Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (140)
(Simfphys) Call of Duty: WW2 Mega Pack
Created by William
No version or modification of this content is allowed to be uploaded to the workshop except under the account ID "76561198043103420", or without permission from said account. Made by HT.S Give your thanks to my friend Binomi for his work on the Kettenkrad ...
(Sinkable) RMS Holland
Created by kodykeye
This ship is completely my own design and not "inspired" or "copied" by ACID's maps. This is a fictional ship build and designed by me with help from BonnieTheGamerBunny. Features: Grand Staircase 3 Classes (1st class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class) Functional sink...
(Sinkable) RMS Magestie
Created by kodykeye
Features: Deep waters Large boat Sinkable Fun and roleplay for all. Map by Gezzy Help by BonnieTheGamerBunny This is INSPIRED by The Royal Pilgrin by Acid NOT STOLEN FROM ACID Thanks for playing!...
Created by Acid
Alien: Isolation - Alien
Created by Wheatley
REMASTERED ALIEN: ISOLATION - ALIEN NPC What's new? Completley new A.I. Core. Original model from Alien: Isolation. New animations. New vent model. Lockers. How to use? Open your spawn menu, go to NPCs tab and select Alien: Isolation. Here you will be able...
Alien: Isolation - Crafting System
Created by Wheatley
Simple crafting system from Alien: Isolation There are 6 items you can craft for now: Medkit, Suit Battery, Pipe Bomb, SMG Grenade, RPG Missle and Frag Grenade. OPENING CRAFT MENU To open craft menu you have to bind a key with command ai_opencraftmenu. I p...
Alien: Isolation - Flamethrower
Created by Wheatley
Alien: Isolation - Flamethrower Finnaly I finish it. That was hard to make it's model looks like a one from the original game. WHERE CAN I GET IT? Open your spawn menu -> Weapons tab -> Alien: Isolation -> Flamethrower FUEL As a real flamethrower, this one...
Alien: Isolation - Flare
Created by Wheatley
Flare from Alien: Isolation About Flare SWEP. Used to light up dark places but use it carefuly, it may summon the Alien... Use LMB to turn on. Hold RMB to aim then release to throw. Press LMB while holding RMB to stop aiming. Can be used to distract Alien....
Alien: Isolation - HUD
Created by Wheatley
HUD from Alien: Isolation game I enjoy this game so much so I decide to make a few things from it, like HUD. HIDDING HUD AND CROSSHAIR You can hide it using those console commands: AIH_Hide 1 AIH_HideCrosshair 1 cl_drawhud 0 crosshair 0 Hope you enjoy this...
Alien: Isolation - Molotov
Created by Wheatley
Alien: Isolation - Molotov A molotov cocktail from Alien: Isolation. Can be crafted. CONTROLS Left Mouse Button - Aim Right Mouse Button - Stop aiming without throwing WHERE CAN YOU GET IT In spawn menu -> Weapons -> Alien: Isolation. KNOWN BUGS For some r...
Alien: Isolation - Motion Tracker
Created by Wheatley
Motion Tracker from Alien: Isolation How To Use Go to Weapons > Alien: Isolation > Motion Tracker. Credits Wheatley - coding. Lt_Commander - model, materials. Creative Assembly Map from the screenshots ai_lockdown HUD Sword Art Online II: Gun Gale HUD FOLL...
Alien: Isolation - Noisemaker
Created by Wheatley
Noisemaker from Alien: Isolation About Used to distract Alien. Hold LMB to aim then release to throw. Press RMB while holding LMB to stop aiming. Can be crafted using: 1 - SCJ Injector 1 - Charge Pack 1 - Sensor 10 - scrap ...
Alien: Isolation - Revolver
Created by Wheatley
Alien: Isolation - Revolver The Revolver from Alien: Isolation. WHERE CAN I GET IT? Open your spawn menu -> Weapons tab -> Alien: Isolation -> Revolver AMMO You can get ammo spawning more revolvers using toolgun: Spawn menu -> Weapons tab -> Alien: Isolati...
Alien: Isolation - Shotgun
Created by Wheatley
Alien: Isolation - Shotgun Shotgun from Alien: Isolation. WHERE CAN YOU GET IT In spawn menu -> Weapons -> Alien: Isolation. AMMO You can spawn ammo using a toolgun (spawning a shotgun SWEP itself from spawn menu). FOLLOW ME Steam Group YouTube Channel Wor...
Alien: Isolation: ai_lockdown
Created by Wheatley
Alien: Isolation: map ai_lockdown (remastered ai_alien_test) Redesigned map for Alien: Isolation: Gamemode What's new? Map was expanded: added new corridors and vents. Visual part of the map was improved. Reworked "quest". New design for "Zone Disconnector...
Alien: Isolation: Gamemode
Created by Wheatley
Alien: Isolation: Gamemode REMASTERED EDITION Whats new? Fully new gamemdoe base: reworked all systems, weapons, UIs and other! More optimized code: should be no freezes and/or FPS drops! More balanced gameplay: reworked Alien and Human team abilities. Eas...
Amnesia SNPC's
Created by Maxwell
ATTENTION! As prior to 2018, there are some changes. 1. Convars has been removed, everyting is editable just like any vanilla item (Going to desktop mode, right clicking on entity and selecting "edit properties"), NPC features can be changed only by admins...
Beautiful HUD (bHUD)
Created by pati
bHUD is a nice HUD for every kind of Garry's Mod-Server. All what you need to know about bHUD: Click here! Bugs: If you found an error, you can post it here on workshop or on github (by creating a new issue): Issues (GitHub): Click here! Also feel free to ...
Bell AH-1G
Created by SGM ツ
inb4 "but sgm we already have an ah-1" from people who dont even bother to try it ingame features ---------- animated interior breakable tail 1x minigun 3x ffar for pilot 1x minigun for gunner...
Catmull-rom Cinematic Cameras
Created by FreezeBug
Re-introducing the Catmull-Rom Cinematic cameras by Lua Pineapple There were quite a few hacky fixes in this version, beware! Yes, ive asked LuaPineapple (though it was a while ago) If i can re-upload this, and was approved to do so as long as I provided p...
Cinematic Camera
Created by Nakotuhin
Add some drama to your videos with this shaky camera. Paul Greengrass much? Features: Shaky camera Letterbox Film grain Vignette Basic color filters Camcorder overlay Don't forget about the Options menu! It has all the tasty features! It's on the right sid...
Collision Resizer (ENHANCED)
Created by tau
MASSIVE UPDATE October 31st, 2015 Physics now work on the client! Resizing is now compatible with HL2/engine saves! Resizing is now fully compatible with demo recordings! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Custom FOV
Created by Michelinmännchen
fov_add command for all users on a server, within ZOOM! Select a number between 0 and 80! Example: fov_add 20...
Chuck's Weaponry 2.0
Created by sрy
Check out 'Intravenous', a stealth/action game that I'm working on! Click here to open the base documentation. Features: - Dynamic recoil and accuracy - Custom viewmodel movement - Surface ricochet and penetration - Firemodes - Weapon holstering on weapon ...
Cyber Diver Map Props
Created by LOL DUDE
Map props from Cyber Diver. DISCLAIMER! I, LOL DUDE, didn't make the original models included in this pack. Credit there goes to Taito. All I did was modify their work to make this add-on. Introduction You have no idea what Cyber Diver is, don't you? Well,...
Destructible House
Created by TNS-Otacon
Shoot it, it's fun :P To reset map: Q-Menu - Utilities - Admin - Clean Up - Clean Up Everything. This will reset map without reloading it. I'm not dead :P The map is named phys_dmm_house in the menus and should be located in the Garry's Mod Physics Maps se...
Easy Animation Tool
Created by Rubat
A tool that allows easy animation playback for all entities that have animations. This will not work on Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Portal 2, CS:GO models, it's a problem with Garry's Mod, not this mod. Please note that not all models have animations. This tool o...
Elite SWAT 3 in 1 (Payday 2) [player/npc]
Created by MARK2580
Elite GenSec SWAT from the game PAYDAY 2 - finger posing - eyes posing - ragdoll - player model - npc rebel / combine - hands from 1st person - 3 bodygroups CLOAKER - BULLDOZER - http://steamc...
Empty Hands Swep
Created by Tatrabbit
Hands by your side for roleplaying, movie making, and when you just gotta put your crowbar away! The functionality is pretty minimalist by necessity, but I've tried very hard to have a nice icon for the swep and everything, to match the theme of the HL2 we...
Epicbox Radio 2.0
Created by Fasteroid
The Original. Place a CD in and listen; needs wiremod to work. Having TF2/Portal mounted is recommended; Erectin' a River needs Best of Toybox. Thank you all so much for your continued support of this dupe!...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs
Created by sрy
Check out the game I've released on Steam! This is the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the developers of the mod, to make sure that it matches their tastes. The base is written completely from scratch. In case you're interested, get t...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Misc
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds various miscellaneous weapons to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked alon...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPS - Pistols
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more pistols to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the develo...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Rifles
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more rifles to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the develop...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Shotguns
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more shotguns to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the devel...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - SMGs
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more sub-machine guns to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with t...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - U. Rifles
Created by sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds a few unofficial rifles to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked on with Ta...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Unused Weapons (Unofficial)
Created by Robert F.
This is made for completing Spy's FAS SWEPs additional pack. Requires FA:S Alpha SWEPs Since the original modder, Spy/sweg no longer continue the project and rarely updates it. So why not do it myself? Although it's not perfect but I've tried my best. Weap...
Flashlight SWEP
Created by Mitselplik
This Addon by devilsson gives the player the ability to see there flashlight in an amazing modification. Best used for slender maps. Let me also give the much deserved credit of the model to id software. I love id games i even own a signed copy of rage so ...
FNAF1 FNAF 2 И FNAF 3!|fnaf 1 fnaf2 and fnaf3!
Created by im rich ayy lmao
enjoy girl and guy!|наслаждайтесь девочки и парни...
Food and Household items
Created by Figge Ferrum
This pack contains well over 200 props, mainly food but also cleaning products and other types of groceries. Includes: McDonald's Food Kinder Surprise + Box Chips bags Cillit Bang Wine bottles Much, much, more... 🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕...
Fortnite Dance Sounds SWEP Compressed
Created by RainingTerror
WiltOS Fortnite dances are required for the proper animations, this addon only provides the SWEP and sound files. The audio files have been compressed in order to save on download size, down to MP3 128Kbps, and the images compressed to JPEG. Full supported...
Gachiverse - Generic Muscular Man [PM]
Created by Dongwaiver
"♂ FUCK YOU LEATHER-MAN! ♂" This is a playermodel of a rather buff male, which can be used as a template for both PACs and other playermodels. As with the previous addons, this was a model that I had commissioned to be rigged and subsequently uploaded for ...
Garry's Bombs 5 Base
This addon was not created by me! It was created by Rogue Cheney I had Garry's Bombs 5 on my pc so i decided to reupload it. This is the latest version! Enjoy! You WILL need Garry's Bombs 5 Materials for this to work properly! Rogue Cheney allowed all of h...
Garry's Bombs 5 Materials
This addon was not created by me! It was created by Rogue Cheney I had Garry's Bombs 5 on my pc so i decided to reupload it. This is the latest version! Enjoy! You WILL need Garry's Bombs 5 Base for this to work! Rogue Cheney allowed all of his work to be ...
Garry's Bombs 5 [ORIGINAL]
Created by sm3sher
This is the original mod that I've restored from my old computer. Don't forget to get the Material-Pack as well so it can work properly.
Garry's Bombs 5: Material Pack
Created by Mr_Claush
A set of textures for Garry's Bombs 5. Need Garry's Bombs 5: Russian Base Edition....
Garry's Bombs 5: Material Pack [ORIGINAL]
Created by sm3sher
This is the original mod that I've restored from my old computer. Don't forget to get the Main-Package as well in case you haven't installed it yet. ...
Garry's Bombs 5: Russian Base Edition
Created by Mr_Claush
Great pack of bombs, rockets and other things....
German Radio WW2
Created by Cocoaize
This is radio with german songs from the ww2 era. - An other radio with russian songs from the ww2 era : - An other radio with US songs from the ww2 era :
Gm Northwest Airfield
Created by Doomologist
This is a re-creation of the northwest airfield from Chernarus using hl2 assets. A few buildings had to be cut from the original plan because source doesn't allow for a 1142 meter runway, 800 meters isn't too bad though. Enjoy! ...
Created by Xalalau
----------------------------------------------------------- BRASIL, Junte-se: GMBR, criadores BR de addons e vídeos e tudo. ----------------------------------------------------------- A huge ocean with night and day versions. Not...
Created by Glycon
gm_northcrate is an underground map inspired by original Half-Life 1 (Half-Life:Source is not required). Are there any requirements? NO, NONE, THERE IS NO REQUIREMENTS! (as in, you don't need CS:S, HL-1, HL-2 or it's episodes...) What do you get in this ma...
Gredwitch's Base
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. -> Github : READ ME ------->BIG FAT Q&A Q: What is this addon? A: This addon is an important requirement for my other addons. It contains a lot o...
Gredwitch's Emplacement Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. You need Gredwich's base for this to work correctly! This pack includes : an MG 42 a PaK 40 a PaK 38 an MG 15 an MG 81Z a Vickers machine gun an M2 Browning an M1 Mortar a Granatwerfer 34 a...
GTA IV Prop Pack
Created by Arctic0ne
Here’s a small prop pack featuring a variety of billboards, signs, and some interior props from GTA IV. Notes: - The radio tower and the Cluckin' Bell sign come with animations. Credits: Rockstar Games OpenIV                       ↙ Click me to view my oth...
Head of Security (SS13)
Created by Hans Dedul`a
HoS`s model from Space Station 13 SS13 sprites ( ) Original model Да прибудет с вами балон Specialy for ...
House 5
Created by Orfkip
House 5 Does NOT require additional content. Has: - Ground AI paths - Air AI paths - Team spawn points (12 each side) Map should be in the Sandbox category named "gm_house5". Map made by me....
Insurgency Blood Impact Particle FX
Created by Froze
( FIXED ) Blood impact effect similar to the one in Insurgency. If you want to donate: it'd be very much appreciated and a huge motivation booster. if you're interested in a personalized addon / want features added ...
Jg.Pz. 38(t) Hetzer (Sd.Kfz. 138/2)
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Hetzer as it appears in War Thunder. Fully rigged, use a model tool to tamper with moving parts. Includes: Jg.Pz. 38(t) Hetzer (Sd.Kfz. 138/2) (normal, skybox, ragdolled suspension) Jg.Pz. 38(t) Hetzer (Sd.Kfz. 138/2) parts (wheels, engine...
Kenobi Content 1
Created by Kenobi
Fix all props...
Lost souls of Igneon (Horror)
Created by Poke
Second installment is out! Go and play the second in this series! You can find it here. Rule Play in the gamemode sandbox. No god mode Don't play on a server, host it from the main menu! Info Start the map called: lost_souls_of_igneon Map names: lost_souls...
Media Player
Created by Sam
Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod (HTML5) ⚠️ GMod developers are working on a fix, this can't be fixed by the mod author! ⚠️ This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry'...
Mega Bass 2000 watt rms
Created by Robin
Want more bass to your game? Then this addon is for you. This adds an entity, that will shake whole map. ----------------------- Best of Toybox ----------------------- Okay! This addon is made for Best of Toybox! This is different addon, because this is AW...
Mega Bomb Range (sandbox)
Created by VxWolf
USES COUNTER-STRIKE: SOURCE MODELS! BOMBS NOT INCLUDED!!! While Gbombs 5 may not exist anymore (unless you count the reuploads), I decided to release this old map I had made a while ago. Mega Bomb Range (gm_megabombrange_v2) is a large, open map themed as ...
Muzzle Flash fix
Created by Hank Hill
this addon should hopefully fix the missing muzzle flash that you guys told me about in the SUV addon and maybe other addons...
Never Lose Hope Hospital - Patched Version
Created by Bizz
Dark winding corridors dotted with splotches of blood, the sounds of doors creak ominously and the TVs only report static. This is a large Hospital map with a huge system of corridors, hallways and hospital facilities, making it very easy to get lost in. T...
Created by CapsAdm¡n
ABOUT: Gives you the ability to personalize your player model's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from putting just a hat on your head to creating an entire new player model. PAC can also work on vehicles or props. You can wear yo...
PAYDAY 2: Blue SWAT (player/npc)
Created by Shadow Bonnie (RUS)
Blue SWAT from PAYDAY 2. -Bodygroups -player model -npc (rebel and combine) -firstperson model Heavy SWAT SWAT Sniper and FBI Sniper SWAT FBI Heavy SWAT FBI Medic Cops Taser Captain Winters Zeal SWAT and Heavy SWAT from Enemy Visual Update Zeal Taser PAYDA...
PAYDAY 2: Cops (player/npc)
Created by Shadow Bonnie (RUS)
Cops from PAYDAY 2. - 4 playermodels. - bodygroups (hats, glasses, equipment). - moving eyes. - 8 npcs (4 friendly, 4 enemy). - firstperson model. Warning: Cop1 and cop2 models can stay standard (metropolice model). Blue SWAT (+links to other PAYDAY 2 mode...
PAYDAY 2: Yellow SWAT (player/npc)
Created by Shadow Bonnie (RUS)
Yellow (or Heavy) SWAT from PAYDAY 2. -bodygroups. -npcs (rebel and combine). -playermodel. -firstperson model. -swat shield prop. Blue SWAT (+links to other PAYDAY 2 addons)...
Pz.Jg. VI Tiger Ausf. B (Sd.Kfz. 186)
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Henschel JagdTiger as it appears in War Thunder. Includes: Pz.Jg. VI Tiger Ausf. B (Sd.Kfz. 186) (normal, skybox, ragdolled suspension) Pz.Jg. VI Tiger Ausf. B (Sd.Kfz. 186) parts (wheels, track link) Rheinmetall MG34 Panzerlauf Mauser MG4...
Pz.Kpfw. 35(t)
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Panzer 35t as it appears in War Thunder. Fully rigged, use a model tool to tamper with moving parts. Includes: Pz.Kpfw. 35(t) (normal, skybox, ragdolled suspension) LT vz. 35 / Pz.Kpfw. 35(t) A tank designed by Skoda for the Czech army and...
Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. C/F (Sd.Kfz. 121)
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Panzer II C and F as they appear in War Thunder. Fully rigged, use a model tool to tamper with moving parts. Includes: Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. C (Sd.Kfz. 121) (normal, skybox, ragdolled suspension) Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. F (Sd.Kfz. 121) (normal, skyb...
Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. B (Sd.Kfz. 182)
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Tiger II with production turret as it appears in War Thunder. Mistakenly called the Henschel Tiger 2 there, despite the late turret not actually having anything to do with Henschel. Includes: Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. B (Sd.Kfz. 182) (normal...
Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. B mit 10.5 L/68
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Tiger II with the 10.5cm cannon as it appears in War Thunder. Includes: Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. B mit 10.5 L/68 (normal, skybox, ragdolled suspension) Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. B mit 10.5 L/68 parts (wheels, track link) Rheinmetall MG34 Panz...
Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. B no 1-50 (Sd.Kfz. 182)
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Tiger II 1-50 as it appears in War Thunder. Mistakenly called the Porsche Tiger 2 there, despite the early turret not actually having anything to do with Porsche. Includes: Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. B no 1-50 (Sd.Kfz. 182) (normal, skybox, r...
Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz. 181)
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Tiger E as it appears in War Thunder. Fully rigged, use a model tool to tamper with moving parts. Includes: Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz. 182) (normal, skybox, ragdolled suspension) Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz. 182) parts (wheel...
Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. H1 (Sd.Kfz. 182)
Created by Moon.
A ragdoll of the Tiger H1 as it appears in War Thunder. Fully rigged, use a model tool to tamper with moving parts. Includes: Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. H1 (Sd.Kfz. 182) (normal, skybox, ragdolled suspension) Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. H1 (Sd.Kfz. 182) parts (wh...
RP Riverden v1a
Created by Steinman
Welcome to Riverden, Colorado ! After 1 and a half year of development, I'm proud to show you my ultimate and final map for Garry's Mod : Riverden ! It's a big city set in the Colorado and largely inspired by the city of Denver. It includes uptown, downtow...
Created by Mike ☂
Berlin, Germany - WW2 *Do not re-upload this version of the map anywhere* You may edit this map and upload your version to the workshop, (with a link to the original please). Have fun with it!...
Created by Fishke
The sequel to RP_UnionCity. RP_NYCity , the continuation map to SouthSide has been released Click here for RP_SouthSide Day version RP_SouthSide is set in the southern parts of crime-ridden Union City, somewhere in New York. A large, atmospheric roleplay m...
Created by Fishke
The day version of RP_SouthSide. RP_SouthSide_Day is set in the southern parts of crime-ridden Union City, somewhere in New York. A large roleplay map with 3 distinct areas: Suburban outskirts, Downtown, Waterfront Click her...
s.Pz.Sp.Wg. (Sd.Kfz. 234/1) and s.Pz.Sp.Wg. Puma (Sd.Kfz. 234/2)
Created by Moon.
Ragdolls of the First two Sd.Kfz. 234 versions as they appear in War Thunder. Fully rigged, use a model tool to tamper with moving parts. Includes: s.Pz.Sp.Wg. (Sd.Kfz. 234/1) (normal, skybox, ragdolled suspension) s.Pz.Sp.Wg. (Sd.Kfz. 234/1) parts (wheels...
SGM Shared Textures
Created by SGM ツ
these textures are shared blah blah blah long story short subscribe to this or newer cars will be pink and black DO NOT REUPLOAD WITHOUT MY EXPLICIT PERMISSION...
SOMA - Simon Diving Suit [PM & NPC]
Created by Wheatley
Hello everyone! It's been awhile huh? This is the player model and NPC of Simon Jarrett, the protagonist of the SOMA, in Diving Suit. It includes: Simon Diving Suit Playermodel Simon Diving Suit NPC ( Good & Bad Versions ) 4K quality ( though Source engine...
SOMA: Flesher [Nextbot]
Created by Wheatley
Flesher NPC from SOMA The Flesher appears as a humanoid, with a mass of round glowing growths in place of a head. ! Nav Mesh required ! Will not work on the maps without Navigational Mesh. If you saw this text in chat: NAV MESH FAILURE! NO NAV MESHES FOUND...
SOMA: Infected Construct [Nextbot]
Created by Wheatley
Infected Construct NPC from SOMA Infected construct first enemy met in SOMA at site Upsilon. Appears to be a horrific jumbled mess of a Universal Helper maintenance unit and WAU techno-organic growth. ! Nav Mesh required ! Will not work on the maps without...
SOMA: Jin Yoshida [Nextbot]
Created by Wheatley
Jin Yoshida aka Deepsea Diver NPC from SOMA Jin Yoshida is the last enemy encountered in SOMA (exclude the Leviathan). This creature is a powersuit animated by a Structure Gel. ! Nav Mesh required ! Will not work on the maps without Navigational Mesh. If y...
SOMA: Robot-Head Girl [Nextbot]
Created by Wheatley
Robot-Head Girl NPC from SOMA This is the Robot-Head Girl, one of the WAU monsters, which can be found on site Omicron. ! Nav Mesh required ! Will not work on the maps without Navigational Mesh. If you saw this text in chat: NAV MESH FAILURE! NO NAV MESHES...
SOMA: Proxies [Nextbot]
Created by Wheatley
Proxy and Terry Akers NPC from SOMA Proxies are blind creatures met at site Theta. They are employees who have become mutated by Structure Gel. ! Nav Mesh required ! Will not work on the maps without Navigational Mesh. If you saw this text in chat: NAV MES...
Space Elevator
Created by Ducker
Set in modern day Kazakhstan - not far from the Baikonur Cosmodrome - Platform 9 was the last space elevator constructed by the Soviet Union. Since the collapse of the union only two such structures have survived, and this is one of them. It to this day fe...
Suit Wearing Citizens Playermodels/Ragdolls [Reupload]
Created by ObanTR
Suit Wearing Citizens Reuploaded version 30+ Playermodels with different suits, clothes and bodygroups Models are highly detailed, models rigged very well Only bad thing about this models are ragdoll physics Also hands doesn't have view models This mod is ...
TDMCars - Base Pack
Created by TDM
This is the required base pack for TDMSCars and TDMCars. This is a collection of textures that is shared by all of the vehicles. Note that this is already a part of the SVN and you should not download it if you use the SVN! Forza Motorsport © Microsoft Cor...
TDMCars - Jeep
Created by TDM
This is the Jeep manufacture pack with all the Jeep vehicles found on the SVN. If you have the SVN, please do not subscribe to this addon! The pack currently contains: Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 2012 Jeep Willys MB Jeep Wrangler Fast and Furious Edition Jeep...
The World Over Heaven Fists Closed
Created by mau
Have you ever tried posing a JoJo model's fingers to a fist but you can't because it's literally impossible to finger pose a JoJo model's fists? Well fear not! This dupe is here to save your day!...
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
vFire - Dynamic Fire for Garry's Mod
Created by Vioxtar
64 Bit Branch Support Fixed! Apologies for the month late fix. Thank you for bringing the issue to my attention in the comments/discussions, and thank you Ickycoolboy for making a fix available. vFire development is dormant. Still, efforts will be made to ...
WAC Community 1
Created by Divided
Welcome to my community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into steam ...
WAC Aircraft
Created by bop
A collection of several aircraft (mostly helicopters) that can be flown with keyboard and mouse. Even more aircraft GitHub Q: How do I download? A: It's one of the green buttons. Q: After starting it goes crazy and crashes! A: Neurotec conflicts with WAC. ...
WAC Community 2
Created by Divided
Welcome to my second community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into...
WAC Community 3
Created by Divided
Welcome to my third community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 4
Created by Divided
Welcome to my fourth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into...
WAC Community 5
Created by Divided
Welcome to my fifth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 6
Created by Divided
Welcome to my sixth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 7
Created by Divided
Welcome to my seventh community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed int...
WAC Halo
Created by Divided
Welcome to a special edition pack for WAC. This being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here. If you don't know what WAC is and would like to know more, refer to the facepunch thread here. This pack includes the ...
WAC RoflCopter
Created by Divided
From the makers of WAC Community brings a new kind of helicopter. You will need WAC Aircraft for this, found here: Please watch the YouTube video for more information on how this chopper works...
WW2 British Paratroopers
Created by Professor Heavy
Airborne body models and textures by Jackboot Games, LLC, Ham and Jam Dev team. Head and hand models by Valve Better phys by Bloocobalt Ripped by Peerlokta Ported and rigged by me Includes 18 british paratroopers all models have bodygroups Also includes NP...
WW2 Maps
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A pack of WW2 maps. Steam group: WW2 GMOD You need to have DOD:S installed and activated within Garry's Mod for the map's textures to work. Maps: Berlin Hitler's Bunker Nernber...
[ TFA ] [ AT ] PPSH-41
PPSH-41 By The Master MLG new port, new weapon. this time, with the mytical sovietic weapon: ppsh41, is my favourite in all WW2 games. it has a drum maganize version. but it hasnt got silencer, because i have not found a fit silencer. credits: Born To Kill...
[FOOD] Russian Rations
Created by grech_ca
There are 20 props: 1.Belarusian stew 2-9. Eight kinds of canned food 10.New russian MRE 11.IRP5 12.Small IRP 13.IRP for battles 14.Diet sausage(from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) 15.Bread(from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) 16.Army's chocolate 17.Apple jam 18.Coffee cup 19.Biscuits 2...
[LFS] AH-6 Littlebird
Created by merydian
Needs an remake Just a little choppa on LFS base Weaponry is 7.62 Minigun with 2400 rpm and 14 Hydra rockets. Known problems: Minigun barrel not spinning Bullet travel is a bit not perfectly aligned to crosshair (not a big problem) Bad AI Fixed: Lock on po...
[LFS] Luftwaffe WWII Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Requires LFS Requires LVS Requires Gredwich's base Fw 190s : Fw 190A-1 Fw 190A-4 Fw 190A-5 Fw 190A-5/U2 Fw 190A-5/U12 Fw 190A-8 Fw 190D-9 Fw 190D-12 Fw 190D-13 Fw 190F-8 Ju 87s : Ju 87B-2 (...
[LFS] Vietnam Helicopter Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Requires LFS Requires LVS Requires Gredwich's base Requires SGM's WAC AH-1G Requires SGM's Shared Textures Small pack including an AH-1G, A Mi-24A and an OH-6 I made in early 2019 for Outer...
Created by DayUx
This map is really bad here is a better one I made recently The addon has been updated, the new name of the map is rp_normandie Rp_Normandie est une map faite à l'origine pour le serveur Normandy RP. ---------------------- Rp_Normandie is a map originally ...
[simfphys] - Armed
Created by Jinxit Adds a weapon implementation system to simfphys vehicles. Included vehicles can be found in vehicles tab => simfphys => Armed Vehicles https://steamuserimages-a...
[simfphys] Flakpanzer IV Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Requires simfphys Requires simfphys armed vehicles Requires Gredwich's Base (I know, that's a lot of required things) This pack features a Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind, a Flakpanzer IV Ostwind ...
[simfphys] Flammpanzer III & Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. M (vFire compatible)
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Requires simfphys Requires simfphys armed vehicles Requires Gredwich's Base (I know, that's a lot of required things) Features : vFire compatibility ; if you have vFire installed, you can c...
[Simfphys] Jeep Wrangler F&F
Created by playmobilbus
- - More info below - - Hello Everyone! This is the Jeep Wrangler from Fast and Furious (7) and it contains: 3 Places for passengers All working lights! and... Original engine sounds I hope you will enjoy it! If you want, you can join the group by clicking...
[simfphys] LUA Vehicles - Base
Created by Jinxit Original Description from 2016: After a long time i have finally converted my vehicle handling E2 to Lua and decided to share it with everyone. This addon will give you a very new feel of driv...
[simfphys] NFS MW Police car (1 status) (Police NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED)
Created by NFS-NIK
Simfphys is required Features: Working lights Working police flashing lights Thank you all for your support! ©NFS-NIK DO NOT REUPLOAD ADDON WITHOUT AUTHOR PERMISSION...
[simfphys] Panzerkampfwagen IV Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Requires simfphys Requires simfphys armed vehicles Requires Gredwich's Base (I know, that's a lot of required things) The Panzer IV Ausf. D is basically the F1 but without HEAT rounds, and ...
[simfphys] WW2 American Tank Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Requires simfphys Requires simfphys armed vehicles Requires Gredwich's Base (I know, that's a lot of required things) Tanks in this pack : M4A2 Sherman M4A2 76mm W Sherman M26 Pershing M18 ...
[simfphys] WW2 German 'Big Tanks' Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
[simfphys] Pontiac GTO (3-4 STATUS + CIVIL) (Police NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED)
Created by NFS-NIK
Simfphys is required Original Features: Working lights Working police flashing lights Police/paintable skin Cars are damaged Thank you all for your support! ©NFS-NIK DO NOT REUPLOAD ADDON WITHOUT AUTHOR PERMISSION...
[simfphys] WW2 German Tank Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Requires simfphys Requires simfphys armed vehicles Requires Gredwich's Base (I know, that's a lot of required things) Tanks in this pack : Panzerkampfwagen V Ausf. G Panther Panzerkampfwage...
[simfphys] WW2 Panzer 38t-based Tank Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
[simfphys] WW2 Soviet Tank Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Requires simfphys Requires simfphys armed vehicles Requires Gredwich's Base (I know, that's a lot of required things) Tanks in this pack : T-34 (1940) T-34 (1941) T-34-57 (1941) T-34-85 T-3...
Created by Fulandre
This is my first addon, so only have very common function. maybe have some wrong are in the editor,apologize for any inconvenience caused. m(_ _)m TFA Base required *Make sure you have INS2 Shared Parts to avoid hands missing. Included: Browning M1918 Brow...
[TFA][AT] AR-15
Created by tools guy-kun
One highly customizable assault rifle to add to your ever expanding TFA INSURGENCY 2 pack. Adds 4 varying receiver options as well as 2 stock options. Hold E and Press R to rotate in between select fire variants. It defaults to semi, but it has a full auto...
[TFA][AT] MK18
Created by YuRaNnNzZZ
MK18 ported to GMod from Insurgency and running on TFA Base. Featuring standard INS2 attachments support. Credits: New World Interactive — Models, animaitons and textures Navaro — Sounds TFA — Base and INS2 porting stuff my discord server...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Full Version)
Created by King David™
[wOS] Animation Extension - Familiar Dances
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! Man these dances sure look familiar huh.. These are a collection of Familiar Dance animations ported by wiltOS Technologies. They are being reworked animations to fit the gmod skeleton, as the ga...
[wOS] Fortnite Dances
Created by King David™
There might be better ways to express yourself.. The number one thing nobody really asked for ( at least I try to pretend nobody did ) is here! Just in time for Valentine's Day. The Fortnite Dances addon finally allows you to do the things you always wante...