with the "Shadow Manipulator" in the "Magic" tab. - The "Wormhole Builder" can be used to deploy two wormholes which are connected to each other. - The wormhole can be destroyed using the ham...
Created by Gliam
击杀原版生物有几率掉落改造手册,怪物生命上限越高,掉落几率越高。 对步行手杖使用时,第一次改造会给其添加斧子、镐子、铲子、剃刀、捕虫网、干草叉、园艺锄、鱼竿(池塘)的功能。 对原版大部分武器使用时,包括步行手杖(第二次及以后)使用时,会使其攻击力增加3点,提升20%的耐久上限并回复满耐久。介于步行手杖无耐久的特点,你懂得。 对原版大部分盔甲使用时,回使其耐久上限提升25%并回复满耐久。 发现BUG,请及时告知,感谢各位~ V1.4 新增了对有燃料物品的燃料值上限改造 新增了对有耐久值的其他物品的耐久值上限改...
Created by <default>
Automate gathering resources! G10MM-3R is a drone version of Glommer. Design inspired by Drones from Slime Rancher. It can: - Pick up various inventory items (uncooked food and resources), - Pick resources like Grass, Saplin...
45 Inventory Slots and the fixed fishing rod slots.
Created by Cables323
Increases the number of inventory slots to 45, while letting you use the fishing rod, slingshot, moon crown, and other modded stuff. Recommend and works with armor and cloths can be worn at ...
New Old Bell
Created by Tykvesh
Old Bell brings gifts to whoever rings it! Sacrifice Glommer to the Pig King to get one. 100% Snacks 100% Ingredients 100% Trinkets 66% Dishes 33% Craftables ...
Casino Mode (Craftable Slot Machines)
Created by thegreatmanagement
A mod designed to utilize the slot machines from Shipwrecked to make a new game mode centered around the endless pursuit of LOOT and RICHES from slot machines. All mobs, bosses, certain actions and certain items will all give gold dubloons. Gold dubloons a...
to make the Christmas lights
—————— Increase whether the lantern consumes the durability switch in the Christmas tree and mushroom lights. It is off by default.   ------------------ Increase 6 months of island land in exchange for 3 moon fragments   ------------------ Increase the gro...
Created by 落落晚间星
售货机奖励类型有3种 萝卜代表OK,金块代表GOOD,骷髅代表BAD 售货机用一次消耗1点精神值 【金子】 金子会出物品 金块 金币 远古 魔法物品 金制工具 齿轮 站撸三件套等 【萝卜】 萝卜会出 木炭 鱼 肉 草丛 浆果从 鱼竿 捕虫网工具 等等 【骷髅】 骷髅会出 蜘蛛 蚊子 蛇 ...
Ice Furnace
Created by X Game
The Ice Furnace is a cooling version of the Scaled Furnace with various practical functions. Players can choose one of the following three ways (through the mod configuration) to obtain the Ice Furnace: Use Ice Staffs and Fire Staffs to transform the furna...
Created by 󰀅TAE󰀅
复活范围内的生物(可以复活什么,自己探索嘻嘻) 可以用噩梦燃料添加耐久 随机生成在地图,也可以在魔法栏合成,合成材料是怪物是某个怪物100%掉落的。 感谢zombie的贴图 默认关闭复活BOSS,可在选项里配置开启(复活四季BOSS) 新增可食用选项,女武神食用后不挑食70天 ...
DST Skeleton
Created by AI
可以建造各种骷髅和一些建筑比如墓碑、柱子、灯柱、吊灯,裂缝等等, 都在合成栏,用来打造食人族风格般的基地 制造出来的东西都可以破坏 暗夜照明灯可以用紫色宝石是升级后重新加燃料不熄灭 最后编辑时间 2022-01-10...
Portable Oven
Created by o.0
show heatrock tempature First Slot: Put in heatrock: Quickly warming the heatrock, and slowly increase durability (to reach the maximum temperature and full durability, stop burning fuel and insulation) Put in log: It can be burned into charcoal Put in gra...
Yet Another Fast Travel
Created by KubeRoot
Yet another mod based on the original Fast Travel, this time with an all-new GUI! Place regular signs (homesign), write on them to name them, then travel between them at a cost of sanity and hunger!...
Created by 梓咲󰀪󰀠
Cooking pot: roast coffee beans x4= coffee Cooking time: 10 seconds Health: 3 starvation: 9.4 spirit: -5 Food type: Candy (goodies can eat candy) Decay time: 4800 seconds and 6.7 days Stack quantity: 40 Mobile acceleration: 5 basespeed Duration: 240 second...
The Gorge Stuff & Food
I love the Gorge event and its architecture. But I did not find full-fledged mods, and I also don't like collecting different mods in one piece. Something was added a long time ago and is not updated, that somewhere there is not what I need. That's when I ...
Season Starting Items
Created by 辣椒小皇纸
Players will be given items (such as grass, twigs, flint, etc) when first join a server no mater which season and special equipments to survive when it's spring, summer or winter. Details: When it's spring or the last 3 days of winter, players will be give...
Throwable Spears
Created by ninjor1
Allows you to throw spears with right-click. They do the same damage as normal spear attacks. By default, you will miss (and still lose durability) if you try to hit small creatures (bunnies, butterflies, birds, bees). I updated this mod from rezecib's ver...
DST Lil Houses
Created by shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! We now have our very own Lil Houses. The Lil Houses are craftable under the "Structures Tab". See Lil Houses mod config for usage option. Default = 20 Lil Houses have Heat and AC. Lil Houses have a dry...
DST Spider Cage
Created by shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! Wilson is going through Silk at an alarming rate these day.So he plans to suit up and go after a Spider Queen! He aims to build himself a Silk Farm aka Spider Cage.If successful Wilson will be able to ...
Deluxe Cooking Pot Fixed
Created by Darh
The original mod: Deluxe Cooking Pot this mod is not mine, I only fix some bugs Fixed: - The newest recipes and mod food appear correctly in the crock pot - The cook button is working again...
Super Wall DST
Created by DYC
Click here for DS Version Download Super Wall Maker Hedges and ancient wall from Hamlet have been added! Super Wall: tab
Created by 咩咩羊
You can choose to set the icebox 1. Double icebox effect 2. Food never bad 3. Food will fresher This update add food spoiled machine Label making and material making are the same as ordinary icebox You can choose to set whether to turn on or off for the pr...
Flower Box DST
Created by Jade Vanadium
Flower farming for fun This is a really simple mod I whipped up in a day. This is my first mod so go easy on me, but don't hesitate to submit bug reports or suggestions. This mod adds three basic structures in the food/farm tab: The Flower Box Uses Science...
Endothermic Torch DST
Created by star
Cool down on the go! Craft : 2 twigs + 2 nitre....
Lucky Dog's weapon package
Created by 我有一个想法
Brief introduction ( ^v^) It's time to show off your luck! This mod provides 4 weapons that depend on the player's luck, so have fun with your buddies! ( ^v^) Design: BY liximi Art: BY liximi Program: BY liximi ( ^v^) These weapon's mechanism is slightly s...
Berg Cub
Created by Pessimista
A modification from Legion mod from ti_Tout, I liked so much the idea and everything, like the art, animation and usability, so I decided to export only the backpack, because is the only thing we wanted to use from the mod! (and make some changes of course...
The Forge Items Pack
Created by Aire Ayquaza
Purpose of this mod Add weapons, armors and helmets from the original The Forge event into normal DST world. Current version: 1.2.5 Changelog Installation This mod is an "all clients required" mod, so every players have to install it to play with it. How t...
Created by CCappu
Add 2 harvest tools (scythe and golden scythe) to the game. Harvest your crop easily. Main feature: -Harvest faster -Allow area harvest -Allow area damage Other feature: -seasoning buffable -immune to thorns Extra function:(set in config options) -low chan...
[DST]Force Shield
Created by NBTP
Consume fuel to continuously release the shield, which can be charged with nightmare or recharged by solar energy in the sun during the daytime technology level required:ancient altar recipe:armor skeleton*1,ruins hat*1,opal precious gem*1 ################...
Created by 奇怪的萌新 朋友的mod,画风很不错,感兴趣可以去看看 感谢我的朋友捡屎专家提供的新封面!!! 感谢我的朋友捡屎专家提供的新封面!!! 感谢我的朋友捡屎专家提供的新封面!!! 封面仅供参考,mod内容以实物为准 单纯的想做个mod,把一些想法实践一下,就套了个咖啡的皮,以后慢慢更新 不同咖啡的buff不能同时拥有!!! 喝咖啡会移除之前的buff!!! 不同咖啡的buff不能同时拥有!!!...
Large boats
Description Adds new sizes of boats: small, large and giant. Recipes Recipe: 1 Board Result: Small boat Recipe: 9 Boards Result: Large boat Recipe: 16 Boards Result: Giant boat Stats Boat: Small boat Radius: 2 Health: 50 Boat: Large boat Radius: 6 Health: ...
DST Character Dolls
Created by KoreanWaffles
Character dolls for DST! This mod adds a cute cuddly doll for every character in DST! Each doll can be crafted in the Dolls tab at an Alchemy Engine with 4 Beefalo Wool, and 1 Sewing Kit. The dolls are mostly aesthetic, but each act as an infinite 17 damag...
Alterguardian Sword(启迪之剑)
Created by 三分热度
Made by Magic Two, Moon Rock 20, Moon Shard 20, Glass Cutter 1, Thulecite Suit 1, The Lazy Staff 1. Attack power 68, attack range 2, 25% movement speed bonus.It will not be attacked by moon spirits while wearing it on Moon Island. Killing monsters when att...
Created by 口吐芬芳
提升衣物栏中一些道具的作用。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★猫帽: 当你装备猫帽时。 钓鱼时可以更快的钓到鱼。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★花环: 当你装备花环时。 会有一个5分钱的特效。 ------------------------------...
Craftable Classic Farm
Created by Sorry Late 🍉
Classic Farm now craftable in food tab. This is one of my mod that i used in beta branch. Sometimes when i play solo its good to build the old farm. Maybe someone interest to use old farm, so you can use this mod NOTE : I recommend to use Birdcage Seed Con...
Created by ReKi 彡
一个非常强大的护符! 推荐打开冬季盛宴活动开档噢 粗体是更新/更改内容,一般持续2个版本,2个版本后取消粗体 超越证明,传神之枪和皇帝的新帽子最好不要在装备栏里给它升级强化 制作方式是魔法1本用1个彩虹宝石+4个月石+12块金块制作,回san光环抵消黄昏扣san,给予超越证明以boss掉落的雕塑图纸来对超越证明强化升级 冬鹿之力:激活后免疫冰冻,获得冰甲,自身生命值低于一定比例时受伤会持续冰冻攻击者一定时间,升级会提高触发冰甲的血量要求和冰冻时间; 熊獾之力:激活技能1,升级降低技能1的饱食度消耗和cd; ...
Waiter 101 v7.65
Created by Midrealm
Adds new crops and over 100 crock pot recipes. v 7.65x 'All Gone to Crop' update: Removed seed crops until I can get them working with newest farming update Most recipes still work using in game ingredients. ...
Tent Revive
Created by HarryPPPotter
Ever thought reviving on a campfire was way too easy? Now you have a slightly more balanced option! Haunt any kind of tent to revive on it, siesta included....
Unimplemented Jellybeans
Created by Hyuyuyuyu
Adds the unimplemented jellybeans back into the game. !! Anyone who joins your server will need this mod downloaded !! Spicing them is supported! (Known issue being that they don't display well in inventory bit do when dropped, works as intended otherwise)...
Gorge-Like Farming
Created by Maya la boule
This mod aims at providing a more viable, more entertaining farming alternative than Don't Starve's old farmplots by introducing a tilling mechanic inspired by "The Gorge" event. It also provides plenty of configuration options for players to set up their ...
Gorge Crops!
Created by Benzoquinone
This mod adds the crops from the Gorge into the regular game! All craftables are in the farm tab. *New* Regular crops now farmable on the soil but they will grow at the basic farm rate not at the improved farm rate. Made the mealingstone keep its products ...
Created by Kathrynnn ♥
This mod adds your very own Boombox into the Don't Starve world! This mod has a mod configuration that can change the difficulty of crafting the Boombox. Easy: 2 Cut Stone, 3 Gold Nuggets, 1 Gears Normal: 4 Cut Stone, 2 Electrical Doo-dads, 2 Gears Hard: 6...
My Moar Metals [Megarandom]
Created by Swaggy
====================================================================== This mod is a tweak of the following mods, if you came here by accident better download them directly: More Metals Tungsten mod. ========================================================...
Cosplay items
Created by Willow
Make the catcoons proud and your parents disappointed! This was a personal joke-y mod that I eventually decided to upload since it seemed well recived when I posted about it. I may add more to it in time, suggestions are always welcome. Currently this mod ...
Original item enhancements
Created by 烟花巷陌
Test Mod by YC(cn) - Most mobs in DST have at least doubled their health, But the player's armor has been reduced to 70% .This is very unfriendly to The single-player who are playing DST alone. This mod can support modifying the durability of common armor ...
Upgradeable Chest
Created by CCappu
upgrade your chest with boards. Larger content, same space. Woddie and Lucy rate this 5 stars. Q&A How Can I Upgrade? 1. Put at least 1 upgrade material in all the outermost slots. 2. Close the container. Degrade: 1. Clear your chest 2. Put 1 hammer into t...
Created by Gleenus
Motorbike: Your STEAM powered two wheeled vehicle! How to drive: Craft it on the ground; Place a watering can inside it to provide enough water for the STEAM engine; Fill it with charcoal to heat it up! Hotter means FASTER! And done! Just it, get to the dr...
Seafaring: Cannon, Turbine Engine, Floodlight, Boat Torches
Brings four new features: Boat Cannon, Boat Floodlight, Turbine Engine and Boat Torches. Nearly everything in this mod is configuratable. You can make everything as OP or as useless as you want. ============================================= --=== BOAT CANN...
Owl luck water
Created by 老王天天写bug
A drink that brings you good luck!...
Metals and more! (Reworked)
Created by NevilleDST
Create armor and weapons at your new craftable workbench. This mod adds new items, features and modifies some crafting and cooking recipes. This mod might make the game a bit more difficult but I will do some rebalancing if needed. Rework from Original mod...
Created by 小皮
This is the Chinese version of the forge items pack, please subscribe to the original module, thank you!
blackstaff It's a mod for cleaning trash on the groud and the water ! 清理地上和水面的垃圾 ! 制作: 武器栏:恶魔燃料*1,树枝*1 耐久:300 强迫症患者福音,使用 blackstaff (黑色法杖)右键可以清理一定范围内不用的东西, 包括不用的背包、装备等等。 某些特殊物品不能清理,例如视频里面的切斯特眼骨。 注意:清理是永久删除,珍贵的东西清理掉无法找回。 版本更新: 1.3 修改bug 1.2 水面上的物品也可以用黑色法杖清理...
Created by 一眼丁真
1.0.6 更新: 优化植株不腐烂方式 巨型拾起-添加右键搬运拾起选项(右键搬运拾起可避免空格拾起) 添加:14+1种种子可随地种植(无人物限制)、犁地草火荨麻产物增加(另一野草无产物)、野草对应产物可种植对应植株、摘下的花瓣可随机种植出4种野草 1.14种农作物-巨型化(可成长即巨型化) 2.14种巨型作物-数量(巨型作物采摘获得的个数) 3.14种巨型作物-掉落(果菜、种子可分开设置数量,或分别设置无作物,或分别设置几率砸落1作物) 4.14种普通作物-果菜、种子(两种可分开设置数量,或分别设置采摘无作...
[DST]Everyone can use the portablecookpot
Created by 洛克人雪儿
Compatible with all MOD character. This mod allows everyone to use the portablecookpot. How do you want to use them? It depends on the mod setting. if you want to use the portablespicer,please Enable this. Warly's exclusive food can be made. (well, I don't...
Bundled Reskins
Created by RICK
This mod includes: 1.Abigail Reskin Bug fix: added woven skins. credit@EsaiXD 2.Pig King See 27. 3.Zebra Knight credit@l0rdg...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
这是给机器人的mod!!! 这是给机器人的mod!!! 这是给机器人的mod!!! 偶然发现自己有点空洞骑士的素材,所以就做了这么个mod 机器人可以使用空洞骑士护符 目前只做了两种,以后有机会慢慢加 护符没有耐久 不能佩戴相同的护符 蜂群集结,3格,扫描蜜蜂解锁 配方是3个数据,3只蜜蜂,一个蜂巢 效果是召唤3只工作蜜蜂,帮助你捡起地上的掉落物,额外效果:工作蜜蜂每隔一段时间后掉落蜂蜜 https://s...
Spring Festival Pack
Created by lunarDust Hi, everyone. Thanks for subscribing the Spring Festival mod. We have spent almost one month on it. This is our first mod. The process of modding has...
Printing Pod
Created by ゼロツー
A factory what develops printing pods for duplicants has accidentaly somehow used printing pod on a printing pod. Uhh that is weird now it ended up in the DST world enjoy it as long as it exists there Mod Version: 1.0.9 What's New: Partially fixed the hove...
Lovely Chest (Fireproof)
Created by ShanaBunny
Notice 03/23/2021 : Mods no longer frequently maintained! Though some mods may be updated from time to time, most of my mods won't be updated until further notice. Lovely Chest 불에타지않는상자 Description This is a simple craftable...
Storage wardrobe
Created by 郗水
version:1.8 The wardrobe can store things, and 9-grid containers (adjustable) are used to store clothes and hats. When the stand-alone is turned on, double clicking is the function of the original wardrobe. 1.1 update: compatible with small wooden signs 1....
5x5 box & icebox
Created by dark_ducker
单机版链接: 好用请点赞、收藏、推荐 更改原版箱子和冰箱容量为5x5,其他不变,可以使用箱子皮肤,建家必备!...
Created by 非理法权天
1、回旋镖:伤害增加,接到了会回复耐久,如果没接到就会损坏,制作变得昂贵 2、饥饿腰带:穿戴者获得两倍攻速,但是会迅速失去饥饿值,如果饥饿值小于75则攻速恢复正常,如果饥饿小于50则饥饿流失速度减缓70% 3、龙鳞甲:穿戴在身上每1.5秒对周围生物造成8点伤害 4、花衬衫:夏天穿戴在身上时会每隔一段时间吸引一只蚊子,夏天穿戴在身上时会每隔一段时间吸引一只蝴蝶,秋天穿戴在身上时会每隔一段时间吸引一只果蝇,冬天穿戴在身上时会每隔一段时间吸引一只月蛾 5、多用斧镐:额外获得锤子功能,耐久增加,伤害增加,制作变得昂...
Birds and Berries and Trees and Flowers for Friends
Created by UnderwearApprentice
*****Update for Return of Them. Should fix crashing issues. Let me know if you encounter any other issues!***** This mod adds apple trees, pineapple flowers, and green/blue berry bushes to Don't Starve. It also adds green/blue berries, pineapples, and regu...
Unbreakable WX-78 Modules/Circuits
Created by narcoleptic
briefly: essentially, removes the penalty for removing upgrades as wix surprising nobody made this earlier since all it took was changing a single variable in globals.tuning yes, I am aware and know of the fact that they still have durability, but I set it...
Chorusbox Hoedow/Dr Style/ and More!
Created by Yoyo_Dodo
Custom Music Box for Chorusbox Module: Hoedown, Dr Style, Farming, Sailing, Spring Cleaning, Carol, and The Gorge. -Optimized thanks to the Custom Chorusbox Module Tutorial...
magical foods
Created by 郗水
Magical dishes added:please like and comment us if you enjoyed our mod! More interesting/cute/dark dishes coming soon, please keep following us! French fries: 2 potatoes 1 tomato 1 filler (no meat, egg and milk ) Fish and chips: 1 potato 1 egg 1 fish 1 ree...
Created by 孙行者2号
贴图:落落晚间星 代码:孙行者2号 为饥荒世界添加新的料理 ,增加了食物的利用性 后期会持续更新食谱 推荐开启智能锅mod提升游戏体验 碳烤肉排 肉度>=2加蔬菜 效果 饱食度 100 血量 40 san 30 保质期/天 10 缤纷土豆泥 土豆加水果加冰 效果 饱食度 50 san 30 保质期/天 6 仙人掌沙拉 仙人掌加蔬菜 效果 饱食度 37.5 血量 20 san 20 保质期/天 10 南瓜酥 南瓜>=2加蔬菜 效果 饱食度75 san 20 保质期/天 20 胡萝卜烩饭 胡萝卜加蔬菜 效果 饱...
Visceral Harvester
Created by Jade Knightblazer
-Create a living weapon to drain your enemies dry- Full Config, including Chinese language support, and hand made animations *Visceral Harvester is a sentient weapon which drains damaged victims, adding to its Bloodpool. *Bloodpool: Upon 100% filled, the V...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
wx78module_poop/消化模块 整个活/make a fun 测试服mod/Beta Branch mod 扫描猪人以解锁/Scan the pigman to unlock 需要3格/need 3 slots 插上后可以拉屎/can make poop 塑料英语/poor English ...
Created by labelsu
实际上是用于犯懒和用于学习的一个东西,算是个备忘录 是之前写的上传与没上传与废弃的想法的整合 包含了一些预制件修改,hook,容器,组件,RPC,动画,buff等模组编写方法 新增内容包括: 15格普通箱子(二级) 空间折叠箱子(二级) 密封袋(击杀蜂后掉落) 收获者(远古科技) 调整内容包括: 很多小杂碎 一个基于计时器的清理 它不会使服务器变快,只能让圣诞小垃圾自动消失 ...
Created by Ezio_Iron
添加五把实用的剑 默认攻击力66 武器的合成材料都比较简单 前期就能获得 就不列出了 也可以控制台直接获取 代码在武器名后面 清铭 c_give("qm") 攻击时回复3点生命和精神 浮鸿 c_give("fh") 可高效率砍树和挖矿 凝霜 c_give("ns") 默认攻击20%概率冻结目标 结魄 c_give("jp") 默认攻击20%概率雷击目标 造成240点伤害 凤鸣 c_give("fm") 默认攻击20%概率燃烧目标 自带小范围光照 mod菜单可调节 --武器的伤害 五把武器统一伤害 --特效的...
Revival of unpopular items
Created by Yyyytyi_Slime_Block
This mod strengthens some relatively obscure items in the game and the items I think should be strengthened. If you have some items you want to strengthen, please leave a message. Maybe I will add them? Anyway thank you for your subscription! Sorry, but my...
Felix's Fancy Potions Fix
Created by QuentiumYT
-------------------- Felix's Fancy Potions -------------------- • This mod aims to add potions that have a classic action rpg feel to them. • Recovery potions have a short cooldown timer, and the player can only have one buff potion active at a time. • Thi...
OUTDATED My Birds and Berries [Megarandom]
Created by Swaggy
==================================================== This mod is outdated and should not be used anymore, it has no big differences with the original anymore and both work with Megarandom perfectly. This mod and original images belong to UnderwearApprentic...
Strange Bird Stand (DST)
Created by JustJasper I've always wanted a birdcage where you could see more of the bird, so here's a strange bird stand. Fun fact, I was considering having the recipe call for rope or honey to account for why the bird doesn't just fly away. This...
Archery Mod (bug fix) (fix)
Created by wulf
Increase compatibility with Extra Equip Slots Plus GUI origin mod:
Created by 孙行者2号
Created by jkump1
This mod ports the hedges from DS Hamlet to DST. Hedges can be crafted, will grow overtime, and can be sheared or picked. Also adds some customizablility options listed below: - Fireproof hedges - Hedge color variance - Grass to Clippings ratio...
Synchronized Food Values
Created by Ziro2k
Another food values mod? This mod, like many others before it, adds visible stat values when mousing over food items that show how much hunger, sanity, and health they restore when eaten. Positive values are shown in green, and negative values are shown in...
Created by labelsu
没什么功能,只是一个按钮垃圾桶. 美术资源来自单机Hamlet软木桶....
Sakana & Chinanago
Created by 老王天天写bug
This mod is based on 🐟「Sakana!」石蒜模拟器 Original art: 大伏アオ Intro Added two decorations that you can make in "Struct...
Created by 鱼仔master
一根万能的棒棒糖,看起来很可爱,可以打,可以跑,可以回复,可以 卖萌~ 拥有高礼帽一样的精神值恢复效果以及每3s恢复1点生命值的效果 多种制作难度可供选择 多种功能让你在饥荒世界里更加得心应手 我想它对于新手帮助是巨大的。 这样的一根棒棒糖你不会心动吗~~~ 作者的话 感谢订阅本模组,如果你不幸发现了bug,请及时留言,我会尽快修复~ 启用模组前,请先查看一卜配置,会给你意想不到的惊喜!...
Super equipment
Created by 大雄O∧O
If you like, you can:Give the thumbs-up,Subscribe,comment . If you don't like it, don't forget it:Point difference,Cancel the Subscribe,Comment on garbage. Anyway, thank you for having fun. Thank you. Module ...
The Ever-Dagger
Created by Sümi
Who needs a bigger weapon when you can have a dagger? Perks: Dagger every time: You can't craft the Ever-Dagger, you can only find it in the world similarly to the Chester Eye-Bone. It only has one durability, but once it breaks, you can find it somewhere ...