Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

129 ratings
Dota 2 items (Pack 3 update)
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972.879 KB
1 Dec, 2016 @ 3:25pm
17 Aug, 2021 @ 10:25pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Dota 2 items (Pack 3 update)

(Description not finished for pack 3 update yet)
Items from Dota 2.Includes Necrominicon, Talisman of evasion, Battle fury, Radiance, Crystalys, Ethereal blade and Shadow blade.Still have to balance and improve visual part.
Предметы из Дота 2.На даный момент их 7.Они все еще балансируются и визуально улучшаются.
Blink dagger
Works same as orange staff, exept it has 12 seconds cooldown and can't be used for 3 secs if you get hit. Rare drop from bosses.
Hand of Midas
Transmute any small creature into gold, has 90 secs cooldown aand a custom animation, wooo.

5 uses, summons 2 pigs(later they will be changed to real dead followers)
Craft: 3 nightmarefuel , 2 papyrus , 1 pigskin
5 использований, призывает 2 свинов(позже они буду заменены на более лучший вариант.
Крафт:3 топлива ужаса, 2 папируса и 1 шкура

Talisman of evasion

20 uses, gives a 45% chance to dodge attack
Craft: 1 greengem, 3 goldnuggets and 1 rope
20 использований, 45% уклониться от атаки.
Battle fury

Lasts for 12(x 4Morning Star) minutes, has pretty mediocre damage but it hits multiple targets nearby with 30% damage and slowly regenerates sanity and hp.Can be used to chop trees.
Скорее всего 12 минут, наносит сплэшом 30% от базового урона.Медленно восстанавливает рассудок и хп

Lasts for 15(x 5Morning Star) minutes, sets on fire burnable objects in a few seconds, damages creatures in area, depending on fire resistance. Provides fire resistance(otherwise you will burn yourself) and a 17% dodge chance.
Creatures that burn take additional damage.
15 минут, поджигает вещи вокруг за несколько секунд и уронит мобов.Даёт защиту от огня и небольшой шанс уворота.
Shadow blade

A blade for sudden disappearance!Has 34 Damage and 70 damage from invis.Uses(141) Craft: nightmarefuel 5, spear 1
Ethereal blade

Damage(38) Uses(160) Craft: greengem 1, spear 1, nightmarefuel, 1. applies fhost form on ememy on attack.15 sec cooldown, 5 sec ghost form duration. In ghost form target can't be deal damage or be attacked.

Damage(35), Crit 71 dmg, Uses(190) Craft: flint, 6, redgem 1, charcoal 3
Урон(35), крит. урон:(71), прочность 190.
If you'd like to support me financially, here is my Webmoney wallet, any amount is appreciated really

Check out my other mods: Iron, craft, balance and more
Character Writhe DST port
Popular Discussions View All (1)
27 Jul, 2023 @ 5:46am
Next item/Следующий айтем
detdom_kid 29 Apr, 2023 @ 9:16am 
ебать вы гении
_Zero  [author] 17 Aug, 2021 @ 10:26pm 
@侠客, thank you for your report. It was a client-side problem and it is fixed now.
Sha! 10 Aug, 2021 @ 1:16am 
This mod gets a bug that would cause game crashed while player kill the Boss.(such as dragonfly etc,. I don't know if there were other mods influence it )
So I get a solution:

1) open your local files ../Steam/steamapps/common/Don't Starve Together/

2)Find "function onkilled(inst, data)" and replace it with the code below and your game won't be crashed again:

local function onkilled(inst, data)
local victim = data.victim
if victim:HasTag("epic") then
if SpawnPrefab == nil then
-- do nothing
local x, y, z = victim.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
……… original code here
end --make sure you add an another "end" here
_Zero  [author] 29 Aug, 2019 @ 8:31pm 
upd: 2 new items, old items improvements.
See or description for more details.
_Zero  [author] 23 Aug, 2019 @ 8:05am 
@Flowiee, what do you mean by that?
Observer Ward 16 Jun, 2018 @ 6:20am 
господи, это шикарно))!!
Zeitgeist 25 Jan, 2018 @ 12:13pm 
can u summon to 2 skeletons instead of pigs pleaseee ? really nice mod
XENOMORPH 16 Dec, 2017 @ 2:31pm 
конечно, будут какие проблемы-отпишу.
_Zero  [author] 16 Dec, 2017 @ 2:29pm 
@Greg, затести все оружия по возможности, может найдешь какой баг
XENOMORPH 16 Dec, 2017 @ 2:28pm 
а то вот некоторые моды на оружие крашат сервер.