Vivi the Gobolin
United States
Oh. You found me. You're one of the real ones I guess. So no judging, you're the one who tracked me down after all.
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Katamari Damacy REROLL
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2,2 heures de jeu
My playtime is higher than what steam would suggest, I played these VNs on another platform. This series is what started the best change of my life. All three are extremely well done little Visual Novels, with wonderful little music loops and writing. The message and outlook npckc gives to her games is one I’ve yet to see anywhere else. I love the way she’s able to use mundane scenarios to connect with the player and get across what the characters/their lives are like. The games will not take long to get through, even going for all paths. Still, I cannot recommend them enough, they’re cute little stories that are well worth your time. Easily in my top games, definitely my favorite VN.

The first game touched me enough that I finally came out as trans. I’d been in the closet for most of my life, but seeing someone like me navigating a mundane outing where her friends didn’t quite get the difficulty…just hit me. Doing it in game led to me feeling I could do it IRL. Turns out I could, my ID doesn't have the same name and gender that it used to. And when I lost my job, or my family, I just thought to Haru at the hotspring. The quiet, subtle, difficult persistence. Maybe it's a bit cliche or mundane, but if you're trans or even just take inspiration in realistic mundane struggles, do yourself a favor and get this. If you're questioning yourself as aro or ace, try it out. It'll be done in an afternoon and you'll leave feeling warm and affirmed.
Jeu favori
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Vitrine des jeux terminés à 100 %
Vitrine des évaluations
61 heures de jeu
Never have I had a game exceed my expectations like this. Not to say it was the best I've played, but definitely worth the time put into it. I expected a small game with quirky humor, over in a day or two. Not to be absorbed for a week, getting behind on work. The humor was gloriously on point, the puzzle of coming up with new dishes and combinations to overcome challenges, new combinations constantly recontextualizing old ingredients, and even the simple yet oddly engrossing story by the end. I usually ramble for paragraphs with pros and ♥♥♥♥, mostly ♥♥♥♥, even on games I like. Not this time. I would've happily paid the $25 for this, but getting it for $6.24 is well worth it. Highly recommend
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98 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 27 juil.
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dernière utilisation le 15 juil.
4,4 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 14 juil.