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Análises recentes de Mormesk

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Before playing this game I had no friends, no relatives, no love life, no money, no job, no skills, no talent, no education and no future. And now i'm still the same. Oh and the game's alright.
Publicada em 23 de fevereiro.
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91.9 horas registradas (23.2 horas no momento da análise)
Long time ago when I was still a young kid, in the middle of RTS boom, I had a hope that one day I'll see a video game that isn't focused so much on battle/war aspect, but rather take base building to the extreme where we'll build our own castles, fortresses, defenses and our only goal will be to survive ever-increasing waves of enemies.

Years later, long after RTS boom has ended, I've never found my dream game from early childhood. Sure, there were games which were more-or-less about the same concept, like Settlers or Civilization, but it wasn't what I dreamed of, just something that can be considered close enough. There was a Dwarf Fortress as well, but it seemed too awkward even for me. My dream was still unfulfilled.

....until two games came out in 2017 and 2018 - They are Billions and Rimworld, respectively. This review is about the second one, Rimworld.

Rimworld is survival-oriented base building management game. While They are Billions matched my initial dream expectations more, I consider Rimworld one of the best games I've ever played, due to the complexity of the simulation, polished and enjoyable gameplay and the fact that there is no run that looks the same, there is always something to improve or to do, and the game doesn't stop to amaze me.

I'm deeply shocked how much work and thought was put into Rimworld as a whole, it's clear as day that the devs put a lot of effort and love into this game. Personally I'd love to see only one single thing added - the actual campaign/scenarios that would put us into predefined positions and expect from us to meet certain goal, whether it'd be survival, establishing peaceful relations with some faction or anything else. However, everything in the base game is polished to perfection, and I'm very happy that I've found RimWorld, a game which fulfilled my children dreams of a complex base-building game.

I can wholeheartedly recommend this masterpiece to every person that is interested in checking out how a perfect definition of base-building management looks like. I've barely finished a single playthrough during my 80 hours with this game, and I know that it isn't even everything that the game has to offer, let alone consider it finished. This is my current definition of how a good base-bulding game should look like, and I had a lot of fun from every single hour spent with this title, and a lot more to come.
Publicada em 23 de fevereiro. Última edição em 28 de fevereiro.
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860.5 horas registradas (856.3 horas no momento da análise)
Rust is still as addictive as ever.

An excellent survival game, I recommend it to anyone who has a strong mentality and determination to play after an offline raid.

This is good, every time there is a new adventure, and not every time the same thing, like barotrauma.

I really like this game, there are so many great things about it: survival, building, combat, hunting, loot and many more, the only thing that makes it bad is the toxicity, but when I think about it, Rust without toxic children is not rust .
Publicada em 23 de novembro de 2023. Última edição em 10 de agosto.
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17.6 horas registradas
I still love the game and I love Wollay and Pixie. I had a disgusting amount of fun with their initial release of Cube World that isn't just nostolgia and I will change my rating accordingly. I do not feel entitled that I have purchased or demand anything I just hope the creators see that they have a devoted fanbase that was just so in love with their original concept we have become fanatical for it.

The only thing I will add that I have not seen in the other critiques is that I loved that the world was destructable. I know players could cheese their way into or through dungeons with bombs but that seems minor or fixable. I loved leaving permanent marks on the landscape either with my friends being absolute monsters and obliterating towns or leaving the land scarred when I had epic fights with bosses. I really miss the boss fights. I realize it isn't exactly Monster Hunter but it was really amazingly fun. I'm totally willing to be flexible with any design changes the creators go with and plan to support them with any future content they create be it in spirit or monetarily.

That said.

I recommend supporting these creators but I do not recommend this game. I will not be bringing my friends to play this version with me as it in this current state, not fun, short sighted, taking away key features that drew in the community in the first place.

Can we haz Cube World Classic release nao plz?
Publicada em 1 de outubro de 2019.
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1.5 horas registradas
I'm a 30 year old man. I don't usually like cartoons, anime or the like, but this series is spectacular. I enjoy this and the Avatar series almost equally with my kids. The series is fun, playful, intelligent and strays from the simplistic formula of "Bad guys are bad" and have actual continuity, that is to say, there are very few "fluff" episodes that don't contribute to the story. As an audience member I enjoy it when I am treated as if I were intelligent, my kids do too.

Be warned - This is Book 1, a continuation 6 years after the main story arc.
The TV series is on Netflix, please watch or support in your own way if you have the time or resources to do so.

It stays true to the characters (which are just awesome). I really enjoy that the villains aren't one dimentional - there is depth to their madness/evil in most cases. The females in this are attractive and strong, and with a good takeaway message to female body types (being that there is nothing wrong with not looking like a celebrity centerfold).

Honestly after watching the french version the english dub is a little jarring, but not awful. It just loses some expressiveness or exaggeration in the translation or lacklustre voice acting (The french voice actors are far more enthusiastic)

I simply don't have the words to express how much I love this cartoon. Again, 30-something year old man. Child at heart.
Publicada em 26 de junho de 2015. Última edição em 26 de junho de 2015.
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31.5 horas registradas (29.9 horas no momento da análise)
I was really put off by this for a long time. I refused to even look or read up on it. I filed it under "hipsters do videogames" and was done with it.

I was wrong.

I respect this game because it respects me. The game has not once insulted my intelligence. The gameplay mechanics, the story(for adult audiences by the by)/quests/writing/voice acting - all treat me like an adult.

I don't have much patience for mmos in general, since I expect a certain amount of polish and I have a low tolerance of people in general.

You can play solo if you desire.
You can play with friends.
The community is helpful and polite.
The store is never "in your face" and after the first 30 missions you get a free one time 1200 "points" to use.
The story is right out of your favorite horror genre with better writing and characters.
No levels. No respec (no need since the ultimate goal is to unlock all the weapons and make a build that suits you)
^ A unique rpg experience that is unlike any other game on the market to date.
The graphics are dark, gritty and crisp.
The voice acting is possibly the best I've heard and gives the characters depth. (better than SWTOR)

I loathe the quests in rpgs. This game made me enjoy the experience and may be the best part about the game. They are fun, different and often times challenging. Again, this is due to the story and empowering you as the player. Never have I once felt as if I was doing menial or "busy" work.

Simply put, this is a great game.

You deserve this game you sexy beast, you.
Publicada em 21 de agosto de 2014.
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135.8 horas registradas (134.0 horas no momento da análise)
I stole smelly panties and wore them while I sent their previous owner to prison for a crime she didn't commit.

Five ducks out of three mallards.
Publicada em 12 de agosto de 2014.
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