Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

406 értékelés
  1. 服务器模组
  2. 强推模组(个人向)
  3. 选装模组——注:可一键订阅,但是尽量选择性添加,有些mod功能上是略有重复的
  4. 武器模组
  5. 车辆模组
  6. 地图模组(均为支持官方原版的迷你地图)
  7. 难度模组
  1. 加快睡觉速度,当你困朋友不困的时候就派上用场了(Sleep With Friends)注:单机不用选
  1. 模组管理器(Mod Manager)
  2. 走着读书、坐着读书更快(Cat`s Faster Reading Mod)
  3. 显示僵尸血条(Combat Text)
  4. 合成表帮手(Craft Helper)
  5. 死亡生成经验蘑菇,找回后使用,会恢复技能经验。PS:会随死亡次数逐步递减(Death is not End)
  6. 物品打包(Easy packing)
  7. 迷你状态条(Minimal Display Bars)
  8. 前置模组(Mod Options)
  9. 显示获得何种技能经验(Show Skill Xp Gain)
  10. 增加在身上未装备的背包也可以在物品栏右侧显示(Simple Add Inventory Pages)
  11. 更好的香烟(Smoker)
  12. 前置模组(Tsar`s Common Library)
  13. 武器耐久(Weapon Condition Indicator)
  14. 模组汉化两款(个人Mod汉化、(狐狸)Mod精修汉化)
  15. 简体中文大字体(Simplified Chinese fronts)
  16. 简体中文电台
  1. 游戏中加入拖车(Autotsar Trailers)拖车模组材质(Autotsar Trailers Retextures)
  2. 更好的物品分类(Better Sorting)
  3. 自动拾取未读书籍(Book Helper)
  4. 会根据衣服的脏和血液程度耗费水(Better Hand Wash)
  5. 添加集装箱&油罐箱(Containers)
  6. 简单修理发动机(Easy Engine Rebuild)
  7. 人物特性不再固定,而会根据你的行为改变(Dynamic Traits)注:使很多特性都发生了改变,不熟的新手不要加。
  8. 原版油桶变为可装油的油桶,可在沙盒设置中配置(FuelAPI)
  9. 水桶,饮水机的水桶可拿下来,可装水,方便运输(Water Dispenser)
  10. 可以通过营火或燃气给烟点火(I Don`t Need A Lighter)
  11. 原版背包容量扩大(Improved Backpacks)
  12. 车辆后备箱容量扩大(More Space)
  13. 更多建筑(More Builds)
  14. 根据环境生成多种穿着不同的僵尸,并且增加了多种背包配件,本质上是个服装mod(Authentic Z)
  15. 修理服装(防弹衣等可修复)(Repair Any Clothes)
  16. 废品武器、装备、枪械模组(用不用的废料可做)(Scarp Armor)(Scarp Guns)(Scrap Weapons)
    废品前置模组(The Workshop)
  17. 增加弹钢琴技能,可大幅减少负面情绪(Simple Playable Pianos)
  18. .雪可融化成水(Snow is Water)
  19. 额外的物品拓展(Soul Filcher`s Awesome Time)
  20. 更多交互动作;如:左下,躺下(True Actions.Act 2 - Lying)
  21. 跳舞模组,顾名思义,可以跳舞了(True Actions.Act 3 - Dancing)
    跳舞拓展(True Actions.Act 3+ - Dancing On VHS)
  22. 进入游戏后可改沙盒设置;默认快捷键“[”(Change SandBox Options)
  23. 废弃车辆回收(Vehicle Recycling)
  24. 手推车(容量60+,双手推)(ZuperCart - Carts & Trolleys)
  25. 僵尸病毒治疗方案1:添加多种药物,搜索到可直接合成治疗方案(Zombie Cure Medical Cocktail)单机推介!
  26. 僵尸病毒治疗方案1:添加血清,需采样,加强医生作用(Antiserum Hardcore)联机推介!
  27. 更好的腰带;携带更多种类物品(Better Belts)
  28. 原木、木板减重50%;方便建家(50%Reduced Wood Weight)
  29. 真实音乐;添加多种音乐播放器;可自定义播放曲目(True Music)
  30. 物品来自哪里;右键物品可查看来自哪个模组,原版物品不显示(From Where)
  31. 将朔料袋制成垃圾袋(Recycle Plastic Bags)
  32. 太阳能发电机(Immersive Solar Arrays)
  33. 阅读书籍直接加技能点(CDDA Reading)——注:对游戏平衡影响较大
  34. 野外调查模式范围加大,搜索物资倍率提高,沙盒设置中可调(Foraging Buff)
  35. 僵尸掉落战利品;食物、工具等(Dylan`s Sensible Zombie Loot)注:可能影响游戏体验
  36. 更多的地图标记(Extra Map Symbols)
  37. 原版游戏机可互动(Play Modded Arcade Machines)(Playable Arcade Machines)
  38. 显示油箱在哪一侧(Fuel Side Indicator)
  39. 显示加油站剩余油量(How Much Fuel)
  40. 灌溉系统(Irrigation pipes for farming and water supply)
  41. 提高血液、提高火焰效果(Improved Blood Effects)(Improved Fire &Smoke Effects)
  42. 将尸体从窗户扔出去(Just Throw Them Out The Window)
  43. 箱子等容器可设置过滤;存放固定种类物品(Manage Containers)
  44. 添加大量原版配方;如:碎布跟安全绳可床单(Recycle And Reuse Almost Everything)
  45. 睡觉减少负面情绪(Sleep On It)
  46. 减少合成表卡顿(Reduce lag Of Crafting menu)
  47. 简单交易;可以通过交易电台换各种物资;会大幅减少游戏难度,加快游戏进程,慎用!!!
  48. 生化危机拓展包;包括服装武器,以及可兑换超大的背包;制作抗病毒药等,会降低游戏难度!!!
  49. 前置模组:
    Item Tweaker API
    Profession Framework Build
    Filibuster Rhymes`Used Cars
  1. Antique Armory(中世纪近战武器)
  2. Brita`s Weapon Pack (增加了多种枪械及近战武器)——与Arsena(26)GunFighter Mod同时订阅
  3. Arsena(26)GunFighter Mod(增加了多种枪械及近战武器)——与Brita`s Weapon Pack同时订阅
  4. Brita's Armor Pack——Brita`s Weapon Pack的装备拓展包,可选添加,需Brita`s Weapon Pack作为前置。
  1. Walter White`s Van(房车)
  2. Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Bus(改装巴士)
  3. Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Fjord(改装警车)
  4. Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Jaap Wrungel(改装吉普车)
  5. Agrotsar Farming Company(拖拉机,可以耕地啦)
  1. Daddy Dirkie Dirks Tiles——前置mod
  2. Dylan`s Tile Pack——前置mod
  3. Throttlekitty`s tiles——前置mod
  4. 贝尔福德(Bedford falls)
  5. 黑木镇(Blackwood)
  6. 葡萄籽(Grapeseed)
  7. 河口镇(Over the River)
  8. 河口镇渡桥(Over the River - Secondary Route)
  9. 渡鸦港(Raven Creek)注:地图非常大,内存吃紧的朋友尽力而为吧。
  1. 夜间僵尸加强,雨天跑尸等,可在沙盒设置中设置(Night Sprinters)
Elemek (100)
Sleep With Friends v1.2.1
Készítette: Snuggles
Sleep With Friends v1.2.1 - Sleeping Solution for Build 41 Multiplayer. Get a full nights rest in multiplayer in a fraction of the time! No more 20+ minute sleep times! No more fatigue-less games! No more organizing a server bedtime! v1.2.1 CHANGES Can now...
Mod Manager
Készítette: NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Cat's Faster Reading Mod
Készítette: ♡CosmicCat♡
Simple mod that makes reading faster! > Sitting will also cut read time roughly in half. > Walking while reading enabled (shift/run to stop reading) > Skill books (standing) = 2 minutes 30 seconds (2 minutes with fast reader trait) > Skill books (sitting) ...
Combat Text (B40+B41)
Készítette: Rezistor
Show health bar above zombie heads and damage dealt Health bar features: shown when player hit zombie for first time and health bar is not visible (100% = current zombie health) health loss is animated (orange part of bar) bar will hide itself after 10 in-...
Craft Helper (41.x)
Készítette: b1n0m
Craft Helper for build 41 This is a new version of famous mod "Craft Helper" with improved UI. Original version for build 40 and lower is here: This mod will add a "Craft Helper 41" context m...
Easy Packing + Organized Storage
Készítette: GoldBar
IMPORTANT Bookmark items as favorite if you don't want it to be packed. Mod Description Allows to pack some items. Most of are 5 and 10 pack of items. Also gives 30% ~ 50% weight efficiency. Roping them gives more weight efficiency! Thanks to Diakon, there...
Minimal Display Bars
Készítette: ATPHHe
Minimal Display Bars 4.3.5 (Updates (Discontinued)) Quick Info: Current Display Bars: Health, Hunger, Thirst, Endurance, Fatigue, Boredom, Unhappiness, Temperature, Calories. Everyone with credit given may add this to their modpacks and servers. - Tested o...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Készítette: star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BETA BUILD 41+ Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. Wait ~1 minute. 3. Sub...
Show Skill Xp Gain
Készítette: Kaedius
This mod will display the XP gain of any skill over the player's head. Strength and Fitness are disabled by default for being too spammy. There are options to hide various skills or not show the exact skill gain amount and only show the green arrow. Option...
Simple Add Inventory Pages (for Build 41)
Készítette: RH4DB4
キャラクターのインベントリーにあるが装備はしていない入れ物のインベントリーをインベントリーウィンドウに追加します。 入れ物は装備してなくても使えるはず。 むしろ背負っていたら使えないのでは。 そこまではやらんけどね。( >ω・) Build 40までにも同様のModはありますが、動きがおかしかったので今は自分で作って使っています。 高度な機能はありません。 もっと高度なものを作ってくれるクリエイターが現れるよう祈りましょう! 装備していない入れ物のボタンは色が暗く表示されます。 ボタンの枠と画像の色は頑張れ...
Készítette: Nebula
The mod completely changes the mechanics of cigarettes - the cigarettes will be inside the pack. Smoker mod - can work both independently and with other mods that change cigarettes, in the second case it can use items and capabilities of other mods. All co...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Készítette: iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
Weapon Condition Indicator [41.60+]
Készítette: NoctisFalco
The mod shows condition (durability) of a weapon attached to the hotbar (back, belt, holster, etc.) or equipped in the primary hand. And many other useful features. Features - Two types of weapon condition indicators: icon (star or bubble) and progress bar...
Készítette: Gugu Gugu 本模组仅翻译文本 本模组仅翻译文本 ----------------------- 如有意见建议请在评论区留言 ----------------------- 已翻译模组简易名称翻译分类请在讨论区查看 ----------------------- ---随缘更新/随缘汉化--- ---简体翻译/繁体翻译--- ---------------------- ---------------- 更新时间:月/季??? 工作原因/更新速度减缓缓 --...
Készítette: NakiriFoxCN
CN translation for Mod Workshop ID: 2522940210 Mod ID: Fox Translation...
Simplified Chinese fonts
Készítette: shu307
Simplified Chinese fonts. Switch to the simplified Chinese page for details....
Készítette: Gugu Gugu
---------------------- ---------------------- 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 2022/11/16官方完全收录游戏内 ---------------------- ---------------------- 僵尸毁灭工程汉化组鼎力出品, 简体中文电台汉化补全mod, 现在该mod仍在测试阶段, 如有任何问题(包括且不仅限于文本错误,语句不通顺,汉化失效等) 欢迎至僵尸毁灭工程社区(贴吧)进行反馈! ------游...
Autotsar Trailers
Készítette: iBrRus Autotsar Trailers Inc. - the best trailers in Kentucky! Do you work on a construction site and your tool no longer fits into the car? Tired of running ...
Autotsar Trailers Retextures
Készítette: Lexx
A couple alternative textures for the Autotsar Trailers, to make them visually fit a little better to KI5's awesome vehicles. This is purely a texture pack - nothing else about the trailers is touched by this mod. Additionally... ... comes with the optiona...
Better Sorting
Készítette: ChobitsCrazy Complete overhaul to item categories and various name tweaks. Compatible with B41, B40, and Multiplayer(B40+B41)! This mod can be safely added or removed from a...
Book Helper (41.54)
Készítette: b1n0m
Loot bookstores with a single button! Adds new magazine "Publisher digest", which can be found at bookstores and postboxes. Use it to display all unread books and configure filter for "Loot books" button. Adds "Loot books" button to loot books with new rec...
Better Hand Wash (41.60+)
Készítette: Sunnyyyyholic
Currently, the amount of water for washing socks required 10 water. This is the same amount of water to wash a jacket. Besides, if very little blood splashes on your clothes, you need 10 water to wash it. I feels weird when I do wash clothes. and this is v...
Készítette: KI5
This time something for base builders out there! ISO Containers! Containers are perfect for storing heavy things, vehicles parts, unused furniture etc... Gas tanks have all the functions of a gas tanker trailer. Perfect for large backups of gas in your bas...
Easy Engine Rebuild
Készítette: PipMagnet
Gives the player the ability to increase not only the engine condition, but also the Engine Quality. How to rebuild an engine: 1. Level your Mechanics skill level high enough to be able to begin repairing the engine. 2. Repair the engine to a condition lev...
Dynamic Traits
Készítette: PepperCat
Disclaimer: if you are looking for more traits for your game and you expect that and only that, then this mod is not for you. This mod will change mechanics and will add more mechanics, and some of them will make you die if you are not carefully enough. Th...
Készítette: KONIJIMA
Features - Sandbox Settings. - Can store fuel into barrels. - Large Gas Can, can also store water into it. - Barrel can spawn with random amount of fuel. Latest Update The mod has been updated for 41.72. Great news, this game patch have integrated most of ...
Water Dispenser
Készítette: KONIJIMA
Features In this mod I try to make everything as Vanilla as possible. - Dispenser have 250 unit of water like the vanilla dispenser. - Water Jug can be filled with gasoline for a total of 250 units. - Vanilla Dispenser automatically converted to custom whe...
I Don't Need A Lighter
Készítette: Fingbel
What is this mod ? So you're telling me that people can't light a cigarette while sitting in front of a campfire or while driving around in a 90's car ? Well this is over with this mod. You now have access to a car-lighter within every car and you can also...
Improved Backpacks [UPDATE]
Készítette: CrazyTv
All backpacks, bags and briefcases have now been reduced in weight and increased in size with the movement penalty disabled for all ... Increases the capacity of all backpacks and bags by 40% and removes the movement penalty from everyone and reduces their...
More Space [41.65+] MP
Készítette: CrazyTv
Increases trunk space for all cars Warning: existing saves, you will have to enter new areas to generate new cars with bigger chests. mod compatible: : Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! BETA BETA BETA Workshop ID: 2618578183 Mod ID: BiggerTrunk...
More Builds
Készítette: ProjectSky
More Builds added more furniture, decoration, container, etc..... performance issues see this need new game? this mod not require start new game, it can also be safely remove from existing saves (but some objects will not be visible re load mod fix) modpac...
Repair Any Clothes
Készítette: Johnny Dollar
Makes you able to repair any clothes you want, such as vests, bulletproof vests, jumpsuits, etc. PayPal for the generous and thankful! Donations are very much appreciated! Item Tweaker API only needed for optional patches, not vanilla mod Have you ever fou...
Authentic Z
Készítette: Authentic Peach
Want a FUN and REALISTIC zombie outfit distribution mod? This mod is for you! This mod adds a variety of zones into the game which gives zombies outfits to match their surroundings. It also adds over 150 custom outfits which are appropriately placed on zom...
The Workshop
Készítette: djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds more crafting features to the game! With this mod you no longer have to drop your broken tools on the ground. Now you can disassemble them for scrap (screws, metal parts, wood) You can also disassemble any metallic vanilla item in th...
Scrap Armor!
Készítette: djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds some new post apocalyptic / homemade Armor! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. To craft Armor, check the "Armor" tab in your crafting menu! UPDATE: Added b...
Scrap Guns
Készítette: djvirus
Welcome to my second mod! Adds Handmade Guns, Grenades and Bugfixes to the game! Craftable with high Metalworking levels with various parts and Air Tanks after the recipe is unlocked. Ammo can be made out of Nails, Screws and Scrap Metal
Scrap Weapons!
Készítette: djvirus
Welcome This mod adds a ton of new post apocalyptic / homemade melee weapons! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. Most weapons are upgrades from vanilla weapons, so check the new "Weapons" tab in your crafting m...
Simple Playable Pianos
Készítette: PseudonymousEd
Play the Western Piano! Gain levels in the new Piano skill! (Builds 41.50 or 41.53+) The Knox Country Conservatory of Music (KCCM) was founded in Muldraugh in June 1993. It is the premier institution for piano instruction in the greater Muldraugh area. The...
Snow is water [MP Working - v1.3.1]
Készítette: Buhorl
Info Snow is still water, so Rain Collectors and Metal Barrels will be filled when snowing, just at a slower rate (50%). It's a small mod that I created for myself for winter storm playthroughs. It works great paired with mods such as Cryogenic winter, Ete...
Soul Filcher's Awesome Time
Készítette: soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 UPDATE 01/16/2023: -Fixed an error when repairing windows. -Fixed door and window repairs not syncing properly in MP. -Fixed materials not being counted properly for repairing. -Improved animation and sound for repairing. -Added the o...
True Actions. Act 1 & 2 - Sitting & Lying [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Készítette: iBrRus WARNING #To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. AntiCheatProtectionType12=false Act 2 - Ly...
True Actions. Act 3 - Dancing
Készítette: iBrRus Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the ...
True Actions. Act 3+. Dancing on VHS
Készítette: iBrRus Since the release of our Dance magazine, we have received many letters of appreciation from people in our state. But one day we found a videotape in ou...
Change Sandbox Options
Készítette: 菜喵球BIBI
You can change the Sandbox OPtions after Starting game. How to use? Press "...
Vehicle Recycling
Készítette: NoctisFalco
Want to trade-in your car for a new one? There is a little bit of a problem here. Utilization programs are not a thing yet and car dealerships are closed due to technical reasons. Looks like salvage and steel companies don't work too. Broken and useless ca...
ZuperCart - Carts & Trolleys
Készítette: iBrRus Realistic Carts & Trolleys for best life. Mod adds trolley and shopping cart. Shopping cart capacity - 49. Trolley capacity - 49. There can be only one...
Zombie Cure Medical Cocktail [b41.65+]
Készítette: erdato
This mod gives zombies a rare chance to drop antivirals. Add a new recipe that allows you to mix them together to create a medical cocktail The Medical Cocktail fully restores your health and stops zombification. But be careful when mixing and consuming th...
Antiserum Hardcore [MP 41.60+]
Készítette: Rokem
This is a hardcore version of a Antiserum mod by b1n0m (Workshop ID: 2127326898). This was developed mainly for my own personal use on a personal server with friends. The mod plays the same as the original mod, however I wanted to change it to better rewar...
Better Belts
Készítette: MayRum
++Hooked bottles added. ++Belt options, you can choose how many slots the belt gives through a simple recipe. In addition, a holster recipe was added, and the option to change the holster side does not replace the previous one, so you can have for example:...
50% Wood Weight
Készítette: Kechna
50% Wood Weight Reduce weight of planks, logs and a few related items to 50% of their original weight. Affected items: 2 Logs Stack: 6 -> 3 3 Logs Stack: 9 -> 4.5 4 Logs Stack: 12 -> 6 Log: 9 -> 4.5 Notched Wooden Plank: 0.5 -> 0.25 Plank: 3 -> 1.5 Spiked ...
True Music
Készítette: iBrRus It's time for true music in Project Zomboid again. The mod allows all users to add their music to the game. In addition, you can add your own vinyl cov...
Készítette: 千年纹
在物品的右键菜单显示物品来自那个Mod。 在配方面板显示配方来自那个Module。 更新: 2022-04-27 游戏选项-显示-用户界面-在物品提示中显示模组信息,可以控制是否显示。代码优化。 2021-12-22 物品可以显示来自那个Mod了。配方还是不行,没找到接口,只能显示Module。不过大部分Mod的Module都是独立开的并且与Mod名相差不大。 Workshop ID: 2517394050 Mod ID: FromWhere...
Recycle Plastic Bags
Készítette: MrRAT
This mod adds recipe to recycle plastic bags into garbage bags. Created and tested on v41. Warning: Currently mod doesn't check if there are items inside plastic bags. Do you find Plastic Bags useless, wouldn't it be great to be able to make Rain Collector...
Immersive Solar Arrays (OBSOLETE, old)
Készítette: Radx5
>>> Latest version <<< * A GUI has been added to better display information about the status of the power bank. WIP * Please test this in MP and let us know how it is going!!! * Solar panels need to be connected to the battery bank now, right-click on the ...
CDDA Reading
Készítette: Justin
I always hated grinding out Metalworking/Electricity/Mechanics every game. I liked how CDDA did their skill leveling which is by sitting in a dark corner and reading a book. This mod enables you to do that. How does it work? This works with all books in th...
Foraging Buff (Sandbox Setting Supported)
Készítette: WindFly
2022/01/06 UPDATE:   Added Sandbox Setting. Now you can adjust the setting for item spawn multiplier and the minimal spotting distance, in the pre-game sandbox setting.   If you change the sandbox setting mid-game, be sure to reload the game after the chan...
Zombie Loot
Készítette: Dylan
This mod is tuned towards Extremely Rare Loot. Feel free to edit the mod and upload your own version to match your settings and/or server This mod was made with multiplayer in mind. Like other survival games when you kill a mob you will have some likelihoo...
Extra Map Symbols
Készítette: Wipe
Extra Map Symbols - adds additional map symbols following base game style - adds symbols variants to base game symbols (requires Extra Map Symbols UI) - replaces angled arrows with own version, aligned to roads - replaces "KnifeFork" with own version - rep...
Play Modded Arcade Machines
Készítette: PseudonymousEd
Play the Arcade Machines in Grapeseed! Also works in Multiplayer Builds 41.60+ This is an expansion of the Playable Arcade Machines mod. I've added the arcade machines I've seen in Grapeseed. Now compatible with controllers and multiplayer co-op - Animatio...
Playable Arcade Machines for 41
Készítette: PseudonymousEd
Also works in Multiplayer Builds 41.60+ When the weather outside is frightful... Stay inside and play on your scavenged arcade machines! Enjoy decreased boredom, unhappiness, and stress by playing one of the three existing arcade machines, now available fo...
Fuel Side Indicator
Készítette: kabaww
EXCITING NEWS! The latest blog post by The Indie Stone ( seems to hint that they will add a fuel-side indicator to the vanilla game on Build 42. I'm so happy that the developers noticed this smal...
How Much Fuel 41.51
Készítette: PseudonymousEd
How much fuel is there in the pump? (For Build 41.51+) Also works in Multiplayer Builds 41.60+ Confirmed to work in build 41.71. Known Issue: PZ has a bug where if you set the custom initial fuel setting to "Full" it sets all pumps to have infinite fuel. A...
Irrigation pipes for farming and water supply [B41+]
Készítette: g8R98-/m-
Irrigation pipes (aka Drip irrigation) for farming and water supply. Fixed for B41+ You can craft an irrigation pipe from a regular pipe, any hammer and a screwdriver. You can put this pipe on the ground next to a water barrel, every field on which a pipe ...
Improved Blood Effects
Készítette: Spuchel
Makes blood realistic. What this mod changes: Makes blood darker and less pixelated. Adds bloody spray on impact / shot. (Watch the video). Makes blood on walls and floors of the same color. Attention!!! First enable the mod, then restart the game (the gam...
Improved Fire & Smoke Effects
Készítette: Spuchel
Changes fire and smoke sprites to more realistic and detailed ones, without changing the resolution (no lags). Attention!!! First enable the mod, then restart the game (the game, not save) for the changes to take effect. Workshop ID: 2645975408 Mod ID: Imp...
Just Throw Them Out The Window
Készítette: co`
What is this about? This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies. If you're lucky enough to survive this, you end up with piles of corpses all around the ...
Manage Containers
Készítette: Jeff
Works with existing saves for singleplayer and multiplayer. What's the purpose? You've just finished a big haul, you're back at your base and now you ha...
Recycle And Reuse Almost Everything [B41]
Készítette: Poet
Around 100 new recipes for recycling and crafting less useful stuff into more useful stuff. These recipes don't require any books or magazines to learn and some of them give small amounts of experience for their appropriate categories. (Metalworking, Tailo...
Sleep On It
Készítette: ArpyClarkson
Life in the apocalypse got you down? Sleep On It! Most problems in life can be solved by sleeping them out- now you can sleep away those feelings of boredom and sadness just like you do in real life! Now when you sleep your boredom and sadness will slowly ...
Reduce lag of Crafting menu
Készítette: 菜喵球BIBI
Function: 1. Greatly reduce the Lag of Crafting menu. It is very suitable for use with Hydrocraft mod. 2. When the search text is empty, Filter All will no longer work. 3. Press "0" to refresh the Crafting menu. Disadvantages: 1. The Favorited and newly le...
Trading Technology
Készítette: 菜喵球BIBI
No English at the moment,Sorry. Workshop ID: 2592897465 Mod ID: jiandanjiaoyi Mod ID: jiandanjiaoyikuozhan...
41版生化危机物品拓展包 Resident Evil Item development for 41
Készítette: 526581483
新增角色服装: 吉尔背心牛仔裤(生化危机3重置版吉尔) 吉尔抹胸短裙(生化危机3吉尔) R.P.D.警服(生化危机2重置版里昂) S.T.A.R.S.医疗兵服装(生化危机0瑞贝卡) U.S.S.作战服(生化危机2重置版汉克) 克莱尔夹克短裤(生化危机2克莱尔) 艾达王小礼服丝袜(生化危机2重置版艾达王) 吉尔B.S.A.A.作战服(生化危机5吉尔) 艾达王衬衫皮裤(生化危机6艾达王) 雪莉衬衫围巾(生化危机6雪莉) 克里斯B.S.A.A.作战服(生化危机6克里斯) 谢娃背心军裤长靴(生化危机5谢娃) 特工作...
Összeférhetetlennek jelölve ]  Item Tweaker API (obsolete)
Készítette: Tchernobill
This mod is obsolete. Use Item Tweaker instead. The only significant difference remaining being the time of tweak, you will just have to take the habit to restart the game more frequently. How to switch back to Darkslayer's version Unsubscribe this mod. (o...
Profession Framework Old Build 41 Patch
Készítette: Островський
As of January 13th, 2022, the original mod was updated, I recommend all to migrate back to that edition. This patch will remain until mods will switch dependencies to it. A framework for adding new professions. PATCHED FOR THE HYPERCHONDRIAC TRAIT JAVA ERR...
Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars!
Készítette: Filibuster Rhymes
Update Coming Here! This version won't be updated until b42 is released in the stable branch. If you wanna play the animation beta, though, here you go! Hey dudes, I quit my job, learned to ...
Tactical Weapons [41.65+]
Készítette: SS232
Adds several tactical melee weapons to the game. Lootable New Weapons : Carbon Fiber Hockey Stick Long Sword Military Knife Tactical Knife Tactical Machete Tactical Tomahawk Tactical Axe Tactical Ninja Sword Craftable New Weapons : Barbed Wire Hockey Stick...
Brita's Weapon Pack
Készítette: BRITA
HERE IS THE OFFICIAL GUNFIGHTER MOD GUIDE (Click Link Above for info on the Update) SELECT-ABLE TEXTURE SUBMODS HAVE BEEN REMOVED... HIGH SET IS CONSOLIDATED BACK INTO THE MAIN MOD(s). The Idea was to provide some relief to slower PCs with the option to ch...
Arsenal[26] GunFighter Mod [2.0]
Készítette: Arsenal[26]
Welcome to Arsenal GunFighter Mod HERE IS THE OFFICIAL GUNFIGHTER MOD GUIDE - Do NOT run Old or Multiple Versions of GunFighter Mod - You MUST Update Brita's Weapon Pack, GunFighter Requires Most Recent Version - Single-Player Still Requires ModOptions - M...
Brita's Armor Pack
Készítette: BRITA
NEW UPDATE (2023-03-12) - New clothes and gear (please check the new screenshots) - Replacing clothes that could only be worn by women with new models that could be worn by men as well - Adjusting the weight and insulation of clothing - Adjusting the spawn...
Walter White's Van (Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars!)
Készítette: RaathTuxicator
Fillbuster Rhyme's RV with added fridge, oven, TV and internal cabinets. A proper mobile base for the nomad w\ith everything you'll need. I started this project a couple of years ago taking some features from Soul Ficher's Drive Time but I never got it fin...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Bus [TUNING 2.0]
Készítette: iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Dear Client...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Fjord Mustard [TUNING 2.0]
Készítette: iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Autotsar is...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Jaap Wrungel [TUNING 2.0]
Készítette: iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Autotsar is...
Agrotsar Farming Company
Készítette: iBrRus Are you running out of provisions in your settlement? Are the nearby stores empty of shelves? No time to farm? Our company is ready to help you! Our go...
Vilespring's M113A1 Armored Personnel Carrier [Updated 2023]
Készítette: Vilespring
The M113A1, an American Armored Personnel Carrier constructed out of 5083 Aluminum Alloy at 28mm - 44mm. This machine and its variants have been in service since 1960 all over the world. In Project Zombiod, the M113A1 is a very rare and very powerful, yet ...
'67 Cadillac Gage Commando
Készítette: KI5
Time for some armored goodness! This armored Caddy will save you from the biggest horde, and everything pz can throw at you. When you are inside of it, you will only hear your heart and zombies pounding, but you are safe. Features: Fully animated hood, tru...
'82 Oshkosh M911 + Military Semi-Trailers
Készítette: KI5
So you want to move your whole base to another location, or you want to hoard all the gas in Knox County, maybe you just want to steal all the fridges and get them to your super secret base, you do you, I'm just here to help. M911 was the workhorse of US A...
'86 Oshkosh P19A + Military Trailers
Készítette: KI5
It's the end of the world, food, fuel and beer are running low, zombies are ruining every base you make, it's time to go full nomad. Move from place to place, loot all the places and move on. P19A is the perfect vehicle for that. Built to last for decades ...
'91 RANGE ROVER Classic
Készítette: KI5
Iconic SUV from 1991, perfect fit for your post apocalyptic world of project ZOMBOID. It now comes with a full set of armor, roofrack and many extras to explore and use. Have fun! Main features: 2 chassis variants with their unique pros and cons 3 front Bu...
'92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer
Készítette: KI5
And now... for something completely different, fully animated M998 HMMWV! I've been asked many many times to make this thing and I refused for many reasons but the time was right and it seemed like a great candidate for a test. A concept to see what PZ can...
Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles
Készítette: Daddy Dirkie Dirk
A collection of tiles, this mod as a standalone will not have any effect on the game. This mod simply does the behinds the scenes magic to make all the tiles function as intended. Now, if you are not making maps/mods and are simply using this mod as it is ...
Dylan's Tile Pack
Készítette: Dylan
Adds custom tiles to map mods. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. For Modders: Editor tilesheets are found within the google drive or directly through the mod in the resource folder, place them in your...
throttlekitty's tiles
Készítette: throttlekitty
This is a collection of world tile sprites I've made to be used as a resource in creating custom maps. Some sprites may have additional functionality, I'll be including lua for those in this mod as needed. I don't plan on making anything here craftable, ho...
Bedford Falls
Készítette: ringod123
Welcome to Bedford Falls. This adds the fictional town of Bedford Falls to the vanilla game world. Now V41.6+ compatible! Works with new in-game map system. Includes lootable map of Bedford Falls that updates the main map when read! U=BTL Mod has been test...
Készítette: Dylan
Blackwood is a map mod located North of Rosewood. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you have 2x textu...
Készítette: Dylan
Grapeseed is a map mod located North West of Rosewood. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to all. This map strongly requires the additional tile packs. If you have any tile issues please make sure you have 2x ...
Raven Сreek
Készítette: DavidBlane
Over the River - Secondary Road
Készítette: Woldren
Hi! As you've probably noticed, I've updated my map, "Over the River", changing the bridge and replacing the old ship with a new one, much more complete. Since the s...
Over the River
Készítette: Woldren
Hi survivors! I am Woldren and this is my map: Over the River The bridge has a town above it, as in Fallout 3. Warning: place the generator on the roof, check the pictures above to see where it is. The bridge is a giant building, so if you place it on the ...
Night Sprinters [41.60+]
Készítette: The Illuminati
New Update(8/21/2022): Random Zombies compatibility: Compatibility with the mod Random zombies has finally been added. During the day, Random zombies will be enabled while at night Night Sprinters are enabled. Special thanks to Belette dev of random zombie...