165 평점
[WOTC] Grenade Scatter
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2020년 3월 17일 오후 7시 48분
2020년 7월 8일 오전 7시 15분
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[WOTC] Grenade Scatter


This mod contains the configuration for the [WOTC] Iridar's Scatter Mod necessary to add scatter to grenades.

Right now the mod is configured as such:

* Both throwing and launching grenades is subjected to scatter.
* Launching is more accurate than throwing.
* Both XCOM and ADVENT grenades are affected. In fact, ALL grenades that use 'ThrowGrenade' or 'LaunchGrenade' and have the "grenade" weapon category will be affected.
* At 10 tiles the Hit chance will be equal to soldier's Aim. This is the maximum throw distance, if you're not using Grenade Rebalance.
* Launching and Trowing is slightly more accurate if the unit did not move this turn.
* Even with the best case scenario, the grenade can still potentially land a full tile away, though a full 1 tile scatter is highly unlikely.
* In case of a miss, the grenade can land up to 3 tiles away, though a full 3 tile scatter is highly unlikely.
* Advanced Grenade Launcher gains +5 Aim and -0.5 Miss Scatter.
* Beam Grenade Launcher gains +10 Aim and -1.0 Miss Scatter.
* Molotovs and Sub Sonic Grenades are affected.
* Frost Bombs, Proximity Mines, Ghost Grenades (The Hive) and Pipe Bombs are excluded from Scatter.
* Smoke Grenade and Ericpar's HealBomb are not affected. Neither are Claymores.
* For now, the scatter config is the same for all grenades.


[WOTC] Iridar's Scatter Mod is required.
[WOTC] Iridar's Weapon Skin Replacer is required to grant scatter-reducing abilities to Advanced and Beam Grenade Launchers.
[WOTC] Iridar's Grenade Rebalance is highly recommended.

For best experience, it is highly recommended to use this mod with Precision Explosives Second Wave Option, which makes explosions deal less damage the further away the target is from the epicenter.

This mod can be safely added or removed mid-campaign, but don't do it mid-tactical, just in case.


No known compatibility issues.


The mod is entirely configurable through:
If you make any changes to this file, make sure to create a backup in case your changes are lost to a mod update.


Please support me on Patreon[www.patreon.com] if you require tech support, have a suggestion for a feature, or simply wish to help me create more awesome mods.
댓글 57
Noname 2024년 2월 19일 오전 5시 07분 
Понял). Не, меня просто слегка Фираксис в этом плане удивляет, стрельба с возвышенности у них с какого то перепугу супер меткая а бросок гранаты по прежнему себе "под нос". Интересная логика у людей..
Iridar  [작성자] 2024년 2월 19일 오전 4시 41분 
Ку. Мысль интересная, но это довольно сложно реализовать неинвазивными средствами.
Noname 2024년 2월 19일 오전 4시 38분 
Хай! Мод потрясный конечно, такой, из разрада - REALISTIC). Но такой вопрос\предложение есть, может добавить рейнджа при броске\запуске гранаты с хай граунда? Ведь в реальной жизни оно именно - ТАК), когда выше стоишь и кидаешь предмет он летит - дальше, потому что приземляется - дольше, вообще мне лично довольно странно что нет такого мода, хотя бы в самом простеньком исполнении, у тебя то здесь целая физическая система..
Profligate 2024년 2월 11일 오후 4시 14분 
Criminally underrated mod
Iridar  [작성자] 2020년 9월 23일 오후 5시 17분 
Fixed, thanks.
Gentleman 2020년 9월 23일 오후 5시 14분 
wait a second I think you spelled molotovs wrong it has a i instead of a l
RedDobe 2020년 4월 29일 오후 1시 24분 
@Iriidar - fabolous, thanks! Now we just need to create a grenade throwing training for my soldiers!
Iridar  [작성자] 2020년 4월 29일 오후 1시 15분 
I tested, it took about 5-6 throws, but I did get a 3 damage frag with Precision Explosives enabled.
RedDobe 2020년 4월 27일 오후 4시 17분 
I'll keep an eye on it and see if I ever "get lucky"!
Iridar  [작성자] 2020년 4월 27일 오후 4시 11분 
Hmm, I'll check it out. Most likely you were just unlucky, because this mod doesn't fundamentally change how grenade damage works, or anything else along those lines, it just makes the grenaade "land" on a random tile. Note that the tile the grenade lands on visually can totally be different from the actual epicenter of the explosion.