Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

项目 (311)
Ploppable (PROP) Vanilla "Police Car Lux" WITH LIGHTS.
创建者: SL33PW4LK
Ploppable (PROP) Vanilla "Police Car Lux" WITH LIGHTS by SL33PW4LK ¬¬...
创建者: xxyztwz
1、前期可用(100名普通工人即可) 2、超低造价(莫非用的是可回收原材料?) 3、5个水电站的峰值发电量(一旦拥有,别无所求) 4、超低的运维费用(什么,你还想更低?你想让那100个工人罢工么?) 5、完全无污染,连噪音都没有(你即使修医院边上也没问题) 超级太阳能电站 by xxyztwz...
Modular Stadium Pack
创建者: Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, I made this pack more than three years ago, but I have never published it. Now it is available for everyone in workshop. This pack contains 10 assets. You can find all assets under park and plazas tab. Use Repaint mod by algernon to change...
Parklife Paths as Roads
创建者: Chamëleon TBN
Parklife Paths as Roads by Chamëleon - Thanks to Allystrya for the initial idea :) 8 Zoneable roads based on the Pedestrian Park Pathes from Parklife DLC. The roads can be elevated as the pathes and connect smooth to normal roads. They will not connect cor...
District Style: Classic American Christmas
创建者: m4gic
The town is decked with twinkling lights and garlands and all is blanketed in snow. The children are fast asleep. The soft crunch of tires on the fallen powder is the only sound as parents arrive home to secretly stow-away the gifts that "Santa" will bring...
HSBC Main Building HD+Led
创建者: XDBX
HSBC Main Building HD+Led 香港匯豐銀行大廈高清版+LED版 新的貼圖 更精緻的模型 更多的燈光效果 New texture More refined model More lighting effects https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
China Flag [Dynamic Flag]
创建者: Toyota Land Cruiser
How to make your own Flag step by step Guide Waving Flag of China This Flags are waving. Both Flags use the same Texture. Use Loading Screen Mod for the half needed RAM. The Original Flag by APF Find the Flags by typing FFLGH in the Find it search bar. Fla...
Eagle BW Cover Weapon
创建者: Ironhospital
Eagle BW Cover Weapon by Ironhospital...
创建者: ZXJ
中国大陆和香港 by ZXJ...
CSL Map View
创建者: Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
Dnieper Hydroelectric Station (DniproHES), Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
创建者: Falco Femoralis
Dnieper Hydroelectric Station (DniproHES) - the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station is the largest hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper River, located in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. The station was built in two stages. DniproHES-1 was originally built between 1...
创建者: ZXJ
中国三峡 by ZXJ...
创建者: ZXJ
中国河南大省 by ZXJ...
中国大陆 (ZHONGGUOdalu)
创建者: ZXJ
中国大陆 (ZHONGGUOdalu) by ZXJ...
Roundabout tram outside tunnel
创建者: OlexX
A conflict-free roundabout with underground tram and elevated pedestrian path decorated with a few trees and props. On the Six-Lane Road with Bike, Bus and Tram Lanes, Decorative Trees by Soldat Tassin does the tram not run in the middle of the street, but...
Six-Lane Road with Bike, Bus and Tram Lanes, Decorative Trees
创建者: ifriqiya
A large avenue, decorated with trees, with reserved lanes for bikes, buses and trams on its sides. Decorations lower noise pollution and increase the land value. Characteristics Available in Large Road, Bus and Tram tabs, after your town has reached a popu...
6-Lane Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes (without Parking)
创建者: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way road with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collect...
HK Highway Gantry N
创建者: Pirazel
HK Highway Gantry N Gantry with sign on West Kowloon Highway in Hong Kong. This is probably only useful if you do a 1:1 recreation, but i uploaded it anyway. ----In game Info---- Decorative object no function. Move it! needed! Footprint: 1x6 See my other w...
Move It
创建者: Quboid
Move It 2.10.8 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.18.1 (23rd October Update) New in 2.10.8: - Updated for game version 1.18.1 - Added support for Nyoko's Procedural Objects fix This mod allows you to select, move and align various things.
Find It! 2
创建者: sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
创建者: boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Surface Road Pack 2L2W + 2L1W
创建者: Chamëleon TBN
Surface Roads 2L2W + 2L1W by Chamëleon It always bothered me very much that invisible streets could not be easily connected to normal streets and that this blue clipping occurs, which has to be covered in a complicated way. After i had released my Flat roa...
Horse Chestnut
创建者: MrMaison
Horse Chestnut by MrMaison When I was in Stockholm for PDXCon 2018, I saw this big beautiful tree with large white flowers while walking in a park. I had no idea what it was but always wanted to make it. Recently I discovered it's a Horse Chestnut tree. Th...
Italian Cypress
创建者: pdelmo
Italian Cypress by pdelmo ( Mediterranean cypress ) 1024x512 textures 923 Tris If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
XBRT Elevated Module(DIY Pedestrian Deck) 厦门BRT
创建者: Streamer
Actually elevated bus system. This is an elevated bus station with customizable pedestrian deck. 厦门快速公交高架部分是鲜有的完全独立路权、全程在高架桥上行驶的特色“轨道交通”,其中部分公交高架区间是由普通高架桥改造而来的。 Watch the Tutorial. Lite Version for beginners. I recommend using Xiamen Bus to fit this asset ...
Fine Road Tool - Ending
创建者: Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Tool based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead....
XBRT Elevated Networks(CSUR 2DC Compatible) 厦门BRT
创建者: Streamer
Dependency for Elevated BRT System Read descriptions carefully if you want to modify your elevated BRT system. Xiamen BRT Road Have 3 elevations: basic, elevated and bridge. Basic >>Station network designed for Xiamen BRT Station. The PSD will open after p...
Custom Animation Loader (CAL)
创建者: boformer Buildings with custom animations! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! This mod is required for building assets with custom animations. It sets up and enables the animations of t...
Animated Gantry Crane
创建者: jc21539
Animated Gantry Crane by johncomerford Per request, this is the animated gantry crane from my animated container port assets. The crane is from the default cargo hub but I removed the middle beams from this one for aesthetic reasons. There is also a half s...
Animated Escalator Pack
创建者: potato24x7
THE ASSET IS NOT BEING MAINTAINED AND WILL NOT BE UPDATED Escalators with custom animations up & down. Update 2.0 Complete overhaul of the base models Chrome texture updated Unrealistic sharp edges on the hand rails are done away with Steps part updated wi...
Fine Road Anarchy - Ending
创建者: Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Anarchy based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead. ...
Reverse Roundabout
创建者: UrbanCactus
Reverse Roundabout by UrbanCactus Like👍 and Vote ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ✅My Yotube Channel: ✅UrbanCactus Colection: ✅roundabout: ht...
International Airport Road
创建者: Useless Noodle
International Airport with Vanilla roads. Can be used without any mod or DLC but it defeats the purpose. May require Anarchy to place....
More Effective Transfer Manager
创建者: pcfantasy
Optimize transfer manager in vanilla game. match the shortest transfer bettween offers 中文简单介绍: 让货物或者服务运输更有效率 举例: 1.买家会找最近的卖家买东西,卖家会找最近的买家卖东西(绕口令:)) 2.城市服务会找最近的楼(如果能服务过来的话) Give me feedback: here What is this mod`s effect There will be less situation like t...
创建者: Quboid
Picker Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) If you use EML / Prop Anarchy, you must update to Extended Managers Library fix and Prop Anarchy fix! With Picker, you can choose any object placed on the map to ...
Animated Propaganda LED Fixed
创建者: amamIya
Animated Propaganda LED by amamIya Fixed by colddew98...
北京內城城牆(可拉式) | 北京内城城墙 | Beijing Inner City Wall (draggable)
创建者: Emperor Li
(English description below) 同高架人行道,市民可在城牆上行走,含橋部分 位於人行道選單下 城牆附件請到此處訂閱。 幾個須知項目: 請先鏟平地面 高度可自行調整,建設最高高度12m,建設過高城牆會變成懸空狀態 內不包含夜燈 強烈建議使用Move it!微調 交叉​口地板部份貼圖會有扭曲,所以不建議製作複雜的交叉​口 原模型長為4格(32m),拉過長的距離時城垛和橋墩也相對會過寬,請在適當地方加入節點,減少城(橋)段距離 同高架人行道,市民可在城墙上行走,含桥部分 位于人行道菜单下 ...
Invisible Pedestrian Path (12m width) 隱形人行道
创建者: Emperor Li
Invisible Pedestrian Path Half width 6m Lane width 14m vanilla pedestrian path with no pillars, no elevated segments and nodes. It's used in my Chinese city wall project for better connection with gates and other accessories. ...
Invisible Pedestrian Path
创建者: ako_ako
歩行者用の舗装路から舗装・橋桁・柱を除いた、見えない歩行者パスです。 TOKACHI269氏のペデストリアンデッキとの使用を想定しています。 発想次第では他にも使い道があるのではと思います。 This is an invisible pedestrian path. I removed pavement, girder and pillar from Pavement Path. You can use it together with Pedestrian Deck props by TOKACHI269...
Beijing Inner City Wall Accessories 1 北京內城城牆附件一
创建者: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color of side gate 1 to grey 改閘門1屋頂成灰筒瓦 ****************************** ***UPDATE 2020-07-15*** Add 2 more buildings: enemy platform with ramps and watergate. (see last two pictures) 新增水門和敵台馬道 (見最後兩張圖) *******************...
秦汉风城门Ancient Chinese Gate
创建者: MC100
秦汉风城门Ancient Chinese Gate by MC100 一个秦汉风格的城门。资产原版模型来自于《丝路传说》,我对其模型和贴图进行了一些更改。城门高度28米,占地13X4。可以与李皇帝的城墙资产连接,建议想要建造古城的把李皇帝的城墙也一起订阅了配合使用。 This is an ancient Chinese gate of city(Han Dynasty style).The original model is from the game "Silkroad",but I've changed...
北京內城城牆 (模塊化) | 北京内城城墙 (模块化) | Beijing Inner City Wall (modular)
创建者: Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a newer draggable version available in the workshop. I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can walk on the wall now and it's easier to place. ****************** 明清北京內城城牆(english description at the bottom) 中國歷史上最後兩代王...
Light Trail
创建者: sqrl
Update 2018.11.29 -Added a checkbox "autoloop". With autoloop enabled, when the mod finishes one light trail screenshot, it will automatically start another one with the same parameters, until you manually terminate it by pressing space key. Finally you'll...
正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower
创建者: Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a new version available in the workshop. This one is compatible with the modular city wall . The newer one has new wall texture and compatible with the draggable city wall . I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can...
Palace Corridor Network 京式宮殿走廊
创建者: Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Draggable corridor network using assets from Taoist Temple Complex 使用 東嶽廟 素材制作的可拉式回廊 Include a draggable corridor network, a corner piece, left end, right end. 包含可拉式”路网“回廊,直角,和两端...
ELVIS Paldal Gate (팔달문) (八達門)
创建者: ELVIS
엘비스의 팔달문 (八達門)이 출시되었습니다! 이 문은 수원화성은 남쪽대문입니다. 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요! ELVIS Korean Building Paldal Gate is Available now! This Gate is South Gate of Hwaseong Fortress. If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! and...
Temple of Heaven - Hall of Imperial Zenith 北京天壇皇乾殿
创建者: Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Temple of Heaven is an imperial complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Q...
Beijing Courtyard House Prop Pack Part 1 四合院物件之一
创建者: Emperor Li
A pack of 13 Beijing courtyard house (Siheyuan) props 十三個北京四合院房屋物件。 All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of them share the same texture. 全物件貼圖大小為1024x1024 px (LOD: 128x128),有些使用相同貼圖。 Can be found under Landscaping\Common 位於Landscaping\C...
创建者: MrMaison
Bamboo by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece Bamboo set. Included are a straight Bamboo tree, a bendy one and a little shrub cluster. Bamboo trees are actually in the grass family and considered the most primitive grasses. They are some of the fastest growing ...
Chinese Stone Bridge 漢白玉石橋
创建者: Emperor Li
Chinese bridge of white marble. It's a pedestrian path with 3m half width for elevated and bridge segment and 4m for ground path in order to create the typical opening. 人行道高架、橋部分半寬3米,地面半寬為4米以做變寬入口, Connect with pedestrian path different half width to creat...
OverLayer v2 [Unmaintained]
创建者: princekolt
Stop using this mod There are much better and newer alternatives. Try: this one. OverLayer v2.0 OverLayer draws a high resolution picture over your map which follows the terrain surface. To enable/disable the overlay, click the round button with an exclama...
Weeping Willow 2
创建者: MrMaison
Weeping Willow 2 by MrMaison This is my second more improved Weeping Willow tree to add more variety to our natrue needs. It's hand crafted in Xfrog and Blender. Stats: I kept the textures at 1024 to keep the fine details of the leaves. 1848 tris. Use in m...
Linden Tree Fall
创建者: MrMaison
Linden Tree Fall by MrMaison This is the 2 piece Linden Trees in Fall versions adding some golden color to your foliage. The color of these trees will vary between LUTs. Daylight Classic mod was in use with these screenshots. The Linden is part of the Tili...
River Red Gum
创建者: MrMaison
River Red Gum by MrMaison Introducing the River Red Gum aka Eucalyptus camalduensis. This is the second species in the Eucalyptus series released as a 3 piece set. The original (River Red Gum) is the largest with the most branches. The mid sized have less ...
Chinese Palace Lantern
创建者: Emperor Li
A Chinese palace lantern with light source. Necessary prop for the upcoming Chinese corridor. Tris: 178 LOD tris: 62 Texture: 512x512 LOD Texture: 64x64 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ta...
Chinese Corridor Network (Southern Style)
创建者: Emperor Li The covered corridor of the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, China. It works like the normal in-game pedestrian path with elevated, bridge segment. Ground and elevated segment have long side benches. Bridge segment h...
Olive tree 3
创建者: pdelmo
Olive tree 3 by pdelmo old looking lots of roots 806tri 512x512 texture...
Truss roof
创建者: Takouma
Truss roof by Takouma ...
No Fires
创建者: Katalepsis
Disable Fires This mod provides a option to disable/enable buildings catching on fire. Useful for people who like to play in complete sandbox mode and not worry about their carefully placed buildings burning down. All it does it set a boolean to true/false...
PostProcessFX - Multi-platform
创建者: cor3ntin
This mod is a fork of PostProcessFX v1.7.2 It Enables additional post processing effects such as bloom, sun shafts, different anti aliasing options and ambient occlusion. Open the mod settings panel with F9 The mod has been ported to work on linux of mac. ...
ELVIS Seoul Bike
创建者: ELVIS
머리말 서울시 대여 자전거 따릉이 자전거와 프롭, 그리고 거치대가 출시되었습니다. 여러분의 도시에 대여 자전거 시스템을 도입하여 여러분의 시민들이 자전거를 이용하는 모습을 확인하세요! 많은 좋은 혜택이 되리라고 장담합니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Seoul Bike.crp ELVIS Seoul Bike parking area.crp ELVIS Seoul Bike prop.crp 도움 ELVIS Seoul Bike는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. ...
Small Turbine (Mass Transit)
创建者: Arisandi
at the middle this more smallest than original CO Cloverleaf ! as you can see on the picture.but keep the slopes are not worst ,for compact class,it still looking good . put and replace Colosal order cloverleaf, it far better using this,cloverleaf without ...
Cinema Zoo Palast Berlin " Star Wars"(Ploppable RICO ready)
创建者: SvenBerlin
Cinema Zoo Palast Berlin by Svenpotsdam Unique Building 9x8 with Mod " not so unique buildings" you can build it more than one times Tris 5041 LOD 916 Harry Potter ver...
Car Transporter
创建者: kazuma76
Car Transporter Type : Generic Industry ---------- Truck ---------- Triangle : 1423 Texture : 1024 x 1024 lod Triangle : 13 Texture : 64x 64 --------------------------- --------- Trailer ---------- Triangle : 5466 Texture : 1024 x 1024 lod Triangle : 20 Te...
SINY-Chinese Pack 汉字合集
创建者: Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 该模型为纯色,带夜间灯光效果。模型高度约为3米,宽度以游戏内尺寸为准。推荐用来贴在轻轨站、楼房的墙壁上,...
Shared bicycle parking共享单车停车位
创建者: 红米先生
由于资产面数过多无法做Prop只能用公园属性代替,您在放置的时候请,配合moit it mod来实现位置移动...
Tree LOD Fix
创建者: Katalepsis
Increase the quality of Tree LODs Use the options menu to select between 4 Tree Lod Resolutions: Low = Vanilla (512px²) Medium = noticeably better (1024px²) High = great (2048px²) Ultra = totally amazing (4096px²) NOTE: Tree LODs in Cities Skylines are ren...
RTRL Custom Font PO
创建者: radoslav juanìc
RTRL Custom Font PO by Imbuzi...
Procedural Objects
创建者: Simon Ryr
Procedural Objects mod Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community. Version 1.7.8 compatible with Cities:Skylines 1.14.5-f1 (Airports) and all expansions. No expansion required. The Procedural Objects mod adds a vertex customization tool di...
12 storey step corridor12层台阶走廊
创建者: 红米先生
12层台阶走廊,宽度为6米,长度无限 ,类似道路一样可以拉长,适合住宅楼或者办公大楼等建筑门口摆放拉长,作为景观使用。 The 12-storey step corridor is 12 meters wide and infinite in length. It can be lengthened like the road. It is suitable for the gate of residential building or office building to be lengthened fo...
创建者: 红米先生
铜陵恒玖金山广场大厦 by 红米 大型商场,商住楼,占地比较大,有100多米长宽度25米,高度70米,共计20层左右。...
Canary Island Date Palm
创建者: MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions. I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future. ...
Dubai-Almas Tower 迪拜 钻石大厦
创建者: 752811818 迪拜-钻石大厦 高度-360米 楼层-68层 第六级特殊建筑 模型三角面 5500+ Dubai-Almas Tower Spire-360m Floor Count 68 Level six unique building Tris 5500+
标记为不兼容 ]  Bridge Fix
创建者: Leo Mystic Magic
This fix is needed for bridges that are being placed on water with the Onwater placement mode. If you build a road system in the asset editor and set the placement mode to onwater you will get wavey roads in game which completely ruins the way you want it ...
[OBSOLETE] Service Vehicle Selector 2
创建者: BloodyPenguin
Allows to select multiple service vehicle per building + allows to select service vehicles that vanilla doesn't Please note that in case of cable car lines, you must set needed vehicle type on all of cable car stations belon...
Additive Shader
创建者: Ronyx69
Allows to use the soft additive particle shader (used for light effects) for props and vehicle sub meshes. It's also possible to use custom on/off time of day. Required for assets using the additive shader. Building, sub building, and sub mesh support is n...
东方明珠广播电视塔 pearl tower
创建者: CM.
东方明珠广播电视塔 pearl tower by CM. 这是我做的一个新版本的东方明珠,主要着重于东方明珠底部的制作,只为了更好的去还原它。 This is a new version of the Oriental Pearl that I made, mainly focusing on the production of the bottom of the Oriental Pearl, only to better restore it. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到! You can find...
First-person Auto-walking 1.0
创建者: ✅iinsnian
1.7.2-f1-compatible Is new version mod of first-person walk mode and citizen / vehicle follow mode. WARNING: This mod is Incompatible with all other first-person camera mods. such as: Enhanced Zoom / First-person camera. You must be use this mod with all o...
[RETIRED] Ryde Sentosa - 4 car - Azure Livery
创建者: Blue Thunder
Ryde a Monorail Ryde is a fictional transport company designed to create a generic brand across all of the transport options in the game. Ryde A Monorail is the Monorail branch of their transp...
Set of Vanilla Metro - Station Tracks
创建者: clus
Set of Vanilla Metro - Station Tracks Prolog Happy New Year ! New year ... new things, or at least a bit different compared to the "usual" stuff that comes from me. ;) Yeah ... its vanilla ! :) I wanted to do something relax...
Rogers Centre - Toronto (Dome Open)
创建者: _luminou_
Rogers Centre - Toronto (Dome Open) Rogers Centre (originally SkyDome) is a multi-purpose stadium in Downtown Toronto, Canada, situated just southwest of the CN Tower near the northern shore of Lake Ontario. Opened in 1989 on the former Railway Lands, it i...
创建者: Katalepsis
Lets you paint buildings directly in-game. This mod adds a Color Field button to the Building Info Panel. Click this button and use the Color Picker to change the building's color. Buttons to Copy, Paste, or Erase are provided. Options to 'Colorize' whole ...
Surface Network
创建者: neinnew/네인
I released Double-sided Surface Network Surface Network surface network(grass, asphalt, pavement, gravel, ruin(cliff)), also includes clip networks. Information They all have versions of 4m, 8m, 16m, 32m. For clip networks, however, length means the half-w...
Landscaping Blocks [Grass]
创建者: Gruny
Initially intended for personal use, these landscaping blocks (aka curbs) are not innovative but differ in the use of a more detailed texture and a finer curb than those generally presented. Different styles are planned in the long term (Grass / Bark / Gra...
Landscaping Blocks [Bark]
创建者: Gruny
Initially intended for personal use, these landscaping blocks (aka curbs) are not innovative but differ in the use of a more detailed texture and a finer curb than those generally presented. Different styles are planned in the long term (Grass / Bark / Gra...
Landscaping Blocks [Gravel]
创建者: Gruny
Initially intended for personal use, these landscaping blocks (aka curbs) are not innovative but differ in the use of a more detailed texture and a finer curb than those generally presented. Different styles are planned in the long term (Grass / Bark / Gra...
Rotate Brush
创建者: Katalepsis
Allows rotation of tree brush, terrain brush, resource brush and surface brush Works whenever there is a brush active, including Extra Landscaping Tools and Surface Painter Tool. Mod Usage Hold down CTRL while moving mouse to free-rotate the brush. Press C...
Network Extensions 2
创建者: sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
创建者: down4th
The width of the highway is set to 32 with the parallel road tool....
Parallel Road Tool
创建者: S__T Road Toolhelps you easily drawing parallel and stacked networks.Main features are: Limitless parallel/stacked configurations: you can choose any network (not only roads!) and distances (both horizontal and vertical) ...
Network Skins
创建者: boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
创建者: #Kaiserderklaus
LA Channel Network! Hi, may I present my LA channel project to you It is built after the water channels in LA source:Google Earth Works like a conventional channel Realistic water flow possible
More Network Stuff
创建者: BloodyPenguin Adds more network stuff to Asset Editor for modders to place. Also allows editing ship and airplane paths ingame and placing regular roads and metro tunnels in MapEditor. Read description carefully before using this mod! IMP...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
创建者: boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Tyrannosaurus Rex static
创建者: SvenBerlin
Tyrannosaurus Rex static by SvenBerlin height 6 meters 3498 tris LOD 144 from this site Triceratops : Brachiosaurus: https://steamcommuni...
Acrocanthosaurus park
Props not by me, by SvenBerlin, the set Jurassic World/Park MOD RECOMMENDED: Parkify and Fine Road Anarchy...
Acrocanthosaurus static
创建者: SvenBerlin
Acrocanthosaurus static by SvenBerlin tris 1038 LOD 102...
Brachiosaurus park
Props not by me, by SvenBerlin, the set Jurassic World/Park MOD RECOMMENDED: Parkify and Fine Road Anarchy...
Brachiosaurus static
创建者: SvenBerlin
Brachiosaurus static by SvenBerlin tris 1756 LOD 174 free 3D model from this website Raptor: Triceratops:
Realistic Walking Speed
创建者: egi
Adjusts pedestrian walking speeds to realistic values. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Long description This mod fixes the unrealistic vanilla citizen walking speed that bothered me fro...
Six-Lane Road with Bike Lanes and Decorative Grass
创建者: ifriqiya
A large avenue, decorated with grass, with reserved lanes for bikes on its sides. Decorations lower noise pollution and increase the land value. Characteristics Available in Large Road after your town has reached a population of 5,000 cims. Size: 32m wide ...
4 Lane Road with Monorail and Bus Lanes (Parklife Version)
创建者: Wuffybrother
IMPORTANT: If you don't own the Parklife DLC please subscribe to the Regular Monorail and Bus Road instead. Due to a glitch in the game with the release of Parklife, I have had to create two versions of this asset. Medium Road, 4 Lanes with Monorail and Bu...
MAGLEV Tracks: Shanghai
创建者: REV0
Unleash the power of Tesla. Transrapid is a German developed high-speed monorail train using magnetic levitation. Planning for the Transrapid system started in 1969 with a test facility for the system in Emsland, Germany completed in 1987. In 1991, technic...
Grand Coulee
创建者: hewmart
Grand Coulee - Vanilla Map This is sort of a 1:1, sort of a fantasy map based around the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State, USA. The map is centered around the giant hydrodam which is also your start square. NOTE ON REQUIRED DLC: Some players have noted...
Pollution, Death, Garbage and Crime Remover Mod
创建者: doctor
Choose whether you want to completely remove any kind of pollution (ground, water or noise) as well as dead people, garbage and/or crime. Can also maximize city attractiveness, entertainment and land value. With Options Panel you can easily switch ON/OFF e...
Plop the Growables
创建者: Katalepsis
Allows you to manually plop growable buildings with Find It! and having them remain where you put them. In essence this mod removes the "Demolish me" signal growables normally send to the game when they are not in a zoned area or not in the correct distric...
Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
创建者: Alterran
Prop Line Tool Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads! This mod will save you time by placing items one by one for you! Compatible with Campus DLC and Patch Concerning Campus Update I've tested this mod with Campus patch and everything is in...
Better Vanilla Tracks
创建者: Jerenable
Better Vanilla Tracks Tracks by Yours Truely IMPORTANT!!!!! I uploaded both tracks seperately wich should fix most of the problems CO caused with my tracks thanks to CO for making a flawless implementation of something again good going. THE HIGHSPEED TRACK...
Concrete quay
创建者: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A simple quay with texture like my overpass supports. By itself it's just a quay and works like the default one, but with Quay Anarchy mod you can use it as a retaining wall on land making it much more useful. A s...
Network Tiling
创建者: Ronyx69
Loads custom tiling values for network segment and node textures. The mod is required for people who want to use networks which depend on this mod. Makes it easier for asset creators to texture networks (roads, walls canals etc.) by allowing to control the...
创建者: CityOfTokyo
GateShapedPillar Double Wide Advanced Road Anarchy is necessary to draw a road into the underpass. Triangle : 288 Texture : 512 x 512...
800kV Power Line
创建者: Kollati
800kV Power Line by Kollati Cost: 20/cell Upkeep: 0.48/Week/cell Triangles: 2.084 LOD Triangles: 72 Texture: 1024x1024 Lod Texture: 256x256 Based on a 800kV HVDC line....
标记为不兼容 ]  Theme Mixer [OBSOLETE (Use Theme Mixer 2)]
创建者: Katalepsis
Mix elements from different Map Themes into your game! Like the look of one theme but you would like the pavement from another? No problem, Theme Mixer's got your back. What does this mod do? This mod allows you to pick your favourite parts of different ma...
Sector A Town Grid
创建者: Dodgen
Sector A Town Grid This is a medium sized town grid with a highway pass though. 160u by 140u. Fits easily into one tile. Good for a starter grid or city expansion. One dogbone exit and 8 roads that run parallel to each other, 12u apart. Easy to expand in a...
The Neat Way (Service Interchange by Keralis)
创建者: Impact
As seen on the great youtuber Keralis, in Cities: Skylines Season 2 series. If you don't like the dirt in the middle of the interchange, just bulldoze it. It's just a dirt path. Super cute, super neat, super simple. The Neat Way is a highway to avenue inte...
Bermuda Theme
创建者: Punk7
Tropical Theme Textures 2048x2048 Goes well with vanilla LUTS and many of the great LUTs available in the Workshop. I recommend High Contrast LUT by markfire as seen in the first pictures. If you use a high saturated LUT or no LUT at all, I recommend Dayli...
Terraform tool 0.9
创建者: rollo
You need money to terraform, so if you have 0$ it won't work. Install unlimited money mod or get rich to terraform. Control keys: For laptops you can redefine keys in the settings - Map editor tab -> Look at last screenshot By default: Numpad Plus / Minus ...
NoPillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
创建者: BloodyPenguin Its name says everything about it This is my fixed and improved version of some danny's excellent NoPillars mod.Original mod seems to be abandoned and I've adopted it. This version of NoPillars is compatible with European Bu...
Quay Anarchy
创建者: BloodyPenguin Allows to place quays and flood walls anywhere. Also fixes 'Height too high' for quays, flood walls, cargo and passenger harbors For those wondering what quay is, word 'Quay' means the same as 'Wharf'. Draggable quays were a...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
创建者: BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Super Demand
创建者: Klyte45 Make all demands stay high forever. Works with new and previous-saved cities. The Cims even don't care about basic items (water, sewage, etc) before construct their buildings by consequence of it. Enjoy! WARNING: This mod do...
Curb Props 2
创建者: KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Guardrails PACK
创建者: BenTracker
Required MODs: - More Beautification - Prop & Tree Anarchy - Prop Line Tool (vAlpha) - Prop Precision Recommended MODs: - Farther Zoom (full zoom in) - Move it! -------------------------------------------------------- 12 Assets (Industrial Props): Guardrai...
FTP Hawthorn Bush
创建者: Tero
Hawthorn Bush used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses col...
创建者: Ronyx69
A pack of hedge props and networks, also includes replacements for the vanilla hedge. Search for "r69 hedge" using Find It! If a network segment is too long, there might be a gap, simply split the segment into two by creating an intersection. Main: 350 - 9...
Ploppable Grass
创建者: Ronyx69
10 ploppable grass props: Square4, Square8, Square16, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests My Discord Donate CSLM...
Parking Lines (Yellow)
创建者: DeCzaah
Pavement Markings & Line Painting This decal & prop pack is designed as a one stop shop for all your pavement needs. We took a look at what was currently in the workshop and realized there were many diverse parking layouts without a great amount of conform...
Parking Barriers
创建者: Spence!
A set of props (one- and two-directional barriers, and a booth) for use around parking lots, entrances/exits, etc. Includes two versions of each prop (one with gates open, another with gates closed) and mirrored versions of each for left and right side tra...
Stairs (one level)
创建者: Darf
This is a stairway/fire escape which you can use to attach to some buildings with doors at 3,5 meters tall. It should attach similar to Feindbild's fire escape. This will be used in some upcoming buildings of mine. Model: 170 faces. Maps: 512x256, diffuse,...
Concrete Retaining Wall Prop
创建者: Lost Gecko
Pack of 2 stone retaining wall props for all sorts of landscaping needs. Idea from one of Crumbs McGee's YouTube Video. That's as basic as it gets: a cube with a seamless stone texture. Stone version here. How to use it?: By default, the wall is 10cm above...
More Markings Pack
创建者: DeCzaah
More Markings by DeCzaah After a few requests, and mods like the „Remove Street Arrows“ Mod, I decided to make a new road markings pack. If you don't know them yet, take a look at the links below: Road Markings in white or yellow version Parking Lines in w...
French Street Fences
创建者: Gèze
Informations: This is a set of two types of street fences you can find on the french streets. Additional informations: Main model : 198 tris; 64x64 LOD model : 90 tris; 64x64 Main model : 828 tris; 64x64 LOD model : 180 tris; 64x64 Size: Single fence is 90...
Soldyne's Hedge Row x8
创建者: soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
CSUR Decal Pack
创建者: amamIya
CSUR Decal Pack by amamIya 28 types of decal...
Park Inn Prop Pack
创建者: AmiPolizeiFunk
This pack contains 17 props that decorate my upcoming Park Inn Berlin Modular Hotel. 1-4. Front and rear awnings, composed of two parts each (frame and glass). The glass planes use the semi-transparent rotor shader 5. Large Park Inn lighted sign for the ro...
Flexible overpass walls - Medium & large roads
创建者: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Ever been frustrated my overpass assets were just a little too high for your needs? Well, then this is for you! They're pretty much identical to my other ones, except for the fact they're lowered into the ground. ...
Flexible overpass ramps
创建者: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Ever been frustrated my overpass assets were just a little too high for your needs? Well, then this is for you! They're pretty much identical to my other ones, except for the fact they're lowered into the ground. ...
SKF - Theme Decal - Driveways
创建者: Shannanigan
I found myself using a bunch of my 4x4 pavement decals to create driveways, which adds a lot to the prop count. So I created these long narrow pavement decals. There are 3 lengths in this pack... 4x8, 4x12 & 4x16. They are located under "Residential / Grou...
Stone Retaining Wall Prop
创建者: Lost Gecko
Pack of 2 stone retaining wall props for all sorts of landscaping needs. Idea from one of Crumbs McGee's YouTube Video. That's as basic as it gets: a cube with a seamless stone texture. Concrete version here. How to use it?: By default, the wall is 10cm ab...
Quay stairs props
创建者: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic Stairs for my tiered stone quay. This contains 2 mirrored stairs, so the stats and textures are identical. A special thank you To my patrons Pasi & Jimmy :D Model Tris: 190 Texture: 512x512 LOD Tris: 70 Texture: 128x...
Highway Guide Lines
创建者: amamIya
guide line by Hikke...
创建者: 萌妹萌妹
CSUR双向8车道+跨线隧道路口 减少直行车辆交汇 by Qiu Wen...
neighbourhood round
创建者: atheimann
neighbourhood round by arild...
spiral highway deluxe
创建者: Peach
spiral highway deluxe by Peach Please remove pillars with . ........Oops It's a bit too high! For such you. →normal version
Intersection Bus / tram / train
创建者: yann_art
Intersection Bus / tram / train by yann_art...
创建者: Moch
TwinRound_10 by Moch There are 8 nodes, twin roundabout base of 8 units radius and 10 units radius. Please connect the road to the node and complete it. I changed the angle by 22.5 degrees at the top and bottom so as not to overlap. How you use is up to yo...
One-Way Train Tracks
创建者: BloodyPenguin
Provides single & double one-way train tracks, single station tracks and two-way single tracks This mod was created at a time when neither custom network assets nor single train tracks were supported by the game. I keep this mod to support the existing sav...
创建者: CoarzFlovv
Mod to avoid train collisions on single tracks 2 ways from BloodyPenguin mod One-Way Train Tracks. How does this mod work? It is simple. Before entering on a single track section, a train will check if there is already anoth...
6-2 rail Interchange
创建者: zeldslayer
6-2 rail Interchange for massive train transport. ...
Diverging Diamond (Mass Transit)
创建者: YUMBL
Feel free to "Thumbs Up" if you like it!...
创建者: ZiheX
大号高架城铁站 by 垃圾平台毁我青春...
JP 2L station tracks KT21
创建者: 紺野つかさ(Konno)
複線の対式ホーム駅用線路です。地上用、高架用がセットになっています。 ホームの高さを1.1mにすると最適になります。 高架用はPage Up Page Down で上げ下げ可能になりました。 アセット名後端のアルファベット解説 G:地上用 E:高架用 P:両渡りポイントが出ます NC:架線が出ません 例:JP 2L station tracks KT21GP = 地上用のポイントが出る線路...
JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201
创建者: 紺野つかさ(Konno)
幅員4mの道路です。 日本の住宅街等でよく見られるものです。 車道面+0.005m 縁石+0.105m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
LEDioc ROAD(6m)
创建者: hakurai
LEDioc ROAD(6m) by hakurai...
Bridgebuilding station JP2LV2
创建者: konfox0527
橋上駅橋上入口通過線付きJP2L Kt21G 注意 Attention! -NE2が不要になりました。 -内装道路が変更されてます。 -Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。 激重やクラッシュの危険性あり。 -It was changed the incrude road to KT 4m road. -Do not move use with Move It! It may be crash! 概要 overview -橋上駅橋上入口のJP2L station track KT21G版です。 入口が...
Train Station Liège-Guillemins Modular (vanilla track)
创建者: Nickayz
Liège-Guillemins is a train station in Liège, Belgium. It is part of the high speed corridor between Paris and Düsseldorf frequented by the Thalys and ICE trains. It was opened to public in 2009 and designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Che...
Medium Road for Stations
创建者: rcost
Medium Road for use with elevated over the road stations, taken from the medium road monorail station...
Metro Station Over Road V1
创建者: rcost
Over Road Metro Station based on vanilla elevated station. Uses road segment from over road monorail station. Requires Medium Road for Stations because I had to rip the meshes out of the game to use the monorail station road, as they are not available in t...
R69 Pillar Set 8/26
创建者: Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Vanilla Train Tracks without cross bracing (v2)
创建者: 74091796519793665
NOTE: This is almost the same than v1. HOWEVER, IN V2 I COMPLETELY DISABLED the texture portion used for the cross bracing, and replaced the elevated segment pillars, for the elevated segment pillars from the metro tracks. Now it looks more elegant. Would ...
中国高铁单根版 China highspeed track single
创建者: 狼少
speed limit:625km/h Track Gauge:1435mm Can change catenary by network skin in game!!!!!!! 游戏内可以随意更换接触网架!!! Thank you for rating this road/leaving your comments and impressions ❤ 请点个赞~~谢谢❤ 高铁主线:
Railway Replacer
创建者: Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Railway Props
创建者: Ronyx69
Basic set of props used for all Railway releases. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Ourense Elevated (Wireless)
创建者: REV0
Fictional variation based on Ourense Viaduct in Galiza, Spain Discord: The Terminus Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Armesto's Workshop Elevated network pack that can be used for station approaches, elevated lines or mountain rail. Elevated ...
Set of Bypass Station Tracks
创建者: BadPeanut
This is a set of bypass train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators (stop trying to use them as normal players then b i t c hing about it not working, seriously for god's sake) to make their own bypass stations, and to be subscribed b...
Glass narrow station 4 tracks
创建者: vilgard92
Glass narrow station 4 tracks (with underground passage) by vilgard92 Here is my new glass narrow station 4 tracks version. Very small size (16x4) I've chosen a very aerated design with transparent roofs and barriers and purified benches. The station is eq...
Invisible ceiling lamp
创建者: vilgard92
Invisible ceiling lamp by vilgard92 For assets designers. An invisible ceiling light that illuminates 180 degrees downward with a slight random variation of brightness to enhance your créations. I hope you'll enjoy. Stats :Tris : none Lod Tris : none Textu...
Highspeed Rail vanilla style
创建者: Jerenable
Highspeed Rail vanilla style by Jerenable IMPORTANT!!!!! I uploaded both tracks seperately wich should fix most of the problems CO caused with my tracks thanks to CO for making a flawless implementation of something again good going. THE NORMAL TRACKS CAN ...
Invisible road 2L2W no Ped
创建者: Chamëleon TBN
Invisible road 2L2W no Pedestrian Path! by Chamëleon Just a modification of stmSantanas Invisible road 2lane 2way (+Zone, Pedestrian). So all credits go tostmSantana! Some players have issues if they do not activate manually the Zoning. This can be done wi...
London Oyster Barriers
创建者: meshd Keyword for Find It: "oyster" Height adjustable using Move It TfL Oyster Card Barriers / Ticket Gates / Gateline You can make the barcode scanner visible by renaming the building to anything else other than their original as...
中国高铁 China Highspeed Railway
创建者: 狼少
2019/12/13 V5.0 added,please use V5.0【Build 2019.12 and V5.0 can be updated,so, no V6 anymore】 It may says "duplicate pillar",don't worry,update your all V4.0 Tracks to V5.0 and disabled v4.0 ,ok About V6.0?....NO V6.0!I can update road asset without save ...
Easy Change Catenary :: Catenary Pack
创建者: 狼少
Shanghai Metro Catenary China Highspeed Catenary China Railway Catenary——CN Catenary(Single) Japan Railway Catenary——JP Catenary(Single) All include double and single version only works on EASY CHANG CATENARY SERIES TRACK or ROAD EDITER And extra 2 tunnel ...
中国高铁车站轨道 China Highspeed Station Track
创建者: 狼少
The V2.0 of China Highspeed station track speed limit:150km/h Track Gauge:1435mm 高铁主线: Thank you for rating this road/leaving your comments and impressions ❤ 请点个赞~~谢谢❤ 使用方法: (1)对于玩家 使用touch t...
Train Station Liège-Guillemins Modular
创建者: Nickayz
You MUST subscribe to this highspeed station track. But you DON'T need the dependencies from that station track! The tracks and the station work without them. You only need the listed items here. If you prefer a version with less assets I recommend using m...
创建者: CityOfTokyo
J-StylePCPillar It is prestressed concrete bridge pier which is common in Japan. Triangle : 350 Texture : 256 x 512...
创建者: CityOfTokyo
GateShapedPillarWide I widened a road to size to close in the underpass. Advanced Road Anarchy is necessary to draw a road into the underpass. Triangle : 272 Texture : 512 x 512...
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Gravel-Concrete)
创建者: REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with gravel surface and concrete sleeper type: Wir...
Muggenhof Station 2 (Nuremberg U-Bahn)
创建者: Pewex
I have a Patreon! If you like my assets and would like to support me, I would greatly appreciate it :) History This is a station of the Nuremberg U-Bahn system. It was opened in 1982. Asset info This building has the same stats as the default train station...
中国高铁左行版 CRH Track Left
创建者: 狼少
这是中国高铁的5.0版本,在中国,汽车右行但是火车左行 This is CRH Track V5.0 Left version,In China,cars drive on right side,train drives on left side... 升级 1.贴图质感升级,适配更多过亮的LUT 2.扣件实体化,即使下雪也不会被覆盖成一码色,新的模型——桥体和隧道面数更少了 3.新的连接模式,可以支持四线铁路了【注:当pavement width=half width便可与我的铁路完美连接,双线主动生成模...
Road Markings (white)
创建者: DeCzaah
Road Markings The yellow version of Road Markings can be found here. A new decal pack for your cities! With subscribing to it, you get different turning lane assets, different texts on roads, and more! Also, they works fine as additional assets for the Whi...
American RoadSigns v2.2.0
创建者: Judazzz
About this mod American RoadSigns is a both stripped-down and enhanced version of hyperdrive_engaged's original American Roads, which is no longer supported, and unfortunately causes some issues for some players. The good news is that recently an American ...
Small 4 Lane Industrial Road (Vanilla Match)
创建者: James
The new small industrial road looks like it could easily fit more lanes of traffic or parking lanes. So, here is a version that adds 2 more lanes of traffic to match the vanilla road from the Industries DLC (required) 4 lane with Bus Lane version: https://...
Resize It!
创建者: Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to resize the scrollable panels in-game to match your style of play. NEW IN 1.16 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.15 - Recompiled for Citi...
创建者: Go!Vnian
CRH1 “和谐号” 动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+动+拖(2动3拖) 载员:360人 速度:250km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CRH1 "He Xie Hao" EMU Formation:2 Motor cars + 3 Trailer cars Capacity:360 Speed:155mph ★ It works better with Improved Public Transport 2 车辆简介(Introduction): ...
China's super project Three Gorges Dam中国之超级工程三峡大坝
创建者: 红米先生
使用方法很简单:由于大坝巨大且按1:1比例制作,所有我将模型分成三部分,用字母标注,分别为zhong.zuo,you,中文意思是中间部分,另外两部分分别放置在中间部分的两侧一边是左(zuo) ,另一边是右(you),可用moit it调节位置和高度,大坝可以发电,中间部分发电量为20万瓦。 如果发现订阅显示不了,请重新订阅两个MOD支持超大建筑 Larger Footprints (Snowfall) Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED) 三峡大坝,位于中国湖北省宜昌市三斗坪...
Find It! -汉化版
创建者: Catnip.
This is the Chinese version!...
BM - Station Pathway #03
创建者: Clus
BM - Station Pathway #03 Prolog Hello community ! These are pedestrian pathways, which I used for all the underground metro stations, as well as entrance buildings. In order to use those stations and entrance buidlings, all ...
BM - Entrance Buildings #01 (Right)
创建者: clus
BM - Entrance Buildings #01 (Right) Prolog Hello all togther ! These are some "entrance - buildings" to connect my metro stations or any underground pathway, to the surface. You wont need them to use the metro stations, they...
Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM)
创建者: sniggledigit Version 11 (11.0.0) Thank you for scoping out the Metro Overhaul Mod. The main goals of this mod are: NEW Integrate and extend the functionality and versatility of the existing metro network. ...
Set of Ground Stations
创建者: BadPeanut
Set of Ground Stations Here's what you get in this Ground Station Pack! As usual, No mods are required All these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations:
Set of Single Track Station Tracks
创建者: BadPeanut
This is a set of single track train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These steps if ...
Set of Single Island Train Station Track
创建者: BadPeanut
This is a Train Station Track with an Island platform. Please subscribe if you're using any train stations that utilize this network. This is NOT a normal train track, nor will I be making one as they would not be visually supported by the vanilla game - t...
Set of Dual Island Platform Station Tracks
创建者: BadPeanut
This is a set of dual island platform train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These s...
Metropolitan Depot
创建者: MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot by MrMaison Thank you for your patience. Introducing the Metropolitan Depot! It's a depot/shop giving your new metro trains a home as they now can see the light of day with the new Metro Overhaul Mod. This is a great centerpiece for a me...
Environment Changer (+ Improved Theme Selection )
创建者: BloodyPenguin Allows to change a saved game's, map's or theme's environment. It also decouples environment selection from custom theme selection. This mod allows to change environment of an existing save game. It adds a drop down to main ...
Improved Content Manager
创建者: BloodyPenguin
Enhanced mods and assets panels This mod replaces two existing mods: Improved Assets Panel and Improved Mods Panel. It's compatible with all other mods as far as I know (including Less Steam by @thale5 which I highly recomme...
Realistic V1.5.5 Temperate
创建者: Captain Soap
Overview, Screenshots, News and More Participate in a quick Survey! Help developing HERE! Realistic V1.5.5 Temperate The Realistic Map Themes This Map Theme is currently available for the base themes: European Temperate Boreal Tropical The Colo...
Electric Roads Mod 2023 - Final
创建者: Klyte45 NOTICE: 81 tiles 2 support now available! This mod turns all roads in the city into electric conductors. So, you won't need anymore to pass power poles around t...
Spawn Points Fix
创建者: BloodyPenguin
Automatically places spawn points for custom transport assets I think that's a common situation for many of you: regional trains don't come to custom train stations or planes don't visit custom airports. Aside from obvious pathfinding issues, that happens ...
[BETA] Parallel Road Tool
创建者: S__T Parallel Road Toolhelps you easily drawing parallel and stacked networks.Main features are: Limitless parallel/stacked configurations: you can choose any network (not only roads!) and distances (both horizontal and vertical)...
Unlimited Outside Connections Revisited 1.1
创建者: algernon Resurrected! BloodyPenguin's original Unlimited Outside Connections mod is no longer functioning as of the 1.15 (Plazas & Promenades) game update. The changes required to fix this were more than simple tweaks, and this mod h...
Japanese Noise Barrier (JPNB)
创建者: Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a type of road noise barrier (Network) that is often seen on Japanese expressways. The motif is based on the TOKYO-GAIKAN Expressway, Tomei Expressway, and Hanshin Expressway. The curved wall has a special light attached to it. This is a great way ...
Invisible Pedestrian Path Set
创建者: neinnew/네인
The invisible version of Concrete Pedestrian Path. Links Twitter -> @Cities_neinnew Youtube -> neinnew Instagram -> at.leasat Discord -> neinnew CSL ...
NZ Overhead crossing 3
创建者: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. This is high poly assets.The model of LOD also is not very lowpoly. I wanted to create are detaling models of the stairs. If you think this will put unnecessary s...
NZ Overhead crossing 1
创建者: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. This is high poly assets.The model of LOD also is not very lowpoly. I wanted to create are detaling models of the stairs. If you think this will put unnecessary s...
Vanilla Single Metro Tracks
创建者: clus
Vanilla Single Metro Tracks Prolog Hello again ! So ... I started vanilla and decided to "finish" vanilla ! ;) These tracks finally close the gap, which was there since Sunset Habor was released. At least when it comes to "v...
NZ Overhead crossing 6
创建者: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. This is high poly assets.The model of LOD also is not very lowpoly. I wanted to create are detaling models of the stairs. If you think this will put unnecessary s...
创建者: egi
Station track and prop replacement for metro. Developed by Egi and Rev0. Based on Simon Royer's and Ronyx69's work. Read the guide to understand what this mod is about For those who know the...
Set of Vanilla Metro - Station Tracks #02
创建者: clus
Set of Vanilla Metro - Station Tracks #02 Prolog Hello ! This is the last "vanilla set" for now ... These are the missing station tracks and as promised, the fixed double station tracks. Meshd asked for the single ones ... s...
创建者: kwanheng
城市大学 by 5ishi...
Lift&Stairs 06L for PedOP
创建者: stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 06m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator and stairs for 06m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to elevated pavement path. * L=Left, R=Right,...
Lift&Stairs 06R for PedOP
创建者: stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 06m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator and stairs for 06m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to elevated pavement path. * L=Left, R=Right,...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
创建者: macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Bamboo Cluster
创建者: RyanCat
Bamboo cluster with more bent bamboos. STATS: Bamboo cluster- 3262 tris, 1024x1024 texture Texture by MrMaison. strong Suggestions Tree LOD Fix by TPB To see them even further without them popping in and out use Ultimate Level Of Detail mod Boformer's Rand...
NZ commercial low L1 pack4
创建者: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. I will upload in the workshop only level 1 buildings for commercial zones. Type of buildings: Growable - commercial low, level 1. A small commercial buildings loc...
Middle school teaching building
创建者: 红米先生
Middle school teaching building by 红米 中式中学教学楼1-3 占地8X7格,楼层搞15米。...
Metal Planter 02
创建者: Beardmonkey
Metal Planter 02 by Beardmonkey...
Parking Lot Roads - 60° Parking Lot - Right Hand Traffic
创建者: Badi_Dea
For those of us who drive on the Right side of the street! British/Japan version can be found here: Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several fu...
Parking Lot Roads
创建者: Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Silver Maple Street Tree
创建者: Smilies
One of the most common trees in North America Designed particularly for detailing streets and manmade landscapes, tried to make the leaves and bark detailed while keeping texture size and poly count small 768x768 diffuse, normal, color, illumination 906 tr...
ULTIMATE Town Centre Road Pack [One Click]
创建者: Grozunol ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤══════⦃◯⦄══════⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤             DISCLAIMER         If you subscribe to the 𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝘾𝙇𝙄𝘾𝙆 version, 𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 subscribe                  to the others single roads,                to avo...
Space Needle
创建者: Alvin
UPDATED FOR SNOWFALL: I've finally had time to update the LOD on the model, it should now be compatible with Snowfall! Thanks for all your patience and understanding! ============================================= Space Needle by x3 The iconic observation t...
Smart Intersection Builder (P&P Updated)
创建者: Strad
Please report any bugs and/or odd behavior! It could by caused by the new update(s) and I might not know about it. What does this mod do? This mod allows you to place prebuilt intersections and tollbooths onto existing roads without the need to clear the a...
Modern Parking Garage
创建者: KingLeno
Modern Parking Garage by KingLeno A modern garage with a metal facade, glass entrance, and colorful signs. 8x11 Lot, same layout as University City Parking Garage, but shorter. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me o...
MVG Depot Clock
创建者: Ronyx69
A railyard depot clock. It's a building because it needs 4 (functional) clock props. Main(clock + actual clocks): 156 tris 128x256 + 32x32 LOD(clock + actual clocks): 24 tris autogenerated This project took 2 hours. Commission for REV0. Twitter Twitch YouT...
JP Car Port
创建者: SUGINOKO ver.1.0 モデル情報/Model info ●日本のカーポートです。 ・Japanese car port. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is a ruin and can be placed freely. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 55cm. ●以下の21種類が同包されています。 ・The following 21 types are include...
Just Another Residential #24
创建者: HypoSim
Low-Density Residential building, Level 5, Lot 3×3. Stats Main LOD Tris 1377 90 Textures 512 px × 2048 px, _d, _s, _n, _i, _a 128 px × 128 px, _d Tags: residential, low density, residence, building...
Ryde - NZ Bus Terminal
创建者: AliTarGz
Ryde A Bus Terminal Ryde is a fictional transport company designed to create a generic brand across all of the transport options in the game. Ryde A Bus is the Passenger Bus branch of their transport company focusing on movi...
table tennis animated with props
创建者: SvenBerlin
table tennis animated with props by SvenBerlin This is a package of 2 animated table-tennis assets and 2 props of the table. Different versions, because 1 table looks clean the other one is full of graffiti. The hat of the boy and the jacket of the girl us...
Värtan walk bridges
创建者: Ionwind
This is a dependency for Värtaterminalen harbor. This pack contains three decorative walk bridges. These walk bridges are not functional. 22 m long walk bridge (1×3 u), 220 tris, lod 30 tris. 32 m long walk bridge (1×4 u), 280 tris, lod 30 tris. Landing br...
创建者: Ionwind
Värtaterminalen is a new ferry and cruise ship terminal in Stockholm, Sweden. Unfortunately some cases where the harbor doesn't function and I don't have the resources to fix it, sorry. Background The terminal building was designed by C.F. Møller architect...
BM - Station Pathway #02
创建者: Clus
BM - Station Pathway #02 Prolog Hello community ! These are pedestrian pathways, which I used for all the underground metro stations, as well as entrance buildings. In order to use those stations and entrance buidlings, all ...
BM - Station Pathway #04
创建者: Clus
BM - Station Pathway #04 Prolog Hello community ! These are pedestrian pathways, which I used for all the underground metro stations, as well as entrance buildings. In order to use those stations and entrance buidlings, all ...
Sheraton Hotel - CdG Paris
创建者: _luminou_
Sheraton Hotel - Charles-De-Gaulle Airport / Paris The Sheraton Hotel is a 4 stars hotel, emblematic, located in the heart of Charles-de-gaule Airport in Paris. "DLC Airports" Version available in workshop Adapted for Cities...
VC Rock Outcrops
创建者: VecchioChristo
Rock Outcrops by VecchioChristo Created for a map I'm working on, this is a package of 3 rock models. They must be placed in or on water first, then positioned with move it. Use page up and page down for vertical positioning. These are very large (111 mete...
Badlands Rock Pack
创建者: 220hertz
Ten-piece matching set of rocks. They appear to be sedimentary, but that's the extent of my rock knowledge. They're just meant to look cool, really. Included in the download are five large building-type rocks (similar to the new in-game cliffs - only not q...
RON, the network replacer 1.1.1
创建者: algernon Replace Our Networks. New in 1.0 Support for Plazas & Promenades pedestrian roads Add option to auto-replace missing Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM) tracks on load with tracks from the supported replacement collection and MOM Inspi...
BM - Double (U) Station Track #01
创建者: clus Hello all togther ! This is the first of the BM - Underground Station Tracks. Its been used in/for the station that you´ll find behind the pic below. This is ju...
BM - Station Billboards #01
创建者: clus
BM - Station Billboards #01 Prolog Hello all togther ! These are some billboard props which will be used to decorate my underground metro station tracks. Low poly and light weight. ;) Main Mesh Lod Mesh 36 tris 4 tris 256px ...
BM - Station Displays #01
创建者: clus
BM - Station Displays #01 Prolog Hello all togther ! These are some station display props which will be used to decorate my underground metro station tracks. Low poly and light weight. ;) Main Mesh Lod Mesh 42 tris 10 tris 5...
BM - Station Pathway #01
创建者: Clus
BM - Station Pathway #01 Prolog Hello community ! These are pedestrian pathways, which I used for all the underground metro stations, as well as entrance buildings. In order to use those stations and entrance buidlings, all ...
FTP - Station - Double #01
创建者: clus Hello all togther ! This is the first "free to place" Underground Metro Station. Every network in the collection, which you find above, is needed to use/load this station in the game! https://...
Pyongyang Ice Rink
创建者: Brammered
What’s this?: The Pyongyang Ice Rink (Korean: 평양빙상관) is an indoor ice hockey venue on the bank of Pothong River in Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Built in 1982, it has 6,000 seats making it the biggest indoor ice rink in North Korea. It ...
Deutsche Bahn ICE 4 'Freistaat Sachsen' (7 Cars)
创建者: Nostrix
Intercity Express 4 The ICE 4, or Intercity Express 4, is the 4th generation of long-distance intercity trains operated by Deutsche Bahn and was assigned the class designation 412. Technical Details Passenger Capacity: 7 Car / 12 Car / 13 Car: 490 / 840 / ...
NZ Sky Stadium
创建者: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. This building was made at the request of DirtyH This stadium requires the "Campus DLC" and is in the sports facility category. Google maps: 105 Waterloo Quay, Pip...
Baseball Campus Stadium [DLC CAMPUS]
创建者: _luminou_
Baseball Campus Stadium Adaptation of the "Yankee Stadium" for the DLC "Campus" Scale 1:1 Size: 24x25 DLC "Campus" required (Building, Varsity Sports) You enjoyed my work ?! ...So please, first thing to do is to Upvote the asset ! The mod "Custom Effect Lo...
Spot [Custom Effect Loader]
创建者: _luminou_
Spot Requires the mod Custom Effect Loader to operate. Special creation for the Yankee stadium Can be used like any other light asset. Spot Yankee Stadium Triangles: 158 / 30 Texture: 32² / 16² (just _d and _c) My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: Donate: ht...
BM - Center Platform (U) Station Track #01
创建者: clus Hello all togther ! This is the second of the BM - Underground Station Tracks. Its been used in/for the station that you´ll find behind the pic below. This is j...
Floodlight 投光器
创建者: Takamon27
It is an asset of the floodlight. Contains three types: LED, HID, and OFF. 投光器のアセットです。 LED、HID、OFFの三種類が入っています。 1 Floodlight LED 2 Floodlight HID 3 Floodlight OFF...
JP Sluice Gate 水門(樋門)
创建者: Takamon27
It is a sluice gate of a Japanese embankment. Includes 11 assets. 堤防などで見かける樋門(水門)のアセットです。 樋門、樋門Prop無し、ボックスカルバート(水路)、ボックスカルバートProp、フェンス、接続通路10mと15m、量水標1m-4mと5m-8m(表裏で別デザイン仕様)、超音波水位計、入り口の照明器具の計11個のアセットが入っています。 樋門には超音波水位計、入り口照明器具、別公開の投光器が組み込まれています。フェンス、接続通路、量...
Ridderkerk North A15/A16
创建者: Pz.Magnus
Ridderkerk North The Ridderkerk interchange is the biggest of the Netherlands and with 16 (4x4) lanes also the widest. Though technically two separate interchanges they are considered as one because of the pre-lane configuration. You can use Ridderkerk Nor...
创建者: hmrf
I made Japanese battleship Yamato with Blender 2.91.2 I registered in the power plant tab . <Google Translation> ...
[RETIRED] Ryde - AHE-1600 - Prop [Ryde Airport Services]
创建者: Blue Thunder
Ryde A Plane Ryde is a fictional transport company designed to create a generic brand across all of the transport options in the game. Ryde A Plane is the Airline branch of their transport com...
花园酒店标志 Sign of Garden Hotel, Guangzhou
创建者: HooHeeHaa
Sign of Garden Hotel, Guangzhou 花园酒店标志 Width: 8m Texture: 512x512...
Yet Another Toolbar
创建者: sway
This mod lets you customize the toolbar panels. Why another toolbar mod? Resize It's panel scaling feature breaks Find It 2 so I was looking for a solution. I contacted the author of Resize It back in mid-2020 but they were ...
More Vehicles
创建者: dymanoid This mod increases the limit of spawned vehicles. The vanilla game allows at most 16,383 moving vehicles and at most 32,767 parked vehicles. Want more? With More Vehicles, up to 65,535 moving vehicles and up to 65,535 parked...
More Diverse Crowd (a.k.a. Service People on Streets)
创建者: BloodyPenguin Adds more diversity to the crowd: brings service people and workers to the streets! This mod brings service people (police officers, paramedics, firemen, hearse drivers etc.) to the streets depending on where citizens work. ...
Local-Only Transport Stations (obsolete)
创建者: boformer
The original functionality of this mod (local train stations) was added to the game in the Mass Transit update! You will only need this mod for local passenger harbours and airports Adds a checkbox to passenger harbours and airports to make them only accep...
Clear Skies and Water
创建者: crisimoeeee
Clear Skies and Water, it's just an improved European theme. I didn't use custom images, so enjoy....
Vienna SpaceShot
创建者: SoJiro
Vienna SpaceShot One of the many attractions at Viennese amusement park "Prater", also known as "Admiral Tower". Shot up with air pressure at about 100 km/h passengers reach the top within 2,5s, giving a little air time. Scale 1:1, Height = 62m Tris: 13227...
boxing ring
创建者: SvenBerlin
boxing ring by SvenBerlin Its a boxing ring with some ads on it. this was requested and I thought, that is something different as I usually do. So I did it. Then I thought this will look too static so I found a low poly boxer model and added an animation t...
Brick and Rough Stone Retaining Walls
创建者: Epic Lurker
Here are two retaining walls. The Brick Retaining Wall has the Dutch Canal brick texture, and the Rough Stone Retaining Wall has a texture that matches the Big Lock from my Canal Locks. Use Page Up/Page Down to change height, or of course use Move-it....
创建者: 贰叁
中国大陆 (ZHONGGUOdalu)
创建者: ZXJ
中国大陆 (ZHONGGUOdalu) by ZXJ...
6L2W Monorail Trees Bikes no Parking
创建者: OlexX
6L2W Monorail Trees Bikes no Parking 6 lane two-way monorail road with decorative trees on the median, white lights and bike lanes, no parking. Properties: 4 squares (32m) wide car speed limit of 60 monorail speed limit of 120 there are white lights on the...
6L2W Road Trees Bikes no Parking white Light
创建者: OlexX
6L2W Road Trees Bikes no Parking white Light 6 lane two-way road with decorative trees and white lights on the median and with bike lanes, no parking. I created this road so that it fits well with my "6L2W Monorail Trees Bikes no Parking" road. Properties:...
Adansonia Tower
创建者: _luminou_
Adansonia Tower Inspired by the colossal african tree, the baobab (scintific name: "Adansonia digitata") This asset has been designed and commissioned by "Rake" Platform still clear, everyone remains free to install whatever he wants ! Size: 10x10 Unique b...
Ability to Read
创建者: REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
Decals - Pack (Markings etc.)
创建者: clus
Decals - Pack (Markings etc.) Prolog Hello community ! Yes ... I definitely know, that a lot of those decals within the pack are already existing at the workshop. But I wanted only one package, which includes all decals that I will use at my roads. That´s ...
Pedestrian Path #04
创建者: clus
Pedestrian Path #04 (Bike Only - One Way) Prolog Hello all together ! Encourage you Cims to take the bike and help to keep the city clean and healthy ! ;) These two new "ped pathways" are bike only versions. They look exactl...
Pedestrian Path #05
创建者: clus
Pedestrian Path #05 (Bike Only - Two Way) Prolog Hello all together ! Encourage you Cims to take the bike and help to keep the city clean and healthy ! ;) These two new "ped pathways" are bike only versions. They look exactl...
(ÖKO) Deutsche Bahn ICE 4 'Freistaat Sachsen' (7 Cars)
创建者: Nostrix
Intercity Express 4 The ICE 4, or Intercity Express 4, is the 4th generation of long-distance intercity trains operated by Deutsche Bahn and was assigned the class designation 412. The green stripe is a new design by Deutsche Bahn to promote the eco-friend...
Pack of 6 flat Roads
创建者: Chamëleon TBN
A pack of flat roads by Chamëleon based on clus 2 Lane Road - flat All credits go to clus Following versions are included: 2L1W Road flat NoPed NoParking 2L1W Road flat Ped NoParking (with Bus-Stop function) 2L1W Road flat Ped Parking 2L1W Road flat Ped sh...
Brisbane City Volvo B7RLE Bus
创建者: Jotrain Gamer
Merry Christmas, after a couple of days my first asset for Cities Skylines is here. This bus is based off a Translink Volvo B7RLE Brisbane City Bus. For information for the Volvo B7RLE bus vist:
Rome Termini Central Station
创建者: Zarrix
Information Roma Termini (in Italian, Stazione Termini) is the main railway station of Rome, Italy. With over 180 million passengers each year, Roma Termini is the second largest railway station in Europe after Paris Gare du Nord. Termini is also the main ...
Moscow Metro - Novoperedelkino
创建者: eligios⚡
UPDATED UPDATED STATION !!! Incorrect self-glow map (at night the station is incorrectly illuminated) I will try to fix it soon !!! The two-aisled Novoperedelkino is another station of the Kal...
BM - FTP - Station Center #01
创建者: clus
BM - FTP - Station Center #01 ONE - Click - collection" of all the needed pedestrian pathways! 4 MB with LSM for all of them ! ;) Prolog Hello all togther ! Here...
Pedestrian Arch Bridge 海心沙人行桥
创建者: HooHeeHaa
The construction of the Haixinsha Pedestrian Bridge began in 2020. The bridge connects Haixinsha on the north bank and Guangzhou Tower on the south bank, and is the first pedestrian bridge over the Pearl River. Size: 16x2 Texture: 512x512, d, n, s 广州塔人行景观桥...
[JP] LED Road Signs with Temperature Display (9 types)
创建者: Mu.So.
This is a prop of LED road signs with temperature indicators that are installed on bridges and in front of curves on roads in Japan. It contains a total of 9 types of signs: driving caution, flooding caution, freezing caution, Route 334, safe driving, shar...
Golden Mile Complex
创建者: Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
Golden Mile Complex by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) Golden Mile Complex (Chinese: 黄金坊) is a high-rise commercial and residential building on Beach Road in...
Scifi Walkway Prop Pack
创建者: Casia Loopy
Around 13 scifi props to build walkways. They share a texture(with loading screen mod,) and will share texture with Infrastructure pack, and floor/wall pack. Search "scifiW" with Find It!2.0 to find all props. Contact me on discord for commission requests;...
Roundabout (8 Units)
创建者: Paper Wings
Roundabout (8 Units)...
LRT - Light Prop
创建者: clus
Tram Track - Asphalt
创建者: clus Moin folks ! This is a vanilla looking network, which comes with an asphalt road, instead of the pavement vanilla version. now w...
Metro - Underground Station Track #01
创建者: Clus Hey all ! This is just an underground station track. It comes in the same design as my already published metro tracks. https://s...
(Obsolete, do not use) Mod Compatibility Checker
创建者: leftbehind
No longer maintained Please use the new Compatibility Report mod instead, which is actively maintained and has some considerable improvements compared to my old mod compatibility checker. A message to Holy Water / Chaos, whomever or whatever they are... Co...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
创建者: Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
barrage-Pumping section 水坝-管道段
创建者: hikke
具体使用说明请看这里 Specific instructions please see here
barrage-retainment section 水坝-挡水段
创建者: hikke
具体使用说明请看这里 Specific instructions please see here
Barrage 水坝
创建者: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是直线型水坝,由三个部分组成,我会在下面说明 几个注意事项说明一下: 1.这个水坝是基于道路编辑器制作,可以像拉道路一样铺设,使用的是二车道游戏自带道路 2.铺设必须使用桥梁模式,其他无效 3.最大高度差请控制在55米左右,太高下面会悬空,太低模型会被埋在地形里 4.这个水坝只能拉直线,不能拉曲线 5.右面的二个必须物品必须要订阅,因为我是分三段制作 最后请大家多多点赞支持~ ---------------------------------------------------------...
创建者: kaikai0706
Guangzhou Railway Station beta0.1.1 No font Update path...
Rail-Over-Road Train Tracks
创建者: BadPeanut
This is a set of 2 train tracks - a 16m wide version for small roads, and a 32m wide version for medium and large roads. These tracks can be placed over any road without the use of mods, and no disappearing pillars! Examples:
Metro Over Road Tracks
创建者: Coldrifting
Place Metro tracks over any roads you want, no mods required! This set of networks includes 16m and 32m wide elevated vanilla style metro tracks that can be placed over any roads. You can also find an over road friendly station to go with them here. Inspir...
Punggol MRT Station, Singapore
创建者: EndlessFtw
Punggol MRT Station, Singapore Punggol MRT Station is an interchange station in Singapore, for both the North East Line and the Punggol LRT line. This is a combined station for a heavy rail and light rail (people mover) line. The heavy rail line (North Eas...
Canary Island Date Palm 2.0
创建者: MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm 2 by MrMaison May your Cims have more Dates :D Canary Island Date Palm 2.0 is an updated version of the original made with darker, richer fronds (leaves). This 2 piece set is great for adding lush tropical palm foliage to your lands...
Al Meydan station
创建者: La Micha 64
Al Meydan is part of the Naitirja City Metro Authority.Or NCMA,for short,in Naitirja,NA,Paknenistan. Its located on the silver line. Paknenese: Ghjurneljaevrencha khanliya rashigholnah NCMA jiu njelk. Kandriya undrek enjoikuna Al Meydan jernkha metra...
创建者: Painiaeter
2222RailWallnixx€ by Painiaeter...
创建者: pkbsl
This is edit vanilla tollgate road without tollbooth. This road made for support Korea tollgate Ver. 2 Pack. If You don't subscribe that assets, DO NOT subscribe this asset....
RAN Aegis Destroyer DDG-42 HMAS Sydney (Floating building)
创建者: WTigerTw
DDG-42 HMAS Sydney_BL by WTigerTw Electric building Floating building with helicopter Royal Australian Navy (RAN) AWD Hobart class Guided Missile Destroyer DDG-42 HMAS Sydney. Model and texture by WTigerTw. Hobart class destroyer is the newest Australian N...
Retro Newspaper Kiosk Prop
创建者: JopytheBear
Asset/Prop High detailed, European style, retro newspaper kiosk with and without awning to make your city more immersive. These romantic style kiosks are very common in Europe especially in Paris. Attention: The textures on this asset are conatins modern n...
Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks
创建者: kian.zarrin Hides tracks that are unconnected by TMPE lane connector tool. Instructions: 1- subscribe to and enable this mod and TMPE. 2- use TMPE lane connector to connect tracks. 3- unconnected tracks will disappear (see limitations)....
Mini FPS Booster
创建者: Krzychu1245
This is a mini fps booster which increases the frame rate in-game by 5-15%. It works by reducing the number of raycast calculations the game does to work out where the mouse is. You won't loose anything. It doesn't break any...
DB Central Station Props [Set]
创建者: Titan
This is a set of different platform props 8 platform props to bring life to your station. All of these props follow a design used by the DB (Deutsche Bahn), the German rail operator, on their main and central station. A ticket machine A ticket validator A ...
Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack
创建者: Polygon This prop pack includes two original benches you can find at LA Metro’s Expo Line Stations. Check out my appendant LA Metro Stations & Props. Mesh Info Bench A: 696 tris, 512x256 diffuse, specul...
First Person Camera: Updated
创建者: tony56a
An update of nlight's First-person camera! Also: a fix for the light flickering issue when following a vehicle/pedestrian. adjustable vehicle camera offset positioning increased field of depth options for a more "isometric camera"-y feel ( reduce field of ...
标记为不兼容 ]  Loading Screen Mod
创建者: thale5
Update May 22, 2021 Support for the new DLCs. Update Oct 31, 2020 Support for the Chinese language. My thanks to @Yuuki for the translation! Update Sep 23, 2019 New Safe Mode loading options. Read here. Update Jul 28, 2019 New feature: Optimize thumbnails ...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.5
创建者: macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
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