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Évaluations récentes de the Winter Warlock

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0.1 h en tout
7 minutes total trying to map keyboard and I already uninstalled.

If I cannot map my own keyboard settings, then I am not going to waste time learning the default keys. I will edit my review if it ever let's me play the game with my personal keyboard maps settings.
Évaluation publiée le 10 juillet. Dernière modification le 10 juillet.
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52.6 h en tout (36.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 8.5/10

For Single Player Only

So now we are in number 5 of what I like to think as a great sniper series. I have enjoyed all previous versions, and this one is pretty good. There are a few issues that makes me wonder what the devs were smoking that day, but in general, it's a fun playthrough.

I have the deluxe version with season 1 pass, bought this game on discount. I buy all my games on discount LOL

Well the few bad things are the fact that other people have mentioned, the invisible walls. If you want to run over a small dune that is knee high, sometimes you will get blocked. This can be annoying and it is. Also, collectables can be scattered everywhere on large maps where EVERY room is available to explore. Spy Academy is really annoying for this one.

Other than small issues, the game is great. A nice feature is that you can use bullets from other guns if you are running low on ammo.

So I would be looking forward to Number 6 if that is even in the works. Would be cool if they did it where Karl had to return to the US and infiltrate Nazi's on US soil. Even if its for a map or 2.

Would love to see a reboot of Number 1. But anywho, if it's on sale, get it. If you are already a fan, you won't really be disappointed.
Évaluation publiée le 11 aout 2023. Dernière modification le 11 aout 2023.
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1.6 h en tout
This game is tooo slow in the beginning and my ADHD can't handle this. Can't get into the story nor the care about the characters.


Perhaps ill try this game much later as both my sons say I am making a mistake.
Évaluation publiée le 14 juillet 2023. Dernière modification le 21 juillet 2023.
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0.0 h en tout
I'd give this a solid 9/10

Seems like people are not recommending because they paid too much for a game that is only about 2 hours long.

Other than that, it's really a good mod for a 2 hour long game. It was different, it was linear as it's not as open world like the regular game. You start at one end and have to fight, sneak, or what ever you need to do to get to the other end of the map, but it's a big map.

Worth it for a few bucks.
Évaluation publiée le 22 décembre 2022.
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32.1 h en tout
Rating 10/10

This game is a great return from Trilogy.
If you like the Trilogy, you will love this one.

Évaluation publiée le 22 novembre 2022.
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19.5 h en tout (6.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 8.5/10

Well first off, the demo version had some bugs, but the full version is working great.

Nice little Halloween-ish hack and slash. Not too complicated. Great game if you want something semi paced (casual action). Slash your way through the undead with the help of a crow and owl. Upgrade your weapons after ever level and you can use those same upgraded weapons and repeat past levels as well if you missed any collectable crowheads along the way.

I can honestly say, I love the graphics. It has a cartoonish Tim Burton feeling to is and the effects and music are just as impressive.
Évaluation publiée le 20 novembre 2022. Dernière modification le 14 juillet 2023.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
9.7 h en tout (4.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating: 10/10

Bought a CD key and in the only time it took was to make the payment and enter the code in steam. I literally was less than 5 minutes.

Worth the $3 I paid for the key. This game in itself is amazing and unique where the world you are in offers a different game play. Walk on walls and ceilings where permitted and even walk as a spirit in the real world.

I had played this when it was released back in the day and I am glad to have it on steam now.

Évaluation publiée le 29 juillet 2022.
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15 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
95.5 h en tout (74.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 7.5 / 10

This review is for SINGLE CAMPAIGN only.

Ok so when my son told me this game is like Farcry (3 and higher) but with zombies, he was not wrong. This is more like a combination of Dead Island and FarCry as you have blueprints to collect and upgrade and make weapons. I personally didn't use much of the blueprints except for the basic of basics. I am just too lazy to get into the extra stuff.

But weapons are really limited and limiting. So I would HIGHLY suggest to play "the Following" DLC first as you can get your crossbow there. Not sure if you can get rifle here though as I already had it from main game. BUT the crossbow will help you in the main game greatly. The upgraded Crossbow has a damage of 480.

The game is not without it's frustrations, such as spawning zombies behind you when you just cleared an area. Seriously, you will clear a big area, then go unlock a chest only to have a zombie on you. Don't know if it's a glitch or the dev's are being ♥♥♥♥♥ about this. This is especially bad when you have the BIG HUGE demolisher zombies (this games version of L4D tank) pop out of nowhere and now you have to run in a panic.

There is NO fast travel here between safe houses. Again, another kick in the balls. And when you start your game, you don't always start at the same place you last saved.

Levelling up is also really slow. I am almost 75 hours in the game and I am still not fully levelled up in my 3 skill tiers, POWER, AGILITY, and SURVIVAL.

The game can be fun and then at times slow and boring. I find that I can play for a few hours, and then there are days I play like 15 minutes because I am just not feeling it. Perhaps cutting down on side quests, but you need them so you can level up faster....

Again, not a terrible game, but it's long drawn out for nothing, but that's is just me personally.
But this is not meant as a negative review as the game can and does provide a challenge to those looking for one. In general it is fun for what it is and and can be scary at times.

Worth the money if on a sale, but I would not recommend full price value.

UPDATE August 8, 2022
Well I finished the Following DLC, and when I went back to the main campaign, I had found that I lost interest in the game. Felt like going back to work after a vacation. Same grind, different scenery. Almost 100 hours and about half way done. Perhaps I am playing this game all wrong. Hell I cannot even finish the FIRST challenge right when you exit the building and you have to jump to green spots without using your grappling hook. And I already have LEGENDARY status... Go figure.

I have abandoned the game altogether and definitely not going to buy Dying Light 2. It's time to go on to another game.
Évaluation publiée le 19 juin 2022. Dernière modification le 7 juillet.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
80.2 h en tout (77.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 9/10 (January 2022)

Well this game is not without its' frustrations. Thankfully there are few. This is a fun game and I played through it twice already back to back. It's not often I play a game back to back after finishing it. The game is not short nor is it too long. I did it in 60 hours the first time and under 20 the next time around. Just a note, you don't have to open item cases that have already been opened in the first run, but you do still have to find stim cases.

The only frustrating part are the map sizes. They seem way too large and when you are viewing the holo map, it is difficult to plot your course as images from different levels can overlap and obscure your vision. But it's staying true to the SW universe I suppose. That's pretty much it for the frustrating part. Now if they implemented FAST TRAVEL at mediation spots, this would have eliminated all the frustration and thus I would have given this a 10/10 rating.

Gameplay works great, the story is pretty good and in general, it's pretty much a straight up gameplay. Ill tell you now, you don't get a blaster, you only have your lightsaber. This game was worth the $20 I spent and if you are a fan of the games, this will not disappoint.

What I also did like are the different worlds and the graphics. You can't go wrong in a Star Wars universe if you want eye candy graphics. Beautiful and detailed, you get to enjoy the beauty of the worlds and the wonders they share.

The only other "small" frustrating thing is that you cannot skip cinematics. But do not let that stop you from playing this game. It's just me, I am special. LOL
Évaluation publiée le 24 janvier 2022. Dernière modification le 24 janvier 2022.
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58.1 h en tout (34.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating 7.5/10 (Sept 2021)

You will need to play this game TWICE

Stealth Mode as Emily
Rating a 8/10

I did it with stealth mode first as Emily going for certain achievements as well. Refusing to take the mark mark of the outsider, not killing anyone, low chaos, not being detected, are the achievements I was going for. What ever achievements you can do while in stealth mode is best. It is quite challenging as the game can seems to know exactly when to piss you off for example, you sneak up on someone and they turn at the last moment. Even at the end with no sleep darts at all, it was challenging but do-able. It seems as other games, playing stealth requires more patience and timing. I gave it an 8 rating due to the frustration that comes with it, but that's me and the game trying my patience. Save often, but note that the save slot are not exactly the greatest. Sometimes a good slot gets overwritten and you don't even know it, and either you have to restart the mission or go back further to another save spot. Hard save is best. Avoid quick saves if you can.

Non Stealth as Corvo
Rating 7/10
Well I have to say, I was a bit disappointed. It was still fun to play as Corvo, killing everyone. But I used Runes for a couple of things, and bone charms to a minimal. It is unfortunate that there are so many powers but the game is not designed to take advantage of them. Even making new bone charms. Why? It serves no purpose and again, I didn't even have to rely on them. So now that you know that, keep it in mind that your really only need to have the bare minimum of runes and charms. Advanced Blink and High Jump, are pretty much the two you need to get anywhere in the map. I feel that there is a lot of potential lost with all the new useless powers.
Évaluation publiée le 28 septembre 2021. Dernière modification le 6 octobre 2021.
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