
Mormesk の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 1.3 時間
Life is Strange has a great story it is part character drama, part detective mystery, and part sci-fi adventure. You simply play as a teenage girl coping with life in a quiet town. Over the course of the game, you do find that Max is no ordinary girl in fact she can reverse the flow of time and that Arcadia Bay is a very strange town but even the mystery ratchets up, the roots of everyday life remain.
投稿日 4月5日.
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82 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
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記録時間: 2.4 時間
House Party is a controversial game because of its adult content. The game taps into a house party where you can meet attractive people, get into wild shenanigans, and if you're lucky have some gratuitous sex. This game is by means a sex education tool and an introduction about how to act in social situations.
投稿日 4月5日.
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37 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 3.5 時間 (レビュー時に2.5時間)
I really enjoyed playing Maid of Sker especially figuring the puzzles, keys and getting the complete achievement of this game which are quite challenging it's like Resident Evil. The story, folklore backgrounds, and the beautiful renditions of Welsh Hymns are well crafted. Holding your breath is your key mechanic in order to survive this game it's not something you can use it freely it needs to be handled with care.
投稿日 4月5日.
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記録時間: 14.3 時間 (レビュー時に1.9時間)
I must say that the game has come a long way since its controversial launch. With numerous updates and improvements, the current state of the game deserves recognition.

Let's start with the visuals. The graphics in Star Wars Battlefront II are simply breathtaking. From the intricately detailed character models to the beautifully rendered environments, every aspect of the game immerses you in the Star Wars universe. Whether you're storming through the streets of Mos Eisley or engaging in epic space battles, the game never fails to deliver stunning visuals that make you feel like you're a part of the action.

The gameplay mechanics have greatly improved over time. The addition of new heroes, villains, and trooper classes brings a diverse range of playstyles to the battlefield. The controls are responsive and intuitive, allowing for smooth and satisfying combat encounters. It's a joy to swing a lightsaber as a Jedi or Sith, or rain down blaster fire as a trooper. The game strikes a good balance between casual fun and strategic depth, providing both new players and seasoned veterans with an enjoyable experience.

Progression and customization have also been revamped, addressing one of the major concerns from the game's early days. The loot box controversy is a thing of the past, replaced by a more player-friendly progression system. You earn experience points and credits by playing matches, which can be used to unlock new weapons, abilities, and cosmetic items. It feels rewarding to see your characters and vehicles evolve as you progress through the game.

One of the highlights of Star Wars Battlefront II is its variety of game modes. Whether you prefer large-scale battles in Galactic Assault, intense dogfights in Starfighter Assault, or close-quarters combat in Heroes vs. Villains, there's something for everyone. The addition of co-op and the popular Capital Supremacy mode further expands the replayability and offers thrilling cooperative experiences with friends.

However, while the game has come a long way, it's not without its flaws. Occasionally, there are minor balance issues that can disrupt the overall gameplay experience. Some heroes or starfighters may feel overpowered, leading to moments of frustration. Nevertheless, the developers have shown a commitment to addressing these issues through regular updates and patches.

In summary, Star Wars Battlefront II is a game that has overcome its rocky start to become a highly enjoyable and immersive experience set in the Star Wars universe. The stunning visuals, refined gameplay, and wide variety of game modes make it a must-play for any Star Wars fan. With continued support from the developers, the game has transformed into a galactic adventure that is well worth your time. May the Force be with you!
投稿日 4月5日.
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39 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 6.6 時間
One of the best Warhammer theme game , also the best fantasy grand strategy game you can get on Steam.

Ever want to feel the heat of epic battles like in the famous movie The Lord of the Ring? Like when Theoden's army charges through a huge orc army while Minas Tirith lays besieged or how Gandalf and Éomer arrive with the Rohirrim, turning the tide of the battle in Helm Deep? Yea you can experience them all in Total Warhammer 2, also with the workshop mods the amount of play time you can sink in is endless .

Super recommend for strategy and fantasy fan!
投稿日 3月22日.
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23 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 1.6 時間
Played this back in 2009 on the 360 and it came out of no where. Probably one of the best games I played on the 360. Pretty good port imo as well. Easily played with keyboard and mouse.

This classic is a timeless masterpiece.
投稿日 3月22日.
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46 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 8.5 時間 (レビュー時に2.5時間)
Probably the closest I'll get to an underground experience. It has some issues, but still very fun.

Movie cut scenes were weird at first, but they grew on me quick. Story and characters are medicore and cheesy but it all grows on you more and more as it all develops. That's always been kinda of the charm to the NFS series tho in my opinion.

Customizations are there but I've played racing games with more. Save money to buy cars and parts. Car wraps are nice and easy to find with the community tabs. I also saw a review where someone said the handling was the worst in the series and I actually almost didn't buy this game specifically because of that. I'm glad I decided to get it anyways because it's actually the most customizable handling system I've seen in an arcade racer. Not only can you adjust the sensitivity and dead zones like usual. They have sliders for varies aspects of the car, like tire pressure, steer response and steer range, drift assists, launch controls, etc. After hours of game time and adjustments I was able to get the handling to perfection.

Graphics are beautiful. The lights shimmering off the rain puddles on the road and the building lights reflecting off your windows as you fly down the roads at speeds above 150mph just looks great and feels exhilarating.

The addition of gymkhana, even tho it's kinda poorly done was a nice surprise. Even more of when seeing Ken Block actually show up later.

Alldrive mode is pretty neat as well. There's a mix of AI and online racers, all racing about. You can challenge them to a quick street race or invite/join story races with other online racers. That with daily challenges and other online modes/races make the replayability higher than I expected.

All and all 4/5.
投稿日 3月22日.
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記録時間: 2.0 時間
played the living hell outta l4d 1&2 on the 360. this game was lost in the farthest depths of my human mind. until i heard about a massive update to the game and i must say the game is so much more enjoyable on pc and with the lastest update i find myself lost in the realms of the darkest hallways fighting for my life for hours on end all over again and i love it very much.
投稿日 3月22日.
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99 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
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記録時間: 181.6 時間
8 years later....

The GTA series is by far, hands down, one of the best series in the video game industry. Its sales speak for itself.

This game's scale is pretty massive and runs fairly well on a decent PC. Rockstar has really gone all out on this game. It's practically endless to the things you can do in this game. You'll have hundreds of hours sunk into this masterpiece and still find things to laugh at, things to learn, secrets, and memorable moments. Just exploring the entire map is something in and of itself. I've done it all on foot now.

The story is something you'd see in the movie theaters. Micheal, Franklin, Trevor, and almost every side character is absolutely perfect, AAA, just blockbuster stuff. Micheal is a washed-up bank robber, now family man clinging onto stories of his criminal mastermind ways. Franklin is a young, loyal, earner who wants to be bigger than just some gang banger in the hood. And Trevor... Trevor.. Trevor is something truly special. Honestly, I've played the game so much and all the other games in the series that I understand how R* pushes the satire of current events and pop culture to the extreme. In ways that some would see as going too far. Trevor is all that and more in one person. The dialog between these guys in and out of missions/heists is one of the pillars of what makes this game's campaign so strong. You are able to switch between all three pretty much at your leisure as the game progresses.

The graphics are stunning and hold up to this day. With mods, it goes even further beyond!. From the busy city life of Los Santos to the vast, rural area of Blaine County. It's truly something to see, both during the day and at night. Characters, cars, animals, and environments are all worthy of greatness for detail.

Gameplay wise I'd say it's the most fluid and versatile in the series. GTA IV felt like you were a tank and to an extent, it feels like that in GTA V as well. But, it's better. I do miss the ragdoll effects GTA IV did have, however. Also, the vehicle body damage was far better in the previous title. Rather than having one weapon of each type, like before. You have a wheel that has every weapon, in every category available to you, if you're able to obtain them. There is an abundance of weapons to be used, vehicles too. You can also customize both weapons and cars pretty in-depth.

Music. Well. GTA is known for having probably the best soundtracks of all time, ever. Nothing really needs to be said there.

Online is really something else entirely. You basically level up and fight your way to being a notorious kingpin-overlord-super god. You can buy bunkers, facilities, offices, drug factories, nightclubs, casinos, submarines to satellites that shoot lasers. You can do just about everything you could do in the main story and more AND you can do it with like 30 other people online. It's just never-ending mayhem and provides for a truly great and unique experience every time you go to play it. The only thing that really does suck is the amount of modder/hackers in the game. R* says they do ♥♥♥♥, but it's evident that they do not.

The only real question is, why aren't you playing this game?
投稿日 3月22日.
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34 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
9 人がこのレビューが面白いと投票しました
記録時間: 390.4 時間
This game is over hyped and over rated. That said its still does what it does very well, its just not the best thing since sliced bread that everyone makes it out to be.

The story is linear and frankly boring the world is dead in comparison to the superior morrowind and the while it certainly looks good; its far too easy. Plenty of games do story and world better Red dead redemption, The Witcher series, Fallout, BG just to name a few. Still I have played a lot of this game and its like coke its not good but you drink it anyway its strangely addictive but I couldn't for the life of me tell you why.

If your one of the three people on the internet who hasn't played this game try it for yourself its apparently opium for the masses.
投稿日 3月14日.
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32件中 11-20 を表示