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2021년 1월 15일 오전 10시 49분
2021년 7월 24일 오후 7시 22분
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Captain Muscles님의 1 모음집
Muscle Mods
아이템 18개

Adds callouts in text form that occasionally appear above a pawn's head when certain in-game events occur.

The callouts use the same grammar rules and concepts as log entries, allowing us to play "Mad-libs" with not only random words, but also the properties of the initiator and recipients of the interaction, their weapons, and the cover they're using (and more soon!)

As an added bonus, wounds sustained by a pawn generate text motes (configurable in settings) as do potentially lethal hediffs advancing in severity. See gif below for an example with everything turned way up.

Pawns are more likely to use some callouts over others depending on their traits. 'Kind' or 'wimp' colonists will use 'mild' callouts; 'Abrasive', 'Bloodlust', or 'Psychopath' colonists will use 'spicy' callouts.

Current events that can trigger a callout:
- Ranged attack
- Melee attack
- Ranged attack hitting
- Melee attack hitting
- Taking damage from another source

Animal interaction
- Being nuzzled
- Feeding an animal (a wounded animal, or one that is being tamed or trained)
- Successfully taming an animal
- Successfully training an animal
- Tending to a wounded animal
- Slaughtering an animal
- More coming very soon!

- Lethal hediff advancing to next stage
- Being drafted

Things that can be referenced by the callouts:
- Various properties of the initiator and recipient of the action
- Properties of the initiator and recipients weapons (and their projectiles)
- The cover the initiator and recipient are using
- Also more coming soon

The current callouts list is a little sparse/repetitive at the moment, so please bear with me as I flesh them out. Also feel free to add your suggestions to the comments!

Please share your feedback/suggestions!

I'm planning on adding quite a bit to this in the future, more callouts, more callout types (both combat and non-combat), and more filter options (race/kind/etc). Feel free to make suggestions and to beg, harass, or buy me coffee to motivate me to work more rapidly!


Combat callouts enabled - Enables/disables all combat callouts.
Animal interaction callouts enabled - Enables/disables all animal interaction callouts.

Queue text motes - When enabled, text motes will be queued and released over time to keep them from overlapping as much.
Attach callout text to caller - Makes callouts stay directly over the callers head until they expire
Draw label backgroud for text motes - Turn on/off drawing grey label behind callouts and motes making them easier to read

Show wounds - Turn on/off text motes displaying body parts that sustained wounds

Base callout frequency - The base chance that any given event can fire a callout

Call out when targeting animals - Turn on/off showing callouts when the target is not humanlike
Animals call out - Allow animals to use callouts

More Callouts!

Check out の⁠ヮ⁠の 's addon for even more callouts:


Concept: Tallas
Coding: Captain Muscles
Inspired by Combat Extended's taunt feature

Github download link:

Mods by Captain Muscles

인기 토론 모두 보기(6)
2021년 2월 19일 오후 8시 12분
Taunting hunters
Solarius Scorch
2023년 5월 1일 오전 12시 55분
Thought this mod should have a callout suggestion discussion
2021년 9월 11일 오전 1시 15분
댓글 157
dipldocus 2024년 6월 23일 오전 8시 36분 
"No one shall oppose the []!"
Mousebite 2023년 11월 1일 오후 8시 22분 
Reposting Profligate's post since it got bumped to the next page:

Updated to 1.4 here https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882283988
Robo 2023년 10월 4일 오전 2시 02분 
@HerrKai A clown raging even though the modder doesn't owe us squat.
HerrKai 2023년 10월 3일 오전 9시 16분 
What the hell happened here?
monopoda 2023년 3월 20일 오전 5시 34분 
imagine crying about a ‘massive’ mod not being updated to 1.4 when it hasn’t been updated in over a year and also ignoring the link to a fork for 1.4 posted a month before your complaint
LogicalPremise 2023년 2월 9일 오후 7시 47분 
Reported the clown. Amazing mod.
KemonoAmigo 2023년 1월 27일 오후 4시 12분 
You absolute stuck-up troglodyte.
Modders have every right to stop working at any time and for any reason because we don't pay them a cent and thus are not owed their generosity. Shut up and update a mod yourself when the modder doesn't. You don't know what's happening in their lives.
Gnox 2022년 12월 20일 오전 7시 47분 
@Salabencher grow up, your acting like a spoiled 12 year old who's mommy won't buy them what they want in a store
Teirdalin 2022년 12월 16일 오전 1시 39분 
"modding is probably a hobby of these modders"
No matter how popular someones mods get, they won't make anywhere close to enough money to make it worth the time and effort that gone into it to begin with.
Cantaloupe The Clown 2022년 12월 11일 오후 8시 14분 
modders do not owe you mods, this is a privilege and we should be appreciative of the work that modders do